data hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 apparently...


Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue
Page 2: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

Data Hiding

• 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊息。

Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on byproducts ,

ejecting suet and vegetable oils.• 將上述文章中每個字的第二個字母抽取出來組合,即透露出以下的訊 :

Pershing sails from NY June 1.

Page 3: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue


Page 4: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

• 數位浮水印 /數位資料隱藏• 數位浮水印—可見 /不可見• 數位浮水印—強固 /易碎• 數位浮水印— watermark extraction/detection• 數位資料隱藏— for harm/for good• 數位資料隱藏— spatial domain/frequency domain

• 數位資料隱藏— reversible/not reversible

Page 5: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

資訊隱藏技術之分類• 資料隱藏 ( 破壞性或非破壞性 )

–保護藏入媒體之機密資料 -- 資料隱藏法 (steganography) 藏入資料量多

• 數位浮水印 ( 破壞性 )– 保護原始媒體 -- 數位浮水印 (digital

watermarking) 藏入資料量少

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數位浮水印 -- 可見 /不可見I n tr odu ction

V isible I nvisible

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資訊隱藏的應用-專利文件資料保護( 易碎型浮水印 )

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Watermark detection

(a): The original image of test object “Russian Doll”. (b): The normalized form using the proposed method. (c): Shape self-similar segmentation using the proposed method. (d):The corresponding detector response using the proposed method. (e):The corresponding detector response using the method of Lu.


(b) (c)

(d) (e)

Page 10: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

Properties of Information hiding

Undetectability Robustness


The “Magic” Triangle

There is a trade-offbetween capacity,invisibility, and robustness

Secure steganographictechniques

Digital watermarking

• Complexity of embedding / extraction• Security

Additional factors:

Naïve steganography

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常用度量值• PSNR(Peak Signal Noise Ratio ) is used to measure the gray

image quality

• NC (Normalized Correlation) is used to measure the similarity between two bi-level watermarks

where wi and wi’ are the original and extracted watermar










22 )1(


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資料隱藏的類型 I

•非破壞性 ( 原始寄主媒體可以被還原 )– 附加在檔案格式之後 (一般檔案型病毒原理 )

實例: DOS 指令Copy file1.doc/b + file2.doc/b file3.doc







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非破壞性資料隱藏的實例– 化整為零藏入檔案格式中

MS-WORD 97 檔案格式A word doc file consists of a main stream, a summary information stream, a table stream, a data stream, and 0 or more object streams which contain private data for OLE 2.0 objects embedded within the Word document.

office 97 一個空白 word 檔案所佔空間 19456 bytes

office XP 一個空白 word 檔案所佔空間 24064 bytes

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Word Dumper is a very interesting utility that prints out, among other information, the document revision log. What follows is the (sanitized) revision log of a document found on the Internet obtained using Word Dumper:

• Rev. #1: "Prof. John Brown" edited file “C:\Doc2\Documents\Newb.doc"• Rev. #2: "Prof. John Brown" edited file "C:\Doc2\Documents\Newb.doc"• Rev. #3: "Prof. John Brown" edited file ‘‘C:\Doc2\Documents\Newb.doc"• Rev. #4: "Prof. John Brown" edited file "C:\Doc2\Documents\Newb.doc"• Rev. #5: "Prof. John Brown" edited file "C:\Doc2\Documents\Newb.doc"• Rev. #6: "ACHEP" edited file “\\Doe\C\Documents\xyz Group\Newb. doc"• Rev. #7: "Mike Doe" edited file "C:\Documents\Newb.doc"

• Rev. #8: "Mike Doe" edited file "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data \Microsoft\Word\AutoRecoverysaveofNewbasd"• Rev. #9: "Mike Doe" edited file "C:\WINDOWS\Application Data \Microsoft\Word\AutoRecoverysaveofNewbasd"• Rev. #10: "makeinf" edited file "C:\esprit_2000.doc“ It seems that at least four people edited the

document. Its original file name was Newb.doc and probably John Brown created it. After several modifications, the dcument was copied on Mike Doe’s computer and ACHEP edited it from a remote host. It is possible that ACHEP moved the document from Brown’s computer to Doe’s one. Also Doe modified the document and probably his computer shut down improperly, as we can see from the AutoRecovery save. Finally, makeinf made last changes and gave to the document its final name.

