corso di laurea magistrale in ingegneria biomedica · corso di laurea magistrale in ingegneria...

1 POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria dei Sistemi Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica TESI Interaction between dynamic Rubber Hand Illusion and viewpoint changes in Virtual Reality Relatori: Prof. Giuseppe BASELLI Prof. Olaf BLANKE Correlatore: Danilo REZENDE Maria Elena GRISOSTOLO Matricola: 740159 Anno Accademico 2010-2011

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POLITECNICO DI MILANO Facoltà di Ingegneria dei Sistemi

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica


Interaction between dynamic Rubber Hand Illusion

and viewpoint changes in Virtual Reality

Relatori: Prof. Giuseppe BASELLI

Prof. Olaf BLANKE

Correlatore: Danilo REZENDE


Matricola: 740159

Anno Accademico 2010-2011

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INDEX OF FIGURES............................................................................................... 4  

INDEX OF TABLES................................................................................................. 8  

SOMMARIO............................................................................................................. 9  

SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 17  

1.   INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 24  

2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................. 27  

2.1 MULTISENSORY PERCEPTION ............................................................ 27  

2.2 THE RUBBER HAND ILLUSION .............................................................. 33  

2.3 VIRTUAL RUBBER HAND ILLUSION ...................................................... 42  

3. EXPERIMENTAL AND DATA ANALYSIS METHODS................................... 45  

3.1 RATIONALE OF THE CURRENT EXPERIMENT .................................... 45  

3.2 DATA ANALYSIS METHODS................................................................... 49  

3.2 DATA MODEL........................................................................................... 51  

3.3 ESTIMATE METHODS............................................................................. 58  

4. MATHERIALS & METHODS.......................................................................... 61  

4.1 SUBJECTS ............................................................................................... 61  

4.2 TOOLS...................................................................................................... 61  

4.3 SETUP...................................................................................................... 65  

4.4 PROCEDURE........................................................................................... 70  

4.6 PILOT STUDY .......................................................................................... 76  

4.7 DATA MODEL........................................................................................... 78  

4.8 DATA ANALYSIS...................................................................................... 85  

5. RESULTS....................................................................................................... 95  

6. DISCUSSION............................................................................................... 108  

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7. CONCLUSIONS and FUTHER DEVELOPMENTS...................................... 117  

8. BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 120  

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Figure 1: risultati studio 1. Probabliita` di percepire la scena da una prospettiva in

prima persona, in funzione di spostamenti della telecamera lungo x, y, z. ........... 14  

Figure 2: risultati studio 2. Probabilità di percepire la mao virutale come propria, in

funzione di spostamenti della telecamera lungo x, y, z e utilizzando diversi gradi di

congruenza tra stimolo visivo e tattile. Linee blu: massimo grado di congruenza

visuo-tattile. Linea verde: minimo grado di congruenza. ....................................... 15  

Figure 3: risultats for study 1 - probability of perceiving a 1PP scene by displacing

the camera along x,y and z. .................................................................................. 21  

Figure 4: results for study 2 - probability of ownership feeling of the virtual hand,

varying the camera position and the congrency level. blue line: masimum visuo-

tactile congruency. Red line: minimum visuo-tactile congruency. ......................... 22  

Figure 5: Posterior of an object position, given the visual input (dotted line), the

auditory input (dashed line) and the visual and auditory inputs combined (solid

lined). The values along x axis represent the MAP estimate of the object position.

............................................................................................................................... 30  

Figure 6: Iterative basis function network performing multisensory predictions. ... 32  

Figure 7: An example of the rubber hand used to perform the experiments. ....... 33  

Figure 8: stimulation of both the rubber and the real hand.................................... 33  

Figure 9: the typical questionnaire used to evaluate the illusion. .......................... 35  

Figure 10: relationship between the reach displacement towards the rubber hand

and the illusion duration, during 30’ stimulation..................................................... 36  

Figure 11: drift towards the rubber hand for the synchronously brushed group [

tsakiris&haggard 2005].......................................................................................... 37  

Figure 12: 1PP vs. 3PP. ........................................................................................ 40  

Figure 13: Virtual RHI set-up. Left panel: the participant wears passive stereo

glasses and a head-tracker, and the virtual image is determined as a function of

his head direction. The experimenter taps and strokes the participant’s real hand

with a special device, whose position is tracked and ............................................ 43  

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Figure 14: Bayesian analysis combines prior beliefs about the quantities of interest

and information (or evidence) contained in an observed set of data, to make

inference on unknown quantities ........................................................................... 49  

Figure 15: psychometric curve and how parameter b and a affects its center and

its shape are plotted, using random values for a and b just to provide a qualitative

example. ................................................................................................................ 52  

Figure 16: spatial distribution of the collected answers for each camera position

(indicated in the axes of the plot). Different colors are used to discriminate different

answers: Blue points = “YES”, Red point = “NO”. The big blue ball in the middle

represents the subject’s head................................................................................ 55  

Figure 17: the fusionCORE™ software interface. ................................................. 62  

Figure 18: subject seated in the middle of the capture area while perfoming the

experiment............................................................................................................. 63  

Figure 19: Head Mounted Display (HMD) ............................................................. 64  

Figure 20: the virtual scene seen without wearing the HMD. ................................ 64  

Figure 21: the virtual scene, with a table, a ball and a hand. ................................ 66  

Figure 22: the virtual scene viewed by the operator. Green sphere: subject’s head.

Blue cone: camera. Blue grid: volume inside witch the camera randomly moves.

Red line: bias between camera and head position. Yellow ball: light. ................... 67  

Figure 23: virtual scene viewed by the operator while the subject was performing

the experiment....................................................................................................... 68  

Figure 24: 3 different body axes for 3 different camera movements. .................... 69  

Figure 25: the experimental flow. The experiment was divided into 3 main parts:

black screen, virtual scene and question............................................................... 70  

Figure 26: one subject during the experiment. ...................................................... 71  

Figure 27: question for the study 1: “Do you feel that the point of view of this trial is

the same as yours?" .............................................................................................. 72  

Figure 28: set-up for the subject's hand; two markers placed on the back of the

hand and one vibrating motor on the tip of the finger. ........................................... 73  

Figure 29: question for the study 2: “Do you feel the virtual hand as your own

hand?" ................................................................................................................... 74  

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Figure 30: the virtual hand with the forearm as appear in the scene. It lacked of

physiological parts such as the elbow, the arm and the shoulder. ........................ 76  

Figure 31: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along x (lef/right to the subject). ........................................ 96  

Figure 32: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along y (up/down to the subject)........................................ 97  

Figure 33: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along z (near/far from the subject)..................................... 98  

Figure 34: isoprobability curves. The blue area represents the maximum

porbabliity of having yes (80%) and the related range of positions along x and y

axis. ....................................................................................................................... 99  

Figure 35: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along x (left/right to the subject), using 3 different

congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%)................................................................. 102  

Figure 36: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along y (up/down to the subject), using 3 different

congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%)................................................................. 103  

Figure 37: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes,

displacing the camera along z (near/far from the subject), using 3 different

congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%)................................................................. 104  

Figure 38: Comparison between range of position for λ=0% (panels a and b) and

λ=100% (panels c and d), for x (top panels) and z (bottom panels). ................... 106  

Figure 39: results – study 1. Probability of having “YES, given a camera

displacement along the axis x, y, z..................................................................... 110  

Figure 40: possible explanation for the y bias that seems to be related to the set-

up......................................................................................................................... 111  

Figure 41: isoprobability curves. The light blue area represents the maximum

porbabliity of having yes (~80%) and the related range of positions along x and y

axis. The head of the subject is also plotted for an easier comprehension of the

figure.................................................................................................................... 112  

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Figure 42: results – study 2. Probability of experiencing the ownership feeling,

given a camera displacement along the 3 axis (x, y, z) and using 3 different

congruency levels................................................................................................ 113  

Figure 43: comparison between the range of positions along x (left panel) and z

(right panel) . ....................................................................................................... 115  

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Table 1: Optimum model for study 1 ..................................................................... 81  

Table 2: Values for optimum model for study 1 ..................................................... 81  

Table 3: Optimum model for study 2 ..................................................................... 84  

Table 4: Values of optimum model for study 2 ...................................................... 84  

Table 5: Output of the MCMC estimation, study 1................................................. 88  

Table 6: Maximum likelihood estimation, study 1 .................................................. 89  

Table 7: Output of the MCMC estimation, study 2................................................. 92  

Table 8: Maximum likelihood estimation, study 2 .................................................. 93  

Table 9: : Comparison between the two estimation methods................................ 94  

Table 10: Summary of main findings ..................................................................... 98  

Table 11: Summary of the predicted values and estimated standard errors ....... 100  

Table 12: Estimated standard errors and predicted values ................................. 107  

Table 13: Comparison of the standard deviation for the two studies presented here

............................................................................................................................. 115  

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Questo progetto è stato svolto nel laboratorio di neuroscienze cognitive (LNCO)

presso l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale di Losanna (CH). Il lavoro si basa sullo

studio del processo cognitivo relativo alla percezione del proprio corpo, in inglese

definito come senso di “ownership”.

In particolare si vuole investigare in quale misura all’interno di un ambiente di

realtà virtuale la percezione di ownership di una mano fittizia (detta “mano di

gomma”, “rubber hand”), che agisce e provoca feedback sensoriali in sincrono con

quella vera, venga influenzata da spostamenti del punto di vista virtuale

incongruenti con la posizione di vista naturale.

In generale, le ricerche su questo argomento rivestono un ruolo importante nello

studio dei disturbi che riguardano la consapevolezza del sé corporeo, la

percezione somatosensoriale (propriocettiva e tattile) e la percezione

dell’immagine corporea, che possono essere alterate in pazienti affetti da disturbi

psichiatrici, come la schizofrenia o la sindrome dell’arto fantasma.

Recentemente psicologi e ricercatori stanno indagando sui processi di percezione

utilizzando illusioni cognitive. Quest’ultime infatti costituiscono un utile

approccio per indagare sul senso di “ownership” e la percezione di sé e del

proprio corpo.

In particolare questo progetto si colloca tra le numerose ricerche basate su

un'illusione cognitiva chiamata "rubber hand illusion" (RHI). Si parla di RHI quando

un soggetto giunge a percepire come propria una mano di gomma, posta davanti

ad esso in posizione congrua con il resto del suo corpo, cioè con un'angolazione

simile a quella che potrebbe avere la sua stessa mano. La mano reale viene

nascosta alla vista del soggetto ed un operatore stimola con un pennello sia la

mano di gomma che la mano reale. Osservando la stimolazione effettuata sulla

mano finta ma percependo la stimolazione tattile della mano reale, il soggetto

cade in una incredibile illusione percettiva: si inganna sull’appartenenza delle mani

che vede davanti a sé, percependo come propria la mano di gomma. Questo

avviene però solo se la stimolazione delle due mani è eseguita in modo sincrono.

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(Botvinick M, J Cohen(1998)). E’ evidente l’interesse in realtà virtuale dove di

norma viene rappresentato il corpo del soggetto, o un sua porzione, o un attrezzo

che agisce sotto il comando del soggetto e viene fatto interagire con lo scenario

virtuale volendo creare una percezione di ownership.

Tutti gli esperimenti relativi a questo progetto sono stati svolti utilizzando una

realtà virtuale, progettata in modo da ricreare un set-up simile a quello

dell’esperimento sopra descritto, sostituendo la mano di gomma con una mano

virtuale. In questo modo abbiamo potuto testare la classica RHI, sfruttando però i

vantaggi di un ambiente virtuale, quali la sistematica modifica dei parametri sui

quali volevamo indagare, la riproducibilità delle stesse condizioni tra soggetti

diversi ed una generale automatizzazione per raccogliere i dati ed analizzarli,

riuscendo cosi a studiare questa illusione con un approccio più scientifico rispetto

agli studi psico-fisici presenti in letteratura.

Materiali & Metodi


Questo progetto vede come obiettivo lo studio di come una mano virtuale venga

percepita come propria dal soggetto che esegue l’esperimento. In particolare

abbiamo analizzato come la prospettiva della scena virtuale osservata modificava

questa illusione. Infatti in letteratura è noto che la visione della scena da una

prospettiva in prima persona (first person visual perspective – 1PP) rappresentava

un fattore critico per far nascere questa illusione (Ehrsson HH(2007); Petkova VI,

Khoshnevis M. e Ehrsson HH (2011).


E' stato appositamente progettato un set-up per ricreare una scena virtuale e

simulare le condizioni della classica RHI. La scena virtuale prevedeva un tavolo

con una pallina posta su di esso ed un braccio virtuale. Durante gli esperimenti i

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soggetti dovevano interagire con gli oggetti della scena, avendo come compito

quelli di toccare la pallina virtuale sul tavolo.

Abbiamo utilizzato un dispositivo (tracking system: ACT ReActor2) per riuscire a

riprodurre i movimenti reali dei soggetti nello scenario virtuale. Grazie a markers

applicati alla mano del soggetto, la mano virtuale si muoveva seguendo i

movimenti della mano reale. Durante gli esperimenti i partecipanti indossavano

anche un particolare dispositivo a caschetto (Head-mounted-display HMD), dotato

di lenti che permettevano l'osservazione di una scena in 3D. Anche su questo

dispositivo abbiamo applicato dei markers, in modo che anche i movimenti della

testa dei soggetti venissero registrati, per permettere la proiezione di una scena

coerente con l’inclinazione della testa e la direzione dello sguardo. In questo

modo, utilizzando sia il dispositivo per il tracking dei movimenti, che il caschetto

per osservare la scena in 3D, i soggetti erano in grado di osservare la stanza,

muoversi nello spazio ed interagire con gli oggetti. Inoltre abbiamo applicato sotto

al polpastrello dell’indice della mano destra dei soggetti un piccolo generatore di

vibrazioni. Questo dispositivo era utilizzato per trasmettere la stimolazione tattile

necessaria per l’esperimento: il soggetto riceveva un feedback tattile ogni volta

che toccava la pallina virtuale nella scena.

Tuttavia, per ottenere un set-up simile a quello della classica RHI il soggetto

doveva ricevere un stimolo visivo oltre che tattile. Cosi abbiamo progettato la

scena in modo che la pallina cambiasse colore e si spostasse ogni volta che essa

veniva toccata dal soggetto, e questo rappresentava lo stimolo visivo necessario

per suscitare l’illusione.

Allo stesso tempo, toccando la pallina, il soggetto riceveva anche lo stimolo tattile

dal motorino applicato alla mano reale. In questo modo, modificando la

congruenza tra stimolo visivo e tattile (ad esempio, lo stimolo tattile non veniva

sempre trasmesso ad ogni tocco della pallina), abbiamo potuto analizzare come

questo fattore di congruenza influenzasse l’illusione.

Abbiamo inoltre voluto testare un secondo fattore critico: la prospettiva della scena

osservata dal soggetto, valutando come una scena vista da una prospettiva in

prima persona potesse influire sull’illusione di percepire la mano virtuale come

propria. Per fare ciò, venivano mostrate ai soggetti diverse prospettive della stessa

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scena. In seguito veniva loro chiesto di valutare se la scena fosse stata riprodotta

con una 1PP o meno. Questo concetto si basa sull’idea che i soggetti potessero

osservare la scena da una telecamera virtuale che riproduceva l’immagine

virtuale. La telecamera era stata progettata in modo da muoversi in modo casuale

nello spazio, riproducendo scene da diversi punti di vista, a seconda della sua

posizione. Assumendo che la telecamera fosse in grado di ricreare una scena in

1PP ogni qualvolta si trovasse posizionata al centro della testa del soggetto

questo modo, siamo riusciti ad identificare il range delle posizioni che

permettessero la riproduzione di una scena in 1PP, correlando la posizione della

telecamera virtuale con la prospettiva della scena mostrata.


Per realizzare questo lavoro, sono stati ideati e svolti due esperimenti separati.

Con un primo studio preliminare (studio 1) sono stati studiati i meccanismi relativi

alla pura percezione in un ambiente virtuale, per cercare di capire quali fossero le

condizioni necessarie affinché il soggetto percepisse la scena virtuale da una

prospettiva in prima persona, in termini di posizione della telecamera. Una volta

evidenziato questo range di posizioni, abbiamo eseguito un secondo studio (studio

2) per testare specificatamente l’illusione del percepire la mano virtuale come


Ai soggetti veniva chiesto di toccare ripetutamente la pallina, spostando la mano

virtuale verso di essa. Grazie al sistema di tracking dei movimenti del braccio, i

soggetti riuscivano a pilotare la mano virtuale semplicemente muovendo il proprio

braccio. In seguito veniva loro chiesto di indicare se avessero percepito la mano

virtuale come propria.

Sfruttando la realtà virtuale, siamo quindi riusciti a testare i soggetti sotto diverse

condizioni, ottenute sia modificando la posizione della telecamera e quindi la

prospettiva della scena, sia variando il livello di congruenza tra lo stimolo visivo e il

feedback tattile al momento del contatto con la pallina virtuale.

In questo modo abbiamo analizzato come questi due fattori potessero influenzare

il senso di “ownership”, suscitando o meno l’illusione.

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Per analizzare i dati al fine di ottenere i risultati, abbiamo costruito un modello di

dati basato sull'idea di una curva psicometrica, ossia una curva sigmoide che

legasse l’intensità dello stimolo alla risposta ad esso. Nel nostro set-up, lo stimolo

differiva in funzione della posizione della telecamera, della direzione dei suoi

movimenti nello spazio e del livello di congruenza del feedback tattile.

Per stimare i parametri del modello abbiamo impiegato due metodi, uno basato sul

metodo della massima verosimiglianza e l'altro su tecniche di analisi bayesiana.

Quest'ultimo, in particolare, si basa sul metodo Markov Chain Monte Carlo

(MCMC) per la stima dei parametri.


