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Correção P2_Primeiro Trimestre_2016

Primeiro Ano do Ensino Médio

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1. (2,0) What is an accent? (Responda em inglês – Respostas em português serão desconsideradas)

2. (1,0) (Fuvest 2011) Reescreva usando a forma correta do verbo no Future Perfect:

a) By next December I (take), tennis lessons for three months.


b) Albert (be) in bed for four hours by the time I finish my classes today.


The way in which people in a particular area,

country or social group pronounce words.

will have taken

Will have been

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3. (1,5) Who is David Crystal? (Responda em inglês – Respostas em português

serão desconsideradas)

David Crystal (born 6 July 1941) is a British linguist, academic

and author.

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An earthquake rides on a principle of disintegration-the disintegration not only of architecture and

pavements and lives but also of the entire idea of order of process and human control. "What can one

believe quite safe" asked Seneca, "if the world itself is shaken and its most solid parts totter to their fall...

and the earth lose its chief characteristic stability?"

In March 1933, Albert Einstein was visiting the Long Beach campus of the University of California. He and

his host from the department of geology walked through the campus, intently discussing the motions of

earthquakes. Suddenly they looked up in puzzlement to see people running out of campus buildings.

Einstein and the other scientist had been so busy discussing seismology that they did not notice the

earthquake occurring under their feet.


4. (1,0) (Fuvest 1990) "What can one believe quite safe, if the

world itself is shaken?"

Reescreva a sentença destacada no Future Perfect:

... If the world itself will have shaken

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5. (1,5) What are the first, second and third most common

languages spoken in the world? (Responda em inglês –

Respostas em português serão desconsideradas)

1st Mandarin Chinese

2nd Spanish

3rd English

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BRASÍLIA — Brazil’s highest court has long viewed itself as a bastion of manners and formality.

Justices call one another “Your Excellency,” dress in billowing robes and wrap each utterance in

grandiloquence, as if little had changed from the era when marquises and dukes held sway from their

vast plantations.

In one televised feud, Mr. Barbosa questioned another justice about whether he would even be on

the court had he not been appointed by his cousin, aformer president impeached in 1992. With another

justice, Mr. Barbosa rebuked him over what the chief justice considered his condescending tone, telling

him he was not his “capanga,” a term describing a hired thug.


Last November, at Mr. Barbosa’s urging, the high court sentenced some of the most powerful

figures in the governing Workers Party to years in prison for their crimes in the scheme, including bribery

and unlawful conspiracy, jolting a political system in which impunity for politicians has been the norm.

Now the mensalão trial is entering what could be its final phases, and Mr. Barbosa has at times

been visibly exasperated that defendants who have already been found guilty and sentenced have

managed to avoid hard jail time. He has clashed with other justices over their consideration of a rare

legal procedure in which appeals over close votes at the high court are examined.

6. (1,0) (Uece 2014) In the sentence “A political

system in which impunity in politics has been the

norm,” the verb phrase in the future perfect tense


a) would have been.

b) will have been.

c) will have being.

d) will been being.

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How to Feed a Growing Planet

Here’s an uncomfortable math problem: by 2045 Earth’s population will likely have swelled from

seven to nine billion people. To fill all those stomachs – while accounting for shifting consumption patterns,

climate change, and a finite amount of arable land and potable water – some experts say global food

production will have to double. How can we make the numbers add up?

Julian Cribb, author of The Coming Famine, says higher yielding crop varieties and more efficient

farming methods will be crucial. So will waste reduction. Cribb and other experts urge cities to reclaim

nutrients and water from waste streams and preserve farmland. Poor countries, they say, can improve

crop storage and packaging. And rich nations could cut back on resource-intensive foods like meat. In

fact, wherever there is easy access to cheap food, people buy more than they consume. We could thus

all start by shopping smarter – and cleaning our plates.

As Cribb notes, food security is increasingly a collective challenge. It’s also a chance "to pull

together on something we can all agree about, share and enjoy".

Adaptado de: Amanda Fiegl – National Geographic Magazine, July 2011

7. (1,0) (Uepg 2012) Com relação aos segmentos

verbais will likely have swelled e will have to

double, ambos presentes no primeiro parágrafo

do texto, assinale o que for correto.

