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Consiliere educationala Autor(i): DIMITRIU-TIRON, Elena Editura: Institutul European [2005] CONSILIERE EDUCATIONALA. Ghid metodologic pentru orele de dirigentie si consiliere Autor(i): Adriana Baban Editura: Asociatia de Stiinte Cognitive din Romania Detalii despre cartea "Psihoterapie & Consiliere Gestalt " : Titlu: "Psihoterapie & Consiliere Gestalt " Autor: JOYCE PHIL & SILLS CHARLOTTE Editura: Herald An aparitie: 2010 Consiliere psihopedagogica. Baze teoretice si sugestii practice Ion Al. Dumitru Editura: Polirom, Iaşi Fundamente de psihologie evolutionista si consiliere genetica. Integrari ale psihologiei si biologiei Daniel David , Oana Benga , Alina S. Rusu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi Consiliere parentala. Prevenirea bilbiielii si a cronicizarii ei Anne-Marie Simon Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

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Consiliere educationala

Autor(i): DIMITRIU-TIRON, Elena

Editura: Institutul European [2005]

CONSILIERE EDUCATIONALA. Ghid metodologic pentru orele de dirigentie si consiliere

Autor(i): Adriana Baban

Editura: Asociatia de Stiinte Cognitive din Romania

Detalii despre cartea "Psihoterapie & Consiliere Gestalt " :

Titlu: "Psihoterapie & Consiliere Gestalt "


Editura: Herald

An aparitie: 2010

Consiliere psihopedagogica. Baze teoretice si sugestii practice Ion Al. Dumitru Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Fundamente de psihologie evolutionista si consiliere genetica. Integrari ale psihologiei si biologiei Daniel David, Oana Benga, Alina S. Rusu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Consiliere parentala. Prevenirea bilbiielii si a cronicizarii ei Anne-Marie Simon Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Ghid de consiliere si orientare scolara Vasile Ghica Editura: Polirom, Iaşi


Primii pasi in psihoterapie. Manualul terapeutului Laurent Schmitt Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Tratat de psihanaliza si psihoterapie Constantin Enachescu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Psihologie clinica si psihoterapie. Fundamente Daniel David Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Tratat de psihanaliza si psihoterapie Constantin Enachescu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Incursiune in psihoterapie: cum sa ne alegem psihoterapeutul Patrik Traube Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Elemente de psihoterapie integrativa Ion Dafinoiu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Psihoterapie si psihosomatica Vasile Mihaescu Editura: Polirom, Iaşi

Introducere in psihologia educatiei si a dezvoltarii Ioan Neacsu In prezent se inregistreaza un interes crescut al specialistilor in stiintele educatiei pe ... 34.95 RON

Ghid pentru cercetarea educatiei Adrian Vicentiu Labar, Nicoleta Laura Popa, Liviu Antonesei (coord.) „Nu propunem un «tratat» sofisticat privind cercetarea educatiei, ci un ... 26.95 RON

Fundamentele educatiei interculturale. Diversitate, minoritati, echitate Anca Nedelcu Prin cele sase capitole ale sale, lucrarea reprezinta o tratare monografica, teoretic-apli ... 27.95 RON

SPSS pentru stiintele educatiei. Metodologia analizei datelor in cercetarea pedagogica Adrian Vicentiu Labar Cuvint inainte de Constantin Cucos Conceputa ca un ghid de utilizare a pachetului de prog ... 36.95 RON

Management general si strategic in educatie. Ghid practic Alois Ghergut Contextul actual al descentralizarii, prin redistribuirea responsabilitatilor, a autoritat ... 26.95 RON

Informatizarea in educatie. Aspecte ale virtualizarii formarii Constantin Cucos „Revolutia informatica” a schimbat din temelii modelul clasic de transmitere a cunoasterii ... 19.50 RON

Psihopedagogia persoanelor cu cerinte speciale. Strategii diferentiate si incluzive in educatie Alois Ghergut Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita. Lucrarea sintetizeaza si clarifica problemele fundame ... 27.95 RON

