cocos g:r l2(ebs) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료 Update 2021. 10. 13. 텍스트를 입력하세요. 올림포스1 [수능 ANALYSIS] 다음 글의 밑줄 부분 , 어법상 것은? When George Lucas succeeded in making Star Wars, although those who said the special effects he wanted hadn't ever been done and couldn't be done, many other possibilities opened up to him. Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), the company he created to produce those "impossible" special effects, became a source of revenue to help fund his other projects. He was able to produce merchandising tie-ins to his movies, thus bringing in another revenue stream to fund his moviemaking. But his confidence in doing the difficult has also made a huge impact on other moviemakes and a whole new generation of moviegoers. Popular culture writer Chris Salewicz says, "At first directly through his own work and then via unparalleled influence of ILM, George Lucas has influenced for two decades the essential broad notion of what is cinema.“ *tie-in 파생 상품 **unparalleled 견줄 없는 과제 : 정답근거 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 해석 과제 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 1

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Page 1: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.올림포스1

[수능 ANALYSIS] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀

린 것은?

When George Lucas succeeded in making Star

Wars, ①although those who said the special effects

he wanted hadn't ever been done and couldn't be

done, many other possibilities opened up to him.

Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), the company he

created to produce those "impossible" special

effects, ②became a source of revenue to help fund

his other projects. He was able to produce

merchandising tie-ins to his movies, thus bringing

in another revenue stream ③to fund his

moviemaking. But his confidence in ④doing the

difficult has also made a huge impact on other

moviemakes and a whole new generation of

moviegoers. Popular culture writer Chris Salewicz

says, "At first ⑤directly through his own work and

then via unparalleled influence of ILM, George

Lucas has influenced for two decades the essential

broad notion of what is cinema.“

*tie-in 파생 상품 **unparalleled 견줄 데 없는

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Page 2: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[수능 ANALYSIS] (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법

에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

When life deals us multiple losses, we create

unnecessary burdens for ourselves if we continue

to postpone the tears and the acknowledgment of

pain. Over time, we may find (A)[it / them] more

and more difficult to cry about anything. Or we may

suddenly cry for reasons totally unrelated to our

pain, as when a television commercial sets us off.

Or we may even cry in inappropriate places, as

when we burst into tears in a meeting at work. We

may be storing up such a flood of emotions (B)

[where / that] we become afraid to feel, especially

when we are feeling more vulnerable with a new

loss. We may begin to avoid topics that might make

us cry. Others may avoid us, frightened by the

urgency of our tears when we do express our

sadness. Sorrow is not one of the more popular

feelings because we must be willing to allow it to

overtake (C)[ourselves / us].

(A) (B) (C)

① it where ourselves

② it that us

③ it where us

④ them that ourselves

⑤ them where us

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Page 3: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 1] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린


The past couple of decades ①have seen many

corporations joining with charities in what is called

"cause-related marketing" efforts, in which a

corporation donates a certain percentage of its

profits from a particular item. The nonprofit group

and the corporation advertise the arrangement and

encourage people who may be choosing among

similar products ②to choose the one that also

benefits the charity. Variations on this organization

or who ③allows customers to nominate groups that

should receive corporate funding. Cause-related

marketing has benefited many organizations by

allowing shoppers to feel that ④their spending can

also serve a charitable purpose. The drawback is

⑤that these donors do not become part of an

organization's donor base.

*cause-related marketing 공익연계 마케팅

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Page 4: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 2] (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에

맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

The journey to discovering your authentic self

promises to be the most rewarding adventure of

your life. When you know yourself, you are free.

You have a power and presence that radiates from

deep within and shines out (A)[confident /

confidently] into the world. You did not come into

this life to suffer, to (B)[manipulate / be

manipulated] and denied. Whatever binds you and

keeps you from living your truth is false and can be

shed. It takes courage to embrace your authentic

self and live life on your own terms. Yet to be

uniquely you, to listen within and love yourself for

all of your weaknesses and missteps, is (C)[what /

that] your soul longs for.

(A) (B) (C)

① confident manipulate that

② confident be manipulated what

③ confidently manipulate that

④ confidently manipulate what

⑤ confidently be manipulated what

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Page 5: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 3] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린


Some things in life are important, and ①they

deserve your full commitment. It's important to do

your best when performing your job, cultivating

your marriage, ②raising your children, and

competing for the league bowling championship.

