denizcilik ingilizcesi - 1564 soru

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Post on 02-Mar-2018




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    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    1" #$ic$ of t$e follo%ins is t$e &olumetric capacity of a s$ip'- Deadweight

    - Lightweight

    " (ross tonnae- Displacement

    - Full Loaded Displacement

    2" )our s$ip is oin to *e sunk+ %$at nature of messae do you transmit'" Distress- Urgency- Safety

    - Routine

    - PAN PAN

    ," -efore anc$orin+ %$ic$ pu*lication do you use to c$eck soundins'- Notice of tables

    - Local Notice of tables

    " .ide .a*les- Sight Reduction ables

    - !ALA "uoyage System

    " $oose t$e correct statement for otice of eadiness" It3s issued *y s$ip to notice s$ippers/recei&ers t$at !$ip is ready for 4oadin/Disc$arin- !t#s issued by agent to define wor$ing time tables%

    - !t#s issued before sailing%

    - !t#s issued by Shippers for Ship &asters%

    5" -efore usin a fied co2 system to fi$t an enine room fire+ you must 777777777777- 'all &aster to engine room%

    - (ait for shore support%

    " 8&acuate all enine room personnel7- 'lose )uic$ 'lose *al+es%- !nform shore authorities%

    6" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in e9uipment can :t *e used for Fire Fi$tinin'- ', Fi.ed System

    - Dry 'hemical Powder

    " Hand Flares- Fireman ,utfit

    - Fire Alarm

    ;" .$e most modern kind of life*oat+ droppin or fallin into t$e sea and %$ic$ is co&ered+ is a/an

    " Freefall- Lifebelt

    - Liferaft

    - (ater proof life boat

    =" !ur&eys re9uired internationally and/or *y t$e fla state *ot$ include minutes7 #ide A1 channel needed

    -@ *ert$ re9uest'1 assistance re2uiredD1 distances indicated

    /1 cases co+ered

    1" Intermediate !ur&eys are>+ !A44) !.A+ a -$amian eistered o"o passener ferry %as enroute toamsate from Dunkirk and in a position a*out 675 miles east of amsate %$en fire *roke out int$e main enine room7 .$e fire %as caused *y t$e failure of a *olted flane Boint on t$e lo%pressure fuel system to o main enine+ allo%in flamma*le fuel oil &apour to come into contact%it$ part of t$e enine e$aust system7 Initial attempts to etinuis$ t$e fire %ere unsuccessful+mainly due to failure of t$e auiliary enerators and t$e emerency fire pump and despite t$einBection of alons into t$e space7 Ho%e&er+ t$e closure of t$e enine room &entilation and fueloil system effecti&ely started t$e fire of fuel and oyen7 .$e fire %as finally reported asetinuis$ed a*out t$ree $ours from t$e onset of t$e emerency7 .$e incident re9uired t$e co"ordinatin role of HC oastuard Do&er+ off"s$ore fire fi$tin teams from ent Fire -riade+ AFand HC oastuard $elicopters7 A total of =5 non"essential cre% and 1; passeners %eretransferred as$ore *y 4I life*oats *ased at amsate and Carate7 .us and ot$er &esselsstood *y t$e !A44) !.A %$ic$ %as finally to%ed to Dunkirk for repairs7 Ene cre% mem*er

    suffered and inBury durin fire fi$tin operations and %as e&acuated as$ore *y $elicopter7.$e passae does not eplainJA1 he reason why the fire bro$e out%

    "1 he reason why the initial fire fighting attempts were unsuccessful%

    '1 he place where fire occured%




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    D@ Ho% t$e cre% mem*er inBured durin fire fi$tin7/1 ;ow the crew and passenger were transfered to the shore%

    1;" .$e nautical almanac contains information on sunrise+777777777777777777+moonrise and moonset *oKluktkiyere ne elir'a1swells *@sunsetc1atmosphere pressure d1ocean basin

    1=" An a*andon s$ip drill and a/an 77777777777 must *e $old %it$in 2 $ours of lea&in port f more t$anL25 of t$e cre% $a&e taken past drills on *oard in pre&ious mont$7Fire drill

    1>" 77777 are used for pipes+ s$ip3s funnel for insulation'a-asphalts

    *"$eat"resistant paintsc-+arnish

    d-plastic paints

    20" yanMnla mcadelede yapMlacak iKlemlerin sMrasMdetection"alarm"pre&ention

    21" lassification interests %it$;2 and Mts supplement+t$e master is not o*lMated to *e on t$e *ride$MmselfJ

    %$ile c$eckMn %$Mstles daily

    26" 3In cold %ater t$e skMn and perMpleral tissues *ecome cooled and t$en t$e deep *ody temperaturefalls3 .$Ms Ms called as 777777777777777


    2;" DMsplacement .onnae of a s$Mp Ms?? to get your



    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    d@ t$ree main met$ods of communicatione1 three main methods of ta$ing assistance

    2" .$e C/ )MldMz ot loaded at Qort of Izmir %it$ dried fruits and left for 4Ms*on7 #$en arri&ed at t$eQort of 4is*on+ s$e %as detained *ecause t$e CasterRs ertificate %as Caster ertificate notPnlimited Caster ertificate7.$e detention %as attri*uted to t$e incompliance %it$ t$ere9uirements ofa1 S,LAS

    *@ !.#c1 L,ADL!N/

    d1 &ARP,L

    e1 !S&

    ," .$e pu*lication in %$ic$ t$e medical codes is found is 7777777777a1 &b1 Safety message transmission

    c@ .$e International code of sinalsd1 he local newspapers

    e1 A well-$now maga3ine

    " .o amplify &oice 77777777777777777777777777777777777 is used7

    a1 aldis lamp*@ loud $ailerc1 gong

    d1 drum

    e1 low fre2uency

    5" .E #HEC I. CA) E8.$is is to certify t$at Cr7 #alden $as %orked on *oard t$e S-8AP.)T as a captain since 1>>57 He$as specialized in t$e Far 8astern container trade7E%in to $is reat eperience in $andlin t$e refrierated oods+ %e found $im and $is ser&ices&ery useful and %e can recommend $im to *e employed on any &essel7He is lea&in us at $is re9uest and %e are sorry to lose $im7.$is is an eample of a 77777777777a1 Eob application

    b1 accident reportc1 sur+ey report

    d@ testimonial8referans1e1 incident report

    6" #$at association *elo% is not true'a1 PS-atomic cloc$

    b1 Dead Rec$oning- log

    c1 'elestial Na+igation-se.tant

    d@ !atellite a&iation"4EAe1 Piloting-chart

    ;" Cap must *e la*elled %it$ ?7 and dept$ information


    =" !eamen %$o do E. understand eac$ ot$er can communicate *y usin77777777777777777777777A1 signatures

    "1 silence

    @ sinalsD1 sibilants

    /1 solidarity

    >" eport if s$e does not 7777777777777 t$e 777777777777777777A1 tyres - reply"1 reply - tyres

    '1 brea$ - rules

    D1 wheel - answer

    8@ ans%er %$eel

    50" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in Mnternational code of sinal includin statement'a@ em"dMstress"casualties "damaedb1 maneo+ring-comunicat6on




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    c1 safety comun6cat6on-helthh

    d1 helth-meteoroE6cal forcastle

    51" .$e s$ip3s safety comittee s$ould includeJ77777777777777+ safety officer and all respreseteti&e personnelfor safety 777a-all crewmember

    *"t$e masterc-the chief engineer

    d-all ratings

    52" (&ertede &enlik iNin yapMlan *oya $anisidir' non"slip paint

    5," .rainin of fire fi$tin procedure and mantenance s$ould *e assure 7777777 'At reular drills7

    5" 17 A11 caro sto%ed open area+27caro %et *efore s$ipment,7 %ei$t and 9uality as per s$ippers dec%.$e a*o&e mentioned part is 77777777777777777777a part of 3 Caster remarks 3 in a 3master s receipt 3

    55" Draft marks???? and astern G trkNesi draft markalarM eminin *aKMnda &e kMNMnda $er iki*ordada *ulunur@*o%

    56" Carine sUr&eyor denetlemesini yaptMktan sonra ??7 raporu $azMrlar A 8VQ8.3! 8QE.

    5;" Cany types of *ulk caro are lia*le to s$MftMn and t$erefore special precautionsmust *e taken %Mt$ suc$ caroes as rain some kind of ores+ certain kinds of coal+*roken ranite etc7 Mt Ms necessary to see t$at t$e *ulk caro is %ell trimmed7 A loadof *arrels s$ould *e sto%ed *Mle free and %ell *locked off to a&oid it7.$is passae is a*out7777777777777777

    A1 handling damage

    "1 crushing

    '1 dust damage

    D1 lea$age

    8@ s$iftin

    5=" 7777777777777777777 is E. included in a radaridenfication messae%

    A@ Destination"1 Address

    '1 Sender

    D1 Position

    /1 'ourse C Speed

    5>" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in messaes needs to *e corrected '




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    c1 pan pan

    d@ security

    62" -ill of ladin is a 777777777777777 document and implies t$e o%ner s$ip of t$e caroa1 0nternational

    b1 'ustomary

    c@ eotia*led1 'ertifiede1 Secure

    6," 777777777777 meteorloy deals air and %ind forecast for s$Mps at seamaritime

    6" Dear sirs+I reret to inform you t$at due to t$e stoppae of t$e separatin &al&e of t$e *ile manifold some%ater from t$e *allast tank on port side %as pumped o&er*oard toet$er %it$ t$e oilcontaminared *ile %ater from t$e s$aft tunnel7.$e cause of t$is contamination is purely tec$nical and totally accidental7.$e HI8F 8(I88 EF .H8 C/7777777777.$is correspondence is an eample of

    A1 bun$ering order

    -@ notification'1 damage to the ship

    D1 statement of sea protest

    /1 resume

    65" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in statements a*out findin a s$ipRs position is not true'

    A1 A shipHs position can be calculeted by a techn62ues $nown as dead rec$oning

    "1 (hen 6n s6ght of land7 the na+igator uses the techn62ues of coastal na+6gation to find position%

    '1 o f6nd the e.act position of the ship7 a compass bearing can be used%D1 (hen out of s6ght of land7a shipHs position can be found out by using the techn62ues of celestial na+igation%

    8@ It Ms not possi*le findin t$e position of a s$ip *y means of satellite7

    66" !$ipRs position can E. *e i&en in%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A1 lat6tude and longt6tude

    "1 bearing and distance

    '1 reference to a na+igation mar$

    D@ rapid and unam*iuous met$od/1 electronic position- references

    6;" 7777777Msued *y company or desined person7DE

    6=" autical c$art *ased7777777*y issued national $ydrorap$ic office of more national country7a-1land sur+ey*"@$ydrorap$ic sur&eyc-1deep tide water

    6>" .$e 777777%ei$t of eac$ liferaft %ill not eeed 1=5 ktotal

    ;0" .ender !$ip< he ship with a small &etacentric height has a small righting le+er at any angle I will roll easilyis said to be tender ship% !n tender ship7 in it the centre of gra+ity lies below the trans+erse metacentre% he

