d d dd · 2016-11-22 · de q< / pq 3/1 fj g h < %& (+ ban keun ÷ q ¨ Ì # p $è :$ yè...

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Page 1: d d dd · 2016-11-22 · de q< / pq 3/1 fJ g h < %& (+ Ban Keun ÷ Q ¨ Ì # P $è :$ Yè T U H¡


09 月 :07

11 月 :23, 30

12 月 :14, 21

02 月 :18, 20

03 月 :15

配套包括:配套包括:配套包括:配套包括: ~ 来回国际及内陆寮国航空机票 ~ 行程景点入门票及餐食 ~ 来回机场接送(不含导游接送) ~ 全程英文导游 ~ 每天每人 1 瓶 500ML 矿泉水 配套不包括:配套不包括:配套不包括:配套不包括: ~ 旅游保险 ~ 机场税 ~ 个人费用,相机费用 ~ 导游司机小费每天每人 USD6 ~ 签证费

第一天第一天第一天第一天 新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 永珍永珍永珍永珍 琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦 ((((机上用机上用机上用机上用 //// 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 齐集于樟宜国际机场, 搭乘寮国国际航空寮国国际航空寮国国际航空寮国国际航空飞往寮国首都 - 永珍市永珍市永珍市永珍市((((又称万象又称万象又称万象又称万象))))。欢迎您抵境,永珍国际机场,办理入境手续入境后,接着步行到永珍国内机场续程, 乘搭内陆航班飞往在东南亚是世界遗产文化之一的城市-琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦,拥有大自然的美丽,丰富的文化遗产古迹、传统服饰等。抵达后,当地导游将于机场欢迎您抵境,并由专车接往享用晚餐,之后返回酒店休息。 第二天第二天第二天第二天 琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦 ((((早早早早////午午午午////晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 琅勃拉邦,全城群山环绕,城中郁郁葱葱的树木依稀掩映着寺庙、佛塔还有平凡的住家,这一切都使琅勃拉邦的空气中散发出平和而又迷人的气息。1995 年 12 月,琅勃拉邦被联合国教科文组织列入世界历史遗产。今天首先参观城中最古老的蕯恩寺蕯恩寺蕯恩寺蕯恩寺和香通寺香通寺香通寺香通寺....其中香通寺的大殿凸显了琅勃拉邦古老典型的寺庙建筑风格,其后墙上镶嵌着壮观的生命之树图案。随后搭乘渡船沿湄公河到对岸南乌江河口处的帕乌帕乌帕乌帕乌最著名的石窟岩洞石窟岩洞石窟岩洞石窟岩洞。之中有两个山洞,一个在半山腰上叫塔丁(Tham Ting),一个近山顶,称为塔蓬(Tham Phoum),这曾是国王祈雨的地方,每年雨季来临前,这里都会举行盛大的祈雨仪式,祈求佛祖保佑来年风调雨顺。大多渡船都会在 沿途的小村庄停留,其中一个最受欢迎的停留点就是 BanXangHaiBanXangHaiBanXangHaiBanXangHai 村村村村,船夫都把它称为威士忌村”。这座现在被游客们占据的村庄专门生产大坛的 老挝酒。若时间允许,可前往极富盛名的手工编织村庄- Ban Phanom Ban Phanom Ban Phanom Ban Phanom 逛逛。Ban XBan XBan XBan Xangkhongangkhongangkhongangkhong 和 Ban XienglekBan XienglekBan XienglekBan Xienglek 则是著名的丝绸与萨阿造纸手工制造村庄。回返琅勃拉邦市, 晚餐后时间允许的或 - 可到当地的夜市夜市夜市夜市逛逛,在这里你可以找到由本地和周围的山族人琅勃拉邦的手工纺织品,您可以买些回国送给亲朋戚友。 第三天第三天第三天第三天 琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦 ((((早早早早////午午午午////晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 今天你可选择在清晨前往古城主干道观赏著名的布施活动约 1 小时。在寮国,僧侶们被禁止使用任何方式谋取生活費,因此「托缽托缽托缽托缽」是他們主要粮食來源。每天清晨信徒们將食物佈施予僧侶们,僧侶们再將多餘的份量贈予有需要的其他平民。在施與捨、感恩與惜福中,充分展现出寮國独有的托缽文化。沿着大街步行到当地的谱西早市谱西早市谱西早市谱西早市。这里有琳琅满目的商品,如晒干的牛皮、当地的茶叶、用硝石煮的鸡肉和菜,还有当地的编织品,无奇不有,让您大开眼界。早餐后,前往参观皇宫博物馆皇宫博物馆皇宫博物馆皇宫博物馆。之后到访寮国少数民族的苗族村苗族村苗族村苗族村、老龙族村老龙族村老龙族村老龙族村、和达阪族村达阪族村达阪族村达阪族村。继而前往美丽的光西瀑布光西瀑布光西瀑布光西瀑布,您可在清凉的流水里尽情地耍乐或在深林小径上漫步散心。 第四天第四天第四天第四天 琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦 ���� 川圹川圹川圹川圹(路程 265 公里,所需车程约 7 - 8 小时)((((早早早早 / / / / 午午午午 / / / / 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 挥别世界文化遗产琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦续往美妙的自然风景区 - 川圹川圹川圹川圹。沿途于蜿蜓的路上, 您将有很多拍照的机会和参观山地部落村庄山地部落村庄山地部落村庄山地部落村庄浓浓的乡村气息让人感受到无比的宁静。 在寮国北部川圹省西部有一处著名的战略要地川圹的石缸平原考古遗石缸平原考古遗石缸平原考古遗石缸平原考古遗址址址址名气可谓大矣,可以说东南亚最神秘的旅游景点。数以百计的巨大的石罐分散在多个平方英里。而最古老的亚洲网站,如吴哥窟在柬埔寨,都透露出他们的许多秘密,历史学家仍然感到大惑不解,因为到那里的罐子来的,他们年纪有多大,他们意味着什么。抵达后,夜宿川圹酒店。 **备注:琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦琅勃拉邦----川圹川圹川圹川圹 约 7 小时车程,途中路程有弯弯曲曲也会有短暂停留