Giving it your all is a necessary part of success,

③which gives us pride and joy and a sense of self-

worth. Unfortunately, at some point early in life, we

all heard someone say, "Always do your best." And

a lot of people accepted the wisdom of this advice

without ever ④question it. These are the people

who avoid trying new activities because they are

afraid that someone will judge their effort and scold

them if it's not their "best." So these people miss

out on lots of fun, mind-expanding enjoyable

activities ⑤because of the "always do your best"


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Page 6: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.올림포스2

[수능 ANALYSIS] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린


Moskowitz set up shop in the seventies, and one of

his first clients was Pepsi. The artificial sweetener

aspartame had just become available, and Pepsi

wanted Moskowitz ①to figure out the perfect

amount of sweetener for a can of Diet Pepsi. Pepsi

knew that anything below 8 percent sweetness was

not ②sweet enough and anything over 12 percent

was too sweet. So Moskowitz made up

experimental samples of Diet Pepsi with every

conceivable degree of sweetness - 8 percent, 8.25

percent, 8.5, and on and on up to 12. And then he

gave them to hundreds of people, and ③looked for

the concentration that people liked the most. But

the data were a mess - there wasn’t a pattern - and

one day, ④sitting in a diner, Moskowitz realized

why. They had been asking the wrong question.

There was no such thing as the perfect Diet Pepsi.

They ⑤should look for the perfect Diet Pepsis.

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Page 7: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[수능 ANALYSIS 2] (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어

법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Fear is a good thing - if we were completely

fearless, it wouldn’t be long before we were eaten

by a crocodile or fell off a tall building. It’s very

difficult to figure out what people are most afraid of,

but among the most common phobias (A)[is /

being] a fear of spiders. Why we should be afraid of

nonaggressive creatures hundreds of times smaller

than we (B)[are / do] is a mystery. Probably the

most common fear, if you grouped several together,

is the fear of other people. Most people get sweaty-

palmed and dry-mouthed at the thought of public

speaking, for example. And agoraphobia, (C)[which

/ that] affects one person in twenty, can stop

sufferers from leaving their homes for years in

extreme cases. Perhaps it’s pretty reasonable: after

all, which other animal is as scheming,

unpredictable, and dangerous as people are?

*nonaggressive 공격적이지 않은 **agoraphobia 광장


(A) (B) (C)

① is are which

② is do that

③ being are which

④ being do which

⑤ being are that

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Page 8: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 1] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린


Surely nothing would count as having human-level

intelligence unless it had language, and the chief

use of human language is ①to talk about the world.

In this sense, intelligence is bound up with ②that

philosophers call intentionality. Moreover, language

is a social phenomenon, and a primary use of

language within a group of people ③is to talk about

the things they can all perceive (such as this tool or

that piece of wood), or have perceived (yesterday’s

piece of wood), or might perceive (tomorrow’s

piece of wood, maybe). In short, language is

grounded in awareness of the world. In an

embodied creature or a robot, ④such an

awareness would be evident from its interactions

with the environment (avoiding obstacles, picking

things up, and so on). But we might widen the

conception to include a distributed, disembodied

artificial intelligence ⑤equipped with suitable


*embody 체화시키다, 형태를 부여하다

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Page 9: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 2] (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에

맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?

There are many talented executives with the ability

to manage operations, but great leadership is not

based solely on great operational ability. Leading is

not the same as (A)[be / being] the leader. Being

the leader means you hold the highest rank, either

by earning it, having good fortune or navigating

internal politics. Leading, however, means that

others willingly follow you - not because they have

to, not because they (B)[pay / are paid] to, but

because they want to. A great leader knows how to

lead the company. Those who lead are able to do

so because those who follow trust that the

decisions made at the top (C)[has / have] the best

interest of the group at heart. In turn, those who

trust work hard because they feel like they are

working for something bigger than themselves.

(A) (B) (C)

① be pay have

② be are paid has

③ being are paid has

④ being are paid have

⑤ being pay have

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Page 10: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.[PRACTICE 3] 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린


Routines are different than habits and rituals.

Habits are repetitive behaviors ①that individuals

perform without conscious thought. Behavioral

habits are done automatically and typically involve

a restricted range of behaviors. For example, a

child may have a habit of sucking on the end of her

blanket when going to sleep. A routine, in contrast,

involves a sequence of ②highly ordered steps. A

child’s bedtime routine might include taking a bath,

brushing his or her teeth, reading a book, saying

prayers, and then ③sucking on the end of a blanket

before going to sleep. Rituals, on the other hand,

tend to be more symbolic and ④link to emotional

bonds within the family. They often provide

continuity across generations and are unique and

meaningful to the family. A routine has the ability to

become a ritual when it is repeated over time and

⑤takes on symbolic meaning.

