daftar obat generik

Kitab Daftar Nama Obat Generik Faik Fauzi Mulachella by: & Genghis Khun

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Post on 27-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Daftar Obat Generik

Kitab Daftar Nama Obat Generik

Faik Fauzi Mulachellaby:


Genghis Khun

Page 2: Daftar Obat Generik

DAFTAR NAMA GENERIK OBATKlik Cepat ke: Daftar Isi, Index (Sebaiknya baca Panduan dulu)Saluran CernaKardiovaskulerSaluran NafasNeuromuskulerHormonAntibakteriSaluran KemihMetabolikVitamin & MineralPreparat Mata, Kulit, Telinga, MulutImunologi

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 3: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index“All high-street pharmacists are obliged by law to dispense whatever the doctor has written on the prescription. If your doctor has prescribed a medicine by its brand name, your pharmacist must dispense that brand. However, if a medicine has been prescribed by its generic name, your pharmacist can dispense whatever version of the medicine they have available, because each version will have the same therapeutic effect….…There are a few exceptions to this. There are a handful of medicines that your doctor must prescribe by the brand name. These include:

modified-release theophylline & aminophylline modified-release nifedipine & diltiazem the immunosuppressant ciclosporin lithium, which is a mood stabiliser fentanyl patches carbamazepine, phenytoin and Na valproate


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 4: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index

Kitab Daftar Nama Obat Generik Ini Dibuat Untuk Kemaslahatan Orang Banyak.

Semua Boleh Mengcopy dan Menyebarluaskannya. Semoga Bermanfaat. Amin.


FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


FB: facebook.com/mulachella

Page 5: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDAFTAR NAMA GENERIK OBATBisa dibuka di semua sistem operasi:Komputer:

- Windows- Linux- Macintosh

HP/ PDA:- Symbian- Windows Mobile

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 6: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSistem PenulisanNama Generik berdasarkan nama internasional I: IndikasiBSO: Bentuk sediaan obat

D: Dosis dan cara pemberian oral *Qd= 1xBid=2xTid=3xHs= sebelum tidurKI: Kontra IndikasiP: PerhatianES: Efek SampingIO: Interaksi ObatPreg: (Tingkat Keamanan untuk Ibu Hamil) A, B, C, D, X*Nama Dagang: Nama ini akan langsung diisi bila distribusi di Indonesia.hanya tersedia 1 (satu) macam nama dagang/ paten tersebutProduk®, Rp. /box, Amp)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 7: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCara Pemberian Obat OralSimbol:

: Diberikan bersama makanan

: Diberikan bersama atau tanpa makanan

: Diberikan saat perut kosong (1 jam sebelum makan atau 2 jam sesudah makan)

Tingkat Keamanan untuk Ibu HamilA: Aman pada janin manusiaB: Aman pada janin binatang percobaan.C: Efek samping pada janin binatang percobaan, pada manusia belum diketahui. D: Efek samping pada janin manusia, tetapi manfaat obat mungkin lebih besar daripada resikonya.X: Abnormalitas pada janin manusia. Resiko melebihi manfaat yang diperoleh.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 8: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCara Pencarian Data1. Panduan Daftar Isi, atau 2. Mengaktifkan Bookmark disamping halaman PDF

viewer atau 3. Melihat Index (Berdasarkan urutan abjad).4. Fasilitas Search.. (Tekan Ctrl+F) : Tulislah dengan

nama generik internasional, misalnya “hydroxide”, jangan ditulis “hidroksida”

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 9: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 10: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Antasida & anti ulcerasiAluminium hydroxide/ AntacidMagnesium hydroxideMagnesium trisilicate Cimetidine Ranitidine HClFamotidineNizatidineOmeprazoleLansoprazoleRabeprazolePantoprazoleEsomeprazoleClebropride MalateMisoprostolSulpirideSucralfateTeprenoneRebamipidePolymigel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 11: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAluminium hydroxide/ AntacidI: Hiperasiditas lambung, pengikat fosfat pada kasus hiperfosfatemia pada gagal ginjal.BSO: Tablet Kunyah 300mg

D: 1-2 tab/ hr, 1 jam stlh makan & sebelum tidur .KI: Payah ginjalP: Insuffisiensi GinjalES: Jarang, konstipasi, diare. Hipofosfatemia (jangka lama, dosis tinggi)IO: Perubahan absorbsi terutama tetrasiklin dan garam FePreg:: C

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 12: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMagnesium hydroxideI: Konstipasi & defekasi tdk teratur yg disertai ggn pencernaan.BSO: Syr 400mg/5cc D: Dws 2,4g – 4,8 g sblm tidur/ ssdh bangun tidur. Anak 1,2g-

2,4 g. KI: P: Kerusakan ginjalES: Mual muntah, nyeri perutIO: Mengganggu absorpsi Cimetidin/ TetrasiklinPreg:: B

Nama Dagang:Laxasium

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 13: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMagnesium trisilicateI: Hiperasiditas GIBSO: Tab, Syrup

D: Perut Kosong/ menjelang tidur/ timbul gejala. Tdk >7 hrKI: Anak <10th, ggl ginjal, hypophosphataemiaP: Insufisiensi ginjal, hypermagnesaemia, nefrolitiasis, ES: Diare, mual, muntah, depresi SSP, osteomalasia pada defisiensi fosfor, osteomalasia, batu ginjal.IO: Mengganggu absorbsi TetrasiklinPreg::

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 14: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCimetidineI: Ulkus duodenum & gaster jinak, ulkus sal GI bag atas,ulkus stoma, ulkus stress, sindroma Zollinger-Ellison, mastositosis sistemik, adenoma endokrin multipel. BSO: Kaplet 200 mg, injeksi 200 mg

D: Dws 400 mg pagi & malam, atau 200 mg 3x/hr waktu makan dan 400 mg menjelang tidur. Lama terapi 4 mgg. Anak 20-40 mg/kgBB/hr dlm dosis terbagi.KI: Hipersensitif thd CimetidineP: Ggn ginjal, hamil, laktasi, keganasan lambung.ES: Diare, pusing, ruam kulit. Ginekomastia, impotensi (pria). Kebingungan reversible. alergi, artralgia, myalgia, kelainan darah, nefritis interstisialis, sakit kepala, hepatotoksik, pankreatitis.IO: Meningkatkan efek Lidocaine, Phenytoin, Theophylline, Warfarin, bbrp antiaritmia, Benzodiazepine, vasodilatorPreg:: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 15: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRanitidine HClI: Ulkus duodenum, ulkus gaster jinak,refluks esofagitisBSO: Tab 150 mg. Amp 50 mg/ 2cc D: Ulkus duodenum Dws 150mg 2x/hr selama 4-8mgg.Sindrom Zollinger Ellison 150mg 2x/hr dpt ditingkatkan s/d 6 g/hr. Ulkus Gaster 150 mg 2x/hr selama 2 mgg. Pemeliharaan: 150 mg sblm tidur.

Refluks Esofagitis 150mg 2x/hr. KI: HipersensitifP: Riw. Porfiria akut. Bumil & laktasi. Ggn fungsi hati & ginjal. Lanjut usiaES: Sakit kepala, malaise, insomnia, vertigoIO: Dg Warfarin meningkatkan/menurunkan waktu ProtrombinPreg:: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 16: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFamotidineI: Ulkus duodenum, ulkus gaster jinak, sindroma Zollinger Ellison, refluks esofagitisBSO: Tab 20 mg

D: 40 mg 1x/hr atau 20 mg 2x/hr KI: P: Ggn ginjal beratES: TrombositopeniaIO: Preg:: B

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 17: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNizatidineI: Tukak duodenal, refluks esofagitisBSO: Kapl 150 mg, Amp 25 mg/cc D: Tab 150-300 mg 2x/hr selama 8-12 mgg. Infus IV kontinu: 150-300 mg dalam 150cc larutan. Rata-rata 10 mg/ jam. Maks:

480 mg/hr. KI: HipersensitifP: Insufisiensi ginjal, bumil & laktasiES: IO: Preg:: BNama Dagang:Axid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 18: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOmeprazoleproton pump inhibitorI: HiperasiditasBSO: Kaps 20 mg

D: 1x/hr ditelan utuh. Terapi tdk > dr 4 mggKI: Bumil & Laktasi.P: Umur dibwh 18 th. Gangguan LiverES: Flatulen, VertigoIO: Mengurangi efektifitas obat anti HIV & anti fungi. Peningkatan kadar dlm darah: warfarin, phenytoin, benzodiazepines (such as diazepam, triazolam, lorazepam or flurazepam), digoxin, cilostazol, tacrolimus.

Preg:: A, B, C, D, X

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 19: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLansoprazoleProton pump inhibitor I: Ulkus gaster & duoenumBSO: Kaps 30 mgD: Dws 30mg 1x/hr KI: Ggn hati beratP: AnakES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 20: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRabeprazoleBSO: Tablet 10 mg, 20 mg D: Dws 1x 20 mg/hr. Tukak Duodenum aktif 1x 10 mg/hr. sembuh dlm 2-4 mgg. Pasien Tukak lambung sembuh dalam 4-6 mgg. Refluks esofagitis 1x 20 mg/hr selama 4-8 mgg. Pagi

I: Tukak Duodenum, Tukak lambung, Refluks esofagitisP: Ggn fungsi ginjal, hipersensitif. Usia lanjut. Bumil & Laktasi. Anak.ES: Konstipasi, eksema, sakit kepala, peningkatan GPT, lekosit eosinofilik & GOTIO: Menurunkan kadar Ketokonazole, meningkatkan konsentrasi digoxin dlm darah. Tdk berinteraksi dg obat yg dimetabolisme scr oksidatif: Teofilin, Fenitoin, Warfarin & Diazepam.Preg:: B Nama Dagang:Pariet

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 21: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPantoprazoleI: Terapi jangka pendek ggn gaster & intestinal yg memerlukan pengurangan sekresi as lambung; ulkus duodenum, ulkus gaster; refluks esofagitis.BSO: Tab 20 mg, 40 mg. Vial 40 mg

D: Tab 40 mg/hr slm 2-8 mgg. IV 40 mg/hr slm < 8 mgg. KI: Kerusakan hati. Hamil.P: IV digunakan bila IO tidak memungkinkan.ES: sakit kepala, diare, ruam kulit, pruritus.IO: Mempengaruhi penyerapan KetokonazolePreg:: B

Nama Dagang:Pantozol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FB: facebook.com/mulachella

Page 22: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEsomeprazoleI: Refluks Gastroesofageal, Kombinasi antibakteri utk eradikasi H. pyloriBSO: Tab 20 mg, 40 mg. Vial 40 mg/cc D: Tab Refluks Esofagitis Erosif 1x 40 mg/hr slm 4 mgg. Relaps esofagitis & pemeliharaan 1x 20 mg/hr. Vial Dws 40 mg iv

pelan/ infus slm 10-30mnt.KI: P: Bumil Laktasi. Intoleransi fruktosa herediter. Malabsorbsi Glukosa Galaktosa. Insufisiensi sukrase isomaltase.ES: Diare, Kembung. Mual, konstipasi, dermatitis, pruritus, mulut kering.IO: Diazepam, Sitalopram, Imipramin, Klomipramin, FenitoinPreg:: B Nama Dagang:Nexium

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 23: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClebropride MalateI: Ulkus peptikum, GastroduodenitisBSO: Tab 0,5 mg

D: Dws 3x/hr KI: Bila stimulasi lambung membahayakan (perdarahan, obstruksi, perforasi). Pasien diskinesia tardiv thd neuroleptik.P: anak, bumil trim 1, laktasi.ES: Mengantuk, pusing.IO: mempotensiasi sfek SSP Fenotiazin & antidopaminergik lain.Preg::

Nama Dagang:Clast

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 24: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMisoprostolI: Mencegah ulkus krn induksi AINSBSO: Tab 200 mcg

D: 4x 200 mcg/hr. KI: Bumil, LaktasiP: ES: Ggn GI: diare, nyeri perut, ggn ginekologi (kram, bercak, menoragi, dismenorre)IO: Preg:: X

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 25: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulpirideI: Psikosomatik, ulkus peptikum, colitis ulseratif, peny Crohn, Ggn kolik fungsional, migren abdominal.BSO: Kaps 50 mg, Tab forte 200 mg. Amp 100 mg/ 2cc D: Ggn psikofungsional 2-4 kaps/ hr. Anak 5-10 mg/kgBB/hr dibagi bbrp dosis. Psikiatri pengobatan wkt serangan 3-6 amp/hr (IM).

Pemeliharaan 2-4 tab/hr dibagi bbrp dosis. KI: FeokromositomaP: Insufisiensi Ginjal, epilepsy. Bumil & Laktasi. Manula: Parkinson. ES: Galaktore, ginekomastia, impotensi/ frigid, amenore, reaksi extra pyramidal, hipotensi ortostatik, diskinesia tardiv, sedasi & somnolen.IO: Obat Depresan, SSP, alcohol, Levodopa.Preg:: Nama Dagang: Dogmatil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 26: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSucralfateI: Terapi jangka pendek (8 mgg) ulkus duodenumBSO: Tab 500 mg, Susp 500 mg/ 5cc

D: 4x 1 g KI: P: GGK, dialysis, Bumil, laktasi, Anak.ES: Konstipasi, mulut kering, ggn GI, ruam kulit, gatal, ggn tidur, nyeri punggung.IO: Menurunkan absorbsi Cimetidine, Fluoroquinolon (Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin), Digoxin, Ketokonazol, Fenitoin, Ranitidine, Tetrasiklin, Quinidin, L-tiroksin, Teophylline. Preg:: B

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 27: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTeprenoneI: Tukak peptikBSO: Kaps 50 mg

D: 3x 50 mg/hrKI: P: Bumil & anakES: Jarang: konstipasi,rasa penuh pd perut, diare, haus, mual, muntah, ruam kulit, gatal.IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Purubex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 28: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRebamipideI: Ulkus gaster, antagonis H2 BSO: Tab 100 mg D: 3x 100 mg/hrKI: P: Hamil,laktasi, lansiaES: abdomen terasa membesar, konstipasiIO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Mucosta

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 29: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPolymigelI: Mual, hiperasiditas, nyeri abdomen, kembungBSO: Tab 400 mg D: 1-2 tab 3-4x/hrDosis KI: Hipo/hipertiroidisme,dialisisP: Hiperkalsemia, diet rendah fosfat, disfungsi ginjal pd penggunaan lama ES: Konstipasi, diare, mual, muntahIO: Mengurangi absorbsi bila kombinasi dg Cimetidine, TetrasiklinPreg::

Nama Dagang: Strocain P

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 30: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Regulator GIT, Anti Flatulen & Anti InflamasiMetoclopramide HClDomperidoneCisaprideDimeticoneSimeticoneSulfasalazineMesalazineRamosetronOtilonium bromideLactobacillusTegaserod

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 31: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetoclopramide HClI: GGn GI, mual/ muntah krn obat, kembung, ulkus peptikum, stenosis pylorus (ringan), dyspepsia, epigastralgia. BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mg, amp 10 mg/2cc, syrup 5 mg/5cc.Supp 10 mg, 20 mg. Tetes paed. 1 mg/ 10 tts.

D: Tab, Amp,Supp: Dws 3x 10 mg/ hr Anak 0,5 mg/kg/hr.KI: Jika stimulasi motilitas GI dpt membahayakan. Ex. Obstruksi intestinal, epilepsy, feokromositoma.P: Anak & remaja, kehamilan, menyusui, DM, depresi, penggunaan obat lain yg menyebabkan reaksi extrapiramidal.ES: Dosis tinggi: pusing, gelisah, lesu, gejala extrapiramidal, sakit kepala, mengantuk, ggn GI, hipertensi.IO: Efek diantagonis oleh antikolinergik & analgesic. Depresan SSP meningkatkan efek sedasi. Absorbsi digoxin & simetidin terganggu. Absorbsi parasetamol, tetrasiklin, levodopa di usus halus akan meningkat. Perubahan kebutuhan insulin.Preg:: B Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 32: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDomperidoneI: Dispepsia disertai masa pengosongan lambung yg lambat atau refluks esophagus. Mual & muntah krn: intoleransi sal cerna akibat kemoterapi antikanker, digitalis, levodopa, radioterapi, patologi organ abdomen, GI, hepatobilier, peritoneal, ginjal.BSO: Tab 10 mg, Sirup 5mg/5cD: Dws 10-20 mg 3x/hr perut kosong (bila perlu tambah sblm

tidur) , anak 0.25-0.5 mg/kgBB 3x/hr.KI: Pasien dg serangan motilitas lambung dpt membahayakan, missal perdarahan, obstruksi mekanik, perforasi GI. Prolaktinoma tumor hipofise yg mengeluarkan prolaktin. P: Tidak utk mual/ muntah kronik. Bumil laktasi, bayi < 1th. ES: Galaktorea, ginekomastia, kejang usus sementaraIO: Antasida, obat anti sekresi.Preg:: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 33: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCisaprideI: Ggn motilitas GI spt gastroparesis & Refluks esofagitis.BSO: Tab 5 mg D: Dws 5 mg 3-4x/hr, max 40 mg/hr. Anak 0.2-0.8 mg/kgBB

3-4x/hr,max 40 mg/hr.KI: Stimulasi GI berbahaya, perdarahan GI, obstruksi mekanik/ perforasi.P: Insufisiensi hati/ ginjal. Bumil & laktasi. Prematur dg kehamilan < 34mggES: Kram abdomen sementara, borborigmis & diare. IO: Peningkatan absorbsi depresan SSP & alcohol. Efek motilitas GI diturunkan oleh antikolinergik.Preg:: C

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 34: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDimeticoneI: Flatulen & meteorismus. Mengurangi gas sal cerna sblm radiografi. Meringankan distensi abdomen. Dispepsia.BSO: Tab 40 mg D: 40 mg 3x/hr & sblm tidur. 4x/hr sblm pemeriksaan radiografi.

KI: P: ES: IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 35: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSimeticoneI: Kembung & Rasa tidak enak pada perut. Distensi abdomen & dyspepsia. Sbg defoaming agent pd radiografi & endoskopi sal cernaBSO: Tab 125 mg

D: 125 mg 3x/hr KI: Neonatus & prematurP: ES: IO: Preg:: C

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 36: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulfasalazineI: Kolitis ulseratif, RA, spondilitis ankylosing, spondyloartritis seronegatif.BSO: Kaplet 500 mg D: Kolitis ulseratif: Dws 3-4 g, Anak 40-60mg/kgBB/hr dlm dosis terbagi.AR, spondilitis ankilosa: 500 mg malam hari selama 1 mggu, dilanjutkan 500 mg 2x/hr mggu selanjutnya.KI: Porfiria intermiten akut. Anak < 2th. Obstruksi GIT & UTI.P: Ggn hati/ ginjal, diskrasia darah, defisiensi G6PD. ES: Mual, anoreksia, kenaikan suhu, eritema & pruritus, sakit kepala. IO: Mengurangi absorbsi Folat & Digoxin.Preg:: B, D bila mendekati partus Nama Dagang: Sulcolon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 37: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMesalazineI: Radang usus, Colitis ulseratif, pnykt Crohn, Enema. BSO: Tab 250 mg, Enema 4g, Supp 500mg D: Dws: akut 1.5- 3g 3x/hr. Maintenance 500mg 3x/hrDosis.

Enema 1x/hr. Supp 2x/hr. KI: Kelainan hati & ginjal berat. Ulkus peptic aktif. Pembekuan darah abnormal.Bayi & Infant. P: manula, bumil & laktasiES: Eksantema alergi, demam, bronkospasme.IO: Meningkatnya efek hipoglikemik Sulfonilurea. Kumarin, MTX, Probenesid, Sulfinpirazon, Furosemid & Rifampisin.Preg:: BNama Dagang:Salofalk

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 38: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRamosetronI: Mual & muntah karena obat karsinostatik (misal Cisplatin)BSO: Tab 0.1 mg, Amp 0.3 mg/2cc

D: Dws Tab 0.1 mg 1x/hr. Amp 0.3 mg 1x/hr. Max 0.6 mg/hr.KI: P: Sebaiknya diberikan 1 jam sebelum obat karsinostatik. Manula, Bumil & laktasi.ES: syok & reaksi anafilaktik, serangan yg menyerupai epilepsy, ggn tidur, konstipasi, diare, peningkatan BUN, ggn fungsi ginjal, peningkatan SGPT/SGOT/LDHIO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Nasea

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 39: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOtilonium bromideI: Irritable Bowel syndrome & pengobatan simtomatis utk nyeri & ggn GI yg berhubungan dg spasme otot polos.BSO: Tab 40 mg

D: 40 mg 2-3x/hr. KI: P: Glaukoma, hyperplasia prostate jinak, stenosis pilorik. Hamil & Laktasi.ES: Mual, lelah, nyeri epigastrium, vertigo.IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Spasmomen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 40: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLactobacillusI: Pemeliharaan kesehatan fungsi GIT BSO: Tab, Kapsul D: 3x/hr.KI: P: Bumil & LaktasiES: IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 41: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTegaserodI: ‘Irritable bowel syndrome’, predominan konstipasi, khususnya wanita. Rasa tidak enakpada perut.BSO: Tab 6 mg

D: 6mg 2x/hr selama maks 12 mingguKI: LaktasiP: Kerusakan hati berat,hamil.ES: Nyeri abdomen, diare,mual, flatulensi, sakit kepala, pusing, nyeri punggung & sindr seperti flu.IO: Preg:: B

Nama Dagang:Zelmac

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 42: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Anti SpasmodikPapaverine HClPramiverineMebeverineHyoscine butylbromideButropium BromidePropantheline bromideValethamate bromideTimepidium bromideChlordiazepoxideTiemonium methylsulphate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FB: facebook.com/mulachella

Page 43: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPapaverine HClI: Kolik sal empedu, ginjal & otot polos lainnya, emboli perifer & mesenteric.BSO: Tab 40 mg, amp 40 mg/cc D: Tab, SC, IM, IV 40-80 mg 3x/hr. KI: P: Pemberian IV, GlaukomaES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 44: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPramiverineI: Kolik & Kejang otot polos: sal cerna, empedu & sal kemihBSO: Tab 2 mg

D: 2 mg 3x/hr . Akut 4 mg 2x/hr selama 2 hr.KI: Glaukoma sudut sempit, adenoma prostate dg tendensi terbentuknya sisa urine, takiaritmia, stenosis mekanik sl GIT, megakolon, paska bedah abdomen.P: Hipotensi, bayi, bumil.ES: Rasa kering mulut& kulit, ruam kulit, pandangan kabur, glaucoma, takikardia, ggn kencing.IO: Peningkatan efek antikholinergik dg amantadin atau antidepresan trisiklik.Preg::

Nama Dagang:Systabon Plain

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 45: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMebeverineI: Ggn spasme kolon. Sindr ‘Irritable colon’ stadium awal & yg disertai luka pada GIT (divertikulosis & divertikulitis pd kolon, enteritis regional, pnykit kandung empedu, tukak lambung & usus 12 jari, disentri, inflamasi spesifik & non spesifik GIT). BSO: Tab salut gula 135 mg

D: 135 mg 3x/hr, 20 menit a.c KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: BSO: Nama Dagang:Duspatalin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 46: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHyoscine butylbromideI: Spasme GIT & Sal kemih. Pencegahan & terapi dismenore.BSO: Tab 10 mg, ampul 20 mg/cc

D: Dws 10-20 mg 4x/hr, anak 10 mg 3x/hr. KI: Hipersensitif, porfiria, glaucoma, hipertrofi prostate dg kecenderungan retensi urine, stenosis mekanis GIT, takikardia, megakolon.P: Bumil, laktasi, lansia, ggn jantung, colitis ulseratif, ileus paralitik, stenosis pilorik. Hindari minuman alcohol.ES: Kering mulut & kulit, konstipasi, palpitasi, aritmia jantung, bradikardi, takikardia, reaksi paradoksikal, ggn penglihatan.IO: Antihistamin, antidepresan, kuinidin, disopiramid, alcohol, antidepresan, analgesic narkotik, sedative/ hipnotik, kalium klorida.Preg:: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 47: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexButropium BromideI: Nyeri, kejang yg berhubungan dengan gastritis, enteritis, tukak peptic, kolesistitis, diskinesia bilier.BSO: Tab 5 mg.D: 10 mg 3x/hr.KI: Glaukoma, Ggn sal kemih krn hipertrofi prostate, ggn jantung berat, ileus paralitik, stenosis pylorus, hipersensitif.P: Hipertrofi prostate, gagal jantung kongestif, aritmia, colitis ulseratif, hipertiroidisme. Bumil.ES: Ggn daya akomodasi mata. Mulut kering. Mual,muntah, konstipasi, ggn miksi, sakit kepala, mengantuk, pusing, takikardia, hipotensi, muka merah, lesu, reaksi hipersensitif.IO: Antidepresan trisiklik, Fenotiazin, MAOIPreg:: C

Nama Dagang: Coliopan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 48: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPropantheline bromideI: Terapi tambahan ulkus peptic & colitis ulseratif, divertikulitis, divertikulitis, kolesistitis, pankreatitis & prosedur diagnostic GI. Utk pengobatan sindr usus iritabel, kolik ginjal & hiperhidrosis.BSO: Tab 15 mg

D: Ulkus peptic 15 mg a.c & 30 mg sblm tidur. Kontras: 30 mg, 45 menit sblm foto. Indikasi lain 15-30 mg 4x/hr. KI: Penyakit obstruktif GI/ Sal kemih. Atoni usus. Colitis ulseratif berat atau toksikmegakolon, hiatal hernia sehubungan dg refluks esofagitis, perdarahan akut, miastenia gravis, glaucoma.P: Panyakit KV berat, lansia, neuropati otonomik, colitis ulseratif, peny hati/ ginjal, hipertiroid, peny jantung kongestif, PJK, hipotensi.ES: Mulut kering, pandangan kabur, midriasi, efek SSP, takikardia, retensi urine, ‘heat stroke’, ggn GI, dermatitis alergi, impotensi, anafilaksis, konstipasi.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 49: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Meningkatkan kadar digoksin serum, potensiasi efek kolinergik dari antihistamin, antidepresan, antipsikotik, obat anti Parkinson.Preg:: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 50: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValethamate bromideI: GI spasm (cardiospasm, spastic constipation, ulcerative complaints), spasm of biliary & urinary tract, spasmodic dismenore, delayed dilatation of cervix in parturition. Child: Pylorospsm, spastic bronkhitisBSO: Tab 10 mg, Amp 8 mg/cc.D: Tab 10-20 mg 3x/hr. Amp 8-16 mg IV/ IM/ SCKI: Glaukoma sdt tertutup, obstruksi GIT/ UT, hipertrofi prostate, megakolon, stenosis pylorus.P: ES: Sikloplegia, mydriasis, mulut kering, flushing, takikardi, palpitasi, konstipasi, rash, muntah, fotofobia.IO: Efek antikholinergik bias ditingkatkan oleh parasimpatolitik lain. Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Epidosin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 51: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTimepidium bromideI: Spasme otot polos.BSO: Kaps 30 mg, Amp 7.5 mg/cc D: Kaps 30 mg 3x/hr Amp 7.5mg SC/IM/IV.KI: Glaukoma, disuria, gagal jantung, ileus paralitikP: hipertrofi prostate, hipertiroidisme, CHF, aritmia, colitis ulseratif idiopatik.ES: Fotofobia, mulut kering, vertigo, palpitasi, konstipasi, disuria.IO: Efek ditingkatkan oleh Trisiklik antidepresan, Phenothiazine, MAOIsPreg::

Nama Dagang: Sesden

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 52: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlordiazepoxideI: Nyeri spastic, dismenore, tukak peptik.BSO: Tab 5 mg

D: 1-2 drag 3x/hrKI: Glaukoma sudut sempit akut, miastenia gravis, syok, psikosis berat.P: Ketergantungan, amnesia & serangan grandmal, penyakit otak organic, insufisiensi kardiorespiratoris, penurunan fungsi hati/ ginjal. Gagal nafas/ PPOK. Bumil/ laktasi. Lansia. ES: Lesu, ngantuk, lemah otot.IO: Meningkatkan efek Depresan SSP pada alcohol, barbiturate, antihistamin, fenotiazin, opiate, Fenitoin (potensiasi), meningkatkan efek relaksasi otot dg benzodiazepine & relaksasi otot lainnya. Antasida mengganggu absorbsi di GI Preg:: D Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 53: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTiemonium methylsulphateI: Spasme sal cerna, sal nafas, sal kemih.BSO: Sir 10 mg/5cc D: Dws 5-15cc 3x/hr Anak 15cc/5cc/kgBB/hrKI: Glaukoma, hyperplasia/ adenoma prostate.P: Bumiltrim 1 ES: IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Visceralgine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 54: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Anti DiareLoperamide HClDioctahedral smectiteKaolin, PectinAttapulgitRacecadotrilFurazolidoneCharcoalBismuth salicylateParomomycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 55: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLoperamide HClI: Diare akut non spesifik & diare kronisBSO: Tab, Kaps 2 mg D: Awal 4 mg diikuti 2 mg tiap selesai BAB, maks 16 mg/hr. Tidaklebih dari 2 hari.KI: Anak <12 th, colitis akut yg dpt menyebabkan megakolon toksik, kondisi dimana konstipasi hrs dihindari.P: Insufisiensi hati & ginjal. Tidak untuk diare akut krn einfeksi E coli, Salmonella & shigella sp. Tidak untuk diare berdarah & demam tinggi. Bumil laktasiES: Kembung, konstipasi, mual, muntah, nyeri abdomen, lelah, ngantuk, pusing, megakolon toksik.IO: Tranquilizer, alcohol, penghambat MAO. Preg:: B

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 56: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDioctahedral smectiteI: Diare non spesifikBSO: Sachet 3 g D: Dws & anak >12 thn 3 sachet/hr, 6-12 thn 1-2 sachet/hr. < 6 th sesuai petunjuk dokter.KI: P: DehidrasiES: KonstipasiIO: Mengganggu absorbsiPreg::

Nama Dagang:Smecta

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 57: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKaolin, PectinI: Diare non spesifikBSO: Tab (K 550 mg+P 20mg),Susp (K 5.832 g+ P 130 mg) per fl oz, atau (K 700 mg+ P 50 mg)D: Dws & anak >12 thn 2.5 tab/diare maks 15 tab/hr, 6-12 thn 1.5 tab/diare maks 7.5 tab/hr.KI: Obstruksi intestinal, hipersensitifitas P: Anak< 6 th. Jangan digunakan >2 hr & demam.ES: IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 58: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAttapulgitI: Diare non spesifikBSO:Tab (600mg), (A 600mg/ 700mg/ 750mg+Pectin 50mg)

D: Dws 2 tab/diare maks 12 tab/hr. Anak ½ dosis dws. KI: Obstruksi usus. Anak <6thn.P: Tdk utk diare dg demam tinggi.ES: KonstipasiIO: DigoksinPreg:: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 59: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRacecadotrilI: Bila rehidrasi oral tidak membantuBSO: Kaps 100 mg D: Dws & Anak >15thn 100mg Dosis Tunggal. Terapi selanjutnya 8jam kemudian sampai diare berhenti, maks 400mg/hr. KI: Bumil laktasi.P: Anak <15 thn tidak dianjurkanES: Ngantuk, mual, muntah, konstipasi, pusing, sakit kepala, ruam kulit.IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:Hidrasec

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 60: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFurazolidoneNitrofuran with antiprotozoal activity. I: Diare spesifik & Enteritis krn Salmonella, shigella, Staph aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, E coli, Entamoeba histolitika, Giardia intestinalis. BSO: Sir 50mg/5cc D: Dws & Anak >12th 50-100mg, 5-12th 25-50mg, 3bln-1th 12.5mg. 4x/hr selama maks 7hr.KI: Bayi <3 blnP: Bumil laktasi.ES: Pusing, mual, muntah, bintik merah kulit, hipotensi, demam, artralgia, hemolisis akut pd G6PD.IO: alcohol, Antidepresan guanetidin, metildopa, reserpin, efedrin, amfetamin,fenilefrin, tiramin.Preg:: C

Nama Dagang:Neo Prodiar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 61: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCharcoalFor maximum effect, administer within 30 min after ingesting toxic agents.I: Diare, kembungBSO: Tab 250 mg.D: Dws 750mg-1g 3x/hr. Anak 250-500mg.KI: P: ES: Muntah, konstipasi, feses hitam.IO: antidotum oral spesifik. Menurunkan kerja Ipecacuanha & emetic lain. Dg bbrp obat oral: menimbulkan efek simultan. Preg:: CNama Dagang:Bekarbon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 62: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBismuth salicylateI: Diare Non spesifikBSO: Tab 375mg D: Dws 375mg tiap 30mnt-1jam maks 8 dosis/hr.KI: Baru sembuh dari Influenza. Alergi thd Acetosal. Bayi, anak <12 thn. Manula.P: Bumil laktasi. Dianjurkan banyak minum. Pasien DM/ Gout/ yg mendapat terapi antikoagulanES: Lidah & Tinja hitam.IO: Dapat menurunkan kadar Doksisiklin dlm tubuh.Preg:: C

Nama Dagang: Scantoma

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 63: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexParomomycin sulfateAmebicide I: Acute and chronic intestinal amebiasis; preoperatively to suppress intestinal flora; tapeworm infestations; treatment of Cryptosporidium BSO: Capsule: 250 mgD: Oral: Dientamoeba fragilis: 25-30 mg/kg/hr. dlm 3 dosis slm 7 hari. Cryptosporidium: Adults with AIDS: 1.5-2.25 g/hr. Dlm 3-6 dosis for 10-14 days (up to 4-8 weeks may be needed) Tapeworm (fish, dog, bovine, porcine): Children: 11 mg/kg every 15 minutes for 4 doses Adults: 1 g every 15 minutes for 4 doses Hepatic coma: Adults: 4 g/day in 2-4 divided doses for 5-6 days Dwarf tapeworm: Children and Adults: 45 mg/kg/dose every day for 5-7 days KI: Intestinal obstruction, renal failure, hypersensitivityP: Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function or possible or proven ulcerative bowel lesions

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 64: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: 1% to 10%: Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, heartburn <1%: Headache, vertigo, exanthema, rash, pruritus, steatorrhea, secondary enterocolitis, eosinophilia, ototoxicity IO: Decreased effect of digoxin, vitamin A, and methotrexate Increased effect of oral anticoagulants, neuromuscular blockers, and polypeptide antibiotics

Preg: CBSO: Nama Dagang:Gabbryl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 65: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Laksatif & PencaharBisacodylLactuloseSodium PicosulfateIsphagulaDocusate sodiumNifuroxazide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 66: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBisacodylI: Kontipasi. Nyeri saat BAB pd hemoroid. Pre& post operasi. Persiapan Barium Enema. Persiapan Us besar utk Proktosigmoidoskopi.BSO:Tab 5mgSupp 5mg, 10mg D: Dws 10-20mg bedtime. Anak 5-10mg. KI: Obstruksi usus kecil, keadaan yg memerlukan pembedahan abdomen segera, dehidrasi berat.P: Anak, bumil.ES: Rasa tidak enak pada perut, diare.IO: Antasida, susu, obat lain yg , meningkatkan pH lambung.Preg:: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 67: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSorbitolI: Konstipasi, rectal & sigmoid, kehamilan, fekaloma & skibala. Persiapan pra-op (partus, ginekologi, pembedahan anus)BSO :Sacchet 5gEnema 5cc

D: Dws 5 g 3x/hr KI: P: ES: IO: Preg::

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 68: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLactuloseI: Konstipasi kronikBSO: Sirup 66,7%/5cc, 10g/15cc, 3.335g/5cc.D: 10g/hr maks 40g/hr. KI: Pasien galaktosemia yg membutuhkan diet rendah galaktosa.P: DM. Bumil laktasi, manula, anak.ES: Kembung, diare, kram lambung, hipokalemia, hipernatremia, mual, muntah.IO: Neomisin & antibiotic lain.Preg:: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)FB: facebook.com/mulachella

Page 69: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSodium PicosulfateI: SembelitBSO: Tetes 7.5 mg/cc D: Dws 8-12tts malam hari.KI: Operasi abdomen akutP: Jangka lama/ dosis tinggi.ES: Hipokalemia IO: Absorbsi diganggu oleh antibiotic spectrum luas Preg::

Nama Dagang:Laxoberon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 70: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsphagulaI: Melancarkan regulasi feses pada konstipasi, hemorrhoid, fissure ani,op abdomen/ anus.BSO: Sachet 5 gD: Dws & anak >12th 1 sachet 2-6x/hrKI: IDDM tak terkontrolP: Turunkan dosis insulin pada IDDMES: kembungIO: AntidiarePreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 71: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDocusate sodiumI: KonstipasiBSO: Tab/ Kaps 100 mg, 250 mg, 50 mg Syr mg/15 mlD: single Dose KI: P: ES: stomach ache, cramping or irritated throat (liquid forms). If these effects continue or become bothersome, inform your doctor. Dehydration and loss of essential nutrients. Symptoms include muscle cramps, muscle weakness or dizziness. IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Waxsol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 72: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNifuroxazideI: Diare krn E. Coli, kolopati spesifik & non spesifikBSO: Syr 250 mg/ 5cc D: Dws 1-2 sdt 3x/hr, Anak & Bayi>6 bln 1 sdt 3x/hr. < 6 bln 1 sdt 3x/hrKI: kerusakan fungsi ginjal dan hati. Hipertiroid. Intoleransi Yodium.P: kelainan neurologiES: Neurotoksisitas berat. Nyeri abdomen, diare, pigmentasi warna hijau pd lidah, urine & feses. Kerusakan serebralIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X

Nama Dagang:NifudiarNifural

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 73: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. DigestanPancreatin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 74: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPancreatinI: Gangguan pencernaanBSO: Tab 150mg, 300mg, 400 mg

D: 1x/hrKI: P: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X ES: Diarrhea, constipation, stomach ache, nausea, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue or dizziness the first few days as your body adjusts to it. Dizziness or drowsiness. IO: Antasid Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 75: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. Kolagogum, Kolelitolitik & Hepatik ProtektorOrnithinChenodeoxycholic acidUrsodeoxycholic acidAmino acids

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 76: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOrnithinIndikasi: Ggn fungsi hati, Hiperammonia karena pnykt hepar, sirosis hepatis, ensefalopati

Kemasan DosisAmpul 0,5 mg/cc 4-8 Ampul/ hr, max infus 5g/hrKaps 250 mg 1-3x/hr ssdh makan

Kontra Indikasi: Skizofrenia, insomnia, anakEfek Samping: Mual, muntah Preg:: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 77: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChenodeoxycholic acidIndikasi: Batu empedu radiolusenBSO: kaps lunak 250mgD: 15 mg/kg/hrKontra Indikasi: Pnykit hati kronik, Gagal Ginjal, ulkus peptikum, radang usus halus, hamil, laktasi, puasaP: Monitor fungsi hatiPreg:: X Efek Samping: Diare, pruritus, pengingkatan sementara tes fungsi hati IO: Metildopa, kontrasepsi oral & obat hepatotoksikNama Dagang:Chenofalk

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 78: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexUrsodeoxycholic acidIndikasi:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 79: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmino acidsI:Nutrisi parenteral esensial utk pasien insufisiensi hati kronik berat BSO: Infus 500ccD: 1-1,5 L/hr dg kecep infus 2cc/kg/jam atau 40 tts/mntKI: Koma hepatik endogen,atrofi hepatik akut, hiperkalemia, syok, dekompensasi kordis, intoleransi fruktosa atau sorbitol, defisiensi fruktosa 1,6-difosfat, keracunan metanol,kelainan metabolisme asam aminoP: ES: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X IO: Nama Dagang:Aminofusin Hepar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 80: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. Preparat AnorektalMonoxerutinDiosmin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 81: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMonoxerutinI: Varises, hemoroidBSO: Kaps. 300 mgD: Awal 1 kaps 2x/hr. Pemeliharaan: 1 kaps/hrKI: P: Preg:: ES: Keluhan ringan lambungIO: Nama Dagang:Venaron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 82: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiosminI: Varises, insufisiensi vena, flebitis, hemoroidBSO: Tab 200mg, 500 mgD: Insufisiensi vena kronis 1 g/hrHemoroid akut: hr 1-4= 3g/hr, hr 5-7= 2g/hr, selanjutnya 1g/hr.

Hemoroid kronis: 1g/hr terbagi 1-3 dosisKI: HipersensitifP: Bumil, LaktasiPreg:: ES: Gangguan GI minorIO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 83: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 84: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Cardiac DrugDigoxinDobutaminDopamine HCl Isoprenaline HCMilrinonePrajmalium bitartrateAmiodaronelidocainePropafenone HCl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 85: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDigoxin-- + inotropic effect. Effect is achieved via inhibition of the Na+/K+-ATPase pump, leading to increase in intracellular sodium concentration along with concomitant increase in intracellular calcium concentration by means of calcium-sodium exchange mechanism. Net result is augmentation of myocardial contractility.I: Gagal jantung, takikardi supraventrikulerBSO: Tab 0,25 mgD:Dws: Digitalisasi cepat (24-36 jam): 4-6 tab lalu 1 tab pd interval ttt smp kompensasi tercapai.Digitalisasi lambat (3-5 hr): 2-6 tab/hr dlm dosis terbagi.Penunjang: 1-3 tab/hrAnak <10th: Digitalisasi cepat : 25mcg/kg pd interval ttt smp kompensasi tercapai.Penunjang: 10-20 mcg/hr

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 86: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: hypersensitivity; beriberi heart disease; idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis; constrictive pericarditis; carotid sinus syndromeIO: Increase digoxin levels: alprazolam, benzodiazepines, bepridil, captopril, cyclosporine, propafenone, propantheline, quinidine, diltiazem, aminoglycosides, oral amiodarone, anticholinergics, diphenoxylate, erythromycin, felodipine, flecainide, hydroxychloroquine, itraconazole, nifedipine, omeprazole, quinine, ibuprofen, indomethacin, esmolol, tetracycline, tolbutamide, and verapamil.Decrease serum digoxin levels: aminoglutethimide, antihistamines, cholestyramine, neomycin, penicillamine, aminoglycosides, oral colestipol, hydantoins, hypoglycemic agents, antineoplastic treatment combinations (eg, carmustine, bleomycin, methotrexate, cytarabine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine), aluminum or magnesium antacids, rifampin, sucralfate, sulfasalazine, barbiturates, kaolin/pectin, and aminosalicylic acidPreg:C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 87: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:Hypokalemia may reduce + inotropic effect of digitalis; IV calcium may produce arrhythmias in digitalized patients; hypercalcemia predisposes patient to digitalis toxicity; hypocalcemia can make digoxin ineffective until serum calcium levels are normal; magnesium replacement therapy must be instituted in patients with hypomagnesemia to prevent digitalis toxicity; patients diagnosed with incomplete AV block may progress to complete block when treated with digoxin; exercise caution in hypothyroidism, hypoxia, and acute myocarditis; adjust dose in renal impairment; highly toxic (overdoses can be fatal)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 88: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDobutaminProduces vasodilation and increases inotropic state. At higher dosages may cause increased heart rate, exacerbating myocardial ischemia.I: Penunjang inotropik untuk Gagal JantungBSO: Amp. 12,5 mg/20ccVial 250 mg/10ccVial 50 mg/ccLar Infus 250 mg/ 5ccD: Awal 100-200 mcg/mnt IVInfus 2,5-10 mcg/kgBB/mnt. Dapat ditingkatkan hingga 40 mcg/kgBB/mnt.KI: Stenosis subaortik hipertrofik idiopatik, FeokromositomaP: Monitor kecepatan & irama denyutPreg:: BES: HipotensiIO: Nitroprussid, b-blocker menghambat efek DobutaminNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 89: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDopamine HClStimulates both adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. I: Syok kardiogenik yng berhub dg infark myokard, septicemia endotoksik, trauma, gagal ginjal.BSO: Amp. 10 mg/cc, 20mg/cc, 40 mg/ccD: 2,5 mcg/kg/mnt dilarutkan dalam infuse IV. Dapat dinaikkan hingga 20-50 mg/kg/mnt.KI: Feokromositoma, takiaritmia atrial/ventrikulerP: Hipovolemia.Preg: C ES: Denyut ektopik, takikardia, nyeri angina, palpitasi.IO: Dipotensiasi oleh MAOI, FenotiazinNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 90: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoprenaline HClI: Blok jantung, serangan adam-stokes, henti jantung, bronkospasme dalam anestesi, hipoperfusi dan syokBSO: Inj 0,2 mg/ccD: Blok jantung, serangan adam-stokes, henti jantung: Dws:Bolus IV inj awal 0,02-0,06 mg, selanjutnya 0,01-0,2mg. Infus IV 5 mcg/mnt. IM awal 0,2 mg, selanjutnya 0,15-0,2mg.Intrakardiak 0,2mgBronkospasme dalam anestesi bolus inj: awal 0,01-0,02 mg. Hipoperfusi dan syok Dws: infus 0,5-5 mcg/mnt KI: Takiaritmia, takikardia atau blok jantung krn intoksikasi digitalis, aritmia ventrikuler yg membutuhkan terapi inotropik, angina pektorisP: PJK, insufisiensi koroner, syokkardiogenik, DM, hipertiroid, anestesi halotan. Perbaiki gangguan keseimbangan elektrolit dan hipovolemia sblm pemberian terapiPreg:: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 91: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Kecemasan, pusing, sakit kepala, palpitasi, angina, serangan Adam-Stokes, edema pulmonal, hipertensi, hipotensi, aritmia ventrikuler, takiaritmia, flushing, berkeringatIO: Isoproterenol & epinefrin dpt menyebabkan aritmiaNama Dagang: Isuprel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 92: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMilrinone+ inotropic agent and vasodilator. Results in reduced afterload, reduced preload, and increased cardiac output. Several studies comparing milrinone to dobutamine have demonstrated that milrinone showed greater improvements in preload and afterload and improvements in cardiac output, without significant increases in myocardial oxygen consumption.D:50 mcg/kg IV loading dose over 10 min, followed by continuous infusion at 0.25-1.0 mcg/kg/min; titrate to maintain adequate systolic blood pressure and cardiac outputKI:hypersensitivity; obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathyIO:Precipitates in presence of furosemidePreg: C P:Monitor fluids, electrolyte changes, and renal function during therapy; excessive diuresis may increase potassium loss and

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 93: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpredispose digitalized patients to arrhythmias (correct hypokalemia with potassium supplementation prior to treatment); slow rates or stop infusion in patients showing excessive decreases in blood pressure; previous vigorous diuretic therapy has caused significant decreases in cardiac filling pressure; administer cautiously and monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and clinical symptomatologyNama Dagang:Coritrope

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 94: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrajmalium bitartrateI: Takiaritmia tanpa gangguan konduksi AV,ekstra sistole yg tak tergantung pada penyebabnya kecuali pada bradikardia, sindrom WPW, pengobatan setelah elektrokonversi, pencegahan pada takikardia paroksismal, kateterisasi jantung.BSO: Tab 20 mg D: Awal 1 tab 3-4x/hr. Penunjang ½ tab 2-4x/hr. Pencegahan 1

tab 2x/hr. BB < 50kg dosisnya 1 mg/kg/hr.

KI: Gangguan konduksi AV & stimulus konduksi intraventrikuler, serangan Adam’s-Stokes.Bradiaritmia tmsk ekstrasistole dari denyut jantung yg lambat.P: Dekompensasi kordis. Bumil trim IPreg:: ES: Ikterus kolestatik,ggn penglihatanIO: Nama Dagang:Neo-Gilurytmal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 95: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmiodaroneDrug of choice: unstable ventricular arrhythmias. Currently considered a Class IIb intervention by the American Heart Association 2000 Emergency Cardiovascular Care Guidelines. Prehospital studies currently suggest that amiodarone is safe and efficacious for use in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Often used for life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in patients who have relative KI: to its use.BSO: Tab 200 mg, Amp 150 mg/ccD:150 mg IV infused over 10 min, follow with 1 mg/min constant infusion for 6 h, then maintenance infusion at 0.5 mg/minOral dosing generally 400 mg/d following loadKI:hypersensitivity; sinus node dysfunction; atrioventricular conduction disorders; underlying hepatic, pulmonary, or thyroid diseaseIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 96: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIncreases effect and blood levels of theophylline, quinidine, procainamide, phenytoin, methotrexate, flecainide, digoxin, cyclosporine, beta-blockers, and anticoagulants; cardiotoxicity of amiodarone is increased by ritonavir, sparfloxacin, and disopyramide; coadministration with calcium channel blockers may cause an additive effect and decrease myocardial contractility further; cimetidine may increase amiodarone levelsPreg: C P: Hypotension, bradycardia, and AV block may occur; hypotension is most common adverse effect during IV administration; acute life-threatening pulmonary or hepatic toxicity may complicate acute or chronic use of this drug; elevation of serum hepatic enzymes and/or TSH requires that patients be monitored carefully during amiodarone therapy; rarely, irreversible blindness from optic neuritis is observed with chronic useNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 97: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLidocaine -- Class IB antiarrhythmic that increases electrical stimulation threshold of the ventricle, suppressing automaticity of conduction through the tissue. Although lidocaine may terminate VT successfully, it may increase the overall mortality in peri-infarction VT. Evidence for effectiveness is considered "Indeterminate" in the 2000 American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care guidelines.D: 1-1.5 mg/kg IV push, followed by 0.5-0.75 mg/kg IV push to a maximum of 3 mg/kg Continuous 1–4 mg/min infusion should be started after arrhythmia is suppressedPaed.Endotracheal, intraosseous, and IV loading dose: 1 mg/kg, may repeat twice at 10- to 15-min intervals if necessary; follow with continuous IV infusion of 20-50 mcg/kg/minKI: hypersensitivity to amide-type local anesthetics; avoid in Adams-Stokes syndrome and Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 98: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexavoid in severe sinoatrial, atrioventricular (AV), or intraventricular block if artificial pacemaker not in placeIO: Coadministration with cimetidine or beta-blockers, increases toxicity of lidocaine; coadministration with procainamide and tocainide may result in additive cardiodepressant action; may increase effects of succinylcholinePreg: BP:Do not use a drug solution that contains preservatives; caution in heart failure, hepatic disease, hypoxia, hypovolemia or shock, respiratory-depression, and bradycardia; elderly patients may be at increased risk for CNS and cardiac adverse effects due to increased half-life or decreased clearance of the drug; high plasma concentrations can cause seizures, heart block, and AV conduction abnormalities; has been associated with malignant hyperthermia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 99: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPropafenone HClPossibly works by reducing spontaneous automaticity and prolonging the refractory period.I: Fibrilasi/ Flutter atrium paroksismal, takikardia supraventrikuler paroksismal, aritmia ventrikulerBSO: Tab salut selaput 150 mgD: 150 mg PO q8h and increase at 3- to 4-d intervals up to 300 mg q8hKI: hypersensitivity; bronchospastic disorders; conduction disorders; bradycardia; uncontrolled heart failureIO: Decreases serum levels of rifampin; cimetidine, quinidine, warfarin, and beta-blockers may increase serum levels of propafenonePreg: CP: Should only be used for life-threatening arrhythmias; caution in patients with congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, or hepatic or renal dysfunctionNama Dagang: Rytmonorm

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 100: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Anti AnginaNitroglycerin/ Glyceryl trinitrateIsosorbideDipyridamoleTrimetazidine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 101: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexShort-acting nitroglycerinsNitroglycerin/ Glyceryl trinitrate Causes relaxation of vascular smooth muscle by stimulating intracellular cyclic GMP production. Result is decrease in BP.I: Mengontrol hipertensi, angina pectorisBSO: amp 50 mg/10ccD: Jangan langsung IV, tapi larutkan dg NaCl 5% atau Glukosa 5%. Kadar maks 400mcg/cc.Titrasi awal 5 mcg/mnt, dpt dinaikkan 10 sampai 20 mcg/mnt. KI:hypersensitivity; severe anemia; shock; postural hypotension; head trauma; closed-angle glaucoma; cerebral hemorrhage; hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathyIO:Concurrent sildenafil (Viagra) may cause severe hypotension and death; aspirin may increase serum concentrations; calcium channel blockers may cause markedly symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (dose adjustment of either agent may be necessary)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 102: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreg: CP:Caution in coronary artery disease and low systolic BP; adverse effects include hypotension, flushing, headache, light-headedness, and tolerance (8- to 12-h nitrate-free interval is most effective method to prevent development of tolerance); high IV doses may cause methemoglobinemia, heparin resistance, and ethanol intoxication; ischemia may worsen upon withdrawal

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 103: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLong-acting nitroglycerins IsosorbideRelaxes vascular smooth muscle by stimulating intracellular cyclic GMP. Decreases LV pressure (ie, preload) and arterial resistance (ie, afterload). Reduces cardiac oxygen demand by decreasing LV pressure and dilating arteries.I: BSO: Isosorbide dinitrate:Tab 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, Tab sublingual 5 mgTab retard 20 mgIV 1 mg/ ccIsosorbide mononitrate:Tab salut 60 mgD: Isosorbide dinitrate:2.5-10 mg SL prn IR10-30 mg PO bid/tid SR80-120 mg PO qd IR (4x)Isosorbide mononitrate:10-20 mg PO bid SR30-120 mg PO qd

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 104: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; severe anemia; closed-angle glaucoma; postural hypotension; head trauma; cerebral hemorrhageIO: Alcohol may cause severe hypotension and cardiovascular collapse; aspirin may increase serum concentrations and actions; calcium channel blockers may increase symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (adjust dose of either agent); may decrease effects of heparinPreg: CP: Tolerance to vascular and antianginal effects of nitrates may develop; minimize tolerance by using smallest effective dose or pulse therapy (intermittent dosing) or by alternating with other coronary vasodilators (take last daily dose of short-acting agent no later than 7 pm); caution when administering to patients with glaucoma Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 105: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDipyridamoleI: angina pektoris, ggn sirkulasi darah koroner, pasca infarkBSO: Tab 25 mg, 75 mg

D: 25-50 mg 2-3x/hr. KI: HipersensitifP: Jangan utk angina akut, stenosis aorta subvalvular, hemodinamik tak stabik karena MIES: Ggn GI, sakit kepalaIO: Derivat Xantin: teofilin & kafein menurunkan efek vasodilator. Aspirin menginduksi efek antitrombotikPreg:: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 106: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrimetazidineI: Tambahan utk terapi anginaBSO: Tab salut selaput 35 mgD: 1 tab 2x/hrKI: Laktasi P: Gagal ginjal, gagal hati berat. Tidak utk serangan akut, angina tak stabil dan IM. BumilES: Ggn GI,muntahIO: Preg::

Nama Dagang: Trizedon MR

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 107: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. ACE InhibitorCaptopril Quinapril FosinoprilEnalaprilLisinoprilImidaprilTrandolaprilBenazeprilRamiprilPerindopril

Comparative studies show ACE inhibitors are more effective than other antihypertensives (ie, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers) in reducing blood pressure and proteinuria, protecting renal function, and delaying onset of end-stage renal disease.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 108: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCaptoprilPrevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, resulting in lower aldosterone secretion.I:BSO: Tab 12,5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg

D: Hypertension: 12.5-25 mg PO 2-3x; may increase by 12.5-25 mg/dose at 1- to 2-wk intervals; max 50 mg 3xCrCl 10-50 mL/min: give 75% of starting doseCrCl <10 mL/min: give 50% of starting doseCHF: 6.25-12.5 mg PO bid/tid; may increase by 12.5-25 mg/dose at 1- to 2-wk intervals; max 100 mg tidPaed.Neonates: 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/dose PO q6-24h; titrate dose up to 0.5 mg/kg/dose prnInfants: 0.15-0.3 mg/kg/dose PO q6-24h; titrate dose up; max 6 mg/kg/d in 2-4 divided doses prn

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 109: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: 0.3-0.5 mg/kg/dose PO q6-24h; titrate dose up; max of 6 mg/kg/d in 2-4 divided doses prnKI: Hipersensitif; renal impairmentIO:NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of captopril; ACE inhibitors may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases captopril levels; probenecid may increase captopril levels; the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced when given concurrently with diureticsPreg: C, DP:Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failure Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 110: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexQuinaprilCompetitive inhibitor of ACE. Reduce angiotensin II levels, decreasing aldosterone secretion.BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mgD: Hypertension: 10 mg PO 1-2x; increase to 80 mg/d prnCHF: 10 mg PO 1-2x; target dose is 20 mg PO bidKI: Hipersensitif; angioedemaIO: NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of enalapril; ACE inhibitors may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases enalapril levels; probenecid may increase enalapril levels; the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced when given concurrently with diureticsPreg: C, DP: Caution in renal impairment (serum creatinine >3.5), valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failure; watch for serum potassiumNama Dagang:Accupril

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 111: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFosinoprilCompetitive inhibitors of ACE. Reduce angiotensin II levels, decreasing aldosterone secretion.BSO: Tab 10 mgD:Hypertension: 10 mg/d PO; increase to 80 mg/d prnCHF: 10 mg/d PO; target dose is 40 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO:NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects; may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases levels; probenecid may increase levels; diuretics may exacerbate hypotensive effectsPreg: C, DP: Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, severe CHFNama Dagang: Acenor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 112: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEnalaprilPrevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, resulting in increased levels of plasma renin and a reduction in aldosterone secretion.Helps control blood pressure and proteinuria. Decreases pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio in the catheterization laboratory and increases systemic blood flow in patients with relatively low pulmonary vascular resistance. Has favorable clinical effect when administered over a long period. Helps prevent potassium loss in distal tubules. Body conserves potassium; thus, less oral potassium supplementation needed.BSO: Tab 5 mg,D:Hypertension: 2.5-5 mg/d PO; increase prn; dosing range is 10-40 mg/d PO 1-2x; alternatively, 1.25 mg/dose IV over 5 min q6hCHF: 2.5-5 mg/d PO; increase prn; dosing range is 10-40 mg/d PO 1-2xKI: Hipersensitif

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 113: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO:NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of enalapril; ACE inhibitors may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases enalapril levels; probenecid may increase enalapril levels; the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced when given concurrently with diureticsPreg: C, DP:renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failure; IV formulation not recommended in managing neonatal hypertension because of risk of acute renal failure and oliguria Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 114: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLisinoprilPrevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, resulting in lower aldosterone secretion.BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: Hypertension: 10 mg/d PO; increase 5-10 mg/d at 1- to 2-wk intervals; max 40 mgCHF: 10 mg/d PO; increase 5-10 mg/d at 1- to 2-wk intervals; target dose is 40 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO: NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of lisinopril; ACE inhibitors may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases lisinopril levels; probenecid may increase lisinopril levels; the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced when given concurrently with diureticsPreg: C, DP: renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failure Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 115: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImidaprilI: HipertensiBSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: Dws 5-10 mg 1x/hr. Pasien dg ggn ginjal, hipertensi berat atau hipertensi parenkim ginjal awal 2,5 mg/hrKI: Hipersensitif, pasien dalam pengobatan apheresi LDL menggunakan dextran selulosa sulfat. Pasien dialisis dengan acrylonitrilic methallyl sulfonat sodium membran (AN 69). Wanita atau wanita yang mungkin hamil.P: Hipertensi berat, hemodialisis, mendapat terapi diuretik, diet pembatasan garam secara ketat. Mengganggu kewaspadaan. Tak dianjurkan penggunaannya 1 jam sebelum operasi. Ggn ginjal berat. Stenosis arteri renal bilateral.ES: Ggn sist hematologi, albuminuria, peningkatan kreatinin BUN, sakit kepala, pusing, hipotensi postural, palpitasi, mual, muntah, nyeri perut, ruam, pruritus, batuk, rasa tidak enak pada faring, malaise, wajah kemerahan, kenaikan serum K, SGOT & SGPT

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 116: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Dextran selulosa, AN 69, diuretik hemat K, HCT, triklormetiazid, litium, suplemen Ca, AINS (Indometasin)Preg: Nama Dagang: Tanapress

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 117: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrandolaprilPrevent conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, resulting in lower aldosterone secretion.BSO: Tab 0.5 mg, 2 mgD: Hypertension: 1 mg/d PO; increase to 8 mg/d prnCHF: 1 mg/d PO; target dose is 4 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; history of angioedemaIO:May increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; probenecid may increase levels; diuretics or NSAIDs may increase hypotensive effectsPreg: C, DP: Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe CHF Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 118: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBenazeprilPrevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which is a potent vasoconstrictor. Also causes lower aldosterone secretion=> reducing systemic & glomerular capillary pressure.BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: 10 mg/d PO; increase to 80 mg/d prnKI: HipersensitifIO: NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of benazepril; ACE inhibitors may increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; rifampin decreases benazepril levels; probenecid may increase benazepril levels; the hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors may be enhanced when given concurrently with diureticsPreg: C, DP: Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failureNama Dagang: Cibacen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 119: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRamipril Prevent conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor, resulting in lower aldosterone secretion.BSO: Tab 2,5 mgD: Hypertension: 2.5 mg/d PO; increase to 20 mg/d prnCHF: 2.5 mg/d PO; target dose is 10 mg bidAngina: 2.5-5 mg PO qd; max 20 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; history of angioedemaIO: May increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; probenecid may increase levels; diuretics or NSAIDs may increase hypotensive effectsPreg: C, DP: Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe CHFNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 120: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPerindopril BSO: Tab 4 mgD: Hypertension: 4 mg/d PO; increase to 8 mg/d prnCHF: 2 mg/d PO; increase to 4 mg dosis tunggalKI: Hipersensitif; hamil,laktasiP: Caution in renal impairment, valvular stenosis, or severe CHFIO: Preg: C, DNama Dagang: Prexum

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 121: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. β BlockerPropranololAtenololMetoprololCarvedilolCarteololBisoprololSotalol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 122: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPropranolol Nonselective beta-blocker that is lipophilic (penetrates CNS). I: Hipertensi, angina pectoris, ansietas takikardia, disaritmia, kardiomiopati obstruktif hipertrofi & tremor esensial.Terapi tambahan pada tirotoksikosis & feokromositoma. Profilaksis setelah IMA, migren & angina.BSO: Tab 10 mgD: Hipertensi , angina pectoris 20 mg 3-4x/hr, titrasi s/d 40 mg 3-4x/hr. IR: 40-160 mg PO bidSR: 60-320 mg PO qdKI: Hipersensitif; history of bronchospasm; uncompensated CHF; bradycardia; cardiogenic shock; AV conduction abnormalitiesIO: Aluminum salts, barbiturates, NSAIDs, penicillins, calcium salts, cholestyramine, and rifampin may decrease effects; calcium channel blockers, cimetidine, loop diuretics, and MAOIs may increase toxicity; may increase toxicity of hydralazine, haloperidol, benzodiazepines, and phenothiazines

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 123: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreg: CP:Beta-adrenergic blockade may mask signs of acute hypoglycemia and hyperthyroidism; abrupt withdrawal may exacerbate symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm; withdraw drug slowly and monitor closely; adverse effects include bronchial constriction, Raynaud phenomenon, hypotension, decreased libido, impotence, lethargy, depression, and decreased HDL; caution in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and renal or hepatic dysfunction Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 124: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtenololSelectively blocks beta1-receptors, with little/no effect on beta2 BSO: tab 50 mg, 100 mgD: HT= 50 mg PO qd; increase to 100 mg/d, if necessaryAngina= 50-200 mg PO qdPaed. 1-2 mg/kg/dose PO qdKI: Hipersensitif; congestive heart failure; pulmonary edema; cardiogenic shock; AV conduction abnormalities; heart block (without a pacemaker)IO: Coadministration with aluminum salts, barbiturates, calcium salts, cholestyramine, NSAIDs, penicillins, and rifampin may decrease effects; haloperidol, hydralazine, loop diuretics, and MAOIs may increase toxicity of atenololPreg: CP: Beta-adrenergic blockade may reduce symptoms of acute hypoglycemia and mask signs of hyperthyroidism; abrupt withdrawal may exacerbate symptoms of hyperthyroidism and cause thyroid storm; monitor patients closely and withdraw drug slowly; during an IV, carefully monitor BP, heart rate, and ECG

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 125: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetoprololSelective beta1-adrenergic receptor blocker that decreases automaticity of contractions. During IV administration, carefully monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG.BSO: Tab 50 mg, 100 mgD: Hypertension= 00 mg/d PO qd or divided bid/tid initially and increase at 1-wk interval prn to a total of 450 mg/d if necessaryAngina= 50-200 mg PO bidCHF= 100 mg PO qd; titrate to maximum dose of 400 mg/d PO in 1-2 divided doses.Paed.: 1-5 mg/kg/24h PO divided bidKI:Hipersensitif; uncompensated congestive heart failure; bradycardia; asthma; cardiogenic shock; AV conduction abnormalitiesIO:Aluminum salts, barbiturates, NSAIDs, penicillins, calcium salts, cholestyramine, and rifampin may decrease bioavailability and plasma levels of metoprolol, possibly resulting in decreased

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 126: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpharmacologic effects; toxicity of metoprolol may increase with coadministration of sparfloxacin, phenothiazines, astemizole, calcium channel blockers, quinidine, flecainide, and contraceptives; metoprolol may increase toxicity of digoxin, flecainide, clonidine, epinephrine, nifedipine, prazosin, verapamil, and lidocainePreg: BP:Beta-adrenergic blockade may reduce signs and symptoms of acute hypoglycemia and may decrease clinical signs of hyperthyroidism; abrupt withdrawal may exacerbate symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm; monitor patient closely and withdraw the drug slowly; during IV administration, carefully monitor blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 127: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarvedilolNonselective beta- and alpha-adrenergic blocker. Does not appear to have intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. May reduce cardiac output and decrease peripheral vascular resistance.BSO: Tab 6.25 mg, 25 mgD: 6.25 mg PO bid; start at 3.125 mg PO bid in heart failure, maintain for 1-2 wk if tolerated, and then increase to 12.5 mg bid; max 25 mg bidKI: Hipersensitif; hypotension; bradycardia; AV/SA node disease; cardiogenic shock; severe uncontrolled cardiac failureIO: Rifampin, barbiturates, cholestyramine, colestipol, NSAIDs, salicylates, and penicillins may decrease effects; may increase effects of antidiabetic agents, digoxin, and calcium channel blockers; clonidine may increase BP and decrease heart rate; may decrease effect of sulfonylureas; cimetidine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and propafenone may increase levelsPreg: CP: CHF and in patients treated with digitalis, diuretics, or ACE inhibitors (AV conduction may be slowed); discontinue if liver

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 128: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indeximpairment occurs; caution in peripheral vascular disease, hyperthyroidism, and DM Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 129: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarteololI: Angina pectoris, takikardia atau aritmia supraventrikuler, hipertensi esensial & neurosis jantungBSO: Tab 5 mgD: Dws awal 10-15 mg/hr terbagi dalam 2-3 dosis. Maks 30 mg dalam dosis terbagi.KI: Asma bronchial, kecenderungan bronkospasme, diabetic ketoasidosis & metabolic asidosis. Sinus bradikardi berat. Blok atrial gr 2 & 3. Blok sinus, koma, syok kardiogenik, gagal ventrikuler kanan sebagai kalanjutan dr hipertensi pulmonal. Ggl jantung kongestif. hamilP: Hipoglikemia idiopatik, DM tak terkontrol. Puasa lama. Ggn hati & ginjal. Ggn sirkulasi perifer. Manula, ibu menyusui. Penghentian terapi 24 jam sblm op, terapi dgn ß-blocker lain pd pasien feokromositomaES: Jarang, bradikardi, hipotensi, edema pada ekstremitas bawah,sakit kepala,pusing, nyeri ulu hati, mual, muntah, meteorismus, nyeri lambung, konstipasi, diare, erupsi dan gatal pd kulit, lemah, vertigo,lelah.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 130: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Memperkuat obat hipoglikemik, antagonis Ca, simpatolitik, klonidin HClPreg:: C, D pd trim 2 &3 Nama Dagang: Mikelan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 131: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBisoprololSelectively blocks beta1 receptors, with little/no effect on beta2 BSO: Tab 2.5 mg, 5 mgD: 2.5-20 mg/d PO; max 40 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; pulmonary edema; cardiogenic shock; AV conduction abnormalities; heart block (without pacemaker)IO: Aluminum salts, barbiturates, NSAIDs, penicillins, calcium salts, cholestyramine, and rifampin may decrease bioavailability and plasma levels, possibly resulting in decreased pharmacologic effects; sparfloxacin, phenothiazines, astemizole (recalled from US market), calcium channel blockers, quinidine, flecainide, and contraceptives may increase toxicity; may increase toxicity of digoxin, flecainide, clonidine, epinephrine, nifedipine, prazosin, verapamil, and lidocainePreg: CP: May reduce signs & symptoms of acute hypoglycemia & may decrease clinical signs of hyperthyroidism; abrupt withdrawal may exacerbate symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including thyroid storm; monitor patient closely and withdraw drug slowly

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 132: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSotalol Primarily a potassium channel (IKr)–blocking drug, with weak beta-blocker effect. In ESVEM study, sotalol was compared with 6 other drugs (not including amiodarone) in VT patients. Survival was best in the sotalol group.BSO: Tab 80 mgD: 80-120 mg PO q12h initially; occasionally, doses as high as 240 mg q12h are used with careful monitoring for toxicityKI: Hipersensitif; complete AV block; intraventricular conduction defects; patients taking ritonavir or sparfloxacinIO: Increases effect of theophylline, quinidine, procainamide, phenytoin, methotrexate, flecainide, digoxin, cyclosporine, beta-blockers, and anticoagulants; cardiotoxicity of amiodarone is increased by ritonavir, sparfloxacin, and disopyramide; coadministration with calcium channel blockers may cause an additive effect and decrease myocardial contractility further; cimetidine may increase amiodarone levelsPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 133: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Risk of proarrhythmia increases with dose; monitor for QT prolongation, dyspnea, fatigue, depression, bradycardia, and syncope due to torsade de pointes

Nama Dagang:Sotacor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 134: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Ca AntagonisVerapamilDiltiazemAmlodipineNifedipineFelodipineLacidipine NicardipineLercanidipine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 135: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVerapamilDuring depolarization, inhibits calcium ions from entering slow channels and voltage-sensitive areas of vascular smooth muscle and myocardium.BSO: Tab/Kaps 80 mg, 240 mgD: HT= 240-480 mg/d PO divided tid/qidAngina= IR: 80-120 mg PO tid/qidSR: 120-240 mg PO qd/bid KI:Hipersensitif; severe CHF, sick sinus syndrome or second- or third-degree AV block, and hypotension (<90 mm Hg systolic)IO:Verapamil may increase carbamazepine, digoxin, and cyclosporine levels; coadministration with amiodarone can cause bradycardia and a decrease in cardiac output; may increase cardiac depression when administered concurrently with beta blockers; cimetidine may increase verapamil levels; verapamil may increase theophylline levelsPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 136: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:Depresses impulse formation, AV block, - inotropism, and vasodilation, which can result in hypotension, shock, pulmonary edema, and death; hepatocellular injury may occur; transient elevations of transaminases with or without concomitant elevations in alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin have occurred (elevations have been transient and may disappear with continued verapamil treatment), monitor liver function; IV administration discouraged in neonates and young infants due to severe apnea, bradycardia, hypotension, and cardiac arrest periodically Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 137: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiltiazemDuring depolarization, inhibit calcium ions from entering slow channels and voltage-sensitive areas of vascular smooth muscle and myocardium.I: angina pektorisBSO: Tab 30 mg, 60 mg

D: 30 mg 4x/hr. titrasi maks 360 mg/hr. ac & hs. KI: Hipersensitif; severe CHF; sick sinus syndrome; second- or third-degree AV block; hypotension (<90 mm Hg systolic); significant LV systolic dysfunctionIO: May increase carbamazepine, digoxin, cyclosporine, and theophylline levels; amiodarone may cause bradycardia and decrease in cardiac output; beta-blockers may increase cardiac depression; cimetidine may increase levelsPreg: CP: Caution in impaired renal or hepatic function; may increase LFT levels, and hepatic injury may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 138: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmlodipineRelax coronary smooth muscle and produce coronary vasodilation, which, in turn, improves myocardial oxygen delivery. Benefits nonPreg:nant patients with systolic dysfunction, hypertension, or arrhythmias. I: Hipertensi arterial, profilaksis angina pektorisBSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: HT= 2.5-5 mg PO 1x; max 10 mg/dAngina= 5-10 mg PO qdKI: HipersensitifIO: Fentanyl may increase hypotensive effects; may increase cyclosporine levels; H2 blockers (eg, cimetidine) may increase toxicityPreg: CP: Adjust dose in renal/hepatic impairment; may cause lower extremity edema; allergic hepatitis has occurred but is rare; caution in patients with severe LV systolic dysfunctionNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 139: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNifedipine-- Especially in the sustained-release form, nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker that has proven to be fairly effective in the management of chronic cor pulmonale caused by primary pulmonary hypertension. Modifies the entry of calcium into the cells by blocking the slow or voltage-dependent calcium channels, resulting in vasodilation, which improves myocardial oxygen delivery. Sublingual administration generally is safe, despite theoretical concerns.I: Insufiiensi jantung akut & kronik. Terapi tambahan hipertensiBSO: tab 5 mg, 10 mg D: 3x/d KI: Hipersensitif, pregnancyIO: Monitor oral anticoagulants when used concomitantly; coadministration with any agent that can lower BP, including beta-blockers and opioids, can result in severe hypotension; H2 blockers (cimetidine) may increase toxicityPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 140: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Aortic stenosis; angina; congestive heart failure; Preg:; nursing mothers; may cause lower extremity edema; allergic hepatitis has occurred but is rare Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 141: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFelodipineRelaxes coronary smooth muscle and produces coronary vasodilation, which in turn improves myocardial oxygen delivery. Benefits nonPreg:nant patients with systolic dysfunction, hypertension, or arrhythmias. Can be used during Preg: if indicated clinically.Calcium channel blockers potentiate ACE inhibitor effects. Renal protection is not proven, but these agents reduce morbidity and mortality rates in congestive heart failure. Calcium channel blockers are indicated in patients with diastolic dysfunction. Effective as monotherapy in black patients and elderly patients. BSO: tab 5 mgD: 5 mg PO qd; max 20 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO: Fentanyl and alcohol may increase hypotensive effects; calcium channel blocker may increase cyclosporine levels; H2 blockers (cimetidine), erythromycin, nafcillin, and azole

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 142: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexantifungals may increase toxicity (avoid combination or monitor closely); carbamazepine may reduce bioavailability (avoid this combination); rifampin may decrease levels (monitor and adjust dose of calcium channel blocker)Preg: CP: Adjust dose in renal/hepatic impairment; may cause lower extremity edema; allergic hepatitis have occurred but is rareNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 143: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLacidipineI: HipertensiBSO: Tab 4 mgD: Awal 4 mg 1x/hr. titrasi 6 mg setelah 3-4 minggu. KI: Hipersensitif P: Ggn hati berat. Hamil,laktasi, nodus SA & AV abnormalES: Sakit kepala, muka kemerahan, edema, pusing, palpitasi, asthenia, ruam kulit, nyeri lambung, mual, poliuria, nyeri dada, hiperplasi ginggiva, alkalin fosfatase meningkat sementara.IO: Diuretik, β-blocker, menambah efek hipotensi. Cimetidin meningkatkatkan kadar obat dlm plasma. Preg:: Nama Dagang:Lacipil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 144: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNicardipineA calcium channel blocker, inhibiting calcium ion influx into vascular smooth muscle and myocardium.BSO: Amp 2 mg, 10 mgD: Start 5 mg/h IV, increase by 2.5 mg/h q5-15min to a maximum of 15 mg/hKI: Hipersensitif; severe CHF; sick sinus syndrome; second- or third-degree AV block; hypotension (<90 mm Hg systolic)IO: May increase carbamazepine, digoxin, cyclosporine, and theophylline levels; when administered with amiodarone, may cause bradycardia and a decrease in cardiac output; when administered with beta-blockers, may increase cardiac depression; cimetidine may increase levelsPreg: CP: Caution in impaired renal or hepatic function; may increase LFTs, and hepatic injury may occur. Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 145: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLercanidipineI: Hipertensi esensial ringan-sedangBSO: Tab 10 mgD: 10 mg 1x/d, titrasi 20 mg/dKI: Hamil, laktasi, obstruksi aliran keluar ventrikel kiri. Ggl jantung kongestif, angina pectoris tak stabil, ggn hati/ ginjal berat. Digunakan dg siklosporin atau juz anggurP: sindroma sick sinus (jika tanpa pacu jantung), disfungsi ventrikel kiri,penykit jantung iskemik. Hindari penggunaan bersama inhibitor kuat CYP3A4 (spt ketokonazol)ES: Ruam, edema perifer, palpitasi, takikardi, sakit kepalaIO: Hindari penggunaan bersama inhibitor kuat CYP3A4 (spt ketokonazol, itrakonazol, ritonavir, eritromisin, rotreandomisin), siklosposrin, juz anggur. Hati-hati penggunaan dg substansi lain CYP3A4 (spt terfenadin, astemizol, obat anti aritmia kelas III), simetidin dosis tinggi, antikonvulsan dan rifampisin. Pemberian dosis tambahan jika obat bersama β-blocker.Nama Dagang: Zanidip

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 146: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Antagonis Angiotensin II & KombinasinyaValsa rtan IrbesartanLosartanCandesartanTelmisartanOlmesartan medoxomil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 147: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValsartanProdrug that produces direct antagonism of angiotensin II receptors. Displaces angiotensin II from AT1 receptor and may lower blood pressure by antagonizing AT1-induced vasoconstriction, aldosterone release, catecholamine release, arginine vasopressin release, water intake, and hypertrophic responses. May induce more complete inhibition of renin-angiotensin system than ACE inhibitors, does not affect response to bradykinin, and is less likely to be associated with cough and angioedema. For use in patients unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors.I: Hipertensi, CHF NYHA II-IV, IMABSO: Tab 40 mg, 80 mg, 160 mgD: 80 mg PO qd; max 320 mg/dKI:Hipersensitif; severe hepatic insufficiency, biliary cirrhosis or obstruction, primary hyperaldosterism, bilateral renal artery stenosisIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 148: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; probenecid may increase valsartan levels; coadministration with diuretics, increase hypotensive effects; NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of valsartan; may increase risk of hyperkalemia if taken concurrently with potassium supplements or other potassium-sparing diureticsPreg: C, DP:Caution in hyperkalemia, suspected bilateral renal artery stenosis, or solitary kidney with unilateral RAS Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 149: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIrbesartanBlocks vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II at tissue receptor site. May induce more complete inhibition of renin-angiotensin system than ACE inhibitors and do not affect response to bradykinin (less likely to be associated with cough and angioedema).I: Hipertensi esensialBSO: Tab 150 mg, 300 mgD: 150 mg PO 1x qd; max 300 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; hyperkalemiaP: Caution in patients with unilateral or bilateral renal artery stenosis; decrease dose in volume- or salt-depleted patients IO: May increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; probenecid may increase irbesartan levels; coadministration with diuretics, increase hypotensive effects; NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of irbesartan; may increase risk of hyperkalemia if taken with potassium -sparing diureticsPreg: C, DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 150: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLosartan Nonpeptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists that block vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II at tissue receptor site. May induce more complete inhibition of renin-angiotensin system than ACE inhibitors and do not affect response to bradykinin (less likely to be associated with cough and angioedema).I: HipertensiBSO: Tab 50 mgD: 25-100 mg PO qd/bidKI: Hipersensitif; hyperkalemiaIO: Ketoconazole, sulfaphenazole, and phenobarbital may decrease effects; cimetidine may increase effectsPreg: C, DP: Caution in patients with unilateral or bilateral renal artery stenosis; decrease dose in volume- or salt-depleted patientsNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 151: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCandesartanBlocks vasoconstriction and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II. May induce more complete inhibition of renin-angiotensin system than ACE inhibitors, does not affect response to bradykinin, and is less likely to be associated with cough and angioedema. Use in patients unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors.Angiotensin II receptor blockers reduce blood pressure and proteinuria, protecting renal function, and delaying onset of end-stage renal disease.I: HipertensiBSO: Tab 8 mg, 16 mgD: 8-16 mg/d PO initially; max 32 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO: May increase digoxin, lithium, and allopurinol levels; probenecid may increase candesartan levels; coadministration with diuretics, increase hypotensive effects; NSAIDs may reduce hypotensive effects of candesartan; may increase risk of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 152: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhyperkalemia if taken concurrently with potassium supplements or other potassium-sparing diureticsPreg: C, DP:Caution in renal impairment (serum creatinine >3.5), valvular stenosis, or severe congestive heart failure; watch for serum potassium Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 153: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTelmisartanI: Hipertensi esensialBSO: tab 40 mg, 80 mgD: Dws 40 mg 1x/hr. Max. 80 mg/hrKI: Hamil, laktasiP: Deplesi vol intravaskuler, ggl jantung kongestif berat, pnykit ginjal tmsk stenosis arteri ginjal, aldosteronisme primer, stenosis aorta atau mitral.ES: sakit kepala, pusing, nyeri, nyeri punggung, lelah, diare, gejala seperti flu, sinusitis, dyspepsia, batuk, nyeri dada, ISK.IO: Diuretik Hemat K, Suplemen K, bahan pengganti garam mengandung K atau obat lain yg dapat meningkatkan kadar K (heparin, digoksin, litium)Preg:: C, D pd trim 2 & 3Nama Dagang:Micardis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 154: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOlmesartanBlocks vasoconstrictor and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotensin II at tissue receptor site. May induce more complete inhibition of renin-angiotensin system than ACE inhibitors and do not affect response to bradykinin (less likely to be associated with cough and angioedema).BSO: Tab 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mgD: 20 mg PO qd; max 40 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO: Diuretics may enhance hypotensive effectPreg: C, D P: May cause injury or even death to the developing fetus, due to effect on renin-angiotensin system, if given in second or third trimesters of Preg:; serum levels and AUC increase with renal and hepatic insufficiency respectively; may cause oliguria, azotemia, and acute renal failure; facial edema, angioedema, or decreased hemoglobin or hematocrit occur rarelyNama Dagang: Olmetec

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 155: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. DiuretikMannitolSpironolactoneFurosemideAcetazolamideHydrochlorothiazide/ HCTChlortalidoneIndapamide

Genghis Khun ([email protected]

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Page 156: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMannitol-- Indicated for prophylaxis and treatment of pigment-induced renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis in those with cocaine poisoning, among others. Alternative diuretic used when urine output is inadequate despite aggressive fluid therapy.D: 1 g/kg of 20% solution IV over 20-30 minPaed.Initial dose: 0.5-1 g/kg/dose IVMaintenance dose: 0.25-0.5 g/kg/dose IV q4-6hKI: Hipersensitif; anuria; severe pulmonary congestion; progressive renal damage; severe dehydration; active intracranial bleeding; progressive heart failureIO: Effects can be potentiated by other diuretics (eg, furosemide, acetazolamide)Preg: CP: Carefully evaluate cardiovascular status before rapid administration of mannitol because a sudden increase in extracellular fluid may lead to fulminating CHF; avoid pseudoagglutination when blood is administered

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 157: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsimultaneously, add at least 20 mEq of sodium chloride to each liter of mannitol solution; do not administer electrolyte-free mannitol solutions with blood; may crystallize with concentration above 20%; use in-line filter; may cause hypovolemia, headache, and polydipsia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 158: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSpironolactoneUsed for management of hypertension. May block effects of aldosterone on arteriolar smooth muscles.BSO:D: Hypertension: 25-200 mg PO qd or divided bidCHF: 12.5 mg PO qd; max 25 mg/dPaed.1.5-3.5 mg/kg/d PO divided q6-24hKI:Hipersensitif; anuria; renal failure; hyperkalemiaIO:May decrease effect of anticoagulants; potassium and potassium-sparing diuretics may increase toxicityPreg: DP:Caution in renal and hepatic impairment Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 159: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFurosemide-- Example of diuretic agents used in the management of chronic cor pulmonale. Furosemide is a powerful loop diuretic that works on thick ascending limb of Henle loop, causing a reversible block in reabsorption of sodium, potassium, and chloride.D:20-80 mg/d PO/IV/IM; may titrate to maximum dose of 600 mg/dPaed.1-2 mg/kg/dose PO; max 6 mg/kg/dose; do not administer more frequent than q6h1 mg/kg IV/IM slowly under close supervision; max 6 mg/kgKI:Hipersensitif; hepatic coma; anuria; concurrent severe electrolyte depletionIO:Metformin decreases furosemide concentrations; furosemide interferes with hypoglycemic effect of antidiabetic agents and antagonizes muscle-relaxing effect of tubocurarine; auditory

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 160: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextoxicity appears to be increased with coadministration of aminoglycosides and furosemide; hearing loss of varying degrees may occur; anticoagulant activity of warfarin may be enhanced when taken concurrently with this medication; increased plasma lithium levels and toxicity are possible when taken concurrently with this medicationPreg: CP:Perform frequent serum electrolyte, carbon dioxide, glucose, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, and BUN determinations during first few months of therapy and periodically thereafter Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 161: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcetazolamideI: Glaukoma, epilepsy, ggl jantung kongestif & edema karena obatBSO: Tab 250 mgD: Glaukoma 250 mg-1 g/d dlm dosis terbagi. Epilepsi 8-30 mg/kg dlm dosis terbagi. Ggl jantung kongestif & edema karena= 250-375 mg 1x/d selama 1-2 hari.KI: Depresi Na &/ K serum, peny hati & ginjal, gagal kelenj suprarenal, asidosis hiperkloremik, sirosis. Penggunaan jangka panjang pd pasien glaucoma sudut tertutup non kongestifP: Obstruksi pulmoner atau emfisema. Hamil & laktasiES: Parestesia, ggn pendengaran/ tinnitus, perubahan rasa, ggn GI, poliuria, bingung, myopia sementara.IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Diamox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 162: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydrochlorothiazide/ HCTInhibits reabsorption of sodium in distal tubules, causing increased excretion of sodium and water as well as potassium and hydrogen ions.I: Edema, terapi tambahan hipertensiBSO: Tab 25 mg, 50 mgD: 25-100 mg PO qd; max 200 mg/kg/dPaed.<6 months: 2-3 mg/kg/d PO divided bid>6 months: 2 mg/kg/d PO divided bidKI: Hipersensitif; anuria or renal decompensationIO: May decrease effects of anticoagulants, antigout agents, and sulfonylureas; may increase toxicity of allopurinol, anesthetics, antineoplastics, calcium salts, loop diuretics, lithium, diazoxide, digitalis, amphotericin B, and nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsPreg: BP: Caution in renal disease, hepatic disease, gout, DM, and erythematosus

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 163: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlortalidoneInhibits reabsorption of sodium in distal tubules, causing increased excretion of sodium and water as well as potassium and hydrogen ions.I: Hipertensi arterial, esensial, nefrogenik, atau sistolik terisolasi.BSO: Tab 50 mgD: 25-100 mg/d POKI: Hipersensitif; anuria or renal decompensationIO: May decrease effects of anticoagulants, antigout agents, and sulfonylureas; may increase toxicity of allopurinol, anesthetics, antineoplastics, calcium salts, loop diuretics, lithium, diazoxide, digitalis, amphotericin B, and nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsPreg: B, D pd hipertensi yg diinduksi kehamilanP: Caution in renal disease, hepatic disease, gout, DM, and erythematosusNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 164: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIndapamideI: Hipertensi esensialBSO: tab lepas lambat 1.5 mgD: 1 tab/dKI: HipersensitifP: Hamil, laktasiES: Hipotensi ortostatik, hipokalemiaIO: Litium,obat non aritmik menyebabkan ledakan gelombang aritmia (astemizol, bepridil, eritromisin IV, halofantrin, pentamidin, sultoprid, terfenadin, vincamin)Preg:: B, D jika digunakan pd hipertensi yg diinduksi kehamilanNama Dagang:Natrilix SR

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 165: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. Anti Hipertensi LainSodium nitroprusside ClonidineDoxazosinReserpinBunazosin HClMethyldopaTerazosinMoxonidineHydralazine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Page 166: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSodium nitroprussideI: Hipertensi krisis, control tensi selama anestesi utk mengurangi perdarahan pd op bedah. Terapi jangka pendek ggl jantungBSO: Amp 50 mg/ 5ccD: Administration requires the use of an infusion pump. Average dose: 5 mcg/kg/minute.Adults: I.V. Initial: 0.3-0.5 mcg/kg/minute; increase in increments of 0.5 mcg/kg/minute, titrating to the desired hemodynamic effect or the appearance of headache or nausea; usual dose: 3 mcg/kg/minute; rarely need >4 mcg/kg/minute; maximum: 10 mcg/kg/minute. When administered by prolonged infusion faster than 2 mcg/kg/minute, cyanide is generated faster than an unaided patient can handle.KI: Kondisi lemah, anemi tak terkoreksi,hipovolemi dimana sirkulasi otak tak mencukupi

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 167: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Kerusakan ginjal, hati & serebrovaskuler. Kadar kobalamin plasma yg rendah. Leber’s optic atrophy, hipotiroidisme, ggn metabolisme sianida, hipotermia, stressES: Takikardi, hipotensi postural,mual, diaforesisIO: Efek hipotensif ditingkatkan oleh penghambat ganglion, obat antihipertensi, anestesi cair yg mudah menguap, zat yg mendepresisirkulasi.Preg: C Nama Dagang:Sodium nitroprusside DBL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 168: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClonidine Usually a third-line agent if other medications cannot be tolerated. Stimulates alpha2-adrenoreceptors in brain stem, activating an inhibitory neuron, which in turn results in reduced sympathetic outflow. These effects result in a decrease in vasomotor tone and heart rate.I: Hipertensi dan krisis hipertensi (obat ampul)BSO: Tab 0.075 mg, 0.15 mg. Amp 0.15 mg/cc D:Initial: 0.1 mg PO bidMaintenance: 0.2-1.2 mg/d bid/qid PO; max 2.4 mg/dAmp infuse IV dg kecepatan tak lebih dari 0.5 mcg/kg/mnt.Max 0.15 mcg/infuse, dpt diberikan 4x/d. KI: HipersensitifIO:TCAs inhibit hypotensive effects of clonidine; coadministration with beta-blockers may potentiate bradycardia; tricyclic antidepressants may enhance hypertensive response

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 169: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexassociated with abrupt clonidine withdrawal; narcotic analgesics enhance hypotensive effects of clonidinePreg: CP:Caution in cerebrovascular disease, coronary insufficiency, sinus node dysfunction, and renal impairment; abrupt discontinuation may lead to rebound hypertension Nama Dagang:Catapres

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 170: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDoxazosin I: Hipertensi, hyperplasia prostate jinakBSO: Tab 1 mg, 2 mgD: Hipertensi: awal 1 mg/hr selama 1-2 minggu. Titrasi 2 mg/hr pd 1-2 minggu selanjutnya, dst 4mg, 8 mg dg interval yg sama. Max 16 mg/hr.Hiperplasia prostat jinak: max 8 mg/hrKI: Hipersensitif P: Hipotensi postural/ sinkop, ggn fungsi hati. Hamil, laktasi. ES: Pusing, sakit kepala, letih, malaise, vertigo, asthenia, somnolenIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Cardura

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 171: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexReserpinI: HipertensiBSO: Tab 0.1 mg, 0.25 mgD: 0.2-0.5 mg/hr terbagi dlm 2-3 dosis. Max 0.5mg/hrKI: Riwayat depresi, ulkus lambung aktif, colitis ulseratif, hamil, laktasiP: Aritmia jantung, IMA, kerusakan jantung berat, insufisiensi ginjal, batu empedu, epilepsy, asma bronchial, terapi elektrokonvulsi, anestesiES: Hidung tersumbat, kantuk, depresi, letargi, diareIO: Menghilangkan efek simpatomimetik indirek. Efek hipotensi ditingkatkan oleh tiazid & antihipertensi lain. Meningkatkan efek depresan SSP dr alcohol, analgesic, antihistamin, antidepresan trisiklik. Bersama MAOI menghasilkan eksitasi ringan & hipertensi. Digitalis atau Kuinidin meningkatkan efek aritmia jantungPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 172: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBunazosin HClI: Hipertensi esensial dan hipertensi akibat ggn ginjalBSO: Tab 1 mg

D: Dws Awal 1.5 mg/hr terbagi dlm 2-3 dosis. Max 3 mg/hr. KI: HipersensitifP: Hamil, laktasi, ggn hatiES: Ggn GI, takikardi, sinkop ortostatik, polakisuria, nokturiaIO: Diuretik & antihipertensi lainPreg: Nama Dagang:Detantol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 173: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethyldopaI: Hipertensi esensial ringan & berat. Hipertensi nefrogenik, hipertensi pada awal kehamilanBSO: Tab salut selaput 250 mgD: Awal 125 mg/hr. Titrasi tiap 2-3 hariKI: Hepatitis akut, sirosis hepatic atau riwayat penyakit hatiP: Riwayat penyakit hati & ggn mental. Disfungsi ginjal berat.ES: Lesu, mulut kering, Ggn GI, peningkatan BB, edema, impotensi.IO: Efek hipotensif dikurangi olehobat simpatomimetik, antidepresan trisiklik, fenotiazin & dipertinggi dg diuretic tiazid, alcohol, l-dopa, vasodilator. Mempotensiasi kerja hipoglikemik dr tolbutamidPreg:: B Nama Dagang:Dopamet

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 174: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTerazosin I: Hipertensi dan BPHBSO: Tab 1 mg, 2 mgD: Awal 1 mg 1x/hr sebelum tidur.Titrasi max 5 mg/hr.KI: P: Ggn dalam mengoperasikan mesinES: Ngantuk, mual, asthenia, hipotensi posturalIO: Preg:: CNama Dagang:Hytrin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 175: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMoxonidineI: Hipertensi primer ringan sedangBSO: Tab salut selaput 0.2 mg, 0.3 mgD: Awal 0.2 mg tiap pagi. Setelah 3 minggu titrasi 0.4 mg. Max 0.6 mg/hr & 0.4 mg/dosisKI: P: ES: IO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Physiotens

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 176: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydralazineIV form is useful when treating severe hypertension due to preeclampsia/eclampsia.D:10-20 mg/dose IV q4-6h prn initial; increase to 40 mg per dose prnBP >170/110 mm Hg: 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose IV q4-6h prn; max 20 mg or 1.7-3.5 mg/kg/d IV divided q4-6hKI: Hipersensitif; mitral valve rheumatic heart diseaseIO:MAOIs and beta-blockers may increase hydralazine toxicity; indomethacin may decrease pharmacologic effects of hydralazinePreg: BP:Hydralazine has been implicated in myocardial infarction; caution in suspected coronary artery disease Nama Dagang:Ser-ap-es (Hidralazine 25 mg, Reserpine 0.1 mg, HCT 15 mg)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 177: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. Vasodilator Perifer & Cerebral ActivatorCiticolineFlunarizineGingkgo BilobaCo-dergocrine mesylateCinnarizineTocopheryl nicotinateNicergolineNicotinyl alcoholBuflomedilBencyclaneIsoxsuprine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 178: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCiticolineI: Gangguan kesadaran yg menyertai cedera otak. Rehabilitasi ekstremitas inferior pd pasien hemiplegi apopleksiBSO: Tab 500 mg, 1 gAmp 125 mg/cc, 250 mg/2 cc, 500 mg/4 cc, 1 g/8ccD: Cedera Otak: 100-500 mg IV drip/inj IM/IV 1-2x/hr.Infark Serebral: 1 g IV 1x/hr selama 2 minggu .Hemiplegi apopleksi: 250 mg - 1 g IV/IO 1x/hr for 4 wksKI: P: ES: Hipotensi, diplopia, insomniaIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 179: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFlunarizineI: Migren, pusing vestibuler & serebrovaskuler, Ggn sirkulasi perifer BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: 10 mg/hr 1-2x/hrKI: Depresi, parkinsonisme, terapi beta blockerP: HamilES: IO: Preg: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 180: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGingkgo BilobaI: Ggn peredaran darah otak & perifer dg manifestasi sakit kepala, vertigo, tinnitus, pikun, dementia, penurunan daya ingat, konsentrasi, emosi.BSO: Tab 40 mg, 50 mgD: 1 tab 3x/hrKI: HipersensitifP:ES: jarang, ggn pencernaanIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 181: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCo-dergocrine mesylateI: Kemunduran mental krn usia lanjut, pusing, sakit kepala, disorientasi, lupa, depresiBSO: Tab 1 mg, 4.5 mg. Amp 0.3 mg/cc

D: 3-6 mg/hr 1-3x/hrAmp. 0.3 mg IV drip/ inj IV lambat/IM/SC 1-2x/hrKI: Psikosis akut & kronik P: Bradikardi berat, Hipotensi ortostatikES: Hidung tersumbat, ggn GIIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 182: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCinnarizineI: Migren, ggn vestibuler & serebrovaskuler, ggn sirkulasi periferBSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: 10 mg/hr dosis tunggal malam hari/ terbagi, lama terapi max 6 bulan KI: Depresi, parkinsonisme, selama terapi β-blockerP: HamilES: Somnolen, fatiqueIO: Galaktorea bila digunakan dg kontrasepsi oralPreg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 183: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTocopheryl nicotinateI: Arteriosklerosis, apopleksi, insufisiensi koroner, ggn peredaran darah lain,kelainan metabolisme lemak.BSO: Kaps 100 mg

D: Dws Awal 2 kaps 3x/hr , pemeliharaan 1 kaps 1x/hrKI: P: Nafsu makan hilang, mual, diareES: IO: Preg: Nama Dagang: Enico

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 184: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNicergolineI: Ggn vaskulo-metabolik serebral akut & kronik (trombosis, emboli, ggn sirkulasi). Ggn vaskulo-metabolik perifer akut & kronik (obstruksi vaskuler pd ekstremitas, sindrom raynaud dll)BSO: Tab 10 mg, 30 mg D: 30-60 mg dlm 2-3 dosis terbagiKI: P: ES: Ggn GI ringan, sensasi panas pd wajah, kantuk. IO: Meningkatkan kerja antihipertensiPreg:Nama Dagang:Serolin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 185: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNicotinyl alcoholI: Vasospastik perifer tmsk pnykt Raynaud, gatal pd tangan & kaki, ulkus varikosaBSO: Tab 25 mgD: 1-2 tab 3-4x/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg: C Nama Dagang:Cetacol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 186: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBuflomedilI: Ggn serebrovaskuler & sirkulasi darah periferBSO: Tab salut selaput 150 mgD: 2-4 tab/hrKI: Jangan diberikan segera setelah partus atau jika terjadi perdarahan arteri parahP: singkirkan kemungkinan adanya delirium & demensia sekunder krn pnykt sistemik. Pnykt neurology primer, ggn fungsi ginjalES: Vertigo, sakit kepala, mual, pusingIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Loftyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 187: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBencyclaneI: Ggn sirkulasi serebral & perifer. Sklerosis vaskuler serebral. Arteriosklerotikal yg menginduksi ggn sirkulasi ekstremitas. Angiopati diabetic, ulkus kruris, pnykt Raynaud, akrosianosis, apopleksi & perdarahan subarakhnoid (setelah hari ke-4), pasca apopleksi. Penurunan pendengaran.BSO: Tab 100 mgD: 1 tab 3x/hr. kasus berat 2 tab 3x/hr.KI: Insufisiensi hati, ginjal & dekompensasi kordis,IMA, blok AV, apopleksi (s/d hari ke-3), kolaps sirkulasi berat, terapi simultan dg β-blocker P: Kejang otak, residu urin krn hipertrofi prostate.ES: Tab Ggn GI, Amp: IV, iritasi dinding pembuluh darah IO: Mempotensiasi aksi antihipertensi, nitrat, α-blocker, obat psikotropik trisiklikPreg: Nama Dagang: Fludilat

