determination of metal material flow stress by the method of c-fem

Determination of metal material ¯ow stress by the method of C-FEM Lin Xinbo * , Zhai Fubao, Zhang Zhiliang National Die and Mold CAD Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030, PR China Received 28 August 2000 Abstract A common method used for the determination of material ¯ow stress is the application of a compression test. At a low strain rate and deformation, the precise ¯ow stress can be obtained in this method, but at a large level of deformation, the friction in the interface between the die and the specimen leads to inevitable bulging of the sample and thereby to inhomogeneous strain and stress. As a result, the ¯ow- stress precision is affected because of the above-mentioned bulging. To reduce the error caused by inhomogeneous deformation, a new method combining compression tests with FEM simulation C-FEM) is described in this paper. This method takes AISI 1006 and AISI 5140 as examples, and inputs their ¯ow stress determined by compression tests into FEM programs. Then the ¯ow stress is applied in the analysis of upsetting tests. On the basis of load±stroke curves determined by FEM simulation and compression tests, a target-function for evaluating ¯ow-stress precision is set up. The ¯ow stress direct from compression tests can be corrected by optimizing the target-function repeatedly, and as a result the precision of the material ¯ow stress is improved. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Compression tests; FEM simulation; Flow stress; Warm forging 1. Introduction The material ¯ow-stress model is an essential factor which affects the precision of FEM simulation. No matter, whether the model is concerned with macroscopical vari- ables such as temperature, strain, and strain rate, or based on microcosmic mechanism, the parameters of the model are usually determined by the experimental results of ¯ow stress. In fact, the material ¯ow stress±strain relationship determines the precision of the ¯ow-stress model to a great extent, and affects the precision of FEM simulation ulti- mately [1]. There are usually three methods employed for determin- ing the relationship between ¯ow stress and plastic strain, e.g. the tension test, the torsion test and the compression test. The choice of experimental procedure depends on the material to be investigated, as well as on the forming process of the sample [2]. As to volume forming, since the deformation is usually done under the state of compressive stress, this favors the application of the compression test. A further advantage of the compression test is the simple geometry of the samples as well as of the tools. In addition, it is convenient to change variables such as temperature T), strain e and strain rate _ e in these tests. In an ideal compression test s L A 1) e ln h 0 h ln A A 0 2) where L is the instantaneous compressive load, h and h 0 are the instantaneous and original height of a sample, and A and A 0 are the instantaneous and original cross-section area. To ensure that s in Eq. 1) is the true ¯ow stress at a certain T , _ e and e, the equipment used for experiment should satisfy the four rules below: 1. The speed of the press punch must be able to be controlled precisely, so that _ e is accurate. 2. The displacement of the punch and the load must able to be measured precisely at any time. 3. The forming temperature, T , must able to be controlled and measured precisely. 4. A good lubricating device is needed so that the sample does not suffer bulging during the metal forming process and to ensure homogeneous deformation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 120 2002) 144±150 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 86-21-629-33550. E-mail address: [email protected] L. Xinbo). 0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0924-013601)01167-0

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