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Page 11: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.리딩파워 기본

17-E. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Your parents may be afraid that you will not spend

your allowance wisely. You may make some foolish

spending choices, but if you ① do, the decision to

do so is your own and hopefully you will learn from

your mistakes. Much of learning ② occurs through

trial and error. Explain to your parents that money

is something you will have to deal with for the rest

of your life. It is better ③ what you make your

mistakes early on rather than later in life. Explain

that you will have a family someday and you need

to know ④ how to manage your money. Not

everything ⑤ is taught at school!

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Page 12: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The pleasures of kindness ① were well known in

the past. Kindness was mankind’s “greatest

delight,” the Roman philosopher-emperor Marcus

Aurelius declared, and thinkers and writers have

echoed him down the centuries. But today, many

people find these pleasures literally ② incredible or

at least highly suspect. An image of the self has

been created ③ what is utterly lacking in natural

generosity. Most people appear ④ to believe that

deep down they (and other people) are mad, bad,

and dangerous to know; that as a species —

apparently unlike other species of animals — we

are deeply and fundamentally hostile to each other,

that our motives are utterly self-seeking, and ⑤ that

our sympathies are forms of self-protection.

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Page 13: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of

Prussia, gave orders one day that all fires and

lights were to be extinguished in his camp by a

certain hour. ① To make certain that his order was

obeyed, the king himself went the rounds. ②

Passing by the tent of a certain Captain Zietern, he

noticed the glimmer of a candle, and upon entering

found the officer sealing a letter to his wife.

Frederick demanded to know ③ that Zietern

thought he was doing; didn’t he know the orders?

The captain threw ④ himself at the king’s feet,

unable to deny or excuse his disobedience.

Frederick instructed him to sit down and ⑤ add a

postscript to the letter, which Frederick himself

dictated: “Tomorrow I shall perish on the scaffold.”

Zietern wrote what he was told and was duly

executed the following day.

*scaffold 처형대, 교수대

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Page 14: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Before you begin teaching your children

responsibility, be certain you have the concept ①

clear in your own mind. What does responsibility

mean to you? What responsibilities do you think

children should have, and at what ages? Most

parents feel that basic responsibilities include

keeping a clean room and picking up any mess ②

makes in other rooms of the house. When our

children become students, we want them to meet

the requirements of being a learner and to do their

homework religiously. Another responsibility is for

personal hygiene, ③ being bathed and combed and

well dressed. There is financial responsibility, ④ in

which children learn to budget and to spend wisely

their allowances or income from part-time jobs.

Children need to become responsible with their

time, getting to school before the bell rings, keeping

curfew, managing to fit in all their activities and still

⑤ have down-time left.

*down‐time 휴식〔한가한〕 시간

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Page 15: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

A survey is somewhat like an interview in that the

person ① conducting it prepares a set of questions.

However, an interview is done one-on-one, and the

conversation has great flexibility. A survey, on the

other hand, is usually written in advance. A number

of participants agree ② to answer a set of

questions. If they write their answers, the survey

takes the form of a questionnaire. They may or may

not complete the survey in your presence. ③ What

you will get will be the briefest answers to your

questions — no more, no less. Obviously, you will

run into difficulty if you realize later on that you

should ④ have asked different questions.

Therefore, in a survey, most of the work ⑤ lying in

the preparation of the questions so as to get the

best answers.

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Page 16: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-E. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

A lot of customers buy products only after they are

made aware that the products are available in the

market. Let’s say a product, even if it has been out

there for a while, is not (A) [advertising /

advertised]. Then what might happen? Not knowing

that the product exists, customers would probably

not buy it even if the product may have worked for

(B) [it / them]. Advertising also helps people find the

best for themselves. When they are made aware of

a whole range of goods, they are able to compare

them and make purchases so that they get (C) [that

/ what] they desire with their hard-earned money.

Thus, advertising has become a necessity in

everybody’s daily life.

(A) (B) (C)

① advertising …… it …… that

② advertising …… them …… what

③ advertised …… them …… what

④ advertised …… it …… what

⑤ advertised …… them …… that

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Page 17: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

When you remove body language and facial

expressions from communication, you remove

many of the signals we use to read other people.

