daftar buku baru dana dipa 2006 - perpustakaan digital...

UPT PERPUSTAKAAN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132. Tel./Fax. (022) 2500089 Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Http://www.lib.itb.ac.id, http://digilib.itb.ac.id, http://isisnetwork.lib.itb.ac.id, http://otomasi2.lib.itb.ac.id/opac/, http://webpac.lib.itb.ac.id Nomor : 06 Desember 2006 Hal : Daftar Buku Baru Dana DIPA 2006 (242 eks.) DAFTAR BUKU BARU DANA DIPA 2006 (242 Eks.) Dasarumpun Dewey (Dewey Decimal Classification) Singkatan: a = Laporan F = Fiksi P = Pamflet t.p. = tanpa nama penerbit B = Publikasi ITB I/K = Koleksi khusus R = Rujukan t.t. = tanpa nama tempat BB = Bukan buku L = Koleksi ilmu perpustakaan Rb = Bibliografi t.th = tanpa tahun T = Disertasi, skripsi, tesis CETAKAN 000 Karya Umum 500 Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 660 Teknologi Kimia 100 Filosofi dan bidang yang 510 Matematika 670 Manufaktur Berhubungan 520 Astronomi 680 Aneka ragam manufaktur 150 Psikologi 530 Fisika 690 Bangunan 200 Agama 540 Kimia & ilmu yang berhubungan 700 Seni 300 Ilmu Sosial 550 Ilmu tentang bumi & antariksa 710 Tata kota dan pertamanan 310 Statistika 560 Paleontologi 720 Arsitektur 320 Ilmu Politik 570 Ilmu Hayati 730 Seni Patung 330 Ekonomi 580 Botani 740 Gambar, seni hias & kerajinan 340 Hukum 590 Zoologi 750 Seni lukis 350 Administrasi pemerintahan 600 Teknologi 760 Grafika 360 Patologi dan pelayanan sosial 610 Ilmu Kedokteran 770 Fotografi 370 Pendidikan 620 Rekayasa 780 Musik 380 Perdagangan 630 Pertanian & yang berhubungan 790 Hiburan dan pertunjukan 390 Adat istiadat dan cerita rakyat 640 Manajemen 800 Kesusasteraan 400 Bahasa 650 Manajemen 900 Geografi dan sejarah umum Daftar Buku Baru Dana DIPA 2006 2006-12-06

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UPT PERPUSTAKAAN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132. Tel./Fax. (022) 2500089 Email: [email protected], [email protected] Http://www.lib.itb.ac.id, http://digilib.itb.ac.id, http://isisnetwork.lib.itb.ac.id, http://otomasi2.lib.itb.ac.id/opac/, http://webpac.lib.itb.ac.id

Nomor : 06 Desember 2006 Hal : Daftar Buku Baru Dana DIPA 2006 (242 eks.)


(242 Eks.) Dasarumpun Dewey (Dewey Decimal Classification) Singkatan: a = Laporan F = Fiksi P = Pamflet t.p. = tanpa nama penerbit B = Publikasi ITB I/K = Koleksi khusus R = Rujukan t.t. = tanpa nama tempat BB = Bukan buku L = Koleksi ilmu perpustakaan Rb = Bibliografi t.th = tanpa tahun T = Disertasi, skripsi, tesis


000 Karya Umum 500 Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam 660 Teknologi Kimia 100 Filosofi dan bidang yang 510 Matematika 670 Manufaktur Berhubungan 520 Astronomi 680 Aneka ragam manufaktur 150 Psikologi 530 Fisika 690 Bangunan 200 Agama 540 Kimia & ilmu yang berhubungan 700 Seni 300 Ilmu Sosial 550 Ilmu tentang bumi & antariksa 710 Tata kota dan pertamanan 310 Statistika 560 Paleontologi 720 Arsitektur 320 Ilmu Politik 570 Ilmu Hayati 730 Seni Patung 330 Ekonomi 580 Botani 740 Gambar, seni hias & kerajinan 340 Hukum 590 Zoologi 750 Seni lukis 350 Administrasi pemerintahan 600 Teknologi 760 Grafika 360 Patologi dan pelayanan sosial 610 Ilmu Kedokteran 770 Fotografi 370 Pendidikan 620 Rekayasa 780 Musik 380 Perdagangan 630 Pertanian & yang berhubungan 790 Hiburan dan pertunjukan 390 Adat istiadat dan cerita rakyat 640 Manajemen 800 Kesusasteraan 400 Bahasa 650 Manajemen 900 Geografi dan sejarah umum

Daftar Buku Baru Dana DIPA 2006 2006-12-06

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KATA PENGANTAR Sebagai bahan informasi bagi sivitas akademika ITB mengenai buku-buku baru Perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Bandung terutama buku-buku hasil pembelian, kami sampaikan Daftar Buku Baru hasil pembelian dari dana DIPA 2006. Daftar ini kami tampilkan dalam bentuk katalog yang disusun secara alfabetis berdasarkan nama program studi atau kelompok keahlian sebagai pihak yang mengusulkan, dan kemudian disusun berdasarkan judul buku. Daftar Buku Baru di Perpustakaan Pusat ITB dapat diakses secara online di perpustakaan digital, dengan alamat http://digilib.itb.ac.id. File daftar buku baru disimpan di folder: Top – Organization – Central Library – New Book List. File tersebut dapat didownload, dengan catatan Anda harus terdaftar terlebih dahulu sebagai member perpustakaan digital. Untuk menjadi member perpustakaan digital, Anda dapat mengakses perpustakaan digital dan memilih menu registration. Agar keanggotaan Anda dapat diaktifkan, kirimkan data alamat email anda kepada Koordinator Digital Content melalui email : [email protected] atau melalui SMS ke nomor 0818218272. Selain Daftar Buku Baru, Anda dapat mengakses Accession List (Daftar Tambahan Buku Baru) baik yang berasal dari hadiah maupun hasil pembelian. File Accession List dapat anda akses di folder : Top – Organization – Central Library – Accession List. Buku-buku baru yang berasal dari pembelian tidak dapat diproses sendiri oleh Perpustakaan Pusat ITB tanpa bantuan dan dukungan dari seluruh program studi dan kelompok keahlian yang ada di lingkungan ITB yang telah memberikan masukan data buku yang dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; dan juga bantuan dari Pusat Logistik yang telah membantu teknis pembelian buku. Oleh karena itu kami sampaikan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah memberi dukungan dan bantuan dalam proses pembelian buku dan pembuatan daftar buku baru ini. Kami berharap, semoga daftar buku baru ini dapat bermanfaat bagi seluruh sivitas akademika dalam menjalankan tugas dan kegiatannya sehari-hari. Bandung, 06 Desember 2006 Penyusun, Ena Sukmana, S.Sos. Bagian Pengadaan dan Pengolahan/Koordinator Digital Content Perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Bandung

Daftar Buku Baru Dana DIPA 2006 2006-12-06 ii

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K PP ITB (Usulan Desain Interior) 729 PIL PILE, John

A History of interior design / by John Pile. 2nd ed. London: Laurence King, 2005. 464 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 29 cm.

Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Interior design ISBN : 1-85669-418-6 No. Induk : 20062763

K PP ITB (Usulan Desain Interior) 749 NEW

NEW furniture design. Koln: Daab, 2005. 190 hlm.: gamb.; 17x19 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Furniture design ISBN : 3-937718-28-1 No. Induk : 20062734

PP ITB (Usulan Desain Interior) 721.094 1 PUN PUNTER, John

The Design dimension of planning : theory, content and best practice for design policies / by John Punter and Matthew Carmona. London: E & FN Spon, 1997.

xxiv, 399 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm. AE Orang : CARMONA, Matthew Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Architectural structure - United Kingdom ISBN : 0-419-22410-6 No. Induk : 20062644

R PP ITB (Usulan Desain Produk) 745.202 3 HAN HANNAH, Bruce

Becoming a product designer : a guide to careers in design / by Bruce Hannah. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004. xii, 275 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Industrial art and design - Profession ISBN : 0-471-22353-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062726

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PP ITB (Usulan Desain Produk) 658.562 YAN YANG, Kai

Design for six sigma : a roadmap for product development / by Kai Yang, Basem El-Haik. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003.

xvi, 624 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : EL-HAIK, Basem Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Quality control - Production management ISBN : 0-07-141208-5 No. Induk : 20062713

PP ITB (Usulan Desain Produk) 745.2 HUM

HUMAN factors in product design : current practice and future trends / by Patrick W. Jordan and William S. Green. Reprinted ed. London: Taylor & Francis, 2001.

vi, 259 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang : JORDAN, Patrick W. ; GREEN, William S. Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Industrial design ISBN : 0-7484-0829-0 No. Induk : 20062608

K PP ITB (Usulan Desain Produk) 745.4 LID LIDWELL, William

Universal principles of design : 100 ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach through design / by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler. Gloucester, MA: Rockport, 2003.

216 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. AE Orang : HOLDEN, Kritina ; BUTLER, Jill Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Design ISBN : 1-59253-007-6 No. Induk : 20062805

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 306 MIR MIRZOEFF, Nicholas

An Introduction to visual culture / by Nicholas Mirzoeff. London: Routledge, 1999. xiv, 274 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Culture ISBN : 0-415-15876-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062637

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PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 741.6 RES RESNICK, Elizabeth

Design for communication : conceptual graphic design basics / by Elizabeth Resnick. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.

255 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. Subjek : Drawing and drawings Kata Kunci : Graphic design ISBN : 0-471-41829-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062715

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 604.2 BER BERTOLINE, Gary R.

Fundamentals of graphics communication / by Gary R. Bertoline, Eric N. Wiebe. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007.

aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : WIEBE, Eric N. Subjek : Technology Kata Kunci : Graphic representation ISBN : 0-07-110631-6 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062710

K PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 741.6 LAN LANDA, Robin

Graphic design solutions / by Robin Landa. 3rd ed. New York: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2006. aneka hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Graphic design ISBN : 1-4018-8154-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062686

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 604.2 BER BERTOLINE, Gary R.