    & is more than J% I these $inds of ships are more stable% (C WWXXX

    ;1" !tiff !$ip< he ship with a large &etacentric height has a large righting le+er at any angle I has considerableresistance to rolling% A stiff ship is +ery uncomfortable% !n it the 'entre of ra+ity lies abo+e the trans+erse

    metacentre% & is larger than the & that belongs to tender +essel% (C -W)WXXX !tiff emi (CRi *ykolarak tanMmlana*ilir7-u da (YR in yani dorultucu ku&&et kolunun *yk olmasM demek olur7-Uyle*ir emi *ir dMK etkenin etkisiyle *ir yana *ayMlMrsa+ emiyi dorultmaya NalMKacak olan dorultucumoment *yk olur7Znk dorultucu ku&&etlerin kolu *yktr7-Uyle olduu iNin de emi $Mzladorulur7-u yzden diri emilerin yalpasM sert &e yalpa peryodu kNktr7




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ;2" .$e mec$anical *arrel around %$ic$ lines and %ires are turned is a 7777777777777A1 buoy

    "1 barrel

    @ capstanD1 captain

    /1 waist

    ;,"E48( defines a S&essel turninT as a &essel 777777777777A1 ma$ing no mo+e

    "1 ma$ing a small alteration in course

    '1 ma$ing a U turn

    D@ makin a lare alterationin course/1 not ma$ing any alteration

    ;" Air drau$t means t$e same as 777777777777777A1 weight"1 length

    @ $ei$tD1 width

    /1 si3e

    ;5" .$e instruction Sto sinle upT s$o%s 777777777777A@ .$e s$ip is ready to lea&e t$e 9uay or *ert$"1 he ship has completed the operation

    '1 he ship has departed

    D1 he ship is underway/1 he ship is abandoned

    ;6" #$en t%o &essels are meetin $ead"on+ t$ey *ot$ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 to star*oard7A1 'ollision

    -@ must alter course'1 follow

    D1 musnHt alter course

    /1 recei+e their message

    ;;" .$e &essel %$ic$ $as t$e ri$t of %ay is kno%n as 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7A1 the regulations

    "1 more safety'1 a higher certificate

    D@ t$e standin"on &essel/1 their message

    ;=" Qort state control officer said to t$e Caster of t$e C/ ose t$at t$e s$ip ot detained *ecause oft$e a*sence of t$e life*oat in&entory7#$ic$ of t$e follo%in con&entions didnRt t$e C/ ose comply %it$'A@ !E4A!"1 S'(

    '1 L,ADL!N/

    D1 &ARP,L/1 !S&

    ;>" If an o*Bect *locks t$e air%ay of a person+ %$at first aid met$od is used to remo&e t$at o*Bect'A1 'ardiopulmonary Resuscitation8'PR1

    "1 Artificial Respiration

    @ Heimlic$ Canoeu&reD1 Splinting

    /1 Rescue "reathing

    =0" 4ine may $a&e eit$er a left77777777or a ri$t7777777dependin up on $o% t$e strand are t%isted toet$er7a"@4ayb-1twist c-1side d-1way e-1hand

    =1" toid maddeleri $ani con&etion dzenlemi[t$ornJtir'a-1solas





    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    =2" asfree yapMlmamMK *i kompartmanda kullanMlcak lam*a 7777A-handy

    -"appro&ed eplosi&e proof'-battery fedD-self-sustaining

    /-all of abo+e

    =,"#$at is not included in t$e cateory of deck mac$inery'


    b1hatch o+er

    c1bow thruster

    d@steam eneratore1life boat engine

    =" aro loaded loose and not in packaes or containers are called7777777777

    a1;a3ardous cargo

    b1'ontaineri3ed cargo

    c1 'hemical cargo

    d@-ulk caro

    e1'argo battens

    =5" OA sister s$ip is in t$e nei$*or$oodO means 7777777777777777777777777777777777

    a1she is far away from youb1 she is nowhere

    c1 she has sun$

    d@ s$e is in t$e same area as you aree1 it does not matter where she is

    =6" -tn yanMn tiplerinde kullanMla*ilen coolin Gsoutucu@ etkisi olmayan yanMn sUndrc$anisi'a1 water

    b1 foamc1 halon >>>

    d@ dry po%dere1 halon mi.cur

    =;" Deniz di*i derinlii i*i *azM *ililer&e uyarMlar $aritalarda Usterilir aKaMdakilerden $anisiuyarMlardan *iridir 77a1 light house

    b1 buoy

    c@ s$ip %reck

    ==" Custer list posted *efore s$ip sailina1 engine officers

    b1 dec$ officers

    c1 engine crewd@ eac$ cre% mem*er

    =>" .$e radio lo *ook s$ould *e kept clear to t$e radio for 777777 *y any aut$orized person7a1 filling in

    b1 an easy access

    c@ inspectiond1 drills

    e1 maintenance

    >0" Alterations or777777777777777777 in an official lo*ook must *e initialled *y t$e aut$orised keeper of t$elo*ook and t$e oriinal data entries %$ic$ $a&e *een cancelled or corrected must remain lei*le7corrections

    >1" 777777777777777777777777777777a sinal announce indicated for safety'a1 all ships

    b1 all ships all ships

    c1 pan pan

    d@ security




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    >2" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in Mnternational code of sinal includin statement'a@ em"dMstress"MnBured"damaedb1 maneo+ring-comunicat6on

    c1 safety comun6cat6on-helthhd1 helth-meteoroE6cal forcastle

    >," 7777777777 is an air masses t$at t%o different temperature meet 7777

    front>" 4ife sa&in e9uipments $i$ly 77777777777777777777777777777777777 for define

    a@ isi*ility olorb1 ,range 'olor

    >5" -efore departure OrectifiedO e9uipmenta1 0nspected

    *@ orrected

    >6" 7777777777777777777 *arometer doesn3t includin li9uid inside+ %it$out " unlike mercury *arometera@ Aneroidb1 &ercury

    >;" !olas ; con&ention $as different e&alution le&els for different passaes %$ic$ of t$e follo%in isnor an e&alutiona1 Length of the ship

    b1 Purpose of usage

    c1 Number of the passengers

    d1 onnage of the ships

    e@ E%ner of t$e s$ip

    >=" A s$ips size capasity can *e descri*ed t%o %ays linear dimensions or 77777777777a@ .onnaeb1 Length

    c1 Length o+erall

    d1 Draft

    e1 (idth

    >>" 77777777777777 is to elliminate t$e $eat side of t$e fire *y applyin somet$in t$at %ill a*sur* t$e $eata1 Smothering

    *@ oolinc1 Smoulderingd1 Pre+ating

    e1 Diluting

    100" #$ic$ is not a met$od of i&in a position on HF'a1 Reporting to a na+igation mar$

    b1 i+ing latitude and longitude

    c1 Reporting a point

    d1 i+ing the bearing and distance

    e@ onfirm t$e speed

    101" For t$e carriae of t$e oods firstly t$e s$ipper or aent sends a 7777777777777777777 to t$e carrier to*ook $is caro7 .$e document includes full eplanations and facts of all t$e caroa@ -ookin noteb1 'harter party

    c1 Sea report

    d1 Doc$ receipt

    e1 "oat note

    102" Depts on c$arts indicated *y 77777777a1 'olours

    b1 Symbols

    c@ um*ers

    10," An 77777777777777 report %ritten and record %$en someone is %itness of ita@ Incidentb1 !S&

    c1 !SPS




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    10" #ic$ statement is %ron reardin t$e *ill of ladin'a1 0t is issued bye the carrier of goods for shipment

    b1 0t is document of t itle of the goods

    c1 0t is a negotiable document

    d@ \t is issued %$en t$e oods $a&e *een disc$arede1 Ship#s agent draws up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it

    105"An instrument used for measurin t$e 777777777777777777 of t$e air is called a $yrometera1 Pressure b1 ;eat c1 Air pressure d1 Speed e@ Humidity

    106" .$e a*ility an o*Bect to float can *e defined *ya1 Displacement

    b1 ra+ity

    c1 Stability

    d@ -uoyancye1 0nclination

    10;" Eld 7777777777777 nautical c$arts s$ould ne&er *e used for na&iation77777a1 Anf torn

    b1 'heap

    c@ Er uncorrected

    d1 "ut redablee1 ,r or ine.pensi+e

    10=" Durin t$e sur&ey+ t$e &essel3s structure support systems+ e9uipment and electronics areinspected and%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a1 /.amined

    b1 Repairedc1 Replaced

    d@ .estede1 Fi.ed

    10>" 77777777777 is an official record *ook %$ic$ is used to keep information a*out a Bourney suc$ as t$es$ip3s speed $eadin+ port of call+ cre% complement+ and e&ents on *oard s$ipa1 A noon position report

    b1 A letter of confirmation

    c@ A lo *ookd1 A draft sur+eye1 A letter of protes

    110" Is pu*lis$ed %eekly informin marines of important effectin na&iational safety includin ne%$ydrorap$ic information c$anes in aids to na&iationa@ .$e notice to marinesb1 he nautical almanac

    c1 Planning guide

    d1 he pilot boo$

    e1 he sailing directions planning

    111" .$e main reasons to coot t$e under%ater full is for 777777 and foulin pre&ention7a@ orrosion

    112" 777777777777 to%ards manetic points7a@ Canetic compass

    11," 777777 Are used for pipes+ s$ip3s funnel for insulation'a1 Asphalts

    *@ Heat " resistant paintsc1 *arnish

    d1 Plastic paints

    11" Durin na&iation+ na&iator s$all *e refer to *ot$ tets and 7777777 eample of tet sailindirections list of li$ts eample of ta*le si$t reduction7

    a1 "oo$sb1 Directions

    c@ .a*les

    115" otice of readiness are i&en to c$arteres aent t$at %$en t$e s$ip 77777777 at t$e porta1 Pilotage




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    b1 "erthed

    c@ Arri&edd1 Anchored

    116" 777777 suc$ as sailin direction li$t ta*le and almanaca1 Nautical charts

    *@ autical pu*licationc1 Sight reduction tables

    d1 Notice to marines

    11;" After usin co2 pota*le etinuis$er it s$ould 77777777 put *ack in t$e ser&ice7a@ If 50m co2 remainin

    11=" Accordin to E48( &essels s$ould *e deeled to *e in si$t of one anot$er %$en one iso*ser&ed7777777777777 from to ot$er7a1 by radarb1 in range

    c@ &isuallyd1 on course

    e1 and heard

    11>" .$e success of emerency response depend on777777777777 *y &oMce and *y radio $andset *et%eenteam leaders and command area?77a1 'ooperat6on

    b1 'ordination

    c1 'hech l6st

    d@ t$e 9uality of communication

    120" 77777 sur&ey is a uni9ue one and a complete inspection of all t$e items relatin to t$e particularcertificate *efore t$e s$ipa" initialb- intermediate

    c- annual

    d- periodical

    e- renewal

    121" #$at peepens t$e c$annels and clears t$e muddy *ottom of ports+ canals ri&ers'a1 Pipe layersb1 !cebrea$ers

    c@ Dreders tarayicid1 Reefers

    e1 "ul$ers

    122" .o inform ot$ers a*out daner+ t$e messae marker to *e used is777777777a@ #arninb1 Re2uest

    c1 !nformation

    d1 Ad+ice

    e1 !nstruction

    12," #$at is not displayed on a nautical c$art'a1 Latitudes and longitudes

    *@ De&iationc1 *ariation

    d1 Shoals

    e1 Lighthouses

    12" #$at is not used descri*e a mark is IA4A system'a1 Shape

    *@ Distancec1 'olour

    d1 op mar$

    e1 Light

    125" For s$ip3s ood condition demostration77777777777777777777777777777777 and fitted+ responsi*le person andc$are of men %orkin " keepina@ Caintenance