Sociologia educatiei Adrian Hatos Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita. Volumul lui Adrian Hatos este o pledoarie convingatoa ... 25.95 RON

Polis si Paideia. Sapte studii despre educatie, cultura, politici educative Liviu Antonesei Sint reunite in aceasta carte sapte studii referitoare la probleme de actualitate ale dome ... 18.50 RON

Psihologia educatiei Dorina Salavastru Cuvint inainte de Constantin Cucos Profesorul trebuie sa gaseasca cele mai potrivite cai ... 29.95 RON

Dilema de gen a educatiei Doina-Olga Stefanescu Exista o dimensiune de gen a scolii romanesti? Cercetarile intreprinse si analiza programe ... 11.90 RON

Psihopedagogia persoanelor cu cerinte speciale. Strategii de educatie integrata Alois Ghergut „Este timpul ca printr-o serie de cercetari si activitati de cercetare-actiune sa interven ... 12.90 RON

Copiii supradotati. Educatie, dezvoltare emotionala si adaptare sociala Yolanda Benito Traducere de Mihaela Sirotta, Gianina Massari, Mihaela Grigore, Laura Dumbraveanu. Prefata ... 15.50 RON

Industriile educatiei si noile media Pierre Moeglin Traducere de Adrian Staii. Multimedia, Internet, invatamint personalizat, invatamint la di ... 18.50 RON

Timp si temporalitate in educatie. Elemente pentru un management al timpului scolar Constantin Cucos Autorul bine cunoscutei lucrari „Pedagogie” (Editura Polirom, 1996, 2002) ofera acum o car ... 10.50 RON

Introducere in teoria educatiei Mariana Momanu Prefata de Constantin Cucos. Studiul aduce o clarificare conceptuala si de distinctie a ni ... 12.50 RON

In cautarea educatiei autentice Gabriel Albu Cartea este o reusita strategie de a impune cea mai importanta problema privind evolutia t ... 10.50 RON

O introducere in pedagogie. Dimensiuni axiologice si transdisciplinare ale educatiei Liviu Antonesei O introducere in pedagogie, dar nu orice fel de introducere, pentru ca autorul situeaza di ... 15.50 RON

O noua provocare pentru educatie: interculturalitatea Teodor Cozma Educatia interculturala reprezinta o topica importanta a discursului educational si a prac ... 13.90 RON

Educatie si eros. Ghid pentru educatori, parinti si tineri Silvia Cernichievici Un ghid de educatie sexuala, cuprinzind aspectele concrete cu care se confrunta tinerii ( ... 8.90 RON

Pedagogie. Stiinta integrativa a educatiei Elena Joita Autoarea clarifica in aceasta carte citeva probleme fundamentale ale pedagogiei, pentru a ... 3.99 RON

Stiintele naturii. Educatie civica. Clasa aIII-a. Caiet de evaluare Constanta Cristea, Iulian Cristea, Teodora Tanasa Caietul de evaluare se adreseaza elevilor si invatatorilor, dar si parintilor care doresc ...

Sociologia educatiei familiale (vol. II) Elisabeta Stanciulescu Prefata de Agnes Pitrou. Volumul cuprinde o sinteza a cercetarilor empirice vest-europene ... 19.50 RON

Sociologia educatiei familiale (vol. I) Elisabeta Stanciulescu Prefata: Agnès Pitrou Volumul cuprinde o sinteza a cercetarilor empirice vest-europene si ... 14.90 RON

Teorii sociologice ale educatiei Elisabeta Stanciulescu Prefata de Traian Rotariu. Cititorul are ocazia sa intre in tainele celor mai de seama doc ...

Educatie si formare. Perspective psihosociale Jean Marc Monteil Traducere: Ioana Marasescu. Lucrarea Educatie si formare. Perspective psihosociale contin ... 8.90 RON

Paideia. Fundamentele culturale ale educatiei Liviu Antonesei Consacrat ca scriitor si om politic, Liviu Antonesei se impune in egala masura ca speciali ...

