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Fuzzy-based dynamic soil erosion model (FuDSEM):Modelling approach and preliminary evaluation

Sagy Cohen 1, Tal Svoray *, Jonathan B. Laronne 2, Yulia Alexandrov 3

Department of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

Received 24 July 2007; received in revised form 7 February 2008; accepted 7 April 2008

KEYWORDSErosion;Modelling;Catchment scale;Fuzzy-logic;Semiarid;Geomorphology

Summary Soil erosion models have advanced in recent years, by becoming more physi-cally-based, with better representation of spatial patterns. Despite substantial progress,fundamental difficulties in catchment scale applications have been widely reported.In this paper, we introduce a new catchment scale soil erosion model. The model isdesigned for catchment interface and management purposes by: (1) using relatively com-mon input data; (2) having a modular model structure; and (3) a clear and easily interpret-able output analysis, by producing possibility or potential, rather than quantitative erosionmaps. The model (named: FuDSEM; fuzzy-based dynamic soil erosion model) is spatiallyexplicit and temporally dynamic and is formalized and based on fuzzy-logic equations.FuDSEM was initially evaluated on a small data-rich catchment and was found wellcalibrated. It was then implemented on a medium-sized heterogeneous catchment incentral Israel. Initial evaluations of the medium-scale model predictions were conductedby: (1) comparison of FuDSEM runoff predictions against measured runoff from fivehydrological stations and (2) a site specific evaluation of the FuDSEM multi-year erosionprediction in two sub-catchments. FuDSEM was compared with two other erosion models(a temporally static version of itself and a known physically-based model). The results showthe advantages of FuDSEM over the other two models in evaluating the relative distributionof erosion, thereby emphasizing the benefits of its temporally dynamic and fuzzy structure.ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Soil erosion modelling is an important tool for viable conser-vation of natural, agricultural and built-up environments.Catchment-scale erosion modelling is particularly desirable,since it facilitates more efficient soil conservation planning(De Jong et al., 1999) by providing spatial data over largeareas, data that may be used to decrease erosion related

0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.04.010

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 86472018; fax: +972 86472821.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Cohen),

[email protected] (T. Svoray), [email protected] (J.B. Laronne),[email protected] (Y. Alexandrov).1 Present address: School of Engineering, The University of

Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales 2308, Australia. Tel.: +6124925816; fax: +61 249216991.2 Tel.: +972 86472016; fax: +972 86472821.3 Tel.: +972 86477652; fax: +972 86472821.

Journal of Hydrology (2008) 356, 185–198

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journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/ locate / jhydrol

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problems (Jetten et al., 2003). The potential of such modelsfor environmental management and planning organizationsis clear, but most state-of-the-art soil erosion models aredifficult to apply over large areas, due to intensive labourand detailed data requirements (Merritt et al., 2003).

Several large scale erosion models, such as WEPP (Near-ing et al., 1989), EUROSEM (Morgan et al., 1992), LISEM (DeRoo et al., 1996), EROSION3D (Schmidt et al., 1999) andMEDRUSH (Kirkby and McMahon, 1999) have been reportedand examined. Despite their important contribution tounderstanding, quantifying and predicting soil erosion, mostmodels do not reliably predict erosion yield over large het-erogeneous areas (Trimble and Crosson, 2000). The mostprominent reasons for this lack of reliability are: (1) insuffi-cient input data with high spatial and temporal resolution(De Jong, 1994); (2) inefficient calibration (Folly et al.,1999); and (3) uncertainty associated with model parame-ters (De Roo, 1998). Moreover, few erosion models havebeen developed to continuously simulate the erosion pro-cess over long periods, mainly because they do not includetemporally dynamic variables such as vegetation growthand groundwater dynamics (Jetten et al., 1999).

In recent years, a variety of models that address some ofthe problems described above have been published. Forexample, SEDEM (Van Rompaey et al., 2001) uses the empir-ical RUSLE as a simple erosion rate platform in a spatiallydistributed model and is intended to address low-detail dis-tributed data in large catchments. Despite its simplicity,the model accurately calculates sediment delivery, butthe empirical RUSLE requires intensive calibration.

Temporally dynamic erosion calculation has been ad-dressed by a variety of landscape evolution models, suchas SIBERIA (Willgoose et al., 1991), GOLEM (Tucker andSlingerland, 1994), LAPSUS (Schoorl et al., 2000), CHILD(Tucker et al., 2001) and CAESAR (Coulthard et al., 2002).Such landscape evolution models successfully simulate thespatial and temporal distribution of sediment, but are usu-ally complicated to operate and analyze; moreover, de-tailed input data and outstandingly powerful computersare required.

To address some of the problems associated with conven-tional modelling, several erosion models have made use ofartificial intelligence (AI) technologies (Mitra et al., 1998;Ahamed et al., 2000; Tran et al., 2002). AI has developedrapidly in recent years, providing sophisticated tools to sim-ulate complex environmental processes. Among AI technol-ogies, one of the most promising is the Fuzzy-logic approach(Openshaw and Openshaw, 1997).

