day celebrations (telugu) , దినోత్సవాలు ( సేకరణ )_ జాతీయ...

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  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 1/9

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం,NationalOcupational safety day

    గత చ̏ӡత  , మన 巫̐

    ӆƋల  అభͣల మ̑ͫ϶Ƌంɮఆనందం Ʈ Ȝ

    ͤతం  గడపʌƑ ఉతӈ̴

    ͣ ȀЀ   Ӗ  ఉంɪ䈀 . సȚƉ

    ఒక ̖   ӛϒత సంశ䈀 ఇవӆʌƉ ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ȀЀ   Ӗ ఉంɪం .ϳంӡపˬల ƈ肮ʏƕవడం ƕసం పంʏగ̴ Ȁϳ   Ӗ 䈀 . ఏ˭ ȀϴఎకҶడ Ȁϴ ӡపపంచ న̲ͣ  ӡϙయ϶ӈ ƕస ̖   ӛϒంచబʏ˄ం˭.呖ɫ   ӑన ̙ȝ , ̓   Ӟ ̙ȝ , అమӃల ̙ȝ , నҽల ̙ȝ  మ̏ ӡƋల

    ̙ȝ . ఈ ̙ȝ̼    Ӟ  మనం ӡపˌӄకంƮ ̏ͣ  Ƴ̏

    ంdz  అ̼dzంdz, ͣళӅƔʍ, మన 娚ధӄత Ƴ̑    Ӗ Ȁ϶Ɣంɪ䈀. మ̏ ఈ̙ȝ (.march04.) ‐Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం‐ Ƴ

    ̏ంdz  అ̼dzంdz మన

    娚ధӄత̹ɵ ˋ̴ ϶Ƌంˬ䈀 

    పȀѠ ӡపశం̼ భӡదత ం䓌ం˭ంచʌƉ ӡప˂ఏɪ ̏

    ҷ 4నȚ˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈ

    ͣల  రӆѪϳ   Ӗ̑ . ఇం䒿

    ̼ గంƮ "షన̀

    ఆƋӄషన̀ Ѡ   ӑ అంʛ  Ѱ̀   Ӗ ƈӄం" ̏

    ҷ  4 ంʍ ͣరం̙ȝ̴Ȁపట   ӑҽ

    ̑. ఉӄƳ̴ , ϳనӄ ӡపజ̴ తమ Ȝవనͤనం ,̼

    వృ  ˄  Ӗ̼    Ӟ  భӡదత, ఆ̙గӄ రҙణ ఒక అంతర   Ӌత గంƮ మ̴ǵƋ̱Ȁయడం ఈ ƈӄం లҙӄం.


    Aids Day (world‐‐ӡపపంచ ఎ(ʛӈ˭㾀తӈవం ) (1)AISF formation day (1)

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    Day Celebrations (Telugu) ,

    ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ  (Ѡకరణ )

    మనం మన సంӡపˬҽ, మన సంసҶృత ఎ̱ƹˌ పండగల Ȁ϶ƕͣల

    ఆ̎టపడˁ, అం䒿̼

     పవం˄  – “ శం” అనҽ వన̼ ఉంɲ, ఎం䒿Ƌ ఈ˭㾀తӈ̴

    ͣ?అనҽ ͤషయం అర   ӗ˄ంద  అӡ肮యం. సӆతం˓రӄం అంɲ

    ఏ䅐ɫ? శమంɲ ఏ䅐ɫ? ఈϑҽ ӡ䅐Ѡ   Ӗ తƉҶన ϑ̲ҽ  ӆϣంDz

    ̱? శ  –

    నవతӆ? అƈ䒿  ,˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ˬӆర గత ϶Ӄ˄ల Ț   Ӑ పకం Ȁ϶ƕవడ  .చ̏ӡత ˋ̴϶  Ɣ మన Ȝ

    ͤత  ͤన䈀  స̏̅న ర   Ӌం ̼  ϳƱంచడ 


    Showing posts with labelȚ˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం.Show all posts