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    126" essel is sinkin s$e pro*a*lya1 Fire fighting e2uipment

    b1 An escort

    c@ A life*oatd1 &a$ing a lee

    e1 "un$er

    12;"aKaMdakilerden $anisi kiKisel can kurtarma aleti deildir diye *ir soru &ardM'liferaft

    12=" draft UlNs emi omurasMndan 7777777 ya kadardMr demiK%aterline

    12>" !$ippin 777777777777 *y *roadcast radioa@ forecastb1 weather

    1,0" -ecause 4o *ooks are &ital documents+in t$e e&ent of 77777777777 or s$ip%recksJ t$ey s$ould *e %ellprotected documents for t$is e&ents7a@an accidentb1drills

    c1berthing operationd1routine Eobs

    e1fire drills

    1,1" #it$out a calculator or computer proramme?7777777777777777 si$t reduction toet$er %it$ nauticalalmanac to sol&e t$e celestial 777777777a1body



    1,2" #$at is t$e -urt$en tonnae'a1light displacement

    b1loaded displacement

    c1deadweightd@net reister tonnae

    1,," Durin na&iation+ s$all *e refer to *ot$ tets and 777777777 eample of tet sailin directions+ list ofli$ts7 8ample of ta*le si$t reduction7a1 boo$s

    b1 directions

    c@ ta*les

    1," iz*arconun tanMmMJ777777777777777777 Geye or loop kelimeleri eciyordu@ $ani *a denmiK'a1 Reef $not

    *@ *o%linec1 margarita

    1,5" AKaMdakilerden $anisi yanMnla mcadele tiplerinden deildir'a1 "o5ma -- cho$e

    b1 ya$6ttan u3a$laKt6rma -- to lea+e oil

    c1 so5utma -- cooling

    e@ dedektUrlerle UlNm yapMlMr "" make dedector measurement

    1,6" Zok $asta &e yaralM kiKilere yapMlan yardMmlar nasMl olur'a1 slowly -- ya+aK ya+aK

    b1 fastly -- seri bir Ke$ilde

    c@ 9uickly+ rapid "" $MzlM *ir Kekilde

    1,;" !ea*ed old day soundin pipe+ t$is times ???ec$osoundin

    1,=" c$arts track correction77777777correction tonnae

    1,>" lass tarafMndan *ir uyunsuzluk *ulunmuK emi ne yapmalM'class tarafMndan *elirlenen aralMklarda uyunsuzluk iderilmeli




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    10" CaBor *urn iNin nasMl teda&i uyulanmalM'Qour GdUkmek@ t$e cold %ater7

    11" Dead%ei$t displacement net tonnae ross tonnae &e sto%ae factor tanMmlamMK yanlMKtanMmlanan $anisidir diyor7ross tonnae

    12" HaritalarM aNMklamMK iki tr $arita olduunu 17si c$art &e dierinde *oKluk &ar???78lectronic c$art

    1," (mdss &essel diye *aKlayMp de&am ediyor &e cmlenin de&amMnda s$ould *e kept ???7mdss lo *ook

    1" ?????muster station a elmeden Unce tm &entilation larMn kapalM olduunu+ kapMlarMn kapalMolduunu+ emerency fire pump Mn NalMKtMMnM &s7 kontrol eder demiK7a1 chief officer

    *@ second enineerc1 safety officer

    d1 first mate

    e1 rd officer or nd officer

    15" ?????indicates marine areaJ""nautical c$art

    16" If casuality se&ere *leendin %$ic$ is you Gfirst t$in try@'a1 antisepti$ uygulanir

    *@ kanayan *oleye temiz *ir *ez ya da *andaBala *astirilip *aski yapMlMrc1 turni$e yapilir

    1;" essel3s len$t o&er all G4EA@ is measured as 7777777777 and inc$ diye de&am ediyor7F88.

    1=" 777777777777 meteorloy deals air and %ind forecast for s$ips at seaa1 general

    e@ maritime

    1>" )klemenin tamamlandMnMn onaylanmMK zamanM nerde yazMlMdMr7a1 daft sur+ey reportb1 N,R

    c@ !EF

    150" A coaster %as on a Bourney in a fBord7 8arly in t$e mornin+ %$en t$e s$ip %as to c$ane course+s$e collided %it$ a small li$t$ouse7 .$e reason %$y t$e collision took place is unkno%n7 .$efoundation of t$e li$t$ouse %as circular %it$ a flat top Bust underneat$ t$e %ater surface7 Itsdiameter %as *ier t$an t$e diameter of t$e li$t$ouse itself+ situated ri$t on top of t$efoundation7 .$is construction causes a rat$er s$arp outer ede+ %$ic$ could easily rip a s$ip3s $ull7.$is %as %$at $appened " t$e s$ip3s $ull %as ripped open and s$e sank %it$in minutes7 .%opersons on t$e *ride died7 .%o ot$er cre% mem*ers sur&i&ed alt$ou$ t$ey could not reac$ t$e

    sur&i&al suits %$ic$ %ere kept under port *ride %in as t$e s$ip immediately listed to port andput t$em out of reac$7 Ene of t$e sur&i&ors manaed to launc$ t$e star*oard life raft7 Anot$ercre% mem*er %as do%n in t$e mess room and t$re% out a couple of life Backets7 He did notmanae to et out of t$e mess room7 .$e in&estiation found t$at t$e $ydrostatic releases to t$erafts $ad not *een properly mounted7 If t$e star*oard side raft $ad not *een launc$ed manually+no raft %ould $a&e *een released7#e can not understand from t$e passae ??????77a@ %$y t$e &essel collided %it$ a li$t$ouseb1 why the +essel san$

    c1 why the +esselHs hull was rippedd1 why the crew member in the mess room died

    e1 why the two other crew members sur+i+ed

    151" .$e anle of altitude of a celestial *ody is measured *y means ofJa1 gyrocompassb1 log

    c1 parallel ruler

    d1 timepiece

    e@ setant




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    152" .$e fied aids to na&iation located as$ore or attac$ed to t$e *ottom of s$allo% %ater%ays areJa1 buoys

    b1 lighthouse

    c1 lightships

    d@ *eaconse1 flags

    15," meteoroloy reportat$ens meteoloy centerpart 1 < no alepart 2 < *aleras s%1",+ %2"+ n%"6 later strom and stron %ind + moderate t$understrom 77777%$ic$ could *e t$e %eat$er case of *aleras state'&eerin saat yUn dUns Gclock%ise@

    -ackin saat yUn tersi dUns Gcounterclock%ise@

    15" usually paper printed c$art used *y mariners and different type of c$art entered 7777777777electronics used7computer"*ased

    155" ?7777777 is effecti&e aent medium of endosed space7co2

    156" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in is not 4ife"sa&in appliances 'a1 Liferaft

    b1 Life Eac$et

    c1 Life "oat

    d1 Life "uoy

    e@ 4ife insurance

    15;" -ulunduunuz *Ule zerinde alcak *asMnc &ar7 *ir yksek *asMnca doru ilerliyosunuz karsMlasMlan$a&a $areketi nedir'a1 low

    b1 h0gh

    c1 lbd1 tayfun

    e@ siklon Galcak *asinc@

    15=" -irde acil *ir durum anlatmMK+ 2 kaptan amirlik eder diyodu7oil pollution

    15>" ck yara &e kesiklerle ilili soru7*leedin stop+ clean+ medicate and *andae7

    160" %$ic$ can *e taken if o%ner does not comply %it$ class re9uirementsa@ rene%al sur&ey carried outb1 annual sur+ey carried out

    c1 need a new class

    161" one+ sp$ere+ spar indicate *uoyRsa@ !$apeb1 Location

    c1 Funotion

    d1 Signals

    e1 Position

    162" (emide class Mn korunmasM iNin ne yapMlMr i*i *i soru &ardM7a1 bayra$ de+leti $ontroller U%S coast guard taraf6ndan yap6l6r%b1 !&, sor+eyorlar6 taraf6ndan denetimler yap6l6r%

    c1 emi classdan 46$ar6l6r%

    d@ )MllMk &e periyodik sUr&eyler class sUr&eyleri tarafMndan yapMlMr7

    16," .$e po%er produced in t$e cylinder is called7a1 cycle

    b1 combustion

    c1 brea$ horse power8";P1




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    d@ indicated $orse po%erGIHQ@e1 RP&

    16" ]oka iren kiKiye ne yapMlmaz die *ir soru &ardM7yiyecek &e iNecek &erilmez

    165" kirli yakMtlar sepere edildiinde sepere edilen kirli meteryal nereye Underilir i*i *ir soruslude

    166" Accordin to t$e International ode of !inal+ t$e statement SI must a*andon my &essel T issym*olized *y means of t$e code letters ?????'a@ A8b1 "F

    c1 D

    d1 ;(

    e1 /D

    16;" .$e content of any letter of protest prepared and sined *y t$e master is to *e ?????7a1 $ept in a loc$ed drawer on board the ship

    b1 ta$en to the court by the master himself

    c@ passed to t$e o%ner / c$arterer or t$eir aent

    d1 published in any regional newspaper related with the topice1 chec$ed and corrected by the chief officer%

    16=" (eminin tekne kaplamasMnMn neden yapMldMM ile ilili *ir soru &ardM7!orunun iNinde OcoatinOeNiyordu OorrosionO

    16>" A cloud of reat %idt$ and an altitude of *et%een 2000 and ;000 feet is called ?????77a1 nimbusb1 nimbostratus

    c@ stratusd1 cumulus

    e1 stratocumulus

    1;0" A de&ice for measurin pressure of atmosp$ere is kno%n as a0" If an o*Bect *locks t$e air%ay of a person+ %$at first aid met$od is used to remo&e t$at o*Bect'A1 'ardiopulmonary Resuscitation8'PR1

    "1 Artificial Respiration

    @ Heimlic$ Canoeu&reD1 Splinting

    /1 Rescue "reathing

    2>1" As t$e $eat increases+ $urricane *eins to s%irl in a counter clock%ise motion7 .$e a&erae life ofa $urricane is only a*out > days7 #ater+ not %ind+ is t$e main source of deat$ and destruction in a$urricane7 A typical $urricane *rins 6 to 12 inc$ do%npours resultin in sudden floods7 #orst ist$e po%erful mo&ement of t$e sea"t$e mountains of %ater mo&in to%ard t$e lo%"pressure$urricane center7 .$e %ater le&el rises as muc$ as 15 feet a*o&e normal as it mo&es to%ard s$ore7A!#8 .H8 `P8!.IE!