I risultati relativi allo studio 1 dimostrano che movimenti della telecamera eseguito

lungo l'asse x e y (movimenti laterali e verticali rispetto al soggetto) influivano sulla

risposta dei soggetti, i quali percepivano una scena in 1PP spostando la

telecamera tra -10 e 10 cm a destra o a sinistra, unitamente ad uno spostamento

verticale tra -3 cm e -20 cm verso il basso alla testa del soggetto. Invece

movimenti lungo l’asse di profondità z (allontanando/avvicinando la telecamera

dagli occhi del soggetto, mostrando una scena da vicino/da lontano) non

influenzavano significativamente la risposta dei soggetti, che non notavano

differenze in termini di prospettiva, nella scena percepita. inoltre, per spostamenti

lungo l'asse y, la curva non era centrata in zero (posizione della testa del

soggetto) ma era presente un bias di circa -10 cm, probabilmente dovuto ad

impostazioni iniziali del set-up (Figure 1).

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Figure 1: risultati studio 1. Probabliita` di percepire la scena da una prospettiva in prima persona, in

funzione di spostamenti della telecamera lungo x, y, z.

I risultati dello studio 2 hanno mostrato invece come l’insorgere dell’illusione

dipendesse in primo lungo dal grado di congruenza tra stimolo visivo e tattile.

Quando il feedback tattile era sincrono al 100% con quello visivo, la probabilità di

percepire la mano virtuale come propria era ~ 25% maggiore della probabilità

ottenuta applicando un feedback completamente asincrono [P(illusione) max ~

80% con λ = 100% e P(illusione) max <60% con λ = 0%]. Questo risultato si

dimostra essere coerente con i quelli ottenuti nell'esperimento classico della RHI

(Tsakiris & Sparuto 2005).

Abbiamo ottenuto anche un ulteriore risultato circa l’effetto di un cambio di

prospettiva della scena. Infatti, indipendentemente dal grado di congruenza

applicato, l’illusione raggiungeva un massimo quando la scena virtuale veniva

mostrata da una prospettiva in prima persona (confrontando i risultati ottenuti dallo

studio 1 circa il range di posizioni della fotocamera) e diminuiva presentando al

soggetto scene da punti di vista diversi dal proprio. Anche questo secondo

risultato si dimostra essere in linea con i risultati presenti in letteratura, riguardanti

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l'importanza nel suscitare l’illusione di una scena vista in prima persona (Petkova,

Khoshnevis Ehrsson (2011); Ehrsson (2007)). il bias presente lungo l'asse y era

presente anche in questo studio, supportando ulteriormente l'ipotesi relativa al set-

up iniziale (Figure 2).

Inoltre, analizzando l’effetto dei due fattori combinati insieme, abbiamo notato che

il feedback tattile era in grado di rafforzare l’illusione, presente anche quando la

scena non veniva esattamente mostrata da una prospettiva in prima persona.

Quindi, abbiamo potuto concludere che, in generale, lo stimolo tattile svolga un

ruolo importante nella percezione corporea in esperimenti svolti in realtà virtuali,

rafforzando la sensazione di trovarsi all’interno di un ambiente reale e producendo

di conseguenza una più vivida sensazione che la mano virtuale sia vera.

Figure 2: risultati studio 2. Probabilità di percepire la mao virutale come propria, in funzione di

spostamenti della telecamera lungo x, y, z e utilizzando diversi gradi di congruenza tra stimolo

visivo e tattile. Linee blu: massimo grado di congruenza visuo-tattile. Linea verde: minimo grado di


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Questo set-up virtuale si è dimostrato essere valido per riprodurre le condizione

dell’esperimento classico della RHI.

Inoltre abbiamo dimostrato che una scena vista da una prospettiva in prima

persona (1PP scena) insieme ad una stimolazione tattile sincrona con quella

visiva, rappresentano delle condizioni necessarie per percepire la mano virtuale

come propria (in generale, per indurre un senso di “ownership”), anche se si è

rivelato che la condizione di ownership permette un campo di variazione del

spostamento del punto di vista virtuale ampliato. Questo notevole risultato, non

prevedibile a priori, sembra legato alla maggiore capacità di adattamento sensori-

motorio nel caso in cui si passi da una visione puramente passiva a una

interazione attiva con la scena, coi relativi feedback.

Tuttavia questo rappresenta solo un primo tentativo di creare una set-up virtuale e

dinamico. Saranno necessarie ulteriori analisi per ottenere dei risultati completi,

come ad esempio la necessità di eseguire una più accurata analisi degli errori ed

eseguire anche un’analisi tra i diversi soggetti. Inoltre, per migliorare la scena

virtuale potrebbero essere necessarie anche opportune modifiche al set-up, in

termini di qualità dell’immagine e verosimiglianza con una scena reale. Anche

l’aspetto della mano virtuale si potrebbe ulteriormente migliorare, specialmente per

quel che riguarda la riproduzione fedele dei movimenti reali in ambiente virtuale.

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The current project was carried out in the laboratory of cognitive neuroscience

(LNCO) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH). This work

focuses on the exploration of the body ownership feeling, a cognitive process

involving the experience of being the owner of one’s body. In particular, it was

investigated how changes in perspective affected the ownership feeling of a virtual

hand in a virtual environment.

Since psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or phantom limb syndrome are

related to an impaired self-perception, many neurological and psychological

studies are being developed around this topic in order to better understand these

psychiatric diseases. In recent years researchers try to learn more about

perception processes also using cognitive illusions, an useful approach to

investigate bodily self-perception and sense of ‘self’. In particular this project is

related to a cognitive illusion called “Rubber hand illusion” (RHI), in which people

live the experience that a fake rubber hand is actually their own hand (Botvinick M,

Cohen J (1998)). It is evident the relevance for virtual reality studies where the

subject, a part of his body or a device operated by him is interacting with the virtual


Materials & Methods


The present work was carried out to explore the mechanisms responsible for the

body ownership feeling, exploiting a recent developed technology: the Virtual

Reality. The goal of this study was to test an aspect of body ownership, the first-

person visual perspective (1PP), known as being a critical factor for triggering the

illusion of body ownership (Ehrsson H.H. (2007); Petkova V. I., Khoshnevis M.and

Ehrsson H.H. (2011).

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Operating in a virtual environment, we managed to build a robust virtual set-up

that could well reproduce the classical RHI conditions. Moreover VR allowed a

systematic change of variables and a precise reproduction of the conditions

among different subjects, supporting a more scientific approach to investigate on

the classical RHI.


A virtual set-up was designed to recreated and simulated the RHI conditions. We

recreated a virtual scene, with a virtual table and a virtual ball on it. A virtual arm

was also designed to mimic the rubber fake hand used in the classical RHI.

Subjects sitting on a real chair had to interact with this virtual scenario. They felt

themselves as seat at the table, with their arm place on it. During the experiments

they had to interact with this virtual scenario. They were asked to touch a virtual

ball on the table, moving their real arm.

A tracking system (ACT ReActor2) was necessary to conduct the experiments in

order to reproduce the subjects’ movements in the virtual scenario. In this way

when subject’s moved their own arm even the virtual one moved, following the real


During the experiments participants wore a head-mounted display set (HMD), that

allows the observation of a 3D scene simulated with the computer. Also this device

was tracked with ACT ReActor 2 system, so that even the positions and the

movements of subjects’ head could be registered. Then the graphics hardware

computed the information about the head’s position and updated the image to

match the motion of the participant's head. Thus, joining the tracking system and

the HMD, participants were completely able to "look around" the virtual scene and

interact with it. In particular, during the experiments, they saw the virtual arm

touching the ball, according to their real movements.

A vibrating motor was also attached to the tip of the right index finger. This device

conveyed a vibration feedback when subject touched the ball.

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During the experiment, subjects were asked to touch the virtual ball several times.

The mainly idea of this set-up was that the virtual ball, when touched, changed its

position and colour, providing a visual stimulus to the subject. Simultaneously,

subject’s received also a tactile stimulus (provided by the vibrator) on the real

hand. Changing the congruency between the tactile and visual stimuli, we could

analyse how this factor affected the ownership feeling. Moreover, we wanted to

analyse the effect of a 1PP scene. Hence we presented to the subjects virtual

scenes from different points of views. Then, they were asked to evaluate if the

scene was shown in a 1PP or not.

Two different studies were perform in order to achieve this goal. A preliminary

study (study 1) investigated the pure perceptual mechanisms in virtual

environment to find out how subjects could perceive a virtual scene in 1PP.

Collecting and analysing the subjects’ answers, we were able to reproduce the

conditions necessary to show a 1PP virtual scene in a second study. This

experiment based on the idea that subjects observed the scene trough a virtual

camera instead of looking it directly with their own eyes. We accepted that when

the camera was centred on the subject’s head, this scene had exactly the same

point of view of a scene viewed by the subject from his/her position (1PP scene).

The camera was designed to randomly move in the space around subjects’ head,

reproducing scenes by different points of view, according to its position. Thus,

since the perspective of the scene was related to the positions of a virtual camera,

we wanted to identify the range of the positions that allowed the creation of a 1PP

virtual scene. Exploiting the VR, we could systematically modify the 1PP

displacing the virtual camera and collect the relative answer.

Study 2 focused on the investigation of the ownership feeling itself. Subjects were

ask to indicate if they felt the virtual hand as their own, after performing the task.

Operating in VR, we managed to both change the camera positions and the

congruency level of the visual-tactile stimulation systematically and collected the

related answers. Thus, performing the study 2, we found out how the two main

factors involved in the RHI (1PP and congruency) affected the ownership feeling.

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To analyse data in order to obtain the results, we built a data model based on the

idea of a psychometric curve, a sigmoid curve joining stimulus with stimulus-

response. The stimulus depended on the camera position, the direction of the

camera movements around the virtual space and the congruency level of the

tactile feedback. in order to estimate the model paramenters, two diffent estimation

mathods were employed here. First, an iteratively reweighted least squares

method for maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters was

performed. Second, Bayesian inference was performed on the model’s

parameters, which were estimated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)



Results related to study 1 showed that a 1PP scene could be reproduced by

moving the camera between -10 cm and 10 cm right/left to the subject’s head

combined with a vertical displacement between -3 cm and -20 cm down to the

subject. Movements along the depth axis (by moving the camera far/near to the

subject) do not greatly affect the perspective of the scene. Moreover, an evident

bias of -10 cm on the maximum probability of perceiving a scene as a 1PP scene

was found for vertical camera moviments. This bias was probably due to a

sistematic problem with the set-up and it was not involved with a cognitive effect.

(y axis) (Figure 3).

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Figure 3: results for study 1 - probability of perceiving a 1PP scene by displacing the camera along

x,y and z.

Results from study 2 showed that the probability of feeling the virtual hand as own

with providing a fully synchronous feedback was ~25% higher than with a

asynchronous feedback [P(ownership) max ~ 80% with λ=100% and

P(ownership) max < 60% with λ=0%].

This findings was coherent with the results obtained in the classical RHI

experiment (see Figure 11) (tsakiris&haggard 2005). Furthermore, independently

to λ value, the ownership feeling reached a maximum when the virtual scene was

shown in a 1PP (placing the camera according to the results of study 1) and

decreased if presenting a virtual scenario from a point of view different from the

subject’s one. Even this result was consistent with the results in literature

concerning the importance of a 1PP for the ownership mechanisms (Petkova,

Khoshnevis Ehrsson (2011) ;Ehrsson (2007)).The bias along the vertical axis was

still present, reinforcing the hypothesis of a set-up problem rather than a cognitive

effect (Figure 4).

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Furthermore, we found that providing a tactile stimulation to the subject the feeling

of ownership increased, even if the scene is not perfectly view in 1PP. Thus, we

can also conclude that tactile feedbacks plays an important role in the ownership

feeling, giving a more realistic sense of being inside the virtual environment.

Figure 4: results for study 2 - probability of ownership feeling of the virtual hand, varying the

camera position and the congruency level. blue line: maximum visuo-tactile congruency. Red line:

minimum visuo-tactile congruency.


In summary, we conclude that a 1PP virtual scene combined with a congruent

visuo-motor feedback are necessary conditions to induce the ownership feeling of

a virtual hand, performing the classical experiment of the RHI in VR. Furthermore

this project proves that our virtual set-up was suitable to reproduce the classical

RHI conditions. It was shown that the ownership condition allows for variations in

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the broadened observation region of the subject. This significant result, which was

not foreseen a priori, is linked to the an improved possibility of having an

ownership feeling, thanks to the active interation with the virtual environment and

to the actile feedback.

This was just a first attempt to created a dynamic-virtual set-up and many aspects

need to be completed yet. First, an accurate error analysis and inter-subject

variability analysis should be performed in order to achieve more quantitative

results to support these finding. Further advancements could be also performed to

render the virtual scene more realistic, in terms of quality of the scene and ability

to reproduce the physiological arm movements.

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One of the biggest challenges of present-day research is to fully understand the

human brain and its internal mechanisms. In order to achieve this goal, an

increasing number of studies are being carried out on this topic.

The current study pertains to a group of researches involving the study of the body

ownership feeling, a cognitive process involving the experience of being the owner

of one’s body. Every day we all feel our limbs as something that belongs to our

own body. When we look at our hands, we immediately know that they are part of

our own body. But how and where does this feeling arise?

This question has been discussed by philosophers and psychologists for centuries

(James W. ed. (1890), Jeannerod M. (2003), Merleau-Ponty M., ed. (1945),

Metzinger T., ed. (2003)). It is commonly acknowledged that the experience of

being the owner of one’s body relates to the problem of correctly identifying

oneself in the sensory environment (Graziano M., Botvinick M. (2002), Prinz W.,

Hommel B., eds (2002), Makin T.R., Holmes N.P., Ehrsson H.H. (2008)), involving

the central nervous system (Churchland, P. S. (2002)).

Perception of the body is due to a multi-sensorial integration process where the

brain has to integrate tactile, proprioceptive, visual and vestibular information in

order to create a coherent representation of the body. Neural integration of vision

and touch may be essential for developing and maintaining this sense of bodily


We know from neurology that people suffering from pathological conditions

affecting frontal and parietal lobes can sometimes fail to recognise their limbs as

belonging to themselves. For example, a schizophrenic person might try to throw

his/her left leg out of the bed every morning, thinking that leg belongs to someone

else. Moreover, a damage in the premotor cortex, such as the one caused by a

stroke, could induce a similar misidentification or unawareness of a limb. In the

phantom limb syndrome the patient has the sensation that an amputated or

missing limb, often felt in a distorted and painful position, is still attached to the

body. These neurological observations suggest that certain brain regions might be

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responsible for generating the feeling of being located within one’s body and the

experience of belonging to it. But processes regulating the ownership feeling and

self-body perception cannot be exhaustively explained by neurological

observations alone and alternative techniques are needed.

For this reason, researchers try to learn more about perception processes using

cognitive illusions. The study of cognitive illusions represents a classic

psychological approach to investigate bodily self-perception and sense of ‘self’.

Among these cognitive illusions there is the so called ‘Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI),

in which people live the experience that a rubber fake hand is actually their own

hand (Botvinick M, Cohen J (1998)). This effect is due to a multisensory conflict

between visual and tactile information when a synchronous visual-tactile

stimulation is applied both on the real hand and the fake one. Thus, due to this

incorrect integration of vision and touch information, the brain is no longer able to

create a current representation of the body position.

The present work, based on the classical RHI just briefly introduced, was carried

out to explore the mechanisms responsible for the body ownership feeling,

exploiting a recent developed technology: the Virtual Reality.

VR, a concept first coined by Jaron Lenier during the mid 80’s, refers to the use of

specific resources of computer technology to provide its users with a computer

based environment in such a way that the user actually believes and feels that he

is immersed in such environment (Monnet J., 1995). This definition implies that

besides being a technology VR refers also to an “experience”. In order to achieve

such an effect and make a VR experience as close as possible to a primary world

experience, VR technology aims to provide users with two essential features:

Immersion and Interactivity. The first reflects the sensation of being inside the

alternative environment, while the latter means that the environment actually

changes in response to the users activity.

VR is apparently not born as a research tool in neuroscience, but mainly as a

mean to interface human senses and action to machines for different purposes.

For example, VR offers great advantages in many different medical applications.

Surgery is one of the most promising fields in which this technique has been

successfully applied. VR could be useful for surgeons, who may have a complete

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simulated view of the surgery. Moreover, practicing with virtual patients would be a

practical way for medical students to learn how to perform surgery.

Nonetheless, its capability to deliver complex scenarios and to arbitrarily govern

the internal relationships of sensory-motor loops render it an invaluable tool even

in neuroscience, for the investigation of human external and self perception (Slater

et al., 2005).

The goal of this study was to test an aspect of body ownership, the first- person

visual perspective (1PP), known as being a critical factor for triggering the illusion

of body ownership (Ehrsson H.H. (2007); Petkova V. I., Khoshnevis M.and

Ehrsson H.H. (2011). We assessed the adaptation capabilities of the visuo-motor

system in perceiving the ownership of a virtual hand acting in a virtual scenario in

presence of mismatches between the real subject’s vision point and the virtual one

delivered by a VR system.

Operating in a virtual environment, we managed to build a robust virtual set-up

that could well reproduce the classical RHI conditions. Moreover VR allowed a

systematic change of variables and precise reproduction of the conditions among

different subjects, supporting a more scientific approach to investigate on the

classical RHI.

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Our perception of the word is the result of a multisensory integration of all the

different information coming from our senses, such as vision, audition and

proprioception. The nervous system combines all these information, letting us

have a coherent representation of the external objects and a perceptual

experience of it.

This multisensory integration is difficult to perform for two main reasons. First, the

reliability of sensory modalities varies widely according to the context. For

example, in daylight, visual cues are more reliable than auditory cues to localize

objects, while the contrary is true at night. Thus, the brain should rely more on

auditory cues at night and more on visual cues during the day to estimate object


Second, each sensory modality uses a different format to encode the same

properties of an object. Thus, the position of an objects is encoded in different

frames of reference, depending on the sensory modality. For example, visual

stimuli are represented by neurons with receptive fields on the retina (eye-centred

frame of reference), auditory stimuli by neurons with receptive fields around the

head (head-centred frame of reference) and tactile stimuli by neurons with

receptive fields anchored on the skin. A change in the eye position or body posture

will result in a change in the correspondence between visual, auditory and tactile

neural responses encoding the same object.

