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劔n/e 倚riim (然樓餐館録)及倚物業(与然樓餐館録) 第十三次營商聯絡小組會却 日期: 二柳一二年五月三十一日 (星期四) 登記時蕪: 下午二時十五分 會却時蕪: 下午二時三十分 地槲: 劔港中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號,劔港大會堂壓座八樓演奏廳 主席: 穆華燦先生 方便營商占主管,經濟分析及方便營商處 秘書: 梁振牝先生 方便營商占總管理參却主任 業界代表: Saint Honore Cake Shop Ltd. Wong Mei Fung Tai Wai Sum A.S Watson Group (HK) Ltd Alvin So Maxim’s Caterers Ltd. 榮啓華 王錦玲 Association of Restaurant Managers Woo Lun Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Ltd. Miranda KF Chan Pappagallo Pacific Ltd. Teresa Chew Tsz Wai Cheung Chung Man Wong Yuk Kwun Pat Chun International Ltd William Chan The Dairy Farm Company Ltd. Sandy Fu KittyLam KayShum ConnyChung Fairwood Fast Food Ltd. Allen Yeung Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Peter Wong 稻べ學會 程少儀 Café de Coral Holdings Ltd. 劉國漢 李廣華 壓湛泉

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Post on 23-Jan-2021




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  • 香港政府與食物業(酒樓餐館類)及食物業(非酒樓餐館類) 第十三次營商聯絡小組會議

    日期: 二零一二年五月三十一日 (星期四) 登記時間: 下午二時十五分 會議時間: 下午二時三十分 地點: 香港中環愛丁堡廣場 5 號,香港大會堂高座八樓演奏廳 主席: 陳華燦先生 方便營商部主管,經濟分析及方便營商處 秘書: 梁振雄先生 方便營商部總管理參議主任 業界代表: Saint Honore Cake Shop Ltd. Wong Mei Fung

    Tai Wai Sum

    A.S Watson Group (HK) Ltd Alvin So

    Maxim’s Caterers Ltd. 黄啓華


    Association of Restaurant Managers Woo Lun

    Circle K Convenience Stores (HK) Ltd. Miranda KF Chan

    Pappagallo Pacific Ltd. Teresa Chew Tsz


    Cheung Chung


    Wong Yuk Kwun

    Pat Chun International Ltd William Chan

    The Dairy Farm Company Ltd. Sandy Fu




    Fairwood Fast Food Ltd. Allen Yeung

    Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Peter Wong

    稻苗學會 程少儀

    Café de Coral Holdings Ltd. 劉國漢



  • McDonald’s Restaurants (HK) Ltd Kylie Ng

    Christopher Kong

    Roney Chan

    CK Ng

    Jackey Sze

    Esther Chan

    董家牛肉麵 /Arts & Design Consultancy Miffy Lam

    Jade Yip

    Pizza Hut Tom Lam

    Xavier Lam

    新樂茶餐廳 陳偉宏


    亞洲辦館有限公司 鄺迪能

    福苑集團 潘杰



    Hung’s Food Group (吉野家) Benny S.T. Lam

    Daniel Tam

    帆船飲食管理有限公司 黃熾榮


    Tsui Wah Group Agnes Lau

    Kenji Lee

    Ken Wong

    KC City 關國基

    Molly Chan


    立法會議員張宇人辦事處 Alice Kong

    現代管理(飲食)專業協會 黄志超

    西廚協會 張冰妮


    政府部門代表: 食物環境衞生署 林鏡福先生 高級總監(衞生) 食物環境衞生署 張國良先生 總監(牌照) 食物環境衞生署 岑兆衍先生 總監(衞生)1

  • 消防處 江炳林先生 高級消防區長(政策課) 消防處 黃宏亮先生 助理消防區長(政策課)1 消防處 區嘉材先生 高級消防區長(新界區及東九龍分區防火辨事處) 消防處 林順華先生 署理助理消防區長(港島區防火辦事處) 屋宇署 黃佩儀女士 高級屋宇測量師/牌照 2 地政署 施子萍女士 產業測量師 房屋署 阮健昌先生 高級建築師 經濟分析及方便營商處 馮增韜先生 方便營商主任 列席者: 黃堅強 順德區市場安全監管局副局長

    胡永文 順德區倫教街道黨委委員

    徐 慧 順德區法律援助處主任

    梁偉強 順德區市場安全監管局登記註冊科科長

    魏 雲 順德區審改辦審改科副科長

    李弟平 順德區市場安全監管局科員

    張鴻源 順德區市場安全監管局科員

    黄秋紅 順德安全局

    張惠霖 一國兩制研究中心總研究主任

    張楠迪揚 一國兩制研究中心助理研究主任

    劉克能先生 副消防總長(牌照及審批) 張嘉威先生 消防區長(政策課)1 黃宇輝先生 署理助理消防區長(政策課)3 趙汝珏先生 高級消防隊長(政策課)8 王毓鋒先生 高級消防隊長(政策課)7 楊玉葉女士 食環署高級總監(牌照)

  • 主席引言 主席歡迎業界、部門代表及順德考察團出席食物業(酒樓餐館類)及食物業(非酒樓餐館類)第十三次營商聯絡小組會議。 通過上次會議紀錄 上次會議紀錄已上載於經濟分析及方便營商處之網頁,各會議成員對

    上次會議紀錄並無意見,會議紀錄獲確認通過。 跟進事項 跟進部門 1. 簡報提供網上申請食物業牌照設施的進度 食物環境衞生署(食環署)表示計劃在 2013 年初接受以電子方式遞交食物業牌照申請。食物業牌照申請人須夾附電子建議圖則,並須符合以

    下準則: (i) 建議圖則的每頁大小不超過一張 A3 紙; (ii) 整個電子檔案的大小也不得超過 10MB; (iii) 圖則以十進制單位繪製和比例不少於 1:100;及 (iv) 以「Adobe PDF」格式存檔。 食環署會繼續向業界匯報有關工作進度。 食環署 至於有業界建議署方接納以「AutoCad」格式遞交的申請,食環署表示現階段所推出的網上申請系統暫不會接受業界以「AutoCad」格式遞交有關圖則。署方只會接納「Adobe PDF」格式的圖則,以後再研究會否接納以「AutoCad」格式遞交的申請。 2. 簡報設立申請更改批准圖則服務承諾的進度 食環署正繼續監察有關更改圖則申請的整體情況,並研究設立在收到


    知書的預定時間服務承諾的可行性。 食環署 業界提問: 業界表示昔日的手繪圖則跟現今的電腦圖則存在一定偏差,食環署人



  • 食環署回應: 跟進部門 食環署表示持牌食物業處所獲批准的最終圖則,反映處所的真實大小



    問題,署方會提醒前線同事因應個別情況處理並與業界保持溝通。 食環署 3. 等候屋宇署給予小型工程呈交編號時間太長的問題











    業界提問: 業界希望澄清是否只需一併提交申報開工及完工表格,就不用呈交編

    號也可取得牌照。 屋宇署回應:

    屋宇署表示從 2011 年 9 月開始,業界在食環署發出暫准或正式牌照時





    4. 屋宇署與房屋署對「小型工程監管制度」有不同處理方法的問題 業界提問: 業界表示屋宇署與房屋署獨立審查組對「小型工程監管制度」有不同

    的處理方法。 房屋署回應:

