curso de ingles 11 de 30

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    p . 30

    UNIT 11 1

    In a Night Club

    Tom - Come on, Margaret! We havent much t ime. The show inthat n ight c lub begins at n ine o c lock.

    Marg. - Then we have plenty of t ime, dear. I t s only e ightoc lock!

    Tom - What are you ta lk ing about? I t s a lready half-past e ight.Marg. - Well, my watch says that i t s only e ight o c lock.Tom - Then your watch is s low. I t isnt a good watch. Throw it

    away!Marg. - What nonsense, dear! There are moments when you are

    very si l ly.Tom - Well, we are ta lk ing and t ime is passing, and we are

    forgett ing that the show begins in half an hour.

    ( A cuckoo clock str ikes 9 oc l ock )(Un reloj de cuco toca las nueve.)

    Marg. - Well, the cuckoo clock says that i t s n ine already! You

    can throw your watch away, too.Tom - We have no t ime for jokes, Margaret. Come on! Hurry


    (Half an hour later.)(Media hora ms tarde.)

    Marg. - This is a fantast ic n ight c lub, Tom! And so big! Is theentrance fee very expensive?

    Tom - No, i t isnt . On the contrary, i t s very cheap.Marg. - Well, the f i rst number of the show is over. What a pity!Tom - Come on! This table is free. Let s s i t down here. The

    programme says that the next number is a f lamencodance. There are four famous dancers: a man and threewomen.

    Marg. - Yes? Oh! Look at that lady with those beauti fu l pear ls!Tom - Beautifu l? Yes! A very beauti fu l woman! Youre r ight.

    (contina) Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 2

    (continuation) In a Night Club

    Marg. - Not the woman. The pearls. The pearls. I love pearls. Ihave no pearls. I

    Tom - Pearls are for dark women. Youre blonde, my dear.Marg. - Youre wrong. Pearls are for b londe women too.

    Tomorrow we can go to that jewellery sh opTom - A museum tomorrow, Margaret!

    Marg. - But dear! You are always saying that museums are veryboring.Tom - Opinions change, dear And now, would you l ike a

    dr ink, dear?Marg. - No . I want just an ice cream. A chocolate ice cream.Tom - All r ight.

    Waiter! A chocolate ice and a double whisky, p lease. Wait. - Very well , s ir .


    Marg. - Oh, Tom! They are wonderful dancers!Tom - Yes and the gir ls are so beauti fu l!Marg. - I m not ta lk ing about their faces, Tom. I m ta lk ing about

    their art .Tom - Yes, dear their art their art

    Las palabras subrayadas deben pronunciarse con ms nfasis .

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 3

    saxon genitive = genit ivo sajn

    Tom s car is red. = El coche de Tom es rojo

    My fr iends house is large. = La casa de mis amigos es grande.

    The chi ldren s room is small . = El cuarto de los nios es pequeo.

    como se forma el saxon genit ive:

    Primero se pone el nombre del poseedorcon (s) . Toms

    Despus se pone e l nombre de l a cosa poseida. Tom s car


    Si el poseedor es plural, se le aade solamente () . My fr iends house

    Si el plurale es irregular, se le aade (s). The childrens room

    Warning The car of Tom is red. Error!

    1. Abel s real name is Abelard.

    2. His grandparents house is very large. ( large = grande)

    3. Abel s sister s name is Debra.

    El nombre de la hermana de Abel es Debra.

    4. Tom and Margaret s tastes are dif ferent.

    Los gustos de Tom y Margaret son diefe rentes .


    En el ejemplo4, hay dos poseedores , por lo tanto la s se aade sloal lt imo poseedor. (Margare t )

    Las otras reglas que tratan del Genitivo Sajn las veremos ms adelante.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 4

    What t ime is it? = Qu hora es?

    I t is four oclock . I t is f ive past four. I t is f ive to four.

    1. Cuando la manecil la que indica los minutos se encuentra sobre el12 se dice: oclock.

    2. Cuando se encuentra en la parte derecha del cuadrante se dice:past.

    3. Cuando se encuentra en la parte izquierda del cuadrante se dice:to.

    oclock E klk = Es la forma abreviada of the clock.

    past pa:st = pasado, despus de

    to tu = a, a lasa quarter E kw:tE = un cuarto

    half ha:f = media

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 5

    I t is four oclock. I t is f ive past four . I t is ten past four .

