comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (r)- and (s)-disopyramide...

143 Journal of Chromatography, 494 (1989) 143-156 Blomedlcal Apphcataons Elsevler Science Publishers B V . Amsterdam - Printed m The Netherlands CHROMBIO 4848 COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE TOTAL AND FREE (R)- AND (S)-DISOPYRAMIDE IN PLASMA USING AN cr,-ACID GLYCOPROTEIN COLUMN MARIT ENQUIST* and JORGEN HERMANSSON” Apoteksbolaget AB, Central Laboratory, Department of Blomedrclne, Stockholm (Sweden) (Received April 20th, 1989) SUMMARY Two different high-performance hquld chromatographlc systems for the determmatlon of the total and free (R) - and (S) -dlsopyramlde (DP) m plasma and urine were compared In method I a Nucleosll C, column was coupled m series with an a,-acid glycoprotem column Method II consisted of two systems, a LlChrosorb S160 column was used for the determination of the racemlc drug concentration and the R/S ratio was determined on an a,-acid glycoprotem column The recovery of (R)- and (S)-DP from plasma was > 97% m both methods The preclslons of the (R)- and (S)-DP determmatlons m plasma are high with both methods The relative standard devlatlons for the determmatlon of the free concentration do not exceed 6 5% at 159 &ml ra- cemlc DP Method II IS preferred as it can also be used to determine the concentration of (R)- and (S) -monodeslsopropyldlsopyramlde It 1s also easier to avold disturbances from endogenous compounds m plasma samples with method II than with method I It was observed that DP was mcorporated mto urme sediment durmg storage A simple ultrasornc treatment of the urme sam- ples was demonstrated to release DP from the sediment INTRODUCTION Drsopyramide (DP) IS a class I antiarrhythmic agent with complex phar- macokmetic and pharmacodynamic properties The drug is commercially available as a racemic mixture of two optical isomers, (R) - and (S) -DP As DP also possesses side-effects such as a negative motropic effect and anti- cholmergic properties, its use is limited. It has recently been reported that only (S)-DP prolongs the QTI interval (antiarrhythmic effect) and that it has a “Present address ChromTech AB, Box 512,145 63 Norsborg, Sweden 0378-4347/89/$03 50 0 1989 Elsevzer Science Publishers B V

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Page 1: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column


Journal of Chromatography, 494 (1989) 143-156 Blomedlcal Apphcataons Elsevler Science Publishers B V . Amsterdam - Printed m The Netherlands




Apoteksbolaget AB, Central Laboratory, Department of Blomedrclne, Stockholm (Sweden)

(Received April 20th, 1989)


Two different high-performance hquld chromatographlc systems for the determmatlon of the total and free (R) - and (S) -dlsopyramlde (DP) m plasma and urine were compared In method I a Nucleosll C, column was coupled m series with an a,-acid glycoprotem column Method II consisted of two systems, a LlChrosorb S160 column was used for the determination of the racemlc drug concentration and the R/S ratio was determined on an a,-acid glycoprotem column The recovery of (R)- and (S)-DP from plasma was > 97% m both methods The preclslons of the (R)- and (S)-DP determmatlons m plasma are high with both methods The relative standard devlatlons for the determmatlon of the free concentration do not exceed 6 5% at 159 &ml ra- cemlc DP Method II IS preferred as it can also be used to determine the concentration of (R)- and (S) -monodeslsopropyldlsopyramlde It 1s also easier to avold disturbances from endogenous compounds m plasma samples with method II than with method I It was observed that DP was mcorporated mto urme sediment durmg storage A simple ultrasornc treatment of the urme sam- ples was demonstrated to release DP from the sediment


Drsopyramide (DP) IS a class I antiarrhythmic agent with complex phar- macokmetic and pharmacodynamic properties The drug is commercially available as a racemic mixture of two optical isomers, (R) - and (S) -DP As DP also possesses side-effects such as a negative motropic effect and anti- cholmergic properties, its use is limited. It has recently been reported that only (S)-DP prolongs the QTI interval (antiarrhythmic effect) and that it has a

“Present address ChromTech AB, Box 512,145 63 Norsborg, Sweden

0378-4347/89/$03 50 0 1989 Elsevzer Science Publishers B V

Page 2: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 3: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 4: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 5: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 6: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 7: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 8: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 9: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 10: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 11: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 12: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 13: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column
Page 14: Comparison between two methods for the determination of the total and free (R)- and (S)-disopyramide in plasma using an α1-acid glycoprotein column


In conclusion, method II 1s to be preferred as therapeutic plasma levels of the enantlomers of both DP and MND can be determined with high precision and recovery It 1s also easier to avold disturbances from endogenous com- pound using method II

The pharmacokmetlc and pharmacodynamlc results have been given else- where [25]


We are very greatful to Jan Hasselstrom and Rune Dahlkvlst, Department of Clmlcal Pharmacology, Huddmge Hospital, Sweden, for supplying the plasma samples


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