crnogorski gastro proizvodi montenegrin gastro … · unapređenje brendiranja turističke...


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    Podgorica - avgust 2017.Podgorica - August 2017

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    Uvod / O projektu

    Tradicionalni gastro proizvodi

    Istraživanje tržišta

    Gastro proizvodi




    Maslinovo ulje


    Frutiera - gastro proizvodi

    D.O.O. Frutiera














  • 5


    Introduction / About the project

    Traditional gastro products

    Market research

    Gastro products




    Olive oil


    Frutiera - gastro products















  • 6


    Privredna komora Crne Gore od septembra 2016. sprovo-di projekat Gastronomski suveniri za ponijeti – GAS2GO u sklopu grant šeme »Inovacijama do pametnog rasta: jačanje veza između naučno-istraživačke zajednice i pri-vrede«. U projektu finansiranom od strane IPA fondova, angažovana su tri partnera: Privredna komora Crne Gore (PKCG) kao nosilac projekta, Univerzitet Mediteran - Fa-kultet za poslovne studije (MBS) i preduzeće Frutiera koje vodi žena preduzetnica, Radojka Ražnatović.

    Opšti cilj projekta je jačanje inovativnih kapaciteta pre-duzeća kroz podsticanje saradnje privrede sa naučno-istraživačkim /obrazovnim sektorom. U sklopu projekta Univerzitet Mediteran je uradio biznis plan preduzeća Frutiera, finansijsko-situacionu analizu, kao i marketin-šku i komunikacionu strategiju. Osim toga, Univerzitet Mediteran je u svoje aktivnosti uključio studente u cilju

    sticanja praktičnih znanja i vještina iz predmeta koje iz-učavaju. Ostale projektne aktivnosti uključivale su: novi vizuelni identitet preduzeća, istraživanje tržišta gastro suvenira, identifikaciju potencijalnih novih suvenira, kao i izradu priručnika na osnovu rezultata istraživanja i or-ganizaciju seminara za proizvođače gastro suvenira.

    Očekuje se da će pozitivni rezultati ovog projekta podstaći češću i tješnju saradnju između poslovnog i naučno-istraživačkog sektora. Takođe, cilj je da se nas-tavi sa identifikacijom novih gastro proizvoda koji bi se ponudili na tržištu, što bi moglo dovesti do proširenja i povezivanja postojećih biznisa i mogućeg zapošljavanja nove radne snage.


    Kao jedan od važnih elemenata nacionalne kultu-re, gastronomija se može koristiti i kao sredstvo za unapređenje brendiranja turističke destinacije i tržišno orjentisanog plasiranja turističkog proizvoda. Tradicio-nalni gastronomski proizvodi su pouzdani suveniri koji su privlačni velikom broju turista zbog originalnosti,

    povoljne cijene i malog pakovanja lakog za nošenje. Pri-likom prenosa u druge zemlje, gastro suveniri se koriste kao sredstvo za promociju nacionalnih vrijednosti. U Cr-noj Gori postoji veliki potencijal za razvoj tradicionalnih gastro suvenira.

  • 7


    As of September 2016, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro has been implementing the project Gastro-nomic Souvenirs to Go – GAS2GO within the grant sche-me »Transfer of knowledge between sectors of higher education, research and industry«. This project is finan-ced from the IPA funds and it has three partners: the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, MBS (Montenegro Business School) of the University Mediteran and the en-terprise Frutiera owned by the woman enterpreneur, Ms Radojka Raznatovic.

    The general aim of the project is to strengthen innovative capacities of the enterprise through encouraging coope-ration of the business sector with the scientific-rese-arch sector. Within this project University Mediteran has created a business plan for the enterprise Frutiera, communication and marketing strategy, respectively, and situational-financial analysis. Besides, University

    Mediteran has involved students in its activities with an aim to acquire practical knowledge and skills from the related courses they study. Other project activities included: research of the gastro souvenir market, iden-tification of potential new souvenirs, the creation of a handbook based on the research results, as well as the organisation of seminars for gastro producers.