Thus, multisensory integration cannot be a simple averaging between converging

sensory inputs. More elaborate computations are required to interpret neural

responses corresponding to the same object in different sensory areas.

From literature we know that the probabilistic Bayesian approach provides a

solution to deal with the first issue of combining cues that are not equally reliable

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(D.C. Knill, W. Richards (1996)). Localizing an object seen and heard at the same

time consists of computing the probability that the object is at that location, given

its image and sound, for each location in space.

The Bayesian approach allows the optimal combinations of multiple sources of

information about a quantity x.

Considering x the position of an object which can be seen and heard at the same

time, rvis the noisy neural responses in the visual cortex and raud the noisy

responses of auditory neuron.

The position of the object is most probably near the receptive fields of the most

active cells, but this position cannot be determined with infinite precision due to the

presence of neural noise. Thus, a good strategy is to compute the posterior

probability that the object is at position x, given the visual neural responses P(x|


Using the Bayes rule in equation (1), P(x| rvis) can be obtained by combining the

distribution of neural noise P( rvis| x) with prior knowledge on the distribution of

object position P(x) and the prior probability of neural responses P(rvis).

P(x | rvis) = P(rvis | x)P(x) /P(rvis)                                  (1)

This distribution P(x| rvis) is called posterior probability. P( rvis| x) represents the

noise distribution. It corresponds to the variability in neural responses for a fixed

stimulus and it can be measured experimentally by repetitively presenting an

object at the same position x and measuring the variability in rvis (that is why we

call this term the ‘‘noise’’ distribution).

We can ignore the denominator, P(rvis), because it is independent of the variable x

that we want to measure. P(x) is called prior distribution, concerning the

knowledge that an object is more likely to appear in some visual locations than

others. If we can assume that all positions are equally likely P(x)=constant This

implies that P(x) does not depend on x and it can be also ignored.

Therefore, Eq. (1) reduces to:

P(x | rvis)∝ P(rvis | x)  (2)

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Once the posterior distribution is computed, an estimate of the position of the

object can be obtained by recovering the value of x that maximizes that


xvis = [argmax]x P(x | rvis) (3)

This is known as the maximum a posteriori estimate (MAP).

When we hear the object, a similar posterior distribution P(x| raud) and its

corresponding estimate

ˆ x aud can be computed based on the noisy responses of

auditory neuron raud.

When the object is heard and seen at the same time, the estimate

ˆ x bim (‘‘bim’’

stands for bimodal) need to be computed, using the same approach by maximizing

the posterior distribution, P(x| rvis,raud).  

xbim = [argmax]x P(x | rvis,raud ) (4)

To compute the posterior distribution, we use Bayes law, which under the

assumption of a flat prior distribution, reduces to:  

P(x | rvis,raud )∝ P(rvis,raud | x) (5)

Assuming that the noise corrupting the visual neurons is independent from the

one corrupting the auditory neurons we can write the (3) as follows:

P(x | rvis,raud )∝ P(rvis | x)P(raud | x) (6)

And finally, knowing the Eq. (2), we can write the (6) as follows:

P(x | rvis,raud )∝ P(x | rvis)P(x | raud ) (7)

According to the Eq. (7) the bimodal posterior distribution can be obtained by

simply taking the product of the unimodal distributions. An example of this

operation is illustrated in Figure 5.

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Figure 5: Posterior of an object position, given the visual input (dotted line), the auditory input

(dashed line) and the visual and auditory inputs combined (solid lined). The values along x axis

represent the MAP estimate of the object position.



P(x | rvis) and

P(x | raud ) are Gaussian probability distributions, as is the case

in Figure 5, the bimodal estimate

ˆ x bim can be obtained by taking a linear

combination of the unimodal estimates,  

ˆ x vis and

ˆ x aud weighted by their respective

reliabilities, 1/σ2vis and 1/σ2


The reliability of the visual and auditory estimates are the inverse of the variances

of the visual and auditory posterior probabilities. In particular, if the visual input is

more reliable than the auditory input (1/σ2vis is smaller than 1/σ2

aud) then the

bimodal estimate of position should be closer to the visual estimate and vice versa

if audition is more reliable than vision.

Recent psychophysical data suggests that the brain might employ such adaptive

procedure to combine optimally neural responses in different sensory modalities,

taking into account the relative reliability of different sensory cues before

combining them (R.J. van Beers, A.C. Sittig, J.J. Denier van der Gon (1996), R.J.

van Beers, A.C. Sittig, J.J. Gon(1999), R.J. van Beers, D.M. Wolpert, P. Haggard

(2002), M.O. Ernst, M.S. Banks (2002), M.O. Ernst, M.S. Banks, H.H. Bulthoff

(2000), J.E. Atkins, J. Fiser, R.A. Jacobs (2001)).

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Unfortunately, the Bayesian model is incomplete as a theory of spatial

multisensory integration because it does not explain how sensory modalities can

be combined despite using different frames of reference.

One possible solution to this last problem is to propose that sensory responses are

remapped in a common frame of reference before converging on multisensory

cells, where the necessary coordinates transformation are computed, putting all

the sensory inputs in the same format.

In order to identify brain areas involved in cross-modal spatial interactions,

Macaluso et al. used brain imaging studies while subject where presented with

lateralized visual, tactile and bimodal stimuli (E. Macaluso, J. Driver,(2001)). They

found unimodal areas that responded only to tactile (post central gyrus) or visual

(lateral and inferior occipital lobe) contralateral stimuli. They also found

multisensory areas activated by both contralateral visual and tactile stimuli

(anterior intra-parietal sulcus). This first result supports the sensory remapping

hypothesis, according to which inputs from unimodal sensory areas would

converge on multisensory areas to be presumably recoded in the same frame of

reference. Moreover, evidences from electrophysiological recordings in monkeys

show that sensory input tends to be recorded in the same frames of reference on

multisensory areas. For example, visual, auditory and tactile stimuli are remapped

in a skin-centered frame of reference in the premotor cortex (M. Graziano, X. Hu,

C. Gross (1997), M.S. Graziano, G.S. Yap, C.G. Gross (1994)).

However, these findings do not solve the problem of how auditory inputs are

remapped in eye-centered frames of reference or visual inputs in skin-centered

frame of reference.

Thus, Deneve et al. (Deneve S., Pouget A., 2004) proposed a new model, in which

multisensory areas combine sensory inputs in a comm0n format, allowing

multidirectional sensory predictions. This model accounts for neurophysiological

and psychophysical data and performs Bayesian multisensory integration without

explicitly representing probability distributions.

In this model unimodal input layers are interconnected with a multisensory

intermediate layers with basis function units (Figure 6). At each iteration, the eye-

centered (visual), head-centered (auditory) and eye position (proprioceptive)

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inputs are combined on the multisensory layer. These multisensory activities are

then fed back into the input layers, in a way that compute the eye-centered

position from the head-centered position and eye position, and vice versa the

head-centered position from the eye-centered and eye position. This process is

iterated until an agreement is reached between the visual and auditory position

encoded in the corresponding layers and the network converges to stable hills of

activities. The positions of the stable hills are the network estimates for the

position of the object in eye-centered and head-centered coordinates, as well as

the position of the eyes.

Figure 6: Iterative basis function network performing multisensory predictions.

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2.2 THE RUBBER HAND ILLUSION Quite recently, in 1998, Botvinick and Cohen, two american psychologists,

discovered an amazing illusion. They noticed that they could induce an ownership

feeling, putting a rubber hand (Figure 7) on a table in front of the subjects and

stroking it in the same way as the subjects’ hidden real hand (Figure 8).

During this illusion, called "rubber hand illusion" (RHI), the ownership feeling of the

real hand decreased in subject, who felt as the rubber hand was his/her own hand.

Hence, RHI became an useful approach to evaluate how sight, touch and

"proprioception" - the sense of body position - combine together to create a feeling

of body ownership, one of the bases of self-consciousness.

Figure 7: An example of the rubber hand used to perform the experiments.

Figure 8: stimulation of both the rubber and the real hand.

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RHI: procedure and results [Botvinick M, Cohen J (1998): Rubber hands ‘feel’ touch that eyes see.


Ten subjects were tested to perform this experiment. They were seated with their

left arm resting upon a small table. A rubber hand was placed on the table directly

in front of the subject. A standing screen was located beside the arm to hide it

from the subject’s view. Thus, the subject was able to see only the artificial hand.

For ten minutes, the experimenter used two small paintbrushes to stroke the

rubber hand and the subject’s hidden hand. This tactile stimulation provided by

brushing both the real hand and the artificial hand should be as synchronous as


After the stroking, subjects completed a two-part questionnaire. They were ask to

give an open-ended description of their experience and to affirm or deny the

occurrence of nine specific perceptual effects (Figure 9). Three specific questions

were formulated to measure the strength of the RHI:

- “It seems as if I were feeling the touch of the paintbrush in the location where

I saw the rubber hand touched”

- “It seemed as if the touch I felt was caused by the paintbrush touching the

rubber hand” (illusory touch)

- “I felt as if the rubber hand were my own hand” (illusory ownership)

Collecting and analysing the answers, experimenters noticed that subjects

seemed to feel the touch coming from the viewed rubber hand and not from the

hidden real hand.

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Figure 9: the typical questionnaire used to evaluate the illusion.

Figure 9 shows the questionnaire results. The underline statements describe the

predicted phenomena. Subjects indicated their response using a scale ranging

from ‘agree strongly’ (+++) to ‘disagree strongly’(---). Points indicate mean

responses. Bars indicate response range.

The questions underlined showed a statistically significant tendency to evoke

affirmative responses.

A new hypothesis was formulated accordingly with the results: the mismatching

between of visual and tactile inputs was due to a distortion of position sense.

Thus, a second study was carried out to investigate on the proprioceptive

information during the RHI.

Participants were asked to completed a series of intermanual reaches. With eyes

closed, they had to move their right hand towards the left one. Particularly, they

were asked to align the right index finger with the left one. They had to perform

this task three times.

Then the subjects’ hand was stimulated with the same conditions of the first

experiment but for a longer stroking period, precisely 30 minutes.

After this stimulation period, participants had to perform other three intermanual

reaches as the previous ones.

Results showed a proprioceptive drift towards the rubber hand, meaning that

subjects were incline to move their right finger towards the rubber hand,

experiencing the illusion after the stimulation. The magnitude of this displacement

varied significantly in proportion to the reported duration of the illusion (Figure 10).

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Figure 10: relationship between the reach displacement towards the rubber hand and the illusion

duration, during 30’ stimulation.

The duration of illusion presence during the stimulation (“illusion prevalence” in the

Figure 10) were proportional to the magnitude of the illusion felt by the subjects.

The more the illusion arose in subjects, the more the illusion prevalence

increased. According to Figure 10, the illusion prevalence are reported along the

x-axis. The displacements of the three reaches made after the stimulation period

from the three made before, calculated as the difference between the means in the

two groups are reported along the y-axis.

As control group, some subjects were stroked asynchronously, with a delay

between the brushing of the two hands. The illusion did not arise in this group.

Results showed that RHI-prevalence (how much time was the illusion present)

dropped from 42% of the stroking period for the synchronously brushed group, to

7% for the control asynchronously brushed group. Moreover the reaching task

displacement in the direction of the artificial hand was not significant in the control

group. Results showed a 23 mm drift towards the rubber hand for the

synchronously brushed group and a 13 mm drift for the control group (Figure 11).

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Figure 11: drift towards the rubber hand for the synchronously brushed group [ tsakiris&haggard


Thus, these results confirmed that a synchronous tactile stimulation of the real

hand and the fake hand was a necessary condition in order to induce the RHI.

RHI: conclusion

During a synchronous stimulation of the real hand and the rubber hand,

subjects seemed to feel the touch coming from the viewed rubber hand and not

from the hidden real hand. Subjects felt as if the tactile feedback was arising from

the rubber hand. The strength of illusion varies from subject to subject and could

be measured using a questionnaire or calculating the proprioceptive drift with

intermanual reaches. On the contrary, the illusory ownership feeling could not be

induced with asynchronous stimulation.

This illusion belongs to a class of perceptual effects involving intersensory bias,

resulting when the information available to different sensory modalities is

discordant. Neural integration of vision and touch is essential for developing and

maintaining the sense of bodily self. Thus, modifying visual and tactile perception,

a multisensory conflict arises. Due to this conflict, the brain is no longer able to

create a coherent representation of the body. A misattribution of the fake hand

emerges in subjects, that feel the rubber hand become part of the their body


In summary, these studies suggest that the congruency between vision and touch

seems to recalibrate proprioception. The RHI shows that the intermodal matching

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between visual, tactile and proprioceptive information can be sufficient to explain

the ownership feeling and the self- attribution of a non-self-object.

RHI: More explorations

During the following years, different variations on the RHI experiment were

performed in order to investigate more about this illusion.

Armel and Ramachandran used a new approach to test the RHI: the stress

response to a threat to the hand, measured by skin conductance response (SCR)

(K. C. Armel and V. S. Ramachandran (2003)). It is known that when our own

body is injured with an external object, the anticipation of pain produces autonomic

nervous system (ANS) arousal that can be registered by the SCR. They exploited

this physiological pain reaction to test what happens when the fake hand was

injured, recording subjects’ skin conductance response (SCR).

As consequence, if the fake hand became integrated into subject’s body image,

subjects displayed a strong skin conductance response (SCR) when the table/fake

hand was ‘injured’, even though nothing was done to the real hand.

Many other studies concerning this topic were conducted along the years.

Experimenters examined what happened in changing the position of the rubber

hand, the tactile stimulation and the correlation with the motor sense of agency

(D.M. Lloyd (2007), F.H. Durgin, L. Evans, N. Dunphy (2007), M. Tsakiris, M.D.

Hesse, C. Boy, P. Haggard, G.R.Fink (2006)).

Other studied were carried out to investigate what happens in the brain during the

RHI. Physiological and neural mechanisms responsible for integrating the tactile

and visual information have been identified. In 1999, Graziano et al. investigated

about how the brain encodes the relative positions of body parts (M. S. Graziano

(1999)). They showed that the position of the arm was represented in the premotor

cortex of the monkey (Macaca fascicularis) brain by means of a convergence of

visual cues and proprioceptive cues onto the same neurons. These neurons

responded to the felt position of the arm when the arm was covered from view.

They also responded in a similar fashion to the position of a false arm.

Moreover, in 2004, Ehrsson et al. studied the neuronal counterparts of the

ownership feeling and the self- consciousness (H. Ehrsson, C. Spence and R. E.

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Passingham (2004)). The RHI was used to manipulate the ownership feeling of

healthy subjects while brain activity was measured by functional magnetic

resonance imaging (fMRI). Results showed that a neural activity in the premotor

cortex and posterior parietal areas reflected the feeling of ownership of the hand.

Moreover, Tsakiris et al. found a neural activity in the right posterior insula

(Tsakiris, Hesse, Boy, Haggard, Fink (2007)).

These areas contain many neurons that integrate visual, tactile and proprioceptive

information in head

and body-part centred reference frames. Furthermore, these multisensory cells are

sensitive to the temporal and spatial congruency of multisensory signals. This

neuronal system has the capacity to perform the binding of visual, tactile,

proprioceptive and motor signals. This suggests that multisensory integration in

these areas provides a mechanism for bodily self-attribution.

Moreover, scientists and psychologists started also to investigate about the role of

the visual perspective in the process of attributing an external body to the self

(Ehrsson HH (2007), Gibson JJ, ed (1979), Petkova, V. I., and Ehrsson, H. H.

(2008), Slater, M., Perez-Marcos, D., Ehrsson, H. H., and Sanchez-Vives, M. V.

(2009), Slater, M., Spanlang, B., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., and Blanke, O. (2010),

Lenggenhager, B., Mouthon, M., and Blanke, O. (2009), Lenggenhager, B., Tadi,

T., Metzinger,T., and Blanke, O. (2007), Aspell, J. E., Lenggenhager, B., and

Blanke, O. (2009), Valeria I. Petkova*†, Mehrnoush Khoshnevis† and H. Henrik

Ehrsson (2011)).

In spatial cognition research, a basic distinction is made between the first person

perspective (1PP) and the third person perspective (3PP) related to an ego-centric

or allocentric reference frames, respectively (Vogeley, K., and Fink, G. R. (2003),

Klatzky, R. L. (1998)). The 1PP refers to the perception of the visual scene from

subject’s point of view, while the 3PP refers to a view of the same scene from

another person’s viewpoint (Figure 12).

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Figure 12: 1PP vs. 3PP.

Many studies were conducted to investigate on which of the two basic visual

perspectives (1PP vs. 3PP) was most important for the perceptual illusion of

ownership and for the general mechanisms of attributing a body to oneself.

In these experiments, synchronous visual and tactile stimulation was always

applied both to the fake body in sight of the participant and to the participant’s own

body, out of sight, as in the classical RHI. However, the illusory “own” body was

either viewed from a 3PP, as though looking at another individual a couple of

meters in front of oneself (Lenggenhager et al. (2007, 2009); Aspell et al. (2009);

Petkova and Ehrsson (2008); Slater et al. (2009, 2010), or from a 1PP, as though

directly looking down at one’s body (Ehrsson (2007)).

Results showed that an important factor in determining how we perceive our own

body was the adoption of the 1PP.

This finding demonstrated that the sensation of owning one’s body was the result

of a multisensory integration where visual, tactile, and proprioceptive signals are

combining together in an egocentric reference frame (a coordinate system

centered on the body), which presupposes the 1PP (Costantini M., Haggard P.

(2007); Rizzolatti et al. (1981); Graziano (1999); Ehrsson et al. (2004); Makin et

al. (2008); Petkova, V. I., and Ehrsson, H. H. (2008); Ehrsson, H. H. (2011)).

For the purposes of this project the characteristics and the shape of the rubber

hand is another important aspect to analyze, in order to verify if a virtual hand

could replace the rubber hand during the experiment.

Armel and Ramachandran suggested that the illusion can be generated even

without an arm: they could induce the ownership feeling as well as with a rubber

hand, but simply stroking a table-top (Armel and Ramachandran (2003)).

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Tsakiris and Haggard contradicted this hypothesis. They proposed that there must

be some correlation between the fake arm and the real arm to let the illusion arise.

