crayon roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at Crayon Roll {tutorial} Crayon Roll {tutorial} Crayon Roll {tutorial} Crayon Roll {tutorial} Materials Needed Materials Needed Materials Needed Materials Needed 1/6 yard fabric A {main} 1/6 yard fabric B {contrast} 1/6 yard fusible interfacing 1 elastic hair band Thread Supplies needed Supplies needed Supplies needed Supplies needed Sewing machine Pins Iron Scissors Erasable pen Fabric Pieces needed Fabric Pieces needed Fabric Pieces needed Fabric Pieces needed Main Fabric--12.5” by 5” --2 pieces Contrast Fabric --12.5” by 6” --1 piece Interfacing --12.5” by 5” --1 piece

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

Crayon Roll {tutorial}Crayon Roll {tutorial}Crayon Roll {tutorial}Crayon Roll {tutorial}

Materials NeededMaterials NeededMaterials NeededMaterials Needed 1/6 yard fabric A {main} 1/6 yard fabric B {contrast} 1/6 yard fusible interfacing 1 elastic hair band Thread

Supplies neededSupplies neededSupplies neededSupplies needed Sewing machine Pins Iron Scissors Erasable pen

Fabric Pieces neededFabric Pieces neededFabric Pieces neededFabric Pieces needed Main Fabric--12.5” by 5” --2 pieces Contrast Fabric --12.5” by 6” --1 piece Interfacing --12.5” by 5” --1 piece

Page 2: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

1. Iron your fabric and cut out pieces as noted above.

2. Fold Contrast Fabric in half so you have a 12.5” by 3” piece; iron flat. This will become your crayon pocket. Also, iron the fusible interfacing to the backside of one of the main fabric pieces. 3. Using a ruler and erasable pen, mark 2” in on the pocket piece. Mark every 1.5” until you reach the edge. You should have 7 lines. {I only mark the top and bottom of every line, but you can make the line all the way down}.

Page 3: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

4. Using the main fabric piece with the fusible interfacing attached, place the pocket piece with raw edges together at the bottom {see picture for more explanation}. Pin the pieces together in-between the lines you drew.

5. Sew along the lines you drew on the contrast fabric only. Be sure to lock all end seams of every line. Cut your loose threads. If you used the erasable pen you can sprits with water to make your lines disappear.

Page 4: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

6. Attach the elastic band to the right side of the rectangle, where the pocket meets the main fabric with a pin. If you start with your pin on the underside of the fabric and poke through the top and back into the fabric it will create a holding spot so that the elastic band does not try to open up {see picture for more explanation}.

Page 5: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

7. Sew over the elastic band 1/8” from side of fabric. Sew back and forth multiple times to lock the band in place. Trim loose threads.

Page 6: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

8. Place second piece of main fabric right side down on top of pocket piece. Line up all fabric {right sides of all fabric should be on the inside and the wrong sides showing}. Pin the 4 corners and place 2 pins about 3” apart on the top side {this will be your starting and stopping point when sewing so that you have a hole left to turn your crayon roll}.

9. Sew your fabric closed with 1/4" seam. Be sure to stop at second pin on the top so you have a place to turn your crayon roll.

Page 7: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

10. Trim loose threads and clip corners. Turn your crayon roll right side out. Using your scissors, {carefully} press the corners to be squared. Press all seams with your iron; you may need to fold in the raw edges from where you turned your roll. Line them up with the other seams and iron flat.

Page 8: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

11. Top stitch all the way around your crayon roll. I find it easiest to start about 1-2” in on the bottom. Make an 1/8” straight stitch all the way around. Trim loose threads.

Page 9: Crayon Roll {pattern and tutorial}

Pattern By Katie Carter at

12. Fill with crayons and let your little one play.

The small print: -This pattern was created by me; please do not try to pass it off as your own. -This pattern is allowed for personal or commercial use.