curs 1, sem 1, an 2 fiziologie, zagrean

14-Oct-12 1 [email protected] Curs Introductiv Norme şi principii de activitate Noţiuni introductive fiziologie, neurofiziologie ld Stresul, duşman sau prieten

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[email protected]

Curs Introductiv

Norme şi principii de activitate

Noţiuni introductive fiziologie, neurofiziologie

l dStresul, duşman sau prieten

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Curs introductiv

Noţiuni introductive fiziologie, neurofiziologie


Fernel (1542)Fernel (1542)

Physis- principiu dătător de viaţă

Logos - ştiinţă

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…how the individual parts of the body machine perform their functions, how this function is regulated …

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Repere istorice

-Hipocrate- 460 î.c. susţinătorul observaţiei clinice;“creierul- cel mai puternic organ l l i ”al corpului...”

- Aristotel 384-322 î.c.- inima sediul mişcării si vieţii psihice T i it bilităţii b l 7-T.inexcitabilităţii cerebrale 1870

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- Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Aviccena)-980-1037 scrie “Canonul Medicinei” sau “Îndreptarul de ştiinţe medicale” 1700

- a realizat prima nevroză experimentală

- Medicul regelui Filip cel frumos după 1300 scrie: “creierul este... rece şi umed pt. a diminua extrema căldură şi

ă i i i ii lb t fi t b l

a realizat prima nevroză experimentală

uscăciune a inimii, alb pt. a fi ca o tabula rasa şi a primi orice imagine, lax şi moderat de vâscos pt. ca lucrurile percepute să-l străbată uşor...

- Antony van Leeuwenhoek -1612- microscopul optic

- W. Harvey 1628 –”De motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus”

- Guy Patin: “...circulaţia sângelui este paradoxală imposibilă este paradoxală, imposibilă, absurdă şi nocivă vieţii omului”

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- Haller-1727-presiune, volum sang.”anatomia face descrierea

- Malpighi- 1661- capilar sangvin

sang. anatomia face descrierea organelor iar fiziologia explică funcţiile lor

Suport chimic Paracelsus – 1493-1541Lavoisier - 1743-1794

Cl Bernard 1865: Introducere

Suport electric- L Galvani 1791

Mendel – “Experienţe asupra

Cl. Bernard 1865: Introducere în studiul medicinei experimentale.

Mendel Experienţe asupra hibridizării plantelor” 1865

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W. Waldeyer – 1891 – neuronul

Bayliss, Starling 1902 - secretina

C.Golgi, R.Cajal 1906 –teoria reticulară - neuronală

D. Robertson, E. Robertis, D. Robertson, E. Robertis, G. Palade- 1950 -teoria neuronală

- Walter Sutton, 1902 – teoria cromozomială a eredităţii

- W. Bateson, 1902- genetică - Hans Wincler, 1920- genom

C.Waddington,1939- epigenotype

J. Watson, Fr. Crick – 1953, ADN J. Watson, Fr. Crick 1953, ADN

Genomul uman 2003

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Conrad Waddington,1942-Epigenetics to refer to the study of the “causal mechanisms” by which “the genes of the genotype bring about phenotypic effects.”g p yp

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C.Waddington- epigenotype “The total developmental system consisting of interrelated developmental pathways through which the adult form of the an organism is realized.”

Epigenetic and phenotypic changes result from a continuous pre and post natal dietary exposure to phytoestrogens in anexperimental population of mice . Carlos M Guerrero-Bosagna, Pablo g ,Sabat, Fernanda S Valdovinos,Luis E Valladares and Susan J Clark BMC Physiology 2008

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The effects of laughter on post-di l l l l d prandial glucose levels and gene

expression in type 2 diabetic patients Takashi Hayashi , Kazuo Murakami. Life Sciences 85

Substance-specific and shared transcription and epigenetic changes in the human ghippocampus chronically exposed to cocaine and alcoholZhifeng Zhoua, Qiaoping Yuana, Deborah C Mashb and David Deborah C. Mashb, and David Goldmana. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2011

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Understanding consciousness is by far the most challenging task confronting science. When Crick first enteredbiology after World War II two great biology, after World War II, two great questions were thought to be beyond the capacities of science to answer:

1. What distinguishes the living from the nonliving world? the nonliving world?

2. What is the biological nature of consciousness?

1. What distinguishes the living from the nonliving world?

By 1953, after just two years of collaboration, he and Jim Watson had ,helped solve that mystery. As Watson later described in The Double Helix, "at lunch Francis winged into the Eagle [Pub] to tell everyone within hearing distance that that “WE HAD FOUND THE SECRET OF LIFE" .In the next two decades, Crick helped crack the genetic code: how DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein.

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I 1976 t i t C i k t d t

2. What is the biological nature of consciousness?

In 1976, at age sixty, Crick turned to the remaining scientific mystery: the biological nature of consciousness.This he studied for the rest of his life in partnership with Christof Koch, a in partnership with Christof Koch, a young computational neuroscientist.