  • 跟進部門 房屋署表示房屋署獨立審查組對「小型工程監管制度」的處理方法,







    型工程小組同事將優先處理此類個案,方便業界領取牌照。 5. 小型工程展開通知書所報地址與牌照地址不同的問題 業界提問: 業界指出,於申報開工或完工(小型工程展開通知書 MW03 或 MW02)



    屋宇署回應: 屋宇署表示業界可於表格內「安排進行小型工程的人的詳情」欄填寫


    址。署方會根據安排進行小型工程人士的通訊地址,與業界聯絡。 6. 有關食環署檢查小型工程所需文件需時太長的問題 業界提問: 業界表示食環署檢查小型工程文件需時一星期,延誤簽發暫准牌照。 食環署回應:


    明書(MW02, MW04 & MW05)及其附加照片,食環署人員會檢查有關文件的基本資料,包括處所地址是否正確、工程項目是否與屋宇署所

    列的相符等。至於涉及第 I 及第 II 級別的小型工程,申請人亦須提交屋宇署要求有關工程的展開通知書(MW01 & MW03)以便核對地址。整個過程涉及檔案處理、核對資料及更新電腦系統內的資料等步驟。



  • 新討論事項 跟進部門

    7. 有關讓業界於互聯網更新衞生經理或督導員資料的提議 業界提問: 業界詢問食環署可否設立衞生經理/督導員網上系統,方便業界透過互






    相信這些措施可利便業界處理申請。 8. 豁免地契內有關厭惡性行業條文的方法 業界提問: 業界不明白怎樣申請豁免地契內把食物業列為厭惡性行業(Offensive


    地政總署回應: 地政總署表示一些早期批出的地契存有厭惡性行業條款。當地契有該


    免書。地政總署已於地政處作業備考編號 6/2007 說明申請豁免書的手續及程序。 食環署回應:







  • 業界提問: 跟進部門 業界詢問大廈公契和地契有什麼分別,大廈公契是否也包括地契內的

    條款。 地政總署回應:





    契條款。 業界提問: 業界希望澄清,是否於遞交豁免申請及付款後,便可申請食物牌照還

    是要待豁免申請獲批准後才可。 地政總署回應:



    業界提問: 業界詢問由入表申請豁免書到土地註冊處完成註冊,整個批核過程需

    時多久。 地政總署回應:

    地政總署表示根據地政處作業備考編號 6/2007,在收齊申請資料及繳交行政費用後,兩個月內便可發出豁免書予申請人簽署。 業界提問: 業界詢問食環署可否酌情考慮,在豁免書申請獲批准前,在加入〝必

    須獲得豁免書〞的附加條件下預先發出暫准牌照。 食環署回應: 食環署回應稱根據現行政策,食物業牌照申請人須確保其有關申請的


    界所提出的意見。 食環署

  • 9. 冰凍甜點製造廠牌照的通風系統要求 跟進部門 業界提問: 業界詢問於申請冰凍甜點製造廠牌照時,可否劃一豁免只有乳酪機和

    不設任何加熱設施的食物處所的抽風系統要求,只需輸入鮮風。 食環署回應: 食環署指根據«冰凍甜點規例»內列明的發牌條件,除專作貯存用途的




    別情況作出考慮。 業界提問: 業界詢問署方可否列出清晰指引,在怎樣的情況下能獲得豁免,讓業

    界更易跟隨。 食環署回應: 食環署表示每個處所設計及運作有別,情況不能一概而論,食環署人


    遇上任何問題,可與署方個案經理查詢。 10. 有關在售賣櫃檯範圍切割冰鮮肉的溫度要求 業界提問: 就櫃檯售賣冰鮮肉事宜,業界希望署方能對室溫 15 度的限制給予更大

    彈性,容許冰鮮肉類於達到 15 度的砧板上切割,無須一個密封式房間。

    食環署回應: 食環署指出根據現行發牌條件,新鮮糧食店或食物製造廠如需進行冷



    作,而該工作位置需保持 15 度或以下,並備有工作、工作設施、垃圾桶,以及性能良好的度計,便符合要求,毋須整個房間保持 15度或以下。當然是否達到要求要視乎實際情況而定。

  • 11. 關於取消有效牌照的退款安排提議 跟進部門 業界提問: 業界希望署方把在取消牌照時仍未到期的牌照費作出退款安排。 食環署回應: 食環署表示按照現行政策,如純粹因商業理由結束或改變業務,該署



    未使用的部分費用。 業界提問: 業界詢問有關前市政局及區域市政局存在不同的牌照收費問題,署方

    會否考慮劃一收費。 食環署回應: 食環署表示理解現時市區與新界牌照收費不同的問題,署方會研究處

    理方法。 12. 接受註冊會計師或律師代替公司註冊處確認公司註冊文件之建議 業界建議: 業界建議署方在處理以公司名義的牌照申請時,接受以註冊會計師或

    律師來確認公司身份,省卻到公司註冊處申請證明文件的時間。 食環署回應: 食環署表示以公司名義提出的牌照申請,食環署現只接受由公司註冊



    副本。食環署會研究業界所提出的建議,並於下次會議匯報結果。 食環署 部門簡報 13. 簡介加入履行持續遵從消防安全規定的附加持牌條件內容 食環署及消防處介紹就食物業處所遵從消防安全規定的新措施建議


  • 跟進部門 消防處指出 2008 年在嘉禾大廈發生的一場大火,令公眾關注食物業處所的消防安全問題。其後,申訴專員及效率促進組就執行消防安全規

    管措施向消防處和食環署提出多項建議,包括: (a) 食環署應在食物業牌照上施加條件訂明處所必須時刻遵從消防安


    (b) 食環署應與消防處訂立機制,確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定


    (c) 消防處和有關部門應考慮檢討申請暫准牌照須提交的證明文件,以證明處所已符合消防安全規定,以便消防處人員查核及跟進。


    (1) 普通食肆/小食食肆/工廠食堂持牌人須時刻遵從消防處處長發出的消防安全規定,食環署會設立監察機制,並因應違反消防安全


    (2) 普通食肆/小食食肆/工廠食堂在牌照續期前必須得到消防處確認處所持有有效的消防裝置及設備證書(FS251)及通風系統年檢證


    (3) 修訂《符合規定證明書 C(消防規定)》《表格 C (Annex 2)》,方便申請人申報有關處所是否使用聚氨酯乳膠墊褥和襯墊家具及如有



    有關時刻遵行消防安全規定的提問: 業界詢問發出警告信後多久還未處理才屬不遵規。政府會否考慮把回


    涉及較大型的工程,短期內未必能夠完成。 消防處回應: 消防處指出,新措施下的警告信制度旨在針對長時間違反消防安全規

    定而置諸不理的持牌人。若持牌人於 6 個月內被食環署連續對同一違反事項發出 3 封 30 天的警告信後仍未有遵從,才會被暫時吊銷牌照 7天,若持牌人在被暫時吊銷牌照後再在 4 個月內被食環署連續發出 2封 30 天的警告信,並且仍然未有遵照警告信辦理,其牌照才會被取消,故此,這安排已是十分寬鬆,業界應該有足夠時間作出改善。