    I ts a quarter past four. I t is twenty past four . I t is twenty f ive past four .

    I t is half-past four . I t is twenty f ive to f ive. I t is twenty to five .

    I t is a quarter to five . I t is ten to five . I t is f ive to five .


    Para decir la hora entera se dice: I t is f our oclock, o It is four .

    En los otros casos , antes se dicen los minutos o las fracciones de la hora (aquarter, half) , y luego la hora.

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 6

    minutes (minits ) = minutos

    Cuando los minutos son 5, o mltiplos de 5 , la palabra minutes no se sueleusar .


    I t is f ive past four. I t is two minutes past four.I t is ten past four. I t is three minutes past four. I t is twenty f ive past four. I t is four minutes past four.

    it is eight thirty = son las ocho y treinta

    La hora se puede expresar tambin de es te modo:

    9:15 I t is n ine f i f teen.

    10:22 I t is ten twenty-two.

    11:30 I t is e leven th ir ty.

    12:40 I t is twelve forty. etc.

    Para los orarios de trenes , de avione s , para programas de radio, detelevis in etc. , los ingleses divi den el da en 24 hor as tambin.

    The tra in leaves at eight forty-five. = El tren sale a las 8.45.

    The show begins at twenty f ifty. = El show empieza a las 20.50.

    The aeroplane from London lands attwenty-one thirty.

    = El avin de Londres aterr iza

    a las 21.30.

    The aeroplane to Paris takes off atnine fifty.

    = El avin para Pars despega

    a las 9.50.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 7

    watch = reloj de pulsera

    clock = reloj de pared, de igles ia etc.

    alarm clock = despertador

    right = correcto

    fast = adelantado ( l i t . ve loz)

    slow = atrasado ( l i t . len to)

    My watch is fast. = Mi reloj es t adelantado.

    Your watch is slow. = Tu reloj es t atrasado.

    It is nine oclock.

    That c lock is r ight . I t says nine oclock . Toms watch is fast . I t says ten past nine .

    Margaret s watch is slow. I t says ten to nine .


    1. Para preguntar la hora se puede decir:

    What t ime is it? o What is the time?

    Delante de los nme ros que indican la hora no se pone el ar t culo the .

    It is eight oclock. I t is the eight o c lock. Error!

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 8

    in the morning = por la maana l i t . en la maana

    in the afternoon = por la tarde ( temprano) l i t . en la tarde ( temprano)

    In the evening = por la tarde l i t . en la tarde

    a.m. = ante merid iem = (antemeridianas) antes del medioda

    p.m. = post merid iem = (posmeridianas) despus del medioda

    Para dis t inguir entre las horas antemeridianas y las posmeridianas haydos modos:

    a) At eight in the morning.

    At e ight a.m.

    b) At eight in the evening.

    At e ight p.m.

    1. time = hora

    I t is t ime to go. = Es hora de irse.

    2. time = t iempo

    Time passes so quickly! = El t iempo pasa tan rpidamente!

    3. time = vez

    I eat three t imes a day. = Yo como tres veces al da.


    once = una vez

    twice = dos veces

    three times, four times etc. = tres veces , cuatro veces etc.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 9

    1. to have = tener

    Margaret has got a brother and a sister.

    2. to have

    To have viene usado tambin con i l s ignif icado de desayunar, almorzar ,cenar, beber algo etc.

    I have breakfast at e ight. = Desayuno a las 8. ( l i t . Tengo desayuno a las 8 . )

    I have lunch at one. = Almuerzo a la una.

    I have dinner at n ine. = Ceno a las nueve.

    I have tea, coffee, a dr inketc.


    I make breakfast. s ignif ica: Preparo el desayuno.


    I have breakfast at e ight o c lock. For breakfast I usual ly have coffee with milk, bread, butter and jam.

    I have lunch at half-past one. For lunch I usual ly have a plate ofpasta, a salad and some cheese. I a lso l ike tohave a t in of Coca-Cola. For dessert I have only some fru it .

    I have dinner at half-past e ight with my family. For d inner wegeneral ly have soup and f ish.After d inner my father l ikes to watch TV and to have a glass ofwhisky, s i t t ing in a comfortable armchair .

    3. to have Se usa tambin con las s iguientes expresiones:

    to have a bath = baarse

    to have a shower = ducharse

    to have a rest = descansar

    to have a siesta = hacer una s ies ta

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 10

    some any no

    I have some money. = tengo un poco de dinero.I havent anymoney. = no tengo ningn dinero.