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 2/9

    రత ӡపతӆం, ӡϑక మంӡ˂తӆ ϑఖ(̹బ̝ Ӣ ӑ) 1966 ̏

    ҷ  4వˌˮన Ț˃య భӡదˁ మండ̲(షన̀ Ѡ   ӑ Ɩӈ

    ̀)(National Safety

    Council ) ϳ   ӗ 䅐ంdzం˭. భӡదత, ఆ̙గӄం ప̎ӄవరʰల䋀 అవƮహనం䓌ం˭ంచడం ఈ మండ̲ లҙӄం. స

    ͫϑ̴ , ϒҙʰ ƈరӄӡక̴ ,

    ѝర   Ӟˏ  肮ɭ Ѡ   ӑ ఆʍɭ   Ӟ వంɫ ƈరӄӡకల ఈ మండ̲రӆѪ϶   Ӗం˭.

    భӡదˁ మండ̲ అధӆరӄ䈀̼

     ‐‐" రహˬ̏ భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ


    అƱҽపక ̙ͣతӈ̴ͣ  , ӡపపంచ ప̎ӄవరణ ˭㾀తӈ̴

    ͣ  "రӆѪϳ   Ӗ̑  .

    ӡప˂̙Ȟ పӡ˂క̼    Ӟ  క䅐ంȀ ͣ ర   Ӗ ̙ ʏ   ӓ ӡపదం . మన శ䈀̼ӡప˂̄ɪ ˬˬ呖 60 ͫల మం˭ లҙమం˭ వరƋ ̙ ʏ   ӓ ӡపˬలƋ


     మరʱంచడం ,˃ӡవ䈀Ʈ Ʈయపడడం జ̑Ƴ˄నҽ˭ . ఈ ̙ ʏ   ӓӡపˬల̼ అతӄకం నవ త䅐Ҿˬలవల   Ӟ జ̑Ƴ˄నҽ


    ͣహనˬ̴  ̑అ˂ͫ

    గం  Ʈ నడపడం , రహˬ̑ల 䓈ద నʍȀͣ̑

    Ƕ ర   Ӟҙӄం వంɫͤ

     ఈ ӡపˬల సృϣ   ӑ϶   Ӗҽ(.

    ͥɫˏ  肮ɭƮ క̎ӃƮ̎

    ల̼  జ̏Ƹ ఇతర ӡపˬ̴  , అƱҽӡపˬ̴వంɫ

    ͤ తӄం సంభͤ϶   Ӗҽ(. పȀѠం䒿Ƌ ̓ͪӅనͣ̑  ˂


    Ҩమం Ʈ ఇంʍƉ వϳ   Ӗ̙  ...̙̎  అనҽఆంళనˏ Ƌɭంబసӄ̴బతƈ

    ̲ӈవ ϶   Ӗం˭. Ƌɭంబ ద   ӚƋ ӡపద䈀 జ̏Ʊ .. ӡపద䈀 ̼

    మరʱంdz ఇక ఆ Ƌɭంబ䈀 త   Ӗ䈀 ƕ̴ƕͤ

    ధం  ƮబӁ˄ంɭం˭. అం䒿Ƒ ӡప˂ ఒకҶ

    ̒ తమ వం˄ 娚ధӄతƮ భӡదత


     . ӡప̏ ƈ̏

    ӃƋʐ  ˁ ˃϶ƕవలϴన Țӡగత   Ӗ̴  ˃϶Ƌంɲ ,Ѐdzంdzన పద   Ӛ˄ల 肮ɫѠ   Ӗ ӡపˬ̴  సంభͤంచͦ . ϳӆతంӡతం̎క䈀ం䒿 మన శ䈀 ̼  肮

    ̏ӡϑƊకరణ  అంతంతӡత , ఆ

    త̑ͣత ̏

    Ʊన  ప̏ӡశమలˏ 肮ɭ ӡపˬ̵  రగడం ద̺న˭ .

