d av i d k o c h i t u r - e n g l i s c h . c o m · by tom franklin. chapter 1 d av i d k o c h /...


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  • C R O O K E D L E T T E R , C R O O K E D L E T T E R

    D A V I D K O C H

    W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M

    by To m Fra n k l i n

  • C h a p t e r 1

    D A V I D K O C H / W W W . A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M

  • D A V I D K O C H / W W W . A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M


    Day 1

    Larry's gets shot

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Intro:

    ⚬ the Rutherford girl had been missing

    for eight days

    ⚬ Larry Ott returned home and found

    a monster waiting for him

    • Stormed the night before

    • Larry, 41

    • single and lives alone in rural


    • in his parents house, now his

    • feels like a "curator"

    • keeping the rooms clean

    Larry is introduced

    • answering the mail

    • paying bills

    • watching TV, whatever was one

    • eating McDonalds or KFC

    • watching the day end from his porch

    • early September

    • in the morning

    • has a coffee and then goes outside and

    takes care of his chicken

    • cares a lot about them

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • found a way how they can be on the

    outside and still be safe from wild


    • built a moveable cage

    • goes back inside the house gets ready

    for the day

    • his mother is in a nursing home

    • he is a mechanic "but only in theory"

    • has a shop repairing cars but no


    • he seems to read a lot, books are

    everywhere in his house

    • is a member of book clubs

    • on his way to his shop

    • wants to visit his mom later that day

    • Larry is closely watched by the local


    • teenagers are vandalizing his house

    once in a while

    • his only friend is Wallace Stringfellow

    • yesterday, Roy French, the chief

    investigator came by the house with a

    search warrant

    • it was not uncommon for Larry's house

    to be searched

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry understood why they were looking

    at his house

    • he is suspected to have killed a girl,

    Cindy Walker, 25 years ago

    • he comes back home

    • opens the door and sees an empty

    shoe box on the table

    • he sees a man with his monster mask

    • he had since he was a teenager

    • the person who wore it now must have

    found it in his closet

    • person shoots him in the chest

    • Larry falls to the floor

    • felt no pain

    • thinks of his mother and father and

    Cindy Walker

    • ready to die: "Die," he said again. Okay

    with Larry.

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  • D A V I D K O C H / W W W . A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M


    Day 1

    Silas finds M&M's body

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • thinks of his mother who died 8 years


    • thinks back to the time when he lived in

    a hunting cabin on land owned by a

    white man, without water, electricity or


    • is called 32, was a baseball player

    • worked as a constable for 2 years

    • drives an ancient Jeep

    • wanted new Bronco because of the


    Silas is introduced

    • wears sunglasses, leather boots

    • never fired his gun

    • driving through backcountry when he

    sees a huge flock of birds

    • finds a body of a man called M&M

    • feels sick at the sight of the corpse

    • calls chief inspector French to the scene

    • looks out of place the whole time

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • flashback in Silas' memory:

    ⚬ M&M = Morton Morisette

    ⚬ was called to an accident a few days

    back / knew the car owner

    ⚬ M&M = drug dealer (only does minor


    ⚬ M&M disappeared and when his

    house was searched nothing was

    found except blood specks

    ⚬ hinting that he might have been

    killed, possibly by Charles Deacon (a


    • French appears:

    ⚬ Vietnam veteran

    ⚬ smoking ("Camel hanging on his

    bottom lip")

    ⚬ seems to be in control

    ⚬ walks over to the dead body and

    takes photos

    ⚬ not phased by the sight of the dead


    ⚬ when something happens, his

    interviews are always printed in the

    newspaper, not Silas

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    Further background information:

    • Silas shares office with a woman named


    • in her 50s / white

    • she is the town clerk

    • calls the shots in the office, bosses Silas


    • Morris Sheffield is the town mayor

    • Silas dates a woman called Angie

    • a girl named Tina Rutherford

    disappeared (19, college student,

    daughter of the mill owner)

    • Silas seems to care about Larry because

    he knows of his routine

    • is worried when he finds out Larry has

    not showed up for work

    • Larry tried to contact Silas two years


    • when he reached Silas, he ends


    • Silas get his girlfriend to check on Larry

    • later when he is directing traffic , his cell

    phone rings

    • Angie utters: "Oh my God"

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  • D A V I D K O C H / W W W . A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M


    March 1979

    Silas & his mom

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry is in 8th grade

    • reads Stephen King's book "Salem's Lot"