    I have no money. = no tengo ningn dinero.

    not any es igual a no

    Anys i usa con i l verbo nella forma negativa.

    I havent any money.I havent any t ime.

    I havent any fr iends.

    Nos i usa con i l verbo nella forma posit iva.

    I have no money.

    I have no time.I have no fr iends.

    someone = alguien

    not anyone = nadie

    no one = nadie

    There is someone in the house. = Hay alguien en casa.There isnt anyone in the house. = No hay nadie en casa.

    There is no one in the house. = No hay nadie en casa.

    ( l i t . Hay nadie en casa . )

    En ingls no se pueden poner dos negac iones en la misma oracin.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 11

    Lets go! = Vmonos!

    Let us go! = Vmonos!

    Letses la forma contracta let us.

    Para hacer una propuesta o una invitacin, se usa let us o let s seguido de un infinit ivo s in to.

    Lets go to the cinema! = Vamos al cine!Lets sit down here! = Sentmonos aqu!Lets eat in that restaurant! = Comamos en aquel res taurante!Lets have tea! = Tomemos un t!

    over = sobre, encima de

    There is a beach umbrel la over Margaret s head.

    to be over = terminar

    The lesson is over. = La leccin ha terminado.The f i lm is over. = La pelcula ha terminado.

    The show is over. = El espectculo ha terminado.

    Our hol idays are over. = Nuestras vacaciones han terminado.

    joke = broma, chis te

    to joke = bromear

    to te l l a joke = contar un chis te

    Tom is a jo l ly young man. He is a lways laughing and joking. Helikes to te l l funny jokes too.===

    jolly = alegreto laugh = rer funny = gracioso

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 12

    1. that = aquel, aquella ; ese, esa

    This boy is I ta l ian. That boy is French.

    2. that = que (conjugac in)

    I th ink that = Yo pienso que

    He says that = l dice que

    Remember that = Recuerda que

    Tom and Margaret

    Tom - Come on, Margaret! I t s half-past e ight. Remember that theshow begins at n ine oc lock.

    Marg. - But Tom! I th ink that your watch is fast. My watch says that i t is only e ight o c lock.

    Tom - Then i t is better that you throw it away.

    Marg. - I cant dear. This watc h is a present from my f ianc.

    ===better = mejor throw it away = tirarloa present from = un regalo de

    1. about = de

    Tom l ikes to read magazines about sports and pol i t ics.

    2. about = aproximadamente

    China has a populat ion of about a bi l l ion (1,350,000,000) people.

    What are you ta lk ing about? = De qu es ts hablando?( l i t . Qu es ts t hablando de?)

    No digas tonter as!

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 13

    away = lejos

    to go away = irse, marcharse

    Go away! = Vete! - Mrchate!

    to throw away = arrojar

    Throw it away! = Tralo! - chalo!

    to g ive away = dar gratuitamente

    Give i t away! = Reglalo!

    Robert and Mill ie

    Rob. - Mil l ie! Br ing me a bott le of wine!

    Mil. - Here you are, dear.Rob. - This wine is awful, so bit ter! Throw it away!

    Mil. - Oh no dear! I cant throw it away! I t isnt r ight to wastethings.

    Rob. - Then give i t away! And now please go away! I want to readmy paper in peace.

    Mil. - But Robert dear! I t s a lready midnight. Put that book away!It s t ime t o go to bed.

    Rob. - Oh, go away! Go away!===awful = horribleto waste = derrocharpeace = pazmidnight = medianoche

    half an hour = media hora ( l i t . media una hora)

    an hour = una hora

    an hour and a half = una hora y media ( l i t . una hora y una media)

    two hours and a half = dos horas y media ( l i t . dos horas y una media) etc .

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 14

    It is time to go. = Es hora (de) irse.

    Cuando las preposiciones de - a - para preceden el inf init ivoespaol, en ingls se omiten.

    - Give me something to eat , p lease!

    Dame a lgo (de ) comer, por favor!

    - No! Begin to read ! You come here to study. Not to waste t ime!

    No! Empie za (a ) leer! T v ienes aqu (para ) es tudiar . No (para ) perder t iempo!

    - Oh, I m so t ired! I m going away. I t s t ime to go to bed.