Fuzzy-logic has proven to be a useful approach foraddressing problems associated with simulating complexprocesses and environments in a variety of earth sciencedisciplines (Zhu et al., 1996; Tayfur and Singh, 2006; Svorayet al., 2007). The prime advantages of fuzzy-logic are itsability to represent and process uncertain data in the formof moderately continuous classes (Metternicht, 2001); toefficiently model processes with indeterminate boundaries(Burrough, 1996); and to facilitate more flexible knowl-edge-based modelling developments (Tran et al., 2002).These capabilities enable fuzzy-logic to deal with impreciseand uncertain data and relationships (Mitra et al., 1998),allowing modellers to reduce inherent dependencies onempirical features when designing a model.

In soil sciences, fuzzy-logic is traditionally used to im-prove the spatial classification of various soil futures, suchas soil stability (Burrough et al., 1992). Soil erosionmodellinghas also been addressed with fuzzy-logic in a variety of pro-cedures and to various degrees. Some studies have used theproven ability of fuzzy-logic in spatial classification of soilsto improve the spatial characteristics of a given model, suchas the USLE (Ahamed et al., 2000). Others have modified amodel (e.g. the RUSLE) to fit the fuzzy-logic approach (Tranet al., 2002), thereby improving its performance and over-coming issues of uncertainty, while increasing model flexibil-ity and realistic description of the relationships between itsparameters. Fuzzy-logic algorithms have been successfullyemployed in several hydrological watershed managementstudies (Tayfur et al., 2003). They have also been used fordesigning a simple catchment-scale soil erosion model (Mitraet al., 1998) which has proved to be useful in applicationswith low quality inputs. Most of the related studies have indi-cated that fuzzy-logic is a flexible and easy-to-apply ap-proach, a vital benefit for both modelers and end-users.

The need for further improvement of fuzzy-logic-basederosion modelling is noted in many publications. The advan-tage of using fuzzy-logic for erosion modelling was sug-gested in the discussion of the MEDRUSH, physically-based, catchment-scale model (Kirkby and McMahon,1999). More relevant, a simple fuzzy-logic sediment trans-port model was compared to a physically-based model;the results demonstrate the superiority of the latter, show-ing that fuzzy-logic, despite its various advantages, cannotreplace a physically-based model (Tayfur et al., 2003).Therefore, a need arises for the development of a morephysically-based fuzzy-logic model.

To address these issues, we have designed a simple andeasy to apply catchment-scale soil erosion model, basedon physical principles. The model, named FuDSEM (fuzzy-based dynamic soil erosion model) has been designed to as-sist catchment management and planning. This has beenachieved by: (1) simulating soil erosion processes utilizingknown principles; (2) using a fuzzy-logic structure to reducecalibration requirements and simplify the output analysis;and (3) using accessible input data, thus minimizing pre-processing.

FuDSEM runoff and erosion predictions were validated ina small data-rich catchment, before implementation in amedium-scale and heterogeneous catchment. The med-ium-scale predictions were examined by: (1) comparingthe runoff component to measured channels flows and (2)comparing the model’s erosion predictions against thoseof two other erosion models in a well-surveyed area.

Modelling approach

Model framework

Fuzzy-logic is a theory in formal mathematics that enables adefinitive solution to be obtained for problems that arecomplex, uncertain and unstructured (Bojorquez-Tapiaet al., 2002). A general fuzzy system is composed of threeprimary elements: fuzzy sets, membership functions (MFs)and fuzzy production rules. A fuzzy set (A) may be definedas follows (Burrough et al., 1992):

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For each A ¼ fx; lAðxÞg x 2 X ð1Þ

where X = {x} is a finite set of points and lA(x) is a member-ship function of x in A.

The membership function describes the variable’s mem-bership assigned to A and, therefore, it may quantify theinfluence of the variable x on the predicted phenomenon,as it is grasped by the developer (Burrough and McDonnell,2000). To integrate the effects of a number of variables, sev-eral membership functions can bemerged in a variety of jointmembership functions (JMF). Both membership and jointmembership functions provide a simple membership gradein a range of 0–1, where 1 is full membership and 0 is nomembership. Here, we use the term ‘potential’ to describethis mathematical grade, using more process-related termi-nology. For example, runoff potential means that the mem-bership grade has a high possibility of runoff development.

In general, FuDSEM predicts the hillslope soil erosion po-tential for each day that exceeds a user-defined precipita-tion depth value in a meteorological database. It is based

on the infiltration excess runoff mechanism (Hortonian) onhillslopes, with emphasis on the temporal dynamics of thisprocess. FuDSEM divides the erosion process into a sequenceof four sub-routines including (Fig. 1): (1) antecedent condi-tions of soil moisture; (2) runoff generation; (3) transportcapacity; and (4) soil erosion. Using fuzzy-logic, each sub-routine is calculated by an individual JMF that combinesthe relevant parameters (represented by membershipfunctions).

FuDSEM is executed as follows:

(1) Soil moisture potential (JMF1) is explicitly calculated.(2) Runoff potential (JMF2) is calculated by considering

the soil moisture potential.(3) Runoff potential is spatially accumulated, based on

digital elevation model (DEM) data.(4) Runoff transport capacity potential (JMF3) is calcu-

lated, based on the accumulated and in situ runoffpotential.