    .$e counter"clock%ise s%irlin of t$e $urricane is *rou$t a*out *y 7777777777A1 the low-pressure area in the center of the storm

    -@t$e increasin $eat'1 the trade winds

    D1 the power of water wa+es

    /1 the high-pressure area with the storm

    2>2" All s$ips %$ic$ you meet at sea or in t$e approac$es to a $ar*our are collecti&ely called 7777777777A1 Eam

    "1 fleet

    '1 power-dri+en lifeboatsD1 tug

    8@ traffic

    2>," #$ic$ of t$e follo%in statements is not correct'A1 A bill of lading is a receipt for goods shipped7 stating the terms of the contract of carriage

    "1 he terms may be sometimes e.plained or added by usage or custom

    @ A *ill of ladin is sometimes sined *y t$e c$ief officerD1 A mateHs receipt7 in cases where gi+en7 is an intermediate document to be gi+en up by the ship in

    e.change of bill of lading

    /1 A charter party is usually signed by the shipowner andCor bro$er

    2>" .$e masters of all merc$ant &essels must $old fire"fi$tin drills in t$e frame%ork of 77777777777777A1 (orld ;ealth ,rgani3ation

    -@ .$e Cerc$ant !$ippin GCusters and .rainin reulations@'1 Pre+ention of 'ollision at Sea 8he !nternational Regulation1

    D1 &aritime Wudges Resolutions

    /1 &erchant &arine 'adets Achie+ement

    2>5" 4aytime for loadin and disc$arin s$all commence at 1,700 $rs+ if notice of readiness is i&en upto and includin 12700 $rs+ and at 06700 $rs net %orkin day if notice i&en durin office $oursafter 12700 $ours7TAccordin to t$is clause of c$arter party+ if t$e notice of readiness is i&en at 1,700 $ours onFriday+ lay time for loadin and/or disc$arin s$all commence 77777777777777a1 ,n Friday at >%?? hours

    *@ En Conday at 06700 $oursc1 ,n Saturday at ?Y%?? hours

    d1 ,n Friday at ?Y%?? hours

    2>6" A *ulk carrier is" meteoroloy reportat$ens meteoloy centerpart 1 < no alepart 2 < *aleras s%1",+ %2"+ n%"6 later strom and stron %ind + moderate t$understrom 77777%$ic$ could *e t$e %eat$er case of *aleras state'&eerin

    ,,0" A &essel %ould *e referred to as OtenderO %$en t$e %ei$t of t$e caro is 7a% e+enly distributed +ertically and the double bottoms are full

    b% concentrated low and the double bottoms are empty

    c% concentrated low and the double bottoms are full

    d7 concentrated $i$ and t$e dou*le *ottoms are empty

    ,,1" Ceteoroloists are scientists %$o study 7777 and atmosp$erea- (ind

    *" #eat$erc- Forecast

    d- Sea State

    e- (ater 'onditions

    ,,2" educe s%in as rapidly as possi*le'a"steadyb-steady as she goes

    c-steady on her route


    e-$eep the wheel rapidly

    ,,," 7777777s$o% full details of all caro on *oard t$e s$ip and Mssued for customs declarationa-mate receipt



    d"manifestoe-time sheet

    ,," classification of s$ips are made *y777777a-ministryb-shipyard

    c-national dependent organi3ation

    d"Mndependent MnternatMonal or MnternatMnalMty reconMsed classificatMon oranMsatMon

    e-none of the abo+e

    ,,5" -efore Q is started+ you s$ould 7a7 esta*lis$ an open air%ayb% treat any bleeding wounds

    c% insure the +ictim is conscious

    d% ma$e the +ictim comfortable

    e% all of the abo+e

    ,,6" 7777777777 its %itd$ is t$e %idest77*eam

    ,,;" emi &e Kirket arasMnda $er trl emniyet konularMnda Kirketin en st dzey Ure&lileriyle irti*ataeNe*ilen kiKi kimdir' Gkarada atanmMK i*i ce&rilmis *ariz dpa yani desinated kelimesikullanMlmMs emMnMm dpa@desinated person

    ,,=" solas mandotary olmayan code $anMsMdMrilo




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ,,>" incase s$ip $as $ead%ay ?77a&oid cumpin on liferaft canopy or 77777 liferaft7777starboard



    on top ofin front of

    ,0"If a centrifual pump is noisy %it$ ecessi&e &i*ration durin its operation+ t$e cause %ould mostlikely *e due toa@ -ent s$aftb1 (orn wearing rings

    c1 Re+erse rotation

    d1 /.cessi+e sealing water pressure

    e1 " and '

    ,1" Qrior to port arri&al+ a diesel alternator+ tur*o alternator+ and allt$e full a%ay procedure s$ould *e donea@ #ill $a&e to *e started/%ill *e s$ut do%n/in re&erse order b1 Does not ha+e to be startedCwill ha+e to be shut downCin re+erse order

    c1 (ill ha+e to be startedCwill ha+e to be startedCin right order

    d1 (ill ha+e to be shut downCwill ha+e to be startedCin re+erse order

    e1 DoesnHt ha+e to be shut downCwill ha+e to be shut downCin right order

    ,2" .$e instrument al%ays used in conBunction %it$ a salinity indicator is t$e" *ir emi a1 a2 a, n dMKMndaysa nerededir'a "international

    ,>0" !anitory cert eNerlilik tari$i6 Cont$s

    ,>1" manyetik compass+ radar kor sektor $ani sertifikada *elirtilirsafety radio

    ,>2" emerency stop &al&e+ &e dier ya kacMra*Mlecek systemlerle ilili $ani sur&eyde kontrol eder

    $anMsMne Mreriopp

    ,>," !$ore up " s$orin33 de 33Nlendirme " destekleme33 anlamMnda kullanMlMyor7o [shore up[ the main dec$ for the stowage of dec$ cargo means to \\\\\\\\\\%

    a% weld pad eyes on dec$ in proper position to secure the cargo




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    *7 strent$en t$e main deck *y placin pillars underneat$ it in t$e t%een"decksc% distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft plan$s on the main dec$

    d% pac$age the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the dec$

    ,>" A to%in $a%ser Gcekme $alati@ is readied for ser&ice *y 7

    A1 -spooling it on a winch cathead

    "1 -coiling it in a countercloc$wise direction on the fantail

    @ "takin it on deck in a fore and aft directionD1 -spooling it on a reel lying on its side to pre+ent rolling

    ,>5" )ou are treatin a s$ipmate %it$ a compound fracture of t$e lo%er arm7 #$ic$ action s$ould youtake'

    A1 Apply a tourni2uet to control bleeding then align the bones and splint%"1 Apply traction to the hand to $eep the bones in line7 splint7 and apply a pressure dressing%

    '1 Force the ends of the bones bac$ into line7 treat the bleeding7 and splint%

    D@ Apply a *ulky+ sterile+ pressure dressin to control *leedin+ t$en apply a temporary splint+ ando*tain medical ad&ice

    ,>6" .$e *eam of a s$ip is its %idt$ at t$e 7777%idest7777 point as measured at t$e s$ip3s nominal


    ,>;" .ender olma durumudou*le *uttom tanklarMn *oK olmalMdMr7!tif olma durumudou*le *uttom tanklarMn dolu olmalMdMr

    ,>=" erpir* kontrolunda 06 $z den transmit yapMlmaz+sadece test yapMlMrX

    ,>>" DPA(8 8D\')k parNalarMnMn sMkMKMp ezilmemesini+ Mslak yerlere dememesini+ $a&alanmasMnM salamak &e *azMyklerde de fork lift kullanMlmasMna olanak &ermek amacMyla ykler arasMna &e altMna konan Noukez ta$tadan" malzemeye &erilen isim7

    00" #$ic$ statement is FA4!8 concernin precautions durin fuelin operations'A1 All engines7 motors7 fans7 etc% should be shut down when fueling%

    "1 All windows7 doors7 hatches7 etc% should be closed%

    '1 A fire e.tinguisher should be $ept nearby%

    D@ Fuel tanks s$ould *e topped off Gson &ermek@ %it$ no room for epansion Genlesme@7

    01" A &essel cannot comply %it$ all of t$e !E4A! re9uirements due to its construction7 #$ere %ill t$is*e indicated'A1 Nowhere] the +essel must comply to engage in international trade%

    "1 ,n the re+erse of the S,LAS certificate

    c@ En t$e 8emption ertificateD1 ,n the 'ertificate of !nspection

    02" A coastal current 7

    A1 is generated by wa+es stri$ing the beach-@ flo%s outside t$e surf zone'1 flows in a circular pattern

    D1 is also $nown as a longshore current

    0," (len surat sain $izli ez*erXXX eminin ortasMnda droop olursa ne olurhag


    0" 8&ery producer of nautical c$arts must pro&ide a system 77a-the latest prices

    b-the latest de+elopment

    c-changesd"t$e latest editionse-the sales

    05" #$ic$ precaution s$ould *e taken %$en testin a line t$ro%in un'a7 e&er remo&e t$e line from t$e rocket7




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    b% Fire it at an angle of appro.imately O? degrees to the hori3on%

    c% (ear asbestos glo+es%

    d% All of the abo+e

    06" !%l Gload@ kim tarafMndan kontrol edilir'a1 ;arbour master

    b1 Llyod

    c@ econMsed oanMsedd1 Port author6ty

    e1 &6n6stry commerce

    0;" #$Mc$ Ms not c$arcteristic of liner trade'a1 liner conference system

    b1 designated ports

    c@ $ire for s$Mpmentd1 fi.ed schedule

    e1 published rates

    0=" For etinuis$ a fire %$ic$ is not true 'a1 Smothering

    b1 'ooling

    c1 Remo+e fuel from fired1 "rea$ the fire e2uation

    e@ Qut a $eat detector

    0>" In t$e sto%ae of deck caro+ Ocri**inO is 7

    A@ placed on deck to support t$e aro"1 separation pieces used to $eep cylinders upright and steady

    '1 shims for stowing baled cargo

    D1 nets placed across the hatch opening to $eep the cargo from falling in the hatch

    10" #$at is t$e primary purpose for Diital !electi&e allin GD!@'a% DS' pro+ides reception of weather and na+igational warnings plus search and rescue information%

    b% DS' pro+ides low-cost7 routine communications for the +essel operator%

    c7 D! is to *e used for transmittin and recei&in distress alerts to and from ot$er s$ips or coastradio stations &ia radio7d% his aids SAR authorities in trac$ing a +essel#s position by satellite%

    11" Haritalarda 3s$oreline3 $anisine Ure *elirlenmiKtir7 O4o%est neap %ater lineO

    12" .$e most effecti&e first aid treatment for c$emical *urns is to immediately 7

    A1 apply ointment to the burned area

    -@ flood t$e affected area %it$ %ater'1 wrap the burn with sterile dressing

    D1 apply an ice pac$ to the burned area

    1," .$e fore and aft run of deck platin %$ic$ strent$ens t$e connection *et%een t$e *eams andt$e frames and keeps t$e *eams s9uare to t$e s$ell is called t$e 7

    A1 garboard stra$e

    "1 limber stra$e

    '1 sheer stra$e

    D@ striner strake uzunlamasina *orda kaplamasi

    1" -ir konuKma pararafM &ermiK 7kaptan &e 27kaptan arasMnda eciyor 27kaptan drop t$e life *oaytalimatMnM *osuna *ildir diye sUylyor 7kaptan da sUylediini onaylMyor"%$at did t$e c$ief off ask t$e t$ird off to do after informanin t$e *osun'a1 organise reco+ery actionb1transmit the distress call

    c1plot the ships posd@drop t$e life*oate1call the roll

    15" Accordin to t$is clause of a c$arter party+ if loadin operation is performed on $olidays+ timespent for loadin 7777777777777777777777777777 J ot$er%ise+ t$ese days 777777777777777777777777777




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    a@ s$all count / s$all not countb1 shall not count C shall count

    c1 is permitted C are not permittedd1 isnHt to be included in laytime C are to be included in laytime

    e1 should be e.cepted C should be accepted

    16" .$e sto%ae factor for a caro is *ased upon7777777777a@one lon tonb1one short ton

    c1one short metric ton

    d1one long metric ton

    e1one metric

    1;" .$e &ertical Boint formed %$en t%o steel plates are ent to end is called a7777777777777





    1=" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in is not a statutory certificate'a1Safety /2uipment 'ertificateb1Safety Radio 'ertificate

    c1Load Line 'ertificate

    d1'lassification 'ertificate

    e@8amination ertificate

    1>" Ho% is t$e intensity of a li$t epressed in t$e 4i$t 4ists 'a1 Luminous range

    b1 eographic range

    c@ ominal raned1 &eteorological rang

    e1 'harted range

    20" caro ear annuel sur&eyle iliili *ir soru nereye konur ?7a@ attec$ed to int caro ear certb1off loo$ boo$

    21" Carine !ur&ayor emiyi kontrol ettikten sonra $ani raporu yazar'a1medical

    *@an epert

    22" epir* ile alakalM $ani ifade yanlMKtMra@kMsa mesafe distress yollar

    2," Mnert as $ani sertifikaya ta*i

    safety e9uipment cert7

    2" If is t$ere more t$a* one unconscious and casualt7 )ou must start first aid in order of dont$a&e pulse+Ha&e se&ere *leedin+ consciousa@ -leedinb1 "reathing

    c1 *omitting

    d1 Asphy.