    Oh, es toy tan cansado! Me es toy marchando. Es hora (de ) i r a la cama.

    pity = piedad, compasin; ls t ima

    to feel pity for = sentir piedadpor

    Those people that go on hol iday and abandon their dogs and catsare very cruel. They feel no pity for their poor loving animals.

    What a pity! =Qu lstima! ( l i t . Qu una p iedad!)

    Tom and Margaret

    Tom - The f irst number of the show is over. I t was a f lamencodance. What a pity!

    Marg. - But we can come again tomorrow evening.

    Tom - No, we cant . Tomorrow evening there is a footbal l matchon TV that I cant miss.Marg. - What a pity!


    was = eraI cant miss = no puedo perdermesin = pecado

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 15


    My real name is Abelard, but most people ca l l meAbel.

    la mayora de las /

    me l laman

    I cant understand i t , because Abelard and Abel aretwo completely d if ferent names.

    Some of my teachers cal l meAbel the rebel . rebelde

    They cal l me rebel because I am always speakingabout students r ights. derechos

    I f women want their r ights why cant young peoplespeak about their r ights, too?


    The problem is that very few people understand us.Least of a l l , our teachers. menos que nadie ( l i t . menos de todos)

    hurry = prisa

    to hurry = apresurarse

    Hurry up! = Apresrate!

    I m in a hurry! = Tengo prisa! ( l i t . Yo es toy en una prisa!)


    - My father and mother are always in a hurry. They get up very ear ly. They have a shower in a hurry, theyhave breakfast in a hurry, and they go to work in a hurry.

    I hate doing th ings in a hurry! When I have breakfast, I l ikeeating slowly. I enjoy eating my bread and butter calmly. And Ilove having my chocolate milk without any hurry.

    But my mother is a lways saying to me, Hurry up, Abel! Hurryup! I t s late! --- I t s late!===

    early = temprano without = sin

    to hate = odiar to enjoy = dis frutar

    late = tarde

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 16

    forma in - ing

    Depus de algunos verbos se puede usar tanto la forma en - ing como el

    infinit ivo .

    to l ike = gustar

    to love = amar

    to hate = odiar

    to enjoy = dis frutar to begin = empezar

    Abel l ikes eating slowly.He loves dr inking his chocolate milk calmly.

    He hates doing things in a hurry.

    He enjoys eating his bread and butter without any hurry.

    He begins studying at half-past three.


    Abel l ikes to eat slowly.He loves to dr ink his chocolate milk calmly.

    He hates to do things in a hurry.

    He enjoys to eat his bread and butter without any hurry.

    He begins to study at half-past three.

    I would like to go to Paris. = Me gustara ir a Pars .

    Abel would l ike to eat slowly.He would love to dr ink his chocolate milk calmly.

    He would hate to do things in a hurry.

    He would enjoy to eat his bread and butter without any hurry.

    El verbo que s igue el condicional se pone en infinit ivo.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 17


    My day

    My day begins at seven oc lock, when my enemy

    wakes me up. Who is my enemy? - My enemy is my

    alarm clock, of course.


    me despierta


    When I wake up, I remain in bed for about ten minutes,

    th inking and looking at a l l my beauti fu l posters. Then Iget up and go to the bathroom to have a nice shower.

    When I come out of the shower and comb my hair , I

    a lways see a very sad face in the mirror . In the morning,

    when I get up, I a lways have a sad expression on my

    face, except when I am at the seaside with my parents

    and my sister.

    me quedo

    bao / ducha



    al mar, a la playa

    My sister Debra l ikes to get up early. She is a strange

    gir l . So, when I go to the kitchen to have breakfast, she is

    already sit t ing at the table dr inking her second glass of

    chocolate milk.

    temprano / es traa


    At eight o c lock my sister and I go to the bus stop.

    At the bus stop there are always some of my

    schoolmates. The expression on their faces is sad, too.

    I t s strange, but I never see anyone with a happy face in

    the morning.

    compaeros de escuela


    At half-past e ight my lessons start . And after f ive long

    hours the lessons are over and I go back home.


    vuelvo a casa

    Lunchtime is the f irst p leasant t ime of the day, because

    my mother is a very good cook, and I love eating.




    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 18

    (continuation) Abel

    After lunch, at about three oc lock, I l ie down on my

    bed and have a l i t t le s iesta.

    me tiendo

    At half-past three I begin studying and I usual ly f in ish

    my homework at about e ight o c lock. Why so late? Ask my

    teachers. Most of them think that besides study, there is

    nothing better to do in l i fe.


    adems del

    mejor At half-past e ight I have dinner.