Page 17: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

CIH 電腦病毒  「 CIH 」,俗稱「 32位元 CIH 電腦病毒」,此一病毒,利用肝腸寸斷的隱藏技術隱匿在多種應用廣泛的程式中,可逃過多種防毒軟體的耳目,使用者若不有效更新病毒碼及掃瞄程式,也極易潛伏 CIH 病毒而不自知。   CIH 電腦腸病毒使用高難度技術,更狡猾的是,被病毒感染的長度並不會增加,而且沒有任何發作畫面,讓一般人無法察覺此病毒何時開始駐存在你的主記憶體中。 CIH 電腦腸病毒尤其針對 Windows 98 之 32 位元執行檔,利用常駐在記憶體的機會,達到大量感染的目的。所以只要執行任一個中毒檔案後,即會再傳染給其他檔案,也就是說只要有一個檔案未清除,下一個檔案又會骨牌式的全面一一感染。  

• 了解常用數位多媒體檔案格式用以尋找合適藏資料的寄主檔案

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名稱 說明 BITMAPFILEHEADER bmpfh(14 Bytes) 檔案檔頭部分 BITMAPINFOHEADER bmpih(40 Bytes) 資料檔頭部分 RGBQUAD aColors[]; 用來描述使用的顏色 BYTE aBitmapBits[] 實際影像資料

位移量 形 態 名 稱 定 義 內容

0~1 UINT BfType BMP識別字符 42 4D => BM


BfSize 檔案總長度38 75 02 00 => 161,080 Bytes

6~7 UINT Bfreserved1

保留保留 8~9 UINT Bfreserved


10~13 DWORD Bfoffbits 實際影像資料位置

36 04 00 00 => 1078

BMP 圖形檔案格式

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•破壞性 ( 原始寄主媒體無法被還原 )– 利用人類的視覺與聽覺辨識的靈敏度不高 修改數位媒體“較不會被感覺到”的部分資料, 企圖暗渡陳倉– 大多數的研究性質文獻多屬此類– 主要的資料隱藏方式

資料隱藏的類型 II

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數位浮水印•數位浮水印是為了保護原著作者的權利,避免使用者有意無意中去觸犯到智慧財產權擁有者的權利,在數位圖檔裡頭加入宣告擁有者 (owner) 資訊的一種技術。數位浮水印又可分為顯性浮水印與隱性浮水印兩種,前者即是可以在圖檔上明顯看出智慧財產權宣告的資訊;後者則是為了不破壞圖檔畫面為原則,將智慧財產權宣告的資訊隱藏在圖檔中。

Page 21: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

數位浮水印應用 -智財權保護與竄改偵測

Page 22: Data Hiding 在二次大戰時期,德國間諜就曾用下列文章傳遞訊 息。 Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue

混合網點之數位浮水印技術• 在同一份文件當中,其印紋區塊採用不同的網點形式噴印,




利用掃描器在 600dpi 的解析度下掃描所得之影像,因為取樣不足可清楚偵測浮水印。

「實體影像之數位浮水印技術」計畫主持人:臺灣師範大學科技學院圖文傳播學系 副教授 王希俊共同主持人:中央研究院資訊科學研究所 助研究員 呂俊賢

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混合網點之數位浮水印技術 (續 )


「實體影像之數位浮水印技術」計畫主持人:臺灣師範大學科技學院圖文傳播學系 副教授 王希俊共同主持人:中央研究院資訊科學研究所 助研究員 呂俊賢

(a) (c) (d)

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系統設計與需求系統設計與需求1. 隱蔽性(Imperceptibility, Transparency):