Testarea psihologica. Inteligenta si aptitudinile Nicolae Mitrofan, Laurentiu Mitrofan O lucrarea de sinteza, bine documentata si concisa care nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din bibl ... 32.95 RON

Testarea psihologica. Aspecte teoretice si practice Nicolae Mitrofan Volumul abordeaza problemele de baza ale psihodiagnosticului si ofera informatii utile tut ... 32.95 RON

Pregatirea psihologica a copilului pentru scoala Florinda Golu Colectia „Psihologia copilului & Parenting” este coordonata de Georgeta Pa ... 22.95 RON

Omul plural. Catre o sociologie psihologica Bernard Lahire Traducere si prefata de Elisabeta Stanciulescu Intr-o societate care ne impune sa jucam ... 12.90 RON

Evaluarea psihologica a personalului Ticu Constantin Autorul abordeaza un subiect de mare interes atit pentru angajatori, cit si pentru angajat ... 29.95 RON

Cunoasterea psihologica a persoanei. Posibilitati de utilizare a computerului in psihologia aplicata Cornel Havarneanu Adresindu-se studentilor si psihologilor care isi desfasoara activitatea in laboratoare de ... 26.95 RON

Tratat de psihanaliză contemporană vol.

3. Cercetare Editura Trei,


În culisele psihoterapiei Editura Trei,


Empatia în psihoterapie Editura Trei,


Terapia familiei Editura Trei,



crizei Editura Trei,


O chemare curioasă. Motivaţia pentu a

deveni psihoterapeutEditura Trei,


O bază de siguranţă. Aplicaţii clinice ale

teoriei ataşamentuluiEditura Trei,


Analiza tranzacţională în

psihoterapie Editura Trei,


Testul fabulelor Ce spui după Bună

ziua? Psihologia destinului uman

Psihoterapia existenţială

101 succese terapeutice. Depăşirea

transferului şi a rezistenţei în psihoterapie

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti


organizaţiilor. De la înţelegere la conducere

Consilierea centrată pe persoană în


Ataşamentul în psihoterapie

Agresivitatea umană

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Clientul care m-a

schimbat Experimente clasice

în psihologie

Metodele proiective Psihanaliza copiilor

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Parapsihologia. Cercetare asupra

experienţelor excepţionale

Hipnoza clinică 101 greşeli în psihoterapie.

Contratransfer şi contrarezistenţă în


Povestiri de psihoterapie

românească. 19 cazuri inedite

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Dificultatea de a

trăi. Povestiri psihanalitice despre

copii Editura Trei,


Testarea psihologicăEditura Trei,


Hrana care otrăveşteEditura Trei,


Manual de consiliere Editura Trei,


101 apărări. Cum se autoprotejează

mintea Editura Trei,


Înţelegerea vieţii Art-terapia. Teorie

şi practică Cu fiecare zi mai

aproape. O psihoterapie

povestită de ambii participanţi

Tratat de psihologie clinică şi


Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Relaţii de iubire. Normalitate şi


Tratat de psihanaliză contemporană (Vol.


Tratat de psihanaliză contemporană (Vol.


Tratat de psihoterapie


Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Editura Trei, Bucureşti

Counselling in the Workplace ( 01 dec. 2003)

156,48 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335212118

Autor: Adrian Coles

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling Skills and Theory ( 30 iul. 2010)

192,45 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781444119930

Autor: Margaret Hough


Third edition. Updated to reflect the impending statutory regulation of therapists by the Health Professions Council. Expanded coverage of CBT approaches and online counselling. Case studies and exercises to help develop awareness and skills as a practitioner. All the major approaches in counselling, how they fit together and how you can…

Counselling Skills for Church and Faith Community Workers ( 01 iul. 2003)

152,03 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335200559

Autor: Alistair Ross

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling Skills For Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors ( 01 apr. 2003)

136,36 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335207817

Autor: Dawn Freshwater

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling Skill ( 01 mar. 2007)

161,90 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335218097 Autor: John Mcleod Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling Skills in Social Work Practice ( 01 feb. 2005)

156,43 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335216499

Autor: Janet Seden

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Online Counselling ( 12 nov. 2008)

146,06 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780230201958

Autor: Gill Jones; Anne Stokes

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Therapy via the internet is a developing field for counsellors. This accessible guide focuses on technological and therapeutic aspects of online work, relevant across all counselling approaches. With practical step-by-step exercises and jargon-free advice, this is an indispensable tool for all practitioners and trainees planning to work online.