    25" 7777777777777777777 use many credentials+ letters+ and terms suc$ as OaccreditedO+ OcertifiedO+O9ualifiedO+OAC!O+ OC!O+ etc7 fill in t$e *lansa1inspector


    c@marine sur&ey

    d1pscoe1harbour master

    26" #$en considerin a*out OAt sea maintenanceO is concerned %it$ follo%inJa1 'argo ship safety certificate

    b1 'argo ship construction certificate




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    c@ caro s$ip radio certificated1 cargo ship safety e2uipment certificate

    e1 cargo ship maintenance certificate

    2;" .o777777777777777777777777*roken arms and les+ it is neccessary to %ear7777777777777777a1Fall-safety boots

    *@Qre&ent " safety *ootsc1Slip-safety googles

    d1Protect-hard hat

    e1suffer-safety glo+es

    2=" #$en c$ippin rust on a &essel+ t$e CE!. important piece of safety ear is 7A@ oles"1 glo+es

    '1 ahard hatD1 helmet

    /1 googles 8oltaya gelmeyin1

    2>" A &essel loads 100 tons of lass Bars7 .$e mate on %atc$ disco&ers t$at some of t$e cartons $a&e*een damaed and $as an eception made on t$e -ill of 4adin7 #$at is t$is document called'a1Damage "ill of Lading

    b1Letter of !ndemnityc1Non-negotiable "ill of Lading

    d@Pnclean -ill of 4adin

    ,0" #$ic$ is not control durin t$e radio installation sur&ey'A@ Deck lo *ook"1 Radio record boo$

    '1 ,peratr certificated

    D1 Radio certificated issued by flag administrator

    /1 Up to itu publication

    ,1" usually paper printed c$art used *y mariners and different type of c$art entered %%%%%%%%%% electronicsused


    ,2" #$ic$ statement is true a*out *ile keels'

    A@ -ile keels reduce t$e period of rolls7

    ,," !eamans %$o can not use HF $o% can comminicate7a@ sinalb1 loud spea$er

    c1 flags

    ," Gforumlarda *u soru tam tersi &erilmiK@ uyun taKMma yapMla*ilmesi iNin solas a Ure liferaft aMrlMMne kadardan fazla olmamalMdMr7a"1=5 kb 9? $gc- >>? $g

    d- >99 $g

    ,5" kaptan safety meetin deki kayMtlarM nereye tutara- port log

    *" offical lo *ookc- crew list

    d- muster list

    ,6" emi class denetimi eNirmiK &e class dan atMlmMK7 aKaMdakilerden doru olanM seNiniza- geminin te$ne +e ma$inesi class yeterlili$lerini $arK6lamad656 i4in

    b- gemi sagibinin class yeterlili$lerini ba$6m tutum ile $arK6lamad656 i4in

    c- gemi > yaK6ndan by$ oldu5u i4ind" a*e hi4biri

    ,;" .o sound t$e tanks and *iles in order to c$eck t$e dept$s of li9uit in t$em is t$e reular Bo* of a??77 on *oard




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    A 1 "osun

    " 1 Don$eyman

    @ arpenter / fenerciD 1 "oatswain

    / 1 Ste+edore

    ,=" Alt$ou$ you $ad *een informed a*out t$e *ad %eat$er conditions+you inored it and $ad anaccident7)ou say as a reret???77A1! feel di33y when ! ha+e a few drin$s

    -@I s$ould $a&e t$e s$ip o&er$auled *efore settin out for t$e &oyae'1(hat if the shipowner gets worried^

    D1(hy on earth did not ! pay attention to the warning on the radioG

    /1!t is useless to listen to the weather reports%

    ,>" Immersion suits $elp reduce t$e ???7777777777 of *ody $eat and s$ock on enterin cold %ater+immersion suits are critically important life sa&in appliances7*@loss

    0" t%o %ay &$f radio telep$one &e sart $ani sertifikanMn kontrolunde'caro s$ip safety e9uMpment

    1" draft mark is distance from *ottom of t$e keel to 777%ater lMne

    2" $arita *azM *ilileri iNerir referans alMnacak *unlar < 777li$t$ouse

    ," $aritada deniz yapMsM *azM isaretler ile tanMmlanMr *unlardan *iride? minutes

    b1ma$e the casually as comfortable as possible7 lie them down

    c@o&ner t$e *urn %it$ clean inon flufty material to proBect from infectiond1continue to pour copious amounts of cold water o+er the burn

    e1ta$e the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them

    =0" an filikalarMnMn motorunun yakMtM en az kaN saat yete*ilmelidir diye soru &ardM0" 3CA E8 -EAD 3c$if officer," to reduce t$e num*er of strakes at t$e *o%+ to strakes are tapered and Boined at t$eir endsstealer plate

    >" tim*er la ilili *ir soruJ upri$t fiture t$at pro&ides support for some ot$er o*Bect7Cinumum , mdistance *et%een t$em777!tanc$ions G-a*adalya@

    >5" load line serifikasMnMn annual endorsment iKlemi ne zaman yapMlmalM7a@, mont$s *efore and after t$e issue dateb1 months beforec1 months after

    d1Y months before

    e1Y months after

    >6" 8aminin t$e location of t$e li$tin Gmuster station+ em*erkation ladders+ emerency eits777@+includin7777 emerency source of po%er7777 is part of'

    a1Ship safety certificate

    b1Ship safety construction certificate

    c1/mergency lighting certificate!afety e9uipment sur&ey




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    >;" irculation+ &essel+ artery is a*out''-lood

    >=" """"""""""seafarer3s family+ suffer loss due to deat$+ in an enclosedspace7

    c&p< !uffer/8nclosed

    >>" onteyner emilerinde .onnae certificate 'a1 i+en by the class and unlimited

    *@ (i&en *y t$e administration and unlimitedc1 i+en by the class and 9 years

    d1 i+en by the class and years

    e1 i+en by the port authority and 9 years

    500" #$ic$ of t$e follo%in is t$e same meanin estricted &isi*ility'a1 Limitless +isibility

    b1 Unlimited +isibilty

    c@ 4imited &isi*ility

    501" !oru da (emi ykleme yapmadan Unce am*arlar sur&eyor tarafMndan kontrol ediliyor &e am*arlarsatisfied olarak *ulunuyor7 !ur&eyor $ani e&rakM emiye &erir7

    a Accept

    *< Fitc Satisfield

    502" 4c kolu increase m sa*it kalMyor7 (m777 and (z 777

    a m sabit and g3 increase

    *< (z increase and m increasec m decrease and g3 decrease

    d m decrease and g3 increase

    50," anamalM yaralara mda$ale sorusu GDirect pressure on t$e %ound@

    50" Inert as' !afety e9uipment505" maintenance i*aresi G!$ip safety radio cert7@da *ulunur7506" Hani yanMn sUndrc coolin &e c$eapest dir7 #ater50;" Psc sonlarda *ulunan notlardaki soru

    lozu tam $atMrlayamadMMm iNin+ ardiya za*iti seyir fenerlerinin pozisyonunu amacMnM &e UrnKaNMlarMnM iyi *ilmelidir7 De&amMnda seyir fenerler diye *aKlayan *ir cmle 777777777777777777 andstandins7777into daner777 -oKlua ne elecek'A@ 8n oute""""""""""""1 ,n he (ay'1 ,ff 'ourse

    D1 Safe

    /1 ,n the Described Route

    50=" 7777 is not a part of liferafta1stabili3er*@pyrotec$nics+c1canopy7

    d1buoyancy tube7

    e1t6rmanma basamag6

    50>" Adamin *as parmaina Gt$um*@ *alikci oltasi inesiGfis$$ook@ takiliyor7 asil muda$ale edersindiyor

    a@"Qus$ t$e *ar*Gcenel@+ cut it off t$en remo&e t$e $ook

    510" (u&ertede ara*a tasiyan emiler icin ara*a en etkin nerede tasinmalidir diyordu

    a@Ene of t$e $atc$ immedialty *ack%ard of mids$ipb1-No > hatch

    c1-Forward hatch

    d1-,ne of the hatch immedialty forward of midship

    e1-,n the dec$house




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    511" c$eckin t$e pro&ision of means of em*arkation and disem*arkation from s$ips for use in port andin port"related operations+ suc$ as an%ays and accommodation ladders"%$ic$ certificate?????77

    a1-safety e2uipment cert

    b1-LL cert

    c@"!afety contruction certd1-Dec$ department cert

    512" aro ear annual sUr&ey tamamlandMktan sonra uyulanacak prosedr nedir diyordu'attaced to caro ear certificate

    51," aptan *ir yazi yazmis c/p ye ore yukleme yaptim+?7 tari$i &e saatinde *ilmem ne limanindas$iftin yaptim diyor7 -utun olaylarin sorumluluu aliyorum diyor7 -u yazilan nedir diyordu7


    *@"4etter of protestc1-"ill of lading

    d1-ime %

    51" D! icin $anisi doru deildir

    a@"Prency durumlar icin onderilmezb1-Dsc mesaEi icin de tanimlayici numeratic of station

    c1-Dsc indi+ual yada group gonderilebilir

    d1-Dsc nin amaci acil7 tehli$e durumlarindan gonderilir 8cumleyi tam hatirlamiyorum1

    515" 8c $ani sertifikada kontrol edilir'a"safety radio certificate

    516" enel kural erei toplanma istasyonunda $erkes can yeleini iymis sekilde toplanir7ancak *azidurumlarda *u yapilmaz+ yelekler ellerde $azir tutulur ?77 -una kim karar &erir


    b1-safety officer


    d@"c$ief officere1-chief engineer

    51;" for maintenance of classa1u%s coast gurasd controls must be performed by the flaf state

    *@t$e periodicalGre9ular@and occasionalGetraordinary@ sur&eys must *e performedc1inspections by 0&, officers for the ship#s documents must be performed

    d1the shipyard must control the ship

    e1the port state cont% should be performed

    51=" !ea*ed old day soundin pipe+ t$is times ???Geski zamanlarda dip olcumu yapilamiyordu7suanise *ilmem ne sayesinde olcumler da$a kolay &s diyordu7ec$osoundin

    51>" (emi Burnalinden *a$setmiK777 Burnale $a&a raporu+ rota sicaklik &s "en az $ani sMklMklarda BurnaldoldurulmalMdMr'a1wee$ly



    e1nemli bir olay sonras6nda hemen

    520" .$e up%ard slope of a &essels *ottom from t$e keel to t$e *ile is called 7A ra$e

