critical review kep.nasional_2012

Critical Review Kepariwisataan Nasional 2012 ( Pendekatan Keilmuan ) Oleh Prof. Dr. Ir. Chafid Fandeli, MS ( Ketua Badan Penasehat Puspar UGM )

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Critical Review Kepariwisataan Nasional 2012 ( Pendekatan Keilmuan ) Prof. Dr. Ir. Chafid Fandeli, MS ( Ketua Badan Penasehat Puspar UGM ) Thursday, November 22, 2012 Main Meeting Room UGM Center for Tourism Studies Note : Some important things that could be discussed 1.Product better determine the success of a tourism destination 2.Economy factor will drive change values 3.A standardization not to eliminate the Authenticity Locality Uniqueness and Beauty


  • 1. Oleh Prof. Dr. Ir. Chafid Fandeli, MS( Ketua Badan Penasehat Puspar UGM )

2. Latar Belakang1. Kebijakan suatu pembangunan (termasuk pembangunan kepariwisataan) harus didorong agar berkembang secara dinamis.2. Dinamika akan muncul bila ada koreksi atau kritik.3. Kritik justru alan menjadi pendorong yang kuat bila dilakukan dengan landasan ilmiah (sifatnya obyektif, universal, dan tidak memihak). 3. Fungsi Kepariwisataan( UU No 10 Tahun 2009 )1) Memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan akan : Jasmani, rohani dan intelektual.2) Rekreasi dan Perjalanan.3) Meningkatkan Pendapatan Negara untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.(4) Memajukan Kebudayaan ?Didahulukan 4. Pemerintah BerwenangMembuat Badan Promosi Pariwisata1) Kurang ayat atau pasal yang mengatur koordinasi antar daerah, berkait dengan mendorong kerjasama antar daerah. Sebab hakekat pariwisata itu borderless.2) Peran badan Promosi sangat strategis.3) Badan Promosi Pariwisata. Terlalu banyak melebihi kapasitas dan kemampuaannya. 5. Pelatihan SDM, Standarisasi danSertifikasi dan Tenaga kerja 1) Kewajiban Pemerintah menyelenggarakan PelatihanSDM Pariwisata, 2) Standarisasi dan Sertifikasi (Dalam Hal apa? 3) Produk, Pelayanan,dan PengelolaanUsaha PariwisataMemiliki Standar Usaha (yang Bagaimana ?Menghilangkan Otentisitas dan keunikan . 6. Bagaimana Dengan KetentuanKetentuan Produk dan Pasar TidakDiatur Secara Spesifik (Benarkah ?) 7. ISSUES AND PARADIGM IN GLOBALPERFORMANCE OF TOURISM 1 New destinations growing, to the entire countries especially in remote & border areas and small islands 2 Some strategic regions have been developed become new tourism destinations 3 Special interest tourism and ecotourism replace mass tourism gradually 4 World cultural and natural heritages are developing to be primary destination 8. Prof. Santos, Ahli Geologi Brazilia (2009),Buku Best SellerThe Lost Continent Have Been Found (Continent tersebutadalah Nusantara). Menurut Aristoteles , Pernah ada kebudayaan yang hidupdi bumi adalah Budaya Atlantis , diduga adalah BangsaYang Mendiami, Nusantara. Alquran, Surat Syamsi, ayat 11, Ada bangsa yang punyabudaya tinggi Bangsa Stamud yang pernah ada (Jaya) danhilang. Pernah ada mega tsunami yang terjadi di Nusantarasehingga tercerai berai menjadi 18.000 pulau besar & kecil. 9. TOURISM DESTINATIONINSeveral Prespective Marine & SmallIslands Tourism Destination BUNAKEN HEART OF Ria ampat & Halmaherainan BORNEOWAmbon,BHOktbBNDAandaP Aru,Tinimbar BRBBL KM l i 10. Tourism Business Depends on Aspects EconomyCreativity TechnologyClimate change Life ExpectancyGlobalization Effect of Factors In Future TourismNext Employment SciencesFuture Expectancy US & Chine Individual Based. 11. The Factors Influencing Changing in Policy TourismDevelopmentKey Factors Which Influenzing Changing in FactorsNew Reality in Tourism Business(1) Globalization,(2) Capital Markets and (1) Market are Volatile, Free Movement of Money,(2) Government are(3)Technology and Communication, Redefining its Role, (3)New Expectation of Business,(4)Intelectual Capital,(4)Customers and Public are Acting, (5) Environmental Awareness (5) Employees are Acting, (6)Competation is Increasing 12. Global Tourist Prediction Year 1999Year 2010 Year 2020(Tourists)( Tourists) (Tourists)1. Global 663 mill Global Global tourists1 bill tourists 1. 6 bill tourists2. Expenditure US $ Expenditure Expenditure 453 billUS $ 683 bill US $ 1.093 bill3. Employment 200 mill Employment Employment or 10 % from total employment301 mill or 12 % from 481mill or 19 % from total employmenttotal employment. 13. TOURISM IN EAST ASIA PASIFIC REGION(UNWTO IN VELLAS, 2007)East Asia International % Worldwide Pacific TouristsYear 2000112 millions 16.0 %Year 2010195 millions 19.4 %year 2020 397 millions25.5 % 14. Indonesian Tourism Challenging Marketing competition (marketing mixed+peddling, partnership, collaborative, segmented strategy) Tourism management (thematic tourism development and synergy among destinations) Tourism planning (national, province, district, cross border, strategic destination) Tourism product development should reach to suitable market Distribution of tourists and spill over tourists. Environment (carrying capacity, sustainable for certain activities) Investment (priority to local community, local, regional, national, and multi national corporate) 15. Blue Ocean Strategy Product (Special Interest ),Copycat Strategy Product(Mass Tourism) Copycat = Menjiplak . Inovasi >< CopycatMenjiplak tidak hanya lebih banyakterjadi dari pada inovasi, tetapijustru merupakan jalan yang jauhlebih lazim menuju pertumbuhandan keuntungan bisnis (TheodoreLevitt, 1966). 