connected car introduction _聯網汽車介紹 2013.1.18

Cars today are a mobile extension of your living room. Cars tomorrow will be that and more. CONNECTED CARS Presented by August Lin, 2013.

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Connected Car Introduction 聯網汽車發展趨勢介紹


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Cars today are a mobile extension of your living room. Cars tomorrow will be that and more.


Presented by August Lin, 2013. 1. 18

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“Soon the must-have option for new cars won't be a sunroof or leather seats—it will be ultra high-speed, high-bandwidth connectivity … ”

Ng Connect Program, Alcatel-Lucent

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Sales Prediction for Connected Cars

“ Connected cars with features like internet-enabled navigation and streaming media will soon be the norm “

“ Shipments of connected cars will rise from 5.7 million in 2012 to 50.9 million in 2017 ” ABI Research

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

5.7 million vehicles

50.9 million vehicles

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Over 90 million new cars will be fitted with embedded telematics by 2025 … Source: 2025 Every Car Connected : Forecasting the Growth and Opportunity. Written by SBD for the GSMA

90 million vehicles

Sales Prediction for Connected Cars

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“What happens if you connect a car to a high-speed network?”

The result is a sophisticated, next - generation “smart device” on wheels.

Ng Connect Program, Alcatel-Lucent

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Organizations that push the Connected Car

content platform that serves apps across devices.

Music and recordsAnimation & Kids Entertainment

Software system company of RIM

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Components of A Connected Car

Infotainment System

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Evolution : Infotainment Sys in 2008

XM Infotainment Vehicle


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Evolution : Infotainment Sys in 2013

Harman Infotainment


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Porsche’s Integration with Harman Aha


Porsche is the latest carmaker to use Aha, which connects mobile devices and their content with a car’s infotainment system.

Evolution : Infotainment Sys in 2013

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All in One Services

QNX CAR 2 Platform


Evolution : Infotainment Sys in 2013

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2013 Infotainment Highlights:

In CarApps HUD Gesture


All in oneServices

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Things beyond Infotainment

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“We believe, are safe for use in the car -- so no gaming, no highly graphic-intensive things. There's all kinds of people who want to provide functionality in the car that we're just not interested in -- it's not safe,“

Doug VanDagens, Director of connected services, Ford

OpenBeak can read tweets aloud so your eyes stay on the road…

Safe Drive (1) : Eyes-Free

Ford’s Latest SYNC App Reads Newspapers And Magazines For You

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"For Toyota & Lexus, an autonomous vehicle does not translate to a driverless vehicle, but rather a car equipped with an intelligent, always- attentive co-pilot whose skills contribute to safer driving."

Mark Templin, GM of Lexus Division

Lexus shows off road-aware safety research prototype

Safe Drive (2) : Autonomous Driving

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A roof-mounted Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Laser that can detect objects from 70 feet away

A trio of HD cameras that look out for nearby vehicles

A sensor that detects the car's speed and angle

A GPS antenna that can figure out which way your car is pointed

Safe Drive (2) : Autonomous Driving

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“ Cars that could communicate directly with each other so that routes could be recalculated in the event of bad weather or an accident. “

Safe Drive (3) : Car-to-car Communication

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“Cars are becoming Rolling Computers”Tom Coughlin, a member of the IEEE

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3 Stages of the Automotive Electronics

Audio Video

Technology that makes its interior a better place to be. 1960-

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3 Stages of the Automotive Electronics

Technology that makes its interior a better place to be. 1960-

Technology that helps the car go somewhere

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3 Stages of the Automotive Electronics

Technology that makes its interior a better place to be.

Technology that suggest you go somewhere, and prepare everything you need on the way




Technology that helps the car go somewhere

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Data Processing Volume in Different Stages


幾首歌曲 幾支影片


Google Map 障礙物 + 移動物件資料

庫 物件與環境辨識能力


餐廳 / 菜單 飯店 / 房型價格 商店 / 商品目錄 機場 / 航班資料 車站 / 車次資料 醫院 / 掛號預約

博物館 / 特展 寵物店 KTV/ 點歌預約 客戶 Office 親朋好友家 景點資訊 路況 , 各地氣

候 …….

+ 車主偏好數據 + 智能推薦能力

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A Day with your car in 2030

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A Day with your Smart Car

7:30 愛車 ( 而不是愛妻 ) 叫你起床8:00 車子已經為您買好你愛吃的早餐 (Drive-through pick-up), 並在 1F 大門口等您 8:01 您上車後 , 車子為您簡報今天的行程與目的地8:02 車子自動駛向第一個目的地 : 客戶 A 的公司8:02 車子為您唸出今天重要的 E-Mail, FB 回應 , 播放 Skype 留言8:05 您透過 Voice-to-text 回覆 E-Mail8:07 車子透過 HUD, 將客戶 A 的訂貨紀錄圖表投射到車窗上8:15 車子在您忙完的空檔 , 自動播放您愛聽的交響樂8:20 您開啟車載電視屏幕 , 觀看 NBA 球賽轉播8:27 您在廣告時段 , 線上購買了火箭隊的 7 號球衣8:30 車子自動避過塞車路段 , 準時到達客戶公司

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A Day with your Smart Car

8:31 您下車後 , 車子自己開去附近的停車場停車

10:33 您一上車 , 就收到公司的緊急會議通知10:33 車子自動開啟 Skype + Cam + HUD, 進行多方視訊會議10:58 車子經過 百貨公司時 , 提醒您 BOSS 皮鞋折扣訊息 , 並透過 AR 方式接收今日電影預告…

11:29 您逛百貨的時候 , 車子去接送女友 , 並回到車位等您 .11:30 車子推薦您們中午用餐的最佳地點 : A, B, C11:31 看著屏幕上的菜單影像 , 和店員的視訊解說 , 您們完成點餐 .11: 45 ………………

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“ By next year the car will be the third most-connected place in which people spend time.”

Staci Palmer, GM, Intel Automotive Solutions 2012

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18 Billions €Over 60% Revenues from Content

Source : 2025 Every Car Connected : Forecasting the Growth and Opportunity. Written by SBD for the GSMA

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So, what do Connected Cars mean to Media and EC Industry?

The Coming 3rd ScreenFor High/Middle-End Targets

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Thank you for your attendance today.