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 188: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoxsuprineI: to treat problems resulting from poor blood circulation.BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mgD: For poor blood circulation:Adults: 10-20 mg 3-4 times/day; start with lower dose in elderly due to potential hypotensionKI: Presence of arterial bleeding; do not administer immediately postpartumP: ES: 1% to 10%: Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomitingIO: May enhance effects of other vasodilators/hypotensive agents; use with caution in elderlyPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 189: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. VasocontrictorNorephinephrine bitartrate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 190: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNorepinephrine Naturally occurring catecholamine with potent alpha-receptor and mild beta-receptor activity. Stimulates beta1- and alpha-adrenergic receptors, resulting in increased cardiac muscle contractility, heart rate, and vasoconstriction. Increases blood pressure and afterload. Increased afterload may result in decreased cardiac output, increased myocardial oxygen demand, and cardiac ischemia. Generally reserved for use in patients with severe hypotension (eg, systolic blood pressure <70 mm Hg) or hypotension unresponsive to other medication.BSO: Amp 1 mg/cc, 4 mg/4cc, D: 0.5-1 mcg/min IV infusion initially, titrated to effect; max 30 mcg/minKI: Hipersensitif; obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; peripheral or mesenteric vascular thrombosis because ischemia may be increased and area of infarct extendedIO: Enhances pressor response of NE by blocking reflex bradycardia caused by NEPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 191: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:May cause tachyarrhythmia (especially sinus tachycardia), increased myocardial oxygen demand, and cardiac ischemia; alkaline solutions may inactivate NE if administered through same IV line; extravasation may cause severe tissue necrosis, (administer into a large vein); if extravasation occurs, immediately infiltrate 5-10 mg of phentolamine (diluted in 10-15 mL of isotonic sodium chloride solution) to prevent necrosis; caution in occlusive vascular disease; if possible, correct blood-volume depletion before administration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 192: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexK. Anti MigrainErgotamineDihydroergotamineSumatriptanPizotifen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 193: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexErgotamineI: sakit kepala, migren, mual, vertigo,ggn usus, nyeri haid, hipermenore, ggn menopauseBSO: Tab 1 mgD: 1 tab 3x/hr, max 6 tab/hari atau 10 tab/mingguKI: Hamil, laktasi, kerusakan hati & ginjal, pembesaran prostatP: ES: IO: Preg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 194: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDihydroergotamineI: Hipotensi ggn sirkulasi ortostatik, baik primer/ sekunder krn terapi dg obat lainnya & gejala yg diakibatkannya spt pusing & lesu kronisBSO: Tab 2.5 mgD: 2.5 mg 2-3x/hr.Migren & sakit kepala: 2.5 mg 2x/hrKI: Hipersensitif P: ES: Kesemutan pd jari tangan dan kaki.IO: Erytromisin, troleandimisina atau josamisina meningkatkan kadar dihidroergotamin dlm darahPreg:: X Nama Dagang:Dihydergot (DHE)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 195: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSumatriptanI: Migren akut, ‘cluster headache’ akutBSO: Tab 100 mgD: awal 100 mg, max 3 tab/hari, interval + 2 jamKI: Penyakit jantung iskemik, IMA, hipertensi tak terkendaliP : Hamil, laktasiES: IO: Ergotamin, terapi dg MAOI, litiumPreg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 196: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPizotifenI: MigrenBSO: Tab 500 mcgD: Awal 0.5 mg/hr, titrasi s/d 1.5 mg/hr. sbg dosis tunggal malam hari atau 3x/hr. Profilaksis migren 0.5-3 mg/hrKI: Glaukoma sudut tertutup, retensi urineP: ES: IO: Meningkatkan efek sentral alcohol. Obat depresan SSP: efek adiktifPreg:Nama Dagang:Lysagor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 197: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexL. HemostatikTranexamic acid Factor VIIIOctreotideCarbazochrome Na sulfonate SomatostatinEthamsylate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 198: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTranexamic acidI: Perdarahan abnormal & gejala pnykt hemoragik spt hemoptisis, perdarahan abnormal selama operasiBSO: Tab 500 mg, Amp 250 mg/5 ccD: 1 tab 3-4x/hrKI: P: Ggn ginjal, trombosisES: Ggn GIIO: Preg: B Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 199: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFactor VIIII: Hemofilia A klasikBSO: Botol 250 iuD: Perdarahan Ringan & Profilaksis: 10 iu/kg dosis tunggalPerdarahan sedang: 15-25 iu/kg. bisa diulang 10-15 iu/kg 2-3x/hr.Perdarahan Berat: Awal 40-50 iu/kg.Pemeliharaan: 20-25 iu/kg tiap 8-12 jam.Pra-Op: 50 iu/kg.Hemostatik: infus se tiap 6-12 jam selama 10-14 hari sampai sembuh total.KI: Hipersensitif, defisiensi IgA selektifP: monitor tanda anemia progresif. HamilES: Alergi, kesemutan pd lengan, telinga & wajah. gemetarIO: Preg:: CNama Dagang:Koate-DIV

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 200: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOctreotideI: Mengendalikan gejala pd Karsinoid metastatik & tumor yg sekresi peptide intestinal vasoaktif (VIPomas).Akromegali: Kurangi kadar GH & Somatomedin dlm plasma.Pasien sirosis: stop perdarahan pd Varises gastroesofagusBSO: amp 0.1/ccD: Tumor endokrin gastro-entero-pankreatik:Awal SC 0.05 mg 1-2x/hr, titrasi s/d 0.1-0.2 mg 3x/hr.Perdarahan varises gastro-esofagus: 25 mcg/jam IV selama 5 hari.KI: HipersensitifP: Insulinoma, diabetes, hamil, laktasiES: Reaksi local: nyeri, pedas, bengkak & merah.GI: Anoreksia,mual, muntah, nyeri kejang perut, meterismus, flatulensi, diare, steatore.Jarang: obstruksi intestinal akut, distensi abdominal progresif, nyeri epigastrium berat, nyeri tekan perut. Ggn toleransi glukosa Postprandial.Hepatitis akut tanpa kolestasis.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 201: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHiperbilirubinemia disertai peningkatan fosfatase alkalin, gama glutamil transferase & transaminaseIO: Menurunkan absorbsi intestinal dr siklosporin. Menghambat absorbsi cimetidinPreg: BNama Dagang: Sandostatin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 202: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarbazochrome Na sulfonateI: Mencegah & menghentikan perdarahan pada post op, pecahnya kapilerLeukopeni & trombositopeni krn radioterapi.BSO: Tab 10 mg, 100 mgD: 1-6 tab/hr dlm dosis terbagi 2-4xPerdarahan serebral krn hipertensi & arteriosclerosis: 90-120 mg/hr selama 3-4 minggu. Pemeliharaan 30 mg/hr.KI: HipersensitifP: ES: Nafsu makan hilang, dyspepsia.IO: Preg: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 203: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSomatostatinI: Terapi fistula intestinal & pancreas. Terapi simtomatik utk sekresi berlebihan pd tumor endokrin pd sal GI. Terapi perdarahan GI akut & berat yg diakibatkan oleh ulkus gaster atau duodenum, perdarahan gastritis & varises esophagus, perdarahan yg diketahui dg endoskopiBSO: Vial 250 mcg, 3 mgD: Awal 250 mcg bolus IV lambat > 1 menit. Diikuti infus IV 3.5 mcg/kg/jam (1 amp 3 mg) selama 12 jam. Pemberian terus menerus sebaiknya selama min 48 jam max 5 hari. KI: Hamil, laktasi, pra & post partumP: Hindari pemberian ulang, pantau ketat gula darahES: panas & kemerahan pd wajah, bradikardi, mual,nyeri abdomen, ggn kadar glukosa darah, hipertensi, hipotensiIO: Pemberian bersama glukosa & fruktosa pantau ketatPreg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 204: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEthamsylateI: Hemostatik-antihemoragikBSO: Tab 500 mg. Amp 250 mg/2ccD: Pencegahan & Terapi: 500 mg 3x/hrDarurat: 500 mg IV DAN IM. Pre-op: 500 mg 3x/hr, 2-3 jam pre-op. 1 jam pre-op 500 mg IV/IM.Selama operasi: 1 g dalam infuse.Post op: 500 mg IV/IM 2x/hr atau 1 tab 3x/hr, selama 4 hari.KI:P: ES: Kadang mual, sakit kepala, ruam kulit, hipotensiIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Dicynone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 205: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexM. Anti koagulan, anti thrombus & Fibrinolitik (Trombolitik)StreptokinaseTiclopidine HClHeparin sodiumWarfarinEnoxaparinAprotinin Acetylsalicyclic acid/ AspirinClopidogrelNadroparin calciumIloprostCilostazolFondaparinux sodiumAntithrombin IIIAnagrelideAlteplase

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 206: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexStreptokinase-- Acts with plasminogen to convert plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin degrades fibrin clots as well as fibrinogen and other plasma proteins. Increase in fibrinolytic activity that degrades fibrinogen levels for 24-36 h takes place with IV infusion of streptokinase. Absorbed from the pleural space.BSO: Vial 1.500.000 iuD: 250,000 IU IV in 100 mL of isotonic sodium chloride solution qd or bid is instilled into pleural space for 3-5 dKI: Hipersensitif; active internal bleeding; intracranial neoplasm; aneurysm; diathesis; severe uncontrolled arterial hypertensionIO: Antifibrinolytic agents may decrease effects of streptokinase; heparin, warfarin, and aspirin may increase risk of bleedingPreg: BP: Caution in severe hypertension, IM administration of medications, trauma, or surgery in the previous 10 d; measure hematocrit, platelet count, aPTT, TT, PT, or fibrinogen levels before therapy is implemented; either TT or aPTT should be

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 207: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexless than twice the reference range value following infusion of streptokinase and before instituting or reinstituting heparin; do not take blood pressure in the lower extremities because it may dislodge a possible deep vein thrombus; PT, aPTT, TT, or fibrinogen should be monitored 4 h after the initiation of therapyNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 208: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTiclopidine HClAntiplatelet AgentI: Prevents strokes. Other uses include protection of bypass grafts in the heart, protection of stents in the heart, reduction of graft loss after kidney transplant, and prevention of blood clots.BSO: Tab 250 mg

D: 250 mg 1-2x/hr KI: HipersensitifP: > 65 or older, a blood problem or low blood counts, taking phenytoin, cyclosporine, or theophylline. stomach ulcer or bleeding, bleed easily, Avoid other aspirin-containing products, such as, ibuprofen or like products, other blood thinners (warfarin, ticlopidine, clopidogrel), garlic, ginseng, ginkgo, vitamin E, allergic to any medicine, pregnancy, breast-feeding.ES: Nausea or vomiting. Diarrhea, Belly pain, heartburn, Stomach bleeding or ulceration.Preg:: B Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 209: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHeparin sodiumI: Prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic disordersPregnancy Risk FactorBSO: Lock flush injection: Beef lung source: 10 U/mL; 100 U/mL Porcine intestinal mucosa source: 10 U/mL; 100 U/mL Multiple-dose vial injection: Beef lung source, with preservative: 1000 U/mL; 5000 U/mL; 10,000 U/mL; 20,000 U/mL; 40,000 U/mL Porcine intestinal mucosa source, with preservative: 1000 U/mL; 5000 U/mL; 10,000 U/mL; 20,000 U/mL Single-dose vial injection: Beef lung source: 1000 U/mL; 5000 U/mL; 10,000 U/mL; 20,000 U/mL; 40,000 U/mL Porcine intestinal mucosa: 1000 U/mL; 5000 U/mL; 10,000 U/mL; 20,000 U/mL; 40,000 U/mL Unit dose injection:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 210: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPorcine intestinal mucosa source, with preservative: 1000 U/dose; 2500 U/dose; 5000 U/dose; 7500 U/dose; 10,000 U/dose; 15,000 U/dose; 20,000 U/dose Heparin sodium infusion, porcine intestinal mucosa source: D5W: 40 U/mL; 50 U/mL; 100 U/mL NaCl 0.45%: 2 U/mL); 50 U/mL; 100 U/mL NaCl 0.9%: 2 U/mL; 5 U/mL; 50 U/mL Heparin calcium: Unit dose injection, porcine intestinal mucosa, preservative free: 5000 U/dose; 12,500 U/dose; 20,000 U/dose D: Line flushing: When using daily flushes of heparin to maintain patency of single and double lumen central catheters, 10 U/mL is commonly used for younger infants (eg, <10 kg) while 100 U/mL is used for older infants, children, and adults. Capped PVC catheters and peripheral heparin locks require flushing more frequently (eg, every 6-8 hours). Volume of heparin flush is usually similar to volume of catheter (or slightly greater). Additional flushes should be given when stagnant

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 211: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexblood is observed in catheter, after catheter is used for drug or blood administration, and after blood withdrawal from catheter.Addition of heparin (0.5-1 unit/mL) to peripheral and central TPN has been shown to increase duration of line patency. The final concentration of heparin used for TPN solutions may need to be decreased to 0.5 U/mL in small infants receiving larger amounts of volume in order to avoid approaching therapeutic amounts. Arterial lines are heparinized with a final concentration of 1 unit/mL.Children:Intermittent I.V.: Initial: 50-100 U/kg, then 50-100 U/kg q4 hoursI.V. infusion: Initial: 50 U/kg, then 15-25 U/kg/hour; increase dose by 2-4 U/kg/hour every 6-8 hours as requiredAdults:Prophylaxis (low-dose heparin): S.C.: 5000 U every 8-12 hoursIntermittent IV: 1st 10,000 U, then 50-70 U/kg (5000-10,000 U) every 4-6 hoursI.V. infusion: 50 U/kg to start, then 15-25 U/kg/hour as continuous infusion; increase dose by 5 U/kg/hour every 4

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 212: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhours as required according to PTT results, usual range: 10-30 U/hourWeight-based protocol: 80 U/kg I.V. push followed by continuous infusion of 18 U/kg/hour. Using a Standard Heparin Solution (25,000 U/500mL D5W), the following infusion rates can be used to achieve the listed doses.KI: Hypersensitivity, severe thrombocytopenia; uncontrolled active bleeding except when due to DIC; suspected intracranial hemorrhage; not for I.M. use; not for use when appropriate monitoring parameters cannot be obtainedP: Hipersensitif reaction and only in life-threatening situations. Hemorrhage is the most common complication. Monitor for signs and symptoms of bleeding. Certain patients are at increased risk of bleeding. Risk factors include bacterial endocarditis; congenital or acquired bleeding disorders; active ulcerative or angiodysplastic GI diseases; severe uncontrolled hypertension; hemorrhagic stroke; or use shortly after brain, spinal, or ophthalmology surgery; patient treated concomitantly with platelet inhibitors; conditions associated with increased

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 213: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexbleeding tendencies (hemophilia, vascular purpura); recent GI bleeding; thrombocytopenia or platelet defects; severe liver disease; hypertensive or diabetic retinopathy; or in patients undergoing invasive procedures. A higher incidence of bleeding has been reported in patients >60 years of age, particularly women. They are also more sensitive to the dose.Some preparations contain benzyl alcohol as a preservative. In neonates, large amounts of benzyl alcohol (>100 mg/kg/day) have been associated with fatal toxicity (gasping syndrome). The use of preservative-free heparin is, therefore, recommended in neonates. Some preparations contain sulfite which may cause allergic reactions.Heparin does not possess fibrinolytic activity and, therefore, cannot lyse established thrombi; discontinue heparin if hemorrhage occurs; severe hemorrhage or overdosage may require protamineES: bleeding is the major adverse effect of heparin. Fever, headache, chills, Unexplained bruising, urticaria, alopecia, dysesthesia pedis, purpura, eczema, Hyperkalemia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 214: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index(supression of aldosterone), rebound hyperlipidemia on discontinuation, Nausea, vomiting, constipation, hematemesis, Frequent or persistent erection, Hemorrhage, blood in urine, bleeding from gums, epistaxis, adrenal hemorrhage, ovarian hemorrhage, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, Elevated liver enzymes (AST/ALT), Irritation, ulceration, cutaneous necrosis have been rarely reported with deep S.C. injections, I.M. injection (not recommended) is associated with a high incidence of these effects, Peripheral neuropathy, osteoporosis (chronic), Hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, asthma, rhinitis, Conjunctivitis, anaphylactoid reactionsNote: Thrombocytopenia has been reported to occur at an incidence between 0-30%. It is often of no clinical significance. However, immunologically mediated heparin-induced thrombocytopenia has been estimated to occur in 1-2% of patients, and is marked by a progressive fall in platelet counts and, in some cases, thromboembolic complications (skin necrosis, pulmonary embolism, gangrene of the extremities, stroke or myocardial infarction); daily platelet counts for 5-7

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 215: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdays at initiation of therapy may help detect the onset of this complication. Case reports: Bronchospasm, erythematous plaquesIO: increase the risk of hemorrhage: Cephalosporins which contain the MTT side chain, aspirin, NSAIDs, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, clopidogrel.Nitroglycerin (I.V.) may decrease heparin's anticoagulant effect. This interaction has not been validated in some studies, and may only occur at high nitroglycerin dosages.Penicillins (parenteral) may prolong bleeding time via inhibition of platelet aggregation, potentially increasing the risk of hemorrhage. Warfarin: Risk of bleeding may be increased during concurrent therapy. Heparin is commonly continued during the initiation of warfarin therapy to assure anticoagulation and to protect against possible transient hypercoagulability.Other drugs reported to increase heparin's anticoagulant effect include antihistamines, tetracycline, quinine, nicotine, and cardiac glycosides (digoxin).Preg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 216: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexWarfarinAnticoagulant. Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and thromboembolic disorders.D: 2-10 mg/d PO/IV qd; adjust dose to an INR of 1.5:2 or higher depending on the condition requiring anticoagulationPaed.0.05-0.34 mg/kg/d PO/IV; adjust dose according to desired INRKI:Hipersensitif; severe liver or kidney disease; open wounds; GI ulcersIO:Griseofulvin, carbamazepine, glutethimide, estrogens, nafcillin, phenytoin, rifampin, barbiturates, cholestyramine, colestipol, vitamin K, spironolactone, oral contraceptives, and sucralfate may decrease anticoagulant effects; oral antibiotics, phenylbutazone, salicylates, sulfonamides, chloral hydrate, clofibrate, diazoxide, anabolic steroids, ketoconazole, ethacrynic acid, miconazole, nalidixic acid, sulfonylureas, allopurinol, chloramphenicol, cimetidine, disulfiram,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 217: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmetronidazole, phenylbutazone, phenytoin, propoxyphene, sulfonamides, gemfibrozil, acetaminophen, and sulindac may increase anticoagulant effectsPreg: DP:Dose needs to be adjusted to INR; caution in bleeding tendency and hazardous active hemorrhagic conditions, malignant hypertension, patients at high risk of recurrent trauma, (eg, people with alcoholism or psychosis, unsupervised patients who are senile); warfarin anaphylaxis, hepatic, renal, thyroid, allergic, and hematologic hypocoagulable conditions and disorders; do not switch brands after achieving therapeutic response; caution in active tuberculosis or diabetes; patients with protein C or S deficiency are at risk of developing skin necrosis Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 218: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEnoxaparinI: Prevention of deep vein thrombosis following hip or knee replacement surgery or abdominal surgery in patients at risk for thromboembolic complications; inpatient treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis with and without pulmonary embolism when administered in conjunction with warfarin sodium; outpatient treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis without pulmonary embolism when administered in conjunction with warfarin sodium; prevention of ischemic complications of unstable angina and non-Q wave myocardial infarction (when administered with aspirin)BSO: Injection:Graduated prefilled syringe: 60 mg/0.6 mL, 80 mg/0.8 mL, 100 mg/1.0 mLAmpul: 30 mg/0.3 mLD: S.C.: Adults:DVT prophylaxis in hip replacement:30 mg twice daily: First dose within 12-24 hours after surgery and every 12 hours until risk of deep vein thrombosis has

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 219: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdiminished or the patient is adequately anticoagulated on warfarin. Average duration of therapy: 7-10 days.40 mg once daily: First dose within 9-15 hours before surgery and daily until risk of deep vein thrombosis has diminished or the patient is adequately anticoagulated on warfarin. Average duration of therapy: 7-10 days unless warfarin is not given concurrently, then 40 mg S.C. once daily should be continued for 3 more weeks (4 weeks total).DVT prophylaxis in knee replacement:30 mg twice daily: First dose within 12-24 hours after surgery and every 12 hours until risk of deep vein thrombosis has diminished. Average duration of therapy: 7-10 days; maximum course: 14 days.Patients who weigh <100 lb or are >65 years of age: Some clinicians recommend 0.5 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours to reduce the risk of bleeding.DVT prophylaxis in high-risk patients undergoing abdominal surgery: 40 mg once daily, with initial dose given 2 hours prior

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 220: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexto surgery; usual duration: 7-10 days and up to 12 days has been tolerated in clinical trials.Treatment of acute proximal DVT: Start warfarin within 72 hours and continue enoxaparin until INR is between 2.0 and 3.0 (usually 7 days).Inpatient treatment of DVT with or without pulmonary embolism: Adults: S.C. 1 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours or 1.5 mg/kg once daily.Outpatient treatment of DVT without pulmonary embolism: Adults: S.C.: 1 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours.Prevention of ischemic complications with unstable angina or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction: S.C.: 1 mg/kg twice daily in conjunction with oral aspirin therapy (100-325 mg once daily); treatment should be continued for a minimum of 2 days and continued until clinical stabilization (usually 2-8 days).Dosing adjustment in renal impairment: Total clearance is lower and elimination is delayed in patients with renal failure; adjustment may be necessary in elderly and patients with severe renal impairment.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 221: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary.Peritoneal dialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics.KI: Hypersensitivity to enoxaparin or thrombocytopenia associated with a + in vitro test for antiplatelet antibodies in the presence of enoxaparin; hypersensitivity to pork products; active major bleeding; not for I.M. or I.V. useP: Patients with recent or anticipated neuraxial anesthesia (epidural or spinal anesthesia) are at risk of spinal or epidural hematoma and subsequent paralysis. Consider risk versus benefit prior to neuraxial anesthesia; risk is increased by concomitant agents which may alter hemostasis, as well as traumatic or repeated epidural or spinal puncture. Patient should be observed closely for bleeding if enoxaparin is administered during or immediately following diagnostic lumbar puncture, epidural anesthesia, or spinal anesthesia.ES: As with all anticoagulants, bleeding is the major adverse effect of enoxaparin. Hemorrhage may occur at virtually any site. Risk is dependent on multiple variables. At the

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 222: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexrecommended doses, single injections of enoxaparin do not significantly influence platelet aggregation or affect global clotting time (ie, PT or APTT).Central nervous system: Fever (5% to 8%), confusion, painDermatologic: Erythema, bruisingGastrointestinal: Nausea (3%), increased ALT/AST (5.9% to 6.1%)Hematologic: Hemorrhage (5% to 13%), thrombocytopenia (2%), hypochromic anemia (2%)Local: Injection site hematoma (9%), local reactions (irritation, pain, ecchymosis, erythema)IO: Drugs which affect platelet function (eg, aspirin, NSAIDs, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, clopidogrel) may potentiate the risk of hemorrhage.Thrombolytic agents increase the risk of hemorrhage.Warfarin: Risk of bleeding may be increased during concurrent therapy. Enoxaparin is commonly continued during the initiation of warfarin therapy to assure anticoagulation and to protect against possible transient hypercoagulability.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 223: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexStandard heparin consists of components with molecular weights ranging from 4000-30,000 daltons with a mean of 16,000 daltons. Heparin acts as an anticoagulant by enhancing the inhibition rate of clotting proteases by antithrombin III impairing normal hemostasis and inhibition of factor Xa. Low molecular weight heparins have a small effect on the activated partial thromboplastin time and strongly inhibit factor Xa. Enoxaparin is derived from porcine heparin that undergoes benzylation followed by alkaline depolymerization. The average molecular weight of enoxaparin is 4500 daltons which is distributed as ( less than or equal to 20%) 2000 daltons, ( greater than or equal to 68%) 2000-8000 daltons, and ( less than or equal to 15%) >8000 daltons. Enoxaparin has a higher ratio of antifactor Xa to antifactor IIa activity than unfractionated heparin.Preg: B Nama Dagang: Lovenox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 224: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAprotininI: Reduction or prevention of blood loss in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery when a high risk of excessive bleeding exists, including open heart reoperation, pre-existing coagulopathies, operations on the great vessels, and when a patient's beliefs prohibit blood transfusionsBSO: Injection: 1.4 mg/mL [10,000 U/mL] D: Test dose: All patients should receive a 1 mL I.V. test dose at least 10 minutes prior to the loading dose to assess the potential for allergic reactions Regimen A (standard dose): 2 million U (280 mg) loading dose I.V. over 20-30 minutes 2 million U (280 mg) into pump prime volume 500,000 U/hour (70 mg/hour) I.V. during operation Regimen B (low dose): 1 million U (140 mg) loading dose I.V. over 20-30 minutes 1 million U (140 mg) into pump prime volume 250,000 U/hour (35 mg/hour) I.V. during operation KI: Hypersensitivity to aprotinin or any component

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 225: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Anaphylactic reactions are possible. Hypersensitivity reactions are more common with repeated use especially when re-exposure is within 6 months. All patients should receive a test dose at least 10 minutes before loading dose. Patients with a history of allergic reactions to drugs or other agents may be more likely to develop a reaction.ES: 1-10%: Atrial fibrillation, myocardial infarction, heart failure, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, hypotension, supraventricular tachycardia, Fever, mental confusion, Phlebitis, Dyspnea, bronchoconstriction IO: Heparin and aprotinin prolong ACT. The ACT becomes a poor measure of adequate anticoagulation with the concurrent use of these drugs. Fibrinolytic drugs may have poorer activity. Aprotinin blocks this fibrinolytic activity; avoid concurrent use. Captopril's antihypertensive effects may be blocked; avoid concurrent use. Preg:B Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 226: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcetylsalicyclic acid/ AspirinPrevents platelet aggregation by irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibition with subsequent suppression of thromboxane A2. Antiplatelet effect can last as long as 7 d.BSO: D: 81-325 mg PO qdKI:Hipersensitif; liver damage; hypoprothrombinemia; vitamin K deficiency; bleeding disorders; asthmaBecause of association with Reye syndrome, do not use in children ( <16 y) with fluIO:Antacids and urinary alkalinizers may decrease effects; corticosteroids decrease salicylate serum levels; anticoagulants may cause additive hypoprothrombinemic effects and increased bleeding time; may antagonize uricosuric effects of probenecid and increase toxicity of phenytoin and valproic acid; doses > 2 g/d may potentiate glucose-lowering effect of sulfonylurea drugsPreg: D

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 227: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:May cause transient decrease in renal function and aggravate chronic kidney disease; avoid use in patients with severe anemia, history of blood coagulation defects, or taking anticoagulants; adverse effects include prolonged bleeding time, rhinitis, asthma, urticaria, and exacerbation of gout; monitor BP, BUN, and uric acid level; consider discontinuing 7 d before surgery Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 228: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClopidogrelSelectively inhibits ADP binding to platelet receptor and subsequent ADP-mediated activation of GPIIb/IIIa complex, thereby inhibiting platelet aggregation. Consider in patients with contraindication to aspirin.D: 75 mg PO qdKI: Hipersensitif; active pathological bleedingIO: Naproxen associated with increased occult GI blood loss; prolongs bleeding time; safety of coadministration with warfarin not establishedPreg: CP: Caution in patients at increased risk of bleeding from trauma, surgery, or other pathological conditions; caution in patients with lesions with propensity to bleed (eg, ulcers); adverse effects include rash, diarrhea, purpura, GI ulcers, neutropenia, and rare cases of agranulocytosis; consider discontinuing 7 d before surgery Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 229: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNadroparin calciumI: Ggn tromboembolik, mencegah pembekuan darah.BSO: Jarum suntik Prefilled 9.500 anti-Xa/ccD: 0.3 cc 1x/hr (7.500 ICU AXa) selama min 7 hari. Pre-op: 2-4 jam sebelum.Bedah ortopedi: 12 jam pre-op & 12 jam post-opBB 50-69 Kg: 0.3 cc pre-op s/d hr ke-3. 0.4 cc harike-4 dst.BB < 50 Kg: 0.2 cc pre-op s/d hr ke-3. 0.3 cc harike-4 dst. Terapi minimal 10 hari.Mencegah pembekuan darah selama hemodialisis:BB 50-69 Kg: 0.4 cc.BB < 50 Kg: 0.3 cc .KI: TrombositopeniP: ES: IO: OAINS, Aspirin, antiplatelet, DextranPreg: BNama Dagang: Fraxiparine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 230: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIloprostI: Hipertensi pulmonal primer atau sekunder krn penyakit jaringan ikat atau krn diinduksi obat pd stadium sedang & berat.BSO: Lar inhalasi 2ccD: Dws: 2.5-5 mcg. Jika digunakan dg HaloLite atau Prodose: dosis pd mouthpiece 2.5 mcg, waktu inhalasi 8-10 mnt. Dosis harian 6-9x/hr.Ggn hati: Awal 2.5 mcg dg interval min 3 jam (max 6x/hr)KI: Ulkus peptic aktif, perdarahan intrakranialP: ES: IO: Vasodilator & obat antihipertensi, antikoagulanPreg: CNama Dagang:Ventavis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 231: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCilostazolI: Symptomatic management of peripheral vascular disease, primarily intermittent claudication; currently being investigated for the treatment of acute coronary syndromesBSO: Tablet: 50 mg, 100 mg

D: Adults: Oral: 100 mg 2x/d 1 ½ -2 hours ; dosage should be reduced to 50 mg 2x/d during concurrent therapy with inhibitors of CYP3A4 or CYP2C19 (see Drug Interactions)KI: Hypersensitivity, heart failure (of any severity)P: Use with caution in patients receiving platelet aggregation inhibitors, hepatic impairment. Use with caution in patients receiving inhibitors of CYP3A4 (such as ketoconazole or erythromycin) or inhibitors of CYP2C19 (such as omeprazole); use with caution in severe underlying heart disease; use is not recommended in nursing mothersES: >10%: Headache, Abnormal stools, diarrhea, Infection.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 232: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index2-10%: Peripheral edema, palpitation, tachycardia, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, Back pain, myalgia, Rhinitis, pharyngitis, cough IO: Preg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 233: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFondaparinux sodiumI: Mencegah tomboembolik pd pasien bedah ortopedi tungkai bawahBSO: Jarum Suntik Prefilled 2.5 mg/0.5ccD: 2.5 mg SC 6 jam post op, lalu 2.5mg/hr selama 5-9 hariKI: Perdarahan aktifP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Arixtra

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 234: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAntithrombin IIII: Hereditary antithrombin III deficiencyBSO: Powder for injection: 500 U D: Adults: After first dose of antithrombin III, level should increase to 120% of normal; thereafter maintain at levels >80%. Generally, achieved by administration of maintenance doses once every 24 hours. Initially and until patient is stabilized, measure antithrombin III level at least twice daily, thereafter once daily and always immediately before next infusion. 1 unit = quantity of antithrombin III in 1 mL of normal pooled human plasma; administration of 1 unit/1 kg raises AT-III level by 1% to 2%; assume plasma volume of 40 mL/kg. Measure antithrombin III preceding and 30 minutes after dose to calculate in vivo recovery rate; maintain level within normal range for 2-8 days depending on type of surgery or procedure. KI: Hypersensitivity to antithrombin III or any componentP: Can potentially transmit infectious diseases since it is a product of human plasma. Discuss risk versus benefits with

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 235: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpatient. Reduce the dose of heparin to avoid bleeding when used concurrently. Administer alone by the I.V. route only.ES: 1% to 10%: Central nervous system: Dizziness (2%) IO: Drugs which affect platelet function (eg, aspirin, NSAIDs, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, clopidogrel) may potentiate the risk of hemorrhage. Heparin's anticoagulant effects are potentiated by antithrombin III. Thrombolytic agents increase the risk of hemorrhage. Warfarin (and other oral anticoagulants) may increase the risk of bleeding with antithrombin III. Preg: C Nama Dagang: Kybernin P

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 236: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnagrelideI: Agent for essential thrombocythemia (ET); treatment of thrombocytopenia secondary to myeloproliferative disordersBSO: Capsule: 0.5 mg, 1 mgD: Adults: Oral: 0.5 mg 4 times/day or 1 mg twice daily KI: HypersensitivityP: Patients with known or suspected heart disease, and only if the potential benefits of therapy outweigh the potential risks. Thrombocytopenia appears to be the main dose-limiting side effect of anagrelide; palpitations, orthostatic hypotension, and headache have also been reported. ES: Palpitations, chest pain, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, CHF, cardiomyopathy, Headache, dizziness, bad dreams, impaired concentration abilityIO: There is a single case report that suggests sucralfate may interfere with anagrelide absorptionPreg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 237: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlteplaseCommercially manufactured recombinant DNA fibrinolytic protein approved for treatment of AMI, AIS, and acute massive pulmonary embolism.BSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized (recombinant): 20 mg [11.6 million U]; 50 mg [29 million U]; 100 mg [58 million U]D:0.9 mg/kg IV; max 90 mg/dose; infuse over 60 min with 10% of total dose administered as initial IV bolus over 1 minKI:Hipersensitif; active internal bleeding; stroke within last 3 mo; recent intracranial or intraspinal surgery or trauma; intracranial hemorrhage on pretreatment evaluation; suspicion of subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial neoplasm, arteriovenous malformation, or aneurysm; bleeding diathesis; severe uncontrolled hypertensionIO:Drugs that alter platelet function (eg, aspirin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, abciximab) may increase risk of bleeding prior to,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 238: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexduring, or after alteplase therapyNote that criteria for use of IV t-PA preclude use of antiplatelet or antithrombotic agents for 24 h following t-PA infusionPreg: CP:Noncompressible arterial punctures and internal jugular and subclavian venous punctures must be avoided to minimize bleeding from noncompressible sites; in event of serious bleeding, immediately discontinue alteplase; monitor patients for allergic-type reactions, such as anaphylactoid reaction, laryngeal edema, rash, and urticaria Nama Dagang: Actilyse

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 239: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexN. Preparat Flebitis & VarisesMonoxerutinHeparinoidDiosmin Anagrelide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 240: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMonoxerutinLihat di I. Sal Cerna > Preparat Anorektal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 241: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHeparinoidHeparinoid blocks the production of a chemical called prostaglandin which the body produces in response to injury or certain diseases. Prostaglandins are responsible for causing swelling, pain and inflammation, and therefore heparinoid reduces these effects. It is also able to dissolve blood clots and improve the blood supply to the skin.I: Anal itch, Inflammation of the rectum (proctitis), Piles (haemorrhoids), Tear in the lining of the back passage (anal fissure)BSO: D: KI: Children, allergic.P: ES: -IO: -Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Hirudoid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 242: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexO. HemoreologikPentoxyfillineNaftidrofurylBuflomedilBencyclane

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 243: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPentoxyfillineI: Symptomatic management of peripheral vascular disease, mainly intermittent claudicationBSO: Tablet, controlled release: 400 mg

D: Adults: Oral: 400 mg 3x/hr ; may reduce to 400 mg 2x/d if GI or CNS side effects occurKI: Hypersensitivity; patients with recent cerebral and/or retinal hemorrhageP: Use with caution in patients with renal impairmentES: Dizziness, headache, Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting IO: Increased effect/toxic potential with cimetidine (increased levels) and other H2-antagonists, warfarin; increased effect of antihypertensives Increased toxicity with theophylline Preg:: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 244: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNaftidrofuryl Naftidrofuryl oxalate works in two main ways. Firstly, it causes the blood vessels to widen. Secondly, it increases the ability of cells to remove waste products. Both these properties make it useful in the treatment of disorders caused by decreased blood supply to a particular area of the body.In peripheral vascular diseases, the blood vessels in the extremities are narrowed and the blood and oxygen supply to cells in the hands, feet or legs is reduced. Oxygen is required by cells in order for them to remove waste products, therefore in these conditions waste products can build up. This can cause damage to cells and lead to symptoms such as pain, cramps or ulceration. Similarly, where there is a disorder of blood flow to the brain, a lack of oxygen supply can cause damage to the cells in the brain, resulting in symptoms such as confusion or decreasing mental ability.Naftidrofuryl improves these symptoms by increasing blood and oxygen supply to the affected areas and also increasing the

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 245: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexability of the cells to remove waste products, even in low oxygen supply.I: Cerebral insufficiency, Narrowing of blood vessels in the extremities (peripheral vascular disease), cerebral atherosclerosisBSO: Tab 100 mg, 200 mg

D: 100-200 mg 3x/hrKI: Rash, Nausea, Stomach pain, hepatitisP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 246: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP. Haematopoietic agentLenograstimFilgrastimEpoetin alfaEpoetin beta Erythropoietin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 247: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLenograstimLenograstim is a substance that stimulates the production of a type of white blood cell from the bone marrow, known as neutrophils. Neutrophils play a cental role in the body's immune system and defends the body from infections. Therefore a low level of neutrophils in the blood (neutropenia), leaves a person very susceptible to life threatening infections.Neutropenia can be caused by a number of factors, such as cancer chemotherapy and it often occurs in individuals who have recently had a bone marrow transplant or are suffering from AIDS. Lenograstim is commonly used after high dose chemotherapy regimes or bone marrow transplants, to correct low neutrophil levels in the blood and thereby reduces the duration and severity of the neutropenia. As a result, lenograstim minimises the need for antibiotic treatment, the risk of complications due to infections and length of time spent in hospital after bone marrow transplants.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 248: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI: To increase production of stem cells (or progenitor cells), To speed up production of neutrophils following bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy induced neutropeniaBSO: Vial 33.6 MIU tau 263 mcg/ccD: Dws 150 mcg/m2/hr.1 vial dpt digunakan utk pasien dg BSA s/d 1.6 m2/hr. Transplantasi sumsum tulang (BMT): mulai 24 jam setelah transplantasi, infuse IV dlm saline 100 cc selama 30 menit.Kemoterapi sitotoksik: mulai 24 jam setelah kemoterapi lengkap inj SC, biasanya selama 8-14 hari. KI: Myeloma, Children under 2 years of ageP: Severely decreased kidney & liver functionES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Allergic reaction, Bone pain, Reactions at injection site, cutaneous vasculitis, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)Nama Dagang:Granocyte 34

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 249: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFilgrastimI: Patients with nonmyeloid malignancies receiving myelosuppressive anticancer drugs associated with a significant incidence of neutropenia (FDA-approved indication) Cancer patients receiving bone marrow transplant (BMT) (FDA-approved indication) Patients undergoing peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collection Patients with severe chronic neutropenia (SCN) (FDA-approved indication) Chronic administration in symptomatic patients with congenital neutropenia, cyclic neutropenia, or idiopathic neutropenic; filgrastim should not be started until the diagnosis of SCN is confirmed, as it may interfere with diagnostic efforts Safety and efficacy of G-CSF given simultaneously with cytotoxic chemotherapy have not been established; concurrent treatment may increase myelosuppression; G-CSF should be avoided in patients receiving concomitant chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 250: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBSO: Injection, preservative free: 300 mcg/mLD: Children and Adults: Existing clinical data suggest that starting G-CSF between 24 and 72 hours subsequent to chemotherapy may provide optimal neutrophil recover; continue therapy until the occurrence of an absolute neutrophil count of 10,000 L after the neutrophil nadir The available data suggest that rounding the dose to the nearest vial size may enhance patient convenience and reduce costs without clinical detrimentNeonates: 5-10 mcg/kg/day once daily for 3-5 days has been administered to neutropenic neonates with sepsis; there was a rapid and significant increase in peripheral neutrophil counts and the neutrophil storage pool Children and Adults: Myelosuppressive chemotherapy infusion: 5 mcg/kg/day IV/SCDoses may be increased in increments of 5 mcg/kg for each chemotherapy cycle, according to the duration and severity of the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) nadir

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 251: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBone marrow transplant patients: 5-10 mcg/kg/day as an I.V. infusion of 4 or 24 hours or as continuous 24-hour S.C. infusion; administer first dose at least 24 hours after cytotoxic chemotherapy and at least 24 hours after bone marrow infusion; if ANC decreases <1000/mm3 during the 5 mcg/kg/day dose, increase filgrastim to 10 mcg/kg/day and follow the recommended steps based on neutrophil response: When ANC >1000/mm3 for 3 consecutive days: Reduce Filgrastim dose to 5 mcg/kg/day If ANC remains >1000/mm3 for 3 more consecutive days: Discontinue filgrastim If ANC decreases to <1000/mm3 : Resume at 5 mcg/kg/day If ANC decreases <1000/mm3 during the 5 mcg/kg/day dose, increase filgrastim to 10 mcg/kg/day and follow the above steps Peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collection: 10 mcg/kg/day either S.C. or a bolus or continuous I.V. infusion. It is recommended that G-CSF be given for at least 4 days before the first leukapheresis procedure and continued until the last leukapheresis; although the optimal duration of administration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 252: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexand leukapheresis schedule have not been established, administration of G-CSF for 6-7 days with leukaphereses on days 5,6 and 7 was found to be safe and effective; neutrophil counts should be monitored after 4 days of G-CSF, and G-CSF dose-modification should be considered for those patients who develop a white blood cell count >100,000/mm3

Severe chronic neutropenia: S.C.: Congenital neutropenia: 6 mcg/kg/dose twice daily Idiopathic/cyclic neutropenia: 5 mcg/kg single dose daily Chronic daily administration is required to maintain clinical benefit; adjust dose based on the patients' clinical course as well as ANC; in phase III studies, the target ANC was 1500-10,000/mm3. Reduce the dose if the ANC is persistently >10,000/mm3

Premature discontinuation of G-CSF therapy prior to the time of recovery from the expected neutrophil is generally not recommended; a transient increase in neutrophil counts is typically seen 1-2 days after initiation of therapy Hemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 253: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeritoneal dialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary KI: Hypersensitivity to E. coli-derived proteins or G-CSFP: Complete blood count and platelet count should be obtained prior to chemotherapy. Do not use G-CSF in the period 12-24 hours before to 24 hours after administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy because of the potential sensitivity of rapidly dividing myeloid cells to cytotoxic chemotherapy. Precaution should be exercised in the usage of G-CSF in any malignancy with myeloid characteristics. G-CSF can potentially act as a growth factor for any tumor type, particularly myeloid malignancies. Tumors of nonhematopoietic origin may have surface receptors for G-CSF.ES: Neutropenic fever, fever, Alopecia, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mucositis, This occurs more commonly in patients with cyclic neutropenia/congenital agranulocytosis who received S.C. injections for a prolonged (>14 days) period of time; ~33% of these patients experience subclinical splenomegaly (detected by MRI or CT scan); ~3% of these patients experience clinical splenomegaly, Medullary bone pain (24% incidence): This

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 254: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexoccurs most commonly in lower back pain, posterior iliac crest, and sternum and is controlled with non-narcotic analgesics 1-10%: Chest pain, fluid retention, Headache, Skin rash, Anorexia, stomatitis, constipation, Leukocytosis, Pain at injection site, Weakness, Dyspnea, cough, sore throat IO: Drugs which may potentiate the release of neutrophils (eg, lithium) should be used with cautionPreg: C Nama Dagang:Neupogen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 255: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEpoetin αI: Treatment of anemia associated with chronic renal failure, including patients on dialysis (end-stage renal disease) and patients not on dialysis Treatment of anemia related to zidovudine therapy in HIV-infected patients; in patients when the endogenous erythropoietin level is less than or equal to 500 mU/mL and the dose of zidovudine is less than or equal to 4200 mg/week Treatment of anemia in cancer patients on chemotherapy; in patients with nonmyeloid malignancies where anemia is caused by the effect of the concomitantly administered chemotherapy; to decrease the need for transfusions in patients who will be receiving chemotherapy for a minimum of 2 months Reduction of allogeneic block transfusion in surgery patients scheduled to undergo elective, noncardiac, nonvascular surgery BSO: 1 mL single-dose vials: Preservative-free solution 2000 U/mL, 3000 U/mL, 4000 U/mL, 10,000 U/mL 20,000 U/mL, 40,000 U/mL 2 mL multidose vials: Preserved solution: 10,000 U/mL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 256: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD: Chronic renal failure patients: I.V., S.C.: Initial dose: 50-100 U/kg 3 times/week Reduce dose by 25 U/kg when 1) hematocrit approaches 36% or2) when hematocrit increases >4 points in any 2-week period Increase dose if hematocrit does not increase by 5-6 points after 8 weeks of therapy and hematocrit is below suggested target range Suggested target hematocrit range: 30% to 36% Maintenance dose: Individualize to target range Dialysis patients: Median dose: 75 U/kg 3 times/week Nondialysis patients: Doses of 75-150 U/kg Zidovudine-treated, HIV-infected patients: Patients with erythropoietin levels >500 mU/mL are unlikely to respond Initial dose: I.V., S.C.: 100 U/kg 3 times/week for 8 weeks Increase dose by 50-100 U/kg 3 times/week if response is not satisfactory in terms of reducing transfusion requirements or increasing hematocrit after 8 weeks of therapy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 257: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEvaluate response every 4-8 weeks thereafter and adjust the dose accordingly by 50-100 U/kg increments 3 times/week If patients have not responded satisfactorily to a 300 unit/kg dose 3 times/week, it is unlikely that they will respond to higher doses Stop dose if hematocrit exceeds 40% and resume treatment at a 25% dose reduction when hematocrit drops to 36% Cancer patients on chemotherapy: Treatment of patients with erythropoietin levels >200 mU/mL is not recommendedInitial dose: S.C.: 150 U/kg 3 times/week Dose adjustment: If response is not satisfactory in terms of reducing transfusion requirement or increasing hematocrit after 8 weeks of therapy, the dose may be increased up to 300 U/kg 3 times/week. If patients do not respond, it is unlikely that they will respond to higher doses. If hematocrit exceeds 40%, hold the dose until it falls to 36% and reduce the dose by 25% when treatment is resumed

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 258: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSurgery patients: Prior to initiating treatment, obtain a hemoglobin to establish that is is >10 mg/dL or less than or equal to 13 mg/dL Initial dose: S.C.: 300 U/kg/day for 10 days before surgery, on the day of surgery, and for 4 days after surgery Alternative dose: S.C.: 600 U/kg in once weekly doses (21, 14, and 7 days before surgery) plus a fourth dose on the day of surgery KI: Hypersensitivity to albumin (human) or mammalian cell-derived products; uncontrolled hypertensionP: Blood pressure, platelets in your blood should be regularly monitored during the first eight weeks of treatment with this medicine.# People with kidney failure should have the levels of salts (electrolytes, eg potassium) and haemoglobin in their blood monitored during treatment with this medicine.# People with cancer should have the amount of haemoglobin in their blood monitored while receiving treatment with this medicine.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 259: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index# If you are receiving dialysis treatment, your dialysis regimen may need adjusting while receiving this medicine. Your doctor will decide this.# All other causes of anaemia, eg iron, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, should be considered by your doctor and treated if necessary, before you start treatment with this medicine.# People receiving this medicine prior to bone surgery should also receive medication to prevent blood clots, since there is a risk of this occuring following surgery, particularly in people with cardiovascular disease.# All people who receive epoetinum alfa to stimulate blood cell production prior to bone surgery, or prior to donating blood for retransfusion during surgery, should also receive iron supplements. These should ideally be started before the epoetinum treatment, so that the body has adequate iron stores for producing new red blood cells.# Very rarely, this medicine may stop working in people with chronic kidney failure due to the body producing antibodies against the medicine. This causes the production of red blood

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 260: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcells to stop, a condition known as pure red cell aplasia. For this reason, people with kidney failure must only receive this medicine by injection into a vein (IVly). In the very rare case that pure red cell aplasia develops, this medicine should be stopped and patients should not be switched to any other erythropoietin.# Tell your doctor if you experience sudden stabbing migraine-like headaches while receiving this medicine, as this may be a possible warning sign that your blood pressure is too high.ES: Skin rashes, Cold or flu-like symptoms, hypertensive crisis), thrombosis, thrombocytosisIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: Hemapo

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 261: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEpoetin betaSynthetic version of the naturally-occurring hormone erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is produced by healthy kidneys. It stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Epoetin beta is used to treat anaemia in people with chronic kidney failure who are undergoing dialysis, and in people with impaired kidney function who do not yet need dialysis. These people produce very little erythropoietin as a result of their kidney disease, so the number of red blood cells in their blood is low (anaemia). When epoetin beta is injected, it stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells, and this corrects the anaemia. Epoetin beta is also used to treat anaemia in people with certain types of cancer. It is used to treat anaemia in adults with solid tumours who are receiving platinum-based chemotherapy. It is also used to treat anaemia in people with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma) or chronic lymphocytic leukaemia who are receiving anti-tumour therapy.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 262: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexThe increased red blood cell production stimulated by epoetin beta reduces the chances of these people needing a blood transfusion.Premature babies born at less than 34 weeks gestation may also be given epoetin beta to stimulate the production of red blood cells and prevent the development of anaemia.Doctors may also prescribe epoetin beta for anaemic people who are going to donate blood prior to surgery so that their own blood can be given to them during or after surgery. This is called an autologous blood pre-donation programme. Because the epoetin increases blood cell production, it means that a larger volume of blood can be taken from these people, and stored for transfusion during or after the surgery. Your doctor may also prescribe you iron supplements while you are receiving this medicine so that the body has adequate iron stores for producing new red blood cells.I: # Treating anaemia due to kidney disease# Treating anaemia in people with solid tumours being treated with platinum-based chemotherapy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 263: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index# Treating anaemia in people with bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma), low-grade non-Hodgkins lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukaemia who are receiving chemotherapy# Preventing anaemia in premature babies of less than 34 weeks gestation with a birth weight of 750-1500g# Increasing the volume of blood that can be donated by anaemic patients due to have surgery, so they can receive transfusions of their own blood during or after the surgeryBSO: Jarum suntik pre-filled 2.000 iu, 10.000 iuD: Anemia dg gagal ginjal:Fase koreksi: SC: awal 3 x 20 IU/kg/minggu, titrasi tiap 4 minggu.IV: awal 3 x 40 IU/kg/minggu, titrasi tiap 4 mgg 3 x 80 IU/kg/mggSelanjutnya ditingkatkan 20 iu/kg 3x/mgg, interval per bulan. Max 720 IU/kgBB.Fase pemeliharaan:Awal dikurangi ½ dari pemberian terakhirAnemia pd premature:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 264: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index3x 250 iu/kg/mgg SC, mulai hari ke-3 kehidupan. Lama 6 minggu.KI: hypertension, pure red cell aplasia, deep vein thrombosis, heart attack or stroke in the last month, unstable anginaP: kidney disease, hypertension, thrombocytosis, Malignant disease, Chronic liver failure, Epilepsy, hyperkalaemia, phenylketonuriaES: Headache, Rise in blood pressure, Cold or flu-like symptoms, Reactions at injection site, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Increased numbers of platelets in the blood, thrombosis, hypertensive crisisIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Recormon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 265: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexErythropoietinI: D: Dosis KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:Eprex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 266: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexQ. Anti HipotensiEphedrine HCl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 267: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEphedrine HCl-- Stimulates release of epinephrine stores, producing alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors. D: 5-10 mg PO/IM q6h. 25-mg supp PR q12h Paed.: 2-5 years: 3 mg PO q6-8h>5 years: 6.25 mg PO q6-8hKI: Hipersensitif; angle-closure glaucoma; cardiac arrhythmias IO: Theophylline, atropine, or MAOIs may increase toxicity; alpha- and beta-blockers decrease vasopressor effects of ephedrine; cardiac glycosides and general anesthetics increase cardiac stimulation of ephedrine Preg: BP: Adverse effects (eg, excitation, tremulousness, insomnia, nervousness, palpitation, tachycardia, other symptoms associated with sympathetic activation); bladder sphincter spasm (may cause a transient acute urinary retention); caution in elderly and in patients with DM, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, prostatic hypertrophy, or cerebrovascular insufficiency

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 268: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexR.Obat Kardiovaskuler LainAdenosineHeptaminol HCl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 269: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAdenosineAdenosine is an anti-arrhythmic medicine which acts by slowing the conduction of electrical impulses across the atrioventricular node in the heart. Adenosine is a natural body chemical.In the normal situation electrical impulses start in the sinus node in the heart and spread over the atria (upper chambers of the heart), casuing them to contract. The impulse then passes through the atrio-ventricular node (AV-node) to the ventricles (lower chambers of the heart). The impulse spreads over the ventricles, causing them to contract and pump blood out to the rest of the body. Adenosine is used to treat paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias, that is, fast, irregular rhythms starting with impulses above the AV node. It quickly causes the heart to return to its normal rhythm.Adenosine is given as a rapid IV bolus.BSO: Diagnostic use: 60 mg/20 mL and 90 mg/30 mL single-dose vials Injection, preservative free: 3 mg/mL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 270: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI: Abnormal heart rhythms caused by abnormal contractions in the upper part of the heart (supraventricular arrhythmias)D: Rapid I.V. push (over 1-2 seconds) via peripheral line:Neonates: Initial dose: 0.05 mg/kg; if not effective within 2 minutes, increase dose by 0.05 mg/kg increments every 2 minutes to a maximum dose of 0.25 mg/kg or until termination of PSVT Maximum single dose: 12 mg Infants and Children: Pediatric advanced life support (PALS): Treatment of SVT: 0.1 mg/kg; if not effective, administer 0.2 mg/kg Alternatively: Initial dose: 0.05 mg/kg; if not effective within 2 minutes, increase dose by 0.05 mg/kg increments every 2 minutes to a maximum dose of 0.25 mg/kg or until termination of PSVT; medium dose required: 0.15 mg/kg Maximum single dose: 12 mg Adults: 6 mg; if not effective within 1-2 minutes, 12 mg may be given; may repeat 12 mg bolus if needed Maximum single dose: 12 mg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 271: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFollow each I.V. bolus of adenosine with normal saline flush Note: Preliminary results in adults suggest adenosine may be administered via a central line at lower doses (ie, initial adult dose: 3 mg). Continuous I.V. infusion via peripheral line: 140 mcg/kg/minute for 6 minutes using syringe or columetric infusion pump; total dose: 0.84 mg/kg. Thallium-201 is injected at midpoint (3 minutes) of infusion. Hemodialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics. Peritoneal dialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics. Note: Patients who are receiving concomitant theophylline therapy may be less likely to respond to adenosine therapy. Note: Higher doses may be needed for administration via peripheral versus central vein. KI: Hypersensitivity, second- or third-degree A-V block or sick sinus syndrome (except in patients with a functioning artificial pacemaker), atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 272: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextachycardia (this drug is not effective in converting these arrhythmias to sinus rhythm). The manufacturer states that Adenoscan® should be avoided in patients with known or suspected bronchoconstrictive or bronchospastic lung disease.P: Patients with pre-existing S-A nodal dysfunction may experience prolonged sinus pauses after adenosine. There have been reports of atrial fibrillation/flutter in patients with PSVT associated with accessory conduction pathways after adenosine. Adenosine decreases conduction through the A-V node and may produce a short-lasting first-, second-, or third-degree heart block. Because of the very short half-life, the effects are generally self-limiting. Rare, prolonged episodes of asystole have been reported, with fatal outcomes in some cases. At the time of conversion to normal sinus rhythm, a variety of new rhythms may appear on the EKG. A limited number of patients with asthma have received adenosine and have not experienced exacerbation of their asthma. Adenosine may cause bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma, and should be used cautiously in patients with obstructive lung

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 273: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdisease not associated with bronchoconstriction (eg, emphysema, bronchitis).ES: >10%: Facial flushing, palpitations, chest pain, hypotension Headache, Shortness of breath/dyspnea, Sweating 1% to 10%: Dizziness, Nausea (3%), Paresthesia, numbness , Chest pressure (7%) IO: Theophylline and caffeine (methylxanthines) antagonize adenosine's effects; may require increased dose of adenosine. Dipyridamole potentiates effects of adenosine; reduce dose of adenosine. Carbamazepine may increase heart blockPreg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 274: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHeptaminol HClI: Astenia & kelelahan. Hipotensi & defisiensi KV.BSO: Tab 150 mg. amp 250 mg/5ccD: Astenia, Hipotensi & PsikiatriDws: 300 mg 2x/hari.Anak: 20 mg/kg/hari terbagi dlm 3 dosisResusitasi dewasa: 2 amp IV sekaligus/IMNeonatus 2 cc ke dalam tali pusatKI: Hipertensi, tiroid P: ES: IO: Preg: A, B, C, D, X*Nama Dagang: Hep-A-Myl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 275: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 276: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Anti Asthma & PPOKSalbutamol/ AlbuterolTheophylline/ AminophyllineOrciprenaline sulphate/ MetaproterenolIpratopium bromideTiotropium bromideAcefylline piperazine Ephedrine HClTerbutalineBudesonide Isoproterenol Fenoterol ClenbuterolKetotifen ZafirlukastFluticasone SalmeterolProcaterol BeclomethasoneTrimetoquinol HCl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 277: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSalbutamol/ Albuterol-- Beta-agonist for bronchospasm refractory to epinephrine. Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by action on beta-2 receptors, with little effect on cardiac muscle contractility. Most patients (even those with no measurable increase in expiratory flow) benefit from treatment. Inhaled beta-agonists initially are prescribed prn. Frequency may be increased; institute regular schedule in patients on anticholinergic drugs who are still symptomatic.Available as a liquid for nebulizer, metered-dose inhalers (MDI), and dry-powder inhalers.D: MDI: 2 puffs q3-4hNebulizer: 0.2-0.3 mL of 5% solution diluted to 2.5 mL with NS tid/qidNebulizerInfants and children: 0.01-0.02 mL of 5% solution diluted in 2-3 mL NS q4-6hAdolescents: Administer as in adults

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 278: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; preexisting cardiac arrhythmia associated with tachycardiaIO:Beta-adrenergic blockers antagonize effects; inhaled ipratropium may increase duration of bronchodilatation; cardiovascular effects may increase with MAOIs, inhaled anesthetics, TCAs, and sympathomimetic agentsPreg: CP:Adverse effects include muscle tremor, nervousness, insomnia, transient hypoxemia, and tachycardia; caution in hyperthyroidism, DM, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, seizures, and pheochromocytoma Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 279: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTheophylline/ Aminophylline -- Mechanism of action is not well defined yet. Was formerly thought that this drug increases intracellular cyclic AMP by causing inhibition of phosphodiesterase; however, current data do not support that.D: 1st 5-8 mg/kg/d, then in the range of 5-15 mcg/mL; 5.6 mg/kg loading dose (based on aminophylline) IV over 20 min, followed by maintenance infusion of 0.1-1.1 mg/kg/hPaed.6 weeks to 6 months: 0.5 mg/kg/h loading dose IV in first 12 h (based on aminophylline), followed by maintenance infusion of 12 mg/kg/d thereafter; may administer continuous infusion by dividing total daily dose by 24 h6 months to 1 year: 0.6-0.7 mg/kg/h loading dose IV in first 12 h, followed by maintenance infusion of 15 mg/kg/d; may administer as continuous infusion, as aboveKI: Hipersensitif; uncontrolled arrhythmias; peptic ulcers; hyperthyroidism; uncontrolled seizure disorders

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 280: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Effects may decrease with aminoglutethimide, barbiturates, carbamazepine, ketoconazole, loop diuretics, charcoal, hydantoins, phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampin, isoniazid, and sympathomimetics; effects may increase with allopurinol, beta-blockers, ciprofloxacin, corticosteroids, disulfiram, quinolones, thyroid hormones, ephedrine, carbamazepine, cimetidine, erythromycin, macrolides, propranolol, and interferonPreg: CP: Has low serum therapeutic-to-toxicity ratio, and, therefore, serum level monitoring is important; peptic ulcer; hypertension; tachyarrhythmias; hyperthyroidism; compromised cardiac function; do not inject IV solution faster than 25 mg/min; patients diagnosed with pulmonary edema or liver dysfunction are at greater risk of toxicity because of reduced drug clearanceNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 281: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOrciprenaline/ Metaproterenol-- Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by action on beta-2 receptors, with little effect on cardiac muscle contractility. Most patients (even those with no measurable increase in expiratory flow) benefit from treatment. Inhaled beta-agonists initially are prescribed prn. Frequency may be increased; institute regular schedule in patients on anticholinergic drugs who are still symptomatic.D: MDI: 2 puffs q3-4hNebulizer: 0.2-0.3 mL of 5% sol. diluted to 2.5 mL+ NS tid/qidNebulizer Infants and children: 0.01-0.02 mL of 5% solution diluted in 2-3 mL of NS q4-6hKI:Hipersensitif; arrhythmia associated with tachycardiaIO:Beta-adrenergic blockers antagonize effects; inhaled ipratropium may increase duration of bronchodilatation;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 282: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcardiovascular effects may increase with MAOIs, inhaled anesthetics, TCAs, and sympathomimetic agentsPreg: CP:Caution in hypertension, cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, and seizures; not recommended during breastfeeding; adverse reactions include tachycardia, headache, nervousness, dizziness, tremor, GI upset, hypertension, paradoxical bronchospasm, and cough Nama Dagang:Alupent

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 283: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIpratopiumD: MDI: 2-4 puffs q4-6hNebulizer: 250 mcg diluted with 2.5 mL NS q4-6hPaed.MDI: 1-2 puffs tid; max 6 puffs per dNebulizer: 250 mcg tidKI: Hipersensitif IO:Drugs with anticholinergic properties (eg, dronabinol) may increase toxicity; albuterol may increase effectsPreg: CP:Caution in narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, or bladder neck obstruction Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 284: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTiotropium-- A quaternary ammonium compound. Elicits anticholinergic/antimuscarinic effects with inhibitory effects on M3 receptors on airway smooth muscles, leading to bronchodilation. Available as a capsule dosage form containing a dry powder for oral inhalation via the HandiHaler inhalation device. Helps patients with COPD by dilating narrowed airways and keeping them open for 24 h.D: Inhale contents of 1 cap (18 mcg) via HandiHaler device qdMDI1-2 puffs tid; max 6 puffs/dKI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration with other anticholinergic containing drugs (eg, ipratropium) may increase toxicity riskPreg: CP: For maintenance treatment only; not effective for acute (rescue) therapy of bronchospasm; discontinue use and consider other treatments if immediate hypersensitivity reactions (including angioedema) or paradoxical bronchospasm

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 285: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexoccur; caution with narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, or bladder neck obstruction; commonly causes dry mouth; may cause constipation, increased heart rate, blurred vision, glaucoma, and urinary difficulty or retention; monitor patients with moderate-to-severe renal impairment Nama Dagang: Spiriva

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 286: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcefylline piperazineI: Asma bronchial, spasme bronkus pd bronchitis, ggn nafas/ sesak scr umum, sesak krn insufisiensi jantung, emfisema & ggn obstruksi Pulmoner kronis.BSO: Tab salut selaput 250 mg. amp 500 mg/5ccD: Tab 2-8 tab/hr dlm dosis terbagi. Amp IM 3-4 amp/hr. IV 1-2 amp/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Etaphylline

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 287: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEphedrine HClI: Treatment of bronchial asthma, nasal congestion, acute bronchospasm, idiopathic orthostatic hypotensionvBSO: Capsule: 25 mg, 50 mg Injection: 25 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL Jelly: 1% Spray: 0.25%D: Children: Oral, S.C.: 3 mg/kg/day or 25-100 mg/m2/day in 4-6 divided doses every 4-6 hours I.M., slow I.V. push: 0.2-0.3 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours Adults: Oral: 25-50 mg every 3-4 hours as needed I.M., S.C.: 25-50 mg, parenteral adult dose should not exceed 150 mg in 24 hours I.V.: 5-25 mg/dose slow I.V. push repeated after 5-10 minutes as needed, then every 3-4 hours max 150 mg/24 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 288: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hypersensitivity to ephedrine or any component, cardiac arrhythmias, angle-closure glaucoma, patients on other sympathomimetic agentsP: Blood volume depletion should be corrected before ephedrine therapy is instituted; use caution in patients with unstable vasomotor symptoms, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, prostatic hypertrophy, or a history of seizures; also use caution in the elderly and those patients with cardiovascular disorders such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, and hypertension. Ephedrine may cause hypertension resulting in intracranial hemorrhage. Long-term use may cause anxiety and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Avoid as a bronchodilator; generally not used as a bronchodilator since new beta2 agents are less toxic. Use with caution in the elderly, since it crosses the blood-brain barrier and may cause confusion.ES: >10%: Central nervous system: CNS stimulating effects, nervousness, anxiety, apprehension, fear, tension, agitation, excitation, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, hyperactivity

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 289: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index1% to 10%: Cardiovascular: Hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, elevation or depression of blood pressure, unusual pallor Central nervous system: Dizziness, headache Gastrointestinal: Xerostomia, nausea, anorexia, GI upset, vomiting Genitourinary: Painful urination Neuromuscular & skeletal: Trembling, tremor (more common in the elderly), weakness Miscellaneous: Diaphoresis (increased) IO: Decreased effect: Alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking agents decrease ephedrine vasopressor effects Increased toxicity: Additive cardiostimulation with other sympathomimetic agents; theophylline cardiostimulation; MAO inhibitors or atropine may increase blood pressure; cardiac glycosides or general anesthetics may increase cardiac stimulation Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 290: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTerbutaline I: Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)BSO: Aerosol, oral: 0.2 mg/actuation Injection: 1 mg/mL Tablet: 2.5 mg, 5 mg D: Children <12 years: Oral: Initial: 0.05 mg/kg/dose 3x/day, increased; max: 0.15 mg/kg/dose 3-4x/day or a total of 5 mg/24 hours S.C.: 0.005-0.01 mg/kg/dose to a max of 0.3 mg/dose every 15-20 minutes for 3 doses Nebulization: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose q4-6 hours Inhalation: 1-2 inhalations q4-6 hours Children >12 years and Adults: Oral: 12-15 years: 2.5 mg q6h 3 x/day; max 7.5 mg/day >15 years: 5 mg/dose every 6 hours 3 times/day; if side effects occur, reduce dose to 2.5 mg every 6 hours; max 15 mg in 24 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 291: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexS.C.: 0.25 mg/dose repeated in 15-30 minutes for one time only; a total dose of 0.5 mg should not be exceeded within a 4-hour period Nebulization: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours Inhalation: 2 inhalations every 4-6 hours; wait 1 minute between inhalations Dosing adjustment/comments in renal impairment:Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer at 50% of normal dose Clcr <10 mL/minute: Avoid use KI: Allergy P: Diabetes, Heart disease, hypertension, ThyrotoxicosisES: Tremor, Headache, Nausea, heart palpitations, Muscle cramps, Tense feeling, Sleep disturbances, tachycardia, hypokalaemia, Mouth or throat irritation & paradoxical bronchospasm (with inhaler devices)IO: Decreased effect with beta-blockers Increased toxicity with MAO inhibitors, TCAs Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 292: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBudesonideInhibits bronchoconstriction mechanisms, produces direct smooth muscle relaxation, and may decrease number and activity of inflammatory cells, which, in turn, decreases airway hyperresponsiveness.BSO: Cyclocaps 200 mcgD: 200-400 mcg via PO inhalation 2x initially; increase to 800 mcg bidPaed. 200 mcg via PO inhalation 2x initially; may increase to 400 mcg bidKI: Hipersensitif; bronchospasm, status asthmaticus, and other types of acute episodes of asthmaIO: Coadministration with ketoconazole may increase plasma levels but does not appear to be clinically significantPreg: B, C.P: Coughing, upper respiratory tract infection, and bronchitis may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 293: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoproterenolI: Treatment of reversible airway obstruction as in asthma or COPD; used parenterally in ventricular arrhythmias due to A-V nodal block; hemodynamically compromised bradyarrhythmias or atropine-resistant bradyarrhythmias; temporary use in third degree A-V block until pacemaker insertion; low cardiac output; vasoconstrictive shock statesBSO: Inhalation: Aerosol: 0.2% (1:500); 0.25% (1:400) Solution for nebulization: 0.031%; 0.062%; 0.25% ; 0.5%; 1% Injection: 0.2 mg/mL (1:5000) Tablet, sublingual: 10 mg, 15 mg D: Children: Bronchodilation: Inhalation: Metered dose inhaler: 1-2 dose up to 5 times/day Bronchodilation (using 1:200 inhalation solution) 0.01 mL/kg/dose every 4 hours as needed (max: 0.05 mL/dose) diluted with NS to 2 mL Sublingual: 5-10 mg every 3-4 hours, max 30 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 294: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCardiac arrhythmias: I.V.: Start 0.1 mcg/kg/minute (usual effective dose 0.2-2 mcg/kg/minute) Adults: Bronchodilation: Inhalation: Metered dose inhaler: 1-2 metered doses 4-6 times/day Bronchodilation: 1-2 inhalations of a 0.25% solution, no more than 2 inhalations at any one time (1-5 minutes between inhalations); no more than 6 inhalations in any hour during a 24-hour period; maintenance therapy: 1-2 inhalations 4-6 times/day. Alternatively: 0.5% solution via hand bulb nebulizer is 5-15 deep inhalations repeated once in 5-10 minutes if necessary; treatments may be repeated up to 5 times/day. Sublingual: 10-20 mg every 3-4 hours; max 60 mg/day Cardiac arrhythmias: I.V.: 5 mcg/minute initially, titrate to patient response (2-20 mcg/minute) Shock: I.V.: 0.5-5 mcg/minute; adjust according to response KI: Angina, pre-existing cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular); tachycardia or A-V block caused by cardiac glycoside

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 295: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexintoxication; allergy to sulfites or isoproterenol or other sympathomimetic aminesP: Elderly patients, diabetics, renal or cardiovascular disease, hyperthyroidism; excessive or prolonged use may result in decreased effectivenessES: >10%: Insomnia, restlessness, Dry throat, xerostomia, discoloration of saliva (pinkish-red) 1% to 10%: Flushing of the face or skin, ventricular arrhythmias, tachycardias, profound hypotension, hypertension, Nervousness, anxiety, dizziness, headache, lightheadedness, Vomiting, nausea, Trembling, tremor, weakness, Diaphoresis IO: Increased toxicity: Sympathomimetic agents may cause headaches and elevate blood pressure; general anesthetics may cause arrhythmiasPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 296: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFenoterol HBrI: AsmaBSO: Inhaler dosis terukur 100 mcg/semprot. 200 mcg/semprot. Larutan inhalasi 0.1%D: Asma akut: 1 semprot. Maks 8 semprot/hrLar inhalasi, tunggal: 0.2-1 mg 3x/hr dg interval min 3 jam KI: Kardiomiopati obstruksi hipertrofi, takiaritmiaP: ES: IO: Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 297: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClenbuterol HClI: PPOK (asma bronchial, bronchitis kronik & emsifema paru)BSO: Tab 10 mcg. 20 mcg. Sir 5 mcg/5ccD: Tab Dws & >12thn 40 mcg/hr. kasus berat bs 80mcg/hr. pemeliharaan 20 mcg/hr.Anak 1.2 mcg/kg/hr. Sir: 6-12thn 2x 3sdt.4-6thn 2x 2 sdt.2-4 thn 3x 1sdt.<2thn 2x 1 sdtKI: Tirotoksikosis, stenosis aorta subvalvular hipertrofik idiopatik, takikardi & takiaritmia.P: IMA, DM, hipertensiES: Tremor, gelisah,ekstra systole, takikardiaIO: β-blocker, efek antagonisPreg:Nama Dagang:Spiropent

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 298: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKetotifenKetotifen prevents the release of histamine from mast cells and also blocks H1 receptorsI: Allergic rhinitis (hayfever) or allergic conjunctivitisBSO: Tab 1 mg. Syr 1 mg/5cc

D: For asthma: 1 mg 2x/day. Anak: 50 mcg/kg 2x.KI: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, children < 3 years of age.P: History of epilepsyES: Drowsiness, Dry mouth, Dizziness, Weight gain, Irritability, insomnia, Nervousness, Excitation, Bladder inflammation, cystitis, hepatitis, Convulsions, Isolated severe skin reactionsIO: increased risk of drowsiness: alcohol, other sedating antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, MAOI antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioid painkillers, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, sleeping tablets.Preg:: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 299: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexZafirlukastSelective and competitive receptor antagonist of leukotriene D4 and E4, components of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis. Indicated for treatment of stable, mild, persistent asthma or prophylaxis for EIA.BSO: Tab 20 mgD: 20 mg PO bid; must be taken 30 min prior to breakfast and supperKI: HipersensitifIO: Increases half-life of warfarin; erythromycin and theophylline decrease serum levelsPreg: BP: Elevations of liver enzymes occur rarely, but routine LFT monitoring not required; systemic eosinophilia and vasculitis consistent with Churg-Strauss syndrome also rarely reported; not indicated for treatment of acute asthma exacerbations Nama Dagang: Accolate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 300: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluticasoneTopikal Potensi Ringan Alters level of inflammation in airways by inhibiting multiple types of inflammatory cells and decreasing production of cytokines and other mediators involved in the asthmatic response.I: Topikal: prurigo nodularis, lichen simplex, Eczema, contact dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), Inflammatory skin disorders, Intense and widespread reddening of the skin (generalised erythroderma) in combination with oral or injected corticosteroids, Prickly heat, Psoriasis, Reactions to insect bites& stings, lichen planus, neurodermatitisBSO: Nebule 0.5 mg/2cc. Krim 0.05%D: 44-mcg MDI: 2 puffs bid for mild persistent asthma110- to 220-mcg MDI: 2 puffs bid for moderate-to-severe persistent asthmaKrim: 1X/hrPaed.44-mcg MDI: 2 puffs bid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 301: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; viral, fungal, and bacterial skin infectionsTopikal: Acne vulgaris, Broken skin or open wounds, Children less than 1 year of age, acne rosacea, perioral dermatitis, Itching around the back passage and genitals, psoriasisES: Thinning of the skin, Changes in skin pigmentation, Skin irritation, Stretch marks (striae), telangiectasia, hypertrichosisIO: -Preg: CP:Not indicated to treat acute asthma exacerbation or status asthmaticus; prolonged use may increase systemic absorption and may cause Cushing syndrome, reversible HPA-axis suppression, hyperglycemia, and glycosuria; localized infections of the pharynx due to Candida albicans (5%) may occur; rare manifestation of systemic eosinophilic conditions consistent with Churg-Strauss syndrome reported Nama Dagang:Cutivate krim

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 302: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSalmeterolCan relieve bronchospasm by relaxing smooth muscles of the bronchioles in conditions associated with bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or bronchiectasis. BSO: Inhaler 25 mcg/aktuasiRotadisk 50 mcgDiskhaler 1D: 1 inhalation (50 mcg) bid approximately 12 h apartKI: Hipersensitif; angina, tachycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias associated with tachycardiaIO: Concomitant use of beta-blockers may decrease bronchodilating and vasodilating effects of beta-agonists; concurrent administration with methyldopa may increase pressor response; coadministration with oxytocic drugs may result in severe hypotension; ECG changes and hypokalemia resulting from diuretics may worsen when coadministeredPreg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 303: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAsthma treatment:[US Boxed Warning] Long-acting beta2-agonists may increase the risk of asthma-related deaths. In a large, randomized clinical trial, salmeterol was associated with a small, but statistically significant increase in asthma-related deaths (when added to usual asthma therapy); risk may be greater in African-American patients versus Caucasians. Should only be used as adjuvant therapy in patients not adequately controlled on inhaled corticosteroids or whose disease requires two maintenance therapies; salmeterol is not meant to relieve acute asthmatic symptoms, should not be initiated in patients with significantly worsening or acutely deteriorating asthma, and is not a substitute for inhaled or oral corticosteroids; short-acting beta2-agonist should be used for acute symptoms and symptoms occurring between treatments; corticosteroids should not be stopped or reduced when salmeterol initiated; during initiation of salmeterol watch for signs of worsening asthma Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 304: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProcaterolI: Asma, emfisema BSO: Tab 25 mcg, 50 mcg. Syr 5mcg/cc. Inhaler 10 mcg/semprot.D: Dws 2x 1 tab. < 6 thn 1-1.25 mcg/kg diberikan 2x/hrKI: P: ES: Palpitasi, demam, kemerahan, tremor IO: Preg:Nama Dagang:Meptin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 305: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBeclomethasoneAlters level of inflammation in airways by inhibiting multiple types of inflammatory cells and decreasing production of cytokines and other mediators involved in the asthmatic response.I: BSO: Inhaler 50 mcg/semprot, 100 mcg/smprot, 200 mcg/dosisRotacap 100 mcgRotahaler 1Rotadisk 100 mcg, 200 mcgDiskhaler 1 Topikal : krim 0.025%D:2 puffs (84 mcg) tid/qid; alternatively, 4 puffs (168 mcg) bidSevere asthma: 12-16 puffs (504-672 mcg)/d; adjust dose downward to response; max 20 puffs (840 mcg)/dQVAR: 80 and 160 mcg/puffPaed.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 306: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index<6 years: Not established6-12 years: 1-2 puffs (42-84 mcg) tid/qid to response; alternatively, 4 puffs (168 mcg) bid; max 10 puffs (420 mcg)/dKI: Hipersensitif; bronchospasm, status asthmaticus, and other types of acute episodes of asthmaIO: Coadministration with ketoconazole may increase plasma levels but does not appear to be clinically significantPreg: CP: Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency due to suppression of the HPA axis may occur when being withdrawn from systemically active corticosteroids; small number of patients may develop hypercortisolism and adrenal suppression (weight gain, increased bruising, cushingoid features, acneiform lesions, mental disturbances, and cataracts may occur); localized infections of the pharynx due to C albicans (5%) reported Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 307: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrimetoquinol HClI: AsmaBSO: Tab 3 mg. Tetes Paed 1 mg/cc. Amp 0.1 mg/ccD: Tab 1-4 tab/hr terbagi dlm 2-3x.< 6th 0.1 mg/kg/dosis 3-4x/hrTetes Paed: 3-4 thn 4-6 cc terbagi dlm 3-4 dosis 1-2 thn 2-4 cc terbagi dlm 3-4 dosis< 1 thn 1-2 cc terbagi dlm 3-4 dosisInj1-2 amp SC/IM atau ½-1 amp IV dlm Glukosa 5% atau 20% inj > 3 mnt atauInfuse 1 amp dlm 500cc D5%/ Glukosa-RingerKI: P: ES: Palpitasi, tremor, pusingIO: Katekolamin menyebabkan aritmiaPreg: Nama Dagang: Inolin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 308: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHeptaminol acefyllinateI: Asma. BSO: Tab 500 mg. tetes 40%. Amp 500 mg/5ccD: Dws Tts 75-150 tts/hari. Tab 1.5-3 g/hari terbagi dlm 3 dosis.Amp 1-2 amp/hr IM/IV.Tetes Bayi 3 thn 2-3tts/kg/hr.Anak 3-7 thn 2-3 tts/kg/hr max 60 tetes.Anak 7-15 tahun 75-100 tetes/hari terbagi dalam 3 dosis. Lama terapi 1-3 minggu KI: P: ES: IO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Cariamyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 309: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Cough & Cold RemediaAcetylcysteinePhenylpropanolamine HClGuaifenesin/ Glyceryl Guaiacolate & DextromethorphanTerbutalineAmbroxol HClBromhexine HClCodeine HClDextromethorphanPseudoephedrinePhenylephrineNoscapineDiphenhydramineCarbocisteineErdosteineLevodropropizineIsoaminileTipepidine hibenzate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 310: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexN-acetylcysteine-- Inhalations may be tried to encourage sputum expectoration in patients with tenacious sputum and mucous plugging.BSO: Tab eff 600 mg. Kaps 200 mg. Sachet 200 mg. Sachet paed. Sir kering D:5-10 mg dissolved in 3 mL NSKI:HipersensitifIO:None reportedPreg: BP:Inhalations may exacerbate bronchospasm; GI distress may occurNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 311: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenylpropanolamine HClI: Anorexiant; nasal decongestantBSO: Capsule: 37.5 mg Tablet & Capsule timed release: 25 mg, 75 mg Tablet Precision release & Timed release: 75 mg D: 2-6 years: 6.25 mg q4h 6-12 years: 12.5 mg q4h max 75 mg/day Decongestant: 25 mg q4h or 50 mg q8h, max 150 mg/day Anorexic: 25 mg 3x/day 30 minutes a.c or 75 mg (timed release) 1x in the morning

Precision release: 75 mg after breakfast KI: hypersensitivityP: High blood pressure, tachyarrhythmias, pheochromocytoma, bradycardia, cardiac disease, arteriosclerosis; do not use for more than 3 weeks for weight lossES: >10%: Hypertension, palpitations 1-10%: Insomnia, restlessness, dizziness, Xerostomia, nausea IO: Decreased effect of antihypertensives

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 312: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIncreased effect/toxicity with MAO inhibitors (hypertensive crisis), beta-blockers (increased pressor effects) Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 313: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGuaifenesin/ Glyceryl Guaiacolate & DextromethorphanTreats minor cough resulting from bronchial and throat irritation.BSO: Caplet, sustained release 300 mg, 600 mg Capsule: 200 mg Liquid: 100 mg/5 mL, 200 mg/5 mL Tablet: 100 mg, 200 mg, 1200 mg Sustained release: 600 mg D: 5 mL PO q4h or 10 mL PO q6-8h; max 40 mL/24hPaed.1-2 mg/kg/d PO divided tid/qidKI: HipersensitifIO: -Preg: CP: Do not use to treat productive cough or persistent chronic cough resulting from emphysema Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 314: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmbroxol HClI: Penyakit sal nafas akut & kronik yg berhubungan dg sekresi abnormal bronkus.BSO: Tab 30 mg, Syr 15 mg/5cc

D: D:1 tab 3x/hr atau 10 cc 3x/hrAnak 5-12 th: ½ tab 3x/hr atau 5 cc 3x/hrAnak 2-5 th: 2.5 cc 3x/hr<2th: 2.5cc 2x/hr

KI: HipersensitifP: HamilES: Ggn sal cerna. Jarang reaksi alergiIO: Dpt dipakai bersama kortikosteroid, bronkospasmolitik & antibiotikPreg:Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 315: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBromhexine HClI: MukolitikBSO: Tab 8 mgSir & Elixir 4mg/5ccLar 8 mg/4ccAmp 4mg/2ccD: 3x/hariKI: HipersensitifP: Tukak lambungES: Diare, mual, muntahIO: amoksisilin, sefuroksim, doksisiklinPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 316: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCodeine HClAnalgesic, Narcotic; Centrally acting AntitussiveI: Manage pain of intercostal muscle strain + cough.BSO: Injection: 30 mg; 60 mg Solution, oral: 15 mg/5 mL Tablet: 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg D: 10-20 mg/dose PO q4-6h prn; max 120 mg/dPaed.2-6 years: 1-1.5 mg/kg/d PO divided q4-6h prn; max 30 mg/d 6-12 years: 1-1.5 mg/kg/d PO divided q4-6h prn; max 60 mg/d KI: Hipersensitif; high-altitude cerebral edema or elevated ICPIO: Toxicity increases with concurrent administration of TCAs, MAOIs, neuromuscular blockers, CNS depressants, phenothiazines, and narcotic analgesicsPreg: DP: Sedating; used to treat cough in high-altitude cerebral edema only if absolutely necessary; may depress hypoxic ventilatory rate and respiratory drive during sleep Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 317: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDextromethorphanAntitussiveI: Symptomatic relief of coughs caused by minor viral upper respiratory tract infections or inhaled irritants; most effective for a chronic nonproductive coughBSO: Syr 10 mg/5ccCapsule: 30 mg Liquid: 10 mg/15 mL, 3.5 mg/5 mL, 7.5 mg/5 mL, 15 mg/5 mL Liquid, sustained release, as polistirex 30 mg/5 mL Lozenges: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg Syrup: 7.5 mg/mL, 10 mg/5 mL, 15 mg/15 mL D: <2 years: Use only as directed by a physician 2-6 y: 2.5-7.5 mg q4-8h; ext release:15 mg 2x/day, max 30mg/d 6-12 y: 5-10 mg q4h or 15 mg q6-8h; ext release:30 mg 2x/d, max 60 mg/dAdults: 10-20 mg q4h or 30 mg q6-8h; extended release: 60 mg 2x/d; max 120 mg/day KI: Hypersensitivity to dextromethorphan or any component

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 318: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Research on chicken embryos exposed to concentrations of dextromethorphan relative to those typically taken by humans has shown to cause birth defects and fetal death; more study is needed, but it is suggested that pregnant women should be advised not to use dextromethorphan-containing medicationsES: <1%: Nausea, GI upset, constipation, abdominal discomfort IO: CYP2D6, 2E1, 3A3/4 enzyme substratePreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 319: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPseudoephedrineStimulates vasoconstriction by directly stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors in respiratory mucosa. Used for symptomatic relief of nasal congestion due to common cold, upper respiratory tract allergies, and sinusitis. Promotes nasal or sinus drainage.BSO: Tab & Capsule: 30 mg, 60 mg Tab & Capsule, timed release: 120 mg Tab Extended release,: 120 mg, 240 mg Drops,: 7.5 mg/0.8 mL Syrup & Liquid,: 15 mg/5 mL; 30 mg/5 mL D:Immediate release: 30-60 mg PO q6hSustained release: 120 mg PO q12h; max 240 mg/24hPaed.<2 years: 4 mg/kg/d PO divided q6h2-5 years: 15 mg PO q6h; max 60 mg/24h6-12 years: 30 mg PO q6h; max 120 mg/24hKI:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 320: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHipersensitif; severe anemia; postural hypertension or hypotension; closed-angle glaucoma; head trauma; cerebral hemorrhageIO:Propranolol, MAOIs, and sympathomimetic agents may increase toxicity; methyldopa and reserpine may reduce effectsPreg: CP:Cardiovascular disease, DM, prostatic hypertrophy, and increased intraocular pressure Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 321: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenylephrineStrong postsynaptic alpha-receptor stimulant with little beta-adrenergic activity that produces vasoconstriction of arterioles in the body.BSO: Injection: 1% [10 mg/mL]Nasal solution: Drops: 0.125%, 0.16%, 0.25%, 0.5% Spray: 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% Ophthalmic solution: 0.12%, 2.5%, 10%D:2-3 gtt or 1-2 sprays 0.25-0.5% solution each nostril or small quantity of 0.5% nasal jelly applied into each nostril q4h prn; 1% solution may be used in adults with severe congestionPaed.Infants >6 months: 1-2 gtt 0.16% solution each nostril q3h<6 years: 2-3 gtt or sprays 0.125% or 0.16% solution each nostril q4h prn6-12 years: 2-3 gtt 0.25% solution each nostril q4h prnKI:Hipersensitif; severe hypertension or ventricular tachycardia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 322: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO:Bretylium may potentiate action of vasopressors on adrenergic receptors, possibly resulting in arrhythmias; MAOIs may significantly enhance adrenergic effects of phenylephrine, and pressor response may be increased 2- to 3-foldGuanethidine may increase pressor response of direct-acting vasopressors, possibly resulting in severe hypertensionPreg: CP:Caution in elderly patients, hyperthyroidism, myocardial disease, bradycardia, partial heart block, or severe arteriosclerosis; in hypovolemia, use is not a substitute for replacement of blood, fluids and electrolytes, and plasma (promptly restore with loss); dilute IV and administer via large vein; extravasation P: requiredNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 323: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNoscapineI: Batuk tidak produktif, selesmaBSO: Kaps 25 mg, 50 mg.Tetes 10 mg/ccD: 25-50 mg 4x/hr Tetes:Dws 10 tts 3-4x/hrAnak 6-12 thn 5 tts 3-4x/hrBayi 2 tts 3-4x/hrKI: Asma bronchial, peningkatan TIK, depresi napas, penggunaan bersama MAOIP: Penykt hati & ginjal. Ketergantungan fisik pd penggunaan lamaES: IO: Preg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 324: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiphenhydramine First-generation antihistamine with anticholinergic effects.BSO: Capsule & Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg Elixir & Syrup: 12.5 mg/5 mL Injection: 10 mg/mL; 50 mg/mLLotion & Solution, topical spray: 1% Cream: 1%, 2% D: 25-50 mg PO q4-6h prn; max 400 mg/dPaed.<6 years: Not established6-12 years: 5 mg/kg/d PO divided tid/qid prn; max 300 mg/dKI:Hipersensitif; MAOI use; during asthma attacks, narrow-angle glaucoma, symptomatic prostate hypertrophy, bladder-neck obstruction, and stenosing peptic ulcer; severe hypertension; severe coronary artery diseaseIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 325: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPotentiates CNS effect of depressants; because of alcohol content, do not give syrup form to patient taking drugs that can cause disulfiramlike reactionsPreg: C P:Sedation and drowsiness may occur; may exacerbate angle-closure glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer, or urinary tract obstruction and cause xerostomia Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 326: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarbocisteineMucolyticI: Tracheostomy, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Cystic fibrosis, Glue ear (suppurative otitis media)BSO: Kapl 375 mg, 500 mgSusp forte 500 mg/5ccSir 250 mg/5ccD: Dws 1 sdm 3x/hrAnak 5-12thn: 1 sdt 3x/hr2-5 thn: ½ sdt 4x/hrKI: Allergy, Peptic ulcersP: ES: Rash, Bleeding from the stomach or intestine, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomitingIO: -Preg: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 327: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexErdosteineI: D:KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:Vectrine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 328: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevodropropizineI: Terapi simtomatik batuk non produktifBSO: Syr 60 mg/5ccD: Dws & anak > 12 thn 3x 2 sdt. Interval min 6 jamKI: Hamil, laktasi, lender bronkus berlebihan P: ES: Mual, muntahIO: SedatifPreg: Nama Dagang:Levopront

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 329: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoaminileI: D:KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:Peracon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 330: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTipepidine hibenzateI: Batuk, mukolitikBSO: Tab 33.21 mg

D: Dws 3x 1 tab . Kasus berat tambah 1 tab bedtime.Anak >6th ½ dosis dwsAnak < 6th 2.2 mg/kg/hr terbagi dlm 3 dosis.KI: P: ES: Kantuk, pusing, anoreksia, hausIO: Preg: Nama Dagang:Asvex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 331: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Dekongestan & Preparat Nasal LainOxymetazolineXylometazolineFexofenadine HClBeclomethasoneFluticasoneTriamcinolone acetonideMometasone furoateBudesonide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 332: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxymetazoline Stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors and causes vasoconstriction when applied directly to mucous membranes. Decongestion occurs without drastic changes in blood pressure, vascular redistribution, or cardiac stimulation.BSO: Solution, nasal: Drops, pediatric: 0.025%. Spray: 0.05%D:2-3 sprays or 2-3 gtt of 0.05% solution in each nostril bid, qam and qhs or q10-12hPaed.2-6 years: 2-3 gtt of 0.025% solution in each nostril bid, qam and qhsKI:Hipersensitif; MAOI therapyIO:Hypotensive action of guanethidine may be reversed; concurrent methyldopa may increase vasopressor response; concurrent MAOIs and ephedrine may result in hypertensive crisis; pressor sensitivity to mixed-acting agents (eg, ephedrine)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 333: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmay be increased; guanethidine potentiates effects of epinephrine and inhibits effects of ephedrine; phenothiazines may reverse action of nasal decongestants (eg, oxymetazoline); TCAs potentiate vasopressor response and may result in dysrhythmiasPreg: CP:Caution in hyperthyroidism, coronary artery and ischemic heart disease, DM, and increased intraocular pressure or prostatic hypertrophy; because of increase in vasoconstriction, hypertensive patients may have change in blood pressure; do not use topical decongestants for >3-5 d to avoid rebound phenomenon Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 334: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexXylometazoline Ophthalmic Agent, VasoconstrictorI: Symptomatic relief of nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosal congestionBSO: Solution, nasal: 0.05% [0.5 mg/mL]; 0.1% [1 mg/mL] D 2-12 years: Instill 2-3 drops (0.05%) in each nostril q8-10h Adults: Instill 2-3 drops or sprays (0.1%) in each nostril q8-10h KI: P: ES: 1% to 10%: Drowsiness, dizziness, seizures, headache, Blurred vision, ocular irritation, photophobia Miscellaneous: Sweating IO: Preg: C BSO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 335: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFexofenadineNonsedating AntihistamineI: Seasonal allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticariaBSO: Capsule: 60 mg Tablet: 30 mg, 60 mg, 180 mg D: Adults: 60 mg 2x/day or 180 mg 1x/day

Anak 6-11 thn: 30 mg 2x/hari.Suspension: Anak 2-11 thn: 30 mg 2x/hari, or 5 cc 2x/hari.Anak 6bln-2thn: 15 mg or 2.5 cc 2x/hari. KI: Hypersensitivity P: preg: & lactationES: Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Drowsiness (rare) IO: Levels may increase with coadministration of erythromycin and ketoconazolePreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 336: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTriamcinolone acetonideCorticosteroid, Topical Potensi SedangI: Inhalation: Control of bronchial asthma and related bronchospastic conditions. Intranasal: Management of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis in patients greater than or equal to 12 years of age Systemic: Adrenocortical insufficiency, rheumatic disorders, allergic states, respiratory diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other diseases requiring anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive effects Topical: Inflammatory dermatoses responsive to steroids BSO: Semprot hidung 55 mcg/semprot. krim 0.1%D: 220 mcg (2 semprot tiap lubang hidung) 1x/hr Topikal: Oles 2-3x/hrKI: Known hypersensitivity to triamcinolone; systemic fungal infections; serious infections (except septic shock or tuberculous meningitis); primary treatment of status asthmaticus

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 337: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Glaucoma, bronchospasm, epistaxis, Smell and taste disturbances, Irritation of the tissues in the nose, Dryness of the nose and throat, Stinging or burning at the area of applicationIO: Decreased effect: Barbiturates, phenytoin, rifampin metabolism of triamcinolone; vaccine and toxoid effects may be reduced Increased toxicity: Salicylates may increase risk of GI ulceration Preg: CNama Dagang:Nasacort AQ

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 338: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMometasone furoateMedium potency topical corticosteroidI: Hayfever & perennial allergic rhinitis. Nasal polyps in adults >18 years of age. Atopic dermatitis, PsoriasisBSO: Semprot hidung 50 mcg/dosis. Cream: 0.1%D: 100 mcg (2 semprot) 1x/hr each nostril. maxl 200 mcg/hrTopikal Oles 1x/hrKI: Nasal infections. < 6 years of age. Topikal: Acne vulgaris, acne rosacea.P: Active or inactive tuberculosis infection, Herpes simplex virus infection of the eyeES: Headache, epistaxis, pharyngitis, Nasal irritation, Nasal burning, Nasal ulceration, Smell or taste disturbancesTopikal: Thinning of the skin, Changes in skin pigmentation, paraesthesia, Acne, contact dermatitis, striae, hypertrichosis, folliculitis, Temporary burning and stinging on applicationPreg: CNama Dagang: Nasonex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 339: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Obat Pernapasan LainBeractant

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 340: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBeractantLung SurfactantI: Prevention and treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature infants Rescue therapy: Treatment of infants with RDS confirmed by x-ray and requiring mechanical ventilation (administer as soon as possible - within 8 hours of age) BSO: Suspension: 200 mgD: Prophylactic treatment: Administer 100 mg phospholipids (4 mL/kg) intratracheal as soon as possible; as many as 4 doses may be administered during the first 48 hours of life, no more frequently than 6 hours apart. The need for additional doses is determined by evidence of continuing respiratory distress; if the infant is still intubated and requiring at least 30% inspired oxygen to maintain a PaO2 less than or equal to 80 torr. Rescue treatment: Administer 100 mg phospholipids (4 mL/kg) as soon as the diagnosis of RDS is made; may repeat if needed, no more frequently than every 6 hours to a maximum of 4 doses

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 341: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: P: Rapidly affects oxygenation and lung compliance and should be restricted to a highly supervised use in a clinical setting with immediate availability of clinicians experienced with intubation and ventilatory management of premature infants. If transient episodes of bradycardia and decreased oxygen saturation occur, discontinue the dosing procedure and initiate measures to alleviate the condition; produces rapid improvements in lung oxygenation and compliance that may require immediate reductions in ventilator settings and FiO2.ES: 1% to 10%: Respiratory: Oxygen desaturation IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang: Survanta

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 342: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIV. NEURO MUSKULER


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 343: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Analgesik & AntipiretikMorphinePethidineCodeine HClMeperidineMefenamic acid Acetaminophen/ ParacetamolAcetylsalicyclic acid/ Aspirin/ ASAMetamizole sodium/ MethampyroneKetorolacTramadolNaproxen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 344: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnalgesik NarcoticMorphineI: Relief of moderate to severe acute and chronic pain; pain of myocardial infarction; relieves dyspnea of acute left ventricular failure and pulmonary edema; preanesthetic medicationBSO: Capsule: 15 mg, 30 mg Capsule,: 20 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg Injection: 0.5 mg/mL; 1 mg/mL; 2 mg/mL; 3 mg/mL; 4 mg/mL; 5 mg/mL; 8 mg/mL; 10 mg/mL; 15 mg/mL; 25 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL Injection: Preservative free: 0.5 mg/mL; 1 mg/mL; 10 mg/mL; 25 mg/mL I.V. via PCA pump: 1 mg/mL; 5 mg/mL I.V. infusion preparation: 25 mg/mL Solution, oral: 10 mg/5 mL; 20 mg/5 mL, 20 mg/mL, 100 mg/5 mL, 10 mg/2.5 mL Suppository, rectal: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg Tablet: 15 mg, 30 mg Controlled release: 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 345: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSustained release: 30 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg D: Doses should be titrated to appropriate effect; when changing routes of administration in chronically treated patients, please note that oral doses are approximately one-half as effective as parenteral dose Oral: Tablet and solution (prompt release): 0.2-0.5 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours as needed; tablet (controlled release): 0.3-0.6 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours I.M., I.V., S.C.: 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose every 2-4 hours as needed; usual maximum: 15 mg/dose; may initiate at 0.05 mg/kg/dose I.V., S.C. continuous infusion: Sickle cell or cancer pain: 0.025-2 mg/kg/hour; postoperative pain: 0.01-0.04 mg/kg/hour Sedation/analgesia for procedures: I.V.: 0.05-0.1 mg/kg 5 minutes before the procedure Adolescents >12 years: Sedation/analgesia for procedures: I.V.: 3-4 mg and repeat in 5 minutes if necessary Adults: Oral: Prompt release: 10-30 mg every 4 hours as needed; controlled release: 15-30 mg every 8-12 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 346: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.M., I.V., S.C.: 2.5-20 mg/dose every 2-6 hours as needed; usual: 10 mg/dose every 4 hours as needed I.V., S.C. continuous infusion: 0.8-10 mg/hour; may increase depending on pain relief/adverse effects; usual range: up to 80 mg/hour Epidural: Initial: 5 mg in lumbar region; if inadequate pain relief within 1 hour, administer 1-2 mg, maximum dose: 10 mg/24 hours Intrathecal (1/10 of epidural dose): 0.2-1 mg/dose; repeat doses not recommended Rectal: 10-20 mg every 4 hours Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer at 75% of normal dose Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer at 50% of normal dose Dosing adjustment/comments in hepatic disease: Unchanged in mild liver disease; substantial extrahepatic metabolism may occur; excessive sedation may occur in cirrhosis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 347: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: hypersensitivity; increased intracranial pressure; severe respiratory depressionP: Some preparations contain sulfites which may cause allergic reactions; infants <3 months of age are more susceptible to respiratory depression, use with caution and generally in reduced doses in this age group; use with caution in patients with impaired respiratory function or severe hepatic dysfunction and in patients with hypersensitivity reactions to other phenanthrene derivative opioid agonists (codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, levorphanol, oxycodone, oxymorphone). Morphine shares the toxic potential of opiate agonists and usual precautions of opiate agonist therapy should be observed; may cause hypotension in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Tolerance or drug dependence may result from extended use.ES: Percentage unknown: Flushing, CNS depression, drowsiness, sedation, increased intracranial pressure, antidiuretic hormone release, physical and psychological dependence, diaphoresis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 348: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index>10%: Palpitations, hypotension, bradycardia, Dizziness, Nausea, vomiting, constipation, xerostomia, Pain at injection site, Weakness, Histamine release IO: CYP2D6 enzyme substrate Increased toxicity: CNS depressants, tricyclic antidepressants may potentiate the effects of morphine and other opiate agonists; dextroamphetamine may enhance the analgesic effect of morphine and other opiate agonists Preg: B, DNama Dagang: MST Continus

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 349: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPethidineopioid analgesics Opioids mimic the effects of naturally occurring pain relieving chemicals (endorphins). They bind to specific receptors in the brain and spinal cord called opioid receptors, which results in the blocking of transmission of pain signals. I: Moderate-severe pain. Pain relief during childbirth & surgeryBSO: D: KI: COPD, Convulsions, respiratory depression, comatose statesP: Neonates, Breathing problems, Convulsions, Diseases of the bile ducts, Elderly people, prostatic hypertrophy, Head injury, Hypothyroidism, tachycardia, raised intracranial pressure, acute alcoholism, adrenocortical insufficiency, Premature infants, shock, Severely decreased liver & kidney function, Weak or debilitated people

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 350: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Changes in mood, Drowsiness, respiratory depression, dependence, Skin rashes, hypotension, hallucinations, Constipation, Nausea and vomitingIO: Opioids should not be taken concurrently with all MAOI anti-depressants (e.g. tranylcypromine and selegiline) and for two weeks after the MAOI antidepressant has been stopped.When taken together with other medicines that have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, for example alcohol, medicines that induce sleep (hypnotics), antidepressant and antihistamines, drowsiness is likely to be increased .Preg: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 351: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMeperidineAnalgesic, NarcoticI: Dental: Adjunct in preoperative IV conscious sedation in patients undergoing dental surgery; alternate oral narcotic in patients allergic to codeine to treat moderate to moderate-severe pain Medical: Management of moderate to severe pain; adjunct to anesthesia and preoperative sedation BSO: Injection,: Multiple-dose vials: 50 mg/mL; 100 mg/mL Injection, Single-dose: 10 mg/mL; 25 mg/dose; 50 mg/dose; 75 mg/dose; 100 mg/dose Syrup,: 50 mg/5 mL Tablet,: 50 mg, 100 mg D: Doses should be titrated to appropriate analgesic effect; when changing route of administration, note that oral doses are about half as effective as parenteral dose Adults: Oral, I.M., I.V.: S.C.: 50-150 mg/dose every 3-4 hours as needed Elderly:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 352: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOral: 50 mg every 4 hours I.M.: 25 mg every 4 hours Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer at 75% of normal dose Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer at 50% of normal dose Dosing adjustment/comments in hepatic disease: Increased narcotic effect in cirrhosis; reduction in dose more important for oral than I.V. route KI: Hypersensitivity to meperidine or any component; patients receiving MAO inhibitors presently or in the past 14 daysP: Use with caution in patients with pulmonary, hepatic, renal disorders, or increased intracranial pressure; use with caution in patients with renal failure or seizure disorders or those receiving high-dose meperidine; normeperidine (an active metabolite and CNS stimulant) may accumulate and precipitate twitches, tremors, or seizures; some preparations contain sulfites which may cause allergic reaction; not recommended as a drug of first choice for the treatment of chronic pain in the elderly due to the accumulation of normeperidine; for acute pain, its use should be

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 353: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexlimited to 1-2 doses; tolerance or drug dependence may result from extended useES: >10%: Hypotension, Fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, Nausea, vomiting, constipation, Weakness, Histamine release 1-10%: Nervousness, headache, restlessness, malaise, confusion, Anorexia, stomach cramps, xerostomia, biliary spasm, Ureteral spasms, decreased urination, Pain at injection site, Dyspnea, shortness of breath IO: CYP2D6 enzyme substrate Increased toxicity: May aggravate the adverse effects of isoniazid; MAO inhibitors, fluoxetine, and other serotonin uptake inhibitors greatly potentiate the effects of meperidine; acute opioid overdosage symptoms can be seen, including severe toxic reactions; CNS depressants, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines may potentiate the effects of meperidine Preg: B, DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 354: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMefenamic acidNSAIDI: Short-term relief of mild-moderate pain including primary dysmenorrheaBSO: Capsule: 250 mgD: 500 mg to start then 250 mg q4 hours; max therapy: 1 week KI: HypersensitivityP: May have adverse effects on fetusES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Skin rashes, Visual disturbances, fluid retention, oedema, palpitations, Ulceration of the stomach or intestines, pancreatitis, angioedema, bronchospasm, Kidney, liver or blood disordersIO: CYP2C9 enzyme substrate Increased effect/toxicity with oral anticoagulants, methotrexate Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 355: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcetaminophen/ ParacetamolActing directly on hypothalamic heat-regulating centers, which increases dissipation of body heat via vasodilation and sweating. D: 325-650 mg PO/PR q4-6h or 1000 mg tid/qid; max 4 g/d Paed.: 15 mg/kg PO/PR q4h prn; max 2.6 g/d KI: Hipersensitif IO:Rifampin can reduce analgesic effects; coadministration with barbiturates, carbamazepine, hydantoins, and isoniazid may increase hepatotoxicity; chronic use may potentiate effects of warfarin Preg: BP: Hepatotoxicity possible in those with chronic alcoholism following various dose levels; severe or recurrent pain or high or continued fever may indicate a serious illness; APAP is contained in many OTC products, and combined use with these products may result in cumulative APAP doses that exceed recommended maximum dose Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 356: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAspirin/ Acetylsalicylic Acid/ ASAI: Treatment of mild to moderate pain, inflammation, and fever; prophylaxis for myocardial infarction and transient ischemic episodes; management of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, osteoarthritis, and gout (high dose)BSO: Suppository, rectal: 60 mg, 120 mg, 125 mg, 130 mg, 195 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 325 mg, 600 mg, 650 mg, 1.2 g Tablet: 65 mg, 75 mg, 81 mg, 325 mg, 500 mg D: Children: Analgesic and antipyretic: Oral, rectal: 10-15 mg/kg/dose q4-6h, max 60-80 mg/kg/day Anti-inflammatory: Oral: Initial: 60-90 mg/kg/day in divided doses; maintenance: 80-100 mg/kg/day divided q6-8h, maximum dose: 3.6 g/day; monitor serum concentrations Kawasaki disease: Oral: 80-100 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours; after fever resolves: 8-10 mg/kg/day once daily; monitor serum concentrations Antirheumatic: Oral: 60-100 mg/kg/day in divided doses q4h Adults:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 357: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnalgesic and antipyretic: Oral, rectal: 325-650 mg every 4-6 hours up to 4 g/day Anti-inflammatory: Oral: Initial: 2.4-3.6 g/day in divided doses; usual maintenance: 3.6-5.4 g/day; monitor serum concentrations TIA: Oral: 1.3 g/day in 2-4 divided doses Myocardial infarction prophylaxis: 160-325 mg/day; a lower aspirin dosage has been recommended in patients receiving ACE inhibitors KI: Hypersensitivity to salicylates or other NSAIDs; asthma; rhinitis; nasal polyps; inherited or acquired bleeding disorders (including factor VII and factor IX deficiency); pregnancy (in 3rd trimester especially); do not use in children (<16 years of age) for viral infections (chickenpox or flu symptoms), with or without fever, due to a potential association with Reye's syndromeP: Use with caution in patients with platelet and bleeding disorders, renal dysfunction, dehydration, erosive gastritis, or peptic ulcer disease. Heavy alcohol use (>3 drinks/day) can increase bleeding risks. Avoid use in severe renal failure or in

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 358: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsevere hepatic failure. Discontinue use if tinnitus or impaired hearing occurs. Caution in mild-moderate renal failure (only at high dosages). Patients with sensitivity to tartrazine dyes, nasal polyps and asthma may have an increased risk of salicylate sensitivity. Surgical patients should avoid ASA if possible, for 1-2 weeks prior to surgery, to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding.ES: Hemorrhage, idiosyncratic, allergy, Hypotension, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, edema, Rash, angioedema, urticaria , Acidosis, hyperkalemia, dehydration, hypoglycemia (children), hyperglycemia, hypernatremia (buffered forms), Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, epigastric discomfort, heartburn, stomach pains, gastrointestinal ulceration (6% to 31%), gastric erosions, gastric erythema, duodenal ulcers, Anemia, D.I.C , prolongation of prothrombin times, coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, bleeding, iron deficiency anemia , Hepatotoxicity, increased transaminases, hepatitis (reversible) Neuromuscular and skeletal: Rhabdomyolysis, weakness, acetabular bone destruction (OA)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 359: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOtic: Hearing loss, tinnitus Renal: Interstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis, proteinuria, renal impairment, renal failure (including cases caused by rhabdomyolysis), increased BUN, increased serum creatinine Respiratory: Asthma, bronchospasm, dyspnea, laryngeal edema, hyperpnea, tachypnea, respiratory alkalosis, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema Miscellaneous: Anaphylaxis, prolonged pregnancy and labor, stillbirths, low birth weight, peripartum bleeding, Reye's syndrome Case reports: Colonic ulceration, esophageal stricture, esophagitis with esophageal ulcer, esophageal hematoma, oral mucosal ulcers (aspirin-containing chewing gum), coronary artery spasm, conduction defect and atrial fibrillation (toxicity), delirium, ischemic brain infarction, colitis, rectal stenosis (suppository), cholestatic jaundice, periorbital edema, rhinosinusitis IO: ACE inhibitors: The effects of ace inhibitors may be blunted by aspirin administration, particularly at higher dosages.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 360: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBuspirone increases aspirin's free % in vitro. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and corticosteroids have been associated with alteration in salicylate serum concentrations. Heparin and low molecular weight heparins: Concurrent use may increase the risk of bleeding. Methotrexate serum levels may be increased; consider discontinuing aspirin 2-3 days before high-dose methotrexate treatment or avoid concurrent use. NSAIDs may increase the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects and bleeding. Serum concentrations of some NSAIDs may be decreased by aspirin. Platelet inhibitors (IIb/IIa antagonists): Risk of bleeding may be increased. Probenecid effects may be antagonized by aspirin. Sulfonylureas: The effects of older sulfonylurea agents (tolazamide, tolbutamide) may be potentiated due to displacement from plasma proteins. This effect does not appear to be clinically significant for newer sulfonylurea agents (glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 361: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValproic acid may be displaced from its binding sites which can result in toxicity. Verapamil may potentiate the prolongation of bleeding time associated with aspirin. Warfarin and oral anticoagulants may increase the risk of bleeding.

Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 362: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetamizole sodium/ MethampyroneI: Neuralgia, sakit kepala, berbagai nyeriBSO: Kapl & Tab 500 mgAmp 1g/2ccD: Tab 500 mg- 1g 3-4x/hr. max 2 g/hr Inj 500 mg 3-4x/hr IM/IVKI: Perdarahan, porfiria, psikosis beratP: ES: Kantuk, ketergantungan, ggn penglihatan, hipotensi, agranulositosisIO: KlorpromazinPreg:Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 363: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKetorolacNSAIDI: Short-term (<5 days) management of pain; first parenteral NSAID for analgesia; 30 mg provides the analgesia comparable to 12 mg of morphine or 100 mg of meperidine BSO: Injection: 10 mg/cc, 30 mg/mL Solution, ophthalmic: 0.5%Tablet: 10 mg D: Note: The use of ketorolac in children <16 years of age is outside of product labeling Single-dose treatment: I.M., I.V.: 0.4-1 mg/kg as a single dose; Note: Limited information exists. Single I.V. doses of 0.5 mg/kg, 0.75 mg/kg, 0.9 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg have been studied in children 2-16 years of age for postoperative analgesia. One study (Maunuksela, 1992) used a titrating dose starting with 0.2 mg/kg up to a total of 0.5 mg/kg (median dose required: 0.4 mg/kg).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 364: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOral: One study used 1 mg/kg as a single dose for analgesia in 30 children (mean ± SD age: 3 ± 2.5 years) undergoing bilateral myringotomy Multiple-dose treatment: I.M., I.V., Oral: No pediatric studies exist; one report (Buck, 1994) of the clinical experience with ketorolac in 112 children, 6 months to 19 years of age (mean: 9 years), described usual I.V. maintenance doses of 0.5 mg/kg every 6 hours (mean dose: 0.52 mg/kg; range: 0.17-1 mg/kg) Adults (pain relief usually begins within 10 minutes with parenteral forms): Oral: 10 mg every 4-6 hours as needed for a maximum of 40 mg/day; on day of transition from I.M. to oral: maximum oral dose: 40 mg (or 120 mg combined oral and I.M.); maximum 5 days administration I.M.: Initial: 30-60 mg, then 15-30 mg every 6 hours as needed for up to 5 days maximum; maximum dose in the first 24 hours: 150 mg with 120 mg/24 hours for up to 5 days total

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 365: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.V.: Initial: 30 mg, then 15-30 mg every 6 hours as needed for up to 5 days maximum; maximum daily dose: 120 mg for up to 5 days total Ophthalmic: Instill 1 drop in eye(s) 4 times/day for up to 7 days Elderly >65 years: Renal insufficiency or weight <50 kg: I.M.: 30 mg, then 15 mg every 6 hours I.V.: 15 mg every 6 hours as needed for up to 5 days total; maximum daily dose: 60 mg KI: In patients who have developed nasal polyps, angioedema, or bronchospastic reactions to other NSAIDs, active peptic ulcer disease, recent GI bleeding or perforation, patients with advanced renal disease or risk of renal failure, labor and delivery, nursing mothers, patients with hypersensitivity to ketorolac, aspirin, or other NSAIDs, prophylaxis before major surgery, suspected or confirmed cerebrovascular bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis, concurrent ASA or other NSAIDs, epidural or intrathecal administration, concomitant probenecidP: Use extra caution and reduce dosages in the elderly because it is cleared renally somewhat slower, and the elderly are also

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 366: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmore sensitive to the renal effects of NSAIDs; use with caution in patients with congestive heart failure, hypertension, decreased renal or hepatic function, history of GI disease (bleeding or ulcers), or those receiving anticoagulantsES: Renal impairment, wound bleeding (with I.M.), postoperative hematomas 1- 10%: Edema, Drowsiness, dizziness, headache, pain, Nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea, gastric ulcers, indigestion, Pain at injection site, Diaphoresis (increased) IO: Decreased effect of diuretics Increased toxicity: Lithium, methotrexate increased drug level; increased effect/toxicity with salicylates, probenecid, anticoagulants Preg: B, D hamil trim 3Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 367: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTramadolAnalgesic, Non-narcoticI:Inhibits ascending pain pathways, altering perception of and response to pain. Also inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.BSO: Tab: 50 mg, 100 mgD: 50-100 mg PO q4-6h; max 400 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; opioid-dependency; concurrent use of MAOIs or within 14 d; use of SSRIs, TCAs, or opioids or acute alcohol intoxicationIO: Decreases carbamazepine effects; cimetidine increases toxicity, risk of serotonin syndrome with coadministration of antidepressantsPreg: CP: Dizziness, nausea, constipation, sweating, or pruritus; additive sedation with alcohol and TCAs; abrupt discontinuation can precipitate opioid withdrawal symptoms; adjust dose in liver disease, myxedema, hypothyroidism, or hypoadrenalism; Preg:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 368: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexand breastfeeding; seizure; development of tolerance or dependency with extended use Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 369: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNaproxen NaNSAIDI: Management of inflammatory disease and rheumatoid disorders (including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis); acute gout; mild to moderate pain; dysmenorrhea; fever, migraine headache BSO: Suspension, oral: 125 mg/5 mL Tablet: 220 mg;275 mg;550 mg,200 mg,250 mg,375mg,500mg Tablet, controlled release: 375 mg, 500 mg D: Oral: Fever: 2.5-10 mg/kg/dose; maximum: 10 mg/kg/day Juvenile arthritis: 10 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses Adults: RA, OA and ankylosing spondylitis: 500-1000 mg/day in 2 divided doses; may increase to 1.5 g/day of naproxen base for limited time period Mild to moderate pain or dysmenorrhea: Initial: 500 mg, then 250 mg every 6-8 hours; maximum: 1250 mg/day naproxen base

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 370: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Reduce dose to 50%

KI: Hypersensitivity to naproxen, aspirin, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)P: Use with caution in patients with GI disease (bleeding or ulcers), cardiovascular disease (CHF, hypertension), dehydration, renal or hepatic impairment, and patients receiving anticoagulants; perform ophthalmologic evaluation for those who develop eye complaints during therapy (blurred vision, diminished vision, changes in color vision, retinal changes); NSAIDs may mask signs/symptoms of infections; photosensitivity reported; elderly are at especially high-risk for adverse effectsES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, insomnia, vertigo, tinnitus, Skin reactions such as rash or itching, Ulceration or bleeding of the stomach or intestines, fluid retention, oedema, Increase in blood pressure, Visual disturbances, Drowsiness, Concentration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 371: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdifficulties, Depression, Seizures (convulsions), bronchospasm, angioedema, itchy blistering rash or anaphylactic shock, photosensitivity, Kidney, liver or blood disordersIO: CYP2C8, 2C9, and 2C18 enzyme substrate Increased toxicity: Naproxen could displace other highly protein bound drugs, such as oral anticoagulants, hydantoins, salicylates, sulfonamides, and sulfonylureas Naproxen and warfarin may cause a slight increase in free warfarin Naproxen and probenecid may cause increased plasma half-life of naproxen Naproxen and methotrexate may significantly increase and prolong blood methotrexate concentration, which may be severe or fatal Preg: B, D hamil trim 3 Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 372: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Anti Rheumatik & Analgesik Anti InflamasiPiroxicam MeloxicamTenoxicam NaproxenIbuprofen DiclofenacKetoprofen EtodolacSulfasalazine IndometacinLoxoprofen PhenylbutazoneOxyphenbutazone DexketoprofenFenbufen NabumetoneCelecoxib ValdecoxibEtoricoxib EtanerceptParecoxib TinoridineSodium hyaluronate/ Hyaluronic acidNimesulide InfliximabRituximabGlucosamine, Chondroitin sulphateDiacereinLeflunomide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 373: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPiroxicamNSAIDI: Management of inflammatory disorders; symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis; also used to treat sunburnBSO: Tab 10 mg, 20 mg. Vial IM 20 mg. Supp 20 mgGel 0.5 %D: 10-20 mg/d PO. 0.2-0.3 mg/kg/d PO; max 15 mg/d

Gel: oles 3-4x/hr KI: Hypersensitivity; active GI bleedingP: Use with caution in patients with impaired cardiac function, dehydration, hypertension, impaired renal function, GI disease (bleeding or ulcers) and patients receiving anticoagulants; elderly have increased risk for adverse reactions to NSAIDsES: Indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, flatulence, Skin reactions such as rash or itching, photosensitivity, Ulceration of the

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 374: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexstomach or intestines, Bleeding from the stomach or intestines, fluid retention), resulting in swelling (oedema), Dizziness, Headache, Sleepiness, Difficulty sleeping, Depression, Confusion, vertigo, tinnitus, Blurred vision, angioedema, bronchospasm, Kidney, liver or blood disorders.IO: Preg: C, D Hamil trim 3 Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 375: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMeloxicamTo some extent, more selective for COX-2 receptors, compared to traditional NSAIDs. Decreases activity of cyclooxygenase, which in turn inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. These effects decrease formation of inflammatory mediators.I: Relief of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritisBSO: Tablet: 7.5 mg, 15 mg. Supp 15 mgAmp 15 mg/1.5 ccD: 7.5 mg PO qd prn (1x/hr); may increase to 15 mg PO qd prnKI: Hipersensitif; active GI bleedingIO: Coadministration with aspirin increases risk of inducing serious NSAID-related adverse effects; probenecid may increase concentrations and, possibly, toxicity of NSAIDs; may decrease effect of hydralazine, captopril, and beta-blockers; may decrease diuretic effects of furosemide and thiazides; may increase PT when taking anticoagulants (instruct patients to watch for signs of bleeding); may increase risk of methotrexate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 376: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextoxicity; phenytoin levels may be increased when administered concurrentlyPreg: C, D hamil trim 3 P:Category D in third trimester of Preg:; acute renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, interstitial nephritis, and renal papillary necrosis may occur; increases risk of acute renal failure in patients with preexisting renal disease or compromised renal perfusion; reversible leukopenia may occur, (discontinue if there is persistent leukopenia, granulocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia)NSAID labeling carries a warning about increased risk of hypertension, stroke, and cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarctionNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 377: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTenoxicamNSAID. Blocking the production of prostaglandin which the body produces in response to injury or certain diseases. prostaglandin go on to cause swelling, pain and inflammation. I: Arthritis, myalgia, PainBSO: Tab salut selaput 20 mg

D: 20 mg 1x/hr Gout akut: Hr 1-2: 40 mg 1x/hr. 5 hr berikutnya 20 mg/hrKI: Allergy, Peptic ulcers, Ulcer caused by NSAIDP: Asthma, Children, Elderly, Heart, Kidney & liver diseaseES: Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Nausea, dyspepsia, Ulceration & Bleeding of the stomach or intestine, fluid retention, Dizziness, Blood disorders, Kidney disease, pancreatitis, photosensitivity, toxic epidermal necrolysis, bronchospasm, Damage to the liverPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 378: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNaproxenNSAIDI: For relief of mild to moderate pain; inhibits inflammatory reactions and pain by decreasing activity of cyclooxygenase, which results in decrease of prostaglandin synthesis.BSO: Tab 250 mg. Kapl 500 mg. supp 500 mgSuspension, oral: 125 mg/5 mL Gel 0.1 g/gD: 500 mg PO followed by 250 mg PO q6-8h; max 1.25 g/dPaed.>2 years: 2.5 mg/kg/dose PO; max 10 mg/kg/dGel: Oles 2x/hr max6x/hrKI: Hipersensitif; peptic ulcer disease; recent GI bleeding or perforation; renal insufficiencyIO:Coadministration with aspirin increases risk of inducing serious NSAID-related adverse effects; probenecid may increase concentrations and, possibly, toxicity of NSAIDs; may decrease effects of hydralazine, captopril, and beta-blockers; may

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 379: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdecrease diuretic effects of furosemide and thiazides; may increase PT when taking anticoagulants (instruct patients to watch for signs of bleeding); may increase risk of methotrexate toxicity; phenytoin levels may be increased when administered concurrentlyPreg: B, D hamil trim 3P:Category D in third trimester of Preg:; acute renal insufficiency, interstitial nephritis, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and renal papillary necrosis may occur; patients with preexisting renal disease or compromised renal perfusion risk acute renal failure; leukopenia occurs rarely, is transient, and usually returns to normal during therapy; persistent leukopenia, granulocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia warrants further evaluation and may require discontinuation of drug Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 380: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIbuprofenDOC for patients with mild-moderate pain. Inhibits inflammatory reactions and pain by decreasing prostaglandin synthesis.BSO: Caplet: 100 mg Drops, oral: 40 mg/mL Suspension, oral: 100 mg/5 mL Suspension, oral, drops: 40 mg/mL; 50 mg/1.25 mL Tablet: 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg Tablet, chewable: 50 mg, 100 mg D: 400 mg PO q4-6h; max 3.2 g/dKI:Hipersensitif; peptic ulcer disease; recent GI bleeding or perforation; renal insufficiency; high risk of bleedingIO:Coadministration with aspirin increases risk of inducing serious NSAID-related adverse effects; probenecid may increase concentrations and, possibly, toxicity of NSAIDs; may decrease effects of hydralazine, captopril, and beta-blockers; may decrease diuretic effects of furosemide and thiazides; may

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 381: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexincrease PT when taking anticoagulants (instruct patients to watch for signs of bleeding); may increase risk of methotrexate toxicity; phenytoin levels may be increased when administered concurrentlyPreg: B, D pd trim III atau menjelang partusP:Category D in third trimester of Preg:; caution in congestive heart failure, hypertension, and decreased renal and hepatic function; caution in coagulation abnormalities or during anticoagulant therapy Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 382: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiclofenacInhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing activity of enzyme cyclooxygenase, which in turn decreases formation of prostaglandin precursors.BSO: Solution, ophthalmic,: 0.1% Tablet, enteric coated: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg Tablet, delayed release: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg Tablet, extended release: 100 mg GelD: 50 mg PO tid; max 150 mg/dKI:Hipersensitif; peptic ulcer disease; recent GI bleeding or perforation; renal insufficiency; high risk of bleedingIO:Coadministration with aspirin increases risk of inducing serious NSAID-related adverse effects; probenecid may increase concentrations and, possibly, toxicity of NSAIDs; may decrease effects of hydralazine, captopril, and beta-blockers; may decrease diuretic effects of furosemide and thiazides; may

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 383: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexincrease PT when taking anticoagulants (instruct patients to watch for signs of bleeding); may increase risk of methotrexate toxicity; phenytoin levels may be increased when administered concurrentlyPreg: BP:Category D in third trimester of Preg:; acute renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, interstitial nephritis, and renal papillary necrosis may occur; increases risk of acute renal failure in patients with preexisting renal disease or compromised renal perfusion; low WBC counts occur rarely and usually return to normal in ongoing therapy; discontinuation of therapy may be necessary if persistent leukopenia, granulocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 384: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKetoprofenRelief of mild to moderate pain and inflammation. BSO: Tab salut enteric 50 mg, 100 mgTab OD 200 mgSupp 100 mg Amp: 50 mg/cc, 100 mg/ 2ccGel 2.5 %D: 25-50 mg PO q6-8h prn; max 300 mg/dGel: oles 2-3x/hr max 7 hariKI: HipersensitifIO:Coadministration with aspirin increases risk of inducing serious NSAID-related adverse effects; probenecid may increase concentrations and, possibly, toxicity of NSAIDs; may decrease effects of hydralazine, captopril, and beta-blockers; may decrease diuretic effects of furosemide and thiazides; may increase PT when taking anticoagulants (instruct patients to watch for signs of bleeding); may increase risk of methotrexate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 385: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextoxicity; phenytoin levels may be increased when administered concurrentlyPreg:B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks. D Hamil trim 3P:Category D in third trimester of Preg:; caution in congestive heart failure, hypertension, and decreased renal and hepatic function; caution in coagulation abnormalities or during anticoagulant therapyNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 386: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEtodolacNSAIDI: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis.BSO: Capsule: 200 mg, 300 mg Tablet: 400 mg, 500 mg D: Single dose of 76-100 mg is comparable to the analgesic effect of aspirin 650 mg; in patients greater than or equal to 65 years, no substantial differences in the pharmacokinetics or side-effects profile were seen compared with the general population Acute pain: 200-400 mg every 6-8 hours, as needed, max total daily doses of 1200 mg; for patients weighing <60 kg, total daily dose should not exceed 20 mg/kg/day Osteoarthritis: Initial: 800-1200 mg/day given in divided doses: 400 mg 2 or 3 times/day; 300 mg 2, 3 or 4 times/day; 200 mg 3 or 4 times/day; total daily dose should not exceed 1200 mg; for patients weighing <60 kg, total daily dose should not exceed 20 mg/kg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 387: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Allergic reactions, peptic ulcer or bleeding from the gut, Severe heart failure, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, children.P: Elderly people, History of disorders affecting the stomach or intestines, Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, Kidney & Liver disease, Heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, Poor circulation in the arteries of the legs or feet (peripheral arterial disease), hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, Diabetes, Smokers, History of asthma, People taking anticoagulant medicines ES: Indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, flatulence, stomatitis, Headache, Dizziness, Visual disturbances, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, photosensitivity, insomnia, Drowsiness, Confusion, Depression, fluid retention, oedema, tinnitus, dyspnoea, Ulceration or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, angioedema, bronchospasm, Kidney, liver or blood disorders.IO: Decreased effect with aspirin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 388: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIncreased effect/toxicity with aspirin (GI irritation), probenecid; increased effect/toxicity of lithium, methotrexate, digoxin, cyclosporin (nephrotoxicity), warfarin (bleeding)

Preg: C, D hamil trim 3Nama Dagang:Lonene

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 389: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIndomethacinNSAIDI: RA, OA, ankylosing spondylitis, Acute gout, tendinitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, capsulitis, Painful disorders of the muscles and skeleton, Lower back pain, Pain and inflammation following orthopaedic (bone) surgery or other orthopaedic procedures, Dysmenorrhea)BSO: Kaps 100 mg

D: 200 mg 2x/hr KI: Children, allergic reactions, Active peptic ulcer or bleeding from the gut, Severe heart failure, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Elderly people, History of disorders affecting the stomach or intestines, Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, Decreased kidney & liver function, Heart failure, hypertension, History of asthma & allergies, People with blood clotting disorders or taking anticoagulants, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Psychiatric disorders

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 390: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Headache, Dizziness, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Ulceration or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, fluid retention, oedema, Rise in blood pressure, Change in heart rate or rhythm, Hair loss, vertigo, tinnitus, Confusion, Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, insomnia, Pins and needles sensations, Eye pain, Blurred vision, Allergy, Kidney, liver or blood disordersIO: CYP2C9 enzyme substrate Increased toxicity: May increase serum potassium with potassium-sparing diuretics; probenecid may increase indomethacin serum concentrations; other NSAIDs may increase GI adverse effects; may increase nephrotoxicity of cyclosporin Indomethacin may increase serum concentrations of digoxin, methotrexate, lithium, and aminoglycosides (reported with I.V. use in neonates) Preg: B, D if used >48 hours or after 34-week gestation Nama Dagang: Dialon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 391: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLoxoprofenI: AR, OA, nyeri punggung, periartritis skapulo-humoral & sindroma leher-bahu & lenganBSO: Tab 60 mgD: Dws 60 mg 3x/hr atau dosis tunggal 60-120 mg tgt umur &

beratnya gejala. KI: Tukak peptik, ggn hematologi berat. Hamil trim akhir, laktasiP: Usia lanjut, hamilES: syok, anemia hemolitik, sindr mukokutaneus okular, ggl ginjal akut, sindr nefrotikIO: Antikoagulan kumarin, kuinolon, antimikrobaPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Loxonin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 392: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenylbutazoneI: AR, Demam rematik, tendonitis, bursitis, sinovitis, gout akut, tromboflebitis superfisialBSO: Kapl & Kaps 100 mg, 200 mg

D: Awal 300-600 mg/hr terbagi dlm 3-4 dosisKI: Edema,dekompensasi kordis, tukak lambung, riwayat diskrasia darah, anak < 14 thn, ggn hati & ginjalP: Usia lanjut, hamil & laktasiES: Mual, muntah, ggn epigastrium, hematuria, penglihatan kabur IO: antikoagulan, insulin, hipoglikemik oralPreg: C, D hamil trim 3Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 393: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxyphenbutazoneNSAIDI: Management of inflammatory disorders, as an analgesic in the treatment of mild to moderate pain; acute gouty arthritisBSO: Tablet: 100 mg, 200 mg

D: Acute gout: 1st 400 mg then 100 mg q4h. max 7dayKI: Active GI bleeding; ulcer disease; hypersensitivity to oxyphenbutazone or any componentP: ES: >10%: Dizziness, Skin rash, Abdominal cramps, heartburn, indigestion, nausea 1% to 10%: Headache, nervousness, Itching, Fluid retention, Vomiting, Tinnitus IO: Preg: DBSO: Nama Dagang: Reozon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 394: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDexketoprofenNSAIDI: Pain in muscles, bones/ joints, dysmenorrhea, ToothacheBSO: Tab salut selaput 25 mg

D: 12.5 mg 3-4x/hr atau 25 mg 3x/hr. Maks 75 mg.KI: Children, allergic, asthma, peptic ulcer, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Elderly people, Dehydration, History of disorders affecting the stomach or intestines, hypertension, History of allergiesES: Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, insomnia, vertigo, Palpitations, Fatigue, Flushing, Dry mouth, fluid retention, oedema, Changes in blood pressure, Ulceration of the stomach or intestine, bronchospasm, photosensitivity, Visual disturbances, tinnitusPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Ketesse

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 395: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFenbufenNSAIDI: Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Painful disorders of the muscles and skeleton, such as tendinitis, sprains, strains, dislocations, fractures, back painBSO: Kaps 300 mg

D: Rematik: 600-900 mg 2-3x/hr. Max 1200 mg/hrAnalgesik: 400 mg 2x/hr atau 300 mg 3x/hr KI: Allergic reactions, Active peptic ulcer or bleeding from the gut, Severe heart failure, children < 14 years of age.P: Elderly people, Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, Heart failure, hypertension, History of asthma & allergies, People with blood clotting disorders or taking anticoagulant medicines, Diseases affecting connective tissue, eg SLEES: Indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Rash, Headache, Dizziness, insomnia, tinnitus,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 396: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexvertigo, Visual disturbances, Ulceration of the stomach or intestines, Bleeding from the stomach or intestines, fluid retention, oedema, photosensitivity, Hypersensitivity reactions, Kidney, liver or blood disorders, Lung disordersIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Cybufen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 397: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNabumetoneNSAIDI: Inflammation of joints (arthritis)BSO: Tablet: 500 mg, 750 mg

D: 500-1000 mg 1-2x/day Max 1 g/hrKI: Allergy, Peptic ulcers, Severe liver diseaseP: Asthma, Children, Elderly people, Heart disease, hypertension, Kidney disease, Liver diseaseES: Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Nausea, dyspepsia, Ulceration of the stomach or intestine, Rash (allergic reaction), fluid retention, Dizziness or loss of balance, Kidney disease, pancreatitis, photosensitivity, toxic epidermal necrolysis, bronchospasm, angioedemaIO: Aspirin decreases serum concentrations probably by protein-binding displacement; there is an increased bleeding potential with concomitant warfarin therapy; may increase lithium and methotrexate concentrations by decreasing renal clearance; may decrease diuretic and hypotensive effects of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 398: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexthiazides, loop diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and beta-blockers; may increase nephrotoxicity of cyclosporinePreg: C, D hamil trim 3 Nama Dagang: Goflex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 399: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCelecoxibPrimarily inhibits COX-2. COX-2 is considered an inducible isoenzyme, induced by pain and inflammatory stimuli. Inhibition of COX-1 may contribute to NSAID GI toxicity. At therapeutic concentrations, COX-1 isoenzyme is not inhibited, thus GI toxicity may be decreased. Seek lowest dose of celecoxib for each patient. Celecoxib has the same general class labeling as conventional NSAIDs.BSO: Kaps 100 mg, 200 mgD: 100 mg PO qd/bid (1-2x/hr)KI: HipersensitifIO:Coadministration with fluconazole may cause increase in celecoxib plasma concentrations because of inhibition of celecoxib metabolism; coadministration of celecoxib with rifampin may decrease celecoxib plasma concentrationsPreg: BP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 400: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay cause fluid retention and peripheral edema; caution in compromised cardiac function, hypertension, and conditions predisposing to fluid retention; severe heart failure and hyponatremia may occur because celecoxib may deteriorate circulatory hemodynamics; NSAIDs may mask usual signs of infection; caution in the presence of existing controlled infections; evaluate symptoms and signs suggesting liver dysfunctionNama Dagang: Celebrex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 401: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValdecoxibNSAIDI: RA, OA, dysmenorrhoeaBSO: Tab salut selaput 10 mgD: OA &RA 10-20 mg 1x/hr. Max 20 mgDismenore primer 40 mg 1x/hr. Tambahan 40 mg dpt diberikan

pd hari I . KI: Allergy, Active peptic ulcer, Bleeding from the stomach or intestines, Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, People who have had coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, Moderate to severe heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, Severely decreased liver function, Third trimester of pregnancy, Breastfeeding, P: Elderly people, Moderately decreased liver function, Decreased kidney function, fluid retention, Dehydration, History of diseases of the stomach or intestines, History of ulceration or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, hypertension,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 402: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhyperlipidaemia, Diabetes, Smokers, Narrowing of the arteries in the extremities (peripheral arterial disease)ES: Abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhoea, nausea, indigestion, Dry mouth, insomnia, somnolence, hypertension, Cough, pharyngitis, sinusitis, Urinary tract infection, peripheral oedema, Rash or itching, anaemia, Dry socket following a tooth extraction, Blurred vision, Pins and needles or numb sensations, Anxiety, Confusion, Ulceration or bleeding of the stomach or intestines, heart failure, Severe skin reactionsIO: If you are taking anti-blood-clotting medicines (anticoagulants) such as warfarin, you should have your blood clotting time (INR) monitored if you start or stop treatment with valdecoxib, or if your dose is changed.Valdecoxib may be taken with low-dose (75mg daily) aspirin. However, this combination may carry an increased risk of ulceration or bleeding in the stomach or intestines compared to taking valdecoxib on its own. Valdecoxib should not be taken with higher daily doses of aspirin. For more information and advice ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 403: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValdecoxib should not be taken with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), eg ibuprofen, diclofenac, as using more than one NSAID together may also increase the risk of side effects on the gut.Valdecoxib may potentially decrease the effectiveness of medicines used for lowering high blood pressure (antihypertensives).There may be an increased risk of side effects on the kidney if valdecoxib is taken with any of the following medicines, and your kidney function should be monitored if you are taking any of these medicines with valdecoxib: * ACE inhibitors, eg enalapril * ciclosporin * diuretics, eg bendroflumethiazide, furosemide * tacrolimus.The following medicines may increase the blood level of valdecoxib, and your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of valdecoxib if you are taking one of these medicines:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 404: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index * fluconazole * ketoconazole.The following medicines may decrease the blood level of valdecoxib: * antiepileptics, eg carbamazepine, phenytoin * dexamethasone * rifampicin.Valdecoxib may increase the blood levels of the following medicines: * flecainide * propafenone * metoprolol * omeprazole * phenytoin * diazepam * imipramine * lithium (your lithium blood level should be monitored if you are starting, changing dose, or stopping valdecoxib while taking lithium).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 405: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValdecoxib may also increase the blood levels of hormones (oestrogens and progestogens) contained in combined oral contraceptive pills, and this may increase the risk of side effects from these pills. Discuss this with your doctor.Other NSAIDs can reduce the removal of the medicine methotrexate from the body. This has not been reported with valdecoxib, but people taking methotrexate should be well monitored for any side effects of methotrexate while taking valdecoxib.Preg: CNama Dagang: Bextra

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 406: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEtoricoxibNSAIDI: Acute gout, RA, OABSO: Tab salut selaput 60 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg

D: 60 -120 mg 1x/hrKI: < 16 years of age, allergic reactions, Severely decreased liver function, Moderate to severely decreased kidney function, Active peptic ulcer or bleeding from the gut, Inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, hypertension, Heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malsorption (Arcoxia tablets contain lactose).P: Elderly people, History of disorders affecting the stomach or intestines, such as ulceration or bleeding, Decreased liver & kidney function, Liver cirrhosis, Dehydration, History of heart

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 407: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexfailure, oedema, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, Diabetes, SmokersES: Headache, Dizziness, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence or abdominal pain, oedema, hypertension, asthenia, Fatigue, Cold or flu-like symptoms, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Blurred vision, insomnia, Muscle cramps, Weight gain, Anxiety, Depression, epistaxis, dyspnoea, Chest pain, Heart attack or stroke, Ulceration or bleeding of the stomach or intestine, Liver or kidney disordersIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Arcoxia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 408: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEtanerceptSoluble p75 TNF receptor fusion protein (sTNFR-Ig). Inhibits TNF binding to cell surface receptors, which, in turn, decreases inflammatory and immune responses.BSO: Vial 25 mgD: 25 mg SC 2x/wk with or without concomitant administration of MTXKI: Hipersensitif, sepsis, concurrent live vaccinationIO: -Preg: B P:Caution in impaired renal function and asthma; discontinue administration if serious infection develops; adverse effects may include injection site pain, localized erythema, rash, URI symptomology, GI upset, nausea, vomiting, rhinitis, cough, and drug-induced lupus Nama Dagang: Enbrel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 409: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexParecoxibI: Terapi jangka pendek utk nyeri pasca operasiBSO: Vial 20 mgD: 40 mg IV/IM diikuti 20-40 mg 2-4x/hr. Max 80 mg/hrLansia > 65 th: BB < 50 Kg ½ dosis lazim. Max 40 mg/hr KI: Hipersensitif, hamil (tirm 1 & 2), laktasi, tukak peptic aktifP: ES: Hipoestesi, nyeri punggung, edema perifer, osteitis alveolar, dispepsia, kembung, peningkatan kreatinin, hipokalemia,agitasi, insomnia.IO: Warfarin, diuretik, antihipertensi, siklosporin, takrolimus, flukonazol, rifampisin, fenitoinPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Dynastat

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 410: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTinoridineI: Radang pasca bedah, cedera sal. Kemih, radang akut sal nafas atas, otitis, artritis, uretritis, epididimitis, lumbago, nyeri punggung, artralgia, nyeri setelah cabut gigi, rematikBSO: Kaps 50 mgD: 50-100 mg 2x/hrKI: P: ES: Jarang, ggn GI, vertigo, mulut keringIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Nonflamin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 411: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSodium hyaluronate/ Hyaluronic acidI: Surgical aid in cataract extraction, intraocular implantation, corneal transplant, glaucoma filtration, and retinal attachment surgeryBSO: Jarum suntik 10 mg/mL, 12 mg/mL, 14 mg/mL, 16 mg/mL 20 mg/cc, 30 mg/mLD: 3 cc/ sendi lutut atau pinggang sebagai dosis tunggalKI: Hypersensitivity to hyaluronateP: Do not overfill the anterior chamber; carefully monitor intraocular pressure; risk of hypersensitivity existsES: 1% to 10%: Ocular: Postoperative inflammatory reactions (iritis, hypopyon), corneal edema, corneal decompensation, transient postoperative increase in IOPIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 412: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNimesulideI: OA, RA, pnykit Rematik ekstra artikuler, nyeri & peradangan sesudah intervensi bedah & akibat trauma akut, dismenore.BSO: Tab 100 mg

D: 100 mg 2x/hrKI: Hipersensitifitas, tukak lambung, Anak, HamilP: Ggn fungsi ginjal dan jantungES: Anoreksia, urin gelap,perforasi, vertigo.IO: AINS lain: meningkatkan resiko perdarahanPreg: X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 413: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInfliximabChimeric IgG1k monoclonal antibody that neutralizes cytokine TNF-alpha and inhibits its binding to TNF-alpha receptor. Reduces infiltration of inflammatory cells and TNF-alpha production in inflamed areas. Used with MTX in patients who have inadequate response to MTX monotherapy.BSO: Vial 100 mgD: 3 mg/kg IV at weeks 0, 2, and 6; then q4-8wk, usually with MTX; some patients require higher doses (4-5 mg/kg)KI: HipersensitifPreg: BP: TNF-alpha modulates cellular immune responses; anti–TNF therapies, such as infliximab, may adversely affect normal immune responses and allow development of superinfections; may increase risk of reactivation of TB in patients with certain granulomatous infections; PPD-+ patients require TB prophylaxis; may cause anti-DNA antibodies and drug-induced lupus Nama Dagang: Remicade

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 414: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRituximabChimeric IgG1-kappa monoclonal antibody directed against the CD20 antigen found on the surface of normal and malignant B lymphocytes. The Fab domain of rituximab binds to CD20 antigen on B lymphocytes, and Fc domain recruits immune effector functions to mediate B-cell lysis in vitro. Possible mechanisms of cell lysis include complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Rituximab in combination with methotrexate is indicated to reduce signs and symptoms in adult patients with moderately to severely active RA who have had an inadequate response to one or more TNF antagonist therapies.BSO: Injection, preservative free: 100 mg/ 10cc; 500 mg/50ccD: Give two 1-g IV infusions 2 wk apartGlucocorticoids administered as methylprednisolone 100 mg IV or equivalent 30 min prior to each infusion are recommended to reduce incidence and severity of infusion reactions

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 415: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAdults: I.V. (refer to individual protocols): Do not administer I.V. push or bolus (hypersensitivity reactions may occur). Consider premedication (consisting of acetaminophen and diphenhydramine) before each infusion of rituximab. Premedication may attenuate infusion-related events. Because transient hypotension may occur during infusion, give consideration to withholding antihypertensive medications 12 hours prior to rituximab infusion.KI: Known anaphylaxis or IgE-mediated hypersensitivity to murine proteins or any component of productIO: renal toxicity reported with drug in combination with cisplatin in clinical trials (in clinical trials involving patients with RA, concomitant administration of MTX or cyclophosphamide did not alter pharmacokinetics of rituximab)Preg: CP: Safety and efficacy of re-treatment not established in controlled trials; not recommended in patients with RA and no prior inadequate response to one or more TNF antagonists; has caused severe infusion reactions (in some cases, reactions

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 416: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexwere fatal); hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation with fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure, and death has been reported in some patients with hematologic malignancies treated with rituximab; hypersensitivity reactions (non–IgE-mediated reactions reported); mucocutaneous reactions, some with fatal outcome, have been reported in patients treated with rituximab; vaccination with live-virus vaccines not recommendedNama Dagang: MabThera

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 417: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGlucosamine HCl, Chondroitin sulphate I: OA, membantu melindungi kerusakan rawan sendiBSO: Krim

D: 2-3x/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 418: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiacereinI: Terapi oral jangka panjang spesifik utk penykt sendi degeneratif (OA & penyakit lain yg berkaitan) BSO: Kapl 50 mg

D: 1 kapl 2x/hrKI: HipersensitifP: Hamil & laktasiES: Mual, muntah, diare, nyeri epigastrikIO: Obat yg menyebabkan perubahan transit intestinal & atau kualitas kandungan intestinal (misalnya kelebihan serat atau filtrate), Al hidroksida, Mg hidroksidaPreg: BNama Dagang: Artrodar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 419: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLeflunomideAntimetaboliteFirst new DMARD approved in more than 10 years. Blocks autoimmune antibodies and reduces inflammation. Inhibits dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the de novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway. Studies indicate that it reduces symptoms, possibly better than MTX, and may even slow progression of RA. Use with caution in renal insufficiencyI: Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis to reduce signs and symptoms and to retard structural damage as evidenced by x-ray erosions and joint space narrowingBSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg, 100 mgD: Initial: 100 mg/d PO for 3 dMaintenance dose: 10-20 mg/d POKI: HipersensitifIO: Cholestyramine and charcoal reduce effects; concomitant rifampin increases toxicityPreg: XP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 420: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSerious adverse reactions include hepatotoxicity and immunosuppression; other reactions include nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, rash, bronchitis, headache, hypertension, dizziness, and alopecia; caution if impaired liver or renal function or if immunodeficient; leflunomide is a prodrug and active metabolite has a very long plasma half-life (approximately 15 d); with serious toxicity, can be cleared more quickly using cholestyramine 8 mg tid.Nama Dagang:Arava

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 421: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Preparat GoutColchicineAllopurinol IndometacinPhenylbutazoneProbenecid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 422: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexColchicine-- Inhibits microtubules and thereby may inhibit phagocytosis, neutrophil mobility, and chemotaxis. Also may inhibit generation of prostaglandins.BSO: Injection: 0.5 mg/mLTablet: 0.5 mg, 0.6 mg D: PO for acute flares: 0.5 mg or 0.6 mg q1h until significant pain relief, adverse GI effects, or a total dose of 6 mgIV acute flares: 1 mg in 20 mL of isotonic sodium chloride solution without glucose pushed through a secure IV line over 10-20 minCan be repeated in 6 h, but no more than 4 mg in 24 h and no further colchicine by any route for a weekProphylaxis: 0.5 mg or 0.6 mg bid PO; adjust dose for renal insufficiencyKI: Hipersensitif; severe renal, hepatic, GI, or cardiac disorders; blood dyscrasiasIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 423: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSympathomimetic agent toxicity and effect of CNS depressants are significantly increasedPreg: XP:Risk of renal failure, hepatic failure, permanent hair loss, bone marrow suppression, numbness or tingling in hands and feet, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and decreased sperm count; dose-dependent GI upset is common; rarely myopathy and neuropathy, especially with long-term treatment in the setting of renal insufficiency Nama Dagang:Recolfar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 424: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAllopurinol-- Reduces production of uric acid, thereby allowing body to dispose of excess uric acid stores. Most effective therapy to lower serum uric acid. Most patients achieve the target uric acid level of 5 mg/dL at 300-400 mg/d, less if renal insufficiency is present.I: HiperurikemiaBSO: Injection: 500 mg Tablet: 100 mg, 300 mg D:Initial: 100 mg/d PO; titrate monthly according to serum uric acid levelMaintenance: 300-400 mg/d POEffective doses based on GFR: 400 mg PO qd for 140 mL/min creatinine clearance; 300 mg for 100 mL/min creatinine clearance; 200 mg for 60 mL/min creatinine clearance; 150 mg for 40 mL/min creatinine clearance; 100 mg for 20 mL/min or lessKI:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 425: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHipersensitif (if reaction not severe, can try a desensitization regimen [Fam, 2001] [Walz-LeBlanc, 1991])IO:Alcohol decreases effects; increases incidence of skin rash when used concurrently with ampicillin and amoxicillin; large amounts of vitamin C acidifies urine and may cause renal stone formation; inhibits metabolism of azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurinePreg: CP:Not for use in asymptomatic hyperuricemia; reduce dose in renal insufficiency; monitor liver function and perform CBC count before initiating therapy and periodically thereafter, discontinue medication if rash occurs and evaluate Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 426: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProbenecid-- Designed to lower tissue stores of uric acid by increasing net renal excretion of uric acid by inhibiting tubular reabsorption. D: 250 mg PO bid for 1 wk, then 500 mg bid; can increase up to 3 g/dKI: Hipersensitif; children <2 y; high urinary uric acid excretion, renal insufficiency (GFR <50 mL/min), renal stones; known blood dyscrasia; coadministration of ketorolac because levels/toxicity of ketorolac are significantly increasedIO: Salicylates at high dosages and nitrofurantoin may decrease effects; increases levels/toxicity of methotrexate, beta-lactam antibiotics, acyclovir, thiopental, clofibrate, dyphylline, pantothenic acid, ketorolac, benzodiazepines, rifampin, sulfonamide, dapsone, zidovudine, and sulfonylureasPreg: BP: crosses placental barrier; use of any drug in women of childbearing potential requires anticipated benefit be weighed against possible hazards; caution in history of peptic ulcer; can provoke attacks of acute gouty arthritis and renal stones

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 427: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Anti Konvulsan & Anti epilepsyDiazepamClonazepamPhenobarbitalCarbamazepineOxcarbazepinePhenytoin GabapentinValproic acidLamotrigineLevetiracetamTopiramateMagnesium sulphate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 428: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiazepam-- Effective in treating vertigo. Depresses all levels of CNS, including limbic and reticular formation, possibly by increasing activity of GABA, major inhibitory neurotransmitter. Individualize dosage and cautiously increase to avoid adverse effects. Effective for acute episodes. Discontinue as quickly as possible to maximize cerebellar vestibular compensation process.BSO: Gel, rectal delivery system: Pediatric rectal tip (4.4 cm): 5 mg/mL Adult rectal tip (6 cm): 5 mg/mL Injection: 5 mg/mL Injection, emulsified: 5 mg/mL Solution, oral (wintergreen-spice flavor): 5 mg/5 mL Solution, oral concentrate: 5 mg/mL Tablet: 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg D: 5-10 mg PO/IV/IM q4-6h Paed. <6 months: Not recommended>6 months:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 429: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index0.05-0.3 mg/kg/dose IV/IM over 2-3 min, repeat in 2-4 h prn0.12-0.8 mg/kg/d PO divided q6-8h; max 10 mg/dose KI: Hipersensitif IO: Increases toxicity of benzodiazepines in CNS with coadministration of phenothiazines, barbiturates, alcohols, and monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOIs) Preg: DP:Caution with other CNS depressants, low albumin levels, or hepatic disease (may increase toxicity) Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 430: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClonazepam-- Suppresses muscle contractions by facilitating neurotransmission of GABA and other inhibitory transmitters.BSO: Tablet: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mgD: Based on equivalent doses of other benzodiazepines (eg, 1 mg PO of clonazepam for 1-2 mg of alprazolam)KI: Hipersensitif; severe liver disease; acute narrow-angle glaucomaIO: Phenytoin and barbiturates may reduce effects; coadministration of CNS depressants increase toxicityPreg: DP: Caution in chronic respiratory disease or impaired renal function; withdrawal symptoms can result from abrupt discontinuation of the medication Other P: include history of drug and alcohol abuse; monitor blood counts and liver function tests Nama Dagang:Rivotril

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 431: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenobarbital-- Best studied barbiturate in treatment of SE. Can be administered 20 mg/min IV. If patient has received benzodiazepine, potential for respiratory suppression significantly increased.I: Management of generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) and partial seizures; sedativeBSO: Capsule: 16 mg Elixir: 15 mg/5 mL; 20 mg/5 mL Injection: 30 mg/mL; 60 mg/mL; 65 mg/mL; 130 mg/mL Powder for injection: 120 mg Tab: 8mg, 15mg, 16mg, 30 mg, 32 mg, 60 mg, 65 mg, 100 mg D: Children: Sedation: Oral: 2 mg/kg 3x/day Hypnotic: I.M., I.V., S.C.: 3-5 mg/kg at bedtime Preoperative: Oral, I.M., I.V.: 1-3 mg/kg 1-1.5 hours pre-op Adults: Sedation: Oral, I.M.: 30-120 mg/day in 2-3 divided doses Hypnotic: Oral, I.M., I.V., S.C.: 100-320 mg at bedtime Preoperative: I.M.: 100-200 mg 1-1.5 hours pre-op

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 432: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnticonvulsant: Status epilepticus: Loading dose: I.V.: Infants and Children: 10-20 mg/kg 1-2x/day; in select patients may administer additional 5 mg/kg/dose every 15-30 minutes until seizure is controlled or a total dose of 40 mg/kg is reached Adults: 1st 300-800 mg, then 120-240 mg/dose at 20-minute intervals until seizures are controlled or a total dose of 1-2 g Anticonvulsant maintenance dose: Oral, I.V.: Infants: 5-8 mg/kg/day in 1-2 divided doses Children: 1-5 years: 6-8 mg/kg/day in 1-2 divided doses 5-12 years: 4-6 mg/kg/day in 1-2 divided doses Children >12 years and Adults: 1-3 mg/kg/day in divided doses or 50-100 mg 2-3 times/day Withdrawal: Initial daily requirement is determined by substituting phenobarbital 30 mg for every 100 mg pentobarbital used during tolerance testing; then daily requirement is decreased by 10% of initial dose Dosing interval in renal impairment: Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer every 12-16 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 433: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHemodialysis: Moderately dialyzable (20% to 50%) Dosing adjustment/comments in hepatic disease: Increased side effects may occur in severe liver disease; monitor plasma levels and adjust dose accordingly 20 mg/kg IV q20min until seizures controlled or total 1-2 g administeredPaed.20 mg/kg IV over 10-15 min in single or divided dose until seizure controlled or 40 mg/kg administeredKI: HipersensitifIO: Combination with benzodiazepines causes significant respiratory depression; strongly consider elective intubation before combination givenPreg: BP: -Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 434: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarbamazepineEffective in patients who have not responded to lithium therapy. Also can act to inhibit seizures induced through the kindling effect, which is thought to occur by way of repeated limbic stimulation. Has been effective in treating patients who have rapid-cycling bipolar disorder or those who have not been responsive to lithium therapy.BSO: Capsule, extended release: 200 mg, 300 mg Suspension, oral: 100 mg/5 mL Tablet: 200 mg Tablet, chewable: 100 mg Tablet, extended release: 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg D: 1st 200 mg PO qd in divided doses with increments of 100 mg 2 times/wk; if adverse effects occur, decrease 200 mgDose range: 300-1600 mg PO qdSerum level range: 17-50 mmol/L (4-12 mcg/mL)Manic episode: 200-1800 mg PO qdPlasma level: 4-12 mcg/mLPaed.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 435: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index6-12 years: 100 mg PO bid or 10 mg/kg/d divided bid initially, then increase to 100 mg/d every wkMaintenance: 20-30 mg/kg/d PO bid/qid; max 1 g/dKI:Hipersensitif; administration of MAOIs within last 14 d; history of liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and blood dyscrasiasIO:Halothane coadministration may cause hepatocellular damage; grapefruit juice, influenza vaccine, isoniazid, cimetidine, erythromycin, and phenelzine increase plasma levels; phenytoin, alprazolam, clonazepam, primidone, and phenobarbital decrease both CBZ level and levels of interacting agents; fluoxetine increases level; decreases levels of imipramine, phenothiazines, haloperidol, theophylline, thyroid hormones, ritonavir, saquinavir, contraceptives, risperidone, thiothixene, cyclosporine, corticosteroids, doxycycline, trazodone, doxepin, and amitriptyline; increases plasma levels of diltiazem and verapamil; can reduce its own level by "autoinduction;" coadministration with lithium or loxapine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 436: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexincreases toxicity of both CBZ and the interacting agents; coadministration with clozapine further increases bone marrow toxicity and resulting agranulocytosisPreg: DP:A very small, but significant, risk of causing agranulocytosis or aplastic anemia exists.During drug initiation, avoid using hazardous equipment or driving; other depressants and alcohol may lead to increased dizziness and sleepiness; keep in a dry place; drinking grapefruit juice while taking CBZ elevates blood levels; report any indications of blood dyscrasias (eg, easy bruising, sore throats, fever, rash)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 437: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxcarbazepineI: Epilepsy to control partial seizures. This medicine cannot cure epilepsy and will only work to control seizures for as long as you continue to take it .BSO: Tablet: 150 mg, 300 mg, 600 mgD: Adults > 17 —At first, 300 mg 2x/d.max 2.4 g a day.Children 2-16—8-10 mg/kg/day, divided into 2 doses. KI: Allergy, children < 6 yearsP: Elderly people, Decreased kidney & liver function, heart block, Heart failure, arrhythmias, hyponatraemia, porphyrias.ES: Somnolence, Headache, Dizziness, Visual disturbances, Fatigue, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, hyponatraemia, Agitation, Confusion, Depression, emotional lability, ataxia, Concentration or memory difficulties, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Acne, alopecia, asthenia, leucopenia, hepatitis, Irregular heart beats, SLE.Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 438: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenytoin -- Mainstay in treatment of SE. Must be administered slowly and therefore takes longer to enter brain than benzodiazepines. Has advantage of being long-term anticonvulsant and can be administered PO after acute illness. Not water soluble, and must be solubilized in propylene glycol carrier with pH 12 to prepare IV form; therefore, cannot be given >50 mg/min without risk of significant hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias. Also major risk of potential irritation at IV site and vascular compromise of infused limb. Therefore, use in SE should be avoided if possible.BSO: Capsule: Extended: 30 mg, 100 mg Prompt: 100 mg Injection: 50 mg/mL Suspension, oral: 30 mg/5 mL; 125 mg/5 mL Tablet, chewable: 50 mg D:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 439: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index15-20 mg/kg IV, max 50 mg/min; intubate if necessary and control hyperthermia; if seizures continue after 20 min, give additional 10 mg/kg; target levels after correction of hypoalbuminemia should be 20-30 mcg/mL in SEKI: HipersensitifIO: None reported as contraindicated for this indicationPreg: CP: Risk of hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias (perform cardiac monitoring during infusion); infusion rate should be <50 mg/min Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 440: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGabapentinI: Epilepsy - used for partial seizures with or without secondary generalisation. This medicine may be used on its own to treat adults and children aged 12 years and over, or as an add-on therapy for adults and children aged six years and over who are already taking other antiepileptics.# Nerve pain (neuropathic pain) in adults, for example due to diabetic neuropathy or following shingles (post-herpetic neuralgia).# Trigeminal neuralgia, which is severe pain in the lips, gums, cheek, chin or eye caused by a disorder of the nerves in the face (unlicensed use)BSO: Capsule: 100 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mgD: If gabapentin is discontinued or if another anticonvulsant is added to therapy, it should be done slowly over a minimum of 1 week Initial: 300 mg 3 times/day, if necessary the dose may be increased using 300 or 400 mg capsules 3 times/day up to 1800 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 441: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTotal daily dosage range: 900-1800 mg/day administered in 3 divided doses at 8-hour intervals Pain: 300-1800 mg/day given in 3 divided doses has been the most common dosage range Bipolar disorder: 300-3000 mg/day given in 3 divided doses Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr >60 mL/minute: Administer 1200 mg/day Clcr 30-60 mL/minute: Administer 600 mg/day Clcr 15-30 mL/minute: Administer 300 mg/day Clcr <15 mL/minute: Administer 150 mg/day Hemodialysis: 200-300 mg after each 4-hour dialysis following a loading dose of 300-400 mg KI: Allergy# Neurontin capsules contain lactose and should not be taken by people with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. Neurontin tablets do not contain lactose.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, Diabetes.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 442: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Dizziness, somnolence, ataxia, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Changes in appetite, Weight gain, oedema, rash or itching, purpura, Visual disturbances, paraesthesia, Tremor or twitching, insomnia, Headache, Anxiety or nervousness, emotional lability, amnesia, Depression, leucopenia, Impotence, Incontinence.IO: Gabapentin does not modify plasma concentrations of standard anticonvulsant medications (ie, valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenytoin, or phenobarbital) Antacids reduce the bioavailability of gabapentin by 20% Cimetidine may decrease clearance (by 14%) of gabapentin; gabapentin may increase Cmax of norethindrone by 13% Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 443: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValproic acid/ Valproate sodium Has proven effectiveness in treating and preventing mania. Classified as a mood stabilizer and can be used alone or in combination with lithium. Useful in treating patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorders and has been used to treat aggressive or behavioral disorders. A combination of valproic acid and valproate has been effective in treating persons in manic phase, with a success rate of 49%.BSO: Capsule, sprinkle,: 125 mg Injection,: 100 mg/mL Syrup: 250 mg/5 mL Tablet, delayed release,: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg D:250 mg PO tid, initially in increments until a serum level of 350-700 mmol/L (50-100 mcg/mL) has been achievedMaintenance: 750-3000 mg PO qd in divided dosesManic episode: Loading dose of 20 mg/kg/d POStat dose: 20 mg/kg PO, with next dose in 12 h; then 10 mg/kg bid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 444: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMaintenance: 500-3500 mg PO qd to achieve plasma level of 50-125 mcg/mLPaed. 10-15 mg/kg/d PO initially in 1-3 divided doses; increase by 5-10 mg/kg/d PO qwk until therapeutic plasma level achieved. Maintenance: 30-60 mg/kg/d PO divided bid/tidKI: Hipersensitif, hepatic disease/dysfunctionIO: Coadministration with cimetidine, salicylates, felbamate, and erythromycin may increase toxicity; rifampin may significantly reduce valproate levels; in pediatric patients, protein binding and metabolism of valproate decrease when taken concomitantly with salicylates; coadministration with carbamazepine may result in variable changes of carbamazepine concentrations, with possible loss of seizure control; valproate may increase diazepam and ethosuximide toxicity (monitor closely); valproate may increase phenobarbital and phenytoin levels, while either one may decrease valproate levels; valproate may displace warfarin from protein binding sites (monitor coagulation tests); may increase zidovudine levels in patient sero+ for HIV; valproate inhibits the metabolism

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 445: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexof lamotrigine and increases the risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a lamotrigine dose has to be titrated up more slowly when used with valproate)Preg: DP: Monitor for hepatic toxicity (obtain liver function tests prior to initiating therapy and thereafter); serum ammonia levels may increase independently of other liver functions and may cause altered mental status; check platelet count and bleeding times prior to therapy and during treatment; valproic acid inhibits cytochrome P-450 metabolism system (pay attention to any drugs that use this system); monitor for symptoms of pancreatitis and pancreatic enzymes because hemorrhagic pancreatitis has been reported Nama Dagang: Depakene

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 446: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValproate semisodiumNama Dagang:depakote

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 447: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLamotrigineAnticonvulsant that appears to be effective in the treatment of the depressed-phase in bipolar disorders.BSO: Tablet: 50 mg, 100 mgD:12.5-37.5 mg/d PO, initially, gradually titrated in 25-mg increments not more often than weekly; effective dose usually 100-400 mg/d qd or divided bidPaed. 2-15 mg/kg/d PO divided bid initiallyKI:Hipersensitif; lactation; renal impairment; hepatic and cardiac problemsIO:Acetaminophen increases renal clearance and decreases effects; similarly, phenobarbital and phenytoin increase metabolism, causing a decrease in levels; concurrent administration with valproic acid increases lamotrigine levelsPreg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 448: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCan cause adverse CNS effects, including dizziness, sedation, ataxia, nystagmus, and diplopia; dermatological problems include hypersensitivity rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and angioedema; renal involvement can produce hematuria; caution in impaired renal or hepatic function; fatal hypersensitivity reactions to lamotrigine are more likely to occur with rapid dose increments (caution when coadministered with valproate) Nama Dagang: Lamictal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 449: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevetiracetamI: Indicated as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults with epilepsyBSO: Tab 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mgD: Adults: Initial: 500 mg 2x daily; additional dosing increments may be given (1 g/day additional q2wk). max 3 g Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr 50-80 mL/min: 500-1000 mg every 12 hours Clcr 30-50 mL/min: 250-750 mg every 12 hours KI: Children < 4 years of age.P: Decreased kidney & liver function.ES: Dizziness or loss of balance, somnolence, Headache, asthenia, emotional lability, Hostility, Nervousness, Loss of appetite, amnesia, ataxia, Hyperactivity, Shaking, tremor, insomnia, Depression, Personality disorders, Abnormal thinking or behaviour, diarrhoea, nausea, indigestion, Double vision, Rash, Hair loss.Preg: CNama Dagang:Keppra

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 450: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTopiramateAnticonvulsant, MiscellaneousI: Adjunctive therapy for partial onset seizures in adults and pediatric patients (ages 2-16 years) Orphan drug: Topiramate has also been granted orphan drug status for the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome BSO: Capsule: 15 mg, 25 mg Tablet: 25 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg D: Seizures: Adults—25-50 mg/hari for first week. Max 400 mg/day.Children (2-16): 25 mg nightly for 1wk. increase q1 or 2 weeks, 2x/hari.Prevent seizures:50 mg/day 2x/day for 1wk. Max. 400 mg/day 2x/day. Prevent migraine headaches:Adults—25 mg/day for 1wk. Max. 100 mg/day.KI: Epilepsy in children < 2 years of age, Migraine in children < 16 years of age, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 451: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexgalactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.P: Decreased liver & kidney function, history of kidney stones, hypercalciuria, History of depression or suicidal thoughts, Adolescents and young adults, Severe lung/breathing disorders, Hereditary blood disorders called porphyrias.ES: Paraesthesia, Headache, Fatigue, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Decreased appetite and weight loss, Nausea, insomnia, Depression, Concentration or memory difficulties, Abdominal pain, Nervousness, Decreased sense of touch, Confusion, Agitation, Visual disturbances.# Speech disturbances, ataxia, asthenia, Alteration in taste, Behaviour problems in children, metabolic acidosis.IO: CYP2C19 enzyme substrate; CYP2C19 enzyme inhibitor Digoxin levels and ethinyl estradiol blood levels are decreased when coadministered with topiramate Concomitant administration with other CNS depressants will increase its sedative effects; coadministration with other

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 452: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcarbonic anhydrase inhibitors may increase the chance of nephrolithiasis Topiramate may increase phenytoin concentration by 25% Topiramate may decrease valproic acid concentration by 11% Preg: CNama Dagang: Topamax

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 453: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMagnesium sulphateMagnesium has been demonstrated to be superior to phenytoin for preventing and treating eclamptic seizures.BSO: Granules: ~40 mEq magnesium/5 g Injection: 100 mg/mL; 125 mg/mL; 250 mg/mL; 500 mg/mL Solution, oral: 50% [500 mg/mL] D:The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of magnesium is 4.5 mg/kg which is a total daily allowance of 350-400 mg for adult men and 280-300 mg for adult women. During pregnancy the RDA is 300 mg and during lactation the RDA is 355 mg. Average daily intakes of dietary magnesium have declined in recent years due to processing of food. The latest estimate of the average American dietary intake was 349 mg/day. Dose represented as MgSO4 unless stated otherwise. Hypomagnesemia: Neonates: I.V.: 25-50 mg/kg/dose (0.2-0.4 mEq/kg/dose) every 8-12 hours for 2-3 doses

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 454: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: I.M., I.V.: 25-50 mg/kg/dose (0.2-0.4 mEq/kg/dose) every 4-6 hours for 3-4 doses, maximum single dose: 2000 mg (16 mEq), may repeat if hypomagnesemia persists (higher dosage up to 100 mg/kg/dose MgSO4 I.V. has been used); maintenance: I.V.: 30-60 mg/kg/day (0.25-0.5 mEq/kg/day) Adults: Oral: 3 g every 6 hours for 4 doses as needed I.M., I.V.: 1 g every 6 hours for 4 doses; for severe hypomagnesemia: 8-12 g MgSO4/day in divided doses has been used Management of seizures and hypertension: Children: I.M., I.V.: 20-100 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours as needed; in severe cases doses as high as 200 mg/kg/dose have been used Eclampsia, pre-eclampsia: Adults: I.M.: 1-4 g every 4 hours I.V.: Initial: 4 g, then switch to I.M. or 1-4 g/hour by continuous infusion Maximum dose should not exceed 30-40 g/day; maximum rate of infusion: 1-2 g/hour

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 455: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMaintenance electrolyte requirements: Daily requirements: 0.2-0.5 mEq/kg/24 hours or 3-10 mEq/1000 kcal/24 hours Maximum: 8-16 mEq/24 hours Cathartic: Oral: Children: 0.25 g/kg every 4-6 hours Adults: 10-15 g in a glass of water Dosing adjustment/comments in renal impairment: Clcr <25 mL/minute: Do not administer or monitor serum magnesium levels carefully Paed.20-100 mg/kg/dose IV q4-6h prn; in severe cases, may use doses as high as 200 mg/kg/dose IVKI: Hipersensitif; heart block, myocardial damage; Addison disease; severe hepatitisIO: Concurrent use of magnesium sulfate with nifedipine may cause hypotension and neuromuscular blockade; may increase neuromuscular blockade observed with aminoglycosides and potentiate neuromuscular blockade produced by tubocurarine,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 456: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexvecuronium, and succinylcholine; may increase CNS effects and toxicity of CNS depressants, betamethasone, and cardiotoxicity of ritodrinePreg: AP: Levels of 8-12 mg/dL may cause loss of reflexes, diplopia, flushing, or slurring of speech; levels >12 mg/dL may cause muscular paralysis, ventilatory failure, and circulatory collapse; patients should have frequent neurological evaluations; loss of deep tendon reflex indicates that the magnesium level may be toxic; some clinicians follow serum magnesium levels q6h along with neurological examination; magnesium may alter cardiac conduction, leading to heart block in digitalized patients; in overdose, calcium gluconate 10-20 mL IV of 10% solution can be administered as antidote for clinically significant hypermagnesemia Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 457: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Minor Transquilizer, Anxietas & RelaxanDiazepamMidazolam

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 458: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMidazolam-- Onset of action 35 s after IV injection and is well absorbed when injected IM. Duration of action is 15 min, and elimination half-life is 2-5 h. No active metabolites exist and have greater affinity for benzodiazepine receptors than diazepam.D: 0.01-0.05 mg/kg IV over 2 min; may repeat q15min; max 10 mg. Paed. 0.05-0.2 mg/kg IV over 2-3 minKI: Hipersensitif; preexisting hypotension; narrow-angle glaucoma; sensitivity to propylene glycol (the diluent)IO: Metabolism of midazolam may be reduced in the presence of medications that share same metabolic pathway; sedative effects of midazolam may be antagonized by theophyllines; narcotics and erythromycin may accentuate sedative effects of midazolam because of decreased clearancePreg: DP: Caution in congestive heart failure, pulmonary disease, renal impairment, and hepatic failureNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 459: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Major TransquilizerChlorpromazinePerphenazineTrifluoperazineHaloperidolSulpirideProchlorpherazineOlanzapine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 460: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlorpromazineMechanisms responsible for relieving nausea and vomiting include blocking postsynaptic mesolimbic dopamine receptors, anticholinergic effects, and depression of RAS. Blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors and depresses release of hypophyseal and hypothalamic hormones.BSO: Capsule, sustained action: 30 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg Concentrate, oral: 30 mg/mL; 100 mg/mL Injection: 25 mg/mL Suppository, rectal: 25 mg, 100 mg Syrup: 10 mg/5 mL Tablet: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg D: Children >6 months: Psychosis: Oral: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose q4-6 hours; I.M., I.V.: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose q6-8 hours; max for <5 y: 40 mg/day; max for 5-12 years: 75 mg/day Nausea and vomiting: Oral: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose q4-6 hours as needed

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 461: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIM/IV: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose q6-8 hours; max for <5 y: 40 mg/day; max for 5-12 y: 75 mg/day Rectal: 1 mg/kg/dose q6-8 hours as needed Adults: Psychosis: Oral: Range: 30-2000 mg/day in 1-4 divided doses, initiate at lower doses and titrate as needed; usual dose: 400-600 mg/day; some patients may require 1-2 g/day I.M., I.V.: Initial: 25 mg, may repeat (25-50 mg) in 1-4 hours, gradually increase to a max. of 400 mg/dose q4-6 hours until patient is controlled; usual dose: 300-800 mg/day Intractable hiccups: Oral, I.M.: 25-50 mg 3-4 times/day Nausea and vomiting: Oral: 10-25 mg every 4-6 hours I.M., I.V.: 25-50 mg every 4-6 hours Rectal: 50-100 mg every 6-8 hours Elderly (nonpsychotic patient; dementia behavior): Initial: 10-25 mg 1-2 times/day; increase at 4- to 7-day intervals by 10-25 mg/day. Increase dose intervals (bid, tid, etc) as necessary to control behavior response or side effects; maximum daily dose:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 462: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index800 mg; gradual increases (titration) may prevent some side effects or decrease their severity. KI: Hipersensitif; bone marrow suppression, narrow-angle glaucoma, severe liver or cardiac diseaseIO: Other CNS depressants, anticholinergics, or anticonvulsants; antihypertensives may cause additive effect; coadministration with epinephrine may cause hypotensionPreg: CP: May cause pseudoparkinsonism; akathisia is a common extrapyramidal reaction in elderly patients; lowers seizure threshold and increases risk of seizures in patient with history of seizures Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 463: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPerphenazineI: Hypomania, Agitated and excited states, Anxiety (short term use), Mania, Nausea and vomiting, Persistant hiccups, Psychotic illness, Schizophrenia, Violent and dangerous behaviourBSO: Concentrate, oral: 16 mg/5 mL Injection: 5 mg/mL Tablet: 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg, 16 mg D: Psychoses: Oral: 1-6 years: 4-6 mg/day in divided doses 6-12 years: 6 mg/day in divided doses >12 years: 4-16 mg 2-4 times/day I.M.: 5 mg every 6 hours Nausea/vomiting: I.M.: 5 mg every 6 hours Adults: Psychoses: Oral: 4-16 mg 2-4 times/day max 64 mg/day I.M.: 5 mg every 6 hours up to 15 mg/day in ambulatory patients and 30 mg/day in hospitalized patients Nausea/vomiting:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 464: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOral: 8-16 mg/day in divided doses up to 24 mg/day I.M.: 5-10 mg every 6 hours as necessary up to 15 mg/day in ambulatory patients and 30 mg/day in hospitalized patients I.V. (severe): 1 mg at 1- to 2-minute intervals max 5 mg Hemodialysis: Not dialyzable (0% to 5%) KI: Breastfeeding, Children < 14 years, policitemia, leucopeniaP: 'prolonged QT interval', myasthenia gravis, Agitation and restlessness, Alcohol withdrawal, Brain damage, Closed angle glaucoma, Coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Elderly people, Epilepsy, Heart failure, Hypothyroidism, arrhythmias, Kidney failure, Liver disease, Parkinson's disease, brain damage, Pregnancy, Severe disease affecting the airways or lungs, phaeochromocytomaES: Dry mouth, postural hypotension, Blood disorders, Weight gain, convulsions, arrhythmias, urinary retention, extrapyramidal effects, tardive dyskinesia, Sexual problems, oculogyric crisis, Requires immediate treatment, DrowsinessPreg:CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 465: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrifluoperazine I: Schizophrenia, Short-term treatment of severe anxiety, severely agitated behaviour and violent or dangerously impulsive behaviour, Nausea and vomiting.BSO: Concentrate, oral: 10 mg/mL Injection: 2 mg/mLTablet: 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg D: Children 6-12 years: Psychoses: Oral: Hospitalized or well supervised patients: Initial: 1 mg 1-2 times/day, gradually increase until symptoms are controlled or adverse effects become troublesome; maximum: 15 mg/day I.M.: 1 mg 2x/day Adults: Psychoses: Outpatients: Oral: 1-2 mg twice daily Hospitalized or well supervised patients: 1st : 2-5 mg 2x/day with optimum response in the 15-20 mg/day range; max 40 mg/day I.M.: 1-2 mg every 4-6 hours max 10 mg/24 hoursNonpsychotic anxiety: Oral: 1-2 mg 2x/day; max 6 mg/day; therapy for anxiety should not exceed 12 weeks; max 6 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 466: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexfor longer than 12 weeks when treating anxiety; agitation, jitteriness, or insomnia may be confused with original neurotic or psychotic symptoms KI: Allergy, Disturbance in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood, Heart failure, Liver disease, comatose states.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, Heart disease, Angina pectoris, arrhythmias, Epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, Closed angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophyES: Drowsiness, Dizziness, insomnia, Dry mouth, Constipation, Blurred vision, Muscle weakness, Loss of appetite, Skin rashes, Interference with the body's temperature regulation, Weight gain, Confusion, Abnormal movements of the hands, legs, face, neck and tongue, eg shakiness, twitching, rigidity, Anxiety, restlessness and agitation (akathisia), arrhythmias, jaundice, hyperprolactinaemia, Changes in menstrual periods, Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood.Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 467: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHaloperidol-- Controls psychosis and provides rapid tranquilization. Administer with a benzodiazepine to protect against lowered seizure threshold.BSO: Concentrate, oral: 2 mg/mL Injection: 50 mg/mL; 100 mg/mL Injection: 5 mg/mL Tablet: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg D: Tab:Adults: 500 mcg-5 mg 2-3x/day. Max. 100 mg/day.Children 3-12= 15-40 kg: 25-150 mcg/kg/day, 2-3x/day.Children <3 Older adults: 500 mcg-2 mg 2-3x/day. For short-acting injection dosage form: Adults: 2-5 mg.For long-acting or depot injection dosage form: Adults: 10-15x dosis oral perhari, IM per bulan.KI: Hipersensitif; extrapyramidal symptoms; Parkinson diseaseIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 468: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSerum plasma levels decreased by rifampin; potentiates effects of CNS depressants (eg, alcohol, opiates, anesthetics); lithium has induced an encephalopathic syndromePreg: CP:Severe neurotoxicity manifesting as rigidity or inability to walk or talk may occur in patients with thyrotoxicosis also receiving antipsychotics; if administered IV/IM, watch for hypotension; caution in diagnosed CNS depression or cardiac disease; if history of seizures, benefits must outweigh risks; significant increase in body temperature may indicate intolerance to antipsychotics (discontinue if occurs)Ventricular arrhythmias such as torsade de pointes have been reported in patients, especially those with cardiac disease and in those given high doses of IV haloperidol Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 469: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulpirideI: Schizophrenia, anti emetikBSO: Kaps 50 mg. Tab forte 200 mg. amp 100 mg/2ccD: KI: Children < 14 years, Severe liver & kidney disease, blood disorders, porphyries, phaeochromocytoma, pituitary prolactinoma, Breast cancer, Alcohol intoxication.# Reduced awareness, slow reactions or drowsiness due to illnesses that reduce activity in the central nervous system.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, hypomania, History of epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease, 'prolonged QT interval', bradycardia, hypokalaemia, People at risk of stroke.ES: Restlessness and agitation, extrapyramidal effects, tardive dyskinesia, insomnia, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia, Sexual problems, Convulsions, jaundice or hepatitis, arrhythmias.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 470: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProchlorpherazine-- Antidopaminergic drug that blocks postsynaptic mesolimbic dopamine receptors. Has anticholinergic effect and can depress reticular activating system. I : nausea and vomiting; psychosis; anxietyBSO : Capsule, sustained action: 10 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg Injection: 5 mg/mL Suppository, rectal: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 25 mg Syrup: 5 mg/5 mL Tablet: 5 mg, 10 mg, 25 mg D: 5-10 mg PO/IM q6h25-mg supp PR q12h Paed.2.5 mg PO/PR q8h or 5 mg PO/PR q12h prn; max 15 mg/d0.1-0.15 mg/kg/dose IM; change to PO when possible KI:Hipersensitif; bone marrow suppression; narrow-angle glaucoma; severe liver or cardiac disease IO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 471: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCoadministration with other CNS depressants or anticonvulsants may cause additive effects; administration with epinephrine may cause hypotension Preg: DP:Drug-induced Parkinson syndrome or pseudoparkinsonism frequent; akathisia most common extrapyramidal reaction in elderly; lowers seizure threshold; caution in history of seizures Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Page 472: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOlanzapine-- May inhibit serotonin, muscarinic, and dopamine effects. I: Manifestations of psychotic disorders; short-term treatment of acute manic episodes associated with bipolar I disorderBSO: Tablet: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg Tablet, orally-disintegrating: 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg D: Adults: 5-10 mg 1x/hr.; increase to 10 mg 1x/day within 5-7 days, thereafter adjust by 5 mg/day at 1-week intervals, max 20 mg/day; doses of 30-50 mg/day have been usedKI: HipersensitifIO: Fluvoxamine may increase effects; antihypertensives may increase risk of hypotension and orthostatic hypotension; levodopa, pergolide, bromocriptine, charcoal, carbamazepine, omeprazole, rifampin, and cigarette smoking may decrease effectsPreg: CP: Caution in narrow-angle glaucoma, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, prostatic hypertrophy, seizure disorders, hypovolemia, and dehydration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 473: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. Hipnotic & SedatifNitrazepamMidazolamEstazolamTriazolam

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 474: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNitrazepambenzodiazepinesI: InsomniaBSO: D: KI: Children, acute pulmonary insufficiency, myasthenia gravis, Phobias or obsessional states, Severe liver disease, respiratory depression, sleep apnoea syndrome, single medication for depression or chronic psychosisP: Breastfeeding, respiratory disease, Elderly people, History of alcoholism or drug abuse, Kidney disease, porphyries, Liver disease, Muscle weakness, Personality disorders, PregnancyES: Confusion, Addiction to the medicine, Muscle weakness, amnesia, Drowsiness and lightheadedness the next day, ataxiaIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 475: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMidazolamBenzodiazepineI: Dental: Sedation component in I.V. conscious sedation in oral surgery patients; syrup formulation is used for children to help alleviate anxiety before a dental procedure Medical: Preoperative sedation and provides conscious sedation prior to diagnostic or radiographic procedures Unlabeled use: Anxiety, status epilepticus BSO: Injection: 1 mg/mL; 5 mg/mL Syrup: 2 mg/mLD: Personnel and equipment needed for standard respiratory resuscitation should be immediately available during midazolam administration.Infants <2 months and Children: Status epilepticus refractory to standard therapy: I.V.: Loading dose: 0.15 mg/kg followed by a continuous infusion of 1 mcg/kg/minute; titrate dose upward every 5 minutes until clinical seizure activity is controlled; mean infusion rate required in 24 children was 2.3 mcg/kg/minute with a range of 1-18 mcg/kg/minute

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 476: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: Preoperative sedation: I.M.: 0.07-0.08 mg/kg 30-60 minutes presurgery I.V.: 0.035 mg/kg/dose, repeat over several minutes as required to achieve the desired sedative effect max of 0.1-0.2 mg/kg Conscious sedation during mechanical ventilation: I.V.: Loading dose: 0.05-0.2 mg/kg then follow with initial continuous infusion: 1-2 mcg/kg/minute; titrate to the desired effect; usual range: 0.4-6 mcg/kg/minute Conscious sedation for procedures: Oral, Intranasal: 0.2-0.4 mg/kg (max 15 mg) 30-45’ pre-op I.V.: 0.05 mg/kg 3 minutes pre-op >12 years: I.V.: 0.5 mg q3-4’ until effect achieved Adults: Preoperative sedation: I.M.: 0.07-0.08 mg/kg 30-60 minutes presurgery; usual dose: 5 mg Conscious sedation: I.V.: Initial: 0.5-2 mg slow I.V. over at least 2 minutes; slowly titrate to effect by repeating doses every 2-3

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 477: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexminutes if needed; usual total dose: 2.5-5 mg; use decreased doses in elderly Healthy Adults <60 years: Some patients respond to doses as low as 1 mg; no more than 2.5 mg should be administered over a period of 2 minutes. Additional doses of midazolam may be administered after a 2-minute waiting period and evaluation of sedation after each dose increment. A total dose >5 mg is generally not needed. If narcotics or other CNS depressants are administered concomitantly, the midazolam dose should be reduced by 30%. Elderly: I.V.: Conscious sedation: Initial: 0.5 mg slow I.V.; give no more than 1.5 mg in a 2-minute period; if additional titration is needed, give no more than 1 mg over 2 minutes, waiting another 2 or more minutes to evaluate sedative effect; a total dose >3.5 mg is rarely necessary Sedation in mechanically intubated patients: I.V. continuous infusion: 100 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS, (if patient is fluid-restricted, may concentrate up to a maximum of 0.5 mg/mL); initial dose: 1 mg/hour; titrate to reach desired level of sedation

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 478: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary Peritoneal dialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics KI: Hypersensitivity to this drug or any component of its formulation, including benzyl alcohol (cross-sensitivity with other benzodiazepines may exist); parenteral form is not for intrathecal or epidural injection; narrow-angle glaucoma (not in product labeling, however, benzodiazepines are contraindicated); pregnancy; concurrent use with protease inhibitors like amprenavir and ritonavirP: May cause severe respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, or apnea. Use with extreme caution, particularly in noncritical care settings. Appropriate resuscitative equipment and qualified personnel must be available for administration and monitoring. Initial dosing must be cautiously titrated and individualized, particularly in elderly or debilitated patients, patients with hepatic impairment (including alcoholics), or in renal impairment, particularly if other CNS depressants (including opiates) are used concurrently. Initial doses in elderly or

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 479: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdebilitated patients should not exceed 2.5 mg. Use with caution in patients with respiratory disease or impaired gag reflex. Use during upper airway procedures may increase risk of hypoventilation. Prolonged responses have been noted following extended administration by continuous infusion (possibly due to metabolite accumulation) or in the presence of drugs which inhibit midazolam metabolism. Causes CNS depression (dose-related) resulting in sedation, dizziness, confusion, or ataxia which may impair physical and mental capabilities. Patients must be cautioned about performing tasks which require mental alertness (ie, operating machinery or driving). A minimum of 1 day should elapse after midazolam administration before attempting these tasks. Use with caution in patients receiving other CNS depressants or psychoactive agents. Effects with other sedative drugs or ethanol may be potentiated. Benzodiazepines have been associated with falls and traumatic injury and should be used with extreme caution in patients who are at risk of these events (especially the elderly).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 480: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMidazolam causes anterograde amnesia. Paradoxical reactions, including hyperactive or aggressive behavior have been reported with benzodiazepines, particularly in adolescent/pediatric or psychiatric patients. Does not have analgesic, antidepressant, or antipsychotic properties. Benzodiazepines have been associated with dependence and acute withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation or reduction in dose. Acute withdrawal, including seizures, may be precipitated after administration of flumazenil to patients receiving long-term benzodiazepine therapy. ES: >10%: Decreased tidal volume and/or respiratory rate decrease, apnea 1-10%: Drowsiness, oversedation, headache, Nausea, vomiting, local reactions at injection site (severity less than diazepam), Coughing, Physical and psychological dependence with prolonged use, hiccups IO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substrate Verapamil, troleandomycin, miconazole, itraconazole, nifedipine, grapefruit juice, diltiazem, fluconazole, ketoconazole,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 481: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexclarithromycin, and erythromycin, protease inhibitors like amprenavir and ritonavir may increase the serum concentrations and effects of midazolam via CYP3A4 inhibition If narcotics or other CNS depressants are administered concomitantly, the midazolam dose should be reduced by 30% if <65 years of age, or by at least 50% if >65 years of agePreg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 482: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstazolamIntermediate-acting benzodiazepine Depresses all levels of CNS (eg, limbic and reticular formation), possibly by increasing activity of GABA. Half-life is 10-24 h, and peak action is 2 h.I: Short-term management of insomniaBSO: Tablet: 1 mg, 2 mgD: 1 mg PO hs; may require 2 mgStart with 0.5 mg PO hs in debilitated or small elderly patientsElderly: 0.5-1 mg PO qhsKI: Hipersensitif; narrow-angle glaucoma; untreated obstructive sleep apnea; history of substance abuseIO: Increases toxicity with coadministration of phenothiazines, barbiturates, alcohols, and MAOIsPreg: XP: Hepatic disease, low albumin levels, or renal or pulmonary disease; causes residual daytime sedation, impairs cognition, and increases risk of falls Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 483: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTriazolamBenzodiazepineI: Short-term treatment of insomniaBSO: Tablet: 0.125 mg, 0.25 mgD: Onset of action is rapid, patient should be in bed when taking medication: Adults: 0.125-0.25 mg at bedtime KI: Hypersensitivity to this drug or any component of its formulation (cross-sensitivity with other benzodiazepines may exist); concurrent therapy with CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, protease inhibitors and nefazodone); pregnancyP: Should be used only after evaluation of potential causes of sleep disturbance. Failure of sleep disturbance to resolve after 7-10 days may indicate psychiatric or medical illness. A worsening of insomnia or the emergence of new abnormalities of thought or behavior may represent unrecognized psychiatric or medical illness and requires immediate and careful evaluation.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 484: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCauses CNS depression (dose-related) resulting in sedation, dizziness, confusion, or ataxia which may impair physical and mental capabilities. Patients must be cautioned about performing tasks which require mental alertness (ie, operating machinery or driving). Use with caution in patients receiving other CNS depressants or psychoactive agents. Effects with other sedative drugs or ethanol may be potentiated. Benzodiazepines have been associated with falls and traumatic injury and should be used with extreme caution in patients who are at risk of these events (especially the elderly). Use caution in patients with depression, particularly if suicidal risk may be present. Use with caution in patients with a history of drug dependence. Benzodiazepines have been associated with dependence and acute withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation or reduction in dose. Acute withdrawal, including seizures, may be precipitated after administration of flumazenil to patients receiving long-term benzodiazepine therapy. Paradoxical reactions, including hyperactive or aggressive behavior have been reported with benzodiazepines, particularly

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 485: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexin adolescent/pediatric or psychiatric patients. Does not have analgesic, antidepressant, or antipsychotic properties. ES: >10%: Drowsiness 1- 10%: Headache, dizziness, nervousness, lightheadedness, ataxia, Nausea, vomiting IO: CYP3A3/4 and 3A5-7 enzyme substrate Cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, clozapine, CNS depressants, diltiazem, disulfiram, digoxin, erythromycin, ethanol, fluconazole, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, grapefruit juice, isoniazid, itraconazole, ketoconazole, labetalol, levodopa, loxapine, metoprolol, metronidazole, miconazole, nefazodone, omeprazole, phenytoin, rifabutin, rifampin, troleandomycin, valproic acid, protease inhibitors like amprenavir and ritonavir, verapamil may increase the serum level and/or toxicity of triazolam; monitor for altered benzodiazepine response Preg: X BSO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 486: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. Anti DepressanAmitriptylineFluoxetineParoxetineSertralineMoclobemideVenlafaxineImipramineClomipramineFluvoxamineMirtazapineMianserinDuloxetineTianeptine MaprotilineCitalopramLithium carbonateAmoxapine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 487: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmitriptyline Blocks reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Decreases pain by inhibiting spinal neurons involved in pain perception.I: Depressive illness, nocturnal enuresis in children > 7 years, Nerve pain & Preventing migraine (unlicensed use).BSO: Injection: 10 mg/mL Tablet: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg D: 10-150 mg PO hs; initially administer as smaller divided increments and gradually titrate up to an effective level with a max 150 mg PO qhsKI: Hipersensitif; administration of MAOIs in past 14 d; history of seizures; cardiac arrhythmias; glaucoma; urinary retentionIO: Phenobarbital may decrease effects; coadministration with CYP2D6 enzyme system inhibitors (eg, cimetidine, quinidine) may increase amitriptyline levels; amitriptyline inhibits hypotensive effects of guanethidine; may interact with thyroid medications, alcohol, CNS depressants, barbiturates, and disulfiramPreg: D

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 488: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Caution in cardiac conduction disturbances, history of hyperthyroidism, and renal or hepatic impairment; avoid using in elderly patientsNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 489: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluoxetineFDA-approved for OCD and panic disorder. I: Depressive illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, Premature ejaculationBSO: Capsule: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg Liquid: 20 mg/5 mL Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg D: Kaps: Depression:Adults— 20 mg 1x/hr pagi hari. Max 80 mg/hr. Children > 8= 10-20 mg 1x pagi hari. Bulimia nervosa: Adults—60 mg 1x pagi hari. Max 80 mg/hr.Obsessive-compulsive disorder:Adults—20 mg 1x pagi hari. Max 80 mg/hr.Children > 7= 10 mg 1x pagi hari. Max 60 mg/hrPanic disorder:Adults— 10 mg 1x/hr pagi hari. Max 60 mg/hr. For premenstrual dysphoric disorder:Adults=20 mg 1x/hr pagi hari selama 14 hari. Max 80 mg/hr.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 490: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren > 8= 10-20 mg 1x pagi hari. KI:Hipersensitif; concurrently taking MAOIs or took them in the last 2 wkIO:Increases toxicity of diazepam and trazodone by decreasing clearance; increases toxicity of MAOIs and highly protein-bound drugsPreg: CP:Caution in hepatic impairment and history of seizures; MAOIs should be discontinued at least 14 d before initiating therapy Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 491: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexParoxetineFDA-approved for panic disorder, depression, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and OCD.I: Depressive illness, Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia.BSO: Tab 20 mgD: Adults= 20 mg 1x pagi hari. Max 50 mg/hr.KI: Hipersensitif; concurrent administration with MAOIs or administering within 14 days of discontinuing an MAOIIO: Phenobarbital and phenytoin decrease effects; alcohol, cimetidine, sertraline, phenothiazines, and warfarin increase toxicityPreg: CP: Caution in history of seizures, mania, renal disease, and cardiac disease Nama Dagang: Seroxat

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 492: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSertralineI: Depression in adults, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder in adult womenBSO: Concentrate, oral: 20 mg/mL Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg D: Oral: Elderly: 1st 25 mg/day in the morning, increase by 25 mg/day increments every 2-3 days if tolerated to 50-100 mg/day; additional increases may be necessary; max: 200 mg/day KI: Hipersensitif; within 14 d of taking an MAOIIO: Increases toxicity of MAOIs, diazepam, tolbutamide, and warfarinPreg: CP: Caution in preexisting seizure disorders and those who have experienced a recent myocardial infarction, have unstable heart disease, and hepatic or renal impairment Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 493: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMoclobemideI: Major depression, social phobia.BSO: Tab 150 mg

D: 150 mg 2x/hr. Max 600 mg/hr.KI: Children, Schizophrenia and schizo-affective disorders, Acute states of confusion, phaeochromocytoma.P: Severely decreased liver function, manic depression, Agitated and excited states, Thyrotoxicosis.ES: Disturbed sleep, Dizziness, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Anxiety and restlessness, Agitation, paraesthesia, Dry mouth, Visual disturbances, oedema, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, ConfusionIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Aurorix

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 494: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVenlafaxineSelectively inhibits presynaptic serotonin reuptake, norepinephrine (at doses of approximately 150 mg PO qam), and dopamine (at doses of approximately 150-225 mg qam).I: Depressive illness, depression associated with anxiety.BSO: Kaps 75 mgD: * For mental depression & anxiety:75 mg 1x/hari. Max 225 mg/hr.* For panic disorder: 37.5 mg 1x/hr for 7 hari. Max 225 mg/hr.KI: Hipersensitif; MAOIs in past 2 wkIO: Cimetidine, MAOIs, sertraline, fluoxetine class IC antiarrhythmics, TCAs, and phenothiazine may increase effects; serotonin syndromePreg: CP: Anxiety, anorexia, sedation, dry mouth, nervousness, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, nausea, increased BP, and sexual dysfunction may occur; taper over 1-2 wk upon discontinuationNama Dagang: Efexor XR

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 495: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImipramineTricyclic antidepressant that has norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake-inhibition properties. I: Depression, enuresisBSO: Tab salut selaput 25 mgD: Maximum antidepressant effect may not be seen for 2 or more weeks after initiation of therapy. Depression: 1.5 mg/kg/day with dosage increments of 1 mg/kg every 3-4 days, max 5 mg/kg/day in 1-4 divided doses; monitor carefully especially with doses > 3.5 mg/kg/day Enuresis: > 6 years: 1st 10-25 mg at bedtime, increase by 25 mg/day; max 2.5 mg/kg/day6-12 y: 50 mg at bedtime > 12 y: 75 mg at bedtime Adjunct in the treatment of cancer pain: Initial: 0.2-0.4 mg/kg at bedtime; increased by 50% every 2-3 days up to 1-3 mg/kg/dose at bedtime Adolescents: Oral: Initial: 25-50 mg/day; increase gradually; maximum: 100 mg/day in single or divided doses