Conflict Resolution and Peace Education ( 03 dec. 2010)

136,46 Lei

Nepublicat încă

ISBN-13: 9780230620643

Autor: Candice C. Carter

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

While featuring field-based examples in multiple disciplines, including political science, anthropology, communication, psychology, sociology, law and teacher training, this book presents real cases of conflict work. Explained are concepts underlying conflict transformation and strategies that have been adapted for use in professional practice.…

Practical Genetic Counselling ( 27 aug. 2010)

270,49 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780340990698

Autor: Peter S. Harper


Seventh edition. New edition of a title with long-standing success in clinical genetics

Reflective Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling ( 01 oct. 2009)

176,09 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335233618

Autor: Jacqui Stedmon; Rudi Dallos

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Managing Teaching and Learning in Further and Higher Education ( 08 dec. 1994)

258,25 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780750703376

Autor: Kate Ashcroft Head, School of Education, Westminster College, Oxford; Lorraine Foreman-Peck Senior Lecturer in Professional Development, Westminster College, Oxford.

This handbook covers ways of managing the teaching, learning and assessment process to improve students' learning. It guides readers through paths of enquiry and reflection to create a learning programme designed to meet students' specific needs.

An Introduction to Counselling ( 01 iul. 2009)

263,59 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335225514

Autor: John Mcleod

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Questions Of Ethics In Counselling And Therapy ( 01 ian. 2001)

164,67 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335206100

Autor: Jones

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Handbook of Counselling ( 05 iun. 1997)

186,25 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780415139526

Editat de: Mrs Gladeana McMahon;

Professor Stephen Palmer

A comprehensive and up-to-the-minute guide for counsellors and those using counselling skills, published in association with the

British Association for Counselling. A new revised edition reflects recent growth and changes in the field.

Race, Culture and Counselling ( 01 nov. 2005)

197,13 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335216949

Autor: Colin Lago

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Brief Counselling ( 01 mar. 2006)

186,35 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335219452

Autor: Colin Feltham; Windy Dryden

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Values And Ethics In The Practice of Psychotherapy And Counselling ( 01 iul. 2001)

157,32 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335204755

Autor: Palmer; Barnes

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Supervision Of Psychotherapy And Counselling ( 01 mai 1997)

183,60 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335195121 Autor: Shipton Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Researching Psychotherapy and Counselling ( 01 aug. 2005)

176,15 Lei

7 - 9 zile


ISBN-13: 9780335214020 Autor: Rudi Dallos; Arlene Vetere Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Mastering Counselling Skills ( 24 oct. 2007)

128,23 Lei

3 - 7 zile


ISBN-13: 9780230537866 Autor: Jennie Lindon; Lance Lindon Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

This practical text supports the learning and application of communication and basic counselling and enhances the value of even the shortest exchange by showing how essential skills of attention, reflective listening and positive use of communication skills, support a helping and respectful approach to clients.

Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance ( 07 nov. 1996)

304,50 Lei

7 - 9 zile


ISBN-13: 9780415139755 Editat de: Ruth Hawthorn; Jennifer M. Kidd; John Killeen; Dr Bill Law; A. G. Watts

This is the first book to cover theory, policy and practice in all sectors of careers education and guidance provision. It is an essential text for students in initial training, those engaged in in-service and higher degree work.