    • his dad drives Larry to school

    • they meet a woman named Alice and

    her son Silas

    • they live on his father's land

    • Larry was terrified of black kids

    • had to go to school with 80% blacks

    • they are good at sports but don't share

    his love for books

    • Larry is aware how unusual and

    inappropriate it was for black people to

    get out of a white man's truck

    • his mother picks him up and is

    surprised when Larry tells him about

    the woman and the boy but doesn't say

    more "He sensed he'd said too much


    • Mom senses something and tells dad

    she will take Larry to school

    • they meet Alice and Silas and his mom

    gives them old winter coats

    • there was obviously a back story that

    Larry was unaware of at the time

    • Larry broke the little bit of trust that he

    had with his dad

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • his dad from now on is referred to as


    • Larry's father was very disapproving

    • considered wearing seat belts cowardly

    • only started taking Larry to his shop at

    age of twelve

    • Larry is never fitting in properly

    • people would come to his dad's shop

    and listen to his stories

    • his dad speaks about black people in a

    derogatory way

    • Cecil Walker and his wife and step-

    daughter Cindy Walker are mentioned

    • "having a black friend was an interesting

    idea, something he'd never considered"

    • schools were mixed, strange for kids as

    the adults never mingled

    • at school Larry never fit in

    • not accepted by white classmates

    • bullied and beaten up by black


    • meets Silas in the woods while he is out

    with his rifle

    • Silas is alone and Larry shows him how

    to shoot a rifle (.22)

    • leaves it with him

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    Day 2

    Larry's house

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Angie said that Larry is in a bad state

    • Silas tells French, French goes to

    hospital to check on Larry

    • Silas is glad that French goes to


    • Silas drives to Larry's house to


    • in the house, he re-lives moments from

    the past of being in the house and

    hanging out with Larry

    • French arrives and they investigate

    • Silas walked through the blood without

    noticing (implying that Silas is not the

    best detective)

    • Larry never drank alcohol, his dad died

    in a drunk-driving incident

    • Silas drives home, he lives in a trailer

    • when he comes home, he drinks a beer

    • was in the navy and travelled the world

    • doesn't have a washer or dryer

    • Silas had received a call from Larry and

    he left a message on answering

    machine asking to call him back

    • sounded urgent "Please call back, even

    if it's late. It's kind of important, but I

    don't want to say it over the phone."

    • Silas has Larry's .22 rifle in his room

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  • D A V I D K O C H / W W W . A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H . C O M


    In the past

    End of a friendship

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry woke before his mother knocked

    • it was Saturday, the beginning of

    summer holidays

    • Larry rushed to the mailbox to get his


    • Cindy Walker lives close to Larry

    • she never gets mail, stands on porch


    • Larry brings back the Walkers' mail as


    • Larry is looking forward to his books

    and comics

    • his mom and dad disapprove of his

    interest in books

    • his dad is very patriarchal

    • Larry and his mom are very careful how

    they behave around him

    • he obviously drinks a lot "picked up the

    paper sack of trash, heavy with last

    night's beer bottles"

    • Alice (Silas' mom) possibly got a car

    from Carl (Larry's dad)

    • Larry stopped by Silas and the boys

    would hang out and play, cycle, shoot,

    go fishing

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • both boys are aware that they should

    probably not play with each other

    • Silas' mom told him not to

    • both boys don't really understand why

    but assume it's because of their

    different color of skin

    • the monster mask from chapter 1 when

    Larry got shot is mentioned

    • Larry made a copy of the monster in

    Stephen King's book Night Shift "The


    • Cindy's step dad is abusive to Cindy

    • Cindy is 14, smoking

    • when Larry and Silas watch Cecil

    mistreating Cindy

    • Silas goes over to them and tells Cecil to

    stop and then runs away

    • Larry was too scared to act, hid in safe


  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • his dad finds out the rifle is gone

    • Larry tells him he lent it to Silas

    • his dad freaks out

    • Larry had asthma and started stuttering

    as a kid but it went away after 6th grade

    • Larry considered Silas a friend, but

    couldn't tell anyone about it

    • when Larry wants to get the rifle back

    from Silas the next day

    • Larry's father appears drunk and forces

    the boys to fight and the winner gets

    the rifle

    • Larry is constantly ridiculed by his dad

    and loses the fight

    • this ends the friendship with Silas (?)