But, despite almost thirty years of continuous effort, Crick was able to budge the problem only a modest

2. What is the biological nature of consciousness?

budge the problem only a modest distance. Indeed, some scientists and philosophers of mind continue to find consciousness so inscrutable that they fear it can never be explained inf pphysical terms. How can a biological system, a biological machine, they ask, feel anything? Even more doubtful, how can it think about itself? Kandel E R. 2002.

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Stresul, duşman sau prieten

The full cost and burden of disorders of the brain in Europe exposed for the first time.European Neuropsychopharmacology 2011, 21, 718-779macology 2011, 21, 718 779

The economic cost of brain disorders in Europe. J. Olesen, A. Gustavsson,M. Svenssond, H.-U. Wittchen and B Jonsson on behalf of Wittchen and B. Jonsson on behalf of the CDBE2010 study group and the European Brain Council. European Journal of Neurology 2012, 19: 155–162

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-costul total a 19 boli legate decreier pentru anul 2010, în 27 state EU plus Islanda, Norvegia p , gsi Elvetia (514 000 000 locuitori)a fost de 798 miliarde €

-depresia şi anxietatea- sunt pe p ş pprimele două locuri din cele 19 boli analizate

-depresia si bolile bipolare 113.4-anxietatea:74.4; -bolile psihotice: 93.3; -ACV: 64.1;-boala Parkinson:13.9; -tumorile cerebrale: 5.2.2

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Epigenetic mechanisms, which control chromatin structure and function, mediate changes in gene expression that occur in changes in gene expression that occur in response to diverse stimuli. Recent research has established that environmental events and behavioral experience induce epigenetic changes at particular gene loci and that changes at particular gene loci and that these changes help shape neuronal plasticity and function and hence behavior.

Some of these changes can be stable and can even persist for a lifetime. Increasing evidence supports the hypothesis that aberrations in chromatin remodeling and gsubsequent effects on gene expression within limbic brain regions contribute to the pathogenesis of depression and other stress-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety syndromes.

Vialou V, Feng J, Robison AJ, Nestler EJ Epigenetic Mechanisms of Depression and Antidepressant Action. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2012 Sep 27.

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Homo sapiens appears to be evolving into a new kind of species not seen before in organic evolution. This is HOMO HOLISTICUS, systems This is HOMO HOLISTICUS, systems man, the first species in the earth’s history with a global reach, entailing global selective forces charting its evolutionary change.g y g

Global change and human change: a prescriptionfor adaptive evolution from ecological network theory.B.C. Patten, International Journal of Ecodynamics. 2006

Ce-i de făcut?

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Omul ar trebui să ştie că din creier, şi numai din creier, provin plăcerile noastre, fericirea, râsul şi glumele, ca şi starea de bine şi suferinţa, durerea, necazurile şi lacrimile. Cu ajutorul lui, gândim, vedem, auzim şi distingem răul de bine, plăcutul de neplăcut.Creierul-cel mai puternic organ al corpului... Hipocrate- 460 î.c.

“Toate religiile, artele şi ştiinţele sunt ramuri ale aceluiaşi copac”

A. Einstein

Societatea umană are nu numai o conştiinţă socială ci ea reprezintă şi conştiinţa lumii materiale, conştiinţa existentei în sens conştiinţa existentei în sens filozofic. Societatea umana reprezintă proprietatea materiei, a existenţei de a se apleca asupra ei insăşi de a se recrea. insăşi de a se recrea.

Profunzimile lumii materiale. M.Draganescu. 1979

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Societatea , şi mai ales forurile de decizie la nivel naţional, teritorial şi global coştientizează

i l l i di f l tot mai mult relaţia dintre performanţele creierului de a acumula şi analiza, responsabil, date din realitatea imediata sau prospective şi deciziile legate de aspecte fundamentale a evoluţiei societăţii în raport cu mediul inconjurător mai apropiat sau mai indepărtat inconjurător, mai apropiat sau mai indepărtat, al cărui sănatate se răsfrânge tot mai vizibil şi mai imperativ asupra sănătăţii societăţii.

…probleme de mare actualitate şi urgenţă a căror răspuns implică colaborarea dintre forurile politice, financiare şi ştiinţifice sunt cele de educaţie, de sănatate biologică şi psiho-

lă i di id l i i i ă iicomportamentală a individului şi a societăţii. Răspunderea la aceste provocări ar fi pe de o parte, povara Conştiinţei de sine, şi pe de altă parte o dovadă că organizarea şi evoluţia materiei pe planeta Pământ a ajuns la nivelul în care se întoarce spre sine cu putere de care se întoarce spre sine cu putere de modelare întru continuitate sau de autodistrugere…

Scientific American Mind Romania - Psihologia Azi, nr. 02

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Creierul interfaţă între Univers şi Creierul –interfaţă între Univers şi Omenire

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