    When dinner is over, I would l ike to sit down, relax, and

    watch a nice f i lm on TV; but I am so t ired and sleepy that

    I havent any wish to watch TV. So, I go to my room, read

    comics for half an hour and go to bed. Isnt my day

    excit ing?






    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 19

    The Poor Student and the Beautiful Dancer.

    This is a very important n ight for me. I am sit t ing in anelegant n ight c lub, but I am alone. This is the f irst t ime

    that I come to a night c lub, because I havent got muchmoney. I am only a poor student.

    slo / vez

    The waiter br ings me a glass of orange ju ice. I neverdr ink alcohol. The waiter says that the show is very good

    tonight . But i t is already half-past ten, and the f irstnumber is already over . What a pity!

    esta noche / ya

    ha terminado

    The second number begins, i t is a f lamenco dance. Thedancer is a beauti fu l young gir l . She has big black eyes

    and a pale face. She is wearing a white dress, and thereis a red rose in her b lack hair . She dances wonderful ly.

    plido / l levando

    The programme says that she wil l be in th is n ight c lubfor three nights. I would l ike to come back and see her

    again, but I cannot. I havent enough money.



    The dancer dances three t imes. For the second danceshe wears a green dress. For the th ird dance her dress isblue. Al l three dresses are elegant and expensive. She is

    a famous dancer. She is a star.

    l leva

    I l ike al l her dresses, but I prefer the white one. aquello blanco

    She is beauti fu l! She is wonderful!

    There is a l i t t le f lower shop in the night c lub. The

    flowers are beauti fu l, but very expensive. There are

    f lowers of many colours. I buy six r ed carnations. clavelesI return to my table, I take a penci l and I wr ite on the

    programme, For the wonderful dancer with the beauti fu l


    lp iz


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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 20


    The Poor Student and the Beautiful Dancer.

    I g ive the f lowers and the programme to the waiter and

    I say to him, Give these f lowers to the dancer, p lease.

    Then I go away.

    The night is very dark. I walk for many hours

    thinkingthinking I am a young, romantic boy and thebeauti fu l dancer is my f irst love. My only love. For now

    and for ever. But I am only a poor student and she is a

    famous star


    para siempre

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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 21


    1. Traduce oralmente . En la pgina siguiente est la clave de esta traduccin.

    2. Copia toda la pgina.

    1. - What t ime is i t?2. Remember that the show begins at n ine.

    3. - My watch is s low.4. - Then look at that cuckoo clock.


    -That c lock is a lways fast.

    6. - This is an expensive night c lub.

    7. The show begins at e leven.

    8. The dancers are famous.

    9. The f irst number is over.

    10. What a pity!

    11. - Look at that woman!12. - Which woman? There are so many women here!

    13. - The blonde one with the beauti fu l pear ls.14. - In my opinion, pearls are for dark women.15. - Opinions change.

    16. - I wake up at s ix, when my husband gets up,

    17. but, I get up at a quarter past seven.

    18. I have breakfast at half-past e ight.

    19. My husband has no t ime for breakfast.

    20. I have lunch at one.

    21. My husband prefers to have just a sandwich.22. He hasnt much t ime for lunch.

    23. Only twenty minutes.

    24. He has no dinner because his work is over at midnight.

    25. When he comes back home, he is very t ired.

    26. He sits in a comfortable arm-chair and watches T V.

    27. Poor man! He has a tough l i fe.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 22


    Traduce al ingls por escrito y oralmente.

    1. - Qu hora es?

    2. Recuerda que el espectculo empieza a las nueve.

    3. - Mi relo j est atrasado.

    4. - Entonces mira aquel re lo j de cuco.

    5. - Aquel re lo j est siempre adelantado.

    6. - Este es un night c lub costoso.

    7. El espectculo empieza a las once.8. Los bai lar ines son famosos.

    9. El pr imer nmero ha terminado.

    10. Qu lst ima!

    11. - Mira aquella mujer!

    12. - Cal mujer? Hay tantas mujeres aqu.

    13. - Aquella rubia con las bel las per las.

    14. - Segn mi opinin, las per las son para mujeres oscuras.

    15. - Las opiniones cambian.

    16. - Yo me despierto a las seis, cuando mi marido se levanta,

    17. pero, yo me levanto a las siete y cuarto.

