curso bioquimica en harvard

Principles of Biochemistry This introduction to biochemistry explores the molecules of life, starting at simple building blocks and culminating in complex metabolism. Self-Paced Enroll Now I would like to receive email from Harvard University and learn about its other programs. Length: 15 weeks Effort: 4-6 hours/week Price: FREE Add a Verified Certificate for $150 Institution: HarvardX Subject: Biology & Life Sciences Level: Intermediate Languages: English Video Transcripts: English Share this course with a friend Share this course on facebook Share this course on twitter Share this course on linkedin Share this course on google plus Share this course via email Prerequisites College-level Introductory Biology College-level Introductory General Chemistry, including basic Organic Chemistry Read all 5 Reviews 5/5 average stars About this course Principles of Biochemistry integrates an introduction to the structure of macromolecules and a biochemical approach to cellular function. Topics addressing protein function will include enzyme kinetics, the characterization of major metabolic pathways and their interconnection into tightly regulated networks, and the manipulation of enzymes and pathways with mutations or drugs. An exploration of simple cells (red blood cells) to more complex tissues (muscle and liver) will be used as a framework to discuss the progression in metabolic complexity. Learners will also develop

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Principles of BiochemistryThis introduction to biochemistry explores the molecules of life, starting at simple building blocks and culminating in complex metabolism.

Self-PacedEnroll Now

I would like to receive email from Harvard University and learn about its other programs. Length: 15 weeks Effort: 4-6 hours/week Price: FREE 

Add a Verified Certificate for $150 Institution: HarvardX Subject: Biology & Life Sciences Level: Intermediate Languages: English

Video Transcripts: EnglishShare this course with a friendShare this course on facebookShare this course on twitterShare this course on linkedinShare this course on google plusShare this course via emailPrerequisitesCollege-level Introductory BiologyCollege-level Introductory General Chemistry, including basic Organic ChemistryRead all  5 Reviews5/5 average starsAbout this coursePrinciples of Biochemistry integrates an introduction to the structure of macromolecules and a biochemical approach to cellular function. Topics addressing protein function will include enzyme kinetics, the characterization of major metabolic pathways and their interconnection into tightly regulated networks, and the manipulation of enzymes and pathways with mutations or drugs. An exploration of simple cells (red blood cells) to more complex tissues (muscle and liver) will be used as a framework to discuss the progression in metabolic complexity. Learners will also develop problem solving and analytical skills that are more generally applicable to the life sciences. HarvardX pursues the science of learning. By registering as an online learner in an HX course, you will also participate in research about learning. Read our research statement to learn more.Harvard University and HarvardX are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the community is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination or harassment in our program. All members of the HarvardX community are expected to abide by Harvard policies on nondiscrimination, including sexual harassment, and the edX Terms of Service. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] and/orreport your experience through the edX contact formImage credit: PDB ID 2DN1, 2DN2Park S-Y, Yokoyama T, Shibayama N, Shiro Y, Tame JRH (2006) 1.25 A resolution crystal structures of human haemoglobin in the oxy, deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms. J Mol Biol 360: 690–701.

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 HideWhat you'll learn

The structure and function of the chemical building blocks of life How to navigate protein structures using PyMOL The central role of enzymes in catalyzing the reactions of life The primary metabolic pathways that power cells The intricate mechanisms that regulate cellular metabolism The integration of biochemical processes in the context of cells, tissues, and whole organisms

Meet the instructors

Alain VielSenior Lecturer Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University

Rachelle GaudetProfessor of Molecular and Cellular Biology Harvard UniversityPursue a Verified Certificate to highlight the knowledge and skills you gain ($150)

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Easily ShareableAdd the certificate to your CV, resume or post it directly on LinkedIn

Proven MotivatorGet the credential as an incentive for your successful course completionEnroll Now

I would like to receive email from Harvard University and learn about its other programs.

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Antes de iniciar el proceso de aplicación para la SESION I-2016, por favor tenga en cuenta que se le pedirá adjuntar documentos de soporte al formulario electrónico (todos los documentos deben presentarse en formato PDF; de lo contrario, el sistema electrónico no podrá aceptarlos). Asegúrese de obtener todos los documentos antes de llenar su aplicación. Aplicaciones incompletas no serán tomadas en consideración.

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1. Formato Electrónico de Aplicación. 2. Dos cartas de recomendación, una preferiblemente (no obligatorio) de un profesor dentro de tu area de especialización. La segunda carta de un empleador u otro profesor. 3. Historial de calificaciones (Notas academicas). 4. Si la pasantía será acreditada por su Universidad, debe adjuntar un documento oficial de su escuela.

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5. Curriculum Vitae/Hoja de Vida. Nota! Hoja de vida (CV) con foto no será aceptada y podrá descalificar su aplicación.

Cartas de Recomendación: Es importante que la persona que proporcione la carta de recomendación incluya información de contacto (número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico) en caso de que se requiera información adicional.

Las cartas de recomendación que no puedan ser entregadas directamente al estudiante, pueden ser enviadas por correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: [email protected].

Si una o ambas cartas son enviadas por correo electrónico, por favor adjuntar una nota en su aplicación informando de esto y proporcionando la información de contacto de la persona que escribe la carta

Calificaciones: Por favor NO enviar copia de su certificado de grado. Estudiantes que tengan acceso a calificaciones no oficiales, por favor adjuntar una copia en el Formato de Aplicación. Asegúrese de enviar por correo la versión oficial a la siguiente dirección: 1889 F Street NW, Washington, DC, 20006 (o electrónicamente al correo electrónico mencionado anteriormente). Aplicaciones incompletas no serán revisadas hasta que todos los documentos se hagan llegar al Departamento de Recursos Humanos. LA SESIÓN I-2016 PUEDE DURAR DESDE: FEBRERO 1 - MAYO 13 DE 2016Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, por favor contáctenos a [email protected]

* Por favor tener en cuenta que el Formato de Aplicación esta disponible únicamente en inglés

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