Page 2: d d dd · 2016-11-22 · de q< / pq 3/1 fJ g h < %& (+ Ban Keun ÷ Q ¨ Ì # P $è :$ Yè T U H¡

第五天第五天第五天第五天 川圹川圹川圹川圹���� 万万万万荣荣荣荣(路程 210 公里,所需车程约 4 - 5 小时) ((((早早早早 / / / / 午午午午 / / / / 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 早餐后, 参观丰沙湾中心丰沙湾中心丰沙湾中心丰沙湾中心市场体验一下当地的民情风俗, 亲睹当地人们实物交易的生活方式。抵达后, 前往川圹最主要的景点 - 石缸平原参观石缸平原参观石缸平原参观石缸平原参观。这些石缸散落在林间, 或立或斜, 大的有 3 米多高, 重达6吨, 小的也有 1 米多高。3000多只石缸就这样突兀地出现在寮国北部省份川圹的郊外, 至今无人知晓它们的来历, 为何, 因何而造。寮国的石缸平原((((Plain of Jars))))与英国的巨石阵, 智利复活岛上的巨石人像及南美的石人圈并享 “世界世界世界世界 4444 大石器之谜大石器之谜大石器之谜大石器之谜”之美誉。平原也于 2006 年被列入世界文化遗产, 时至今日依然充满了迷一样的色彩, 静待考古人员的挖掘研究。其后我们将乘车到万荣万荣万荣万荣,,,,一路上风光无限,是摄影爱好者绝佳的选择。这是一个靠近南宋河湾的小村子。您将会看见很受旅客欢迎而且没有被污染的原始自然景观。在万荣除了能够欣赏到秀美的山水外,还可以探洞、漂流、滑索等。南松河围绕在万荣周边,很适合漂流,河两岸风光秀丽。记得一定要在南松河边看看日落,欣赏日落下的南松河美景。抵达后,夜宿万荣万荣万荣万荣。。。。 第第第第六六六六天天天天 万万万万荣荣荣荣 ((((早早早早 / / / / 午午午午 / / / / 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 在万荣的最后一天旅程中,我们将会去探索著名的坦江溶洞坦江溶洞坦江溶洞坦江溶洞。这是万荣最有名的溶洞,通过吊桥穿过南松河沿石板路就可以到达溶洞入口。洞内钟乳石林立,平均温度比洞外低了近 5 度,实在是避暑的好去处。最奇妙的是在洞内有一小石穴,在没有任何自然光线的情况下居然能生长出植物,实在令人惊奇。沿石阶下到湖边,可以在南松河河畔小憩。沿途你有机会拜访当地村民,了解他们的日常生活探索当地的文化。之后体验坐着当地的交通或拖拉机回返万荣镇。 在回返酒店的途中, 您也有机会造访附近赫蒙苗族和傣担人的村落赫蒙苗族和傣担人的村落赫蒙苗族和傣担人的村落赫蒙苗族和傣担人的村落还可以了解他们的传统部落不同的生活方式。夜宿万荣万荣万荣万荣。。。。 第第第第七七七七天天天天 万万万万荣荣荣荣���� 南娥南娥南娥南娥湖湖湖湖���� 万万万万象象象象 ((((早早早早 / / / / 午午午午 / / / / 晚餐晚餐晚餐晚餐)))) 早餐后, 我们一路向南,返回永珍永珍永珍永珍。沿途游览东南亚最大的人工湖 - 南娥湖南娥湖南娥湖南娥湖。此湖距万象市以北 90 公里,它是以水电建设计划而建起的一个巨大的人工湖。湖中点缀着上百个风景如画的岛屿,人们可乘船去探险。人们还可观赏到非常有趣的水底砍伐柚木的景观,这些树木是在南俄湖区蓄水时被淹没的。接着途中探索 Ban Keun 小镇参观盐提取机厂和当地一个村庄了解寮国威士忌提炼过程。续往永珍永珍永珍永珍。 抵达永珍永珍永珍永珍后,前往参观之后乘车前往游览最古老的寺庙 - 西萨格寺西萨格寺西萨格寺西萨格寺((((Wat Sisaket)))),,,,坐落在玉佛寺的对面。建立于公元 1818 年的西萨格寺是永珍(万象)保留最完整的寺院。西萨格寺周围院墙的回廊里,整齐安放了许多大小不等的佛像超过万尊,其年代有远至 1200 年前,都是战后收集而来的。接着参观寮国著名神圣的大佛塔銮大佛塔銮大佛塔銮大佛塔銮((((That Luang Stupa))))。塔銮是佛教文化艺术的结晶,被视为寮国的国宝。是寮国教徒和民众顶礼膜拜的中心。现在的塔銮是一座砖石结构的佛教筑群,是一组塔群建筑,在建筑艺术上享有盛誉。接着参观著名地標感受法国气息 - 凯旋门凯旋门凯旋门凯旋门 (Patuxay Monument),是一座大型的纪念碑。原是纪念战争中牺牲人员。1975 年解放时,永珍永珍永珍永珍市群众庆祝胜利的游行从这里通过,为了纪念着历史性事件而将其称为凯旋门。它的四面是拱形门与雕饰,远看像法国巴黎的凯旋门。但在它的拱门基座上,是典型寮国寺庙雕刻和装饰,充满佛教色彩的精美雕刻,展示了寮国传统的民族文化艺术。晚上入住永珍永珍永珍永珍的酒店。 第第第第八八八八天天天天 永永永永珍珍珍珍 新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 ((((早餐早餐早餐早餐)))) 早餐后,送往机场乘搭寮国国际航空寮国国际航空寮国国际航空寮国国际航空客机返回新加坡。 备注: 若中英文行程出现不符之处,将已英文版本为依据