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    Day 3

    Back at Larry's house

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas is thinking about Larry

    • has breakfast at a diner and then drives

    back to Larry's house

    • he searches the house for evidence

    • finds a box of old photos and finds out

    that his mom was taking care of Larry

    when he was a baby

    • Alice Jones must have been the Ott's


    • keeps the photo secretly

    • flashback:

    ⚬ Silas remembers when he was

    thirteen and his mom's boyfriend

    was arrested for assault with a

    deadly weapon

    ⚬ they lived in Chicago in a reasonable

    neighborhood and had to leave

    ⚬ they took busses travelling south

    ⚬ journey is described in detail

    ⚬ his mother brought him back to

    where she used to live, where he is


    ⚬ now is 25 years later

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    Cindy disappears

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry wakes up and has breakfast

    • he asked Cindy on a date

    • his dad is so proud of him that he even

    wants to give him the better car "it's got

    a bigger backseat"

    • gives Larry $20 to pay for the movie

    • the "date" turns out to be a distraction

    for Cecil, Cindy's step-dad

    • he only lets Cindy go out with Larry

    because he doesn't consider him a


    • Cindy tells Larry that she wants to

    escape with her boyfriend because she

    is pregnant and afraid

    • he drops her off in the woods to

    presumably meet her boyfriend

    • they plan to run away

    • Cindy wants to meet Larry again near

    her house at 11, so they can pretend he

    was out with her

    • He waits for her but she never shows

    • Cecil catches him when he is trying to

    check if she is already back home and

    strangles him

    • Cindy's mother comes home at this

    moment and saves him (Miss Sheila)

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • police is called and Larry lies at first

    • but the full story comes out a couple of

    days later

    • there is no evidence found of proving

    Larry's story

    • he remained a suspect because Cindy

    remained missing

    • most people think he killed her

    • after this incident life was never the

    same again for him and his parents and

    him lost any connection that was left

    • his father started drinking more heavily

    than before and died in an accident

    with his car that he caused himself

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    Day 3 or 4?

    Alice Jones / Silas' mom

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas is in the diner his mom worked

    when he was a child

    • meets Angie and tells her about his past

    and being friends with Larry, about how

    they moved from Chicago to Amos,

    where they lived

    • Silas: "I felt like I belonged there. It's

    part of why I came back, after all that


    • talks about one Halloween when Larry

    came to school with a monster mask.

    "As real as anything anybody had ever


    • Angie leaves and Silas goes to check on

    Larry at the hospital, then drives to

    Larry's mom in nursing home

    • wants to tell her about Larry

    • she has Alzheimer's and suffered some

    strokes a few years ago

    • it is revealed that Silas is Carl Ott's son

    "So he'd had a father all along, and not

    some deadbeat black man who'd

    knocked up Alice Jones and left, but a

    white man who'd slept with his maid

    and then sent her off to Chicago when

    she got with child."

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • on the way back to Larry's house, Silas

    stops Wallace Stringfellow, a kid, with

    his four-wheeler

    • Silas threatens to write him a ticket as

    he seems to have been drinking while


    • back at Larry's house Silas reflects on

    his relationship with his mother

    • after he left for college, did not have a

    close connection and "refused to see

    the truth, that she was starving from


    • Silas goes to the cabin where he lived

    with his mother as a child after coming

    back from Chicago

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    10 years before now

    & very recently

    Wallace Stringfellow

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • when Larry was 31

    • shortly after he had taken his mother to

    the nursing home

    • 10 years before Tina Rutherford would


    • Larry noticed things "amiss in the barn"

    • someone was stealing / misplacing


    • Larry hides in barn and scares a young

    boy with his monster mask

    • the boy runs away

    • ten years after this incident the boy

    comes back

    • it is Wallace Stringfellow, early twenties

    • seems to be working for DIRECTV

    • asks if Larry needs a satellite dish for his

    TV, but Larry declines the offer at first

    • they get involved in conversation, drink

    a coke together on the porch

    • Larry's past comes to light and Larry

    says he wants a dish now to distract

    from the situation

    • it is Friday and Wallace promises to

    return on Monday but only shows up

    two months later

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Wallace identifies with Larry because he

    also feels like an outcast

    • Larry tells Wallace about the teenagers

    who came by trying to scare him and

    wanting him come out so they can beat

    him up

    • they ended up smashing his windshield

    and headlights of his car

    • he didn't even mind, gave him

    something to do

    • "It had crossed his mind he wouldn't

    use the telephone, even if they tried to

    come in

    • We find out Wallace has a dog and has

    had at least 13 dogs that ended up


    • he feels indifferent about their deaths

    • he killed one, some were run over, shot,

    drank anti-freeze, hit by train, bitten by


    • threw puppies from on of his dogs in a

    pond because they were deformed

    • is dog John Wayne Gacy was a fighting

    dog and had a temper

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Wallace was abusing Armadillos,