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 496: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAdults: Oral: Initial: 25 mg 3-4 times/day, max 300 mg/day I.M.: Initial: Up to 100 mg/day in divided doses; change to oral as soon as possible Elderly: Initial: 10-25 mg at bedtime; increase by 10-25 mg every 3 days for inpatients and weekly for outpatients if tolerated; average daily dose to achieve a therapeutic concentration: 100 mg/day; range: 50-150 mg/day KI:Hipersensitif; narrow-angle glaucoma; acute recovery phase following myocardial infarction; history of bipolar disorders; patients taking MAOIs or fluoxetine or those who took them in the previous 2 wkIO:Increases toxicity of sympathomimetic agents such as isoproterenol and epinephrine by potentiating effects and inhibiting antihypertensive effects of clonidinePreg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 497: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay impair mental or physical abilities required for performance of potentially hazardous tasks; caution in cardiovascular disease, conduction disturbances, seizure disorders, urinary retention, hyperthyroidism, or those receiving thyroid replacement; an ECG may be warranted prior to initiation of therapy with imipramine, repeat after dose stabilized to monitor any potential widening of QRSNama Dagang: Tofranil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 498: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClomipramineTricyclic antidepressant with potent NE and 5-HT reuptake inhibition.I: Depressive illness, Phobic or obsessional disorders, cataplexy, narcolepsy.BSO: Capsule: 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg D: Oral: Initial: Adults: 25 mg/day. Increase to 100 mg/day the first 2 weeks, max 250 mg/day KI: Hipersensitif; concurrent use of MAOI or other TCAIO: Potentiates CNS depressants, anticholinergics, sympathomimetics, and other protein-bound drugs; potentiated by CYP2D6 inhibitors; SSRIsPreg: CP: Suicidal tendencies or risk of overdose; seizure disorder; cardiac disease; glaucoma; urinary retention Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 499: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluvoxamineFDA approved for OCD in children (8-17 y) and adults. I: Depressive illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder.BSO: Tab salut selaput 50 mgD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder or social phobia:100 mg 1x at bedtime. Max 300 mg/hari.Paed.: 25-200 mg PO qdKI: Hipersensitif; patients currently receiving MAOIs or those who took them in previous 2 wkIO: Risk of a hypertensive crisis increases with coadministration with MAOIs; potentiates effect of triazolam and alprazolam and thus, when taking them concurrently, dose should be reduced by at least 50%; also reduce dose of theophylline by one third and monitor plasma levels if taking it concurrently with fluvoxamine; alcohol, cimetidine, sertraline, phenothiazines, and warfarin increase toxicityPreg: CP: liver disease, history of seizures or suicidal tendencies Nama Dagang: Luvox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 500: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMirtazapineExhibits both noradrenergic and serotonergic activity. In cases of depression associated with severe insomnia and anxiety, shown to be superior to other SSRI drugs.I: Depressive illness.BSO: Tab 30 mgD: 15 mg PO hs initially; may increase in 15-mg increments q1-2wk, max 45 mg hsKI: Hipersensitif; MAOI within 14 dIO: May increase effect of CNS depressants; concurrent administration with MAOI may trigger hypertensive crisisPreg: CP: May cause drowsiness; discontinue use if patient develops sore throat, fever, or other signs of infection; suicidal ideation is inherent in depression and may persist until significant remission occurs; severe neutropenia reported in clinical trials Nama Dagang: Remeron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 501: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMianserinI: Depressive illness.BSO: Tab 10 mgD: Awal 30-40 mg malam atau dg dosis terbagi. Durasi 30-90 mg/hr. Usia lanjut < 30 mg/hrKI: Children < 18 years, Severe liver disease, Breastfeeding, Mania, People who have taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant (MAOI) in the last two weeks.P: Elderly, Decreased liver & kidney function, Heart disease, heart block, arrhythmias, prostatic hypertrophy, Closed angle glaucoma, History of epilepsy, People at risk of seizures, Diabetes, Psychotic illness, manic depression, porphyrias.ES: Drowsiness, Dizziness, postural hypotension, arthralgia, oedema, Skin rash, Sweating, Tremor, Disturbances of liver function, jaundice, Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood, convulsions, Breast enlargement and tenderness, Production of breast milk, Sexual problemsPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Tolvon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 502: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDuloxetine-- Potent inhibitor of neuronal serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. Antidepressive action is theorized to be due to serotonergic and noradrenergic potentiation in CNS.I: Depressive illness, diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain.BSO: Kaps salut enteric 30mg, 60mgD: Depression: 40 mg/hari terbagi dalam 1-2 dosis.Diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain: 60 mg 1x/hr.KI:Hipersensitif; uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma; do not administer within 14 d after stopping MAOIs; do not initiate MAOIs within 5 d of stopping duloxetineIO:Metabolized by CYP1A2 and CYP2D6; coadministration with drugs that inhibit CYP1A2 (eg, fluvoxamine, cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, enoxacin) may increase blood levels and toxicity; coadministration with drugs that inhibit CYP2D6 (eg, paroxetine, fluoxetine, quinidine) may increase blood levels and toxicity; moderately inhibits CYP2D6 and may decrease elimination of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 503: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCYP2D6 substrates (eg, tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines [eg, thioridazine], type 1C antiarrhythmics [eg, propafenone, flecainide]); coadministration with MAOIs may cause serious, sometimes fatal, reactions that include hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus, autonomic instability, mental status changes, including extreme agitation, delirium, and coma Preg: CP:Observe closely for clinical worsening and suicidality when initiating treatment or following dosage change; gradually decrease dose when discontinuing, do not abruptly discontinue; caution with hepatic impairment or end-stage renal disease; may cause slight blood pressure increase; may activate mania or hypomania; common adverse effects include nausea, dry mouth, constipation, decreased appetite, fatigue, somnolence, and increased sweating Nama Dagang: Cymbalta

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 504: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTianeptineI: Episode depresi mayorBSO: Tab 12.5 mg

D: 12.5 mg 3x/hr KI: Anak 15 th. Ada jarak 2 minggu setelah penghentian terapi MAOI. Penghentian Tianeptine 24 jam bila akan diganti MAOIP: Hamil, menyusui. Pengawasan thd pasien resiko bunuh diri.ES: JarangIO: MAOIPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Stablon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 505: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMaprotilineI: Depression and anxiety associated with depressionChronic neurogenic pain BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mgD: 25 mg 1-3x/hr. Max 150 mg/hr.KI: Hypersensitivity to maprotiline; use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors within 14 days; use in a patient during the acute recovery phase of MIES: Skin rash, redness, swelling, or itching, Constipation (severe), Nausea or vomiting, Shakiness or trembling, convulsions, Unusual excitement, Weight lossRare: Breast enlargement (males/females), Confusion (especially in the elderly), Difficulty in urinating, Fainting, Hallucinations, Inappropriate secretion of milk—in females, Irregular heartbeat, Sore throat and fever, Swelling of testicles, Yellow eyes or skinPreg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 506: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCitalopramEnhances serotonin activity due to selective reuptake inhibition at the neuronal membrane. Also has the advantage of fewer potential drug IO:. Citalopram is a 50:50 racemate of r- and s-citalopram.I: Depressive illness, Panic disorder with/without agoraphobia. BSO : Tab 20 mg D: 20 mg 1x/hr. Max 60 mg/hr.KI: Hipersensitif; concurrent MAOI therapyIO: May be potentiated by azole antifungals, omeprazole, and macrolides; serotonin syndrome may be induced by buspirone, tramadol, MAOIs, and nefazodonePreg: CP: Cirrhosis; suicidal tendencies; SIADH; DM; breastfeeding; common adverse effects include fatigue and sexual dysfunctionNama Dagang:Cipram

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 507: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLithium carbonateI: Mania and hypomania, 'mood stabiliser', recurrent depression, Aggressive or self-harming behaviourBSO: Tab 200 mg, 400 mgD: Capsules, tablets, syrup: Dws: 300-600 mg 3x/hr.Children <12: 15-20 mg/kg/hr, terbagi 2-3 dosisSlow-release capsules, extended-release tablets):Adults: 300-600 mg 3x/hr or 450-900 mg 2x/hr.Maintenance, preventive use: 400-1200 mg PO qdAcute manic episode: 600-2400 mg PO qdPaed.6-12 years: 15-60 mg/kg/d PO divided tid/qid; max D:KI:Hipersensitif; renal disease or damage (renal function and clearance are critical in maintaining proper levels); history or evidence of brain damage; cardiovascular disease; generalized severe debilitationIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 508: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIncreases toxicity of thiazide diuretics, haloperidol, phenothiazines, neuromuscular blockers, carbamazepine, fluoxetine, and ACE inhibitorsPreg: DP:Patient should have adequate renal function as evidenced by elevated creatinine levels or BUN levels, and they should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration; excessive sodium loss can produce lithium toxicity (avoid excessive sweating); use lower doses in elderly individuals; do not perform ECT when being administered; avoid rapid increases in dosingAnything causing hyponatremia increases levels and could cause toxicity; toxicity is closely related to serum levels and can occur at therapeutic doses; serum lithium determinations are required to monitor therapy Nama Dagang:Frimania

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 509: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmoxapineI: Neurotic or reactive depressive disorder as well as endogenous and psychotic depression; depression accompanied by anxiety or agitationBSO: Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mgD: Once symptoms are controlled, decrease gradually to lowest effective dose. Maintenance dose is usually given at bedtime to reduce daytime sedation. Oral: Adolescents: Initial: 25-50 mg/day; increase to 100 mg/day; divided/ single dose at bedtime Adults: Initial: 25 mg 2-3 times/day, increased to 100 mg 2-3 times/day; Elderly: Initial: 25 mg at bedtime increased by 25 mg weekly for outpatients and every 3 days for inpatients if tolerated; usual dose: 50-150 mg/day, but doses up to 300 mg may be necessary Maximum daily dose: Inpatient: 600 mg, Outpatient: 400 mg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 510: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hypersensitivity to amoxapine; use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors within past 14 days; recovery from acute myocardial infarctionP: May cause sedation, resulting in impaired performance of tasks requiring alertness (ie, operating machinery or driving). Sedative effects may be additive with other CNS depressants and/or ethanol. The degree of sedation is moderate relative to other antidepressants. May worsen psychosis in some patients or precipitate a shift to mania or hypomania in patients with bipolar disease. May increase the risks associated with electroconvulsive therapy. This agent should be discontinued, when possible, prior to elective surgery. Therapy should not be abruptly discontinued in patients receiving high doses for prolonged periods. May cause orthostatic hypotension (risk is moderate relative to other antidepressants) - use with caution in patients at risk of hypotension or in patients where transient hypotensive episodes would be poorly tolerated (cardiovascular disease or cerebrovascular disease). The degree of anticholinergic

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 511: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexblockade produced by this agent is moderate relative to other cyclic antidepressants - use caution in patients with urinary retention, benign prostatic hypertrophy, narrow-angle glaucoma, xerostomia, visual problems, constipation, or history of bowel obstruction. Use caution in patients with depression, particularly if suicidal risk may be present. Use with caution in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease (including previous MI, stroke, tachycardia, or conduction abnormalities). The risk of conduction abnormalities with this agent is moderate relative to other antidepressants. May lower seizure threshold - use caution in patients with a previous seizure disorder or condition predisposing to seizures such as brain damage, alcoholism, or concurrent therapy with other drugs which lower the seizure threshold. Use with caution in hyperthyroid patients or those receiving thyroid supplementation. Use with caution in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction and in elderly patients. ES: >10%: Drowsiness, Xerostomia, constipation

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 512: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index1-10%: Dizziness, headache, confusion, nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, ataxia, excitement, anxiety, Edema, skin rash, Elevated prolactin levels, Nausea, Tremor, weakness, Blurred vision, Diaphoresis IO: CYP1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A3/4 enzyme substrate Amoxapine inhibits the antihypertensive response to bethanidine, clonidine, debrisoquin, guanadrel, guanethidine, guanabenz, guanfacine; monitor BP; consider alternate antihypertensive agent Abrupt discontinuation of clonidine may cause hypertensive crisis, amoxapine may enhance the response Use with altretamine may cause orthostatic hypertension Amoxapine may be additive with or may potentiate the action of other CNS depressants (sedatives, hypnotics, or ethanol) With MAO inhibitors, hyperpyrexia, hypertension, tachycardia, confusion, seizures, and deaths have been reported (serotonin syndrome); this combination should be avoided Amoxapine may increase the prothrombin time in patients stabilized on warfarin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 513: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCimetidine and methylphenidate may decrease the metabolism of amoxapine; additive anticholinergic effects seen with other anticholinergic agents The SSRIs, to varying degrees, inhibit the metabolism of TCAs and clinical toxicity may result Use of lithium with a TCA may increase the risk for neurotoxicity Phenothiazines may increase concentration of some TCAs and TCAs may increase concentration of phenothiazines; monitor for altered clinical response TCAs may enhance the hypoglycemic effects of tolazamide, chlorpropamide, or insulin; monitor for changes in blood glucose levels Cholestyramine and colestipol may bind TCAs and reduce their absorption; monitor for altered response TCAs may enhance the effect of amphetamines; monitor for adverse CV effects Verapamil and diltiazem appear to decrease the metabolism of imipramine and potentially other TCAs; monitor for increased TCA concentrations. The pressor response to I.V. epinephrine,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 514: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexnorepinephrine, and phenylephrine may be enhanced in patients receiving TCAs; this combination is best avoided. Grapefruit juice,amprenavir, indinavir, ritonavir may inhibit the metabolism of clomipramine and potentially other TCAs; monitor for altered effects; a decrease in TCA dosage may be required Quinidine may inhibit the metabolism of TCAs; monitor for altered effect Combined use of anticholinergics with TCAs may produce additive anticholinergic effects; combined use of beta-agonists with TCAs may predispose patients to cardiac arrhythmias

Preg: CBSO: Nama Dagang: Asendin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 515: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. Stimulan SSP & Obat ADHDMethylphenidate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 516: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethylphenidateI: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg Kaps 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mgD: Deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Tab:+ Adults= 5-20 mg 2-3x/hr a.c+ Anak 6th= 5 mg 2x/hr. Titrasi per minggu. Max 60 mg/hr.Etended -release tablets:+ Dws & anak > 6th=10-20 mg 1x pagi hr a.c. Max 60 mg/hrNarcolepsy: Tab:+ Adults= 5-20 mg 2-3x/hr a.cif unable to sleep because of taking medication late in day, take last dose before noon or 6 pmKI:Hipersensitif; psychosis; agitation; hyperthyroidism; uncontrolled hypertension; cardiac disease; glaucoma; current MAOI or within past 2 wk; substance abuseIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 517: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexReduces effects of guanethidine and bretylium; toxicity of phenytoin, TCAs, warfarin, primidone, and phenobarbital may increase when administered concurrently with methylphenidate; MAOIs increase toxicity of methylphenidatePreg: CP:Caution in dementia, seizures, and hypertension Nama Dagang:Ritalin/ Ritalin SR/ Ritalin LA

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 518: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. Nootropik & NeurotonikPiracetamMecobalaminPyritinolSulbutiamineCitrullineNimodipine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 519: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPiracetamI: Gejala involusi yg berhub dg proses penuaan, misal: lupa, asthenia, ggn adaptasi, ggn reaksi psikomotor, alkoholisme kronik & ketergantungan, Sindrom pasca trauma, myoclonus.BSO: Kaps 400 mg, 800 mg, 1.2 gSir 500 mg/5ccAmp 200 mg/cc, 1 g/5ccD: 2.4 g/hr terbagi dalam 3 dosis Amp 1 g 3x/hr IM/IV KI: Breastfeeding, Children < 16 years, Moderate to severely decreased liver & kidney function, Pregnancy.P: Decreased kidney function, Elderly peopleES: Diarrhoea, insomnia, Depression, Skin rashes, Weight gain, somnolence, Nervousness, HyperkinesiaIO: Jangan diberikan bersama ekstrak tiroidPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 520: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMecobalaminI: Neuropati perifer, tinnitus, vertigo, anemia megaloblastik krn defisiensi vit B12.BSO: Kapl 250 mcg, 500 mcg. Amp 500 mcgD: 500 mcg 3x/mggu IO/IV/IM KI: P: Neonatus, bayi premature, anakES: Anoreksia, mual, diare, ruam kulitIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 521: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPyritinol I: Pasca trauma otak, perdarahan otak, keracunan & radang otak, gejala degenerasi otak sehubungan dg ggn metabolisme & sirkulasi otak. Daya pikir menurun, pelupa, sukar konsentrasiBSO: Drag 100 mg, forte 200 mgLar 100 ccAmp 20 mgD: Dws 200 mg 3x/hr. terapi minimal 6-8 mgg. Amp min 3 pasang/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 522: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulbutiamineI: Terapi simtomatik asthenia fungsionalBSO: Drag 200 mgD: 200-600 mg 1x/hari atau dlm dosis terbagi. Umumnya 2 tab/

hari pd waktu sarapanKI: P: ES: Agitasi ringan pd usia lanjut. Reaksi alergi kulitIO: Preg: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Arcalion 200

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 523: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCitrullineI: Membantu & memperbaiki metabolisme tubuh.Menjaga kebugaran tubuh saat kerja keras,olahraga & masa pemulihan.BSO: Sachet D: 1 sachet 3x/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Stimol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 524: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNimodipineI: Bleeding into the space between the skull and the brain (sub-arachnoid haemorrhage)BSO: Tab 30 mg, Lar Infus 10 mg/50ccD: Adults: 60 mg q4 hours for 21 days.Infus 1-2 mg/jam selama 5-14 hari. Lalu selama 7 hari berikutnya 2 tab 6x/hr.KI: HypersensitivityP: Kidney disease, cerebral oedemaES: Headache, tachycardia, bradycardia, facial flushing, hypotension, Nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Feeling of warmthIO: Preg: C Nama Dagang:Nimotop

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 525: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexK. Anti Emetik & Anti VertigoDimenhydrinateDomperidonePromethazine theoclateBetahistineMetoclopramide HCl CinnarizineChlorpromazinePerphenazineDiphenhydramineClebropride MalateSulpirideOndansetron TropisetronGranisetron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 526: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDimenhydrinateAntihistamine-- A 1:1 salt of 8-chlorotheophylline and diphenhydramine believed to be particularly useful in treatment of vertigo. Diminishes vestibular stimulation and depresses labyrinthine function by means of central anticholinergic activity. I: nausea, vertigo, and vomiting associated with motion sicknessBSO: Tab/ Caps: 50 mgInjection: 50 mg/mL Liquid: 12.5 mg/4 mL D: 50 mg PO/IM q4-6h or 100-mg supp q8h Paed.2-6 years: Up to 12.5-25 mg PO/IM q6-8h; max 75 mg/d6-12 years: 25-50 mg PO q6-8h; max 150 mg/dKI:Hipersensitif; administration to neonates (IV products may contain benzyl alcohol, which has been associated with fatal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 527: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexgasping syndrome in premature infants and low-birth-weight infants)IO:Alcohol or other CNS depressants may have additive effect; caution with concurrent antibiotics that may cause ototoxicity; may mask ototoxic symptoms caused by certain antibiotics (irreversible damage may result) Preg: BP:Do not treat severe emesis with antiemetic drugs alone; may contain either sulfites or tartrazine, which may cause allergic-type reactions in susceptible persons; may impede diagnosis of conditions such as brain tumors, intestinal obstruction, and appendicitis; may obscure signs of toxicity from overdosage of other drugs Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 528: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPromethazine theoclateAntihistaminesI: Vertigo, Nausea and vomiting, Preventing travel sicknessBSO: Tab 25 mgD: 25 mg 1x/hr tiap malamKI: Allergy, neonates, People who have taken MAOIs in the last 14 days, Reduced awareness, slow reactions or drowsiness, comatose statesP: Asthma, Breastfeeding, Bronchitis, Closed angle glaucoma, Decreased kidney function, Epilepsy, Liver disease, Obstruction of the bladder or intestine, Pregnancy, bronchiectasisES: Headache, Blurred vision, urinary retention, Confusion, Nightmares, Restlessness, photosensitivity, palpitations, Dizziness, Disorientation, paradoxical hyperexcitability, Dry mouth, DrowsinessIO: alcohol, nalgesik narkotik, hipnotik sedative, trankuilizer, barbituratPreg: CNama Dagang:Nufapreg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 529: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBetahistine I: Vertigo, tinnitus and hearing problems associated with Ménière's diseaseBSO: Tab 8 mg

D: 8 mg 3x/hr Max 6 tab/hr dlm dosis terbagiKI: Tumour of the adrenal gland (phaeochromocytoma)P: Peptic ulcer, AsthmaES: Itching (pruritus), indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, RashIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 530: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiphenhydramine hydrochlorideAntihistamineI: Symptomatic relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release which include nasal allergies and allergic dermatosis; can be used for mild nighttime sedation; prevention of motion sickness and as an antitussive; has antinauseant and topical anesthetic properties; treatment of antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal reactions BSO: Vial 10 mg/cc, 50 mg/mLTablet & Capsule: 25 mg, 50 mg Cream, Lotion & Solution, topical spray:1%, 2% Syrup & Elixir: 12.5 mg/5 mL D: Adults: Oral: 25-50 mg q6-8 hours Nighttime sleep aid: 50 mg at bedtime I.M., I.V.: 10-50 mg 1x q2-4 hours, max 400 mg/day Topical: max 7 days Children: Oral: (>10 kg): 12.5-25 mg 3-4x/day; max 300 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 531: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIM/IV: 5 mg/kg/day or 150 mg/m2/day in divided doses q6-8 hours, max 300 mg/day KI: Hipersensitif; MAOIsIO: Potentiates effect of CNS depressants; due to alcohol content, do not administer syrup dosage form to patient taking medications that can cause disulfiramlike reactionsPreg: CP: May exacerbate glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer, or urinary tract obstruction; xerostomia may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 532: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOndansetronSelective 5-HT3-receptor antagonist, blocking serotonin, both peripherally on vagal nerve terminals and centrally in the chemoreceptor trigger zone.I: Nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer & following surgery.BSO: Injection: 2 mg/mL; 32 mg Solution: 4 mg/5 mL Tablet: 4 mg, 8 mg, 24 mg Tablet, orally disintegrating: 4 mg, 8 mg D: 4-8 mg PO q12hAlternatively, 8 mg administered IV over 15 min q12h or 1 mg/h infused continuously for up to 24 hSolution, oral disintegrating tablets, and tablets:Anticancer medicine: Adults: 8 mg 2-3x/day 30’ before the anticancer medicine. 4-11 years: 4 mgMore severe nausea and vomiting:Adults: 24 mg 30’ before the anticancer medicine After surgery: Adults: 16 mg 1h before anesthesia.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 533: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRadiation treatment: Adults: 8 mg 1-2h before radiation.the anticancer medicine. 4-11 years: 4 mgInjection: Anticancer medicine:Adults: 32 mg IV slow > 15‘. 150 mcg/kg 30’ before anticancer.Prevention of nausea and vomiting after surgery:Adults: 4 mg IV slow > 30’’-4‘. 100 mcg/kg 30’ before anesthesiKI: HipersensitifIO: Food increases extent of absorption; Cmax and Tmax do not change much; St John's wort may decrease ondansetron levels; due to reports of profound hypotension during concomitant therapy, manufacturer of apomorphine contraindicates use with ondansetron; CYP3A4 inducers may decrease levels/effects of ondansetronPreg: BP:May mask progressive ileus and/or gastric distension; anaphylactoid reactions may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 534: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTropisetronI: Prevention of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children, Prevention of post-surgical nausea and vomiting in adults who are at high risk of post-surgical nausea and vomiting, post-surgical nausea and vomiting in adultsBSO: Kaps 5 mg. Amp 5 mg/5ccD: Hari 1: Infus IV 5 mg atau Inj IV pelan

Hari 2-6 dst: Tab pagi a.c KI: PregnancyP: Disturbed heart rhythm or nerve conduction within the heart# People taking and anti-arrhythmia or beta-blocking medicinesES: Headache, Fatigue, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Dizziness, AllergyIO: -Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Navoban

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 535: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGranisetronI: Preventing and treating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer & following surgery in adults and children.BSO: Amp: 1 mg/mL Tablet: 1 mg D: Anticancer medicine: Tab: 1 mg 1h before anticancer medicine 2x/dayInjection: 10 mcg IV slow > 5’. 30’ before anticancer medicineRadiation therapy: 2 mg 1h before radiationKI: Hypersensitivity, tablets contain lactose -> should not be taken by people with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.P: Intestinal obstruction.ES: Headache, Constipation, Skin rash, Alteration in results of liver function tests, hypersensitivity.Preg: BNama Dagang: Kytril

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 536: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexL. Penyakit NeuroDegeneratifRivastigmine DonepezilGalantamine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 537: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRivastigmine I: Mild to moderately dementia in Alzheimer & Parkinson BSO: Capsule: 1.5 mg, 3 mg, 4.5 mg, 6 mg Solution, oral: 2 mg/mL

D: Adults: 1.5 mg 2x/day. Max 6 mg 2x/day.KI: Decreased liver function, Breastfeeding, childrenP: Sick sinus syndrome, heart conduction defects, peptic ulcer, asthma, COPD, History of urinary obstruction, seizuresES: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, indigestion or abdominal pain, Decreased appetite and weight loss, Dizziness, Increased sweating, Fatigue, asthenia, Agitation, Headache, somnolence, tremor, Confusion, insomnia, Depression, syncope, Ulceration of the stomach or intestine, Seizures, angina, Rash, hallucinations, Worsening of Parkinson's symptoms, Abnormal heart beatsPreg: BNama Dagang: Exelon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 538: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDonepezil HClI: Mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's dementia.BSO: Tab 5 mg, 10 mgD: Mild-moderate Alzheimer: 5 mg hs. Max 10 mg/day Severe Alzheimer' :10 mg hs (at bedtime).KI: Children, BreastfeedingP: Decreased liver function, sick sinus syndrome, heart conduction defects, peptic ulcer, People taking long-term NSAIDs, urinary obstruction, Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).ES: Nausea and vomiting, Loss of appetite, Diarrhoea, Fatigue, insomnia, Headache, Dizziness, Fainting, Hallucinations, Agitation, Aggressive behaviour, Muscle cramps, Urinary incontinence, Rash or itching, bradycardia, Seizure, Liver disorders, extrapyramidal effects.IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 539: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGalantamine I: Mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's diseaseBSO: Tab 4 mg

D: 4 mg 2x/day KI: Severely decreased kidney & liver function, Breastfeeding.P: Moderately reduced liver function, cardiovascular disease, atrial fibrillation, Unstable angina pectoris, Disturbances in the level of potassium in the blood, cerebrovascular disease, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, COPD, severe asthma, Active lung infections, peptic ulcersES: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite and weight loss, Fatigue, Dizziness, Headache, Fever, Confusion, Depression, Falls, insomnia, Tremor, Abnormal heart beats, bradycardia, Seizures, Hallucinations, Aggression, hypokalaemiaPreg: BNama Dagang:Reminyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 540: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexM. Penyakit NeuromuskularNeostigminePyridostigmine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 541: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNeostigmine I: Myasthenia gravis, urinary retention, paralytic ileusBSO: Injection: 0.25 mg/mL; 0.5 mg/mL; 1 mg/mL Tablet: 15 mg D: Myasthenia gravis: Diagnosis: I.M.: Children: 0.04 mg/kg as a single dose Adults: 0.02 mg/kg as a single dose Myasthenia gravis: Treatment: Children: Oral: 2 mg/kg/day divided every 3-4 hours I.M., I.V., S.C.: 0.01-0.04 mg/kg q2-4 hours Adults: Oral: 15 mg/dose q3-4 hours max 375 mg/dayIM/IV/SC: 0.5-2.5 mg q1-3 hours max 10 mg/24 hours Reversal of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade after surgery in conjunction with atropine: I.V.: Infants: 0.025-0.1 mg/kg/dose Children: 0.025-0.08 mg/kg/dose Adults: 0.5-2.5 mg; total dose max 5 mg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 542: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBladder atony: Adults: I.M., S.C.: Prevention: 0.25 mg every 4-6 hours for 2-3 days Treatment: 0.5-1 mg every 3 hours for 5 doses after bladder has emptied Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer 50% of normal dose Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer 25% of normal dose KI: Intestinal obstruction, allergy, Obstruction of the urinary tract P: Asthma, Decreased kidney function, Epilepsy, hypotension, Parkinson's disease, People who have recently had a heart attack, Peptic ulcer, bradycardiaES: Abdominal cramps, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Increased salivationIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 543: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPyridostigmineI: Myasthenia gravis, urinary retention, paralytic ileusBSO: Tab: 60 mgD: Normally, sustained release dosage form is used at bedtime for patients who complain of morning weakness Oral: Children: 7 mg/kg/day in 5-6 divided doses Adults: Initial: 60 mg 3 times/day with maintenance dose ranging from 60 mg to 1.5 g/day; sustained release formulation should be dosed at least every 6 hours (usually 12-24 hours) IM/IV: Children: 0.05-0.15 mg/kg/dose (max single dose: 10 mg) Adults: 2 mg q2-3 hours or 1/30th of oral dose Reversal of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker: IM/IV: Children: 0.1-0.25 mg/kg/dose preceded by atropine Adults: 10-20 mg preceded by atropine KI: Intestinal obstruction, Obstruction of the urinary tractP: Asthma, Decreased kidney function, Epilepsy, hypotension, Parkinson's disease, People who have recently had a heart attack, Peptic ulcer, bradycardia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 544: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Abdominal cramps, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Increased salivationIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Mestinon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 545: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexN. Preparat ParkinsonLevodopaEstazolamTrihexyphenidyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 546: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevodopaI: ParkinsonBSO: Capsule: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg Tablet: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg D: 250 mg 2-4x/day. Max 8 g/dayKI: < 25 years, Severe liver, kidney & heart disease, endocrine disease, Closed angle glaucoma, malignant melanoma, Suspicious skin lesions of unknown cause, Severe psychotic illness, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, People who have taken MAOI in the last 14 days.P: Liver, Kidney & Lung disease, Asthma, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, arrhythmias, endocrine disorders, Diabetes, convulsions, peptic ulcers, psychiatric illness, Open angle glaucoma, osteomalacia.ES: Dyskinesia, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Mood changes, strange or abnormal thoughts or depression, Confusion, palpitations, Irregular heart beats, postural hypotension, Loss of appetite, Dry mouth, asthenia, insomnia, somnolence, Suddenly falling asleep, hallucinations,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 547: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBleeding or ulceration in the stomach or intestines, Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood, pathological gambling, hypersexuality, Visual disturbances, dyspnoeaIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 548: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstazolamI: Short-term management of insomniaBSO: Tablet: 1 mg, 2 mgD: Adults: Oral: 1 mg at bedtime, some patients may require 2 mg; start at doses of 0.5 mg in debilitated or small elderly patients KI: Hypersensitivity, pregnancyP: Use with caution in elderly or debilitated patients, patients with hepatic disease (including alcoholics), or renal impairment. Use with caution in patients with respiratory disease or impaired gag reflex. Avoid use in patients with sleep apnea. As a hypnotic, should be used only after evaluation of potential causes of sleep disturbance. Failure of sleep disturbance to resolve after 7-10 days may indicate psychiatric or medical illness. A worsening of insomnia or the emergence of new abnormalities of thought or behavior may represent unrecognized psychiatric or medical illness and requires immediate and careful evaluation.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 549: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBenzodiazepines have been associated with anterograde amnesia. Paradoxical reactions, including hyperactive or aggressive behavior, have been reported with benzodiazepines, particularly in adolescent/pediatric or psychiatric patients. Does not have analgesic, antidepressant, or antipsychotic properties. Use caution in patients with depression, particularly if suicidal risk may be present. Use with caution in patients with a history of drug dependence. Benzodiazepines have been associated with dependence and acute withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation or reduction in dose. Acute withdrawal, including seizures, may be precipitated in patients after administration of flumazenil to patients receiving long-term benzodiazepine therapy. ES: >10%: Somnolence, Weakness 1-10%: Flushing, palpitations, Anxiety, confusion, dizziness, hypokinesia, abnormal coordination, hangover, agitation, amnesia, apathy, emotional lability, euphoria, hostility, seizure, sleep disorder, stupor, twitch , Dermatitis, pruritus, rash, urticaria, Xerostomia, constipation, decreased appetite,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 550: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexflatulence, gastritis, increased appetite, perverse taste, Frequent urination, menstrual cramps, urinary hesitancy, urinary frequency, vaginal discharge/itching, Paresthesia, Photophobia, eye pain, eye swelling, Cough, dyspnea, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, Diaphoresis IO: Carbamazepine, rifampin, rifabutin may enhance the metabolism of estazolam and decrease its therapeutic effect; consider using an alternative sedative/hypnotic agent Cimetidine, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, clozapine, CNS depressants, diltiazem, disulfiram, digoxin, erythromycin, ethanol, fluconazole, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, grapefruit juice, isoniazid, itraconazole, ketoconazole, labetalol, levodopa, loxapine, metoprolol, metronidazole, miconazole, nefazodone, omeprazole, phenytoin, rifabutin, rifampin, troleandomycin, valproic acid, verapamil may increase the serum level and/or toxicity of estazolam Preg: X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 551: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrihexyphenidyl (THP)I: Parkinson's disease, extrapyramidal symptoms which are side effects of another medicine.BSO: Elixir: 2 mg/5 mL Tablet: 2 mg, 5 mg D: Initial: 1-2 mg/day, increase by 2 mg increments at intervals of 3-5 days; usual dose: 5-15 mg/day in 3-4 divided doses KI: Children, tardive dyskinesia, rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsoprtion or sucrase-maltase insufficiency.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney, liver &heart function, hypertension, Glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, obstruction in the genitourinary tract, obstruction in the stomach or intestines, myaesthenia gravis.ES: Dry mouth, Constipation, Blurred vision, insomnia, Confusion, Agitation, Restlessness, hallucinations, euphoria, Memory problems.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 552: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Decreased effect: May increase gastric degradation of levodopa and decrease the amount of levodopa absorbed by delaying gastric emptying; the opposite may be true for digoxin Therapeutic effects of cholinergic agents (tacrine, donepezil) and neuroleptics may be antagonized Increased toxicity: Central and/or peripheral anticholinergic syndrome can occur when administered with amantadine, rimantadine, narcotic analgesics, phenothiazines and other antipsychotics (especially with high anticholinergic activity), tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and some other antiarrhythmics, and antihistamines Preg: CBSO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 553: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexO. Relaksan OtotBotulinum Toxin type A, Clostridium botulinum ASuccinylcholine Cl/ Suxamethonium chloridePancuronium BrVecuronium BrRocuronium BrAtracurium besilateEperisoneChlorzoxazoneBaclofenTizanidine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 554: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBotulinum Toxin type A, Clostridium botulinum type A Ophthalmic Agent, ToxinI: Blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, spasmodic torticollis/idiopathic cervical dystonia, Wrist and hand disability in adults due to spasm of the muscle in the upper arm as a result of a stroke, dynamic equinus foot deformity, hyperhidrosisBSO: Vial 100 uD: Awal 2.5 u/0.1 ccEye conditions: IM into the muscles around the eyes 1/> times.cervical dystonia: IM into the muscles of the neckSevere sweating of the armpits (primary axillary hyperhidrosis):IM below the skin in the armpitKI: Infection at the proposed injection site, myasthenia gravis, Eaton Lambert syndromeP: Inflammation in the area to be injected, Excessive weakness or wasting in the muscle to be injected, dysphagia, seizures, cardiovascular disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, People who have recently had surgery or are due to have surgery in the

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 555: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexnear future, People at risk of closed angle glaucoma, People who have had previous eye surgery ES: Pain at the injection site, Misplaced injections may paralyse nearby muscles and excessive doses may paralyse muscles that are not near the injection site, Fever, Flu-like symptoms, dysphagia, Rash or itchingIO: The muscle paralysing effect of botulinum toxin type A may be increased by the following medicines: * aminoglycoside antibiotics, eg neomycin, gentamicin* spectinomycin* muscle relaxants, particularly those used in anaesthesia* antibiotics such as polymixins, tetracyclines or lincomycin.Preg: CNama Dagang:BTXA

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 556: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSuccinylcholine Cl/ Suxamethonium chlorideNeuromuscular Blocker Agent, DepolarizingI: Produces skeletal muscle relaxation in procedures of short duration such as endotracheal intubation or endoscopic examsBSO: Injection: 20 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL; 100 mg/mLPowder for injection: 100 mg, 500 mg, 1 g D: I.M., I.V.: Older Children and Adolescents: Intermittent: Initial: 1 mg/kg/dose one time; maintenance: 0.3-0.6 mg/kg every 5-10 minutes as needed Adults: 0.6 mg/kg (range: 0.3-1.1 mg/kg) over 10-30 seconds, up to 150 mg total dose Maintenance: 0.04-0.07 mg/kg every 5-10 minutes as needed Continuous infusion: 2.5 mg/minute (or 0.5-10 mg/minute); dilute to concentration of 1-2 mg/mL in D5W or NS Note: Pretreatment with atropine may reduce occurrence of bradycardia Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Dose should be decreased in patients with severe liver disease

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 557: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Malignant hyperthermia, myopathies associated with elevated serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) values, narrow-angle glaucoma, hyperkalemia, penetrating eye injuries, disorders of plasma pseudocholinesterase, hypersensitivity to succinylcholine or any component P: Use in pediatrics and adolescents; use with caution in patients with pre-existing hyperkalemia, paraplegia, extensive or severe burns, extensive denervation of skeletal muscle because of disease or injury to the CNS or with degenerative or dystrophic neuromuscular disease; may increase vagal toneES: >10%: glaukoma, Postoperative stiffness 1-10%: Bradycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia, Intragastric pressure, salivation IO: Increased toxicity: Anticholinesterase drugs (neostigmine, physostigmine, or pyridostigmine) in combination with succinylcholine can cause cardiorespiratory collapse; cyclophosphamide, oral contraceptives, lidocaine, thiotepa, pancuronium, lithium, magnesium salts, aprotinin, chloroquine,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 558: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmetoclopramide, terbutaline, and procaine enhance and prolong the effects of succinylcholine Prolonged neuromuscular blockade:Inhaled anesthetics Local anesthetics Calcium channel blockers Antiarrhythmics (eg, quinidine or procainamide) Antibiotics (eg, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, vancomycin, clindamycin) Immunosuppressants (eg, cyclosporine) Preg: CNama Dagang: Quelicin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 559: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPancuronium BrNeuromuscular Blocker Agent, NondepolarizingI: Drug of choice for neuromuscular blockade except in patients with renal failure, hepatic failure, or cardiovascular instability; produce skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery after induction of general anesthesia, increase pulmonary compliance during assisted respiration, facilitate endotracheal intubation, preferred muscle relaxant for neonatal cardiac patients, must provide artificial ventilationBSO: Injection: 1 mg/mL; 2 mg/mLD: Based on ideal body weight in obese patients. I.V.:Continuous I.V. infusions are not recommended due to case reports of prolonged paralysisDosing adjustment in renal impairment: Elimination half-life is doubled, plasma clearance is reduced and rate of recovery is sometimes much slower Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer 50% of normal dose Clcr <10 mL/minute: Do not use

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 560: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDosing adjustment/comments in hepatic disease: Elimination half-life is doubled, plasma clearance is doubled, recovery time is prolonged, volume of distribution is increased (50%) and results in a slower onset, higher total dosage and prolongation of neuromuscular blockade Patients with liver disease may develop slow resistance to nondepolarizing muscle relaxant; large doses may be required and problems may arise in antagonism KI: HypersensitivityP: Ventilation must be supported during neuromuscular blockade. Electrolyte imbalance alters blockade. Use with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis or other neuromuscular diseases, pre-existing pulmonary, hepatic, renal disease, and in the elderlyES: 1-10%: Elevation in pulse rate, elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, hypertension, Rash, itching, Excessive salivation IO: Increased toxicity: Magnesium sulfate, furosemide can increase or decrease neuromuscular blockade (dose-dependent)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 561: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProlonged neuromuscular blockade:Inhaled anesthetics Local anesthetics Calcium channel blockers Antiarrhythmics (eg, quinidine or procainamide) Antibiotics (eg, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, vancomycin, clindamycin) Immunosuppressants (eg, cyclosporine) Preg: CNama Dagang: Pavulon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 562: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVecuronium BrNeuromuscular Blocker Agent, NondepolarizingI: Adjunct to anesthesia, to facilitate intubation, and provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilationBSO: Powder for injection: 10 mgD: I.V. (do not administer I.M.): Children >1 year and Adults: Initial: 0.08-0.1 mg/kg/dose; maintenance: 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/every hour as needed; may be administered with caution as a continuous infusion at 0.075 mg/kg/hour (concern has been raised of drug-induced myopathies in ICU setting) Note: Children (1-10 years) may require slightly higher initial doses and slightly more frequent supplementation KI: hypersensitivityP: Use with caution in patients with hepatic impairment, neuromuscular disease, myasthenia gravis, and the elderly; ventilation must be supported during neuromuscular blockade

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 563: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: <1%: Tachycardia, flushing, edema, hypotension, circulatory collapse, bradycardia, rash, itching, hypersensitivity reactionIO: Increased toxicity/effect with aminoglycosides, ketamine, magnesium sulfate, verapamil, quinidine, clindamycin, furosemidePreg: CNama Dagang: Norcuron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 564: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRocuronium bromideNeuromuscular Blocker Agent, NondepolarizingI: Inpatient and outpatient use as an adjunct to general anesthesia to facilitate both rapid-sequence and routine tracheal intubation, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilationBSO: Injection: 10 mg/mLD: Children: Initial: 0.6 mg/kg under halothane anesthesia produce excellent to good intubating conditions within 1 minute and will provide a median time of 41 minutes of clinical relaxation in children 3 months to 1 year of age, and 27 minutes in children 1-12 years Maintenance: 0.075-0.125 mg/kg administered upon return of T1

to 25% of control provides clinical relaxation for 7-10 minutes Adults: Tracheal intubation: I.V.: Initial: 0.6 mg/kg is expected to provide approximately 31 minutes of clinical relaxation under opioid/nitrous oxide/oxygen anesthesia with neuromuscular block sufficient for intubation

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 565: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexattained in 1-2 minutes; lower doses (0.45 mg/kg) may be used to provide 22 minutes of clinical relaxation with median time to neuromuscular block of 1-3 minutes; maximum blockade is achieved in <4 minutes Maximum: 0.9-1.2 mg/kg may be given during surgery under opioid/nitrous oxide/oxygen anesthesia without adverse cardiovascular effects and is expected to provide 58-67 minutes of clinical relaxation; neuromuscular blockade sufficient for intubation is achieved in <2 minutes with maximum blockade in <3 minutes Maintenance: 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2 mg/kg administered at 25% recovery of control T1 (defined as 3 twitches of train-of-four) provides a median of 12, 17, and 24 minutes of clinical duration under anesthesia Rapid sequence intubation: 0.6-1.2 mg/kg in appropriately premedicated and anesthetized patients with excellent or good intubating conditions within 2 minutes

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 566: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexContinuous infusion: Initial: 0.01-0.012 mg/kg/minute only after early evidence of spontaneous recovery of neuromuscular function is evident Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Reductions are necessary in patients with liver disease KI: hypersensitivity P: Use with caution in patients with cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, hepatic impairment, neuromuscular disease, myasthenia gravis, dehydration (may alter neuromuscular blocking effects); respiratory acidosis, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, or hypocalcemia (may enhance actions) and the elderly; ventilation must be supported during neuromuscular blockadeES: >1%: Transient hypotension and hypertension <1%: Arrhythmias, abnormal EKG, tachycardia, edema, rash, injection site pruritus, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm, wheezing, rhonchi, hiccups

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 567: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Decreased effect: Chronic carbamazepine or phenytoin can shorten the duration of neuromuscular blockade; phenylephrine can severely inhibit neuromuscular blockade Increased effect: Infusion requirements are reduced 35% to 40% during anesthesia with enflurane or isoflurane Increased toxicity: Aminoglycosides, vancomycin, tetracyclines, bacitracin

Preg: BNama Dagang:Esmeron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 568: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtracurium besilateNeuromuscular Blocker Agent, NondepolarizingI: Drug of choice for neuromuscular blockade in patients with renal and/or hepatic failure; eases endotracheal intubation as an adjunct to general anesthesia and relaxes skeletal muscle during surgery or mechanical ventilation; does not relieve painBSO: Injection: 10 mg/mLInjection, preservative-free: 10 mg/mLD: I.V. (not to be used I.M.): Children >2 years to Adults: 0.4-0.5 mg/kg, then 0.08-0.1 mg/kg 20-45 minutes after initial dose to maintain neuromuscular block Infusions (require use of an infusion pump): 0.2 mg/mL or 0.5 mg/mL in D5W or NS Continuous infusion: Initial: 9-10 mcg/kg/minute followed by 5-9 mcg/kg/minute maintenance KI: HypersensitivityP: Reduce initial dosage in patients in whom substantial histamine release would be potentially hazardous (eg, patients

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 569: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexwith clinically important cardiovascular disease); maintenance of an adequate airway and respiratory support is criticalES: Mild, rare, and generally suggestive of histamine release <1%: Cardiovascular effects are minimal and transient, erythema, itching, urticaria, wheezing, bronchial secretions Causes of prolonged neuromuscular blockade: Excessive drug administration Cumulative drug effect, decreased metabolism/excretion (hepatic and/or renal impairment) Accumulation of active metabolites Electrolyte imbalance (hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemia, hypernatremia) Hypothermia Drug interactions Increased sensitivity to muscle relaxants (eg, neuromuscular disorders such as myasthenia gravis or polymyositis) IO: Prolonged neuromuscular blockade:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 570: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHalothane has only a marginal effect, enflurane and isoflurane increases the potency and prolong duration of neuromuscular blockade induced by atracurium by 35% to 50% Dosage should be reduced by 33% in patients receiving isoflurane or enflurane and by 20% in patients receiving halothane Local anesthetics Calcium channel blockers Corticosteroids Antiarrhythmics (eg, quinidine or procainamide) Antibiotics (eg, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, vancomycin, clindamycin) Immunosuppressants (eg, cyclosporine) Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 571: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEperisoneI: spasme muskuloskeletalBSO: Tab salut selaput 50 mg

D: 50 mg 3x/hrKI: P: Ggn hatiES: Ggn hati, lemas, insomniaIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 572: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlorzoxazoneSkeletal Muscle RelaxantI: Dental: Treatment of muscle spasm with acute temporomandibular joint pain Medical: Symptomatic treatment of muscle spasm and pain associated with acute musculoskeletal conditions BSO: Tab 200 mgD: 500 mg 3-4x/dayKI: hypersensitivityP: ES: Bloody or black, tarry stools, Clay-colored stools, Constipation, Cough, Dark urine, Decreased appetite, Difficulty swallowing, Dizziness, Fast heartbeat, Fever, Headache, Hives, Itching, Large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs, Loss of appetite, Nausea and vomiting, Puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue, Severe stomach pain, Shortness of breath, Skin rash * Swelling of the feet or lower legs

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 573: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index * Tightness in the chest * Unusual tiredness or weakness * Vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds * Wheezing * Yellow eyes or skinIO: CYP2E1 enzyme substratePreg: CNama Dagang:Solaxin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 574: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBaclofenSkeletal Muscle RelaxantI: Multiple sclerosism, Tumours in the spinal cord, Motor neurone disease, traumatic partial section, Stroke, Cerebral palsy, Head injuryBSO: Tab 10 mgD: 5mg 3x/day, increase 5 mg q3 day. Max 80 mg/dayKI: Peptic ulcerP: Elderly people, Decreased kidney & liver function, respiratory disease, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Stroke, People who have previously had peptic ulcer disease, Psychotic disorders, Parkinson's diseaseES: Drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea, Lightheadedness, respiratory depression, Confusion, Headache, insomnia, Mood changes, Muscle weakness, ataxia, Tremor, hallucinations, Nightmares, nystagmus, Dry mouth, Increased need to pass urine, hypertension, convulsionsPreg: CNama Dagang: Lioresal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 575: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTizanidineAlpha2 AgonistI: Multiple sclerosis, Spinal cord injury or diseaseBSO: Tablet: 4 mgD: 8 mg 3-4x/day. Max 36 mg/day.KI: Allergy, Severe liver diseaseP: Children, Decreased kidney function, Elderly peopleES: Dry mouth, insomnia, Drowsiness, Nausea, Fatigue, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, hypotension, hallucinations, Dizziness, bradycardia, hepatitisIO: Tizanidine increases the effects of alcohol and sedatives medicines. Tizanidine may increase the blood pressure-lowering efects of anti-hypertensive medicines.When taken together with beta blockers or digoxin there is an increased risk of low blood pressure or a slow heart rate.Oral contraceptives reduce the turnover of tizanidine and may increase the likelihood of tizanidine side effects.Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 577: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Androgen SintetisTestosteroneDanazolMesterolone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 578: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTestosteroneI : treatment of hypogonadism with low BMDBSO : Kaps 40 mgD:Adults—30 mg applied to your upper gum above the left or right incisor 2x/hrKI: hypersensitivity; women with breast cancer; men with breast or prostate cancerIO: -Preg: X P:Renal impairment and elderly patients; may increase risk of prostatic hyperplasia; monitor PSA; may increase growth of subclinical prostate carcinoma; discontinue if edema or jaundice occurs; monitor liver function, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and cholesterol; ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 579: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDanazol-- Synthetic steroid analog with strong antigonadotropic activity (inhibits LH and FSH) and weak androgenic action. Competes with androgen and progesterone at receptor level, resulting in amenorrhea within 3 mo.I: Endometriosis, benign breast disease, hereditary angioedema - that can cause nettle rash and swelling around the eyes, mouth and hands (this is an unlicensed use of this medicine).BSO: Kaps 100 mg, 200 mgD:Endometriosis: 100-400 mg 2x/hari selama 3-6 bulan.Fibrocystic breast disease: 50-200 mg 2x/hari selama 6 bulan.Prevention of attacks of hereditary angioedema: 200 mg 2-3x/ hari.KI:Hipersensitif; breastfeeding; seizure disorders; markedly impaired hepatic function or porphyriaIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 580: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProlongation of PT occurs in patients who are on warfarin; carbamazepine levels might rise with concurrent use; might interfere with laboratory determinations of DHEA, androstenedione, and testosteronePreg: XP:Caution in renal, hepatic (may elevate serum transaminase levels), or cardiac insufficiency and in seizure disorders; androgen effects may cause hirsutism, acne, lowering of voice, or decreased breast size Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 581: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMesteroloneI: # Low testosterone levels in men# Male infertility caused by low testosterone levelsBSO: Tab 25 mgD: Defisiensi androgen awal 25 mg 3-4x/hr selama bbrp bulan. Pemeliharaan 50-75 mg/hr.Infertilitas pria: 100 mg/hr selama bbrp bulanKI: # History of or current liver tumours# Prostate cancer# WomenP: Pemeriksaan prostat secara teratur. Hanya utkpria, tumor hati ganasES: Excessive frequency and duration of erectionsIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Proviron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 582: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Estrogen & Preparat SintetisEsterified estrogenConjugated estrogenEstradiolEthinylestradiolEstriolEstropipateTiboloneEstradiol valerateEstrone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 583: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEsterified estrogenOral: Breast cancer in women after menopause and in men:10 mg 3x/day for 3 moVulvar atrophy or Atrophic vaginitis, or osteoporosis: 0.3-1.25 mg/dayOvary problems (failure or removal of both ovaries):1.25 mg/day each day or only on certain days of the month.Ovary problems (female hypogonadism):2.5-7.5 mg/daySymptoms of menopause: 0.625-1.25 mg/dayProstate cancer: 1.25-2.5 mg 3x/day.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 584: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexConjugated Estrogen-- Reduces bone resorption and may increase osteoblast activity.Multiple studies have shown bone loss prevention at the spine and hip when started within 10 y of menopause (but initiate as soon as possible) and continued for life if tolerated. Although due to safety concerns, many now advocate stopping hormones when menopausal symptoms abate and then using other treatments.I: # Hormone replacement therapy to relieve symptoms of the menopause# Second-line option for preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women who are at high risk of fractures and cannot take other medicines licensed for preventing osteoporosis.D: Oral: Breast cancer in women after menopause and in men:10 mg 3x/day for 3 mo

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 585: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVulvar atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, symptoms of menopause:0.3 mg/day each day or only on certain days of the month.Osteoporosis: 0.3 mg/dayOvary problems (female hypogonadism or for starting puberty):0.3-0.625 mg/dayOvary problems (failure or removal of both ovaries):1.25 mg/dayProstate cancer: 1.25-2.5 mg 3x/day.Injection: Controlling abnormal bleeding of the uterus: 25 mg IM/IV 2-4x/dayKI: Hipersensitif; known or suspected Preg:; breast cancer; undiagnosed abnormal genital bleeding; active thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders; history of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, or thromboembolic disorders associated with previous estrogen use (except when used in treatment of breast or prostatic malignancy)IO: May reduce hypoprothrombinemic effect of anticoagulants; coadministration of barbiturates, rifampin, and other agents that

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 586: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexinduce hepatic microsomal enzymes may reduce levels; pharmacologic and toxicologic effects of corticosteroids may occur as a result of estrogen-induced inactivation of hepatic P-450 enzyme; loss of seizure control has been noted when administered concurrently with hydantoinsPreg: XP: Certain patients may develop undesirable manifestations of excessive estrogenic stimulation (eg, abnormal or excessive uterine bleeding, mastodynia); may cause some degree of fluid retention (exercise caution); prolonged unopposed estrogen therapy may increase risk of endometrial hyperplasia (combine with progesterone in women with uterus); caution in hepatic dysfunction, women who breastfeed, gallbladder disease, bone disease associated with hypercalcemia, and uterine leiomyomata; perform initial complete physical examination with blood pressure, PAP smear, and mammogram and repeat annually; discontinue if jaundice or severe uncontrollable hypertension develops; discontinue 2 wk before surgery associated with thromboembolism

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 587: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol -- Reduces bone resorption and may increase osteoblast activity. Multiple studies have shown it prevents bone loss at spine and hip when started within 10 y of menopause (initiate as soon as possible after start of menopause) and continued for life if tolerated.D: Oral: Breast cancer in women after menopause and in men:10 mg/day 3x/dayVulvar atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries, or symptoms of menopause:1-2 mg 1x/day fo 3moProstate cancer: 1-2 mg 3x/dayOsteoporosis: 0.5 mg/daySkin lotion: Symptoms of menopause: 1.74 1x (morning)Transdermal: vulvar atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, symptoms of menopause, ovary problems (female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries), or osteoporosis:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 588: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index0.025-0.1mg q1wk for 3 wkKI: Hipersensitif; Preg:; breast cancer; thrombophlebitis; undiagnosed vaginal bleedingIO: May reduce hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulants; levels may be reduced with coadministration of barbiturates, rifampin, and other agents that induce hepatic microsomal enzymes; an increase in corticosteroid levels may occur when administered concurrently with ethinyl estradiol; use of ethinyl estradiol with hydantoins may cause spotting, breakthrough bleeding, and Preg:; increase in fluid retention caused by estrogen intake may reduce seizure controlPreg: XP:Unopposed estrogen is associated with endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma in women with a uterus (combine estrogen with progesterone in these patients); hepatic dysfunction; conditions aggravated by fluid retention; gallbladder disease; bone disease associated with hypercalcemia; uterine leiomyomata; perform initial complete

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 589: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexphysical examination with blood pressure, PAP smear, and mammogram (repeat annually); discontinue if jaundice or severe, uncontrollable hypertension develops; discontinue 2 wk before surgery associated with thromboembolism; caution in women who breastfeed Nama Dagang: Premarin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 590: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEthinylestradiolD: Oral: Breast cancer in women after menopause and in men:1 mg 3x/dayOvary problems (female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries): 0.05 mg 3x/day for 3-6 moProstate cancer: 0.15-3mg/daySymptoms of menopause: 0.02-0.05 mg/dayKI: Hipersensitif, endometrial and hepatic cancer; thromboembolic disorders; undiagnosed vaginal bleeding; smoking in those >35 y; cardiovascular diseaseIO: Phenobarbital, phenytoin, paramethadione, carbamazepine, troglitazone, rifampicin, and griseofulvin induce enzymes that reduce levels of contraceptive steroids; oral anticoagulants may increase thromboembolic potentialPreg: XP: Caution in patients diagnosed with hepatic impairment, migraine, seizure disorders, cerebrovascular disorders, breast cancer, or thromboembolic diseaseNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 591: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstriolI: # Vaginal and urinary symptoms of the menopause# Female infertility caused by 'cervical hostility'BSO: Tab 1 mgD: 0.5-1 mg/hr pd harike-6 s/d15 KI: Breast cancer, endometrial cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or a past history of these conditions where the cause is unknown, SNH, heart attack, Angina pectoris, Active liver disease, History of liver disease when liver function has not returned to normal, porphyrias, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Ovestin tablets contain lactose).P: Close family history of breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids in the womb, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, venous thromboembolism, Blood disorders that increase the risk of blood clots in the veins, eg antiphospholipid syndrome, factor V Leiden, taking anticoagulants, SLE, Severe

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 592: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexobesity, Varicose veins, Smokers, hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia, History of liver disease, Decreased kidney function, Heart failure, History of diabetes, gallstones, migraines or severe headaches, epilepsy, asthma, otosclerosis# History of irregular brown patches appearing on the skin, usually of the face, during pregnancy or previous use of hormone preparations such as contraceptive pills (chloasma). Women with a tendency to this condition should minimise their exposure to the sun or UV light while taking HRT.ES: Nausea and vomiting, Breast tenderness or pain, Breakthrough bleeding or spotting, Headache, Excessive production of cervical mucus, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, Vaginal thrush, Depression, Dizziness, Changes in sex drive, Rise in blood pressure, Gall bladder disease, peripheral oedema, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Steepening of corneal curvature which may make contact lenses uncomfortable, Premenstrual-like symptoms, Disturbance in liver function, chloasma, Blood clots in the blood

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 593: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexvessels (eg, DVT, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke - see warnings above)IO: The following medicines may potentially reduce the blood levels and effect of this medicine, which could result in recurrence of symptoms or irregular bleeding:* antiepileptic medicines, ex carbamazepine, phenytoin* barbiturates such as amobarbital* nevirapine and efavirenz for HIV infection* protease inhibitors for HIV infection such as ritonavir* rifamycin antibiotics such as rifabutin and rifampicin* the herbal remedy St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum).Oestrogens may increase the blood level of ropinirole used to treat Parkinson's disease.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Ovestin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 594: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstropipateI: Hormone replacement therapy to relieve symptoms of the menopause# Second-line option for preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women who are at high risk of fractures and cannot take other medicines licensed for preventing osteoporosis.BSO: Cream, vaginal: 0.15% [estropipate 1.5 mg/g] Tablet: 0.625 mg [estropipate 0.75 mg]; 1.25 mg [estropipate 1.5 mg]; 2.5 mg [estropipate 3 mg]; 5 mg [estropipate 6 mg] D: Oral: Vulvar atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, or symptoms of menopause: 0.75-6 mg/day Ovary problems (female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries): 1.5-9 mg/dayOsteoporosis: 0.75 mg/dayKI: Breast cancer, endometrial cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or a past history of these conditions where the cause is unknown, SNH, heart attack, Angina

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 595: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpectoris, Active liver disease, History of liver disease when liver function has not returned to normal, porphyrias, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Ovestin tablets contain lactose).P: Close family history of breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids in the womb, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, venous thromboembolism, Blood disorders that increase the risk of blood clots in the veins, eg antiphospholipid syndrome, factor V Leiden, taking anticoagulants, SLE, Severe obesity, Varicose veins, Smokers, hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia, History of liver disease, Decreased kidney function, Heart failure, History of diabetes, gallstones, migraines or severe headaches, epilepsy, asthma, otosclerosis# History of irregular brown patches appearing on the skin, usually of the face, during pregnancy or previous use of hormone preparations such as contraceptive pills (chloasma). Women with a tendency to this condition should minimise their exposure to the sun or UV light while taking HRT.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 596: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Nausea and vomiting, Breast tenderness or pain, Breakthrough bleeding or spotting, Headache, Excessive production of cervical mucus, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, Vaginal thrush, Depression, Dizziness, Changes in sex drive, Rise in blood pressure, Gall bladder disease, peripheral oedema, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Steepening of corneal curvature which may make contact lenses uncomfortable, Premenstrual-like symptoms, Disturbance in liver function, chloasma, DVT, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, strokeIO: Decreased effect: Rifampin decreases estrogen serum concentrations. Increased toxicity: Hydrocortisone increases corticosteroid toxic potential, Anticoagulants: Increases potential for thromboembolic events with anticoagulants Carbamazepine, tricyclic antidepressants, and corticosteroids; increased thromboembolic potential with oral anticoagulants Preg: X Nama Dagang: Ogen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 597: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTiboloneI: # Relieving the symptoms of oestrogen deficiency (eg hot flushes, decreased sex drive, depression) in women who have gone through the menopause.# Prevention of osteoporosis in women who have gone through the menopause and are at high risk of fractures, but cannot take other medicines used to prevent osteoporosis.BSO: Tab 2.5 mgD: 2.5 mg/hr KI: Breast cancer, endometrial cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or a past history of these conditions where the cause is unknown, SNH, heart attack, Angina pectoris, Active liver disease, History of liver disease when liver function has not returned to normal, porphyrias, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Ovestin tablets contain lactose).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 598: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Close family history of breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids in the womb, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, venous thromboembolism, Blood disorders that increase the risk of blood clots in the veins, eg antiphospholipid syndrome, factor V Leiden, taking anticoagulants, SLE, Severe obesity, Varicose veins, Smokers, hypertension, hypertriglyceridaemia, History of liver disease, Decreased kidney function, Heart failure, History of diabetes, gallstones, migraines or severe headaches, epilepsy, asthma, otosclerosis# History of irregular brown patches appearing on the skin, usually of the face, during pregnancy or previous use of hormone preparations such as contraceptive pills (chloasma). Women with a tendency to this condition should minimise their exposure to the sun or UV light while taking HRT.ES: Nausea and vomiting, Breast tenderness or pain, Breakthrough bleeding or spotting, Headache, Excessive production of cervical mucus, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, Vaginal thrush, Depression, Dizziness, Changes in sex drive, Rise in blood pressure, Gall bladder

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 599: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdisease, peripheral oedema, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Steepening of corneal curvature which may make contact lenses uncomfortable, Premenstrual-like symptoms, Disturbance in liver function, chloasma, Blood clots in the blood vessels (eg, DVT, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, stroke - see warnings above)IO: The following medicines may potentially reduce the blood levels and effect of this medicine, which could result in recurrence of symptoms or irregular bleeding:* antiepileptic medicines such as carbamazepine, phenytoin* barbiturates such as amobarbital* rifamycin antibiotics such as rifabutin and rifampicin.Some women with diabetes may need small adjustments in their dose of insulin or antidiabetic tablets while taking this medicine. You should monitor your blood sugar and seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist if your blood sugar control seems to be altered after starting this medicine.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Livial

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 600: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol valerateInjection: vulvar atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, symptoms of menopause, or ovary problems (female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries): 10-20 mg IM q4wkProstate cancer: 30 mg IM q1-2wk

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 601: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstroneInjection: Abnormal bleeding of the uterus:2-5 mg/day IMVulvar atrophy, Atrophic vaginitis, or symptoms of menopause:0.1-0.5 mg IM 2-3x/wkOvary problems (female hypogonadism or failure or removal of both ovaries): 0.1-1 mg/wk IMProstate cancer: 2-4 mg IM 2-3x/wk

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 602: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Progesteron sintetisMedroxyprogesterone NorethisteroneDydrogesteroneProgesteroneNorgestrel LynestrenolGestrinone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 603: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMedroxyprogesteroneI: Irregular menstrual bleeding (without ovulation), secondary amenorrhoea, Mild to moderate endometriosisBSO: Injection, suspension: 100 mg/mL; 150 mg/mL; 400 mg/mL. Tablet: 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg D: Oral: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding or amenorrhea:5-10 mg.day for 5-10 daysMenstrual period: 10 mg for 5-10 daysEndometrial hyperplasia: Estrogen Days 1-25: medroxyprogesterone oral, 5-10 mg/day for 10-14 Or, 2.5- 5 mg/day without stopping. IM: Treating cancer of the kidneys or uterus:400-100 mg IM single dose 1x/wkSC: Pain related to endometriosis: 104mg SC (anterior thigh or abdomen) q3months (12-14 weeks). Max 2 years.KI:Hipersensitif; cerebral apoplexy; undiagnosed vaginal bleeding; thrombophlebitis; liver dysfunction; missed abortion; known or

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 604: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsuspected malignancy of breast or genital tract; active or past history of thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders, or cerebral apoplexy (based on past experience with combination oral contraceptive medications; little data suggest that progestin therapy used without estrogen is associated with an increased risk of thrombotic events)IO:Decreases aminoglutethimide efficacyPreg: XP:Caution in asthma, depression, renal or cardiac dysfunction, or thromboembolic disorders; perform complete physical examination, document recent Papanicolaou smear, and take family history before therapy; give special attention to blood pressure, breasts, abdomen, and pelvic organs; repeat physical examination annually; progestins can cause fluid retention (address any condition aggravated by this factor); monitor patients with epilepsy, migraine, asthma, renal or cardiac dysfunction, and history of psychic depression

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 605: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNorethisteroneI: ContraceptionBSO: Tab 5 mgD: 5 mg 3x/hr selama 10 hari KI: Pregnancy, Abnormal vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, stroke or heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, Breast cancer, Active liver disease, Liver cancer, History of severe liver disease if liver function has not returned to normal, porphyrias.P: Heart disease, Cancers dependent on sex hormones for growth, Women who have previously had an ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, jaundice during a previous pregnancy.ES: Changes in menstrual bleeding, Nausea and vomiting, Dizziness, Headache/migraine, Changes in sex drive, Weight gain, Breast tenderness, Skin problems, Depression, Cysts on the ovariesIO: Preg: X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 606: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDydrogesteroneI: Abortion, habitual abortion, dysmenorrhoea, Absence of menstrual periods when taking oestrogens, Endometriosis, Female infertility, Irregular menstrual bleeding when taking oestrogens, Irregular menstrual cycles, Premenstrual syndromeBSO: Tab 10 mgD: Infertilitas: 5 mg 2x/hr muai hr ke-14 s/d 25. Tx min 6 siklusAbortus imminen: Awal 20 mg, lanjut 5-10 mg 3x/hr Abortus habitualis & Dismenore & Endometriosis: 5-10 mg 2x/hr mulai hr ke-5 s/d 25KI: allergic reactionP: ES: Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, Bloating, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Breast tenderness, Menstrual spotting between periodsIO: -Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Duphaston

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 607: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProgesteroneI: Abnormal uterine bleeding (without ovulation) before the menopause, Disorders of the menstrual cycle, In vitro fertilisation where there is infertility due to defects of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis or unknown causes but with normal ovulatory cycles, Infertility due to inadequate luteal phase, Premenstrual syndrome, Symptoms of the menopauseBSO: Capsule: 100 mg Gel: 4%, 8% Injection, in oil: 50 mg/mL Intrauterine system, reservoir: 38 mg in silicone fluid D: For women with a uterus receiving estrogen therapy: 200 mg/d PO for 2 d sequentially per 28-d cycleKI: Hipersensitif; caps contain peanut oil and should never be used by patients allergic to peanuts; known or suspected Preg:; thrombophlebitis thromboembolic disorders, cerebral apoplexy, or patient with a history of these conditions; severe liver dysfunction or disease; known or suspected malignancy of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 608: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexbreast and genital organs; undiagnosed vaginal bleeding; missed abortion; as a diagnostic test for Preg:IO: Ketoconazole inhibits metabolism by human liver microsomes (clinical relevance unknown)Preg: BP: May cause some degree of fluid retention; thus, conditions that might be influenced by this factor (eg, epilepsy, migraine, asthma, cardiac or renal dysfunction) require careful observationPatients with history of depression should be carefully observedTransient dizziness may occur in some patients; caution when driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery; small percentage of women may experience extreme dizziness and/or drowsiness during initial therapy; for these women, bedtime dosing is advised Nama Dagang:Crinone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 609: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNorgestrel I: Prevention of pregnancy; progestin only products have higher risk of failure in contraceptive useBSO: Tablet: 0.075 mgD: first day of menstruation: 1 tab/day.If one dose is missed, take as soon as remembered, then next tablet at regular time; if two doses are missed, take 1 tablet and discard the other, then take daily at usual time; if three doses are missed, use an additional form of birth control until menses or pregnancy is ruled out. KI: Known hypersensitivity to norgestrel; thromboembolic disorders, severe hepatic disease, breast cancer, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, pregnancyP: Discontinue if sudden loss of vision or if diplopia or proptosis occur; use with caution in patients with a history of mental depression; use of any progestin during the first 4 months of pregnancy is not recommendedES: >10%: Edema, Breakthrough bleeding, spotting, changes in menstrual flow, amenorrhea, Anorexia, Weakness

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 610: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index1-10%: Embolism, central thrombosis, Mental depression, fever, insomnia, Melasma or chloasma, allergic rash with or without pruritus, Changes in cervical erosion and secretions, increased breast tenderness, Weight gain or loss, Cholestatic jaundice, Local: Thrombophlebitis

IO: Decreased effect: Aminoglutethimide may decrease effects by increasing hepatic metabolismPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 611: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLynestrenolI: BSO: Tab 5 mgD: 5 mg/ hr pd hari ke-16 s/d 25 KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 612: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNomegestrol AcetateI: defisiensi ProgesteronBSO: Kapl 5 mgD: 5 mg/hr selama 10 hari pd hari ke-16 s/d 25 KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Lutenyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 613: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGestrinoneI: Endometriosis. BSO: D: KI: Adult males, Breastfeeding, Children, Elderly people, Metabolic or blood flow disorders during previous sex hormone (oestrogen or progesterone) therapy, Pregnancy, severe cardiac insufficiency, Severely decreased kidney & liver functionP: Decreased heart&kidney function, Diabetes, hyperlipidaemiaES: Headache, Depression, Weight gain, Alteration in results of liver function tests, fluid retention, Acne, Voice changes, hirsutism, Nervousness, Changes in sex drive, Menstrual spotting between periods, Reduction in breast sizeIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 614: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Proteksi KehamilanAllylestrenol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 615: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAllylestrenolI: Abortus habitualisBSO: Tab 5 mgD: 5 mg 3x/hr selama 5 s/d 7 hari. Max 40 mg/hr KI: Ggn fungsi hatiP: DMES: Mual, muntahIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 616: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Kesuburan/ Stimulasi Folikel: Chorionic Gonadotrophin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 617: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChorionic GonadotrophinI: Delayed puberty in boys (when boys do not develop secondary sexual characteristics at 12 - 14 years old).Female infertility, Oligospermia, Undescended testesBSO: Powder for injection (human origin): 200 U/mL; 500 U/mL; 1000 U/mL; 2000 U/mLD: Low levels of male hormones:1000-4000 U IM 2-3x/dayPregnancy occur in women: 5000-10,000 U IM/dayCryptorchidism: 1000-5000 U IM 2-3x/wk for 10 dosesKI: Tumours whose growth is affected by certain hormonesP: Asthma, Boys who have not yet reached puberty, Decreased kidney function, Epilepsy, Heart failure, Treatment of migraineES: Headache, Tiredness, Changes in mood, Irritation in area of use, gynaecomastia, Over stimulation of the ovaries causing production of many ova (eggs) in the woman, oedema, Pregnancy with two or more foetusesIO: -Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 618: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Hormon Tropik SintetisClomifene citrateCetrorelix acetateBromocriptineLutropin alfaFollitropin alfaFollitropin beta

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 619: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClomiphene citrateStimulates release of pituitary gonadotropins. Acts as an antiestrogen to decrease - estrogen feedback on hypothalamus. In addition, may have effects on pituitary gland and ovaries and can induce ovulation in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea. Improves folliculogenesis and, therefore, ovarian function during luteal phase.I: Infertility in women caused by failure of ovulationBSO: Tablet: 50 mgD: 50 mg/day Hari ke-5-10 siklus mens,increase max 250 mg/d 50-100 mg PO qd for 5 d; max 6 moKI: Hipersensitif; liver disease; abnormal uterine bleeding; uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunctionP: Polycystic ovary syndrome, Fibroids of the uterus, Endometriosis, History of seizuresES: Enlargement of the ovaries, mittelschmerz, Over production of many eggs, Hot flushes, Abdominal discomfort (swelling or bloating), Nausea and vomiting, Breast discomfort, Visual disturbances, Headache, Spotting of blood between menstrual

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 620: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexperiods, Heavy or painful menstrual periods, Endometriosis, Dizziness, Nervous tension, Insomnia, Fatigue, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, psychosis, Stroke, Depression, Seizures IO: Danazol may reduce responsePreg: XP:Visual symptoms and abdominal pain may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 621: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCetrorelix acetateI: Female infertilityBSO: Vial 0.25 mg, 7.3 mgD: 3 mg SC 1x on day 7 of menstrual cycle, or 0.25 mg on Day 5-6 of menstrual cycle. Continue ‘til HCG administration occursKI: Allergic reaction to mannitol, Breastfeeding, Moderate to severely decreased kidney & liver function, Post-menopausal women, PregnancyP: ES: Headache, Rash, Nausea, hypotension, Reactions at injection site, Itching (pruritis), Redness around injection site, CoughIO: Preg: X Nama Dagang:Cetrotide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 622: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBromocriptineI: # High prolactin levels that leading to infertility and/or abnormal milk production in men or women.# Preventing or stopping milk production (lactation) for medical reasons following childbirth, miscarriage or abortion.# Benign breast disease or breast pain that occurs at certain times of the menstrual cycle.# Menstrual cycle disorders and premenstrual symptoms, eg headaches, breast pain, mood changes or bloating.# Infertility.# Benign tumours in the pituitary gland that release the hormone prolactin (prolactinomas).# acromegaly, Parkinson's disease.BSO: Tab 2.5 mg

D: 2.5 mg Dosis tunggal selama 6 s/d 12 hari KI: Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Parlodel tablets contain lactose), Children < 5 years, Allergy to ergot

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 623: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexalkaloids, eg ergotamine, hypertension, eclampsia, abortion, cardiovascular disease, psychiatric illness.P: Decreased liver function, cardiovascular disease, Raynaud's disease, psychiatric illness & peptic ulcers, porphyrias.ES: Headache, Constipation, Drowsiness, Nausea and vomiting, Nasal congestion, Dry mouth, Dizziness, dyskinesia, Confusion, Hallucinations, Leg cramps, Hair loss, postural hypotension, retroperitoneal fibrosis, pericardial fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, Bleeding or ulceration of the stomach or intestine, Suddenly falling asleep, pathological gambling, hypersexuality.IO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Parlodel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 624: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSomatropin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 625: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLutropin alfaI: Lutropin alfa is a drug whose actions are almost the same as those of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is produced by the pituitary gland. It is a hormone also normally produced by the placenta in pregnancy.Lutropin alfa is used to help conception occur. It is usually given in combination with follitropin alfa. Many women being treated with these drugs usually have not been able to conceive yet.BSO: Amp 75 iuD: 75 IU SC 1x for 2wk, together with 75-150 IU of follitropin alfa as two separate injections. After last dose of lutropin alfa, then injection of hCG twenty-four hours later. If abdominal pain occurs with the use of lutropin alfa, discontinue treatment, do not receive the dose of hCG, and avoid coitus.ES: Bleeding, blistering, burning, coldness, hives, itching, lumps, numbness, Bloating, Stomach or pelvic discomfort, aching, or heaviness, DiarrheaPreg: X Nama Dagang: Luveris

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 626: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFollitropin alfaI: Anovulation, Assisted reproduction - including IVF, GIFT, ZIFT.BSO: Urofollitropin & Follitropin alpha Powder for injection: 75 IU, 150 IU Follitropin beta: Powder for injection: 75 IU D: Female infertility: 75 IU SC 1x/day for 2wk, increased at weekly intervals by 37.5 IU, max 300 IU 1x/day. injection of hCG twenty-four hours later. If abdominal pain occurs, discontinue treatment, do not receive the dose of hCG, and avoid coitus. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures:150 IU SC 1x/day for 5 days beginning on Day 2-3 of menstrual cycle. increased 75-150 IU q3-5 days, max 450 IU 1x/day, for 5 more days. injection of hCG twenty-four hours later.Male infertility: 150 IU SC 3x/week, in conjunction with 1000 USP U of hCG . increased up to 300 IU 3x/wk

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 627: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Breast cancer, Cancer of the hypothalamus & ovaries, allergy, Ovarian cysts, Pregnancy, Tumour of the pituitary gland in the brain, Uterine cancer, Vaginal bleeding of unknown causeP: Diseases of the adrenal gland, Hyperprolactinaemia, HypothyroidismES: Irritation in area of use, Over stimulation of the ovaries causing production of many ova (eggs) in the woman, thromboembolism, Pregnancy with two or more foetusesIO: Preg: X Nama Dagang: Gonal-F

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 628: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFollicle-stimulating hormone/ Follitropin betaI: Female infertility, failure of ovulationBSO: Vial 50 iu, 100 iuD: Female infertility: 75 IU SC/IM 1x/day for 2wk, increased at weekly intervals by 37.5 IU, max 300 IU/day. If abdominal pain occurs with the use of follitropin beta, discontinue treatment, do not receive the dose of hCG, and avoid coitus. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures:150 IU SC/IM 1x/day for 4 days beginning on Day 2-3 of menstrual cycle. increased by 75-150 IU max 600 IU/day. KI: Breast cancer, Breastfeeding, Ca of hypothalamus, ovaries, Uterine & pituitary gland, Fibroids of the uterus, Malformation of sex organs, Ovarian cysts, Pregnancy, Vaginal bleeding of unknown causeP: Endocrine disordersES: Over production of many ova (eggs), thromboembolism, Pregnancy with two/ > fetuses, Pain at the injection sitePreg: X Nama Dagang:Puregon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 629: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. Hormon LainCyproterone acetate Octreotide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 630: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCyproterone acetateanti-androgenI: Prostate cancerBSO: Tab 50 mg

D: 50 mg 2x/hr. Ca prostate: 100 mg 2-3x/hrKI: Women, Children.P: Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, TIA, sickle cell anaemia, Diabetes, Advanced cancers, Liver disease, Long-term severe depression.ES: Fatigue, Weakness, Shortness of breath, Dry skin, Weight changes, Reduced growth of body hair and increased growth of scalp hair, Lightening of hair colour, Decreased sex drive, Reduced volume of ejaculation, Decreased sperm count & Impotence (reversible on stopping treatment), gynaecomastia, galactorrhoea, osteoporosis, Depressive moods, Liver disorders, thromboembolismPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 631: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. KortikosteroidDexamethasonePrednisoneMethylprednisolonePrednisoloneHydrocortisone

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Page 632: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDexamethasoneDecreases inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reducing capillary permeability. Prednisone in equivalent doses may be substituted if administered over 5 d.I: Myeloma, Certain types of tuberculosis (fulminating or disseminated) along with anti-tuberculosis therapy, Complication following a heart attack involving fever, chest pain, pneumonitis, pericarditis, haemolytic anaemia, cerebral oedema, Inflammatory disorders, adrenal insufficiency, Leukaemia, anaphylactic reaction, angioneurotic oedema, Tests to determine the underlying cause of Cushing's syndrome (dexamethasone suppression test)BSO: Aerosol Oral & Nasal: 84 mcg dexamethasone/ spray Topical: 0.01%; 0.04% Cream: 0.1%Elixir & Oral solution: 0.5 mg/5 mL Solution, oral, Concentrate: 0.5 mg/0.5 mL (30% alcohol)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInjection: 4 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL; 10 mg/mL, 16 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL; 24 mg/mL Ointment, ophthalmic: 0.05% Suspension, ophthalmic: 0.1% with methylcellulose 0.5% Tablet: 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 0.75 mg, 1 mg, 1.5 mg, 2 mg, 4 mg, 6 mg Tablet, therapeutic pack: 6 x 1.5 mg; 8 x 0.75 mg D: 0.6 mg/kg PO/IV/IM as 1 dosePaed.Extubation or airway edema: 0.5-2 mg/kg/d PO/IV/IM in divided doses q6h before extubation and 4-6 doses afterNeonates: Airway edema or extubation: IV: 0.25 mg/kg/dose given 4 hours prior to scheduled extubation and then q8 hours for 3 doses total; range: 0.25-1 mg/kg/dose for 1-3 doses; max: 1 mg/kg/day. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (to facilitate ventilator weaning): IO/IV: range: 0.5-0.6 mg/kg/day given in divided doses q12 hours for 3-7 days, then taper over 1-6 weeks

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: Antiemetic (prior to chemotherapy): I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate): 10 mg/m2/dose (maximum: 20 mg) for first dose then 5 mg/m2/dose every 6 hours as needed Anti-inflammatory immunosuppressant: Oral, I.M., I.V. (injections should be given as sodium phosphate): 0.08-0.3 mg/kg/day or 2.5-10 mg/m2/day in divided doses every 6-12 hours Extubation or airway edema: Oral, I.M., I.V. (injections should be given as sodium phosphate): 0.5-2 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 6 hours beginning 24 hours prior to extubation and continuing for 4-6 doses afterwards Cerebral edema: I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate): Loading dose: 1-2 mg/kg/dose as a single dose; maintenance: 1-1.5 mg/kg/day (maximum: 16 mg/day) in divided doses every 4-6 hours for 5 days then taper for 5 days, then discontinue Bacterial meningitis in infants and children >2 months: I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate): 0.6 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses every 6 hours for the first 4 days of antibiotic

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextreatment; start dexamethasone at the time of the first dose of antibiotic Physiologic replacement: Oral, I.M., I.V.: 0.03-0.15 mg/kg/day or 0.6-0.75 mg/m2/day in divided doses every 6-12 hours Adults: Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL) protocol: I.V.: 2 mg/m2/dose every 8 hours for 12 doses Antiemetic (prior to chemotherapy): Oral/I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate): 10 mg/m2/dose (usually 20 mg) for first dose then 5 mg/m2/dose every 6 hours as needed Anti-inflammatory: Oral, I.M., I.V. (injections should be given as sodium phosphate): 0.75-9 mg/day in divided doses every 6-12 hours I.M. (as acetate): 8-16 mg; may repeat in 1-3 weeks Intralesional (as acetate): 0.8-1.6 mg Intra-articular/soft tissue (as acetate): 4-16 mg; may repeat in 1-3 weeks Intra-articular, intralesional, or soft tissue (as sodium phosphate): 0.4-6 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCerebral edema: I.V. 10 mg stat, 4 mg I.M./I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate) every 6 hours until response is maximized, then switch to oral regimen, then taper off if appropriate; dosage may be reduced after 24 days and gradually discontinued over 5-7 days Diagnosis for Cushing's syndrome: Oral: 1 mg at 11 PM, draw blood at 8 AM the following day for plasma cortisol determination Physiological replacement: Oral, I.M., I.V. (should be given as sodium phosphate): 0.03-0.15 mg/kg/day OR 0.6-0.75 mg/m2/day in divided doses every 6-12 hours Shock therapy: Addisonian crisis/shock (ie, adrenal insufficiency/responsive to steroid therapy): I.V. (given as sodium phosphate): 4-10 mg as a single dose, which may be repeated if necessary Unresponsive shock (ie, unresponsive to steroid therapy): I.V. (given as sodium phosphate): 1-6 mg/kg as a single I.V. dose or up to 40 mg initially followed by repeat doses every 2-6 hours while shock persists

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 637: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary Peritoneal dialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary Ophthalmic: Ointment: Apply thin coating into conjunctival sac 3-4 times/day; gradually taper dose to discontinue Suspension: Instill 2 drops into conjunctival sac every hour during the day and every other hour during the night; gradually reduce dose to every 3-4 hours, then to 3-4 times/day Topical: Apply 1-4 times/day. Therapy should be discontinued when control is achieved; if no improvement is seen, reassessment of diagnosis may be necessary. KI: Hipersensitif; active bacterial or fungal infectionIO: Effects decrease with coadministration of barbiturates, phenytoin, and rifampin; decreases effect of salicylates and vaccinesES: Thinning of the skin, glaucoma, Weight gain, Irregular menstrual cycle, adrenal suppression, osteoporosis, Ulceration of the stomach or intestine, Increased susceptibility to infections, Increased risk of fractures of the bones, hirsutism,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 638: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcandidiasis, Supression of growth in children and adolescents, Alterations in number and motility of sperm, Changes in mood, Muscle weakness, Acne Preg: CP: Increases risk of several complications, including severe infections; monitor adrenal insufficiency when tapering; abrupt discontinuation of glucocorticoids may cause adrenal crisis; hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, myopathy, peptic ulcer disease, hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, myasthenia gravis, growth suppression, and infections are possible complications of glucocorticoid use Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 639: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrednisone-- Glucocorticoid absorbed readily from GI tract. It has anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects, and profound and varied metabolic effects.I: Treatment of a variety of diseases including adrenocortical insufficiency, hypercalcemia, rheumatic, and collagen disorders; dermatologic, ocular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neoplastic diseases; organ transplantation and a variety of diseases including those of hematologic, allergic, inflammatory, and autoimmune in origin; not available in injectable form, prednisolone must be usedBSO: Solution, oral: Concentrate (30% alcohol): 5 mg/mL; Nonconcentrate (5% alcohol): 5 mg/5 mL Syrup: 5 mg/5 mL Tablet: 1 mg, 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 50 mg D: 1 mg/kg or 60 mg PO qd for 7 d followed by taper for total of 10 dPaed. 1 mg/kg PO qd for 6 d followed by taper for total of 10 d===

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOral: Dose depends upon condition being treated and response of patient; dosage for infants and children should be based on severity of the disease and response of the patient rather than on strict adherence to dosage indicated by age, weight, or body surface area. Consider alternate day therapy for long-term therapy. Discontinuation of long-term therapy requires gradual withdrawal by tapering the dose. Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive dose: 0.05-2 mg/kg/day divided 1-4 times/day Acute asthma: 1-2 mg/kg/day in divided doses 1-2 times/day for 3-5 days Alternatively (for 3- to 5-day "burst"): <1 year: 10 mg every 12 hours 1-4 years: 20 mg every 12 hours 5-13 years: 30 mg every 12 hours >13 years: 40 mg every 12 hours Asthma long-term therapy (alternative dosing by age): <1 year: 10 mg every other day 1-4 years: 20 mg every other day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index5-13 years: 30 mg every other day >13 years: 40 mg every other day Nephrotic syndrome: Initial (first 3 episodes): 2 mg/kg/day or 60 mg/m2/day (maximum: 80 mg/day) in divided doses 3-4 times/day until urine is protein free for 3 consecutive days (maximum: 28 days); followed by 1-1.5 mg/kg/dose or 40 mg/m2/dose given every other day for 4 weeks Maintenance dose (long-term maintenance dose for frequent relapses): 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose given every other day for 3-6 months Children and Adults: Physiologic replacement: 4-5 mg/m2/day Adults: 5-60 mg/day in divided doses 1-4 times/day Elderly: Use the lowest effective dose Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Prednisone is inactive and must be metabolized by the liver to prednisolone. This conversion may be impaired in patients with liver disease, however, prednisolone levels are observed to be higher in patients with severe liver failure than in normal patients.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 642: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTherefore, compensation for the inadequate conversion of prednisone to prednisolone occurs. Dosing adjustment in hyperthyroidism: Prednisone dose may need to be increased to achieve adequate therapeutic effects KI: Hipersensitif; severe uncontrolled diabetes; systemic fungal infections; peptic ulcer disease; tuberculosis; severe osteoporosis; severe adverse reactions to corticosteroidsIO: Drugs that induce hepatic enzymes may increase clearance—these include phenobarbital, phenytoin, and rifampin; patients on aspirin or Coumadin must be monitored closely for GI bleedingPreg: BP: Patients are at risk for hyperglycemia, electrolyte abnormalities (especially hypokalemia in patients taking diuretics), osteoporosis, avascular necrosis, psychosis, and myopathy or worsening weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis; abrupt discontinuation of prednisone without taper puts patient at risk for adrenal crisis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 643: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethylprednisoloneDecreases inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversing increased capillary permeability.Topikal : Potensi KuatI: Primarily as an anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressant agent in the treatment of a variety of diseases including those of hematologic, allergic, inflammatory, neoplastic, and autoimmune origin. Prevention and treatment of graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.Topikal:Dermatitis atopik, neurodermatitis, ekzema, degeneratif dishidrotik, ekzema vulgaris, ekzema pada anak,psoriasis===100 mg IV or equivalent 30 min prior to each infusion recommended to reduce incidence and severity of infusion reactionsBSO :Injection: 20 mg/mL; 40 mg/mL; 80 mg/mL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInjection: 40 mg; 125 mg; 500 mg; 1000 mg; 2000 mg Tablet: 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg, 16 mg, 24 mg, 32 mgTablet, dose pack: 4 mgKrim, salep 0.1 %D: Topikal:1x/hr.Lama terapi Dws: 3 bulan. Anak 1 bulan===Dosing should be based on the lesser of ideal body weight or actual body weightChildren:Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive: Oral, I.M., I.V. (sodium succinate): 0.5-1.7 mg/kg/day or 5-25 mg/m2/day in divided doses every 6-12 hours; "Pulse" therapy: 15-30 mg/kg/dose over greater than or equal to 30 minutes given once daily for 3 daysStatus asthmaticus: I.V. (sodium succinate): Loading dose: 2 mg/kg/dose, then 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours for up to 5 days

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 645: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcute spinal cord injury: I.V. (sodium succinate): 30 mg/kg over 15 minutes, followed in 45 minutes by a continuous infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hour for 23 hoursLupus nephritis: I.V. (sodium succinate): 30 mg/kg over greater than or equal to 30 minutes every other day for 6 dosesHigh-dose therapy for acute spinal cord injury: I.V. bolus: 30 mg/kg over 15 minutes, followed 45 minutes later by an infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hour for 23 hoursAdults:Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive: Oral: 2-60 mg/day in 1-4 divided doses to start, followed by gradual reduction in dosage to the lowest possible level consistent with maintaining an adequate clinical responseI.M. (sodium succinate): 10-80 mg/day once dailyI.M. (acetate): 10-80 mg every 1-2 weeksI.V. (sodium succinate): 10-40 mg over a period of several minutes and repeated I.V. or I.M. at intervals depending on clinical response; when high dosages are needed, administer

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index30 mg/kg over a period of greater than or equal to 30 minutes and may be repeated every 4-6 hours for 48 hoursStatus asthmaticus: I.V. (sodium succinate): Loading dose: 2 mg/kg/dose, then 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours for up to 5 daysHigh-dose therapy for acute spinal cord injury: I.V. bolus: 30 mg/kg over 15 minutes, followed 45 minutes later by an infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hour for 23 hoursLupus nephritis: High-dose "pulse" therapy: I.V. (sodium succinate): 1 g/day for 3 daysAplastic anemia: I.V. (sodium succinate): 1 mg/kg/day or 40 mg/day (whichever dose is higher), for 4 days. After 4 days, change to oral and continue until day 10 or until symptoms of serum sickness resolve, then rapidly reduce over approximately 2 weeks.Hemodialysis: Slightly dialyzable (5% to 20%); administer dose posthemodialysisIntra-articular (acetate): Administer every 1-5 weeksLarge joints: 20-80 mg

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSmall joints: 4-10 mgIntralesional (acetate): 20-60 mg every 1-5 weeksKI: Hipersensitif; viral, fungal, or tubercular skin infectionsIO: Coadministration with digoxin may increase digitalis toxicity secondary to hypokalemia; estrogens may increase levels of methylprednisolone; phenobarbital, phenytoin, and rifampin may decrease levels of methylprednisolone (adjust dose); monitor patients for hypokalemia when administered concurrently with diuretics; grapefruit juice increases prednisolone concentrations; methylprednisolone and cyclosporine mutually inhibit one another, resulting in increased plasma levels of each drugPreg: CP: Hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, peptic ulcer disease, hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, growth suppression, myopathy, and infections are possible complications of glucocorticoid use;Depo-Medrol contains benzyl alcohol, which is potentially toxic when administered locally to neural tissue; administration of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 648: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDepo-Medrol by other than indicated routes, including the epidural route, has been associated with reports of serious medical events such as arachnoiditis, meningitis, paraparesis/paraplegia, sensory disturbances, bowel/bladder dysfunction, seizures, visual impairment (eg, blindness, ocular, and periocular inflammation), and residue or slough at injection site

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 649: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrednisoloneI: BSO: Injection: (for I.M., intralesional, intra-articular, or soft tissue administration only): 25 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL (for I.M., I.V., intra-articular, intralesional, or soft tissue administration): 20 mg/mLFor intra-articular, intralesional, soft tissue administration only): 20 mg/mL Liquid, oral: 5 mg/5 mL Solution & Suspension, ophthalmic: 0.125%; 1%Syrup: 15 mg/5 mLTablet: 5 mg D: Acute asthma: Oral: 1-2 mg/kg/day in divided doses 1-2 times/day for 3-5 days I.V.: 2-4 mg/kg/day divided 3-4 times/day Anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive dose: Oral, I.V., I.M.: 0.1-2 mg/kg/day in divided doses 1-4 times/day Nephrotic syndrome: Oral:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInitial (first 3 episodes): 2 mg/kg/day or 60 mg/m2/day (maximum: 80 mg/day) in divided doses 3-4 times/day until urine is protein free for 3 consecutive days (maximum: 28 days); followed by 1-1.5 mg/kg/dose or 40 mg/m2/dose given every other day for 4 weeks Maintenance (long-term maintenance dose for frequent relapses): 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose given every other day for 3-6 months Adults: Oral, I.V., I.M. (sodium phosphate salt): 5-60 mg/day Multiple sclerosis (sodium phosphate): Oral: 200 mg/day for 1 week followed by 80 mg every other day for 1 month Rheumatoid arthritis: Oral: Initial: 5-7.5 mg/day; adjust dose as necessary Elderly: Use lowest effective dose Dosing adjustment in hyperthyroidism: Prednisolone dose may need to be increased to achieve adequate therapeutic effects

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHemodialysis: Slightly dialyzable (5% to 20%); administer dose posthemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary Intra-articular, intralesional, soft-tissue administration: Tebutate salt: 4-40 mg/dose Sodium phosphate salt: 2-30 mg/dose Ophthalmic suspension/solution: Children and Adults: Instill 1-2 drops into conjunctival sac every hour during day, every 2 hours at night until favorable response is obtained, then use 1 drop every 4 hours KI: Acute superficial herpes simplex keratitis; systemic fungal infections; varicella; hypersensitivity to prednisolone or any componentP: ES: Spreading and worsening of infection, Visual disturbances, Irritation in area of use, Local sensitivity reactions, Stinging or burning, Itching & Skin rash at the area of application, Tear of the eye covering due to the presence of another eye disease (eye preparations only), glaucoma

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 652: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: CYP3A enzyme substrate; inducer of cytochrome P-450 enzymes Barbiturates, phenytoin, rifampin decrease corticosteroid effectiveness Decreases salicylates Decreases vaccines Decreases toxoids effectiveness Preg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 653: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydrocortisoneI: Insufficient production of natural steroid hormones by the adrenal glands (adrenal insufficiency)Topikal; Potensi RinganBSO: Hydrocortisone acetate:Aerosol, rectal: 10% (20 g) Cream & Ointment, topical: 0.5%; 1% Injection, suspension: 25 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL Suppositories, rectal: 10 mg, 25 mg Hydrocortisone base:Aerosol, Paste & Gel, topical: 0.5%; 1%Cream, rectal & topical: 1%; 2.5% Lotion, topical: 0.25%; 0.5%; 1%; 2%; 2.5%Solution, topical & Ointment, rectal: 1% Ointment, topical: 0.2%; 0.5%; 1%; 2.5% Suspension, rectal: 100 mg/60Tablet, oral: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg Hydrocortisone buteprate: Cream: 1% Hydrocortisone butyrate:

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCream, Ointment & Solution, topical: 0.1%Hydrocortisone cypionate:Suspension, oral: 10 mg/5 mLHydrocortisone sodium phosphate:Injection, I.M./I.V./S.C.: 50 mg/mL Hydrocortisone sodium succinate: Injection, IM/I.V.: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg Hydrocortisone valerate: Cream & Ointment, topical: 0.2% D: Infants and young Children: Succinate: 1-2 mg/kg/dose bolus, then 25-150 mg/day in divided doses every 6-8 hours Older Children: Succinate: 1-2 mg/kg bolus then 150-250 mg/day in divided doses every 6-8 hours Adults: Succinate: 100 mg I.V. bolus, then 300 mg/day in divided doses every 8 hours or as a continuous infusion for 48 hours; once patient is stable change to oral, 50 mg every 8 hours for 6 doses, then taper to 30-50 mg/day in divided doses Chronic adrenal corticoid insufficiency: Adults: Oral: 20-30 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 655: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive: Infants and Children: Oral: 2.5-10 mg/kg/day or 75-300 mg/m2/day every 6-8 hours I.M., I.V.: Succinate: 1-5 mg/kg/day or 30-150 mg/m2/day divided every 12-24 hours Adolescents and Adults: Oral, I.M., I.V.: Succinate: 15-240 mg every 12 hours Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Oral: Initial: 30-36 mg/m2/day with 1/3 of dose every morning and 2/3 every evening or 1/4 every morning and mid-day and 1/2 every evening; maintenance: 20-25 mg/m2/day in divided doses Physiologic replacement: Children: Oral: 0.5-0.75 mg/kg/day or 20-25 mg/m2/day every 8 hours I.M.: Succinate: 0.25-0.35 mg/kg/day or 12-15 mg/m2/day once daily Shock: I.M., I.V.: Succinate: Children: Initial: 50 mg/kg, then repeated in 4 hours and/or every 24 hours as needed Adolescents and Adults: 500 mg to 2 g every 2-6 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 656: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexStatus asthmaticus: Children and Adults: I.V.: Succinate: 1-2 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours for 24 hours, then maintenance of 0.5-1 mg/kg every 6 hours Rheumatic diseases: Adults: Intralesional, intra-articular, soft tissue injection: Acetate: Large joints: 25 mg (up to 37.5 mg) Small joints: 10-25 mg Tendon sheaths: 5-12.5 mg Soft tissue infiltration: 25-50 mg (up to 75 mg) Bursae: 25-37.5 mg Ganglia: 12.5-25 mg Dermatosis: Children >2 years and Adults: Topical: Apply to affected area 3-4 times/day (Buteprate: Apply once or twice daily). Therapy should be discontinued when control is achieved; if no improvement is seen, reassessment of diagnosis may be necessary. Ulcerative colitis: Adults: Rectal: 10-100 mg 1-2 times/day for

2-3 weeks Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 657: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: systemic fungal infection, amoebiasisP: Myasthenia gravis, Adolescents, Children, Decreased kidney function, Diabetes, Elderly people, Family history of diabetes & glaucoma, Heart failure, Herpes simplex virus infection of the eye, hypertension, Hypothyroidism, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, cirrhosis, Osteoporosis, heart attack, Peptic ulcer, Post-menopausal women, myopathy, intestinal anastomosis, TuberculosisES: Seizures, osteoporosis, hirsutism, Skin thinning, Supression of growth in children and adolescents, Alterations in number and motility of sperm, Weight gain, Acne, Muscle weakness, Irregular menstrual cycle, adrenal suppression, Ulceration of the stomach or intestine, glaucomaPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 658: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. Hormon ReplacementEstradiol, DrosperinoneEstradiol, DydrogesteroneEstradiol, Estriol, EstroneEstradiol, LevonorgestrelEstradiol, MedroxyprogesteroneEstradiol, Norethisterone

17 beta-estradiol and norgestimate: 1 mg for 3 days, then 1 mg of estradiol+ 0.09 mg of norgestimate for 3 days.

Ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone:2.5 mcg ethinyl estradiol+ 0.5 mg norethindrone 1x/day.