  • 有關續牌時提交 FS251 的提問: 跟進部門 (a) 業界詢問提交消防裝置及設備證書(FS251)時,是否需要一併提交

    食物業處所位處的大廈的 FS251,而有關的 FS251 的剩餘有效期有多久才符合續牌條件。

    (b) 業界詢問若食物業處所正進行涉及消防裝置及設備的改裝工程,會否影響續牌。

    (c) 業界認為要求一些舊式,特別是沒有成立業主立案法團,的大廈提供大廈的 FS251 存在一定困難。業界擔心若未能提交大廈的FS251 會影響續牌。

    (d) 業界希望消防處的電腦系統能辨別處所地址和處所位處大廈地址的相互關係,避免因地址不同的問題阻延續牌申請。

    消防處的回應: (a) 消防處表示有關的食物業處所在下一個牌照有效期開始當日須領

    有有效的 FS251 (會否包括位處的大廈的 FS251 證書則視乎個別處所的情況)及通風系統年檢證書,否則食環署可拒絕其牌照續期申請。消防處現時已開發了一套綜合電腦系統,當大廈/處所的擁有人已根據現行法例要求而聘請合資格的註冊承辦商為其大廈/處所內的消防裝置及設備和通風系統進行年檢,並於 14 天內向消防處分別提交有關的 FS251 及年檢證書,處方便會更新相關的電腦記錄,在此情况下,業界是不需再提交有關的 FS251 及年檢證書。反之,若消防處已收到續牌申請但仍欠缺所需的有效證書,持牌

    人便需要依時向消防處呈交與大廈(如適用)及處所有關的 FS251及年檢證書以便處理。若持牌人欲加快處理文件查核,可直接向

    消防處相關的防火辦事處遞交有效的 FS251 及年檢證書。 (b) 消防處表示如處所進行不涉及通風系統或消防裝置及設備的改裝

    工程,是不會影響 FS251 及通風系統年檢證書的有效性。若處所持牌人有意進行涉及通風或消防設備的工程,便需申請修改圖


    但持牌人於改裝工程完成時,必須向消防處提交有效的 FS251 及通風系統年檢證書,以而證明處所遵從相關的消防安全規定。

    (c) 關於某些未有就其消防裝置及設備進行年檢的大廈,消防處消防設備專責隊伍會依現行機制作出跟進及處理。若業界於提供大廈消


  • 跟進部門


    消防處將彈性處理有關申請。 (d) 消防處指出現時的綜合電腦系統,會儲存大廈及大廈內相關的每


    問題。 有關申請暫准牌照的提問: (a) 業界詢問申請暫准牌照時是否需要即時提交聚氨酯乳膠證書及發

    票。 (b) 業界詢問聚氨酯乳膠證書及發票的要求何時生效。是否需要每年

    遞交聚氨酯乳膠證書。 (c) 業界指出有關呈交表格 C 時一併提交聚氨酯乳膠的發票及證書的

    要求不切實際,因供應商在業界全數支付帳單後才會發出證書。 消防處回應: (a) 消防處指現時申請暫准牌照時,註冊消防裝置承辦商及認可人士/

    註冊結構工程師需事先親自視察有關處所,才於表格 C 上簽署確



    有效測試證明書和發票後,才可於表格 C 上簽署確認,這屬一貫

    做法。故此,業界在提交新修訂的表格 C 時,一併提交聚氨酯乳膠的發票及證書,應該不存在遵從困難。事實上,此新措施旨在


    提交相關的測試證明書和發票,以便申請人更快獲得暫准牌照。 (b) 消防處表示遞交新修訂的表格 C 時一併提交聚氨酯乳膠之發票及


    用。至於新修訂的表格 C,相信最快要到 2013 年初才會推出。 (c) 消防處表示業界可與生產商或供應商商討,彼此作出適當的配


    業界踴躍反映意見。 食環署回應: 食環署補充說,在新措施推行後,署方會於牌照到期前九個星期通知

    業界,讓業界有充足時間準備有關文件。 立法會議員辦事處意見:

  • 跟進部門 議員辦事處對政府將大厦提交消防裝置及設備證書的責任轉嫁至食物

    行業有所保留。議員辦事處希望署方在推行營商環境影響評估時多些 留意建議對中小型商户的影響,及在提供聚氨酯乳膠的測試證明書和


    「履行持續遵從消防安全規定的附加持牌條件」是否需要修改法例。 食環署回應: 食環署表示這「履行持續遵從消防安全規定的附加持牌條件」不涉及

    修改法例。 主席結語: 主席表示在進行營商環境影響評估時,會再次諮詢業界,屆時希望業

    界就建議提供更多寶貴的意見。 下次會議日期 主席多謝各業界及部門代表撥冗出席是次會議,方便營商部稍後會公

    佈下次會議日期。 方便營商部 2012 年 6 月

  • 附錄附錄附錄附錄 諮詢文件諮詢文件諮詢文件諮詢文件

    食 物 業食 物 業食 物 業食 物 業 (酒 樓 餐 館 類酒 樓 餐 館 類酒 樓 餐 館 類酒 樓 餐 館 類 )及 食 物 業及 食 物 業及 食 物 業及 食 物 業 (非 酒 樓 餐 館 類非 酒 樓 餐 館 類非 酒 樓 餐 館 類非 酒 樓 餐 館 類 )

    營 商 聯 絡 小 組營 商 聯 絡 小 組營 商 聯 絡 小 組營 商 聯 絡 小 組

    就 食 物 業 處 所 遵 從 消 防 安 全 規 定就 食 物 業 處 所 遵 從 消 防 安 全 規 定就 食 物 業 處 所 遵 從 消 防 安 全 規 定就 食 物 業 處 所 遵 從 消 防 安 全 規 定

    建 議 的 措 施建 議 的 措 施建 議 的 措 施建 議 的 措 施

    目 的目 的目 的目 的

    本 文 件 匯 報 消 防 處 和 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 ( 食 環 署 ) 就 食 物 業 處 所 遵 從