    catching them and kicking them like

    footballs and drowning them

    • animal cruelty

    • turns out Wallace is not even a

    salesman for DirectTV, but used his

    mom's boyfriend's van as an excuse to

    come by Larry's house

    • Wallace has no steady girlfriend, goes to

    Wanda, a black woman for sex ("a


    • Larry and Wallace talk about the time

    when Larry scared him with the mask in

    the barn

    • Wallace tells Larry that he first heard

    about Larry when he was in 4th grade

    and that he killed a girl

    • Wallace was fascinated by it

    • Wallace started smoking a joint on

    Larry's porch

    • December 24th someone brings him a

    revolver (.22) as a present leaves it on

    front porch

    • Larry finds out it was from Wallace

    when he comes by on New Year's Eve

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Wallace comes by regularly and after a

    while asks him about Cindy and her


    • Wallace is fascinated by it

    • has fantasies about Larry hiding the girl

    and him finding the body and then

    Larry catching him and keeping him

    prisoner until they become friends

    • Wallace says that he would still be

    friends with Larry even if he killed the


    • Wallace wants to know details if Larry

    raped Cindy

    • Wallace has sexual fantasizes how he

    would do it, gets aroused when he talks

    about it

    • Larry doesn't like the talk and wants to

    go to bed, goes inside and locks the


    • Wallace goes crazy, curses at him and

    breaks Larry's truck

    • says he will tell the police that Larry

    confessed to him he did it

    • Wallace disappears

    • later Larry thinks of passing his shop on

    to Larry so he has something to do

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    Sometime later

    The truth about his past

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Monday, a week ago he found Tina

    Rutherford's body under Larry Ott's


    • Silas was in all local newspapers and

    some national ones

    • the sight of the body is disgusting / too

    much for Silas

    • Larry still in hospital unconscious

    • Silas went to Larry's house every day

    since he found the girl

    • feeds Larry's chicken

    • waits at Larry's house

    • Larry became the suspect

    • connections to Cindy Walker case were


    • people think maybe Larry is even a

    serial killer

    • Silas wanted to tell Angie everything:

    "He'd avoided it so long himself it

    sometimes didn't even seem real, what

    had happened in 1982. He wondered

    how it would feel to tell her everything,

    say who he really was, and he worried

    that if he did, she might start to see him


  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas talks to Larry who is still


    • something is not right and Silas knows


    • when Silas leaves the hospital one night,

    Jon who is also doing shifts at Larry's

    bed, tells him someone came by

    • he describes him but doesn't

    remember his name, but through his

    description, we know it was Wallace


    • Silas seems to be hiding something

    • one night at the hospital he notices

    someone and runs after them

    • was told Larry's mom has a good day

    • visits her at nursing home

    • wants to find out more information

    about his mother from Larry's mom

    • Larry's mom remembered Silas for

    moments than is out of it again

    • Silas leaves

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Dinner with Angie

    • Angie brings up Cindy Walker

    • Backstory:

    • when Silas played baseball Cindy would

    come by

    • he was interested in her and follows her

    one day after a game

    • she admits she watches the games

    because of him

    • he tells her about his life in Chicago

    • he finds out Cindy wants to leave the

    town as quickly as possible

    • we find out they became boyfriend and

    girlfriend and had sex

    • we find out that her step-dad is keeping

    her prisoner

    • Silas finds out his mom knows he is

    seeing Cindy

    • he tells Angie about the night when

    Larry drove her to see her "boyfriend"

    • tells her she lied about being pregnant

    so Larry would do it

    • Silas argued with Cindy

    • Silas brought her back to the road near

    her place

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • she ran off

    • Angie ask why he never said anything

    • Silas' mom sent him to Oxford where he

    went to high school playing baseball

    • forgot about the situation

    • only saw how bad it was when he came

    back two years ago

    • Silas thinks Cecil (step-father) killed

    Cindy Walker

    • but him and Cindy's mom had already


    • Angie is questioning his behavior and

    ask him about what if Larry wakes up

    and he finds out

    • the next morning Silas goes to work and

    later to Larry's house

    • he gets a call from Jon the security

    guard at the hospital telling him Larry

    probably woke up because the officers

    are there

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    After chapter 10

    Larry's house

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry is opening his eyes

    • falling in and out of it

    • mixing memories of his past and after

    he was shot

    • then wakes up

    • ask about Tina Rutherford and finds out

    they found her

    • Larry asks for Silas

    • finds out he saved him by sending

    Angie over to his house

    • Larry realizes he is cuffed to the bed

    • when French and the other officer Lolly

    tell him that they found the body under

    his cabin, raped and beaten

    • Larry freaks out because he knows they

    think he is the main suspect

    • later he asks a nurse if someone could

    feed his chicken

    • worries about his mom in the nursing


    • next time he wakes up, French and Lolly

    are there again

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • French tells him Silas has been feeding