2. 不可偵測性(Undetectability):嵌入的資訊必須是電腦所無法偵測分析出來的。

3. 強韌性(Robustness):嵌入資訊後的掩護媒體接受攻擊的能力。

4. 安全性(Security): 系統的安全性建築在代表嵌入位置的嵌入金匙上。

5. 隱藏量(Capacity):掩護媒體所能嵌入的最大資訊量。

6. 明確性(Unambiguity):取出的嵌入資訊必須能夠明確地證明其合法擁有者。

7. 不需原始媒體(decodability):不必經由原始媒體的幫助即可取出嵌入資訊。

1. 隱蔽性(Imperceptibility, Transparency):嵌入資訊後的媒體與原媒體的品質差異程度要低。

2. 不可偵測性(Undetectability):嵌入的資訊必須是電腦所無法偵測分析出來的。

3. 強韌性(Robustness):嵌入資訊後的掩護媒體接受攻擊的能力。

4. 安全性(Security): 系統的安全性建築在代表嵌入位置的嵌入金匙上。

5. 隱藏量(Capacity):掩護媒體所能嵌入的最大資訊量。

6. 明確性(Unambiguity):取出的嵌入資訊必須能夠明確地證明其合法擁有者。

7. 不需原始媒體(decodability):不必經由原始媒體的幫助即可取出嵌入資訊。

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系統設計技術面系統設計技術面• 選定數位媒體-影像、視訊、文件、…• 3W-What Where How

– What 要藏什麼資料進去?– Where 要藏在哪裡?– How 如何藏 (operation)?

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Document Watermarking

• Line-shifts( 行距 )

• Word-shifts( 字距 )

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Document Watermarking

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全彩影像 256彩色影像 256灰階影像

黑白影像 (thresholding)

黑白影像 (error diffusion)

黑白影像 (order dithering)


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256 色 64 色

LSB 實例說明

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16 色 8 色

LSB 實例說明

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• 256色灰階影像的結構

影像資料隱藏的技術 LSB

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1Main significant bit




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2-LSBs data extracting

Extracting procedure

Secret= (11 00 01 00)2









Assume k = 2

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一般圖像(256 x 256 pixels)

偽裝圖(256 x 256 pixels)機密圖

(512 x 512 pixels)

藏入 得到

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偽裝圖(256 x 256 pixels) 機密圖

(512 x 512 pixels)


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Palette Image Steganographic Techniques

A palette image of a pocket monster and its corresponding palette.

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Palette Image Steganographic Techniques

• Steganographers tend not to like to use palette-based images, because the limitation on the colors available in a finite palette causes difficulties in hiding data.

• Two approaches to embedding messages in palette-based images have been described; they include embedding messages into the palette and embedding messages into image data.

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Palette Image Steganographic Techniques• The main advantage of the first approach is that

is easy to implement. – Gifshuffle (Permuting palette entries)

• Image is not modified• Very limited capacity of log2(256!)=215 bytes• Too fragile (resaving)• Suspicious palette order is an artifact

– LSB encoding in the palette• Very limited capacity (at most 3256 bits)• Palette artifacts?

• Common disadvantage: Capacity is severely limited and independent of the image size

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Palette Image Steganographic Techniques• The second approach has high capacity

but is generally difficult to use without distorting the stego image.– EZ Stego method – Method proposed by Fridrich

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EZ stego method

Sorted paletteOriginal image

),,( 000 bgr

),,( NNN bgr

),,( 111 bgr 1 2 4 …

3 8 6

Indexed image

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EZ stego method

1 2 4 …

3 8 6

1 0 1 …

1 0 1Indexed image

Secret image

LSB substitution

1 2 5 …

3 8 7

Indexed image

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EZ stego method

1 2 5 …

3 8 7

Indexed image


),,( 000 bgr

),,( NNN bgr

),,( 111 bgr

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Color Distance

The color distance between

is represented as:


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Fridrich’s steganographic method

),,( 10



CCC bgr

Partition into two sub-codebook


…),,( 0



0CCC bgr

),,( 1''





CL bgr

02mod)( iii bgr

),,( 000 bgr

),,( 111 LLL bgr

),,( 111 bgr

12mod)( iii bgr

),,( 0'





CL bgr

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Fridrich’s steganographic method

Compute the parity

Find the closest color entrywith correct parity andreplace the original index

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EZ v.s. Fridrich’s

(a) (b) (c)

An example to illustrate the results of palette image steganography by using different methods (a) the original image (b) the stego-image generated by EZ stego method; (c) the stego-image generated by Fridrich’s method.