Communication over the phone (A) [leaves /

leaving] you and your customer with limited insight

into how the person on the other end of the

conversation is reacting. Is he in a defensive

posture and (B) [gets / getting] more withdrawn as

you talk? Is she rolling her eyes while you tell her

how much you value her business? Is he reading

his email instead of listening to you? The more

physical cues we remove from our interactions, the

(C) [easier / more easily] it is to have

misunderstandings. Fortunately, you can still tell a

lot from tone of voice.

(A) (B) (C)

①leaves …… gets …… easier

②leaves …… gets …… more easily

③leaves ……getting …… easier

④leaving ……getting …… more easily

⑤leaving …… gets …… easier

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Page 18: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports

teams (A) [is / are] one that many people are

familiar with. These groups exist for many different

types of high school and college sports, most

notably football. Essentially, a pep squad is a group

of individuals (B) [who / which] have the

responsibility of motivating and promoting

enthusiasm for a particular sports team before and

during a sports competition. The use of the term

varies to a degree from place to place. In some

settings, the pep squad is considered to be the

same as a cheerleading squad. Other locations see

it as a separate entity from the cheerleaders,

although they share a common purpose. This may

lead to the squad (C) [being / to be] more of a

dance team, performing more complicated routines

that are usually associated with cheerleading.

(A) (B) (C)

① is …… who …… being

② is …… who …… to be

③ is …… which …… to be

④ are …… which ……being

⑤ are …… who …… to be

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Page 19: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-3. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

It was usual among “savages” for the man who had

food to share it with the man who had none, for

travelers to be fed at any home they chose to stop

at on their way, and for communities harassed with

drought (A) [were / to be] maintained by their

neighbors. If a man sat down to his meal in the

woods, he was expected to call loudly for someone

to come and share (B) [it / them] with him, before

he might justly eat alone. When a Western traveler

told a Samoan about the poor in London, the

“savage” asked in astonishment: “How is it? No

food? No friends? No house to live in? Where did

he grow? Are there no houses belonging to his

friends?” The hungry Indian had but to ask to

receive; (C) [how / however] small the supply was,

food was given to him if he needed it: “no one can

want food while there is corn anywhere in the


*harassed 시달리는

(A) (B) (C)

① were …… cit ……how

② were …… them …… however

③ to be …… it …… how

④ to be …… them …… how

⑤ to be …… it …… however

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Page 20: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-4. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has

grown so accustomed to being the only human

species that it’s hard for us to think of any other

possibility. Our lack of brothers and sisters makes

(A) [it / that] easier to imagine that we are the best

example of creation, and that a chasm separates

us from the rest of the animal kingdom. When

Charles Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens (B)

[being / was] just another kind of animal, people

were outraged. Even today many refuse to believe

it. If the Neanderthals had survived, would we still

imagine ourselves to be a creature apart? Perhaps

this is exactly (C) [what / why] our ancestors wiped

out the Neanderthals. They were too familiar to

ignore, but too different to tolerate.

*chasm 큰 차이

(A) (B) (C)

① it …… being …… what

② that …… being …… what

③ it …… was …… why

④ that …… was …… what

⑤ it …… being …… why

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Page 21: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.리딩파워 완성

17-E1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

When I was young, my parents worshipped medical

doctors as if they were exceptional beings ①

possessing godlike qualities. But I never dreamed

of pursuing a career in medicine until I entered the

hospital for a rare disease. I became a medical

curiosity, attracting some of the area’s top

specialists to look in on me and ② review my case.

As a patient, and a teenager ③ eager to return to

college, I asked each doctor who examined me,

“What caused my disease?” “How will you make

me better?” The typical response was nonverbal.

They shook their heads and walked out of my

room. I remember ④ thinking to myself, “Well, I

could do that.” When it became clear to me ⑤ what

no doctor could answer my basic questions, I

walked out of the hospital against medical advice.

Returning to college, I pursued medicine with a

great passion.

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-E2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Some researchers assumed early human beings

ate mainly the muscle flesh of animals, as we ① do

today. By “meat,” they meant the muscle of the

animal. Yet focusing on the muscle appears to be a

② relatively recent phenomenon. In every history

on the subject, the evidence suggests that early

human populations ③ preferred the fat and organ

meat of the animal over its muscle meat. Vilhjalmur

Stefansson, an arctic explorer, found that the Inuit

were careful to save fatty meat and organs for

human consumption ④ while giving muscle meat to

the dogs. In this way, humans ate as other large,

meat-eating mammals eat. Lions and tigers, for

instance, first eat the blood, hearts, livers, and

brains of the animals they kill, often ⑤ leave the

muscle meat for eagles. These organs tend to be

much higher in fat.