Figure 1 FuDSEM flow chart. FuDSEM operates in daily intervals divided into four sub-routines, each calculated by a distinct JMF.All model parameters are represented in membership functions, converting their values into a membership score assigned to therelevant set. JMF1 represents the cell soil moisture potential that acts as input parameter in JMF2, the cell runoff potential. The cellrunoff potential is spatially accumulated, based on a flow direction layer. The original and accumulated runoff potential acts asinput parameters in JMF3 calculation, the runoff sediment transport capacity. JMF3 acts as an input parameter in the final sub-routine, the calculation of a cell’s erosion potential (JMF4). After producing the erosion potential map, FuDSEM advances to the nextday on the database and recalculates the four sub-routines with the new values.

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(5) Soil erosion potential (JMF4) is calculated, based onthe transport capacity potential.

(6) The model proceeds to the next day in the meteoro-logical database, until we reach the last day in thewet season.

These sub-routines are detailed in the following sections.The functions and weights used in FuDSEM are the out-

come of generalized interpretation of common knowledgeof erosion processes. Unlike standard, physically-basedmodels, the weights are not intended to represent an accu-rate quantitative relationship between the parameters, butto provide a general interpretation of the process, as envis-aged by the modeller (Baja et al. 2002; Robinson 2003). Thisis acceptable, since the model predicts the potential of theparameters, thus representing its relative spatial and tem-poral distribution, rather than providing a quantitativeprediction of erosion yield. Therefore, the relationships be-tween the parameters (i.e. functions and weights) are notdirectly linked to a specific study, but were chosen througha combination of information taken from the relevant liter-ature and expert knowledge.

Soil moisture potential (JMF1)Antecedent soil moisture conditions are an importantparameter in runoff generation. They may vary considerablyover time (Jetten et al., 1999), especially in semi-arid envi-ronments characterized by scattered rainfall events. FuD-SEM estimates soil moisture conditions by linking fourparameters: (1) time elapsed from the previous rainfallevent (Te); (2) wetness index (WI; Barling et al., 1994);(3) hillslope aspect (SA); and (4) soil field capacity (FC).The membership functions assigned to the parameters inthis sub-routine represent the membership score for thehigh soil moisture conditions set (A1). The membershipscore of Te assigned to A1 is calculated, using the ‘leftshoulder sigmoidal’ membership function (Robinson, 2003;Fig. 2d) generally described by

lAi ¼1

1þ ebðx�aÞ ð2Þ

where a is the mid membership value of x and b is the func-tion slope. The left shoulder sigmoidal function was chosenon the basis of the exponential ratio in soil moisture de-crease with time (Hillel, 1998). The function parameters

(a and b listed in Table 1), were estimated, based on expertknowledge.

The hillslope aspect represents the influence of solarradiation flux on soil moisture as a function of aspect azi-muth. In the northern hemisphere, south-facing slopes arecommonly less humid, due to higher solar exposure (Oli-phant et al., 2003). Therefore, the SA membership score as-signed to A1 increases as a function of radial distance from a180� aspect azimuth. Based on Svoray et al. (2004), themembership score of SA assigned to A1 was calculated usinga sigmoidal membership function (Urbanski, 1999; Fig. 2b)generally described by the following equation:

lAi ¼ cos2ðx � PminÞðPmax � PminÞ


� �ð3Þ

where x is the input value and Pmax and Pmin are the maxi-mum and minimum values of the variable x. The function’sparameters (Pmax and Pmin), listed in Table 1, are based onthe values reported in Svoray et al. (2004).

Figure 2 Schematics of four membership functions used inFuDSEM: (a) linear (Robinson, 2003); (b) sigmoidal (Urbanski,1999); (c) left shoulder sigmoidal (Robinson, 2003); and (d)right shoulder sigmoidal (Robinson, 2003).

Table 1 Summary of FuDSEM parameters, membership function types and membership function coefficients

JMF Factor Membership function type a b Pmin Pmax

1. Wetness index Sigmoidal 0 0.32Aspect Sigmoidal 0 360Field capacity Linear 6.1 42Time Left shoulder 2 1

2. Infiltration Excess Sigmoidal 0 2000Rain depth Sigmoidal 0 40NDVI Linear 0 0.95

3. Accumulation Linear 0 10Slope Right shoulder 30 0.1

4. K-index Linear 0.33 0.52

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The wetness index is a widely used equation, based ondivision of the cell slope by its contributing area

WIi ¼ LnAsi

tan bi

� �ð4Þ

where As is the upper drainage area of a given cell (i) in m2

and b represents the gradient of the cell in degrees (Barlinget al., 1994). Natural logarithms are used to avoid the largenumbers that may be produced in large drainage areas. HighWI values indicate a higher membership score assigned to theset A1. The WI membership score assigned to A1 is calculatedby a mirror version of the sigmoidal membership function(Urbanski, 1999), generally described by Eq. (5)

lAi ¼ cos2ðx � PmaxÞðPmax � PminÞ


� �ð5Þ

The function parameters (Pmax and Pmin), listed in Table 1,are based on the values reported in Svoray et al. (2004).

The effect of soil characteristics on soil moisture is rep-resented by the field capacity of the soil in each cell. Thewater holding capacity of the soil varies considerably withsoil texture, organic matter content and other physicalcharacteristics (Hillel, 1998). Thus, high FC values increasethe cell membership assigned to the set A1. Based on DeJong (1994) and Svoray et al. (2004) the membership scoreis described by a mirror version of the linear membershipfunction (Robinson, 2003; Fig. 2a) generally described bythe following equation:

lAi ¼ �Pmin � x

Pmax � Pminð6Þ

The function parameters (Pmax and Pmin) are simply the max-imum and minimum values of the database.