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The proposed method

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The Proposed Method

• Definition 1: Let i, j be two color entries in palette P with Ci=( ri , gi, bi ) and Cj=( rj , gj, bj) respectively, the color distance between Ci and Cj (in Euclidean norm) is denoted as

d(i,j)= • Definition 2: Let f be a palette-based image with palette size

L (with entries 0 to L-1), the occurrence frequency for each entry in f is denoted as N(i), where i=0 to L-1

• Definition 3: In a palette P, Cx is the closest color for Cy, if entry x satisfies d(x, y)=Min{ d(n, y): n=0,1,…,L-1 and n≠y } where L is the size of P. We say that x is the first referenced entry for entry y in P and is denoted as

x= R first(y)

222 )()()( jijiji bbggrr

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The Proposed Method

• Definition 4: In a palette P, Cx is the closest color for Cy with different parity (parity bit of the color Cx (rx, g

x, bx ) is rx+gx+bx mod 2), if entry x satisfies

d(x, y)=Min{ d(n, y): n=0,1,…,L-1 and (ry+rn+gy+gn+by+bn) mod 2=1} We say that x is the first referenced entry for entry y in P and is denoted as

• Definition 5: In a palette P, if Cx is the first closest color for Cy with different parity, then the second closest color Cz for color Cy is defined as follows: 

d(z, y)=Min{ d(n, y): n=0,1,…,L-1. n≠x and (ry+rn+gy+gn+by+bn) mod 2=1}   We say that z is the second referenced entry for entry y in P, and is denoted as

)(yRx firstDP

)(sec yRz ondDP

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The proposed method (Evaluate the cost of removing an


The cost of removing an entry:

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The proposed method (Evaluate the cost of removing an







The cost of Fridrich’s method:


),,( 00



CCC bgr

),,( 0'





CL bgr


),,( 10



CCC bgr

),,( 1''





CL bgr

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The proposed method (Evaluate the cost of removing an

entry)The cost of removing an entry:1. Self cost








),,( 00



CCC bgr

),,( 0'





CL bgr


),,( 10



CCC bgr

),,( 1''





CL bgr

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The proposed method (Evaluate the cost of removing an

entry)The cost of removing an entry:2. Reference cost










),,( 00



CCC bgr

),,( 0'





CL bgr


),,( 10



CCC bgr

),,( 1''





CL bgr

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The proposed method (Evaluate the benefit of reating a new enry)

The benefit of creating a new entry:

A new entry)1,,( 00


00 CCC bgr







),,( 00



CCC bgr

),,( 0'





CL bgr


),,( 10



CCC bgr…

),,( 1''





CL bgr

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The benefit of creating a new entry from :

Improving Security

),,( zzzz bgrC

The benefit of creating a new entry from :

)( iRjwhere firstDP

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Experimental Results

(a) (b) (c) (d) An example to illustrate the steganographic methods. (a) Original image “Fruit”

of size 256×256; (b) Stego-image obtained using EZ Stego method; (c) Stego-image obtained using Fridrich’s method; (d) Stego-image obtained using the proposed method with 88 iterations

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Experimental Results

(a) (b) (c) (d) An example to illustrate the steganography methods. (a) Original image “S

wimmer” of size 256×256; (b) Stego-image obtained using EZ Stego method; (c) Stego-image obtained using Fridrich’s method; (d) Stego-image obtained using the proposed method with 116 iterations