Results showed that the fake hand had to look like a real hand to make the illusion

work, and that it should be aligned with the orientation of the real hand (Tsakiris

and Haggard (2005)).

Although the literature suggests that the fake hand must look like an hand, it does

not appear to be important that it looks exactly like the participant’s own hand with

the correct skin color and dimension. This suggests that the illusion may work also

with a virtual hand.

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Mediating the RHI via technology was a further step in the study of the self-


In 2006 IJsselsteijn et al. used video projections to perform the classical RHI

experiment (IJsselsteijn et al. (2006)). The rubber hand and the participant’s one

were stimulated with a small painter's brush held by the experimenter, like in the

classical experiment. Then the rubber hand stroked by the experimenter was

projected on the table in front of the participant. This VR condition provided a fully

mediated equivalent of the original rubber hand experiment. Results showed that

the RHI still accursed, even if it was less strong than in the classical condition.

In 2008, Hagni et al. studied the ownership feeling combining virtual reality and

mental imagery (Hagni et al. (2008)). As Virtual Reality condition, they used a

video with two moving virtual arms on large screen. Subjects were instructed to

imagine the two arms to be their own. They recorded the increase of skin

conductance response when the right virtual arm was unexpectedly ‘‘stabbed’’ by

a knife and began ‘‘bleeding’’. Results showed that visual input (virtual reality)

combined with mental imagery may induce the brain to measurably temporarily

incorporate external objects into its body image.

In 2008, Slater et al. demonstrated the feasibility of inducing a feeling of ownership

of simulated body parts in a virtual reality, showing that the RHI could be

reproduced also in this kind of environment (Slater et al. (2008)).

Instead of a rubber arm, participants saw a completely 3D virtual arm and hand,

projecting out of their right shoulder. This was achieved with a back-projected

screen onto which a stereo image of an arm was rendered. The real hand was

hidden behind a screen, out of view, and resting on a support (Figure 13).

Subjects were standing in front of a projection screen, wearing glasses with

polarising lenses. The computer generated both left eye and right eye images

which were filtered by the polarising lenses so that passive stereo vision was


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Since participants were also head-tracked, the virtual scene was displayed as a

function of head position and orientation. Accordingly, the virtual arm was seen

from the participants’ point of view as projecting out of their right shoulder.

A second tracked device (a Wand) was employed. Thus, its movements in real

space were replicated by the movements of a small yellow ball in the 3D virtual

space. When the experimenter touched with the Wand the real hand of the

subject, the virtual ball touched the virtual hand synchronously. In this way

synchronous visual and tactile stimuli could be applied to the virtual and real hand.

The results were comparable with the original Botvinick and Cohen experiment

with respect to the subjective reporting of the illusion and with respect to the

proprioceptive drift. Both these measures were greater in the synchronous

condition than in the asynchronous condition.

With this experiment they demonstrated that a simulated object can be fully

incorporated into the body representation and become part of the participant.

This phenomenon paved the way to further explorations in VR. Many studied

involving the bodily self-consciousness and VR were therefore carried out

(Lenggenhager et al. (2007, 2009); Ehrsson (2007)); Perez-Marcos (2009); Slater

et al. (2009), Petkova VI, Ehrsson HH (2008)). Experimenters can now face new

problems, testing conditions that were impossible in the physical world, e.g. real-

time modifications of the virtual limb (length, size, appearance) and complex


Figure 13: Virtual RHI set-up. Left panel: the participant wears passive stereo glasses and a head-

tracker, and the virtual image is determined as a function of his head direction. The experimenter

taps and strokes the participant’s real hand with a special device, whose position is tracked and

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used to determine the position of the virtual sphere. Right panel: in the projection the participant

sees a sphere striking in synchrony and in the same place on the virtual hand as the touch stimuli

delivered to his own hand.


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The interaction of the human brain with computers is an interesting new area of

applied neuroscience. One application consists in the replacement of a person’s

real body by a virtual representation. From literature (see Chapter 2) we know that

a virtual limb can be felt as part of our body if appropriate multisensory correlations

are provided. In the Rubber Hand Illusion multisensory conflict leads to false

ownership of a fake hand associated with a mislocalization of one’s own hand.

RHI is usually referred to a cognitive and psychological context and only

conceptual models exist to explain the arising of this illusion. Hence, we intended

to investigate this illusion using a more systematic approach.

From the literature we known that the ownership feeling of an external object can

be recreated mediating the RHI by technology, e.g. using the VR. Operating in a

virtual environment, we therefore built a robust virtual set-up that allows a

systematic change of variables and precise reproduction of the RHI experiment

conditions among different subjects.

The current project was carried out to test a crucial aspect of body ownership: the

first-person perspective (1PP) of the participant. From literature we know that 1PP

is a critical factor for triggering the illusion of body ownership (Ehrsson H.H.

(2007); Petkova V. I., Khoshnevis M.and Ehrsson H.H. (2011).

Nonetheless only experiments testing the difference between a scene viewed from

the 1PP and from the 3PP exist. Hence here we wanted to test the ownership

feeling in different perspective conditions, systematically manipulating the 1PP (i.e.

deviations along several axes) through the VR system.

In the planned experiments the 1PP refers to the visual perspective that the

participant has of his/her own hand. We managed to assess the quantitative

effects of the 1PP on RHI with an automatic and standardised approach, modifying

the perspective of a virtual scene viewed by the subjects.

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Two different studies were performed. A preliminary study (study 1) provided

useful evidences necessary to better understand the results of a second study

(study 2). In particular, study 1 investigated the pure perceptual mechanisms in a

virtual environment, focusing on the conscious perspective perception, without

involving the RHI directly. In study 2 we collected precise measures and evidences

on the effect of changes in perspective and in visual-tactile congruency on the

ownership feeling.


As previously mentioned, this experiment was not directly related with the RHI.

The objective of this study was to establish the bounds of conscious perception in

changing the perspective of a scene. In this experiment, the analysis was carried

out to evaluate the subjects’ ability to notice a variation of the 1PP among different

virtual scenes. The subjects were asked to evaluate if the experienced virtual

scenes was presented with a 1PP or not, by giving an answer to the question: “Do

you think that the point of view in this trial is the same of yours?”

This experiment based on the idea that subjects observed the scene trough a

virtual camera instead of looking it directly with their own eyes. We accepted that

when the camera was centred on the subject’s head, this scene had exactly the

same point of view of a scene viewed by the subject from his/her position.

The camera was designed to randomly move in the space around subjects’ head,

reproducing scenes by different points of view, according to its position.

Thus, since the perspective of the scene was related to the positions of a virtual

camera, we wanted to identify the range of the positions that allowed the creation

of a 1PP virtual scene. Exploiting the VR, we could systematically modify the 1PP

displacing the virtual camera and collect the relative answers.

Assuming that subjects have access to estimate their own movements using

sensory information provided by the vestibular system, visual system etc.., the

only source of ambiguity about whether the view-point change came from subjects’

own movements or an actual shift in the virtual camera position was a subject’s

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uncertainty about its own movements and about its head position with respect to

the scene.

This study required a Head Mounted Display (HMD) to deliver and observe the

virtual scene in 3D and a tracking system able to follow the subject’s head position

to compute a correct scene.

The subjects’ answers were then collected and analysed to find out the range of

camera positions that allowed the perception of a 1PP scene.


The goal of this study was to investigate the role played by the visual perspective

in mechanisms underlying the self-attribution and body ownership.

We suggested that the sense of the ownership of the virtual hand could be

modulated by changing the perspective of the scene. We intended to obtain a

precise measure of the effects of perspective changes exploiting the results

obtained by the study 1.

The analysis was carried out to also evaluate how the RHI arose by properly

combining visual and tactile stimuli. We suggested that the degree of congruency

of the tactile stimulus with the visual stimulus could modulate the ownership


In this study, subjects were asked not only to passively observe the virtual scene

as in study 1. Participants interacted with virtual environment, receiving a

synchronous/asynchronous tactile feedback by a vibrating motor attached on their

fingers, after having touched a virtual ball. Then subjects were asked to evaluate if

the experienced virtual hand was felt as their own hand, by answering to the

question: “Do you think that the virtual hand is your own hand?” The answers

depended on the perspective of this virtual scene and on the congruency level

between the visual and the tactile stimulation, conveyed to the subjects during the


Therefore, this more complex study required to track the subject’s head and also

the real arm to compute the movements of the rubber hand. To convey the tactile

feedback a vibrating motor was attached on the subject’s finger.

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The subjects’ answers were then collected and analysed, to find out the role

played by the 1PP and the visual-tactile stimulation in the ownership feeling


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The Bayes Approach And Its Potential Advantages

Bayesian analysis is a statistical method that makes inference on unknown

quantities of interest (in this case the model’s parameters) by combining prior

beliefs about the quantities of interest and information (or evidence) contained in

an observed set of data (Box G.E.P. and Tiao G.C. (1973)) (Fig. 20).

Figure 14: Bayesian analysis combines prior beliefs about the quantities of interest and information

(or evidence) contained in an observed set of data, to make inference on unknown quantities

This is an inductive reasoning: on the base of the current information, the

probability of a future event can be estimated.

In the past, statistical analysis based on the Bayes theorem was often daunting

because of the numerical integrations needed. Recently developed computer-

intensive sampling methods of estimation have revolutionised the application of

Bayesian methods, and such methods now offer a comprehensive approach to

complex model estimation, for example in hierarchical models with nested random

effects (Gilks et al., (1993)). They provide a way of improving estimation in sparse

datasets by borrowing strength (e.g. in small area mortality studies or in stratified

sampling) (Richardson and Best (2003); Stroud, (1994)), and allow finite sample

inferences without appeal to large sample arguments as in maximum likelihood

and other classical methods. Sampling-based methods of Bayesian estimation

provide a full density profile of a parameter so that any clear non-normality is

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apparent, and allow a range of hypotheses about the parameters to be simply

assessed using the collection of parameter samples from the posterior.

Bayesian methods may also improve on classical estimators in terms of the

precision of estimates. This happens because specifying the prior brings extra

information or data based on accumulated knowledge, and the posterior estimate

in being based on the combined sources of information (prior and likelihood)

therefore has greater precision. Indeed a prior can often be expressed in terms of

an equivalent ‘sample size’.

Bayesian inference is based on Bayes' theorem, expressed by the equation (8):

P(ϑ |D) =P(D |ϑ)P(D)



θ is assumed to be the proposition that a hypothesis is true and D represents the

collected evidences.

P(D |ϑ)P(D)

  is a factor representing the impact of the evidence on the confidence in

the hypothesis. The numerator is called the likelihood.

P(ϑ) is the prior probability, concerning the confidence that the hypothesis is

true before the evidence is taken into account.

P(ϑ |D) is the posterior probability, concerning the confidence that the hypothesis

is true after the evidence is taken into account.

As a result, Bayesian inference is carried out on the observed data and does not

rely on the assumption that a hypothetical infinite population of data exists.

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The generic model

A spatial-distribution of the data was obtained by performing the experiments and

collecting the answers from each subject for different camera positions.

A model of the answers’ distribution was used to conduct the statistical analysis

and to obtain the results. This model describes the relationship between changes

of stimuli’s parameters, such as camera position or the congruency level, and the

associated participants’ subjective report.

For study 1 we set that the subject’s answer depended only on the camera

position, in terms of distance between the subject’s head and the virtual camera:

Ans = f (distance)

For study 2, the subjects’ answer depended not only on the distance but also on

the congruency level λ:

Ans = f (distance, λ)

It is reminiscent of the well known psychometric function for studying perceptual


A psychometric curve for 1D stimuli is typically described by a sigmoid function.

The participants’ perception of the stimulus displays on the y-axis and the stimulus

intensity on the x-axis (Figure 15).

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Figure 15: psychometric curve and how parameter b and a affects its center and its shape are

plotted, using random values for a and b just to provide a qualitative example.

The equation (9) describes the psychometric function σ:  

f (x) =1

1+ e−x (9)  

The shape of a sigmoid curve is specified by two parameters, �  and �, contained

in the x value. The value of the parameter b affects the centre of the curve and the

value of the width (and the shape) of the curve (Figure 15). The inflection point of

the sigmoid is situated where the function reaches the value of 0.5. This value is

usually considered as the sensory threshold, i.e. the capability to perceive the

stimulus. If a stimulus is less intense than this sensory threshold, it will not elicit

any sensation in subjects.  

According to this idea, the probability of receiving a generic answer is given by:

p(ans|θ,X)= ɸ(X)ans (1− ɸ(X))1−ans (10)

and this represents a binomial distribution1.

1 When the response data, Y, are binary (taking on only values 0 and 1), the distribution function is generally chosen to be the binomial distribution. The binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields success with probability p: f(k,n,p)=P(K=k)= pk (1-p) n-k. Such a success/failure experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment or Bernoulli trial; when n = 1, the binomial distribution is a Bernoulli distribution.

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Thus this model falls within the Generalized Linear Models (GLM) (Nelder J.,

Wedderburn R. (1972)), in which the distribution of the dependent or response

variable Y can be non-normal, and does not have to be continuous, i.e., Y is

assumed to be generated from a particular distribution in the exponential family,

like, binomial and Poisson distributions. The dependent variable values are

predicted from a linear combination of predictor variables, which are "connected"

to the dependent variable via a link function.

GLMs are defined by three elements: a probability distribution from the exponential

family (in this case, a Binomial distribution) P(Y|X), a linear predictor η = Xθ and a

link function g (η). The mean µ of the distribution depends on the independent

variables, X, through:

E(Y) = µ = g -1 (Xθ) (11)

where E(Y) is the expected value of Y. Xθ is the linear predictor, a linear

combination of unknown parameters θ. They are typically estimated with maximum

likelihood method. The maximum likelihood estimates can be computed

numerically by using iteratively reweighted least squares. g is the link function that

provides the relationship between the linear predictor and the mean of the

distribution function. There are several popular link functions for binomial

functions; the most typical is the canonical logit link 2and its inverse, shown in the

formula 13

g(η) = log(1/(1− p)) (12)

g−1(η) =1/(1+ e−η )) (13)

According to our model, if we take the probability distribution to be binomial, the

linear predictor to be η=θX and the link function to be the logit E(ans)=

1/(1+ e−ϑX )) .

2 GLMs with this setup are logistic regression models. In statistics, logistic regression (sometimes

called the logistic model or logit model) is used for prediction of the probability of occurrence of an

event by fitting data to a logit function logistic curve. It is a generalized linear model used for

binomial regression. Like many forms of regression analysis, it makes use of several predictor


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According to Eq. 9, this is exactly the equation used to describe a psicophysic


σ(ϑX) =1/(1+ e−ϑX )).

Therefore our model is mathematically identical to a GLM with logit link function

and binomial distribution. Thus we could perform our analysis also applying the

GLM to estimate the parameter.

The values of the estimate parameters were obtained both with the iteratively

reweighted least squares method for maximum likelihood estimation and also with

MCMC. As we will show, the values were not significantly different. Since GLM

was faster to compute in R, we used this method to perform the analysis and the

prediction of the probability of having an answer equal to ‘Yes’.

The idea of a psychometric curve joining stimulus with stimulus-response was

extended in our model. In this project, the camera displacements (together with

congruency level for study 2) corresponded to the conveyed stimuli and the

answer corresponded to the response of the stimulus. For study 1 the stimulus

consisted in displacing the virtual camera along three different direction and the

same for study 2 with the addition of the congruency level as a fourth stimulus

parameter. Hence since in these experiments the stimuli were not 1D stimuli

depending on only one parameter, en extension of the 1D psychometric curve to

an n-dimensional one was needed.

According to our set-up, the camera was randomly placed around the position of

the head. The camera had a different position from trial-to-trial.

The participants’ answer to the questions: “Do you feel that the point of view of this

trial is the same as yours?” (Study 1) and “Do you feel as if the virtual hand were

your own hand” (Study 2) corresponded to the stimulus-response.

Our data-set consists of all the stimulus-responses obtained by all subjects in all

trials. Figure 16 shows the spatial distribution of the collected answers. Each point

represents a data-point that was obtained by placing the camera at the indicated

3D-coordinates and measuring the associated subject’s answer. The big blue

sphere in the center represents the head of the subject. The colour of each point

indicates the answer given by the subject for a specific camera position blue

meaning ``YES'' and red meaning ``NO'', according to the question.

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. Figure 16: spatial distribution of the collected answers for each camera position (indicated in the

axes of the plot). Different colors are used to discriminate different answers: Blue points = “YES”,

Red point = “NO”. The big blue ball in the middle represents the subject’s head.

The optimum model

To find out which were the parameters that more affected our data distribution, a

choice between several models was made.

In choosing a statistical model, there is always a trade-off between simplicity and

completeness. Simple models tend to be easier to understand, computationally

more tractable, but they are frequently at odds with data.

On the other hand, complicated models tend to fit the data better and to capture

richer conceptual pictures, but they can be computationally awkward or intractable.

To obtain the optimum model a Bayesian model selection was here performed,

applying the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Bayesian model comparison not

inform about which model is `true', but rather about the preference for the model

given the data. These preferences can be used to choose a single `best' model.

This approach relies on an estimation of different models, by comparing them on

the basis of the posterior probability of the model (Mi) given the data (D), P(Mi|D)

(Eq. 14).

Each model is built combining all the factors that could be involved in the

phenomenon to be model.

This posterior distribution is calculated using Bayes rule.  


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P(Mi |D) =P(D |Mi)P(D)

P(Mi)    (14)

Assuming two candidate models M0 and M1 are regarded as equally probable a

priori, a Bayes factor (BF) in equation 15 represents the ratio of the posterior

probabilities of the models. The model which is a posteriori most probable is

determined by whether the Bayes factor is less than or greater than one (Kass et

al. (1995)).

BF =P(M1 |D)P(M0 |D)

=P(M1 |D)P(M1)P(M0 |D)P(M0)


Because the Bayes factor is often difficult or impossible to calculate, an alternative

is to adopt an approximation to the Bayes factor, such as applying the Bayesian

information Criterion (BIC). BIC was introduced by Schwarz in 1978 “for the case

of independent, identically distributed observations, and linear models", as a

competitor to the Akaike information criterion (Schwarz (1978)).

