development pro forma 3

Digital Graphic Narrative Development Ben Prudhoe

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Digital Graphic Narrative


Ben Prudhoe

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Shape Task

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Shape Task

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What did you like about your image?Simplistic design/style The block colour

What would you improve if you did it again?I don’t feel like there is any improvement that could be made because of how simple it is

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What did you like about your image?Simplistic design/style The contract that the block colours

What would you improve if you did it again?Add extra detailBlend the harsher colours

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Film Quotes

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What did you like about your image?

What would you improve if you did it again?

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Text Based

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What did you like about your image?The designs of multiple filter/effects together

What would you improve if you did it again?I don’t think that any improvements could be made

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Comic Book

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What did you like about your image?

What would you improve if you did it again?

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Photo Story

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What did you like about your image?The cartoon filter effect The simple, yet interesting way of telling a story

What would you improve if you did it again?Set up the camera so that he effect turn out better

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What did you like about your image?Simplistic design The designs of the character Bold colour What would you improve if you did it again?Make the designs equal (arms and legs same shape and length)

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Narrative Environment

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What did you like about your image?

What would you improve if you did it again?

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Initial Ideas

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Idea Generation

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The book will have 10 pages and it will be 13.3 by 18.1 cm.

Story OverviewThe main character (jack) gets some magic beans and in the morning a giant bean stalk is there. He climbs up the bean stalk and finds a giant living in a castle. Jack goes in find a big bag of gold and a magic hen that lays golden eggs. He then climbs down the bean stalk, cut it down and and him and his mother are no longer poor.

Export Format

I will use a PDF file

Advantages: A PDF file makes the document portable. It is good for large file.

Disadvantages: Most/all PDF files aren’t/cant be supported by most web browsers.

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3rd of February, 2016


The target audience is males aged between 3 – 5 as this is the normal target audience for a book like this. It’ll be aimed at Middle class family’s as it is a more traditional story, and in England and other English speaking countries.

Production Methods

The main methods that I will be using is the Shape Tool, The Warp Tool and the Polygonal tool. I will also uses filters and the clipping mask feature to try create interest and visually pleasing effects.

Improvements I will use a combination on the shape tool and rota scoping for large areas like the backgrounds, beanstalk and inside of houses/castles and for the detailed areas I will use the rota scope tool as it is more accurate.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

The proposal is very good and like the idea generation it is clear you understand how your book will end up and how you will create it. The particular strength of the proposal is the target audience section as you have outlined an audience you want to market too and you understand the kind of people who will buy your book.

You could detail further into your production methods by exploring the ways in which you will actually create the characters and background rather than just identifying the tools you will use. You could reference back to your previous work to give examples and help detail how your story will end up looking.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea generation is very well made and thorough and it is strong in the sense that you have a complete understanding of how you plan on creating the book and how it will end up in the final piece. In particular I think that the moodboard is strong as you have stuck with the comic art style and taken lots of images from the one particular style rather than taking from many different types. It is good that you have a strong art style you have decided on. Also the environment you created is really well done and the texturing on things like the grass really make it stand out from the screen and give it some life.

The only area that could be further developed is the mind map as you could have looked at how the giant and jack are portrayed so you can understand how you plan on creating them in the book. By looking further into the characters you can begin to define how they will be represented both in writing and in the illustration.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

You have kept all the relevant information simple and straight to the point this is good. I also like how you gave accurate dimensions of your book so that I can get a clear idea of what it will look like.

To improve you need to go into more detail about why what you have said are advantages and disadvantages of a pdf document and make your sentences have more structure rather than just points. You could go into more detail as to why you are using each production technique and what you will use them for.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

You have kept to the same theme on your story board which helps me visualise exactly what you want it to look like. The spider diagram also looks like it has a lot of detail.

You could do a mood board about how you want your text too look and also about your characters and background in your story. To further improve you could add a spider diagram about a different version of jack and the bean stalk to develop your ideas.