    消 防 安 全 規 定 建 議 的 新 措 施 。

    背 景背 景背 景背 景

    2. 2008 年在嘉禾大廈發生的一場火警,令公眾關注消防安全問題,尤其是招待大

    量市民的食物業處所的消防安全。申訴專員在 2009 年 6 月展開主動調查,調查在 2010

    年 5 月完成。申訴專員就執行消防安全規管措施向消防處和食環署提出 11 項建議,


    (a) 食環署應在食物業牌照上施加條件訂明處所必須遵從消防安全規定。

    (b) 食環署應與消防處訂立機制,確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定才批准牌


    3. 此外,效率促進組於 2011 年 6 月完成一項有關消防安全監管及相關管理事宜的





    建 議 措 施建 議 措 施建 議 措 施建 議 措 施

    牌 照 續 期牌 照 續 期牌 照 續 期牌 照 續 期

    4. 為了採取申訴專員的建議,以確保食物業處所持續遵從消防安全規定,消防處



  • – –



    5. 保安局及消防處已跟食環署和效率促進組等相關部門召開多次會議,討論如何



    消防安全問題惹人關注,所以上文第二段的安排會先從這 3 類食物業牌照着手。因


    交有效的 FS251 證書及年檢證書,其牌照不會獲食環署續期。在這方面,會向這 3



    設備證書》(FS251 證書)及《通風系統年檢證書》(年檢證書),且未能在牌照期滿日

    期前 14 天或之前向消防處提交有效的文件以供審核,食環署可拒絕其牌照續期申


    6. 在新的機制下,牌照續期申請如被食環署拒絕,持牌人可向食環署作出申述。



    監 察 機 制監 察 機 制監 察 機 制監 察 機 制

    7. 消防處在處理食環署轉介的普通食肆/小食食肆/工廠食堂牌照申請時,會在食環












    8. 消防處認為嚴重違反消防安全規定,是指相關的火警危險非常嚴重,會使處所(即



    132 章)第 125(1)(b),立即暫時吊銷有關的食物業牌照。食環署會向有關的持牌人發



  • – –



    9. 下述的情況會視為輕微違反消防安全規定,以致消防處會通知食環署採取行動:-

    (i) 所違反的規定未能根據《消防條例》(第 95 章)或其附屬法例採取行動;及


    (ii) 消防處根據第 95 章或其附屬法例採取行動後,有關的消防安全規定仍未獲


    10. 持牌人經消防處證實違反上述的輕微規定,會被發出警告信。如持牌人未有遵

    照食環署在 6 個月內連續發出的 3 封 30 天的警告信辦理,持牌人會被暫時吊銷牌照

    7 天。如持牌人在被暫時吊銷牌照後再在 4 個月內被連續發出 2 封 30 天警告信,並



    11. 持牌人如對食環署暫時吊銷 / 取消牌照的決定感到不滿,他/她可向食環署作



    暫 准 牌 照暫 准 牌 照暫 准 牌 照暫 准 牌 照

    12. 消防處在處理正式和暫准食物業牌照申請時,如處所使用聚氨酯乳膠墊褥和襯



    規定證明書 C(消防規定)》(表格 C),方便申請人申報有關處所是否使用聚氨酯乳膠

    墊褥和襯墊家具及提交相關的發票和測試證明書。表格 C 是食物業牌照申請人必須


    建 議 新 措 施 的 影 響建 議 新 措 施 的 影 響建 議 新 措 施 的 影 響建 議 新 措 施 的 影 響

    13. 上文第 4 段至第 12 段建議的規管措施不會增加業界的工作或成本。現時,普通


    須根據《消防(裝置及設備)規例》(第 95B 章)和《附表所列處所通風設施規例》(第

    132CE 章)聘用專業人士在完成有關食物業處所消防裝置及設備和通風系統年檢後 14

    天內向消防處分別提交 FS251 證書及年檢證書,確保處所持續遵從消防安全規定。


    有關檢查後 21 天內提交年檢證書給食環署。因此,要求持牌人在牌照續期時持有有

    效的 FS251 證書及年檢證書並非附加或新的規定。這項措施是為確保食物業處所在



  • – –




    14. 表格 C 的修訂是方便若處所使用聚氨酯乳膠墊褥和襯墊家具的暫准牌照申請



    15. 當局將於短期內對就食物業處所遵從消防安全規定建議的新措施進行營商環境






    2012 年年年年 5 月月月月

  • 附件附件附件附件


    (I) 申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議 ──── 食物環境衞生署食物環境衞生署食物環境衞生署食物環境衞生署(食食食食環署環署環署環署)應在食物業牌照上應在食物業牌照上應在食物業牌照上應在食物業牌照上施加條件施加條件施加條件施加條件訂明處所必須遵從消防訂明處所必須遵從消防訂明處所必須遵從消防訂明處所必須遵從消防


    (1) 現時的普通食肆牌照、小食食肆牌照和工廠食堂牌照已施加消防安全規定,建議向這些牌照



    (2) 違反消防安全規定




    (3) 嚴重違反消防安全規定

    (i) 消防處認為嚴重違反消防安全規定,是指當有火警危險存在,使處所(即普通食肆、小


    外,亦會在適當情況下,建議食環署根據《公眾衞生及市政條例》(第 132 章)第 125(1)(b)


    (ii) 食環署會向有關的持牌人發出警告信通知他/她立即暫時吊銷牌照的事宜。

    (iii) 暫時吊銷牌照令的有效期會維持至食環署按照消防處的意見,信納有關的火警危險已消


    (4) 輕微違反消防安全規定

    (i) 下述的情況會視為輕微違反消防安全規定,以致消防處會通知食環署採取行動:

    (a) 所違反的消防安全規定未能根據《消防條例》(第 95 章)或其附屬法例採取行動;及


    (b) 消防處根據第 95 章或其附屬法例採取行動後,有關的消防安全規定仍未獲遵行(不包


  • 2


    (a) 持牌人經消防處證實違反輕微規定,會被發出警告信。如持牌人未有遵照食環署在 6

    個月內連續發出的 3 封警告信辦理(每封警告信要求持牌人在 30 天內糾正相同的違反

    消防安全事項),持牌人會被暫時吊銷牌照 7 天。如持牌人在被暫時吊銷牌照後再在

    4 個月內被連續發出 2 封警告信,並且仍然未有遵照警告信辦理,其牌照會被取消。


    (b) 如有違反規定的事項已獲糾正,所有就此發出的警告信均不會轉至在其後違反規定



    (5) 持牌人如對食環署暫時吊銷 / 取消牌照的決定感到不滿,他/她可向食環署作出申述。若申


    (II) 申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議申訴專員的建議 ──── 食環署應與消防處食環署應與消防處食環署應與消防處食環署應與消防處訂立機制訂立機制訂立機制訂立機制,,,,確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定確保食物業處所符合消防安全規定才批准牌照才批准牌照才批准牌照才批准牌照


    (1) (i) 建議食環署只批准領有有效《消防裝置及設備證書》及《通風系統年檢證書》的


    (ii) 牌照續期申請如被拒,持牌人可根據第 132 章第 125(9)條向牌照上訴委員會上訴。

    (iii) 建議向已獲發消防安全規定的持牌人施加以下附加持牌條件:


    設備證書》(FS251 證書)及《通風系統年檢證書》(年檢證書),且未能在牌照期滿

    日期前 14 天或之前向消防處提交有效的文件以供審核,食環署可拒絕其牌照續期


    (2) 建議在新措施實施日期起就新牌照申請施加上述兩項附加持牌條件。至於現有

    牌照,根據第 132 章第 125(1B)(a)(ii)條規定,上述附加持牌條件會在食環署發出通

    知 90 天後生效。

    (3) 牌照續期申請如被食環署拒絕,持牌人可向食環署作出申述。如申述不被接納,持


  • 3

    (III) 效率促進組的建議效率促進組的建議效率促進組的建議效率促進組的建議 ──── 檢討申請暫准食物業牌照時檢討申請暫准食物業牌照時檢討申請暫准食物業牌照時檢討申請暫准食物業牌照時須須須須提交的文件提交的文件提交的文件提交的文件::::消防處和有關部門應考慮檢討消防處和有關部門應考慮檢討消防處和有關部門應考慮檢討消防處和有關部門應考慮檢討