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

In the late 1960s, the art world was divided into so

many minor movements that tracking them all ① is

difficult. In one of the most radical of these

movements, artists believed that they didn’t need to

produce any artwork at all (rather like Dada) but

simply generate concepts or ideas. In reality, this

conceptual art, as it’s known, is often a type of

performance or “happening” that can be very ②

spontaneously and audience-driven. Sometimes it’s

simply writing on a wall. One early conceptual artist

camped out with a coyote for a week in an art

gallery ③ to get people thinking about the treatment

of Native Americans. Feminist art is linked with

conceptual art in ④ that it focuses on the

inequalities faced by women and tries to provoke

change. The movement has no set style. It might

include a painting on canvas or a group of women

⑤ dressed up in gorilla costumes crashing a public

event to pass out pamphlets.

*crash (극장·파티 따위에) 표 없이[불청객으로] 들어가다,


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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Astronomical stars, the ones visible in the sky at

night and ① scattered across the universe, produce

their own light and heat rather than, as with the

planet Earth, relying on other bodies for illumination

and warmth. So it is, ② metaphorically, with the

stars of motion pictures and team sports. They

attract attention by themselves. People will pay to

attend movies or games ③ in which they appear

because they are appearing. When Michael

Jordan, the dominant basketball player of the last

decade of the twentieth century, ended his second

retirement from the sport, the team for which he

played, the Washington Wizards, ④ attracting

sellout audiences everywhere it played. The

previous year, when Jordan was not playing for the

Wizards, ⑤ far fewer spectators had attended the

team’s games. This pattern resumed after he

retired again.

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Looking for the poem’s subject is natural. Almost all

poetry has messages to deliver — lots of them,

profound and diverse as stars. But these messages

are sometimes hidden, and you have to read

attentively to make ① it out. Notice that we

specifically avoid saying, “The subject is what a

poem’s about” — because that implies that ② what

a poem says is all there is to a poem. If that ③ were

so, why would people go to the trouble of writing

poetry? Instead, people go to the trouble because

poems sound a certain way, are built in certain

shapes, and have certain beauties in sound and

meaning, all of ④ which accompanies the meaning

and goes beyond it. Not all poems have a single

subject. Some poems have many subjects, and

some have subjects that aren’t clear. Sometimes a

poem’s subject is simply itself — the words in it and

their relationships to one another. The point is ⑤ to

be alert for the subject (or subjects) of any poem as

you read.

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.17-4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

After serving in the navy at the end of the Civil War,

James Walter Thompson went to New York

determined ① to carve out a career in the big city.

In 1868 he was hired by a tiny advertising agency

run by William J. Carlton, at that point still ②

involved in the primitive business of placing

advertisements in newspapers and magazines. It

was the latter that interested Thompson, who

noticed that they ran few advertisements while

staying longer in the family home than newspapers,

thus ③ making them potentially a more effective

medium. He began to specialize in magazine

advertising, ④ gradually building up an exclusive

stable of publications available only to his clients.

Ten years after joining the agency, he bought it for

a total of US $1, 300 (US $500 for the company

and US $800 for the furniture) and ⑤ putting his

own name above the door.

*stable 동일 회사의 제품군

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Page 27: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-E1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현

으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Like life in traditional society, but unlike other team

sports, baseball is not governed by the clock. A

football game is comprised of exactly sixty minutes

of play, a basketball game forty or forty-eight

minutes, but baseball has no set length of time

within which the game must be completed. The

pace of the game is therefore leisurely and (A)

[unhurried / unhurriedly], like the world before the

discipline of measured time, deadlines, schedules,

and wages paid by the hour. Baseball belongs to

the kind of world (B) [which / in which] people did

not say, “I haven’t got all day.” Baseball games do

have all day to be played. But that does not mean

that they can go on forever. Baseball, like

traditional life, proceeds according to the rhythm of

nature, specifically the rotation of the Earth. During

its first half century, games were not played at

night, which meant that baseball games, like the

traditional work day, (C) [ending / ended] when the

sun set.

(A) (B) (C)

① unhurried …… in which …… ended

② unhurried …… which …… ending

③ unhurriedly …… which …… ended

④ unhurriedly …… which …… ending

⑤ unhurriedly …… in which …… ended

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Page 28: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-E2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현

으로 가장 적절한 것은?