    18. Desayuno a las ocho y media.

    19. Mi marido t iene poco t iempo para el desayuno.

    20. Yo almuerzo a la una.

    21. Mi marido pref iere comer slo un sandwich.

    22. l no t iene mucho t iempo para el desayuno.23. Slo veinte mintos.

    24. l no cena porque su trabajo termina a medianoche.

    25. Cuando vuelve a casa, l est muy cansado.

    26. Se sienta en una cmoda butaca y mira la te levis in.

    27. Pobre hombre! l t iene una vida dura.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 23


    1. Contesta a las s iguientes preguntas con una frase complet a.

    1. Margaret says that i t is e ight o c lock. Is her watch slow or


    2. Tom says that i t is half-past e ight. Is h is watch slow, fast or

    r ight?

    3. Is the night c lub cheap or expensive?

    4. What is the second number on the programme of the show?

    5. Are pearls only for dark women? What is your opinion?

    6. Margaret has no pearls. Have you got any pearls?

    7. Is Margaret eat ing a chocolate ice or a st rawberry ice?

    8. Is Tom dr inking orange ju ice or whisk y?

    9. Robert wants to throw the wi ne away. Why?

    10. Why cant Mil l ie throw the wine away?

    11. Which of them is r ight?

    12. Which of them is wrong?

    13. What is the real name of Abel?14. When Abel is having breakfast, what is h is mother a lways

    saying to him?

    15. Write what Abel has for breakfast.

    16. When Abel gets up in the morning, has he got a happy or a

    sad expression on his face?

    17. When has he got a happy expression?18. According to Abel, h is s ister Debra is a very strange gir l .


    19. Is lunchtime a pleasant or unpleasant t im e for Abel?

    20. Why has Abel no wish to watch TV?

    21. Abel says that h is day is excit ing. Is he ser ious, or is he


    22. Are your English lessons excit ing or bor ing?

    23. When you get up in the morning have you got a happy or a

    sad expression on your face?

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 24


    2. Completa las s iguientes frases con any o no.

    No escribas en el l ibro! Copia las frases en un cuaderno y completa conany ono.


    I would l ike to buy some new records, but I havent got .. money.

    I would l ike to go out with my fr iends and play footbal l . But I have .. t ime.

    When I f in ish my homework, I m so t ired that I have .. wish to watchTV.

    In summer I have .. problems. There is .. school, so there isnt .. homework to do, and there is .. enemy that wakes me up in themorning.

    3. Traduce al ingls .

    1. Son las ocho de la m aana.

    2. Son las cinco de la tarde.

    3. Son las nueve de la tarde.

    4. Para el almuerzo yo como pan, mantequilla y mermelada.5. Para el desayuno yo como un plato de pasta con salsa de

    tomate. (tomato sauce)

    6. Para la cena yo como slo una ensalada.

    7. Me gusta contar chis tes graciosos.

    8. Sonrer - Rer9. Olvidar - Perdonar

    10. Vte! - chalo!

    11. Millie dice que no es bueno derrochar las cosas.

    12. Tengo prisa! Tienes prisa?

    13. Mi padre se levanta muy t emprano, y va a la cama m uy tarde.

    14. Abel odia comer de prisa.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 25


    4. Completa las frases s iguientes con: at - in - to - on

    No esc ibas en e l l ibro! Copia las f rases en un cuaderno y comple ta con las

    palabras que fa l tan .(Abel)

    .. seven oc lock Abel wakes up. He usually stays .. bed forabout ten minutes looking .. his posters. Then he goes .. thebathroom to have a shower.

    .. the morning he always has a sad expression .. his face.When he comes out of the bathroom he goes back .. the bedroom

    to dress.

    When he goes .. the kitchen, h is s ister Debra is a lready there.She is s it t ing .. the kitchen table having her second glass ofchocolate milk.

    .. eight o c lock, Abel and his s ister go .. the bus stop. Thereare always many people .. the bus stop, with sad expressions .. their faces. There are also many boys and gir ls with heavy school-bags .. their shoulders.

    Abels lessons begin .. half-past e ight, and f in ish .. half-pastone.

    .. lunch t ime Abel is very happy, because his mother is a verygood cook and she prepares del ic ious meals. And as we know, heloves eating.

    After lunch, Abel l ies .. his bed and has a l i t t le s iesta.