    ʏ ӡప䈀ఖ 肮̏

    ӡϑక  Ƒంӡద䈀 䈀ం . ƈ̏

    ӃƋల  భӡదత Ƴ̏

    ంdzచరҷ అకҶడ ద̺న˭ . 1962

    ̼ జ̏Ʊన ̎Ӣ స   ӑ ƈ

    ̏Ӄక  ϑƛమంӡ˄ల



     ӡపˬల ͣ

    రణƋ  Ȁపɪ   ӑ̲ ӈన  ఆంϑల䓈ద చరҷజ̏Ʊం˭ . ӡపˬల పట   Ӟ అӡపమత   Ӗత ంDzలంɲ ӡపDzర䈀అవసరమ , అం䒿Ƌ ˬ రӆѪంచʌƉ , ƈ

    ̏ӃƋల̼  భӡదతపట   Ӟ

    అవƮహన ంȀం䒿Ƌ ӡపతӆపరం Ʈ ఒక సంస   ӗ అవసరమƳ̏   ӖంDz

    ̑ . ఆ త̎ӆత 肮

    ̏ӡϑక  భӡదత 䓈ద ˎ

    ̲ స

    ͫశ䈀  1965

    ̼  ʞ̳    Ӟ ̼  రӆѪంDz̑

     . Ƒంӡద,̎ Ӣ ష   ӑ ӡపతӆ ӡప˂᠀̴  , ƈ̏

    Ӄకసం‖̴ , ఉӄగ సం‖̴ , ప̴ సంస   ӗ̴  肮̻   Ӌనҽ  ఆ సభ̼ Ț˃య,̎ Ӣ ష   ӑ ϳ   Ӓ (̻   Ӟ  భӡదˁమండ̲ ӡ肮రంంDzల ర   ӕ(ంDz

    ̑ .

    ʍѝంబ̝ ̼  ఆ సͫ

    శ䈀  జ̑గƮ .. ̏

    ҷ  04 ‐1966 న Ț˃యభӡదˁమండ̲ ̒呖˭ 䒿   ӚƋనҽ˭ . Ƒంӡద ƈ

    ̏Ӄక  మంӡ˂తӆ ϑఖ Ɖంద

    పȀѠ ఆ మండ̲ ӡ肮రంభమ(న ̏

    ҷ  04  Ț˃య భӡదˁ˭㾀తӈవం Ʈ జర肮ల ర   ӕ(ంDz

    ̑ . ఆ ̙ȝ  ంʍ ͣరం  ̙ȝ̴

    肮ɭ భӡదˁ ̙ͣతӈ̴ͣ

     రӆѪϳ   Ӗ̑  . సӆతంӡత ӡప˂ప ˂  Ӗ క̲    Ӌన ఈసంస   ӗ భӡదత , ఆ̙గӄ䈀 , ప̎ӄవరణ అంϑల శ䈀

    ̼  ͤͤధ

    ӡ肮ంˁలƋ Ȁరͫయడం ӡపన లҙӄం Ʈ ɭ   ӑƋం˭ . 肮̏

    ӡϑకరంƮƉ ǹం˭న ͣ̏నంద̏ ఇం䒿

    ̼ గϳӆ䈀ల Ȁయడం

    ̕ండవ లҙӄ䈀 . భӡదత క̲Ҿంచడం̼ ӡప˂ ఒకҶ̒

     తమవం˄肮ӡత Ƴ̕   Ӗ̏Ʊ  అస̏ంపȀѠం䒿Ƌ ఈ సంస   ӗ కృϣȀ϶   Ӗం˭ .

    ӡప˂ ప̼

     ఏ ఒక ӡపద䈀 䓌ంdzͦ

    ంɭం˭  . Ɣҽ రƈలӡపˬ̴  䈀ం䒿Ʈ పϴగట   Ӗ̹䈀  . ƈ ӡపˬల̼ అకϑత䈀అȚӡగత   Ӗవల   Ӟ సంభͤంdzన  ͫ. అͤ రహˬ̏ ӡపˬ