The JMF, combining the soil moisture potential parame-ters, is formulated with the ‘No Trade Off’ (NTO) convexcombination JMF (Urbanski, 1999) generally described by

JMF ¼Xmj¼1






where k1,. . .,n are the weights of the membership functionsand ^ is the minimum between the two groups of member-ship functions. This operator was chosen on the assumptionthat if sufficient time has passed since the last rainfallevent, the top soil will dry out regardless of any otherparameters. Under these conditions, the dominant parame-ter influencing the soil moisture potential is Te; thus, ifTe = 0, then JMF1 = 0. The weight assigned to Te in theJMF is double that of the other parameters, due to itsimportant role in the moisture loss process in semi-arid re-gions. All the other parameters were assigned an equalweight, under an assumption of equal contribution to thesoil moisture potential. The final soil moisture potentialJMF is presented in the following equation:

JMF1 ¼0:0 Te ¼ 0

0:4Teþ 0:2SAþ 0:2FCþ 0:2WI Te > 0


Runoff potential (JMF2)The daily runoff potential is simulated only in cells withinfiltration excess. Cells with no excess infiltration are as-signed a zero runoff potential. Calculating the runoff poten-

tial for a cell with excess infiltration is undertaken byjoining four parameters: (1) soil moisture potential(JMF1); (2) excess infiltration (IE); (3) daily rainfall depth(RD); and (4) vegetation cover (NDVI – normalized differ-ence vegetation index; Tucker, 1979).

The membership functions assigned to the parameters inthis sub-routine represent the membership score of the setof highest runoff generation potential (A2). The value ofJMF1 represents the cell membership assigned to A2, underthe assumption that high soil moisture content increases thepossibility for runoff generation.

Excess infiltration is calculated by subtracting the satu-rated hydraulic conductivity of the soil from the daily rain-fall intensity. The mirror version sigmoidal membershipfunction (Urbanski, 1999; Eq. (5)) is used to convert theexcess infiltration values into the membership score as-signed to A2, based on the relationship described in Moodyand Martin (2001) and Valmis et al. (2005). The functionparameters (Pmax and Pmin), listed in Table 1, are simplythe maximum and minimum values of the database.

Based on the relationship reported in USDA-SCS (1985),the membership score of daily rainfall depth of A2 is de-scribed by the mirror version sigmoidal membership func-tion (Urbanski, 1999; Eq. (5)).

Vegetation cover affects runoff generation by decreas-ing raindrop energy and increasing its infiltration rate (Yairand Kossovsky, 2002; Calvo-Cases et al., 2003). Vegetationcover in semi-arid regions is characterized by patchy andheterogeneous distribution, creating a high spatio-tempo-ral variability in water redistribution along the hillslopes(Svoray and Shoshany, 2004). Based on FAO (1967), themembership score of NDVI assigned to A2 is calculatedby a linear membership function (Robinson, 2003;Fig. 2a), which is generally described by the followingequation:

lAi ¼Pmax � x

Pmax � Pminð9Þ

Combining the four membership functions, the calcu-lation of the overall runoff potential is carried out withthe NTO JMF (Urbanski, 1999; Eq. (7)), in order to introduceIE as a threshold parameter. As mentioned above, negativeor zero IE values yield zero runoff potential. The weight as-signed to NDVI is double the weight assigned to the otherparameters due to its importance in semi-arid environments(Yair and Kossovsky, 2002). All other parameters were as-signed an equal weight under the assumption of equal con-tribution to runoff potential. The final runoff potential JMF2is presented in the following equation:

JMF2¼0:0 IE6 0

0:2IEþ0:2RDþ0:4NDVIþ0:2JMF1 IE> 0


Transport capacity potential (JMF3)The ability of runoff to transport sediments is influenced bya variety of parameters, among them shear stress, vegeta-tion cover and soil and topographic characteristics (Thor-nes, 1980). The initiation of erosion and transport ofsediment by water is performed on hillslopes by unconcen-trated runoff and by rill flow. Further downstream, it occursin and forms gullies and channels. No distinction is made be-tween these in our FuDSEM model, which is acceptable in

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non-mechanistic models (Hillel, 1998). Three parametersare linked to calculate the runoff transport capacity poten-tial in the model: (1) runoff potential (JMF2); (2) runoffaccumulation (Acc); and (3) local slope decline (S). Themembership functions assigned to the parameters in thissub-routine represent the membership score assigned tothe set with the highest runoff transport capacity potential(A3). Runoff potential (JMF2) represents the cell member-ship score of A3, under the assumption that a high valueof runoff increases cell transport capacity.

Runoff volume and transport capacity in a given cell areinfluenced by the runoff generated in situ and by runoffaccumulated from its upslope contributing area. Accumula-tion to a given cell (Acc) is influenced, not only by the con-tributing area, but also by land cover characteristics of theaccumulating catchment. A cell with high runoff potential isregarded as a source for the down-slope cells, while, bycontrast, a cell with low runoff potential is considered asink. Therefore, the runoff accumulation procedure isimportant for describing the spatio-temporal dynamics ofrunoff flow. The Acc membership function assigned to A3

is described by the mirror linear function (Robinson, 2003;Eq. (6)).