    It is expected that the positive results of this project will encourage more frequent and closer cooperation between the business and scientific-research sector. In addition, the aim is to continue with the identification of new gastro products to be offered at the market, which would lead to the extension and networking of the exi-sting businesses and the potential employment of new workforce.


    As one of the important elements of a national cultu-re, gastronomy may also be used as a means for the improvement of the branding of the tourist destination and the market oriented placement of a tourist produ-ct. Traditional gastronomic products are considered as

    reliable souvenirs by a great number of tourists due to their originality, favourable price and small packaging easy to carry. Their transport to other countries results in the promotion of national values. Montenegro has great potential for the development of gastro souvenirs.

  • 8


    U sklopu projekta Gastronomski suveniri za ponijeti – GAS2GO, sprovedeno je istraživanje javnog mnijenja o tradicionalnim gastro proizvodima. Na uzorku od 1 005 ispitanika iz 9 opština svih regija Crne Gore ispitani su stavovi građana o tome šta definiše tradicionalne gastro suvenire, koji su najbolji kanali distribucije, najbolji ka-nali prodaje i na koji način bi se oni odraziili na ulaganja.

    Prema dobijenim podacima, za najpoznatije tradicional-ne gastro suvenire u Crnoj Gori važe: pršuta, sir, med,

    Koji tradicionalni crnogorski gastro proizvodi bi se mogli ponuditi kao gastro suveniri?Which Montenerin traditional gastro products could be offered as gastro souvenirs?

    Sedam od deset ispitanika je izjavilo da će intezivnija proizvodnja gastro suvenira uticati na povećanje domaće proizvodnje, stvaranje uslova za otvaranje novih radnih mjesta i unapređenje turističke ponude.

    Promocija gastro proizvoda vršila bi se većinom putem TV-a, interneta, prezentacijom u prodajnim objektima i reklamom na bilbordima.

    maslinovo ulje i vino, rakija, masline, pivo, ljekovito bo-lje, kobasice, suvo voće, kolači i peciva, začini i dr.

    Ispitanici su se uglavnom složili da kroz korišćenje domaćih sirovina, veću dostupnost u kanalima prodaje, uz odgovarajuću prezentaciju kreativnog gastro proi-zvoda može da se poveća proizvodnja. Kao najpoželjnije kanale prodaje, definisani su prodaja na sajmovima, u posebnim prodavnicama, marketima, hotelima i resto-ranima, štandovima i na internetu.

    19,6% 18,9%

    12,9% 12,5%10,0%

    6,7% 5,9% 4,8%3,3% 2,0% 1,0% 0,7% 0,5% 0,4% 0,1% 0,7%




























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    Intenzivnijom proizvodnjom gastro suvenira, mislite li da će se prije svega:More intensive production of gastro souvenirs will primarily:

    Povećati domaća proizvodnja Increase domestic production


    Doprinijeti otvaranju novih radnih mjesta Contribute to the opening of new jobs


    Unaprijediti turistička ponuda Improve tourism offer


    Jačati povjerenje u crnogorske proizvode Strengthen confidence in Montenegrin products


    Povećati profit domaćih proizvodjača Increase profit of domestic producers


    Doprinijeti rastu lokalne zajednice Contribute to the growth of local community


    Nešto drugo / Other 0,8%

    Ne znam / I don’t know 7,1%

  • 9


    As one of the project activities within the project Gastro-nomic Souvenirs to Go – GAS2GO, the public research on traditional gastro products has been conducted. At the sample of 1 005 interviewees from 9 municipalities, which covered all regions of Montenegro, the attitudes of the citizens were checked as to what the best dis-tribution and sales channels are and how they would reflect on the investments.

    According to the obtained data, the most famous tra-ditional gastro souvenirs in Montenegro are: prosciutto,

    Seven out of ten interviewees have stated that a more intensive production of gastro souvenirs will reflect in the increase of domestic production, creation of condi-tions for opening of new jobs and improvement of the tourism offer.

    According to the interviewees, the promotion of gastro products would predominantly be done via TV, internet, presentation at sales facilities and billboards.

    cheese, honey, olive oil and wine, brandy, olives, beer, herbs, sausages, dry fruit, cakes and baked products, spices, etc.

    The interviewees generally agreed that production could be increased through the use of domestic raw materials, better availability in the sales channels along with the appropriate presentation of a creative gastro product. Sale at the fairs, at special shops, markets, hotels and restaurants, exhibition stalls and on internet have been defined as the most desirable sales channels.

    Na koji način biste ponudili crnogorske gastro suvenire?Which channels would you use to offer Montenegrin gastro souvenirs?

    Šta smatrate da treba uraditi da bismo imali više gastro suvenira?What do you think should be done to have more gastro souvenirs?

    Kada biste bili u prilici da odlučujete na koji način da promovišete gastro suvenire, kako biste to učinili?If you were to decide how to promote gastro souvenirs,how would you do it?


    Posebne prodavniceSpecial shops17,4%


    Hoteli i restoraniHotels and restaurants


    ŠtandoviExhibition stalls




    Nešto drugoOther4,5%

    Koristiti domaćesirovineUse of domestic raw materials34,6%

    Biti dostupniji u kanalima prodajeImproved availability in the sales channels


    Plasirati "priču" o timsuvenirimaAn interesting story aboutthe product


    Unaprijediti kreativnost proizvođačaAppropriate presentation of a creative gastro product


    Više posvetiti pažnju dizajnu ambalažeImproved design of the packaging material


    Nešto drugoOther 3,2%




    Prezentacijom uprodajnim objektimaPresentation at salesfacilities 17,4%



    Novine / Newspapers 4,7%

    Flajeri / Flyers 3,5%

    Radio / Radio 1,2% Disp

    leji / D



    Ne zna

    m / I d

    on’t kn

    ow 2,4


    Nešto d

    rugo /



  • 10



    Crnogorski pršut je gastronomski specijalitet - trajni su-homesnati proizvod od svinjskog buta, koji je obrađen na specifičan način (njeguška obrada), suvo salamuren morskom solju, sušen na dimu ili na vazduhu i podvr-gnut procesima sušenja i zrenja koji traju najmanje devet mjeseci. Zbog svog specifičnog ukusa i neobičnog načina dobijanja smatra se jednim od najoriginalnijih proizvoda crnogorske kuhinje, a samim tim je postao nezaobila-zan dio turističke, ugostiteljske, pa i privatne ponude ne samo Crne Gore, nego i šire. Riječ je o vrhunskom delikatesu bogate gastronomske istorije. Bogat proteini-ma, slobodnim aminokiselinama i nezasićenim masnim

    kiselinama, dobar je izvor vitamina B kompleksa, kao i esencijalnog elementa cinka.

    Receptura, odnosno način pripreme i sušenja pršuta, pa i soljenje, kojim se ovaj brend čuvao od eventual-nog kvarenja i pomagao mu da brže sazri, naslijeđena je od predaka koji su, prema zapisima, pršut proizvodili i u XV vijeku. Ni moderne tehnologije nisu promijenile način pripreme i sušenja pršuta kod mnogih domaćinsta-va. Pranje, dizanje, dimljenje je isto kao i prije nekoliko vjekova.

    Tajna nenadmašnog kvaliteta i jedinstvenog ukusa cr-

    nogorske pršute, tražene i rado viđene i na najraskošni-jim svjetskim trpezama, je u tome da se priprema na području u kojem se susreću planinska i mediteranska klima koje izoštravaju miris i ukus pršuta, što ga čini neodoljivim.

    Njeguški pršut je prvi crnogorski proizvod koji je nacio-nalnim zakonodavstvom zaštićen kao oznaka kvaliteta. Pršutari sa Njeguša kažu da ruže vjetrova koji duvaju na Njegušima daju mesu posebnu finoću pa se zato pršut ne jede, u njemu sa uživa i on se gustira.