    " sheer' camber

    D rise of *ottom




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    521" If an electric caro %inc$ is *ein used to lift a draft of caro and t$e enine room loses all po%er+%$ic$ %ill occur'A he load will fall rapidly to the dec$ unless the foot bra$e is engaged%

    - An electromanetic *rake %ill $old t$e load %$ere it is suspended7 ' A pawl7 forced by a spring mechanism7 will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold the load%

    D he load will slowly lower to the dec$ under control of the drag of the winch motor%

    522"#$ic$ type of &essel s$all *e re9uired to $a&e an emerency to%in arranement fitted at *ot$ends'A An >7??? dwt ton tan$er constructed in >OO

    - A 22+000 d%t ton tanker operated after an7 1+ 1>>>' A ?7??? dwt ton oil barge

    D A 97??? dwt ton coastal tan$erSOLAS 1974 Chapter V, regulation 15-1 requires all tankers of 2, tonnes !ea!"eight an!

    a#o$e, in%lu!ing oil, %he&i%al an! gas tankers, to #e pro$i!e! "ith an e&ergen%' to"ing

    arrange&ent at #oth en!s of the ship

    52," ertical structural mem*ers attac$ed to t$e floors t$at add strent$ to t$e floors are called\\\\\\\\\\%

    A stiffeners kizak

    " boss plates' buc$ler Plates

    D breast hoo$s

    52" (emi operasyon sMrasMnda s$iftin yapmak zorunda kalmMs ama c/p de s$iftin olmadMM icin metinasaMdakilerden $anisine aittir7notice of readiness

    bill of lading

    protest of lettertestimonial

    525" 7777777777 is an air masses t$at t%o different temperature meet7Front

    526" #$ic$ oneGs@ can *e started automatically for fire etinction'!prinkler

    52;" Pluslar arasM KamandMra + fener otoritesi nedir 'IA4A GInternational Association of 4i$t$ouse Aut$orities@

    52=" (eminin *aK tarafMna idildikNe postalarMn/ya da plateRin azalmasMna ne denir-urlar plate

    52>" (emi am*ar temizliinden dolayM off $ire oluyorsa *u am*ara sur&ey satisfied olmadMM iNin ??7*elesi &erirPnfit

    5,0" (&erteye yklenen yk capasitesi?&s $ani planda UsterilirDeck apacity Qlan

    5,1" #$ic$ de&ice is desined to automatically $old t$e load if po%er s$ould fail to an electric %inc$'8lectromanetic *rake7

    5,2" Diesel enines o*tain com*ustion air t$rou$ tur*o c$arers+ *lo%ers+ or 7A natural aspiration soluma" air starters

    ' air recei+ers

    D carburettors

    5,," dumenMn enM &e *oyunun *Mr*MrMne oranMnM soruyo %idt$ Mle $eM$t demMsaspect ratio

    5," .$e Boint formed %$en t%o steel s$ell plates are placed lonitudinally side to side is called a\\\\\\\\\\%

    A be+el

    " bond




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ' stra$e

    D !eam kaynak+ percin

    5,5" Damae to caro caused *y dust is kno%n as7777'ontamination

    5,6" Oort$ Har*our+ t$is is Amp$ora+ t$is is Amp$ora+ on c$annel 1+ o&erO is an eample of777First contact

    5,;" #$at is t$e difference in $ei$t *et%een CH# G$i$ %ater@ and C4# G4o% %ater@'ane

    5,=" Inspection+ eit$er eneral or particial accordin to circumstances+ to *e made after a repairresultin from casualty in&estiations or %$ene&er any important repairs or rene%als are made777Additional !ur&ey

    5,>" #$ic$ sentence is true for inspections of t$e s$ip3s *ottom of caro s$ips7Inspections of t$e outside of caro s$ips *ottom *ottom of caro s$ips *ein carried out %it$ *ot$s$ip is in drydock and afloat

    50" -ill of 4adin ile ilili *ir pararaf &ermiK+ *u durumda yklenme durumu nedir i*i *ir sorusormuK7 mlede ykn yklenmiK olduu anlatMlMyor7 -u nedenleJcarrier recei&ed t$e oods

    51" 77777777 Gpersonelin toplanmasMnM anlatan kMsMm@drill7G*u *oKlukta personelin ne iyerek toplanacaMiKaret edilyor@&e *oKluk *MrakMlmM77777#earin lifeBackets7

    52" !esli &e Ursel alarm G*allast and dry space i*i ifadeleri de iNeren *ir cmle &ardM@ !E4A!3 a Ure$ani tr emiler iNin zorunluluktur Keklinde sormuK7-ulk ariers

    5," -EFE 7777 !8A< .E.A4 !I(IFIA87777777777(P!.)7777-8#A8 #ID! CA)-8 L0 Mncrease+7777 diye de&am eden uzun *ir pararaf &ar7 -P pararafa

    Ure $a&a nasMl olacak diye soruyor7#ID! 8VHA(8

    5" free*oard is measured from t$e upper ede of t$e ???77

    a@ deck lineb1 bulwar$

    c1 gunwaled1 sheer stra$e

    e1 coaming

    55" """" %$at does not dis*ursement account Gmasraf $esaplari@ includes an epense'

    a1 fuel

    b1 storec1 port due

    d1 custom fee

    e@ freit$

    56" """ .$e true order of conductin an urency messae isJI7 Qan Qan Qan Qan Qan QanII7 QositionIII7 E&erI7 e9uired assistance7 !$ip+s ame [ all !inI7 Qan QanII7 Identify

    III7 Qro*lem

    A1 ! - *!! - *! - * - *!!! - !* - !! - !!!

    -@ I " II " " II " III " I " I " III'1 ! - *!! - *! - * - !! - *!!! - !* - !!!




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    D1 ! - !! - *!!! - !* - *!! - *! - * - !!!

    /1 ! - * - !! - *! - *!!! - !* - *!!! T !!!


    ALL SA!,NS7 ALL SA!,NS7 ALL SA!,NS or8Name of indi+idual station spo$en times1

    ;!S !S 8Name of the +essel spo$en times17 8'all sign of the +essel17 8&&S! of the +essel1

    P,S!!,N 8*essel#s position1

    8Reason for call7 Assistance re2uired7 Number of people onboard7 !nformation that could help rescue1


    5;" """ meteoroloy reportat$ens meteoloy centerpart 1 < no alepart 2 < *aleras s%1",+ %2"+ n%"6 later strom and stron %ind + moderate t$understrom 77777%$ic$ could *e t$e %eat$er case of *aleras state'

    a1 anti-cloc$wiseb1 deliberatec1 swelling

    d@ &eerine1 bac$ing

    5=" #$ic$ is not controlled *y $eld administrator sur&ey!$ip eamination certificateShip construction certificate

    Ship safety e2uipment certificate

    5>" !ecurin caro *y runnin tim*ers from an upper support do%n to t$e caro+ eit$er &ertically or atan anle+ is called 7

    A shores- .oms' braces

    D dunnage

    550" #$at is t$e period of &alidity of t$e !E4A! re9uired aro !$ip safety construction ertificate'A > months" B months

    ' B months

    D 60 mont$s

    551" (ood $ousekeepin on a &essel pre&ents fires *y 7A impro+ing personnel 2ualifications

    " allowing better access in an emergency

    ' eliminating trip ha3ards

    D eliminatin potential fuel sources

    552" #$ic$ &aria*le factor affects t$e initial las$in re9uirements a*oard o"o &essels'A !ize and %ei$t of &e$icle/caro unit" Air pressure in the +ehicles tires

    ' Age of +ehicle or cargo unit

    D Reputation of shipper concerning condition of cargo

    55," #$ic$ &aria*le factor affects t$e initial las$in re9uirements a*oard o"o &essels'A Port of origin

    " *essel#s draft

    ' A"S re2uirements

    D um*er+ position and anle of las$ins

    55" )our load line certificate epires on 2; Cay 1>==7 .$e &essel is sur&eyed on t$at date and is foundsatisfactory7 )ou are sailin forein t$e same day7 #$ic$ statement is .P8'A A new certificate must be issued before you sail%

    - .$e eistin certificate is etended for a period of up to 150 days7



    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ' he e.isting certificate is endorsed as +alid for a fi+e year period commencing X &ay >O%

    D he e.isting certificate is e.tended until the first foreign port of call where a new certificate will be issued

    by the local sur+eyor%

    555" #$ic$ statement is .P8 of a tender &essel'A !t has a good trans+erse stability%

    " !t has a large &%

    ' !t has a +ery low center of gra+ity%

    D Its period of roll is lon7

    556" #$at term indicates a cur&ature of t$e decks in a 4onitudinal direction'A Deadrise

    " 'amber

    ' Flare

    D !$eer

    55;" #$ic$ term refers to a trans&erse cur&ature of t$e deck'A am*er" Deadrise

    ' Flare

    D Freeboard

    55=" #$at term indicates t$e out%ard cur&ature of t$e $ull a*o&e t$e %aterline'A sheer

    " tumble home

    FlareD deadrise

    55>" #$at term indicates an in%ard cur&ature of t$e s$ip3s $ull a*o&e t$e %aterline'A Deadrise

    - .um*le $ome' 'amber

    D Flare

    560" #$at is t$e preferred met$od of controllin eternal *leedin'A a tourni2uet abo+e the wound- direct pressure on t$e %ound' pressure on a pressure pointD ele+ating the wounded area

    561" #$ere is t$e (CD!! adio lo*ook kept a*oard s$ip'A !n the &aster#s office

    " !n the 'hief &ate#s office

    At t$e principal radio operatin locationD Attached to the Dec$ logboo$

    562" documented &essel operatin o&er 50 miles offs$ore must carry an inflata*le liferaft %it$ a\\\\\\\\\\%

    A solas " pac$" coastal pac$

    solas A packD small +essel pac$

    56," !prin tides occur 7A when the moon and sun ha+e declination of the same name

    " at the beginning of spring when the sun is o+er the e2uator

    %$en t$e moon is ne% or full D only when the moon and sun are on the same sides of the earth

    56" !prin tides occur 7A %$en t$e !un+ Coon+ and 8art$ are nearly in line+ in any order" at the start of spring7 when the Sun is nearly o+er the e2uator

    ' when the Sun and &oon are at appro.imately O? to each other as seen from the /arthD only when the Sun and &oon are on the same side of the /arth and nearly in line

    565" !prin tides are tides t$at 7A occur in the spring of the year

    " are unpredictable




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    $a&e lo%s lo%er t$an normal and $i$s $i$er t$an normalD ha+e lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal

    566" #$at may E. *e used %$en securin $ea&y &e$icles a*oard o"o &essels'A 'hain le+er" 'hain

    #e**inD urnbuc$le

    56;" #$ic$ statement is .P8 concernin life*oat ripes'A hey must be released by freeing a safety shac$le%

    - .$ey may *e adBusted *y a turn*uckle7' hey should not be released until the boat is in lowering position%

    D hey are normally used only with radial da+its%

    56=" Damae to caro caused *y fumes or &apors from li9uids+ ases+ or solids is kno%n as \\\\\\\\\\%A o.idation

    " +apori3ation

    .aintinD contamination

    56>" Edorous caroes are t$ose t$at 7A are susceptible to damage by tainting" are e.ceptionally dusty and lea+e a residue