    his chicken and visiting his mom

    • Lolly approaches him, tells him he was

    part of the Cindy Walker case in 1982

    • Larry wants to talk to Silas because they

    were friends

    • the detectives talk about never having

    found evidence against him until now

    • French constructs a story with Larry

    killing Tina and then trying to kill himself

    • Larry thinks about the constructed story

    • then defends himself

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    Right after Ch. 11

    The past is uncovered

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas on his way to hospital

    • knows French can manipulate people to

    confess something that isn't true

    • worried about Larry

    • storms into the room where both police

    officers are interrogating Larry

    • Larry feels happy when Silas comes in

    • Silas wants to speak to Larry alone but

    that doesn't work out

    Silas opens up and tells them he was

    Cindy's boyfriend and the last one to see

    her alive

    • Larry wants Silas to admit they were


    • matters to Larry more than anything

    "You were, Larry," he said. "I don't know

    what I was."

    • they restraint Larry again and went with

    Silas to the office

    • Silas tells French everything apart from

    Larry being his half-brother

    • they don't want to make a big deal

    about the 1982 situation but focus on

    Tina Rutherford case

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas has a better understanding of

    motives and peoples actions than

    French ever had

    • even though he is always portrayed as

    the right man for the job

    • Silas suspects that someone did it to

    frame Larry "Cashing in on Larry's


    • Silas is taken off duty

    • at the hospital we find out Larry seems

    to have confessed

    • Silas manages to get into the room with


    • wants to figure out with Larry's help

    who did it

    • Larry is asking how Silas knows he

    didn't do it "Same way I know you didn't

    shoot yourself."

    • Larry doesn't help because he is

    disappointed about the Cindy Walker


    • the security guard finds out Silas is off

    duty and Silas casually leaves

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas sits at bar is totally drunk already

    • Irina comes in (the girl from before who

    had a snake in her mailbox

    • she tells him about a incident that

    happened to her roommate Evelyn

    • she was in this weird guys house and he

    had snakes and threatened her with

    them playing around

    • her friend Evelyn pulled a gun on him

    and left

    • Irina thinks that he was the one who

    put the snake in their letterbox

    • Irina mentions the name Wallace


    • Silas remembers stopping him recently

    • Silas drives with her to her place but

    leaves before anything happens

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    After Ch. 12

    Larry's tells French

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry was watching TV in his hospital


    • flashback to summer 1979

    • asks Skip Holliday to talk to French

    • wants to tell him that one night Wallace

    Stringfellow had come by his house and

    said "I done something."

    • French comes to hospital

    • Larry tells French everything he knows

    about Wallace

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    Next day after Ch. 11

    Wallace attacks Silas

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas wakes up

    • gets breakfast at the diner

    • drives to the hospital

    • finds out French has left to collect

    Charles Deacon the suspect in the

    M&M murder case

    • Silas drives to Larry's house and feeds

    his chicken

    • follows the tyre tracks of a four-wheeler

    with a nail in one of the tyres

    • sees a fresh set of tracks, therefore

    knows the person kept coming back

    (We know it was Wallace, but Silas

    doesn't know yet.)

    • Silas drives to the man's property that

    Irina mentioned because of the snake

    incident (?)