    � 食環署和消防處將會修訂《符合規定證明書 C(消防規定)》(表格 C),規定暫准牌照申請人




    印章,以示真確。由於負責在表格 C 上證明有關處所符合消防安全規定的註冊消防裝置承


    明書,同時也須在經修訂的表格 C 上簽署作實。

    � 申請人如未能按照上述規定提交經修訂的表格 C(食物業牌照申請人必須向食環署提交的


  • 4


    嚴重及輕微違反消防安全規定的嚴重及輕微違反消防安全規定的嚴重及輕微違反消防安全規定的嚴重及輕微違反消防安全規定的說明說明說明說明 普通食肆普通食肆普通食肆普通食肆////小食食肆小食食肆小食食肆小食食肆////工廠食堂工廠食堂工廠食堂工廠食堂 ---- 嚴重違反消防安全規定嚴重違反消防安全規定嚴重違反消防安全規定嚴重違反消防安全規定




    表表表表1111 ––––主要消防安全規定主要消防安全規定主要消防安全規定主要消防安全規定:::: 花灑系統花灑系統花灑系統花灑系統


    灑系統,該系統須予以保留並時刻保持在有效操作狀態。 消防栓消防栓消防栓消防栓////喉轆系統喉轆系統喉轆系統喉轆系統


    態。 自動煙霧偵測系統自動煙霧偵測系統自動煙霧偵測系統自動煙霧偵測系統


    態。 排煙系統排煙系統排煙系統排煙系統


    態。 手動火警警報系統手動火警警報系統手動火警警報系統手動火警警報系統


    刻保持在有效操作狀態。 應急照明系統應急照明系統應急照明系統應急照明系統

    若持牌處所內設有應急照明系統,該系統須予以保留並時刻保持在有效操作狀態。 燃料燃料燃料燃料

    持牌處所內使用的燃料應符合載於PPA/102及PPA/117號文件的消防安全規定。 窗窗窗窗戶戶戶戶



  • 5 普通食肆普通食肆普通食肆普通食肆////小食食肆小食食肆小食食肆小食食肆////工廠食堂工廠食堂工廠食堂工廠食堂 ---- 輕微違反消防安全規定輕微違反消防安全規定輕微違反消防安全規定輕微違反消防安全規定

    若在巡查過程中發現未有遵守表1所列的其中一項其中一項其中一項其中一項主要消防安全規定及/或表 2所列的



    (i) 所違反的消防安全規定未能根據《消防條例》(第 95 章)或其附屬法例


    (ii) 消防處根據第 95 章或其附屬法例採取執法行動後,有關的消防安全規定


    表表表表 2222 ––––消防安全規定消防安全規定消防安全規定消防安全規定:::: 消防裝置及設備消防裝置及設備消防裝置及設備消防裝置及設備

    除表 1所規定者外,持牌處所亦須提供消防安全規定要求的所有消防裝置及設備。

    該等消防裝置及設備須予以保留並時刻保持在有效操作狀態。 防火漆防火漆防火漆防火漆


    476:第 7 部表面火焰蔓延率第 1 級或第 2 級的規定,或符合消防處處長接受的另

    一標準,或透過以消防處處長接受的防火漆/溶液處理,從而達到任何該等標準。 防火溶液防火溶液防火溶液防火溶液

    持牌處所內如有安裝布簾及窗簾,須以耐火物料製造,並在按照英國標準 5438 進

    行測試時符合英國標準 5867:第 2 部纖維類別 B 的規定,或符合消防處處長接受

    的另一標準,或透過以消防處處長接受的防火溶液處理,從而達到任何該等標準。 吊門吊門吊門吊門

    廚房與座位間之間的傳菜窗口位的面積若不超過 0.2 平方米,須以具有不少於半小

    時抗火時效的吊門保護。若傳菜窗口位的面積超過 0.2 平方米,須設置獲消防處處

    長認可的防火閘。 聚氨酯乳膠聚氨酯乳膠聚氨酯乳膠聚氨酯乳膠

    5.1 持牌處所內若有聚氨酯泡沫塑料墊褥,以及用以覆蓋墊褥的物料,均須符合

    英國標準 7177(適用於屬中度危險的處所/建築物);或美國消費品安全委員

    會發出的「床褥套裝易燃程度(明火)標準」–《聯邦規例守則》標題 16第

    1633 條,或消防處處長接受的另一標準。

    5.2 持牌處所內若有聚氨酯泡沫塑料襯墊家具,以及用以覆蓋家具的物料,均須

    符合英國標準 7176(適用於屬中度危險的處所/建築物);或美國加州消費者


  • 6

    的可燃性測試程序」(技術報告 133 號),或消防處處長接受的另一標準。

    5.3 每塊符合英國標準 7177(適用於屬中度危險的處所/建築物)的聚氨酯泡沫塑

    料墊褥,以及每件符合英國標準 7176(適用於屬中度危險的處所/建築物)的


    5.4 須出示製造商/供應商的發票和測試實驗所發出的測試證明書供查核,以證



    /供應商的公司印章,以示真確。 機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統((((不可燃物料不可燃物料不可燃物料不可燃物料))))


    消防處通函第 4/96 號的規定,採用不可燃物料。 機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統((((防護範圍防護範圍防護範圍防護範圍))))

    若持牌處所內的防護範圍設有機械通風系統,該系統應當符合消防處通函第 4/96

    號的規定。 機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統機械通風系統((((防火閘防火閘防火閘防火閘))))


    花,該通風管道或通風氣孔應按照《附表所列處所通風設施規例》(第 132CE 章)

    裝設防火閘。 其他其他其他其他



    個案 未有遵守的消防安全規定 嚴重 / 輕微

    1 i. 花灑系統不在有效操作狀態;以及

    ii. 沒有裝設專供排煙的系統


    2 i. 使用的燃料不符合 PPA/102;以及

    ii. 預設可開啟/打碎的窗戶被裝飾物阻塞或被封閉的





    3 i. 沒有提供滅火筒;以及

    ii. 使用的燃料不符合 PPA/102


  • 7

    4 i. 消防栓/喉轆系統不在有效操作狀態;以及

    ii. 沒有提供滅火筒;以及

    iii. 用於可燃間隔的防火漆不符合相關規定。


  • Annex

    Consultation Paper

    Food Business (Restaurants) and Food Business (Non-restaurants)

    Business Liaison Group

    Proposed Measures for Compliance with

    Fire Safety Requirements of Food Premises


    This paper reports some new measures for compliance with fire

    safety requirements of food premises as proposed by the Fire Services

    Department (FSD) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department



    2. The Cornwall Court fire in 2008 aroused public concern over fire

    safety, especially over food premises which entertained members of the public

    in large numbers. The Ombudsman initiated a direct investigation in June

    2009 and completed it in May 2010. The Ombudsman made 11

    recommendations on enforcement of fire safety regulatory measures to FSD and

    FEHD, including the following two for monitoring compliance with fire safety

    requirements by food premises:

    (a) FEHD should impose conditions on food business licences for

    compliance with fire safety requirements.

    (b) FEHD should work out arrangements with FSD to ensure that

    food premises meet fire safety requirements before approving

    their applications for licence renewal.