Estradiol and norethindrone: 1 mg estradiol and 0.5 mg norethindrone 1x/day.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 659: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, Drosperinone Estradiol D: 1 tab (drospirenone 0.5 mg/ estradiol 1 mg) 1x/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 660: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, DydrogesteroneEstradiol, DydrogesteroneD: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 661: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, Estriol, Estrone Estradiol

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 662: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, Levonorgestrel Estradiol, Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 663: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, Medroxyprogesterone Estradiol, Medroxyprogesterone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 664: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstradiol, Norethisterone Estradiol, Norethisterone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 665: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. KONTRASEPSIEstrogen and Progestin Oral ContraceptivesEtonogestrelDesogestrel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 666: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEstrogen and Progestin Oral ContraceptivesEthinyl estradiol and a progestin derivative -- Reduce secretion of LH and FSH from the pituitary by decreasing amount of GnRH. Reduce pituitary production of gonadotropins and result in reduced LH and FSH with no ovulation.D: Monophasic, biphasic, or triphasic tablets:Contraception: 1 tab daily for 21 day cycle or 28 day cycleNorethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol triphasic tablets and norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol triphasic tablets:Treat acne: 1 tab daily for 21 day cycle or 28 day cycleKI:Hipersensitif; Preg:; active or inactive thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic disorders, cerebral vascular disease, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, or a past history of these disorders; known or suspected breast cancer; known or suspected genital cancer; history of cholestatic jaundice in Preg: or jaundice with prior pill use; past or present liver tumorsIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 667: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHepatotoxicity might occur with concurrent administration of cyclosporine; concomitant use of rifampin, barbiturates, phenylbutazone, phenytoin sodium, and, possibly, griseofulvin, ampicillin, and tetracyclines might influence efficacy of oral contraceptives and increase amount of breakthrough bleeding and menstrual irregularityPreg: XP:Complete physical examination, documentation of recent Pap smear test, and family history recommended; pay special attention to blood pressure, breasts, abdomen, and pelvic organs; repeat physical examination annually as long as patient is on hormonal therapyOral contraceptives can cause fluid retention (address any condition aggravated by this factor)Monitor patients with epilepsy, migraine, asthma, or renal or cardiac dysfunctionHistory of psychic depression might be aggravated (observe patient closely)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 668: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexProgestin compounds might elevate LDL levels, making control of hyperlipidemia more difficult (observe closely); certain forms of congenital hypertriglyceridemia might be aggravated by oral contraceptives, with resultant pancreatitisDiscontinue if jaundice developsContact lens wearers with visual changes should be examined by ophthalmologistPatients might develop hypertension secondary to increase in angiotensinogen production (reevaluate blood pressure approximately 3 mo after initiating therapy in all patients)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 669: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEtonogestrelI: Contraception in women aged 18 to 40 years.KI: Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, Progestogen dependent cancer, Severe liver disease or history of severe liver disease if liver function has not returned to normal, Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, Pregnancy, porphyrias.P: History of breast cancer, thromboembolism, hypertension, Decreased liver function, Diabetes, Women with a tendency to suffer from brown patches on the skin, particularly the face (chloasma) often due to pregnancy or oral contraceptivesES: Headache, Acne, Weight gain, Breast tenderness or pain, Irregular menstrual bleeding, Vaginal infections, Depressed mood, Decreased sex drive & appetite, Nervousness, Dizziness, Hot flushes, Hair loss or growth, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, Bruising, Irritation, pain or itching, Scarring or abscess at site of implant, Vaginal discharge, Migraine, Rise in blood pressure, Ovarian cystsNama Dagang: Implanon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 670: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDesogestrelI: Contraception.KI: Known or suspected pregnancy, Abnormal vaginal bleeding of unknown cause, stroke or heart attack, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, Breast cancer or history of this (though this pill may be considered for women who have had no evidence of the disease for five years), Active liver disease, Liver cancer, History of severe liver disease if liver function has not returned to normal, porphyrias.P: Heart disease, Cancers dependent on sex hormones for growth, Women who have previously had an ectopic pregnancy, History of ovarian cysts, History of jaundiceES: Irregular bleeding, Nausea, Acne, Mood changes, Decreased sex drive, Breast tenderness, Headache, Vomiting, Fatigue, Hair loss, Cysts on the ovaries, vaginitis.Nama Dagang: Cerazette

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 671: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 672: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Amino GlikosidaGentamicinKanamycinAmikacinStreptomycinDibekacinTobramycinNetilmicin

Dosing interval in renal impairment:Clcr > 60 mL/minute: Administer every 8 hours Clcr 40-60 mL/minute: Administer every 12 hours Clcr 20-40 mL/minute: Administer every 24 hours Clcr 10-20 mL/minute: Administer every 48 hours Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer every 72 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 673: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGentamicin Acts by inhibiting normal protein synthesis; active against variety of pathogenic organisms, including P aeruginosa.When treating Pseudomonas speciesI: Septicaemia or blood poisoning, Pyelonephritis, Infections of the bile duct or gall bladder, endocarditis, prostatitis, pneumoniaBSO: Infusion, in D5W: 60 mg, 80 mg, 100 mg Infusion, in NS: 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 90 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg Injection: 40 mg/mL Pediatric: 10 mg/mL Intrathecal, preservative free: 2 mg/mL Ointment: Topical: 0.1% Ophthalmic: 0.3% [3 mg/g] D: Newborns: Intrathecal: 1 mg every day Anak >3 bln: Intrathecal: 1-2 mg/day Anak <5 thn: I.M., I.V.: 2.5 mg/kg/dose 3x/hariCystic fibrosis: 2.5 mg/kg/dose every 6 hours Anak >5 thn: I.M., I.V.: 1.5-2.5 mg/kg/dose 3x/hari

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 674: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrevention of bacterial endocarditis: 2 mg/kg with ampicillin (50 mg/kg) 30 minutes prior to procedure Adults: I.M., I.V.: Severe life-threatening infections: 2-2.5 mg/kg/dose ISK: 1.5 mg/kg/dose Synergy (for gram-+ infections): 1 mg/kg/dose Prevention of bacterial endocarditis: 1.5 mg/kg (max 80 mg) with ampicillin (1-2 g) 30 minutes prior to procedure GI/GU surgery: 1.5 mg/kg (max 80 mg) with ampicillin 2 g 30 minutes prior to procedure Children and Adults: Intrathecal: 4-8 mg/day Ophthalmic: Ointment: Instill 1/2 " (1.25 cm) 2-3x/day to every 3-4 hours Solution: Instill 1-2 drops every 2-4 hours, up to 2 drops every hour for severe infections Topical: Apply 3-4 times/day to affected area Some clinicians suggest a daily dose of 4-7 mg/kg for all patients with normal renal function.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 675: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreg: CP: Narrow therapeutic index (not intended for long-term therapy); caution in impaired renal function and neuromuscular disorders because may aggravate muscle weakness; serious adverse effects of vestibular and auditory branches of eighth cranial nerve may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 676: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKanamycinI: Oral: Preoperative bowel preparation in the prophylaxis of infections and adjunctive treatment of hepatic coma (oral kanamycin is not indicated in the treatment of systemic infections); treatment of susceptible bacterial infection including gram-- aerobes, gram-+ Bacillus as well as some mycobacteria Parenteral: Rarely used in antibiotic irrigations during surgery BSO: Capsule: 500 mg. Injection: Pediatric: 75 mg, Adults: 500 mg; 1 g D: Children: Infections: I.M., I.V.: 15 mg/kg/day terbagi 2-3 dose Adults: Infections: IM, IV: 5-7.5 mg/kg/dose terbagi 2-3 dose (<15 mg/kg/day) Preoperative intestinal antisepsis: Oral: 1 g every 4-6 hours for 36-72 hours Hepatic coma: Oral: 8-12 g/day in divided doses Intraperitoneal: After contamination in surgery: 500 mg diluted in 20 mL distilled water; other irrigations: 0.25% solutions Aerosol: 250 mg 2-4 times/day (250 mg diluted with 3 mL of NS and nebulized)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 677: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: HypersensitivityP: Pre-existing renal insufficiency, vestibular or cochlear impairment, myasthenia gravis, conditions which depress neuromuscular transmissionES: Edema, neurotoxicity, drowsiness, headache, pseudomotor cerebri, skin itching, redness, rash, photosensitivity, erythema, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (most common with oral form), malabsorption syndrome with prolonged and high-dose therapy of hepatic coma; anorexia, weight loss, increased salivation, enterocolitis, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, burning, stinging, weakness, tremors, muscle cramps, ototoxicity (auditory& vestibular), nephrotoxicity, dyspneaIO: Increased toxicity: Penicillins, cephalosporins, amphotericin B, diuretics may increase nephrotoxicity; polypeptide antibiotics may increase risk of respiratory paralysis and renal dysfunction

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 678: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNeuromuscular blocking agents with oral kanamycin may increase neuromuscular blockade; a small increase in warfarin's effect may occur due to decreased absorption of vitamin K Decreased toxicity: Methotrexate with kanamycin (oral) may be less well absorbed as may digoxin (minor) and vitamin A

Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 679: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmikacinIrreversibly binds to 30S subunit of bacterial ribosomes; blocks recognition step in protein synthesis; causes growth inhibition. For gram-- bacterial coverage of infections resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin. Effective against P aeruginosa.I: Short-term treatment of serious bacterial infectionsBSO: Injection: 50 mg/mL; 250 mg/mL D: Low therapeutic index I.M., I.V.: 5-7.5 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours Daily dose: 15-20 mg/kg for all patients with normal renal.KI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration with other aminoglycosides, penicillins, cephalosporins, and amphotericin B increases nephrotoxicity; enhances effects of neuromuscular-blocking agents; causes respiratory depression; irreversible hearing loss may occur with coadministration of loop diureticsPreg: D

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 680: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Not intended for long-term therapy; caution in patients with renal failure (not on dialysis), hypocalcemia, myasthenia gravis, and conditions that depress neuromuscular transmission ES: Rash, Nausea and vomiting, Headache, Pins and needles, Damage to the kidneys, hearing & vestibular function within the ear. Symptoms include giddiness or dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness or loss of balance.Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 681: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexStreptomycin sulfateI: Brucellosis, TuberculosisBSO: Injection: 400 mg/mL D: Daily: 20-30 mg/kg/day (max: 1 g/day) DOT: 2x/wk: 25-30 mg/kg (max: 1.5 g) DOT: 3x/week: 25-30 mg/kg (max: 1 g) Enterococcal endocarditis: 1 g 2x/day for 2 wk, 500 mg 2x/day for 4 wks in combination with penicillin Streptococcal endocarditis: 1 g 2x/day for 2 wk, 500 mg 2x/day for 1 wkTularemia: 1-2 g/day in divided doses for 7-10 days or until patient is afebrile for 5-7 days Plague: 2-4 g/day in divided doses until the patient is afebrile for at least 3 days Elderly: 10 mg/kg/day, max 750 mg/day; dosing interval should be adjusted for renal function; some authors suggest not to give more than 5 days/week or give as 20-25 mg/kg/dose twice weekly KI: Hipersensitif; non–dialysis-dependent renal insufficiency

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 682: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Nephrotoxicity may be increased with aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, penicillins, amphotericin B, and loop diureticsES: Rash, Allergic reaction to active ingredient, Fever (pyrexia), Nausea and vomiting, Damage to hearing & vestibular function within the ear, tinnitus, Damage to the kidneys, Tingling in and around the mouth. Symptoms include giddiness or dizziness, vertigo, unsteady or loss of balance.Preg: DP: Narrow therapeutic index; not intended for long-term therapy; caution in renal failure not on dialysis; caution with myasthenia gravis, hypocalcemia, and conditions that depress neuromuscular transmission

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 683: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDibekacinI: Septikemia, abses, furunkel, furunkolosis, flegmon, tonsilitis, bronkitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, pielonefritis, sistitis, uretritis, otitismedia, otitispasca opBSO: Vial 50 mg, 100 mg. Amp 50 mg/cc D: IM Dws 100 mg/hr. Anak 1-2 mg/kg/hr dibagi dlm 1-2 dosis.Drip infus IVDws: 100 mg/hr terbagi dlm 2 dosis. Lama infus 30 mnt-1jam.KI: Hipersensitif P: Hamil. Kerusakan fungsi ginjal & hati. Nutrisi oral & parenteral buruk. Usia lanjut.ES: syok. Ototoksisitas, nefrotoksisitas. Jarang: kerusakan hati, def Vit K & Vit B. Ggn GI. Sakit kepala.IO: Zat substitusi darah, obat anestesi, relaksan otot, diuretik, karbenisilin, sulbenisilin, tikarsilin, piperasilin.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Dibekacin Meiji

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 684: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTobramycin I: Bacterial infections of the central nervous system, peritonitis, the bile duct or gall bladder, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia or acute bronchitis, burns, Bacterial infections of bone.BSO: Injection: 10 mg/mL; 40 mg/mL Ointment,Solution ophthalmic: 0.3% Powder for injection: 40 mg/mL Solution, inhalation: 60 mg/mL D: Low therapeutic index, Children <5 years: I.M., I.V.: 2.5 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours Children >5 years: 1.5-2.5 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours Adults: I.M., I.V.: Severe life-threatening infections: 2-2.5 mg/kg/dose Urinary tract infection: 1.5 mg/kg/dose Synergy (for gram-+ infections): 1 mg/kg/dose Children and Adults: Ophthalmic: Instill 1-2 drops of solution every 4 hours; apply ointment 2-3 times/day; for severe

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 685: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexinfections apply ointment every 3-4 hours, or solution 2 drops q30-60 minutes initially, then reduce to less frequent intervals Inhalation: Standard aerosolized tobramycin: Children: 40-80 mg 2-3 times/day Adults: 60-80 mg 3 times/day High-dose regimen: > 6 years and Adults: 300 mg every 12 hours (do not administer doses less than 6 hours apart); administer in repeated cycles of 28 days on drug followed by 28 days off drug KI: allergy, myasthenia gravis.P: newborn babies and infants, elderly people, decreased kidney function, obesity, dehydration, disorders involving muscle weakness, such as Parkinson's disease.ES: Changes in kidney function, Damage to hearing & vestibular function within the ear. Symptoms include dizziness, sensations of ringing or other noise in the ears (tinnitus), vertigo, unsteadiness or loss of balance, Rash or itching, Headache, Nausea and vomiting, Decrease in the levels of magnesium, sodium, calcium or potassium in the blood,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 686: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDisturbances in the normal levels of blood cells in the blood, Fever, Confusion, Lethargy, Pain at the injection site, Inflammation of the large intestine (colitis)IO: Increased effect: Extended spectrum penicillins (synergistic) Increased toxicity: Neuromuscular blockers increase neuromuscular blockade Amphotericin B, cephalosporins, loop diuretics, and vancomycin may increase risk of nephrotoxicity Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 687: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNetilmicin I: Septicemia, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections; skin, bone, and joint infections caused by susceptible organisms; active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Serratia, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, and other gram-- bacilliBSO: Injection: 100 mg/mL D: Neonates <6 weeks: 2-3.25 mg/kg/dose 2x/hari Children 6 weeks to 12 years: 1-2.5 mg/kg/dose 3x/hari Children >12 years & Adults: 1.5-2 mg/kg/dose 2-3x/day Some clinicians suggest a daily dose of 4-7 mg/kg for all patients with normal renal function.KI: hypersensitivityP: Use with caution in patients with pre-existing renal insufficiency, vestibular or cochlear impairment, myasthenia gravis, hypocalcemia, conditions which depress neuromuscular transmission. Parenteral aminoglycosides are associated with nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity; the ototoxicity may be proportional to the amount of drug given and the duration of treatment;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 688: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indextinnitus or vertigo are indications of vestibular injury and impending hearing loss; renal damage is usually reversible.ES: >10%: Central nervous system: Neurotoxicity Otic: Ototoxicity (auditory), ototoxicity (vestibular) Renal: Nephrotoxicity, decreased creatinine clearance 1% to 10%: Dermatologic: Skin itching, redness, rash, swelling IO:Increased/prolonged effect of depolarizing and nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents Increased toxicity: Concurrent use of amphotericin, vancomycin, ethacrynic acid, furosemide and other nephrotoxic agents may increase nephrotoxicity Preg: DNama Dagang: Netromycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 689: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. CephalosporinCefadroxil Cephalotin/ CefalotinCefazolin Cephalexin/ CefalexinCefradine/ Cephradine CefaclorCefamandole CefuroximeCefprozil CefmetazoleCeftriaxone CefiximeCefotaximeCeftazidimeCeftizoximeCefopherazoneCefpodoximeCefpiromeCefotiamCefepimeCefditoren

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 690: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefadroxilCephalosporin (First Generation)I: Used for epiglottitis and for resistant rhinosinusitis.BSO: Capsule: 500 mg, Tablet: 1 gSuspension, oral: 125 mg/5 mL, 250 mg/5 mL, 500 mg/5 mL D: 1-2 g/d PO divided bidPaed.: 30 mg/kg/d PO divided bidKI: Hipersensitif; hyperbilirubinemic neonates, particularly if prematureIO: Alcoholic beverages consumed <72 h after dosing may produce disulfiramlike reactions; may increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulants; coadministration with potent diuretics and aminoglycosides (eg, loop diuretics) may increase nephrotoxicityPreg: BP: Reduce dosage by half if CrCl is 10-30 mL/min and by three fourths if CrCl is <10 mL/min (high doses may cause CNS toxicity); bacterial or fungal overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged or repeated therapy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 691: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCephalotin/ CefalotinCephalosporin (First Generation)I: Infections caused by susceptible strains in respiratory, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, skin and soft tissue, bone and joint infections; septicemia; treatment of susceptible gram-+ bacilli and cocci (never enterococcus); some gram-- bacilli including E. coli, Proteus, and Klebsiella may be susceptibleBSO: Powder for injection: 0.5 g, 1 g, 2 g D: Adults= 500 mg-2 g IM/ IV tiap 4-6 jam.Children—13.3-26.6 mg/kg/ 4 jam IM/IV.KI: HypersensitivityP: Use with caution in patients with a history of penicillin allergy, especially IgE-mediated reactions (eg, anaphylaxis); may cause antibiotic-associated colitis or colitis secondary to C. difficileES: 1% to 10%: Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting IO: Probenecid decreases renal clearance of cephalothin; aminoglycosides may increase risk of nephrotoxicityPreg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 692: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefazolinAntibiotic, Cephalosporin (First Generation)I: Alternate antibiotic in patients allergic to penicillin. Infection of gram-+ bacilli and cocci (except enterococcus); some gram-- bacilli including E. coli, Proteus, and Klebsiella may be susceptible BSO: Vial 1 gD: 2 g IV q8h for 4-6 wk. Paed.: 25 mg/kg IV q6hKI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid prolongs effects; coadministration with aminoglycosides may increase renal toxicity; may yield false-+ urine-dip test results for glucosePreg: BP:Adjust dose in renal impairment; superinfections and promotion of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged use or repeated therapyNama Dagang: Biozolin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 693: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCephalexin/ CefalexinAntibiotic, Cephalosporin (First Generation)I: Bacterial infections of respiratory tract, otitis media, infections of the skin or soft tissue, bones and joints, urinary tract, including chronic prostatitis, genitals, teeth or gums.BSO: Tablet & Capsule: 250 mg, 500 mg Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Suspension, oral, pediatric: 100 mg/mL [5 mg/drop] D: 500 mg PO q6h for 10 dPaed.: 25-50 mg/kg/d PO q6h for 10 d; max 3 g qdKI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration with aminoglycosides increases nephrotoxic potentialPreg: BP: Adjust dose in renal impairment Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 694: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefradine/ CephradineCephalosporin (First Generation)I: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, Bacterial infections of the urinary tract, kidney (pyelonephritis), the ears, nose or throat, eg otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, skin or soft tissue, eg abscesses, cellulitis, impetigo. Preventing infection following surgeryBSO: Capsule: 250 mg, 500 mg Powder for injection: 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, (in ready-to-use infusion bottles) Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mLD: Adults= 250 mg-1 g tiap 6-12 jam.Infants and children 9 months= 6.25 mg-1 g/kg/ 6 jam, or 12.5-50 mg/kg/ 12 jam.KI: Allergy to cephalosporin-type antibioticsP: Hipersensitif, Decreased kidney functionES: Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Dizziness, Inflammation of the tongue (glossitis), Wheezing or difficulty in breathing, Headache, Overgrowth of the yeast

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 695: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCandida, which may cause infection such as thrush, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Fever, Pain in the joints (arthralgia), Swelling due to fluid retention (oedema), Disturbance in the levels of blood cells in the blood, Severe allergic skin rashes, Bowel infection resulting in inflammation of the bowel lining (pseudomembranous colitis), Liver or kidney disordersIO: Increased effect: High-dose probenecid decreases clearance Increased toxicity: Aminoglycosides increase nephrotoxic potential Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 696: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefaclor-- Second-generation cephalosporin I: Pyelonephritis, Infections of the ears, nose or throat, respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin or soft tissue infectionsBSO: Capsule: 250 mg, 500 mg Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 187 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL; 375 mg/5 mL Tablet, extended release: 375 mg, 500 mg D: Bacterial infections: Tab: Adults= 250-500 mg tiap 8 jam.Infants and children 1 month=6.7-13.4 mg/kg/ 8 jam.Extended-release tablets:Adults= 375-500 mg tiap 12 jam for 7-10 days. Chewable tab: ChildrenPharyngitis: 20 mg/ kg tiap 12 jam.Otitis media: 40 mg/ kg tiap 8-12 jam.KI: HipersensitifIO: Alcoholic beverages consumed <72 h after taking may produce disulfiramlike reactions; may increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulants;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 697: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcoadministration with potent diuretics (eg, loop diuretics) and aminoglycosides may increase nephrotoxicity; monitor renal function closelyES: Headache, Rash, Itching (pruritus), Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Nausea, Allergic reaction to active ingredient, Fever (pyrexia), Dizziness, Inflammation of the large intestine (colitis)Preg: BP:Reduce dosage by half if CrCl is 10-30 mL/min and by one fourth if CrCl <10 mL/min; bacterial or fungal overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged or repeated therapyNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 698: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefamandoleCephalosporin (Second Generation)I: Bacterial infection; mainly respiratory tract, skin and skin structure, bone and joint, urinary tract and gynecologic, septicemia; surgical prophylaxis. Active against methicillin-sensitive staphylococci, many streptococci, and various gram-- bacilli including E. coli, some Klebsiella, P. mirabilis, H. influenzae, and Moraxella.BSO: Powder for injection: 500 mg; 1 g; 2 g; 10 g D: Adults= 500 mg-2 g IM/IV tiap 4-8 jam.Infants and children 1 month= 8.3- 50 mg/ kg IM/IV tiap4-8 jam. KI: HypersensitivityP: Modify dosage in patients with severe renal impairment; prolonged use may result in superinfection; although rare, cefamandole may interfere with hemostasis via destruction of vitamin K producing intestinal bacteria, prevention of activation of prothrombin by the attachment of a methyltetrazolethiol side chain, and by an immune-mediated thrombocytopenia. Use with caution in patients with a history of penicillin allergy especially

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 699: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIgE-mediated reactions (eg, anaphylaxis, urticaria); may cause antibiotic-associated colitis or colitis secondary to C. difficile.ES: Contains MTT side chain which may lead to increased risk of hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding. Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea Local: Thrombophlebitis IO: Disulfiram-like reaction has been reported when taken within 72 hours of alcohol consumption Increased cefamandole plasma levels: Probenecid Increased nephrotoxicity: Aminoglycosides, furosemide Hypoprothrombinemic effect increased: Warfarin and heparin Preg: BNama Dagang: Dardokef

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 700: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefuroximeCephalosporin (Second Generation)I: Bacterial infections of respiratory tract, ears, nose or throat, urinary tract, Gonorrhoea, Pelvic inflammatory disease, meningitis, septicaemia. Preventing infections following abdominal, pelvic, bone (orthopaedic), heart (cardiac), lung (pulmonary), oesophageal and blood vessel (vascular) surgery.BSO: Infusion, premixed (frozen): 750 mg; 1.5 g Powder for injection: 750 mg, 1.5 g, 7.5 g Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Tablet: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg D: 2 g IV q6-8h Pediatric: 80-160 mg/kg/d IV divided q4-6hD: For bacterial infections: Oral suspension:Anak 3 bln-1 thn= 10-15 mg/kg 2x/hr for 10 days.Tab: Dws= 250-500 mg 2x/hr Gö: 1 g single dose.Anak= 30 mg/kg/d PO divided bid for 5 d250 mg tiap 12 jam for 10 days.For injection dosage form:Adults= 750 mg- 3 g IM/IV tiap 6-8 jam for 5-14 days.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 701: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGö: 1.5 g IM single dose/ terbagi 2 dosis (+ probenecid oral 1 g)Anak > 1 bln= 12.5-150 mg/kg IM/IV tiap 6-8 jam.Newborns= 10-100 mg/kg IV tiap 8-12 jam.KI: HipersensitifES: Inflammation at the injection site, Temporary rise in liver enzymes, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, Overgrowth of the yeast Candida, jaundice, nephritis, anaphylaxisIO: Alcoholic beverages consumed <72 h after taking may produce disulfiramlike reactions; may increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulants; may increase nephrotoxicity in patients receiving potent diuretics (eg, loop diuretics); coadministration with aminoglycosides increases nephrotoxic potentialPreg: BP: Administer half dose if CrCl is 10-30 mL/min and quarter dose if CrCl <10 mL/min; fungal and microorganism overgrowth may occur with prolonged therapy Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 702: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefprozilCephalosporin (Second Generation) I: Treatment of otitis media and infections involving the respiratory tract and skin and skin structure; Active against methicillin-sensitive staphylococci, many streptococci, and various gram-- bacilli including E. coli, some Klebsiella, P. mirabilis, H. influenzae, and Moraxella.BSO: Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Tablet: 250 mg, 500 mg D: Adults= 250-500 mg tiap 12-24 jam for 10 days.Children 2-12thn= 7.5-20 mg/kg tiap 12-24 jam for 10 days.KI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid increases effect of cefprozil; coadministration with furosemide and aminoglycosides increases nephrotoxic effects of cefprozilPreg: BP: Adjust dosage in renal impairment Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 703: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefmetazoleCephalosporin (Second Generation)I: Aerobic and anaerobic gram-+ and gram-- bacteria; surgical prophylaxis, specifically colorectal and OB-GYNBSO: Vial 1 g, 2 gD: Adults: I.V.: Prophylaxis: 2 g 30-90’ pre-op or 1 g 30-90’ pre-op; repeat 8 and 16 hours later KI: HypersensitivityP: Severe renal impairment; history of penicillin allergy especially IgE-mediated reactions (eg, anaphylaxis); may cause antibiotic-associated colitis or colitis secondary to C. difficileES: Contains MTT side chain which may lead to increased risk of hypoprothrombinemia and bleeding. Rash, Diarrhea IO: Increased effect: Probenecid may decrease cephalosporin elimination. Increased toxicity: Furosemide, aminoglycosides may be a possible additive to nephrotoxicity Preg: BNama Dagang: Cefmetazon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 704: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCeftriaxoneCephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Gonorrhoea, septicaemia, respiratory tract, Meningitis, Preventing infection following surgeryBSO: Vial 1 gD: 2 g IV/IM q12-24h; max 4 g/d Gonococcal pharyngitis: 250 mg IM for 1 dosePaed.Neonates >7 d: 25-50 mg/kg/d IV/IM; max 125 mg/dInfants and children: 100 mg/kg/d IV/IM divided q12h; max 2 g/dGonococcal pharyngitis: 125 mg IM for 1 doseKI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid increase levels; coadministration with ethacrynic acid, furosemide, & aminoglycosides increase nephrotoxicityPreg: BP: Adjust dose in renal impairment; caution in breastfeeding women, allergy to penicillin, pseudo-biliary lithiasis, and non—C difficilediarrhea Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 705: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefiximeCephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Infection of the kidney, ears, nose or throat, respiratory tract, urinary tractBSO: Powder for oral suspension: 100 mg/5 mL Tablet, film coated: 200 mg, 400 mg D: 400 mg PO oncePaed.<45 kg: 8 mg/kg PO once; max 400 mg.KI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration of aminoglycosides increases nephrotoxicity; probenecid may increase effectsPreg: BP: Adjust dose in patients with renal impairment, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, and hemodialysis Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 706: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefotaximeAntibiotic, Cephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Gonorrhoea, pyelonephritis, respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin or soft tissue infections. Meningitis, Preventing infection following surgery, BSO: Infusion, as sodium, premixed, in D5W (frozen): 1 g; 2 g Powder for injection: 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 10 g D: 1-2 g IV q6-8h; max 12 g/dPaed. 100-200 mg/kg/d IV divided q8hKI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid may increase levels; coadministration with furosemide and aminoglycosides may increase nephrotoxicityPreg: BP: Adjust dose in severe renal insufficiency (high doses may cause CNS toxicity); superinfections and promotion of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged use or repeated therapy; has been associated with severe colitis Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 707: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCeftazidimeCephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Abdominal& urinary tract infections, Infections caused by the bacterium pseudomonas aeruginosa. Infections of respiratory tractBSO: Infusion, premixed (frozen): 1 g; 2 g Powder for injection: 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 6 g D: Adults= 250 mg- 2 g IM/IV tiap 8-12 jam.Cystic fibrosis may receive 30-50 mg/kg IV tiap 8 jam.Anak 1-12 thn= 30-50 mg/kg IV tiap 8 jam.Newborns up to 4 weeks of age= 30 mg/kg IV tiap 12 jam.KI: HipersensitifIO: Nephrotoxicity may increase with aminoglycosides, furosemide, and ethacrynic acid; probenecid may increase ceftazidime levelsPreg: BP: Adjust dose in renal impairment Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 708: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCeftizoximeCephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Bacterial infection of respiratory tract, skin and skin structure, bone and joint, urinary tract and gynecologic, septicemia; active against many gram-- bacilli (not Pseudomonas), some gram-+ cocci (not Enterococcus), and some anaerobesBSO: Injection in D5W (frozen): 1 g; 2 g Powder for injection: 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 10 g D: 500 mg- 4 g IM/IV tiap 8-12 jam. Go: 1g single doseIM.Anak > 6 bln= 50 mg/kg IM/IV tiap 6-8 jam. KI: HypersensitivityP: Renal impairment, history of penicillin allergy, may cause antibiotic-associated colitis or colitis secondary to C. difficileES: 1% to 10%: Fever, Rash, pruritus, Eosinophilia, thrombocytosis, Elevated transaminases, alkaline phosphatase. IO: Increased effect: Probenecid may decrease cephalosporin elimination. Increased toxicity: Furosemide, aminoglycosides may be a possible additive to nephrotoxicity Preg: B

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 709: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefopherazone-- Third-generation cephalosporinI: Bacterial infection; respiratory tract, skin and skin structure, bone and joint, urinary tract and gynecologic as well as septicemia. Active against a variety of gram-- bacilli, some gram-+ cocci, and has some activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.BSO: Injection: 1 g; 2 g D: Adults= IM/IV 1-6g tiap 12 j,or 2-4 g tiap 8 j. max 12 g/dPediatric: Not established; 100-150 mg/kg/d IV/IM divided q8-12h; max 12 g/d (suggested)KI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid may increase levels; coadministration with furosemide and aminoglycosides may increase nephrotoxicityPreg: BP: Adjust dose in severe renal impairment; has been associated with severe colitis Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 710: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefpodoximeCephalosporin (Third Generation)I: Gonorrhoea, Infections of respiratory tract, urinary tract, Skin or soft tissueBSO: Tab 100 mgD: Acute cystitis: 100 mg PO q12hAcute pyelonephritis: 200 mg PO q12hPaed.10 mg/kg PO divided bid; max 400 mg/dKI: HipersensitifIO: Decreased effect with antacids and H2-receptor antagonists; increased effect with probenecidPreg: BP: Adjust dose in severe renal insufficiency (high doses may cause CNS toxicity); superinfections and promotion of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged use or repeated therapy Nama Dagang: Banan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 711: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefpiromeI: Septikemia, neutropenia febril, pneumonia nosokomial, infeksi pd ICU, infeksi beratBSO: Vial 1 gD: 2-4 g 2x/hr KI: HipersensitifP: HipersensitifES: GatalIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 712: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefotiamI: Bronkitis, peritonitis, osteomielitis, profilaksis pra opBSO: Tab 200 mg, Vial 1 gD: Dws IM/IV 0.5-2 g 2-4x/hr. Septikemia s/d 4 gKI: Hipersensitif P: Hamil, laktasi, ggn transportasi esofagus, alergi penisilin.ES: Sakit kepala, nyeri dada, syok, kolitis pseudomembran, ikterus, hipoprotrombinemia, sindr steven-JohnsonIO: Aminoglikosida, diuretikPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 713: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefepimeCephalosporin (Fourth Generation)I: Urinary tract infections; monotherapy for febrile neutropenia; skin and skin structure infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes; pneumonia caused by pneumococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other gram-- organisms; complicated intra-abdominal infections (+ metronidazole). Also active against methicillin-susceptible staphylococci, Enterobacter sp, and many other gram-- bacilli. BSO: Infusion, piggy-back: 1 g; 2 g Injection: 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g D: 500 mg- 2 g IM/IV tiap jam for 7-10 days.Anak 2 bln-16 thn= 50 mg/kg IM/IV tiap 8-12 jam, for 7-10 days.KI: HypersensitivityP: Renal impairment; history of penicillin/ cephalosporin allergy, especially IgE-mediated reactions (eg, anaphylaxis); may cause antibiotic-associated colitis or colitis secondary to C. difficileES: >10%: + Coombs' test without hemolysis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 714: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index1% to 10%: Rash, pruritus, Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, Fever (1%), headache (1%), Local: Pain, erythema at injection site IO: Increased effect: High-dose probenecid decreases clearance Increased toxicity: Aminoglycosides increase nephrotoxic potential Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 715: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCefditorenI: BSO: Tab salut selaputD: Adults & > 12 thnBronchitis= 400 mg 2x/hari for 10 daysTonsillitis: 200 mg KI: HypersensitivityP: ES: IO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Meiact

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 716: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. ChloramphenicolChloramphenicolThiamphenicol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 717: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChloramphenicolI: Haemophilus influenzae infection, Severe infections, TyphoidBSO: Capsule: 250 mg Ointment, ophthalmic: 1% [10 mg/g] Powder for injection: 1 g Powder for ophthalmic solution: 25 mg/vial Solution Otic:& Ophthalmic:: 0.5% [5 mg/mL] D: Capsules and suspension:Adults= 500 mg PO/IV q6h12.5 mg/kg tiap 6 jam, or 25 mg/kg tiap 12 jam.Anak= 6.25 mg/kg tiap 6 jam.Injection:Adults= 12.5 mg/kg tiap 6 jam. Anak= 6.25 mg/kg tiap 6 jam.KI: HipersensitifIO: When administered concurrently with barbiturates, chloramphenicol serum levels may decrease while barbiturate levels may increase, causing toxicity; manifestations of hypoglycemia may occur with sulfonylureas; rifampin may reduce serum chloramphenicol levels, presumably through

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 718: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhepatic enzyme induction; may increase effects of anticoagulants; may increase serum hydantoin levels, possibly resulting in toxicity; chloramphenicol levels may be increased or decreasedPreg: CP: Use only for indicated infections or as prophylaxis for bacterial infections; serious and fatal blood dyscrasias (aplastic anemia, hypoplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia) can occur; evaluate baseline and perform periodic blood studies approximately every 2 d while in therapy; discontinue upon appearance of reticulocytopenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, or findings attributable to chloramphenicol; adjust dose in liver or kidney dysfunction; caution in Preg: at term or during labor because of potential toxic effects on fetus (gray syndrome)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 719: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexThiamphenicolI: Infeksi sal napas, urogenital, hepatobilier, sal cerna, demam tifoid & paratifoid & salmonellosis lain. Bruselosis. Gonorre BSO: Kaps 500 mgD: 500 mg 3x/hr. Anak 30-50 mg/kg/hr dlm dosis terbagiKI: Hipersensitif, anemia, hamil trim 3. LaktasiP: Jangka panjang. Defisiensi G6PD. Bayi. Kerusakan hati &ginjalES: depresi ssm. Tulang, anemia aplastik, sindr pd bayiIO: PCT meningkatkan kadar serum.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 720: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. MakrolidaErythromycinRoxithromycinAzithromycinSpiramycinClarithromycinLincomycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 721: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexErythromycinI: Bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, Legionnaires' disease, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, Whooping cough, otitis externa, gum disease (gingivitis), Vincent's angina, blepharitis, boils, abscesses, cellulitis, impetigo, erysipelas, Urethritis, prostatitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Diphtheria, Scarlet fever, Prevention of bacterial infection following surgery, burns, trauma or dental proceduresAcne, acne rosacea.BSO: Erythromycin base: Capsule, delayed release: 250 mg Ointment, ophthalmic: 0.55 mg (3.5 g) Tablet: 250 mg, 333 mg, 500 mg Erythromycin estolate: Capsule: 250 mg Suspension, oral: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Tablet: 500 mg Erythromycin ethylsuccinate: Granules for oral suspension: 400 mg/5 mL Powder for oral suspension: 200 mg/5 mL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 722: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSuspension, oral: 200 mg/5 mL; 400 mg/5 mL Suspension, oral [drops]: 100 mg/2.5 mL Tablet: 400 mg Tablet, chewable: 200 mg Erythromycin gluceptate: Injection: 1000 mg Erythromycin lactobionate: injection: 500 mg, 1000 mg Erythromycin stearate: Tablet, film coated: 250 mg, 500 mg D: Infections:Dws= 250-500 mg 2-4x/hari.Anak= 7.5-12.5 mg/kg 4x/hari, or 15-25 mg/ kg 2x/hari.Prevention of heart infections:Dws= 1 g 2 jam sblm op. then 500 mg 6 jam after first dose.Anak= 20 mg/kg 2 jam sblm op, then 10 mg/kg after first dose..KI: Hipersensitif; hepatic impairmentIO: Coadministration may increase toxicity of theophylline, digoxin, carbamazepine, and cyclosporine; may potentiate anticoagulant effects of warfarin; coadministration with lovastatin and simvastatin increases risk of rhabdomyolysisPreg: B

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 723: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Caution in liver disease; estolate formulation may cause cholestatic jaundice; adverse GI tract effects are common (give doses pc); discontinue use if nausea, vomiting, malaise, abdominal colic, or fever occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 724: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRoxithromycinI: Pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, ChlamydiaBSO: Tab 150 mg

D: Dws 150 mg 2x/hr . Anak > 4th 5-8 mg/kg/hr terbagi dlm 2 dosisKI: HipersensitifP: Hamil, laktasi, disfungsi liverES: Ggn GIIO: Teofilin, digoxin, terfenadinPreg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 725: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAzithromycinI: pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, Chlamydia.Bacterial infections of the skin or soft tissue. BSO: Powder for injection: 500 mg Powder for oral suspension: 100 mg/5 mL; 200 mg/5 mL; 1 g (single-dose packet) Tablet: 250 mg, 600 mg D: Oral:Chancroid in men and chlamydia infections: 1g single dose.Gonococcal: 2 g single doseOtitis media and pneumonia: Anak 6 bln-12 thn= Hr I=10 mg/kg 1xHr 2-5= 5 mg/kg 1xStrep throat: Anak 2-12 thn= 12 mg/kg 1x for 5 days.Tab:Bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and skin infections:Dws= Hr I. 500 mg. Hr 2-5. 250 mg.Chlamydia infections: Dws= 1 g single dose.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 726: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrevention of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease:Dws = 1.2 g 1x/minggu.sinusitis: 500 mg a day for 3 daysInjection:Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pneumonia: 500 mg 1x/hr IV for 1-2 hari.KI: Hipersensitif; hepatic impairment; coadministration with pimozideIO: May increase toxicity of theophylline, warfarin, and digoxin; effects are reduced with coadministration of aluminum and/or magnesium antacids; nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity may occur when coadministered with cyclosporinePreg: BP: Site reactions can occur with IV route; bacterial or fungal overgrowth may result from prolonged antibiotic use; may increase hepatic enzymes and cholestatic jaundice; caution in patients with impaired hepatic function or prolonged QT intervals Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 727: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSpiramycin-- DOC for maternal or fetal toxoplasmosis. Alternative therapy in other patient populations when unable to use pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine.I: Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women since this medicine decreases the chance that the unborn baby will get the infection. It will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections.BSO: Tab 250 mg, 500 mg (1.5 MIU), 1 g (3 MIU),Sir 125 mg/5cc D: Capsules or tab: Infections:Dws= 1-2 g (3,000,000-6,000,000 IU) 2x/hari 2x/hr or500 mg-1 g (1,500,000-3,000,000 IU) 3x/hari. Severe infections: 2-2.5 g(6,000,000-7,500,000 IU) 2x/hari.Anak >20 kg= 25 mg (75,000 IU)/ kg 2x/hari or 17 mg (51,000 IU)/ kg 3x/hari.Injection: Infections:Dws= 500 mg (1,500,000 IU) IV pelan tiap 8 jam.Severe infections: 1 g (3,000,000 IU) slowly IV tiap 8 jam.Suppository: Infections:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 728: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDws= 2-3x 750 mg (1,950,000 IU) suppositories per day.Anak= 2-3x 500 mg (1,300,000 IU) suppositories per day.Newborns= 250 mg (650,000 IU) supp/5 kgBB 1x/hari.KI: HipersensitifIO: Decreases bioavailability of carbidopa, leading to decrease of levodopa levelsES: Less common, Skin rash, itching, Unusual bleeding or bruising.Preg: CP: Cross-resistance between microorganism resistant to erythromycin and carbomycin; acute colitis is experienced in 1% of patients; GI toxicity most common adverse effect; IV administration associated with peripheral paresthesias, irritation at injection site, dysesthesia, giddiness, pain, stiffness, burning sensation, and hot flashes; long-term use may result in superinfection; caution in cardiovascular disease because may prolong QT; may elevate LFTs Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 729: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClarithromycin-- Binds to 50S ribosomal subunit of bacteria. Inhibits protein synthesis by interfering with tRNA translocation and inhibiting formation of initiation complex. I: Bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media. Bacterial infections of the skin or soft tissue.Eradicating Helicobacter pylori (in people with peptic ulcers.)BSO: Granules for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Tablet, film coated: 250 mg, 500 mg Tablet, film-coated, extended release: 500 mg D: Tab:Dws 250-500 mg 2x/day for 7-14 days. Anak 7.5 mg/kg 2x/day for 10 days Eradicating Helicobacter pylori:Dws 500 mg 3x/day for 14 days (+ Omeprazole/ Ranitidine) or 500 mg 2x/day for 14 days (+ amoxicillin/ Lanzoprazole)Extended release tab:Dws 1000 mg 1x/day for 7-14 days. KI: Hipersensitif; coadministration of pimozide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 730: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Toxicity increases with coadministration of fluconazole and pimozide; effects decrease and GI adverse effects may increase with coadministration of rifabutin or rifampin; may increase toxicity of anticoagulants, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, digoxin, carbamazepine, ergot alkaloids, triazolam, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; plasma levels of certain benzodiazepines may increase, prolonging CNS depression; arrhythmias and increases in QTc intervals occur with disopyramide; coadministration with omeprazole may increase plasma levels of both agents; decreases metabolism of repaglinide, thus increasing serum levels and effectsPreg: CP: Nausea, diarrhea, glossitis, stomatitis, skin rashes, pruritus, urticaria, anaphylaxis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, eosinophilia, headache, transient CNS symptoms (eg, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, confusion, bad dreams); coadministration with ranitidine or bismuth citrate not recommended if CrCl <25 mL/min; give half dose or increase dosing interval if CrCl <30 mL/min

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 731: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLyncomycinMacrolideI: Bacterial infections, mainly those caused by streptococci and staphylococci resistant to other agentsBSO: Kaps 500 mg. Sir 250 mg/5cc. Injection: 300 mg/mL D: Capsules: Dws 500 mg 3-4x/day. Anak 7.5-15 mg/kg 4x or 10-20 mg/kg 3x/dayInjection: Dws 600 mg-1g IV pelan >1 jam 2-3x/day or 600 mg IM 1-2x/dayAnak: 10 mg/kg IM 1-2x/day or 3.3-6.7 mg/kg IV pelan 3x/day or5-10 mg/kg IV 2x/dayKI: Minor bacterial infections or viral infections; hypersensitivity to lincomycin or any component or clindamycinP: ES: 1% to 10%: Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, diarrheaIO: Decreased effect with erythromycin Increased activity/toxicity of neuromuscular blocking agents Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 732: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. PenicillinPenicillin G Benzathine/ Benzathine Penicillin GPenicillin G Procaine/ Procaine BenzylpenicillinPenicillin V K/ Phenoxymethylpenicillin Amoxicillin Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acidAmpicillinPiperacillin, TazobactamSultamicillinSulbenicillinFlucloxacillinCloxacillin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 733: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPenicillin G benzathine/ Benzathine Penicillin G I: Active against some gram-+ organisms, few gram-- organisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and some anaerobes and spirochetes; used in the treatment of syphilis; used only for the treatment of mild to moderately severe infections caused by organisms susceptible to low concentrations of penicillin G or for prophylaxis of infections caused by these organismsBSO: Injection: 300,000 U/mL; 600,000 U/mL D: Injection: Dws: 1,200,000-2,400,000 U IM single dose Primary/secondary syphilis: 2.4 million U IM in a single doseLatent/unknown duration/tertiary syphilis (excluding neurosyphilis): 2.4 million U IM qwk x 3 wkAnak: 300,000-1,200,000 U IM singledose Primary/secondary syphilis: 50,000 U/kg IM single dose; max 2.4 million ULatent/unknown duration/tertiary syphilis (excluding neurosyphilis): 50,000 U/kg IM qwk x 3 wkKI: Hipersensitif

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 734: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Probenecid can increase effectiveness by decreasing clearance; coadministration with tetracyclines can decrease effectivenessPreg: BP: Impaired renal function or seizure disordersNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 735: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPenicillin G Procaine/ Procaine BenzylpenicillinDOC for treatment of actinomycosis. Interferes with synthesis of cell wall mucopeptide during active multiplication, resulting in bactericidal activity against susceptible microorganisms.I: Moderately severe infections due to Treponema pallidum and other penicillin G-sensitive microorganisms that are susceptible to low but prolonged serum penicillin concentrationsBSO: Injection, suspension: 300,000 U/mL; 500,000 U/mL; 600,000 U/mL D: Injection: Dws: 600,000-1,200,000 U IM single dose Neurosyphilis: Add probenecid 500 mg PO qid x 17-21 dAnak: 50,000 U IM singledose KI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid can increase effects; coadministration of tetracyclines can decrease effectsPreg: BP: Caution in impaired renal function Nama Dagang: Procaine Penicillin G Meiji

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 736: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPenicillin V K/ Phenoxymethyl Penicillin -- DOC for treatment of actinomycosis. Interferes with synthesis of cell wall mucopeptide during active multiplication, resulting in bactericidal activity against susceptible microorganisms.I: Ear infections, tonsillitis, Skin infections caused by the streptococcus bacteriaPrevention against recurrence of rheumatic fever or prevention of pneumococcal infectionBSO: Tab 125mg, 250mg, 500mg, 625mg (250 mg=400,000U)Sir 250 mg/5ccD: Dws 125-500 mg 3-4x/day. Anak 2.5-16.7 mg/kg 3-6x/day.KI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid can increase effects; coadministration of tetracyclines can decrease effectsES: Rash, Itching (pruritus), Diarrhoea, Allergic reaction to active ingredient, Fever (pyrexia), colitisPreg: BP: Caution in impaired renal functionNama Dagang: Ospen, Fenocin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 737: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmoxicillinI: Otitis media, Infections of respiratory tract, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Skin or soft tissue infections, Infections of the urinary tract, Gynaecological infections, Gonorrhoea, peritonitis, bacterial endocarditis, Dental abscess, septicaemia, Typhoid and paratyphoid fever, Eradicating Helicobacteria pylori. BSO: Capsule: 250 mg, 500 mg Powder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL Powder for oral suspension, drops: 50 mg/mL Suspension, oral: 200 mg/5 mL; 400 mg/5 mL Tablet, chewable: 125 mg, 200 mg, 250 mg, 400 mg Tablet, film coated: 500 mg, 875 mg D: Dws: 250-500 mg 3x/day or 500-875mg 2x/dayAnak: 15 mg/kg 2x/day.Bayi: 6.7-13.3 mg/kg 3x/day, or 12.5-22.5 mg/kg 2x/dayHelicobacter pylori bacterial infection:1 g 2x/day for 14 hari (+ clarithromycin and lansoprazole) or1 g 3x/day for 14 hari (+ lansoprazole)KI: Hipersensitif; concomitant use of disulfiram

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 738: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Coadministration with warfarin or heparin increases risk of bleeding; may act synergistically against selected microorganisms when coadministered with aminoglycosides; coadministration with allopurinol may increase incidence of amoxicillin rash; may decrease efficacy of oral contraceptives when administered concomitantlyPreg: BP: Hepatic impairment may occur with prolonged treatment in elderly persons; diarrhea may occur; adjust dose in renal impairment; cross-allergy may occur with other beta-lactams and cephalosporins; administer for >10 d to eliminate organism and prevent sequelae (eg, endocarditis, rheumatic fever); many patients with infectious mononucleosis develop rash during therapy with amoxicillin; urticarial rash that appears after a few days of therapy may indicate hypersensitivity Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 739: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmoxicillin/ Clavulanic acid I: Abdominal infections, Animal bites, Infections of respiratory tract, genito-urinary infections, cellulitisBSO: Suspension, oral: per 5 cc: Amox 125 mg+clav 31.25 mg, Amox 200 mg+clav 28.5 mg, Amox 250 mg+clav 62.5 mg, Amox 400 mg+clav 57 mgTab: Amox 250 mg+clav 125 mg, Amox 500 mg+clav 125 mgAmox 875 mg+clav 125 mgTablet, chewable: Amox 125 mg+clav 31.25 mgAmox 200 mg+clav 28.5 mg, Amox 250 mg+clav 62.5 mgAmox 400 mg+clav 57 mgD: Oral: Dws: 250-500 mg 3x/day or 875 mg 2x/day Paed.: 20-40 mg/kg/d PO divided bidKI: HipersensitifIO: +Warfarin or heparin increases risk of bleedingES: Headache, Rash, Itching (pruritus), Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Nausea, Allergic, jaundice, Dizziness, colitisPreg: BP: Renal impairment, adjust dosage when CrCl <30 mL/min

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 740: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAmpicillinI: Otitis media, sinusitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, gonorrhoea, septicaemia, peritonitis, bacterial endocarditis, meningitis, Typhoid and paratyphoid fever.BSO: Capsule: 250 mg, 500 mg. Drops: 100 mg/mL. Oral susp: 125 mg/5 mL; 250 mg/5 mL; 500 mg/5 mLPowder for injection: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 10 g D: Oral Dws 250-500 mg 4x/day. Anak: 12.5-25 mg/kg 4x/day

or 16.7-33.3 mg/kg 3x/dayInjection: Dws: 250-500 mg IM/IV 4-8x/day. Anak 12.5 mg/kgKI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid & disulfiram elevate levels; allopurinol decreases effects and has additive effects on ampicillin rash; may decrease effects of oral contraceptivesES: Rash, Itching (pruritus), Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, colitis, Liver or kidney disorders, Blood disorders.Preg: BP: Renal failure; evaluate rash & differentiate from allergy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 741: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPiperacillin, Tazobactam.I: D:KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:1. Tazocin

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Page 742: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSultamicillinI: Infeksi saluran nafasBSO: Tab 375 mg. Vial 0.75 g. 1.5 gD: Dws & Anak 375-750 mg 2x/hr.Anak < 30 kg= 25-50 mg/kg/hr terbagi dlm 2 dosis. Go: 2.25 g dosis tunggal + Probenecid 1 gKI: HipersensitifP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Bactesyn

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 743: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulbenicillinI: Infeksi Sal Kencing, kandung empedu, sal napas, BSO: Vial 1 g, 2 gD: Dws 2-4 g/hr.Anak 40-80 mg/kg/hr IV terbagi dlm 2-4 dosis.KI: HipersensitifP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Kedacillin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 744: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFlucloxacillinI: Infected ulcers, wounds or burns, abscesses, cellulitis, impetigo, boils, pneumonia, lung abscess, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, Osteomyelitis, quinsy, otitis media and otitis externa. # Bacterial infections of the urinary tract, meningitis, septicaemia, endocarditis, enteritis, heart or bone surgery.BSO: Kaps 250 mg. 500 mg

D: Oral: Dws 250-500 mg 4x/dayAnak: 125-250 mg 4x/day or 6.25-12.5 mg/kg 4x/dayKI: Allergy, liver problems or jaundiceP: Decreased liver & function, > 50 years of age.ES: Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Rash, Allergic reaction, colitis, jaundice, hepatitis.IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Floxapen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 745: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCloxacillinI: Bacterial infections, notably penicillinase-producing staphylococci causing respiratory tract, skin and skin structure, bone and joint, urinary tract infections BSO: Kaps 250 mg, 500 mg. Vial 250 mg, 500 mg, 1 gPowder for oral suspension: 125 mg/5 mL D: Dws 250-500 mg IO/IV 4x/day. Anak: 6.25-12.5 mg/kg 4x/dKI: HypersensitivityP: Monitor PT if patient concurrently on warfarin, elimination of drug is slow in renally impaired; use with caution in patients allergic to cephalosporins due to a low incidence of cross-hypersensitivityES: 1-10%: Gastrointestinal: Nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain IO: Decreased effect: Efficacy of oral contraceptives may be reduced Increased effect: Disulfiram, probenecid may increase penicillin levels, increased effect of anticoagulants Preg: BNama Dagang: Meixam

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 746: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. QuinolonCiprofloxacinOfloxacinMoxifloxacinLevofloxacinNorfloxacinSparfloxacinPefloxacinGatifloxacin

Not included in product labeling:• Chancroid• Pulmonary exacerbations (airway infections) in cystic


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 747: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCiprofloxacinAgainst pseudomonads, streptococci, MRSA, Staphylococcus epidermidis, & most gram-- organisms. Does not have activity against anaerobes. Inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis and growth.I: Pneumonia (but not pneumococcal pneumonia), bronchitis, bronchiectasis and lung infections in cystic fibrosis, sinusitis, otitis media & externa, conjunctivitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, infected ulcers, wounds or burns, abscesses, cellulitis, erysipelas, osteomyelitis & septic arthritis, peritonitis or abdominal abscesses, typhoid, diarrhea, PID, gonorrhoea, septicaemia, intestinal surgery or endoscopic procedures. Anthrax affecting the lungs, anthrax sporesI: Infusion, in D5W: 400 mg, in NS or D5W: 200 mg Injection: 200 mg; 400 mgSolution, ophthalmic: 3.5 mg/mL Suspension, oral: 250 mg/5 mL; 500 mg/5 mL Tablet: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg D: Extended-release tab: Dws 500 mg-1g 1x/day for 3-14 days

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index

Oral susp or tab: Dws 100-750 mg 2x/day for 3-28 days. Anak: Inhalational anthrax: 15 mg/kg 2x/dayInjection:Dws 200-400 mg 2-3x/day. Anak: not recommended except Inhalational anthrax: 10 mg/kg 2x/dayKI: Hipersensitif, AnakIO: Antacids, iron salts, and zinc salts may reduce serum levels; administer antacids 2-4 h before/ after taking fluoroquinolones; cimetidine may interfere with metabolism; reduces therapeutic effects of phenytoin; probenecid increase serum concentrations; increase toxicity of theophylline, caffeine, cyclosporine, and digoxin; may increase effects of anticoagulants (monitor PT)ES: Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Rash or itching, Headache, Restlessness, Dizziness, dyspepsia, Depression, Sleepiness, Tremor, Confusion, Convulsions, Disturbances in vision, taste, hearing or smell.Preg: CP: In prolonged therapy, Renal function impairment; Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 749: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOfloxacinInterferes with DNA synthesis by binding to topoisomerases II and IV to cause bacterial lysis. Elimination through kidneys by active tubular secretion, which probenecid can block.I: Gonorrhoea, urinary tract infection, septicaemia, chest or lower respiratory tract infection, genito-urinary infections, Skin or soft tissue infectionsBSO: Injection: 200 mg; 400 mg Ophthalmic & Otic: 0.3% Tablet: 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg D: Dws IO/IV 200-400 mg 2x/day for 3-14days. Prostatitis: for

6wk. Gö: 400 mg single dose. KI: Hipersensitif; lactation, Epilepsy, Lack of the enzyme G6PD in the blood (G6PD deficiency), Children, adolescents.IO: Antacids, iron salts, and zinc salts may reduce serum levels; administer antacids 2-4 h before/ after taking fluoroquinolones; cimetidine may interfere with metabolism of fluoroquinolones; ciprofloxacin reduces therapeutic effects of phenytoin;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 750: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexprobenecid may increase ciprofloxacin serum concentrations; may increase toxicity of theophylline, caffeine, cyclosporine, and digoxin (monitor digoxin levels); may increase effects of anticoagulants (monitor PT)ES: Headache, Rash, Itching (pruritus), Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Disturbed sleep, Restlessness, Loss of contact with reality (psychosis), Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, Abnormal movements of the hands, legs, face, neck and tongue, eg tremor, twitching, rigidity (extrapyramidal effects), NumbnessPreg: CP: Adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, headache, dizziness; rare reports of seizures, hallucinations, pseudomembranous colitis, skin rash, bone marrow depression, abnormal liver function tests, tendonitis, and photosensitivity; with prolonged therapy, periodically evaluate organ (eg, renal, hepatic, hematopoietic) function; adjust dose in renal function impairment; superinfections may occur with prolonged or repeated antibiotic therapy Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 751: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMoxifloxacinInhibits the A subU of DNA gyrase, resulting in inhibition of bacterial DNA replication and transcription.I: Bacterial sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumoniaBSO: Tablet: 400 mg. Infus 400 mg/250 ccD: Dws: 400 mg IO/IV 1x/day for 5-14 days

KI: Hipersensitif; pediatrics, unless benefits outweigh risks (as in cystic fibrosis)IO: Antacids and electrolyte supplements reduce absorption; loop diuretics, probenecid, and cimetidine increase serum levels; NSAIDs enhance CNS-stimulating effect; may increase toxicity of theophylline, caffeine, cyclosporine, and digoxin (monitor digoxin levels); may increase effects of anticoagulants (monitor PT)ES: Headache, insomnia, Confusion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, arrhythmias, dyspepsia, convulsions, Alteration in results of liver function tests, vertigo,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 752: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDizziness, Alteration in taste, somnolence, asthenia, Chest pain, candidiasis, Anxiety, Pain in the muscles and joints, Rash or itchingPreg: CP:In prolonged therapy, perform periodic evaluations of organ system functions (eg, renal, hepatic, hematopoietic); adjust dose in renal function impairment; superinfections may occur with prolonged or repeated antibiotic therapy; prolonged QT interval on ECG, and ventricular arrhythmias may occur

Nama Dagang:Avelox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 753: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevofloxacinRapidly becoming a popular choice in pneumonia. This is the L stereoisomer of the D/L parent compound ofloxacin, the D form being inactive. Good monotherapy with extended coverage against Pseudomonas species, as well as excellent activity against pneumococcus. Agent acts by inhibition of DNA gyrase activity. PO form has bioavailability that reportedly is 99%.I: Sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis and pyelonephritis, prostatitis. Bacterial infections of the skin or soft tissueBSO: Infusion, in D5W: 5 mg/mL Injection: 25 mg/mLTablet: 250 mg, 500 mg

D: 250-750 mg IO/IV slow 1x/dayKI: HipersensitifIO: Antacids, iron salts, and zinc salts may reduce serum levels; administer antacids 2-4 h before or after taking fluoroquinolones; cimetidine may interfere with metabolism of fluoroquinolones; levofloxacin reduces therapeutic effects of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 754: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexphenytoin; probenecid may increase levofloxacin serum concentrationsES: Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Loss of appetite, Rash or itching, Headache, Dizziness, Drowsiness, insomnia, asthenia, thrush, Pins and needles sensations, Anxiety, Depression, Tremor, Confusion, Convulsions, Pain in the muscles and joints, Blood disorders, Increased heart rate, Low blood pressurePreg: CP:In prolonged therapy, perform periodic evaluations of organ system functions (eg, renal, hepatic, hematopoietic); adjust dose in renal function impairment; superinfections may occur with prolonged or repeated antibiotic therapy

Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 755: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNorfloxacinAgainst pseudomonads, streptococci, MRSA, S epidermidis, and most gram-- organisms. Not anaerobes. Inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis and growth.I: Urinary tract infectionBSO: Tab & Kapl 400 mg. Ophthalmic sol.: 0.3% [3 mg/mL]

D: 400 mg 2x/day for 3-28 day. Gö: 800 mg single dose.KI: Hipersensitif. Children and growing adolescents.IO: Antacids, iron salts, and zinc salts may reduce serum levels; administer antacids 2-4 h before/after taking fluoroquinolones; cimetidine may interfere with metabolism; reduces therapeutic effects of phenytoin; probenecid may increase serum concentrations; may increase toxicity of theophylline, caffeine, cyclosporine, and digoxin (monitor digoxin levels); increase effects of anticoagulants (monitor PT)ES: Headache, Rash, pruritus, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, dyspepsia, psychosis, Dizziness, Nausea and vomitingPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 756: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:In prolonged therapy, perform periodic evaluations of organ system function (eg, renal, hepatic, hematopoietic); adjust dose in renal function impairment; superinfections may occur with prolonged or repeated antibiotic therapy Nama Dagang: Pyrflox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 757: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSparfloxacinI: Treatment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, M. catarrhalis, M. pneumoniae or S. pneumoniae; treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis caused by C. pneumoniae, E. cloacae, H. influenzae, H. parainfluenzae, K. pneumoniae, M. catarrhalis, S. aureus or S. pneumoniaeBSO: Tablet: 200 mgD: Adults: Oral: 200 mg/day for 10 days. Dosing adjustment in renal impairment: Clcr <50 mL/minute: Day I: 400 mg, then 200 mg/ 48 hours for 9 days (total 6 tab) KI: Hypersensitivity, children <18 years of age, a concurrent administration with drugs which increase the Q-T interval including: amiodarone, bepridil, bretylium,cisapride, disopyramide, furosemide, procainamide, quinidine, sotalol, albuterol, astemizole, chloroquine, cisapride, halofantrine, phenothiazines, prednisone, terfenadine, and tricyclic antidepressants

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Other quinolones have caused transient arthropathy in children; CNS stimulation may occur (tremor, restlessness, confusion, and very rarely hallucinations or seizures); use with caution in patients with known or suspected CNS disorder or renal dysfunction; prolonged use may result in superinfection; if an allergic reaction (itching, urticaria, dyspnea, pharyngeal or facial edema, loss of consciousness, tingling, cardiovascular collapse) occurs, discontinue the drug immediately; use caution to avoid possible photosensitivity reactions during and for several days following fluoroquinolone therapy; pseudomembranous colitis may occur and should be considered in patients who present with diarrheaES: >1%: Insomnia, agitation, sleep disorders, anxiety, delirium Diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, Leukopenia, eosinophilia, anemia, Increased LFTs IO: Decreased effect: Decreased absorption with antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, and/or calcium, sucralfate, didanosine and by products containing zinc and iron salts when administered concurrently. Take > 4 hours after sparfloxacin.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 759: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenytoin serum levels may be reduced by quinolones; antineoplastic agents may also decrease serum levels of fluoroquinolones Increased toxicity/serum levels: Quinolones cause increased levels of caffeine, warfarin, cyclosporine, and theophylline (although one study indicates that sparfloxacin may not affect theophylline metabolism), cimetidine and probenecid increase quinolone levels; an increased incidence of seizures may occur with foscarnet. Avoid use with drugs which increase Q-T interval as significant risk of cardiotoxicity may occur. Concurrent use with cisapride is contraindicated.

Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 760: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPefloxacinI: Infeksi berat bakteri gram (+) dan (-). GO.BSO: Tab 400 mg. Amp 400 mg/ 5cc. Lar infus 400 mg/125 ccD: 400 mg 2x/hr. Amp 400 mg 2x/hr dlm Infus IV pelan > 1 jam. KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 761: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGatifloxacinGood activity against pneumococci.BSO: Infusion: 2 mg/mL Injection: 10 mg/mL Tablet: 200 mg, 400 mg D: 200-400 mg IO/IV ix/day for 7-14 daysDosage adjustment in renal impairment: Cr clearance <40 mL/minute (or patients on hemodialysis/CAPD): initial dose 400 mg, then 200 mg/day. KI: Hipersensitif; pediatrics, unless benefits outweigh risks (as in cystic fibrosis)IO: Antacids, iron salts, and zinc salts may reduce serum levels; administer antacids 2 h before or after; cimetidine may interfere with metabolism of fluoroquinolones; levofloxacin reduces therapeutic effects of phenytoin; probenecid may increase serum concentrationsPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 762: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. TetrasiklinTetracyclineOxytetracyclineDoxycyclineMinocycline

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 763: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTetracyclineTreats gram+ and gram- organisms and mycoplasmal, chlamydial, and rickettsial infections. Inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding with 30S and possibly 50S ribosomal subunit(s).I: Acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, Chlamydia infections, chronic bronchitis, brucellosis, Infections caused by Mycoplasma organisms & Rickettsiae micro-organisms transmitted by lice, fleas, ticks and mitesBSO: Tab & Caps: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg Ophthalmic oint & susp: 1% [10 mg/mL] Topical oint: 3% [30 mg/mL] Solution, topical: 2.2 mg/mL Oral susp: 125 mg/5 mL D: 250-500 mg 4x/day or 500 mg-1g 2x/day. Gö: First: 1.5 g,

then 500 mg 4x/day for 4 days. Anak >8thn: 6.25-12.5 mg/kg 4x/day or 12.5-25 mg/kg 2x/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 764: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; severe hepatic dysfunction, Breastfeeding, Children <12 years of age, SLE, Moderate to severely decreased kidney function, PregnancyIO: Bioavailability decreases with antacids containing aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, or bismuth subsalicylate; can decrease effects of oral contraceptives, causing breakthrough bleeding and increased risk of Preg:; can increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulantsES: Headache, Diarrhoea, Visual disturbances, pancreatitis, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Liver disorders, dysphagia, photosensitivityPreg: DP: Photosensitivity may occur with prolonged exposure to sunlight or tanning equipment; reduce dose in renal impairment; consider drug serum level determinations in prolonged therapy; tetracycline use during tooth development (last half of Preg: through 8 y) can cause permanent discoloration of teeth; Fanconilike syndrome may occur with outdated tetracyclines

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 765: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxytetracyclineI: Acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, Chronic bronchitis, Dental infections, Weil's Disease/leptospirosis, brucellosis, Infections caused by Rickettsiae micro-organisms transmitted by lice, fleas, ticks and mites, genito-urinary infections, Lyme diseaseBSO: Capsule: 250 mg Injection,+ lidocaine 2%: 5% [50 mg/mL]; 12.5% [125 mg/mL]D: 250-500 mg 4x/day. Anak >8 thn: 6.25-12.5 mg/kg 4x/dayInjection IM: Dws 100 mg 3x/day, or 150 mg 2x/day, or 250 mg

Anak: IM 5-8.3 mg/kg 3x/day, or 7.5-12.5 mg/kg 2x/day KI: Children <12 years of age, porphyrias, SLEP: Kidney & Liver diseaseES: Headache, Rash, Diarrhoea, Visual disturbances, IO: Decreased effect: antacids containing Al, Ca or Mg.Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 766: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDoxycyclineInhibits protein synthesis &, thus, bacterial growth by binding to 30S & possibly 50S ribosomal subU of susceptible bacteria.I: Acne vulgaris, Bubonic plague, Chlamydia, Cholera, Chronic bronchitis, gas gangrene, Weil's Disease/leptospirosis, tularaemia, Eye infections, Gonorrhoea, brucellosis, chest or lower respiratory tract infection, Infections caused by Rickettsiae micro-organisms transmitted by lice, fleas, ticks and mites, Infections of the urinary tract, parrot fever/psittacosis, melioidosis, Sinusitis, granuloma inguinale, Louse and tick-bourne relapsing fever, Pneumonia, Scrub typhus, leptospirosis, malaria, enterotoxigenic E coli, amoebiasis, chancroid, Syphilis, Tetanus, malaria caused by chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparumBSO: Tablet & Capsule: 20 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg Capsule, coated pellets: 100 mg Gel, for subgingival application: 50 mg in each 500 mg of blended formulation; 2-syringe system contains doxycycline

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 767: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsyringe (50 mg) and delivery system syringe (450 mg) along with a blunt cannula Powder for injection: 100 mg, 200 mg Powder for oral suspension: 25 mg/5 mL Syrup: 50 mg/5 mL D: 100 mg PO/IV slow q12h. 300 mg PO onceAnak: >8 years: 1 mg/kg PO/IV q12h; max 200 mg/dPrevention of malaria: 100 mg 1x. 1-2 days before travel, 1x/day throughout travel, for 4wk after leave the malarious area.Anak >8th: 2mg/kg 1x.KI: Hipersensitif; severe hepatic dysfunction, Allergy to other tetracycline antibiotics, Children <12 years, Preg: & lactationIO: Minimal decrease in bioavailability with antacids containing aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, or bismuth subsalicylateES: Blood disorders, photosensitivity, Loss of appetite, Disturbances of liver function, oesophagitis, dysphagia, enterocolitis, benign intracranial hypertension, Rash, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomitingPreg: D

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 768: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Photosensitivity may occur with prolonged exposure to sunlight or tanning equipment; reduce dose in renal impairment; consider drug serum level determinations in prolonged therapy; if used during tooth development (last half of Preg: through age 8 y), can cause permanent discoloration of teeth; Fanconilike syndrome may occur with tetracyclines past expiration date Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 769: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMinocyclineInhibits protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosomal subunit at site that blocks binding of amino acid–charged tRNA to acceptor site of the ribosomal mRNA complex. Drug accumulates in cells of susceptible organisms by mean of an energy-dependent mechanism. Passes through enterohepatic circulation and primarily excreted in urineI: Acne vulgaris, Bronchitis, Eye infections, Gonorrhoea, Infections of the ears, nose or throat, Infections of the urinary tract, prostatitis, urethritis, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pneumonia, Prevention of infections following surgery# Skin or soft tissue infectionsBSO: Kaps 50 mg, 100 mgD: 1st IO/IV slow 100 mg, then 50 mg 2-4x/day. Anak >8 years: 4 mg/kg PO initially, then 2 mg/kg q12h.KI: Hipersensitif, SLE, Breastfeeding, Children <12 years, Kidney failure, PregnancyIO: Bioavailability decreases with antacids containing aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, or bismuth subsalicylate;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 770: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcan decrease effects of oral contraceptives, causing breakthrough bleeding and increasing risk of Preg:; tetracyclines can increase hypoprothrombinemic effects of anticoagulantsES: Diarrhoea, pancreatitis, photosensitivity, vertigo, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, Loss of appetite, skin reactions such as rash and itch, pseudomembranous colitis, Liver disorders, dysphagia, benign intracranial hypertension, Overgrowth of the yeast Candida, Staining of skin, nails, teeth, sweat, tears, eyes, breast milkPreg: DP: Photosensitivity possibly with prolonged exposure to sunlight or tanning equipment; reduce dose in renal impairment; consider drug serum level determinations with prolonged therapy; tetracycline use during tooth development (last half of Preg: to age 8 y) can cause permanent discoloration of teeth; Fanconilike syndrome may occur with outdated tetracyclines; hepatitis or lupus-like syndromes may occur Nama Dagang: Minocin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 771: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. Beta Laktam Gol LainImipenem + CilastatinMeropenem

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 772: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImipenem + Cilastatin-- Covers both pathogenic actinomycetes and companion bacteria, which frequently are resistant to penicillin. I: Abdominal infections, septicaemia, chest or lower respiratory tract infection, genito-urinary infections. Pre-op.BSO: Powder for injection IV: Imipenem & cilastatin: 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg D: 250 mg- 1g IV slow 3-4x/d, or 500-750 IM 2x/d. max 4 g/dPaed. Not established; 15-25 mg/kg/dose IV q6h for >3 moKI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration with cyclosporine may increase CNS adverse effects of both agents; coadministration with ganciclovir may result in generalized seizuresES: Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Blood disorders, colitis, Seizures, Nausea and vomiting, Alteration in tastePreg: CP: Adjust dose in renal insufficiency; avoid use in children <12.Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 773: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMeropenemBactericidal broad-spectrum carbapenem antibiotic that inhibits cell wall synthesis. Effective against most gram-+ and gram-- bacteria. Has slightly increased activity against gram-- bacteria and slightly decreased activity against staphylococci and streptococci compared with imipenem.I: Abdominal infections, septicaemia, chest or lower respiratory tract infection, Infections of the urinary tract, Meningitis# Skin or soft tissue infectionsBSO: Infusion: 500 mg; 1 g Injection: 25 mg/mL; 33.3 mg/mLD: I.V.: Preterm: 20 mg/kg/dose 2x/d, Full-term (<3 mo) 20 mg/kg/dose 3x/d Children >3 mo (<50 kg): Intra-abdominal infections: 20 mg/kg 3x/d (max 1 g 3x/d) Meningitis: 40 mg/kg 3x/d (max. 2 g 3x/d) Adults: 1 g 3x/d Meningitis: 2 g 3x/d

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 774: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDosing adjustment in renal impairment: Adults: Clcr 26-50 mL/minute: 1 g/ 12 jam Clcr 10-25 mL/minute: 500 mg/ 12 jam Clcr <10 mL/minute: 500 mg/day KI: Hipersensitif; first trimester of Preg:IO: Probenecid: inhibit renal excretion of meropenem, increasing meropenem levelsES: Headache, Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Blood disorders, colitis, convulsions, Pain and inflammation of the blood vessel at the site of injection, Nausea and vomitingPreg: BP:Adjust dose in renal impairment; pseudomembranous colitis and thrombocytopenia may occur, which require immediate discontinuation Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 775: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. Antibiotika Gol LainCo-trimoxazoleColistin sulphateClindamycinVancomycinLinezolidFosfomycinTeicoplanin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 776: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCo-trimoxazoleI: Peumonia caused by the bacterium pneumocystis carinii (PCP) due to HIV or AIDS, toxoplasmosis, nocardiosis, urinary tract infection, chronic bronchitis, otitis mediaBSO: The 5:1 ratio (SMZ to TMP) remains constant: Suspension, oral: SMZ 200 mg and TMP 40 mg/ 5 mLTab:SMZ 400mg+TMP 80mg, Forte: SMZ 800 mg+TMP 160mg D: 160 mg TMP/800 mg SMZ PO bid for 3 dPaed. >2 months: 8 mg TMP/40 mg SMZ PO divided bid for 3 dKI: Premature babies, allergy, Severely decreased kidney function or kidney failure, porphyriasIO: May increase PT when used with warfarin (perform coagulation tests and adjust dose accordingly); coadministration with dapsone may increase blood levels of both drugs; coadministration of diuretics increases incidence of thrombocytopenia purpura in elderly patients; phenytoin levels may increase with coadministration; may potentiate effects of methotrexate in bone marrow depression; hypoglycemic

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 777: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexresponse to sulfonylureas may increase with coadministration; may increase levels of zidovudineES: Headache, Rash, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Overgrowth of the yeast Candida, hyperkalaemia, Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood, hyponatraemia, hypoglycaemia, Loss of appetite, stomatitis, Dizziness, Depression, Hallucinations. Cough, Shortness of breath, myalgia, convulsions, Liver or kidney disorders, Severe blistering skin reactions, eg Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysisPreg: CP: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, People at risk of folic acid deficiency, hyperkalaemia, Asthma, Severe allergies, Blood disorders, G6PD deficiencyNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 778: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexColistin sulphatePolymyxin EIt works by disrupting the structure of part of the bacterial cell membrane, causing the vital contents of the bacteria to leak out. This ultimately leads to the death of the bacteria.I: Sterilisation of the bowel prior to surgeryBSO: Tab 250.000 iu. Powder for oral suspension: 25 mg/5 mL D: Diarrhea: Children: 5-15 mg/kg/day terbagi 3 dosis.KI: hypersensitivityP: Impaired renal function; some systemic absorption may occur; potential for renal toxicity exists; prolonged use may lead to superinfectionES: Confusion, Muscle weakness, Visual disturbances, Balance problems involving the inner ear (vertigo), Pins and needles (paraesthesia), Damage to the nerves, Kidney damage. IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 779: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClindamycinLincosamide agent that inhibits bacterial growth, possibly by blocking dissociation of peptidyl t-RNA from ribosomes, causing RNA-dependent protein synthesis to arrest. Drawback is lack of coverage against some companion bacteria.I: Abdominal, Bone and joint infections, bacterial endocarditis.AcneBSO: Capsule: 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg Cream, vaginal: 2% Gel, topical, Lotion, Pledgets, Solution, topical: 1% [10 mg/g] Granules for oral solution: 75 mg/5 mL Infusion, in D5W: 300 mg; 600 mg Injection: 150 mg/mL Suppository, vaginal: 2.5 g (clindamycin 100 mg) D: Caps & sol: 150-300 mg 3x/d. Anak 2-5 mg/kg 3-4x/d, Injection: 300-600 mg IM/IV 3-4x/d. Anak 3.75-10 IM/IV mg/kg 3-4x/dKI: Hipersensitif; regional enteritis; ulcerative colitis; hepatic impairment; antibiotic-associated colitis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 780: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Increases duration of neuromuscular blockade induced by tubocurarine and pancuronium; erythromycin may antagonize effects; antidiarrheals may delay absorptionES: Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, colitis, jaundice, Disturbance in the components of the blood, Pain and inflammation of the blood vessel at the site of injection, Nausea and vomitingPreg: BP: Adjust dose in severe hepatic dysfunction; no adjustment necessary in renal insufficiency; associated with severe and possibly fatal colitis Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 781: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVancomycinI: Pseudomembranous colitisBSO: Capsule: 125 mg, 250 mg Powder for oral solution: 1 g, 10 g Powder for injection: 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g, 5 g, 10 g D: 125-500 mg 4x/d for 7-10 days. Anak 10 mg/kginjection: 7.5-15 mg/kg IV 2-4x/dPaed.: Infants (1 mo) & children: 20 mg/kg IV q12hKI: Hipersensitif IO: Erythema, histaminelike flushing, and anaphylactic reactions may occur when administered with anesthetic agents; taken concurrently with aminoglycosides, risk of nephrotoxicity may increase above that with aminoglycoside monotherapy; effects in neuromuscular blockade may be enhanced when coadministered with nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsES: Rash, pruritus, Nausea, Blood disorders, Fever (pyrexia), Kidney damage, anaphylaxis, ototoxicity, Kidney failurePreg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 782: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCaution in renal failure and neutropenia; red man syndrome is caused by an IV infusion that is too rapid (dose given over a few min) but rarely happens when dose given as 2-h administration, PO, or with intraperitoneal administration; red man syndrome is not an allergic reaction; monitor blood levels, with a goal of 30-40 mcg/mL 1 h after completion of IV doseAdminister slowly; rapid administration is associated with hypotension and histamine release, ie, red man syndrome Nama Dagang: Vancomycin Abbot

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 783: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLinezolidI: Complicated skin and soft tissue infections, PneumoniaBSO: Infusion: 200 mg; 400 mg; 600 mg Suspension, oral: 20 mg/mL Tablet: 400 mg, 600 mg D: IO/Infus 400-600 mg 2x/d. Anak 10 mg/kg 2-3x/dKI: Taken a MAOI in the last 14 days, Breastfeeding, Children < 18 years of ageP: Decreased kidney & liver function, haemodialysis, hypertension, phaeochromocytoma, a carcinoid tumour, Thyrotoxicosis, manic depression, schizoaffective disorder, Acute states of confusion, Anaemia, lekopenia, thrombocytopeniaES: Headache, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, candidiasis, Metallic taste, Decreased numbers of red blood cells, haemoglobin, white blood cells or platelets in the blood, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Fatigue, Fever, Dizziness, Pins and needles sensations (paraesthesia) or numbness, insomnia, Blurred vision, tinnitus, hypertension,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 784: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRash or itching, pancreatitis, kidney failure, transient ischaemic attackIO: Linezolid is a reversible, nonselective inhibitor of MAO. Serotonergic agents (eg, TCAs, venlafaxine, trazodone, sibutramine, meperidine, dextromethorphan, and SSRIs) may cause a serotonin syndrome (eg, hyperpyrexia, cognitive dysfunction) when used concomitantly. Adrenergic agents (eg, phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine, sympathomimetic agents, vasopressor or dopaminergic agents) may cause hypertension.Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Zyvox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 785: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFosfomycinI: Bladder infection in women.BSO: Powder: 3 g, to be mixed in 4 oz of water. Vial 1 gD: Powder IO 3 g 1x. IV infus 100-200 mg/kg 2x/hr.KI: P: ES: >1%: Headache, Rash, Diarrhea (2% to 8%), nausea, vomiting, epigastric discomfort, anorexia IO: Decreased effect: Antacids or calcium salts may cause precipitate formation and decrease fosfomycin absorption Metoclopramide: Increased gastrointestinal motility may lower fosfomycin tromethamine serum concentrations and urinary excretion. This drug interaction possibly could be extrapolated to other medications which increase gastrointestinal motility. Preg: BNama Dagang:Fosmicin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 786: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTeicoplaninI: Endocarditis, post-op. serious staphylococcal bact. infectionsBSO: Vial 400 mgD: Dws: Awal 400 mg IV. Maint. : 200 mg/hr IV/IMAnak: 10 mg/kg/12 jam terbagi dlm 3 dosis.Pemeliharaan 10 mg/kg/hr IV/IMNeonatus: Single dose 16 mg/kg. Maint 8 mg/kg 1x/hr KI: HipersensitifP: Decreased kidney function, History of allergiesES: Rash, itching (pruritus), Diarrhoea, Blood disorders, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Fever (pyrexia), Hearing disturbances, Pain and inflammation of the blood vessel at the site of injection, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, Kidney damage, An extreme allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Targocid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 787: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. FungisidaGriseofulvinKetoconazoleMiconazoleItraconazoleVoriconazoleTioconazoleTerbinafinFluconazoleNystatinClotrimazole

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 788: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGriseofulvinI: Fungal infections of the skin, nails, scalp or hair.BSO: Microsize: Caps & Tab: 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mgSuspension, oral: 125 mg/5 mL with alcohol 0.2% Ultramicrosize: Tab: 165 mg, 330 mg, 125 mg, 250 mg, 330 mg

D: Microsize caps, tab, and susp: 250-500 mg 1-2x/d Anak 5-10 mg/kg 1-2x/dUltramicrosize: 125-375 mg 1-2x/d. Anak 2.75-7.3 mg/kg KI: Severe liver disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, porphyries, Pregnancy, BreastfeedingP: ES: Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Headache, Dizziness, Confusion, Fatigue, Sleep disturbance, Impaired co-ordination, Liver problems, peripheral neuropathy, Rash, leucopenia, photosensitivityIO: Decreased effect: Barbiturates may decrease levels of griseofulvin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 789: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDecreased warfarin, cyclosporine, and salicylate activity with griseofulvin Griseofulvin decreases oral contraceptive effectiveness Increased toxicity: With alcohol tachycardia and flushing Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 790: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKetoconazoleInhibits synthesis of ergosterol, causing cellular components to leak, resulting in fungal cell death.I: Candidiasis, pityrosporum folliculitis, dermatophytosis.BSO: Cream & Shampoo: 2% Tablet: 200 mg

D: Tab 200 mg 1x/d . Cream, Gel 1-2x/d. Shampoo: every 3-4 days for 8wkKI: Hipersensitif; fungal meningitisIO: Isoniazid may decrease bioavailability of ketoconazole; coadministration decreases effects of either rifampin or ketoconazole; may increase effect of anticoagulants; may increase toxicity of corticosteroids and cyclosporine; may decrease theophylline levelsES: Nausea and vomiting, Itching (pruritus), Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Headache, Dizziness, Sleepiness, Rash.Preg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 791: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHepatotoxicity may occur; may reversibly decrease corticosteroid serum levels (adverse effects are avoided with dose of 200-400 mg/d); administer antacid, anticholinergics, or H2-blockers at least 2 h after taking ketoconazole Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 792: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMiconazole-- Damages fungal cell wall membrane by inhibiting biosynthesis of ergosterol. Membrane permeability is increased, causing nutrients to leak out, which results in fungal cell death. I: Fungal infections of the skin, eg ringworm, candidiasis, athlete's foot, fungal nappy rash, groin infectionsBSO: Lotion, Powder, Spray, Cream Topical & Vaginal: 2% Suppository, vaginal: 100 mg; 200 mgInjection: 1% [10 mg/mL] Tincture: 2% with alcohol D: Topical 2x/d200-mg vaginal supp: Insert 1 qhs for 3 d. 100 mg for 7 d2% cream: Insert 1 applicator full (5 g) intravaginally qhs for 7 dMonistat Dual PaBSO: 1200 mg vaginal insert once plus 2% cream for external useKI: HipersensitifIO: May impair barrier contraceptivesPreg: CP: Avoid contact with eyes; burning, irritation, and dyspareunia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 793: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexItraconazole-- Has fungistatic activity. Synthetic triazole antifungal agent that slows fungal cell growth by inhibiting cytochrome P450-dependent synthesis of ergosterol, a vital component of fungal cell membranes. I: Tinea pedis, ringworm (tinea corporis), jock itch (tinea cruris), or pityriasis versicolor, vulvovaginal candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis, Fungal nail infections, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis, candidiasis, neutropenia.BSO: Capsule: 100 mg Injection kit: 10 mg/mL - 25 mL ampul, one 50 mL (100 mL capacity) bag 0.9% sodium chloride, one filtered infusion set Solution, oral: 100 mg/10 mL

D: 200-400 mg PO qdCutaneous candidiasis & onychomycosis: 200 mg PO/IV bid for 7 d/mo for 3-6 moOPC and esophageal candidiasis: 200 mg/d PO/IV for 7-14 d

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 794: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCandidemia and invasive candidiasis: 200 mg tid for 3 d, followed by 200 mg PO/IV bid for 14-21 dPaed. Cutaneous candidiasis: 3-5 mg/kg/d PO/IV for 30 dKI: HipersensitifIO: Antacids may reduce absorption of itraconazole; edema may occur with coadministration of calcium channel blockers (eg, amlodipine, nifedipine); rhabdomyolysis may occur with coadministration of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (lovastatin or simvastatin); inhibits cytochrome P450 hepatic enzymes to cause increased levels of atovaquone, AZT, benzodiazepines, clarithromycin, cyclosporine, digoxin, oral hypoglycemics, midazolam phenytoin, rifabutin, saquinavir, tacrolimus, theophylline, triazolam, and warfarinLevels may decrease with long-term coadministration of rifampin, rifabutin, phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and isoniazid; increases levels of indinavir, saquinavir, and ritonavir; indinavir, ritonavir, and fixed-dose combination of lopinavir/ritonavir increase levels

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 795: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, hypokalaemia, Alteration in results of liver function tests, hepatitis, Jaundice, rash or itching, oedema, pulmonary oedema, Pain in the muscles or joints, Visual disturbances, hyperglycaemia, Pins and needles or numb sensations, peripheral neuropathy, Liver & Heart failure, Menstrual disorders, impotence, alopecia.Preg: CP:Caution in hepatic insufficiencies; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort may occur; high doses may produce hypertension, hypokalemia, or edema; may have - inotropic effect; exacerbations of congestive heart failure reported, especially with IV administrationNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 796: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVoriconazoleI: Serious fungal infections, primarily in people with progressive and possibly life-threatening infections.D: Oral suspension or tablets: 1 h ac or pc Loading dose: 6 mg/kg IV q12h infused over 2 h for 2 dosesMaintenance: 4 mg/kg IV q12h infused over 2 h; switch to 200 mg PO q12h when able to tolerate; may increase to 300 mg PO q12h if inadequate response<40 kg: Average maintenance dose is 100 mg PO q12h (may increase to 150 mg PO q12h)KI: Hipersensitif; CrCl <50 mL/min (decreased excretion of IV vehicle) if administering IV; coadministration with rifampin, rifabutin, carbamazepine, barbiturates, sirolimus, pimozide, quinidine, cisapride, or ergot alkaloidsIO: CYP450 2C19 (highest affinity), 2C9, and 3A4 (minor) substrate and inhibitor; CYP450 inducers (eg, rifampin) have shown to decrease steady-state peak plasma levels by up to 93%; may increase serum levels of drugs metabolized by CYP450 2C19 or 2C9, of which some are contraindicated (eg,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 797: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsirolimus, pimozide, quinidine, cisapride, ergot alkaloids) and others may mandate more frequent monitoring (eg, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, warfarin, HMG-CoA inhibitors, benzodiazepines, calcium channel blockers)ES: Visual disturbances, Fever, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, peripheral oedema, Weakness, Chest or back pain, RDS, Hair loss, Low blood pressure, Dizziness, Hallucinations, Confusion, Depression, Anxiety.Preg: CP: Decrease maintenance dose in hepatic dysfunction; common adverse effects include visual disturbances, fever, rash, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headache, sepsis, peripheral edema, abdominal pain, rash (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and phototoxicity), and respiratory disorders; rare cases of severe hepatotoxicity reported; administer PO dose 1 h ac or pc Nama Dagang: Vfend

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 798: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTioconazoleI: Treatment of fungal nail infectionsBSO: Krim 1%D: 1-2x/hrKI: Hipersensitif, PregnancyP: ES: hypersensitivityIO: -Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 799: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTerbinafinI: Tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea pedis, nailsBSO: Cream,Gel, topical: 1% . Tablet: 250 mg D: 250 mg 1x/d. Anak 125-187.5 mgTinea capitis: for 6wk. Onychomycosis: for 6-12wk.Tinea cruris & corporis: for 2-4wk. Tinea pedis: for 2-6wkKI: BreastfeedingP: Decreased liver & kidney function, PsoriasisES: Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Headache, Allergic skin reactions such as rash and itch, Pain in the muscles and joints, FatigueIO: Decreased effect: Cyclosporine clearance is increased (~15%) with concomitant terbinafine; rifampin increases terbinafine clearance (100%) Increased effect: Terbinafine clearance is decreased by cimetidine (33%) and terfenadine (16%); caffeine clearance is decreased by terfenadine (19%) Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 800: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluconazole-- Triazole with less effect on human sterol metabolism. Does not decrease cortisol and testosterone levels, as occurs with ketoconazole. Has fewer adverse effects and better tissue distribution than older systemic imidazoles. I: vaginitis (vaginal thrush), candidal balanitis.BSO: Injection: 2 mg/mL Powder for oral suspension: 10 mg/mL; 40 mg/mL Tablet: 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg D: 1st 200-400mg then 100-200 mg 1x/d for 2-12wk. Paed.<2 weeks: Administer q72h IV>4 weeks: 3 mg/kg/d PO/IV for superficial infections and 6-12 mg/kg/d for systemic infectionsKI: Hipersensitif, Children <16 years, Hamil, laktasi.IO:Inhibits cytochrome P450 hepatic enzymes to cause increased levels of atovaquone, AZT, benzodiazepines, clarithromycin, cyclosporine, oral hypoglycemics, phenytoin, rifabutin,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 801: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsaquinavir, tacrolimus, theophylline, terfenadine, and warfarin; levels may increase with hydrochlorothiazide; levels may decrease with long-term coadministration of rifampin, rifabutin, and phenytoinES: Nausea, Abdominal discomfort, Diarrhoea, flatulence, Headache, Rash (you should not use this medicine again if you get a rash after taking it).Preg: CP: Renal insufficiency; monitor closely if rash develops and discontinue drug if lesions progress; may cause clinical hepatitis, cholestasis, and fulminant hepatic failure (including death) with underlying medical conditions (eg, AIDS, malignancy) and while taking multiple concomitant medications; not recommended during breastfeedingNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 802: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNystatinFungicidal and fungistatic antibiotic obtained from Streptomyces noursei. Changes permeability of fungal cell membrane after binding to cell membrane sterols, causing cellular contents to leak. Membrane channel activity is increased at lower doses, and pores are formed at higher concentrations.I: Candidosis, Preventing overgrowth of Candida in the intestines, eg in people having chemotherapy, or taking high doses or prolonged courses of antibiotics or corticosteroids.BSO: Cream, Ointment, Powder topical: 100,000 U/g Powder, for preparation of oral suspension: 50 million U, 1 billion U, 2 billion U, 5 billion U Suspension, oral: 100,000 U/mLTablet: 100.000 iu/cc, 500,000 U Vaginal tab: 100,000 U Troche: 200,000 U D: 1-2 tab 3-5x/day for 14 days. Topical 2-3x/dayVag cream & tab: 100,000 U 1-2x/day for 2wk or 500,000 U1x

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 803: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: HipersensitifIO: -Preg: AES: # Nausea# Mouth irritation# Diarrhoea# Vomiting# RashP:Do not use to treat systemic mycoses; adverse GI effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 804: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClotrimazole I:BSO: Topical, Vaginal cr, Lotion, Solution, topical: 1% Tablet, vaginal: 100 mg; 500 mgTroche: 10 mg Twin pack: Vaginal tablet 500 mg and vaginal cream 1% D: Troche & topical 2x/day for 7 daysVaginal Cream: for 7 consecutive days Vag Tablet: Insert 100 mg/day for 7 days or 500 mg single dose KI: HipersensitifIO: May impair barrier contraceptivesPreg: BP:Not for treatment of systemic fungal infections; avoid contact with the eyes; if irritation or sensitivity develops, discontinue use and institute appropriate therapy

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 805: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexK. Anti AmoebaMetronidazoleTinidazoleSecnidazoleParomomycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 806: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetronidazole-- Active against various anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. Appears to be absorbed into cells. Intermediate metabolized compounds are formed and bind DNA and inhibit protein synthesis, causing cell death. Antimicrobial effect may be due to production of free radicals. Indicated for invasive E histolytic.I: septicaemia, sepsis, necrotising pneumonia, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, Abscess, pelvic cellulites, ulcerative gingivitis, bacterial vaginosis, urogenital trichomoniasis, amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery, giardiasisBSO: Capsule: 375 mg Gel, topical & vaginal: 0.75% [7.5 mg/mL] Injection, ready to use: 5 mg/mL Powder for injection: 500 mg Tablet: 250 mg, 500 mg Tablet, extended release: 750 mg

D: 500-750 mg 3x/d for 10 d Anak: 7.5 mg/kg, max 1g

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 807: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFor trichomoniasis infections: 2 g single dose, or 1 g 2x for 1 day, or 250 mg 3x for 1wk. Anak 5 mg/kg Extended release tab: Bacterial vaginosis: 750 mg 1x for 1wkInjection: 15 mg/kg IV 2-4x for 1wkKI: HipersensitifIO: Cimetidine may increase toxicity of metronidazole; may increase effects of anticoagulants; may increase toxicity of lithium and phenytoin; ingestion of ethanol during therapy may induce a disulfiramlike reaction with abdominal cramps, nausea, and emesisES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, Loss of appetite, urticaria, angioedema, Drowsiness, Dizziness, Headache, ataxia, Skin rashes, Pain in the muscles or joints, Darkening of the urine, Visual disturbances, Confusion, Liver disorders, peripheral neuropathy, leucopenia, SeizuresPreg: BP: Hepatic disease; monitor for seizures and development of peripheral neuropathy; alcoholic beverages should be avoided during administration and for 3 d after

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 808: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTinidazoleI: Amoebic infection of the liver, Helicobacter pylori, anaerobic bacteria, vaginitis, ulcerative gingivitis, giardiasis, after surgery, urogenital trichomoniasis, acute amoebic dysentryBSO: Tab 500 mg

D: 2g 1x/day for 3 days. Anak: 50 mg/kgFor giardiasis & trichomoniasis: 2 g single dose.KI: Hipersensitif; first trimester of Preg:IO:Limited data exist; interaction information based on experience with other nitroimidazole derivatives (ie, metronidazole); may prolong PT when coadministered with warfarin; avoid alcoholic beverages and preparations that contain ethanol or propylene glycol during and 3 d following administration (may cause disulfiramlike reaction); may increase serum levels of lithium, phenytoin, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and fluorouracil; CYP450 inducers (eg, phenobarbital, rifampin, phenytoin) may increase elimination; CYP450 inhibitors (eg, cimetidine, ketoconazole)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 809: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmay decrease elimination; concurrent administration with cholestyramine may decrease oral bioavailability; oxytetracycline may antagonize effectES: Abdominal pain, Fits (convulsions), peripheral neuropathy, Nausea and vomiting, Bitter or metallic taste, Sensation of a furry tongue, Darkening of the urine, Headache, Skin rashes, Allergic reaction to active ingredient, DizzinessPreg: CP: Carcinogenicity has been observed in mice and rats treated long-term with metronidazole (another nitroimidazole), although not observed with tinidazole, use cautiously; seizures and peripheral neuropathy have been reported; caution with history of blood dyscrasia; may cause metallic/bitter taste, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, or headache; if administered on day of hemodialysis, administer additional dose equivalent to one-half of recommended dose following dialysisNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 810: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSecnidazoleI: amubiasis intestinalisBSO: Kapl 500 mgD: 2 g single dose. Anak 2-30 mg/kg/hr single dose

KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Sentyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 811: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexL. Anti Lepra & TBcDapsoneClofazimineRifampicin/RifampinIsoniazidPyrazinamideEthambutol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 812: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDapsoneI: An itchy blistering rash due to gluten allergy (dermatitis herpetiformis), Leprosy, Prevention of Plasmod. Falcip. malariaBSO: Tablet: 25 mg, 100 mgD: IO 100 mg 1x/day, or 1.4 mg/kg (with other drugs)Paucibacillary: WHO: for 6 mo, US: for 1 yMultibacillary: WHO: for 1 y, US: for 2 yDermatitis herpetiformis: 1st 50 mg 1x, titrate 300 mg 1xPaed. 2 mg/kg PO qd. Paucibacillary: for 6mo, Multibacillary: for 1yKI: Hipersensitif; G-6-PD deficiency; porphyria; severe anemiaIO: May inhibit anti-inflammatory effects of clofazimine; hematologic reactions may increase with folic acid antagonists, eg, pyrimethamine (monitor for agranulocytosis during second and third months of therapy); probenecid increases toxicity; trimethoprim may increase toxicity of both drugs; because of increased renal clearance, rifampin may significantly decrease levels

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 813: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Headache, insomnia, hepatitis, psychosis, peripheral neuropathy, Nausea and vomiting, Loss of appetite, haemolysis, Rash with a fever and a decrease in numbers of certain immune cells (Dapsone syndrome), methaemoglobinaemia, agranulocytosis, Allergic dermatitisPreg: BP: Perform weekly blood counts first month, then monthly for 6 months, then semiannually; discontinue if platelets or leukocytes substantially reduced or if hematopoiesis occurs; caution with 200-300 mg/d, which may cause hemolysis, or in methemoglobin reductase deficiency, methoglobinemia, G-6-PD deficiency, or hemoglobin M due to high risk for hemolysis and Heinz-body formation; caution in patients exposed to other agents or conditions (eg, infection, diabetic ketosis) that can cause hemolysisAnorexia, nausea, vomiting may occur; adverse neurologic effects such headache, nervousness, insomnia, blurred vision, paresthesia, and reversible peripheral neuropathy (rare) thought to be due to axonal degeneration; drug fever, hematuria,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 814: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpruritus, psychosis, and skin rashes may occur; infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome, which may be fatal, occurs occasionally; exacerbation of LL leprosy thought to be analogous to Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction; sulfone syndrome may develop 5-6 wk after initiation of treatment in malnourished people; syndrome characterized by fever, malaise, exfoliative dermatitis, jaundice with hepatic necrosis, lymphadenopathy, methemoglobinemia, and anemia; phototoxicity may occur when patient exposed to UV light Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 815: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClofazimineI: LeprosyBSO: Capsule: 50 mgD: 50 mg PO qd,self-administered,& 300 mg 1x/mo(supervised)MultibacillaryWHO: PO 300 mg qmo (supervised) and 50 mg qd for 1 yENL: PO 100 mg tid for 12 wk, tapering to 100 mg bid for 12 wk, then 100 mg qd for 12-24 wkPaed. 6 mg/kg PO 1x/mo and 1 mg/kg/d self-administeredMultibacillary10-14 y: PO 150 mg qmo (supervised) & 50 mg qod for 1 y>14 y: PO 300 mg qmo (supervised) & 50 mg qd for 1 yKI: Hipersensitif; Preg:; persistent GI symptomsIO: Dapsone may inhibit anti-inflammatory activityES: Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Dryness of the skin and eyes, Nausea and vomiting, Brownish-black discoloration of the lesions and skin, Change in colour of faeces and body fluids/secretions, Dimming of vision, Discoloration of the hair