Page 3: d d dd · 2016-11-22 · de q< / pq 3/1 fJ g h < %& (+ Ban Keun ÷ Q ¨ Ì # P $è :$ Yè T U H¡

DAY 01 : SINGAPORE VIENTIANE LUANG PRABANG (Meal on Board/Dinner) Check-in at Changi International Airport for scheduled Lao Airlines for Luang Prabang city via Vientiane. Welcome to Luang Prabang is located in northern Laos at the heart of a mountainous region. The town is built on a peninsula formed by the Mekong and the Nam Khan River. Mountain ranges (in particular the PhouThao and PhouNang Mountains) encircle the city in lush greenery. Many legends are associated with the creation of the city, including one that recounts that Buddha would have smiled when he rested there during his travels, prophesying that it would one day be the site of a rich and powerful city. Known as Muang Sua, then Xieng Thong, from the 14th to the 16th century the town became the capital of the powerful kingdom of Lane Xang (Kingdom of a Million Elephants), whose wealth and influence were related to its strategic location on the Silk RouteThe ancient town of Luang Prabang situated in northern Laos, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. Upon arrival, meet and greet by your guide and transferred to local restaurant for your dinner. After dinner check-in hotel and have a good night rest.

DAY 02 : LUANG PRABANG – CITY TOUR – PAK OU CAVES AND VILLAGE TOUR (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) Embark on a short guided tour seeing the city’s oldest temple Wat Sene and the magnificent Wat Xieng Thong with its roofs sweeping low to the ground, representing classical Laotian architecture. Cruising upstream on the Mekong River, gives you a breath-taking view of the tranquil countryside before reaching the mysterious Pak Ou Caves. This is a two linked caves crammed with thousands of gold lacquered Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes left by pilgrims. Enroute, stop at the village of Ban Xanghai, for its local rice wine produce. A short drive to Ban Phanom, a village known for its hand weaving is also arranged. Have some time visiting Ban Xangkhong, Ban Xienglek, small villages known for silk weavings and Saa Papermaking. After dinner, you may want to visit the Luang Prabang night market is something not to be missed when visiting this charming city. It's an amazing sight and offers the most extensive collection of handicrafts in the country. Overnight at Luang Prabang city.