    3. In addition, the Efficiency Unit (EU) completed the report on

    Management Study on Fire Safety Control and Related Management Issues in

    June 2011 and made some recommendations, to the Security Bureau (SB) and

    FSD including the following:

    “Review the documents required for the application of provisional

    licences: The FSD and relevant departments should consider

    reviewing the documents to be submitted for proof of compliance

  • – –



    with fire safety requirements when applying for provisional licences,

    so as to facilitate checking and following up by FSD officers.”

    Proposed Measures

    Licence Renewal

    4. To take forward The Ombudsman’s recommendations to ensure

    compliance of licensed food premises with fire safety requirements at all times,

    FSD and FEHD propose that licences of food business will only be renewed

    when there are valid Certificate(s) of Fire Service Installations and Equipment

    (FS251(s)) and Annual Inspection Certificate of ventilating system (AIC) at the

    time of renewal.

    5. The SB and FSD convened a series of meetings with departments

    concerned, including FEHD and EU, to discuss pragmatic ways to follow up on

    The Ombudsman’s recommendations, including the aforesaid two

    recommendations concerning food premises. After deliberations, it is

    considered that as General Restaurants (GRs), Light Refreshment Restaurants

    (LRRs) and Factory Canteens (FCs) are having higher fire safety concern given

    that they provide seating accommodation and are intended to serve the general

    public on premises, the arrangements set out in paragraph 2 should first be

    applied to the three types of food business licences. It is hence proposed that

    those licensees of GRs, LRRs and FCs who fail to submit copies of valid FS

    251(s) and AICs to FSD before they submit the application to FEHD for licence

    renewal, their licences will not be renewed by FEHD. In this connection, the

    following additional condition will be imposed on the three types of licences -

    “Renewal of the licence may be refused by the FEHD if the Certificate(s)

    of Fire Service Installations and Equipment (FS251) and Annual

    Inspection Certificate for Ventilating System (AIC) of the respective food

    premises are no longer valid on the commencement date of the coming

    term of the licence and no valid documents are made available not less

    than 14 days before expiry of the licence to the FSD for verification.”

    6. If an application for renewal of licence is refused by FEHD under

    the new mechanism, the licensee may make representation to FEHD, and if the

    representation made is not accepted, the licensee may appeal to the Appeal

    Tribunals including Licensing Appeals Board (LIAB) and Municipal Services

  • – –



    Appeals Board (MSAB). Details of the proposed implementation of the new

    measures are provided at Annex.

    Monitoring mechanism

    7. In processing applications for GR/LRR/FC licence as referred by

    FEHD, FSD imposes fire safety requirements on the premises concerned for

    compliance before issuance of licence by FEHD. Licensed premises are

    required to comply at all times with the fire safety requirements so imposed.

    However, non-compliance is detected from time to time. To ensure a more

    efficient handling of breaches of fire safety requirements by licensed food

    premises, FSD and FEHD propose that FEHD should impose a licensing

    condition to ensure compliance and to set up a monitoring mechanism for

    handling breaches of fire safety requirements of GRs, LRRs and FCs. The

    following additional condition is proposed to be imposed on GR, LRR and FC

    licences -

    “The licensee shall at all times comply with the fire safety requirements

    issued by the Director of Fire Services.”

    Under the proposed arrangements, non-compliance will be monitored under a

    warning letter system. This fire safety-related warning letter system would

    operate separately and independently from the warning letter system for other

    licensing requirements and conditions. Taking into account the associated fire

    risks, breaches are classified into serious and minor ones. As the fire risks

    associated with serious breaches are very different from those with minor ones,

    the way they are handled under the warning letter system will be different.

    Serious and minor breaches of fire safety requirements and their handling under

    the proposed system are set out at Annex.

    8. For serious breaches of fire safety requirements which in the opinion

    of FSD that the associated fire hazards are so serious that render the premises

    (i.e. GRs, LRRs and FCs) unsafe for business operation with admission of

    patrons, FSD will apart from taking enforcement action under its ambit, and

    where appropriate, recommend to FEHD immediate suspension of the licence

    under section 125(1)(b) of the Ordinance. FEHD will immediately issue a

    warning letter (W/L) to the licensee concerned informing him/her of the

    immediate suspension. The suspension will remain in force until FEHD is

    satisfied, on the advice of FSD, that the fire hazard(s) in the premises has/have

  • – –



    been abated.

    9. The following situations are regarded as minor breaches of fire

    safety requirement(s) that FSD will notify FEHD to take action -

    (i) the breach is not actionable under the Fire Services Ordinance

    (Cap. 95) or its subsidiary legislation; and/or

    (ii) non-compliance of fire safety requirement(s) remains

    outstanding after FSD has initiated action under Cap. 95 or its

    subsidiary legislation (excluding breaches which are classified

    as serious).

    10. A W/L will be issued to a licensee when the above minor breach is

    confirmed by FSD. If the licensee fails to comply with three consecutive

    30-day W/Ls issued within a period of six months, the licence is subject to a

    suspension for seven days. If the licensee still fails to comply with a further of

    two consecutive 30-day W/Ls issued within four months following the

    suspension, the licence is subject to cancellation. If the licensee fails to

    observe a suspension order, the licence is also subject to cancellation.

    11. Licensees dissatisfied with the decision of suspension/cancellation

    of licence may make representation to FEHD, and if the representation made is

    not accepted, the licensees may appeal to the Appeal Tribunals including LIAB

    and MSAB.

    Provisional Licences

    12. In processing application for full and provisional food business

    licences, the set of fire safety requirements imposed by FSD includes the

    submission of related invoice(s) and test certificate(s) of polyurethane (PU)

    foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture if they are in use in the subject

    premises. To take forward EU’s recommendation on provisional licences, FSD

    and FEHD, on the advice of EU, propose to revise the existing Certificate of

    Compliance C (Fire Safety Requirements) (Form C), which is one of the

    pre-requisite documents to be submitted by a food business licence applicant to

    FEHD for issue of provisional food business licence (P-licence), to facilitate the

    applicant to declare whether PU foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture

    are in use in the subject premises, and if so to submit invoice(s) and test

  • – –




    Impacts of the Proposed New Measures

    13. The proposed measures as set out in paragraphs 4 to 12 above should

    pose no additional work or cost on the trade. At present, licensees of GRs,

    LRRs and FCs are required to ensure all fire safety requirements are complied

    with at all times. They are already required under the Fire Service

    (Installations and Equipment) Regulations (Cap. 95B) and the Ventilation of

    Scheduled Premises Regulation (Cap. 132CE) to employ professionals to carry

    out annual inspections of fire service installations and equipment, and

    ventilating system of the food premises concerned and to submit within 14 days

    copies of FS 251(s) and AICs respectively to FSD after completion of annual

    inspection so as to ensure continuous compliance with fire safety requirements.

    Besides, under the existing licensing regime, licensees of GRs, LRRs and FCs

    are also required to submit to FEHD a copy of AIC within 21 days of such

    inspection. Hence, the requirement of having valid FS 251(s) and AICs at the

    time of licence renewal is not an additional or new requirement. It is a

    measure to ensure timely compliance of such requirements by food premises

    before licence renewal. Similarly, the proposed warning letter system aims to

    ensure continuous compliance of fire safety requirements which licensed food

    premises are expected to do so. It is merely an arrangement to ensure that FSD

    and FEHD follow up on such breaches in a systematic way.