Introduction to graphics communications for engineers / by Gary R. Bertoline. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2002.

x, 230 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Basic Engineering Series and Tools Subjek : Technology Kata Kunci : Graphic representation ISBN : 0-07-112171-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062737

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K PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 741.6 SAM SAMARA, Timothy

Making and breaking the grid : a graphic design layout workshop / written, compiled, and designed by Timothy Samara. Gloucester, MA: Rockport, 2002.

aneka hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Graphic design ISBN : 1-59253-125-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062809

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 741.609 MEG MEGGS, Philip B.

Meggs' history of graphic design / by Philip B. Meggs, Alston W. Purvis. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. xii, 575 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm.

AE Orang : PURVIS, Alston W. Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Graphic design - History ISBN : 0-471-69902-0 No. Induk : 20062762

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 701 GHY GHYKA, Matila

The Geometry of art and life / by Matila Ghyka. New York: Dover, 1977. xviii, 174 hlm.: gamb.; 22 cm.

Dover Classics of Science and Mathematics series Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : Philosophy ISBN : 0-486-23542-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062723

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 306.47 VIS

The VISUAL culture reader / ed. by Nicholas Mirzoeff. 2nd ed. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2002. xx, 737 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm.

AE Orang : MIRZOEFF, Nicholas Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Arts - Culture ISBN : 0-415-25222-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062683

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PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 302.23 LES LESTER, Paul Martin

Visual communication : images with messages / by Paul Martin Lester. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworh, 2003. 2003.

xii, 420 hlm.: gamb.,(+) 1 kartu kode akses online; 28 cm. Kartu kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Visual communications - Social interactions ISBN : 0-534-56244-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062706

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 658.834 2 SCH SCHROEDER, Jonathan E.

Visual consumption / by Jonathan E. Schroeder. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2002. x, 194 hlm.; 23 cm.

Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research series Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Consumer psychology - Marketing management ISBN : 0-415-36625-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062636

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 302.2 BAR BARRY, Ann Marie Seward

Visual intelligence : perception, image, and manipulation in visual communication / by Ann Marie Seward Barry. New York: State University of New York, 1997.

xiv, 425 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Communication ISBN : 0-7914-3436-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062645

PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 004.618 6 HON HONEYWILL, Paul

Visual language for the world wide web / by Paul Honeywill. Exeter, UK: Intellect Books, 1999. 192 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Distributed computers - Interfacing and communication ISBN : 1-871516-96-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062782

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PP ITB (Usulan DKV) 700.1 ELK ELKINS, James

Visual studies : a skeptical introduction / by James Elkins. New York: Routledge, 2003. x, 230 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : Philosophy and theory ISBN : 0-415-96681-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062611

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.457 KOS KOS'YAN, R. D.

Coastal processes in tideless seas / by R. D. Kos'yan, N. V. Pykov, B. L. Edge. Reston, Virgina: ASCE Press, 2000.

x, 316 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : PYKHOV, N. V. ; EDGE, B. L. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Coasts ISBN : 0-7844-0018-0 No. Induk : 20062822


Fundamentals of ocean acoustics / by L. M. Brekhovskikh and Yu P. Lysanov. 3rd ed. New York: Springer/AIP Press, 2003.

xiv, 278 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AIP Series in Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing AE Orang : LYSANOV, Yu P. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Oceans ISBN : 0-387-95467-8 No. Induk : 20062667

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.46 PIN PINET, Paul R.

Invitation to oceanography / by Paul R. Pinet. 3rd ed. Sudburry, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett, 2003. xx, 556 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Oceanography ISBN : 0-7637-2136-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062794

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PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.47 NON

NONLINEAR processes in geophysical fluid dynamics : a tribute to the scientific work of Pedro Ripa / ed. by O. U. Velasco Fuentes, j. Sheinbaum, and J. Ochoa. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2003.

xii, 376 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : FUENTES, O. U. Velasco ; SHEINBAUM, J. ; OCHOA, J. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Dynamic oceanography ISBN : 1-4020-1589-5 No. Induk : 20062823

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.470 2 FAL FALNES, Johannes

Ocean waves and oscillating systmes : linear interactions including wave-energy extraction / by Johannes Falnes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

x, 275 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Ocean waves - Oceanography ISBN : 0-521-78211-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062606

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 532.050 285 WES WESSELING, Pieter

Principles of computational fluid dynamics / by Pieter Wesseling. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2001. xii, 644 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Springer series in computational mathematics, ISSN 0179 3632 ; 29 Subjek : Physics Kata Kunci : Fluid dynamics - Data processing ISBN : 3-540-67853-0 No. Induk : 20062835

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.524 6 JAN JANSSEN, Peter

The Interaction of ocean waves and wind / by Peter Janssen. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

viii, 300 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Ocean-atmosphere interactions ISBN : 0-521-46540-0 No. Induk : 20062660

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PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.524 6 BIG BIGG, Grant R.

The Oceans and climate / by Grant R. Bigg. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. xii, 273 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Ocean-atmosphere interaction ISBN : 0-521-01634-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062740

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-OS) 551.470 2 PED PEDLOSKY, Joseph

Waves in the Ocean and atmosphere : introductio to wave dynamics / by Joseph Pedlosky. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2003.

viii, 260 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Earth sciences Kata Kunci : Ocean waves ISBN : 3-540-00340-1 No. Induk : 20062829

PP ITB (Usulan FIKTM-TM) 338.272 82 SEB SEBA, Richard D.

Economics of worldwide petroleum production / by Richard D. Seba. Tulsa, Oklahoma: OGCI and PetroSkills, 2003.

xxiv, 574 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm. Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Oil production ISBN : 0-930972-21-X No. Induk : 20062836

R PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 510.14 WEL WELLS, Charles

A Handbook of mathematical discourse / byCharles Wells ; drawings by Peter Wells. haverford, PA: Infinity, 2003.

vii, 300 hlm.: gamb.; 21 cm. AE Orang : WELLS, Peter Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Language and communication - Philosophy and theory ISBN : 0-7414-1685-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062675

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PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 516 UEN UENO, Kenji

A Mathematical Gift, I : the interplay between topology, functions, geometry, and algebra / by Kenji Ueno, Koji Shiga, and Shigeyuki Morita ; translated by Eiko Tyler. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2003.

x, 136 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Mathematical World series ; vol. 19 AE Orang : SHIGA, Koji ; MORITA, Shigeyuki ; TYLER, Eiko Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Geometry ISBN : 0-8218-8382-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062634

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 516 UEN UENO, Kenji

A Mathematical gift, II : the interplay between topology, functions, geometry, and algebra / by Kenji Ueno, Koji Shiga, Shigeyuki Morita ; translated by Eiko Tyler. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2004.

x, 129 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Mathematical world series ; vol. 20 AE Orang : SHIGA, Koji ; MORITA, Shigeyuki ; TYLER, Eiko Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Geometry ISBN : 0-8218-3283-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062655

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 510.71 KRA KRANTZ, Steven G.

A Mathematician's survival guide : graduate school and early career development / by Steven G. Krantz. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2003.

xvi, 222 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Educational aspects ISBN : 0-8218-3455-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062647

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 372.72 JEN JENSEN, Gary R.

Arithmetic for teachers : with applications and topics from geometry / by Gary R. Jensen. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2003.

xiv, 383 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Subjek : Education Kata Kunci : Arithmetic - Mathematics - Elementary education ISBN : 0-8218-3418-5 No. Induk : 20062616

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Biological delay systems : linear stability theory / by N. MacDonald. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

xii, 235 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm. Cambridge Studies in Mathematical Biology ; 8 Subjek : Biology Kata Kunci : Biological control systems ISBN : 0-521-34084-5 No. Induk : 20062595

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 512.4 COL COLBY, Robert R.

Equivalence and duality for module categories : with tilting and cotilting for rings / by Robert R. Colby and Kent R. Fuller. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

x, 152 hlm.; 23 cm. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics ; 161 AE Orang : FULLER, Kent R. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Rings - Algebra ISBN : 0-521-83821-5 No. Induk : 20062607

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 519.535 MAR MARTINEZ, Wendy L.

Exploratory data analysis with MATLAB / by Wendy L. Martinez, Angel R. Martinez. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2005.

xvi, 405 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MARTINEZ, Angel R. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Multivariate analysis ISBN : 1-58488-366-9 No. Induk : 20062693

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 512.55 ABE ABE, Eiichi

Hopf algebras / by Abe Eiichi. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1977. xii, 284 hlm.: gamb.; 22 cm.

Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics ; v. 74 Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Hopf algebras ISBN : 0-521-60489-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062725

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PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 370.720 973 NAT NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciecnes and Education. Committee

on a Feasibility Study for a Strategic Education Research Program Improving student learning : a strategic plan for education research and its utilization / by Committee on a

Feasibility Study for a Strategic Education Research Program National Research Council. Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1999.

xii, 76 hlm.; 26 cm. Subjek : Education Kata Kunci : Educational research - United States ISBN : 0-309-06489-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062603

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 512.74 LAM LAM, T. Y.

Introduction to quadratic forms over fields / by T. Y. Lam. Providence, Rhode Island: the American Mathematical Society, 2005.

xxii, 550 hlm.; 26 cm. Graduate studies in mathematics, ISSN 1065-7339 ; v. 67 Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Quadratic forms - Number theory ISBN : 0-8218-1095-2 No. Induk : 20062653

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 372.709 73 MAL MA, Liping

Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics : teacher's understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States / by Liping Ma. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.

xxvi, 166 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Education Kata Kunci : Mathematics - Study and teaching ISBN : 0-8058-2909-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062654

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 511.8 MAT

MATHEMATICAL modelling : a case studies approach / by Reinhard Illner [a.o.]. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2005.

xvi, 198 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm. Student Mathematical Library ; vol. 27 AE Orang : ILLNER, Reinhard Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Mathematical models ISBN : 0-8218-3650-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062618

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Asilomar, California) Origami 3 : Third International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education / ed. by Thomas

Hull. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 2002. xii, 353 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

AE Orang : HULL, Thomas Subjek : Plastic arts - Sculpture Kata Kunci : Origami ISBN : 1-56881-181-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062811

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 736.982 LAN LANG, Robert J.