DAY 03 : LUANG PRABANG – CITY TOUR – KUANG SI WATERFALL (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) At dawn, monks from the various monasteries walk through the streets collecting alms of rice. This tradition is unique in Laos, being the only Buddhist nation still preserving the rituals. You may wish to start the day early to join the locals in the offerings. Continue to the local morning Phousi Market where you will find items such as dried buffalo skin, local tea among the chickens, vegetables and hill-tribe weavings. Next, visit the impressive stupa of Wat Visoun and Royal Palace Museum, which hosts a range of interesting artifacts. You will have the opportunity to visit local village of the ethnic minority groups at Ban Ouay and Ban Thapene for its traditional handicrafts. Cool off the day at the beautiful Khuang Si Waterfall is the biggest in the Luang Prabang area with three tiers leading to a 50-metre drop into spectacular azure pools before flowing downstream. The pools also make great swimming holes and are very popular with both tourists and locals. The pools also have cascades of up to five metres high with deliciously cold water due to the shade given by the surrounding lush tropical jungle, if you don’t fancy a swim then you can relax in the shade and watch others having fun jumping in and out of the water. Overnight at Luang Prabang city. DAY 04 : LUANG PRABANG � XIENG KHOUANG � PLAIN OF JARS (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) After breakfast, bid goodbye to Luang Prabang and journey through the wonderful natural scenery to Xiengkhouang with opportunities for photos taking and stop by the local hill tribe villages along the way. Xieng Khuong - The Plain Of Jars is probably South East Asia’s most enigmatic tourist attraction. Situated in the remote north east of Laos, the mountainous communist country which has only been open to tourists for just over a decade, are hundreds of huge stone jars scattered across several square miles. While most ancient Asian sites, such as the Angkor temples in Cambodia, have revealed many of their secrets, historians are still completely baffled as to where the jars came from, how old they are and what they signify. They are, in short, jars of a deeply spooky nature. Upon arrival, check in to hotel and have a good night rest. Overnight stay at Xieng Khouang. Note : Please be prepared for winding and long distance scenic drive DAY 05 : XIENG KHOUANG – MORNING MARKET � VANG VIENG (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) Following breakfast, you will have time to visit the interesting central phonsavan local market in Phonsavan. Next we visit Site 1 of the Plain of Jars, an impressive archaeological site where hundreds of large stone jars are scattered all over. A large area extending around the town of Phonsavan, where huge jars of unknown origin are scattered around the landscape. The stone jars appear in clusters, ranging from a single or a few to several hundred jars. The jars vary in height and diameter between 1 and 3 meters and are all hewn out of rock. These jars are undecorated with the exception of a single jar that has a human bas-relief carved on the exterior. Research of the Plain of Jars suggests that the stone jars are associated with prehistoric burial practices. Set off for Vang Vieng, Take in the splendid scenery of the surrounding countryside and the mountain ranges while driving to Vang Vieng. Vang Vieng is a riverside town, located in central Laos. The area’s main attraction is the dramatic surrounding karst hill landscape. The limestone cliffs and valleys surrounding the resort complex of Vang Vieng are home to numerous caves and caverns. The most famous of these caves is Tham Jangi which was used by the local people as a refuge from Chinese invaders 200 years ago. Catch the sunset on Namsong River. Overnight at Vang Vieng town.

DAY 06 : VANG VIENG � CITY TOUR – THAM PHOUKHAM CAVE (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) After breakfast, we start our tour through paddy field areas heading to Tham Phoukham caves, where your breath will be taken away seeing the most beautiful and famous limestone cavern, surrounded by natural forests. Along the way, you have chance to explore the local cultures by greeting the local villagers and learning about their daily lifestyle. After spending the day at the caves and its surrounding areas, we make our return to the Vang Vieng town, using local transportation or tractor. En route, we visit the ethnic minority villages of Hmong, Souay and Taidam villages meeting the warm and friendly hill tribe people and observing their traditional tribal costumes. Overnight at Vang Vieng town. DAY 07 : VANG VIENG – NAM NGUM LAKE � VIENTIANE CITY TOUR (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) Return to Vientiane. Along the way, stop by Nam Ngum, a huge reservoir created by damming the Nam Ngum Lake. Before reaching Vientiane, make a stop at Ban Keun, known for its salt extraction plant and a village that distills the local Lao whisky. A city tour acquaints you with the capital. Start visiting the major sights, including the oldest Wat Sisaket, the temple with thousands of miniature Buddha statues and the former temple of Wat Prakeo, which previously housed the famous Emerald Buddha Image. Enroute visit Lao’s national precious heritage, the famous and sacred structure at That Luang Stupa. You will have the opportunity to take some pictures of the imposing Patuxay Monument, which is well known as Vientiane’s own Arc de Triump. Overnight at Vientiane city.

DAY 08 : VIENTIANE SINGAPORE (Breakfast) Breakfast at hotel. Check out of hotel and transfer to the airport to check-in for scheduled Laos Airlines flight back to Singapore. End of services..