    14. The revision to Form C for the issue of P-licence is a facilitation for

    licence applicants to submit invoice(s) and test certificate(s) of PU foam filled

    mattresses and upholstered furniture if they are used in the premises under

    application. The measure will not bring about any additional cost to the trade.

    Way Forward

    15. A Business Impact Assessment on the proposed new measures for

    compliance with fire safety requirements of food premises will commence

    shortly. Members of the Food Business (Restaurants) and Food Business

    (Non-restaurants) Business Liaison Groups are requested to note the proposed

    new measures for compliance with fire safety requirements of food premises,

    and offer views and comments, if any.

  • – –



    Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

    Fire Services Department

    May 2012

  • Annex

    Proposed Implementation of the New Measures for

    Compliance with Fire Safety Requirements of Food Premises

    (I) The Ombudsman’s Recommendation – FEHD should impose

    conditions on food business licences for compliance with fire safety


    (1) The following additional condition is proposed to be added to the

    General Restaurant (GR), Light Refreshment Restaurant (LRR) and

    Factory Canteens (FC) licences where fire safety requirements have

    been imposed on the licensees –

    “The licensee shall at all times comply with the fire safety

    requirements issued by the Director of Fire Services.”

    (2) Breaches of fire safety Requirements

    Taking into account the associated fire risks, breaches are classified

    into serious and minor ones. An explanation of the classification

    of breaches is at the Appendix. Rectification of breaches will be

    monitored under a warning letter system which would operate

    separately and independently from the warning letter system for

    other licensing requirements and conditions.

    (3) Serious breach of fire safety requirements

    (i) When in the opinion of Fire Services Department (FSD) that

    the breaches are so serious that there exists fire hazards which

    render the premises (i.e. GRs, LRRs and FCs) unsafe for

    business operation with admission of patrons, FSD will, apart

    from taking enforcement action under its ambit, where

    appropriate, recommend to the Food and Environmental

    Hygiene Department (FEHD) immediate suspension of licence

    under section 125(1)(b) of the Public Health and Municipal

    Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) (the Ordinance).

  • 2

    (ii) FEHD will immediately issue a warning letter (W/L) to the

    licensee concerned informing him/her of the immediate


    (iii) The suspension will remain in force until FEHD is satisfied, on

    the advice of FSD, that the fire hazard(s) in the premises

    has/have been abated.

    (4) The following situations are regarded as minor breach of fire safety

    requirements that FSD will notify FEHD to take action -

    (i) For minor breaches of fire safety requirement(s) which have

    been imposed on the licensee, FSD will notify FEHD to take

    action under the licensing regime when –

    (a) the breach is not actionable under the Fire Services

    Ordinance (Cap. 95) or its subsidiary legislation; and/or

    (b) non-compliance of fire safety requirement(s) remains

    outstanding after FSD has initiated action under Cap. 95 or

    its subsidiary legislation (excluding breaches which are

    classified as serious).

    (ii) Proposed sanction for minor breaches is as follows –

    (a) A W/L will be issued to a licensee when the above minor

    breach is confirmed by FSD. If the licensee fails to

    comply with three consecutive W/Ls issued within six

    months, each warning the licensee to rectify the same fire

    safety irregularity within 30 days, the licence is subject to a

    suspension for seven days. If the licensee still fails to

    comply with a further of two consecutive W/Ls issued

    within four months following the suspension, the licence is

    subject to cancellation. If the licensee fails to observe a

    suspension order, the licence is also subject to cancellation.

    (b) All W/Ls in respect of a previous breach which has been

    heeded will not be carried forward for counting in any

    subsequent breach.

  • 3

    An explanation of how serious and minor breaches are handled is

    at the Appendix.

    (5) Licensees dissatisfied with the decision of suspension/cancellation

    of licences may make representation to FEHD, and if the

    representation made is not accepted, the licensees may appeal to

    the Appeal Tribunals including Licensing Appeals Board (LIAB)

    and Municipal Services Appeals Board (MSAB).

    (II) The Ombudsman’s Recommendation – FEHD should work out

    arrangements with FSD to ensure that food premises meet fire

    safety requirements before approving their applications for licence


    (1)(i) It is proposed that FEHD will only renew licences of

    GR/LRR/FC where there are valid Certificate(s) of Fire Service

    Installations and Equipment and Annual Inspection Certificate

    for Ventilating System.

    (ii) For cases where the applications for renewal of licence are

    refused, the licensees may appeal to the Licensing Appeals

    Board under section 125(9) of Cap. 132.

    (iii) The following additional condition is proposed to be imposed

    on the licensees with which fire safety requirements have been

    issued –

    “Renewal of the licence may be refused by the FEHD if the

    Certificate(s) of Fire Service Installations and Equipment

    (FS251) and Annual Inspection Certificate for Ventilating

    System (AIC) of the respective food premises are no longer

    valid on the commencement date of the coming term of the

    licence and no valid documents are made available to the FSD

    for verification as required not less than 14 days before expiry

    of the licence.”

    (2) It is proposed that the two additional conditions will be imposed on

    new licence applications taking effect from the implementation day.

  • 4

    For existing licences, the additional licence conditions will be

    imposed by 90-day notices under section 125(1B)(a)(ii) of the


    (3) If an application for renewal of licence is refused by FEHD, the

    licensee may make representation to FEHD, and if the

    representation made is not accepted, the licensee may appeal to the

    Appeal Tribunals including LIAB and MSAB.

    (III) EU’s Recommendation - Review the documents required for the

    application of provisional licences: The FSD and relevant

    departments should consider reviewing the documents to be

    submitted for proof of compliance with fire safety requirements

    when applying for provisional licences, so as to facilitate checking

    and following up by FSD officers.

    � The Certificate of Compliance C (Fire Safety Requirements)

    (Form C), will be revised so that a provisional licence (P-licence)

    applicant would submit, among others, invoice(s) from the

    manufacturers/suppliers and test certificate(s) from testing

    laboratories indicating that the polyurethane foam filled mattresses

    and upholstered furniture provided inside the premises under

    application have complied with specified standards. The test

    certificate(s) shall be issued by a testing laboratory accredited to

    conduct tests according to the specified fire safety standards and

    authenticated by the company’s stamp of the

    manufacturers/suppliers. Since registered Fire Service Installation

    Contractor(s) and authorized person or registered structural engineer,

    who certifies the compliance of fire safety requirements on the

    Form C, may not be involved in furniture procurement, only the

    applicant is required to submit the invoice(s) and test certificate(s)

    and sign on that part of the revised Form C.

    � Failure to submit a duly completed revised Form C (being one of

    the pre-requisite documents to be submitted by a food business

    licence applicant to FEHD for issue of P-licence) in accordance

    with the aforesaid requirement will not be issued with the P-licence.

  • Appendix

    Explanation of Serious and Minor Breaches of Fire Safety Requirements

    1. Serious Breach of Fire Safety Requirements for GR/LRR/FC

    When non-compliance of more than one of the Major Fire Safety Requirements in Table 1 below is confirmed in

    the course of inspection, this situation should be treated as ‘Serious Breach of Fire Safety Requirement’. FSD

    apart from taking enforcement action, where appropriate, will make recommendation to FEHD on immediate

    suspension of the relevant food business licence.