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 816: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexwhich is reversible, Discoloration of the conjunctiva, cornea and tears.Preg: CP:Intestinal toxicity (dose related) may result in diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain; intestinal symptoms may be progressive and potentially life threatening; severe abdominal symptoms may mimic surgical emergencies, resulting in exploratory laparotomy; caution in patients with GI problems (eg, abdominal pain, diarrhea) May cause discoloration of skin (may be distressing to light-skinned individuals and may result in depression or suicide); dry skin, itching, acneform eruption and photosensitivity may occur; apply oil to skin for dryness and ichthyosis Nama Dagang: Lamprene

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 817: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRifampicin/ RifampinI: Brucellosis, Legionnaires' disease, Leprosy, serious staphylococcal bacterial infections, tuberculosis in combination with other drugs, Prevention of infection from the bacterium H. influenzae, meningococcal meningitisBSO:

D: TB: 600 mg 1x, or 2x/wk or 3x/wk (with other med) Meningitis bacteria: 600 mg 1x for 4 daysLeprosy: 600 mg PO once per moPaucibacillary: WHO: for 6 mo, for 1 yMultibacillary: WHO: for 1 y, US: for 2 yPaed.10 mg/kg PO once per mo10-20 mg/kg PO/IV; max 600 mg qdSingle skin lesion, paucibacillary: 5-14 years: 300 mg PO oncePaucibacillary & Multibacillary10-14 years: 450 mg once a mo (supervised)<10 years: 300 mg PO once a mo (supervised)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 818: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; liver disease; jaundice; Preg:; lactation, Life long inherited blood diseases which can cause a variety of symptoms, including mental health problems (porphyrias)IO:Induces microsomal enzymes, which may decrease effects of acetaminophen, oral anticoagulants, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, chloramphenicol, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, mexiletine, cyclosporine, digitoxin, disopyramide, estrogens, hydantoins, methadone, clofibrate, quinidine, dapsone, tazobactam, sulfonylureas, theophyllines, tocainide, and digoxin; enalapril may cause increase in blood pressure; isoniazid may increase rate of hepatotoxicity with either agent alone (discontinue 1 or both LFTs altered); food delays absorptionES: Rash, Diarrhoea, Red colouration of urine, colitis, jaundice, Alteration in results of liver function tests, haemolytic anaemia, Cold or flu-like symptoms, Nausea and vomiting, Loss of appetite, Shortness of breath, thrombocytopenia, Kidney failurePreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 819: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP:Important adverse effects include GI symptoms (eg, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatic toxicity), hematologic effects (eg,) hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia, and flulike symptoms (especially with intermittent therapy); saliva, urine, and sweat may be reddish orange and may stain soft contact lenses; obtain CBCs and baseline clinical chemistry before and throughout therapy; in liver disease, weigh benefits vs risk of further liver damage; interrupted and high-dose intermittent therapy associated with thrombocytopenia (reversible if therapy discontinued as soon as purpura occurs); if treatment continued or resumed after appearance of purpura, cerebral hemorrhage or death may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 820: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoniazidI: Treatment of tuberculosis in combination with other drugsBSO: Injection: 100 mg/mLSyrup: 50 mg/5 mL Tablet: 50 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg

D: PO: Preventing: 300 mg 1x/d . Anak 10 mg/kg 1xTreatment of tuberculosis: 300-900 mg 1x/d, or 2x/wk, or 3x/wk Paed. 10 mg/kg/d PO qd; max 300 mg/dKI: Hipersensitif; previous isoniazid-associated hepatic injury; other severe adverse reactionsIO: Higher incidence of isoniazid-related hepatitis can occur with daily alcohol ingestion; aluminum salts may decrease isoniazid serum levels (administer 1-2 h before taking aluminum salts); may increase effects of anticoagulants with coadministration; may inhibit metabolic clearance of benzodiazepinesCarbamazepine toxicity or isoniazid hepatotoxicity may result from concurrent use (monitor carbamazepine concentrations

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 821: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexand liver function); coadministration with cycloserine may increase adverse CNS effects (eg, dizziness); acute behavioral and coordination changes may occur with coadministration of disulfiramCoadministration with rifampin after halothane anesthesia may result in hepatotoxicity and hepatic encephalopathy; may inhibit hepatic microsomal enzymes and increase toxicity of hydantoinES: Hypersensitivity, Seizures, psychosis, Nausea and vomiting, hepatitis, peripheral neuritis, agranulocytosis, optic neuritisPreg: CP: Active chronic liver disease or severe renal dysfunction; periodic ophthalmologic examinations during isoniazid therapy are recommended even when visual symptoms do not occur# Alcoholism, Decreased liver & kidney function, Epilepsy, History of psychotic illness, Slow liver metabolism. Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 822: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPyrazinamideI: Tuberculosis (in combination with other anti-Tb agents)BSO: Tablet: 500 mgD: <50 kilograms: 1.5 g PO qd50-75 kilograms: 2 g PO qd>75 kilograms: 2.5 g PO qdPaed. 15-30 mg/kg/d PO qd; max 2 g/d50-70 mg/kg 2x/wk or 3x/wkKI: Hipersensitif; severe hepatic damage; acute goutES: 1-10%: Malaise, Nausea, vomiting, Arthralgia, myalgia Preg: CP: Use only in combination with other effective antituberculous agents; inhibits renal excretion of urates; may result in hyperuricemia (usually asymptomatic); perform baseline serum uric acid determinations; discontinue drug if signs of hyperuricemia with acute gouty arthritis occur; perform baseline LFTs (closely monitor in liver disease); discontinue pyrazinamide if signs of hepatocellular damage appear; caution in history of DM

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 823: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEthambutolI: Treatment of tuberculosis in combination with other drugs BSO: Tablet: 100 mg, 400 mgD: 15-25 mg/kg PO qdKI: Hipersensitif; optic neuritis (unless clinically indicated), Children under 5 years of age, Poor vision, optic neuritisIO: Aluminum salts may delay and reduce absorption (administered several hours before or after ethambutol dose)ES: Rash, Itching (pruritus), Visual disturbances, peripheral neuritis, thrombocytopenia, optic neuritis, Colour blindnessPreg: BP:Reduce dose in impaired renal function; may have reversible adverse visual effects if promptly discontinued Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 824: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexM. Anti HelminticsPyrantel PamoateMebendazoleLevamisolePiperazine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 825: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPyrantel Pamoate-- Neuromuscular blocking agent used to slowly paralyze worm to be eliminated from GI tract. I: Treatment of pinworms ( Enterobius vermicularis), whipworms ( Trichuris trichiura), roundworms ( Ascaris lumbricoides), and hookworms ( Ancylostoma duodenale)BSO: Capsule: 180 mg Liquid & Suspension, oral : 50 mg/mL: 50 mg/mL; 144 mg/mLD: 11 mg/kg PO to maximum of 1 gKI: Hipersensitif; hepatic diseaseIO: In ascariasis, pyrantel and piperazine are mutually antagonistic and should not be used concomitantly; theophylline serum levels may increase in pediatric patients following pyrantel pamoate administrationES: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea Preg: CP: Caution in liver impairment, anemia, and malnutritionNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 826: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMebendazoleI: Threadworm (pinworm), Roundworm (ascariasis), Hookworm, Whipworm infections (trichuriasis).BSO: Tablet, chewable: 100 mgD: 500 mg PO once or 100 mg PO bid for 3 d, repeat 2-3 moKI: Hipersensitif, Children under 2 years of age, Pregnancy.IO:Coadministration with carbamazepine may decrease efficacy; dexamethasone, cimetidine, and praziquantel may increase toxicityPreg: CP: Discontinue use if LFTs increase significantly (resume when levels decrease to pretest values); abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, vertigo, fever, increased intracranial pressure, and alopecia may occurNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 827: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevamisoleI: BSO: Tablet: 50 mgD: Adults: Oral: 1st : 50 mg 3x/d for 3 days, then 50 mg 3x for 3 days every 2 weeks (fluorouracil is always given concomitantly) KI: hypersensitivityP: Agranulocytosis can occur asymptomatically and flu-like symptoms can occur without hematologic adverse effects; frequent hematologic monitoring is necessaryES: >10%: Nausea, diarrhea 1% to 10%: Edema, Fatigue, fever, dizziness, headache, somnolence, depression, nervousness, insomnia, Dermatitis, alopecia, Stomatitis, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, constipation, taste perversion, Leukopenia, Rigors, arthralgia, myalgia, paresthesia, Infection IO: Increased toxicity/serum levels of phenytoin Disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol Preg: CNama Dagang: Askamex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 828: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPiperazineI: Infection with threadworms & roundworms (ascariasis).BSO: Syrup: 500 mg/5 mL. Tablet: 250 mg D: For granules for oral solution dosage form:For roundworms or pinworms: 2 g 3x/d for 1 d, repeated 2wk.# 2-8 y: 2 g 1x, 8-14 y: 2g 2x for 1 dFor oral suspension dosage form:Roundworms or pinworms: 1.8g 3x for 1d# < 2 y: 600 mg 3x. # 2-8 y: 1.2 g 2x, # 8-14 y: 1.2g 3xFor tablet dosage form:Roundworms: 3.5 g 1x for 2d. Anak 75 mg/kgPinworms: 65 mg/kg 1x for 1wkKI: Children < 3 months, intestinal obstruction, EpilepsyES: Urticaria, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, bronchospasm, Dizziness, Inability to coordinate muscles, Drowsiness, Confusion, Blurred visionPreg: B

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 829: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexN. Scabicid & PediculocidPermethrinLindaneMalathion

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 830: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPermethrin 5%I: ScabiesBSO: Cream: 5%, Liquid, topical: 1% D: Oles 1xKI: HipersensitifIO: None reportedPreg: BP:Adverse effects include pruritus, burning, stinging, numbness, erythema, and edema of the scalp; discontinue use upon irritation or hypersensitivity Nama Dagang:Scabimite

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 831: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLindaneStimulates nervous system of parasite, causing seizures and death. I: Treatment of scabies ( Sarcoptes scabiei), Pediculus capitis (head lice), and Pediculus pubis (crab lice); FDA recommends reserving lindane as a second-line agent or with inadequate response to other therapiesBSO: Cream, Lotion, Shampoo: 1% D: 1x/dShampoo: Apply to dry head/ pubic hair, allow to set for 4 min, then lather for 4 min and rinse; repeat in 7 d prnLotion: Apply to affected skin/hair; put on clean clothing; rinse off in 8-12 hPaed. Infants and children: Apply thin film topically over entire body, including hairline, neck, scalp, temple, and forehead; leave on 6-8 h before washing off with water; may repeat in 1 wk if necessary; max 30 g/applicationKI: Hipersensitif; neonates; acutely swollen skin or Norwegian scabies

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 832: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Oil-based hairdressings may increase toxicity of lindaneES: Seizures, Dizziness, clumsiness, or unsteadiness, Fast heartbeat, Muscle cramps, Nervousness, restlessness, or irritability, Vomiting, Skin irritation not present before use of lindane, Skin rashPreg: BP:Caution if history of seizures; do not apply to eyes, face, or mucous membranes; caution in Preg:; adverse reactions have been reported (eg, DIC, aplastic anemia)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 833: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMalathionRecently approved (1999) by US FDA to treat head lice. Irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor that is hydrolyzed and therefore detoxified rapidly by mammals but not by insects; ovicidal and pediculicidal. Binds to hair and provides some residual protection after therapy. I: Head lice and their ovaBSO: Lotion: 0.5% D: Apply to dry hair; leave on 8-12 h, rinse; repeat in 7 d prnKI: HipersensitifIO: None reported; however, potential for interaction with aminoglycosides and antimyasthenicsPreg: BP: Contains flammable alcohol; do not expose lotion or wet hair to open flame or electric heat (eg, hair dryers); allow hair to dry naturally and uncovered following application; avoid contact with eyes; flush eyes immediately with water if contact occurs

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 834: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexO.Anti Filaria & MalariaChloroquineQuinine sulfatPrimaquineSulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 835: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChloroquine Effective for P vivax, P ovale, P malariae, and drug-sensitive P falciparum. I: Prevention & Treatment of malaria, hepatic amoebiasis or amoebic hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE)BSO: Injection: 50 mg [40 mg base]/mL Tablet: 250 mg [150 mg base]; 500 mg [300 mg base] D: Malaria:Oral, prevention: 500 mg [300 mg base] 1x per wk. 5 mg/kg base (starting 1-2 wk prior to travel, once qwk in the endemic area, & continuing weekly for 4 wk after returning from endemic area)Treatment: 1st day: 1g, 6-8 j kemudian 500 mg. Day 2-3: 500 mg 1x (4-2-2-2)Anak: 10 mg/kg base PO (max 600 mg), then 5 mg/kg base at 6 h, 24 h, and 48 hProtozoa: 250 mg 4x/d for 2 days, then 250 mg 2x fo 2-3wkAnak: 10 mg/kgInjection: Malaria

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 836: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index250-500 mg IM, repeat q6h bila perlu. Anak 4.4 mg/kg IM/SC Severe malaria: 10 mg/kg base IV at constant rate over 8 h, followed by 15 mg/kg base over 24 hProtozoa: 200-500 mg IM for 10-12days. Anak 7.5 mg/kgKI: Hipersensitif; psoriasis; retinal changes; visual field changes attributable to 4-aminoquinolonesIO: Cimetidine may increase serum levels of chloroquine (possibly other 4-aminoquinolones); magnesium trisilicate may decrease absorption of 4-aminoquinolonesES: Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Skin rashes, Itching (pruritus), hypotension, Visual disturbances, Loss of hair colour, alopecia, convulsions, Disturbance in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood, Damage to the retina of the eye (long-term use), Discolouration of skin, nails, or mucous membranes, eg inside of mouth, tinnitus or hearing loss, Anxiety, confusion, hallucinations or strange or abnormal thoughts, Weakening of muscles, Weakening of the heart muscle (long-term use at high doses), Changes in the electrical signals in the heart (seen on an ECG)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 837: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index# Liver disordersPreg: CP:Nausea, headache, blood dyscrasias, and retinopathy (rare) may occur with daily use; risk of retinopathy may increase with prophylactic cumulative doses >100 g (ie, 5 y), perform regular ophthalmologic examinations after taking drug for prolonged period or after any visual disturbance Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 838: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexQuinine sulfateI: Cramp in the legs at night, Treatment of malariaBSO: Capsule: 200 mg, 260 mg, 325 mg Tablet: 260 mg D: Treatment: 650 mg PO q8h for 3-7 d with second agent if drug-resistant P falciparumSevere malaria: Quinine dihydrochloride 20 mg/kg IV over 4 h, followed by 10 mg/kg IV q8-12h; switch to PO antimalarial when patient has improved and can take PO medications, reduce dose by one third if used parenterally for more than 72 hMaintenance: 10 mg/kg salt infused over 2-8 h at 8- to 12-h intervalsPaed.25 mg/kg/d PO divided tid, for 3-7 d with second agentProphylaxis: Not indicatedTreatment with quinine sulfate: 10 mg/kg/d PO tid for 3-7 dTreatment with quinine dihydrochloride: 20 mg/kg IV over 4 h, followed by 10 mg/kg IV q8-12h; switch to PO antimalarial when

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 839: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpatient has improved and can take PO medications, reduce dose by one third if used parenterally for more than 72 hKI: Hipersensitif; optic neuritis; tinnitus; G-6-PD deficiency; history of blackwater feverIO: Aluminum-containing antacids may delay or decrease quinine bioavailability when administered concurrently; cimetidine increases quinine blood levels and creates the potential for toxicity; rifamycins decrease quinine concentrations by increasing hepatic clearance of quinine (effect can persist for several days after discontinuing rifamycins); concurrent administration of acetazolamide or sodium bicarbonate may increase toxicity by increasing quinine blood levels; quinine may enhance action of warfarin and other PO anticoagulants by decreasing synthesis of vitamin K–dependent clotting factors; digoxin serum concentrations may increase when digoxin is administered concurrently with quinine; important to monitor digoxin levels periodically; quinidine may decrease plasma cholinesterase activity, causing a decrease in the metabolism of succinylcholine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 840: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Rash, Nausea, hypoglycaemia, angioedema, tinnitus, Flushing, Kidney failure, Headache, Abdominal pain, Confusion, Blood disorders, Visual disturbances, Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)Preg: XP: Caution in G-6-PD deficiency and tendency to develop granulocytopenia; prolonged treatment or overdosing with quinine may cause cinchonism; quinine has quinidinelike activity and thus can cause cardiac arrhythmias; monitor blood pressure and glucose levels

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 841: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrimaquineI: Treatment to eliminate the liver stages of the life cycle of Plasmdium vivax or Plasmodium ovale malaria parasite after treatment with chloroquine.BSO: Tablet: 26.3 mg [15 mg base]D: Prophylaxis & Treatment: 15 mg base (26.3 mg salt) PO qd for 14 d after departure from malaria-risk areaPaed.0.3 mg/kg base (0.5 mg/kg salt) KI: Hipersensitif; drugs that suppress bone marrowIO: Coadministration with quinacrine may increase toxicityES: Methaemoglobinaemia, Abdominal pain, Vomiting, Nausea, haemolytic anaemiaPreg: CP: Caution in G-6-PD deficiency and those with tendency to develop granulocytopeniaNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 842: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulfadoxine-PyrimethamineI: Treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malariaBSO: Tablet: Sulfadoxine 500 mg and pyrimethamine 25 mgD:Prophylaxis: Not indicated. Treatment: 3 tab single dosePaed.. Treatment:<1 y: 0.25 tab PO once1-3 y: 0.5 tab PO once4-8 y: 1 tab PO once9-14 y: 2 tab PO onceKI: Allergy, Blood disorders, porphyrias, Liver & kidney failure, Premature babies and during the first two months of lifeIO: Do not use antifolic drugs (eg, sulfonamides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combinations) while patient is receiving sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine tab for antimalarial prophylaxisES: Headache, pruritus, insomnia, myalgia, convulsions, Nausea and vomiting, Shortness of breath, Cough, Rash, Diarrhoea, Blood disordersPreg: CP: Asthma, Liver & Kidney disease, G6PD deficiency)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 843: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP. Anti VirusAciclovir GanciclovirValganciclovir ValaciclovirRitonavir EntecavirAtazanavir Adefovir dipivoxilInterferon alfa-2b Interferon beta-1a Peginterferon alfa-2a Peginterferon alfa-2b RibavirinZidovudineStavudineLamivudineNevirapineDidanosineOseltamivirInosine dimepranol acedoben/ Methisoprinol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 844: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcyclovir/ AciclovirSynthetic purine nucleoside analogue with inhibitory activity against HSV types 1 and 2 and VZV.I: Varicella zoster infection, herpes simplex infection, cold sores, Preventing herpes simplex infections in people whose immune systems are impaired, eg due to disease or treatment, recurrent cold sores or genital herpes, herpes zosterBSO: Capsule: 200 mg Powder for Injection: 500 mg; 1000 mg Ointment, topical: 5% [50 mg/g] Salep Mata 3% Suspension, oral: 200 mg/5 mL Tablet: 400 mg, 800 mg D: Oral, Genital herpes: 200 mg PO 5x/d for 10daysPrevention of recurrent of genital herpes infections:200-400 mg PO 2-5x/d for 5 days- 1yChickenpox: 800 mg PO 4x/d for 5 days. Anak 20mg/kgShingles: 800 mg PO 5x/d for 7-10 days.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 845: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInjection: Herpes of the brain, genitals, or mucous membranes, or for the treatment of shingles: 5-10 mg/kg IV slow >1h, 3x/d for 5-10 days. Anak 10-20 mg/kgWidespread herpes virus infection in newborns: 10 mg/kg IV slow > 1h 3x/d for 10 daysKI: HipersensitifIO: Concomitant use of probenecid or zidovudine prolongs half-life and increases CNS toxicity of acyclovirPreg: BES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Confusion, Fatigue, photosensitivity, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Disturbance in the components of the blood, hallucinations, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, hepatitis, Decreased kidney function, Skin reactions such as rash and itchP: Exercise caution in renal failure or when using nephrotoxic drugsNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 846: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGanciclovirAn acyclic nucleoside analog of 2'-deoxyguanosine that inhibits replication of herpes viruses both in vitro and in vivo.Levels of ganciclovir-triphosphate are as much as 100-fold greater in CMV-infected cells than in uninfected cells, possibly because of preferential phosphorylation of ganciclovir in virus-infected cells.I: Parenteral: Treatment of CMV retinitis in immunocompromised individuals, including patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; prophylaxis of CMV infection in transplant patients; may be given in combination with foscarnet in patients who relapse after monotherapy with either drug Oral: Alternative to the I.V. formulation for maintenance treatment of CMV retinitis in immunocompromised patients, including patients with AIDS, in whom retinitis is stable following appropriate induction therapy and for whom the risk of more rapid progression is balanced by the benefit associated with avoiding daily I.V. infusions.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 847: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImplant: Treatment of CMV retinitis BSO: Capsule: 250 mg Implant, intravitreal: 4.5 mg released gradually over 5-8 months Powder for injection, lyophilized: 500 mg D: CMV retinitisInduction: 5 mg/kg IV over 1 h q12h for 14-21 d (do not use PO ganciclovir for induction treatment)

Maintenance: 1 g PO tid5 mg/kg IV qd for 5-7 d/wkCMV pneumoniaInduction: 5 mg/kg IV bid plus Ig 500 mg/kg 3 times per wk for the first 2 wkMaintenance: 5 mg/kg/d IV for 1 mo plus Ig 500 mg/kg qwk for 1 moKI: HipersensitifIO: Concomitant administration with dapsone, vinblastine, Adriamycin, pentamidine, flucytosine, vincristine, amphotericin B, and trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole combinations or

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 848: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexother nucleoside analogs may result in additive toxicity in bone marrow, spermatogonia, and germinal layers of skin and GI mucosa (coadminister only if potential benefits outweigh risks); coadministration with imipenem and cilastatin may cause generalized seizures (use only if potential benefits outweigh risks); serum creatinine may increase following concurrent use of ganciclovir with either cyclosporine or amphotericin B; renal clearance is reduced in the presence of probenecid; bioavailability may increase when didanosine is administered either 2 h prior to or simultaneously with ganciclovir; bioavailability may decrease in the presence of zidovudine, while the bioavailability of zidovudine is increased in the presence of ganciclovirPreg: CP:Clinical toxicity includes granulocytopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia; because PO formulation is associated with a higher rate of CMV retinitis progression compared to IV use, use PO only when benefits outweigh risks (eg, advanced HIV

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 849: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdisease); half-life and plasma and/or serum concentrations may be increased as a result of reduced renal clearance; dosages >6 mg/kg IV may result in increased toxicity; rapid infusions may result in increased toxicity; initially, reconstituted solutions of IV ganciclovir have a high pH (ie, 11); phlebitis or pain may occur at the site of IV infusion despite further dilution in IV fluids; administration should be accompanied by adequate hydration; photosensitization (ie, photoallergy, phototoxicity) may occur; should not be administered if the neutrophil count is <500 cells/mL or platelet counts <25,000 cells/mL; monitor CBC count and electrolytes qwk (if stable on long-term therapy, frequency can be extended) Nama Dagang:Cymevene

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 850: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValganciclovirI: CMV retinitis in people with AIDS, organ transplantBSO: Tab 450 mg

D: 900 mg 2x KI: Allergy, Breastfeeding, People undergoing haemodialysisP: Anaemia, Decreased kidney function, blood disorders, neutropenia, leucopenia, radiotherapy treatment, thrombocytopeniaES: Headache, insomnia, Depression, Blood disorders, oral thrush, Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, convulsions, Fever (pyrexia), peripheral neuropathy, Dizziness, Alteration in taste, Loss of appetite, dyspnoea, Eye pain, Cough, Retinal detachment, Sepsis, Anxiety, Pain in the muscles and joints, Liver or kidney disorders, Rash or itching, Swelling of the area at the back of the eye responsible for seeing fine detail (macular oedema), Abnormal thinkingPreg: CNama Dagang: Valcyte

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 851: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexValacyclovirI: Genital herpes, cold sores, recurrent cold sores or genital herpes, Reducing the risk of spreading genital herpes to a sexual partner (when used with safe sex practices such as using condoms), Prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in people who have had a kidney transplant, Shingles (herpes zoster)BSO: D: Genital herpes, first outbreak: 1g 2x for 10 dGenital herpes, recurrent outbreaks: 500mg 2x for 3d Cold sores: 2g 2x for 1dayPrevent recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes: 0.5-1g 1xShingles: 1 g 3x for 1wk Chickenpox: 20 mg/kg 3x for 5d, max 1g 3xKI: HipersensitifIO: Probenecid, zidovudine, or cimetidine coadministration prolongs half-life and increases CNS toxicity of valacyclovirES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Drowsiness, Confusion, photosensitivity, Decreased kidney function,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 852: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhallucinations, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, thrombocytopenia, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Disturbances of liver functionPreg: BP: Requires dosage adjustment in renal failure; caution in renal failure and coadministration of nephrotoxic drugs; associated with onset of hemolytic uremic syndrome; allogenic bone marrow transplant recipients and renal transplant recipientsNama Dagang: Valtrex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 853: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRitonavirI: HIV infection. Low doses used to boost the effect of other protease inhibitors, eg saquinavir, amprenavir, indinavir.BSO: Capsule: 100 mg. Solution: 80 mg/mL

D: HIV: 600 mg 2x KI: Decompensated liver disease, children < 2 years, P: Decreased liver & kidney function, Hepatitis, esp. chronic hepatitis B or C, haemophilia, Diabetes, porphyrias.ES: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Headache, asthenia, A tingling sensation or numbness in the hands, feet or around the lips or mouth, Dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, Anxiety, Throat irritation, vasodilatation, Loss of appetite, Mouth ulcers, Rash, itching or sweating, myalgia, Low blood pressure and fainting, Blood disorders.Preg: BNama Dagang:Norvir

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 854: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEntecavirI: chronic hepatitis B infectionBSO: Tab 0.5 mg. 1 mg. Lar 0.05 mg/ccD: 0.5-1 mg 1xKI: P: ES: Abdominal discomfort, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea, Fast, shallow breathing, General feeling of discomfort, Muscle pain or cramping, Nausea, Right upper abdominal pain and fullness, Shortness of breath, Sleepiness, Unusual tiredness or weaknessIO: Preg: CBSO: Nama Dagang: Baraclude

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 855: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtazanavirI: HIV infection.BSO: Kaps 100 mg, 150 mg. 200 mg

D: 300-400 mg 1xKI: Moderate to severely decreased liver function, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Reyataz capsules contain lactose)P: haemophilia, Diabetes, Decreased liver function, History of hepatitis, heart conduction defects, 'prolonged QT interval', bradycardia, electrolytes.ES: Headache, insomnia, pancreatitis, dyspepsia, jaundice, palpitations, Dizziness, hepatitis, haematuria, amnesia, somnolence, asthenia, Chest pain, Appetite and weight changes, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Abnormal dreams, syncope, Anxious or depressed mood, Pain in the muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 856: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Reyataz

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 857: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAdefovir I: Chronic hepatitis BBSO: Tab 10 mgD: 10 mg 1xKI: Children or adolescents under 18 years of ageP: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, Liver disease including other hepatitis infections, hepatomegaly, Obese women, HIV infectionES: Feeling of weakness, Nausea, Flatulence, Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, Headache, Kidney disorders, Rash, Itching, Elevated levels of lactic acid in the blood (lactic acidosis)IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Hepsera

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 858: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeginterferon alfa-2aI: D:KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:Pegasys

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeginterferon alfa-2bI: D: KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:Peg Intron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 860: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInterferon alfa-2b I: Chronic hepatitis B, Chronic hepatitis C (preferably in combination with ribavirin), Hairy cell leukaemia, Cancer of the blood, characterised by an increased number of blood cells called granulocytes in the blood (chronic myeloid leukaemia or CML), multiple myeloma, follicular lymphoma, A type of tumour mostly found in the intestine or appendix, which secretes excessive amounts of the hormone serotonin (carcinoid tumour) that has spread to the liver or lymph nodes, malignant melanomaBSO: Injection, albumin free: 3 million U; 5 million U; 10 million U; 25 million U Powder for injection, lyophilized: 18 million U, 50 million U D: Interferon alfa-n3: 0.05 mL (250,000 IU) per wart 2x/wk for up to 8 wk; max recommended dose per treatment session is 0.5 mL (2.5 million IU)Interferon alfa-2b: 1 million IU injected into each lesion 3 times/wk on alternate d for 3 wk; maximum recommended dose per treatment session is 5 million IU

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 861: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif to mouse IgG, egg protein, or neomycinIO: Potential risk of renal failure when administered concurrently with IL-2; theophylline may increase toxicity by reducing clearance; cimetidine may increase antitumor effects; zidovudine and vinblastine may increase toxicityES: Cold or flu-like symptoms, Loss of appetite, Fatigue, Weakness, Headache, Local pain and swelling at the site of injection, Depression, Irritability, insomnia, Anxiety, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, alopecia, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Pain in the muscles or joints, Dizziness, Menstrual disturbances, Pins and needles sensations, Numbness, Liver, kidney or lung disordersPreg: CP: Depression and suicidal ideation may be adverse effects of treatment; infrequently, severe or fatal GI hemorrhage has been reported; prior to initiation of therapy, perform tests to quantitate peripheral blood hemoglobin, platelets, granulocytes, hairy cells, and bone marrow hairy cells; monitor periodically (eg, monthly) during treatment to determine response to treatment; if

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 862: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexno response within 6 mo, discontinue treatment; if a response occurs, continue treatment until no further improvement is observed and laboratory parameters have been stable for about 3 mo; not known whether continued treatment after that time is beneficial; because the manufacturing process, strength, and type of interferon (eg, natural human leukocyte interferon versus single-species recombinant interferon) may vary for different interferon formulations, changing brands may require a change in dosage (do not change interferon product without considering these factors); fever and other flulike symptoms associated with this product;caution in debilitating medical conditions (eg, unstable angina, uncontrolled congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, DM with ketoacidosis, coagulation disorders, severe myelosuppression, seizure disorders) Nama Dagang:Intron A

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 863: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeginterferon alfa-2a I: chronic hepatitis CBSO: Suntik 135 mcg/0.5cc. 180 mcg/0.5ccD: 180 mcg 1x/wk for 6-12 moKI: P: may cause some people to become drowsy, dizzy, or less alert than they are normally. Make sure you know how you react to this medicine before you drive, use machines, or do anything else that could be dangerous if you are dizzy and not alert.ES: Black, tarry, stools, Chills, Cough, Discouragement, Feeling sad or empty, Fever, Irritability, Lack of appetite, Loss of interest or pleasure, Lower back or side pain, Painful or difficult urination, Pale skin, Shortness of breath, Sore throat, Tiredness, Trouble concentrating, Trouble sleeping, Ulcers, sores, or white spots in mouth, Unusual bleeding or bruising, Unusual tiredness or weaknessIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: Pegasys

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 864: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeginterferon alfa-2b I: chronic hepatitis CBSO: Vial 50 mcg. 100 mcgD: 40-150 mcg SC 1x/wk for 1yearKI: P: You may have feelings of anxiety or depression while taking peginterferon alfa-2b. ES: Abdominal pain, Anxiety, Black, tarry stools, Blood in urine or stools, Bloody diarrhea, Chills, Cough or hoarseness, Depression, Fever, Infection, Irritability, Lower back or side pain, Mood swings, Nausea, Painful or difficult urination, Pinpoint red spots on skin, Trouble in sleeping, Unusual bleeding or bruising, VomitingIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Peg Intron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 865: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRibavirinInhibits viral replication by inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis. I: Severe viral respiratory infection (respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis) in infants and young childrenBSO: Capsule: 200 mg, Powder for aerosol: 6 g D: IV ribavirin is available on a compassionate use and investigational basis from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); suggested dosing based on available literature follows; however, dose may be altered based on individual circumstance or further research; consultation with CDC and an infectious diseases clinician recommended30 mg/kg IV (max 2 g) loading dose, followed by 16 mg/kg IV (max 1 g) q6h for 4 d, followed by 8 mg/kg IV (max 500 mg) for 3-6 dKI: HipersensitifIO: Decreases effects of zidovudineES: Anaemia, reticulocytosis, Worsening lung function, Bacterial pneumonia, PneumothoraxPreg: X

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 866: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Caution in hemolytic anemia (monitor hemoglobin during therapy); be aware of teratogenicity, teratogenic in all animal species in which adequate studies are available, and, although clinical studies are not available, may harm human fetus; concentrates in red blood cells and persists for life of the cell; terminal half-life for systemic elimination is expected to be that of circulating red blood cells; after exposure, minimum safe interval for which conception must be avoided is not known; as appropriate, screening for Preg: is recommended prior to administration, as is counseling both men and women regarding avoidance of conception for a reasonable interval after exposure; patient should be encouraged to seek preconception counseling prior to attempting to conceiveNama Dagang:Rebetol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 867: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexZidovudineI: HIV infection; pregnant women and their newborn infants.BSO: Capsule: 100 mg Injection: 10 mg/mL Syrup: 50 mg/5 mL Tablet: 300 mg D: HIV: 600 mg Inj: 1-2 mg/kg IV slow 5-6x/dayPrevent pregnant women (after 14 weeks of pregnancy): 100 mg 5x/d, or 200 mg 3x, or 300 mg 2x until the start of laborNewborn: 2 mg/kg 4x 8-12h post partum s/d umur 6wk Injection: 2 mg/kg IV infus> 1 jam, then 1 mg/kg until the umbilical cord is clamped.Newborn infants: 1.5 mg/kg 4xKI: # People with low haemoglobin levels# People with low levels of a type of white blood cell (neutrophil) in the blood# New born infants with jaundice requiring light therapy or whose liver transaminase enzymes are 5x greater than normal.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 868: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, hepatomegaly, Liver disease, Hepatitis, especially chronic hepatitis B or C, History of alcohol abuse, Obese women, Vitamin B12 deficiency.ES: Headache, Dizziness, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, anaemia, leucopenia, neutropenia, malaise, asthenia, pyrexia, myalgia, Shortness of breath, Rash or itching, Liver disorders, pancreatitis, paraesthesia, Alteration in taste, somnolence, insomnia, Loss of appetite, lactic acidosis, Anxiety and depressionIO: Decreased effect: Acetaminophen may decrease AUC of zidovudine as can the rifamycins Increased toxicity: Coadministration with drugs that are nephrotoxic (amphotericin B), cytotoxic (flucytosine, Adriamycin®, vincristine, vinblastine, doxorubicin, interferon), inhibit glucuronidation or excretion (acetaminophen, cimetidine, indomethacin, lorazepam, probenecid, aspirin), or interfere with RBC/WBC number or function (acyclovir, ganciclovir, pentamidine, dapsone); although the AUC was unaffected, the

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 869: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexrate of absorption and peak plasma concentrations were increased significantly when zidovudine was administered with clarithromycin (n=18); valproic acid increased AZT's AUC by 80% and decreased clearance by 38% (believed due to inhibition first pass metabolism); fluconazole may increase zidovudine's AUC and half-life, concomitant interferon alfa may increase hematologic toxicities and phenytoin, trimethoprim, and interferon beta-1b may increase zidovudine levels Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 870: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexStavudineI: HIV infection.BSO: Capsule: 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg Powder for oral solution: 1 mg/mL D: caps, oral solution: 40 mg/kg 2x. Anak 1 mg/kg Extended-release caps: 100 mg/kg 1x.KI: Allergy, glucose-galactose malabsorption, children < 3moP: Decreased liver & kidney function, hepatomegaly, Hepatitis, History of alcohol abuse, Obese women, pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy.ES: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Fatigue, Headache, insomnia, Abnormal dreams, Abnormal thinking, Dizziness, Pins and needles sensations, peripheral neuropathy, Depression, Rash or itching, Anxiety, Pain in the muscles and joints, asthenia, Loss of appetite, lactic acidosis, Liver disorders, pancreatitis, gynaecomastia, hyperglycaemia, Raised cholesterol levelsIO: Drugs associated with peripheral neuropathy (chloramphenicol, cisplatin, dapsone, ethionamide, gold,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 871: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhydralazine, iodoquinol, isoniazid, lithium, metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, pentamidine, phenytoin, ribavirin, vincristine) may increase risk for stavudine peripheral neuropathyPreg: CNama Dagang: Zerit

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 872: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLamivudineI: HIV infection, hepatitis B infection.BSO: Solution, oral: 5 mg/mL; 10 mg/mLTablet: 100 mg, 150 mg D: Hepatitis B infection: 100 mg 1xHIV infection or AIDS: 150 mg 2x. Anak 2-4 mg/kgKI: Allergy, children < 3 months of age.P: Decreased kidney function, hepatomegaly, Liver disease, History of alcohol abuse, Obese women.ES: Headache, insomnia, Cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Rash, alopecia, Fatigue, malaise, pyrexia, neutropenia, anaemia, Liver disorders, pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosisIO: Increased effect: Zidovudine concentrations increase (~39%) with coadministration with lamivudine; trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole increases lamivudine's AUC and decreases its renal clearance by 44% and 29%, respectively; although the AUC was not significantly affected, absorption of

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 873: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexlamivudine was slowed and Cmax was 40% lower when administered to patients in the fed versus the fasted statePreg: CNama Dagang: 3TC, 3TC-HBV

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 874: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNevirapineI: HIV infection.BSO: Suspension, oral: 50 mg/5 mL. Tablet: 200 mg D: 200 mg 1x for 2wk, then 200 mg 2xKI: Allergy, Severely decreased liver function, People needing post-exposure prevention of HIV (for example following needle-stick injuries).P: Decreased liver &kidney function, Hepatitis, Women, People with high CD4 cell counts.ES: Rash, Nausea and vomiting, Fatigue, Headache, pyrexia, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, myalgia, Jaundice, hepatitis, Severe, potentially life-threatening skin reactions, eg Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis IO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substrate; CYP3A3/4 enzyme inducer; CYP3A3/4 enzyme inhibitor. Increased effect/toxicity with cimetidine, macrolides, ketoconazole Methadone's plasma concentrations may decrease. Preg: B Nama Dagang: Viramune

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 875: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDidanosineI: HIV infection.BSO: Powder for oral solution: Buffered: 100 mg, 167 mg, 250 mg, 375 mg Pediatric: 2 g, 4 g Tablet, buffered, chewable: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg

D: Dosis KI: allergy, children < 3 months of age.P: Decreased liver & kidney function, Hepatitis, History of alcohol abuse, Obese women, hyperuricaemia, pancreatitis, hypertriglyceridaemia, phenylketonuria, Intolerance to fructose. ES: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Headache, Rash, Fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, Dry mouth, asthenia, Loss of appetite, Pain in the muscles and joints, lactic acidosis, Raised cholesterol levels, Diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperuricaemia, alopecia, Changes to the retina and optic nerve of the eye, Dry eyes, Liver disorders, Blood disorders

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 876: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Drugs whose absorption depends on the level of acidity in the stomach such as ketoconazole, itraconazole, and dapsone should be administered at least 2 hours prior to didanosine Increased toxicity: Concomitant administration of other drugs which have the potential to cause peripheral neuropathy or pancreatitis may increase the risk of these toxicities Preg: BNama Dagang:Videx

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 877: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOseltamivirInhibits neuraminidase, which is a glycoprotein on the surface of influenza virus that destroys an infected cell's receptor for viral hemagglutinin. By inhibiting viral neuraminidase, decreases release of viruses from infected cells and thus, viral spread. Effective to treat influenza A or B. Must administer within 48 h of symptom onset. The best effect occurs the sooner it is taken after symptom onset. Reduces the length of illness by an average of 1.5 d. (In a subgroup of high-risk patients, illness was reduced by 2.5 d.) In addition, the severity of symptoms is also reduced.I: Flu (influenza) BSO: Capsule: 75 mg D: Acute illness: 75 mg PO bid (2x)for 5 dProphylaxis: 75 mg PO qd (1x)Paed.: Acute illness>1 year and <15 kg: 30 mg PO bid15-23 kg: 45 mg PO bid23-40 kg: 60 mg PO bid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 878: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: HipersensitifES: Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Indigestion, Headache, Tiredness, Dizziness, insomnia, Conjunctivitis, Nosebleeds, Rash, hepatitis, Severe skin reactions.IO: Preg: CP: Caution in renal impairment, chronic cardiac or respiratory disease, and breastfeeding Nama Dagang:Tamiflu

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 879: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInosine dimepranol acedoben/ MethisoprinolI: BSO: Tab 500 mg. Sir 250 mg/5ccD: 50 mg/kg/hr terbagi dlm 3-4 dosis. Infeksi berat/ akut: 100 mg/kg/hr terbagi dlm 4-6 dosis. Lama terapi 7-10 hariKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Isoprinosine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 880: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexQ. Anti NeoplasmaCyclosporine Doxorubicin EpirubicinBleomycin Dacarbazine DaunorubicinCyproterone acetate CyclophosphamideEtoposide Methotrexate TamoxifenVinorelbine Vincristine VinblastineCytarabine Gemcitabine FludarabineCapecitabine Trastuzumab TemozolomideBicalutamide Tegafur RituximabPaclitaxel Docetaxel OxaliplatinCarboplatin Cisplatin ExemestaneMitomycin Megestrol MedroxyprogesteroneLetrozole Leuprorelin AnastrozoleIrinotecan Imatinib GefitinibIfosfamide Hydroxyurea/ HydroxycarbamideMitoxantrone Goserelin Flutamide5-Fluorouracil/ Fluorouracil Asparaginase

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 881: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCyclosporine cyclosporine binds to macrophilin and then inhibits calcineurin, a calcium-dependent enzyme, which, in turn, inhibits phosphorylation of nuclear factor of activated T cells and inhibits transcription of cytokines, particularly IL-4. BSO:D: 2 mg/kg/d PO divided bid; if no improvement within 1 mo, may be increased gradually; max 5 mg/kg/dAs skin lesions improve, reduce dose by 0.5-1 mg/kg/d/mo; lowest effective dose for maintenancePaed. 3-5 mg/kg/d POKI: Hipersensitif; uncontrolled hypertension or malignancies; do not administer concomitantly with PUVA or UV-B radiation in psoriasis because may increase risk of cancerIO: Carbamazepine, phenytoin, isoniazid, rifampin, and phenobarbital may decrease concentrations; azithromycin, itraconazole, nicardipine, ketoconazole, fluconazole, erythromycin, verapamil, grapefruit juice, diltiazem, aminoglycosides, acyclovir, amphotericin B, and clarithromycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 882: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmay increase toxicity; acute renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, myositis, and myalgias increase when taken concurrently with lovastatinPreg: CP:Evaluate renal and liver functions often by measuring BUN, serum creatinine, serum bilirubin, and liver enzyme levels; may increase risk of infection and lymphoma; reserve IV use only for patients who cannot take PO; development of malignancies (particularly skin) has been reported; perform biopsy on skin suggestive of malignancy or premalignancy and, if malignant, discontinue

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 883: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDoxorubicinI: Advanced ovarian cancer when platinum-based chemotherapy has been unsuccessful, AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma (a form of skin cancer), Breast cancer that has spread to other areas of the bodyBSO: Injection: Aqueous, with NS & Preservative free: 2 mg/mL Powder for injection, lyophilized: 10 mg, 20 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg D: Refer to individual protocols: 40-50 mg/m2 IV q4wkChildren: 35-75 mg/m2 as a single dose, repeat every 21 days; or 20-30 mg/m2 once weekly; or 60-90 mg/m2 given as a continuous infusion over 96 hours every 3-4 weeksAdults: 60-75 mg/m2 as a single dose, repeat every 21 days or other dosage regimens like 20-30 mg/m2/day for 2-3 days, repeat in 4 weeks or 20 mg/m2 once weeklyThe lower dose regimen should be given to patients with decreased bone marrow reserve, prior therapy or marrow infiltration with malignant cellsCurrently the maximum cumulative dose is 550 mg/m2 or 450 mg/m2 in patients who have received RT to the mediastinal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 884: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexareas; a baseline MUGA should be performed prior to initiating treatment. If the LVEF is <30% to 40%, therapy should not be instituted; LVEF should be monitored during therapy.Doxorubicin has also been administered intraperitoneal (phase I in refractory ovarian cancer patients) and intra-arterially.Dosing adjustment in renal impairment: Adjustments not required in mild to moderate renal failureClcr <10 mL/minute: Reduce dose to 75% of normal dose in severe renal failureHemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessaryDosing adjustment in hepatic impairment:Bilirubin 1.2-3 mg/dL: Administer 50% of doseBilirubin 3.1-5 mg/dL: Administer 25% of doseBilirubin >5 mg/dL: Avoid useKI: Breastfeeding, PregnancyP: Radiotherapy treatment in the area of the chest cavity, treatment with other medicines that may have side effects on the heart, eg other anthracycline chemotherapy medicines, Decreased liver & heart function, Heart disease, Diabetes

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 885: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Skin reactions such as rash and itch, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Allergic reaction, alopecia, pyrexia, anaemia, Loss of appetite, leucopenia, stomatitis, cardiotoxicity, asthenia, thrombocytopenia, palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesiaIO: May decrease phenytoin and digoxin plasma levels; phenobarbital may decrease plasma levels; cyclosporine may induce coma or seizures; mercaptopurine increases toxicity; cyclophosphamide increases cardiac toxicityPreg: DP: Irreversible cardiac toxicity and myelosuppression may occur; extravasation may result in severe local tissue necrosis; reduce dose in patients with impaired hepatic function; adverse effects include infusion reactions, mucositis, and skin toxicity (palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia); nausea and vomiting are mild; alopecia and cardiac toxicity are uncommon Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 886: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEpirubicinI: myeloma, Breast cancer, lymphoma, Cancer of the ovaries, Colorectal cancer, Gastrointestinal cancer, Leukaemia, Lung cancer, Superficial bladder cancerBSO: Injection: 2 mg/mLD: KI: Allergy, heart failure, Max doses of other anthracycline type anticancer medicines has been given, myelosuppressionP: Radiotherapy treatment in the area of the chest cavity, Decreased liver functionES: Diarrhoea, Red urine, pyrexia, Chills, Nausea and vomiting, anaemia, leucopenia, stomatitis, cardiotoxicity, Reversible hair loss, thrombocytopenia, urticaria, immunosuppressionIO: No systematic evaluation of the potential for interaction with inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes has been performed. However, cimetidine increased the AUC of epirubicin by 50%.Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 887: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBleomycinI: Bladder cancer, lymphoma, malignant effusions, Lung cancer, Metastatic cancerous melanoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Testicular cancer, Thyroid cancerBSO: Powder for injection: 15 U, 30 UD: Refer to individual protocols; 1 unit = 1 mg Children and Adults: Test dose for lymphoma patients: I.M., I.V., S.C.: Because of the possibility of an anaphylactoid reaction, less than or equal to 2 U of bleomycin for the first 2 doses; monitor vital signs every 15 minutes; wait a minimum of 1 hour before administering remainder of dose; if no acute reaction occurs, then the regular dosage schedule may be followed Single-agent therapy:I.M./I.V./S.C.: Squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, testicular carcinoma: 0.25-0.5 U/kg (10-20 U/m2) 1-2 times/week CIV: 15 U/m2 over 24 hours daily for 4 days Combination-agent therapy:I.M./I.V.: 3-4 U/m2

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 888: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.V.: ABVD: 10 U/m2 on days 1 and 15 Maximum cumulative lifetime dose: 400 U KI: Impaired breathing ability, pneumoniaP: Decreased kidney functionES: Rash, Tiredness, Allergic, pyrexia, Chills, pulmonary fibrosis, erythema, Loss of appetite, striae, stomatitis, pneumonitis, Ridging of the nails, Hardening, reddening, tenderness and swelling of the tips of the fingersPreg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 889: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDacarbazineI: Breast cancer, Cancer of the colon (large bowel), Cancer of the ovaries, soft tissue sarcoma, Lung cancer, Hodgkin's disease, Metastatic cancerous melanoma, Testicular cancerBSO: Injection: 100 mg; 200 mg; 500 mgD: Dosis KI: Allergy, Severe myelosuppression P: Decreased kidney & liver functionES: Headache, Diarrhoea, facial flushing, Allergic reaction, photosensitivity, Alteration in results of liver function tests, anaemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, liver damage, Nausea & vomiting, Loss of appetite, alopecia, Cold or flu-like symptomsIO: Metabolism may be increased by drugs that induce hepatic enzymes. Patients may experience impaired immune response to vaccines. Possible infection after administration of live vaccines in patients receiving immunosuppressants Preg: CNama Dagang: Dacarbazine DBL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 890: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDaunorubicinI: Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, Acute myeloid leukaemiaBSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized: 20 mg/20ccD: Dosis KI: Allergy, herpes & varicella zoster infection, Decreased blood cell production by the bone marrowP: Current or previous radiotherapy treatment in the area of the chest cavity, Decreased liver & heart function, Previous therapy with other anthracycline type anticancer medicines or other medicines potentially toxic to the heartES: Rash, Diarrhoea, facial flushing, heart failure, Red colouration of urine, phlebitis, pyrexia, anaemia, leucopenia, stomatitis, Reversible hair loss, thrombocytopenia, immunosuppression, mucositis, Nausea and vomitingIO: Patients may experience impaired immune response to vaccines; possible infection after administration of live vaccines in patients receiving immunosuppressantsPreg: DNama Dagang: Daunorubicin DBL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 891: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCyclophosphamideI: Cancer of the lymph nodes (lymphoma), Other cancersBSO: Powder for injection: 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg D: Children: SLE: I.V.: 500-750 mg/m2 every month; maximum dose: 1 g/m2

JRA/vasculitis: I.V.: 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks Children and Adults: Oral: 50-100 mg/m2/day as continuous therapy or 400-1000 mg/m2 in divided doses over 4-5 days as intermittent therapy I.V.: Single Doses: 400-1800 mg/m2 (30-50 mg/kg) per treatment course (1-5 days) which can be repeated at 2-4 week intervals MAXIMUM SINGLE DOSE WITHOUT BMT is 7 g/m2 (190 mg/kg) SINGLE AGENT THERAPYContinuous daily doses: 60-120 mg/m2 (1-2.5 mg/kg) per day Autologous BMT: IVPB: 50 mg/kg/dose x 4 days or 60 mg/kg/dose for 2 days; total dose is usually divided over 2-4 days

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 892: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNephrotic syndrome: Oral: 2-3 mg/kg/day every day for up to 12 weeks when corticosteroids are unsuccessful KI: Decreased blood cell production by the bone marrow, Infection, Inflammation of the bladder causing damage and bleeding, often as a result of certain anti-cancer treatments, allergy, Severely decreased liver & kidney functionP: Decreased kidney & liver function, porphyrias, leucopenia, impaired immune response, thrombocytopeniaES: Bone marrow suppression, fluid retention, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, haemorrhagic cystitis, hyponatraemiaIO: CYP2B6, 2D6, and 3A3/4 enzyme substrate Increased toxicity: Allopurinol may cause increase in bone marrow depression and may result in significant elevations of cyclophosphamide cytotoxic metabolites Anesthetic agents: Cyclophosphamide reduces serum pseudocholinesterase concentrations and may prolong the neuromuscular blocking activity of succinylcholine; use with caution with halothane, nitrous oxide, and succinylcholine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 893: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChloramphenicol results in prolonged cyclophosphamide half-life to increase toxicity Cimetidine inhibits hepatic metabolism of drugs and may decrease or increase the activation of cyclophosphamide Doxorubicin: Cyclophosphamide may enhance cardiac toxicity of anthracyclines Phenobarbital and phenytoin induce hepatic enzymes and cause a more rapid production of cyclophosphamide metabolites with a concurrent decrease in the serum half-life of the parent compound Tetrahydrocannabinol results in enhanced immunosuppression in animal studies Thiazide diuretics: Leukopenia may be prolonged Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 894: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEtoposideI: Small cell lung cancer, Testicular cancer, In addition to these licensed uses, etoposide may also be used by specialists to treat other types of cancer, including leukaemia and lymphoma.BSO: Capsule: 50 mg Injection: 20 mg/mLD: Refer to individual protocols: Children: I.V.: 60-120 mg/m2/day for 3-5 days every 3-6 weeks AML: Remission induction: 150 mg/m2/day for 2-3 days for 2-3 cycles Intensification or consolidation: 250 mg/m2/day for 3 days, courses 2-5 Brain tumor: 150 mg/m2/day on days 2 and 3 of treatment course Neuroblastoma: 100 mg/m2/day over 1 hour on days 1-5 of cycle; repeat cycle every 4 weeks BMT conditioning regimen used in patients with rhabdomyosarcoma or neuroblastoma: I.V. continuous infusion: 160 mg/m2/day for 4 days

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 895: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexConditioning regimen for allogenic BMT: 60 mg/kg/dose as a single dose Adults: Small cell lung cancer: Oral: Twice the I.V. dose rounded to the nearest 50 mg given once daily if tolerated I.V.: 35 mg/m2/day for 4 days or 50 mg/m2/day for 5 days every 3-4 weeks total dose less than or equal to 400 mg/day or in divided doses if >400 mg/day IVPB: 60-100 mg/m2/day for 3 days (with cisplatin) CIV: 500 mg/m2 over 24 hours every 3 weeks Testicular cancer: IVPB: 50-100 mg/m2/day for 5 days repeated every 3-4 weeks I.V.: 100 mg/m2 every other day for 3 doses repeated every 3-4 weeks BMT/relapsed leukemia: I.V.: 2.4-3.5 g/m2 or 25-70 mg/kg administered over 4-36 hours KI: Decreased liver function, Pregnancy, BreastfeedingP: Decreased kidney & liver function

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 896: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, Reversible hair loss, Nausea and vomiting, anaemia, Abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Diarrhoea or constipation, Sore mouth or throat, Changes in blood pressure, bronchospasm, peripheral neuropathy, somnolence, Fatigue, Fever, Difficulty swallowing# Alteration in results of liver function testsIO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substrate Warfarin may elevate prothrombin time with concurrent use Methotrexate: Alteration of MTX transport has been found as a slow efflux of MTX and its polyglutamated form out of the cell, leading to intercellular accumulation of MTX Calcium antagonists: Increases the rate of VP-16-induced DNA damage and cytotoxicity in vitroCarmustine: Reports of frequent hepatic dysfunction with hyperbilirubinemia, ascites, and thrombocytopenia Cyclosporine: Additive cytotoxic effects on tumor cells Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 897: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethotrexateAntimetabolite that inhibits dihydrofolate reductase, thereby hindering DNA synthesis and cell reproduction. I: Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Severe psoriasisBSO: Injection: 2.5 mg/mL; 25 mg/mL Injection, preservative free: 25 mg Powder injection: 20 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg, 1 g Tablet: 2.5 mg D: 10-25 mg/wk PO/IM or 2.5-7.5 mg PO q12h for 3 doses/wkRefer to individual protocols. May be administered orally, I.M., intra-arterially, intrathecally, or I.V. Children: Dermatomyositis: Oral: 15-20 mg/m2/week as a single dose once weekly or 0.3-1 mg/kg/dose once weekly Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: Oral, I.M.: 5-15 mg/m2/week as a single dose or as 3 divided doses given 12 hours apart Antineoplastic dosage range: Oral, I.M.: 7.5-30 mg/m2/week or every 2 weeks

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 898: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.V.: 10-18,000 mg/m2 bolus dosing or continuous infusion over 6-42 hours Dosing schedules listed below: Conventional Dose:15-20 mg/m2 oral twice weekly 30-50 mg/m2 oral, I.V. weekly 15 mg/day for 5 days oral, I.M. every 2-3 weeks Intermediate Dose:50-150 mg/m2 I.V. push every 2-3 weeks 240 mg/m2* I.V. infusion every 4-7 days 0.5-1 g/m2* I.V. infusion every 2-3 weeks High Dose:1-12 g/m2* I.V. infusion every 1-3 weeks *Followed with leucovorin rescue - refer to leucovorin monograph for details. Pediatric solid tumors (high-dose): I.V.: <12 years: 12 g/m2 (dosage range: 12-18 g) greater than or equal to 12 years: 8 g/m2 (maximum: 18 g)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 899: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcute lymphocytic leukemia (intermediate-dose): I.V.: Loading: 100 mg/m2 over 1 hour, followed by a 35-hour infusion of 900 mg/m2/day Meningeal leukemia: I.T.: 10-15 mg/m2 (maximum dose: 15 mg) orless than or equal to 3 months: 3 mg/dose 4-11 months: 6 mg/dose 1 year: 8 mg/dose 2 years: 10 mg/dose greater than or equal to 3 years: 12 mg/dose I.T. doses are prepared with preservative-free MTX only. Hydrocortisone may be added to the I.T. preparation; total volume should range from 3-6 mL. Doses should be repeated at 2- to 5-day intervals until CSF counts return to normal followed by a dose once weekly for 2 weeks then monthly thereafter. Adults: I.V.: Range is wide from 30-40 mg/m2/week to 100-12,000 mg/m2 with leucovorin rescue

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 900: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDoses not requiring leucovorin rescue range from 30-40 mg/m2

I.V. or I.M. repeated weekly, or oral regimens of 10 mg/m2 twice weekly High-dose MTX is considered to be >100 mg/m2 and can be as high as 1500-7500 mg/m2. These doses require leucovorin rescue. Patients receiving doses greater than or equal to 1000 mg/m2 should have their urine alkalinized with bicarbonate or Bicitra® prior to and following MTX therapy. Trophoblastic neoplasms: Oral, I.M.: 15-30 mg/day for 5 days; repeat in 7 days for 3-5 courses Head and neck cancer: Oral, I.M., I.V.: 25-50 mg/m2 once weekly Rheumatoid arthritis: Oral: 7.5 mg once weekly OR 2.5 mg every 12 hours for 3 doses/week; max 20 mg/week Psoriasis: Oral: 2.5-5 mg/dose every 12 hours for 3 doses given weekly or Oral, I.M.: 10-25 mg/dose given once weekly Ectopic pregnancy: I.M./I.V.: 50 mg/m2 single-dose without leucovorin rescue

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 901: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexElderly: Rheumatoid arthritis/psoriasis: Oral: Initial: 5 mg once weekly; if nausea occurs, split dose to 2.5 mg every 12 hours for the day of administration; dose may be increased to 7.5 mg/week based on response, max 20 mg/week KI:Hipersensitif; alcoholism; hepatic insufficiency; documented immunodeficiency syndromes; preexisting blood dyscrasias (eg, bone marrow hypoplasia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, significant anemia); renal insufficiencyIO:Oral aminoglycosides may decrease absorption and blood levels of concurrent oral MTX; charcoal lowers MTX levels; coadministration with etretinate may increase hepatotoxicity of MTX; folic acid or its derivatives contained in some vitamins may decrease response to MTX; probenecid, NSAIDs, salicylates, procarbazine, and sulfonamides, including TMP-SMZ, can increase MTX plasma levels; may decrease phenytoin plasma levels; may increase plasma levels of thiopurines

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 902: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreg: DP:Monitor CBC counts monthly and liver and renal function q1-3mo during therapy (monitor more frequently during initial dosing, dose adjustments, or when risk of elevated MTX levels, eg, dehydration); has toxic effects on hematologic, renal, GI, pulmonary, and neurologic systems; discontinue if significant drop in blood counts occurs; fatal reactions reported when administered concurrently with NSAIDs Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 903: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTamoxifenI: Breast cancer, Infertility in women caused by failure of ovulationBSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mgD: Breast cancer in women/ men: 20-40 mg 1xReducing the risk of developing breast cancer in high-risk women: 20 mg 1x for 5yearsKI: Infertility with risk of abnormal blood clots in the veins, Pregnancy, BreastfeedingP: Breast cancer, Severe obesity, Smokers, porphyriasES: Hot flushes, Vaginal bleeding or discharge, pruritus vulva, Headache, Light-headedness, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Fluid retention, alopecia, Blood & Liver disorders, Visual disturbances, thromboembolic disorders, endometriosis, Cancerous changes in the endometrium, Fibroids in uterus, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, angioedemaIO: CYP1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C, 2D6, 2E1,& 3A3/4 enzyme substratePreg: D

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 904: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVinorelbineI: # Advanced breast cancer that has not responded to, or has relapsed following, treatment with a chemotherapy regimen containing an anthracycline, eg epirubicin.# Advanced non-small cell lung cancer.BSO: Injection: 10 mg/mL (1 mL, 5 mL)D: Dosage adjustment in hematological toxicity: Granulocyte counts should be greater than or equal to 1000 cells/mm3 prior to the administration of vinorelbine. Adjustments in the dosage of vinorelbine should be based on granulocyte counts obtained on the day of treatment as follows: Granulocytes greater than or equal to 1500 cells/mm3 on day of treatment: Administer 30 mg/m2

Granulocytes 1000-1499 cells/mm3 on day of treatment: Administer 15 mg/m2

Granulocytes <1000 cells/mm3 on day of treatment: Do not administer. Repeat granulocyte count in one week; if 3 consecutive doses are held because granulocyte count is <1000 cells/mm3, discontinue vinorelbine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 905: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFor patients who, during treatment, have experienced fever and/or sepsis while granulocytopenic or had 2 consecutive weekly doses held due to granulocytopenia, subsequent doses of vinorelbine should be: 22.5 mg/m2 for granulocytes greater than or equal to 1500 cells/mm3

11.25 mg/m2 for granulocytes 1000-1499 cells/mm3

Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Vinorelbine should be administered with caution in patients with hepatic insufficiency. In patients who develop hyperbilirubinemia during treatment with vinorelbine, the dose should be adjusted for total bilirubin as follows: Serum bilirubin less than or equal to 2 mg/dL: Administer 30 mg/m2

Serum bilirubin 2.1-3 mg/dL: Administer 15 mg/m2

Serum bilirubin >3 mg/dL: Administer 7.5 mg/m2

Dosing adjustment in patients with concurrent hematologic toxicity and hepatic impairment: Administer the lower doses determined from the above recommendations

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 906: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, current infection, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, fructose intolerance.# Vinorelbine should not be used to treat people who are currently having radiotherapy treatment to the liver.P: Decreased liver function, heart disease.ES: Neutropenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, Constipation, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Loss of appetite, Inflammation of the mouth, paraesthesia, peripheral neuropathy, phlebitis, Fatigue, Hair loss, Jaw pain.IO: Preg: DNama Dagang: Navelbine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 907: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVincristine I: myeloma, Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, Acute myeloid leukaemia, Breast cancer, chronic myeloid leukaemia – CML, Osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, Cancer of the brain, soft tissue sarcoma, Wilms' tumour, Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Head and neck cancer, Lung cancer, Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Retinoblastoma, neuroblastomaBSO: Injection: 1 mg/mLD: Refer to individual protocols as dosages vary with protocol used; adjustments are made depending upon clinical and hematological response and upon adverse reactions Children >10 kg or BSA greater than or equal to 1 m2: 1-2 mg/m2, may repeat once weekly for 3-6 weeks; maximum single dose: 2 mg Neuroblastoma: I.V. continuous infusion with doxorubicin: 1 mg/m2/day for 72 hours Adults: I.V.: 0.4-1.4 mg/m2 (up to 2 mg maximum in most patients); may repeat every week Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 908: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSerum bilirubin 1.5-3.0 mg/dL or AST 60-180 U: Administer 50% of normal dose Serum bilirubin 3.0-5.0 mg/dL: Administer 25% of dose Serum bilirubin >5.0 mg/dL or AST >180 U: Omit dose The average total dose per course of treatment should be around 2-2.5 mg; some recommend capping the dose at 2 mg maximum to reduce toxicity; however, it is felt that this measure can reduce the efficacy of the drug KI: Injection into the spinal cord (intrathecal injection)P: Liver diseaseES: Abdominal pain, Constipation, urinary retention, peripheral neuritis, Loss of appetite, Damage to the nerves, Reversible hair loss, Jaw pain, paralytic ileus, PainIO: CYP3A3/4 and 3A5-7 enzyme substrate; CYP2D6 enzyme inhibitor Increased toxicity: Digoxin plasma levels and renal excretion may decrease with combination chemotherapy including vincristine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 909: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVincristine should be given 12-24 hours before asparaginase to minimize toxicity (may decrease the hepatic clearance of vincristine) Acute pulmonary reactions may occur with mitomycin-C. Previous or simultaneous use with mitomycin-C has resulted in acute shortness of breath and severe bronchospasm within minutes or several hours after vinca alkaloid injection and may occur up to 2 weeks after the dose of mitomycin. Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 910: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVinblastine I: A group of disorders where there is an overgrowth of cells called histiocytes which normally have the ability to engulf foreign matter or bacteria. The overgrowth of these cells can occur in the skin, bone, lungs, lymph nodes, liver or spleen.Breast cancer, choriocarcinoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, Kidney cancer, Hodgkin's disease, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Testicular cancerBSO: Injection: 1 mg/mLPowder for injection: 10 mg D: Refer to individual protocols. Varies depending upon clinical and hematological response. Give at intervals of at least 14 days and only after leukocyte count has returned to at least 4000/mm3; maintenance therapy should be titrated according to leukocyte count. Dosage should be reduced in patients with recent exposure to radiation therapy or chemotherapy; single doses in these patients should not exceed 5.5 mg/m2. Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 911: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSerum bilirubin 1.5-3.0 mg/dL or AST 60-180 U: Administer 50% of normal dose Serum bilirubin 3.0-5.0 mg/dL: Administer 25% of dose Serum bilirubin >5.0 mg/dL or AST >180 U: Omit dose KI: Injection into the spinal cord (intrathecal injection)P: Decreased liver functionES: Constipation, Depression, Nausea and vomiting, anaemia, peripheral neuritis, Loss of appetite, leucopenia, stomatitis, Damage to the nerves, Reversible hair loss, Jaw pain, paralytic ileus, thrombocytopenia.IO: CYP3A3/4 and 3A5-7 enzyme substrate; CYP2D6 enzyme inhibitor. Phenytoin plasma levels may be reduced with concomitant combination chemotherapy with vinblastine Alpha-interferon enhances interferon toxicity; phenytoin may decrease plasma levels Increased toxicity: Previous or simultaneous use with mitomycin-C has resulted in acute shortness of breath and severe bronchospasm within

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 912: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexminutes or several hours after vinca alkaloid injection and may occur up to 2 weeks after the dose of mitomycin Mitomycin-C in combination with administration of VLB may cause acute shortness of breath and severe bronchospasm, onset may be within minutes or several hours after VLB injection Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 913: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCytarabineI: LeukaemiaBSO: Powder for injection: 100 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 g Powder for injection, as hydrochloride (Cytosar-U®): 100 mg, 500 mg, 1 g, 2 gD: I.V. bolus, IVPB, and CIV doses of cytarabine are very different. Bolus doses are relatively well tolerated since the drug is rapidly metabolized; bolus doses are associated with greater gastrointestinal and neurotoxicity; continuous infusion uniformly results in myelosuppression. Refer to individual protocols. Induction remission: I.V.: 200 mg/m2/day for 5 days at 2-week intervals 100-200 mg/m2/day for 5- to 10-day therapy course or every day until remission I.T.: 5-75 mg/m2 every 4 days until CNS findings normalize or<1 year: 20 mg 1-2 years: 30 mg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 914: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index2-3 years: 50 mg >3 years: 70 mg Maintenance remission: I.V.: 70-200 mg/m2/day for 2-5 days at monthly intervals I.M., S.C.: 1-1.5 mg/kg single dose for maintenance at 1- to 4-week intervals High-dose therapies: Doses as high as 1-3 g/m2 have been used for refractory or secondary leukemias or refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Doses of 3 g/m2 every 12 hours for up to 12 doses have been used Bone marrow transplant: 1.5 g/m2 continuous infusion over 48 hours Dosage adjustment of high-dose therapy in patients with renal insufficiency: In one study, 76% of patients with a Clcr

<60 mL/minute experienced neurotoxicity; dosage adjustment should be considered in these patients Hemodialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary Peritoneal dialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 915: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDose may need to be adjusted in patients with liver failure since cytarabine is partially detoxified in the liver KI:Allergy, Decreased blood cell production by the bone marrowP:Decreased kidney& liver function, leucopenia, thrombocytopeniaES: Mouth ulcers, Nausea and vomiting, bone marrow suppresion, Liver problemsIO: Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 916: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGemcitabineCytidine analog. Metabolized intracellularly to active nucleotide. Inhibits ribonucleotide reductase and competes with deoxycytidine triphosphate for incorporation into DNA. Cell-cycle specific for S phase. Indicated for advanced ovarian cancer (that has relapsed at least 6-months after completion of platinum-based therapy. Used in combination with carboplatin.I:BSO: Vial 200 mgD: 1000 mg/m2 IV infused over 30 min on days 1 and 8 of each 21-day cycle; administer carboplatin on day 1 after gemcitabineAdults: I.V. (refer to individual protocols): 1000 mg/m2 once weekly for up to 7 weeks (or until toxicity necessitates reducing or holding a dose), followed by a week of rest from treatment; subsequent cycles should consist of infusions once weekly for 3 consecutive weeks out of every 4 weeks For patients who tolerate the subsequent course, at a dose of 1250 mg/m2, the dose for the next cycle can be increased to

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 917: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index1500 mg/m2, provided again that the AGC and platelet nadirs exceed 1500 x 106/L and 100,000 x 106/L, respectively, and again, if nonhematologic toxicity has not been greater than WHO Grade 1 Dosing adjustment in renal/hepatic impairment: Use with caution; gemcitabine has not been studied in patients with significant renal or hepatic dysfunction KI: HipersensitifIO: -Preg: DP:May cause myelosuppression (particularly thrombocytopenia); toxicities include flu like syndrome, LFT abnormality, maculopapular rash, pruritus, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, hematuria, proteinuria, and hemolytic uremic syndrome; clearance reduced in women and elderly individuals Nama Dagang:Gemsar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 918: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFludarabineI: Chronic lymphocytic leukaemiaBSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized: 50 mgD: I.V.: Acute leukemia: 10 mg/m2 bolus over 15 minutes followed by continuous infusion of 30.5 mg/m2/day over 5 days or 10.5 mg/m2 bolus over 15 minutes followed by 30.5 mg/m2/day over 48 hours followed by cytarabine has been used in clinical trials Solid tumors: 9 mg/m2 bolus followed by 27 mg/m2/day continuous infusion over 5 days Adults: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: 25 mg/m2/day over a 30-minute period for 5 days; 5-day courses are repeated every 28 days days Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Loading dose: 20 mg/m2 followed by 30 mg/m2/day for 48 hours KI: Moderate to severely decreased kidney function, haemolytic anaemia, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 919: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: > 75 years, Decreased liver & kidney function, Anaemia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, HIV infection or immunodeficiency syndr, opportunistic infections, Skin cancerES: Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, Infections, Pneumonia, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, pyrexia, stomatitis, Fatigue, Weakness, Loss of appetite, oedema, Visual disturbances, peripheral neuropathy, Skin rashes, Tumour lysis syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmiasIO: Increased toxicity: Cytarabine when administered with or prior to a fludarabine dose competes for deoxycytidine kinase decreasing the metabolism of F-ara-A to the active F-ara-ATP (inhibits fludarabine); however, administering fludarabine prior to cytarabine may stimulate activation of cytarabinePreg: DNama Dagang: Fludara

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 920: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCapecitabineI: Metastatic colorectal cancer, surgery for stage III colon cancer, Advanced stomach cancer (in combination with platinum-based chemotherapy), metastatic breast cancer.BSO: Tablet: 150 mg, 500 mgD: 2.5g/ m2/day q12h taken about twelve hours apart within 30

minutes after the end of a meal. (with/witout docetaxel 75 mg/m2/day Infus IV >1jam every 3wk)KI: Deficiency of an DPD enzyme, Allergy, Severely decreased kidney & liver function, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, neutropenia, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption.P: Decreased kidney & liver function, DM, Disease affecting the brain or nervous system, heart disease, electrolyte imbalance, hypercalcaemia, hypocalcaemia, > 60 years of age, Severe diarrhoea, hand-foot syndrome.ES: hand-foot syndrome or palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, constipation or abdominal pain,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 921: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexstomatitis, Fatigue, asthenia, Loss of appetite, Skin reactions, alopecia, pyrexia, Headache, Dizziness, paraesthesia, Change in taste, Watery eyes, Swollen ankles due to fluid retention, dyspnoea, Dehydration, bone marrow suppression, Pain in the muscles or joints, angina.IO: Increased effect: Taking capecitabine immediately before an aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide antacid, or a meal, increases the absorption of capecitabine. Phenytoin levels may be increased by capecitabine. Increased toxicity: The concentration of 5-fluorouracil is increased and its toxicity may be enhanced by leucovorin. Deaths from severe enterocolitis, diarrhea, and dehydration have been reported in elderly patients receiving weekly leucovorin and fluorouracil. Warfarin: Altered coagulation parameters have been noted in cancer patients receiving coumarin derivatives concomitantly with capecitabine. Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Xeloda

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 922: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTrastuzumabI: # Early HER2-+ breast cancer, following surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy (if applicable).# HER2-+ breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic breast cancer). For people who have not previously received chemotherapy for their disease, this medicine may be given in combination with the chemotherapy medicines paclitaxel or docetaxel. For people who have already received at least two courses of chemotherapy, this medicine may be given on its own.BSO: Injection: Vial, 440 mg, with vial of bacteriostatic water for injectionD: I.V. infusion: Initial loading dose: 4 mg/kg IV infusion >90 minutes Maintenance dose: 2 mg/kg IV infusion > 90 minutes (can be administered over 30 minutes if prior infusions are well tolerated) weekly until disease progression

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 923: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Allergy, severe breathing difficulties at rest due to complications of advanced cancer, People who need oxygen treatment, children < 18 years of age. P: Heart failure, Coronary artery disease, hypertensionES: Pyrexia, Chills, diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Chest pain, Weakness or loss of strength, Pain in the muscles and joints, Rash, Flu-like symptoms, Infection, Weight loss, Breast inflammation, tachycardia, heart failure, Dizziness, paraesthesia, oedema, Dry mouth, Nosebleeds, Skin reactions, Depression, Anxiety, Difficulties with breathing, Lung, Blood & liver disordersPreg: DNama Dagang: Herceptin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 924: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTemozolomideI: Certain types of brain tumours (glioblastoma multiforme, anaplastic astrocytoma)BSO: Capsule: 5 mg, 20 mg, 100 mg, 250 mgD: Dosage is adjusted according to nadir neutrophil and platelet counts of previous cycle and counts at the time of the next cycle Measure day 22 ANC and platelets. Measure day 29 ANC and platelets. Based on lowest counts at either day 22 or day 29: On day 22 or day 29, if ANC <1,000/L or the platelet count is <50,000/L, postpone therapy until ANC >1,500/L and platelet count >100,000/L. Reduce dose by 50 mg/m2 for subsequent cycle. If ANC 1,000-1,500/L or platelets 50,000-100,000/L, postpone therapy until ANC >1,500/L and platelet count >100,000/L; maintain initial dose. If ANC >1,500/L (on day 22 and day 29) and platelet count >100,000/L, increase dose to, or maintain dose at 200 mg/

m2/day for 5 for subsequent cycle. Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 925: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Allergy, Severe myelosuppression, Pregnancy, lactationP: Elderly people, People with other severely debilitating diseases or infection, Severely decreased kidney & liver function, glucose-galactose malabsorptionES: Headache, Loss of appetite, Weight loss, Fatigue, alopecia, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Sore mouth, Decrease in the number of blood cells in the blood, Anxiety, Mood swings, insomnia, Dizziness, Confusion, Convulsions, Memory loss, paraesthesia, Visual disturbances, Hearing impairment, Fluid retention causing swelling of the legs or ankles, Skin reactions, Cough, dyspnoea, Pain in the muscles or joints, astheniaIO: Although valproic acid reduces the clearance of temozolomide by 5%, the clinical significance of this is unknownPreg: DNama Dagang: 1. Temodal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 926: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBicalutamideI: Prostate cancerBSO: Tablet: 50 mg

D: 1 tablet 1x, with or without food.KI: Children, WomenP: Moderate to severely decreased liver functionES: Depression, Impotence, Weight gain, gynaecomastia, Dry skin, Hot flushes, angina, alopecia, Itching (pruritis), asthenia, thrombocytopenia, Decreased sex drive, Breast tenderness, Liver disorders, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, arrhythmiasIO: In vitro displacement of warfarin by bicalutamidePreg: X Nama Dagang: Casodex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 927: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTegafurI: Metastatic colorectal cancer, in combination with calcium folinateBSO: Kaps 200 mg

D: 800-1600 mg/hr terbagi dlm 2-4 dosisKI: Allergy, Children and adolescents, Severely decreased liver function, low levels of red or white blood cells or platelets due to previous radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment, Deficiency of cytochrome P450 2A6, Pregnancy, BreastfeedingP: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, Deficiency of an DPD enzyme, Heart disease, Severe diarrhoeaES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, asthenia, thrush, alopecia, Skin reactions, Watery and sore eyes, Loss of appetite, Headache, Dehydration, Sleepiness, Dizziness, insomnia, Depression, Confusion, Pins and needles sensations, peripheral oedema, dyspnoea, Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Futraful

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 928: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPaclitaxelMechanisms of action are tubulin polymerization and microtubule stabilization.I: Metastatic carcinoma of the ovary in combination with cisplatin; treatment of metastatic breast cancerBSO: Injection: 6 mg/mL (5 mL, 16.7 mL)D: 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 h q3wk; alternatively, 135 mg/m2 IV over 24 h q3wk===Premedication with dexamethasone (20 mg orally or I.V. at 12 and 6 hours or 14 and 7 hours before the dose), diphenhydramine (50 mg I.V. 30-60 minutes prior to the dose), and cimetidine, famotidine or ranitidine (I.V. 30-60 minutes prior to the dose) is recommended Ovarian carcinoma: 135-175 mg/m2 over 1-24 hours administered every 3 weeks Metastatic breast cancer: Treatment is still undergoing investigation; most protocols have used doses of 175-250 mg/m2 over 1-24 hours every 3 weeks

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 929: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif, peripheral neuropathy; bone marrow suppression; liver failure; severe cardiac diseaseIO: With cisplatin may further increase myelosuppressionPreg: DP: Premedicate with steroids, H1 blockers, and H2 blockers to decrease risk of hypersensitivity reactions; myelosuppression, alopecia, arthralgia/myalgias, and cardiac arrhythmia may occur Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 930: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDocetaxelI: Breast cancer.BSO: Injection: 20 mg/0.5 mL, 80 mg/ 2 mLD: Corticosteroids (oral dexamethasone 8 mg twice daily for 3 days or 5 days starting 1 day prior to docetaxel administration) are necessary to reduce the potential for hypersensitivity and severe fluid retention Locally advanced or metastatic carcinoma of the breast: 60-100 mg/m2 over 1 hour every 3 weeks Dosage adjustment in patients who are initially started at 100 mg/m2 (>1 week), cumulative cutaneous reactions, or severe peripheral neuropathy: 75 mg/m2

Note: If the patient continues to experience these adverse reactions, the dosage should be reduced to 55 mg/m2 or therapy should be discontinued Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment:Total bilirubin greater than or equal to the upper limit of normal (ULN), or AST/ALT >1.5 times the ULN concomitant with alkaline phosphatase >2.5 times the ULN: Docetaxel should

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 931: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexnot be administered secondary to increased incidence of treatment-related mortality KI: Neutropenia, decreased liver function, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Decreased liver function, Severe fluid retention.ES: Bone marrow suppression, neutropenia, pyrexia, Increased susceptibility to infections, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, stomatitis, Loss of appetite, hand-foot or palmar-plantar syndrome, Change in the colour of nails, alopecia, fluid retention, arrhythmias, peripheral neuropathy, asthenia, Pain in the muscles and joints.IO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substratePreg: DNama Dagang:Taxotere

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 932: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxaliplatinI: Stage III (Duke's C) colon cancer, metastatic colorectal caBSO: Vial 5 mg/ccD: KI: Children, myelosuppression, People with numbness, weakness or tingling sensations in the extremities and difficulty in performing delicate tasks, eg buttoning clothes, before treatment starts, Severely decreased kidney function# Pregnancy, BreastfeedingP: Allergy, Moderately decreased kidney functionES: Pyrexia, bone marrow suppression, Increased susceptibilty to infections, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, stomatitis, abnormal tingling or numb sensations in fingers or toes, difficulty performing delicate tasks, Allergic skin reactions, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, Fatigue, Weakness, Headache, Loss of appetite, alopecia, ototoxicity, Lung disordersPreg: DNama Dagang: Eloxatin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 933: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCarboplatinI: # Cancer of the ovaries, # Lung cancerBSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized: 50 mg, 150 mg, 450 mgD: Dose is based on the following formula: total dose (mg) = (target AUC) X (GFR = 25) where AUC (area under plasma concentration-time curve) is expressed in mg/mL/min and GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is expressed in mL/min.Target AUC of 4-7.5 IV q3-4wk recommendedKI: Hipersensitif; bone marrow suppressionIO: Nephrotoxicity increases with aminoglycosides and other nephrotoxic drugsPreg: DP:Produces significantly less nephrotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy, nausea, and vomiting compared to cisplatin; IV hydration not required; produces more myelosuppression than cisplatin Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 934: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCisplatinIntrastrand cross-linking of DNA and inhibition of DNA precursors are among proposed mechanisms of action. Used in combination with radiation therapy.I: Bladder cancer, Cancer of the ovaries, Cervical cancer, Head and neck cancer, Lung cancer, Testicular cancerBSO: Injection, aqueous: 1 mg/mL (50 mL, 100 mL) Powder for injection: 10 mg, 50 mg D: 50-100 mg/m2 IV q3wk, 40 mg/m2 IV qwk for 5 wk.I.V. (refer to individual protocols): The manufacturer recommends that subsequent cycles should only be given when serum creatinine <1.5 mg%, WBC greater than or equal to 4,000/mm3, platelets greater than or equal to 100,000/mm3, and BUN <25. It is recommended that a 24-hour urine creatinine clearance be checked prior to a patient's first dose of cisplatin and periodically thereafter (ie, after every 2-3 cycles of cisplatin) Pretreatment hydration with 1-2 L of chloride-containing fluid is recommended prior to cisplatin administration; adequate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 935: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexhydration and urinary output (>100 mL/hour) should be maintained for 24 hours after administration If the dose prescribed is a reduced dose, then this should be indicated on the chemotherapy orderChildren: Various dosage schedules range from 30-100 mg/m2

once every 2-3 weeks; may also dose similar to adult dosing Recurrent brain tumors: 60 mg/m2 once daily for 2 consecutive days every 3-4 weeks Adults: Advanced bladder cancer: 50-70 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks Head and neck cancer: 100-120 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks Testicular cancer: 10-20 mg/m2/day for 5 days repeated every 3-4 weeks Metastatic ovarian cancer: 75-100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks Intraperitoneal: cisplatin has been administered intraperitoneal with systemic sodium thiosulfate for ovarian cancer; doses up to 90-270 mg/m2 have been administered and retained for 4 hours before draining

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 936: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hipersensitif; renal failure; peripheral neuropathy; bone marrow suppressionIO: Decreases elimination of bleomycinES: hyperuricaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia, peripheral neuropathy, anaemia, hypomagnesaemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, immunosuppression, Nausea and vomiting, a metallic taste, Kidney damage, anaphylaxis, ototoxicityPreg: DP: Peripheral neuropathy and myelosuppression may occur; IV hydration decreases risk of nephrotoxicity; selective serotonin antagonists and steroids can be used for prophylaxis against nausea/vomiting Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 937: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexExemestaneI: # Early invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women who have had two to three years of treatment with tamoxifen# Advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women where other anti-oestrogen medicines have not been effectiveBSO: Tablet: 25 mg

D: Breast cancer: 25 mg 1x/day after a meal. KI: Pre-menopausal women, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase insufficiencyP: Decreased liver & kidney function, Osteoporosis ES: Hot flushes, Fatigue, Joint pain, insomnia, Headache, Increased sweating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Dizziness, Depression, Carpal tunnel syndrome, alopecia, peripheral oedema, Pain, Weakness, Sleepiness, Disturbances in the normal levels of blood cells in the blood

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 938: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: CYP3A4 substrate; however, ketoconazole, a CYP3A4 inhibitor, did not change the pharmacokinetics of exemestane. No other potential drug interactions have been evaluated.Preg: DNama Dagang:Aromasin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 939: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMitomycinI: Metastatic breast cancer, Cancer of the pancreas, Cancers of the mouth, throat and stomach, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Superficial bladder cancerBSO: Vial 2 mg, 10 mgD: Refer to individual protocols Single-agent therapy: 20 mg/m2 every 6-8 weeks Note: Doses >20 mg/m2 have not been shown to be more effective, and are more toxic. Combination therapy: 10 mg/m2 every 6-8 weeks Bone marrow transplant: 40-50 mg/m2

2-40 mg/m2/day for 3 days Total cumulative dose should not exceed 50 mg/m2; see below: ( nadir after prior dose per mm3) Leukocytes 4000; platelets >100,000: 100% of prior dose to be given L 3000-3999; T 75,000-99,999: 100% L 2000-2999; T 25,000-74,999: 70%

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 940: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexL 2000; T <25,000: 50%KI: P: Allergy, Bleeding disorders, Mildly decreased kidney functionSevere myelosuppression ES: Pruritus, Diarrhoea, Drowsiness, Weakness, phlebitis, alopecia, Nausea and vomiting, Kidney damage, lethargy, anaemia, leucopenia, stomatitis, thrombocytopenia# Thickening and scarring of tissue in the lungIO: Increased toxicity: Vinca alkaloids acute shortness of breath or bronchospasm Doxorubicin may enhance cardiac toxicity Preg: DNama Dagang:Mitomycin-C Kyowa

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 941: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMegestrolI: Breast cancer, Endometrial cancerBSO: Suspension, oral: 40 mg/mL with alcohol 0.06%Tablet: 20 mg, 40 mg D: Adults: Oral (refer to individual protocols): Breast carcinoma& Uterine bleeding 40 mg 4 times/day Endometrial: 40-320 mg/day in divided doses; use for 2 months to determine efficacy; max 800 mg/day Male/Female: HIV-related cachexia: Initial dose: 800 mg/day; daily doses of 400-800 mg/dayKI: Allergy, Breastfeeding, Children, PregnancyP: Thrombophlebitis, Severely decreased liver functionES: Heart failure, Changes in mood, hyperglycaemia, fluid retention, Nausea and vomiting, Hot flushes, dyspnoea, Stimulation of tumour growth, alopecia, hypertension, urticaria, uterine bleeding, Weight gainIO: -Preg: X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 942: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLetrozoleI: # Pre-operative treatment of localised hormone receptor + breast cancer in postmenopausal women, to shrink the cancer and allow breast-conserving surgery# Immediately following surgery for hormone receptor + early invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women, to reduce chances of the cancer returning# Following five years standard treatment with tamoxifen for early invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women, to reduce chances of the cancer returning# Advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women, either as first-line treatment or where other anti-oestrogen medicines have not been effectiveBSO: Tablet: 2.5 mgD: 2.5 mg 1x/dayKI: Pre-menopausal women, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Severely decreased liver function, Pre-operative treatment for localised breast cancer if the breast cancer is not responsive to oestrogen, or this is unknown

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 943: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Severely decreased kidney function, Osteoporosis ES: Hot flushes, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Fatigue, Hair loss, Pain in muscles or joints, Change in appetite, Headache, Dizziness, Rash, dry skin or itching, Increased sweating, peripheral oedema, Weight gain, Vaginal bleeding, discharge or dryness, Urinary tract infection, Tumour pain, Depression or anxiety, Memory impairment, dyspnoea, palpitations, Raised cholesterol levels, insomniaIO: CYP3A3/4 and 2A6 enzyme substrate; CYP2A6 and 2C19 enzyme inhibitorPreg: DNama Dagang:Femara

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 944: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLeuprorelinI: Advanced prostate cancer, EndometriosisBSO: Vial 3.75 mgD: Ca prostat: 3.75 mg Dosis tunggal SC/ IM per bulanEndometriosis: dosis sama, dimulai 5 hari pertama mens selama 6 bulan KI: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Vaginal bleeding (unknown) P: Depression, Diabetes, tumour symptoms (tumour flare), cancer has spread to the spine, urinary obstruction, Osteoporosis, long-term treatment with corticosteroids, or antiepileptic, history of heavy drinking or smokingES: Headache, insomnia, Hot flushes, Dizziness, Decreased sex drive, Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain, Visual disturbances, paraesthesia, palpitations, Worsening of depression, leucopenia, pulmonary embolismMen: Impotence, gynaecomastia, SweatingWomen: Vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, Hair loss, Breast tenderness, Change in breast sizePreg: X

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 945: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAnastrozoleI: Advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women # Treating postmenopausal women who have had surgery to remove early hormone receptor + breast cancer. It can be used for 5 years immediately following the surgery, or after 2-3years of taking tamoxifen.BSO: Tablet: 1 mgD: 1 mg 1x/dayKI: liver & kidney disease, Pre-menopausal women, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption P: Osteoporosis, risk factors for osteoporosisES: Hot flushes, asthenia, Joint pain or stiffness, Mood disturbances, Rash, Headache, Diarrhoea, Nausea, vomiting, Loss of appetite, Vaginal bleeding, somnolence, Raised cholesterol levels, osteopororsisIO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substrate; CYP1A2, 2C8, 2C9, and 3A3/4 enzyme inhibitorPreg: DNama Dagang: Arimidex

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 946: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIrinotecanI: Colorectal cancerBSO: Injection: 20 mg/mL D: Adults: I.V.: Weekly regimen: 125 mg/m2 over 90 minutes on days 1, 8, 15, and 22, followed by a 2-week rest Once-every-3-week regimen: 350 mg/m2 over 90 minutes, once every 3 weeks A reduction in the starting dose by one dose level may be considered for patients greater than or equal to 65 years of age, prior pelvic/abdominal radiotherapy, performance status of 2, or increased bilirubin (dosing for patients with a bilirubin >2 mg/dL cannot be recommended based on lack of data per manufacturer) Depending on the patient's ability to tolerate therapy, doses should be adjusted in increments of 25-50 mg/m2. Irinotecan doses may range 50-150 mg/m2. Combination therapy with 5-FU and leucovorin: Six-week (42-day) cycle (next cycle beginning on day 45):

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 947: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index125 mg/m2 over 90 minutes on days 1, 8, 15, and 22; to be given in combination with bolus leucovorin and 5-FU (leucovorin administered immediately following irinotecan; 5-FU immediately following leucovorin) 180 mg/m2 over 90 minutes on days 1, 15, and 22; to be given in combination with infusional leucovorin and bolus/infusion 5-FU (leucovorin administered immediately following irinotecan; 5-FU immediately following leucovorin) Note: For all regimens: It is recommended that new courses begin only after the granulocyte count recovers to greater than or equal to 1500/mm3, the platelet count recovers to greater than or equal to 100,000/mm3, and treatment-related diarrhea has fully resolved. Treatment should be delayed 1-2 weeks to allow for recovery from treatment-related toxicities. If the patient has not recovered after a 2-week delay, consideration should be given to discontinuing irinotecan. Dosing adjustment for toxicities: A decrease in dose level corresponds to a decrease in irinotecan dosage by 25-50 mg/

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 948: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexm2; specific dose levels corresponding to individual protocols should be consulted. KI: Children, bowel obstruction, Chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, hiperbilirubinemia, Severe reduction in blood cell production in the bone marrow, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Elderly people, hyperbilirubinaemia, Campto infusion contains sorbitol and may be unsuitable for people with hereditary fructose intolerance.ES: Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Dehydration, Abdominal pain, Constipation, Loss of appetite, stomatitis, Reversible hair loss, neutropenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, Increased susceptibility to infections, Fever, asthenia, Fatigue, Acute cholinergic syndrome, Muscle cramps, Skin reactions such as rash and itchIO: Preg: DNama Dagang: Campto

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 949: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImatinibI: cancer called Philadelphia chromosome + chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+ CML) or gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)BSO: Kaps/ Tab 100 mgD: ASM, HES or CEL, MDS or MPD: 400 mg 1x/dCML & GIST: 400-600 mg1x/dALL: 600 mg 1x/dDFSP: 800 mg 1x/dKI: P: ES: IO: not recommended with: Aprepitant, Carbamazepine, Dexamethasone, Fosaprepitant, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Rifampin, St John's Wort, WarfarinPreg:DNama Dagang: Glivec

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 950: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGefitinibI: non-small cell lung cancer after the failure of other chemotherapy treatment.BSO: Tab 250 mgD: 250 mg 1x/dKI: P: Check if diarrhea, nausea or anorexia, problems breathing, new eye problems.ES: Bloating/swelling of face, arms, hands, lower legs or feet, Burning, dry or itching eyes, Change in vision, Difficult/ labored breathing, Eye discharge or excessive tearing, Redness, pain, swelling of eye, eyelid, or inner lining of eyelid, Shortness of breathIO: Combination drug is not recommended, but may be required in some cases. Preg: DNama Dagang:Iressa

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 951: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIfosfamideForms DNA interstrand and intrastrand bonds that interfere with protein synthesis.I: Lymphoma, Other cancersBSO: Powder for injection: 1 g, 3 gD: 5 g/m2 IV over 24 h q3wkI.V. (refer to individual protocols): Adults: 50 mg/kg/day or 700-2000 mg/m2/day for 5 days Alternatives include 2400 mg/m2/day for 3 days or 5000 mg/m2

as a single dose Doses of 700-900 mg/m2/day for 5 days may be given IVP; courses may be repeated every 3-4 weeks To prevent bladder toxicity, ifosfamide should be given with extensive hydration consisting of at least 2 L of oral or I.V. fluid per day. A protector, such as mesna, should also be used to prevent hemorrhagic cystitis. The dose-limiting toxicity is hemorrhagic cystitis and ifosfamide should be used in conjunction with a uroprotective agent. Dosing adjustment in renal impairment:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 952: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexScr >3.0 mg/dL: Withhold drug Scr 2.1-3.0 mg/dL: Reduce dose by 25% to 50% KI: Hipersensitif; renal/hepatic failure; bone marrow suppressionIO: Phenobarbital, phenytoin, chloral hydrate, and other drugs that interfere with cytochrome P-450 activity may alter effectsPreg: DP: May cause hemorrhagic cystitis and severe myelosuppression; caution in renal function impairment or compromised bone marrow reserve Nama Dagang: Holoxan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 953: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydroxyurea/ HydroxycarbamideI: cancer and to prevent painful episodes associated with sickle cell anemia.BSO: Capsule: 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg, 500 mgD: pediatric astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors: 1500-3000 mg/m2 as a single dose in combination with other agents every 4-6 weeksCML: Initial: 10-20 mg/kg/day once daily; adjust dose according to hematologic response Adults: Dose should always be titrated to patient response and WBC counts; usual oral doses range from 10-30 mg/kg/day or 500-3000 mg/day; if WBC count falls to <2500 cells/mm3, or the platelet count to <100,000/mm3, therapy should be stopped for at least 3 days and resumed when values rise toward normal Solid tumors: Intermittent therapy: 80 mg/kg 1x every third day Continuous therapy: 20-30 mg/kg/day 1x/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 954: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexConcomitant therapy with irradiation: 80 mg/kg as a single dose every third day starting at least 7 days before initiation of irradiation Resistant chronic myelocytic leukemia: 20-30 mg/kg/day divided daily HIV: 1000-1500 mg daily in a single dose or divided doses Sickle cell anemia (moderate/severe disease): Initial: 15 mg/kg/day, increased by 5 mg/kg every 12 weeks if blood counts are in an acceptable range until the maximum tolerated dose of 35 mg/kg/day is achieved or the dose that does not produce toxic effects Acceptable range:Neutrophils greater than or equal to 2500 cells/mm3

Platelets greater than or equal to 95,000/mm3

Hemoglobin >5.3 g/dL, and Reticulocytes greater than or equal to 95,000/mm3 if the hemoglobin concentration is <9 g/dL Toxic range:Neutrophils <2000 cells/mm3

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPlatelets <80,000/mm3

Hemoglobin <4.5 g/dL Reticulocytes <80,000/mm3 if the hemoglobin concentration is <9 g/dL Monitor for toxicity every 2 weeks; if toxicity occurs, stop treatment until the bone marrow recovers; restart at 2.5 mg/kg/day less than the dose at which toxicity occurs; if no toxicity occurs over the next 12 weeks, then the subsequent dose should be increased by 2.5 mg/kg/day; reduced dosage of hydroxyurea alternating with erythropoietin may decrease myelotoxicity and increase levels of fetal hemoglobin in patients who have not been helped by hydroxyurea alone KI: Severe anemia, severe bone marrow suppression; WBC <2500/mm3 or platelet count <100,000/mm3; hypersensitivityP: Renal impairment, in patients who have received prior irradiation therapy, and in the elderly.ES: >10%: Drowsiness, nausea and vomiting may occur, as well as diarrhea, constipation, mucositis, ulceration of the GI tract, anorexia, and stomatitis,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 956: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHematologic: Myelosuppression: Dose-limiting toxicity, causes a rapid drop in leukocyte count (seen in 4-5 days in nonhematologic malignancy and more rapidly in leukemia); thrombocytopenia and anemia occur less often; reversal of WBC count occurs rapidly, but the platelet count may take 7-10 days to recover WBC & Platelets: Moderate. Onset (days): 7, Nadir (days): 10 Recovery (days): 21 1-10%: Dermatologic changes (hyperpigmentation, erythema of the hands and face, maculopapular rash, or dry skin), alopeciaMiscellaneous: Carcinogenic potential IO: Increased effect: Zidovudine, zalcitabine, didanosine: Synergy. Increased toxicity: Fluorouracil: The potential for neurotoxicity may increase with concomitant administration Cytarabine: Modulation of its metabolism and cytotoxicity reduction of cytarabine dosePreg: DNama Dagang: Hydrea

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 957: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMitoxantroneI: Metastatic breast cancer, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia in adults, Primary liver cancer that cannot be treated with surgery.BSO: Injection: 2 mg/mLD: Refer to individual protocols. I.V. (may dilute in D5W or NS): Children less than or equal to 2 years: 0.4 mg/kg/day once daily for 3-5 days Children >2 years and Adults: 12 mg/m2/day once daily for 3 days; acute leukemia in relapse: 8-12 mg/m2/day once daily for 4-5 days Solid tumors: Children: 18-20 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks OR 5-8 mg/m2 1x/wk Adults: 12-14 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks OR 2-4 mg/m2/day for 5d Max: 80-120 mg/m2 in patients with predisposing factor and <160 mg in patients with no predisposing factor Dosing adjustment in hepatic impairment: Official dosage adjustment recommendations have not been established