    .. about e ight o c lock, .. the evening, he f in ishes his homework,and .. half-past e ight he has dinner with his f amily.

    After d inner Abels father l ikes to watch TV and have a glass ofwhisky, s i t t ing .. a comfortable armchair .

    .. ten oc lock Abel goes .. bed.===heavy = pesado

    schoolbag = mochila

    shoulders = hombros

    meal = comida

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 26


    5. Escribe las horas en letras.

    Ejemplo 12:00 It is twelve oclock.

    5:00 5:05 5:10 6:15 6:20 7:30

    7:40 7:45 7:55

    6. Escribe las horas en letras.

    Ejemplo 03:00 three in the morning3 a.m.

    15:00 three in the afternoon3 p.m.

    04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00

    16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00

    7. Escribe las horas en letras.

    Ejemplo 12:15 a quarter past twelvetwelve f i f teen

    04:10 06:15 08:20 10:30

    11:45 19:20 19:30 19:50


    12:00 twelve in the morning midday 12 a.m.

    00:00 twelve at night midnight 12 p.m.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 27


    Traduce al ingls .

    (Antes de empezar la traduccin mira la pgina 3.)

    1. El pelo de Margaret es r ubio.

    2. El nombre de su hermana es Linda.

    3. La madre de Abel es americana.

    4. Los cuartos de Abel y Debra son pequeos.

    5. La casa de sus abuelos ( grandparents ) es muy bella.

    6. Los vest idos ( clo thes) de aquel las mujeres son muy elegantes.

    7. Los padres de aquel los nios son profesores.

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 28

    Vocabularyalarm Ela:m alarmealarm clock Ela:m klk despertadoranimal AnimEl animalawful :fEl horriblebathroom ba:rum cuarto de baoto be over tu bi EuvE terminarto begin tu bigin empezarbesides bisaids adems (de)

    better betE mejorbutter btE mantequillacarnation ka:neiSEn clavelto change tu tSeindZ cambiarcheese tSi :z quesoclock klk relojcomb kEum peineto comb tu kEum peinar, peinarseto come back tu km bAk volvercomics kmiks tebeoscook kuk cocinero -ato cook tu kuk cocinarcouple kpl parejacruel kruEl crueldance da:ns baileto dance tu da:ns bailardancer da:nsE bailarino -adark da:k oscurodouble dbl doble

    drink driNk bebidaearly E:li tempranoenemy enEmi enemigoto enjoy tu indZi disfrutarentrance fee entrEns f i : billete de entrada


    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 29


    expression ikspreSEn expresinface feis carfamous feimEs famosofantastic fEntAst ik fantsticofast fa:st veloz, rpidofor ever fEr evE para siempreto forget tu fEget olvidar

    free fri: l ibrefunny fni gracioso, divertidohalf ha:f mitadto hate tu heit odiarhurry hri prisato hurry tu hri apresurarseice ais hieloice cream ais-kri :m heladojewellery dZu:Elri joyerajoke dZEuk chiste, broma

    to joke tu dZEuk bromearjolly dZli alegrekitchen kitSEn cocinalate leit tardeto laugh tu la:f rermidday middei mediodamidnight midnait medianochemirror mirE espejoto miss tu mis perder

    next nekst prximonot anyone nt eniwn nadieto pass tu pa:s passarepast pa:st pasadopeace pi:s pazpearl pE:l perla

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 11 de 30


    UNIT 11 30


    pity pit i piedad, lstimaplate plei t platopleasant pleznt agradablequarter kw:tE cuartoreal riEl verdaderorebel rebl rebeldeto relax rilAks relajar, relajarse

    to remain tu rimein quedar, quedarseright rait correctoright rait dirrecho (substant ivo) rose rEuz rosa (flor) schoolmate sku:lmeit compaer de escuelaseaside si :said mar, playashow SEu espectculoshower SauE duchasleep sl i :p sueoto sleep tu s l i :p dormirsleepy sl i :pi soolientoslow slEu lentoto stay tu stei quedar, quedarsestrange streindZ estraoto talk tu t:k conversarto throw away tu rEu Ewei echartime taim t iempo; hora; vezt in t in latatonight tEnait esta noche

    usually ju:ZuEli usualmenteto wake up tu weik up despertar; despertarseto waste tu weist derrocharwatch wtS reloj de pulserato wear tu weE l levar (prendas)wish wiS deseo

    Carmelo Mangano for private or academic use only.