Philosophy for Counselling and Psychotherapy ( 29 nov. 2005)

180,26 Lei

7 - 8 zile


ISBN-13: 9780333750988 Autor: Howard Alex Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

This fascinating and thought-provoking book provides much-needed philosophical background for counselors, therapists, and healthcare workers looking for broader, deeper foundations in the struggle to help and make sense of others. While examining the best among 20th century philosophy it shows the wealth of inspiration of earlier centuries, and…

Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader Volume Two ( 28 aug. 2001)

229,24 Lei

7 - 8 zile


ISBN-13: 9780761964209 Editat de: Stephen Palmer; Pat Milner Publisher: SAGE Publications; British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The BACP Counselling Readers 2 volume set: £37.50 Individual price £44.98 • Save £7.48 These comprehensive and stimulating Readers draw together key material which has been published in Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal (formerly Counselling), the journal of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, in recent…

Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader Volume Two ( 29 aug. 2001)

612,53 Lei

7 - 8 zile


ISBN-13: 9780761964193 Editat de: Stephen Palmer; Pat Milner Publisher: SAGE Publications; British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

The BACP Counselling Readers 2 volume set: £37.50 Individual price £44.98 • Save £7.48 These comprehensive and stimulating Readers draw together key material which has been published in Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal (formerly Counselling), the journal of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, in recent…

Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader ( 15 aug. 1996)

197,90 Lei

7 - 8 zile


ISBN-13: 9780803974777 Editat de: Stephen Palmer; Sheila Dainow; Pat Milner Publisher: SAGE Publications; British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

`The Reader reflects some of the best work published in Counselling, the Journal of the British Association for Counselling, over the past 15 years. The choice of articles also gives a historical perspective on the development of counselling in Britain... provides many hours of interesting reading and a wealth of learned experience all in one…

Counselling Children: A Practical Introduction ( 18 dec. 2007)

176,51 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781412948340

Autor: Kathryn Geldard; David Geldard

Publisher: SAGE Publications

The Geldards are bestselling authors whose books are widely read and used internationally. This book is an excellent guide full of useful ideas and strategies for working with children who are experiencing emotional problems 'Delightfully crafted

and up-to-date. It is difficult to think of a more comprehensive and essential text in this field' -…

Counselling and Supporting Children and Young People: A Person-centred Approach ( 16 feb. 2010)

138,91 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781847879356 Autor: Mark Prever Publisher: SAGE Publications

An incredibly user-friendly book for both the counsellor and the "helper" looking to successfully support children and young people with practical theory, interventions and exercises. This book is the ideal introduction to counselling and supporting children and young people. Taking a person-centred approach, Mark Prever offers readers a clear…

Counselling Handbook for University and Colleges ( 05 nov. 2010)

505,91 Lei

ISBN-13: 9783843371667 Autor: Daniel W Kasomo Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG

It is essential that students in the educational institutions are helped and guided to take up courses and careers suited to their needs, interests and aptitudes, so that they become efficient workers. For optimum individual, social and national development, guidance and counseling needs to be made a regular and continuous activity in University…

Counselling Skills for Complimentary Therapists ( 01 iul. 2005)

136,36 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335211227 Autor: Rosie March-Smith Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling in Australia ( 01 iun. 2006)

170,93 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781841698014 Editat de: Nadine Pelling

Counselling in Australia is a relatively new and developing profession. This special issue is the first of its kind to examine counselling in Australia. It provides a venue though which the current status of Australian counselling can be outlined and the main stakeholders in Australian counselling can present their efforts at promoting and…

Counselling Children: A Practical Introduction ( 18 dec. 2007)

474,83 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781412948333 Autor: Kathryn Geldard; David Geldard Publisher: SAGE Publications

The Geldards are bestselling authors whose books are widely read and used internationally. This book is an excellent guide full of useful ideas and strategies for working with children who are experiencing emotional problems 'Delightfully crafted and up-to-date. It is difficult to think of a more comprehensive and essential text in this field' -…

Counselling: The BACP Counselling Reader ( 28 aug. 1996)

612,53 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780803974760 Editat de: Stephen Palmer; Sheila Dainow; Pat Milner Publisher: SAGE Publications; British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

`The Reader reflects some of the best work published in Counselling, the Journal of the British Association for Counselling, over the past 15 years. The choice of articles also gives a historical perspective on the development of counselling in Britain... provides many hours of interesting reading and a wealth of learned experience all in one…