    Table 1 – Major Fire Safety Requirements:-

    1. Sprinkler System

    If a sprinkler system is provided for the licensed premises occupying an area exceeding 230m² or in

    basement premises occupying an area exceeding 126m², the system shall be retained and maintained in

    efficient working order.

    2. Hydrant/Hose Reel System

    If a hydrant/hose reel system is provided inside the licensed premises, the system shall be retained and

    maintained in efficient working order.

    3. Automatic Smoke Detection System

    If an automatic smoke detection system is provided inside the licensed premises, the system shall be

    retained and maintained in efficient working order.

    4. Smoke Extraction System

    If a dedicated smoke extraction system is provided inside the licensed premises, the system shall be

    retained and maintained in efficient working order.

    5. Manual Fire Alarm System

    If a manual fire alarm system with visual alarm signals is provided inside the licensed premises, the system

    shall be retained and maintained in efficient working order.

    6. Emergency Lighting

    If Emergency lighting is provided inside the licensed premises, it shall be retained and maintained in

    efficient working order.

    7. Fuel

    The use of fuel inside the licensed premises shall comply with the Fire Safety Requirements, PPA/102 &


  • 2

    8. Windows

    No more than 50% of the total area of designed openable/breakable windows or 25% of these on the upper

    part, are obstructed by decoration or sealed up.

    2. Minor Breach of Fire Safety Requirements for GR/LRR/FC

    When non-compliance of one of the Major Fire Safety Requirements in Table 1 above and/or any Fire Safety

    Requirements in Table 2 below is confirmed in the course of inspection, this situation should be treated as ‘Minor

    Breach of Fire Safety Requirement’. FSD will inform FEHD to issue warning letter under the newly proposed

    Sanction System when

    (i) the breach is not actionable under the Fire Services Ordinance (Cap. 95) or its subsidiary legislation; or

    (ii) the non-compliance of Fire Safety Requirement(s) remains outstanding after FSD has initiated

    enforcement action under Cap.95 or its subsidiary legislation (excluding breaches which are classified

    as serious).

    Table 2 – Fire Safety Requirements:-

    1. Fire Service Installations and Equipment

    All fire service installations and equipment (other than those listed in Table 1) as required by the Fire Safety

    Requirements, shall be provided inside the licensed premises. The installations and equipment shall be

    retained and maintained in efficient working order.

    2. Fire Retardant Paint

    If combustible materials are used as false ceilings, partitions or wall furnishings inside the licensed

    premises, it shall conform to British Standard 476: Part 7 Class 1 or 2 Rate of Surface Spread of Flame or

    to another standard acceptable to the Director of Fire Services, or shall be brought up to any of those

    standards by treating with a fire retardant paint or solution acceptable to the Director of Fire Services.

    3. Fire Retardant Solution

    If draperies and curtains are installed inside the licensed premises, it shall be made of fire resistant material

    and conform to British Standard 5867: Part 2 fabric type B when tested in accordance with British Standard

    5438 or to another standard acceptable to the Director of Fire Services, or shall be brought up to any of

    those standards by treating with a fire retardant solution acceptable to the Director of Fire Services.

    4. Drop Hatch

    If the food serving opening, with an area not exceeding 0.2m², is located between the kitchen and the

    seating accommodation, a drop hatch with not less than half-hour fire resisting period shall be provided.

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    For opening exceeding this area, fire shutters as approved by the Director of Fire Services shall be installed.

    5. PU Foam

    5.1 If polyurethane (PU) foam filled mattresses and covering material are used for fabrication of the

    mattresses inside the licensed premises, it shall conform to British Standard 7177 (for use in medium

    hazard premises/building); or "Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattress Sets”- (Part

    1633 of Title 16 of Code of Federal Regulations) as issued by the Consumer Product Safety

    Commission (CPSC) in the US.

    5.2 If PU foam filled upholstered furniture and covering material are used for fabrication of the furniture

    inside the licensed premises, it shall conform to British Standard 7176 (for use in medium hazard

    premises/building); or Flammability Test Procedure for Seating Furniture for Use in Public

    Occupancies (Technical Bulletin Number 133) as issued by the Bureau of Home Furnishings and

    Thermal Insulation, Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California; or to other standard

    acceptable to the Director of Fire Services.

    5.3 Each PU foam filled mattress and upholstered furniture conforming to British Standard 7177 (for use

    in medium hazard premises/building) and British Standard 7176 (for use in medium hazards

    premises/building) respectively shall bear an appropriate label.

    5.4 Invoices from manufactures/suppliers and test certificates from testing laboratories indicating that the

    PU foam filled mattresses and/or furniture items have complied with the specified standards shall be

    produced for verification. Test certificate shall be issued by a testing laboratory accredited to

    conduct test according to the specified standard, and be authenticated by the company's stamp of


    6. Mechanical Ventilating System (Non-combustible materials)

    If a Mechanical Ventilating System is provided inside the licensed premises, it shall, in accordance with

    FSD Circular Letter No. 4/96, comply with the requirements on using non-combustible materials inside

    false ceiling or elevated floor when such becomes air plenum of the system.

    7. Mechanical Ventilating System (Protected Areas)

    If a Mechanical Ventilating System is provided at protected areas of the licensed premises, it shall comply

    with the requirements stipulated in FSD Circular Letter No. 4/96.

    8. Mechanical Ventilating System (Fire Dampers)

    If an air duct or an air transfer opening of the mechanical ventilating system passes through any floor, wall

    or ceiling of a F.R.P. enclosure, it shall be fitted with fire dampers in accordance with the Ventilation of

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    Scheduled Premises Regulation, Cap. 132CE.

    9. Others

    Any other requirements issued by FSD for the licensed premises shall be complied with.


    Case Non-compliance of FS requirement(s) involved Serious / Minor

    1 i. Sprinkler system is not in efficient working order; and

    ii. Smoke extraction system is not provided


    2 i. Use of fuels does not conform to PPA/102; and

    ii. More than 50% of the total area of designed openable/breakable windows

    or 25% of these on the upper part, are obstructed by decoration or sealed up


    3 i. Fire extinguisher(s) is/are not provided; and

    ii. Use of fuels does not conform to PPA/102


    4 i. Hydrant / hose-reel System is not in efficient working order; and

    ii. Fire extinguisher(s) is/are not provided; and

    iii. The fire retardant paint requirements for combustible partition are not

    complied with


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    Annex 2

    Part 2 (to be completed by the applicant)

    � I hereby confirm that there are no polyurethane (PU) foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture in the subject premises.

    � I submit herewith the invoice(s) and test certificate(s) of the polyurethane (PU) foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture in the subject premises as per the lists below. If a copy of

    test certificate to be submitted, it should be authenticated by supplier/manufacturer/contractor,

    where appropriate.

    List of invoice(s):

    Invoice/Reference No. Issued Date

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    List of test certificate(s):

    Certificate/Reference No. Issued Date






    Signature of applicant:

    ( )

    Name of applicant (Name in Chinese) Signature/Company Chop

    Date (dd/mm/yyyy) (HKID No. of the applicant)

    � Please tick the appropriate box.

    FEHB 92 (2/2012)