  • 11



    Montenegrin prosciutto is a gastronomic specialty. It is a durable smoked meat product made of a pig's hind leg or thigh and processed using specific methodology (the so-called Njegusi processing), dry brined with sea salt, smoked or left to dry and mature for at least nine months. Due to its specific taste and processing, it is considered as one of the most original products of Mon-tenegrin cuisine and as such it has become an infalli-ble segment of a tourism, hospitality and private offer, respectively, and not exclusively in Montenegro. It is a top class product of rich gastronomic history. Being rich with proteins, free amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids,

    it is a good source of vitamin B complexes, as well as of essential zinc element.

    The recipes, i.e. the processing, drying and salting of prosciutto, which keep this brand from potential peri-shing and help its faster maturation, have been inherited from ancestors who, according to the historical records, were producing prosciutto as early as in the 16th centu-ry AD. The modern technologies have not affected the preparation and drying process in many households. Washing, uplifting, smoking are the same today as they used to be several centuries ago.

    The secret of an unsurpassed quality and unique taste

    of Montenegrin prosciutto, saught and welcomed even in the most luxurious world dining tables, lies in the fact that it is prepared in the area where continental and Me-diterranean climates meet thus sharpening the fragrance and the taste of prosciutto and making it an irresistible product.

    The prosciutto from Njegusi is the first Montenegrin product which carries the quality label in line with the national legislation. The producers of Njegusi prosciutto say that the favourable winds which blow in the Njegusi region give meat specific fineness and the prosciutto is not only eaten but also enjoyed and tasted.

  • 12


    Kravlji, ovčiji, miješani i koziji sirevi se proizvode u svim krajevima Crne Gore i u skladu sa tim ukusi su vrlo raz-ličiti: na jugu se pravi odličan koziji sir, u okolini Cetinja, na Njegušima, je poznati njeguški sir i sir u maslinovom ulju, a na sjeveru Crne Gore se proizvode najkvalitetniji sirevi, posebno ako se spremaju od mješavine kravljeg i ovčijeg mlijeka. Posebnu draž i aromu crnogorski sir dobija od kace, drvene posude u koju se odlaže mla-di sir, na koju se stavlja poklopac i kamen kako bi se zgusnuo. Tu su poznati pljevaljski sir, lisnati kolašinski sir i drugi. Ono što je svim sirevima zajedničko, bilo da su nastali na sjeveru ili jugu, jesu kvalitet i tradicionalni način pripreme.

    Kvalitet i iskustvo učinili su sir omiljenim crnogorskim jelom - nezaobilaznim dijelom svakog obroka.

    Pošto je proizvodnja sira zasnovana na porodičnoj tra-diciji, koja se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju, sirevi su nezaobilazan dio istorije i materijalno blago našeg naroda. Najvažnija odlika tradicionalnih sireva je njihova originalnost tehnologije i izvornost sirovine ugrađene u te proizvode.

  • 13


    Types of cheese, made of cow, sheep, mixed and goat milk, respectively, are produced in different regions of Montenegro, hence the difference in their tastes. South is characterized by an excellent goat cheese, the region of Cetinje, Njegusi in particular, by a famous Njegusi cheese and cheese in olive oil while the north of Mon-tenegro produces cheese of highest quality, especially if it is made of the mixed cow and sheep milk. The casks in which cheese is placed give it a special aroma. These casks are closed with a lid and pressed with a stone in order for the cheese to congeal. The types of cheese which are produced this way are: famous cheese from Pljevlja, thin-layered cheese from Kolasin and other. What all of them have in common, whether they are produced in the north or the south, is their quality and traditional production methodology. Quality and experi-ence made the cheese the most favourite Montenegrin food – an essential part of any meal.

    Since the production of cheese is based on family traditi-on, passed from generation to generation, cheese makes an important part of history and material wealth of our nation. The most important characteristics of traditional types of cheese are the originality of their technology and specific raw materials used for these products.

  • 14


    Med je najsavršeniji proizvod prirode i najzdravija hrana koju čovjek dobija iz prirode jer se u njemu nalaze gotovo svi sastojci koji grade ljudski organizam. Pčelinja zaje-dnica, za koju danas znamo da je stara oko 50 miliona godina, izgradila je sistem sakupljanja i prerade nekta-ra, polena, propolisa, te njihovu preradu u med i ostale pčelinje proizvode na način koji je, prije svega, zdrav za samu pčelinju zajednicu i samim tim joj osigurava sve preduslove za sigurno produženje vrste.

