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O PROFESSOR PDE E OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2008 Produção Didático-Pedagógica Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-040-7 Cadernos PDE VOLUME II

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Produção Didático-Pedagógica

Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-040-7Cadernos PDE




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Londrina 2008

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A elaboração dessa unidade didática procurou contemplar a

habilidade de leitura em Língua Inglesa centrada em textos e atividades diferentes

daquelas de apenas extração de informações, mas que colaborem para que o aluno

tenha a possibilidade de se auto-observar e se posicionar criticamente no mundo e

reconhecer as atitudes e intenções do autor ao escrever o texto.

Conforme as Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Estrangeira Moderna

– DCEs (PARANÁ, 2008), o princípio da pedagogia crítica que a sustenta valoriza a

escola como um espaço social democrático, que provê aos alunos meios

necessários para que não assimilem o saber apenas como um resultado, mas

apreendam o processo de sua produção, bem como suas transformações.

Um dos princípios educacionais que orientam a escolha do ensino

de uma língua é o de proporcionar o respeito à diversidade lingüística e cultural, bem

como seus benefícios para o desenvolvimento cultural do país, justamente para

facilitar o acesso a outras culturas, outros modos de pensar o mundo, pois com o

texto trazido em inglês, podem-se gerar discussões e comentários sobre os

problemas e situações de outros países. Com isso, nosso aluno ficará mais

preparado para acessar e processar as informações sobre o mundo.

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br


a) What kind of typical dishes are there in our country?

b) Are they known in other countries?

c) Do you know any typical Japanese food?

d) Do you think people have the same eating habits in all countries?

e) Does everybody eat bacon and eggs at the breakfast in England?

f) Does everybody eat bread and butter at the breakfast in Brazil?

d) List some descriptions of food from other countries you know.


Now the teacher puts on the board the name of the countries: BRAZIL, BRITAIN,

GERMANY, ITALY and JAPAN. So he/she divides the students into two groups.

Then pass on a box containing pieces of paper with the names of food from different

countries. Each student picks out a piece of paper and he/she says the name of the

country the food is from. The group who guess which the right country, scores a

point. If they guess wrong, the other team scores a point.


Rice and beans Feijoada barbecue

Lamb Roast beef Roast pork Roast potatoes Fish and chips Yorkshire pudding

Apple strudel Eisbein Sauerkraut

Spaghetti Pizza Ravioli

Sashimi Sukiyaki Yakisoba

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Read the text about eating habits:

“As you can see, food habits vary from country to country. All the food wasted in a

society of some kind is not allowed in another one. They are related to cultural

aspects, like the American belief that “time is money” or related to other issues, like

climate and economic conditions.

The most important meal in Brazil is lunch, a meal eaten at noon with the family. For

Americans and British, the most important meal is dinner, which is also a hot meal

eaten with the family, but in the late afternoon.

Food isn’t only a nutrition rise. We can see society organization being constructed

from things that people eat.

As every society has a language, it establishes its own media looking forward

people’s relationship.

Meal constitutes a cultural layer that happens to be a ritual and adds the nutritional

function. The menu’s choice, the plate’s disposition, the dishes and cover used, show

the individual’s relations and values that share the food and can symbolize social

status or can be used as a group identity encoding.

The fact is that, in Brazil, because of globalization our habits have been changing.

Few people nowadays can go home for lunch. Sometimes it is cheaper and easier to

have a hotdog in a place near work. Unfortunately, we are importing a very bad

foreign habit: substituting a balanced meal for a snack full of empty calories ( a lot of

calories and few nutrients) – and causing obesity and its effects.”

Fonte: Língua Estrangeira Moderna – Espanhol e Inglês, vários autores, Curitiba, SEED/PR, 2006.

Unit 5 – Healthy Food and Junk Food.

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According to the text, mark T (true) or F (false) for the sentences:

( ) Os hábitos alimentares tem relação com os aspectos culturais de cada país.

( ) A refeição mais importante para o brasileiro é o almoço, pois neste momento ele

se reúne com sua família.

( ) Para os americanos e ingleses a refeição mais importante é o café da manhã.

( ) Uma família é reconhecida culturalmente através de seus hábitos alimentares.


a) A refeição tem relação com o status social da família e pode ser utilizada para

identificar o grupo ao qual ela pertence? Por quê?

b) O que está acontecendo com os hábitos alimentares brasileiros?

c) Os brasileiros estão dando maior importância aos nutrientes de uma refeição ou

não estão se preocupando com isso? Por quê?

Em geral, as escolas européias têm restaurantes,

onde os alunos almoçam por um preço mínimo, ou

até de graça. Essas refeições são chamadas de school meals e consistem

em sopa, legumes, verduras, carne ou peixe,

batatas e ovos.

A typical

school meal

from Britain is

fish and chips

and peas.

