diktat bahas inggris.pdf

General English for non-English students Modul Perkuliahan Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris Disusun oleh : Fredy Simanjuntak, S. Th STT REAL BATAM PROGRAM STRATA SATU 2015

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General English for non-English students

Modul Perkuliahan Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Disusun oleh : Fredy Simanjuntak, S. Th



Page 2: Diktat Bahas Inggris.pdf

Kata Pengantar

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, khususnya di program S1 STT REAL, memiliki karakteristik tersendiri karena mata kuliah bahasa Inggris sebagai mata kuliah umum (MKU), dan biasanya mahasiswa sudah pernah belajar Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya, yaitu di tingkat SLTP dan SLTA sehingga diasumsikan bahwa mereka sudah pernah tahu dan menguasai kaidah-kaidah dasar Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi English basic skills atau kemampuan dasar bahasa Inggris ( Speaking, reading, wariting dan listening) dan mempunyai bekal konsep tentang English component atau unsur-unsur yang ada dalam bahasa inggris (Vocabulary, Grammar/structure, dan pronounciation). Hanya saja mungkin pengetahuan-pengetahuan tentang kaidah-kaidah Bahasa Inggris tersebut masih perlu diluruskan, ditata secara sistematik dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tentunya perlu kiranya untuk terus dilakukan penataan kembali pola pemahaman dan juga materi atau bahan ajar bahasa Inggris secara sistematis dalam bentuk skemata atau konsep-konsep yang lebih simple dan mudah untuk dipahami, karena mengingat karakteristik mahasiswa STT REAL yang bukan mahasiwa program bahasa sehingga diperlukan desain materi yang yang lebih sederhana Modul ini memuat ringkasan materi bahasa Inggris dengan didikuti latihan-latihan soal yang disusun secara sederhana dan sistematis menurut kaidah-kaidah gramatika Bahasa Inggris tertentu, yang dianggap esensial sebagai dasar untuk mengembangkan ketrampilan bahasa lisan maupun tulisan (spoken / written) seperti pola-pola dasar kalimat bahasa Inggris, words, phrases, , clauses, tenses, gerunds and present participles, conditional sentences, determiners, passive vioice, reported speech, dan verb patterns, etc.

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STANDART KOMPETENSI Mahasiswa menguasai pengetahuan tentang bahasa Inggris, memiliki kesadaran tnetang pentingnya bahasa Inggris, serta menunjukkan kebiasaan menggunakannya dalam pelayanan.

KOMPETENSI DASAR 1. Mampu membaca dan berdialog dengan intonasi yang benar2. Mampu menterjemahkan arti kata dengan benar3. Mampu menganalisa kalimat bahasa inggris dengan baik4. Mampu bercerita dalam bahasa Inggris5. Mampu berdoa dalam bahasa Inggris6. Mampu menyampaikan renungan singkat dalam bahasa Inggris7. Mampu menyanyikan Himne atau lagu dalam bahasa Inggris


A. Fonetic (Cara membaca dalam bahasa Inggris)

B. Perbendaharaan kata (Memory Bank System)

C. Gramatika Dasar 1. Regulation Of Reading2. Greeting And Telling Times3. Demonstrative Pronoun4. Numeral5. Preposition6. Derivative7. Pronoun8. Article9. Miscellany Materials10. Request Sentence11. Comparison Degree

12. Kinds Of Question13. Question Word14. Question Tag15. Predication16. Auxiliary verb17. Multifunction Words18. Gerund

D. Tenses E. Doa Sederhana Dalam Bahasa Inggris

(Doa bapa Kami, Doa Makan, doa mau tidur, Mazmur)

F. Renungan Sederhana Dalam Bahasa Inggris

G. Nyanian, Himne, Lagu dalam bahasa Inggris

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INDIKATOR HASIL BELAJAR 1. Membaca Dengan Lancar2. Memberitakan Arti Kata Dengan Benar3. Menganalisa Kalimat Bahasa Inggris4. Bercerita Dalam Bahasa Inggris5. Berdoa Dalam Bahasa Inggris6. Menyampaikan Renungan Singkat Dalam Bahasa Inggris7. Menyanyikan Himne Dalam Bahasa Inggris

STANDART PROSES PEMBELAJARAN Pendekatan : Kontekstualis dan Partisipatoris Pengalaman Belajar 1. Mahasiswa mendengarkan kuliah yang

disampaikan dosen2. Mahasiswa mendiskusikan3. Mahasiswa mendemonstrasikan kemampuan

berbahasa inggrisMetoda : Ceramah, diskusi, tugas-tugas individu dan kelompok Tugas : Menghafalkan perbendaharaan kata bahasa Inggris Standart penilaian : 1. Partisipasi dan Kehadiran : 10%

2. Presensi : 20% 3. Tugas : 30% 4. Ujian :40%

Teknik : Tertulis dan lisan Bentuk Soal : Tes tertulis, Dikte Lanjutan, percakapan, Proyek Kerja Media : Laptop, LCD Proyector, Materi Audio dan Video bahasa


1. Kelas2. Media Elektronik (Internet)3. Narasumber4. Lingkungan Alam5. Lingkungan sosial6. Teman di kampus7. Teman di masyarakat setempat8. Komunitas gereja9. Literatur