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The RMS errors with different iterations by employing the proposed method: (Left) for the “Fruit” image; (Right) for the “Swimmer” image















0 1 2 5 10 20 30 50 80 100 116

iteration number



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 88 iteration number










1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121













1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121



The graphs of the evaluated benefit and cost functions: (Left) for the “Fruit” image; (Right) for the “Swimmer” image

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Experimental Results

RMSE (Root Mean Square Error)

  Fruit Swimmer

EZ Stego 21.97 36.88

Fridrich’s Method 7.78 20.41

The proposed method 2.22 0.38

The modified method with α=0.1

2.33 0.94

The modified methodwith α=0.3

3.00 3.14

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• 秘密分享的動機是源於金鑰安全管理,所發展出來的密碼技術。

• 在加密系統中,主金鑰是系統安全的關鍵,解決主金鑰遺失或獨裁管理的問題而發展出來的秘密分享技術,其概念為:將機密分割為多等份,其中”足夠多”之部份即可以回復原始機密。

• 視覺祕密分享技術就是秘密分享所發展出來的視覺密碼技術。

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視覺秘密分享 (Visual Secret Sharing)

• (k,n) VSS 定義:產生 n 個 shares ,重疊其中 k張,即可顯示藏入其中的訊息

• 一個 (k,n)VSS 的結構包含 C0和 C1兩個布林矩陣。• C0={ 所有對”白色矩陣”的”行向量”重新排列的矩陣 }

• C1={ 所有對”黑色矩陣”的”行向量” 重新排列的矩陣 }

• 分配者可以任意選 C0/C1中的任ㄧ個矩陣來分享( 對應 ) 原始秘密影像中任一點白色 /黑色的像素。

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(k,n) VSS 示意圖

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視覺秘密分享 -(2, 2)VSS



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(1,2,n) VSS

(1,2,n) Scheme先將 n張秘密影像,顯示在n張分享子圖片中,然後再任意由 n張分享子圖片中,挑出兩張作重疊動作,就可以看到其他秘密影像。

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視覺秘密分享 - (1,2,2) VSS

+ =

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視覺秘密分享 - (1→4) VSS

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(1→4) VSS編碼簿

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Top Down VSS

• 利用 (2,2)VSS ,當我們將兩張投影片 share1與 share2 重疊時可以得到一張秘密影像 P1 ,將其中一張 share翻轉 (由正面轉至背面 ) ,再次重疊時,可以得到另一張秘密影像 P2 。



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Top Down VSS

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Top Down -VSS編碼簿

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Properties of Digital watermarking

techniques• The performance of any watermarking

algorithm should be evaluated by the following factors: – Imperceptibility : the watermark should not be

noticeable to the viewer/listener nor should it degrade the quality of the content.

– Robustness: the watermark should still be detected after the image has undergone changes. Images should be robust to transformations that include common signal distortions as well as digital to analog and analog to digital conversion, and geometric distortions.

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– Capacity: the watermarking technique must be capable of allowing multiple watermarks to be inserted in an image with each watermark still being independently verifiable.

Factors of Digital watermarking


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Categories of watermarking schemes

• Those requiring both the original image and the secret keys for the watermark bit decoding are called private watermark schemes.

• Those requiring only secret keys but not the original image are called public or blind watermark schemes

• Those requiring the secret keys and the watermark bit sequence are called semi-blind watermark schemes

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Categories of attacks• Many of watermarking techniques focus

on robustness against image processing attacks like : JPEG or other compression techniques, noise addition, and low-pass filtering. Schemes based on frequency domain do well on this matter.

