company brochure 1titanium casting introduction and application-a whole new world!

深圳市实钛科技有限公司 SHENZHEN ADVANCED Shenzhen AddRm. 806, Unit C, Gangzhilong Science Park, Qinglong Road, Longhua District,Shenzhen, China Tel:0755-237 10010 Fax:0755-237 10011 Hong Kong AddFloor 8,Joint-in Hang Sing Centre, 2-16 Kwai Fung Crescent,Kwai Chung, NT.,Hong Kong Tel:00852-3188 5386 00852-3188 5389 Websites Shenzhen Advanced Titanium Technology Co.,ltd. Hong Kong Advanced Titanium Group Limited

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深 圳 市 实 钛 科 技 有 限 公 司


Shenzhen Add: Rm. 806, Unit C, Gangzhilong Science Park,Qinglong Road, Longhua District,Shenzhen, China

Tel:0755-237 10010 Fax:0755-237 10011

Hong Kong Add:Floor 8,Joint-in Hang Sing Centre, 2-16 Kwai Fung

Crescent,Kwai Chung, NT.,Hong Kong

Tel:00852-3188 5386 00852-3188 5389


Shenzhen Advanced Titanium Technology Co.,ltd.

Hong Kong Advanced Titanium Group Limited

1EnterpriseIntroduction企 业 简 介

深 圳 实 钛Shenzhen Advanced

卓 越 品 质 来 自 最 专 业 的 打 造

深 圳 实 钛 科 技 有 限 公 司市

01 02

Shenzhen Advanced Titanium Technology Co. ,Ltd. is a new technology enterprise which is invested and set up by HongKong Advanced Titanium Group L imited . .Our company locates in Shenzhen,a c i ty of sc ience and technology innovat ion.We are a h igh-tech enterpr ise which specia l ized in the research and develop,manufacture and sales of t itanium alloy,nikel-based al loy, cobalt-based high temperature al loy, stainless steel , heat-res i s tant s tee l , a l loy s tee l , a l l k inds of b rand cas t i ron and nonfer rous metals copper,precision aluminum alloy casting,precision forging, powder metallurgy, laser welding, laser repair and precision metal laser 3D printing. Shenzhen is one of the major c i t ies in China,the impor tant internat ional air port and sea port,the important high-tech r&d and manufacturing base in southern China,the impor tant economic and f inancial centre in china,the 2012 year economic aggregate ranks the four th in China main land. Shenzhen i s the f i r s t spec ia l economic zone es tab l i shed s ince Ch inese reform and opening. i t is the window of Chinese reform and opening,the impor tant internat ional gateway of Chinese foreign trade.Shenzhen has developed into a fair ly influential international city,created a remarkable “Shenzhen speed”.Shenzhen is a coastal city in southern China,locates in the Pear l River east ,separated with HongKong by a stra i t .establ ished with Chinese most entr y and ex i t por ts in area boundr y.Shenzhen is the most impor tant l and , sea and a i r t ranspor t hub in Ch ina .So our market operations center set up in shenzhen.

Our production base is located in the development zone,airpor t road, Harbin, the geographical position is very good.We have imported medium temperature wax vacuum induct ion furnace,medium frequency vacuum induction furnace,many sets high temperature hydraulic press, punching machine , vacuum hot-press ing s inter ing and ludox investment cast ing product ion l ine , consumable e lectrode vacuum skul l furnace,6KW f iber laser,robot,cnc machining centre, direct reading spectrometer and so on.Our ma in p roducts inc ludes :p rec i s ion cas t ing by inves tment cas t ing , stamping parts, forging parts, superplastic forming parts, metal mold and of f cen te r cas t ing ,a l l k inds of t i t an ium bar s , shee t s ,w i res and we ld ing material , a l l k inds of rare metal material bars ,sheets,wires,such as Nb,Ta,Mo,W,Ni,Co.These products are widly apply to aerospace,oil drilling,reaction tank,pump valve,golf club head,motorcycle and bicycle parts, Mountaineering equipment ,mobi le phone shel l , watchcase, watchband,surgical medical implants,dental implants, prosthetic joint , t i tanium tube target,t i tanium connectiong rod,air valve,brake disc, ship propeller, fastener, anchor,jewelry and so on.

We ins i s t the market concept of “Do the f i r s t forever, Concept f i r s t , Long-term winning”.By constantly introducing new technology, researching and deve lopp ing new products ,we have reached advanced leve l in the same industr y. and passed the internat ional qual i ty system cer t i f icat ion of ISO9001:2008, we has a group of experienced technology and management el i te and high-qual ity research and development team, design team, not only can customize according to cl ients' personal ized requirements,also under take var ious projects and cast ing technology suppor t , tr y our best to real ize as a wel l-know OEM/ODM manufacturer both in domest ic and international .

深 圳 实 钛Shenzhen Advanced

卓 越 品 质 来 自 最 专 业 的 打 造

深 圳 实 钛 科 技 有 限 公 司市

03 04

2EnterpriseCulrure企 业 文 化

3About us

关 于 我 们

深 圳 实 钛Shenzhen Advanced

卓 越 品 质 来 自 最 专 业 的 打 造

深 圳 实 钛 科 技 有 限 公 司市

05 06

4 Production

生 产 设 备


Equipment specification

Complete precision casting production line of titanium alloy,high

temperature alloy etc metal materials。

High quality, complex ,thin-walled parts forming。

Consumable electrode vacuum skull furnace, Vacuum induction

melting furnace。

Double location hydraulic wax injection machine, Electric heating

steam dewaxing kettle, Wax treatment equipment, German imports

Direct Reading Spectrometer。