    • not because he suspects him to have

    something to do with the murder of

    TIna Rutherford

    • we don't really know how much Silas

    knows, but it doesn't seem he is aware

    of the connection

    • arrives and finds out via radio that it's

    Wallace Stringfellow’s house

    • goes there, pit-bull on a leash barking at


  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Wallace comes out

    • Silas goes inside with Wallace

    • looks at the snakes

    • sees the monster mask and asks

    Wallace where he got it

    • Silas knows that it is Larry's

    • Wallace runs out to the dog

    • takes the collar of his dog and dog

    attacks Silas

    • Wallace started shooting at Silas

    • Silas is heavily injured by the dog

    • dog is killed

    • Silas shoots Wallace who runs away

    • Silas is bleeding heavily

    • tries to get up

    • walks inside the house

    • falls and breaks aquarium

    • the snakes come out

    • he goes unconscious

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    After Ch. 14

    Silas survived

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry at hospital

    • finds out Silas was injured

    • knows it is Wallace Stringfellow before

    Skip can tell him

    • Skip says Silas is down in surgery

    • police is at Wallace's house

    • Larry radios French and tells him why

    he thinks it was Wallace who shot him

    and killed the girl

    • talks about the mask and French asks

    him to describe it

    • then French says he has to go

    • later that night French comes by the


    • undoes the restraints

    • asks Larry to identify the mask he

    brought along

    • Larry finds out that Silas is ok: "maybe

    not his arm because the pit-bull almost

    tore it off"

    • Wallace is dead

    • French asks Larry about his relationship

    with Wallace

    • we find out Wallace was at Larry's

    house the night before he got shot

    • when Wallace told Larry that he had

    done something but didn't say what

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Larry suspected it was about the

    Rutherford girl

    • that's why he called Silas

    • it's the call Silas had on his answering

    machine in the beginning

    • Larry feels guilty about not telling Silas

    about his suspicion that it was Wallace

    • because he might have prevented it

    • then Silas was rolled into the room, his

    arm in a cast

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    After Ch. 15

    Sharing a room

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas opened his eyes

    • is in the room with Larry

    • Larry is watching TV

    • we find out it is a surprise Silas is still


    • Silas wanted to be put in the room with

    Larry after his surgery

    • Larry watches TV and we find out what


    • Wallace was now the suspect in the Tina

    Rutherford case because they found

    her wallet in his house

    • Silas talk to Larry and tells him


    • Larry is listening but not interacting with


    • Larry finds out that Silas is his half-

    brother, he didn't know it yet

    • They briefly talk and then Larry asks

    nurse to be moved into a different


    • but nurse says Silas will be out


    • Both stay in the room

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    After Ch. 16

    Still at the hospital

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas is visited by many people

    • Angie also comes by

    • introduces herself

    • Larry thanks her for saving his life

    • next morning Larry wakes up and the

    mayor congratulates Silas

    • French comes by

    • Silas askes French to undo Larry's


    • French talks to both

    • Wallace probably also shot the drug

    dealer M&M that was found in the


    • French tells them people have been

    informed about everything and that

    they can say what they want if they are


    • but asks them to be mindful and not

    make it too personal

    • Silas tells Larry he will visit him

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    After Ch. 17

    Silas the hero?

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas is interviewed by Shannon, the


    • told her everything

    • Angie is driving him to the town hall

    • mayor and Voncille are joking about

    what Silas did and how much it cost the


    • but they tell him they keep him because

    Mr. Rutherford has authorized it: "He

    thinks we'd all be better served with you

    doing more patrols. What he called real

    police work."

    • Silas might also get a better vehicle "a

    new used Bronco"

    • Angie takes care of him and he goes

    back to the hospital to see Larry the

    next day with a box of mail

    • gives the box to Larry

    • Larry is still ignoring him / has not

    forgiven him

    • Silas leaves and visits Larry's mother


    • then Larry and Angie go to Larry's

    house and clean it up

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    Silas & Larry

    After Ch. 18

    Happy end?

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas visited Larry

    • Larry still doesn't talk to Silas

    • mainly because he didn't know what to


    • doctor comes in and examines Larry,

    tells him he can go home in a couple of

    days, but he can walk around

    • at night Larry escapes from the hospital

    to go home

    • Silas gets informed by night guard that

    Larry left

    • rushes out and finds Larry walking

    along the road

    • Larry wants to go home

    • Silas drives him there

    • Larry notices a problem with the

    carburetor of Silas' Jeep

    • Silas asks if Larry can fix it

    • Larry says he doesn't know when he'll

    be better

    • Larry gets out of the car

    • as Silas leaves Larry tells him to come

    by tomorrow and he will see what he

    can do about the car

  • DAV I D KO C H / W W W. A B I T U R - E N G L I S C H .C O M

    • Silas sees Larry's surprised reaction

    when he enters the house

    • Angie cleaned everything and made it

    look nice and tidy

    • Larry didn't know yet but they also

    stocked his fridge and Silas had satellite

    TV installed

    • Larry goes through the house, turns of

    all light switches and goes to bed

    • his last thought: "he needed to call Silas

    in the morning, tell him to stop at the

    auto parts house, get a carburetor kit

    for the Jeep. He, Silas, knew the model."