Slope represents the effect of gravitational force on run-off discharge. A steep slope increases runoff discharge,resulting in a higher transport capacity. Based on De Jonget al. (1999), we used the ‘right shoulder sigmoidal’ mem-bership function (Robinson, 2003; Fig. 2c) to describe themembership score of slope of A3, as follows:

lAi ¼1

1þ e�bðx�aÞ ð11Þ

The parameters a and b (Table 1) were evaluated from theresults of a small pan experiment (Kirkby, 1980). Combiningthe three membership functions to calculate the transportcapacity potential is undertaken with the ‘convex combina-tion operation function’ (Burrough et al., 1992), which isgenerally described by

JMF ¼ k1lAiþ k2lAi

þ � � � þ knlAið12Þ

The three parameters were assigned equal weights in the fi-nal transport capacity potential JMF, under an assumptionof equal contributions to the process

JMF3 ¼ 0:33Sþ 0:33Accþ 0:33JMF2 ð13Þ

Soil erosion potential (JMF4)The final sub-routine calculates the erosion potential byassuming that in a specific transport capacity, the entrain-ment of sediments is a function of topsoil erodibility: sedi-ment entrainment and thus, erosion, are expected toincrease in more erodible soils. Therefore, the daily erosionpotential is calculated by linking the runoff transport capac-ity (JMF3) with K, the soil erodibility index (Wischmeier andSmith, 1978).

The membership functions assigned to the parameters inthis sub-routine represent the membership score to thehighest erosion potential set (A4). JMF3 represents the ef-fect of high transport capacity on the overall erosion poten-tial and K represents topsoil sensitivity to erosion. A highvalue of erodibility results in higher erosion potential for gi-ven runoff conditions. The membership score of K, assigned

to A4, is described by the mirror version linear membershipfunction (Robinson, 2003; Eq. (6)), based on Mitra et al.(1998).

Combining the two membership functions to calculatethe erosion potential is undertaken with the ‘convex combi-nation operation function’ (Burrough et al., 1992; Eq. (12)).We assume that the transport capacity potential dominatesthe final erosion calculation, so we assign it a considerablyhigher weight than K. The erosion potential JMF is repre-sented by

JMF4 ¼ 0:1K þ 0:9JMF3 ð14Þ

Data used

The Bikhra Catchment

Initial model validation was conducted on the small, data-rich Bikhra Catchment (0.7 km2; Fig. 3) on the southernflanks of the Hebron anticlinorium in central Israel. It is lo-cated between a region of Mediterranean climate to thewest and north and the aridity of the Judean Desert to theeast and of the Negev to the south. Topographically, thisarea is characterized by round limestone hillocks separatedby loess-clad valleys. Loess also covers most of the lowerhillslopes. The average annual rainfall is 240 mm, with con-siderable temporal variation (the coefficient of variation formost rain stations is larger than unity). Rainstorms mayeither be frontal or convective: the convective storms arespotty in nature (Sharon, 1972), occur most commonly inspring and autumn, and may have very high intensities, suchas 200 mm/h for durations of 10–15 min (Sharon and Kutiel,1986). The frontal, Mediterranean-derived cyclones are typ-ically winter events of longer duration and lower intensities.The soils covering the higher hillslopes are brown lithosols.Colluvium has developed to a limy, stony sierozem at thebottom of some hillslopes. Valley bottoms are loessial,increasing in depth downvalley. Land use includes grazingand overgrazing.

Suspended sediment concentrations were obtained froma pre-programmed automatic 24-bottle water sampler(ISCO) located at the crump weirs. The samplers are acti-vated when flow occurs. Rating curves were derived sepa-rately for rising and falling limbs of flow events andsuspended sediment yield for each event was calculated.Although bedload fluxes are very high in semiarid environ-ments, more than 92% of the sediment transported by flowevents is suspended (Powell et al., 1996). Accordingly andtaking into consideration the fact that the proposed modelmostly deals with sediment potential supply from hillslopes,we used suspended sediment yield as a proxy for the totalyield.

The Shiqma Catchment

The Shiqma Catchment (785 km2 in size) is located in centralIsrael (Fig. 3). The climate is semi-arid, characterized by350 mm/yr mean annual rainfall, mostly occurring in win-ter, between October and May (Goldreich, 1998). Rainfallevents in this area are typically short, with an average of40 rainfall days per year. The storm regime is usually frontal

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and extremely variable, with relatively low intensities (FAO,1967). The semi-natural vegetation of the catchment ismainly natural grassland with scattered trees, shrubs anddwarf shrubs (Shoshany and Svoray, 2002). The catchment’sprincipal land use is agriculture, mainly wheat fields, as wellas some fruit plantations. A major source of sediments inthe Shiqma Catchment is channel and gully erosion, primar-ily headwall gully retreat and channel incision (Seginer,1966; Nir and Klein, 1974; Rozin and Schick, 1996).