    ' are li2uid7 but in containers

    D i&e off fumes t$at may damae ot$er caroes

    5;0" An immersion suit s$ould *e e9uipped %it$ a/an 7A air bottle for breathing

    " whistle and handheld flare

    %$istle+ stro*e li$t+ and reflecti&e tapeD whistle7 handheld flare7 and sea dye mar$er

    5;1" For an upri$t &essel+ draft is t$e &ertical distance *et%een t$e keel and t$e 7A amidships section

    - #aterline' Plimsoll mar$

    D freeboard dec$

    5;2" .o ensure receipt of all rele&ant C!I+ a A.8V recei&er s$ould *e turned on at least $o% many$ours prior to departure from port'A Y




    5;," aro t$at is $i$ly suscepti*le to damae *y taintin from odorous caro is called 7A dry cargo

    - delicate $assas caro' immune cargoD clean cargo

    5;" aro t$at i&es off fumes t$at may contaminate ot$er caro is kno%n as aGn@ 7A dirty cargo

    " to.ic cargo

    ' delicate cargo

    D odorous caro

    5;5" .$e $ei$t of a li$t is measured from %$ic$ reference plane'A Cean $i$ %ater" eographical sea le+el' &ean low water

    D A+erage water le+el

    5;6" )our &essel is re9uired to $a&e a slop c$est7 #$ic$ of t$e follo%in articles is E. re9uired *y la%to *e carried in t$e slop c$est'A "lan$ets

    - andy




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ' obacco products

    D Foul weather clothing

    5;;" .$e ar*oard Gdip sira kaplamasi@ strake is t$e 7A ro% of platin nearest t$e keel" raised flange at the main dec$ edge

    ' ri+eting pattern most commonly used in ship construction

    D ri+eted crac$ arrester strap on all-welded ships

    5;=" #$at is t$e maBor limitation in usin t$e si$t reduction .a*les for Air a&iation olume I GQu*7o7 2>@ for star si$ts'A &ore accuracy is needed for celestial obser+ations on board ship than what is tabulated%

    " ,nly first magnitude stars are tabulated%

    ' Sights must be made at e+en time increments to benefit from the tables%

    D Enly certain stars are included and si$ts must *e limited to t$ose stars7

    5;>" #$en determinin compass error *y an azimut$ of Qolaris+ you enter t$e autical Almanac %it$t$e 7A ;A Aries

    " L;A Polaris

    l$a aries

    D ;A Polaris

    5=0" Qlain lanuae is usually used on marine %eat$er 7A synoptic chart

    " analyses

    ' obser+ations

    D forecasts

    5=1" A9ueous Film Formin Foam Gafff@+ commonly kno%n as 3li$t %ater3+ is especially suita*le forfi$tin 7A any class D fire

    - oil fires in t$e enine room *iles' class ' fires in paint loc$ers

    D all of the abo+e

    5=2" .$e annual c$ane in &ariation for an area can *e found in 7A t$e center of t$e compass rose on a c$art of t$e area" the handboo$ for &agnetic 'ompass AdEustment7 Pub Y

    ' the compass de+iation table

    D *ariation does not change%

    5=," .$e distance *et%een t$e *ottom of t$e $ull and t$e %aterline is called 7A freeboard

    " reser+e buoyancy

    draftD tonnage

    5=" t$e fore and aft run of deck platin %$ic$ strent$ens t$e connection *et%een t$e *eams and t$eframes and keeps t$e *eams s9uare to t$e s$ell is called t$e 7A striner Guzunlamasina kiris@ strake" garboard stra$e

    ' sheer stra$e

    D limber stra$e

    5=5" )ou are in a tropical port7 .$e refrieration mac$inery on a container loaded %it$ air" cooled fruitfails7 It cannot *e repaired for 1= to 2 $ours7 #$ic$ step s$ould you take to reduce t$etemperature rise and spoilae of t$e fruit'A Discharge a cylinder of nitrogen into the container

    " Spread ice o+er the top layer and in any +oids within the container' Seal any +entilation openings and add dry ice

    D !$ade t$e container and periodically $ose it do%n Gsulamak@

    5=6" #$ic$ statement concernin s%eat damae in containers is .P8'A !n general7 containeri3ed hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subEect to sweat damage%

    " sweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small enclosed +olume of air%

    ontainers s$ould *e &entilated+ de$umidified Grutu*etini almak@+ or t$e contents p$ysically




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    protected aainst s%eat damae7D sweat damage is not a problem e.cept in insulated and refrigerated containers%

    5=;" .$e complete details of a crude oil %as$in system a*oard your &essel+ includin t$e operatinse9uences and procedures+ desin c$aracteristics+ a description of t$e system+ and re9uiredpersonnel %ill *e found in t$e 7A crude oil %as$in Eperations and 89uipment Canual" 'ode of Federal Regulations

    ' ,il ransfer Procedures &anual

    D crude oil washing addendum to the 'ertificate of !nspection

    5==" A pelican $ook 7A is used for e.tra hea+y loads

    " is used for boat falls

    ' is used for light loads only

    D can *e released %$ile under strain Gerilme@

    5=>" %$at is meant *y t$e term Otoppin t$e *oomO'A Spotting the boom o+er the dec$

    - aisin t$e *oom' Lowering the boom

    D Swinging the boom athwartships

    5>0" -efore a tank is to *e crude oil %as$ed+ %$at position must t$e oyen content in t$e tank must*e measured at'A in the +ent riser

    " immediately abo+e the le+el of the oil' at the top of the tan$

    D one meter from t$e deck

    5>1" A self"contained *reat$in apparatus is used to 7A determine if the air in a tan$ is safe for men

    " ma$e underwater repairs to barges

    ' resuscitate an unconscious person

    D enter areas t$at may contain danerous fumes or lack oyen

    5>2" A tu3s $orsepo%er a&aila*le at t$e s$aft is 7A *rake $orsepo%er" net horsepower

    ' indicated horsepower

    D dynamic horsepower

    5>," %$ic$ statement a*out t$e deck line is .P8'A ,n a +essel with a rounded stringer-sheer plate7 the dec$ line is mar$ed where the stringer plate turns

    down from the plane of the dec$ line%

    " he dec$ edge is mar$ed at the intersection of the freeboard dec$ with the side shell7 at the lowest point of

    sheer7 with the +essel at e+en trim%

    A &essel %it$ %ooden planks on a steel deck %ill $a&e t$e deck line marked at t$e intersection of

    t$e upper line of t$e %ood s$eat$in %it$ t$e side s$ell7D he top of the dec$ line is mar$ed at the highest point of the freeboard dec$7 including camber7 at themidships point%

    5>" .$e aonic line on an isomanetic c$art indicates t$e 7A magnetic longitude reference line

    " points where there is no annual change in +ariation

    points %$ere t$ere is no &ariationD magnetic e2uator

    5>5" .$e ICE re9uires caro securin manuals on certain &essels7 #$ic$ of t$e follo%in are re9uiredto maintain t$is manual on*oard'A oo arriers" Li2uid "ul$ 'arriers

    ' LN 'arriersD Solid "ul$ 'arriers

    5>6" #$ic$ arranement of s$ell platin is used most in modern s$ip*uildin'A Woggled

    - Flus$




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    ' !n-and-,ut

    D 'lin$er

    5>;" t$e s$oreline on c$arts enerally represents t$e mean 7A $i$ %ater line" low water spring line

    ' low water line

    D tide le+el

    5>=" .$e purpose of t$e trippin line on a sea anc$or is to 7A maintain ma.imum resistance to broaching

    - aid in its reco&ery' aid in casting off

    D direct the drift of the +essel

    5>>" #$ic$ &aria*le factor affects t$e initial las$in re9uirements a*oard o"o &essels'A *essel#s draft

    - enter of ra&ity of &e$icle or caro unit' 'hanges in humidity

    D Age of +ehicle or cargo unit

    600" #$ic$ statement a*out *ile keels is E8.'A hey pro+ide support when the +essel is dry doc$ed%- .$ey increase resistance to rollin7' hey are critical strength members and re2uire careful design consideration%

    D hey attach to a low stress area%

    601" Qaints and sol&ents used a*oard a &essel s$ould *e 7A stowed safely at the wor$ site until wor$ is completed

    - returned to t$e paint locker after eac$ use' drained into a common container after each use

    D co+ered with a fine mesh screen to protect from ignition sources

    602" type of precipitation is a product of t$e &iolent con&ection found in t$understorms'A Free3ing Rain

    " Snow

    ' Sleet

    D Hail

    60," )ou are dockin a s$ip %it$ a sinle"scre% tu assistin on your star*oard *o%7 Ho% s$ould t$etu *e tied up if you are anticipatin GUnce da&ranmak @t$at s$e %ill $a&e to $old your *o% off%$ile you stem t$e current'A .$e tu s$ould put a stern line up+ leadin a$ead on t$e s$ip7" ,ne head line would be sufficient%' he tug would need at least two head lines%

    D he tug should put a spring line up7 leading astern on the ship%

    60" #$en instructin a cre% mem*er concernin t$e ri$t %ay to lift a %ei$t+ you %ould instruct $im

    to 7A arch the bac$ to add strength to the muscles

    " bend his bac$ and stoop

    *end G*kmek@ $is knees and lift %it$ $is lesD bend his bac$ and stoop with arms straight

    605" #$at does it mean to Os$ore upO Gpayanda &urmak@ t$e main deck for t$e sto%ae of deck caro'A strent$en t$e main deck *y placin pillars underneat$ it in t$e t%een"decks" pac$age the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the dec$

    ' distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft plan$s on the main dec$

    D weld pad eyes on dec$ in proper position to secure the cargo

    606" #$at is t$e difference *et%een net tonnae and ross tonnae'A Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship%

    - et tonnae is t$e ross tonnae less certain deductions Gcikarma@ for mac$inery and ot$erareas7' Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship%

    D here is no difference%




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    60;" A periodic t$orou$ eamination of t$e caro ear pro&es satisfactory7 #$at percentae of t$etotal ear must *e dismantled Gcikarmak@ to determine actual internal condition'A one" >?' 9

    D >??