Origami design secrets : mathematical methods for an ancient art / by Robert J. Lang. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 2003.

viii, 583 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. Subjek : Plastic arts - Sculpture Kata Kunci : Origami ISBN : 1-56881-194-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062816

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 793.74 PUZ

PUZZLERS' tribute : a feast for the mind / ed. by David Wolfe and Tom Rodgers. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 2002.

xvi, 420 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. AE Orang : WOLFE, David ; RODGERS, Tom Subjek : Recreational and performing arts Kata Kunci : Mathematical games and recreations ISBN : 1-56881-121-7 No. Induk : 20062813

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 512.4 NIC NICHOLSON, W. Keith

Quasi-frobenius rings / by W. Keith Nicholson and M. F. Yousif. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

xviii, 307 hlm.; 23 cm. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics series ; 158 AE Orang : YOUSIF, M. F. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Rings - Algebra ISBN : 0-521-81593-2 No. Induk : 20062631

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PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 515 MOR MORGAN, Frank

Real analysis / by Frank Morgan. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2005. viii, 141 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm.

Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Analysis ISBN : 0-8218-3670-6 No. Induk : 20062633

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 512.55 REP

REPRESENTATIONS of finite dimensional algebras and related topics in lie theory and geometry / ed. by Vlastimil Dlab and Claus Michael Ringel. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2004.

xviii, 479 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Fields Institute Communications series, ISSN 1069-5266 ; v. 40 AE Orang : DLAB, Vlastimil ; RINGEL, Claus Michael Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Lie algebras ISBN : 0-8218-3416-9 No. Induk : 20062640

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 510.711 RES

RESEARCH in collegiate mathematics education, V / ed. by Annie Selden [a.o.]. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 2003.

xvi, 207 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Issues in Mathematics Education ; v. 12 AE Orang : SELDEN, Annie Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Higher education ISBN : 0-8218-3302-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062721

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 519.5 HAI HAINING, Robert

Spatial data analysis : theory and practice / by Robert Haining. 2nd reprinted ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

xx, 432 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Statistical mathematics ISBN : 0-521-77437-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062609

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PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 536.250 151 18 STR STRAUGHAN, Brian

The Energy method, stability, and nonlinear convection / by Brian Straughan. 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2004.

xxii, 447 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Applied Mathematical Sciences series ; 91 Subjek : Physics Kata Kunci : Heat - Convection - Mathematical models ISBN : 0-387-00453-X No. Induk : 20062818

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 793.74 MAT

The MATHEMAGICIAN and pied puzzler : a collection in tribute to Martin Gardner / ed. by Elwyn Berlekamp and Tom Rodgers. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 1999.

x, 266 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : BERLEKAMP, Elwyn ; RODGERS, Tom Subjek : Recreational and performing arts Kata Kunci : Mathematical games and recreations ISBN : 1-56881-075-X No. Induk : 20062812

PP ITB (Usulan FMIPA-MA) 530.15 CON CONFERENCE ON TRENDS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ( 1998 : University of Tennessee)

Trends in mathematical physics : proceedings of the Conference on Trends in Mathematical Physics, October 14-17, 1998, University of Tennessee / ed. by Vasilios Alexiades, George Siopsis. Providence, Rhode Island: The American Mathematical Society, 1999.

xii, 528 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AMS/IP studies in Advanced Mathematics series ; no. 13 AE Orang : ALEXIADES, Vasilios ; SIOPSIS, George Subjek : Physics Kata Kunci : Mathematical physics ISBN : 0-8218-2006-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062720

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-MS) 629.25 CRO CROUSE, William Harry

Automotive engines / by William H. Crouse and Donald L. Anglin. 8th ed. Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 1995.

vi, 426 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. AE Orang : ANGLIN, Donald L. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Engines - Automotive ISBN : 0-02-801099-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062736

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R PP ITB (Usulan FTI-MS) 697 RIS RISHEL, James Burt

HVAC pump handbook / by James Burt Rishel, Thomas h. Durkin, Benny L. Kincaid. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006.

xx, 684 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : DURKIN, Thomas H. ; KINCAID, Benny L. Subjek : Buildings Kata Kunci : HVAC - Building systems ISBN : 0-07-145784-4 No. Induk : 20062696

R PP ITB (Usulan FTI-MS) 621.84 SKO SKOUSEN, Philip L.

Valve handbook / by Philip L. Skousen. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. xiv, 447 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Valves - Handbooks ISBN : 0-07-143773-8 No. Induk : 20062698

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 621.382 24 KUO KUO, Sen M.

Active noise control systems : algorithms and DSP implementations / by Sen M. Kuo, Dennis R. Morgan. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1996.

xviii, 389 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 disket 3,5"; 24 cm. Wiley series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing Disket disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : MORGAN, Dennis R. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Electronic noise - Signal processing - Communication engineering ISBN : 0-471-13424-4 No. Induk : 20062679

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 387.7 JAN JANIC, Milan

Air transport system analysis and modelling : capacity, quality of services and economics / by Milan Janic. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Science, 2000.

xvi, 301 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Transportation Studies series ; v. 16 Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Air transportation ISBN : 90-5699-244-9 No. Induk : 20062747

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 387.706 8 WEL WELLS, Alexander T.

Air transportation : a management perspective / by Alexander T. Wells. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1999.

xxii, 618 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Air transportation - Management aspects ISBN : 0-534-53478-3 No. Induk : 20062730

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 363.124 65 WAL WALTERS, James M.

Aircraft accident analysis : final reports / by James M. Walters and Robert L. Sumwalt III. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

xxxiv, 385 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. AE Orang : SUMWALT III, Robert L. Subjek : Social problems and services Kata Kunci : Aircraft accidents ISBN : 0-07-135149-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062664

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 387.706 8 SMI SMITH, Jerald R.

Airline : a strategic management simulation / by Jerald R. Smith and Peggy A. Golden. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002.

vi, 122 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 kartu kode akses online; 28 cm. Kartu kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : GOLDEN, Peggy A. Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Airlines - Management ISBN : 0-13-065488-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062797

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 387.736 WEL WELLS, Alexander T.

Airport planning and management / by Alexander T. Wells, Seth B. Young. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.

xviii, 572 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : YOUNG, Seth B. Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Airports - Planning ISBN : 0-07-141301-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062690

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.132 3 FUN FUNG, Y. C.

An Introduction to the theory of aeroelasticity / by Y. C. Fung. New York: Dover, 1993. x, 498 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Aerodynamics - Aerospace engineering ISBN : 0-486-49505-1 No. Induk : 20062620

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 519.536 APP

APPLIED regression analysis and other multivariable methods / by David G. Kleinbaum [a.o.]. 3rd ed. Pacific Groove, CA: Duxbury Press - Brooks/Cole, 1998.

xviii, 798 hlm.: gamb., tab.(+) 1 disket 3,5"; 24 cm. Disket disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : KLEINBAUM, David G. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Regression analysis ISBN : 0-534-20910-6 No. Induk : 20062732

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 363.124 099 4 BRA BRAITHWAITE, Graham R.

Attitude or latitude : Australian aviation safety / by Graham R. Braithwaite. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2001. xvi, 295 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Studies in aviation psychology and human factors series Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Safety - Air transportation - Australia ISBN : 0-7546-1709-2 No. Induk : 20062724

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.132 4 MAH MAHAPATRA, Pravas

Aviation weather surveillance systems : advanced radar and surface sensors for flight safety and air traffic manaegment / by Pravas Mahapatra ; with contribution from Richard J. Doviak, Vladislav Mazur, Dusan S. Zrnic. Herts, UK: The Institution of Electrical Engineers and The American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999.

xxvi, 453 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. IEE Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics series ; 8 AE Orang : DOVIAK, Richard J. ; MAZUR, Vladislav ; ZRNIC, Dusan S. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Aviation meteorology - Aerospace engineering ISBN : 0-85296-937-6 No. Induk : 20062671

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 621.384 8 RIS RISTIC, Branko

Beyond the kalman filter : particle filters for tracking applications / by Branko Ristic, Sanjeev Arulampalam, Neil Gordon. Boston, Massachusetts: Artech House, 2004.

xiv, 299 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. The Artech House Radar Library series AE Orang : ARULAMPALAM, Sanjeev ; GORDON, Neil Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Tracking radar ISBN : 1-58053-631-x No. Induk : 20062774

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 620.118 GAY GAY, Daniel

Composite materials : design and applications / by Daniel Gay, Suong V. Hoa, Stephen W. Tsai. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2003.

xiv, 531 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang : HOA, Suong V. ; TSAI, Stephen W. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Composite materials ISBN : 0-534-53478-3 No. Induk : 20062756

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 620.118 MAZ MAZUMDAR, Sanjay K.

Composites manufacturing : materials, product, and process engineering / by Sanjay K. Mazumdar. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2002.

xxiv, 392 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Composite materials - Engineering materials ISBN : 0-8493-0585-3 No. Induk : 20062642

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 670.42 GRO GROOVER, Mikell P.

Fundamentals of modern manufacturing : materials, processes, and systems / by Mikell P. Groover. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.

xiv, 1022 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 DVD; 25 cm. DVD disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Manufacturing Kata Kunci : Manufacturing processes ISBN : 0-471-74485-9 No. Induk : 20062682

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 620.23 FUN

FUNDAMENTALS of noise and vibration / ed. by Frank J. Fahy and John G. Walker. London: Spon Press, 1998.

xviii, 518 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : FAHY, Frank J. ; WALKER, John G. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Noise ISBN : 0-419-27700-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062662

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 532.5 DRA DRAZIN, P. G.

Hydrodynamic stability / by P. G. Drazin, W. H. Reid. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

xx, 605 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics and Applied Mathematics series AE Orang : REID, W. H. Subjek : Physics Kata Kunci : Hydrodynamics ISBN : 0-521-52541-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062759

R PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.132 521 4 INS

INSTRUMENT procedures handbook. Oklahoma City, OK: US Department of Transportation, 2004. aneka hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Instrument flying - Handbook ISBN : 1-56027-551-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062681

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.134 31 HOD HODGES, Dewey H.

Introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity / by Dewey H. Hodges, G. Alvin Pierce. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

xii, 170 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Cambridge Aerospace series ; 15 AE Orang : PIERCE, G. Alvin Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Airframes - Aerospace engineering ISBN : 0-521-80698-4 No. Induk : 20062832

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 003.5 GRE GREAL, Mohinder S.