    Crnogorski med je nadaleko poznat i prepoznatljiv po kvalitetu. Crnu Goru karakterišu izuzetno povoljni pri-rodni i klimatski uslovi za razvoj pčelarstva. Među njima, za ovu granu je posebno važno bogatstvo medonosnim biljem, kojeg na crnogorskom području ima oko 500 vrsta, što omogućava proizvodnju meda visokog kva-liteta - proizvoda koji prema svojim specifičnim karak-teristikama može biti prepoznatljiv i na domaćem i na inostranom tržištu. Prirodni uslovi crnogorskog prostora čine crnogorske pčelare jednim od lidera na cijelom evropskom prostoru. Pčelari na našem području pro-izvode najkvalitetniji med na svijetu, o čemu svjedoče brojne nagrade na sajmovima.

  • 15


    Honey is the most perfect product of nature and the he-althiest food which a man receives from nature because it contains almost all necessary ingredients for human body. Bee community, for which we know today to be circa 50 million years old, has built up the system of collecting and processing of nectar, pollen, propolis into honey and other bee products which are healthy for the bee community in the first place and thus provide it with the preconditions for survival.

    Montenegrin honey is widely recognizable for its quality. Montenegro is characterized by extremely favourable natural and climate conditions for the development of beekeeping. Among other factors, for this branch of agriculture it is extremely important to be abundant in honey plants, which is exactly the case of Montenegro. Namely, with cca 500 species Montenegro has the pro-duction of high quality honey of specific characteristi-cs, which is recognized as such both at the domestic and foreign market. The Montenegrin natural conditions make Montenegrin beekeepers as one of the leaders in the whole European region. The beekeepers from our region produce the honey of highest quality in the world of which numerous prizes at the fairs are the best proof.

  • 16

    Maslinovo ulje

    Poznato je da je Mediteran postojbina masline i da ona ima posebno mjesto u životu stanovnika tog područja. Kultura uzgajanja maslina u Crnoj Gori datira iz II vijeka p.n.e. kada su Grci i Rimljani stigli u ove djelove crno-gorske obale. U VI vijeku masline su se već više koristile za pravljenje ulja. Maslinovo ulje se dobija cijeđenjem plodova masline i ima široku upotrebu od kulinarstva, do kozmetologije i medicine. Veoma je cijenjeno kao di-jetetski proizvod zbog visokog sadržaja polifenola. Osim toga, maslinovo ulje je čest sastojak kozmetičkih pre-parata, posebno onih koji se koriste za suvu, oštećenu kožu, kožu koja je podložna ekcemima, kao i preparata za sunčanje.

    Crna Gora ima bogatu tradiciju uzgajanja masline i proi-zvodnje maslinovog ulja koja se prenosi sa generacije na generaciju. Maslinova ulja prave se u nekom od mlinova ili manjim porodičnim radionicama. Posebno su poz-nata ulja izuzetnog kvaliteta koja su nastala preradom plodova »žutice«, autohtone vrste masline iz okoline Bara i Ulcinja. Prema rezultatima naučnih istraživanja, neka stabla maslina su stara preko 2 000 godina, a naj-poznatije od njih se nalazi u naselju Mirovica kod Bara i dokazano je da je staro oko 2 240 godina. Danas u ob-lasti Bara i Ulcinja postoji oko 1 700 uzgajivača maslina skoncentrisanih u klaster koji vode svakodnevnu brigu o ovom jedinstvenom blagu od nekih 100 000 stabala

    maslina. Njihov cilj je da održe visok standard kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga koje obezbjeđuju njihovi članovi – proizvođači, kao i da proizvodnju maslinovog ulja u Crnoj Gori usklade sa evropskim standardima proizvodnje i poslovanja, i to kroz visok kvalitet usluga koji nude svo-jim članovima (obuka, konferencije, diskusije, sajmovi, događaji, itd.). Iako i dalje postoje i koriste se tradicio-nalni mlinovi za masline sa presama od kamena, ulje se uglavnom proizvodi u modernim mlinovima koji su prošli kontrole prema najvišim standardima EU.