01) O primeiro está no futuro do presente

composto e o segundo no futuro do presente.

02) O primeiro se refere a um evento já ocorrido e

o segundo a um evento ainda por ocorrer.

04) Ambos são tempos verbais equivalentes.

08) O primeiro se refere a um fato que, em 2045,

já poderá estar consumado e o segundo se

refere a um acontecimento que deverá ocorrer

01 + 08 = 09.

[01] “will have swelled” está no “Future Perfect”, que tem como

equivalente, em português, o futuro do presente composto, e “will have

to double” está no Simple Future que tem como equivalente, em

português, o futuro do presente.

[08] O Future Perfect é usado para uma ação que terá acontecido em

determinado momento do futuro, já o Simple Future é usado para um

acontecimento que deverá ocorrer no futuro.

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8. (1,0) (UFMG – 2002) Quais palavras/expressões o autor do

texto usa para indicar as camadas central, intermediária e


a) closer, hub e lie.

b) center, spot e fringe lie.

c) hub, closer to the center e farther out.

d) spot, middle e either.

e) the wheel, standard e circle.

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Questão desafio!

Esta questão é baseada em um pequeno texto, seguido de cinco hipóteses em português. Escolha a que exprime a

ideia explicitamente nele contida.

“It pays to be extra careful when you are travelling where you are not familiar with the currency and the customs.”

09. (1,0) – (Fuvest 2011) Quem viaja:

a)Deve se esforçar para se familiarizar com os costumes e com os fatos que ocorrem nos lugares por onde passa.

b)Deve sempre levar dinheiro consigo.

c)Precisa ser cuidadoso com a alfândega dos lugares cujas leis conhece pouco.

d)Nunca se deve pagar mais do que o preço estabelecido.

e)Deve se acautelar em lugares com cujos hábitos e moeda não estiver familiarizado.

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Correção P1_Primeiro Trimestre_2016

Segundo Ano do Ensino Médio

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4. (1,0) (Epcar (Afa) 2016) In the sentence “there is a number

of theories that attempt to explain the link” (reference 9), it is

possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun

accordingly in

a) when.

b) how.

c) whom.

d) which.

As questões 1, 2 e 3 eram dissertativas.


O pronome relativo that pode ser substituído por which,

pois ambos se referem a theories (teorias) e possuem a

função sintática de sujeito.

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5. (1,0) (Ufrgs 2015) Select the alternative that adequately

fills in the blanks in references 1, 2 and 3.

a) which – which – who

b) which – whose – that

c) what – which – who

d) that – what – that

e) that – which – whose


A primeira lacuna deve ser completada por which, devido

ao uso da vírgula e de se referir aos jogos. A segunda

lacuna também deve ser completada por which pelos

mesmos motivos. A terceira lacuna deve ser completada

por who, pois refere-se às elites e possui função sintática

de sujeito

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6. (1,0) (Unifesp 2014) No trecho do segundo parágrafo –

which are connected to euphoric reward responses –, a

palavra which refere-se a

a) pleasurable music.

b) sex, good food and addictive drugs.

c) limbic and paralimbic areas.

d) magnetic resonance imaging.

e) euphoric reward responses.


A alternativa [C] está correta, pois o pronome relativo

which refere-se às áreas límbica e paralímbica. O texto

afirma que “people listening to pleasurable music had

activated brain regions called the limbic and paralimbic

areas, which are connected to euphoric reward

responses, like those we experience from sex, good food

and addictive drugs. Those rewards come from a gush of

a neurotransmitter called dopamine” (pessoas que ouvem

músicas agradáveis haviam ativado regiões cerebrais

chamadas áreas límbicas e paralímbicas, que são

conectadas a reações recompensadoras eufóricas,

parecidas com aquelas que sentimos devido ao sexo, boa

comida e drogas viciantes. Essas reações vêm de uma

grande quantidade do neurotransmissor dopamina).

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7. (1,0) Explique em português como é possível reconhecer

uma “defining relative clause” e em seguida, dê um exemplo

em inglês:

8. (1,0) Explique em português como é possível reconhecer

uma “non-defining relative clause” e em seguida, dê um

exemplo em inglês:

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Questão desafio!