Kalman filtering : theory and practice using MATLAB / by Mohinder S. Grewal and Angus P. Andrews. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 2001.

xiv, 401 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : ANDREWS, Angus P. Subjek : Computer science Kata Kunci : Kalman filtering - Systems ISBN : 0-471-39254-5 No. Induk : 20062619

R PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 658.202 PAL PALMER, Doc

Maintenance planing and scheduling handbook / by Doc Palmer. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006. xxxviii, 821 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

McGraw Hill Handbooks series Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Maintenance - Plant management ISBN : 0-07-145766-6 No. Induk : 20062745

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.134 31 SUN SUN, C. T.

Mechanics of aircraft structures / by C. T. Sun. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 2006. xviii, 298 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Airframes - Aerospace engineering ISBN : 0-471-69966-7 No. Induk : 20062612

PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 387.710 973 RAD RADNOTI, George

Profit strategies for air transportation / by George Radnoti. New York: McGraw Hill, 2002. xxii, 516 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Transportation Kata Kunci : Profit - Air transportation ISBN : 0-07-138505-3 No. Induk : 20062714

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PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 519.5 RUM RUMSEY, Deborah

Statistics for dummies ® / by Deborah Rumsey. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003. xviii, 355 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Statistics ISBN : 0-7645-5423-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062768

R PP ITB (Usulan FTI-PN) 629.103 CAM

The CAMBRIDGE aerospace dictionary / by Bill Gunston. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

viii, 741 hlm.; 26 cm. Cambridge aerospace series AE Orang : GUNSTON, Bill Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Aerospace engineering - Handbook ISBN : 0-521-84140-2 No. Induk : 20062758

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-GD) 910.028 5 GIS

GIS and Geocomputation / ed. by Peter Atkin and David Martin. London: Taylor & Francis, 2000. xii, 276 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

Innovations in GIS ; 7 AE Orang : ATKINSON, Peter ; MARTIN, David Subjek : Geography Kata Kunci : Geographical information systems ISBN : 0-7484-0928-9 No. Induk : 20062751

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-GD) 006.693 LAR

LARGE-SCALE 3D data integration : challenges and opportunities / ed. by Sisi Zlatanova and David Prosperi. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis, 2006.

x, 245 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : ZLATANOVA, Sisi ; PROSPERI, David Subjek : Computer science Kata Kunci : Three-dimensional graphics - Computer graphics ISBN : 0-8493-9898-3 No. Induk : 20062596

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PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-GD) 300.285 SOC

SOCIO-ECONOMIC applications of geographic information science / ed. by David Kidner, Gary Higgs, and Sean White. London: Taylor & Francis, 2002.

xiv, 287 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Innovations in GIS series ; 9 AE Orang : KIDNER, David ; HIGGS, Gary ; WHITE, Sean Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Computer applications ISBN : 0-415-27910-0 No. Induk : 20062695

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-GD) 526.9 KAV KAVANAGH, Barry F.

Surveying : principles and applications / by Barry F. Kavanagh, S. J. Glenn Bird. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.

xvi, 700 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : BIRD, S. J. Glenn Subjek : Astronomy Kata Kunci : Surveying - Geodesy ISBN : 0-13-438300-1 No. Induk : 20062699

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-GD) 526.1 KAU KAULA, William M.

Theory of satellite geodesy : applications of satellites to geodesy / by William M. Kaula. New York: Dover, 2000.

xvi, 124 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm. Dover Books on Earth Sciences Subjek : Geodesy Kata Kunci : Satellite geodesy ISBN : 0-486-41465-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062722

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 620.25 LUR LURTON, Xavier

An Introduction to underwater acoustics : principles and applications / by Xavier Lurton. Reprinted ed. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer - Praxis, 2004.

xxvi, 347 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Underwater acoustics ISBN : 3-540-42967-0 No. Induk : 20062825

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PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 624.177 1 ARY ARYA, Chanakya

Design of structural elements : concrete, steelwork, masonry and timber design to British Standards and Eurocodes / by Chanakya Arya. London: Spon Press, 2003.

xx, 441 hlm.; gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Structural design - Structural engineering - Civil engineering ISBN : 0-415-26844-3 No. Induk : 20062746

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 624.15 DAS DAS, Braja M.

Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering / by Braja M. Das. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2000. xiv, 593 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Foundation engineering - Engineering geology ISBN : 0-534-37114-0 No. Induk : 20062689

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 624.151 MUR MURTHY, V. N. S.

Geotechnical engineering : principles and practices of soil mechanics and foundation engineering / by V. N. S. Murthy. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003.

xxii, 1029 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Civil and Environmental Engineering series ; 10 Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Engineering geology ISBN : 0-8247-0873-3 No. Induk : 20062624

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 693.71 NAG NAGEIM, Hassan K. Al

Steel structures : practical design studies / by Hassan K. Al Nageim and T. J. MacGinley. 3rd ed. Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis, 2005.

xx, 330 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : MACGINLEY, T. J. Subjek : Buildings Kata Kunci : Steel - Building construction ISBN : 0-415-30157-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062635

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PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-KL) 624.17 JEN JENNINGS, Alan

Structures : from theory to practice / by Alan Jennings. Reprinted ed. Oxfordshire, UK: Spon Press, 2006. xvi, 622 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Structural analysis and design - Structural engineering - Civil engineering ISBN : 0-415-26843-5 No. Induk : 20062692

R PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-SI) 697 HAI HAINES, Roger W.

HVAC systems design handbook / by Roger W. Haines, C. Lewis Wilson. 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003.

xxii, 513 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. McGraw Hill Handbooks series AE Orang : WILSON, C. Lewis Subjek : Buildings Kata Kunci : HVAC - Building systems ISBN : 0-07-139586-5 No. Induk : 20062739

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-TL) 628.35 BIO

BIOTECHNOLOGY for the environment : wastewater treatment and modeling, waste gas handling / ed. by Spiros N. agathos and Walter Reineke. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2003.

iv, 277 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Focus on Biotechnology ; vol. 3C AE Orang : AGATHOS, Spiros N. ; REINEKE, Walter Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Water - Purification - Biological treatment ISBN : 1-4020-1131-8 No. Induk : 20062828

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-TL) 615.902 OCC

OCCUPATIONAL toxicology / ed. by Chris Winder and Neill H. Stacey. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2004.

xx, 602 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : WINDER, Chris ; STACEY, Neill Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Industrial toxicology ISBN : 0-7484-0918-1 No. Induk : 20062639

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PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-TL) 363.738 4 PET PETTS, Judith

Risk-based contaminated land investigation and assessment / by Judith Petts, Tom Cairney and Mike Smith. Chicester, UK: Wiley, 1997.

xviii, 334 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : CAIRNEY, Tom ; SMITH, Mike Subjek : Social problems and services Kata Kunci : Toxic chemicals - Pollution - Environmental aspects ISBN : 0-471-96608-8 No. Induk : 20062665

PP ITB (Usulan FTSL-TL) 363.728 5 SOL

SOLID waste management and recycling : actors, partnerships and policies in Hyderabad, India and Nairobi, Kenya / ed. by Isa Baud, Johan Post, and Christine Furedy. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2004.

viii, 303 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. The GeoJournal Library series ; vol. 76 AE Orang : BAUD, Isa ; POST, Johan ; FUREDY, Christine Subjek : Social problems and services Kata Kunci : Solid waste - Environmental problems ISBN : 1-4020-1975-0 No. Induk : 20062817

PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 930.1 REN RENFREW, Colin

Archaeology : theories, methods and practice / by Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn. 4th ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 2004.

656 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : BAHN, Paul Subjek : History Kata Kunci : Archaeology ISBN : 0-500-28441-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062769

K PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 709.514 5 WHI WHITFIELD, Roderick

Cave temples of ogao : art and history on the silk road / by Roderick Whitfield, Susan Whitfield and Neville Agnew. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 2000.

vi, 138 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm. Conservation and Cultural Heritage series AE Orang : WHITFIELD, Susan ; AGNEW, Neville Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : History - Kansu Province - China ISBN : 0-89236-585-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062676

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PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 303.482 COS

COSMOPOLITANISM / ed. by Carol A. Breckenridge [a.o.]. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. x, 241 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

AE Orang : BREKENRIDGE, Carol A. Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Cultural relations - Social change ISBN : 0-8223-2899-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062677

K PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 709.176 71 HIL HILLENBRAND, Robert

Islamic art and architecture / by Robert Hillenbrand. Reprinted ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005. 288 hlm.: gamb.; 21 cm.

Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : Islamic art ISBN : 0-500-20305-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062621

PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 820.9 NAT

NATION and narration / ed. by Homi K. Bhabha. Reprinted ed. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2006. x, 333 hlm.; 24 cm.

AE Orang : Bhabha, Homi K. Subjek : Literature Kata Kunci : English literature - 20th century ISBN : 0-415-01483-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062741

K PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 709.56 STA STANLEY, Tim

Palace and mosque : Islamic art from the Middle East / by Tim Stanley with Mariam Rosser-Owen and Stephen Vernoit. London: V&A, 2004.

iv, 144 hlm.: gamb.; 27 cm. AE Orang : ROSSER-OWEN, Mariam ; VERNOIT, Stephen Subjek : Arts Kata Kunci : Islamic arts - Middle East ISBN : 0-8109-6562-3 No. Induk : 20062680

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PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 781.1 KIV KIVY, Peter

The Fine art of repetition : essays in the philosophy of music / by Peter Kivy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

x, 373 hlm.; 23 cm. Subjek : Music Kata Kunci : Philosophy and aesthetics ISBN : 0-521-43462-9 No. Induk : 20062605

PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 306 BHA BHABHA, Homi K.

The Location of culture / by Homi K. Bhabha. Reprinted ed. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2006. xxxii, 408 hlm.; 20 cm.

Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Culture ISBN : 0-415-33639-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062657

PP ITB (Usulan Ilmu Seni) 759.011 3 LEW LEWIS-WILLIAMS, David

The Mind in the cave : consciousness and the origins of art / by David Lewis-Williams. London: Thames & Hudson, 2004.

