darth vader dorian

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Took this pic of Dorian when he was not watching. :D

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✗_вaℓℓвreaкer Vincent laughed so hard he shot bourbon out of his nose. "Holy shit! That is funny!"Aug 18th 2015 21:39 Unlike . 1 like

✯ Roman ✯ Hahahah isnt that funny and.... accurate lol hahahahhahaAug 18th 2015 21:40 Like .

✗_вaℓℓвreaкer It really is. -laughs-Aug 18th 2015 21:41 Like .

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✯ Roman ✯ :D How are youuuu???Aug 18th 2015 21:42 Like .

✗_вaℓℓвreaкer I am really well, thanks, my friend. Busy, as always, but content.Aug 18th 2015 21:44 Unlike . 1 like

✯ Roman ✯ Yay! Im so happy to hear that :DAug 18th 2015 21:44 Like .

✗_вaℓℓвreaкer You are my dear friend, thank you, Roman. I watch from a distance, but it seems as though you are also happy?Aug 18th 2015 21:46 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Im very content dear, thank you!!! Im working a lot and barely come here lately buuuut Im super happy when I get the chance to seeyou, Peter, Dorian and Lux! So Im pretty jolly. -hugs- Have a beautiful evening darling.Aug 18th 2015 21:49 Like .

✗_вaℓℓвreaкer It always makes me smile to see you, sweet friend. -hugs him tightly- You do as well.Aug 18th 2015 21:51 Like .

Dorian Gray Charming image my friend. I am pleased to read my own written works in bed.Aug 18th 2015 21:56 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Thank you! ily my dear friend.Aug 18th 2015 21:56 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Your own written works? Hahahah of course!!! Lord of the Villains that is your new title. :DAug 18th 2015 21:56 Like .

Dorian Gray Thank you, this title appeals to me greatly. I shall expect to find it engraved on a badge beside my home.Aug 18th 2015 22:02 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Lets order it online so you can have it soon :PAug 18th 2015 22:04 Like . 1 like

✯ Roman ✯ Here you go : http://st.depositphotos.com/2777531/4561/v/950/depositphotos_45610019-Villain-badge.jpgAug 18th 2015 22:15 Like . 1 like

Dorian Gray Shall this be a tattoo upon your body to honor me?Aug 18th 2015 22:24 Like .

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Page 3: Darth Vader Dorian

✯ Roman ✯ Hahahah no I already have one tattoo to honor you :PAug 18th 2015 22:26 Like .

Dorian Gray The mark I created is not a tattoo. Have you another I am unaware of?Aug 18th 2015 22:27 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Well I meant it was engraved! :P Maybe you should find a new pet to engrave this one on ;)Aug 18th 2015 22:28 Like .

Dorian Gray You have so much charming flesh to place my mark upon. Why ever would I wish to find a new Pet to engrave?Aug 18th 2015 22:34 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Hahaha are you going to engrave it with your "laser sword" ? hahahahAug 18th 2015 22:38 Like .

Dorian Gray If by this you mean my cock. Then indeed yes I shall.Aug 18th 2015 22:46 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ I was not aware that your cock was sharp enough to cut through skin ;)Aug 18th 2015 22:47 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Just out of curiosity... where would you engrave such badge? hahahahAug 18th 2015 22:49 Like .

Dorian Gray Perhaps you shall discover if it is merely jest or if it is truth. :)Aug 18th 2015 22:50 Like .

Dorian Gray Your posterior naturally.Aug 18th 2015 22:50 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Hahahah *giggles stupidly* Nope you wont get near this upir's posterior cause its already taken ;)Aug 18th 2015 22:54 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ //actually this posterior is out of service lol hahahahAug 18th 2015 22:55 Like .

Dorian Gray Who has already marked my Pet's posterior. I shall challenge them for the claim. //That has the sound of something amusing.Aug 18th 2015 22:58 Like .

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Page 4: Darth Vader Dorian

✯ Roman ✯ Awe ♥ hahah well his name is Peter :D //omg i didnt mean it was out of service due to being broken lmfao hahahahahah *smacksforehead* hahahah that made me laugh so hard!Aug 18th 2015 23:01 Like .

Dorian Gray The Wolf has marked your posterior? Did he bite you upon a full moon. Perhaps he has taken to tattoo art? // It would be rude toask the status of your posterior I fear. However I am pleased it is intact. ;)Aug 18th 2015 23:07 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Hahaha nah no bite marks nor tattoos. Its smooth like a baby's posterior and shall remain untouched like one ;) //hahaha yes dangsometimes I am not aware of the things I say! lolAug 18th 2015 23:09 Like .

Dorian Gray Pity. I had wished to place a mark upon it. For it to be seen when you are taken. // Indeed. I am pleased you have this quality.Aug 18th 2015 23:15 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ "Find something pretty and you might ;) // Hahaha I bet is a source of enjoyment.Aug 18th 2015 23:16 Like .

☾☾ Rumancek I object to this. Go mark your own husband Dorian, wife, Amoeba, whatever it is you like D. :pAug 18th 2015 23:19 Like .

Dorian Gray An amoeba is too small to fornicate Pet. Perhaps I shall offer you both a matching mark. Would this please?Aug 18th 2015 23:22 Like .

☾☾ Rumancek Well if they are matching....then no. Hahaha. Sorry buddy no marks. It makes you sound like Voldemort. I will not wear your darkmark.Aug 18th 2015 23:25 Like .

Dorian Gray Voldemort is an amateur Pet. I require slumber. I shall expect your response when I wake. ;)Aug 18th 2015 23:30 Like .

☾☾ Rumancek Night guys. Sleep well, dream of marshmallow clouds and sweetness ;)Aug 18th 2015 23:36 Like .

✯ Roman ✯ Good night and good day guys :DAug 19th 2015 18:40 Like .

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