If we create a routine, we don’t have to expend

precious energy every day prioritizing everything.

We must simply expend a small amount of initial

energy to create the routine, and then all that is left

to do is follow it. There is a huge body of scientific

research to explain the mechanism (A) [which / by

which] routine enables difficult things to become

easy. One simplified explanation is that as we

repeatedly do a certain task the neurons, or nerve

cells, (B) [make / making] new connections through

communication gateways called ‘synapses.’ With

repetition, the connections strengthen and it

becomes easier for the brain to activate them. For

example, when you learn a new word it takes

several repetitions at various intervals for the word

to be mastered. To recall the word later you will

need to activate the same synapses until eventually

you know the word without consciously thinking

about (C) [it / them].

(A) (B) (C)

① which …… make …… them

② which …… making …… them

③ by which …… make …… them

④ by which …… making …… it

⑤ by which …… make …… it

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Page 29: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

‘Music’ is a very small word to encompass

something that takes as many forms as there are

cultural or subcultural identities. And like all small

words, it brings a danger with it. When we speak of

‘music’, we are easily (A) [leading / led] to believe

that there is something that corresponds to that

word — something out there, so to speak, just

waiting for us to give it a name. But when we speak

of music we are really talking about a multiplicity of

activities and experiences. (B) [It / There] is only

the fact that we call them all ‘music’ that makes it

seem obvious that they belong together. There are

cultures which don’t have a word for ‘music’ in the

way that English (C) [is / does] — so that music

isn’t distinguished from what we would call dance

or theater.

(A) (B) (C)

① leading …… It ………… is

② leading …… There …… does

③ led …………It ………… is

④ led ………… It …………does

⑤ led …………There …… does

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Page 30: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

Once I interviewed a law student who was

interested in working only (A) [which / where] he

could use his proficiency in the Mandarin dialect of

the Chinese language. It was obvious to both of us

that the interview would not result in a job offer for

him. But he was (B) [so / very] enthusiastic about

training in Chinese and his work in Panmunjom,

Korea, that it resulted in one of the longest

interviews I’ve ever had. He was enthusiastic about

telling me about his interests, and I was

enthusiastic to learn more about him. As a result,

even though the goal each of us sought, a job offer,

was not achieved, this interview (C) [stands /

standing] out as one of the most memorable ones

I’ve ever had, and it was solely because of his

enthusiasm. I have recommended him to a couple

of corporations that had international departments,

and I still keep him in mind years later.

(A) (B) (C)

① which …… so …… stands

② which …… very …… standing

③ where …… so …… stands

④ where …… very …… stands

⑤ where …… so …… standing

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-3. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

Effective presentations achieve their objectives and

usually bring some benefit and learning to all the

people involved in them, (A) [either / whether]

presenters, audience or tutors. They will also earn

good marks if they are assessed. Presentations

need to be (B) [interesting / interested] and useful

to the learning situation but they can also be

enjoyable, even memorable. You may remember

more of the content of your peers’ presentations

than the content delivered by the lecturers. You

may also remember the content of your own

presentations more than the content of lectures you

have attended. This may be because of the anxiety

levels (C) [associated / are associated] with

presentations and the amount of preparation and

rehearsal time needed for the content to be


(A) (B) (C)

① either …… interesting …… associated

② whether …… interesting ……associated

③ either …… interesting …… are associated

④ whether …… interested …… are associated

⑤ either …… interested …… are associated

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.18-4. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으

로 가장 적절한 것은?

The ambulance has given life to many dying

patients with its quick service. Its story goes back

to 1792 when Napoleon’s personal physician Baron

Dominique Jean Larrey had the brilliant idea (A)

[which / that] wounded soldiers should be taken out

of the battlefield on a horse carriage. Before then,

there was no provision to carry them out and

wounded soldiers were usually left to their fate. Dr.

Dominique, together with the chief surgeon of the

French army, Dr. Pierre-François Percy, (B)

[established / establishing] the Ambulance Corps.

Each division had 12 such ambulances. This corps

was used in the 1796 war between France and

Italy. It was a great success. Many countries

followed suit and built their own fleet of

ambulances. In 1864, the ambulance was (C)

[official / officially] accepted in the International

Geneva Agreement and it was decided that no one

would attack an ambulance during war.

(A) (B) (C)

① which …… established ……official

② which …… establishing ……officially

③ that …… established …… officially

④ that …… establishing …… officially

⑤ that …… established …… official

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.수능감잡기

7-R. 다음 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 부분에서 어법상 틀린 표현을


If there’s one thing koalas are good at, it’s sleeping.