Counselling and Supporting Children and Young People: A Person-centred Approach ( 16 feb. 2010)

407,33 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781847879349 Autor: Mark Prever Publisher: SAGE Publications

An incredibly user-friendly book for both the counsellor and the "helper" looking to successfully support children and young people with practical theory, interventions and exercises. This book is the ideal introduction to counselling and supporting children and young people. Taking a person-centred approach, Mark Prever offers readers a clear…

Counselling Skills for Complimentary Therapists ( 01 iul. 2005)

386,50 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335211234

Autor: Rosie March-Smith

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Counselling in Schools ( 28 iun. 2002)

158,33 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780761972761

Autor: Chris Brace; Jo Ebner-Landy; Sheila Gill; Robert Bor

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Counselling in Schools is a practical, contemporary guide to providing effective counselling support within school settings. Recognizing the very specific nature of this area of counselling practice and the uniqueness of every school, the authors provide a flexible framework and guidelines for working collaboratively with pupils, families and…

Counselling Pupils in Schools ( 07 nov. 2002)

185,56 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780415158343

Editat de: Professor Carol Hall; Dr Eric Hall; Garry Hornby

This book is an extremely comprehensive introductory guide on counselling skills and strategies for teachers.

Counselling Adolescents: The Proactive Approach for Young People ( 21 oct. 2009)

183,00 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781848606432

Autor: Kathryn Geldard; David Geldard

Publisher: SAGE Publications

This hugely popular book has now been fully updated to provide an even more practical and engaging guide to successful counselling for young people. "Filled with practical and effective approaches, this book is an asset to anyone wanting to develop their skills in working with adolescents." Samantha Best, CAMHS Manager and Clinical Nurse…

Counselling International Students ( 21 apr. 2010)

100,92 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781845493943

Autor: Eunice Okorocha

Publisher: Arima Publishing

Dr Eunice Okorocha is the author of Supervising International Research Students, published by Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) now in its 2nd Edition (2007) and Crossing Cultures (2004), which addresses the challenges encountered by those who have to cross-cultures to study or serve. Her PhD from the University of Surrey,…

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families: A Strengths-Based Approach ( 04 dec. 2003)

135,84 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780761949510

Autor: John Sharry

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families describes an innovative approach to therapeutic work which builds on the strengths of children and their parents. As the author's experience shows, helping clients to focus on potential solutions rather than problems can be a powerful means of engaging them in the therapeutic process, even in the most…

Counselling in Schools ( 04 iul. 2002)

458,26 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780761972754

Autor: Chris Brace; Jo Ebner-Landy; Sheila Gill; Robert Bor

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Counselling in Schools is a practical, contemporary guide to providing effective counselling support within school settings. Recognizing the very specific nature of this area of counselling practice and the uniqueness of every school, the authors provide a flexible framework and guidelines for working collaboratively with pupils, families and…

Counselling Adolescents: The Proactive Approach for Young People ( 21 oct. 2009)

518,28 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781848606425

Autor: Kathryn Geldard; David Geldard

Publisher: SAGE Publications

This hugely popular book has now been fully updated to provide an even more practical and engaging guide to successful counselling for young people. "Filled with practical and effective approaches, this book is an asset to anyone wanting to develop their skills in working with adolescents."

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families: A Strengths-Based Approach ( 11 dec. 2003)

460,02 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780761949503

Autor: John Sharry

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families describes an innovative approach to therapeutic work which builds on the strengths of children and their parents. As the author's experience shows, helping clients to focus on potential solutions rather than problems can be a powerful means of engaging them in the therapeutic process, even in the most…

Understanding Career Counselling: Theory, Research and Practice ( 14 mar. 2006)

154,69 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781412903394

Autor: Jenny Kidd

Publisher: SAGE Publications

`[This] is an exciting book, written in clear, accessible style. It’s an informative guide for anyone wishing to explore career counselling as a topic and process’ ߝ Professional Manager 'This is an excellent book - practical yet scholarly. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how to facilitate the career development of…

Relationship Counselling for Children, Young People and Families ( 01 dec. 2008)

167,82 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781847875518

Autor: Kathryn Geldard; David Geldard

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Clinical Counselling in Schools ( 29 iun. 2000)

144,75 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780415205177

Editat de: Nick Barwick

The book provides counsellors with essential information on how to understand and best work within a school context. It covers a wide range of problems encountered and includes contributions by experienced school counsellors.