Esta questão é baseada em um pequeno texto, seguido de cinco hipóteses em português. Escolha a que exprime uma ideia

explicitamente nele contida.

“Stay healthy, my friend, because the cost of getting well again, which is going up with the dawning of each day, is enough to

make you sick.”

09. (1,0) – (Fuvest 2011) - As palavras acima, escritas em um cartaz espalhado por toda cidade:

a)São uma exaltação aos esforços dos que se dedicam aos enfermos.

b)Sugerem uma receita infalível para a cura do enjôo.

c)Contêm uma crítica às pessoas que só pensam em doença.

d)Informam que levantar bem cedo é ótimo para a saúde.

e)Advertem que cada vez se gasta mais quando se fica doente.

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Correção P1_Primeiro Trimestre_2016

Terceiro Ano do Ensino Médio

Page 17: Correção P1 Primeiro Trimestre - · PDF fileBe/get used to pede gerúndio, não infinitive. We‘reused to eating late. Costumamos comer tarde. He never got used to living abroad

Used to / be used to / get used to: qual é

a diferença?

A: When you start your new job, the journey to work will be quite long, won’t it? 60 kilometres?

B: Yes, but I’m used to travel/travelling a long way.

A: How far do you travel now? 30?

B: 32. It used to taking/take me about 20 minutes, but now it’s often nearly 40.

A: Because of the traffic?

B: Yes. Last week I used to take/took the train for a few days. But that wasn’t any better. It was so full.

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Used to

Used to + infinitivo indica algo que se costumava fazer antigamente, mas que agora não é mais feito

habitualmente, uma mudança de hábito. (To talk about the changes between the past and the presente)

I used to smoke, but I stopped two years ago.

Antigamente eu fumava…

You used to cycle to work. Why have you stopped?

Antigamente você ia de bicicleta ao trabalho…

We used to live in Scotland before Ann got her new job.

Antigamente morávamos na Escócia…

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Be used to

Be used to indica hábito existente; be used to something significa “estar acostumado a/com

algo”. (Hábito e familiaridade.)

Here in Alaska we‘re used to cold weather.

Aqui no Alasca, estamos acostumados com o tempo frio.

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Get used to

Get used to indica processo de transformar algo em hábito; “get used to something” significa

“acostumar-se a/com algo”.

I can’t get used to this new uniform.

Não consigo me acostumar com o novo uniforme.

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Observações gramaticais:

Be/get used to pede gerúndio, não infinitive.

We‘re used to eating late.

Costumamos comer tarde.

He never got used to living abroad.

Ele nunca se acostumou com a vida no exterior.


I used to work at nights.

Antigamente eu trabalhava à noite. (Mas agora não


I‘m used to working at the weekend.

Estou acostumado com o trabalho / a trabalhar no

fim de semana.

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She was a British author, and campaigner for and

women's rights. Stopes founded the first birth

control clinic in Britain (and was arrested for this) and

the texts tells about it in London nowadays.

1. (2,0) Who was Marie Charlotte Carmichael Stopes and

how is she related to the text studied “- London (Home

and family – UFCE 2014)”?

2. (1,5) According to the same text “Family reduction was

partly a consequence of women’s changing status”. Do you

agree? Explain your reasons.

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3. (1,5) Com relação aos usos da expressão “Used to”, dê três

exemplos em inglês para cada um dos seguintes casos:

To express familiarity or habits: To talk about the changes between the past

and present:

1 ________________________________________ ________________________________________

2 ________________________________________ ________________________________________

3 ________________________________________ ________________________________________

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4. (1,0) Observe as frases a seguir. Se estiverem corretas do ponto de vista gramatical estudado, marque “OK”. Se

estiverem incorretas, reescreva-as, fazendo as correções necessárias:

a. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I used to do all the work on my own.


a. He was used to reading several books a month but he doesn't have time any more.


a. We were surprised to see her driving - she didn’t use to drive when we first met her.


a. It’s a simple program to use. I used to it in a few days after I started practising.


a. When I had to start working every day I used to getting up very early.