For a long time many scientists suspected that

koalas were so lethargic ①because the compounds

in eucalyptus leaves kept the cute little animals in a

drugged-out state. But more recent research has

shown that the leaves are simply so low in nutrients

②that koalas have almost no energy. Therefore

they tend to move as little as possible - and when

they ③do move, they often look as though they’re

in slow motion. They rest sixteen to eighteen hours

a day and spend most of that unconscious. In fact,

koalas spend little time thinking; their brains

actually appear to ④have shrunk over the last few

centuries. The koala is the only known animal ⑤its

brain only fills half of its skull.

*lethargic 무기력한 **drugged-out 몽롱한, 취한

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.7-G. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Trying to produce everything yourself would mean

you are using your time and resources to produce

many things ①for which you are a high-cost

provider. This would translate into lower production

and income. For example, even though most

doctors might be good at record keeping and

arranging appointments, ②it is generally in their

interest to hire someone to perform these services.

The time doctors use to keep records is time they

could have spent seeing patients. Because the time

③spent with their patients is worth a lot, the

opportunity cost of record keeping for doctors will

be high. Thus, doctors will almost always find it

④advantageous to hire someone else to keep and

manage their records. Moreover, when the doctor

specializes in the provision of physician services

and ⑤hiring someone who has a comparative

advantage in record keeping, costs will be lower

and joint output larger than would otherwise be


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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.7-1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

As psychologists, we know only ①too well the vital

role that beliefs and attitudes play in accomplishing

any goal. More good intentions and great ideas are

sacrificed ②because of limiting beliefs and negative

attitudes than anything else we know. If you believe

that you don’t deserve $1 million or that you could

never earn that much money, the likelihood of your

ever having it quickly ③go to zero. Relatively little

has been written about beliefs, attitudes and

intention as they relate to the field of finances. Like

everything else, there are healthy beliefs and

attitudes (those that help you reach your goals) as

well as unhealthy ④ones (those that hold you

back). The best thing about beliefs and attitudes is

that they can easily ⑤be changed ― more easily

than people generally realize. While we may not

have complete control over what happens to us in

the physical world, we do, in fact, have the power

to choose what beliefs, attitudes and thoughts we


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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.7-2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로

가장 적절한 것은?

When accurate, assumptions keep you safe and

make your life easier. For example, seeing storm

clouds in the sky may prompt you to grab your

umbrella, (a)[as / which] you assume you may need

it even though it’s not raining at the moment.

Noticing an expired date on your yogurt and

assuming it’s no longer edible may save you from

having to use one of your sick days. Imagine how

tedious it would be if you had to research and (b)

[check / checked] out every minute detail of your

day to make sure you had every piece of

information available. No one has that much time!

But as useful as assumptions are, they can also get

you into trouble. Not (c)[accurate / accurately]

processing the information in your environment or

only seeing what you want to see can lead to

incorrect assumptions.

(a) (b) (c)

① as …… check …… accurate

② as …… checked …… accurately

③ as …… check …… accurately

④ which …… checked …… accurately

⑤ which …… check …… accurate

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.7-3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?

Scientists simply do not have the time nor the

money to check up on the research of other

scientists. Scientists in the academic community

①are busy with their teaching assignments, their

graduate student supaervision, and their own

research programs. They are driven by the publish-

or-perish attitude ②prevalent today. ③It simply

does not benefit them in any way — no fame or

fortune — to confirm or falsify the work of someone

else. Scientists in industry have a bottom-line

mentality. They must be productive in the areas

④which their company specializes. They have no

time to check out the work of other scientists just

for the fun of checking them out or ⑤to prove that

science really is self-correcting. There are

exceptions, but in practice this is normally the case.

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EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.7-4. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로

가장 적절한 것은?

We continually bring new items into our households

without removing old items to accommodate them,

(a)[what / which] creates a home filled to capacity

and beyond. Since 1970, home sizes in the United

States have increased from 1,500 square feet to

between 2,000 and 2,500 square feet. Today many

homeowners have a two-car garage in which they

cannot fit a vehicle because it serves as a storage

area. Whatever does not fit in the home (b)[is

packed / packed] away in a rental storage unit.

Consider a popular weight loss theory as a parallel:

if calories in exceed calories out, weight is gained;

if calories in are fewer than calories out, weight is

lost; and if calories in equal calories out, weight is

maintained. Is this not true of our living spaces?