This criterium is based in part on the likelihood function and it is closely related

to Akaike information criterion (AIC). When fitting models, it is possible to increase

the likelihood by adding parameters, but doing so may result in overfitting. The BIC

resolves this problem by introducing a penalty term for the number of parameters

in the model. Consequently, BIC tends to favour smaller models than AIC.

Let y denote the observed data and assume that these data are described using a

model Mk selected from a set of candidate models Mk1, Mk2, . . . , MkL . Assume

that each Mk is uniquely parameterized by a vector θk , where θk is an element of

the parameter space ϴ(k). Let L(θk | y) denote the likelihood for y based on Mk.

this term is equal to the approximated model f (y | θk). Let

ˆ ϑ denote the maximum

likelihood estimate of θk obtained by maximizing L(θk | y) over ϴ(k).

Thus, the Bayesian (Schwarz) information criterion is defined in equation (16) as


BIC = −2lnL( ˆ ϑ | y) + k lnn (16)

The first term is the familiar probability of the data given the model, computed at

the value

ˆ ϑ that maximises this probability. The second term promotes model

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parsimony by penalising models with increased model complexity and sample


In summary, BIC provides a large-sample estimator of a transformation of the

Bayesian posterior probability associated with the approximating model. Then, by

choosing the fitted candidate model f (y|

ϑ ), corresponding to the minimum value

of BIC, one is attempting to select the candidate model corresponding to the

highest Bayesian posterior probability.

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Estimation of the model parameters

We used two different methods to estimate the model parameters.

First, an iteratively reweighted least squares method for maximum likelihood

estimation of the model parameters was performed. Recall that the least squares

estimator for the ordinary linear regression model is also the maximum-likelihood

estimator in the case of normally distributed error terms. Assuming that the

distribution of data belongs to the binomial family it is possible to derive maximum-

likelihood estimates for the coefficients of a GLM. Each step of the iteration can be

given by a weighted least squares fit. Since the weights are varying during the

iteration, the likelihood is optimized by an iteratively reweighted least squares


Second, Bayesian inference was performed on the model’s parameters, which

were estimated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.

Approximating an unknown but potentially complex distribution by drawing

samples is an effective way to estimate the distribution. In practice, the posterior

distribution can be difficult to estimate precisely. There are various ways to obtain

the posterior distribution (Gelman et al. 2003, Carlin & Louis 2000), here we used

The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach.

MCMC methods calculate the samples successively from a target distribution

p(Θ|data) (the posterior distribution of the parameters given the data). The idea of

MCMC simulation is to let the parameters perform a random walk in parameter

space according to a Markov chain set up in such a way that its stationary

distribution is the posterior distribution. Each estimated sample depends on the

previous one, hence the notion of the Markov chain.

A useful algorithm for setting up the Markov chain is the Metropolis-Hastings (MH)

algorithm. (Metropolis and Ulam 1949; Metropolis et al. 1953; Hastings 1970).

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The MH algorithm is a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for obtaining a sequence

of random samples from a probability distribution for which direct sampling is

difficult. The general idea of the algorithm is to use a Markov chain that, at

sufficiently long times, generate states that obeys the data distribution. To this

purpose, the Markov chain must fulfil two conditions: ergodicity and condition of

balance, which is generally obtained if it fulfils detailed balance (a stronger

condition). The ergodicity condition ensures that at most, one asymptotic

distribution exists. The detailed balance condition ensures that there exists at least

one asymptotic distribution.

The MH-algorithm works as follows (Gelman et al . 2003):

1. Choose a starting value Θ0 for parameters Θ.

2. For u=1, 2, ….

a. Choose a candidate point Θ∗ (proposal) from a known distribution at iteration

u, given the previous sample Θu−1. Denote the known distribution by

Ju[Θu|Θu−1], called proposal distribution.

b. Calculate the acceptance rate

r =p(Θ* | data)p(Θu−1 | data)


c. Set

Θu =Q*,with probability min(r,1)


⎧ ⎨ ⎩

In this way a list of Θu is generated and the Θu with u > uburn-in constitute (a sample

of) the posterior distribution for Θ, uburn-in being the point where the process is

considered to have converged to its stationary distribution; the period up to this

point is called the burn-in period. In general, due to the time necessary to reach

stationarity, we discard part of the samples in the beginning of the Markov chain.

Furthermore, due to the dependency of the samples on the past samples

introduced by the Markov chain, it is better to consider for statistical analysis only

the samples every few time steps. This is called “thinning”. The size of the thinning

step should be chosen based on the correlation length of the chain.

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Thus, for a typical MCMC method the non-normalized target distribution p(Θ|data),

the number of Markov chain steps, the size of the burning phase and the thinning

steps need to be specified.

Each parameter is then described by the mean and the standard deviation of all

the samples computed with the MCMC algorithm.

Once the mean value of each model parameter is estimate, additional statistical

inferences can be carried out as desired.

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For these experiments twenty-five participants (six for study 1, nineteen for study

2) were recruited from the EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

(CH). Subjects’ age varied from 20 to 30. Volunteers were asked to read and sign

an information consent form and they were paid 20 CHF/hour.

Specific requirements were not needed in choosing subjects. None of the subjects

reported to have any neurological defects that could influence the performance in

conducting the experiments. Not all the participants were naïve with respect to the

rubber hand illusion. Four of them had performed other experiments involving the

RHI, involving other projects, always carried out in the laboratory LNCO.


Two main tools were used to perform the experiments: a tracking system and a

head-mounted display (HMD). These two devices were combined together, putting

4 markers of the tracking system on the HMD.

Tracking system

A tracking system was necessary to let subjects interact with the virtual scene.

To perform the two experiments, the movements of the subjects’ head and arm

had to be tracked. Thus, when subjects turned their head the scene changed

according to its head position. Furthermore when subjects moved their own arms,

the virtual one moved too, following the real hand displacements.

We used a wireless, optical motion capture system: the ATC ReActor2.

The system operates through a network of infrared light emitting markers and

sensing detectors. The latter are contained in an open-sided rectangular frame

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made of aluminium-extrusion. The frame defines the motion-capture workspace. A

base station collects the data acquired by the detectors.

This computer, the ReActor PC, collects the data acquired by the sensor modules,

and calculates the position of the active markers.

In addition, it runs FusionCORE™, a Windows software interface (Figure 17) that

interprets the data collected by the motion capture system.

Figure 17: the fusionCORE™ software interface.

An active tracking system such as ReActor 2 has many advantages. It can be

used in natural light and it does not requires any previous calibration.

Since a significant amount of signal processing is already carried out by

electronics in the bars and in the PC, only a small amount of noise is present in

ReActor 2’s data. Limited post processing is therefore required. Markers

occlusions are also intelligently handled thereby minimizing marker dropout.

Marker cables could usually represent one of the disadvantages in these kind of

tracking systems. Subjects are free to move in a capture area, but sometimes they

could be obstructed by the cables and they can not perform the movements as


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In our set-up restricted movements were performed: subjects moved only the arm

and no other more complex movements were required to execute the task. Thus,

cables did not affect subjects’ movement.

In the ReActor 2, the active IR markers are connected to a belt pack by thin,

flexible cables. The belt pack communicates with the ReActor 2 PC via a wireless

battery powered radio link. During the experiments, subjects were placed in the

middle of the capture area, wearing the belt, with four active IR markers on their

head (on the HMD) and two on their right hand (Figure 18).

Figure 18: subject seated in the middle of the capture area while perfoming the experiment.

Head-Mounted Displays (HMD)

During the experiments, participants wore a head-mounted display set (Figure 19).

Head Mounted Displays are devices that allow the subject to observe the 3-D

world simulated with the computer. It is fully immersive, creating a sense of

presence and allowing subjects to experience the feeling of being inside the virtual

scene. Thus, with the HMD subjects can look and move around in the computer 3-

D simulated world as if they were actually inside it.

The Head Mounted Display used for the experiments was the fakespace Wide5

HMD. It consists in a special 3D glasses with two lenses. It permits a true

stereoscopic vision with a wide field-of-view (~150° Horizontal/~88° Vertical).

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Figure 19: Head Mounted Display (HMD)

In our experiments we combined the tracking system with the HMD to make

subjects fully integrated within the virtual scene. Putting the IR markers around

the helmet allowed to track the position of the subject’s head. Then the graphics

hardware computed the information about the head’s position and updated the

image to match the motion of the participant's head. In this way participants were

able to "look around" the virtual scene. In our set-up, the original designed scene

was composed of 4 different images (Figure 20). Conveying them to the HMD,

they merged together and subject could watch a single 3D image.

Figure 20: the virtual scene seen without wearing the HMD.

The only limit of the Wide5 HMD was the resolution (1600 x 1200 pixels at 60 Hz).

The image seen on the computer monitor was more resolute in term of details than

the 3D one viewed by the subjects through the HMD. This sometimes caused

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problems in recreating a virtual scene similar to a real one, in term of quality and

precision of images.


A virtual scene was necessary to perform these experiments.

We recreated a virtual room, similar to a real one, using OpenGL and Python.

A ground, a gray table, a red ball, a hand with a forearm and a lamp were

combined together to create this virtual room.

• Arm

This object represents a virtual arm, with hand, fingers and forearm.

A pre-existent hand model is used to create it. A real hand texture has been

used to obtain a virtual hand as similar as possible to a real hand.

A limitation of the framework was the impossibility to rotate the virtual object

as a physiological arm. The virtual arm can only move through rigid

translations along Cartesian axes. Neither wrist rotations are allowed.

These physical restrictions discord with the physiological movements. We

were forced to limit the subjects’ movement in a restricted area to avoid this

collision between real physiological movements and virtual movements.

• Light

This object, a yellow ball at the top of the virtual scene, represents a light. It

is created to illuminate the virtual scene and to properly see the objects and

the colours.

• Ground

The ground is created to give the impression to be inside a real room. A

special texture is used to make this object as close as possible to reality.

• Table

This object represents a gray table (120cm x 60cm) with 4 legs (100cm).

The virtual hand and the red ball are positioned over the table.

• Ball

This object represents a vibrating red sphere (radius = 4 cm), placed on the


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In combining all these objects, the virtual scene appeared like a room, in which the

subject was able to interact during the experiment (Figure 21).

Figure 21: the virtual scene, with a table, a ball and a hand.

By wearing the HMD, the subject was able to watch this scene in 3D, as if he/she

were inside it. The original image was composed of 4 different images of the same

scene. Using the HMD, they merged into a single 3D image.

The position of subject’s head was tracked with the ReActor2 motion capture

system. Thus the system could recognize the subject’s position in the virtual scene

and let him interact with all the objects or move inside the room (e.g. he could walk

around the table or watch under it).

A second scene shown in Figure 22 was created to help the operator in

conducting the experiment.

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Figure 22: the virtual scene viewed by the operator. Green sphere: subject’s head. Blue cone:

camera. Blue grid: volume inside witch the camera randomly moves. Red line: bias between

camera and head position. Yellow ball: light.

This virtual scene represents the same previous scene but in more detail, with

some objects necessary for the operator. The subject was not allowed to watch

this virtual scene.

All the objects of the previous scene - the gray table, the red ball, the hand with a

forearm, the ground and the lamp - are still present in this scene.

But three new objects were created: a green sphere, a blue cone and two blue

spherical grids.

• Green sphere

This green sphere represents the head of the subject. It moves when the

subject moves his head, tracked by the ReActor2 motion capture system.

• Blue spherical grids

It consists of two concentric spherical grids built around the subjects’ head.

The region between the two spheres is the space where the virtual camera

can move.

• Blue cone

This cone represents the virtual camera that can randomly change its

position moving inside the blue grid, along the x,y,z axis.

The perspective of the virtual scene changes according to the cone position

and orientation. The distance between the cone and the green sphere is

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considered as the bias (red line) between the camera and the subject’s

head (Figure 22).

This scene was created to monitor the camera position and the subject’s head

position. The operator was able to know the point of view of the scene presented

to the subject, by comparing the position of the camera (blue cone) with the

subject’s head position (green ball). Thus the operator immediately knew if there

was a perspective shift in the scene presented to the subject by looking at the bias

between the blue cone and the green ball.

Moreover, checking this scene the operator was immediately able to verify the

subject’s position in the virtual room, in terms of subject’s distance from the table,

the head position and the hand position. This was useful especially at the

beginning of the experiment, to fix the subject in the correct position in the virtual


Figure 23: virtual scene viewed by the operator while the subject was performing the experiment.

To better understand the experiments, it’s important to explain the meaning of

displacing the camera in the space around the subject, along x,y and z axis.

Figure 24 helps to comprehend the direction of the camera movements with

respect to the subject. As shown in Figure 22, the virtual scene is built on a

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Cartesian coordinate system. According to Figure 24 we indicated with x the

transverse axis, with y the longitudinal one and with z the saggital one.

Figure 24: 3 different body axes for 3 different camera movements.

Thus, changing the camera position along the z axis means moving it along the

sagittal axis of the subject. The virtual scene moves near/far from the subject.

Moreover, changing the camera position along the y axis means moving it

vertically along the longitudinal axis and the virtual scene moves up/down.

Finally, changing the camera position along the x axis means moving it laterally

along the transverse axis of the subject, with a consequent movement of the

virtual scene to the left/right.

z-Sagittal axis

X - Transverse axis

Y - Longitudinal axis




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Study 1

This first study is not directly related with the RHI. As previous explained, we

wanted to found out the camera positions necessary to produce a 1PP virtual

scene. To establish these camera positions analyses were carried out to evaluate

how subjects could notice differences between the virtual scenes characterized by

different points of view - depending on different camera positions. In other words,

subjects were ask to evaluate if the virtual scene was presented in 1PP or not.

To perform the experiment an experimental flow was developed (Figure 25). The

flow coordinated the different scenes presented to the subjects. It was divided into

three main parts (Figure 25). First, a black screen appeared to the subject for 1

second at the beginning, then the virtual scene appeared for 5 seconds and lastly

the question for 3 seconds.

Figure 25: the experimental flow. The experiment was divided into 3 main parts: black screen,

virtual scene and question.

This sequence represents one single trial, in which the subject had to perform the


In order to collect data 180 trials were performed by each subject. Every 60 trials a

break momentarily stopped the experiment to let the subject rest for a while. This

Black  Screen  




task  performing  

(5  s)  



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break was not fixed, each subjects could decide when to go on with the


The participants were comfortably seated at a chair in the virtual room in the dark

(Figure 26).

Figure 26: one subject during the experiment.

The HMD device was placed on the subject’s head to let the subject watch the

scene. Four markers were attached on the HMD. These four markers tracked the

subject’s head position. No other device was necessary for this experiment. We

used the ReActor2 motion capture system to record the subject’s head position, by

monitoring the position of the four markers. The arm was not tracked in this


The subjects were asked to simply watch the scene and answer to the question,

when it appeared on the scene. The question was: “Do you feel that the point of

view of this trial is the same as yours?".

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Figure 27: question for the study 1: “Do you feel that the point of view of this trial is the same as


This task could be thought as a passive task, as the subject did not interact

actively with the virtual scene.

As the objective of this study was to establish the bounds of conscious perception

in changing the perspective of a scene, to achieve this goal different viewpoints of

the same scene was shown to the subject by changing the camera position. For

every trial the virtual camera changed its position in a random manner,

displacing in the volume between two concentric spheres – the blue grid described

in the operator display. For every trial we recorded the camera coordinates [x,y,z]

and the subject’s answer related to that position.

After every 60 trials the experiment was interrupted to allow the subject to rest for

a while. Then, when the subject agreed, the operator could restart the experiment.

Study 2

As previously mentioned, the objective of this second study is to precisely

measure the effects of a viewpoint change on the ownership feeling of a virtual


As for the study 1, the position of subject’s head was tracked with the ReActor2

motion capture system. For this study the subject’s right hand was also tracked.

Thus, when subject moved his real hand the virtual hand moved as well, following

the movements of the real one. In this experiment, another tool was also

employed. A vibrating motor was attached on the tip of the subject’s index finger. It

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conveyed the tactile feedback that together with the virtual stimulus recreated the

same condition of the RHI.

The task involved in study 2 could be thought as an active task, because the

subject actively interacted with the virtual scene, reaching the target and receiving

a tactile feedback.

To perform the experiment an experimental flow was developed (Figure 25). The

flow coordinated the different scenes presented to the subjects. It is divided into

three main parts as in study 1, only the timing of each part was different in these

two studies. A black screen appeared for 1 second at the beginning, then the

virtual scene appeared for 10 seconds and lastly the question for 3 seconds. This

sequence represents one trial, in which the subject had to perform the task.In

order to collect data 180 trials were performed by each subject. Every 60 trials a

break allowed the subjects to rest for a while. Even in this study, the participants

were comfortably seated in a chair in the virtual room in the dark. The HMD device

was placed on the subject’s head to let the subject watch the scene. Four markers

were attached on the HMD (Figure 26). These four markers tracked the subject’s

head position. Two markers were attached on the back of the subject’s right hand.

We used the ReActor2 motion capture system to record the subject position by

monitoring the position of the six markers. One vibrator was also attached to the

tip of the right index finger (Figure 28).

Figure 28: set-up for the subject's hand; two markers placed on the back of the hand and one

vibrating motor on the tip of the finger.

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At the start of the experiment some habituation trials were presented to the subject

to let him get familiar with the virtual scene. In particular he/she was instructed to

touch the red ball several times for each trial.

Then the real experiment started and the subject was asked to observe the scene

and touch the red virtual ball. Then he, or she, had to answer to the question about

the ownership feeling during the task. The question was: “Do you feel the virtual

hand as your own hand?" (Figure 29).

Figure 29: question for the study 2: “Do you feel the virtual hand as your own hand?"

As the subjects' hand was tracked, when they moved their real arm, the virtual arm

in the scene moved too. Thus, while they moved their own arm to catch the ball,

they could see the virtual arm touching the ball too. Every time the subject reached

the red ball, this became green and it changed its position on the table. These

changes in colour and position of the virtual ball represent the visual stimulus that

was necessary to induce the RHI.