É comum ouvir que n os EUA e na Inglaterra, o

café da manhã é geralmente uma

refeição reforçada. Já o almoço costuma ser uma refeição muito leve: um sanduíche, salgadinhos ou uma

sopa. A refeição principal corresponde ao nosso jantar, sendo feita à noite ou no final

da tarde .

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Em casa, como homework, faça uma pesquisa sobre os hábitos alimentares,

envolvendo países da Ásia, da África, da Oceania e da Europa, como Itália, França,

Inglaterra, Portugal, Alemanha, Espanha e da América como o Brasil, EUA, México

entre outros. A seguir, faça um quadro para demonstrar o que você encontrou de tão

curioso para contar aos seus colegas:

Country Breakfast At lunch In the evening At dinner

Discuss with your partner these questions.

a) Have you ever had meals with people from another country?

b) Where were they from?

c) What different eating habits or table manners have you seen? How different are

they from yours?

d) Which table manners or eating habits are considered unacceptable in our culture?

a) Have you ever eaten food from another country?

b) If you have, what kind of food have you eaten?

c) Where did you have it?

d) How did you like it?

a) Can you recognize what influences you the eating habits when you eat?

b) What could it be? From television? Friends? Family habits? Social habits? Why?

c) Does advertising influence your choices of food?

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Em pares, organizem um cardápio para uma lanchonete que receberá visitantes de

vários países para um evento internacional na cidade, podem inserir pratos de

alguma origem bem diferente. Ah, vocês podem aproveitar dados da pesquisa que

fizeram no exercício anterior. Aqui estão algumas sugestões de pratos e bebidas:

French fries Cheeseburger Chocolate mousse Lemon mousse

Spaghetti Green salad Vegetable soup Potato salad

Fish and Chips Cakes Strawberry pie Milk shakes

Beer Hot dog Ice cream Snacks

Coke Orange juice Mineral water Cheese and ham


Feita a seleção, organizem os itens do cardápio de acordo com as categorias

abaixo, caso desejarem podem ilustrar com fotos ou desenhos(trazer revistas).





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Faça uma pesquisa na classe. Pergunte a um (a) colega o que acha dos alimentos

do quadro. São gostosos? São saudáveis?

What do you think about spinach? Is it healthy or n ot?

I like it, and I think it is healthy.

What’s your opinion about chewing gum?

I love it, but I think it is not healthy.


What do you

think about




Not healthy








Chewing gum







Egg Fonte: English Clips, 5, Mariza T. Ferrari e Sarah G. Rubin. Ed. Scipione. São Paulo, 2001 Compare sua lista com as de seus colegas. Quais foram os três alimentos mais preferidos? E quais foram os três considerados mais saudáveis? ___________________________________________________________________



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Let’s try?

Você lê a palavra principal e vai associando a ela outras palavras, em ingles, ligadas

ao assunto.

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br








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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Answer these questions about you:

a) Have you ever been to any kind of party? b) What kind of party was it? c) What did you do there? d) What did you eat there? e) Did you wear any special clothes? f) Is there any difference between a party and a celebration? Which?

The teacher puts some pictures about celebrations on the board and asks the students some questions about them. Valentine’s day

Mother’s day New Year Carnival


Easter Christmas Guy Fawkes

The teacher gives the students some key words and they fix them on the board around the celebrations. TURKEY – BALLOON – GIFTS – CHAMPAGNE – CHOCOLATE – EGGS – MASK WITCH – LOVE CARDS – RABBIT – WHITE CLOTHES - TREE – PARADE TREAT – BONFIRE – BELLS – BUNCH OF FLOWERS – FIREWORKS FANCY DRESS BALL – PUMPKIN – SAMBA SCHOOL – DUMMY. After this activity the teacher can explain some aspects related to celebration.

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Wherever you live there are festivals, times for celebrations: Christmas, Carnival, etc. All societies have festivals at special times of the year. What festivals do you know? Name three and compare it with your friend’s.

Christmas: a Christian festival One of the best-known and the most widely celebrated festivals is Christmas, on December 25th. It celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, Christ was born in a stable in Bethlehem, because his parents Joseph and Mary could not find a room to stay in the town. Some of the Christmas customs such as holding banquets and exchanging presents come from the Romans. Other traditions like exchanging cards and decorating Christmas trees are more recent.

Halloween: a Celtic festival Halloween is an ancient Celtic festival. The Celtic New Year fell on November 1st. They believed that ghosts and demons would come to Earth from the underworld on the last day of the year. So, on October 31st, people lit great bonfires to frighten them away. In many places of Britain and Ireland, the traditions of ghosts and witches, games and bonfires continued and spread to the USA, and more recently to some places in Brazil as well. One of the most popular Halloween games is the “trick or treat”, in which children knock on doors to ask for a treat and sometimes play a trick if they do not get a treat.

Purim: a Jewish festival

Purim is a Jewish festival that is celebrated every year in March at the time of the full moon. The story of Purim goes back to 500 BC. It tells how Esther, a young Jewish girl, was made queen of the Persian Empire and bravely saved her people from destruction. Purim is similar to carnival. People wear costumes, masks and play tricks. The purpose of the festival is to feel the joy of being saved. The story of Esther is in the Old Testament in the Bible.