Our bodies may stretch, but unfortunately for our

homes, our closets (c)[are / do] not!

(a) (b) (c)

① what …… is packed …… are

② what …… packed …… do

③ which …… is packed …… do

④ which …… packed …… do

⑤ which …… is packed …… are

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Page 39: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.수특라이트

9-G. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

The Internet allows information to flow more

①freely than ever before. We can communicate

and share ideas in unprecedented ways. These

developments are revolutionizing our self-

expression and enhancing our freedom. But there’s

a problem. We’re heading toward a world ②where

an extensive trail of information fragments about us

will be forever preserved on the Internet, displayed

instantly in a search result. We will be forced to live

with a detailed record ③beginning with childhood

that will stay with us for life wherever we go,

searchable and accessible from anywhere in the

world. This data can often be of dubious reliability;

it can be false; or it can be true but deeply

④humiliated. It may be increasingly difficult to have

a fresh start or a second chance. We might find ⑤it

harder to engage in selfexploration if every false

step and foolish act is preserved forever in a

permanent record.

*dubious: 의심스러운

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Page 40: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.9-1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로

가장 적절한 것은?

Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel (A)

[overwhelmed / overwhelming] because they often

take a lot more time and energy than smaller goals.

So break down large goals into smaller, more

digestible and manageable chunks. As you achieve

each smaller goal, you’ll feel inspired and

motivated to continue with (B)[what / which] is left

to ultimately achieve the larger overall goal. Each

smaller success will bring you a great sense of

accomplishment and tremendous happiness.

Maybe you want to spend more time with friends.

Maybe you want to increase the time you spend on

a favorite hobby. Or maybe you want to increase

your time meditating or practicing yoga. All of

these, although seemingly small, are valid and

worthy goals. Sometimes smaller things in life (C)

[bring / brings] us the greatest joy!

(A) (B) (C)

① overwhelmed …… what …… bring

② overwhelmed …… which …… brings

③ overwhelming …… what …… bring

④ overwhelming …… what …… brings

⑤ overwhelming …… which …… bring

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Page 41: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.9-2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Dramatic play provides a risk-free stage ①where

children can explore and experiment with ideas,

test and evaluate their skills, and add to and

change the environment in their own ways. In role-

play, children act as if they are someone else,

imagining and weighing possibilities. This helps

them ②analyze situations from different

perspectives. Pretending to be someone else, with

all the gestures, actions, and language that

involves, gives children practice thinking

divergently as they consider different things they

can pretend to do. After they have decided what

and how to play, their attention shifts to ③staging

the play they have planned. Their thinking becomes

more convergent. Creativity and innovation rely

④heavily on divergent thinking, but to accomplish

goals, convergent thinking is also necessary. It’s no

wonder that research shows that young children

who spend a good deal of time role-playing ⑤has

high scores on measures of creativity.

*divergent: 발산하는, 갈라지는 **convergent: 수렴하는,

한 점에 모이는

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Page 42: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.9-3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Under Roman law there was a time for the coming

of age of a son. But the age when this took place

①was not fixed as one might assume. Rather, the

father had the discretion in ②setting the time of his

son’s maturity. A Roman child became an adult at

the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia,

held ③annually on the seventeenth of March. At

this time, the child was formally acknowledged as

the son and heir by his father, and he received the

plain toga adults wore in place of the toga with a

narrow purple band at the foot of it ④what children

wore. He was then conducted by his friends and

relations down to the forum and formally

⑤introduced to public life.

*discretion: 재량권 **toga: 토가(고대 로마 시민이 입던

헐렁한 겉옷)

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Page 43: COCOS G:R L2(EBS) 혼공자료

EBS 부교재 어법 총정리 혼공 학습자료

Update 2021. 10. 13.

텍스트를 입력하세요.9-4. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Not only ①do we tell stories to remember them.

The opposite side of the coin is also true. We fail to

create stories in order to forget them. When

something unpleasant happens to us, we often say,

“I’d rather not talk about it,” because ②not talking

about it makes it easier to forget. Once you tell

what happened to you, you will be less able to

forget the parts of the story that you told. In some

sense, telling a story makes it ③happen again. If

the story is not created in the first place, however, it

will only exist in its original form, for example, in a

form distributed among the mental structures used

in the initial processing. Thus, in the sense ④that it

can be reconstructed, the experience remains.

When the experience was a bad one, that sense of

being in memory can have ⑤annoyed

psychological consequences.

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