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What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Your proposal overall is good. You have included what techniques you are going to do to create your book and also described what audience suits your book best but did’t stop there you have gone into detail about why you have chosen your audience. This is good because it shows me why certain people wont like it. You have talked about what file you are going to save your project in but also includes advantages and disadvantage this is good because it shows me why the file your using is good but also shows your self the disadvantages of using it and warns you when its comes to saving so its allows your to start thinking about alternatives.

I would start to explain more about the techniques you are using and talk about where you would use them in your book and when you would use them.Also when talking about your audience you could talk about gender and parents.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

In the idea generation you have created a good mood bored by adding lots of images in that show me what is going to be in your book, this gives me and idea what your book might be about.

I would add maybe another page to the mood bored of locations you would like your book to have. This shows the setting your book would have and overall be able to picture the book all together.

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Feedback SummarySum up your feedback.I agree with all (but one point) of my feedback I really feel like this can help to make my end product better as it bring up important point that will effect (in a positive way) my end product.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?That the production methods could have more detail in it i.e. how I will make the characters and talk more about gender in the target audience section. I also feel like the spider diagram could be more detail.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree with that I should talk about gender in the target audience. The rest of my feedback agree with.

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Original Script

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow. One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market and sell her. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for the cow. Jack took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very angry. She threw the beans out of the window. The next morning, Jack looked out of the window. There was a giant beanstalk. He went outside and started to climb the beanstalk. He climbed up to the sky the rough the clouds. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside. Jack heard a voice. “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!” Jack ran into a cupboard. An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. On the table there was a hen and a golden harp. “Lay!” said the giant. The hen laid an egg. It was made of gold. “Sing!” said the giant. The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep. Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly, the harp sang, “Help, master!” The giant woke up and shouted, “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!” Jack ran and started climbing down the beanstalk. The giant came down after him. Jack shouted, “Mother, help!” Jack’s mother took an axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground. Nobody ever saw him again. With the golden eggs and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.

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Story Breakdown

1) Jack goes to sell the family cow

2) Buy magic bean

3) He gets home and his mum isn’t happy and through the beans out the window and sends Jack to bed

4) When jack wake up the bean stalk has grown gigantic

5) He climbs the bean stalk

6) He finds a castle and goes inside

7) He finds a magic golden egg laying hen and a magic golden harp

8) He hears the giant and runs away

9) He gets to the bottom and cuts the bean stalk down

10) He live happily ever after

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Draft Script

Page 1 - one day a boy named jack woke up and when he when down stairs his mum told him that he had to take there cow to the market and sell it

Page 2 – on his way to the market he met an old man who offer jack some magic beans for his cow and jack agreed

Page 3 - when he got home and told his mum she was very angry and sent him up to bed and threw the beans out the window

Page 4 - the next morning when he woke up, too his surprise there was a gigantic beanstalk

Page 5 - jack decided to climb the beanstalk

Page 6 - when jack got to the top, he found a gigantic castle

Page 7 - when he got inside he found and a magic hen that laid golden eggs and a magic harp

Page 8 – jack heard a noises ’Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!’ so grabs the hen and golden harp and runs away

Page 9 - jack races down the beanstalk and when he got to the bottom

Page 10 – jack and his mum live happily ever after

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Final ScriptPage 1 - One day Jack woke up and when he was having his breakfast his mother told him that he had to take their cow to market and sell it.

Page 2 - On his way to the market, he met an old man who offered Jack some magic beans for his cow and Jack said yes.

Page 3 - When he got home and told his Mother she was angry and threw the beans out the window and sent him to bed.

Page 4 - When he woke up, to his surprise there was a gigantic beanstalk in his garden.

Page 5 - Jack started to make his way up the beanstalk

Page 6 - when he got to the top he saw a gigantic castle and he went inside.

Page 7 - When he got inside he found a magic hen that laid golden eggs and a golden harp but then, all of a sudden he hear a loud noise.

Page 8 - Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!.

Page 9 - When Jack heard this noise, he grabbed the magic hen and harp and ran away.

Page 10 - He quickly raced down the beanstalk and and shouted to his mum to get an axe and cut the beanstalk down.

Page 11 – Jack and his mother then lived happily ever after.

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Digital Flat Plans