Rainfall data

In the Bikhra study, rain gauge data from two consecutiveyears (2002–2003) were used. Since it is a small catch-ment, we assume spatial homogeneity. For the ShiqmaCatchment, daily rainfall data for three consecutive years(1995–1998) were used. This database was obtained from

eight meteorological stations of the Israel MeteorologicalService, consisting of rainfall depth and maximum intensityfor a 30 min period for each rainy day. To represent thespatial distribution of rainfall, the study area was dividedinto eight regions, each represented by a single meteoro-logical station. We used Thiessen polygons for the spatialdistribution of rainfall data, instead of the more commonlyused interpolation techniques (which are extremely labourintensive for temporally explicit simulations), since oursimulation was based on a detailed rainfall database forthe entire catchment area.

Soil data

For the Bikhra study site, field capacity and saturatedhydraulic conductivity were calculated by averaging foursoil samples. For the Shiqma site, average texture data foreach soil unit were estimated on the basis of the relevantliterature (FAO, 1967; Dan, 1968; Ravikovitch, 1992). Basedon soil texture, we calculated the two physical soil charac-teristics used by FuDSEM: field capacity and saturatedhydraulic conductivity using the water soil characteristicssoftware (Saxton, 2005). The USLE K-index was estimatedbased on the soil erodibility table (Mitchell and Bubenzer,1980). A digital soil map (Dan and Raz, 1970) was used tospatially represent soil characteristics at both study sites.

Topographic data

The Hall and Cleave (1988) DEM from the Geological Surveyof Israel, with horizontal resolution of 25 · 25 m2 and verti-cal resolution of 10 m, was used to create the slope, aspectand WI layers in both catchments.

Vegetation cover data

NDVI was used to represent the vegetation cover of thestudy area during the growing season. A series of four Land-sat TM satellite images (from the following dates: 10November 1996, 14 February 1997, 19 April 1997 and 21May 1997) was used to calculate NDVI values for both catch-ments. The temporal pattern of the 1996–1997 growing sea-son was used for the entire series of multi-annualsimulations, each NDVI layer representing a specific periodof the season (for example the November 10 NDVI repre-sents the spatial distribution of vegetation in simulation,between October 1 and December 31). The Landsat imageswere radiometrically and geometrically corrected usingcommon procedures (Svoray and Shoshany, 2003).

Model evaluation

Evaluating a distributed large scale soil erosion model haslong been acknowledged as difficult, primarily due to ab-sence of reliable spatially distributed sediment data (Mer-ritt et al., 2003). In order to address this issue, we used, asdescribed above, the small data-rich Bikhra catchment asan initial case study, to validate our FuDSEM runoff anderosion predictions. We then implemented the model onthe complex Shiqma Catchment and evaluated its predic-tions by: (1) sensitivity analysis, comparing the FuDSEM

Figure 3 Study site: The Shiqma Catchment (785 km2) andthe Bikhra Catchment (0.7 km2).

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runoff component to daily runoff measurements and (2)examining the FuDSEM erosion predictions in two surveyedsub-catchments.

Small scale correlation analysis (the Bikhra study)

Runoff and suspended sediment load measurements at theBikhra outlet from 11 rainfall events were used to validateFuDSEM. Runoff predictions were evaluated by calculatingthe correlation between the average runoff potential(JMF2) of the catchment and the measured runoff. Simi-larly, the average erosion potential (JMF4) in each eventwas compared to the measured suspended sediment loadat the catchment outlet.

Large scale runoff sensitivity analysis

One of the most commonly used hydrological measurementsapplicable for large catchments is that of channel flow lev-els. We used flow level measurements from five hydrologicalstations across the catchment (Fig. 4) to evaluate the FuD-SEM runoff potential predictions (JMF2). The five stationsare located in channels draining catchments for a widerange of sizes (16–378 km2). Station flow was compared toaverage FuDSEM runoff prediction. The correlation betweenthe predicted and measured runoff in each catchment wasevaluated and plotted. The outliers of this analysis were uti-lized to conduct a sensitivity analysis of the FuDSEM runoffcomponent, by examining the model’s over- and under-predictions.

Site-specific comparison

Two adjacent sub-catchments with considerable differencein erosive characteristics were identified in a field survey ofthe central Shiqma Catchment. The eastern sub-catchment

is characterized as erosive, due to deeply incised channels,eminent headwall gully retreat and signs of fresh rilling onthe slopes. The western sub-catchment appears to be stableand less erodible, as no signs of recent erosion activity wereobserved. To validate and quantify this observation, thedrainage density evolution was calculated for both sub-catchments. Drainage density evolution was monitored bydigitizing the catchments’ channel network on three datesof observation (1945, 1970 and 2000), based on aerial pho-tographs and GPS verification. Drainage density was calcu-lated by dividing the overall channel length by the sub-catchment area (Chow et al., 1988). FuDSEM’s three yearerosion potential predictions were calculated for the twosub-catchments. The differences between model predictionand drainage density were used to evaluate FuDSEM’s multi-year erosion prediction for that region.

The FuDSEM predictions were also compared with twoerosion models: a temporally static version of FuDSEM (Fu-SEM – fuzzy-based soil erosion model) and the soil erosionmodel for Mediterranean regions (SEMMED; De Jong, 1994;De Jong et al., 1999). FuSEM differs from FuDSEM only inthat it uses average rainfall values, excludes Ta and usesonly one NDVI layer (at mid-season – 14 February 1997) torepresent the vegetation cover. FuDSEM and FuSEM werecompared to better understand the influence of the tempo-rally dynamic mechanism on multi-annual predictions.

