didem alkan proje raporu_jammer_2013


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a tale about two feathers


Çankaya University
Engineering Department
  0 1ould like to offer my special and endless t/anks to my supervisor Halil T. Eyyu%oglu for /is /elp,
guidance, support and encourage t/roug/out my study.
.).Purpose 333333333333333333333..
.4.5ignificance 33333333333333333333
.-.5cope 33333333333333333333.........
  )..5tages of t/e pro$ect3333333333333333..33.........4
  )....;esearc/ing #iterature 3333333333333..4
)...4.Po1er Calculation33333.333333333.
  )..)..Determining t/e compati%ility of t/e t/eory and practice33.@
  )..).).Determining t/e design components33333333..*
  a )< THE 0= 5ECT0!(33333333333..
  % )< THE ;= 5ECT0!( 33333333333..4
  )..).4.&ssem%ling t/e mo%ile p/one $ammer for @** 6H9 net1ork ...-
  )..).-.Conducting tests33333333333333...-
-).HAT (AN BE DONE MORE/))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1-
  1)1)Bck$o4n# 5 Po6!"%
  Ae /ave eBperienced a %oom in t/e num%er of mo%ile p/one users in recent years. T/is /as
caused t/e need of a more efficient and controlla%le signal transmission in some environment suc/ as
li%rary, /ospital or conference room 1/ere silence is re>uired.=or t/is aim, t/e usage of mo%ile
 p/one $ammers /ave %een gro1ed up. 6o%ile p/one $ammer is a transmitter t/at disrupts t/e
communication %et1een %ase stations and mo%ile p/ones. Today, mo%ile $ammer devices are
 %ecoming civilian products rat/er t/an electronic 1arfare devices.
0n t/is pro$ect, 1e attempted t/e design and development of mo%ile p/one $ammer for "56
@**. Ae aimed to determine system parameters, make po1er calculations for device, and compare
our parameters and po1er calculations 1it/ t/e reality. &dditionally, 1e planed to esta%lis/ system
desing and assem%le a device and lastly conduct some tests.
  Designing mo%ile p/one $ammer is a /ard issue in Turkey. 0n literature, 1e can not find
almost no study related to t/is topic. 5o, if 1e ac/ieve to design a $ammer at t/e end of t/is pro$ect,
t/is 1ill make an important contri%ution to t/e people 1anting to study on t/is topic.
  0n t/is pro$ect, 1e 1orked on one of t/e net1orks to $am, not on all net1orks. "56 @** 1as
dealt 1it/, %ut not "56 +** or CD6& @**. 
1)-)So4c"8 5 M"&:o#8
  A/ile dealing 1it/ t/is pro$ect, primary and secondary sources 1ere used. 5ome researc/
1as done and studies and analysis on t/is topic 1ere o%tained. #ater, as a primary source, some

  &t t/e end of t/e pro$ect, 1e could ac/ieve to assem%le a mo%ile p/one $ammer for @**
6H9 net1ork.
  6o%ile $ammer is a device 1/ic/ distur%s t/e communication %et1een t/e mo%ile %ase station
and mo%ile e>uipment %y transmitting t/e noise signal at t/e fre>uency, on 1/ic/ %ot/ are trying to
communicate 1it/ eac/ ot/er. =irstly, $ammers 1ere invented to prevent t/e communication %et1een
  t/e army personnels of enemy and in time t/ey developed into civilian life. T/e tec/nology %e/ind
t/e mo%ile $ammer is overpo1ering t/e mo%ile p/one signals and decreasing t/e 5(;? 5ignal to
 (oise ;atio<for mo%ile communication.
  2)1)S&$"8 o* &:" Po>"c&
  !ur pro$ect mainly consists of t1o different stages, 5tage and 5tage ).
2)1)1)T:" *98& 8&$" o* &:" 7o>"c&? P:8" 1
  5tage is t/e part of t/at 0 tried to understand t/e logic and 1orking principle
 %e/ind a mo%ile p/one $ammer. =or t/is reason, t/is part consists of researc/ing literature as a first
step and determining t/e operational parameters as a second step. #astly, in t/e frame1ork of t/is
data, some po1er calculations /ave %een carried out.  