Tanabata: a Japanese festival

In China and Japan people have a story about two stars that lie on each side of the Milky Way. They say that these stars are two lovers who are separated from each other by the Heavenly River. But once a year, in the seventh month, they are allowed to cross the river to meet each other. This day is called Tanabata by the Japanese.

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They hold parties to celebrate it. Children decorate bamboo branches in the garden with coloured paper and the little bells. When it gets dark, rockets shoot up into the sky and fireworks are lit to celebrate the reunion of the lovers. Fonte: Inglês para o Ensino Médio: volume único, Mariza Tiemann Ferrari, Sarah Giersztel Rubin, São Paulo, Scipione.

Form groups of four students and then help each other to fill the grid with the information about all the festivals:




Story summary


Fonte: Inglês para o Ensino Médio: volume único, Mariza Tiemann Ferrari, Sarah Giersztel Rubin, São Paulo, Scipione.

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br There are different sorts of parties and festivals happening all year round all over the world. Most festival mark special occasions or events that people want to remember. They give everyone a chance to celebrate!!! The teacher gives to each student a chart in piece of paper like this. Now you have to look for some information in order to complete the chart. CELEBRATION When is it? What does it mean? What do usually

people do? Brazil You choose

the country


Mother’s Day



Valentine’s Day

Christmas’ Day

Christmas’ Eve

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Eve

Guy Fawkes

Festas Juninas


May day

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For the teacher: Possible answers for the chart:

CELEBRATION When is it? What does it mean?

What do usually people do?

Brazil United Kingdom

Brazil and United Kingdom

Easter March April

March or April

Christ’s Resurrection No school! Good Friday is a holiday.

Children make themselves sick with chocolate eggs

Mother’s Day 2nd Sunday, May

4th Sunday in Lent

The most important person in the family

Halloween October 31st

October 31st

In the past, to remember the dead.

We have parties, and frighten ourselves with ghost stories

Carnival February or March

July or August

In fact, carnival means “goodbye to meat” BR: everywhere UK: Nothing Hill

Valentine’s Day June 12th February 14th

It’s a lovers’ day

Christmas’ Day December 25th

December 25th

Christ’s birth. We give and we get presents. Some people eat too much and make themselves sick!

Christmas’ Eve December 24th

December 24th

Santa Claus’ Day We prepare our presents and dinner together with the family

New Year’s Day January 1st

January 1st

It’s the beginning of a new year.

We make good resolutions

New Year’s Eve December 31st

December 31st

Lots of parties!

Guy Fawkes November 5th

He was the leader of a gang who plotted to blow up King James and the English parliament nearly 400 years ago. Fireworks!

Some kids burn themselves every year

Festas Juninas June and July

Great parties with many specific foods

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Thanksgiving Day November 22nd

Thanks for all the year

May day May 1st May 1st No school again! Worker day

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

a) What do you think about the information you found in your research? Anything

interesting or different?

b) Do you agree that everybody who lives in a specific country celebrate the


c) Is there considerable much difference between Brazil and the country you


d) And about Italy, Portugal, France, German, Mexico and others, do you find out

some interesting festival at these countries?

e) Now, thinking about the traditions in your family. Ask your parents or relatives

about traditions that you keep in your family.

The following items may help you get the information for your work:

a) your name and nationality

b) your city of origin

c) nationality of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents

d) a typical dish prepared at your home

e) a typical dress (outfit) in your family

f) a typical song, poem or story about your family

g) a festival celebrated by your family

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According to the explanation about many different celebrations that exist in our

planet, now you can write a small paragraph related to these pictures, you can use

the words that you learned during your research:

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

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Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

Fonte: www.corbis.com.br Fonte: www.corbis.com.br

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FERRARI, Mariza Tiemann; RUBIN, Sarah Giersztel . English clips: 5. São Paulo: Scipione, 2001.

______. Inglês para o ensino médio : volume único. São Paulo: Scipione, 2002.

GIMENEZ, Telma. Eles comem cornflakes, nós comemos pão com manteiga : espaços para reflexão sobre cultura na aula de língua estrangeira. Boletim NAPDATE, UEL, Londrina, agosto/2006.

______. Halloween, dia das bruxas e ensino de inglês . Boletim NAPDATE, UEL, Londrina, dezembro/1998.

PARANÁ. Secretaria de estado da educação. Superintendência da educação. Diretrizes curriculares de língua estrangeira moder na para educação básica. Curitiba SEED, 2008.

PARANÁ. Secretaria de estado da educação. Superintendência da educação. Língua estrangeira moderna – espanhol e inglês/vári os autores . Ensino Médio. Curitiba, SEED, 2006.

Gravuras. Disponível em:www.corbis.com.br. Acesso em 16 dez. 2008.

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