SEMMED is a physically-based semi-empirical model, cal-ibrated for Mediterranean regions. It is based on the MMF(Morgan–Morgan–Finny; Morgan et al., 1984) approachand was modified for regional scale, by using remotelysensed data and GIS techniques (De Jong 1994; De Jonget al., 1999). We used SEMMED as a comparison model, sinceits input data are generally similar to those used by FuDSEM(remote sensing and GIS data) and the model is designed forMediterranean regions. By comparing FuDSEM and SEMMED,we hoped to show the benefits of a simple and relative ero-

Figure 4 The Shiqma Catchment and the five hydrological stations with their contributing drainage catchments. The numbers ineach drainage catchment represent its drainage area.

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sion prediction (i.e. FuDSEM) over a standard physically-based soil erosion model.

Results and discussion

Small scale correlation analysis

The FuDSEM runoff potential prediction (JMF2) and erosionpotential predictions (final JMF) were regressed againstthe corresponding measured runoff and sediment load inthe Bikhra catchment. The results are shown in Fig. 5aand b, respectively. In this event-based analysis, the mea-sured runoff and sediment data are viewed on a logarithmicscale for comparison with the FuDSEM potential predictionscale. Strong linear correlations are observed in n = 11 dif-ferent events, distributed over two years (r2 = 0.79) in thecase of runoff and similarly (r2 = 0.76) in the case of ero-sion/sediment analysis. These results allow us a consider-able degree of confidence in the calibration of both therunoff component (JMF2) and the final prediction of themodel. This outcome meant that we could apply FuDSEMto the more complex, medium-scale Shiqma Catchment.

Large scale implementation

Fig. 6a shows FuDSEM’s three-year erosion potential map ofthe Shiqma Catchment, calculated by averaging all pre-dicted daily maps. This map was used to evaluate the spatial

distribution of FuDSEM output and compare it with the FuSEMand SEMMED prediction maps (Fig. 6b and c, respectively).

Distinct differences appear between diverse parts of theShiqma Catchment (Fig. 6a). The eastern part of the catch-ment was assigned the highest erosion potential, while thelowest prediction values were scattered in clusters withinthe center and western regions. These results are affected,to some extent, by the spatial patterns of soil, as reflectedin the soil map. However, FuSEM’s output (Fig. 6b) neithershows distinct spatial distributions, nor can it be linked tothe soil map. Moreover, its output map is considerably nois-ier and less interpretable at the catchment management le-vel. The SEMMED three-year erosion prediction (Fig. 6c) isfundamentally different from the other two, since its valuesare quantitative, whereas those of FuDSEM and FuSEM arerelative. From a catchment interface point of view, SEMMEDprovides little knowledge about the spatial distribution oferosion.

This qualitative comparison between the three maps re-veals important differences between the three models.From a catchment management standpoint, the continuousrepresentation of erosion (as provided by the fuzzy-basedmodels) seems to be a major advantage, providing a com-parison between different parts of the catchment. The scat-tered distribution produced by SEMMED appears to be lessuseful for large scale environmental analysis, since identifi-cation of variation in erosion within the catchment is morecomplicated, requiring knowledge and experience in erosionyield quantification and interpretation.

Runoff sensitivity analysis

The correlation plots between predicted and measured run-off in the five hydrological stations are presented in Fig. 7.The coefficients of determination in the three eastern sta-tions (Beror-Hayil, Adorayim and Tel-Milha) are relativelylow, while in the western stations (Giah and Hanon), thecoefficients are considerably higher. This difference canbe attributed to variations in the stations’ drainage areas.Generally, stations with a large drainage catchment (Ber-or-Hayil with 378 km2 and Adorayim with 207 km2) havelow coefficients of determination, compared to smallerdrainage catchments (Giah with 16 km2 and Hanon with48.5 km2). One exception to this finding is the Tel-Milha sta-tion – despite its relatively small drainage catchment(38 km2), it has a low coefficient of determination.

These results show a serious drawback in using large andheterogeneous catchments as prime elements for valida-tion. The explanation for this observation is that the empir-ical outlet data represent the average/generalized value,rather than reliably representing the diversity of conditionsin the sub-catchments. Though no rigid conclusions aredrawn from the five catchments, we used those stationswith a higher correlation (Giah and Hanon) to identify out-lier days (i.e. under- and over-estimations). The meteoro-logical properties of the outlier days and the physicalproperties of the drainage catchments were thereafterexamined. Two main factors explain most of the outliers:(1) the excess infiltration simulation in FuDSEM’s runoffmechanism leads to several under-predictions. In days withlow to moderate rainfall intensity, FuDSEM predicted norunoff generation in cells with high saturated hydraulic

Figure 5 Plots of (a) predicted mean FuDSEM runoff potentialversus measured runoff at the outlet of the Bikhhra catchmenton a logarithmic scale and (b) predicted mean FuDSEM erosionpotential versus measured sediment load at the outlet of theBikhra catchment on a logarithmic scale.

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Figure 6 Shiqma Catchment three-year erosion prediction maps of (a) FuDSEM, (b) FuSEM and (c) SEMMED.