  • 17

    Olive oil

    It is well-known that the Mediterranean is the origin of the olive tree and that olives have a special place in the life of the inhabitants of this region. The culture of olive growing in Montenegro dates back to the 2nd century BC, when Greeks and Romans came to this part of the Mon-tenegrin coast. In the 6th century AD olives were already more used for the production of olive oil. Olive oil is pro-duced by pressing whole olives and it has a wide usage, starting from cookery, to cosmetics and medicine. It is very appreciated as a diet product due to the high con-tent of polyphenol. When it comes to cosmetics, olive oil is frequently used in products for dry, damaged skin, skin prone to eczema and suntanning lotions.

    Montenegro has a rich tradition of olive growing and production of olive oil which is passed from generation to generation. Olive oils are produced in mills or small family workshops. Olive oils produced from the olives of the indigenous type »zutica«, which grow in the area of Bar and Ulcinj, are especially recognized for their exqui-site quality. According to the scientific researches, some of these olive trees are over 2 000 years old. The most famous of these is located in the periphery of Bar and the researches say that it is approximately 2 240 years old. Nowadays in the area of Bar and Ulcinj there are cca 1 700 olive growers concentrated in a cluster which takes care of this unique treasure of some 100 000

    olive trees. Their objective is to retain the high quality of products and services provided by their members – producers, as well as to harmonize the production of olive oil in Montenegro with the European standards of production and doing business, through the high quality services offered to its members (training, conferences, discussions, fairs, events, etc.). Although the traditional mills for olives with stone presses still exist and are in use, olive oil is still dominantly produced in modern mills which have passed the controls in line with the highest EU standards.

  • 18


    Od prvih civilizacija, vino je dio ljudske kulture i običaja. U antičkom svijetu, a posebno na Mediteranu, vino je bilo sastavni dio svakodnevne ishrane. Tokom srednjeg vijeka, u doba velikih epidemija širom Evrope, vino je skoro zamijenilo vodu. Još prvi mislioci i naučnici naslu-tili su da u vinu postoji nešto drugačije nego u ostalim pićima, nešto korisnije a možda i ljekovito. Starogrčki istoričar Plutarh je za vino kazao: »Vino je od svih pića najkorisnije, od svih ljekova najukusnije, a od sve hrane najprijatnije«.

    Crna Gora je u svijetu prepoznatljiva kao zemlja vina i poznata je vinska destinacija, jer se vino Vranac izvozi u preko 30 zemalja. Vranac je glavna sorta vinove loze koja se gaji u Crnoj Gori i i njeno pravo porijeklo je skrive-no u dubinama istorije. Bijele sorte predvodi crnogorski Krstač koji uspijeva isključivo u Crnoj Gori.

    Naša vina svjedoče o jedinstvenom crnogorskom pod-neblju, smještenom između Jadranskog mora, Skadar-skog jezera i visokih planina u zaleđu, koje stvara uslove za rađanje autentičnih, raskošnih vina, neponovljivog karaktera.

  • 19


    Since the first civilizations wine has been a part of hu-man culture and customs. In the ancient world, especi-ally in the Mediterranean, wine was a part of everyday diet. During the Middle Ages, in the period of epidemies throughout Europe, wine was almost entirely used in-stead of water. As early as in the period of first thinkers and scientists, they concluded that there was something in wine which was quite different than in other bevera-ges, maybe even something healing. Ancient philosopher Plutarch said: »Wine is the most useful of all beverages, the tastiest of all medicines and the most pleasant of all food«.

    Montenegro is world famous as a country of wine and as such it is a famous wine destination, especially given the fact that the wine Vranac is exported in over 30 countri-es. Vranac is the main type of vine grown in Montene-gro and its real origin is hidden in the depths of history. Montenegrin most famous white wine is Krstac, made of an indigenous type of grapevine.