2)1)1)1) R"8"c:9n$ L9&"&4"
  =ive types of devices are kno1n to /ave %een developed ?or %eing
considered for development< for preventing mo%ile p/ones communications in certain specified
Type&Devices @ $ammers. 0t contains several independent oscillators transmitting
$amming signals t/at %lock fre>uencies used %y mo%ile communication devices for call
  Type Devices intelligent cellular disa%lers) T/e device normally 1orks as a detector. A/en it
detects signaling from t/e %ase station to t/e mo%ile station, it signals t/e %ase station not to esta%lis/
communication. T/is process of detection and interruption of call esta%lis/ment is done during t/e
interval normally reserved for signaling and /ands/aking.
TypeCDevices @intelligent %eacon disa%lers) T/ese devices act as %eacons, i.e. t/ey instruct
any mo%ile device 1it/in t/eir area of coverage to disa%le its ringer or disa%le its operation. T/e
 pro%lem is t/at t/ese types of devices re>uire intelligent /andsets.
  Type D Devices @Direct ;eceive and Transmit Fammers. T/ey %e/ave as a small independent
 %ase station. T/e $ammer is predominantly in receiving mode and 1ill intelligently c/oose to interact
  and %lock t/e cell p/one directly if it is 1it/in close proBimity of t/e $ammer.
  Type GE Devices @E60 5/ield I Passive Famming. T/is tec/ni>ue uses Electromagnetic
0nterference ?E60< suppression tec/ni>ues to construct 1/at is called a =araday cage. T/e =araday
cage essentially %locks all electromagnetic radiation from entering or leaving t/e cage.
  T/e tec/ni>ue 1e 1ill use in our pro$ect is t/e first one called Denial of 5ervice
  2)1)1)2)D"&"%9n9n$ O7"&9on! P%"&"8
  Ae needed to determine some parameters 1/ic/ affect t/e performance of 
a mo%ile $ammer. T/ese parameters can %e categori9ed into 4 groups.
1 '"C4"nc; 6n#
  =re>uency %and is an important factor for us, since 1e first of all need to decide on
1/ic/ fre>uency 1e 1ill transmit our $amming signal. 0n mo%ile communication, t/ere is
a tec/nology called =DD ?=re>uency Division DupleBing<. T/is means t/at for a net1ork,
one part of t/e fre>uency %and is allocated to uplink signals ?from mo%ile p/one to t/e
 %ase station<, anot/er part is allocated to do1nlink signals ?from %ase station to t/e
mo%ile p/one<. T/anks to t/is tec/nology, 1e can talk and listen simultaneously on t/e
station generally. T/is means t/at it is so muc/ easy to $am t/e signals from %ase station
to t/e mo%ile p/one. T/ese %ands 1ork out at @4:@7* for "56 @**.
6 1 D98&nc" &o 6" >%%"#
  &s t/e distance increases, t/e total po1er 1e need to $am a mo%ile p/one increases
c 1 '"" S7c" Lo88P&: Lo88 '
  &s our $amming signal travels t/roug/ t/e air, it 1ill attenuate. T/ere are some factors
affecting t/e magnitude of =5#. T/ese factors can %e seen in t/e calculation formula of 
  '#B32)F20!o$#98&nc" 9n k%F20!o$*"C4"nc; 9n MH=
Derivation of =ree 5pace #oss formula
'SL ∗∗#2  ∗∗#∗*c2
JK5ignal 1avelengt/ ?in meters<
dKDistance from t/e transmitter ?in meters<
cK5peed of lig/t in vacuum ?in metersLsecond< cK4M*+
  FSL(dB)=10*log10(4∗∗d∗!)"#)$ =
$0*log10(4∗∗d∗!)"#)   ? in our calculationN d is in km and f is in 6H9<
&fter determining t/e design parameters, 1e needed to kno1 /o1 muc/
 po1er approBimately 1e 1ill need to ac/ieve $amming.

  &s a $amming signal, 1e needed a signal t/at its fre>ueny spectrum can cover 
all fre>uencies in a specific range. & A/ite "aussian (oise can model t/is in a %est 1ay.
  '9$4"1 No98" Po" S7"c&! D"n89&;
 P =S(!)d!= No* (No+,- Po.-/ + /-,/+#-d 2d.+d3)   .
