course introduction

Course Introduction Programming Language(Using Java)

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Course Introduction. Programming Language(Using Java). Course personnel:. lecturer 戴开宇: Contact email: [email protected] bbsid: daiky msn: [email protected] Education background 1992-1996 Shanghai jiaotong University bachelor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Course Introduction

Course Introduction

Programming Language(Using Java)

Page 2: Course Introduction

Course personnel:

lecturer 戴开宇 :

Contact email: [email protected] bbsid: daiky msn: [email protected]

Education background

• 1992-1996 Shanghai jiaotong University bachelor• 1996-1999 Shanghai jiaotong University master• 1999-2003 Shanghai jiaotong University phD

Page 3: Course Introduction

Course personnel:

Teaching Assistants 时均帅 : email: [email protected]

bbsid: pings

王安华 : email: [email protected] bbsid: watertap

谭 肖 : email: [email protected] bbsid:txfree

Page 4: Course Introduction

Let’s Intro ourselves

Where you are? I have never used computer

I know some basic operations of computers, and be familiar with some common softwares, including office softwares, email, web systems or games

I know DOS interface and has a moderate mastering of the computer, such as configuring computer system

I have ever learned some basic programming knowledge in high school, like VB, C, etc.

I master a programming language, or even attended some kind of competition.

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Course Information

Time and Place: Time and Place: Attendance is mandatory. Lectures: Lectures:

TuesdayTuesday : : 33 ,, 44 ; ; ThursdayThursday : : 55 ,, 6;6;

LabLab : : ThursdayThursday : : 77 ,, 8 (Computing Center first 8 (Computing Center first

floor, room A110 )floor, room A110 ) Practicing on the course contentsPracticing on the course contents

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Course Information

Course goals.Course goals. Master the core concepts and basics of programming Master the core concepts and basics of programming

language (Using Java programming Language)language (Using Java programming Language) Master struct programing such as control statementMaster struct programing such as control statement Be familiar with Object oriented programmingBe familiar with Object oriented programming Know common Java class libraryKnow common Java class library 。。

Master the basic concept of computer and software Master the basic concept of computer and software design..Be familiar with basic operation and usage of design..Be familiar with basic operation and usage of common softwarescommon softwares

Cultivate the thinking approach expressed by computerCultivate the thinking approach expressed by computer Cultivate the interest to computer and software designCultivate the interest to computer and software design Make the basis for the following courses,Cultivate the Make the basis for the following courses,Cultivate the

studying approaches for Professional coursesstudying approaches for Professional courses A guide to other aspect and a bridge between you and A guide to other aspect and a bridge between you and

our schoolour school

The details of java language is not the


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Learning Approaches

Studying TextbookStudying Textbook Lectures & pptLectures & ppt Preview and reviewPreview and review Practicing ! Just do it! –Lab &Project Accomplish homeworkAccomplish homework materials on webmaterials on web The ability to learn by yourselfThe ability to learn by yourself

Requirements of the course

earnest earnest ; ; HonestyHonesty ; ; communication & communication & coorpative…coorpative…

Stanford Honor Code

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Course Orgnization

Lectures Labs Projects Exams

Mid(Maybe) Final

Class website 程序设计 B/

Some Demos

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Course Orgnization

Grading (Ref. Not fixed yet) Project 40% Lab 10% Homework 10% exam 40%

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Introduction to Java Programming(Fifth Edition)

by Y. Daniel LiangPart I Fundamentals of Programming

Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programming, and Java

Chapter 2 Primitive Data Types and Operations

Chapter 3 Control Statements

Chapter 4 Methods

Chapter 5 Arrays

Part II Object-Oriented Programming

Chapter 6 Objects and Classes

Chapter 7 Strings

Chapter 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism

Chapter 9 Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Modeling

Page 11: Course Introduction


Part III GUI Programming

Chapter 11 Getting Started with GUI Programming

Chapter 12 Event-Driven Programming

Chapter 13 Creating User Interfaces

Chapter 14 Applets, Images, and Audio

Part IV Exception Handling and IO

Chapter 15 Exceptions and Assertions

Chapter 16 Simple Input and Output

Sixth edition

Page 12: Course Introduction

Former Textbook(in Chinese)

引论 主要介绍计算机、 Internet 和 Web 的发展现状,以及对程序设计语言发展的冲

击 Java Application

主要介绍 Java Application 的运行环境,编程规范 //Java Applet

// 主要介绍 Java Applet 的运行环境、结构以及运行原理 Java 的控制结构 主要介绍顺序、条件、循环的概念,以及在 Java 中的实现,同时介绍赋值语

句和算术运算语句的特点 方法 主要介绍一般方法的编程要点,递归函数的编程方法 数组 Chapter 7

主要介绍数组的概念,以及数组的使用方法和实现原理。 Java 字符串 Chapter 10

主要介绍 Java 的 String 类和 StringBuffer 类

Page 13: Course Introduction

基于对象和面向对象的 Java 编程 Chapter 8 , 9

主要介绍对象和类的概念和实现,面对对象的继承、封装、多态三大特性以及在 Java 中的体现, Java 类的访问权限, Java 的静态成员和实例成员, Java 的构造函数和析构函数, Java 类的层次关系,内部类,虚类和接口

图形界面 Chapter 11 12 13

主要介绍 Java 的图形编程和 Java2D 。

用户界面 主要介绍图形化用户界面的编程要点,以及对鼠标键盘事件的相应方法。

异常处理和多线程 Chapter 14 15

主要介绍异常以及多线程的概念,以及在 Java 语言中的实现方法。

Former Textbook

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Advanced readings(not required)

Classic Java books

Thinking in Java Core java