    Our wines testify of a unique Montenegrin region, situa-ted among the Adriatic Sea, Skadar Lake and high mou-ntains in the hinterland, which creates conditions for the birth of authentic, luxurious wines of unique character.

  • 20


    D.O.O. Frutiera

    D.O.O. Frutiera je osnovana 2010. u Podgorici. Tri godine kasnije svoje poslovanje nastavlja u Tivtu. Vlasnica je Radojka Ražnatović. Osnovna djelatnost Frutiere je proi-zvodnja i promet hrane (hljeba, peciva, kolača...).

    Misija preduzeća je proizvodnja visoko-kvalitetnih, zdra-vih i tradicionalnih proizvoda, prepoznatljivih po izgledu, ukusu, kvalitetu, koji su zadobili povjerenje i lojalnost potrošača. Sve proizvode priprema isključivo po tradi-cionalnim recepturama i od prirodnih sirovina, kojima Crna Gora obiluje.

    Tržištu nudi asortiman proizvoda posebno namijenjen pobornicima zdravog stila života. Ostvaruje direktnu sa-radnju sa poljoprivrednim proizvođačima i prerađivačima, trgovačkim lancima, fri-šopovima, kafe-restoranima, hotelima...

    Distribuciju kompletnog programa Frutiera vrši u central-noj regiji i južnom dijelu Crne Gore. Učestvuje u promociji ne samo svojih proizvoda, već obogaćuje ponudu na crno-gorskom tržištu. Asortimanom zdravih domaćih delicija doprinosi turistickoj prepoznatljivosti.

    Projektom Gastronomski suveniri za ponijeti – GAS2GO, Frutiera je dobila:

    • podsticaj razvoju kao rezultat primjene znanja dobijenog kroz marketinšku i komunikacionu stra-tegiju,

    • bolju pozicioniranost i jasnu prepoznatljivost na tržištu,

    • jasan uvid na koje ciljne grupe se usmjeriti i, u skladu sa tim, obogaćeni asortiman proizvoda pri-lagođen potrebama tržišta,

    • transformaciju u identifikatora određenog etnič-kog, odnosno nacionalnog identiteta, jer je hrana element razlikovanja izmedju pojedinca i nacije

    Uz preporuku da treba ulagati u biznis i biti istrajan, iz Frutiere saopštavaju da valja učestvovati u projektima. Finansijska pomoć nije jedina vrsta pomoći koja je ne-ophodna za razvoj biznisa. Veoma vrijedna su i profesio-nalna savjetovanja, edukacije, međunarodna povezivanja druženja i razmjene iskustava. Zahvaljujući aktivnostima iz ovog projekta, Frutiera ima priliku da stalno radi na sebi i usavršava se.

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    The enterprise Frutiera was founded in Podgorica in 2010. Three years later Frutiera relocated its activities in Tivat. The owner of Frutiera is Ms Radojka Raznatovic. The main activity of this enterprise is the production and sales of food (bread, baked products, cakes, etc.).

    The enterprise’s mission is the production of high quality, healthy, traditional products, recognizable by their look, taste and quality, which have obtained the customers’ trust and loyalty. All products are prepared using the natural raw materials and traditional recipes.

    Frutiera offers a range of products aimed at those who are interested in healthy lifestyles. The enterprise achi-eves direct cooperation with agricultural producers and processors, trade chains, free shops, café-restaurants, hotels, etc.

    The complete program is distributed in central and so-uthern part of Montenegro. Frutiera participates not only in the promotion of its products but it also enriches the offer at Montenegrin market. The range of healthy do-mestic products contributes to better recognizability of Montenegrin tourism.

    The project Gastronomic souvenirs to go – GAS2GO has provided the following benefits for Frutiera:

    • An incentive for development as a result of the im-plemented knowledge received through the mar-keting and communication strategy, respectively,

    • Better positioning and clear recognition at the market,

    • A clear insight into the desired target groups and, in line with this, enriched range of products adap-ted to the market needs,

    • Transformation into an identificator of a certa-in ethnic, i.e. national identity, because food is a differentiating element between an individual and the nation.