    60=".$e %ater in %$ic$ a &essel floats pro&ides &ertical up%ard support7 .$e point t$rou$ %$ic$ t$issupport is assumed to act is kno%n as t$e center of 7A effort

    - *uoyancy' gra+ity

    D flotation

    60>" En*oard a o"o &essel many decks are used for t$e carriae of *ot$ rollin and containercaroes+ as suc$ it is most useful if a deck socket accepts *ot$ 7A container loc$s and bridge fittings

    - t%ist"4ocks and las$in $ooks' bridge fittings and lashing hoo$s

    D twist-loc$s and container loc$s

    610" .$e *iest pro*lem you enerally encounter %$ile to%in a sinle to% astern is 7A ya% rotadan cikis dmeni kUtye saptirma" swamping of the tow

    ' the tow tending to di+e

    D the catenary dragging on the bottom

    611" )our c$art indicates t$at t$ere is an isolated rock and names t$e rock usin &ertical letters7 .$isindicates t$e 7A rock is dry at $i$ %ater" e.act position of the roc$ is doubtful

    ' roc$ is a ha3ard to deep draft +essels only

    D roc$ is +isible at low water springs only

    612" .$e only porta*le electrical e9uipment permitted in a compartment %$ic$ is not as free is a lampt$at is 7A self-contained

    " appro+ed e.plosion proof' battery fed

    D All of t$e a*o&e

    61," #$ic$ daner eists to people %$en co2 is disc$ared into a small enclosed space'A espiratory arrest Gsolunum durmasi@" Damaged eardrums

    ' Frostbite

    D /lectric shoc$

    61" #$at *est descri*es for $o% lon a as"free test is ood'

    A For t$e instant t$at it is made" For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate' Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the +apor content in the space

    D Until +al+es in line with the tan$ or compartment are reopened

    615" #$en usin a pneumatic c$ippin tool all of t$e follo%in are .P8 ecept'A he e2uipment is not re2uired to be grounded to pre+ent shoc$ ha3ard%

    " he e2uipment shall be secured to the hose by a 2uic$-disconnect coupling to pre+ent the tool from

    becoming accidentally disconnected%

    ' !t is not intended to be used in an e.plosi+e atmosphere%

    D .$e needles of t$e needle"type c$ippin un must *e replaced %$en t$ey $a&e *een *luntedmore t$an [frac12J of t$eir diameter7

    616" !afety oles or lasses are E. normally %orn %$en 7A $andlin %ire rope or natural fi*er line" using a rotary grinder with an installed shield

    ' painting with a spray gun

    D letting go the anchor




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    61;" om*usti*le as indicators operate *y dra%in an air sample into t$e instrument 7A where it is mi.ed with nitrogen

    " where its specific gra+ity is measured

    o&er an electrically $eated platinum filamentD where it is ignited by a spar$ing de+ice

    61=" .$e $oods o&er alley ranes present %$at maBor $azard'A hey inhibit the effecti+e operation of fire fighting systems in combating deep fat fryer or range fires

    - (rease collects in t$e duct and filter and if it catc$es fire is difficult to etinuis$7' !n order to effecti+ely draw off coo$ing heat they present a head-inEury ha3ard to a person of a+erage or

    more height%

    D hey concentrate the heat of coo$ing and may raise surrounding flammable material to the ignition point%

    61>" ormally It is desira*le to $a&e screens on t$e &ents of pota*le %ater tanks to 7A pre+ent e.plosions

    " filter the incoming air

    stop insects from enterinD pre+ent bac$ups

    620" fire startin *y spontaneous com*ustion can *e epected in %$ic$ condition'A 'lean mattresses are stored in contact with an electric light bulb%

    " Paints7 +arnish7 or other li2uid flammables are stowed in a dry stores loc$er%' !nert cargoes such as pig iron are loaded in a wet condition%

    D Eily ras are sto%ed in a metal pail7

    621" #$at is used to test a tank for oyen content'A Atmosphere analy3er $it

    " *apor indicator' 'ombustible gas indicator

    D one of t$e a*o&e

    622" ormally )our &essel is on a &oyae of t$ree mont$s duration7 .$e num*er of sanitary inspectionsre9uired is 7A one" three

    ' si.

    D twel+e

    62," )ou are orderin s$ip3s stores7 #$ic$ statement is .P8'A All stores of line7 rags7 linens and other similar type stores must be certified by UL as being fire retardant%

    " 'ylinders containing compressed gasses must be constructed and tested in accordance with the "ureau of


    Pp to fi&e allons of a flamma*le li9uid may *e sto%ed in t$e enine room7D All distress flares when recei+ed must be stored in the portable maga3ine chest%

    62" !afety s$ackles are fitted %it$ 7A round pins and loc$nuts

    " a threaded bolt

    a t$readed *olt+ locknuts+ and cotter pinsD a round pin7 with a cotter pin

    625" )ou are *ert$ed at a caro facility %$ere you $a&e Bust completed disc$arin a danerous caro7)ou must complete topside repairs in&ol&in $ot %ork *efore sailin7 #$ic$ of t$e follo%instatements is .P8'A he repair area must be inspected by a marine sur+eyor to ensure that it can be done safely%

    - .$e aptain of t$e Qort may i&e specific appro&al to make $ot %ork repairs7' Vou can ma$e repairs with permission of the facility owner since you are empty and the cargo is on the


    D ;ot wor$ repairs at such a facility are prohibited%

    626" #$ic$ type of $ull damae s$ould *e repaired FI!.'A Damage to interior watertight boundaries

    - Damae at or Bust a*o&e t$e %aterline' Damage in way of machinery rooms

    D Damage below the waterline

    62;" !mall $ull leaks can *e temporarily repaired *y 7A parceling




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    " parbuc$ling

    ' sei3ing

    D caulkin Gtikama sizdirmazlik silikonlama@

    62=" )our &essel $as one around in %aters %$ere t$e tide is fallin7 .$e -8!. action you can take isto 7A shift the +essel#s load forward and wait until the ne.t high tide

    " shift the +essel#s load aft and repeatedly surge the engine8s1 astern

    set out a kede anc$or Gtonoz demiri@D slowly bring the engine8s1 to full speed astern

    62>" .$e *est information on t$e location of t$e *locks %$en dry dockin a &essel is contained in t$e7A s$ip3s dockin plan" general arrangement plan

    ' doc$ing diagramD shell e.pansion plan

    6,0" .$e !ailin Directions G8nroute@ contain information on 7A well-charted inner dangers

    " offshore traffic separation schemes' port facilities

    D coastal anc$oraes

    6,1" .$e !ailin Directions G8nroute@ contain information on all of t$e follo%in 8V8Q. 7A ocean currents" tidal currents' outer dangers to na+igation

    D maEor port anchorages

    6,2" .$e maritime radio system consistin of a series of coast stations transmittin coastal %arnins iscalled 7A NA*AR/A


    6,," Qlain lanuae is usually used on marine %eat$er 7A synoptic chart

    " analyses' obser+ations

    D forecasts

    6," #ater *allast placed in a tank t$at $as *een crude oil %as$ed+ *ut not %ater rinsed+ s$all *erearded as 7A segregated ballast

    - dirty *allast

    ' crude oilD clean ballast

    6,5" .$e aency %$ic$ assins 4oad lines and issues 4oad line ertificates is t$e 7A American -ureau of !$ippin" U%S% 'oast uard

    ' U%S% 'ustoms

    D Secretary of 'ommerce

    6,6" #$en referrin to dry *ulk caroes+ t$e term Oflo% stateOGakim $ali@ 7A relates to the suitability of loading a cargo by flowing down inclined chutes

    " designates the state of a commodity when the ship is heeled past the angle of repose

    refers to t$e saturation of a dry *ulk product %it$ %ater to t$e point %$ere it acts as a li9uidD relates to the minimum granule si3e of a particular product where it will flow li$e a li2uid at an angle of


    6,;" t$e official lo*ook is filed %it$ t$e Efficer in $are+ Carine Inspection GECI@ 7A at the end of the year with all other official logboo$s




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    " at the ne.t 'ertificate of !nspection

    ' within ? days of the date of arri+al of the first U%S% port

    D upon completion of t$e &oyae

    6,=" If t$e &ertical center of ra&ity G&c@ of a s$ip rises+ t$e ri$tin arm G(Y@ for t$e &arious anlesof inclination %ill 7A increase

    " be changed by the amount of # . cosine of the angle

    decreaseD remain unchangedG(m is decreased@

    6,>" .$e Oinner *ottomO is t$e 7A space between two trans+erse bottom frames

    " inner side of the +essel#s shell

    ' compartment between the tan$ top and shell of the +essel

    D tank top

    60" .$e -oom stops on a pedestal crane pre&ent t$e *oom from 7A swinging at sea

    " being lowered too low

    *ein raised too $i$D o+erloading when not in use

    61" $arted Dept$ is t$e 7A +ertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom7 plus the height of tide

    - &ertical distance from t$e c$art soundin datum to t$e ocean *ottom ' a+erage height of all low waters at a place

    D a+erage height of water o+er a specified period of time

    62" .$e principle personnel $azard uni9ue to $alon fire etinuis$ers is 7A s$in irritation

    " displacement of o.ygen

    ' eye irritation produced immediately after discharge from cylinder

    D in$alin toic &apors produced %$en eposed directly to a flame for etended periods

    6," .$e oriinal -ill of ladin+ once sined *y t$e Caster+ is E. 7

    A surrendered to t$e customs aency of t$e country %$ere t$e caro is disc$ared" a receipt and proof that goods ha+e been recei+ed on board

    ' proof of title or ownership of the cargo

    D used to transfer ownership of the cargo while the ship is enroute

    6" aro pump rooms on tank &essels+ constructed in 1>65+ $andlin rade li9uid caro s$all $a&epo%er &entilation systems7 #$at is time re9uirement for t$ese &entilation systems to completelyc$ane t$e air'A > minute

    - , minutes' 9 minutes

    D >? minutes

    65" )our &essel $as completed an inspection for certification and is issued a temporary certificate7.$is 7A must be posted in the +icinity of the officers# licenses

    " e.pires si. months after it is issued

    $as t$e full force of a reular ertificate of InspectionD must be e.changed for a regular 'ertificate of !nspection before going foreign or out of state

    66" .emporary certificates of Inspection are effecti&e until t$e 7A Load Line 'ertificate is renewed

    " S,LAS 'ertificate is issued permanent ertificate of Inspection is issuedD classification society appro+al is issued




    Aralik 2011 Haziran 2016 / Denizcilikfakltesi / Forumlarda paylasilan Inilizce !orular

    6;" Ene ad&antae of $ain o&er %ire rope for a to% *ridle is t$at c$ain 7A is better suited for inland towing

    " handles more easily

    resists damae from c$afin Gasinma@D e2uali3es towing forces better

    6=" .$e instrument most commonly used to at$er t$e data for determinin t$e relati&e $umidity is

    t$e 7A psyc$rometer" hydrometer

    ' barometer

    D anemometer

    6>" .$e total %ei$t of caro+ fuel+ %ater+ stores+ passeners and cre%+ and t$eir effects+ t$at a s$ipcan carry+ is t$e 7A bale cubic" loaded displacement

    ' gross tonnage

    D dead%ei$t

    650" For &essels fitted %it$ caro ear+ an initial test of t$e units under a proof load s$all *e conducted7!u*se9uent tests and eams of t$e same nature s$all *e carried out at %$at time inter&al'A > year

    " years

    ' B years

    D 5 years

    651" -efore enterin t$e c$ain locker+ you s$ould 7A ma$e sure there is sufficient air within the loc$er" de-energi3e the windlass

    ' ha+e someone standing by

    D All of t$e a*o&e

    652" .$e !trent$ of a deck %ill *e increased *y addin 7A sheer

    - deck *eam *rackets8deste$1' hatch beams

    D camber

    65," cri**inO is 7A card*oard separation pieces placed *et%een deck loads to pre&ent c$afin" a crate in which a dec$ cargo is pac$aged

    ' the chains and shac$les used to secure a dec$ cargo

    D wooden bloc$s or dunnage placed between a dec$ load and the dec$

    65" Fires %$ic$ occur in enerized electrical e9uipment+ suc$ as s%itc$*oard insulation+ are class7A A

    " "

    D D

    655" A maBor ad&antae of t$e a&te system %$en compared to ot$er systems is t$at 7A broadcasts are at scheduled times

    - %arnins are printed out for readin %$en con&enient' the information can be recei+ed on an ordinary F& radio

    D a low fre2uency band is used for long distance transmission

    656" A s$ore is a piece of securin dunnae t$at 7A is placed on the dec$ under the cargo to distribute its weight e+enly" is also $nown as a [distance piece[

    ' is run hori3ontally from a support to the cargo

    D runs from a lo% supportin le&el up to t$e caro at an anle