At the same time, the subject received also a tactile stimulus by the vibrating

motor on his finger. The virtual ball was designed to have a fast wave movement.

Thanks to this movement, the ball had the impression of being a vibrating ball.

When the subject touched the vibrating virtual ball, he felt the vibration on his

finger, due to the motor. Thus, he got the impression to really touch the ball. The

tactile stimulation could occur either synchronously or asynchronously with the

visual stimulus. To get the illusion, we assumed that the subject received a

synchronous visual and tactile stimulation -the subject felt the vibration, at the

same time he was touching the ball. Conversely, as control condition, an

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asynchronous stimulation was provided. In this condition, there was not a tactile

feedback (no vibration) when touching the ball.

The tactile stimulation depended on the congruency level λ randomly set in each

trial. λ represents the probability of receiving a vibration when touching the target.

Hence, the tactile feedback, given by the vibrating motor, occurs randomly,

depending on the degree of visual-tactile stimuli congruence λ.

Moreover, by changing the camera’s position, the perspective of virtual scene

changed too. Thus we could analyse how much the ownership feeling was

affected by both changing the position of the camera and the degree of

congruency of the tactile stimulus with the visual stimulus. For each trial, the

camera’s position, the congruency level and the related subject’s answer were

recorded. After every 60 trials, the experiment was interrupted to allow the subject

to rest for a while. Then, when the subject agreed, the operator restarted the


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4.6 PILOT STUDY Pilots experiments involve all the preliminary studies conducted before running the

main experiment to validate and calibrate the final set-up and to check that final

experiment works as expected.

The particular setup that we used was achieved at after pilot studies with about 10

participants using different configurations that either did not result in the illusion, or

in which the illusion was reported to a much lesser extent.

The pilot study provided useful enhancements to the virtual scene, which was

modified to become more similar to the real scenario.

We initially focused on the size of the virtual objects which needed to be tailored

according to the physical dimensions of the subject. We fitted the virtual table

height using a pilot subject. He/her was asked to sit on the chair and to indicate if

the virtual table was like a real table in terms of height.

We then focused on the position of the virtual ball and the interaction with the

subject. Subjects were asked to reach the ball by moving their arm and, initially, no

constraints were imposed on the position of the object. However, participants often

performed physiological movements involving the rotation of the shoulder, the

elbow and the wrist. This was particularly frequent when the virtual ball was on the

left of the subjects. The virtual arm could not reproduce this complex movement as

it could only rigidly translate towards the left. This non-coherent position of the

virtual hand made the subjects aware that it was not their real one. Furthermore,

another problem involved the virtual arm itself. As appear in Figure 30, this virtual

arm was “cut” and just an hand with the forearm was reproduced in the virtual


Figure 30: the virtual hand with the forearm as appear in the scene. It lacked of physiological parts

such as the elbow, the arm and the shoulder.

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When the virtual ball appeared too far from the subjects, they could notice that arm

was not physiologically entire by moving it. Thus they understood that the arm was

a fake arm. To solve these two problems involving the virtual arm position in the

virtual scenario, we therefore restricted the area where the virtual ball could move.

After these modifications, the virtual ball could move only on the right of the table

top, to prevent rotations, and on the bottom of the table top, to prevent that

subjects noticed the incomplete reconstruction of the arm.

Pilot experiments were also useful to improve the interaction between the virtual

object and the subjects, in terms of tactile feedback perceived from the ball.

As the subject received a vibrating tactile feedback when touching the ball, we

decided to assign a visual vibration to the virtual object (to convey a more realistic

contact feeling).

Another problem we addressed with the pilot experiment was the 1PP of the

scene. With our set-up, the region between the two blue spherical grids defined

the space where the virtual camera could move. The perspective of the virtual

scene changed according to the camera displacements through this area. Hence,

if this area was dimensionally inadequate, the camera could not move enough to

induce an evident perspective modification. As a consequence, subjects did not

notice a different perspective of the virtual scene. To avoid this inconsistency, the

size of the blue spheres was carefully chosen to obtain the optimal range required

for our studies.

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Study 1

The goal of study 1 was to estimate the probability of perceiving a 1PP virtual

scene. The subject had to answer to the question: “Do you feel that the point of

view of this trial is the same as yours?” saying “YES” or “NO”.

The answer “”YES” meant that the subject was not conscious that the scene’s

perspective had changed and so he/she perceived the virtual scene as a 1PP real

scene. The subject answered “NO” if he/she noticed that the scene was presented

with a different perspective with respect to his/her visual 1PP.

We wanted to estimate the probability of having an answer equal to yes

(P(ans=YES)), systematically moving along x, y, z axes the virtual camera to

change the perspective of the virtual scene,. For each trial, we collected the

camera position and the subject's answer.

Figure 16 shows the spatial distribution of the collected answers. Each point

represents a data-point that was obtained by placing the camera at the indicated

3D-coordinates and measuring the subject’s answer. The big blue sphere in the

center represents the head of the subject. The colour of each point indicates the

answer given by the subject for a specific camera position blue meaning ‘YES’ and

red meaning ‘NO’.

A model of the data was then created to describe and reproduce the relationship

between answers and distance between subject’s head and virtual camera.

We represented the camera position along each of the three axes x, y, z,

separately. To extend the 1D psychometric curve (see chapter 3.2) some

parameters needed to be introduced: two vectors b and b0 and a matrix A.

The term b represents the 3D stimulus given by displacing the virtual camera. It is

a vector made by three components: b= [dx, dy, dz], representing the current

camera position in the virtual scene.

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A is the matrix of the parameters that determine the shape of the answers’

distribution. It could be thought as a scale factor. It describes how the camera

deviations in each direction affect the probability of saying YES.

A =

dxx dxy dxzdyx dyy dyzdzx dzy dzz

⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟

The elements dxx, dyy and dzz along the diagonal represent the camera

displacements along the x,y,z axes respectively. The matrix A models the

possibility that subjects’ answers may have different widths for camera’s biases in

different directions.

The term b0 is a vector related to the center of the answers’ distribution. It

represents the point in the space that corresponds to the highest probability of

saying YES.

The model was constructed as follows.

P(ans= YES| b, A, b0) = σ [- (b-b0) A (b-b0)T + intercept ] (18)

The term

p(ans =YES |b,A,b0) represents the probability of having the answer

equal to yes, given b, A and b0 . Function σ is the sigmoid curve of the equation 9

that represents the psychometric curve shown in Figure 15.

(b – b0) represents the bias between the current camera position b and the

position that corresponds to the highest probability of having yes. We called it “b0”,

under the hypothesis that if the camera was place in [x,y,z]=[0,0,0] we had the

maximum probability to have a 1PP scene since the camera was aligned with the

subject’s head.

Hence, the scalar argument of the sigmoid is a linear transform of the 3D bias (b-

b0) that permits according to A parameters to describe arbitrary ellipsoids around

the head position. The minus sign emphasizes that the probability of the YES

answer (i.e., not feeling a difference from normal view) decreases with the

perceptive bias.

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The idea behind this model is that for stimuli b which are close to the center b0, the

probability of saying “YES” will be maximum. For a stimulus far away from b0 this

probability will decrease, depending on the values of the parameter A in each

direction. Thus, in this model the parameters b0 provides a generalisation of the

center in the standard psychometric curve while the parameter A provides a

generalization of the width/shape.

As already explained in ch.3.2, a model of this type falls in the class of General

Linear Models (GLMs).

According to the Eq. (18), X represent our data set, in terms of camera positions

and  θ is the set of parameters we wanted to estimate (A, b0).

With this notation, Eq. 11 becomes:

P (ans=Yes| θ,X )= sigmoid (θX)

To find out which were the factors that more affected the answers, we conducted a

model selection using the fuction

glmulti(formula,data,family,level,crit) in R, an open source

environment for statistical computing and graphics. This function carries out an

automated model selection and multi-model inference. It finds what the n best

models among all possible models are. Models are fitted with the specified fitting

function (default is glm) and are ranked using the BIC (Bayesian information

criterium). The best model is the one with the minimum BIC value. fit_persp=glmulti(ans~(dx+dy+dz+dxx+dyy+dzz+dxy+dxz+dyz),data

=D_persp,family=binomial(),level=1,crit=bic) was the specific

function applied in R. As formula, we used fitted glm model specifying the

response variable and the terms (main effects and/or interactions) to be used in

the candidate models. Level = 1 means that only main effects (terms of order 1)

were used to build the candidate set. A description of the data distribution

(family=binomial) and link function (logit is set by default) to be used in the

model was also provided.

After having analysed 500 models combining all the factors that could affect the

answer, the best found model (Table 1) was the one that considered only dy (bias

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between the subject’s head and the camera position along the y axis – vertical

axis), dyy (camera moviments along y axis – vertical displacements) and dxx

(camera moviments along x axis – left/right displacements) as the factors that

affected the subjects’ answers. This meant that all the other factors (dx, dz, dzz,

dxy, dxz, dyz) did not count so much in provide a positive answer.

Table 1: Optimum model for study 1

glmulti.analysis Method: h / Fitting: glm / IC used: bic Level: 1 / Marginality: FALSE From 100 models: Best IC: 1141.62559458361 Best model: ans ~ 1 + dy + dxx + dyy" Evidence weight: 0.732566719723095 Worst IC: 1188.17526126577 1 models within 2 IC units. 6 models to reach 95% of evidence weight.

Table 2: Values for optimum model for study 1

Table 2 shows that the factors dyy and dxx (vertical and lateral camera

displacement) with the factor dy (vertical bias) are the elements that more affect

    Nb  models   Importance  dzz   46   0,03101595  dxz   43   0,03117299  dz   44   0,0341906  dx   44   0,05051286  dxy   45   0,05077023  dyz   48   0,10359727  dyy   64   0,99999917  (intercept)   100     1  dy   100   1  dxx   100   1  

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the subject’s answer, with an high importance rate (~1) and with more than 60

models that contains them.

Study 2

The goal of study 2 was to measure the ownership feeling of a virtual hand viewed

from several perspectives, displacing the virtual camera and by changing the

congruency level.

The subject had to answer to the question: “Do you feel as if the virtual hand were

your own hand?” saying “YES” or “NO”. The answer “YES” means that the

ownership feeling arose in the subject.

We wanted to estimate the probability of having an ownership feeling

(P(ans=YES)), by changing the perspective (camera position) and the congruency


As for study 1, a data set was obtained by collecting the answers of each subject.

Figure 16 shows this spatial distribution of the collected answers, around the head

of the subject –blue sphere-. Each point represents the answer – blue= YES / red=

NO - for a specific camera position and a specific congruency level.

As for the previous study, some features of this distribution need to be extracted

and a model was therefore required. In this study, not only the camera position

affected the subject’s answer, but also the congruency level between the tactile

and visual stimuli.

Thus, to extend the 1D-stimulus psychometric curve some parameters needed to

be introduced. We used the same parameters b, b0 and A to model the

perspective effect on the answer and we introduced a new parameter C, modelling

the effect of the tactile stimulus on the answer.

This probability of having an answer equal to ‘Yes’ was estimated by the following


P(ans= YES| b, λ, A, b0, C) = σ [- (b-b0) A (b-b0)T + Cλ + intercept] (19)

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The term

p(ans =YES |b,λ,A,b0,C) represents the probability of having an answer

equal to yes, given five parameters: b, λ, A, b0, C.

The parameters A, b0 and b are the same already explained for the study 1. The

term λ represents the value of the congruency level that control whether visual and

tactile stimuli were in synchrony. C is the new coefficient that controls the

influence of the congruency level λ on the probability of having YES. Finally, σ is

the sigmoid curve that represents the psychometric curve, used to build this model

(Figure 15).

In this model, the viewpoint displacement (b – b0) and the congruency level λ, are

independent sources (factors) that we use to explain the subject answers.

As already explained in ch.3.2, a model of this type falls in the class of General

Linear Models (GLMs). According to the Eq. (11), X represent our data set, in

terms of camera positions and  θ is the set of parameters we wanted to estimate

(A, b0,C).

With this notation, Eq. 19 becomes:

P (ans=Yes| θ,X )= sigmoid (θX)

and θ is the set of parameters we wanted to estimate (A, b0, C).

Again we performed the model selection using the fuction glmulti in R, as for

study 1. fit_rhi=glmulti(ans~(lambda+dx+dy+dz+dxx+dyy+dzz+dxy+dxz+dyz)

,data=D_rhi,family=binomial(),level=1,crit=bic) was the function

that we used.

After having analysed 1050 models combining all the factors that could affect the

answer, the best found model was again the one that considered only dy (bias

between the subject’s head and the camera position along the y axis – vertical

axis), dyy (camera moviments along y axis – vertical displacements) and dxx

(camera moviments along x axis – left/right displacements) as the factors that

affected the subjects’ answers. But now also the displacements along dzz (moving

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the camera far/near to the subject) and the congruency level of the tactile

feedback (λ) affected the answer (Table 3).

Table 3: Optimum model for study 2

glmulti.analysis Method: h / Fitting: glm / IC used: bic Level: 1 / Marginality: FALSE From 100 models: Best IC: 3336.13594168629 Best model: [1] "ans ~ 1 + lambda + dy + dxx + dyy + dzz" Evidence weight: 0.524233128654795 Worst IC: 3360.82452647859 2 models within 2 IC units. 8 models to reach 95% of evidence weight.

In Table 4 we can see that the factors dxx, dyy, dzz, dy and λ are the elements

that more affect the subject’s answer, with an high importance rate (>0.5) and with

more than 40 models that contains them.

Table 4: Values of optimum model for study 2

    Nb  models   Importance  dyz   34   0.01959709  dx   34   0.01980592  dz   34   0.0204347  dxz   34   0.02130514  dxy   36   0.10125568  dzz   46   0.64445074  dxx   60   0.95796294  dyy   84   0.99942761  (Intercept)   100   1  lambda   100   1  dy   100   1  

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Estimation of the parameters

In order to estimate the parameters of the model, we performed two different

method: the MCMC method and the iteratively reweighted least squares method

for maximum likelihood estimation. R provides us two specific function to compute

the estimation of the parameters: the MCMClogit function and the glm function.

MCMClogit function

Performing the MCMC methods on the data, the model’s parameters were

extracted (see ch.3.3). We analysed the data operating with R, using the

dedicated function MCMClogit.

The function MCMClogit(formula, data, burnin, mcmc, thin,

marginal.likelihood)is used to perform the analysis. This function generates

a sample from the posterior distribution of a model using a random walk Metropolis

algorithm. We supplied the data distribution, the subjects’ answers associated with

the camera positions- and the prior of the elements of the matrix A and the

elements of the vector b0 . The main concept about the prior is that it should be

non-informative. It should not “bias” the parameters of the model more than the

data itself. Thus we chose a Gaussian prior with variance equal to 100 because a

Gaussians with “large” standard-deviations is known to be uninformative (spread).

We set burnin = 5*103..This represents the number of burn-in iterations for the

burning phase, to be sure that the algorithm reached the stationarity. Then we set

thin=100, to avoid the dependency of the samples on the past ones and mcmc=

5*104 as the number of the Metropolis interactions.

Finally, applying these value in the function, we obtained an acceptance rate of

~0.3 in both studies, that is satisfactory (It is generally accepted (that an

acceptance rate of about 20% is right (Gelman, Roberts, and Gilks, 1996)). Using

these values for the burning phase and the thinning interval, the convergence was

reached. In general, convergence refers to the idea that MCMC technique that we

choose will reach a stationary distribution and from this point on the samples stay

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in this distribution. Thus, since the algorithm has converged, samples from the

conditional distributions are used to summarize the posterior distribution of

parameters of interest.

glm function

glm(formula, family, data) is used to fit generalized linear models, specified by

giving a symbolic description of the linear predictor and a description of the data

distribution. We set family = binomial (and its link function logit set by

default), according to our model.

STUDY 1: estimate of parameters A and b0.

We needed to estimate the parameters A and b0 to implement the eq.18.

The coefficients of the parameters are shown in the following tables.

MCMClogit function

The function mcmc_persp = MCMClogit(I(as.numeric(ans)-


urnin=5e3,mcmc=5e4,thin=100) is used to perform the analysis. An

acceptance rate equal to 0.36 was obtained. Thus a sample (mean and standard

deviation of all the samples) from the posterior distribution was used as estimated


The coefficients’ values and the relative confident intervals are reported in Table 5.

As we explained before, the factors that most affect the subject’s answer were the

terms dy, dxx and dyy, so we focused on them. Table 5 shows that dy has a

negative value. This means that displacing the camera up/down, the maximum

probability of having ‘yes’ is not centre in zero, when the camera is in the same

position of the subject’s head, but there is a bias indeed. Also dxx and dyy has a

negative values, showing that the probability of having ‘yes’ decreases moving the

camera along the axes x and y, far from the subject’s head.

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Looking at the confident intervals, we are 95 percent certain that the parameters

dy, dxx and dyy are in that range of values (negative values).