    ̺  , 肮



     ఒకɲ . ɫ ӡపˬల సంఖӄ ̑


    ӡϑక  , రహˬ̏ భӡదతల 䓈ద దృϣ   ӑ ంDz̑

     . ӡ肮ణనష   ӑం అకంƮ ఉనҽ ఈ రంƮలˏ 肮ɭ అƱҽ ӡపˬల 

    ͣరణ  Ƴ

    ̏ంdz  ƌʌ

    ӡపDzర䈀 రӆϳ   Ӗ̑  . 肮̏

    ӡϑకͫ త   Ӗ̴  క̲ҾంDz̲

    ӈన  భӡదˁ ఏ̎Ҿɭ   Ӟ, ƈ

    ̏ӃƋ̴  肮ɫంDz

    ̲ӈన  Țӡగత   Ӗ̴  ͤవ̏ంdz ,ͣ ɫ

    Father's Day (1)

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    Indian National Senior Citizens Day (1)Indian Navy Day (1)

    International Animal Protection Day

    (1)International Anti‐Corruption Day (1)

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    day (1)

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    Disabilities (1)

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    International Literacy Day (1)International Men's Day (1)

    International mother earth day (1)International Non‐Violence Day (1)

    International Students Day (1)

    International Tea Day (1)

    International telegraph Day (1)

    International volunteer Day (1)

    International Women's Day (1)International Youth Day (1)

    InternationalDayAgainstDrugAbuse  (1)

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    Jaanapada KaLala Dinotsavam (1)

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    Louis‐Braille birth day‐అం᠀లƋ̴ͪƳ  ̵  ӡ(

    ̳ జయం˂ (1)

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 3/9

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    ҽ  భӡదˁ ̙ͣతӈవ సందరӂ䈀Ʈ రӆѪϳ   Ӗ̑ .సӆచҷంద Ѡ

    ͣసం స   ӗలƋ ఇం䒿

    ̼ గం క̲Ҿϳ   Ӗ̑  . ӡపˬ̴  ఎ̱

    జ̑Ƴ˄ҽ(, అͤ జ̏Ʊన呖ʏ ఎ̱ సҾం˭ంDzల అంϑలdzనҽ dzనҽ 

    ̀Ӄ ˬӆ

    ̎ ӡపద̏Ӈϳ   Ӗ̑  .

    ӡϓƈƋళం: ƈ̏

    ӃƋల  భӡదత ƕసం అҽ చరӄ̴  ˃϶Ƌంɭҽమప̏ӡశమల తƝ అƈ

    ̏ ఆ̝. ӡϓథ̎ͦ ǹ肮Ҿ

    ̑. ț̱    Ӟ̼  791

    క̎ӃƮ̼̎   Ӟ  29,507 మం˭ ӡϑƋ̴  ప Ȁ϶   Ӗҽరҽ

    ̑. ƈంӡɪƋ   ӑ


    ӃƋల  పట   Ӟ ƌʌ అҽ  ̱ͤ  స䒿肮̴  క̲Ҿంdz బంధనలరƋ జӄ̴  నʏǵƕƋҽ ʐӄɬ̴  రӆѪంdzన呖Ҿʏ䋜ర肮ɭ   Ӟ గమంdz జӄƉ 㾀ɬ϶̴  Ț

    ̐ Ȁϳ   Ӗ మҽ


    జనӄం సҾం˭ంచక䋜ˌ చరӄ̴  తపҾవҽ̑



    Visit My Website ‐ > by Dr.Seshagirirao‐MBBS at 8:06 AM  No comments:

    Labels: National Ocupational safety day, Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం


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    National Mathematics Day (1)National Ocupational safety day (1)

    National Technology Day (1)

    National Voters Day (1)National youth Day Celebrations (1)

    News papers Day (1)

    No Tobaco Day (1)

    Non‐Violence Day(international) (1)

    Nurses Day(world) (1)

    Olympic Day (1)

    Ozone protection Day (1)padma Awards celebrations (1)

    Parents Day (1)

    Patriotic Day (1)Pencil Day (1)

    Pet Animals Day (1)

    police‐martyrs‐day (1)Post card Day (1)

    Pregnancy awareness week (1)

    Radhasaptami (1)

    Radio broadcasting Day (1)

    RedCross Day (1)

    Remembrance Day . Poppy Day (1)

    Republic Day (1)Right to Information Day (1)

    Rose Day (1)

    Sandwich day (1)

    Sankara Jayanthi (1)Sanskrit Language Day (1)

    sea day (1)Sir Arthur Cotton Birth day (1)

