cv renzetti stefano · curriculum vitae stefano renzetti personal details key skills and...

CURRICULUM VITAE Stefano Renzetti PERSONAL DETAILS KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Professional Experience: 2 years Field of Professional Experience: Academic Research and pharmaceutical consultancy companies Key responsibilities in statlstics: applyfng the best statistica! methods to analyze data results, testing the data quality through a deep knowledge of the statìstical software R and SAS Main statistica! methodologies: power analysis, applying linear and logistic regression, mixed model, WQS (Weighted Quantile Sum) regression, DLM (Distrlbuted Lag Models), quantile regression and generalized additive models (GAM) Main therapeutic area: pharmaceutical, pediatrfcs and neonatology Main study phases: clinical trials, observational and epidemiologica) studies Main statistica! software: R, SAS lnternational experience developed in: Boston, Massachusetts and New York, New York. EMPLOYMENT November 2016 - Present Nunatac Quantitative Analyst Main Resvonsil,illlles mul Ach ievemeor I collaborate with the company Statistica Medica in Dublin. l'm following different projects in the pharmaceutical field such as a clinica) tria! to test the safety and maximum tolerated dose of an antileukemic drug; another one to test the efficacy and safety of an antihypertensive agent. In ali these studies my role ls to draft the statistica! analysis pian and, once approved, do Lhe statistica! analysis. January 2016 - October 2016 lcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health Biostatistician - Data Mining Analyst Maln Resµonsib illties cmd A c:hievem ent l'm part ofthe CHEAR consortium (Children's Health Exposure Analysls Resource). Through the use of SAS, I test the data quality and feasibility assessment of the studies that want to be part of the project. l'm working with professor Chris Gennings, Ph. D in developing different research and consultlng projects. One ofthese is about the assoclation between the exposure to PM2.S during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders as depression, anxiety and anhedonia in

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Page 1: CV Renzetti Stefano · CURRICULUM VITAE Stefano Renzetti PERSONAL DETAILS KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES • Professional Experience: 2 years ... • l'm working with professor Chris




• Professional Experience: 2 years • Field of Professional Experience: Academic Research and pharmaceutical consultancy

companies • Key responsibilities in statlstics: applyfng the best statistica! methods to analyze data

results, testing the data quality through a deep knowledge of the statìstical software R and SAS

• Main statistica! methodologies: power analysis, applying linear and logistic regression, mixed model, WQS (Weighted Quantile Sum) regression, DLM (Distrlbuted Lag Models), quantile regression and generalized additive models (GAM)

• Main therapeutic area: pharmaceutical, pediatrfcs and neonatology • Main study phases: clinical trials, observational and epidemiologica) studies • Main statistica! software: R, SAS • lnternational experience developed in: Boston, Massachusetts and New York, New York.


November 2016 - Present Nunatac Quantitative Analyst

Main Resvonsil,illlles mul Achievemeor • I collaborate with the company Statistica Medica in Dublin. l'm following different projects

in the pharmaceutical field such as a clinica) tria! to test the safety and maximum tolerated dose of an antileukemic drug; another one to test the efficacy and safety of an antihypertensive agent. In ali these studies my role ls to draft the statistica! analysis pian and, once approved, do Lhe statistica! analysis.

January 2016 - October 2016 lcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health Biostatistician - Data Mining Analyst

Maln Resµonsibillties cmd Ac:hievement • l'm part ofthe CHEAR consortium (Children's Health Exposure Analysls Resource). Through

the use of SAS, I test the data quality and feasibility assessment of the studies that want to be part of the project.

• l'm working with professor Chris Gennings, Ph. D in developing different research and consultlng projects. One ofthese is about the assoclation between the exposure to PM2.S during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders as depression, anxiety and anhedonia in

Page 2: CV Renzetti Stefano · CURRICULUM VITAE Stefano Renzetti PERSONAL DETAILS KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES • Professional Experience: 2 years ... • l'm working with professor Chris

women after pregnancy. For this project, we used different statistical methodologles like linear and logistic regression and DLM.

• A second project with Or. Gennings is about the associatlon between the exposure to phthalates during pregnancy and children's growth durlng the first months of life. Far this project, we applied linear regresslon and WQS regression. We used optimization functions like the SAS procedure, proc nlin.

• Another important project is the development of an R package that will allow usto use some new functionality ofthe WQS regression.

• Worklng on different pr.ojects has helped me learn how to organize my worklng time and become more Oexible .\S I switch from one project to another in a quìck and efficìent way.

• Furthermore, l learned how to work on a team and how to present analytical results to people of different professional backgrounds (i.e. physicians, biologists, epidemiologists).

March 2015 - September 2015 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Environrnerital Health Biostatisticìan- Data Scientist

Maln Respo11sfh ilittes cwd Achievement I worked with professor Andrea Baccarelli MD, Ph. D, MPH and professor Allan C. Just Ph. D, taking part In a project that focused on epidemiology within the Mexican population. The aim of th!s study was to verify the association between exposure to lead during pregnancy and children's growth at 5 years old. During this period, I used statistica! models like linear, logistic and quantile regression, GAM and mixed model. This work was published by the scientific journal, Environmental Research on January 2017.


M.S. in Biostatistics, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, ltaly, 2013 - 2015 Thesis: The}i11pact oflead exposure during pregnancy on physical growth of4-6years old Mex/can drildren: a prospective analysis. · Professor: Giorgio Vittadini PhD, Andrea Baccarelli MD PhD MPH 110/110 (magna cum laude)

Sc.B. Mathematlcs Eng /ne-erlng, Politecnico di Milano, ltaly, 2007 - 2011 Thesis: The lsoperimecric Problem. -Professor: Maurizio Verri PhD. 88/110

High School Diploma: Scientijìc Lyceum, Don Carlo Gnocchi, Carate Brianza, ltaly, 2002 - 2007 82/100


• RenzcLti S, Just AC, Burris HH, Okcn E, Amarasi riward ena C, Svensson K, Mercado-Garcìa A, Ca r1toral A, Sch naas L, Baccarell l AA, Wright RO, Téllez-Rojo MM. The associatlon of lead éxposure durlng pregmmcy and childhood. anthropometry in the Mexican PROGRESS cohort. Environ Res. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.10.014

• Stefano Renzetti, Paul Curtin, Allan CJust, Chris Gennlngs (2016). gWQS: Generalized Weighted Quantile Sum Regression. Rpackage version 1.0.0. https://CRAN.R-proj ect .org/package=gWQS

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Page 3: CV Renzetti Stefano · CURRICULUM VITAE Stefano Renzetti PERSONAL DETAILS KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES • Professional Experience: 2 years ... • l'm working with professor Chris

LANGUAGE SKILLS • Italian: mother tongue • English: written good

spoken good

COMPUTER SKILLS ECDL (European Computer Driving License) Very familiarwith the statistica! software R Familiar with the software: SAS, Stata, Matlab and AutoCAD Knowledge ofprogramming languages: C, C++ Knowledge of operating systems: Windows and OS X

HOBBIES/INTEREST I have played the drums since 2003 and I play in a rock band.

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