(S+gl o o+,- /+o) SNR= 5,"No6 5,"7 = P,6
1"7 8 ( 5,9 E-/g: o! ;-,,g- ,+gl6 9 Bd.+d3)   SNR=P,"P (P,=,+gl <o.-/6 P=o+,- <o.-/)   SNR=P,"P=(5,∗)"(N0∗)=P,"(N0∗)
No=*7 7=$>&0?6 =1@&*10$& J"? (9Bol; Co,) No8 4*10
$1 J   SNR(;)=&0 dB !o/ GSM
&0 dB=10*log10(P,"P) P,=P*1000 (P=
  P,"=No*1000 ("H) (S+gl Po.-/ D-,+:)   No*1000=S+gl Po.-/ D-,+:=I-/!-/-#-
S+gl Po.-/ D-,+: I GSM -.o/6   73- ,<-#/; +, d++d-d +o $00 H #3-l,@(FDMA)
  73- 3o<<+g ,--#- ;: ,- < o '4 d+-/-
#//+-/ !/--#+-, (!/--#: 3o<<+g ) So6 Ho<<+g Bd.+3='4*$00 H=1$@ M3
  '9$4"2 No98" S7"c&! D"n89&; 9n R"8&9c&"# Bn#9&:
A##o/d+g o 3+, I-/!-/-#- S+gl
Po.-/=No*1000*'4*$00H()=@1$*10 11 ()
Fo/ GSM >00 -.o/
  '9$4"3 Po" S7"c&! D"n89&; o* M"88$" S9$n! 9n GSM 00
  I ll >&>'0 M3 2d o K; ;@100 ; d+,#-9   I-/!-/-#- S+gl Po.-/=No*1000*$ M3=1010()=
0dB;   FSL(dB)=$0log(0@1)%$0log(>'0)%&$@44=$@04 dB
7ol <o.-/ !/o; K;;-/= 0 dB; % $@04 dB= $@04
dB;   = 1@ ;  
T/is calculations are so roug/, %ecause 1e did not take t/e multi fading, reflection:
  2)1)2)T:" 8"con# 8&$" o* &:" Po>"c&?P:8" 2
  During t/e stage ) of t/e pro$ect, 1e determined t/e compati%ility of t/e t/eory
and practice, determined t/e design components of mo%ile p/one $ammer, esta%lis/ed t/e
system design, and lastly assem%led a device for @** 6H9 net1orks and conducted some
Ae made some po1er calculations for "56 @**. Ho1ever, t/ese
calculations are so roug/ as mentioned previously %ecuse t/ey dont consist of t/e effects of 
reflection and refraction of t/e $amming signal. 5o, 1e needed to kno1 1/et/er 1e 1ere close to t/e
reality or not. =or t/is aim 1e %oug/t a mo%ile p/one $ammer. T/is $ammer could successfuly $am
t/e "56 @**, "56 +** and 4" net1orks at approBimately maBimum )* m.Ae could not analy9e
t/is $ammer on t/e spectrum analy9er to determine its fre>uency range and signal strengt/ %ecause of 
some pro%lems related to t/e analy9er .
  T/e 0= design of t/e mo%ile p/one $ammer $ust consists of a Triangle Aave
"enerator. ?to tune t/e OC! in t/e ;= section)
  2?1 T9n$!" ." G"n"&o
T/e c/eapest and easiest 1ay of producing a triangle 1ave is to use a timer in
'9$4" --- T9%"
'9$4" --- T9%" 9n A8&6!" V96&9on Mo#"
'9$4" 10 P9n (onn"c&9on o* --- T9%" 9n A8&6!" Mo#"
 0nitially, 1/en t/e po1er is turned on, t/e capacitor C is unc/arged and t/us t/e trigger voltage at
 pin ) is * O. T/is causes t/e output of t/e lo1er comprator to %e /ig/ and t/e output of t/e upper 
and keeping t/e transistor off. T/en, C %egins c/arging t/roug/ ;a and ;% ?=igure @<. A/en t/e
capacitor voltage reac/es to OccL4, t/e lo1er comprator s1itc/es to its lo1 ouput state, and 1/en t/e
capacitor voltage reac/es to )OccL4, t/e upper comprator s1itc/es to its /ig/ output state. T/is sets
t/e flip flop /ig/ output and transistor on. (o1, t/e capacitor disc/arges t/roug/ ;) and disc/arge
transistor. A/en it disc/arges to OccL4, t/e lo1er comprator s1itc/es to /ig/, and t/e output
 %ecomes 9ero and transistor off. &nd t/is process repeats itselfs. 5o, 1e can get a triangle 1ave from
t/e pin ).