    Sri Chaitany Jayanthi (1)

    Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Birth

    Day (1)

    Sun day‐celebrations (1)

    Sweetest Day (1)

    Taekwondo day (1)Teachers' Day (1)

    Teenage (1)

    Teenagers Day (1)

    Telugu Academy day (1)Telugu Cinema Birthday (1)

    Telugu Cinema Day Celebration (1)Telugu Language Day (1)

    Telugu StageDrama Day (1)

    Twins Day (1)

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 4/9

    Tyagaraju Birth day celebrations (1)

    U.T.F formation Day (1)

    UNICEF day (1)

    United Nations Development Program

    Day (1)

    United nations Organization Day (1)Valentine Day (1)

    veterinary doctors day (1)

    Womens Friendship Day (1)

    World Animal Day (1)

    World Arthritis Day (1)World blindness Day (1)

    World Blood donors Day (1)World Brain Tumour Day (1)

    World Coconut Day (1)

    World Consumers protection Day (1)

    World COPD. Day‐ӡపపంచ ϴ.ఒ.䅐.ʍ.ʔ (1)World Day of Remembrance for Road

    Trafic Victims (1)

    World Deaf Day (1)

    World Diabetic Day‐ ӡపపంచమ᠀హ ˭నం‐మ᠀హ

    ˭㾀తӈవం (1)World Drug Addiction protest day (1)

    World Egg Day (1)

    World first elected Prime minister

    day (1)

    world fisheries day (1)

    World Food day celebration (1)World Handicaped people Day (1)

    World Happiness day (1)

    World Head injury Awareness Day (1)

    world health day (1)

    World Heart Day (1)

    World Kidney Day (1)

    World Kindness Day (1)World Kissing Day (1)

    world Laughter Day (1)

    World Liver day (1)

    world marriage Day. ̓

    Ӆ˭㾀తӈవం (1)World Mental Health Day (1)

    World Milk Day (1)

    World Mother milk Day (1)World Music Day (1)

    World no diet day (1)

    World Obesity Controle Day (1)

    World Old age people Day (1)

    World Osteporosis Day (1)World Photography Day (1)World Population Day (1)

    World postal Day (1)

    World Potato Day (1)

    world press freedom day (1)

    World Quality Day (1)

    World Radio day (1)

    World Religion Day (1)World Sight Day (1)

    World Stage Drama Artists Day (1)

    World Suicidal Prevention Day (1)

    World T.B controle day (1)

    World Telecommunications Day (1)World Toilet Day (1)World Tolerance Day (1)

    World Tourism Day (1)

    World Vegeterian Day (1)

    World Village Arts Day (1)

    world water day (1)

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 5/9

    World Wetlands Day (1)

    World Whitecane day (1)

    world Writers Day (1)

    worldenvironment day (1)

    worls Ocean Day (1)

    Yoga Week Celebrations (1)

    Zoonosis Day (1)

    అంత̎   ӎ Ȝ˃య Ӣϵ   Ӗ హంϳ వӄ˂̖

    క˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య నృతӄ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య ϑం˂ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య అҙ

    ̎సӄˁ  ˭㾀తӈవం


    అంత̎   ӎ˃య అం᠀ల ఆస̎˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య అͤ˂ వӄ˂


    ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య ƈర䈀‐మϳలఆѩర˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య Ƌɭంబవӄవస   ӗ ˭న䈀(1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య Ȁ˄̴  ϔӡభ䈀ƮకʏƕҶ ̙ȝ  (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య Ȝవ ͬͤధӄ ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య Ȧƙ ʔ (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య ɱ

    ̲ӡƮ ˭㾀తӈవం


    అంత̎   ӎ˃య ӄయ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య 呖

    ̑ϥల  ˭㾀తӈవం


    అంత̎   ӎ˃య 娚లల అˁӄDzరͣ

    రణ  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య మѪ

    ͂ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య దక ӡదͣӄలవӄ˂

    ̖క  ˭నం (1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య నవహƋҶల˭㾀తӈవం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య వలసపҡల ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య ͤˬӄ̑    ӛల ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    అంత̎   ӎ˃య ͬక  ˭నం (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య సˁӄӡగహ ˭㾀తӈవం(1)