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 958: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexModerate dysfunction (bilirubin 1.5-3 mg/dL): Some clinicians recommend a 50% dosage reduction Severe dysfunction (bilirubin >3.0 mg/dL) have a lower total body clearance and may require a dosage adjustment to 8 mg/m2; some clinicians recommend a dosage reduction to 25% of dose Dose modifications based on degree of leukopenia or thrombocytopenia:Granulocyte count nadir >2000 cells/mm2; platelet count nadir >150,000 cells/mm2; total bilirubin <1.5 mg/dL: Increase dose by 1 mg/m2

Granulocyte count nadir 1000-2000 cells/mm2; platelet count nadir 75,000-150,000 cells/mm2; total bilirubin <1.5 mg/dL: Maintain same dose Granulocyte count nadir <1000 cells/mm2; platelet count nadir <75,000 cells/mm2; total bilirubin 1.5-3 mg/dL: Decrease dose by 1 mg/m2

KI: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Allergy.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 959: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Decreased blood cell production by the bone marrow, Decreased liver function, Heart disease, People who have previously had radiotherapy to the chest area, People who have had previous therapy with other anthracycline type anticancer medicines or other medicines that can have side effects on the heart.ES: Blue/green coloration of urine, leucopenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, stomatitis, Alteration in taste, Hair loss (reversible on stopping treatment), Fatigue and weakness, phlebitis, Confusion, Anxiety, pyrexia, amenorrhoea# Blue discoloration of the skin, nails or whites of the eyes (this is temporary and due to the colour of the medicine), Rash, Shortness of breath, Changes in liver function, Bleeding in the stomach or intestines, Heart failure, arrhythmiasIPreg: DNama Dagang:Norexan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 960: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGoserelinI: Breast cancer, Endometriosis, Fibroids of the uterus, Preparing the pituitary gland prior to infertility treatment, Preparing the uterus lining (endometrium) prior to surgery, Prostate cancerBSO: Injection, implant: 3.6 mg single dose disposable syringe with 16-gauge hypodermic needle; 10.8 mg single dose disposable syringe with 14-gauge hypodermic needleD: Breast Cancer, Cancer of the prostate, endometriosis, Thinning the uterus before surgery of the uterus: 3.6 mg SC (upper abdomen) per mo KI: Allergy, Children, PregnancyP: Polycystic ovary syndrome, osteoporosisES: Headache, gynaecomastia, paraesthesia, Hot flushes, arthralgia, Decrease in the density of bone, Changes in blood pressure, Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries# Vaginal dryness, Decreased sex drive, pituitary apoplexyPreg: X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 961: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFlutamideI: Advanced prostate cancerBSO: Capsule: 125 mg, 250 mgD: Adults: Oral: 250 mg 3x KI: WomenP: Decreased liver function, Heart diseaseES: insomnia, Tiredness, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, photosensitivity, gynaecomastia, Increased appetite, galactorrhoea, haemolytic anaemia, Decrease in production of sperm, Decreased sex drive, Breast tenderness, Liver disordersIO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substratereg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 962: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index5-Fluorouracil/ FluorouracilPyrimidine antagonist. Inhibition of thymidylate synthase and inhibition of RNA synthesis. Also is a potent radiosensitizer.I: Breast cancer, Colorectal cancerBSO: Cream, topical: 5%, 1% Injection: 50 mg/mL Solution, topical: 2%; 5%D: 225 mg/m2/d continuous IV for 5 wkChildren and Adults: IV 1st : 400-500 mg/m2/day (12 mg/kg/day; max: 800 mg/day) for 4-5 days either as a single daily I.V. push or 4-day CIV I.V.: Maintenance: 200-250 mg/m2 (6 mg/kg) every other day for 4 days repeated in 4 weeks 500-600 mg/m2 (15 mg/kg) weekly as a CIV or I.V. push I.V.: Concomitant with leucovorin: 370 mg/m2/day x 5 days 500-1000 mg/m2 every 2 weeks 600 mg/m2 weekly for 6 weeks

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 963: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlthough the manufacturer recommends no daily dose >800 mg, higher doses of up to 2 g/day are routinely administered by CIV; higher daily doses have been successfully used Hemodialysis: Administer dose posthemodialysis Dosing adjustment/comments in hepatic impairment: Bilirubin >5 mg/dL: Omit use Topical: Actinic or solar keratosis: Apply twice daily for 2-6 weeks Superficial basal cell carcinomas: Apply 5% twice daily for at least 3-6 weeks and up to 10-12 weeks KI: Hipersensitif; myelosuppression; acute active infectionIO: Increase effects of anticoagulants, immunosuppressives, NSAIDs, platelet inhibitors, and thrombolyticsPreg: XP: Inflammatory reactions may occur with occlusive dressings; porous gauze dressing may be applied for cosmetic reasons, without increase in reaction Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 964: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAsparaginaseI: acute lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma; used for induction therapyBSO: Injection: 10,000 U/vialD: Refer to individual protocols; Asparaginase is available from two different microbiological sources: One is from Escherichia coli and the other is from Erwinia carotovora; the Erwinia is restricted to patients who have sustained allergic reactions to the E. coli preparation I.M., I.V.: 6000 U/m2 every other day for 3-4 weeks or daily doses of 1000-20,000 U/m2 for 10-20 days; other induction regimens have been utilized Hemodialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics Peritoneal dialysis: Significant drug removal is unlikely based on physiochemical characteristics Desensitization should be performed before administering the first dose of asparaginase to patients who developed a + reaction to the intradermal skin test or who are being retreated;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 965: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexone schedule begins with a total of 1 unit given I.V. and doubles the dose every 10 minutes until the total amount given in the planned dose for that day Asparaginase Desensitization:Inj No. 1: 1 IU; Accumulated total dose = 1 Inj No. 2: 2 IU; Accumulated total dose = 3 Inj No. 3: 4 IU; Accumulated total dose = 7 Inj No. 4: 8 IU; Accumulated total dose = 15 Inj No. 5: 16 IU; Accumulated total dose = 31 Inj No. 6: 32 IU; Accumulated total dose = 63 Inj No. 7: 64 IU; Accumulated total dose = 127 Inj No. 8: 128 IU; Accumulated total dose = 255 Inj No. 9: 256 IU; Accumulated total dose = 511 Inj No. 10: 512 IU; Accumulated total dose = 1023 Inj No. 11: 1024 IU; Accumulated total dose = 2047 Inj No. 12: 2048 IU; Accumulated total dose = 4095 Inj No. 13: 4096 IU; Accumulated total dose = 8191 Inj No.14 8192 IU; Accumulated total dose= 16,383 Inj No15: 16,384 IU;Accumulated total dose= 32,767

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInjection No.16: 32,768 IU; Accumulated total dose = 65,535 Injection No. 17: 65,536 IU; Accumulated total dose = 131,071 Injection No. 18: 131,072 IU; Accumulated total dose = 262,143 For example, if a patient was to receive a total dose of 4000 U, he/she would receive injections 1-12 during the desensitization KI: Pancreatitis (active or any history of), hypersensitivity; P: ES: Joint pain, Puffy face, Skin rash or itching, Stomach pain (severe) with nausea and vomiting, Trouble in breathingLess: Confusion, Convulsions, Frequent urination, Headache, Loss of bladder control, Muscle spasm or jerking of all extremities, Numbness or tingling in hands, arms, or legs, Severe weakness, Sudden loss of consciousness, Swelling of feet or lower legs, Unusual bleeding or bruising, Unusual thirstIO: Decreased effect: Methotrexate: Asparaginase terminates methotrexate action by inhibition of protein synthesis and prevention of cell entry into the S phase Increased toxicity:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 967: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVincristine and prednisone: An increase in toxicity has been noticed when asparaginase is administered with VCR and prednisone Cyclophosphamide (decreases metabolism) Mercaptopurine (increases hepatotoxicity) Vincristine (increases neuropathy) Prednisone (increases hyperglycemia) Preg: CNama Dagang: Leunase

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 969: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Antiseptik saluran Kemih

Pipemidic AcidPhenazopyridine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 970: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPipemidic AcidI: ISKBSO: Kaps 400 mgD: 400 mg 2x/hr selama min 10 hari KI: Hipersensitif, bayiP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 971: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenazopyridineI: to relieve the pain, burning, and discomfort caused by infection or irritation of the urinary tract. It is not an antibiotic and will not cure the infection itself.BSO: Tab: 100 mg, 200 mg D: 200 mg 3x/hari. Children= 4 mg/kg 3x/hari.KI: Hypersensitivity; kidney or liver diseaseP: Does not treat infection, acts only as an analgesic; drug should be discontinued if skin or sclera develop a yellow color; use with caution in patients with renal impairment. Use of this agent in the elderly is limited since accumulation of phenazopyridine can occur in patients with renal insufficiency. It should not be used in patients with a Clcr <50 mL/minute.ES: 1-10%: Headache, dizziness, Stomach cramps IO: Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 972: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Hipertrofi ProstatDoxazosinTerazosinFinasterideDutasterideAlfuzosin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTamsulosinI: Benign prostatic hyperplasia.BSO: Kaps 0.2 mg

D: Adults= 0.4 mg ax/hariKI: postural hypotension, Severely decreased liver function.P: Severely decreased kidney function.ES: Dizziness, Headache, asthenia, Abnormal ejaculation, postural hypotension, syncope, palpitations, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea or vomiting, rhinitis, Drowsiness, Blurred vision, Dry mouth, oedema, Persistent painful erection of the penis (priapism)IO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Harnal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 974: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFinasterideBlocks conversion of testosterone to its more active metabolite, dihydrotestosterone. More effective when used in combination with OCPs.I: Enlarged prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia).BSO: Tablet, film coated: 1 mg, 5 mgD: BPH: Adults= 5 mg 1x/hari. Hair growth: Adults—1 mg 1x/hari.KI: Hipersensitif; lactation; childhoodIO: -ES: Impotence, Allergy to active ingredients (hypersensitivity), Rash (allergic reaction), Breast tenderness/swelling, Ejaculation disorders, Decreased sex drive.Preg: XP: Minimum of 6 mo treatment necessary to determine response; caution in liver function abnormalities; monitor patients with severely diminished urinary flow for obstructive uropathy (may not be candidates for this therapy)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 975: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDutasterideI: Enlarged prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia)BSO: Kaps 0.5 mgD: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): 0.5 mg 1x/hari.KI: # Women# Children or adolescents under 18 years of age# Allergy to other 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, eg finasteride# Severely decreased liver functionP: Mild to moderately decreased liver functionES: Impotence, Decreased sex drive# Ejaculation disorders, such as decreased amount of semen produced or decreased sperm count# Breast enlargement or tenderness# Allergic reactions such as rash, itching or localised swellingIO: Preg: X Nama Dagang: Avodart

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 976: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlfuzosinI: Benign prostatic hyperplasia in men > 65 years of age. This medicine is taken for 2-3 days while a catheter is in place and for one day after the catheter has been removed.BSO: Tab 10 mg

D: Adults—10 mg 1x/hari KI: People taking other alpha-blocker medicines, Decreased liver function, postural hypotension, micturition syncope.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, Allergy to alpha-blocker medicines, Coronary artery disease or angina pectoris.# People taking blood pressure lowering medication.ES: Feeling faint, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Abdominal pain, asthenia, malaise, vertigo, Drowsiness, Dry mouth, Diarrhoea, postural hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, palpitations, Chest pain, Flushing, oedema, Rash or itching.IO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Xatral

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 977: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Preparat VaginaPovidone IodineClotrimazoleTinidazoleMetronidazoleNystatin Estriol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 978: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPovidone IodineI: External antiseptic with broad microbicidal spectrum against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and yeastsBSO: Aerosol, Lubricating gel, Cream & Ophthalmic sterile prep: 5% Antiseptic gauze pads, Douche, Foam, Vaginal & Ointment, topical, vaginal(Topical & Suppositories): 10% Scrub, surgical, Shampoo, Cleanser Skin & Skin foam: 7.5% Mouthwash (0.5%) Swab aid & Perineal wash concentrate: 1% Swabsticks: 4"D: Shampoo: Apply 2 Cth, 2x/week, then shampoo weekly. Topical: Apply as needed KI: Hypersensitivity, pre-pubertal children, taking lithium, Thyroid disorders (do not use regularly)ES: Irritation in area of use, Interference with thyroid function. Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 979: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Bekerja Pada UterusOxytocinMethylergometrine/ MethylergonovineIsoxsuprineRitodrineDinoprostone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 980: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxytocin-- Nine–amino acid peptide produced in hypothalamus and secreted by posterior pituitary in pulsatile fashion. Uterine receptors for oxytocin increase during the weeks before onset of labor, with sharpest increase just before labor.I: Inducing) labour, Stimulating labour when the contractions are considered too weak, post-partum haemorrhage, During caesarian section, Management of certain types of miscarriageBSO: Injection: 10 U/mL Solution, nasal: 40 U/mL D: Injection: Start or continue labor:0.5-2 miu/ menit IV pelan. Titrasi dosis tiap 15-60 menit.Incomplete abortion, causing abortion, or controlling bleeding after an abortion: 10 U IV pelan.Control bleeding after delivery: 10 U IV pelan/ IMKI: Hipersensitif; unfavorable fetal position and a contracting uterus with hypertonic or hyperactive patterns; nonreassuring fetal status and remote from delivery; labor in which vaginal delivery should be avoided (eg, invasive cervical carcinoma,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 981: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcord presentation or prolapse, active herpes genitalis, total placenta previa, vasa previa)IO: Pressor effect of sympathomimetics may increase when used concomitantly, causing postpartum hypertensionES: Nausea and vomiting, Spasms of the uterus, Bleeding, arrhythmias, Skin rashes, Fall in blood pressure (causing dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling faint), Difficulty in breathing, Shock, High doses may cause very strong contractions of the womb, resulting in tearing of the womb, tissue damage or distress to the baby, Water intoxication and hiponatremia.Preg: XP: An overstimulated uterus can be hazardous to mother and fetus; hypertonic contractions can occur in patients with uteruses hypersensitive to oxytocin, regardless of whether administered appropriately; has intrinsic antidiuretic effect that can cause water intoxication when administered by continuous infusion and patient is receiving fluids PO

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 982: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethylergometrine/ MethylergonovineI: Prevention and treatment of postpartum and postabortion hemorrhage caused by uterine atony or subinvolutionBSO: Injection: 0.2 mg/mL, Tablet: 0.2 mg D: Dosis KI: Induction of labor, threatened spontaneous abortion, hypertension, toxemia, hypersensitivity to methylergonovine or any component, pregnancyP: Use caution in patients with sepsis, obliterative vascular disease, hepatic, or renal involvement, hypertension; administer with extreme caution if using I.V.ES: >10%: Cardiovascular: Hypertension 1% to 10%: Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting IO: Augmented effects may occur with concurrent use of methylergonovine and vasoconstrictors or ergot alkaloidsPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 983: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRitodrineI: The management of pre-term labourBSO: Infusion, in D5W: 0.3 mL. Amp: 10 mg/mL. Tab 10 mgD: Extended-release capsules: 1st 40 mg/8 hoursuntil 37th week of pregnancy.Tablets: 10 mg/2 hours after stops IV ritodrine. After that, 10- 20 mg/ 4-6 hours. until your 37th week of pregnancy.For injection: 50-350 mcg/ minute IV KI: Antepartum haemorrhage, Chorioamnionitis, Cord compression, IUFD, Maternal cardiac disease, eclampsiaP: pulmonary oedema, hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, Mild-moderate pre-eclampsiaES: Antepartum haemorrhage, Chorioamnionitis, Cord compression, Intra uterine foetal death, Maternal cardiac disease, eclampsia, tremor, Sweating, pulmonary oedema, palpitations, Nausea and vomiting, Flushing, Inflammation of parotid glands, tachycardia, WheezingPreg: BNama Dagang: Yutopar

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 984: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDinoprostoneI: Starting (inducing) labour (childbirth)BSO: Insert, vaginal: 10 mg Gel, endocervical: 0.5 mg in 3 g syringesSuppository, vaginal: 20 mg D: To thin and widen the opening of the cervix just before labor:* Cervical Gel: 0.5 mg into the canal of cervix. * Vaginal gel: 1 mg into vagina. 1-2 mg 6hours after first dose.* Supp: 20 mg into vagina q3-5 hours as needed. * System: 10 mg into vagina. KI: Current heart, lung, liver or kidney disease, labour has already started, history of major surgery on the uterus & cervix. had more than three full term pregnancies, pelvic inflammatory disease, IUFD, there may be a problem in delivery, placenta praevia, unexplained vaginal bleedingP: more than one baby, KPD, abnormally strong contractions of the womb in a previous pregnancy, History of asthma & glaucoma, hypertension, Gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, Women > 35 years, over 40 weeks pregnant

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 985: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abnormally strong contractions of the womb, Problems with the baby's heart rate, Foetal distress, Tearing of the womb wall if the contractions are very strong or prolonged, disseminated intravascular coagulation – DIC, Vaginal swelling (oedema)IO: Increased effect of oxytocicsPreg: CNama Dagang:Prostin E2

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 986: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Inkontinensia & FrekuenFlavoxateTolterodine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 987: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFlavoxateI: Incontinence, nocturia, Pain in the bladder/above the pubic bone, dysuria, urinary frequency, Spasms of the bladder or urethra due to catheters, cystoscopy or urinary tract surgery, urinary urgencyBSO: Tablet, film coated: 100 mgD: Adults and > 12 years= 100-200 mg 3-4x/hr.KI: Bleeding from the stomach or intestines, intestinal obstruction, achalasia, ileus, Obstruction of the urinary tractP: Elderly people, GlaucomaES: Headache, tachycardia, Diarrhoea, Drowsiness, Confusion, vertigo, palpitations, Nausea and vomiting, dysuria, Nervousness, urticaria, hyperpyrexia, Blurred vision, Dry mouthIO: -Preg: BNama Dagang:Uroxal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 988: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTolterodineI: Urinary frequency, urinary urgency, urinary incontinenceBSO: Tab salut selaput 2 mgD: 2 mg 2x/hari. Extended-release capsules: 4 mg 1x/hr.KI: Urinary retention, Closed angle glaucoma, myasthenia gravis, ulcerative colitis, toxic megacolon, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorptionP: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, Obstruction of the outflow of urine from the bladder, autonomic neuropathy, Hiatus hernia, 'prolonged QT interval', Heart diseases, bradycardia, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypocalcaemiaES: Dry mouth, Dryness of the skin and eyes, dyspepsia, Cons-tipation, Vomiting, Blurred vision, Nervousness, somnolence, paraesthesia, Fatigue, Headache, urinary retention, peripheral oedema, tachycardia, Hallucinations, arrhythmiasPreg: CNama Dagang: Detrusitol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 989: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Disfungsi EreksiSildenafil VardenafilTadalafil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 990: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSildenafilI: Impotence (erectile dysfunction)BSO: Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgD: Erectile dysfunction:Adults-< 65 = 50 mg single dose, 1 h before coitus. Alternatively 30'-4 hours before coitus. daily dose 25-100 mg.Adults > 65 = 25 mg If taking protease inhibitors, such as for the treatment of HIV: 25 mg dose, max single dose of 25 mg of Viagra in a 48 hour period.

Pulmonary arterial hypertension: 20 mg 3x/hari. KI: Women, Children < 18 years of age, severe heart disorders, hypotension, taking any form of nitrate medications, eg glyceryl trinitrate, Severely decreased liver function, Hereditary degeneration of the back of the eyeball (retina), such as retinitis pigmentosa, Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 991: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index# This medicine is not recommended for people who have ever experienced an eye condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This condition causes a sudden, partial decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes due to damage to the optic nerve. It can be temporary or permanent. P: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, cardiovascular disease, aortic stenosis, Bleeding disorders, eg haemophilia, Active peptic ulcer, Physical abnormality of the penis, such as severe curvature, scarring or Peyronie's diseaseES: Headache, Flushing, Dizziness, Visual disturbances, Nasal congestion, palpitations, Indigestion, Eye pain, Red eyes, arrhythmias, hypotension, hypertension, Fainting, Nosebleeds, Rash, Persistent painful erection of the penis (priapism), angina pectoris, cerebrovascular haemorrhage, transient ischaemic attackPreg: BNama Dagang: Viagra

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 992: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVardenafilI: Impotence (erectile dysfunction)BSO: Tab 5 mg. 10 mg. 20 mgD: Erectile dysfunction: < 65 years: 10 mg as a single dose. 1 hour before coitus.> 65 years: 5 mg.KI: Women, Children < 18 years, heart disorders, unstable angina, history of stroke & stroke, hypotension, Hereditary degeneration of retina, such as retinitis pigmentosa, Severe kidney & liver failure, taking any form of nitrate medications, eg glyceryl trinitrate, taking protease inhibitors to treat HIV infection, eg ritonavir, indinavir.# This medicine is not recommended for people who have ever experienced an eye condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This condition causes a sudden, partial decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes due to damage to the optic nerve. It can be temporary or permanent.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 993: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Elderly men, cardiovascular disease, aortic stenosis, 'prolonged QT interval', hypokalaemia, Bleeding disorders, eg haemophilia, Active peptic ulcer, Physical abnormality of the penis, such as severe curvature, scarring or Peyronie's diseaseConditions such as sickle cell disease, bone cancer or leukaemia in which there is an increased risk of prolonged erections (priapism), Decreased kidney & liver functionES: Headache, Flushing, Dizziness, rhinitis, dyspepsia, Nausea, Visual disturbances, such as blurred vision, blue/green tinge to vision, watery eyes, Sleepiness, Increased heart rate, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension, syncope, Shortness of breath, Nosebleeds, photosensitivity, Pain or increased tension in the muscles, Prolonged or painful erections, Anxiety.IO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Levitra

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 994: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTadalafilI: Impotence (erectile dysfunction)BSO: Tab salut selaput 10 mgD: Erectile dysfunction: 10 mg single dose, 30 minutes before coitus.Erectile dysfunction (daily use): 2.5 mg 1x/day, without coitus. KI: Women, Children < 18 years, heart disorders, heart attack or stroke in the last three months, arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, glucose-galactose malabsorption, taking any form of nitrate medications, eg glyceryl trinitrate.# This medicine is not recommended for people who have ever experienced an eye condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This condition causes a sudden, partial decrease or loss of vision in one or both eyes due to damage to the optic nerve. It can be temporary or permanent. P: Decreased liver & kidney function, cardiovascular disease, Conditions such as sickle cell disease, bone cancer or leukaemia in which there is an increased risk of prolonged

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 995: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexerections (priapism), Physical abnormality of the penis, such as severe curvature, scarring or Peyronie's diseaseES: Headache, dyspepsia, Dizziness, Flushing, Nasal congestion, Back pain, myalgia, Eye pain, hyperaemia, Swelling of the eyelids, Visual disturbances, hypertension, hypotension, syncope, Chest pain, palpitations, tachycardia, Sweating, Prolonged or painful erectionsIO: Preg: BNama Dagang: 1. Cialis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 997: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. InsulinInsulin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 998: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInsulinStimulates cellular uptake of potassium within 20-30 min. Administer glucose along with insulin to prevent hypoglycemia. Monitor blood sugar levels frequently.I: IDDMBSO: Vial 40 mg/cc, 100 mg/ccPenfill 100 U/mL

D: Inj SC 15-30 menit sblm makan &atau sblm tidur. 10 U IV and either 50 mL D50W bolus or 500 mL D10W >1 hPaed.0.5-1 g/kg IV followed by 1 U of regular insulin per 3 g glucoseKI: Hipersensitif; hypoglycemiaES: hypoglycaemia, Cough, Shortness of breath, Throat irritation, Dry throat, Nosebleeds, pharyngitis, Wheezing, bronchospasm, Alteration in your voice, Pain at the back of the throat, Dry mouth, Tonsil disorder, Chest pain, Allergy.IO: Medications that may decrease hypoglycemic effects of insulin include acetazolamide, AIDS antivirals, asparaginase,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 999: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexphenytoin, nicotine isoniazid, diltiazem, diuretics, corticosteroids, thiazide diuretics, thyroid estrogens, ethacrynic acid, calcitonin, oral contraceptives, diazoxide, dobutamine, phenothiazines, cyclophosphamide, dextrothyroxine, lithium carbonate, epinephrine, morphine sulfate, and niacin; medications that may increase hypoglycemic effects of insulin include calcium, ACE inhibitors, alcohol, tetracyclines, beta-blockers, lithium carbonate, anabolic steroids, pyridoxine, salicylates, MAOIs, mebendazole, sulfonamides, phenylbutazone, chloroquine, clofibrate, fenfluramine, guanethidine, octreotide, pentamidine, and sulfinpyrazonePreg: BP: Hyperthyroidism may increase renal clearance of insulin and may need more insulin to treat hyperkalemia; hypothyroidism may delay insulin turnover, requiring less insulin to treat hyperkalemia; monitor glucose carefully; dose adjustments of insulin may be necessary in patients diagnosed with renal and hepatic dysfunction Nama Dagang: Lantus

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1000: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Oral Diabetik agentGlibenclamideMetforminGliclazideGlipizideGlimepirideChlorpropamideNateglinideAcarbose RosiglitazoneGliquidonePioglitazone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1001: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGlibenclamideI: Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes, when diet has failed to fully control blood sugarBSO: Tab 2.5 mg. 5 mg

D: 2.5-5 mg 1x/hari pagi sebelum makan KI: IDDM, Diabetic keto-acidosis, coma or precoma, Severely decreased liver & kidney function, Severe problems with the production of natural steroid hormones by the adrenal glands# Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, porphyriasP: Elderly people, Decreased kliver & idney functionES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, hypoglycaemia, Temporary visual disturbances at start of treatment, Weight gain, Allergic skin rashes, Disturbance in liver function, hepatitis, Cholestatic jaundice, Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the bloodPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1002: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetforminReduces hepatic glucose output, decreases intestinal absorption of glucose, and increases glucose uptake in the peripheral tissues (muscle and adipocytes). Major drug used in obese patients who have type 2 DM.I: NIDDM, Polycystic ovary syndrome (unlicensed use).BSO: Tablet: 500 mg, 625 mg, 750 mg, 850 mg, 1000 mgD: Tab: Metformin alone: Dws: 500 mg 2-3x/hari,or 850 mg 1x

pagi d.c . Increase per week, max 2550 mg/hari.Metformin with insulin: 500 mg/hari, increase 500 mg/mgg Anak max 2 g/hari.Extended-release tab:Dws: Metformin alone: 500 mg 1x/hari sore, max 2 g/hr.Metformin with insulin: 500 mg/hari, increase 500 mg/mgg KI: Hipersensitif; acute myocardial infarction; septicemia; renal disease

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1003: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Diuretics, thyroid products, PO contraceptives, phenytoin, calcium channel–blocking drugs; phenothiazines may decrease effects; cimetidine may increase levelsPreg: BP: Caution in renal insufficiency; discontinue therapy before performing any surgical procedures; impaired liver function Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1004: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGliclazideI: NIDDMBSO: Tab 30 mgD: 30-120 mg dosis tunggal KI: Children < 12 years, Allergy, IDDM, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Coma or pre-coma, Severely decreased liver & kidney function, porphyrias, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney function, hypothyroidism, pituitary insufficiency, adrenal insufficiency, Malnutrition, Severe vascular disease (coronary heart dis).ES: Diarrhoea, constipation, indigestion, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Temporary visual disturbances at start of treatment, hypoglycaemia, Skin reactions, Disturbances in the normal levels of blood cells in the blood, jaundice, hepatitisIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1005: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGlipizideI: DiabetesBSO: Tablet: 5 mg, 10 mg Tablet, extended release: 5 mg, 10 mg D: 1st line: Dws: glipizide 2.5 mg (+ Metformin 250 mg) 1x/hr

. 2nd line: glipizide 2.5 mg (+ Metformin 500 mg) 2x/hrKI: Life long inherited blood diseases which can cause a variety of symptoms, including mental health problems (porphyrias)P: Elderly people, Kidney & liver diseaseES: Drowsiness, Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, hypoglycaemia, Dizziness, Weight gain, Skin rashesIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1006: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGlimepirideI: NIDDMBSO: Tablet: 1 mg, 2 mg, 4 mgD: Dws Rosiglitazone 4 mg (glimepiride 1 mg), or Rosiglitazone 4 mg (glimepiride 2 mg) 1x/hari.KI: IDDM, Diabetic keto-acidosis, coma or precoma, Severely decreased liver & kidney function, porphyrias, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Allergy.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney & liver function, Problems with the adrenal glands productionES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Temporary visual disturbances at start of treatment, Weight gain, hypoglycaemia, Allergic, Disturbance in liver function, hepatitis, Cholestatic jaundiceO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1007: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlorpropamideSulfonylureaI: NIDDMBSO: Tablet: 100 mg, 250 mgD: Adults: 250 mg/day in, 100-125 mg/day in older patientsIncreased/ decreased by 50-125 mg/day at 3- to 5-day intervalsMaintenance dose: 100-250 mg/day; avoid doses >750 mg/dayAt higher dosages, sulfonylureas may block the ATP-sensitive potassium channels, which may correspond to an increased risk of cardiovascular events. In May, 2000, the National Diabetes Center issued a warning to avoid the use of sulfonylureas at higher dosages (chlorpropamide daily doses >100 mg).KI: PorphyriasP: Elderly people, Liver & Kidney disease, hypoglycaemiaES: Allergic, hypoglycaemia, facial flushing, Weight gain, Headache, Increased sensitivity to sunlight, Blood disorders, Skin rashes, Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1008: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Decreased effect: Thiazides and hydantoins (eg, phenytoin) decrease chlorpropamide effectiveness may increase blood glucose Increased toxicity: Increases alcohol-associated disulfiram reactions Increases oral anticoagulant effects Salicylates may increase chlorpropamide effects may decrease blood glucose Sulfonamides may decrease sulfonylureas clearance Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1009: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNateglinideI: Additional treatment of type 2 diabetes that is poorly controlled by metformin aloneBSO: Tab salut selaput 120 mg

D: Dws: 60-120 mg 3x/hari KI: Breastfeeding, Diabetic keto-acidosis, Pregnancy, Severely decreased liver function, Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetesP: Elderly people, pituitary insufficiency, adrenal insufficiency, Malnutrition, Moderate to severely decreased kidney function, Moderately decreased liver function, Weak or debilitated peopleES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Hypoglycaemia, Indigestion (dyspepsia), Alteration in results of liver function tests, Allergic skin reactionsIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Starlix

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1010: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcarboseI: NIDDMBSO: Tablet: 50 mg, 100 mg.

D: Dws: 25 mg 3x/hari. KI: Breastfeeding, Children < 12 yearsP: Increased gas formation in the gut, Decreased liver function, Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, decreased kidney function, partial intestinal obstruction, Pregnancy, Ulceration of the colonES: Abdominal distension, hepatitis, borborygmi, flatulence, Rash, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Alteration in results of liver function testsIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:Glucobay 50/ Glucobay 100

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1011: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRosiglitazoneI: NIDDMBSO: Tablet: 2 mg, 4 mg, 8 mgD: Dws: 4 mg 1x/hari, or 2 mg 2x/hr. increase setelah 2-3 bln, 8 mg 1x/hari atau 4 mg 2x/hari.KI: Heart failure, Decreased liver function, Diabetic ketoacidosis & pre-coma, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption, children < 18 years of age.P: Elderly people, Decreased kidney function, Heart disease, low haemoglobin levels, macular oedema.ES: Hypoglycaemia, oedema, Constipation, anaemia, hyperlipidaemia, Weight gain, Increased appetite, Headache, Fatigue, Dizziness, Pain in the muscles, paraesthesia, dyspnoea, Heart failure, thrombocytopenia, Abnormal liver function, pulmonary oedema, macular oedema.IO: Substrate for cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme 2C8 (CYP2C8); minor metabolism by CYP2C9Preg: CNama Dagang: Avandia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1012: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGliquidoneI: NIDDMBSO: Tab 30 mg

D: Awal 15 mg 1x/hr pagi sebelum makan pagi. Titrasi sampai 45-60 mg/hari 2-3x/hr. Maks dosis tunggal 60 mg. Maks dosis harian 120 mg, KI: PorphyriasP: Elderly people, Liver diseaseES: Headache, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, hypoglycaemia, Weight gain, Blood disorders, Skin rashesIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1013: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPioglitazoneI: NIDDMBSO: Tablet: 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mgD: 15-30 mg 1x/hari.KI: Heart failure, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Decreased liver function# People having kidney dialysis, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption, children < 18 years of age.P: People > 75 years of age, Heart disease, low haemoglobin levels, macular oedema.ES: Visual disturbances, Weight gain, Decreased sense of touch, Upper airway infections, anaemia, arthralgia, Headache, oedema, haematuria, Impotence, Dizziness, flatulence, insomnia, hypoglycaemia (particularly if taken in combination with a sulphonylurea medicine, eg gliclazide, or insulin), glycosuria, proteinuria, SweatingIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1014: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Anti HiperlipidemiaSimvastatinPravastatinFluvastatinLovastatinAtorvastatinRosuvastatinColestyramineFenofibrateGemfibrozilCiprofibrateTocopheryl nicotinateEzetimibe

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1015: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: SimvastatinInhibits cholesterol synthesis and increases cholesterol metabolism.I: Hypercholesterolaemia, High levels of triglycerides and lipoproteins.BSO: Tablet: 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mgD: Dws: 20-40 mg 1x/hari.Anak 10-17 thn: 10 mg 1x/hari, max 40 mg/hari KI:Hipersensitif; active liver disease; unexplained elevation of liver enzymes; Preg:; breastfeedingIO:Mibefradil, cyclosporine, itraconazole, ketoconazole, gemfibrozil, niacin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, and nefazodone increase toxicity; coadministration with warfarin may increase PT; rifampin and nicotinic acid may decrease effects; coadministration with either niacin or erythromycin has been associated with rhabdomyolysis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1016: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, feeling of weakness, headache, dizziness, paraesthesia, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, anaemia, liver disorders, rash or itching, hair loss, muscle disorders, depression, sleep disturbances, memory loss, sexual problems.Preg: XP:May elevate creatine kinase and transaminase levels; discontinue therapy if symptoms of myopathy or renal failure develop; caution in patients with a history of liver disease and in those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1017: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPravastatinI: Hypercholesterolaemia, High levels of triglycerides and lipoproteins.BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mgD: Dws: 40 mg 1x/hari.Anak 8-13 thn: 20 mg 1x/hari.KI:Hipersensitif; active liver disease; unexplained elevations in liver function tests; Preg:; breast-feedingIO:Immunosuppressive agents, gemfibrozil, clofibrate, cholestyramine, niacin, and erythromycin increase toxicity; may increase the PT when coadministered with warfarin; coadministration with either niacin or erythromycin has been associated with rhabdomyolysisES: Dizziness, Headache, Visual disturbances, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, Skin reactions such as rash and itch, Increased urination, Fatigue, myalgia or arthralgia, Muscle weakness &

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1018: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexcramps, Alteration in results of liver function tests, paraesthesia, Liver disorders, rhabdomyolysis, Depression, insomniac, Memory loss, Sexual problems.Preg: XP:May elevate creatine kinase and transaminase levels; caution in liver disease and ethanol abuse Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1019: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluvastatinI: Hypercholesterolaemia, High levels of triglycerides and lipoproteins.BSO: Capsule: 20 mg, 40 mgD: Dws: Tab: 20-40 mg 1x sore hari.Extended-release tab: 80 mg 1x/hariKI:Hipersensitif; active liver disease; unexplained elevations in liver function tests; Preg:; breastfeedingIO:Toxicity increases when coadministered with triazole antifungals, CNS depressants, macrolide antibiotics, mibefradil, immunosuppressive agents, gemfibrozil, and niacin; coadministration with warfarin may increase PT; rifampin, nicotinic acid, bile acid sequestrants, and propranolol may decrease effectsPreg: XP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1020: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay elevate creatine kinase and transaminase levels; photosensitivity may occur with prolonged exposure to sunlight or tanning equipment Nama Dagang: Lescol/ Lescol XL

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1021: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLovastatinI: Adjunct to dietary therapy to decrease elevated serum total and LDL cholesterol concentrations in primary hypercholesterolemia; primary prevention of coronary artery disease (patients without symptomatic disease with average to moderately elevated total and LDL cholesterol and below average HDL cholesterol)BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg

D: Tab: Dws: 20 mg 1x/hari sore hari , increase dose q4wk, max 80 mg/hari. Anak: setengah dosis dewasa.Extended-release tab: max 60 mg/hr.KI:Hipersensitif; active liver disease; unexplained elevations in liver function tests; Preg:; breastfeedingIO:Mibefradil, cyclosporine, itraconazole, ketoconazole, gemfibrozil, niacin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, and nefazodone increase toxicity; coadministration with warfarin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1022: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmay increase PT; increases effects of levothyroxine; rifampin, nicotinic acid, bile acid sequestrants, and propranolol may decrease effectsPreg: XP:May elevate creatine kinase and transaminase levels; discontinue therapy if symptoms of myopathy or renal failure develop; caution in patients with a history of liver disease and in those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1023: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtorvastatinI: Hypercholesterolaemia, High levels of triglycerides and lipoproteins. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular events. BSO: Tablet: 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mgD: 10-20 mg 1x/hari, titrate to max 80 mg/hariKI:Hipersensitif; significant hepatic impairment; Preg:; breastfeedingIO:Toxicity increases when coadministered with triazole antifungals, CNS depressants, macrolide antibiotics, mibefradil, cyclosporine, fibric acid derivatives, and niacin; increases toxicity of levothyroxine; coadministration with warfarin may increase the PTES: Headache, insomnia, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, flatulence, Muscle pain, .Feeling of weakness, Dizziness, angina, Back pain, joint pain, alopecia, Loss of appetite, Muscle cramps, Skin reactions, thrombocytopenia, Weight gain, Memory loss, Depression,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1024: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSexual problems, Liver disorders, .Muscle disorders, Changes in blood sugar levels.Preg: XP:May elevate creatine kinase and transaminase levels; caution in patients receiving drugs that prolong QRS or QT interval; discontinue therapy if symptoms of myopathy or renal failure develop; caution in patients with a history of liver disease and in those who consume excessive amounts of alcohol Nama Dagang: Lipitor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1025: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRosuvastatin HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor that in turn decreases cholesterol synthesis and increases cholesterol metabolism. Reduces total-C, LDL-C, and TG levels and increases HDL-C level. Used adjunctively with diet and exercise to treat hypercholesterolemia.I: Primary, familial & mixed hyperlipidaemiaBSO: Tab salut selaput 10 mg. 20 mgD: 5-10 mg PO qd initially; may increase dose if needed, max 40 mg/d; for marked hypercholesterolemia (ie, LDL-C >190 mg/dL), initiate with 20 mg/d POKI:Hipersensitif; active liver disease; unexplained serum transaminase elevationIO:Cyclosporine or gemfibrozil significantly increase Cmax and AUC, thereby increasing myopathy and rhabdomyolysis risk; limit dose to 5 mg/d when coadministered with cyclosporine and 10 mg/d when coadministered with gemfibrozil; coadministration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1026: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexwith aluminum and magnesium hydroxide antacids decreases plasma concentrations (administer antacids 2 h after rosuvastatin); may increase oral contraceptive plasma concentrations; alcohol may increase hepatotoxic riskES: Headache, Dizziness, Abdominal pain, Constipation, Nausea, myalgia, asthenia, Skin reactions, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia, Alteration in results of liver function tests, proteinuria, hepatitis, Depression, Sleep disturbances, Memory loss, Sexual problems.Preg: XP: Common adverse effects include muscle aches, stomach pain, constipation, nausea, and weakness; may cause myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and kidney failure; monitor LFTs (ie, baseline, 12 wk after drug initiation and any dose elevation, and semiannually), discontinue if elevation persists; decrease dose with CrCl <30 mL/min; doses 40 mg or greater associated with hematuria and proteinuriaNama Dagang: Crestor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1027: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexColestyramineI: Adjunct in the management of primary hypercholesterolemia; pruritus associated with elevated levels of bile acids; diarrhea associated with excess fecal bile acids; binding toxicologic agents; pseudomembraneous colitisBSO: Bubuk 4 gD: High cholesterol or pruritus (itching) related to biliary

obstruction: 4 g 1-2x/hari , increase to 8-24 g 2-6x/hariPaed. Not established; suggested dosing is 240 mg/kg/d PO divided bid/tid; max 8 g/dKI: Hipersensitif; biliary obstructionIO:Inhibits absorption of many drugs, including warfarin, thyroid hormone, amiodarone, NSAIDs, methotrexate, digitalis glycosides, glipizide, phenytoin, imipramine, niacin, methyldopa, tetracyclines, clofibrate, hydrocortisone, and penicillin GES: >10%: Constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting 1% to 10%: Headache, Belching, bloating, diarrhea

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1028: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreg: CP:Patients may require fat-soluble vitamins and folic acid replacement with long-term therapy; caution in constipation and phenylketonuria; administer 1-2 h before or 4-6 h after bile acid sequestrant Nama Dagang:Questran

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1029: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFibric acid derivatives FenofibrateAdjunct to dietary therapy in treating hyperlipidemias associated with hypertriglyceridemia, including type IV and type V. Not proven to be of use in prevention of coronary artery disease.I: High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood (hyperlipidaemia).BSO: Capsule: 67 mg, 200 mg

D: Hypertriglyceridemia 43 mg 1x/hari Hypercholesteremia: 130-200 mg 1x/hari.Tablets:Hypertriglyceridemia 48-160 mg 1x/hari Hypercholesteremia: 130-200 mg 1x/hari.KI: Hipersensitif; hepatic or renal dysfunction, including primary biliary cirrhosis; unexplained persistent liver function abnormalities; gallbladder disease; caution in hypothyroidismIO: May increase effects of warfarin; the benefits and risks of administration with immunosuppressants and other nephrotoxic

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1030: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdrugs should be considered carefully and the lowest possible dose used; a theoretical risk of severe myositis, rhabdomyolysis, and renal failure exists if combined with the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, and close monitoring of serum creatine kinase is appropriateES: Diarrhoea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Fatigue, vertigo, Skin reactions, photosensitivity, pancreatitis, deep vein thrombosism, pulmonary embolism, alopecia, Sexual problems, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Gallstones, Muscle pain, inflammation, cramps or weakness, rhabdomyolysis, hepatitis.Preg: CP: May cause cholelithiasis or cholecystitis; associated with myositis and elevated creatine kinase levels, particularly when used with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors; increased incidence of malignancy Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1031: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGemfibrozilAdjunct to dietary therapy in adult patients with type IV and V hyperlipidemias presenting at risk for pancreatitis. Adjunctive therapy in coronary heart disease prevention in patients with type IIb hyperlipidemia (low HDL, elevated LDL and triglycerides) not responding to other agents or diet modifications.I: Hyperlipidaemia, Prevention of coronary heart disease. BSO: Capsule: 300 mg Tablet, film coated: 600 mg D:

Adults: 600 mg 2x/hari KI:Hipersensitif; gallbladder disease; renal or hepatic insufficienciesIO:May potentiate effects of warfarin; closely monitor if coadministered with lovastatin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1032: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Headache, Rash, pruritus, Blurred vision, flatulence, Impotence, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, pancreatitis, photosensitivity, jaundice, angioedema, Dizziness, atrial fibrillation, rhabdomyolysis, myalgia, myastheniaPreg: BP:Discontinue if reduction in triglyceride levels is not observed after 3 mo of therapy; monitor for abnormal elevation of ALT, AST, LDH, bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase serum levels; may increase cholesterol excretion into bile, leading to cholelithiasis; incidence of myositis is higher among patients with renal impairment; caution in diabetes and hypothyroidism Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1033: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCiprofibrateI: Primary dyslipoproteinaemiasBSO: Kapl 100 mgD: Dws 100 mg/hrKI: Severely decreased kidney & liver function, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption, children.P: Elderly people, Decreased liver & kidney functionnephrotic syndrome, hypoalbuminaemia, hypothyroidism, alcoholism.ES: Headache, vertigo, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, dyspepsia, Abdominal pain, Alteration in results of liver function tests, Skin reactions, myalgia, myositis, alopecia, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Impotence, rhabdomyolysisIO: Preg: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Modalim

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1034: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEzetimibeI: Primary, familial hypercholesterolaemia# A rare inherited disease with raised levels of plant sterols similar to cholesterol in the blood (homozygous sitosterolaemia or phytosterolaemia)BSO: Tab 10 mg

D: High cholesterol: Adults & >10 tahun: 10 mg 1x/hr. KI: Active liver disease & unexplained raised results in liver function tests, Pregnancy (if taken with a statin)# Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorptionP: ES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Constipation, flatulence, Nausea, Fatigue, Allergic skin rash, Liver disorders, myalgia or arthralgia, myopathy or rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitisIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: Ezetrol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1035: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Preparat TiroidLevothyroxine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1036: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevothyroxineI: Hypothyroidism.BSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized: 200 mcg/vial; 500 mcg/vial Tablet: 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg, 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, 300 mcg D: Children: Congenital hypothyroidism: Oral: 0-6 months: 8-10 mcg/kg/day or 25-50 mcg/day 6-12 months: 6-8 mcg/kg/day or 50-75 mcg/day 1-5 years: 5-6 mcg/kg/day or 75-100 mcg/day 6-12 years: 4-5 mcg/kg/day or 100-150 mcg/day >12 years: 2-3 mcg/kg/day or greater than or equal to 150 mcg/day I.M., I.V.: 50% to 75% of the oral dose Adults: Oral: Initial: 0.05 mg/day, then increase by increments of 25 mcg/day at intervals of 2-3 weeks; average adult dose: 100-200 mcg/day; maximum dose: 200 mcg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1037: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.M., I.V.: 50% of the oral dose Myxedema coma or stupor: I.V.: 200-500 mcg one time, then 100-300 mcg the next day if necessary Thyroid suppression therapy: Oral: 2-6 mcg/kg/day for 7-10 days KI: Thyrotoxicosis.P: Elderly people, Heart disease decreased function of the adrenal glands, panhypopituitarism, DM, diabetes insipidus.ES: Angina, heart palpitations, arrhythmias, tachycardia, muscle cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, tremor, restlessness, excitability, insomnia, headache, flushing, sweating, fever, intolerance to heat, muscle weakness, weight loss.IO: Preg: ANama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1038: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. Anti TiroidPropylthiouracil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1039: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPropylthiouracil (PTU)I: HyperthyroidismBSO: Tablet: 50 mgD: 3x 1 tab. Adjust dosage to maintain T3, T4, and TSH levels in normal range; elevated T3 may be sole indicator of inadequate treatment. Elevated TSH indicates excessive antithyroid treatment. or6-10 years: 50-150 mg/day >10 years: 150-300 mg/day Maintenance: Determined by patient response or1/3 to 2/3 of the initial dose in divided doses every 8-12 hours. This usually begins after 2 months on an effective initial dose. Adults: Initial: 300 mg/day in divided doses every 8 hours. In patients with severe hyperthyroidism, very large goiters, or both, the initial dosage is usually 450 mg/day; an occasional patient will require 600-900 mg/day; maintenance: 100-150 mg/day in divided doses every 8-12 hours

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1040: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexElderly: Use lower dose recommendations; Initial: 150-300 mg/day Withdrawal of therapy: Therapy should be withdrawn gradually with evaluation of the patient every 4-6 weeks for the first 3 months then every 3 months for the first year after discontinuation of therapy to detect any reoccurrence of a hyperthyroid state. KI: Children < 6 years, severe allergic reaction.P: Kidney & liver diseaseES: Blood disorders, Skin rashes, arthralgia, jaundice, alopecia, pyrexia, hepatitis, pruritis, urticaria, Allergic skin reactionsIO: Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1041: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Anti Osteoporosis & Metabolisme TulangAlendronate/ Sodium alendronateRisedronateZoledronic acidDisodium clodronateRaloxifeneCalcitriolCalcitoninAlfacalcidolPamidronate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1042: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlendronic acid/ Sodium alendronateI: # Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in women who have passed the menopause, men & caused by long-term treatment with corticosteroids such as prednisolone.BSO: Tablet: 5 mg, 10 mg, 40 mgD: Prevention: 5 mg PO qd or 35 mg/wk.Treatment: 10 mg PO qd or 70 mg PO qwkTreatment of osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoid treatment:5 mg 1x/hr, In postmenopausal women not receiving estrogen, the dose is 10 mg/d.Paget's disease of bone: 40 mg 1x/hari for 6 bln.KI:Hipersensitif; inability to stand or sit upright for at least 30 min; hypocalcemia; esophageal abnormalities (eg, stricture, achalasia) that might delay esophageal emptyingIO:Coadministration with calcium-containing products and other multivalent cations decreases absorption (separate dosing by

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1043: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index30 min); increased GI distress with aspirin, NSAIDs, or other GI irritantsPreg: CP:Upper GI disease; renal insufficiency (CrCl <35 mL/min); treat disturbances of mineral metabolism; ensure adequate vitamin D and calcium intake; discontinue if esophageal reaction (eg, dysphagia, odynophagia, retrosternal pain, worsening heartburn) occurs; not for use in women who breastfeed Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1044: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRisedronateI: Paget's disease, in which there is excessive breakdown of bone and increased and irregular formation of bone, causing the bones to become enlarged, deformed, painful, weak and prone to breaking.BSO: Tablet: 5 mg, 30 mg

D: 5 mg/ hr or 35 mg/wkPaget's disease: 30 mg/d for 2 monthsKI:Hipersensitif; hypocalcemia; inability to stand or sit upright for at least 30 minIO:Coadministration with calcium-containing products and other multivalent cations decreases absorption (separate dosing by 30 min); caution with aspirin, NSAIDs, or other GI irritantsES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, indigestion or abdominal pain, Headache, musculoskeletal pain, dysphagia, gastritis, duodenitis, oesophagitis, Ulceration of oesophagus, iritis,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1045: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexglossitis, Leg cramps, Dizziness, Flu-like symptoms, Dry eyes, hypocalcaemia, peripheral oedema, Weight loss, tinnitus, Muscle weakness, Skin reactions, eg rashPreg: CP:Upper GI disease; renal insufficiency (CrCl <30 mL/min); correct any preexisting hypocalcemia or other mineral or bone disturbances prior to starting therapy; ensure adequate vitamin D and calcium intake; discontinue if esophageal reaction (eg, dysphagia, odynophagia, retrosternal pain, worsening heartburn) occurs; not for use in women who breastfeed Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1046: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexZoledronic acidI: Managing bone complications (such as bone pain, bone damage or hypercalcaemia) in multiple myeloma or breast cancer that has spread to the bone# Reducing hypercalcaemia caused by tumours.BSO: Vial 4 mg/5ccD: 4 mg infuse iv tiap 3-4 mggKI: Hypocalcaemia, Allergy, Children, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, decreased kidney function.P: Decreased kidney function, Dehydration.ES: Flu-like symptoms, fever, Fatigue, Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, Loss of appetite, conjunctivitis, Anaemia, Bone pain, hypocalcaemia or hypophosphataemia, Dizziness, Blurred vision, insomnia, Shortness of breath, Kidney problems, Rash or itching.Preg: DNama Dagang: Zometa

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1047: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDisodium Clodronate/ Clodronic acidI: Managing bone complications (such as bone pain, bone damage or hypercalcaemia) in multiple myeloma or breast cancer that has spread to the bone# Reducing hypercalcaemia caused by tumours.BSO: Kaps 400 mg. Kons Infus 60 mg/ccD: 1.6-3.2 g/hr . Konsentrat infuseKI: Children, Allergy, taking other bisphosphonate medicines, Severely decreased kidney function, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Decreased kidney function.ES: Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhoea, Skin reactions such as rash or itching, Kidney problems, bronchospasmIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Bonefos

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1048: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRaloxifeneNonsteroidal benzothiophene that acts as estrogen agonist on bone, decreasing bone resorption. Shown to increase BMD at spine and hip but to a lesser extent than estrogen therapy.Recommended for use in women at moderate risk for osteoporosis who are unwilling or unable to take estrogen, who have infrequent vasomotor symptoms of menopause (eg, hot flashes), and who are at low risk for cardiovascular disease and moderate-to-high risk for breast cancer.Studies demonstrate 40-50% risk reduction in vertebral fracture.I: Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in post-menopausal BSO: Tablet: 60 mg

D: 60 mg 1x/d, KI: Hipersensitif; thrombophlebitisIO: May antagonize warfarin; avoid with anion exchange resins (eg, cholestyramine); caution with other drugs that are highly protein bound (eg, diazepam, diazoxide, lidocaine)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1049: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Hot flushes, Flu-like symptoms, Leg cramps, peripheral oedema, DVT, trombocytopenia, dyspepsia, Nausea and vomiting, Migraine, Headache, Rash, hypertension, Breast pain, englargement or tenderness, SNHPreg: XP:Not for use in premenopausal women; not recommended for use with concomitant estrogen replacement therapy; discontinue 72 h before prolonged immobilization or surgery associated with thromboembolism and resume once fully ambulatory; hepatic dysfunction; not recommended for use in women who breastfeed Nama Dagang:Evista

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1050: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCalcitriolI: # Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women# The correction of abnormalities of calcium and phosphate metabolism in renal osteodystrophy.BSO: Capsule: 0.25 mcg, 0.5 mcg Injection: 1 mcg/mL; 2 mcg/mL Solution, oral: 1 mcg/mL D: Maintain calcium levels of 9-10 mg/dL Children: Oral: 0.25-2 mcg/day have been used (with hemodialysis); 0.014-0.041 mcg/kg/day (not receiving hemodialysis); increases should be made at 4- to 8-week intervals I.V.: 0.01-0.05 mcg/kg 3 times/week if undergoing hemodialysis Adults: Oral: 0.25 mcg/day or every other day (may require 0.5-1 mcg/day); increases should be made at 4- to 8-week intervals I.V.: 0.5 mcg/day 3 times/week (may require from 0.5-3 mcg/day given 3 times/week) if undergoing hemodialysis

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1051: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHypoparathyroidism/pseudohypoparathyroidism: Oral (evaluate dosage at 2- to 4-week intervals): Children: <1 year: 0.04-0.08 mcg/kg once daily 1-5 years: 0.25-0.75 mcg once daily Children >6 years and Adults: 0.5-2 mcg once daily Vitamin D-dependent rickets: Children and Adults: Oral: 1 mcg once daily Vitamin D-resistant rickets (familial hypophosphatemia): Children and Adults: Oral: Initial: 0.015-0.02 mcg/kg once daily; maintenance: 0.03-0.06 mcg/kg once daily; maximum dose: 2 mcg once daily Hypocalcemia in premature infants: Oral: 1 mcg once daily for 5 days Hypocalcemic tetany in premature infants: I.V.: 0.05 mcg/kg once daily for 5-12 days KI: Hypercalcaemia, allergy, Vitamin D toxicityP: Children, Decreased kidney function, Monitor blood Ca levels

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1052: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Headache, Abdominal pain, Thirst, hypersensitivity, Sweating, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Weakness, arrhythmias, vertigo, hypercalcaemia, hyperphosphateaemia, Loss of appetite, somnolence, paralytic ileus, Dehydration, polyuria, Indifference/apathy, High calcium levels in the urineIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1053: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCalcitoninInhibits osteoclast activity, thereby slowing bone loss. I: Preventing bone loss due to sudden immobilisation, for example as a result of fractures in people with osteoporosisPaget's disease, hypercalcaemia caused by tumoursBSO: Parenteral and intranasal forms; however, intranasal form is more convenient and better tolerated. Diminution of benefit may occur after 20 mo with parenteral form.Injection: Human: 0.5 mg/vial Salmon: 200 U/mL Spray, nasal: Salmon: 200 U/activation (0.09 mL/dose) (2 mL glass bottle with pump) D: Injection: Paget's disease, postmenopausal osteoporosis: 100 u IM/SC 1x/d or 3x/wkHypercalcemia: 4 U/kg IM/SC tiap 12 jam.200 IU (1 puff) into 1 nostril 1x/d. It is best to spray into the nostril on one side one day and the other side the next day.KI: HipersensitifIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1054: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay potentiate oral anticoagulants and oxyphenbutazone; may alter insulin effectsES: Nausea and vomiting, Flushing, Diarrhoea, Inflammation at site of injection, Dizziness, Skin rash, Metallic taste in mouth# Increased production of urinePreg: BP:Perform periodic nasal examinations and discontinue if severe ulceration occurs with nasal spray use; monitor for hypocalcemic tetany initially and urine sediments over long term with injectable use; hypocalcemia may occur (supplement with calcium and vitamin D); examine urine sediment during prolonged therapy; caution in women who breastfeed Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1055: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlfacalcidolI: # Hypocalcaemia in the neonate, hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia, correction of abnormalities of calcium and phosphate metabolism in renal osteodystrophy.BSO: Tab 0.25 mcg. 0.5 mcg. 1 mcgD: 0.5-1 mcg 1x/hr. anak 0.01-0.03 mcg/kg/hrKI: P: ES: Thirst, Sweating, Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Hypercalcaemia, Hyperphosphateaemia, Loss of appetiteaIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1056: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPamidronateI: Hypercalcemia +malignancy; osteolytic bone lesions+multiple myeloma or metastatic breast cancer; Paget's disease of boneBSO: Vial 30 mgD: Hypercalcemia: 60-90 mg IV infuse over 2-24 hours for 3dPaget's disease: 30 mg IV infuse over 2-24 hours for 3dBone metast.: 90 mg IV infuse over 2-24 hours, per 3-4wk or 1x/month.KI: Previous hypersensitivity to pamidronate or other biphosphonatesP: Use caution in patients with renal impairment as nephropathy was seen in animal studies. However, in contrast to reports of renal failure with other biphosphonates, impairment of renal function has not been reported with pamidronate in studies to date. However, further experience is needed to assess the nephrotoxic potential with higher doses and prolonged administration. Use caution in patients who are pregnant or in the breast-feeding period; leukopenia has been observed with oral pamidronate and monitoring of white blood cell counts is

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1057: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsuggested. Vein irritation and thrombophlebitis may occur with infusions. Has not been studied exclusively in the elderly; monitor serum electrolytes periodically since elderly are often receiving diuretics which can result in decreases in serum calcium, potassium, and magnesium.ES: 1% to 10%: Central nervous system: Malaise, fever, convulsions Endocrine & metabolic: Hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, fluid overload, hypophosphatemia Gastrointestinal: GI symptoms, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia Hepatic: Abnormal hepatic function Neuromuscular & skeletal: Bone pain Respiratory: Dyspnea IO: -Preg: CNama Dagang: Aredia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1058: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIX. VITAMIN & MINERALA. VITAMINB ANTI OBESITAS

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1059: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. VitaminVitamin A (Retinol)Vitamin B1(Thiamine)Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)Vitamin B ComplexVitamin C (ascorbic acid)Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol)Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)Vitamin EVitamin H (Biotin)Vitamin KNiacin (Nicotinic acid)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1060: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin A (Retinol)I: Some conditions may increase your need for vitamin A. These include: Diarrhea, Eye diseases, Intestine diseases, Infections, Measles, Pancreas disease, Stomach removal, StressBSO: Capsule: 10,000 U [OTC], 25,000 U, 50,000 U Drops, oral (water miscible) [OTC]: 5000 U/0.1 mL Injection: 50,000 U/mL Tablet [OTC]: 5000 U D: * To treat deficiency: 25,000- 50,000 U/d+ Measles= Anak 6-12bln= 100,000 U as a single dose.Anak > 1 thn= 200,000 U as a single dose.RDA: <1 year: 375 mcg 1-3 years: 400 mcg 4-6 years: 500 mcg*7-10 years: 700 mcg*>10 years: 800-1000 mcg*Male: 1000 mcg

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1061: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFemale: 800 mcg * mcg retinol equivalent (0.3 mcg retinol = 1 unit vitamin A) Note: Use of vitamin A in measles is recommended only for patients 6 months to 2 years of age hospitalized with measles and its complications or patients >6 months of age who have any of the following risk factors and who are not already receiving vitamin A: immunodeficiency, ophthalmologic evidence of vitamin A deficiency including night blindness, Bitot's spots or evidence of xerophthalmia, impaired intestinal absorption, moderate to severe malnutrition including that associated with eating disorders, or recent immigration from areas where high mortality rates from measles have been observed Note: Monitor patients closely; dosages >25,000 U/kg have been associated with toxicity + Xerophthalmia (eye disease)Anak 6-12bln= 100,000 U as a single dose.Hari ke 1, II dan 4 minggu kemudian.Anak > 1 thn= 200,000 U as a single dose.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1062: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHari ke 1, II dan 4 minggu kemudian.Severe deficiency with xerophthalmia: Oral: Anak 1-8thn= 5000-10,000 U/kg/day for 5 days/until recovery. Dws & Anak >8thn: 500,000 U/day for 3 days, then 50,000 U/day for 14 days, then 10,000-20,000 U/day for 2 months Deficiency (without corneal changes): Oral: Infants <1 year: 100,000 U every 4-6 months Children 1-8 years: 200,000 U every 4-6 months Children >8 years and Adults: 100,000 U/day for 3 days then 50,000 U/day for 14 days Malabsorption syndrome (prophylaxis): Children >8 years and Adults: Oral: 10,000-50,000 U/day of water miscible product Dietary supplement: Oral: Infants up to 6 months: 1500 U/day Children: 6 months to 3 years: 1500-2000 U/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1063: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index4-6 years: 2500 U/day 7-10 years: 3300-3500 U/day Children >10 years and Adults: 4000-5000 U/day KI: Hypervitaminosis A, hypersensitivity to vitamin A or any component; pregnancy if dose exceeds RDA recommendationsP: Evaluate other sources of vitamin A while receiving this product; patients receiving >25,000 U/day should be closely monitored for toxicityES: 1-10%: Drying or cracking of skin, Hypercalcemia, Weight loss , Visual changes, Hypervitaminosis A IO: Decreased effect: Cholestyramine decreases absorption of vitamin A; neomycin and mineral oil may also interfere with vitamin A absorption Increased toxicity: Retinoids may have additive adverse effects Preg: A, X (if dose exceeds RDA recommendation) Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1064: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin B complexI: Supportive nutritional supplementation in conditions in which water-soluble vitamins are required like GI disorders, chronic alcoholism, pregnancy, severe burns, and recovery from surgeryBSO: Capsule Solution: 5 mL, 360 mL D: 1 tab/caps per dayKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1065: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin B1 (Thiamine)I: Beriberi, Wernicke's encephalopathy syndrome, and peripheral neuritis associated with pellagra, alcoholic patients with altered sensorium; various genetic metabolic disordersBSO: Injection: 100 mg/mL; 200 mg/mLTablet: 50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg Tablet, enteric coated: 20 mg D: US normal daily recommended intakes: Dws L=1.2-1.5 mg/d. P= 1-1.1 mg/d.Hamil= 1.5 mg/dLaktasi= 1.6 mg/dAnak 7-10 thn= 1 mg/dAnak 4-6 thn= 0.9 mg/dAnak < 3 thn= 0.3-0.7 mg/dDeficiency: Beriberi Dws:Oral, 5-10 mg 3x/d. Anak: 10 mg/d. KI: Hypersensitivity to thiamine or any componentP: Use with caution with parenteral route (especially I.V.) of administration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: <1%: Cardiovascular collapse and death, warmth, rash, angioedema, paresthesiaIO: Neuromuscular blocking agents; high carbohydrate diets or I.V. dextrose solutions increase thiamine requirementPreg:: A, C (if dose exceeds RDA recommendation)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1067: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin B2 (Riboflavin)I: Prevent riboflavin deficiency and treat ariboflavinosisBSO: Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgD: US normal daily recommended intakes: Dws L=1.4-1.8 mg/d. P= 1.2-1.3 mg/d.Hamil= 1.6 mg/dLaktasi= 1.7-1.8 mg/dAnak 7-10 thn= 1.2 mg/dAnak 4-6 thn= 1.1 mg/dAnak < 3 thn= 0.4-0.8 mg/dKI: P: Riboflavin deficiency often occurs in the presence of other B vitamin deficienciesES: Genitourinary: Discoloration of urine (yellow-orange)IO: Decreased absorption with probenecidPreg:: A, B, C, D, X A/C (if dose exceeds RDA recommendation)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1068: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)I: Vitamin B6 deficiency, pyridoxine-dependent seizures in infants, adjunct to treatment of acute toxicity from isoniazid, cycloserine, or hydralazine overdoseBSO: Injection: 100 mg/mL Tablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg Tablet, extended release: 100 mg D: US normal daily recommended intakes: Dws L=1.7-2 mg/d. P= 1.4-1.6 mg/d.Hamil= 2.2 mg/dLaktasi= 2.1 mg/dAnak 7-10 thn= 1.4 mg/dAnak 4-6 thn= 1.1 mg/dAnak < 3 thn= 0.3-1 mg/dDeficiency:10-50 mg PO bid/qid (often 30-100 mg/d)KI:HipersensitifIO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay decrease levodopa, phenytoin, and phenobarbital serum levelsES: <1%: Sensory neuropathy, seizures have occurred following I.V. administration of very large doses, headache, nausea, decreased serum folic acid secretions, increased AST, paresthesia, allergic reactions have been reportedPreg: AP:>200 mg/d may precipitate withdrawal effects when medication is discontinued Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1070: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)I: Alcoholism, hemolytic Anemia, Fever (continuing), Genetic disorders such as homocystinuria and/or methylmalonic aciduria, Intestine diseases, Infections (continuing or chronic), Kidney, Liver, Pancreas, Stomach & Thyroid disease* Worm infectionsBSO: D: Intranasal gel: Dws 500 mcg 1 nostril per wk.Tablets or extended-release tab.US normal daily recommended intakes: Dws L=2 mcg/d. Hamil= 2.2 mcg/dLaktasi= 2.6 mcg/dAnak 7-10 thn= 1.4 mcg/dAnak 4-6 thn= 1 mcg/dAnak < 3 thn= 0.3-0.7 mcg/dPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFolic acidI: Megaloblastic and macrocytic anemias due to folate deficiency; dietary supplement to prevent neural tube defects BSO: Injection: 5 mg/mL; 10 mg/mL Tablet: 0.1 mg, 0.4 mg, 0.8 mg, 1 mg D: Infants: 0.1 mg/day Children <4 years: Up to 0.3 mg/day Children >4 years and Adults: 0.4 mg/day Pregnant and lactating women: 0.8 mg/day RDA: Adult male: 0.15-0.2 mg/day Adult female: 0.15-0.18 mg/day KI: Pernicious, aplastic, or normocytic anemiasP: Doses >0.1 mg/day may obscure pernicious anemia with continuing irreversible nerve damage progression. Resistance to treatment may occur with depressed hematopoiesis, alcoholism, deficiencies of other vitamins. Injection contains benzyl alcohol (1.5%) as preservative (use care in administration to neonates).

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1072: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: <1%: Slight flushing, general malaise, pruritus, rash, bronchospasm, allergic reactionIO: Decreased effect: In folate-deficient patients, folic acid therapy may increase phenytoin metabolism. Phenytoin, primidone, para-aminosalicylic acid, and sulfasalazine may decrease serum folate concentrations and cause deficiency. Oral contraceptives may also impair folate metabolism producing depletion, but the effect is unlikely to cause anemia or megaloblastic changes. Concurrent administration of chloramphenicol and folic acid may result in antagonism of the hematopoietic response to folic acid; dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (eg, methotrexate, trimethoprim) may interfere with folic acid utilization.Preg: A, C (if dose exceeds RDA recommendation)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1073: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin C (ascorbic acid)I: Scurvy =muscle weakness, swollen and bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and bleeding under the skin, as well as tiredness and depression. Wounds also do not heal easily. BSO: Crystals & Powder: 4 g/teaspoonful; 5 g/teaspoonful Injection: 250 mg/mL; 500 mg/mLLiquid, oral: 35 mg/0.6 mL Lozenges: 60 mg Solution & Syrup, oral: 100 mg/mLTablet: 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 1000 mg I: Oral, I.M., I.V., S.C.: <6 months: 30 mg 6 bln-1 thn= 35 mg 1-3 years: 15 mg; max 400 mg/day 4-8 years: 25 mg; max 650 mg/day 9-13 years: 45 mg; max 1200 mg/day 14-18 years: max 1800 mg/day Males: 75 mg Females: 65 mg Adults: max 2000 mg/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1074: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMales: 90 mg Females: 75 mg; Pregnant female: less than or equal to 18 years: 80 mg; max 1800 mg/day 19-50 years: 85 mg; max 2000 mg/day Lactating female: less than or equal to 18 years: 15 mg; max 1800 mg/day 19-50 years: 20 mg; max 2000 mg/day Adult smoker: Add an additional 35 mg/day Children: Scurvy: 100-300 mg/day in divided doses for at least 2 weeks Urinary acidification: 500 mg every 6-8 hours Dietary supplement: 35-100 mg/day Adults: Scurvy: 100-250 mg 1-2 times/day for at least 2 weeks Urinary acidification: 4-12 g/day in 3-4 divided doses Prevention and treatment of colds: 1-3 g/day Dietary supplement: 50-200 mg/day D: US normal daily recommended intakes:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1075: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDws L/P= 50-60 mg/d. Hamil= 70 mg/dLaktasi= 90-95 mg/dSmoker= 100 mg/dAnak 4-10 thn= 45 mg/dAnak < 3 thn= 30-40 mg/dDeficiency: Dws: Scurvy: 100-300 mg/d for 2 weeks. KI: Large doses during pregnancyP: Diabetics and patients prone to recurrent renal calculi (eg, dialysis patients) should not take excessive doses for extended periods of timeES: 1% to 10%: Renal: Hyperoxaluria with large doses <1%: Flushing, faintness, dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, flank pain IO: Aspirin (decreases ascorbate levels, increases aspirin) Fluphenazine (decreases fluphenazine levels) Warfarin (decreased effect), Iron (absorption enhanced) Oral contraceptives (increased contraceptive effect) Preg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1076: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol)I: Refractory rickets, hypophosphatemia, hypoparathyroidismBSO: Capsule: 50,000 U [1.25 mg] Injection: 500,000 U/mL [12.5 mg/mL] Liquid: 8000 U/mL [200 mcg/mL] Tablet: 50,000 U [1.25 mg] D: Oral dosing is preferred; I.M. therapy required with GI, liver, or biliary disease associated with malabsorption Premature infants: 10-20 mcg/day (400-800 U), up to 750 mcg/day (30,000 U) Infants and healthy Children: 10 mcg/day (400 U) Adults: 10 mcg/day (400 U) Renal failure: Children: 100-1000 mcg/day (4000-40,000 U) Adults: 500 mcg/day (20,000 U) Hypoparathyroidism: Children: 1.25-5 mg/day (50,000-200,000 U) & Ca supplements Adults: 625 mcg to 5 mg/day (25,000-200,000 U) + CaVitamin D-dependent rickets:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1077: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: 75-125 mcg/day (3000-5000 U); max: 1500 mcg/day Adults: 250 mcg to 1.5 mg/day (10,000-60,000 U) Nutritional rickets and osteomalacia: Children and Adults (with normal absorption): 25-125 mcg/day (1000-5000 U) Children +malabsorption: 250-625 mcg/day (10,000-25,000 U) Adults +malabsorption: 250-7500 mcg (10,000-300,000 U) Vitamin D-resistant rickets: Children: Initial: 1000-2000 mcg/day (40,000-80,000 U) with phosphate supplements; daily dosage is increased at 3- to 4-month intervals in 250-500 mcg (10,000-20,000 U) increments Adults: 250-1500 mcg/day (10,000-60,000 U) with phosphate supplements Familial hypophosphatemia: 10,000-80,000 U daily plus 1-2 g/day elemental phosphorus Osteoporosis prophylaxis: Adults: 51-70 years of age: 400 U/day >70 years of age: 600 U/day Maximum daily dose: 2000 U/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1078: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hypercalcemia, hypersensitivity to ergocalciferol or any component; malabsorption syndrome; evidence of vitamin D toxicityP: Administer with extreme caution in patients with impaired renal function, heart disease, renal stones, or arteriosclerosis; must administer concomitant calcium supplementation; maintain adequate fluid intake; avoid hypercalcemia; renal function impairment with secondary hyperparathyroidismES: Generally well toleratedIO: Decreased effect: Cholestyramine, colestipol, mineral oil may decrease oral absorption Increased effect: Thiazide diuretics may increase vitamin D effects Increased toxicity: Cardiac glycosides may increase toxicity Preg: A, C (if dose exceeds RDA recommendation)Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1079: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)I: Dietary supplement, treatment of vitamin D deficiency or prophylaxis of deficiencyBSO: Tablet: 400 U, 1000 UD: Adults: Oral: 400-1000 U/day KI: Hypercalcemia; hypersensitivity to cholecalciferol or any component; malabsorption syndrome; evidence of vitamin D toxicityP: ES: 1-10%: Irritability, headache, Pruritus, Polydipsia, Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, pancreatitis, metallic taste, Bone pain, myalgia, Conjunctivitis, photophobia, Polyuria IO: Thiazide diuretics, cholestyramine, colestipol, corticosteroids, mineral oil, phenytoin, barbiturates, digitalis glycosides, antacids (magnesium)Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1080: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin H (Biotin)I: Genetic disorder of biotin deficiency, Seborrheic dermatitis in infants, Surgical removal of the stomachBSO: D: Prevent deficiency:o Adults: 30-100 mcg/day.o Children 7-10 years of age: 30 mcg/day.o Children 4-6 years of age—25 mcg/ day.o Children < 3 years of age—10 -20 mcg/day.KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1081: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin E Protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in membranes from attack by free radicals.I: Hemolytic anemia secondary to vitamin E deficiency, dietary supplementBSO: Tab & Caps: 100U, 200U, 400U, 500 U, 600 U, 1000 U Caps, water miscible: 73.5 mg, 147 mg, 165 mg, 330 mg, 400 U Cream: 50 mg/gDrops, oral: 50 mg/mLOil & Liquid, topical: 10 mL, 15 mL, 30 mL, 60 mL Lotion: 120 mL Ointment, topical: 30 mg/gD: 1 U vitamin E = 1 mg dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. 60-75 IU/d PO/IM; study doses for the prevention of coronary artery disease have ranged from 400-800 IU/d PO=====Premature infants <3 months: 17 mg (25 U) Infants < 6 months: 3 mg (4.5 U) 7-12 months: 4 mg (6 U)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1082: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChildren: 1-3 years: 6 mg (9 U); max 200 mg/day 4-8 years: 7 mg (10.5 U); max 300 mg/day 9-13 years: 11 mg (16.5 U); max 600 mg/day 14-18 years: 15 mg (22.5 U); max 800 mg/day Adults: 15 mg (22.5 U); max 1 g/day Pregnant female: <18 years: 15 mg (22.5 U); max 800 mg/day 19-50 years: 15 mg (22.5 U); max 1 g/day Lactating female: <18 years: 19 mg (28.5 U); max 800 mg/day 19-50 years: 19 mg (28.5 U); max 1 g/day Vitamin E deficiency: Children (with malabsorption syndrome): 1 unit/kg/day of water miscible vitamin E (to raise plasma tocopherol concentrations to the normal range within 2 months and to maintain normal plasma concentrations) Adults: 60-75 U/day Prevention of vitamin E deficiency: Adults: 30 U/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1083: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrevention of retinopathy of prematurity or BPD secondary to O2 therapy: (American Academy of Pediatrics considers this use investigational and routine use is not recommended): Retinopathy prophylaxis: 15-30 U/kg/day to maintain plasma levels between 1.5-2 g/mL (may need as high as 100 U/kg/day) Cystic fibrosis, beta-thalassemia, sickle cell anemia may require higher daily maintenance doses: Cystic fibrosis: 100-400 U/day Beta-thalassemia: 750 U/day Sickle cell: 450 U/day Alzheimer's disease: 1000 U twice daily Tardive dyskinesia: 1600 U/day Topical: Apply a thin layer over affected area KI: Hipersensitif; iron deficiency anemiaIO: Mineral oil decreases absorption of vitamin E; vitamin E delays absorption of iron and increases effects of anticoagulants

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1084: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: <1%: Headache, fatigue, contact dermatitis with topical preparation, nausea, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, weakness, blurred vision, gonadal dysfunctionPreg: BP: Large doses of vitamin E may result in vitamin K deficiency, enhancing the anticoagulant activity of warfarin and increasing the risk of major and minor bleeding complications, especially in patients who are also taking antiplatelet medication; necrotizing enterocolitis may occur

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1085: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVitamin KI: As an antidote to coumarin-type anticoagulants, eg warfarinPrevention &treatment of bleeding due to vitamin K deficiencyBSO: Inj:Aqueous colloidal & IM only: 2 mg/mL; 10 mg/mL Tablet: 5 mg D: Blood clotting, increased bleeding, dietary supplementation:Menadiol oral: 5-10 mg/dayinjection: 5-15 mg IM/SC 1-2x/dayPhytonadione PO/IM/SC: 2.5-25 mg, rarely up to 50 mg. Prevention of bleeding in newborns: 0.5-1 mg IM/SC, right after delivery. q6-8 hours, if needed.KI: Allergy, glucose-galactose malabsorptionP: Elderly peopleES: Decreased appetite, Decreased movement, Difficulty in breathing, hepatomegali, General body swelling, Irritability, Muscle stiffness, Paleness, Yellow eyes or skinPreg: CNama Dagang: Vit K Kimia Farma

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1086: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNiacin (Nicotinic acid)Used in tissue respiration, lipid metabolism, and glycogenolysis. I: Some conditions: Cancer, DM, Diarrhea (prolonged), Fever (prolonged), Hartnup disease, Infection (prolonged), Intestinal problems, Liver disease, Mouth or throat sores, Overactive thyroid, Pancreas disease, Stomach ulcer, Stress (prolonged), Surgical removal of stomachBSO: Extended-release formulation may reduce flushing, an unpleasant adverse effect that causes 30-40% of patients to discontinue therapy.D: Niacin oral: Prevent deficiency: 15-20 mg/dayAdult males: 15-20 mg/ day. females: 13-15 mg/ day.Pregnant: 17 mg/day, Breast-feeding: 20 mg/dayChildren 7 -10 years of age: 13 mg/dayChildren 4-6 years of age: 12 mg/dayInfants birth <3 years of age—5-9 mg/ day.KI: Hipersensitif; active liver disease or unexplained significant increases in AST and ALT; substantial alcohol consumption; active peptic ulcer disease; active gout; hyperuricemia

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1087: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis; cutaneous vasodilation may be a problem if high dose is used with peripheral dilators such as nitroglycerine; taking aspirin 30-60 min before first dose of the day may help alleviate prostaglandin-mediated adverse effects (eg, flushing, itching); clonidine may inhibit niacin-induced flushing; separate dosing of bile acid sequestrants by at least 4-6 h; may increase PT when coadministered with warfarinES: Injection: Skin rash or itching, WheezingProlonged use of extended-release niacin: Darkening of urine, Light gray-colored stools, Loss of appetite, stomach painPreg: AP: Caution in patients with gallbladder disease or diabetes in those predisposed to gout; monitor blood glucose; may elevate uric acid levels and lower blood phosphate levels; Preg: category C when used at doses greater than RDA Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1088: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Anti ObesitasDiethylpropion HClPhaseolus vulgarisSibutramineOrlistatMazindol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1089: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiethylpropion HClAnorexiant, Mengontrol BB dg menurunkan nafsu makanBSO: Tablet: 25 mg. Tablet, controlled release: 75 mg D: 1 tab/hrKI: Hipersensitif, arteriosklerosis lanjut, hipertensi berat, hipertiroidisme, glaukoma, agitasi/ psikosis akut, riwayat penylahgunaan obat, ggn afektif & psikiatrik, terapi MAOI. Anak < 12 th.P: Hipertensi, pnykt KV, epilepsi, DM, dpt menyebabkan ketergantungan.ES: Palpitasi, takikardi, peningkatan TD, nyeri prekordial, aritmia, stimulasi SSP, pusing, mengantuk, depresi, diskrasia darah, ggn GIIO: Antagonisme dg guanetidin & bretilium. Potensiasi dg zat yg mempengaruhi TD. Meningkatkan insiden aritmia jika digunakan dg anestesia umum.Preg:: Nama Dagang: Apisate (diethylpropion HCl 75 mg, Vit B1 5 mg, B2 4 mg, B6 2 mg, nicotinamide 30 mg)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1090: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhaseolus vulgarisI: Menurunkan BBBSO: Tab 30 D: 1-2 tab 2x/hr, 10-20 mnt sebelum mengonsumsi karbohidrat. Ditelan bersama segelas air. P: Hipersensitif thd kromium & Tanin. Kerusakan hati & ginjal berat. Hamil & LaktasiES: Mual, kembung, konstipasi, diare,. Dpt menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman pd GI jika dikonsumsi pd saat perut kosong IO: Kodein, Efedrin, ß-blocker. Kolkisin sebaiknya diberikan sesudah 2 jam.Simetidin, kuinolon, Ca karbonat, antasid, kortikosteroid menurunkan absorbsi kromium. Aspirin & Vit C meningkatkan absorbsi Kromium. Preg::Nama Dagang:F-Slim (Phaseolus vulgaris 500 mg green tea extr (setara dg EGCG) 90 mg, chromium polynicotinate 100mcg)

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1091: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSibutramineI: Pasien obesitas dg Indeks Massa Tubuh ≥ 30 kg/m2, atau > 27 kg/m2 pd psien dg factor resiko lai yg berhub. Dg obesitas (DM, dislipidemia, hipertensi) yg tdk mencapai penurunan BB scr adekuat hanya melalui diet & atau olahraga saja. BSO: Kaps 10 mg, 15 mg

D: 10 mg 1x/hr . Jika tdk tercapai penurunan BB ≥ 2 kg/ 4 mgg. Dosis dinaikkan 15 mg 1x/hr.KI: Hipersensitif thd Sibutramine HCl, obesitas organic, riwayat ggn makan, ggn psikiatrik, sindr. Gilles de la tourette, penggunaan MAOI atau triptofan atau obat yg bekerja scr sentral, riw pnykt arteri koroner, ggl jntung kongestif, takikardia, pnykt oklusi arteri perifer, aritmia, pnykt serebrovaskuler, hipertensi tdk terkontrol (>145/90 mmHg), hipertiroidisme, ggn hati/ginjal berat, hiperplasia prostate jinak, feokromositoma, glaucoma sudut sempit, riw penyalahgunaan obat, narkoba atau alcohol, hamilo, laktasi, anak < 18 th, usia lanjut > 65 th.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1092: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Cek TD & Denyut nadi selama 3 bln pertama terapi. Ggn hati/ ginjal, kejang, batu empedu. Dpt mengganggu kemampuan mengemudi atau menjalankan mesin. Pasien dg kecenderungan pendarahan & mendapat obat yg mempengaruhi hemostasis atau fungsi trombosit. Glaukoma sudut terbuka, punya risiko peningkatan TIOES: Kehilangan nafsu makan, konstipasi, mulut kering, insomniaIO: MAOI, obat SSP & serotonergik. Obat yg meningkatkan TD atau denyut jantung atau mempengaruhi metabolisme sitokrom P450.Preg:: C

Nama Dagang:Reductil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1093: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOrlistatI: ObesityBSO: Kaps 120 mg

D: Dws 120 mg 3x/d .KI: Chronic malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis, laktasi P: DiabetesES: Headache, Oily spotting from the rectum, Abdominal pain or discomfort, Flatulence (wind) with discharge, Oily or fatty stools, Urgent or increased need to open the bowels, DiarrhoeaInfections of the airways, hypoglycaemia in diabetes, Faecal incontinence, Fatigue, Urinary tract infection, Irregular menstrual cycle, Anxiety, Tooth or gum disorders, Diverticulitis, Gall stones, Raised liver enzymes, hepatitisIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:Xenical

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1094: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMazindolI: Short-term adjunct in exogenous obesityBSO: Tablet: 1 mg, 2 mg D: 1st: 1 mg 1x/d; usual dose= 1 mg 3x/d or 2 mg 1x/d 1 h a.c , take with meals to avoid GI discomfort KI: Hypersensitivity, severe hypertension/cardiovascular dis.P: discontinue drug if ToleranceES: Palpitation, tachycardia, edema, Insomnia, dizziness, dysphoria, drowsiness, depression, headache, restlessness, Rash, clamminess, Changes in libido, Nausea, constipation, vomiting, xerostomia, polyuria, impotence, Tremor, weakness, Blurred vision, corneal opacities, Diaphoresis (excessive) IO: Mazindol may decrease the hypotensive effect of guanethidine; monitor. Mazindol enhances the pressor effect of exogenous catecholamines (norepinephrine) and potential blood pressure increases in patients taking sympathomimetic medications Preg: CNama Dagang: Teronac

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1095: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1096: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Antiinfeksi & Antiseptik SulfacetamideCiprofloxacinOfloxacinChloramphenicolLevofloxacinDibekacinFusidic acidGentamicinTobramycinTetracyclineOxytetracyclineNeomycinNeomycin, Polymyxin B, and GramicidinAciclovirIdoxuridine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1097: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulfacetamideI: Treatment and prophylaxis of conjunctivitis due to susceptible organisms; corneal ulcers; adjunctive treatment with systemic sulfonamides for therapy of trachoma; topical application in scaling dermatosis (seborrheic); bacterial infections of the skinBSO: Lotion & Ointment, ophthalmic: 10% Solution, ophthalmic: 10%; 15% D: Children >2 months and Adults: Ophthalmic: Ointment: Apply 1-4 x/day and at bedtime Solution: Instill 1-3 drops several times daily up to every 2-3 hours in lower conjunctival sac during waking hours and less frequently at night Children >12 years and Adults: Topical: Seborrheic dermatitis: Apply at bedtime and allow to remain overnight; in severe cases, may apply twice daily Secondary cutaneous bacterial infections: Apply 2-4 times/day until infection clears KI: Hypersensitivity to sulfacetamide or any component, sulfonamides; infants <2 months of age

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1098: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Inactivated by purulent exudates containing PABA; use with caution in severe dry eye; ointment may retard corneal epithelial healing; sulfite in some products may cause hypersensitivity reactions; cross-sensitivity may occur with previous exposure to other sulfonamides given by other routesES: 1% to 10%: Local: Irritation, stinging, burning IO: Decreased effect: Silver, gentamicin (antagonism)Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1099: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFusidic acidI: Konjungtivitis, Impetigo kontagiosum, folikulitis superfisialis, furunkolosis, sikosis barbae, hidradenitis aksilaris, abses, paronikia, eritrasma.BSO: Tetes mata 1%Krim, salep 2%D: 1 tts tiap 4 jam, kemudianKrim/ Salep: tanpa pembalut/ kasa steril: 3-4x/hr. Dg pembalut gunakan lebih sering. Lama terapi 7 hari KI: allergyP: ES: # Skin rashes# Skin irritation# Stinging on applicationIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1100: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNeomycinI: Orally to prepare GI tract for surgery; topically to treat minor skin infections; treat diarrhea caused by E. coli; adjunct in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathyBSO: Cream & Ointment, topical: 0.5% Injection: 500 mg Solution, oral, as sulfate: 125 mg/5 mL Tablet, as sulfate: 500 mg [base 300 mg] D: Topical: Use in the eye every eight to twenty-four hours. KI: HypersensitivityP: Use with caution in patients with renal impairment, pre-existing hearing impairment, neuromuscular disorders; neomycin is more toxic than other aminoglycosides when given parenterally; do not administer parenterally; topical neomycin is a contact sensitizer with sensitivity occurring in 5% to 15% of patients treated with the drug; symptoms include itching, reddening, edema, and failure to heal; do not use as peritoneal lavage due to significant systemic adsorption of the drug

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1101: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: 1% to 10%: Dermatologic: Dermatitis, rash, urticaria, erythema Local: Burning Ocular: Contact conjunctivitis IO: Decreased effect: May decrease GI absorption of digoxin and methotrexate Increased effect: Synergistic effects with penicillins Increased toxicity: Oral neomycin may potentiate the effects of oral anticoagulants Increased adverse effects with other neurotoxic, ototoxic, or nephrotoxic drugs Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1102: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNeomycin, Polymyxin B, and GramicidinI: infections of the eyeBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: Neomycin sulfate 1.75 mg, polymyxin B sulfate 10,000 U, and gramicidin 0.025 mg per mLD: 1 drop in the eye 2-4x/day for 7-10 daysserious infection: 1 drop every 15-30 minutes at first. KI: HypersensitivityP: Symptoms of neomycin sensitization include itching, reddening, edema, failure to heal; prolonged use may result in glaucoma, defects in visual acuity, posterior subcapsular cataract formation, and secondary ocular infectionsES: 1-10%: Dermatologic: Itching Local: Reddening, failure to heal Ocular: Low grade conjunctivitis IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1103: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIdoxuridine-- Analog of thymidine. Blocks reproduction of herpes simplex virus by producing incorrect DNA copies that prevent the virus from infecting or destroying tissue. A 15-40% resistance rate has been reported. Has not been studied for smallpox infections and for treatment of orthopoxviruses in humans. Benefit is theoretical.I: virus infections of the eyeBSO: Tetes mata 0.1%D: 1 gtt q1h during the day and q2h at night initially for 7 d; then, reduce 1 gtt q2h during the day and q4h at night; for 3-7 d maximum treatment period is approximately 21 dAlternatively, instill 1 gtt q1min for 5 min and repeat q4h (day and night); KI: HipersensitifIO: Coadministration with solutions that contain boric acid may result in precipitate formation, which may cause irritationPreg: CP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1104: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMay cause clouding of the cornea, blurred vision, or lacrimal punctal occlusions; some strains of herpes simplex appear to be resistant; use alternate therapy if no lessening of fluorescein staining in 14 d; do not exceed recommended frequency and duration of administrationNama Dagang: Isotic Ixodine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1105: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Anti InflamasiFluorometholoneBetamethasoneDiclofenac

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1106: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluorometholoneI: Inflammation of the eye and conjunctivaBSO: Ophthalmic Suspension: 0.1% D: Ophthalmic ointment: 1-3x/hariOphthalmic suspension (eye drops): 1-2 drops 2-4x/dKI: Fungal eye infection, ocular tuberculosis, Untreated bacterial eye infection, Viral infections of the eyeP: Any disease causing thinning of the outer layers of the eye (cornea and sclera), Inflammation of the front of the eye (cornea) caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus (herpes simplex keratitis), Recent cataract surgeryES: cataracts, Visual disturbances, Perforation of the eye ball, Skin thinning and development of visible veins and/or skin stripes around the eye, Spreading and worsening of infection, glaucomaIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Flumetholon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1107: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBetamethasoneMedium-strength topical corticosteroidSuppressing migration of PMN, leukocytes and reversing capillary permeability. Affects production of lymphokines and has inhibitory effect on Langerhans cells.I: Seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, anogenital pruritus, psoriasis, inflammatory phase of xerosisBSO: 0.05-0.1% oint for adults and 0.05% for pediatrics.Tetes mata 0.1%. Krim 0.1%D: 1-2 tetes 12x/hrKI: Glaucoma, Herpes simplex virus infection of the eye, allergy, Perforated ear drum, Red eye due to unknown causes, Tuberculosis, Viral, bacterial or fungal infections in the areaP: ES: Spreading of infection, glaucoma, Visual disturbances, bronchospasm, epistaxis, Local sensitivity reactions, IO: Preg: C, D pada trim 1Nama Dagang: Celestone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1108: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. Antibiotik & Antiinflamasi

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1109: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. Anti AlergiLodoxamidePemirolast

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1110: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLodoxamide 0,1%I: Allergic conjunctivitisBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.1%D: 1 drop 4x/day for 3 moKI: Known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredientP: Safety and efficacy in children <2 years of age have not been established; not for injection; not for use in patients wearing soft contact lenses during treatmentES: Headache, Blurred vision, Flushing, Itchiness of the eye, Dry eyes, lacrimation, Dizziness and nausea, Formation of crust on the margin of eyelid, Red eye due to excess blood supply (hyperaemia), Burning and stinging on instillationIO: -Preg: BNama Dagang:Alomide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1111: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPemirolast KI: Prevent itching of the eye due to allergic conjunctivitisBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.1%D: 1-2 drops 4x/dayKI: HypersensitivityP: Safety and efficacy in children <3 years of age have not been established; not for injection or oral use; ophthalmic use only; not indicated to treat contact lens irritation; do not wear contact lens if eye is red. In non-red eyes, soft contact lenses should not be applied for 10 minutes after the instillation of pemirolast potassium to avoid absorption of lauralkonium chloride (a preservative in Alamast™).ES: >10%: Headache, Rhinitis, Cold/flu symptoms, <5%: Fever, Dysmenorrhea, Burning eyes, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, ocular discomfort, Back pain, Bronchitis, cough, sinusitis, sneezing/nasal congestionIO: -Preg: CNama Dagang: Alegysal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1112: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. OKULAR DEKONGESTANNaphazolineTetrahydrozolineOlopatadine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1113: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNaphazoline HClI: Topical ocular vasoconstrictor; will temporarily relieve congestion, itching, and minor irritation, and to control hyperemia in patients with superficial corneal vascularity; treatment of nasal congestion; adjunct for sinusitisBSO: Solution: Drops & Spray: 0.05% Ophthalmic: 0.012%; 0.02%; 0.03%; 0.1%D: 1 drop 3x/dayRebound congestion may occur with extended use; use with caution in the presence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, coronary artery disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis, or long-standing bronchial asthmaKI: Hypersensitivity to naphazoline or any component, narrow-angle glaucoma, prior to peripheral iridectomy (in patients susceptible to angle block)P: Rebound congestion may occur with extended use; use with caution in the presence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, coronary artery disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis, or long-standing bronchial asthma

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1114: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: 1% to 10%:Central nervous system: Dizziness, headache, nervousnessGastrointestinal: NauseaLocal: Transient stinging, nasal mucosa irritation, dryness, rebound congestionOcular: Mydriasis, increased intraocular pressure, blurring of visionRespiratory: SneezingIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1115: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTetrahidrozoline HCl 0,5%Adrenergic Agonist Agent; Ophthalmic Agent, VasoconstrictorI: Nasal congestion and conjunctival congestionBSO: Ophthalmic: 0.05%D: Nasal congestion: Intranasal:Children 2-6 years: 2-3 drops of 0.05% solution q4-6 hours. Adults: 2-4 drops 0.1% sol q3-4 hours. no more frequent than every 3 hoursConjunctival congestion: Ophthalmic: 1-2 drops 2-4 times/day ES: >10%: Transient stinging, Sneezing1% to 10%: Tachycardia, palpitations, hypertension, heart rate, Headache, Tremor, Blurred visionIO: Increased toxicity: MAO inhibitors can cause an exaggerated adrenergic response if taken concurrently or within 21 days of discontinuing MAO inhibitor; beta-blockers can cause hypertensive episodes and increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage; anestheticsPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1116: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPhenylephrine hydrochlorideAlpha/Beta Agonist; Ophthalmic Agent, Antiglaucoma; Ophthalmic Agent, MydriaticI: Hypotension, vascular failure in shock; as a vasoconstrictor in regional analgesia; symptomatic relief of nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosal congestion; as a mydriatic in ophthalmic procedures and treatment of wide-angle glaucoma; supraventricular tachycardiaBSO: Injection: 1% [10 mg/mL]Nasal solution: Drops: 0.125%: 0.16%: 0.25%: 0.5% Spray: 0.25%: 0.5% , 1% Ophthalmic solution: 0.12%: 2.5%: 10% D: Ophthalmic procedures:Infants <1 year: 1 drop of 2.5% 15-30 minutes pre-opAdults: 1 drop of 2.5-10% solution, q10-60 minutes.Nasal decongestant: (should not exceed 5 continuous days)2-6 years: 1 drop q2-4 hours of 0.125% solution 6-12 years: 1-2 sprays/ drops q4 hours of 0.25% solution Adults: 1-2 sprays/ drops q4 hours of 0.25% to 0.5%

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1117: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index; 1% solution may be used in adult in cases of extreme nasal congestion; do not use nasal solutions more than 3 daysHypotension/shock:Children:I.M., S.C.: 0.1 mg/kg/dose q1-2 hours (max 5 mg)I.V. bolus: 5-20 mcg/kg/dose q10-15 minutes I.V. infusion: 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/minuteAdults:I.M., S.C.: 2-5 mg/dose q1-2 hours (max 5 mg)I.V. bolus: 0.1-0.5 mg/dose q10-15 minutes (max 0.5 mg)I.V. infusion: 10 mg in 250 mL D5W or NS (1:25,000 dilution) (40 mcg/mL); start at 100-180 mcg/minute (2-5 mL/minute; 50-90 drops/minute) initially; when blood pressure is stabilized, maintenance rate: 40-60 mcg/minute (20-30 drops/minute)Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia: I.V.:Children: 5-10 mcg/kg/dose over 20-30 secondsAdults: 0.25-0.5 mg/dose over 20-30 seconds

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1118: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Hypersensitivity to phenylephrine, bisulfite (some products contain metabisulfite), or any component; hypertension; ventricular tachycardiaP: Use with caution in the elderly, patients with hyperthyroidism, bradycardia, partial heart block, myocardial disease, or severe CAD. Not a substitute for volume replacement. Avoid hypertension; monitor blood pressure closely and adjust infusion rate. Infuse into a large vein if possible. Watch I.V. site closely. Avoid extravasation. The elderly can be more sensitive to side effects from the nasal decongestant form. Rebound congestion can occur when the drug is discontinued after chronic use.ES: Headache, anxiety, weakness, dizziness, tremor, paresthesia, Metabolic acidosis, blanching of skin, Pilomotor response, Decreased renal perfusion, reduced urine output, reduced urine output, Respiratory distressIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1119: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOlopatadineAntihistamine; Ophthalmic Agent, MiscellaneousI: Seasonal allergic conjunctivitisBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.1%D: 0.1% solution: 1 drop 2x/day. 0.2% solution: 1x/dayKI: Allergy to any ingredientP: Disorders of the back of the eye (cornea), Dry eyesES: Headache, Blurred vision, Dry mouth, photophobia, Dizziness, Itchiness of the eye, Dry eyes, asthenia, Dry nose, keratitis, hyperaemia, Sensation of something in the eye, Discharge from the eye, Fluid retention and swelling of the eyelid, Eye discomfortIO: Preg: C Nama Dagang:Patanol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1120: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. MIDRIATIKUMAtropine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1121: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtropine sulfate 0,5-1%Anticholinergic; Antidote; Antispasmodic; MydriaticI: Preoperative medication to inhibit salivation and secretions; treatment of sinus bradycardia; treatment of exercise-induced bronchospasm; antidote for organophosphate pesticide poisoning; to produce mydriasis and cycloplegia for examination of the retina and optic disc and accurate measurement of refractive errors; uveitis==Topical: Dilating the pupil, uveitisBSO: Injection: 0.1 mg/mL; 0.3 mg/mL; 0.4 mg/mL; 0.5 mg/mL; 0.8 mg/mL; 1 mg/mLOintment & Solution, ophthalmic: 0.5%, 1%Tablet: 0.4 mgD: Note: Doses <0.1 mg have been associated with paradoxical bradycardia. Preanesthetic: Oral, I.M., I.V., S.C.: <5 kg: 0.02 mg/kg/dose 30-60 minutes preop then every 4-6 hours as needed. Use of a minimum dosage of 0.1 mg in