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conductivity values (under the assumption that excess infil-tration is the only runoff mechanism in the study area).Apparently, this is not the case in all circumstances. All un-der-predicted days were part of a continuing rainfall event(i.e. the day preceding them was also rainy). This may indi-cate that a saturation runoff mechanism may also occur inthis area. (2) Rainfall intensity simulation in FuDSEM’s run-off mechanism seems to yield lower predictions on thosedays, which may have led to over-prediction for low inten-sity rainfall events. Due to the importance of rainfall inten-sity on runoff mechanism in semi-arid environments, weused it as a conditioning factor in FuDSEM’s runoff mecha-nism (section ‘‘Runoff Potential (JMF2)’’).

Site-specific comparison

The measured drainage density evolution in the two sub-catchments was used to validate and quantify the field sur-

vey observations. Table 2 summarizes those values, whichshow that the western sub-catchment had a denser drainagenetwork in 1945 and 1970, compared to the eastern sub-catchment (a ratio of 0.76 and 0.69, respectively); the ratioshifted in the next 30 years to 1.54 in 2000. This result cor-responds well with the field observation, in which we classi-fied the eastern sub-catchment as presently being moreerosive. This result corresponds well with the findings atthe nearby Huga sub-catchment, extending over approxi-mately the same time frame (Rozin and Schick, 1996). Rozinand Schick showed that, as a result of reduction in grazingand other agricultural activities (as observed in the westernsub-catchment), vegetation growth dramatically reducederosion and stabilized the channel network.

The average erosion prediction of the three models (FuD-SEM, FuSEM and SEMMED), within the two sub-catchment(Table 3), shows that FuDSEM was the only model to predicthigher erosion in the eastern sub-catchment, as compared

Figure 7 Plots of FuDSEM predicted runoff versus measured runoff at hydrological stations: (a) Adurayim, (b) Beror-Hayil, (c) Tel-Milha, (d) Hanon and (e) Giah.

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to the western sub-catchment. The ratio between the east-ern and western sub-catchments, in terms of average ero-sion prediction by FuDSEM, FuSEM and SEMMED (1.25, 0.92and 0.59, respectively; Table 3), shows the advantage ofFuDSEM over the other two models. These results also showthe advantage of FuSEM over SEMMED, indicating the superi-ority of the fuzzy-based approach. The advantage of FuD-SEM over FuSEM clearly demonstrates that a temporally-dynamic structure is a crucial component for model accu-racy in fuzzy modelling.


A strong correlation was observed between predicted runoffand erosion potential by the FuDSEM model and measuredrunoff and erosion/sediment in the small-scale data-richstudy of the Bikhra catchment. This finding gives consider-able confidence in the model structure, thereby allowingus to proceed to medium-scale implementation in the Shi-qma Catchment. However, the comparison between mea-sured and average runoff in five sub-catchments at Shiqmareveals serious drawbacks in large scale runoff analysis. De-spite this finding, the outliers of this correlation analysiswere used for a simple sensitivity analysis. Overestimationwas found for the infiltration excess sub-model (IE) andunderestimation in the case of rainfall intensity factor insome rainfall conditions. Nevertheless, the results are sig-nificant and these inaccuracies should be studied in futureresearch.

The comparison between the FuDSEM, FuSEM and SEM-MED maps shows the advantage of the fuzzy-logic modelin representing spatial distribution of erosion. FuDSEM pro-duces more continuous and easy to interpret maps, impor-tant attributes for large scale interface management. Thesite-specific comparison of drainage density between thethree models also demonstrates the advantage of FuDSEM,the only model to accurately predict the differences be-tween two surveyed sub-catchments. Keeping in mind thelimitation of this method, the findings validate the proposedbenefits of FuDSEM’s temporally dynamic and fuzzy-logicstructure.

Inherently, FuDSEM produces potential, qualitative ero-sion maps, not quantitative erosion values. The advantagesof the qualitative maps for catchment management pur-poses are: (1) continuous spatial distributions that are eas-ier to interpret at large scales; (2) it may be easilyunderstood by laymen; and (3) it offers a clearer displayof erosion hot spots within a catchment. For engineeringpurposes it is apparent that one of the traditional quantita-tive erosion models should be utilized to analyse small siteslocated by FuDSEM.

This work shows the potential of FuDSEM architecture inrepresenting the distribution of erosion possibility. So far,the model has only been initially examined, but it demon-strates the benefits of a fuzzy-logic based approach in amechanistic erosion model. Although showing considerablepotential, further validation and adjustments of FuDSEMare required.


This research was funded by the Soil Branch Advisory Boardof the Israel Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Program No. 857046802. We thank the Geological Survey ofIsrael for allowing the use of the DEM; Israel HydrologicalService for providing runoff data; Israel Meteorological Ser-vice for providing rainfall data; Survey of Israel for supplyingthe aerial photographs; the Soil Erosion Research Stationand its Head, Shmuel Arbel, for providing runoff and rainfalldata. Monitoring at the Bikhra sub-catchment was funded byAID project M20-022. Particular thanks are extended to Ila-na Frank-Wener for hard-won sediment and water dischargedata and also to Jiftah Ben-Asher and Joel Dan for produc-tive conversations.


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1945 1970 2000

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Model Easternsub-catchment



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The eastern sub-catchment was characterized as erosive whilethe western was stable.

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