320 hlm.; 23 cm. Subjek : Painting and paintings Kata Kunci : Rock painting - History ISBN : 0-500-28465-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062638

K PP ITB (Usulan Kria Tekstil) 746.662 BAT

BATIK : from the courts of Java and Sumatra. Singapore: Periplus, 2004. 96 hlm.: gamb.; 31 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Batik - Textile arts ISBN : 0-7946-0271-1 No. Induk : 20062761

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K PP ITB (Usulan Kria Tekstil) 746.662 ELL ELLIOT, Inger McCabe

Batik: fabled cloth of Java / by Inger McCabe Elliott. Singapore: Periplus, 2004. 240 hlm.: gamb.; 30 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Batik - Textile arts ISBN : 0-7946-0243-6 No. Induk : 20062760

L PP ITB (Usulan PP) 025.431 DEW DEWEY, Melvil

Dewey decimal classification and relative index, vol 1 : manual, tables / devised by Melvil Dewey ; ed. by Joan S. Micthell [a.o.]. 22nd ed. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 2003.

lxxviii, 731 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MITCHELL, Joan S. Subjek : Library and information sciences Kata Kunci : Dewey Decimal Classification ISBN : 0-910608-70-9 (set) No. Induk : 20062801

L PP ITB (Usulan PP) 025.431 DEW DEWEY, Melvil

Dewey decimal classification and relative index, vol 2 : schedules 000-599 / devised by Melvil Dewey ; ed. by Joan S. Micthell [a.o.]. 22nd ed. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 2003.

xvi, 1250 hlm.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MITCHELL, Joan S. Subjek : Library and information sciences Kata Kunci : Dewey Decimal Classification ISBN : 0-910608-70-9 (set) No. Induk : 20062802

L PP ITB (Usulan PP) 025.431 DEW DEWEY, Melvil

Dewey decimal classification and relative index, vol 3 : schedules 600-699 / devised by Melvil Dewey ; ed. by Joan S. Micthell [a.o.]. 22nd ed. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 2003.

iv, 1074 hlm.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MITCHELL, Joan S. Subjek : Library and information sciences Kata Kunci : Dewey Decimal Classification ISBN : 0-910608-70-9 (set) No. Induk : 20062803

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L PP ITB (Usulan PP) 025.431 DEW DEWEY, Melvil

Dewey decimal classification and relative index, vol 4 : relative index / devised by Melvil Dewey ; ed. by Joan S. Micthell [a.o.]. 22nd ed. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 2003.

iv, 928 hlm.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MITCHELL, Joan S. Subjek : Library and information sciences Kata Kunci : Dewey Decimal Classification ISBN : 0-910608-70-9 (set) No. Induk : 20062804

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 720 ART

ART + architecture / guest-ed. by Ivan Margolius. Chicester, UK: Wiley, 2003. 128 hlm.: gamb.; 29 cm.

Architectural Design, ISSN 0003-8504 ; vol. 73, no. 3 AE Orang : MARGOLIUS, Ivan Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Architectural design ISBN : 0-47084539-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062684

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 728.4 CLU

CLUB culture / guest-ed. by Eleanor curtis. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Academy, 2003. 128 hlm.: gamb.; 29 cm.

Architectural Design ; vol. 73 no. 6 AE Orang : CURTIS, Eleanor Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Club houses buildings ISBN : 0-470-86215-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062771

R PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 658.2 FAC

FACILITY design and management handbook / ed. by Eric Teicholz. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm.

CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : TEICHOLZ, Eric Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Facility management - Plant management ISBN : 0-07-135394-1 No. Induk : 20062703

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K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 725.71 FOO

FOOD + architecture / guest-ed. by Karen A. Franck. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2002. 128 hlm.: gamb.; 30 cm.

Architectural Design, ISSN 0003-8504 ; vol. 72 no. 6 AE Orang : FRANK, Karen A. Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Restaurant buildings ISBN : 0-470-84570-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062717

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 728 HOM

HOME front : new developments in housing / guest-ed. by Lucy Bullivant. Chicester, UK: Wiley, 2003. 128 hlm.: gamb.; 29 cm.

Architectural Design, ISSN 0003-8504 ; vol. 73, no. 4 AE Orang : BULLIVANT, Lucy Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Residential buildings ISBN : 0-47084874-X (pbk) No. Induk : 20062685

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 642.6 DAH DAHMER, Sondra J.

Restaurant service basics / by Sondra J. Dahmer and Kurt W. Kahl. New York: Wiley, 2002. xvi, 183 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

AE Orang : KAHL, Kurt W. Subjek : Home economic and family living Kata Kunci : Restaurant services ISBN : 0-471-40241-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062650

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 720.1 SUR

SURFACE consciousness / guest-ed. by Mark Taylor. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2003. 127 hlm.: gamb.; 29 cm.

Architectural Design, ISSN 0003-8504 ; vol. 73 no. 2 AE Orang : TAYLOR, Mark Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Philosophy ISBN : 0-470-84843-X (pbk) No. Induk : 20062738

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 001.4 BAB BABBIE, Earl

The Practie of social research / by Earl Babbie. 10th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson - Wadsworth, 2004. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 kartu kode akses online; 24 cm.

Kartu kode akses online disimpan di bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Knowledge Kata Kunci : Research - Social sciences ISBN : 0-534-62029-9 No. Induk : 20062623

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-AR) 720.950 905 URB

URBAN flasesh Asia : new architecture and urbanism in Asia / guest-ed. by Nicholas Boyarsky and Peter Lang. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Academy, 2003.

128 hlm.: gamb.; 29 cm. Architectural Design ; vol. 73 no. 5 AE Orang : BOYARSKY, Nicholas ; LANG, Peter Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Asian modern architecture ISBN : 0-470-85831-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062772

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 304.6 LIV LIVI-BACCI, Massimo

A Concise history of world population / by Massimo Livi-Bacci ; translated from Italian by Carl Ibsen. 3rd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001.

xvi, 251 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : IBSEN, Carl Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Population ISBN : 0-631-22335-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062781

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 808.51 GRE GREUSEL, David

Architect's essentials of presentation skills / by David Greusel. New York: Wiley, 2002. xx, 215 hlm.; 22 cm.

Architect's Essentials of Professional Practice series Subjek : Literature Kata Kunci : Business presentations ISBN : 0-471-17675-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062648

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 333.77 WOO WOODSON, R. Dodge

Be a successful residential land developer / by R. Dodge Woodson. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. xxii, 359 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Residential land - Urban lands - Natural resources ISBN : 0-07-144171-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062602

R PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 690.021 8 CHI CHING, Francis D. K.

Building codes illustrated : a guide to understanding the 2000 internatinal building code ® / by Francis D. K. Ching, Steven R. Winkel. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003.

xiv, 401 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. AE Orang : WINKEL, Steven R. Subjek : Buildings Kata Kunci : Standards ISBN : 0-471-09980-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062773

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 915.1 OGD OGDEN, Suzanne

China / by Suzanne Ogden. 11th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2006. xvi, 246 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm.

Global Studies series Subjek : Geography Kata Kunci : China ISBN : 0-07-319872-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062687

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.121 6 HAL HALL, Kenneth B.

Community by design : new urbanism for suburbs and small communities / by Kenneth B. Hall, Jr and Gerald A. Porterfield. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.

xxii, 297 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. AE Orang : PORTERFIELD, Gerald A. Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : City planning - Communities ISBN : 0-07-134523-x No. Induk : 20062673

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Community economics : linking theory and practice / by Ron Shaffer, Steve Deller, Dave Marcouiller. 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell, 2004.

xviii, 363 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : DELLER, Steve ; MARCOUILLER, Dave Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Economic geography ISBN : 0-8138-1637-1 No. Induk : 20062789

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 743.836 SUL SULLIVAN, Chip

Drawing the landscape / by Chip Sullivan. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004. x, 326 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Drawing and decorative arts Kata Kunci : Landscapes ISBN : 0-471-43035-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062770

R PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 720.47 ECO

ECOLOGICAL design handbook : sustainable strategies for architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, and planning / ed. by Fred A. Stitt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.

xii, 467 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : STITT, Fred A. Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Buildings - Environmetnal aspects ISBN : 0-07-06199-7 No. Induk : 20062627

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 333.337 EVA EVANS, Alan W.

Economics, real estate and the supply of land / by Alan W. Evans. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2004. xiv, 258 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

Real estate issues series Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Residential and commercial lands ISBN : 1-4051-1862-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062780

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 717 HAR HARRISON, Peter Joel

Fences : authentic details for design and restoration / by Peter Joel Harrison. New York: Wiley, 1999. xii, 268 hlm.: gamb.; 26 cm.

Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Fences - Landscape architecture ISBN : 0-471-32199-0 No. Induk : 20062674

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 336.3 FIS

FISCAL decentralization and the challenge of hard budget constraints / ed. by Jonathan Rodden, Gunnar S. Eskeland, and Jennie Litvack. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.

x, 476 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : RODDEN, Jonathan ; ESKELAND, Gunnar S. ; LITVACK, Jennie Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Fiscal policy ISBN : 0-262-18229-7 No. Induk : 20062810

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 711.409 945 1 DOV DOVEY, Kim

Fluid city : transforming Melbourne's urban waterfront / by Kim Dovey. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2005. xii, 277 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : City planning - Melborune ISBN : 0-86840-669-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062652

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.76 FUT

FUTURE city / ed. by Stephen Read, Jurgen Rosemann and Job van Eldijk. Oxon, UK: Spon Press, 2005. iv, 296 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm.

AE Orang : READ, Stephen ; ROSEMANN, Jurgen ; ELDIJK, Job van Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Cities - Communities ISBN : 0-415-28451-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062757

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 339 FIS FISHER, Douglas

Intermediate macroeconomics : a statistical approach / by Douglas Fisher. Singapore: World Scientific, 2001.

xvi, 564 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 22 cm. Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Macroeconomics ISBN : 981-02-4430-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062604


Land developer's checklists and forms / by R. Dodge Woodson. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. xviii, 216 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Buildings Kata Kunci : Design and construction ISBN : 0-07-144173-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062719

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 333.731 5 HOS HOSACK, Walter Martin

Land development calculations / by Walter Martin Hosack. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. xviii, 620 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm.

CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Land development - Natural resources ISBN : 0-07-136255-X No. Induk : 20062702


Landscape interpretations : history, techniques and design inspiration / by Paul C. Siciliano. [CD] [t.tp.]: Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005.