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1122: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexneonates <5 kg will result in dosages >0.02 mg/kg. There is no documented minimum dosage in this age group. >5 kg: 0.01-0.02 mg/kg/dose to a maximum 0.4 mg/dose 30-60 minutes preop; minimum dose: 0.1 mg Bradycardia: I.V., intratracheal: 0.02 mg/kg, minimum dose 0.1 mg, maximum single dose: 0.5 mg in children and 1 mg in adolescents; may repeat in 5-minute intervals to a maximum total dose of 1 mg in children or 2 mg in adolescents. ( Note: For intratracheal administration, the dosage must be diluted with normal saline to a total volume of 1-2 mL). When treating bradycardia in neonates, reserve use for those patients unresponsive to improved oxygenation and epinephrine. Children: Bronchospasm: Inhalation: 0.03-0.05 mg/kg/dose 3-4 times/day Preprocedure: Ophthalmic: 0.5% solution: Instill 1-2 drops twice daily for 1-3 days before the procedure Uveitis: Ophthalmic: 0.5% solution: Instill 1-2 drops up to 3 times/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1123: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAdults (doses <0.5 mg have been associated with paradoxical bradycardia): Asystole: I.V.: 1 mg; may repeat every 3-5 minutes as needed Preanesthetic: I.M., I.V., S.C.: 0.4-0.6 mg 30-60 minutes preop and repeat every 4-6 hours as needed Bradycardia: I.V.: 0.5-1 mg every 5 minutes, max a total of 2 mg or 0.04 mg/kg; may give intratracheal in 1 mg/10 mL dilution only, intratracheal dose should be 2-2.5 times the I.V. dose Neuromuscular blockade reversal: I.V.: 25-30 mcg/kg 30 seconds before neostigmine or 10 mcg/kg 30 seconds before edrophonium Organophosphate or carbamate poisoning: I.V.: 1-2 mg/dose every 10-20 minutes until atropine effect (dry flushed skin, tachycardia, mydriasis, fever) is observed, then every 1-4 hours for at least 24 hours; up to 50 mg in first 24 hours and 2 g over several days may be given in cases of severe intoxication Bronchospasm: Inhalation: 0.025-0.05 mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours as needed (maximum: 5 mg/dose) Ophthalmic solution: 1%:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1124: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPreprocedure: Instill 1-2 drops 1 hour before the procedure. Uveitis: Instill 1-2 drops 4 times/day. Ophthalmic ointment: Apply a small amount in the conjunctival sac up to 3 times/day. Compress the lacrimal sac by digital pressure for 1-3 minutes after instillation. KI: Hypersensitivity; narrow-angle glaucoma; adhesions between the iris and lens; tachycardia; unstable cardiovascular status in acute hemorrhage; obstructive GI disease; paralytic ileus; intestinal atony of the elderly or debilitated patient; severe UC; toxic megacolon complicating UC; hepatic disease; obstructive uropathy; renal disease; myasthenia gravis; asthma; thyrotoxicosisP: Heat prostration can occur in the presence of a high environmental temperature. Rule out intestinal obstruction before treating diarrhea. Psychosis can occur in sensitive individuals. The elderly may be sensitive to side effects. Use caution in patients with myocardial ischemia. Use caution in hyperthyroidism, autonomic neuropathy, BPH, CHF, tachyarrhythmias, hypertension, and hiatal hernia associated

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1125: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexwith reflux esophagitis. Use with caution in children with spastic paralysis.ES: >10%: Dry, hot skin, Impaired GI motility, constipation, dry throat, dry mouth, Irritation at injection site, Dry nose, Sweating (decreased) 1% to 10%: Increased sensitivity to light, Decreased flow of breast milk, Dysphagia IO: Phenothiazine and TCAs may increase anticholinergic effects when used concurrently. Sympathomimetic amines may cause tachyarrhythmias; avoid concurrent use. Preg: CNama Dagang:Isotic cycloma Tetes mata 10 mg/cc

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1126: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. MIOTIKUMBetaxololAcetylcholine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1127: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBetaxolol I: Treatment of chronic open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension; management of hypertensionBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.5%D: Adults: Oral: 10 mg/day; increase 20 mg/day after 7-14d. Initial dose in elderly & renal impairment: 5 mg/day. Can increase every 2 weeks up to a maximum of 20 mg/day. Clcr <10 mL/minute: Administer 50% of usual dose. KI: Hypersensitivity to betaxolol or any component; sinus bradycardia; heart block greater than first-degree (except in patients with a functioning artificial pacemaker); cardiogenic shock; uncompensated cardiac failure; pulmonary edema; pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimester)P: Administer cautiously in compensated heart failure and monitor for a worsening of the condition. Avoid abrupt discontinuation in patients with a history of CAD; slowly wean while monitoring for signs and symptoms of ischemia. Use caution with concurrent use of beta-blockers and either verapamil or diltiazem; bradycardia or heart block can occur.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1128: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexUse caution in patients with PVD (can aggravate arterial insufficiency). In general, beta-blockers should be avoided in patients with bronchospastic disease. Betaxolol, with B1 selectivity, should be used cautiously in bronchospastic disease with close monitoring. Use cautiously in diabetics because it can mask prominent hypoglycemic symptoms. Can mask signs of thyrotoxicosis. Can cause fetal harm when administered in pregnancy. Dosage adjustment required in severe renal impairment and those on dialysis. Use care with anesthetic agents which decreases myocardial function.ES: Ophthalmic:>10%: Ocular: Conjunctival hyperemia 1% to 10%: Ocular: Anisocoria, corneal punctate keratitis, keratitis, corneal staining, decreased corneal sensitivity, eye pain, vision disturbances Systemic:>10%: Central nervous system: Drowsiness, insomnia Endocrine & metabolic: Decreased sexual ability 1% to 10%:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1129: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCardiovascular: Bradycardia, palpitations, edema, congestive heart failure, reduced peripheral circulation Central nervous system: Mental depression Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort Respiratory: Bronchospasm Miscellaneous: Cold extremities IO: CYP1A2 and 2D6 enzyme substrate Clonidine; Hypertensive crisis after or during withdrawal of either agent. Drugs which slow AV conduction (digoxin): Effects may be additive with beta-blockers. Glucagon: Betaxolol may blunt the hyperglycemic action of glucagon. Insulin and oral hypoglycemics: May mask tachycardia from hypoglycemia. NSAIDs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, piroxicam) may reduce the antihypertensive effects of beta-blockers.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1130: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSalicylates may reduce the antihypertensive effects of beta-blockers. Sulfonylureas: Beta-blockers may alter response to hypoglycemic agents. Verapamil or diltiazem may have synergistic or additive pharmacological effects when taken concurrently with beta-blockers. Preg: CNama Dagang:Betoptima

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1131: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcetylcholineI: To obtain rapid and complete constriction of the pupil during eye surgery (lens delivery in cataract surgery, corneal transplant (keratoplasty), removal of part of the iris (iridectomy) or other surgery on the front of the eye).BSO: Powder, intraocular: 1:100 [10 mg/mL] D: Adults: Intraocular: 0.5-2 mL of 1% injection instilled into anterior chamber before or after securing one or more suturesKI: Breastfeeding, PregnancyP: ES: Difficulties with breathing, Sweating, hypotension, Flushing, bradycardiaIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Miochol-E

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1132: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. GLUKOMA Sudut Terbuka & Tertutup KronikAcetazolamideLatanoprostTimololBetaxololBrinzolamideTravoprostPilocarpine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1133: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAcetazolamideI: Epilepsy, oedema, secondary glaucoma, Open angle glaucoma, Prior to surgery for suddenly severe closed angle glaucomaBSO: Capsule, sustained release: 500 mg (not recommended for treatment of epilepsy)Injection: 500 mgTablet: 125 mg, 250 mgD: Note: I.M. administration is not recommended because of pain secondary to the alkaline pHChildren:Glaucoma:Oral: 8-30 mg/kg/day or 300-900 mg/m2/day q8 hoursI.M., I.V.: 20-40 mg/kg/24 hours q6 hours, max 1 g/dayEdema: Oral, I.M., I.V.: 5 mg/kg or 150 mg/m2 once every dayEpilepsy: Oral: 8-30 mg/kg/day in 1-4 divided doses, max 1 g/dayAdults:Glaucoma:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1134: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChronic simple (open-angle): Oral: 250 mg 1-4 x/day or 500 mg sustained release capsule 2x/dailySecondary, acute (closed-angle): I.M., I.V.: 250-500 mg, may repeat in 2-4 hours to a max of 1 g/dayEdema: Oral, I.M., I.V.: 250-375 mg once dailyEpilepsy: Oral: 8-30 mg/kg/day in 1-4 divided dosesAltitude sickness: Oral: 250 mg every 8-12 hours (or 500 mg extended release capsules q12-24 hours)Therapy should begin 24-48 hours before and continue during ascent and for at least 48 hours after arrival at the high altitudeUrine alkalinization: Oral: 5 mg/kg/dose repeated 2-3 times over 24 hoursElderly: Oral: Initial: 250 mg 2x/day; use lowest effective doseDosing adjustment in renal impairment:Clcr 10-50 mL/minute: Administer every 12 hoursClcr <10 mL/minute: Avoid use ineffectiveHemodialysis: Moderately dialyzable (20% to 50%)Peritoneal dialysis: Supplemental dose is not necessary

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1135: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: Allergy, Chronic non-congestive glaucoma, Failure of the adrenal glands, hyperchloraemic acidosis, hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, Severe kidney & liver diseaseP: Pulmonary obstruction, Decreased liver function, Elderly people, Emphysema, nephrolithiasis, Potential blockage of the urinary tract, Unstable balance of salts in the bodyES: Headache, Thirst, Changes in mood, Fatigue, Decreased appetite, paraesthesia, Dizziness, Flushing, polyuriaIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: Diamox

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1136: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLatanoprostI: Open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertensionBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.005%D: 1 drop 1x/d in the evening.KI: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, children.P: Closed angle glaucoma, pigmentary glaucoma, inflammatory glaucoma, neovascular glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, conjunctivitis, pseudophakia, aphakia, Closed or blocked retinal vein, diabetic retinopathy, Asthma.ES: Temporary blurred vision, Change in colour of the iris, Eye irritation, hyperaemia, blepharitis, Eye pain, Rash, oedema, iritis, uveitis, macular oedema, Swelling or erosions of the cornea, Darkening of the eyelid(s), dyspnoea, Worsening of asthma, Chest pain, Headache, Dizziness.IO: Decreased effect: In vitro studies have shown that precipitation occurs when eye drops containing thimerosal are mixed with latanoprost. If such drugs are used, administer with an interval of at least 5 minutes between applicationsPreg: C

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1137: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTimolol I: Ocular hypertension, Open angle glaucoma, 2nd glaucomaBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.25%; 0.5% D: 1 drop 2x/dKI: Allergy, asthma, COPD, sinus bradycardia, 2nd or 3rd degree heart block, Heart failure, cardiogenic shock, Prinzmetal's angina, hypotension, Raynaud's disease, phaeochromocytoma, children.P: Sick sinus syndrome, 1st degree heart block, History of severe heart disease, metabolic acidosis, Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, History of allergies, anaphylaxis, Psoriasis, myaesthenia gravisES: Blurred vision, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, Dry eyes, Double vision, ptosis, Headache, Fatigue, Chest pain, Allergic skin reactions, Disturbed sleep, Depression, hypotension, Dizziness, Cold hands and feet, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, indigestion, Heart block or heart failure, dyspnoeaPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1138: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBrinzolamideI: Open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertensionBSO: Suspension, ophthalmic: 1% D: 1drop 3x/dayKI: Allergy, hyperchloraemic acidosis, Severely decreased kidney functionP: Closed angle glaucoma, Contact lens wearers, Diabetes, Dry eyes, Elderly people, ciliary body, pigmentary glaucoma ES: Headache, Blurred vision, Bitter taste, conjunctivitis, Itchiness of the eye, blepharitis, Disorders of the front layer of the eye (cornea), keratitis, Dry eyes, Formation of crust on the margin of eyelid, hyperaemia, Temporary burning and stinging on application, Sensation of something in the eye, Tiredness of the eye, Discharge from the eyeIO: Concurrent use of oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) - additive effects and toxicity. High-dose salicylates may result in toxicity from CAIs Preg: CNama Dagang: Azopt

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1139: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTravoprostI: Open angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension.BSO: Lar mata 0.004%D: 1 drop 1x in the evening.KI: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, children < 18 years, P: Closed angle glaucoma, neovascular glaucoma, pigmentary glaucoma, pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, Thyroid eye disease, conjunctivitis, pseudophakia, aphakia, Closed or blocked retinal vein, diabetic retinopathy, Disorders of cornea, Dry eyes, Severe or poorly controlled asthma.ES: Conjunctival Hyperaemia, Darkening, thickening and lengthening of the eyelashes, Change in colour of the iris, sensation, Itchiness, dry & pain of the eye(s), photophobia, conjunctivitis, oedema, blepharitis, iritis, uveitis, Headache, Darkening of the eyelid(s) or skin around the eye(s), hypotension, bradycardia, Worsening of asthma, macular oedemaPreg: CNama Dagang: Travatan

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1140: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPilocarpine Cholinergic Agonist, Antiglaucoma, MioticI: glaucomaBSO: Gel: 4%, Tablet: 5 mgSolution: 0.25%; 0.5%; 1%; 2%; 3%; 4%; 6%; 8%; 10% D: Solution: Chronic glaucoma: 1 drop 4x/dayAcute angle-closure glaucoma: 1 drop q5-10’ for 3-6 dosesThen 1 drop q1-3hGel: 1x bedtime, Eye insert: 1x q1wkKI: Children, secondary glaucoma, allergy, acute iritisP: Asthma, Certain diseases of the eye, Dark coloured eyes Heart disease, hypertension, Obstruction of the urinary tract, Parkinson's disease, Peptic ulcerES: Headache, Blurred vision, browache, Congestion of conjunctiva, myopia, vitreous haemorrhage, pupillary block, Burning, itching and painful sensations in the eye, Constriction of the pupils, Retinal detachmentPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1141: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. KATARAKPirenoxineAzapentacene

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1142: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPirenoxine I: Permulaan katarak senilisBSO: Tetes 0.05 mg/cc. Larutan mata 750 mcg/tabD: 1-2 tts 3-5x/hrKI: P: ES: keratitis superfisialis, blefaritis marginalis, gatal, pruritusIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1143: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAzapentaceneI: Katarak senilis, traumatic, congenital & katarak sekunderBSO: Tetes mata 0.15 mg/ccD: 2 tts 3-5x/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Pentacin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1144: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. KESEHATAN MATABillberry dry extract

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1145: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBilberry dry extractI: Memelihara kesehatan mataBSO: Kaps 80 mg

D: 80 mg/hr KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1146: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexK. Preparat Mata LainVerteporfinPolyvinyl alcoholPemirolast

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1147: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVerteporfin I: Predominantly classical subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation OR occult subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation with disease progression due to wet age-related macular degenerationSubfoveal choroidal neovascularisation secondary to progessive short-sightedness (pathological myopia)Pathologic myopia, Ocular histoplasmosis BSO: D: KI: Breastfeeding, porphyrias, Severely decreased liver functionP: Biliary obstruction, Moderately decreased liver functionES: Blurred vision, Nausea, Sweating, photosensitivity, Back pain, Dizziness, vitreous haemorrhage, pruritis, asthenia, Chest pain, Retinal detachment, syncope, sub-retinal haemorrhage, hypercholesterolemia, Abnormal vision such as dark haloes, flashes of light, black spots, decreased visionNama Dagang: Visudyne

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1148: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPolyvinyl alcoholI: Dry eye conditionsBSO: Tetes Mata 1.4%D: 1-2 ttsKI: # Known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredient# Soft contact lens wearersP: ES: # Blurred vision after application# Eye burning/stingingIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Optifresh

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1149: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPemirolastMast Cell Stabilizer; Ophthalmic Agent, MiscellaneousI: Prevent itching of the eye due to allergic conjunctivitisBSO: Solution, ophthalmic: 0.1% D: Children >3 years and Adults: 1-2 drops 4 times/day KI: HypersensitivityP: Safety and efficacy in children <3 years of age have not been established; not for injection or oral use; not indicated to treat contact lens irritation; do not wear contact lens if eye is red. In non-red eyes, soft contact lenses should not be applied for 10 minutes after the instillation of pemirolast potassium to avoid absorption of lauralkonium chloride.ES: >10%: Headache, Rhinitis, Cold/flu symptoms <5%: Fever, Dysmenorrhea, Burning eyes, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, ocular discomfort, Back pain, Bronchitis, cough, sinusitis, sneezing/nasal congestionIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Alegysal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1151: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Antiseptik & DesinfektanPovidone IodineChlorhexidine gluconatePolicresulenFeracrylum

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1152: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlorhexidine GluconateI: active against gram-+ and gram-- organisms, facultative anaerobes, aerobes, and yeastBSO: Chip, for periodontal pocket insertion: 2.5 mgFoam & Liquid, topical, with isopropyl alcohol 4%: 2%; 4% Skin Cleanser: 4% Rinse:Oral : 0.12% with alcohol 11.6%Topical: 0.5% with isopropyl alcohol 70% Sponge/Brush: 4% with isopropyl alcohol 4%Wipes : 0.5%D: Adults:Precede use of solution by flossing and brushing teeth; completely rinse toothpaste from mouth. Swish 15 mL undiluted oral rinse around in mouth for 30 seconds, then expectorate. Avoid eating for 2-3 hours after treatment. Ginggivitis: 2x q6 months.Cleanser: Wash for 15 seconds and rinseHand rinse: Rub 15 seconds and rinse

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1153: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPeriodontal chip: Adults: inserted into a periodontal pocket with a probing pocket depth greater than or equal to 5 mm. Up to 8 chips may be inserted in a single visit q3 months in pockets with a remaining depth greater than or equal to 5 mm. If dislodgment occurs 7 days or more after placement, the subject is considered to have had the full course of treatment. If dislodgment occurs within 48 hours, a new chip should be inserted.KI: Hypersensitivity P: Staining of oral surfaces, tooth restorations, and dorsum of tongue may occur; keep out of eyes and ears; for topical use only; there have been case reports of anaphylaxis following chlorhexidine disinfectionES: >10%: Increase of tartar on teeth, changes in taste. Staining of oral surfaces, Stain does not have a clinically adverse effect but because removal may not be possible, patient with frontal restoration should be advised of the potential permanency of the stain.Preg: B

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1154: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPolicresulenI: Hemostatik. Pembersihan & regenerasi jaringan pd luka baker, luka,proses inflamasi kronik, lesi dekubitus, ulkus kruris, kondiloma akuminata, stomatitis aftosa, vaginosis bacterial, kandidiasis vaginal, trikomoniasisD: Hemostasis local: gunakan langsungLuka bakar: larutan 1:3 s/d 1:8KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X BSO: Nama Dagang: Albothyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1155: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFeracrylumI: Mengurangi perdrahan pada luka, membersihkan luka luar & luka sesuadh operasi. Antiseptik pd luka bakar BSO: Lar 1 %D: Kompres 1-3 menitKI: Tidak boleh digunakan bersama asam aminokaproatP: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Hemolok

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1156: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. KortikosteroidHydrocortisoneBeclomethasoneTriamcinolone acetonideDesonideAlclometasoneFluticasoneFluprednideneMometasone furoatePrednicarbateFluocinolone acetonide DiflucortoloneDesoximetasoneBetamethasoneMethylprednisoloneClobetasol propionate Halcinonide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1157: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDesonidePotensi Sedang (low potency corticosteroid)I: Dermatitisatopik & kontak, ekzema terutama pd anak, psoriasis, pruritus pd anus & vulva, eritema akibat terbakar sinar matahari & dermatitislainBSO: Krim 0.5 mg/gD: Oles 2-3x/hrKI: Known hypersensitivity to desonide, fungal infections, tuberculosis of skin, herpes simplexP: Use with caution in patients with impaired circulation, skin infectionsES: <1%: Itching, dry skin, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, skin atrophy, striae; local burning, irritation, miliaria; secondary infectionIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1158: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAlclometasonePotensi Sedang (low potency topical corticosteroid)I: Eczema, Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis), Inflammatory skin disordersBSO: Cream, Ointment, topical: 0.05%D: Topical: Apply a thin film to the affected area 2-3 times/day. KI: Acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, Herpes simplex, chickenpox, fungi (eg thrush, ringworm, athlete's foot) or bacteria (eg impetigo), perioral dermatitis, Tuberculosis infection of the skinP: ChildrenES: Changes in skin pigmentation, Stretch marks (striae), Groupings of fine blood vessels becoming prominent under the skin (telangiectasia), Thinning of the skinIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1159: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluprednidenePotensi SedangI: BSO: Krim 0.1%D: 1x/hr sesudah mandiKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1160: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrednicarbatePotensi Kuat, medium potency topical corticosteroidI: Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatosesBSO: Krim 2.5 mg/gD: Oles 1-2x/hr selama 4 mgguKI: Hypersensitivity to prednicarbate or any component; fungal, viral, or tubercular skin lesions, herpes simplex or zosterP: Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids has produced reversible HPA axis suppression. This is more likely to occur when the preparation is used on large surface or denuded areas for prolonged periods of time or with an occlusive dressing.ES: <1%: Pruritus, edema, urticaria, burning, allergic contact dermatitis and rash, folliculitis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitisIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: Dermatop

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1161: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFluocinolone acetonidePotensi Kuat [low, medium, high potency topical corticosteroid]I: prurigo, Eczema, otitis externa, contact dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), Inflammatory skin disorders, Psoriasis, lichen planus, neurodermatitisBSO: Krim 0.25 mg/g.Salep 0.25 mg/g. Gel 0.025%D: 3-4x/hr. Gel: malam hariKI: Acne vulgaris, Children less than 1 year of age, acne rosacea, Herpes simplex, chickenpox, fungi (eg thrush, ringworm, athlete's foot) or bacteria (eg impetigo), perioral dermatitis, Itching around the back passage and genitals, Nappy rash, Widespread plaque psoriasisP: ES: IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1162: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiflucortolonePotensi KuatI: Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), Psoriasis, Severe eczema, Severe inflammatory skin disorders, lichen planus, neurodermatitisBSO: Krim 0.1%D: Oles 2-3x/hrKI Acne rosacea, Acne vulgaris, Children under four years of age, Infections of the skin, perioral dermatitis, Itching around the back passage and genitals, Nappy rash: P: Children, PsoriasisES: Thinning of the skin, Acne, Stretch marks (striae), telangiectasia, hypertrichosis)IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1163: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDesoximetasonePotensi Kuat [medium to high potency topical corticosteroid]I: BSO: Krim 0.25%D: Oles 1-2x/hrKI: Known hypersensitivity to desoximetasone, topical fungal infections, tuberculosis of skin herpes simplexP: Use with caution in patients with impaired circulation; skin infectionsES: <1%: Itching, dry skin, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, skin atrophy, striae, perioral dermatitis, hypopigmentation; local burning, irritation, miliaria; secondary infectionIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1164: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClobetasol propionatePotensi sangat Tinggi (very high potency topical corticosteroid)I: Eczema unresponsive to weak steroid creams, Psoriasis, Severe inflammatory skin disordersD: 1-2x/hrKI: Acne vulgaris, Children less than 1 year of age, acne rosacea, Infections of the skin, perioral dermatitis, Itching around the back passage and genitals, Widespread plaque psoriasisP: Children, PsoriasisES: Thinning of the skin, Changes in skin pigmentation, Stretch marks (striae), telangiectasia, hypertrichosisIO: Preg: CBSO: 0,05% krim, salep, aplikasi kulit kepalaNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1165: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHalcinonide Potensi Kuat [high potency topical corticosteroid]I: Inflammation of corticosteroid-responsive dermatosesBSO: 0,1% krim, solution, TinktD: Oles 2-3x/hrKI: Viral, fungal, or tubercular skin lesions, known hypersensitivity to halcinonide or any componentP: Adverse systemic effects may occur when used on large areas of the body, denuded areas, for prolonged periods of time, with an occlusive dressing, and/or in infants or small childrenES: <1%: Itching, dry skin, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, skin atrophy, striae; local burning, irritation, miliaria; secondary infectionroid]IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Halog

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1166: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. AntibiotikaSilver SulfadiazineGentamicinChloramphenicolNeomycinTetracyclineErythromycinMupirocinFusidic acidFramycetin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1167: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSilver sulfadiazineI: Abrasions, burns, leg ulcers and pressure soresBSO: Cream, topical: 1% [10 mg/g]D: Apply 1-2x/dKI: neonates, Heavily weeping (exudative) leg or pressure ulcers, Premature infants, Term or near term pregnancyP: # Allergy, Decreased kidney & liver function# Lack of the enzyme G6PD in the blood (G6PD deficiency)ES: # Itching (pruritus)# Burning sensation# Rash# hypersensitivity# leucopeniaIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1168: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMupirocinI: Bacterial skin infections, Eradication of Staphylococcal bacteria from the nostrils to prevent and treat infectionBSO: Salep 2%. Krim 20 mg/gD: apply 3x/dayKI: Known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredientP: ES: Skin irritation, Stinging on application, Itching (pruritis)IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1169: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFramycetinI: Luka bakar, laserasi, abrasi. Luka gigit, luka tusuk, koyak. Ulkus: varikosa, diabetik, decubitus. BSO: Kasa balutD: Tutup lukaKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1170: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD. FungisidaClotrimazoleMiconazoleTioconazoleSertaconazoleUndecylenic acidTerbinafinNystatin NaftifineKetoconazoleIsoconazoleBifonazoleCiclopirox OlaminSelenium sulfide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1171: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSertaconazoleI: Mikosis superfisial: dermatofitosis, tinea pedis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis, tinea manus, kandidiasis, ptiriasis versikolorBSO: Krim 2 %D: Apply to cover the affected and surrounding skin areas and rub in gentlyKI: P: Hamil, laktasiES: Reaksi lokalIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Dermofix

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1172: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexUndecylenic Acid I: Treatment of athlete's foot (tinea pedis), ringworm (except nails and scalp), prickly heat, jock itch (tinea cruris), diaper rash and other minor skin irritations due to superficial dermatophytesBSO: Cream: 20% Foam & Liquid, topical: 10% Ointment, topical: 22%; 25% Powder, topical: 10%; 22% Solution, topical: 25% D: apply 2x/dKI: P: ES: 1% to 10%: Dermatologic: Skin irritation, sensitizationIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1173: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNaftifineI: athlete's foot (ringworm of the foot; tinea pedis); jock itch (ringworm of the groin; tinea cruris); and, tinea corporis.BSO: Cream & Gel: 1% D: apply 1-2x/dayKI: P: ES: Burning or stinging feeling on treated area(s)Less common: Dry skin, Itching, redness, or other sign of skin irritation not present before use of this medicineIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:Exoderil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1174: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIsoconazoleI: Jamur superfisialBSO: Krim 1 %D: Oles 2x/hrKI: P: Hindari kontak dg mataES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Travogen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1175: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBifonazoleI: Dermatomikosis krn dermatofita, ragi, lumu & jamur lainBSO: Krim 1 %D: Oles 1x/hrKI: P: ES: reaksi kulit (jarang)IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Mycospor

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1176: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCiclopirox OlaminI: Tinea pedis (athlete's foot), tinea cruris (jock itch), tinea corporis, cutaneous candidiasis, and tinea versicolor (pityriasis)BSO: Cream & Lotion topical: 1% Lacquer, nail, topical solution: 8%D: Apply 2x/dFor shampoo dosage form: 2x/wk for 4wkFor topical solution dosage form:KI: Known hypersensitivity to ciclopirox or any of its components; avoid occlusive wrappings or dressingsP: For external use only; avoid contact with eyesES: 1% to 10%:Local: Irritation, redness, burning, or painIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1177: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSelenium SulfideI: Dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitisBSO: Lot 2.5 %Shampoo: 1%; 2.5% D: Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis: 2x/wk Tinea versicolor: 1x/d for 1wkKI: Broken skin or open wounds, Children under 5 years of age, Inflamed skinP: ES: Hair loss (alopecia), Irritation in area of use, Sensitisation or allergic reaction, Hair discolouration, Oiliness or dryness of scalp and hairIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1178: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. ScabicidLindanePermethrin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1179: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexE. AntivirusAciclovirTromantadine HCl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1180: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTromantadine HClI: Herpes simpleks & zooster di kulit & mukosaBSO: Gel 1 %D: 3x/hrKI: P: ES: HipersensitifIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Viru-Merz

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1181: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexF. Analgesic & Anti InflamasiMethylsalicylateCapsaicinPiroxicamDiclofenacKetoprofenNaproxenlidocaineGlucosamineBenzydamine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1182: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethylsalicylateI: Nyeri otot, nyeri sendi, Terkilir. Tidak untuk luka terbukaBSO: Krim, balsam, Gel 1 %D: 1-3x/hrKI: P: ES: HipersensitifIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1183: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCapsaicinMay render skin and joints insensitive to pain by depleting substance P in peripheral sensory neurons.I:BSO: Krim 0.075 %D: Oles 3-4x/hr. KI: Hipersensitif; broken or irritated skinIO: -Preg: CP: For external use only; avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, wounds, or damaged skin; do not use tight bandage; discontinue use if condition worsens or symptoms persist for 14-28 dNama Dagang: Capzacin cream

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1184: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexG. Pelindung KulitPanthenolCollagenaseUreaVitamin EOilatum

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1185: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPanthenolI: Penyembuhan luka & epitelisasi setiap tjd lukaBSO: Salep, Krim 5 %D: 1-3x/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Bepanthen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1186: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCollagenaseEnzyme, Topical DebridementI: Promotes debridement of necrotic tissue in dermal ulcers and severe burnsBSO: Ointment, topical: 250 U/gD: Apply 1x/d KI: Known hypersensitivity to collagenaseP: For external use only; avoid contact with eyes; monitor debilitated patients for systemic bacterial infections because debriding enzymes may increase the risk of bacteremiaES: 1% to 10%: Local: IrritationIO: Decreased effect: Enzymatic activity is inhibited by detergents, benzalkonium chloride, hexachlorophene, nitrofurazone, tincture of iodine, and heavy metal ions (silver and mercury)Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1187: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOilatum Sabun

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1188: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexH. Antihistamin & PruritusDoxepin Tripelennamine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1189: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDoxepin hydrochlorideAntidepressant, Tricyclic (Tertiary Amine); Topical Skin ProductI: Pruritus pd exzemaBSO: Capsule: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg, 150 mgConcentrate, oral: 10 mg/mLCream: 5%D: 4x/dayKI: Known sensitivity or allergy to any ingredientP: Children under 12 years of age, urinary retention, Glaucoma, Mania, Severe liver diseaseES: Rash, Dry mouth, Drowsiness, Stinging and redness, Burning sensation, Irritation of the skinIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:Sagalon

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1190: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTripelennamineAntihistamineI: Perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis and other allergic symptoms including urticariaBSO: Krim 2 %D: Bila perluKI: Hypersensitivity to tripelennamine or any componentP: Use with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, bladder neck obstruction, symptomatic prostate hypertrophy, asthmatic attacks, and stenosing peptic ulcerES: >10%: Central nervous system: Slight to moderate drowsiness, Respiratory: Thickening of bronchial secretions1% to 10%: Headache, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, Appetite increase, weight gain, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, xerostomia, Arthralgia, PharyngitisIO: Increased effect/toxicity with alcohol, CNS depressants, MAO inhibitorsPreg: BNama Dagang: Tripel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1191: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI. Anti AkneSulfurTretinoinBenzoyl peroxideClindamycinErythromycinAzelaic acidNicotinamideRetinoic Acid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1192: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSulfurI: Acne, seborrheic dermatitis and scabies. (hypertrichosis)BSO: Lot 6.6%D: Acne: 2-3x/dSeborrheic dermatitis: ointment 5-10%: 1-2x/d.Scabies: ointment 6% each night for three nights.KI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1193: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTretinoin-- Inhibits microcomedo formation and eliminates lesions. Makes keratinocytes in sebaceous follicles less adherent and easier to remove. I: Acne vulgarisBSO: Cream: 0.025%; 0.05%; 0.1% Gel, topical: 0.01% ; 0.025%, 0.1%. Liquid, topical: 0.05% D: Acne, fine wrinkles, dark spots, or rough skin caused by the sun: 1x/d at bedtimeKI: Pregnancy, cutaneous epithelioma, Areas of skin affected by eczema, Acne rosacea, perioral dermatitis.P: Sensitive areas of skin such as the neck.ES: Dry skin, Skin peeling, Burning/stinging/warmth on application, Skin redness, Itching, Rash, Temporary changes in skin pigmentation, photosensitivity, Skin blistering/crusting, Eye irritation, OedemaIO: Preg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1194: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBenzoyl peroxideI: Mild to moderate acne vulgaris and acne rosaceaBSO: Bar & Cream: 5%; 10% Gel: 2.5%; 5%; 10%; 20% Liquid: 5%; 10% Lotion: 5%; 5.5%; 10% Mask: 5% D: For acne: 1-4x/dFacial mask: 1x/wkKI: P: ES: Less common or rare: Painful irritation of skin, including burning, blistering, crusting, itching, severe redness, or swelling, Skin rashIO: Increased toxicity: Benzoyl peroxide potentiates adverse reactions seen with tretinoinPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1195: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAzelaic acidI: Acne vulgaris: Topical treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgarisBSO: Krim 20 %D: 2x/hrKI: Known hypersensitivity to any of componentsP: For external use only; not for ophthalmic use; there have been isolated reports of hypopigmentation after use. If sensitivity or severe irritation develops, discontinue treatment and institute appropriate therapy.ES: 1% to 10%: Dermatologic: Pruritus, stingingLocal: BurningNeuromuscular & skeletal: ParesthesiaIO: Preg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1196: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNicotinamideI: Mild to moderate inflammatory acne.BSO: Gel 4 %D: 2x/hrKI: Allergy to any ingredient.P: ES: Skin dryness, Itching, Redness, Burning sensation, Skin irritationIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1197: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRetinoic acidI: BSO: Krim 0.025 %. 0.05 %. 0.1 %. Gel 0.025 %. Lar 0.05 %D: Oles 1x/hr sebelum tidurKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1198: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexJ. PemutihUreaHydroquinone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1199: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexUrea/ Carbamide Diuretic, Osmotic; Keratolytic Agent; Topical Skin ProductI: Reduces intracranial pressure and intraocular pressure; topically promotes hydration and removal of excess keratin in hyperkeratotic conditions and dry skin; mild cervicitisChronic dry skin conditions such as eczema.Inherited, non-inflammatory dryness and scaling of the skin (ichthyosis, xeroderma).Overgrowth of the outer layer of skin causing it to become thickened and scaly (hyperkeratosis).BSO: Cream: Topical: 2% [20 mg/mL]; 10%; 20%; 30%; 40% Vaginal: 8.34% [83.4 mg/g]Injection: 40 g/150 mLLotion: 2%; 10%; 15%; 25%D: Children: I.V. slow infusion: <2 years: 0.1-0.5 g/kg>2 years: 0.5-1.5 g/kgAdults:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1200: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexI.V. infusion: 1-1.5 g/kg by slow infusion (1-21/2 hours); maximum: 120 g/24 hoursTopical: Apply 1-3 times/dayVaginal: Insert in vagina at bedtime for 2-4 weeksKI: Severely impaired renal function, hepatic failure; active intracranial bleeding, sickle cell anemia, topical use in viral skin diseaseP: Urea should not be used near the eyes; use with caution if applied to face, broken, or inflamed skin; use with caution in patients with mild hepatic or renal impairmentES: 1% to 10%: Electrolyte imbalance, Nausea, vomiting, Local: Transient stinging, local irritation, tissue necrosis from extravasation of I.V. preparation, Skin irritation, StingingIO: Decreased effect/toxicity/levels of lithiumPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1201: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydroquinoneDepigmenting AgentI: Gradual bleaching of hyperpigmented skin conditionsBSO: Cream, topical:: 1.5%: 2%: 4% Cream & Gel, topical, with sunscreen: 2%: 4% Solution, topical: 3%D: apply 2x/dKI: Sunburn, depilatory usage, known hypersensitivity to hydroquinoneP: Limit application to area no larger than face and neck or hands and armsES: 1% to 10%: Local: IrritationIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1202: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexK. KeratolitikSalicylic acidTretinoin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1203: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSalicylic acidBy dissolving the intercellular cement substance, salicylic acid produces desquamation of the horny layer of skin, while not affecting structure of viable epidermis. For removal of nongenital cutaneous warts, particularly common or plantar warts. Prior to application, wash affected area. May soak wart in warm water for 5 min. Dry area thoroughly.BSO:D: 17% by weight solution or gel: Apply to wart and let dry bid/tid prn until wart removed for up to 12 wk40% by weight solution adsorbed to medicated discs: Apply over wart and cover for 48 h, replace prn until wart removed for up to 12 wkKI: HipersensitifIO: Use of this medication with other topical drying agents (eg, tretinoin, sulfur, resorcinol, benzoyl peroxide) or topical medicated or alcohol-containing preparations (eg, aftershave, toiletries, skin cleansers, cosmetics) may have a cumulative

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1204: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdrying or irritating effect, leading to desquamation and skin erosionPreg: CP:Avoid contact with mucous membranes, normal skin surrounding warts, and eyes; immediately flush with water for 15 min if contact with eyes or mucous membranes occurs; avoid inhaling vapors; prolonged use in infants, people with diabetes, and patients with impaired circulation is contraindicated; not for use on moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growing from them, genital or facial warts, warts on mucous membranes, irritated skin, or any area that is infected or reddened Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1205: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexL. Sun block/ Tabir Surya

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1206: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexM. Anti alopesiaMinoxidil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1207: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMinoxidilTopical Skin Product; VasodilatorI: Management of severe hypertension (usually in combination with a diuretic and beta-blocker); treatment of male pattern baldness (alopecia androgenetica)BSO: Solution, topical: 2% [20 mg/metered dose]; 5% Tablet: 2.5 mg, 10 mgD: Topical: 2x/dayKI: Women (a lower strength product is available for women - see end of factsheet), Allergy to minoxidil, ethanol or propylene glycol, Treated or untreated high blood pressure (hypertension), Any scalp abnormality, eg psoriasis, eczema, sunburn or broken skin, Men with a shaved scalp, Men who are using other medicines or occlusive dressings applied to the scalp, This medicine is not recommended for men under 18 or over 65 years of age, as there is no information available regarding its safety in these age groups.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1208: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexP: Heart disease or an irregular heart beat. If you have a heart condition you should consult your doctor before using this medicine.ES: Itching, Skin irritation, Dry skin, Flushing of the scalp skin due to widening of the small blood vessels (erythema), Flaking scalp, Unwanted growth of hair on other parts of the body, Worsening of hair lossIO: Preg: C Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1209: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexN. Preparat Psoriasis, Seboroik & IktiosisPovidone IodineSelenium sulfideDithranolCalcipotriol/ CalcipotrieneUrea

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1210: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDithranolI: PsoriasisBSO: Krim 0.02 %D: Oles 2x/hrKI: Infants and young children, Pustular psoriasis, Inflamed, broken, blistered, raw or oozing areas of skin, Skin on the face, genitals, flexures or in skin folds.P: ES: Redness or burning sensation of the treated skin or the surrounding skin, Brownish staining of the treated skin or the surrounding skin (this will disappear within one to two weeks after finishing treatment), Temporary staining of fingernails or hair, Allergic skin rash.IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Anthramed

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1211: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCalcipotriol/ CalcipotrieneI: Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris)dtime for 2-4 weeksBSO: Cream, Solution & Ointment: 0.005%D: Psoriasis: 2x/day for 6-8wkKI: Hypersensitivity to any components of the preparation; patients with demonstrated hypercalcemia or evidence of vitamin D toxicity; use on the faceP: Use may cause irritations of lesions and surrounding uninvolved skin. If irritation develops, discontinue use. Transient, rapidly reversible elevation of serum calcium has occurred during use. If elevation in serum calcium occurs above the normal range, discontinue treatment until calcium levels are normal. For external use only; not for ophthalmic, oral or intravaginal use.ES: Itching (pruritus), photosensitivity, erythema, Worsening of the skin condition psoriasis, dermatitis, Irritation in area of useIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1212: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexO. LainMethoxalenTacrolimusPimecrolimus

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1213: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMethoxalenI: vitiligo, a disease in which skin color is lost.Oral: Symptomatic control of severe, recalcitrant disabling psoriasis, not responsive to other therapy when diagnosis has been supported by biopsy. Administer only in conjunction with a schedule of controlled doses of long wave ultraviolet (UV) radiation; also used with long wave ultraviolet (UV) radiation for repigmentation of idiopathic vitiligo.Topical: Repigmenting agent in vitiligo, used in conjunction with controlled doses of UVA or sunlightBSO: Capsule: 10 mgLotion: 1% Solution: 20 mcg/mLD: Psoriasis: Adults: Oral: 10-70 mg 11/2 -2 hours before exposure to ultraviolet light, 2-3 times at least 48 hours apart; dosage is based upon patient's body weight and skin typeVitiligo: Children >12 years and Adults:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1214: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOral: 20 mg 2-4 hours before exposure to UVA light or sunlight; limit exposure to 15-40 minutes based on skin basic color and exposureTopical: Apply lotion 1-2 hours before exposure to UVA light, no more than once weeklyKI: Diseases associated with photosensitivity, cataract, invasive squamous cell cancer, known hypersensitivity to methoxsalen (psoralens), and children <12 years of ageP: Family history of sunlight allergy or chronic infections; lotion should only be applied under direct supervision of a physician and should not be dispensed to the patient; for use only if inadequate response to other forms of therapy, serious burns may occur from UVA or sunlight even through glass if dose and or exposure schedule is not maintained; some products may contain tartrazine; use caution in patients with hepatic or cardiac diseaseES: >10%: Itching, Nausea1% to 10%: Severe edema, hypotension, Nervousness, vertigo, depression, Painful blistering, burning, and peeling of skin;

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1215: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexpruritus, freckling, hypopigmentation, rash, cheilitis, erythema, Loss of muscle coordinationIO: Increased toxicity: Concomitant therapy with other photosensitizing agents such as anthralin, coal tar, griseofulvin, phenothiazines, nalidixic acid, sulfanilamides, tetracyclines, thiazidesPreg: CNama Dagang: Oxsoralen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1216: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTacrolimusI: Atopic dermatitisBSO: salep 0.03% (children), 0.1% (adult)Capsule: 1 mg, 5 mgInjection, with alcohol and surfactant: 5 mg/mL (1 mL)D: Topikal: apply 2x/day Do not cover the areaKI: Allergy, Atopic dermatitis that is infected, Areas of skin affected by cancerous or potentially cancerous growths, People with an underactive immune system, for example due to a condition present from birth, certain diseases, or treatment with certain medicines (eg immunosuppressants, chemotherapy), genetic skin defects such as Netherton's syndrome, or people with intense widespread reddening of the skin (erythroderma), where there may be increased absorption of the medicine into the bloodstream.P: People with enlarged lymph glands, Liver failure.ES: Burning sensation at application site, Redness, itching or irritation at application site, Sensation of warmth, pins and needles or pain at application site, Rash, folliculitis, Herpes

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1217: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexsimplex infections, such as cold sores, eczema herpeticum, Facial flushing or skin irritation after drinking alcohol, Increased skin sensitivity, especially to hot and cold, Acne, Cases of malignancies, including cases of skin cancer and lymphoma have been reported in a very small number of people using this medicine.IO: Preg: CNama Dagang: 1. Protopic salep

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1218: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPimecrolimusI: Atopic dermatitis in adults and children aged two years and over, who are not responsive to, or intolerant of, conventional treatments such as topical corticosteroids.BSO: Krim 1 %D: 2x/dayKI: Children <2 years of age, Allergy, Infected eczema or dermatitis, Areas of skin affected by viral infections, such as cold sores (herpes simplex) or chicken pox (herpes zoster), Areas of skin affected by cancerous or potentially cancerous growths, underactive immune system, Pregnancy, genetic skin defects such as Netherton's syndrome, or people with intense widespread reddening of the skin (erythroderma), where there may be increased absorption of the medicine into the bloodstream.P: ES: Burning sensation at application site, Redness, itching or irritation at application site, Inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis), Skin infections, eg impetigo, herpes simplex, herpes

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1219: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexzoster, molluscum contagiosum, warts, eczema herpeticum, Boils (furuncles), Worsening of symptoms, Rash, pain, pins and needles, swelling, dryness, or shedding of surface skin at application site, Skin flushing, rash, burning, itching or swelling after drinking alcohol.IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:Elidel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1220: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexXII. PREPARAT TELINGADocusate sodium

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1221: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexXIII. PREPARAT MULUTHexetidinePovidone IodineMiconazoleDequaliniumFradiomycin & GramicidinTriamcinolone acetonideBenzydamine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1222: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHexetidineI: Ginggivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, sariawan, angina vincentBSO: Lar 0.1%D: 15cc dikumur selama 30 detik, 2x/hariKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1223: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPovidon iodineI: Faringitis, moniliasis oral, Ginggivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, sariawan, angina vincentBSO: Obat kumur 1%D: 15cc dikumur selama 30 detik, ulangi tiap 2-4 jamKI: P: ES: IO: Preg: D Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1224: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDequaliniumI: Sakit tenggorokan, faringitis, tonsillitis, infeksi gusi & selaput lender rongga mulutBSO: Tab/ Loz 250 mcg. D: Tab: Awal 250 mcg/ 2 jam. Setelah gejala reda 250 mcg/ 4-5jamLoz: 250 mcg di atas lidah, 3-4x/hr. max 8 tab/hrKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1225: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFradiomycin sulfate & GramicidinI: Ginggivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, sariawan, angina vincentBSO: Tab hisap Fradiomycin sulfate 2.5 mg, Gramicidin 1mgD: Dws 1-2 tab. Anak 1 tab. 4-5x/hrKI: P: ES: Anoreksia, mual & ggn GIIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1226: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBenzydamineI: Inflammation and pain following dental surgery, Mouth ulcersBSO: Obat kumur 1.5mg/cc. Loz 3 mgGel 5 %D: Kumur 2-3x/hr dg interval 3-4 jam. Bila perlu s/d 5x/hr. Loz: 1 loz tiap 3 jam. Max 12 loz/hr, tidak lebih dari 7 hari. Jangan dikunyah.KI: Children aged 12 years and underP: Hamil, gangguan hati/ ginjal berat. Topikal: jangan digunakan pd daerah basah, sekitar mata/ permukaan mukosa ES: Stinging or numbness of the throat and mouthIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

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Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1228: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexA. Anti Histamin & Anti AlergiChlorphenamine DiphenhydramineDoxepin CyproheptadineHydroxyzineDimethindeneClemastineAstemizoleTerfenadineTriamcinolone acetonideOxatomideMebhydrolinHomochlorcyclizineFexofenadine HClLoratadineDesloratadineCetirizineLevocetirizine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1229: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexChlorpheniramine I: Perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis and other allergic symptoms including urticariaBSO: Capsule: 12 mgCapsule, timed release: 8 mg, 12 mgInjection: 10 mg/mL; 100 mg/mL Syrup: 2 mg/5 mLTablet: 4 mg, 8 mg, 12 mgTablet:Chewable: 2 mgTimed release: 8 mg, 12 mgD: 4 mg PO q4-6h10-20 mg per dose IV/IM/SC; max 40 mg/dPaed. 2-6 years: 1 mg PO q4-6h; max 4 mg/d6-12 years: 2 mg PO q4-6h; max 12 mg/dKI:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1230: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHipersensitif; asthma attacks; narrow-angle glaucoma; symptomatic prostate hypertrophy; bladder neck obstruction; pyloroduodenal obstructionES: Urinary retention, Diplopia, Polyuria>10%: drowsiness, Thickening of bronchial secretions1-10%: Headache, excitability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, Nausea, xerostomia, diarrhea, abdominal pain, appetite increase, weight increase, Arthralgia, weakness, PharyngitisIO: CNS toxicity increases with coadministration of other CNS depressants, tricyclic antidepressants, MAOIs, and phenothiazinesPreg: BP: May cause significant confusional symptoms; not for administration to premature or full-term neonatesNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1231: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCyproheptadineantihistaminesI: Anaphylactic reaction, Migraine, allergy (e.g. itchy rash or nasal congestion), itch (e.g allergy or chickenpox virus)BSO: Syrup: 2 mg/5 mL with alcohol 5% Tablet: 4 mgD: Oral: Paed. 0.25 mg/kg/d PO divided bid/tid2-6 years: 2 mg 2-3x/d (max 12 mg/day)7-14 years: 4 mg 2-3x/d (max 16 mg/day)Adults: 4-20 mg/day 3x/d (max 0.5 mg/kg/day)KI: Hipersensitif; glaucoma; symptomatic prostatic hypertrophy; bladder neck obstruction; pyloroduodenal obstruction; severe lower respiratory tract symptomsES: Blurred vision, urinary retention, Dry mouth, Drowsiness, Confusion, Blood disorders, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, heart palpitations, hypotension, Dizziness, somnolence, Irritability, Wheezing IO:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1232: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPotentiates effects of CNS depressants; MAOIs may prolong and intensify anticholinergic and sedative effects of antihistaminesPreg: BP:Caution in patients with a predisposition to urinary retention, poorly controlled asthma, increased intraocular pressure, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease, or hypertension; may thicken bronchial secretions caused by anticholinergic properties and may inhibit expectoration and sinus drainageNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1233: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHydroxyzineAntiemetic; Sedating antihistamineA drug of choice for primary acquired cold urticaria. SC and IV are not recommended administration routes.I: Treatment of anxiety, as a preoperative sedative in pediatric dentistry, Unlabeled uses: Antiemetic; alcohol withdrawal symptomsBSO: Injection: 25 mg/mL; 50 mg/mLSyrup: 10 mg/5 mL, 25 mg/5 mLTablet, Capsule: 10 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgD: Children: Oral: 0.6 mg/kg/dose 4x/dI.M.: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose 4-6x/d (q4-6h)Adults:Antiemetic: I.M.: 25-100 mg/dose 4-6x/dayAnxiety: Oral: 25-100 mg 4 times/day; max: 600 mg/dayPreoperative sedation: Oral: 50-100 mgI.M.: 25-100 mgManagement of pruritus: Oral: 25 mg 3-4 times/day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1234: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI: HipersensitifES:Central nervous system: Drowsiness, headache, fatigue, nervousness, dizzinessRespiratory: Thickening of bronchial secretionsGastrointestinal: XerostomiaNeuromuscular & skeletal: Tremor, paresthesia, seizureOcular: Blurred visionIO:CNS depression may increase with alcohol or other CNS depressantsPreg: CP:Associated with clinical exacerbations of porphyria (may not be safe for porphyric patients); ECG abnormalities (alterations in T waves) may occur; may cause drowsinessNama Dagang: Bestalin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1235: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDimethindene maleateI: AlergiBSO: Tetes 0.1 %D: Dws 20-40 tts 3x/hr atau 1 tab 2x/hr KI: P: ES: KantukIO: Preg: BNama Dagang: Fenistil

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1236: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClemastinesedating antihistamineI: Allergic conditions such as hayfever, nettle rash (urticaria) and reactions to insect bites.BSO: Syrup: 0.67 mg/5 mL with alcohol 5.5%Tablet: 1.34 mg, 2.68 mgD: Oral: 1.34 mg 2x/d to 2.68 mg 3x/d, max 8.04 mg/day.KI: # Children under one year of age# Hereditary blood disorders called porphyrias.P: Elderly people, Liver & Kidney disease, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention, Obstruction of the gut.ES: Drowsiness, Headache, Blurred vision, Dry mouth, Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Difficulty passing urine, Dizziness, Palpitations, Confusion, Tremor, Disturbed sleep, DepressionIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang: Tavegyl

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1237: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAstemizoleI: Alergi: Rinitis, konjungtivitis, urtikariaBSO: Tab 10 mg. syr 5 mg/ccD: Dws 10 mg. KI: P: Hamil, ggn hati, sindroma QT kongenital, hipokalemia tak terkoreksi.ES: Peningkatan BBIO: Derivat azol, makrolidaPreg: CNama Dagang: Proalert

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1238: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTerfenadineI: Rinitis alergi, alergi kulitBSO: Tab 60 mgD: Dws 60 mg 2x/hr KI: HipersensitifP: Hamil, laktasiES: IO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1239: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOxatomideI: Alergi: rinitis, asma ekstrinsik, urtikaria kronik, konjungtivitis folikuler, dermatitis atopiBSO: Tab 30 mg

D: 30 mg 2x/hr. Anak 0.5 mg/kg dosis tunggalKI: P: ES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1240: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMebhydrolin I: Alergi, Rinitis vasomotor, insect bite, urtikariaBSO: Kaps 50 mgD: Dws 75-100 mg 3x/hrKI: P: Hamil, laktasi. Jangan mengemudiES: agranulositosis, kantuk, mual, muntah, diare, kolik, ggn GI, anoreksiaIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1241: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHomochlorcyclizineI: BSO: Tab 10 mgD: 10-20 mg 2x/hr KI: Glaukoma, obstruksi sal. Kemih bawahP: ES: KantukIO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Homoclomin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1242: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLoratadinenon-sedating antihistamineI: Nasal and non-nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitisBSO: Syrup: 1 mg/mL, Tablet: 10 mg

D: Dws & anak > 6thn: 10 mg/day KI: HipersensitifES: Drowsiness, Dizziness, Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrating, Indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Dry mouth, Urinary retention, Headache, Loss of appetite, Palpitations, Arrhythmias, Hepatitis, Wheezing or difficulty in breathing, Muscle weakness, Tinnitus, Irritability, NightmaresIO: Ketoconazole, erythromycin, procarbazine, and alcohol may increase loratadine levelsPreg: BP: Initiate therapy at lower dose in liver impairment; caution in Preg: and lactationNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1243: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDesloratadineNon-sedating antihistamineI: Allergic rhinitis, chronic idiopathic urticariaBSO: Tab 5 mg, Syr 2.5mg/ 5 ccD: Dws 5 mg 1x/hr. Anak 6-11 thn: 2.5 mg 1x/day.KI: Hipersensitif, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding ES: Fatigue, Dry mouth, Headache, Diarrhoea, Fever (in infants and toddlers), Difficulty sleeping, Dizziness, Somnolence, nausea, vomiting, indigestion or abdominal pain, Tchycardia, Palpitations, Muscle pain, Hyperactivity, SeizuresIO: Limited data exist; erythromycin and ketoconazole increase desloratadine and 3-hydroxydesloratadine plasma concentrations, but no increase in clinically relevant adverse effects, including QTc, was observedPreg: CP: Decrease dose in hepatic impairment; rarely causes pharyngitis or dry mouth Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1244: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCetirizine HClnon-sedating antihistamineSedation occurs in approximately 10% of patients. Dosing qhs may be useful if sedation is a problem. Although the standard dose is 5-10 mg qd.I: Hayfever, perennial allergic rhinitis, chronic idiopathic urticaria.BSO: Syrup: 5 mg/5 mLTablet: 5 mg, 10 mgD: 5-10 mg 1x/day KI: HipersensitifES: Headache, Dry mouth, Dizziness, Agitation, Stomach or intestinal discomfort, DrowsinessIO: Increases CNS toxicity of depressants; theophylline decreases clearance of cetirizinePreg: BP: Caution in hepatic or renal dysfunction; 10 mg/d may cause drowsiness in approximately 10% of patientsNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1245: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLevocetirizinenon-sedating antihistamineHistamine1-receptor antagonist. Active enantiomer of cetirizine. Peak plasma levels reached within 1 h and half-life is about 8 h. I: Seasonal allergic rhinitis & perennial allergic rhinitis, chronic idiopathic urticaria.BSO:D: 5 mg 1x/day in the evening KI: Hipersensitif; CrCl <10 mL/min or hemodialysis; children aged 6-11 y with renal impairmentES: Headache, Dry mouth, Fatigue, Sleepiness, asthenia, Abdominal pain, Shortness of breath, Nausea, Weight gain.IO: Coadministration with CNS depressants (eg, alcohol, sedative-hypnotics) may increase somnolence; ritonavir increased plasma AUC of measurable cetirizine by 42% and half-life by 53%Preg: BP:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1246: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCommon adverse effects include somnolence, nasopharyngitis, fatigue, xerostomia, and pharyngitis in adults and children >12 y; pyrexia, somnolence, cough, and epistaxis commonly observed in children 6-12 y; caution with activities requiring mental alertnessNama Dagang:Xyzal

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1247: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexB. Vaksin, Anti Serum & ImunologikalInfluenza vaccineDiphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, and Acellular Pertussis VaccDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Polio, HiB VaccDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B VaccMeasles, mumps, rubella vaccine (live)Haemophilus b Conjugate VaccinePoliovirus Vaccine Rabies immune globulin-HumanHuman diploid cell vaccine Rabies vaccineMeningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine; A, C, Y, and W-135Pneumococcal Vaccine Varicella Virus VaccineTetanus Immune Globulin Interferon alfa-2b Interferon beta-1a ImmunoglobulinHepatitis A vaccine Hepatitis B vaccineRho(D) Immune Globulin Thymalfasin/ Thymosin alpha-1

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1248: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInfluenza vaccineIndicated for active immunization to prevent influenza A and B viruses. Induces antibodies specific to virus strains contained in vaccine following administration. The US Public Health Service determines influenza vaccine contents annually. Typically, 3 live attenuated virus strains, which antigenically represent the influenza strains likely to circulate the next flu season, are included in the formulation each year. I:BSO:D: 0.5 mL IM for 1 dose each year prior to flu seasonPaed.<6 months: Not established6-35mo: 0.25 mL IM then 4wk after 1st dose3-8 y: 0.5 mL IM then 4wk after first dose>8 y: 0.5 mL IM for 1 dose each year prior to flu seasonKI: Hipersensitif to vaccine contents including thimerosal, eggs, egg products, or chicken protein; history of Guillain-Barré syndrome; history of neurologic symptoms following vaccination

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1249: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Immunosuppressive therapy (eg, high-dose corticosteroids, chemotherapy) may reduce antibody responsePreg: CP: Defer vaccination with acute febrile illnesses or neurological findings until symptoms have abated; may cause soreness at injection site, fever, malaise, and myalgia Nama Dagang:Vaxigrip

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1250: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, & Acellular Pertussis VaccineToxoidI: As fourth and fifth dose in primary immunization series against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis from age 15 months or 17 months through 7th birthday (recipients must have previously received 3 doses of whole-cell DTP (DTwP))BSO: Injection: Diph 6.7 Lf U, tet 5 Lf U, acel. pert vacc 46.8 mcg/ 0.5 mLDiph 25 Lf U, tet 10 Lf U, acel. pert vacc 25 mcg/ 0.5 mLDiph 15 Lf U, tet 6 Lf U, acel. pert vacc 40 mcg/ 0.5 mLD: Before administration, ensure that at least 3 doses of whole-cell DTP vaccine have been given. Give the fourth dose of DTaP at ~18 months of age, at least 6 months after the third DTwP. Give a fifth 0.5 mL dose at 4-6 years of age. Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids for adult use (Td) is the preferred agent for adults and older children.KI: Patients >7 years of age, patients with cancer, immunodeficiencies, an acute respiratory infection, or any other active infection; children with a history of neurologic disorders

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1251: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexshould not receive the pertussis or any component; history of any of the following effects from previous administration of pertussis vaccine precludes further use: >103°F fever (39.4°C), convulsions, focal neurologic signs, screaming episodes, shock, collapse, sleepiness or encephalopathy; known hypersensitivity to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids or pertussis vaccine; do not use for treatment of actual tetanus, diphtheria, or whooping cough infectionsP: DTaP should not be used in children <15 months of age and should not be used in children who have received fewer than 3 doses of DTPES: All serious adverse reactions must be reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DDHS) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) 1-800-822-7967.IO: Decreased effect with immunosuppressive agents, corticosteroids within 1 monthPreg: BNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1252: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Polio, HiB Vaccine I: # Vaccination of infants against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and infection with Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) bacteria, which can cause serious diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and blood poisoning.BSO: Jarum suntik pra isi 0.5 ccD: 0.5 cc IM pd bulan ke 2, 4, 6, 18 pd anterolateral paha atas atau otot deltoidKI: >4years, allergy, encephalopathy, Progressive or unstable disease affecting the brain and nervous system, eg epilepsy (in this case the vaccine should be postponed until the condition is corrected or stable), Fever or sudden severe illness (in this case the vaccine should be postponed until after the child has recovered).P: # Children who had a temperature of 40ºC or higher within 48 hours of a previous dose of whooping cough vaccine# Children who collapsed or were unresponsive following a previous dose of whooping cough vaccine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1253: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Index# Children who cried persistantly and inconsolably for more than three hours within 48 hours of a previous dose of whooping cough vaccine# Children who had convulsions within three days of a previous dose of whooping cough vaccine# Bleeding disorders# Reduced platelet count in the blood (thrombocytopenia).ES: Pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, Fever (pyrexia), Headache, malaise, Sleepiness, Irritability, Loss of appetite, Restlessness, Unusual crying, Diarrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Weakness, Swelling of injected limb, Swollen glands, Rash, Difficulty sleeping, Stuffy nose, Coughing, Stomache ache, BackacheIO: Preg: CBSO: Nama Dagang:Pediacel

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1254: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B VaccineI: BSO: Vial 0.5 ccD: Imunisasi Primer: 0.5 cc IM dalam, tiap 4 minggu selama 3xBooster: 1x sebelum akhir tahun ke-2KI: Pnykit febris akut berat, ensefalopati yg tak diketahui sebabnyaP: Trombositopenia atau ggn perdarahanES: IO: Preg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:Tritanrix HB

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1255: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMeasles, mumps, rubella vaccine (live)BSO: Vial 0.5 ccInjection: 1000 TCID50 each of measles virus vaccine and rubella virus vaccine, 5000 TCID50 mumps virus vaccineD: > 12 mo: 1x SCInfants <12 months of age: If there is risk of exposure to measles, single-antigen measles vaccine should be administered at 6-11 months of age with a second dose (of MMR) at >12 months of ageAdminister S.C. in outer aspect of the upper arm to children greater than or equal to 15 months of age:0.5 mL at 15 months of age and then repeated at 4-6 years* of ageIn some areas, MMR vaccine may be given at 12 months*Many experts recommend that this dose of MMR be given at entry to middle school or junior high schoolKI: Blood dyscrasias, Active, untreated tuberculosis, impaired immune response due to disease or treatment, Pregnancy,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1256: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexanaphylaxis, Sudden feverish illness, Untreated malignant or cancerous diseaseP: Allergy, Conditions in which fever should be avoided, History of brain damage, HIV infection, convulsions & epilepsyES: Headache, Rash, Diarrhoea, Allergic, Seizures, Fever, paraesthesia, Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, Sore throat, Swollen glands (lymph nodes), parotitis, ataxia, thrombocytopenia, Irritability, febrile convulsions, malaise, Pain in the muscles and joints, Pain, swelling, redness and hardening of the skin at the injection siteIO: Preg: CNama Dagang: M-M-R® II

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1257: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHaemophilus b Conjugate VaccineI: Prevent infection by Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) bact.BSO: Vial dosis tunggal 0.5 ccD: HbOC or PRP-T injection & PRP-OMP injection: Children 15-59 mo: One dose IM Children 12-14 mo: 1x, then a booster dose at 15months of age. Children 7-11 mo: 2 doses, 2mo apart, booster at 15 mo.Infants 2-6 mo: 3 doses, 2 months apart, booster at 15 months PRP-D injection: Children 15-59 mo: 1 dose IM. < 15 mo: not recommended.ES: allergic: Hives, Itching, Reddening of skin (especially around ears), Swelling of eyes, face, or inside of nose, Unusual tiredness or weakness (sudden and severe)More common: Fever of up to 102 °F (39 °C) (usually < 48h), Irritability, Loss of appetite, Lack of interest, Redness at place of injection, Reduced physical activity, Tenderness at place of injection, TirednessPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1258: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPoliovirus VaccineI: prevent poliomyelitis (polio).BSO: Injection: Suspension poliovirus (1, 2 and 3) grown in human diploid cell cultures Solution, oral: type 1, 2, and 3 viruses in monkey kidney tissue D: Poliovirus vaccine live oral (OPV) & Poliovirus vaccine inactivated enhanced potency (eIPV) IM/SC: 6 wk-18 years:I: 1x, II: 6-8wk later, III: 8-12 mo after the second dose. A booster: at 4-6 years of age only if the 3rd dose was given before the child's fourth birthday. Poliovirus vaccine inactivated (IPV): injection IM/SC:I,II,III: q4-8wkIV: 6-12 mo after the third dose. KI: Oral: Leukemia, lymphoma, or other generalized malignancies; diseases in which cellular immunity is absent or suppressed (hypogammaglobulinemia, agammaglobulinemia); immunosuppressive therapy; diarrhea; parenteral administration

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1259: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexParenteral: Hypersensitivity to any component including neomycin, streptomycin, or polymyxin B; defer vaccination for persons with acute febrile illness until recoveryP: Although there is no convincing evidence documenting adverse effects of either OPV or E-IPV on the pregnant woman or developing fetus, it is prudent on theoretical grounds to avoid vaccinating pregnant women. However, if immediate protection against poliomyelitis is needed, OPV is recommended. OPV should not be given to immunocompromised individuals or to persons with known or possibly immunocompromised family members; E-IPV is recommended in such situations.ES: Fever (>101.3°F), Rash, pain at injection siteIO: Decreased effect with immunosuppressive agents, immune globulin, cholera vaccine; separate by 1 month if possible; may temporarily suppress tuberculin skin test sensitivity (4-6 weeks); DTP, MMR, Hib, and hepatitis B vaccines may be given concurrently if at different sitesPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1260: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRabies immune globulin-Human (BayRab, Imogam) -- Has been licensed since 1975, and, unlike its predecessor, ERIG, is not associated with significant adverse reactions, anaphylaxis, or serum sickness. Purified ERIG is still used in some developing nations because of cost or availability and is associated with an adverse effect rate of 0.8-6%, which usually involves minor reactions. HRIG is not associated with transmission of viral hepatitis or HIV. Experimentally, infiltration of HRIG at site of exposure is more protective than IM administration. Previously, half the dose was administered at the site and half IM; however, current recommendation is that the entire dose be infiltrated, if possible, in and around the site, with any remaining solution administered IM in the gluteus.D:20 IU/kg; most or all of solution is infiltrated around the wound; any remaining solution should be administered IM in the gluteus; max 20 IU/kgPaed.Administer as in adults, except inject into anterolateral thigh

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1261: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKI:Hipersensitif; to prevent interference with a maximum active immunity from rabies vaccine, do not administer in repeated doses once rabies vaccine treatment initiated; >20 IU/kg is associated with reduced antibody response to HDCV and should not be usedIO:Through an antigen-antibody antagonism, RIG may diminish antibody response to MMR vaccine; should administer live virus vaccines 14-30 d before or 6-12 wk after immune globulin administration; antibody response to rabies vaccine may be delayed if administered simultaneously with RIGPreg: BP:Caution in thrombocytopenia or bleeding disorders; do not administer immunoglobulin and vaccine using same syringe or in same site

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1262: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHuman diploid cell vaccine Inactivated forms of virus inducing an active immune response.D: PreexposurePrimary: 1 mL IM deltoid on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28Booster: 1 mL IM deltoidPostexposureNo prior vaccination with HDCV or RVA: 1 mL IM deltoid on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28Prior vaccination: 1 mL IM deltoid on days 0 and 3Alternatives2-1-1 IM regimen: 1 mL IM bid (1 dose in each deltoid) on day 0, then 1 mL IM deltoid on days 7 and 218-site ID regimen (WHO regimen, 1998; may be considered for use in resource-poor areas, but not FDA approved for this use in United States): 0.1 mL ID in each of 8 sites (each deltoid, each lateral thigh, each suprascapular region, and right and left lower quadrants of abdomen) on day 0, 0.1 mL ID in each of 4 sites (each deltoid, each lateral thigh) on day 7, 0.1 mL ID deltoid (1 site only) on days 28 and 90

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1263: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPaed. inject into anterolateral thighKI: Life-threatening hypersensitivity reactions; if reaction occurs, carefully consider patient risk of developing rabies before deciding to discontinue immunizationIO: High-dose corticosteroids, antimalarials, and radiation therapy may inhibit immunization, and patients may remain susceptible despite vaccination; use of immunosuppressants should be avoided during postexposure therapy; persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy should receive RIG (3 doses/mL each IM)Preg: BP: Administer IM only in deltoid area; vaccination may fail if injected into gluteal area (because of higher likelihood of injecting into fat rather than muscle)To prevent failure with Imovax Rabies ID, inject ID and not IM; use IM route for Imovax Rabies Vaccine; in Hipersensitif, may pretreat with antihistamines; epinephrine injection (1:1000), volume replacement, oxygen, and corticosteroids must be immediately available to counteract anaphylactic reactions that

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1264: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexmay occurPreg: is not a contraindication to postexposure use of this vaccine because risks of inadequately treated rabies exposure clearly outweigh risks of fetal abnormalities based on limited data; preexposure prophylaxis may also be indicated in Preg:; however, if risk of rabies is substantial and removal of Preg:nant woman from high-risk area is feasible, this may be preferred

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1265: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRabies vaccineI: Vaccination against rabiesBSO: Injection: Rabies antigen 0.25 U/0.1 mLD: PreexposurePrimary : 1 mL IM deltoid on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28Booster : 1 mL IM deltoidPostexposureNo prior vaccination with HDCV or RVA: 1 mL IM deltoid on days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 281st day: + Rabies immune globulin.Prior vaccination with HDCV or RVA: 1 mL on days 0 and 3KI: None reported for postexposure immunization; if alternative products are not available, exercise caution in persons known to be sensitive to neomycin, amphotericin B, chlortetracycline, processed bovine gelatin, and chicken protein because trace amounts of these products may be present in vaccineIO:High-dose corticosteroids, antimalarials, and radiation therapy may inhibit immunization, and patients may remain susceptible

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1266: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexdespite vaccination; use of immunosuppressants should be avoided during postexposure therapy; persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy should receive RIG (3 doses/mL each IM)ES: Cold or flu-like symptoms, Fever, malaisePreg: CP: Administer IM only in deltoid area; vaccination may fail if injected into gluteal area (because of higher likelihood of injecting into fat rather than muscle); epinephrine injection (1:1000), volume replacement, oxygen, and corticosteroids must be immediately available to counteract anaphylactic reactions that may occur; Preg: is not a contraindication to postexposure use of this vaccine because risks of inadequately treated rabies exposure clearly outweigh risks of fetal abnormalities based on limited data; preexposure prophylaxis may also be indicated in Preg:; however, if risk of rabies is substantial and removal of the Preg:nant woman from the high-risk area is feasible, this may be preferred

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1267: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMeningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, Groups A, C, Y, and W-135quadrivalent vaccineVisitors who are travelling to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages to Mecca will need to produce a certificate of vaccination with this quadrivalent meningitis vaccine, before they can be issued with a visa.I: Against meningitis caused by groups A, C, W135 and Y BSO: Injection: 10 dose, 50 dose. Vial 0.5 ccD: One dose: 0.5 mL S.C; the need for booster is unknownKI: Babies <2 mo of age, People with a severe feverish illness.P: ES: Pain, swelling, redness or hardening of the skin at the injection site, Headache, Fatigue, Fever, Sleepiness (somnolence), Very rarely, allergic reactions such as anaphylaxisIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1268: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPneumococcal VaccineI: Risk of pneumococcal disease for Children >2 years of age and adults, including all those > 65 years of ageBSO: Injection: 25 mcg each of 23 polysaccharide isolates/0.5 mL doseD: 1x SC/IMKI: Sudden feverish illness, Children < 2 years of age (because it does not stimulate sufficient numbers of antibodies to be produced in this age group. The Prevenar pneumococcal vaccine should be used to vaccinate children under two.)P: Blood clotting disorders, eg haemophilia, thrombocytopeniaES: Fever, Nausea and vomiting, Headache, asthenia, malaise, Pain in the muscles and joints, paraesthesia, Swollen glands (lymph nodes), urticariaIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1269: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVaricella Virus VaccineI: prevent infection by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV).The American Association of Pediatrics recommends that the chickenpox vaccine should be given to all healthy children 12 mo-18 years; children between 12 months and 13 years who have not been immunized or who have not had chickenpox should receive 1 vaccination.While children 13-18 years of age require 2 vaccinations 4-8 weeks apart; the vaccine has been added to the childhood immunization schedule for infants 12-28 months of age and children 11-12 years of age who have not been vaccinated previously or who have not had the disease; it is recommended to be given with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccineBSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized powder, preservative free: 1350 plaque forming U (PFU)/0.5 mL D: Prevention of Varicella: > 13 years: 1 dose SC/IM, then 4-8wks later.12 months-12 years of age: a second dose is 3 months later.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1270: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPrevention of herpes zoster: 1 dose SCKI: Hypersensitivity, blood dyscrasias, leukemia, lymphomas, or other malignant neoplasms affecting the bone marrow or lymphatic systems; receiving immunosuppressive therapy; primary and acquired immunodeficiency states; congenital or hereditary immunodeficiency; active untreated tuberculosis; febrile illness; pregnancy; I.V. injectionP: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission can receive the vaccine under an investigational protocol (215-283-0897); Immediate treatment for anaphylactoid reaction should be available during vaccine use; defer vaccination for at least 5 months following blood or plasma transfusions, immune globulin (IgG), or VZIG (avoid IgG or IVIG use for 2 months following vaccination); salicylates should be avoided for 5 weeks after vaccination; vaccinated individuals should not have close association with susceptible high risk individuals (newborns, pregnant women, immunocompromised persons) following vaccinationES: Fever over 39 °C (102 °F), Varicella-like skin rash

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1271: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTetanus Immune GlobulinI: Passive immunization against tetanus; tetanus immune globulin is preferred over tetanus antitoxin for treatment of active tetanus; part of the management of an unclean, wound in a person whose history of previous receipt of tetanus toxoid is unknown or who has received <3 doses of tetanus toxoid; elderly may require TIG more often than younger patients with tetanus infection due to declining antibody titers with ageBSO: Injection: 250 U/mLD: Prevention: 250 U IM. Children: 4 U/kg; or 250 U.Treatment of tetanus:Children: 500-3000 U; some infiltrate locally around the woundAdults: 3000-6000 UKI: Hypersensitivity; patients with IgA deficiency; I.V. administrationP: Have epinephrine 1:1000 available for anaphylactic reactions; do not administer I.V.ES: >10%: Pain, tenderness, erythema at injection site1% to 10%: Fever, Urticaria, angioedema, Muscle stiffness

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1272: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: Never administer tetanus toxoid and TIG in same syringe (toxoid will be neutralized); toxoid may be given at a separate site; concomitant administration with Td may decrease its immune response, especially in individuals with low prevaccination antibody titersPreg:: A, B, C, D, X Nama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1273: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTyphoid Vi Polysaccharide vaccineI: Parenteral: Promotes active immunity to typhoid fever for patients intimately exposed to a typhoid carrier or foreign travel to a typhoid fever endemic areaOral: For immunization of children >6 years and adults who expect intimate exposure of or household contact with typhoid fever, travelers to areas of world with risk of exposure to typhoid fever, and workers in microbiology laboratories with expected frequent contact with S. typhiTyphoid vaccine: Live, attenuated Ty21a typhoid vaccine should not be administered to immunocompromised persons, including those known to be infected with HIV. Parenteral inactivated vaccine is a theoretically safer alternative for this group.BSO: Capsule, enteric coated: Viable S. typhi Ty21a Colony-forming U 2-6 x 109 and nonviable S. typhi Ty21a Colony-forming U 50 x 109 with sucrose, ascorbic acid, amino acid mixture, lactose and magnesium stearate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1274: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInjection, suspension (H-P): Heat- and phenol-inactivated, killed Ty-2 strain of S. typhi organisms; provides 8 U/mL, less than or equal to 1 billion/mL and less than or equal to 35 mcg nitrogen/mLInjection : Purified Vi capsular polysaccharide 25 mcg/0.5 mLPowder for suspension (AKD): 8 U/mL < 1 billion/mL, acetone inactivated dried (50 doses)D: S.C. (AKD and H-P): I: 0.25 cc; II: > 4 weeks laterBooster: Children 6 mo-10 years: 0.25 mL q3 years>10 years & adults: 0.5 mLOral: Adults: Primary: 1 caps (day 1, 3, 5, and 7)Booster : every 5 yearsKI: Allergy, Sudden feverish illnessP: Bleeding disorders, Children <2 years, thrombocytopeniaES: Headache, Fever, Pain & Redness around injection sitePreg: CNama Dagang: Typherix

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1275: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexInterferon beta-1a ImmunomodulatorI: Relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis (characterised by at least 2 relapses over the previous two years, without evidence of progression of the disease between relapses) in people who are able to walk unaided.BSO: Powder for injection, lyophilized: 33 mcg [6.6 million U]D: Multiple sclerosis (MS): Rebif: 22-44 mcg 3x/wk SCGenital warts: Rebif: 3.67 mcg per lesion 3x/wk for 3 weeksKI: <16 years of age, History of severe depression or thoughts of suicide, Uncontrolled epilepsy, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding.P: Seizure, mood disorders, arrhythmias, decreased kidney & liver function, History of liver disease & alcohol abuseES: Flu-like symptoms, Flushing, Diarrhoea, insomnia, Depression, alopecia, irregular menstrual bleeding, Dizziness, Under or overactive thyroid, Confusion, Seizures, hepatitisIO: Decreases clearance of zidovudine->increasing toxicityPreg: CNama Dagang: Rebif

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1276: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexImmunoglobulin I: Primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI), ITP, and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).BSO: Injection: 5% [50 mg/mL] ; 10% [100 mg/mL]D: Children and Adults: I.V.:Primary immunodeficiency disorders: 200-400 mg/kg q4 weeks or as per monitored serum IgG concentrationsChronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): 400 mg/kg/dose q3wksIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP): Maintenance dose: 400 mg/kg/day for 2-5 consecutive days; or 1000 mg/kg every other day for 3 doses, if needed or1000 mg/kg/day for 2 consecutive days; or up to 2000 mg/kg/day over 2-7 consecutive daysChronic ITP: 400-2000 mg/kg/dose as needed to maintain appropriate platelet countsKawasaki disease:400 mg/kg/day for 4 days within 10 days of onset of fever800 mg/kg/day for 1-2 days within 10 days of onset of fever2 g/kg for one dose only

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1277: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAIDS: 200-250 mg/kg/dose every 2 weeks400-500 mg/kg/dose every month or every 4 weeksPediatric HIV: 400 mg/kg every 28 daysAutoimmune hemolytic anemia and neutropenia: 1000 mg/kg/dose for 2-3 daysAutoimmune diseases: 400 mg/kg/day for 4 daysBone marrow transplant: 500 mg/kg beginning on days 7 and 2 pretransplant, then 500 mg/kg/week for 90 days post-transplantAdjuvant to severe cytomegalovirus infections: 500 mg/kg/dose every other day for 7 dosesSevere systemic viral and bacterial infections: Children: 500-1000 mg/kg/weekPrevention of gastroenteritis: Infants and Children: Oral: 50 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hoursGuillain-Barré syndrome:400 mg/kg/day for 4 days1000 mg/kg/day for 2 days2000 mg/kg/day for one day

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1278: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRefractory dermatomyositis: 2 g/kg/dose every month x 3-4 dosesRefractory polymyositis: 1 g/kg/day x 2 days every month x 4 dosesChronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy:400 mg/kg/day for 5 doses once each month800 mg/kg/day for 3 doses once each month1000 mg/kg/day for 2 days once each monthDosing adjustment/comments in renal impairment: Clcr <10 mL/minute: Avoid use KI: HypersensitivityP: Anaphylactic hypersensitivity reactions can occur, especially in IgA-deficient patients; studies indicate that the currently available products have no discernible risk of transmitting HIV or hepatitis B; aseptic meningitis may occur with high doses ( greater than or equal to 2 g/kg). Acute renal dysfunction (increased serum creatinine, oliguria, acute renal failure) can rarely occur; usually within 7 days of use.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1279: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexES: Fast or pounding heartbeat, Troubled breathing. Bluish coloring of the lips or nailbeds, Burning sensation in the head, Faintness or lightheadedness, weakness, WheezingIO: Increased toxicity: Live virus, vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella); do not administer within 3 months after administration of these vaccinesPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1280: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHepatitis A vaccine I: Vaccination against hepatitis A in > 16 years & adults.BSO: Injection: 360 ELISA U/0.5 mL ; 1440 ELISA U/mLInjection, pediatric: 720 ELISA U/0.5 mL D: I.M. deltoid:Children 2-18 years: 720 ELISA U (2x360 ELISA U) 15-30 days prior to travel, with a booster 6-12 months after Adults: 1440 ELISA UKI: <15 years, Allergy, Sudden feverish illness.P: Liver disease, risk of bleeding or thrombocytopenia (- these given SC rather than IM).ES: Asthenia, myalgia, arthralgia, Headache, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Fever, Redness around injection site, Skin reactions such as rash and itchIO: -Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1281: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHepatitis B vaccineI: Prevention of hepatitis BBSO: Injection: Hepatitis B surface antigen 20 mcg/mL Recombinant DNA:Pediatric: Hepatitis B surface antigen 2.5 mg/0.5 mLAdolescent/high-risk infant/Adult: 5 mcg/0.5 mLDialysis , 40 mcg/mLD: 2.5-20 mcg IM deltoid/ thigh, 3 doses: 0, 1, 6 month later.Newborn babies: 3 doses: at birth/ within 7 days of birth, then 1 & 6 months after the first dose, OR 4 doses: 7 day, then 1, 2 & 7 later.+ blood dialysis: 40 mcg 3 doses: 0, 1, 6 month later, OR 4 doses: 0, 1, 2, 6 months.KI: Sudden feverish illnessES: diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, Headache, Dizziness, paraesthesia, Fatigue, Fever, flu-like symptoms.IO: Decreased effect: Immunosuppressive agentsPreg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1282: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRho(D) Immune Globulin Immune GlobulinI: prevent from interacting with any of baby's blood that may get into mother's blood system while pregnant or during delivery. If mother blood type is Rh o(D) - & baby is Rh o(D) +; mother's body may produce a defense (antibodies) against Rh o(D) + blood. These antibodies will not cause a problem if this is your first pregnancy, unless you have had a blood transfusion in the past and have already developed these antibodies. However, if you have other Rh o(D) + babies in the future, these antibodies may try to destroy the blood of the future babies. Rh o(D) immune globulin can be used to treat ITP, to prevent excessive bleeding.Rh o(D) immune globulin may also be used if you have recently received a transfusion that contained Rh o(D) + blood and your blood type is Rh o(D) -.BSO: Injection: one single dose 300 mcg of Rho (D) immune globulin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1283: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexD : Prevent your body from producing antibodies against Rh o(D) + blood: 1/> IM/IV during pregnancy, within 72 hours after partus, at the end of an abortion, or after a transfusion. Prevent excessive bleeding in ITP: IV KI: P: ES: Bloody urine, Decreased frequency of urination or amount of urine, hypertension, thirst, Lower back pain, Nausea or vomiting, Pale skin, Swelling of face, fingers, or lower legs, Troubled breathing, Unusual bleeding or bruising, weakness, Weight gainIO: Preg: CNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1284: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexThymalfasin/ Thymosin alpha-1I: primary humoral


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1285: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexC. ImunosupresanMycophenolateCiclosporinAzathioprine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1286: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMycophenolateI: Preventing the body rejecting a transplanted kidney (in combination with ciclosporin and corticosteroids).BSO: Capsule 250 mgInjection: 500 mgTablet, film coated: 500 mgD: PO/Injection: Prevention of rejection of transplanted heart/ liver: 1.5 g 2x/dPrevention of rejection of transplanted kidney: 1 g 2x/dKI: Allergy, Breastfeeding, glucose-galactose malabsorption P: Serious digestive system disease, Rare hereditary diseases where there is a deficiency of an enzyme called HGPRT, eg Lesch-Nyhan or Keelley-Seegmiller syndrome.ES: Diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia or anaemia, Increased susceptibility to infections, Disturbances in the levels of electrolytes, Ulceration or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, Headache, Depression, anxiety, Confusion, Seizures, Dizziness, paraesthesia, insomnia, loss of appetite, dyspnoea,

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1287: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, Indexflu-like symptoms, oedema, hepatitis, jaundice, tachycardia, Increased risk of developing lymphomas and other cancers, particularly skin cancer.IO: Decreased effect: Antacids decrease Cmax and AUC, do not administer together; cholestyramine decreases AUC, do not administer togetherIncreased toxicity: Acyclovir and ganciclovir levels may increase due to competition for tubular secretion of these drugs; probenecid may increase mycophenolate levels due to inhibition of tubular secretion; salicylates: high doses may increase free fraction of mycophenolic acidPreg: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1288: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCyclosporineI: Transplantasi organ/ sumsum tulang. Uveitis endogen. Psoriasis, AR, sindroma Nefrotik, dermatitis atopik (eczema)Immunosuppressant which may be used with azathioprine and/or corticosteroids to prolong organ and patient survival in kidney, liver, and heart transplants; used in allogeneic bone marrow transplants for prevention and treatment of graft-versus-host disease; also used in some cases of severe autoimmune disease that are resistant to corticosteroids and other therapy.BSO: Capsule : 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mgInjection : 50 mg/mLSolution, oral : 100 mg/mL D: Oral: Transplant rejection: 12-15 mg/kg/day Maintenance: 5-10 mg/kg/dayRheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis: 2.5-4 mg/kg/dayInjection: Transplant rejection: 2-6 mg/kg/dayKI: HipersensitifP: Laktasi. Awasi kadar Kalium darah.ES: Hiperkalemia, kerusakan hati & ginjal, hipertensi.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1289: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: CYP3A3/4 enzyme substrateIncreased toxicity:Drugs that increase cyclosporine concentrations: Azithromycin, clarithromycin, diltiazem, erythromycin, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, nicardipine, verapamil, grapefruit juiceDrugs that enhance nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine: Aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, acyclovirLovastatin - myositis, myalgias, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failureNifedipine - increases risk of gingival hyperplasiaPreg: CNama Dagang: Sandimmun/ Sandimmun Neoral

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1290: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAzathioprineKerja: Menghambat produksi WBCI: Active chronic autoimmune hepatitis, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, pemphigus vulgaris, ITP, dermatomyositis, polymyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, Preventing the body from rejecting transplanted organs, eg heart, liver, kidney transplants, severe rheumatoid arthritisBSO: Tab 50 mg, Injection: 100 mgD: Transplantasi organ awal 3-5 mg/kgBB/hr mulai saat dilakukan transplantasi. Hepatitis kronik aktif 1-1,5 mg/kgBB/hr

KI: Bumil, Allergy to mercaptopurine, PregnancyP: Laktasi, Decreased kidney & liver function, Elderly people, Inherited deficiency of an enzyme called thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT)ES: Toksisitas hematology & GI. Rentan infeksi.

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1291: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIO: allopurinol, oksipurinol, tiopurinol. Obat penghambat neuromuskuler, Warfarin, obat sitotoksik/mielosupresan, VaksinPreg:: DNama Dagang:

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1292: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPUSTAKA

✔ MIMS Indonesia, Petunjuk Konsultasi Edisi 6 2006/2007

✔ Http://www.netdoctor.co.uk ✔ http://redpoll.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/drugbank/index.ht

ml✔ Medical Drug Reference Version 2, Parson

Technology, Inc✔ Http://www.emedicine.com ✔ Integrative Medicine Access, www.onemedicine.com.✔ Http://www.mayoclinic.com

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1293: Daftar Obat Generik


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1294: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexINDEX



Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

FaiK Fauzi MuLaCheLLa


em@il: [email protected]


Page 1295: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAAcarbose Acefylline piperazine AcetaminophenAcetazolamideAcetylcysteineAcetylsalicyclic acidAcetylcholine AciclovirAdefovir dipivoxilAdenosineAlclometasoneAlendronateAlfacalcidolAlfuzosinAllopurinol AllylestrenolAlteplaseAluminium hydroxide

Ambroxol HClAmikacinAmino acidsAminophyllineAmiodaroneAmitriptylineAmlodipineAmoxapineAmoxicillin AmpicillinAnagrelideAnastrozoleAntithrombin IIIAprotinin Ascorbic acidAsparaginaseAspirinAstemizole

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1296: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexAtazanavirAtenololAtorvastatinAtracurium besilateAtropine

AttapulgitAzapentaceneAzathioprine Azelaic acidAzithromycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1297: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexBBaclofenBeclomethasoneBenazeprilBencyclaneBenzoyl peroxideBenzydamineBenzathine PenicillinBeractantBetahistineBetamethasoneBetaxololBicalutamideBifonazoleBillberry dry extract

BiotinBisacodylBismuth salicylateBisoprololBleomycinBotulinum Toxin type ABrinzolamideBromhexine HClBromocriptineBudesonideBuflomedilBunazosin HClButropium Bromide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1298: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCCalcipotriolCalcipotrieneCalcitoninCalcitriolCandesartanCapecitabineCapsaicinCaptopril CarbamazepineCarbazochrome Na sulfonate CarbocisteineCarboplatinCarteololCarvedilolCefaclorCefadroxilCefalexinCefalotin


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1299: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexCephalexinCephalotinCephradineCetirizineCetrorelix acetateCharcoalChenodeoxycholic acidChloramphenicolChlordiazepoxide Chlorhexidine gluconateChloroquineChlorphenamine ChlorpromazineChlorpropamideChlortalidoneChlorzoxazoneCholecalciferolChondroitin sulphateChorionic Gonadotrophin

Ciclopirox OlaminCiclosporinCilastatinCilostazolCimetidine CinnarizineCiprofibrateCiprofloxacinCisaprideCisplatinCitalopramCiticolineCitrullineClarithromycinClavulanic acidClebropride MalateClemastineClenbuterolClindamycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1300: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexClobetasol propionate Clodronic acidClofazimineClomifene citrateClomipramineClonazepamClonidineClopidogrelClostridium botulinum AClotrimazoleCloxacillinCo-dergocrine mesylateCo-trimoxazole

Codeine HClColchicineColestyramineColistin sulphateCollagenaseConjugated estrogenCyanocobalaminCyclophosphamideCyclosporineCyproheptadineCyproterone acetate Cytarabine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1301: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDDacarbazineDanazolDapsoneDaunorubicinDequaliniumDesloratadineDesogestrelDesonideDesoximetasoneDexamethasoneDexketoprofenDextromethorphanDiacereinDiazepamDibekacinDiclofenacDidanosineDiethylpropion HCl

DiflucortoloneDigoxinDihydroergotamineDiltiazemDimenhydrinateDimethindeneDimeticoneDinoprostoneDioctahedral smectiteDiosmin DiphenhydramineDiphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, and Acellular Pertussis VaccineDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Polio, HiB VaccineDiphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B VaccineDipyridamoleDisodium clodronate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1302: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexDithranolDobutaminDocetaxelDocusate sodiumDomperidoneDonepezilDopamine HCl DoxazosinDoxepin DoxorubicinDoxycyclineDuloxetineDutasterideDydrogesterone

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1303: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexEEnalaprilEnoxaparinEntecavirEperisoneEphedrine HClEpirubicinEpoetin alfaEpoetin beta ErdosteineErgocalciferolErgotamineErythromycinErythropoietinEsomeprazoleEstazolamEsterified estrogenEstradiolEstradiol valerate


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1304: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexFFactor VIIIFamotidineFelodipineFenbufenFenofibrateFenoterolFeracrylumFexofenadine HClFilgrastimFinasterideFlavoxateFlucloxacillinFluconazoleFludarabineFlunarizineFluocinolone acetonide FluorometholoneFluorouracil

FluoxetineFluprednideneFlutamideFluticasoneFluvastatinFluvoxamineFolic acidFSH Follitropin alfaFollitropin betaFondaparinux sodiumFosfomycinFosinoprilFradiomycinFramycetinFurazolidoneFurosemideFusidic acid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1305: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexGGabapentinGalantamineGanciclovirGatifloxacinGefitinibGemcitabineGemfibrozilGentamicinGestrinoneGingkgo BilobaGlibenclamide

GliclazideGlimepirideGlipizideGliquidoneGlucosamineGlyceryl Guaiacolate Glyceryl trinitrateGoserelinGramicidinGranisetronGriseofulvinGuaifenesin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1306: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexHHaemophilus b Conjugate VaccineHaloperidolHalcinonideHCTHeparin sodiumHeparinoidHepatitis A vaccineHepatitis B vaccineHeptaminol acefyllinateHeptaminol HClHexetidineHomochlorcyclizineHuman diploid cell vaccineHyaluronic acidHydralazineHydrochlorothiazideHydrocortisone

HydroquinoneHydroxycarbamideHydroxyureaHydroxyzineHyoscine butylbromide

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1307: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexIIbuprofenIdoxuridineIfosfamideIloprostImatinibImidaprilImipenemImipramineImmunoglobulinIndapamideIndometacinInfliximabInfluenza vaccineInosine dimepranol acedoben

InsulinInterferon alfa-2b Interferon beta-1a Ipratopium bromideIrbesartanIrinotecanIsoaminileIsoconazoleIsoniazidIsoprenaline HCIsoproterenol IsosorbideIsoxsuprineIsphagulaItraconazole

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1308: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexKKanamycinKaolin, PectinKetoconazoleKetoprofenKetorolacKetotifen

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1309: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexLLacidipine LactobacillusLactuloseLamivudineLamotrigineLansoprazoleLatanoprostLeflunomideLenograstimLercanidipineLetrozoleLeuprorelinLevamisoleLevetiracetamLevocetirizineLevodopaLevodropropizineLevofloxacin

LevonorgestrelLevothyroxinelidocaineLinezolidLindaneLincomycinLisinoprilLithium carbonateLodoxamideLoperamide HClLoratadineLosartanLovastatinLoxoprofenLutropin alfaLynestrenol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1310: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMMagnesium hydroxide Magnesium sulphateMagnesium trisilicateMalathionMannitolMaprotilineMazindolMeasles, mumps, rubella vaccine (live)MebendazoleMebeverineMebhydrolinMecobalaminMedroxyprogesterone Mefenamic acid MegestrolMeloxicamMenadione

Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine, Groups A, C, Y, and W-135MeperidineMeropenemMesalazineMesteroloneMetamizole sodiumMetforminMethampyroneMethisoprinolMethotrexateMethoxalenMethyldopaMethylergometrineMethylergonovineMethylphenidateMethylprednisoloneMethylsalicylate

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1311: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexMetoclopramide HCl MetoprololMetronidazoleMianserinMiconazoleMidazolamMilrinoneMinocyclineMinoxidilMirtazapineMisoprostolMitomycinMitoxantroneMoclobemideMometasone furoateMonoxerutinMorphineMoxifloxacinMoxonidine


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1312: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexNN-acetylcysteineNabumetoneNadroparin calciumNaftidrofurylNaftifineNaphazolineNaproxenNateglinideNeomycinNeostigmineNetilmicinNevirapineNiacinNicardipineNicergolineNicotinic acidNicotinamideNicotinyl alcohol

NifedipineNifuroxazideNimesulideNimodipineNitrazepamNitroglycerinNizatidineNomegestrol acetate Norephinephrine bitartrateNorethisterone NorfloxacinNorgestrel NoscapineNystatin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1313: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexOOctreotideOfloxacinOilatumOlanzapineOlmesartan medoxomilOlopatadineOmeprazoleOndansetron Orciprenaline sulphate OrlistatOrnithinOseltamivirOtilonium bromideOxaliplatinOxatomideOxcarbazepineOxymetazolineOxyphenbutazone


Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1314: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPPaclitaxelPamidronatePancreatinPancuronium BrPanthenolPantoprazolePapaverine HClParacetamolParecoxibParomomycinParoxetinePefloxacinPeginterferon alfa-2a Peginterferon alfa-2b PemirolastPenicillin G BenzathinePenicillin G ProcainePentoxyfilline

PerindoprilPermethrinPerphenazinePethidinePhaseolus vulgarisPhenazopyridinePhenobarbitalPhenoxymethylpenicillin PhenylbutazonePhenylephrinePhenylpropanolamine HClPhenytoin PilocarpinePimecrolimusPioglitazonePipemidic AcidPiperacillinPiperazinePiracetam

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1315: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexPirenoxinePiroxicamPizotifenPneumococcal VaccinePolicresulenPoliovirus VaccinePolymigelPolymyxin B Polyvinyl alcoholPotassium chloridePovidone IodinePrajmalium bitartratePramiverinePravastatinPrednicarbatePrednisolonePrednisonePrimaquine

ProbenecidProcaine benzylpenicillin Procaterol ProchlorpherazineProgesteronePromethazine theoclatePropafenone HClPropantheline bromidePropranololPropylthiouracilPseudoephedrinePyrantel PamoatePyrazinamidePyridostigminePyridoxinePyrimethaminePyritinol

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1316: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexQQuinapril Quinine sulfat

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1317: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexRRabeprazoleRabies immune globulin-HumanRabies vaccineRacecadotrilRaloxifeneRamiprilRamosetronRanitidine HClRebamipideReserpinRetinolRetinoic AcidRho(D) Immune GlobulinRibavirinRiboflavinRifampicinRifampin

RisedronateRitodrineRitonavirRituximabRivastigmine Rocuronium BrRosiglitazoneRosuvastatinRoxithromycin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1318: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexSSalbutamolSalicylic acidSalmeterolSalmonella TyphiiSecnidazoleSelenium sulfideSertaconazoleSertralineSibutramineSildenafil Silver SulfadiazineSimeticoneSimvastatinSodium hyaluronateSodium nitroprusside Sodium PicosulfateSomatostatinSomatropin

SotalolSparfloxacinSpiramycinSpironolactoneStavudineStreptokinaseStreptomycinSuccinylcholine ClSucralfateSulbenicillinSulbutiamineSulfacetamideSulfadoxineSulfasalazineSulfurSulpirideSultamicillinSumatriptanSuxamethonium chloride

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1319: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTTacrolimusTadalafilTamoxifenTamsulosinTazobactamTegafurTegaserodTeicoplaninTelmisartanTemozolomideTenoxicamTeprenoneTerazosinTerbinafinTerbutalineTerfenadineTestosteroneTetanus Immune Globulin

TetracyclineTetrahydrozolineTheophyllineThiamineThiamphenicolThymalfasinThymosin alpha-1Tianeptine TiboloneTiclopidine HClTiemonium methylsulphateTimepidium bromideTimololTinidazoleTinoridineTioconazoleTiotropium bromideTipepidine hibenzateTizanidine

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1320: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexTobramycinTocopheryl nicotinateTolterodineTopiramateTramadolTrandolaprilTranexamic acid TrastuzumabTravoprostTretinoin

Triamcinolone acetonideTriazolamTrifluoperazineTrihexyphenidylTrimetazidineTrimetoquinol HClTripelennamineTromantadine HClTropisetron

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1321: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexUUndecylenic acidUreaUrsodeoxycholic acid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1322: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexVValaciclovirValdecoxibValethamate bromideValganciclovirValproate semisodiumValproic acidValsartanVancomycinVardenafilVaricella Virus VaccineVecuronium BrVenlafaxineVerapamilVerteporfinVinblastine

VincristineVinorelbineVitamin AVitamin B1Vitamin B12Vitamin B2Vitamin B6Vitamin B ComplexVitamin CVitamin D2Vitamin D3Vitamin EVitamin HVitamin KVoriconazole

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1323: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexWWarfarin

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1324: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexXXylometazoline

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1325: Daftar Obat Generik

Nama Generik Obat, Kembali ke: Awal, Daftar Isi, IndexZZafirlukastZidovudineZoledronic acid

Genghis Khun ([email protected],nafanakhun.wordpress.com)

Page 1326: Daftar Obat Generik

Kitab Daftar Nama Obat Generik

Faik Fauzi Mulachellaby:


Genghis Khun