• However many handy image processing tools make the geometric attacks and cropping attacks easy to be performed without suffering too much efforts nor causing perceptible distortion

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Synchronization problem caused by geometric attacks

• To develop a robust watermarking technique which can survive from geometric attacks such as rotation and scaling becomes an important issue

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Previous work on synchronization problem

• Few of exists methods considered the synchronization detection problem

• Bas et al. uses a set of feature points on images and performs a Delaunay tessellation on the set of points. The watermark is embedded using a classical additive scheme inside each triangle of the tessellation

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original object

compute center and principle axes

shape self-similarity segmentation

watermark embedder

binary mask

source frames

watermarked object

test object

compute center and principle axes

shape self-similarity segmentationwatermark extracter






affine transform

affine transform

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Shape normalization

• Step 1: Compute the second-ordered central moments of S, including .

• Step 2: Calculate the principle angle φ of S from the central moments with:

• Step 3: Find out the minimum bounding rectangle of the rotated object S with rotated around its mass center c at an angle of φ.






112002 , and ,,

x y

qpqp yyxx )()(,

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Shape normalization• Step 4: Construct an affine transformation T to map

S bounded in the rectangle into a normalized object S’ bounded in a square with edge lengthλ:

where r, s are the edge width and length of the bounding rectangle and h, k are the translations to fix the origin of the plane at the centroid of the shape










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self-similarity segmentation

• Step 5: Divide the transformed object into n co-centered regions. We repeat dividing S into n sub-regions by resizing S with a scaling ratio sequence,

to keep the number of pixels in each sub-region nearly the same, where . These segmented sub-regions comprise a set of self-similarity shapes.

lnll /1,,/2,/1


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Shape self-similarity










Total: 5*4= 20 blocks in the shape mask

1-n ..., 3, 2, 1, ifor




1-m ..., 3, 2, 1, ifor


:angle ivide



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self-similarity segmentation

• Step 6: Divide each co-centered region into m small blocks by generating m rays from the object center to the boundary with an angleθincrement, where


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Watermark embedding

• After the affine transform and self- similarity segmentation, The object f is transformed into object f’

• f’ is now divided into disjoint mxn image blocks ,B’1,B’2,…,B’mxn

• Map the mxn blocks B’1,B’2,…,B’mx

n of f’ to the mxn blocks B1,B2,…,Bmxn of f according to the transformation T

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Watermark embedding

• If the embedded watermark is k bits data, We partition all blocks Bi into k groups,

• Each group Gi can be denoted as

kGGG ,...,, 21

},1)1(:{ Njk



nmiBG ji

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Watermark embedding• Divid Gi into a pair of subsets Ci and Di wh

ere Ci contains all the blocks Bj in Gi which have odd indices; and Di contains blocks which have even indices

if wi =1 if wi =0 Where are the mean of gray valu

es of their member blocks • Modification of the values of by

adding or subtracting a fix value to each pixel contained in relative blocks to fit the requirement of above rules.

0 ii DC0 ii CD

ii DC and

ii DC and

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Watermark extraction

• To extract watermarks from a test object, the same normalization and segmentation procedures in watermark embedding are performed with the specified used secret keys.

• Compute the corresponding blocks and extract watermarks easily by comparing , if then watermark bit “1” is extracted, otherwise bit “0” is extracted.

ii DC and ii DC

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Experimental results

• An object image “Russian Nested Doll” is used , its principle angle is obtained asφ=1.29

• Corresponding normalized object by transformed

• Shape segmentation result • 12 different co-center sub-regions with

different gray levels and each sub-region is divided into 36 small blocks

• 24 bits of watermark is embedded

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Experimental results on a “Russian Doll” object.

(a): The original image of test object “Russian Doll”. (b): The normalized form using the proposed method. (c): Shape self-similar segmentation using the proposed method. (d):The corresponding detector response using the proposed method. (e):The corresponding detector response using the method of Lu.


(b) (c)

(d) (e)

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• The end

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Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images

• DATA SOURCE: 17th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP 2007)

• Medical image watermarking requires extreme care when embedding additional data within the medical images because the additional information must not affect the image quality

• CR, MR and CT, obtain images that can be stored in digital formats such as (DICOM files) which are related with data of patients

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How-embedding process

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How-extracting process

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Data Hiding Scheme for Authentication of Electronic Clinical Atlas