16. Motivasi Pengembangan Bisnis Pariwisata(1) Gunakan Prinsip Kaizen - TeianKaizen, berarti perbaikan terus menerus.Teian artinya Sistem.(2) Benchmarking, artinya role modeling, ada4 langkah :Smart (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,Reasonable, Time Limit),Find model,Observe what the model does, do it to get thebetter model until you get what you want. 17. Immitation + Innovation =Imovation Imovator = Imitator and Innovator ( Pencipta sekaligus copycat). Imovator , membuat keputusan dengan sengaja tentang kapan melakukan inovasi dan kapan berupaya membuat produk yang sama dan malah melebihi dari yang dijiplak. 18. Blues Ocean Strategy Development Should Be Done As New StrategyIn Marine , Ecotourism , Culture In Remote Tourism Business Creation the only product : specific ,scare & importance feature. Company has to have ability intechnology leveraging. and innovate ofvaries packages Products or services from Marine,Ecosystem , Culture creating the otherscompetitors have no offered yet. Marine develop in specific ecosystemand culture synergized for the only berepresentativeness of ecotype. 19. Managing of Fragile Marine Ecosystem For Ecotourism For PrivatizationShould Utilized The Law of Globalization A. The law of globalization,(1) The Big eats the Small.(2) The Fast eats the Slow. (3)The Networked defeats theIndividual system. B. Local Wisdom or Local Intelligence as Competitive Factor. C. Techno-Ethnic (based on local wisdom) develop to be the New Branding 20. Bentuk PengelolaanPilihan Berbagai Model Pengelolaan / Pengusahaan(DMO = Model Banyak macamnya, cari yang terbaik ?) 21. The Harmonized Stake Holders In A CompanyEmployees(Human capital) Customers Shareholders(revenues,royalty) (Capitals)Company Business Partners (Supply,add value Governmentto and buy Community (Regulating) Products)(civic society ensures the healthstatus in the community & consequently all markets) 22. Private KesejahteraanInvestastmentPajak Perusahaan EnvironmentOtoritasState Akses Ke Masy 23. Advantages of Privatization(1) Save tax payers money.(2) Increase flexibility,(3) Improve service quality,(4) Increase efficiency andinnovation,(5) Allow policy makers to steer,(6) Stream line and down sizegovernment,(7) Improve maintenance 24. Option In Transfer of Land Ownership 1. State Company 2. Co-Management ( Community based TourismAreas Management). 3. Partnership 4. Public-public partnerships 5. Public-private for non profit partnership 6. Public- private for profit partnership. 7. Lease. 25. Resources, Technology And Privatization Private/CapitalCo-managemet or ProfitPartnershipGoods,Services,Knowledge,Benefeciaries,Social welfare,Conserv.creativity,Inovation in managmnt Conservation State/Equity 26. Option Tourism Management Limits of Acceptable Change Management ( LAC). Visitor Impact Management ( VIM ). Visitor Experience and Resources ProtectionManagement ( VERP). Visitor Activity Management Process (VAMP). The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS). Tourism Optimization Model ( TOMM). 27. INDICATOR GOOD PERFORMENCE OF TOURISMDEVELOPMENT1) Tourist ( Total, Length of Stay, Repeating, and Growth).2) Tourist Expenditure (Total , Multiplier Effect, Distribution for Stake Holders)3) Local Economic ( Strengthening and Growth)4) Local Investment (High portion role of investment)5) Employment ( Local employ in high percentage)6) Partnership and Collaboration Management ( State , Corporate, Small and Medium Scale Local Corporation)7) Allianz Managing for several destination,8) Growth of New Destination and Artificial /Man Made Attraction( Villages, Marine and Forest). 28. Carrying Capacity (CC),Discomfortability Index( DI)and Environmental Quality Standard(EQS) inManaging of Destination (1)CC , maximum number of tourist in destination (area, district, resort) in certain time and space. There are several carrying capacity : a. PCC ( Physical Carrying Capacity). b. RCC ( Real Carrying Capacity). c. ECC ( Effective Carrying Capacity).CC can be used control of disturbance of area. (2) DI , situation in tourism area depends on temperatureand relative humidity. DI can be utilized for managinglength of stay and satisfaction. (3) EQS , condition of area in relation with condition of qualityand tourist satisfaction. 29. Private Company and CommunityParticipation for Tourism Collaboration 1. Accommodation and restaurant 2. Local transportation 3. Souvenir 4. Promotion and advertence 5. Local product 6. Services 7.Guide 8. Tourism Resort ( Investment ) 30. THANK YOUVERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION