d za ar an r a kkhhalliidd kkhhan

1 DR. ZARA KHALID KHAN MBBS [Foundation University Medical College, FUMC], MPHIL, BIOCHEMISTRY [Army Medical College, AMC] ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, BIOCHEMISTRY RAWAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES [RIHS], ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN Nationality : Pakistani Date of Birth : 20-Nov Gender: E-mail : [email protected] Female Address: Islamabad, Pakistan BRIEF INTRODUCTION: I, Dr. Zara Khalid Khan did my graduation (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - MBBS) from Foundation University Medical College (FUMC), Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2011. I have completed my one year experience of House Job in the subjects of Gynecology/Obstetrics, General Surgery, General Medicine and Dermatology from Fauji Foundation Hospital (FFH), Rawalpindi, Pakistan, with 3 months practice in each mentioned department, from 2012 to 2013. I did my Post-graduation (Master of Philosophy M. Phil.) in the subject of Biochemistry from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Army Medical College (AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in 2019. During my M. Phil. course, I conducted my research on the topic of "Identification of gene expression and mutations in Apolipoprotein subfamily A member I and ATP - Binding Cassette Transporter subfamily A member I genes in type 2 diabetes mellitus" at the CREAM - Centre for Research in Experimental and Applied Medicine, LAB - I of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army Medical College (AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan. I have been teaching and practicing Medicine as a subject in basics as well as in clinical sciences, being

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MMBBBBSS [[FFoouunnddaattiioonn UUnniivveerrssiittyy MMeeddiiccaall CCoolllleeggee,, FFUUMMCC]],,





Nationality: Pakistani Date of Birth: 20-Nov

Gender: E-mail: [email protected]

FFeemmaallee Address: Islamabad, Pakistan


I, Dr. Zara Khalid Khan did my graduation (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - MBBS)

from Foundation University Medical College (FUMC), Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2011. I have

completed my one year experience of House Job in the subjects of Gynecology/Obstetrics, General

Surgery, General Medicine and Dermatology from Fauji Foundation Hospital (FFH), Rawalpindi,

Pakistan, with 3 months practice in each mentioned department, from 2012 to 2013.

I did my Post-graduation (Master of Philosophy – M. Phil.) in the subject of Biochemistry from the

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Army Medical College (AMC), National

University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan, in 2019. During my M. Phil. course, I

conducted my research on the topic of "Identification of gene expression and mutations in

Apolipoprotein subfamily A member I and ATP - Binding Cassette Transporter subfamily A member I

genes in type 2 diabetes mellitus" at the CREAM - Centre for Research in Experimental and

Applied Medicine, LAB - I of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army

Medical College (AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

I have been teaching and practicing Medicine as a subject in basics as well as in clinical sciences, being


fluent in English and Urdu languages. I am Registered Medical Faculty Lecturer & Registered

Medical practitioner (RMP) at Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), having a total

teaching experience of 7 years in the subject of Biochemistry. Teaching experience of 3 years was

obtained during my demonstrator ship at different medical colleges (Yusra Medical and Dental

College {YMDC}, Islamabad, Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad and Foundation University and

Medical College {FUMC}, Islamabad) in the relative subject (Biochemistry), from 2013 to 2016. 2 years

experience in the relative subject (Biochemistry) was obtained during my M. Phil. training course at

Army Medical College (AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi,

Pakistan, from 2017 to 2019. 2 years experience as Senior Lecturer was obtained in the Department

of Biochemistry at Rawal Institute of Health Sciences (RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan, from 2019 to

2021. Currently, I am working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Rawal

Institute of Health Sciences (RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan, collecting an experience of additional 1

month in the respective subject (Biochemistry), since 1st June 2021.

Moreover, I have worked as a Medical Officer with Dr. Salma Kafeel Qureshi (Fertility Specialist) at

Salma & Kafeel Medical Centre and Infertility Services, Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2016. I have also

served as Junior Chemical Pathologist/Medical Officer at Islamabad Diagnostic Centre (IDC), F 8

Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2018. There maintenance and the analytic procedures of the various

laboratory equipments concerning the quality control was monitored by me. I did digital reporting and

also gained the experience in the diagnostic microscopy under the supervision of senior pathologists. My

experience also encompassed the interactive sessions with the seniors along with the clinical & diagnostic

approach to the problems of the patients.

I have also learnt and worked on various Molecular Biology Techniques & Instruments that are currently

being used in the medical laboratories. I have attended multiple workshops too. Furthermore, I have my 2

publications in the Pak Armed Forces Medical Journal (PAFMJ), one in the year 2020 and second one in

the year 2021. I am confident that I can teach any subject of Medicine at the medical colleges to all the

students. Also, I can also practice confidently with full dedication as RMP (Registered Medical

Practitioner) or as Medical Officer, at any hospital/healthcare setting.


Seeking for opportunity to work as a medical professional in a reputable hospital/university and utilize my

professional skills to improve client satisfaction for the benefit of the organization. Also, obtain a position

within an elementary school/medical college where I can maximize my university training to develop the


experience and expertise, necessary to launch my teaching career.


2019: Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) from Army Medical College (AMC) –

National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan

2016: Graduate Assessment Test (GAT) -General through National Testing Service (NTS),

for Biological & Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan.

( SCORE : Test Score = 55, Percentile Score = 82.21)

2011: Bachelors of Medicine & Bachelors of Surgery (MBBS), from

Foundation University Medical College (FUMC),

Defence Avenue, Phase-1, DHA, Islamabad, Pakistan.

2004: Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Pre-Medical Group, from

O.P.F. Girls College, F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan.

2002: Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Science Group, from

O.P.F. Girls College, F-8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Sciences (RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st June 2021 till Present)



Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st April 2013 till Present)

Medical Faculty Registration as a LECTURER (BIOCHEMISTRY), M.B.B.S.,

M.Phil., at Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) for Rawal Institute of

Health Sciences (RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st July 2019 till Present)

SENIOR LECTURER (BIOCHEMISTRY) at Rawal Institute of Health Sciences

(RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st July 2019 till 31

st May 2021)

During my training I was indulged as a senior faculty member at the Department of

Biochemistry, Rawal Institute of Health Sciences (RIHS), Islamabad, Pakistan. I was the subject

(Biochemistry) coordinator for 1st year MBBS. My duties during my training period included the

regular case based learning sessions, practical session invigilitations apart from being subject in

charge for the respective class. Conducting examination duties (which included; theory and

practical exams invigilation, viva taking and results compilations) and taking lectures of 1st&2


year MBBS, along with BDS 1st year students at this respective institute. Also, I was indulged in

the college PMDC visits of MBBS, BDS and DPT departments.

M.Phil. Trainee at Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Army

Medical College (AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS),

Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


(From 9th

January 2017 to 11th

January 2019 )

- During my training I was indulged as a senior faculty member at the Department of

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army medical college (AMC), Rawalpindi, Pakistan. My

duties during my training period included the regular case based learning sessions, practical

session conductions along with demonstrations and notebooks checking, attending lectures,

conducting examination duties (which included; theory and practical exams invigilation, viva

taking, ospe checking, theory paper checking and results compilations) and taking revision

lectures of 1st and 2

ndyear MBBS students at the respective institute. Also, the college exam

invigilations of 3rd

, 4th and 5

th MBBS classes, 1

st four years of BDS classes and National

Examination Board (NEB) exams was done by me. Also, précis/precie writings (practicals of 1st

and 2nd

year MBBS) for practical sessions were formed/written by me along with MCQs

preparation and MBBS lectures topic presentations.

Have learnt and worked on the following Molecular Biology Techniques &


(December 2013 to January 2019)

1. Lab bioethics, sample collection, transport and storage

2. Dry sterilization and autoclaving

3. Centrifugation (Benchtop [24D, EBA-20] and refrigerated ultra-centrifuge


4. DNA & RNA isolation technique (Manual & Kit methods)

5. Spectrophotometer (UV/VIS [UV mini 1240, 1700] and flourospectrometry)

6. Polymerase Chain Reaction& PCR gradient thermal cycler [Palm Cycler]

7. Gel Electrophoresis (Horizontal electrophoresis system [E.P 300, E.F 300])

8. Literature survey and Data Analysis

9. ELISA, DNA sequencing and cell culturing GC/MS


10. Gel Doc system

11. HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)

12. Incubator/ shaking incubator [JSSI-100C]

13. Hot air dryer, oven [stat fax 2200], dry oven [JSON-100] and fume hood

14. UV transilluminator

15. Hot plate magnetic stirrer and vortex mixers

16. Micropipetting

17. pH meter

18. Water bath [MWB-22]/ shaking water bath

19. Digital analytical balance [CP324s]

20. Quantitative Real Time PCR (qPCR)

21. Complementary DNA (cDNA) Synthesis

22. Primer designing of genes

23. PCR Optimization and Amplification of genes

24. Relative Expression Quantification of target with housekeeping genes

25. DNA Sequencing and Mutational analysis


Diagnostic Center, F-8, Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st June 2018 to 1

st October 2018)

- During my tenure, I gained experience in the overall working of the pathological laboratory.

1. My daily rotation in the various departments of the laboratory and my observation in the

maintenance & the analytic procedures of the various

laboratory instruments/equipment concerning the quality control gave me an added


[The equipment included the Abbott Architect ci8200 modular & Abbott Alinity ci series

Modular Chemistry Analyzers, I-Smart Electrolyte Analyzer, Auto Hematology

Analyzer Mindray BC-6200, Sysmex CA – 500 Automated Coagulation Analyzer and

the DIRUI FUS-2000 Urine Analyzer.]


2. The digital reporting in the presence of the senior pathologists and their guidance has

made me confident within a short span of my time in this organization.

[The digital reporting included the routine and special chemistries (e.g. the 25-OH

Vitamin D, A/G Ratio, AFB Culture, AFB Stain, Albumin, Aldolase, Alkaline

Phosphatase, Amylase, Alpha Feto Protein, ANA Group Test and profile, Anti

Cardiolipin IgM, Anti CCP, Anti dsDNA, Anti-Nuclear Factor/ Systemic Lupus

Erythmatosis, Anti Streptolysin O Titre, Auto Immune Liver Disease Profile, B12, Bence

John Protein, Beta 2 Microglobulin, Beta HCG, Serum Electrolytes, Billirubin

Direct/Indirect/Total, Blood Urea Nitrogen, BNP, Brucella, C. Reactive Protein, C3, C4,

CA125, CEA, CKMB, Lipid & Thyroid Profiles, CMV IgG & IgM, Coeliac Ig A & IgG

–Transglutaminase & Gliadin, CPK, Cortisol, Coomb's Direct/Indirect, Urea &

Creatinine, Cyclosporine, Cytology, Digoxin, Dengue IgM, HbA1c, Liver & Renal

Function Tests, Estradiol, Ferritin and the Fasting/Random Blood Glucose Levels). In

addition to them, DNA/RNA Detection Analysis by the PCR, Immunology,

Microbiology & Serological tests (Ascitic/ Pleural/ Peritoneal Fluid routine

examinations, C.S.F routine examinations), Urine & Stool routine examinations,

Fecal Occult Blood &H.Pylori Stool Antigen, 24 Hour Urinary Proteins, 24 Hour

Urine/Serum Creatinine Clearances, Bile Salts in urine, Drug abuse profiles, Complete

Blood Counts with the Peripheral Films for the diagnosis of the various clinical

conditions, Blood Grouping tests with Rh type, Erythrocyte Sedimentation

Rates and Coagulation & Clotting Profiles (Activated Partial Prothrombin Time,

Prothrombin Time, Bleeding Time, Clotting Time, Fibrinogen Degradation Product,

Fiberinogen Levels) were also included in my reporting.]

*I have used "The Medi Cubes (The Orbi Technology)" software on the official

IDC systems for all the medical/laboratory diagnostics and the digital reporting.*

3. I also gained the experience in the diagnostic microscopy under the supervision of the

senior pathologists. It included the Blood Peripheral Films (Normal/Abnormal) with the

wide correlation with the clinical pathology, Urine (Normal/Abnormal), Malarial

Parasites, Semen Analysis.


4. My experience also encompassed the interactive sessions with the seniors along with the

clinical & diagnostic approach to the problems of the patients.

DEMONSTRATOR at Foundation University Medical College (FUMC), Defence

Housing Authority Islamabad Phase - I, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

(From 25th

January 2016 to 1st

January 2017 )

MEDICAL OFFICER at Salma And Kafeel Medical Centre & Infertility Services,

Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 11th

January 2016 to 24th

January 2016)

INSTRUCTOR at Shifa College Of Medicine, Islamabad, Pakistan.

(From 1st December 2015 to 7

th January 2016)

- Worked as a Registered Demonstrator at Pakistan Medical and Dental College, PMDC,

Islamabad in the Department of Anatomy at Shifa College Of Medicine, Islamabad, Pakistan. I

have also taught the other subjects like Biochemistry and Physiology as regular sessions (small

group discussions, large group discussions, attending the lectures and problem based learning

sessions) at the respective institute.

Medical Faculty Registration as a LECTURER (BIOCHEMISTRY), M.B.B.S., at

Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) for Yusra Medical and Dental

college (YMDC), Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

(From 17th

February 2014 to 31st December 2018)


DEMONSTRATOR at Yusra Medical and Dental College (YMDC), Rawalpindi,


(From 28

th December 2013 to 3

rd October 2015)

- Worked as a Registered Demonstrator at Pakistan Medical and Dental College, PMDC,

Islamabad in the Department of Biochemistry at Yusra Medical and Dental College, YMDC,

Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

1. Assisted seniors in helping at any sort of assignment allotted.

2. Supervised, prepared and was engaged for a lecture on Exercise and its biochemical

significance which was conducted in front of all the senior departments at college.

3. Prepared MCQ’s + SEQ’s with detailed keys which were required to be forwarded to the

affiliated University.

4. Worked as facilitating the seminars of the classes individually.

5. Performed the invigilation duties during class tests, module tests and checked the

questions of the students allotted to me respectivelyby the head of department as per test.

6. Took attendance of the classes on daily basis (classrooms and laboratory).

7. Maintained students progress cards and attendance records throughout the academic year.

8. Conducted Clinical/Problem Based Learning Sessions on weekly basis(CBL’s/PBL’s).

9. Conducted & checked Laboratory Examinations, Modules + pre-professional +

Professional Examinations (including OSPE’s, students manuals, performances, principle

writings, viva’s and result compilations).

10. Conducted Laboratory Practicals on the daily basis and maintained manuals of the


11. Attended all the lectures on the daily basis conducted by the senior faculty of the

department including the lectures of guest speakers attending the college either it was

related to our respective subject or not.

12. Treated students with respect, engaged their comments, invited their questions, and

thanked them for their participation.

13. Helped students to learn from one another while facilitating them rather than

monopolizing class discussions, thuscreated a productive and supportive learning



14. Researched online or at the campus library before the demo about the coursesI used to

give a lecture in to the students which aided me in self-learning and getting an insight of

what to expect in class and how to engage students successfully. Thus prepared an

effective, engaged and memorable class sessions.

15. Helped the students to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand.

16. Demonstratedto students on how an experiment is carried out in laboratory according to

their relevant equipments of experiment and introduced them to the instruments.

17. Helped to improve my own teaching strategies by participating in demonstrations, class

lectures and laboratory work.

18. Aided the students who were having a hard time connecting theories to actual practices or

when students were unable to understand the application of theories.

19. Attended the workshops.

HOUSE JOB from Fauji Foundation Hospital (FFH), Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

(1st April 2012 – 31

st March 2013)

i. 3 months House Job in Gynecology& Obstetrics (From 1st April 2012 to 30

th June 2012)

ii. 3 months House Job in Surgery (From 1st July 2012 to 30

th September 2012)

iii. 3 months House Job in Medicine (From 1st October 2012 to 31

st December 2012)

iv. 3 months House Job in Dermatology (From 1st January 2013 to 31

st March 2013)

1. Assisted the senior doctor in checking the patients.

2. Diagnosed the disease as per the symptoms.

3. Observed and performed the examination of the samples for the disease diagnosis.

4. Learned the diagnostic methods and equipments.

5. Periodically met the patients and observed their improvements and made reports.

6. In the cases of emergency, gave the basic treatment to the patients.

7. Helped the other medical staff in performing their duties.



I have conducted my research on the following topic:

1. Identification of gene expression and mutations in Apolipoprotein subfamily A

member I and ATP – Binding Cassette Transporter subfamily A member I genes in type

2 diabetes mellitus (2018)

- [For the M.Phil. Course, at the CREAM - Centre for Research in Experimental and Applied

Medicine, LAB-I of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Army Medical College

(AMC), National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan]


The details of the articles are mentioned in the following listthat have been written by me, submitted to

the respective mentioned medical journals and are published/ under the publishing processes. They are

entitled as:

1. ORIGINAL ARTICLE - “The risk factors associated with diabetic dyslipidemia and

anthropometric parameters linked with and without dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes


** PPaakkiissttaann AArrmmeedd FFoorrcceess MMeeddiiccaall JJoouurrnnaall –– PPAAFFMMJJ **

Ref # OJS 2662, Vol 70 No 2 (2020): April

[Accepted on 7TH October 2019, Published on 30Th April 2020]


How to cite:



DIABETES MELLITUS. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 70(2), 628-33. Retrieved from



(Objective: To ascertain and identify risk determinants linked with and without dyslipidemia in

type 2 diabetic patients. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration

of Study: Fauji Foundation Hospital and Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from Jan

2018 to Jan 2019. Methodology: Total 90 subjects were divided into three groups; diabetes

with dyslipidemia, diabetes without dyslipidemia and controls. Their blood sugar, lipid profile,

HbA1c, hepatitis screening and anthropometric data were considered. Results: Out of 90

patients, females and males were 73 (80.2%) and 17 (18.7%) respectively. Dyslipidemic

females displayed higher LDL-C (3.29 ± 0.95) and lower HDL-C (0.74 ± 0.25) values, while

males showed high total cholesterol (5.60 ± 1.30) and triglyceride (2.88 ± 1.40) levels. Female

dyslipidemics and non-dyslipidemics exhibited highest HbA1c values (8.90 ± 2.25 and 7.81 ±

1.41). Female and male dyslipidemics displayed highest BMI measures (25.27 ± 3.44).

Conclusion: Significant associations were seen among type-2 diabetes mellitus subjects (with

and without dyslipidemia) and age, gender, HbA1c, lipid profile, BMI and obesity).

2. ORIGINAL ARTICLE - “The association of periodontal diseases with type 2 diabetes

mellitus and diabetes linked dyslipidemia in Pakistani population”

** PPaakkiissttaann AArrmmeedd FFoorrcceess MMeeddiiccaall JJoouurrnnaall –– PPAAFFMMJJ **

Ref # OJS 4259, Vol 71 No Suppl-1 (2021): January

[Accepted on 17TH September 2020, Published on 27Th January 2021]


How to cite:

Khan, Z., Khan, M., Khan, A., Muttee, R., Khalid, R., & Khan, M. M. K. (2021). THE ASSOCIATION OF


PAKISTANI POPULATION. PAFMJ, 71(Suppl-1), S123-29. https://doi.org/10.51253/pafmj.v71iSuppl-1.4259


(Objectives: To determine the development of dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetics with and

without periodontal diseases. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and

Duration of Study: Fauji Foundation Hospital and Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan,for

one year fromJanuary 2018 to January 2019. Patients and Methods: Total number of

participated subjects (males and females) was 75, with age ranging from 23 to 72 years. Their

tests included blood sugar, lipid profile, HbA1c and hepatitis screening. Oral health parameters

were divided into two categories; Type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without periodontitis.

Results: Out of 75 patients, males and females were 19 (25.3%) and 56 (74.7%). Females with

periodontitis 20 (74.1%) and without periodontitis 36 (75%) possessed larger numbers. Mean

ages [56.33 ± 10.88 years] had a higher incline, along with significantly altered total cholesterol

[5.41 ± 1.70 mmol/l], triglycerides [2.55 ± 1.46 mmol/l], low and high density lipoproteins

[3.01 ± 1.22 mmol/l, 0.97 ± 0.48 mmol/l] in type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontitis. Patients

of diabetes without periodontitis showed mild derangements for triglycerides [1.88 ± 1.22

mmol/l]. Patients of diabetes with dyslipidemia and periodontitis [16 (59.3%)] were

documented highest in number, compared to other type 2 diabetes mellitus groups. Conclusion:

There was an overall significant association between type 2 diabetes mellitus related

dyslipidemia and periodontitis. Also, significant difference in age and gender of study subjects

was noted that affected middle aged females more often than middle to late aged males).

3. ORIGINAL ARTICLE - “The determination of APOAI gene expression and ABCAI gene

variants in type 2 diabetic Pakistani population with and without dyslipidemias ”

* Journal of Pakistan Medical Association – JPMA*

[Acknowledged in May 2020 and under revisions currently]



I have attended the workshops on the following topics followed by sequences of self-based assignments

in each workshop for the assessment of self-learning skills through self-made presentations at the end

and activated participation throughout the sessions:

1. FOR Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Training for Healthcare Workers, WE CARE


AUGUST, 2020 at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University [SZABMU],

Islamabad, by Ministry of Health [Ministry of National Health Sciences, Regulation &

Coordination and Health Science Academy], Government of Pakistan and World Health

Organization [WHO].(Online Certificate Course)* 1 total hour*

2. FOR First Aid, and Children’s Health: Your Complete Guide, MAY 7th

, 2020 at Udemy, Inc.