Skills in Gestalt Counselling & Psychotherapy ( 18 nov. 2009)

156,04 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781847876003

Autor: Phil Joyce; Charlotte Sills

Publisher: SAGE Publications

This skills based book is part of a key SAGE series and provides an excellent introduction to Gestalt theory and practice Skills in Gestalt Counselling & Psychotherapy, Second Edition is a practical introduction to the application of the Gestalt approach at each stage of the therapeutic process. Taking the reader through these stages, the book…

Teach Yourself Understand Counselling ( 29 ian. 2010)

80,38 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781444100884

Autor: Aileen Milne


New edition to give you a clear understanding of the main counselling theories and help you develop vital counselling skills. Filled with exercises and examples to cement your understanding. Understand Counselling will teach you invaluable counselling skills and techniques which you can apply to all areas of your life.

Understanding of Career and Attitudes toward Career Counselling ( 07 mar. 2010)

317,66 Lei

ISBN-13: 9783639237764

Autor: Yina Wang

Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller Akt.ges.&Co.KG

Following the policy to globalize Canadian higher education, the demographics on Canadian campuses have become internationalized. Chinese international students account for the majority of full-time visa students within Canadian universities. Existing research tends to ignore the…

Discover Counselling ( 25 feb. 2011)

40,99 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781444137798

Autor: Aileen Milne


Are you looking to discover more about counselling, but you don't know where to start? Get a kickstart with this little book which will give you just enough to get you going...

Failing Students In Higher Education ( 01 ian. 2002)

197,17 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780335208258

Autor: Peelo

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

Staff Development in Open and Flexible Education ( 19 mar. 1998)

265,01 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780415173902 Editat de: Colin Latchem; Fred Lockwood

Open learning is the fastest growing type of education world-wide. This book brings together the experiences, insights and findings of some of the world's leading staff developers in open and flexible learning.

Career Counselling ( 08 dec. 2005)

173,43 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780415385633

Editat de: Mary McMahon; Wendy Patton

With massive irreversible changes in the employment market and society, careers counsellors will find this book useful in modernising their practice in line with a more holistic 'constructivist' approach.

Brief Counselling in Schools: Working with Young People from 11 to 18 ( 05 sept. 2006)

163,77 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781412924016

Autor: Dennis Lines

Publisher: SAGE Publications

`Its worth is borne out by the fact that this is a Second Edition, with much new material dealing with the latest legislation on child protection' - Times Educational Supplement Brief Counselling in Schools, Second Edition is a practical guide to providing help and support to young people experiencing difficulties in home and school life. This…

Introduction to Counselling Skills: Text and Activities ( 18 nov. 2008)

175,99 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781847873392

Autor: Richard Nelson-Jones

Publisher: SAGE Publications

Career Counselling: Methods That Work ( 02 mar. 2011)

160,26 Lei

ISBN-13: 9780702178023

Editat de: Professor Kobus Maree

Publisher: Juta & Company Ltd

This is an introductory text that provides practitioners with a wide range of efficient and effective career interventions. Representing the main schools of thought in career counselling today, Career counselling: Methods that work identifies and reflects the growing global interest in innovative approaches to career counselling including Mark…

Careers Education: Contesting Policy and Practice ( 02 iun. 1999)

152,57 Lei

ISBN-13: 9781853963902

Autor: Suzy Harris

Publisher: SAGE Publications

In this book Suzy Harris places the present situation within the context of subordination to market principles; delineates the changing and uncertain relationship between schools and the Careers Service; shows how the politics of curriculum relevance marginalizes careers teaching; describes the downward path to complete exclusion from The National…