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Table 5: Output of the MCMC estimation, study 1

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Metropolis acceptance rate for beta was 0.36669 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > summary(mcmc_persp) Iterations = 5001:54901 Thinning interval = 100 Number of chains = 1 Sample size per chain = 500 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, plus standard error of the mean:   Mean   SD   Naive  SE   Time-­‐series  SE    (Intercept)   1,28E+00   0,1543882   6,90E-­‐03   7,60E-­‐03    dx   5,29E-­‐03   0,0058971   2,64E-­‐04   2,46E-­‐04    dy   -­‐7,13E-­‐02   0,0066398   2,97E-­‐04   3,09E-­‐04    dz   -­‐3,82E-­‐03   0,0058995   2,64E-­‐04   2,80E-­‐04    dxx   -­‐3,87E-­‐03   0,0004837   2,16E-­‐05   1,83E-­‐05    dyy   -­‐2,93E-­‐03   0,0004979   2,23E-­‐05   2,56E-­‐05    dzz   6,36E-­‐05   0,000449   2,01E-­‐05   2,12E-­‐05    dxy   -­‐5,37E-­‐04   0,0005606   2,51E-­‐05   2,87E-­‐05    dxz   -­‐8,35E-­‐05   0,0005378   2,41E-­‐05   2,64E-­‐05    dyz   1,02E-­‐03   0,0005909   2,64E-­‐05   3,05E-­‐05                

2. Quantiles for each variable:                 2,50%   25%   50%   75%   97,50%    (Intercept)   0,974774   1,1866541   1,29E+00   1,37365   1,6145712    dx   -­‐0,0056012   0,0014279   5,34E-­‐03   0,0091658   0,0166227    dy   -­‐0,0840809   -­‐0,0760146   -­‐7,16E-­‐02   -­‐0,0668546   -­‐0,0578921    dz   -­‐0,0157524   -­‐0,0077272   -­‐3,74E-­‐03   0,0004935   0,0069497    dxx   -­‐0,0048034   -­‐0,0042079   -­‐3,86E-­‐03   -­‐0,0035334   -­‐0,0030272    dyy   -­‐0,0039242   -­‐0,0032363   -­‐2,95E-­‐03   -­‐0,0026152   -­‐0,0018867    dzz   -­‐0,0007807   -­‐0,0002474   4,38E-­‐05   0,0003761   0,0009295    dxy   -­‐0,0015796   -­‐0,0009289   -­‐5,41E-­‐04   -­‐0,0001582   0,0005588    dxz   -­‐0,0011406   -­‐0,0004385   -­‐9,10E-­‐05   0,0002735   0,0010172    dyz   -­‐0,0001362   0,0006395   1,02E-­‐03   0,0014121   0,0021486    

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glm function


ersp,family=binomial())was the used function.

The values of the coefficients are reported in Table 6.

Table 6: Maximum likelihood estimation, study 1

Call: glm(formula = ans ~ (dx + dy + dz + dxx + dyy + dzz + dxy + dxz + dyz), family = binomial(), data = D_persp) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.0266 -0.9905 0.6040 0.8597 2.6048 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 1.278e+00 1.572e-01 8.129 4.31e-16 *** dx 5.468e-03 5.983e-03 0.914 0.3607 dy -7.028e-02 6.604e-03 -10.642 < 2e-16 *** dz -3.543e-03 6.102e-03 -0.581 0.5615 dxx -3.832e-03 4.821e-04 -7.948 1.90e-15 *** dyy -2.925e-03 5.126e-04 -5.706 1.16e-08 *** dzz 3.521e-05 4.471e-04 0.079 0.9372 dxy -5.259e-04 5.915e-04 -0.889 0.3739 dxz -7.348e-05 5.429e-04 -0.135 0.8923 dyz 9.966e-04 6.050e-04 1.647 0.0995 . --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 1339.5 on 977 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 1109.3 on 968 degrees of freedom AIC: 1129.3 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

It is shown that the variable “answer” significantly depended on the coefficients dy

(p-value < 2e-16 ***) dxx (p-value = 1.90e-15 ***) and dyy (p-value = 1.16e-08 ***).

Even with this method, the estimate value of dy resulted to be negative, as the

values of dxx and dyy. The same discussions already made for MCMC estimation

could be done even for this case. The negative dy value means that displacing the

camera up/down, the maximum probability of having ‘yes’ is not centre in zero and

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negative dxx and dyy values mean that the probability of having ‘yes’ decreases

moving the camera along the axes x and y, far from the subject’s head.

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STUDY 2: estimate of parameters A and b0 and c

We needed to estimate the parameters A and b0 to implement the eq. 15.

The coefficients of the parameters are shown in the following tables.

MCMClogit function

We applied the same formula mcmc_rhi=MCMClogit(I(as.numeric(ans)-



An acceptance rate equal to 0.34 was obtained. Singe again the convergence was

reached the samples from the conditional distributions were used to summarize

the posterior distribution of parameters of interest.

The coefficients’ values and the relative confident intervals are reported in Table 7.

As we explained before, the factors that most affect the subject’s answer in study

2 were the terms dy, dxx and dyy, dzz and λ. Table 7 shows that dy again has a

negative value. This means that even for this study, displacing the camera

up/down, the maximum probability of having ‘yes’ is not centre in zero, when the

camera is in the same position of the subject’s head, but there is a bias indeed.

Also dxx, dyy and dzz has a negative values, showing that the probability of

having ‘yes’ decreases moving the camera along the axes x and z, far from the

subject’s head. On the contrary, λ has a positive value, meaning that the

probability of having ‘yes’ increases with it.

Looking at the confident intervals, we are 95 percent certain that the parameters

dy, dxx and dyy are in that range of values (negative values for dy, dxx, dyy and

dzz and positive value for λ).

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Table 7: Output of the MCMC estimation, study 2

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Metropolis acceptance rate for beta was 0.34438 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ > summary(mcmc_rhi) Iterations = 5001:54901 Thinning interval = 100 Number of chains = 1 Sample size per chain = 500 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, plus standard error of the mean:   Mean   SD   Naive  SE   Time-­‐series  SE    (Intercept)   1,90E-­‐01   0,1070576   4,79E-­‐03   4,88E-­‐03    lambda   1,02E+00   0,1482318   6,63E-­‐03   6,12E-­‐03    dx   3,17E-­‐04   0,0036966   1,65E-­‐04   1,42E-­‐04    dy   -­‐3,39E-­‐02   0,0037864   1,69E-­‐04   1,42E-­‐04    dz   7,29E-­‐04   0,0035792   1,60E-­‐04   1,88E-­‐04    dxx   -­‐1,18E-­‐03   0,0002933   1,31E-­‐05   1,19E-­‐05    dyy   -­‐1,54E-­‐03   0,000298   1,33E-­‐05   1,41E-­‐05    dzz   -­‐8,25E-­‐04   0,0002804   1,25E-­‐05   1,05E-­‐05    dxy   7,01E-­‐04   0,0003812   1,71E-­‐05   1,73E-­‐05    dxz   1,28E-­‐04   0,0003483   1,56E-­‐05   1,65E-­‐05    dyz   -­‐7,16E-­‐06   0,0003495   1,56E-­‐05   1,66E-­‐05                

2. Quantiles for each variable:   2,50%   25%   50%   75%   97,50%    (Intercept)   -­‐1,75E-­‐02   0,1148183   1,90E-­‐01   0,2686761   0,3866878    lambda   7,29E-­‐01   0,9154259   1,01E+00   1,1224778   1,2967216    dx   -­‐6,81E-­‐03   -­‐0,0022057   3,57E-­‐04   0,0028398   0,0075483    dy   -­‐4,14E-­‐02   -­‐0,0365163   -­‐3,37E-­‐02   -­‐0,0312897   -­‐0,0268257    dz   -­‐6,63E-­‐03   -­‐0,001697   7,49E-­‐04   0,0031646   0,0074596    dxx   -­‐1,76E-­‐03   -­‐0,0013765   -­‐1,19E-­‐03   -­‐0,0009843   -­‐0,000625    dyy   -­‐2,11E-­‐03   -­‐0,0017524   -­‐1,53E-­‐03   -­‐0,0013483   -­‐0,0009667    dzz   -­‐1,37E-­‐03   -­‐0,00102   -­‐8,24E-­‐04   -­‐0,0006326   -­‐0,0002369    dxy   -­‐2,76E-­‐05   0,0004407   7,13E-­‐04   0,0009417   0,0015024    dxz   -­‐5,26E-­‐04   -­‐0,0001021   1,23E-­‐04   0,0003503   0,0008058    dyz   -­‐6,97E-­‐04   -­‐0,0002418   -­‐1,92E-­‐06   0,0002172   0,0006825                  

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glm function


data=D_rhi,family=binomial())was the used function.

The values of the coefficients are reported in Table 8.

Table 8: Maximum likelihood estimation, study 2

Call: glm(formula = ans ~ (lambda + dx + dy + dz + dxx + dyy + dzz + dxy + dxz + dyz), family = binomial(), data = D_rhi) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.7648 -1.1976 0.8027 1.0306 1.9874 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 1.825e-01 1.082e-01 1.686 0.09171 . lambda 1.007e+00 1.460e-01 6.894 5.44e-12 *** dx 4.587e-04 3.694e-03 0.124 0.90116 dy -3.348e-02 3.798e-03 -8.816 < 2e-16 *** dz 9.119e-04 3.569e-03 0.255 0.79834 dxx -1.136e-03 2.844e-04 -3.996 6.44e-05 *** dyy -1.514e-03 2.997e-04 -5.052 4.36e-07 *** dzz -8.052e-04 2.672e-04 -3.014 0.00258 ** dxy 7.106e-04 3.875e-04 1.834 0.06668 . dxz 1.304e-04 3.493e-04 0.373 0.70895 dyz 3.991e-06 3.570e-04 0.011 0.99108 --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1) Null deviance: 3457.9 on 2518 degrees of freedom Residual deviance: 3285.5 on 2508 degrees of freedom AIC: 3307.5 Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

The variable “answer” significantly depended on the coefficients dy (p-value < 2e-

16 ***) dxx (p-value = 6.44e-05***), dyy (p-value = 4.36e-07***) and now even on

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dzz (p-value = 0.00258**). The “answer” significantly depends even on λ (p-value

= 5.44e-12***).

Even with this method, the estimate value of dy resulted to be negative, as the

values of dxx and dyy and dzz. On the contrary, λ has a positive value. The same

discussions already made for MCMC estimation could be done even for this case.

The negative dy value means that displacing the camera up/down, the maximum

probability of having ‘yes’ is not centre in zero and negative dxx, dyy and dzz

values mean that the probability of having ‘yes’ decreases moving the camera

along the axes x, y and even z far from the subject’s head. On the contrary, th

probability of having ‘yes’ increases with a higher congruency level (bigger λ).

Table 9: : Comparison between the two estimation methods

glm:     Estimate    (Intercept)   1,27E+00    dy   -­‐6,97E-­‐02    dxx   -­‐3,77E-­‐03    dyy   -­‐2,92E-­‐03    

MCMClogit:     Estimate  (Intercept)   1,28E+00  dy   -­‐7,13E-­‐02  dxx   -­‐3,87E-­‐03  dyy   -­‐2,93E-­‐03  

Looking at the values of the estimated parameters, we noticed that they did not

differ significantly from the ones estimated by MCMClogit (Table 9). Thus we

performed all the analysis using the glm-fitted parameters, only for practical

purposes due to a higher computational efficiency.

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A model based on the psychometric function was built to extract the parameters

that characterize the data distribution.

Performing the Bayesian inference using the MCMC method, the parameters the

affect the stimulus-response of the subjects were estimated. Then, having the

parameters’ estimation, we could predict the subjects’ answers with the function

Predict(object, newdata, in R. With this function we could obtain

predictions and optionally estimates standard errors of those predictions from a

fitted generalized linear model object. The estimated parameters from GLM

(fit_persp) were used and the predicted probabilities where calculated from the

maximum likelihood fit. We created a new data frame in which looking for the

variables with which to predict. We define the data frame, setting the values of the

camera position over a range from -25 cm to 25 cm, along each direction


The results are plotted as function of the camera displacements along the three

directions x, y, z separately, according to the body axes in Figure 24.

Study 1

The relationship between the answer YES and the camera positions was

analysed. In this study, the subject’s answer depended only on the camera

distance from the subject’s head: ans= f(d).

The probability of having a positive answer (''YES'') was calculated by applying the

estimated parameters A and b0 in the model and predicting the answers over a

range of [-25 25] cm for each direction, applying the function pred_persp =


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Figure 31 shows the results obtained by moving the camera laterally left and right,

along the x axis. The head of the subject was assumed to coincide with the center

of the coordinate system [x, y, z] = [0, 0, 0].

Figure 31: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along x (lef/right to the subject).

Data are described by a bell-shaped curve, with a peak centre in zero (µ=0.8,,6). The highest probability of having ‘YES’ is 0.78± 0.026.

This data distribution shows that the probability of having the answer ‘Yes’ (i.e.,

the subjects perceives the virtual scene as a real one, in terms of point of view) is

maximum (~80%) when the camera position is centred on the subject’s head and

that it decreases moving the camera along the x axis to the left or to the right of

the subject. To have the highest probability of having ‘Yes’ (~80%), the camera

could move within a range between ~ [-10,10] (Figure 34).

In general, we do not need the precise value of this range but only an approximate

one, in order to compare it with the head dimensions (biparietal diameter ~ 16 cm

in an adult man). Thus these results define the range of positions along x where

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the camera needs to be displacing to ensure a 1PP scene. In summary, subjects

perceive a 1PP scene if displacing the camera right and left within a range which

is comparable with their head.

Figure 32 shows the results obtained by moving the camera up and down along

the y axis. Again the head of the subject was assumed to coincide with the center

of the coordinate system [x, y, z] = [0, 0, 0].

Figure 32: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along y (up/down to the subject).

As for the x-displacement, a similar bell-shaped curve is also obtained for camera

displacements in the y direction. The maximum value of the probability of having

YES is 0.84 ± 0.020 and it is centred in -12 cm (µ=-11,9,,5).

This means that the probability of having “YES” decreases also with the vertical

displacement of the camera, moving it up or down compared to the subject’s head,

but with a peak 10 cm below the head’s centre position. This shift could be due to

the set-up of the virtual scene. In particular, if the camera was aligned with the

head’s position, subjects would experience an unreal recreated scene, because

they would look straight at the table. For a natural view of the scene, subjects

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should look down to the table, as they would do in a real situation. Thus, putting

the camera below the subject’s head, they experienced a more realistic scene.

In Figure 34 the range of the camera positions where the probability of having

‘Yes’ was equal to 80% is shown ( ~[-20, 0] cm). Thus these results define the

vertical range where the camera needs to be displacing to ensure a 1PP scene.

In summary, the scene should be shifted down to the subject’s eye to simulate the

view of a realistic 1PP scene.

Table 10 summarizes the main features of the probability distribution of having

YES, displacing the camera along the x and y axes.

Table 10: Summary of main findings



BIAS (cm)

X AXIS 0.78 14, 6 0 Y AXIS 0.84 17,4 -12

Lastly, Figure 33 shows the results obtained by moving the camera backward and

forward along the z axis. The head of the subject was still centred in [x,y,z,= 0, 0,


Figure 33: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along z (near/far from the subject).

In this case, the shape of the data curve differs from the other two ones. Instead of

a bell shaped-function, results are characterized by a curve which is reasonably

constant when varying z, along the gaze direction. This means that camera

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movements along the z axis do not influence the probability of having “YES”,

underlying a less sensitivity along the depth axis. This is due to the nature of

forward/backward movements which do not modify the subject's perspective, but

rather the distance from the scene.

Figure 34: isoprobability curves. The blue area represents the maximum porbabliity of having yes

(80%) and the related range of positions along x and y axis.

Figure 34 represents the Isoprobability curves - constant slices of the 3D positive

answers distribution on a 2D format. For z=0, it shows the range of positions along

the axes x and y where the camera could be displaced maintaining the same

probability of having ‘yes’, with different probability levels (80% , 60%, 40%, 20%).

Varying the camera position along x and y (z=0), we could ensure an high

probability (~ 80% in study 1) of having ‘Yes’ if moving the camera left/right to the

subject’s head along x within the range in blue, which is approximately ~ [-8 , 12]

cm and up/down along y within the range ~ [-23,-3] cm.

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Table 11: Summary of the predicted values and estimated standard errors

RIGHT/LEFT DISPLACMENTS summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.2525 0.4843 0.6636 0.6090 0.7536 0.7803 summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.02136 0.02168 0.02196 0.02694 0.03164 0.04352 UP/DOWN DISPLACMENTS >summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.09141 0.48540 0.77290 0.64170 0.82740 0.84320 >summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.01743 0.02020 0.02613 0.02700 0.03273 0.05200 FORWARDS BACKWARDS DISPLACMENTS > summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.7803 0.7803 0.7803 0.7803 0.7803 0.7803 > summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.02196 0.02196 0.02196 0.02196 0.02196 0.02196

Table 11 shows the predicted values and the estimated standard errors of those

predictions, for camera movements along x,y and z axes.

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RESULTS- study 2

As for study 1, the relationship between the answer YES and the camera positions

were analysed. But for study 2, the subject’s answer depended not only on the

camera distance from the subject’s head but also on the congruence level λ

between the visual and tactile stimuli: ans= f(d + λ).

The probability of having a positive answer (''YES'') was calculated by applying the

estimated parameters A, b0 and C in the model and predicting the answers over a

range of [-25 25] cm for each direction, applying the function pred_persp =


First, we focused on the analysis of the congruency effect on the probability of

having ‘Yes’, because we found the same results moving, independently from the

of the camera movements.

Different probabilities related to different λ values along x,y and z are plotted in

Figure 35, Figure 36 and Figure 37. The highest P(Yes) value is referred to the red

curve, associated with a congruency level of 100%. Vice versa, the lowest P(Yes)

value is referred to the blue curve, associated with a congruency level of 0%. The

green curve, related to a congruency level of 50%, represents an intermediate

value. It is immediate to understand that λ is a critical factor to determine the

probability of having ‘Yes’. Using high λ values the probability of receiving a tactile

feedback when touching the ball increased. Vice versa, using λ= 0%, the subject

never received the tactile feedback when touching the virtual ball.

The analysis of the effect of the camera movements must be performed separately

for each direction.

Figure 35 shows the results obtained by moving the camera laterally left and right,

along the x axis.

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Figure 35: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along x (left/right to the subject), using 3 different congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%).

Similarly to study 1, the data follows the behaviour of a bell-shaped curve.

Therefore, the probability of having the ownership P(Yes) is maximum when the

camera position is centred on the subject’s head and that it decreases moving the

camera along the x axis to the left or to the right of the subject.

For λ= 100% the maximum value of the probability of having YES is 0.76 ± 0.020

and it is centred in 0 cm (µ=0.2,,52). For λ= 50% the maximum value is

0.66 ± 0.018, still centred in 0 cm (µ=0.2,,52). For λ= 0% the peak is

greatly decreased, with a value of 0.54 ± 0.026, but still centred in 0 cm (µ=0.2,,52).

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Figure 36 shows the results related to the vertical movements of the camera.

Figure 36: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along y (up/down to the subject), using 3 different congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%).