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5. (1,0) (Mackenzie 2009) Marque a alternativa correta:

A. I'm not used to _______________ up this early.



B. I used to _______________ a lot.



C. You'll have to get used to _______________ on the right when you live there.



D. It took me a while to get used to _______________ on a continental keyboard.



E. I didn't use to _______________ it, but I do now.



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A. I found it hard to get used to _______________ in such a hot country.



A. Where did you use to _______________ when you visited?



A. I used to _______________ hard when I was a student.



A. Have you got used to _______________ it yet?



A. I'm not used to _______________ so much tea.



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6. (1,0) Considere a canção a seguir. Explique de acordo com

as regras de uso da expressão “Used to” a ideia que se

pretende transmitir neste contexto: (Esta resposta pode ser

escrita em português)

I used to love her

But I had to kill her

I used to love her, Mm, yeah

But I had to kill her

I had to put her six feet under

And I can still hear her complain

I used to love her, Oo, yeah

But I had to kill her

I used to love her, Oo, yeah

But I had to kill her

I knew I'd miss her

So I had to keep her

She's buried right in my backyard

Oh yeah, Oo yeah, whoa, oh yeah

I used to love her (Guns n’ Roses)

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Hello, my name is Mary and I would like to tell you a little about myself. I always use a black pen to

write my name. and a computer to calculate the answers. I usually have coffee for breakfast but

sometimes I have fruit juice. I don't usually drink wine for lunch but I often do for dinner. When I was

a little girl I used to play with Barbie dolls (but I don't now). Mitterrand used to be President of

France (but he isn't now). My mother always used to make me sandwiches for lunch (but she

doesn't now). I used to drink milk out of a bottle when I was a baby (but I don't now). I usually

drank water out of a glass when I was a child (and I still do). When I lived in Scotland, I usually had

porridge for breakfast (and I sometimes do now). I was born in the country; it took me a long time

to get used to the noise and dirt of the town. You should probably know that I am very shy; I am not

used to performing in public. I also have some tips for you about English guests, remember they

are not used to eating as late as 8 o'clock. Do you find it difficult to get used to getting up so early?

I do! When I lived in Saigon I got used to the heat but it wasn't easy. When I was at school I got

used to wearing a uniform but I'd find it hard now. When I went to Scotland, I found it difficult at first

because I wasn't used to their accent, but it’s really easy now that I am used.

7. (1,0) A sentença “When I went to Scotland, I found it

difficult at first because I wasn't used to their accent, but it’s

really easy now that I am used”, representa:

a. Hábito e familiaridade

b. Mudança de hábito

c. Hábitos rotineiros

d. Mudança através do presente, passado e futuro

e. O uso do sotaque escossês

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8. (1,0) Explique em português a diferença da expressão “used

to” em cada um desses exemplos extraídos do texto:

When I was a

little girl I used

to play with

Barbie dolls.

I was born in the

country; it took me

a long time to get

used to the noise

and dirt of the


I am not used to

performing in






































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Questão desafio!

As próximas três questões precisam ter seu sentido exato traduzido. O seu ponto extra APENAS será garantido no caso de acerto das três

questões. O erro em qualquer uma delas, exclui o ponto extra.

The guide addressed her in French.

a)O orientador aconselhou-a um adereço francês.

b)O líder encaminhou-a para a França.

c)O cicerone dirigiu-se a ela em Francês.

d)O motorista levou-a à casa do francês.

I'm going to apply for that job.

a)Serei aproveitada naquele posto.

b)Vou me dedicar àquela tarefa.

c)Vou me candidatar àquele emprego.

d)Irei me adaptar àquela tarefa.

e)Irei mostrar meu esforço naquele trabalho.

Melhore sua forma física.

a)Get yourself in better physical shape.

b)Better your physic.

c)Give a better turn to your physical mould.

d)Ameliorate yourself in physics.

e)Make your physical pattern better.

Cicerone is an old term for a guide, usually a person who used to work in hotels, one who conducts visitors

and sightseers to museums, galleries, etc., and explains matters of archaeological, antiquarian, historic or

artistic interest.