       ӎ˃య Ӣϵ   Ӗ ఆ̘గӄ ప̏రҙణ˭న䈀 (1)అంత̎   ӎ˃య సӆచҼంద Ѡ


    ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అత   Ӗల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)అనҽDzరӄ జయం˂(ͬϑఖర   ӕ) (1)అమర ͥ̑ల ˭నం (1)అమӃ肮ల 娚ӄంƙ (1)అ̇ʞ అవƮహ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ఆంƻ   Ӟ ఇంʍయ ʔ (1)ఆҽϵ   ӑ ఇంట̖ҽషన̀ ˭న䈀  (1)


    ʔ  (1)ఆ̐Ӄ  ʔ (1)ఆ̝Ӄʛ 

    ̕ӈѧ     Ӟ ƿ ʔ (1)

    ఆ̀ ̀

    ӈ ʔ (1)ఆస   Ӗ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ఇంజ

    ̝ӈ  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 6/9

    ఇంట̖ҽషన̀ జϴ   ӑѧ ʔ (1)ఇంట̖ҽషన̀ ɬ ʔ (1)ఇంʍయ ఎ(

    ̝ ̝

    ӈ  ʔ (1)ఇంʍయ ƕѧ   ӑ Ʈ̝   ӓ ʔ (1)ఇంʍ

    ̼ 䓊యబʍన తంӡ˂

    ˭న䈀 (1)ఉ肮ӄల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ఉӈ ӡంʛ ϣ ʔ (1)ఎ.ϴ.ϴ. ʔ (1)

    ఎ   ӑ̎̎ͦ

     జయం˂ (1)ఎ̝   Ӗ ʔ (1)ఏఐఎѧఎ ఆͤ̎ӂవ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ఏӡ䅐

    ̀ ఫ ѧ   ӑ (1)

    ఐకӄ ̎జӄ స˂ ӡపగ˂పథకం(.ఎ.ʍ.䅐) ˭న䈀 (1)ఐకӄ

    ̎జӄ  స˂ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    ఒ̲ం䅐ƙ ӡƊడల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ఓȦ ప̏రҙణ ˭నం (1)కం巫ӄట̝ ఇȞӄ

    ̐ѧ అ̝ͫ ѧ

    (అవƮహన) ʔ (1)

    కవలల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)కస   ӑ䅀ӈ ʔ (1)ƈమͪ̀   Ӗ ʔ (1)Ɖʛӈ ʔ (1)ƊళӅ జӁల 

    ͣరణ  ˭న䈀 (1)

    Ƌϥ   ӑͣ ӄ˭  ͣ

    రణ  ˭㾀స   ӗవం (1)ƈӄనӈ

    ̝ ʔ (1)

    గ̏ӂʲల̼ అవƮహన ̙ͣతӈ̴ͣ


    Ʈం䂀  జయం˂ (1)Ƴ̱

    ᆾ  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)dzత   Ӗʍలల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    dzӢల   ӓӈ ʔ ఆ ӡ娚ʛ ƈϴ   ӑంƿ (1)ȁ̀    ӓ ̗ɹӈ  అంʛ  ʔ (1)ȁ̀    ӓ ̗ɹӈ  కӆన   ӟ ʔ (1)Ț˃య ఇంధన ప̏రҙణ ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    Ț˃య ఓటర   Ӟ ˭㾀తӈం (1)Ț˃య గʱϑӢస   Ӗ˭㾀తӈవం(థɫƙӈ ʔ) (1)Ț˃య Ƴంʓ 

    ̏Ҿʍ  ˭㾀తӈవం


    Ț˃య ӄయ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)Ț˃య పӡ˂ƈ ˭㾀తӈవం (2)

    Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)Ț˃య రక   Ӗˬ న ˭న䈀 (1)Ț˃య ͬ Ț   Ӑ క ˭㾀తӈవం(ɱƈҽలȜ ʔ) (1)Ț˃య ϴ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)Ț˃య ѡӈ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)Ȟ㾀ϴѧ ʔ (1)ȣ䅀ӈ娚ంʛ జయం˂ (1)ɬజ̝ӈ ʔ (1)ʌక   ӑ̝ӈ  ʔ (1)ʓ ʔ . (1)త̲    Ӟదంӡʏల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)త̲    Ӟ肮ల ̙ͣతӈ̴

    ͣ (1)

    ˂యӄ ̙ȝ  (1)ˋ̴Ƴ  అƈడ䓈 ఆͤ̎ӂవ ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    ˋ̴Ƴ  టకరంగ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

  • 8/19/2019 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ( )_


    2/29/2016 Day Celebrations (Telugu) , ˭㾀తӈ̴ͣ

     ( Ѡకరణ ) : Ț˃య భӡదˁ ˭㾀తӈవం… 7/9

    ˋ̴Ƴ  Ϣ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ˋ̴Ƴ  ϴ జనӃ˭నం (1)ˍƈӆంʗ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ˎ̲  ర˃య ɪƊ ͤʏదల˭㾀తӈవం (1)ˁӄగ̎ȝ జయం˂ (1)శభƉ   Ӗ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ధ̏ӡ˂ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)臝మ肮న వӄ˂

    ̖క  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    న̑ӈల ˭㾀తӈవం(ӡపపంచ) (1)టక రంగ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ʏ అంత̎   ӎ˃య ఆడ䅐ల   Ӟల˭㾀తӈవం (1)ʏ అంత̎   ӎ˃య Ȝవͬͤధӄ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ʏ ̗ɹ  ɮ ఇనҿ

    ̝ష ʔ (1)

    㾀 ɴ娚ƕ ʔ (1)పదӃ అͣ̑    ӓల ӡప㾀తӈవం (1)ӈ

    ̀ ̙ȝ  (1)

    ం呖ʏ జం˄ͦ

    ల  ˭㾀తӈవ䈀 (1)


    ంɹӈ  ʔ (1)䋜̳

    ѧ అమరͥ̑ల  సంసӃరణ˭㾀తӈవం (1)䋜షƈѩర ˭㾀తӈవం (1)䋜϶   ӑƈ̑    ӓ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపంʍ   ӟ  ʔ (1)ӡపథంӡధ మѩసభ శతజయం˂ (1)ӡపధమ dzƉతӈ ˭న䈀 (1)ӡపపంచ మత䈀 ˭న䈀 (1)ӡపపంచ అంధతӆ 


    ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ అѪంϳ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    ӡపపంచ ఆతӃహతӄ ͣ

    రణ  ˭నం (1)ӡపపంచ ఆనంద ˭న䈀 (1)ӡపపంచ ఆనంద ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ఆ̙గӄ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ఆӢ̕   Ӗ₮ɫѧ ˭నం (1)ӡపపంచ ఆϴ   ӑ̇䋜

    ̘ϴѧ ˭నం  (1)

    ӡపపంచ ఆѩర ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ఉపͣస ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ కͤ  ˁ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ƈ

    ̏ӃƋల  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    ӡపపంచ ƈ̹

    యం  ˭న䈀 (1)ӡపపంచ ƈѣӃనɹ ల ˭నం (1)ӡపపంచ ƔబӁ

    ̏ƈయ  ˭㾀తӈవం (1)

    ӡపపంచ ƈӄనӈ̝

     ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ҙయ 

    ͣరణ  ˭నం (1)

    ӡపపంచ Ƴʏ   ӓ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ȉdzӡత ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ జం˄ సంరҙణ ˭㾀తӈవం(1)

    ӡపపంచ జం˄ͦ

    ల  హƋҶల ˭నం(1)

    ӡపపంచ జ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ Țనపద కళల ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ ɱ

    ̳క䓊ӄƑష న   Ӟ ˭నం (1)

    ӡపపంచ తప̱ ˭㾀తӈవం (1)ӡపపంచ తల Ʈల ӡపˬలఅవƮహన ˭న䈀 (1)ӡపపంచం ˎ̲  మѪ

    ͂ ӡప

    ఎҽƓన ̙ȝ  (21 Ȟ̺

     1960) (1)