by Mike Taylor.(Online Course) * 2 total hours *

3. FOR English Writing Essentials: Correct the Most Common Mistakes, MAY 7th

, 2020 at

Udemy, Inc. by Mike Taylor. (Online Course) * 1 total hour*

4. FOR Learn Basic Surgical Skills, MAY 7th, 2020 at Udemy, Inc. by Mike Taylor. (Online

Course) * 39 total minutes *

5. FOR Learn Chemistry – A Guide to Basic Concepts, MAY 7th, 2020 at Udemy, Inc. by Mike

Taylor. (Online Course) *2.5 total hours*

6. FOR How to Conduct PBL (Department of Medical Education), JANUARY 24th, 2019 at Rawal

Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan – Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical

University Islamabad, Pakistan. * 3 Contacthours *

7. FOR Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Training Workshop (Department of

Physiology), JANUARY 8th, 2018 at Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


8. FOR Rehabilitation Awareness Seminar, AUGUST 4th, 2018 at Hotel Royal Palace,

Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

9. FOR Molecular Biology Techniques Course (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular

Biology), MARCH 12th

to 29th, 2018 at Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

10. FOR Literature Research, MARCH 9th, 2018 at Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

11. FOR Research Methodology and Medical Writing Course (Department of Community

Medicine), APRIL3rd

to 21st, 2017at Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

12. FOR Animal Handling Workshop (Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics),


to 24th, 2017at Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


Manuscript Writing at Shifa International Hospitals Ltd, PitrasBukhari Road, H-8/4, Islamabad,

Pakistan. (On 20th December 2015) *02 CME credits*


At Foundation University Medical College (FUMC), Defence Avenue, Phase-1, DHA, Islamabad,

Pakistan. (From 7th March 2015 to 8

th March 2015) *11 CME credits*


Principal of Adult Learning at Yusra Medical and Dental College (YMDC), Rawalpindi,

Pakistan. (On 6th

March 2015) *1.5 CME credits*


The Oral Examination: Adapting it to the Changing Trends in Medical Assessment at Yusra


Medical and Dental College (YMDC), Rawalpindi, Pakistan. (On 6th

March 2015)

*1.5 CME credits*

17. Strategic Vision at Yusra Medical and Dental College (YMDC), Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

(On 21st& 23

rd October 2014)

18. Primary Trauma Care Course at Foundation University Medical College (FUMC), Defence

Avenue, Phase-1, DHA, Islamabad, Pakistan. (From 31st October 2011 to 1

st November 2011)

19. “CERTIFICATE OF MERIT” FOR BEING The Member of Physical Therapy (PT) Team at

OPF Girls College, F-8/2,Islamabad, Pakistan. (Session 1997-1998)


My teaching philosophy is based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. The holy Qur’an tells us that man is made

superior over all other creatures because of the knowledge he/she has. While the Holy Prophet peace be

upon him said: “I have been sent as a Teacher”. He also said in his farewell address while in the valley of

Arafat: “Those who are here listening to me must convey my words to those who are not here”. So when I

base my teaching philosophy on these ideals I conclude that:

1. I must respect all students and consider myself as a sister figure to them. Hence no student is a bad

student. The teacher can make a student good or bad.

2. No student should be left behind, as the Prophet peace be upon him said: “The weak is the leader

of the caravan”. So I must move with the class as a whole.

3. No question is a bad question. All questions are good questions. They need to be heard carefully and

answered. If I know the answer I should reply, otherwise simply admit that I don’t know and ask for

some time to find the answer and come back. Staying honest is the best reward for oneself and should

also be done for the sake of ALLAH as you will be answerable to him for your every deed.

4. Students must be encouraged always to pursue their studies and be advised to be present in class room

prior to the coming of the teacher.

The Presence of the students in the class room is classified into three kinds:


Physical Presence, to make sure their attendance does not go short.

Mental Presence, to be very attentive and ask questions (any question). Asking questions may be

given some separate marks to encourage the students to actively participate in the class room

environment of learning.

Spiritual Presence, by inculcating in the students the concept that learning is a worship, and they

are rewarded by Allah for seeking knowledge, as the Prophet peace be upon him said: “When a

person goes out of his/her home seeking knowledge, the angels, the trees, the pebbles and even

the fish in the oceans, ask Allah for his/her forgiveness”.

I try my best to relate the learning process with the practical life of the students, so that they can be

good citizens, eventually participate productively in the development of their community and become

good doctors.

Finally, I try my best to make the class room environment tension free and make the learning process

an interesting experience for the students.


Reading good/informative/medical/religious books, cooking, house decoration, involvement in youth and

their personality development, event organization and lend a helping hand or a medical support to save

the people/land as far as humanly possible.


1. Positive attitude and positive reinforcement.

2. Able to do work under pressure.