1 CD ROM CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : Landscape design ISBN : 1-4018-115-8 (cd) No. Induk : 20062767

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 712.011 3 ERV ERVIN, Stephen M.

Landscape modeling : digital techniques for landscape visualization / by Stephen M. Ervin, Hope H. Hasbrouck. New York: McGraw Hill, 2001.

xiv, 290 hlm.: gamb.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : HASBROUCK, Hope H. Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : Landscape - Computer modeling ISBN : 0-07-135745-9 No. Induk : 20062806


Landscapping : principles and practices / by Jack E. Ingels. 6th ed. New York: Thomson/Delmar Learning, 2004.

xviii, 498 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : Landscape design ISBN : 1-4018-3410-8 No. Induk : 20062659

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.120 94 PLA

PLACE identity, participation and planning / ed. by Cliff Hague and Paul Jenkins. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2005.

xxii, 249 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. The RTPI Library series AE Orang : HAGUE, Cliff ; JENKINS, Paul Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Regional planning - Communities - Europe ISBN : 0-415-26241-0 No. Induk : 20062729


Planning and urban design standards / by American Planning Association ; graphics editor, Emina Sendich. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.

xvi, 720 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 29 cm. Wiley Graphic Standards series AE Orang : SENDICH, Emina Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : Area planning ISBN : 0-471-47581-5 No. Induk : 20062764

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.121 6 REE REEVES, Dory

Planning for diversity : policy and planning in a world of difference / by Dory Reeves. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2005.

xii, 267 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. The RTPI Library series ; 8 Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : City planning - Communities ISBN : 0-415-28657-3 No. Induk : 20062646


Promoting good governance : principles, practices and perspectives / by Sam Agere. London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2000.

x, 144 hlm.; 24 cm. Subjek : Public administration Kata Kunci : Goverment agencies ISBN : 0-85092-629-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062649


PUBLIC management and governance / ed. by Tony Bovaird and Elke Loffler. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2003. xxii, 255 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

AE Orang : BOVAIRD, Tony ; LOFFLER, Elke Subjek : Public administration Kata Kunci : Goverment - Management ISBN : 0-415-25245-8 No. Induk : 20062831

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 711.4 SHA SHANE, David Grahane

Recombinant urbanism : conceptual modeling in architecture, urban design, and city theory / by David Grahame Shane. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2005.

344 hlm.: gamb.; 22 cm. Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : City planning - Area planning ISBN : 0-470-009329-3 No. Induk : 20062622

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Regenerative design techniques : practical applications in landscape design / by Pete Melby, Tom Cathcart. New York: Wiley, 2002.

vi, 410 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : CATCHCART, Tom Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : Landscape design ISBN : 0-471-41472-7 No. Induk : 20062688

R PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 720.28 RUS RUSS, Thomas H.

Site planning and design handbook / by Thomas H. Russ ; illustration by Stephen M. Russ. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

xviii, 493 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : RUSS, Stephen M. Subjek : Architecture Kata Kunci : Building sites - Planning ISBN : 0-07-137784-0 No. Induk : 20062658

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 526.101 511 324 AWA AWANGE, Joseph L.

Solving algebraic computational problems in geodesy and geoinformatics / by Joseph L. Awange, Erik W. Grafarend. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2005.

xviii, 333 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : GRAFAREND, Erik W. Subjek : Geodesy Kata Kunci : Algebraic logic ISBN : 3-540-23425-X No. Induk : 20062830

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.121 6 URB

URBAN design futures / ed. by Malcom Moor and Jon Rowland. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2006. xvii, 198 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

AE Orang : MOOR, Malcolm ; ROWLAND, Jon Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : City planning - Communities ISBN : 0-415-31877-7 No. Induk : 20062613

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PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 910.917 32 PAC PACIONE, Michael

Urban geography : a global perspective / by Michael Pacione. 2nd ed. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2005. xlii, 686 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

Subjek : Geography Kata Kunci : Urban regions ISBN : 0-415-34306-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062742

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.76 URB

URBAN place : reconnecting with the natural world / ed. by Peggy F. Barlett. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.

viii, 330 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Urban and Industrial Environments series AE Orang : BARLETT, Peggy F. Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : Urban areas ISBN : 0-262-02586-8 No. Induk : 20062807

PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 307.121 6 RAT RATCLIFFE, John

Urban planning and real estate development / by John Ratcliffe, Michael Stubbs, and Mark Shepherd. 2nd ed. Oxon, UK: Spon Press, 2005.

viii, 591 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. The Natural and Built Environment Series AE Orang : STUBBS, Michael ; SHEPHERD, Mark Subjek : Social sciences Kata Kunci : City planning - Communities ISBN : 0-415-27262-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062754

K PP ITB (Usulan SAPPK-PWK) 711.4 COH COHEN, Nahoum

Urban planning conservation and preservation / by Nahoum Cohen. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. 359 hlm.: gamb.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm.

CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Civic and landscape art Kata Kunci : City planning ISBN : 0-07-137584-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062663

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.154 HOP HOPE, Jeremy

Beyond budgeting : how managers can break free from the annual performance trap / by Jeremy Hope and Robin Fraser. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School, 2003.

xxii, 232 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : FRASER, Robin Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Budgeting - Financial management ISBN : 1-57851-866-0 No. Induk : 20062610

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 153.85 GAR GARDNER, Howard

Changing minds : the art and science of changing our own and other peoples minds / by Howard Gardner. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2004.

xii, 244 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. Subjek : Psychology Kata Kunci : Mental suggestion ISBN : 1-57851-709-5 No. Induk : 20062790

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.32 MIL MILKOVICH, George T.

Compensation / by George T. Milkovich, Jerry M. Newman ; with the assistance of Carolyn Milkovich. 8th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

xiv, 634 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : NEWMAN, Jerry M. ; MILKOVICH, Carolyn Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Compensation - Personnel management ISBN : 0-07-287543-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062783

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 001.433 REA REA, Louis M.

Designing and conducting survey research : a comprehensive guide / by Lous M. Rea, Richard A. Parker. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1997.

xviii, 254 hlm.; gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : PARKER, Richard A. Subjek : Knowledge Kata Kunci : Surveys - Descriptive research ISBN : 0-7879-0810-X No. Induk : 20062694

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 330 COL COLANDER, David C.

Economics / by David C. Colander. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.(+) 1 Kartu kode akses online; 26 cm.

Kartu kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Economics ISBN : 0-07-254902-5 No. Induk : 20062708

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.403 801 1 OLE O'LEARY, Daniel E.

Enterprise resource planning systems : systems, life cycle, electronic commerce, and risk / by Daniel O'Leary. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

viii, 232 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Management information systems ISBN : 0-521-79152-9 No. Induk : 20062766

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 659.1 ARE ARENS, William F.

Essentials of contemporary advertising / by William F. Arens, David H. Schaefer. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007.

xxviii, 558 hlm.: gamb.; 28 cm. AE Orang : SCHAEFER, David H. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Advertising ISBN : 0-07-110627-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062707

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.022 ZIM ZIMMERER, Thomas W.

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management / by Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2005.

xiv, 578 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm. AE Orang : SCARBOROUGH, Norman M. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Small business ISBN : 0-13-191856-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062712

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 174.4 ETH

ETHICAL theory and business / ed. by Tom L. Beauchamp, Norman E. Bowie 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2004.

xiv, 686 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : BEAUCHAMP, Tom L. ; BOWIE, Norman E. Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Business ethics ISBN : 0-13-122880-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062705

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 338.479 1 BUH BUHALIS, Dimitros

eTourism : information technologies for strategic tourism management / by Dimitrios Buhalis. Essex. UK: Pearson Education, 2003.

xxviii, 376 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Tourist industry - Computer applications ISBN : 0-582-35740-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062700

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.401 2 PEA PEARCE II, John A.

Formulation and implementation, and control of competitive strategy / by John A. Pearce II, Richard B. Robinson, Jr. 10th ed. New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin, 2007.

xxiv, 458 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 kartu kode akses online; 26 cm. Kartu kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : ROBINSON JR, Richard B. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Competition - Strategic management ISBN : 0-07-110718-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062792

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.409 2 HAR

HARVARD business review leadership in a change world. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2004.

x, 208 hlm.; 21 cm. The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Leadership ISBN : 1-59139-501-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062778

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 330.951 HAR

HARVARD business review on doing business in China. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2004.

x, 205 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 21 cm. The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Investment - China ISBN : 1-59139-638-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062784

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.409 HAR

HARVARD business review on managing yourself. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School, 2005.

x, 186 hlm.: tab.; 21 cm. The Harvard Business Review paperback series Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Personal aspects - Executive management ISBN : 1-59139-970-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062765

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 331.425 HAR

HARVARD business review on women in business. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.

x, 213 hlm.: gamb.; 21 cm. The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Work environment - Women ISBN : 1-59139-717-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062777

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 172.4 HOW

HOW might we life ? : global ethics in a new century / ed. by Ken Booth, Tim Dunne, and Michael Cox. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

x, 237 hlm.; 25 cm. AE Orang : BOOTH, Ken ; DUNNE, Timothy ; COX, Michael Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Globalization - Moral and ethical aspects ISBN : 0-521-00520-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062819

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.049 LAN LANE, Henry W.

International management behavior : text, readings, and cases / by Henry W. Lane, Joseph J. DiStefano, Martha L. Maznevski. 5th ed. Victoria, Australia: Blackwell, 2006.

xx, 628 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang : DISTEFANO, Joseph J. ; MAZNEVSKI, Martha L. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : International business enterprises ISBN : 1-4051-2671-X (pbk) No. Induk : 20062791

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 174.4 KOE KOEHN, Daryl

Local insights, global ethics for business / by Daryl Koehn. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. xiv, 272 hlm.; 22 cm.

Value Inquiry Book Series ; vol. 111 Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Business ethics ISBN : 90-420-1436-9 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062814

R PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.27 MAI

MAINTENANCE engineering handbook / ed. by Lindley R. Higgins, R. Keith Mobley, Ricky Smith. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2002.

aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : HIGGINS, Lindley R. ; MOBLEY, R. Keith ; SMITH, Ricky Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Plant maintenance - Plant management ISBN : 0-07-028819-4 No. Induk : 20062701

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.401 2 MAR MARCUS, Alfred A.