    With the recommendation that one should invest in business and be tenacious, the representative of Fru-tiera states that participation in projects brings mani-fold benefits. Financial assistance is not the only type of assistance necessary for the development of busi-ness. Professional counselling, education, international networking and exchange of experience are also valua-ble. Thanks to the activities in this project, Frutiera had an opportunity to constantly work on its development and further improvement.

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    Frutiera proizvodi tri kategorije proizvoda: posebno zdravi domaći program - integralni hljebovi, program tradicio-nalnih proizvoda i program »omiljeni slatkiši«.

    Posebno zdravi domaći program - integralni hljebovi

    • voćni hljeb Frut• heljdin hjleb Zdravlje• ražani hjleb Štruc• kukuruzni hljeb Rumetin• planinski hjleb• ovseni hljeb Ovsenik• beskvasni hljeb

    Tradicionalni proizvodi

    • Fugaca• londoneri• štrudle• smokvin kolač• kolačić od rogača

    Tu su i proizvodi od ražanog, ječmenog i heljdinog braš-na.

    Tradicionalni recepti imaju svoju vrijednost koju su nam ostavili naši preci - to je nasljeđe koje treba sačuvati od zaborava, oživjeti, njegovati i na određeni način mo-difikovati.

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    Frutiera produces three categories of products: healthy domestic program – integral bread, traditional products program and program »favourite sweets«.

    Healthy domestic program – integral bread

    • Fruit bread Frut• Buckwheat bread Zdravlje (Health)• Rye bread Štruc• Corn bread Rumetin• Mountain bread• Oat bread Ovsenik• Yeast-free bread

    Traditional delicacies

    • Foccacia• Walnut cakes• Strudels• Fig cakes

    There are also products of: rye, barley and buckwheat flour.

    Traditonal recipes have their value which has been pas-sed on us from our ancestors – it is the heritage which needs to be saved from oblivion, revived, cherished and modified to some extent.

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    Voćni hljeb Frut se pravi od petnaestak vrsta suvog voća, nezaobilaznih žitarica raži, heljde, ovsa, pšenice, domaćeg kiselog tijesta, vode i soli. Nakon posebne pripreme peče se u peći na kamenu kao u starim vre-menima.

    Frut predstavlja savršen balans zdravog i ukusnog, a može biti bogata užina, zdrava poslastica ili posni kolač.

    I svi ostali hljebovi se pripremaju na sličan način.

    Fruit bread Frut is made of some fifteen types of dry fruit, several types of grains: rye, buckwheat, barley, ye-ast-leavened dough, water and salt. Following a specific preparation process, it is baked in a stone oven, just like in the old times. Frut represents a perfect balance of a healthy and tasty product and it can also be a rich snack, healthy dessert or a cake for those who fast.

    All other types of bread are prepared using similar methodology.

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    Fugaca je tradicionalna božićna i uskršnja poslastica čiji su recept u Boku donijeli moreplovci. Vješte primorke su u taj recept dodavale domaće agrume i stvorile proizvod koji mami svojim ukusom pa danas predstavlja autohto-ni proizvod Boke. Svečana bokeljska trpeza je nezamisli-va bez ove poslastice-kolača.

    Fugaca obiluje domaćim agrumima, posebno oranćini-ma, sokom od limuna, pomorandžom i suvim grozđem. Priprema se posebnom tehnikom pravljenja tri vrste ti-jesta, obiljem agruma i puno ljubavi!

    Foccaccia is a traditional Christmas and Easter dessert. This recipe was brought to the Boka Bay by seafarers and it was easily accepted. Skillful women from this region added domestic citrus fruits to it and created a product of delicious taste which represents an original product of the Boka Bay. Any festivity in Boka is unima-ginable without this cake – dessert.

    Foccaccia is rich in domestic citrus fruits, especially arancini, lemon juice, oranges and raisins. It is prepared using a specific technique for the preparation of three types of dough, a lot of cistrus fruites and great love!