0n our pro$ect, 1e needed a duty cycle, meaning t/at c/arging time e>uals 1it/ t/e disc/arging time.
=or t/is aim, 1e simply connected a diode parellel 1it/ ;% and also ;a must %e e>ual to ;%.
  O8c9!!&9on *"C4"nc; * 1)RFR6(
  6 2 THE R' SE(TION
T/e ;= part consists of
  Po1er &mplifier 
  '9$4" 11)(o%7!"&" B!ock D9$% o* 00 MH= Mo69!" P:on" J%%"
'9$4" 12)P9n&"# (9c49& Bo# o* 00 MH= J%%"
  2)1)2))(on#4c&9n$ &"8&8
  T/e tests could not %e performed %ecause of lack of a spectrum analyser.
T/e pro$ect could %e ended up 1it/ all stages /o1ever test part could %e completed partially.
=irstly,main logic and tec/nology %e/ind a mo%ile p/one $ammer 1ere determined clearly and t/is logic 1as
 %ased on a mat/ematical %ackground.5ome po1er calculation 1as performed and in t/e stage of assem%ling
t/e $ammer,it 1as reali9ed t/at t/e t/eory and reality could not agree so muc/.!ur approBimate po1er 
some effects suc/ as multipat/ fading 1/ic/ are not taken into account in approBimate calculation.&fter 
some t/eoretical part,design components 1ere determined for a @** 6H9 $ammer and necessary sc/ematic
1as created.PC dra1ing 1as performed in 0sis and lastly a mo%ile p/one $ammer for @** 6H9 net1ork 
could %e assem%led successfully.
  Circuit elements? timer,capacitors,resistors< * T#
  T/e cost of t/e PC 4 T#
  Total cost K * T#
!ur device is cum%ersome .0t is $ust transmitting a $amming signal in all @** 6H9 do1nlink 
fre>uency %and.Using an =P"& card,device performance can %e increased.&dditionaly,instead of 
transmitting po1er in all fre>ency %and,a smart $ammer 1/ic/ transmits according to fre>uency

1) Boylestad, Rober L. & Nashelsky, Louis,Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,
9th Ed., Prentice Hall,200 2) !ishra, N.".# , $%eelo'(ent o *+! 900 !obile -a((er /n a''roach to
oerco(e eistin li(itation o a((er$, 3ireless 4o((5nication and +ensor
Net6orks 734+N), 2009 8ith EEE 4onerence on , ''.1:, 1;19 %ec. 2009 <) +hah, +.3.# Babar, !..# /rbab, !.N.# =ahya, ".!.# /h(ad, *.# /dnan, >.#
!asood, /.# , $4ell 'hone a((er,$ !5ltito'ic 4onerence, 200?. N!4 200?. EEE
S9$n! &o No98" R&9o SNR 0n analog and digital communications, signal:to:noise ratio, often 1ritten 5L( or
5(;, is a measure of
signal strengt/ relative to %ackground noise. 
'#9n$ 0n 1ireless and mo%ie communication systems, signal is attenuated %y t/e propagation
media and t/is affect is called fading.
  '"" S7c" Lo88 T/e free space pat/ loss, also kno1n as =5P# is t/e loss in signal strengt/ t/at occurs
1/en an electromagnetic 1ave travels over a line of sig/t pat/ in free space.
I' 0n communications and electronic engineering, an intermediate fre>uency ?0=< is a fre>uency to 1/ic/
  a carrier fre>uency is s/ifted as an intermediate step in transmission or reception.
  R' Radio frequency (RF) is a rate of oscillation in the range of about 3 kHz to 300 GHz, which corresponds to
the frequency of radio waves, and the alternating currents which carry radio signals