Management strategy : achieving sustained competitive advantage / by Alfred A. Marcus. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

xx, 196 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Strategic management ISBN : 0-07-123833-6 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062727

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 171.2 NAT

NATURAL law and the possibility of a global ethics / ed. by Mark J. Cherry. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2004.

xxii, 200 hlm.; 24 cm. Philosophical studies in Contemporary Culture series ; vol. 11 AE Orang : CHERRY, Mark J. Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Natural law - Ethics ISBN : 1-4020-2223-9 No. Induk : 20062826

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 174.4 HAR HARTMAN, Laura Pincus

Perspectives in business ethics / by Laura P. Hartman. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005. xiv, 801 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Business ethics ISBN : 0-07-123826-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062626

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 659.1 DUN DUNCAN, Tom

Principles of advertising and IMC / by Tom Duncan. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005. xxvii, 774 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 28 cm.

Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Advertising ISBN : 0-07-111118-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062755

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.401 3 GOE GOETSCH, David L.

Quality management : introduction to total quality management for production, processing, and services / by David L. Goetsch, Stanley B. Davis. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2006.

xviii, 814 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : DAVIS, Stanley B. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Total quality management - Executive management ISBN : 0-13-197134-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062733

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.83 BRA BRACE, Ian

Questionnaire design : how to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research / by Ian Brace. London: Kogan Page, 2004.

xii, 289 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 23 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Market research - Questionnaire ISBN : 0-7494-4181-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062779

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.405 2 WAT WATKINS, Michael

Shaping the game : the new leader's guide to effective negotiating / by Michael Watkins. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2006.

xii, 196 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 21 cm. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Negotiation ISBN : 1.-4221-0252-1 No. Induk : 20062775

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.8 CRA CRAVENS, David W.

Strategic marketing / by David W. Cravens and Nigel F. Piercy. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. xviii, 726 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm.

McGraw-Hill/Irwin series in Marketing AE Orang : PIERCY, Nigel F. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Marketing management ISBN : 0-07-124432-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062672

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 174.4 TAK

TAKING sides ; clashing views in business ethics and society / selected, edited, and with introductions by Lisa H. Newton and Maureen M. Ford. 9th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw Hill, 2006.

xxviii, 436 hlm.; 24 cm. AE Orang : NEWTON, Lisa H. ; FORD, Maureen M. Subjek : Philosophy Kata Kunci : Business ethics ISBN : 0-07-352720-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062786

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PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.401 2 KAP KAPLAN, Robert S.

The Strategy-focused organization : how balanced scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment / by Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2001.

x, 400 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : NORTON, David P. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Strategic management ISBN : 1-57851-250-6 No. Induk : 20062788

PP ITB (Usulan SBM) 658.406 SUL SULL, Donald Norman

Why good companies go bad and how great managers remake them / by Donald Norman Sull. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.

OP-26, xxvi, 209 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 21 cm. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Managing change ISBN : 1-59139-716-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062776

PP ITB (Usulan SBM, STEI-IF) 658.802 KIM KIM, W. Chan

Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant / by W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.

xvi, 240 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm. AE Orang : MAUBORGNE, Renee Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Market segmentation ISBN : 1-59139-619-0 No. Induk : 20062785

R PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.1 THO THOMPSON, Judith E.

A Practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice / by Judith E. Thompson ; with CD/audiovisuals by Lawrence W. Davidow. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004.

aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 28 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : DAVIDOW, Lawrence W. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmacy ISBN : 0-7817-4177-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062833

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PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.4 CAR CARSTENSEN, Jens T.

Advanced pharmaceutical solids / by Jens T. Carstensen. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001. viii, 518 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm.

Drugs and the Pharmaceutical sciences ; vol. 110 Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Solid dosage forms ISBN : 0-8247-0431-2 No. Induk : 20062750

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.4 ALL

ALLEN'S compounded formulations : the complete U.S. Pharmacist collection / ed. by Loyd V. Allen, Jr. Washington, DC: the American Pharmacists Association, 2003.

xii, 404 hlm.: tab.; 28 cm. AE Orang : ALLEN JR, Loyd V. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Drug compounding ISBN : 1-58212-041-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062795

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.1 ALL ALLEN, Loyd V.

Ansel's pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems / by Loyd V. Allen, Jr., Nicholas G. Popovich, Howard C. Ansel. 8th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.

xii, 738 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : POPOVICH, Nicholas G. ; ANSEL, Howard C. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmaceutical drugs ISBN : 0-7817-4612-4 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062821

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 612.8 BEH

BEHAVIORAL endocrinology / ed. by Jill B. Becker, S. Marc Breedlove, and David Crews. 4th print. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.

xxvii, 574 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : BECKER, Jill B. ; BREEDLOVE, S. Marc ; CREWS, David Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Psychobiology - Human physiology ISBN : 0-262-52171-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062808

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PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.19 BIO

BIOLOGICAL and pharmaceutical nanomaterials / ed. by Challa S. S. R. Kumar. Weinheim, Wiley, 2006. xx, 408 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Nanotechnologies for the life sciences ; vol. 2 AE Orang : KUMAR, Challa S. S. R. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmaceutical chemistry ISBN : 3-527-31382-6 No. Induk : 20062656

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.6 DRU

DRUG delivery and targeting for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists / ed. by Anya M. Hillery, Andrew W. Lloyd and James Swarbrick. London: Taylor & Francis, 2001.

xvi, 475 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : HILLERY, Anya M. ; LLOYD, Andrew W. ; SWARBRICK, James Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Drug delivery systems - Pharmacology ISBN : 0-415-27198-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062614

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.6 DRU

DRUG targeting technology : physical, chemical, biological methods / ed. by Hans Schreier. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2001.

x, 294 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences series ; vol. 115 AE Orang : SCHREIER, Hans Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Drug delivery systems - Pharmacology ISBN : 0-8247-0580-7 No. Induk : 20062628

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.19 GLY

GLYCOLIC acid peels / ed. by Ronald Moy, Debra Luftman, Lenore S. Kakita. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002.

xii, 240 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Basic and Clinical Dermatology series ; v. 22 AE Orang : MOY, Ronald ; LUFTMAN, Debra ; KAKITA, Lenore S. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmaceutical chemistry ISBN : 0-8247-0722-2 No. Induk : 20062752

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R PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.7 RIT RITSCHEL, Wolfgang A.

Handbook of basic pharmacokinetics : including clinical applications / by Wolfgang A. Ritschel, Gregory L. Kearns. 6th ed. Washington, DC: the American Pharmacists Association, 2004.

xii, 432 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang : KEARNS, Gregory L. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmacokinetics ISBN : 1-58212-054-4 No. Induk : 20062787

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 613.488 MUL

Multifunctional cosmetics / ed. by Randy Shueller and Perry Romanowski. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003. x, 234 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Cosmetic Science and Technology series ; 26 AE Orang : SCHUELLER, Randy ; ROMANOWSKI, Perry Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Cosmetics - Health ISBN : 0-8247-0813-X No. Induk : 20062630

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.6 PER

PERCUTANEOUS absorption : drugs, cosmetics, mechanisms, methodology / ed. by Robert L. Bronaugh and Howard I. Maibach. 4th ed. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, 2005.

xxvi, 878 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences series ; v. 155 AE Orang : BRONAUGH, Robert L. ; MAIBACH, Howard I. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Drug delivery systems ISBN : 1-57444-869-2 No. Induk : 20062643

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.3 PHA

PHARMACEUTICAL formulation development of peptides and proteins / ed. by Sven Frokjaer and Lars Hovgaard. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2000.

xviii, 238 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : FROKJAER, Sven ; HOVGAARD, Lars Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Protein drugs - Pharmacology and therapeutics ISBN : 0-748-40745-6 No. Induk : 20062599

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PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.19 PHA

PHARMACEUTICAL process scale-up / ed. by Michael Levin. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002. xvi, 566 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences series ; vol. 118 AE Orang : LEVIN, Michael Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmaceutical chemistry ISBN : 0-8247-0625-0 No. Induk : 20062597

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.19 POL

POLYMORPHISM in pharmaceutical solids / ed. by Harry G. Brittain. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1999. ix, 427 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences series ; v. 95 AE Orang : BRITTAIN, Harry G. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Pharmaceutical chemistry ISBN : 0-8247-0237-9 No. Induk : 20062753

PP ITB (Usulan SF) 615.778 SKI

SKIN moisturization / ed. by James J. Leyden, Anthony V. Rawlings. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002. xviii, 671 hlm: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

AE Orang : LEYDEN, James J. ; RAWLINGS, Anthony V. Subjek : Medical sciences Kata Kunci : Skin - Pharmacodynamics ISBN : 0-8247-0643-9 No. Induk : 20062743

PP ITB (Usulan SITH) 570 CAM CAMPBELL, Neil A.

Biology / by Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece. 7th ed. San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings-Pearson, 2005.

xl, 1352 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM dan 1 Kartu Kode Akses Online; 28 cm. CD ROM dan Kartu Kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : REECE, Jane B. Subjek : Biology Kata Kunci : Life science ISBN : 0-32126984-5 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062735

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PP ITB (Usulan SP) 659.408 KOT KOTLER, Philip

Corporate social responsibility : doing the most good for your company and your cause / by Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.

xii, 307 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : LEE, Nancy Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Corporate social responsibility - Executive management ISBN : 0-471-47611-0 No. Induk : 20062617

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.395 LEE LEE, Sunggu

Advanced digital logic design : using verilog, state machines, and synthesis for FPGAs / by Sunggu Lee. Toronto, Ontario: Thomson, 2006.

xviii, 462 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Logic design- Computer circuits ISBN : 0-534-55161-0 No. Induk : 20062641

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.319 13 ADV

ADVANCES in high voltage engineering / ed. by A. Haddad and D. F. Warne. London: The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2004.

xx, 647 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. IEE Power and Energy series ; 40 AE Orang : HADDAD, A. ; WARNE, D. F. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Electric power distribution - High tension ISBN : 0-85296-158-8 No. Induk : 20062669

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.895 LEI LEIGH, James R.