As already mentioned, the probability of answering ‘Yes’ increases with the λ


Moreover, as in study 1, the probability of having the ownership P(Yes) peaks at y

~ -10cm, and decreases as the camera is displaced along the y axis,

independently from the congruency level. This bias could be explained with the

same discussion made for study 1 (see Results –study 1), involving the necessity

of looking at a shifted scene to simulate a natural view.

For λ= 100% the maximum value of the probability of having YES is 0.79 ± 0.012

and it is centred in -11 cm (µ=-11,1,,46). For λ= 50% the maximum

value is 0.70 ± 0.016, still centred in -11 cm (µ=-11,1,,46). For λ= 0%

the pea decreases, with a value of 0.59 ± 0.025, but still centred -11 cm (µ=-11,1,,46).

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Finally, Figure 37 shows the results of a camera displacement along the z axis,

far/near to the subject.

Figure 37: study 1 - results. Probability of having an answer equal to yes, displacing the camera

along z (near/far from the subject), using 3 different congruency levels (λ=0%,50%,100%).

A bell-shaped curve centered in zero describes that the probability of having

P(Yes), similarly to what observed in the previous two cases (x and y

displacements), but greatly different from the results of study1.

Same results and discussions made for x and y displacements hold for

congruency levels. Again, the probability of having the ownership P(Yes) is

maximum when the camera position is centred on the subject’s head and that it

decreases moving the camera along the z axis, far or near to the subject. For λ=

100% the maximum value of the probability of having YES is 0.76 ± 0.020 and it is

centred in 0 cm (µ=0.6,,49). For λ= 50% the maximum value is 0.66 ±

0.018, still centred in 0 cm (µ=0.6,,49). For λ= 0% the peak is greatly

decreased, with a value of 0.54 ± 0.026, but still centred in 0 cm (µ=0.6,,49).

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Again we plotted the iso-probability curves to analyse the range of positions along

the axes x, y and z where the camera could be displaced maintaining the same

probability of having ‘yes’.

Figure 38 shows the position range along x, y and z that ensures an high

probability of having ‘Yes’, with a maximum congruency level (P(Yes~70%)) and

with a minimum congruency level ((P(Yes~50%))).

Figure 38 a) shows the displacements along x and y with λ=0%. If the camera

moves left/right and up/down within the green area (approximately x ~ [-17, 17] cm


y ~ [-23, 0] cm) we obtain the maximum probability of having ‘Yes’ in these

conditions. With λ=100% the probability reaches the 70%, moving the camera

within a range of [-20, 20] for lateral displacements and [-25, 4] for vertical

displacements. For later movements along x, the range is bigger than the one

necessary to ensure a 1PP scene, according to results in study 1. Nonetheless an

high probability of having an ownership sensation is reached, thanks to the visual-

tactile feedback (Figure 38).

Concerning the range of vertical movements along y, the results are basically the

same found in study 2.This means that again the scene should be shifted down to

the subject’s eye to simulate the view of a realistic 1PP scene.

For movements along the saggital axis (z), we found out that the camera position

affects the probability of having ownership, decreasing it if putting the camera far

from the subject over a. However, Figure 38 shows that subject are less sensitive

for displacements along z axis (as for study1). It ensures a 70% of probability by

moving the camera within the range between ~[-23, 23]. Moreover the camera has

to be moved over 40 cm far from the head to decrease the probability down to

50% .


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Figure 38: Comparison between range of position for λ=0% (panels a and b) and λ=100% (panels c

and d), for x (top panels) and z (bottom panels).

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Table 12: Estimated standard errors and predicted values

RIGHT/LEFT DISPLACEMENTS >summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.6192 0.6880 0.7334 0.7197 0.7582 0.7662 >summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.01969 0.01993 0.02033 0.02285 0.02401 0.03787 UP/DOWN DISPLACEMENTS > summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.3557 0.6305 0.7559 0.6942 0.7871 0.7971 > summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.01812 0.01954 0.02273 0.02538 0.02922 0.04605 FORWARDS BACKWARDS DISPLACMENTS summary(pred_persp$fit) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.6642 0.7112 0.7428 0.7336 0.7604 0.7662 > summary(pred_persp$ Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.01957 0.01983 0.02029 0.02221 0.02300 0.03479

Table 12 shows the values related to the prediction values and the estimated

standard errors of those predictions, for camera movements along x, y and z axis,

for λ=100%.

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This project focused on the RHI in a dynamic virtual reality set-up and two studies

were developed to investigate the limits of conscious perception. The main goal

goal of this work was to systematically analyse and quantify how perspective

affects RHI, testing the perception of both point-of-view changes and ownership of

virtual hand.

Our experiments were based on the classical RHI set-up (Botvinick M., Cohen J.,

1998). This illusion belongs to a class of perceptual effects involving intersensory

bias, resulting when the information available to different sensory modalities is

discordant. As in the classical RHI experiments, the main idea of this project was

that a multisensory conflict arose by modifying visual and tactile perception. As a

consequence, the brain was no longer able to create a coherent representation of

the body. Thus, a misattribution of the fake hand emerged in subjects, that felt the

rubber hand become part of the their body image. To test the subjects’ ownership

feeling and collecting data we based on the classical RHI experiment. Subjects

were asked to answer to questions taken from the original experiment by Botvinick

and Cohen.

Classical RHI set-up has many limitations. Particularly, imprecise experimental

control affects the stimulation that varies within different subjects. E.g. the tactile

stimuli, varying for pressure’s intensity, stimulation timing and stimulated points,

could not be exactly reproduced in each participant. Thus it is difficult to perform

and repeat the experiment with the same conditions, preventing a modelling of the

data. We therefore planned to investigate this cognitive illusion with a more

systematic and standardized approach, operating with a virtual environment.

Working with VR allowed us to achieve a better automation in conveying the tactile

stimulus, in collecting data and in replicating the same conditions within different

subjects. The tactile stimulation was systematically controlled by changing the

value λ. Using the same congruency levels we could test the subjects with the

same condition, in terms of tactile stimulation.

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Moreover in literature we found experiments concerning how the perspective

affects the ownership feeling. Nonetheless only 1PP and 3PP effects were tested

(Lenggenhager et al. (2007, 2009); Aspell et al. (2009); Petkova and Ehrsson

(2008); Slater et al. (2009, 2010), (Ehrsson (2007)). Operating within the VR, it

was possible to easily go beyond what is feasible in the physical world. Thus we

could systematically modify the perspective of the virtual scene all around the

space, not only testing the 1PP or 3PP conditions, in order to study the effect of a

change in the point of view.

Subjects could interact with the virtual scenario watching the scene with the HMD.

They experienced the sensation of being sit at a virtual table, looking at their arm.

To study the effects of changing the perspective, different points of view of the

same scene had to be presented to the subjects. Thus, the scene was reproduced

by a virtual camera that showed the virtual scene from various perspectives,

moving around the subjects’ head. Hence subjects observed the scene from

different points of view, depending on different randomly changing camera


In the study 1 we analyzed only the conscious perspective perception, without

involving the RHI directly. Analyses were carried out to evaluate when subjects

could perceived a 1PP virtual scene, moving the camera around the subject, along

the x, y, z axes. We suggested that some camera positions could produced a 1PP

scene more than other positions. Analysing the collected data we were able to

estimate the range of the camera positions that allowed the creation of a 1PP


Since the answer “YES” referred to the question “Do you feel that the point of view

of this trial is the same as yours?”, the probability of having YES indicated that

subjects perceived a 1PP scene.

Different probabilities of having “YES” are obtained by shifting the camera position

along the three axes x, y, z, according to Figure 24.

Figure 39 shows the probability of having “YES” given the camera displacements

along x, y, z, respectively.

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Figure 39: results – study 1. Probability of having “YES, given a camera displacement along the

axis x, y, z.

Results involving camera lateral displacements along x axis showed that the

probability of obtaining a positive answer (YES) peaked at zero and then


This means that when the camera position was centred on the subject’s head –in

zero – the probability of having YES was maximum. By moving the camera on the

right/left to the subject, this probability decreases.

Results involving camera displacements along y axis showed that the probability

of having the answer YES was still described by a bell-shape curve. It decreases

with the vertical displacement of the camera, moving it up or down compared to

the subject’s head. Results also showed that in this case the peak was not centred

in zero.

One first hypothesis could be that the set-up of the virtual scene. In particular,

when the camera was centred in y=0, subjects would look straight at the table

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(Figure 40a). For a natural view of the scene, subjects should look down to the

table, as they would do in a real situation (Figure 40b). Thus, putting the camera

below the subject’s head, they experienced a more realistic 1PP scene.

Figure 40: possible explanation for the y bias that seems to be related to the set-up.

But it will be necessary to more carefully investigate more about this problem, to

ensure that it is related to the set-up or if it origins from a cognitive perceptual


Nonetheless, even in this case, we conclude that moving the camera position up

or down the perceived perspective of the scene changes. The more the virtual

camera is placed far from the subject’s head the more he/she is able to notice a

change in perspective.

Concerning the results for camera displacement along the z axis, a different curve

trend. Instead of a bell-shaped curve, results show a flat curve, reasonably

constant. This means that camera movements along the z axis do not significantly

change the perspective of the scene, still perceived as a 1PP even moving the

camera. We conclude that subjects are less sensitive to discriminate perspective

differences along the depth direction.

Lastly, Figure 41 qualitatively shows the range of position that the camera could

cover to produced a 1PP virtual scene (blu area). The lateral range basically

covers the head position, while the vertical one is shifted down to the subject to

ensure a more realistic vision, as previously explained.

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Figure 41: isoprobability curves. The light blue area represents the maximum porbabliity of having

yes (~80%) and the related range of positions along x and y axis. The head of the subject is also

plotted for an easier comprehension of the figure.

In study 2 we systematically collected measures and data on the effect of changes

in perspective and in visual-tactile congruency on the ownership of a virtual hand.

One result we expected from this experiment was that the RHI was stronger when

the camera position was closer to the subject’s head position. In this condition, a

first person perspective vision was reproduced, according to the results of study 2.

The subject was able to watch the scene with the same point of view of his own

eyes. The scene was therefore closer to the real one, thus allowing the RHI to

occur more strongly.

Analysing the collected date we were able to estimate the probability of having the

answer equal to YES (ownership feeling), after a camera displacement and with a

specific congruency level.

Two separate effects that affected the ownership feeling were studied: the

perspective changes and the congruency level between the visual and the tactile

stimuli, indicated by the value λ.

Figure 42 shows the P(ans=YES) given camera displacements along the 3 axis

(x, y, z), for a specific congruency level.

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Figure 42: results – study 2. Probability of experiencing the ownership feeling, given a camera

displacement along the 3 axis (x, y, z) and using 3 different congruency levels.

For all the three directions, the probability of having an answer equal to YES is

maximum when the camera is placed in the same position of the subject’s head

and it decreases by displacing the camera far from the head.

Focusing on the congruency level effects, Figure 42 showed that for higher λ, the

P(ans=YES) increased. In particular, results showed that the probability of feeling

the virtual hand as own with providing a fully synchronous feedback was ~25%

higher than with a asynchronous feedback [P(yes) max ~ 80% with λ=100% and

P(yes) max < 60% with λ=0%].

This is the first main result, meaning that the tactile feedback, together with the

visual feedback, counts for the rise of the ownership feeling. In particular if the

visual and tactile stimuli are congruent, the subjects feels a stronger ownership

feeling of the virtual hand. Vice versa, providing a tactile stimulation incongruent

with the visual stimulus, a feebler feeling arises.

This result is consistent with the findings of the classical RHI experiments inferring

that a synchronous tactile stimulation of the real hand and the fake hand was a

necessary condition in order to induce the RHI (tsakiris&haggard 2005).

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Concerning the analysis on the effects of a changes in perspective, similar results

in terms of probability distribution shapes and width were found in all the panels of

Figure 42. Independently from the λ value, a bell-shaped curve described the

probability of having an ownership feeling by moving the camera along three

different axes.

Results involving camera displacements along x axis showed that the probability

of having ownership had a peak around zero and then decreased.

Even from the results obtained by a vertical camera displacement along the y axis,

we noticed that the probability of having an ownership feeling had a peak and then

decreased. It means that the feeling of ownership decreases by displacing the

camera up/down from the subject, along the longitudinal axis (fig.21). We still

notice a shift in the peak of the curve. We elaborated the same hypothesis already

made for study 1, about a set-up problem.

Concerning the results of camera displacement along the z axis, we found a

difference between the results obtained from study 1. Now the probability of

having ownership had a peak around zero and then decreased. It means that the

ownership feeling arises more strongly when the virtual camera is close to the

head of the subject (1PP) but decrease by moving the camera far from the

subject’s head along the sagittal axis.

This could be explained because of the visual-tactile stimulation that could provide

a sense of being inside the virtual environment, increasing the subject’s sensitivity

of perspective changes even along the depth axis. However, Figure 43-a shows

that subject are still less sensitive for displacements along z axis (as for study1), in

compared to the camera movements along x and y (var z > var x, var y –see Table

13). In fact, a 70% of probability is still obtained even moving the camera within a

bigger the range (~[-25, 25] cm) and putting the camera very far from the head (z

> ±30 cm) still provide a 50% of probability of having an ownership feeling. This

effect does not equally occur by moving the camera laterally/vertical along x/y axes

(Figure 43b).

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Figure 43: comparison between the range of positions along x (left panel) and z (right panel) .

In general, the only significant different between the curves related to study 1 and

study 2 are the size of the bell (for study 1 the variance is bigger than study 2 –

see Table 13). This probes that a tactile feedback enhances the sensation of being

immerse in a real environment and thus even the feeling of ownership.

Table 13: Comparison of the standard deviation for the two studies presented here

Study 1 Study 2

St. dev x

14, 6 26, 5

St. dev y

17,4 23, 4

St. dev z -- 31, 49

In summary, we conclude that perspective counts for the rise the ownership

feeling. This sensation is stronger when the camera covers the right positions

necessary to provide a 1PP, and it becomes feebler by displacing the camera far

from the subject’s head, along all the axes, x, y and even z. Furthermore, the

synchrony between the visual and tactile stimulation increases the sense of

ownership feeling, coherently with the results obtained in the classical RHI

experiment (see Figure 11) (tsakiris&haggard 2005). Lastly, the tactile feedback in

general is also important because enhances a more realistic sense of being inside

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the virtual environment, increasing the feeling of ownership even if the scene is not

perfectly view in 1PP.

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This project was carried out to explore the mechanisms responsible for the body

ownership feeling in VR. The classical experiment concerning the rubber hand

illusion (Botvinick M., Cohen J., 1998) was reproduced in a virtual environment,

exploiting the many advantages in working with VR to explore body perception. VR

allowed the construction of an automatic set-up and a successive systematic data

collection, in order to study this ownership illusion with a more scientific approach.

Two different studies were perform in order to achieve this goal. A preliminary

study (study 1) was necessary to better understand the results of a second study

(study 2) focused on the ownership feeling mechanisms.

Study 1 investigated the pure perceptual mechanisms in a virtual environment.

Subjects were ask to indicate if the virtual scene was presented with a 1PP or not.

Since the perspective of the scene was related to the positions of a virtual camera,

we could identify the range of these positions that allowed the creation of a 1PP

virtual scene.

Results show that a 1PP scene could be reproduced by moving the camera

between -10 cm and 10 cm right/left to the subject’s head combined with a vertical

displacement between -3 cm and -20 cm down to the subject, while movements

along the depth axis do not greatly affect the perspective of the scene.

Study 2 focused on the effects of using a 1PP scene and a visuo-tactile feedbacks

on the ownership feeling, always performing the experiments in VR. Subjects were

ask to evaluate if the virtual hand in the scene was felt as their own hand. The

answers depended again on the perspective of this virtual scene and also on the

congruency between the visual and the tactile stimulation, conveyed to the

subjects during the experiments.

Results showed that the probability of feeling the virtual hand as own with

providing a fully synchronous feedback was ~25% higher than with a

asynchronous feedback [P(yes) max ~ 80% with λ=100% and P(yes) max < 60%

with λ=0%].

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This result was coherent with the results obtained in the classical RHI experiment

(see Figure 11) (tsakiris&haggard 2005). Furthermore, independently to λ value,

the ownership feeling reached a maximum when the virtual scene was shown in a

1PP (placing the camera according to the results of study 1) and decreased if

presenting a virtual scenario from a point of view different from the subject’s one.

Even this result was consistent with the results in literature concerning the

importance of a 1PP for the ownership mechanisms (Petkova, Khoshnevis

Ehrsson (2011) ;Ehrsson (2007)). Furthermore, we found that providing a tactile

stimulation to the subject the feeling of ownership increased, even if the scene is

not perfectly view in 1PP. Thus, we can also conclude that tactile feedbacks plays

an important role in the ownership feeling, giving a more realistic sense of being

inside the virtual environment.

In summary, we conclude that a 1PP virtual scene combined with a congruent

visuo-motor feedback are necessary conditions to induce the ownership feeling of

a virtual hand, performing the classical experiment of the RHI in VR.

Nonetheless a more accurate error analysis and inter-subject variability analysis

should be performed in order to achieve more quantitative results to

support these results.

Concluding, this project proves that our virtual set-up was suitable to reproduce

the classical RHI conditions. However further advancements could be performed

to render the virtual scene more realistic. The virtual scene could be improved in

terms of quality of the images (e.g. adding objects in the scene). The virtual arm

could be rendered more realistic, adding anatomical and physiological

characteristics. Even the movements of the real arm could be better reproduced in

the virtual scene by tracking not only the hand, but also the wrist, the forearm and

the elbow.

Furthermore, further information about the brain activities could obtained, e.g.

applying electrodes on the subjects’ head and recorded the EEG during the

experiments. Exploiting this virtual RHI set-up, one could detect which brain areas

are activated while automatically and systematically changing the perspective of

the virtual scene and the visual-tactile congruency of the stimulation.

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Finally the principles of full-body ownership described here could be employed in

the wide range of industrial and clinical applications, e.g. to investigate on

neurological diseases such as schizophrenia or phantom limb syndrome, or in

order to optimise artificial devises such as prosthetics, orthotics and artificial limbs.

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