Applied digital control : theory, design, and implementation / by James R. Leigh. 2nd ed. New York: Dover, 1992.

xx, 524 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Digital control systems - Computer control - Automatic control engineering ISBN : 0-486-45051-1 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062691

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 519.3 BOY BOYD, Stephen

Convex optimization / by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

xiv, 716 hlm.: gamb.; 25 cm. AE Orang : VANDENBERGHE, Lieven Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Mathematical optimization ISBN : 0-521-83378-7 No. Induk : 20062600

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.381 5 DES

DESIGN of high-performance microprocessor circuits / ed. by Anantha Chandrakasan, William J. Bowhill, Frank Fox. New York: the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001.

xx, 557 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. AE Orang : CHANDRAKASAN, Anantha ; BOWHILL, William J. ; FOX, Frank Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Microelectronic circuits ISBN : 0-7803-6001-X No. Induk : 20062744

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 537.24 RAJ RAJU, Gorur G.

Dielectric in electric fields / by Gorur G. Raju. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003. xviii, 578 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm.

Power engineering series ; 19 Subjek : Physics Kata Kunci : Dielectrics ISBN : 0-8247-0864-4 No. Induk : 20062629

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 333.79 DIS

DISTRIBUTED generation : the power paradigm for the new millenium / ed. by Anne-Marie Borbely, Jan F. Kreider. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2001.

xiv, 400 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Mechanical Engineering series AE Orang : KREIDER, Jan F. Subjek : Economics Kata Kunci : Power resources - Energy ISBN : 0-8493-0074-6 No. Induk : 20062632

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.314 ELE

ELECTRIC power transformer enginering / ed. by James H. Harlow. Boca Raton, Fl.: CRC Press, 2004. aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm.

The Electric Power Engineering series AE Orang : HARLOW, James H. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Electric transformers ISBN : 0-8493-1704-5 No. Induk : 20062749

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.83 FRA FRANKLIN, Gene F.

Feedback control of dynamic systems / by Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2006.

xviii, 910 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : POWELL, J. David ; EMAMI-NAEINI, Abbas Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Feedback control systems - Automatic control engineering ISBN : 0-13-149930-0 No. Induk : 20062796

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 004.68 PRI PRICE, Ron

Fundamentals of wireless networking / by Ron Price. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. xx, 641 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer networks ISBN : 0-07-110661-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062711

R PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.8 ODW O'DWYER, Aidan

Handbook of PI and PID controller tuning rules / by Aidan O'Dwyer. 2nd ed. London: Imperial College Press, 2006.

xviii, 545 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : PID controllers - Automatic control engineering ISBN : 1-86094-622-4 No. Induk : 20062668

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 004.165 MCP MCPHERSON, Frank

How to do everything with Windows Mobile / by Frank McPherson. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006. xviii, 414 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Windows mobile - Digital microcomputers ISBN : 0-07-226250-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062697

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.381 5 SAI SAINT, Christopher

IC layout basics : a practical guide / by Christopher Saint, Judy Saint. New York: McGraw Hill, 2002. xvi, 300 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

AE Orang : SAINT, Judy Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Integrated circuits ISBN : 0-07-138625-4 No. Induk : 20062716

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.381 5 SAI SAINT, Christopher

IC mask design : essential layout techniques / by Christopher Saint and Judy Saint. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

xx, 457 hlm.: gamb.; 23 cm. AE Orang : SAINT, Judy Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Integrated circuits - Electronics - Electrical engineering ISBN : 0-07-138996-2 No. Induk : 20062615

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 511.5 WES WEST, Douglas B.

Introduction to graph theory / by Douglas B. West. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. xx, 588 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Graph theory ISBN : 0-13-014400-2 No. Induk : 20062798

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.8 CAM CAMACHO, E. F.

Model predictive control / by E. F. Camacho and C. Bordons. 2nd ed. London: Springer, 2004. xxii, 405 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm.

Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing series AE Orang : BORDONS, C. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Automatic control engineering ISBN : 1-85233-694-3 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062827

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 620.001 1 WOO WOODS, Robert L.

Modeling and simulation of dynamic sysetms / by Robert L. Woods, Kent L. Lawrence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997.

xx, 521 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : LAWRENCE, Kent L. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Systems engineering ISBN : 0-13-337379-7 No. Induk : 20062800

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.8 SHI SHINNERS, Stanley M.

Modern control system theory and design / by Stanley M. Shinners. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1998. xx, 720 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm.

Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Modern control systems - Automatic control engineering ISBN : 0-471-24906-8 No. Induk : 20062670

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 519.3 NOC NOCEDAL, Jorge

Numerical optimization / by Jorge Nocedal, Stephen J. Wright. 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2006. xxii, 644 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Springer series in operation research and financial engineering AE Orang : WRIGHT, Stephen J. Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Mathematical optimization ISBN : 0-387-30303-0 No. Induk : 20062834

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 621.319 DEB DEB, Anjan K.

Powerline ampacity system : theory, modeling, and applications / by Anjan K. Deb. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2000.

xii, 251 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Electric power systems - Electrical engineering ISBN : 0-8493-1306-6 No. Induk : 20062748

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 629.83 JOH JOHNSON, Curtis D.

Process control instrumentation technology / by Curtis D. Johnson. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

x, 694 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Engineering Kata Kunci : Process control - Automatic control engineering ISBN : 0-13-119457-7 No. Induk : 20062666

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-EL) 003.3 LAW LAW, Averill M.

Simulation modeling and analysis / by Averill M. Law. 4th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. xx, 768 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 24 cm.

McGraw Hill Series in Industrial Engineering and Management Science CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer modeling and simulation ISBN : 0-07-125519-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062709

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 519.542 BAY

BAYESIAN data analysis / by Andrew Gelman [a.o.]. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: Chpaman & Hall - CRC, 2004.

xxvi, 68 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Series AE Orang : GELMAN, Andrew Subjek : Mathematics Kata Kunci : Bayesian statistical decision theory ISBN : 1-58488-388-X No. Induk : 20062601

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 005.14 GRO GROSS, Hans-Gerhard

Component-based software testing with UML / by Hans-Gerhard Gross. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2005.

xviii, 316 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer software - Testing ISBN : 3-540-20864-X No. Induk : 20062820

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 005.8 KIZ KIZZA, Joseph Migga

Computer network security / by Joseph Migga Kizza. New York: Springer, 2005. xxii, 534 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer security ISBN : 0-387-20473-3 No. Induk : 20062824

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 005.273 WEL WELLINGS, Andy

Concurrent and real-time programming in Java / by Andy Wellings. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2004. xiv, 431 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Real-time programming ISBN : 0-470-84437-x (pbk) No. Induk : 20062651


Fundamentals of computational swarm intelligence / by A. P. Engelbrecht. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2005. xxxvi, 599 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm.

Subjek : Computer science Kata Kunci : Artificial intelligence ISBN : 0-470-09191-6 No. Induk : 20062625

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 006.3 BOR BORGELT, Christian

Graphical models : methods for data analysis and mining / by Christian Borgelt, Rudolf Kruse. Reprinted ed. Chicester, UK: Wiley, 2002.

x, 358 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : KRUSE, Rudolf Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Artificial intelligence ISBN : 0-470-84337-3 No. Induk : 20062661


Management : people performance change / by Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

xl,836 hlm.: gamb., tab.(+) 1 CD ROM dan 1 Kartu Kode Akses Online; 26 cm. CD ROM dan Kartu Kode akses online disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : BALKIN, David B. ; CARDY, Robert L. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Management ISBN : 0-07-111131-X (pbk) No. Induk : 20062718

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 658.403 801 1 LAU LAUDON, Kenneth C.

Management informatin systems : managing the digital firm / by Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2006.

xxxii, 701 hlm.: gamb., tab.,(+) 1 CD ROM; 28 cm. CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan AE Orang : LAUDON, Jane P. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Management information systems ISBN : 0-13-153841-1 No. Induk : 20062793

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 658.406 PAL PALMER, Ian

Managing organizational change : a multiple persepectives approach / by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford , Gib Akin. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006.

xiv, 367 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. AE Orang : DUNFORD, Richard ; AKIN, Gib Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Organizational change - Executive management ISBN : 0-07-123838-7 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062728

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PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 005.453 MOD

MODERN compiler design / by Dick Grune [a.o.]. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2000. xviii, 736 hlm.: gamb.; 24 cm.

Worldwide series in Computer Sciences AE Orang : GRUNE, Dick Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Compilers - Computer programming language ISBN : 0-471-97697-0 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062704

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 025.04 BAE BAEZA-YATES, Ricardo

Modern information retrieval / by Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto. Essex, UK: Pearson Education, 1999.

xx, 513 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 24 cm. AE Orang : RIBEIRO-NETO, Berthier Subjek : Library and information sciences Kata Kunci : Information storage and retrieval systems ISBN : 0-201-39829-X (pbk) No. Induk : 20062799

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 006.3 MUL

MULTIAGENT systems : a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence / ed. by Gerhard Weiss. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.

xxiv, 619 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 25 cm. AE Orang : WEISS, Gerhard Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Artificial intelligence ISBN : 0-262-73131-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062815

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 005.133 HEA HEATON, Jeff

Programming spiders, bots, and aggregators i Java ™ / by Jeff Heaton. Alameda, CA: Sybex, 2002. xxiv, 516 hlm.: gamb., tab.(+) 1 CD ROM; 23 cm.

CD ROM disimpan di Bag. Pengadaan Subjek : Computer sciences Kata Kunci : Computer programming languages ISBN : 0-7821-4040-8 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062731

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R PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 670.285 46 IND

The INDUSTRIAL communication technology handbook / ed. by Richard Zurawski. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press - Taylor & Francis, 2005.

aneka hlm.: gamb., tab.; 26 cm. The Industrial Information Technology Series ; 1 AE Orang : ZURAWSKI, Richard Subjek : Manufacturing Kata Kunci : Data transmission systems ISBN : 0-8493-3077-7 No. Induk : 20062598

PP ITB (Usulan STEI-IF) 658.155 JOR JORION, Philippe

Value at risk : the new benchmark for managing financial risk / by Philippe Jorion. 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.

xxxii, 544 hlm.: gamb., tab.; 23 cm. Subjek : Management Kata Kunci : Risk management - Financial management ISBN : 0-07-135502-2 (pbk) No. Induk : 20062678

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