1. Alkitab, Bahasa Inggris, New International Version, Zondervan Publishing House,Grand Rapids, Michigan

2. The New Student Bible, Expanded and Updated, NIV3. Hymnal Song Book4. English 900 (Intonation)5. ARC (Achieving Reading Comprehension) Book Dictation6. Mastery On English Book

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A. Phonetic

English Alphabet

As generally if we want to study English we have to know about the way how to pronounce the letters such as:

A = [eɪ] (a-n-d, a-f-t-e-r, a-p-p-l-e)

B = [biː] (b-a-n-a-n-a, b-a-t-h-r-o-o-m, b-o-y)

C = [siː] (c-a-r, c-o-a-t, c-o-l-o-u-r)

D = [diː] (d-o-g, d-r-e-a-m, d-o-l-l-a-r)

E = [iː] (e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, e-y-e, e-x-t-r-e-m-e)

F = [ɛf] (f-i-n-g-e-r, f-o-u-r, f-i-r-e)

G = [dʒiː] (g-i-r-a-f-f-e, g-i-r-l, g-r-e-e-n)

H = [eɪtʃ] (h-o-t-e-l, h-a-p-p-y, h-o-l-i-d-a-y)

I = [aɪ] (i-m-a-g-e, i-s-l-a-n-d, I-n-d-i-a-n-a)

J = [dʒeɪ] (j-u-n-g-l-e, j-o-l-l-y, J-o-s-e-p-h-i-n-e)

K = [keɪ] (k-a-n-g-a-r-o-o, k-o-a-l-a, k-a-r-a-t-e)

L = [ɛl] (l-o-w, l-e-v-e-l, l-i-o-n)

M = [ɛm] (m-o-t-h-e-r, m-o-m-e-n-t, m-e-s-s)

N = [ɛn] (n-o, n-i-g-h-t, n-o-o-n)

O = [oʊ] (o-l-d, o-b-j-e-c-t, o-a-t)

P = [piː] (p-e-n-g-u-i-n-e, p-i-a-n-o, p-a-c-k-e-t)

Q = [kjuː] (q-u-i-e-t, Q-u-e-e-n, q-u-o-t-e)

R = [ɑr] (r-e-d, r-i-g-h-t, r-a-b-b-i-t)

S = [ɛs] (s-t-r-o-n-g, s-e-v-e-n, s-i-l-v-e-r)

T = [tiː] (t-e-a, t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d, t-w-o)

U = [juː] (u-s-e, u-n-f-a-i-r, u-n-d-e-r)

V = [viː] (v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n, v-e-r-y, v-a-m-p-i-r-e)


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W = [ˈdʌbəl juː] say: double-ju (w-e-s-t, w-o-r-m, w-h-i-t-e)

X = [ɛks] (X-r-a-y, x-y-l-o-p-h-o-n-e, X-m-a-s)

Y = [waɪ] (y-a-r-d, y-e-l-l-o-w, y-e-a-h)

Z = [zɛd] in British English, [ziː] in American English (z-e-r-o, z-e-b-r-a, z-i-l-l-i-o-n)

Please make some spelling of the word that consisted of one syllable, two syllables even more.


One Syllable two syllables three syllables

Buy [bi-yu-wai] study [es-ti-yu-di-way] malaysia [em-ei-el-ei-way-es-ai-ei]

Get [ji-i-ti] carry [si-ei-ar-ar-way] etc

B. Memory Bank System

1. Regular Verbs (Kata Kerja Beraturan)

Infinitive Past Participle Artinya Accept Accepted Accepted menerima Act Acted Acted bertindak Achieve Achieved Achieved mencapai Admire Admired Admired mengagumi Advise Advised Advised menasihati Affect Affected Affected mempengaruhi Agree Agreed Agreed setuju Amaze Amazed Amazed menakjubkan Amuse Amused Amused menghibur Answer Answered Answered jawaban Appear Appeared Appeared muncul Arrange Arranged Arranged mengatur Arrive Arrived Arrived tiba Ask Asked Asked bertanya Attack Attacked Attacked serangan Bake Baked Baked membakar Behave Behaved Behaved bertingkah Believe Believed Believed percaya Belong Belonged Belonged termasuk Blame Blamed Blamed menyalahkan


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Borrow Borrowed Borrowed meminjam Bother Bothered Bothered mengganggu Call Called Called panggilan Cancel Canceled Canceled membatalkan Carry Carried Carried membawa Cause Caused Caused penyebab Celebrate Celebrated Celebrated merayakan Clean Cleaned Cleaned bersih Clear Cleared Cleared menjelaskan Climb Climbed Climbed naik Close Closed Closed dekat Compare Compared Compared membandingkan Compete Competed Competed bersaing Complete Completed Completed melengkapi Contain Contained Contained mengandung Continue Continued Continued terus Cook Cooked Cooked memasak Correct Corrected Corrected benar Cough Coughed Coughed batuk Count Counted Counted menghitung Crash Crashed Crashed tabrakan Create Created Created membuat Cross Crossed Crossed menyeberang Curse Cursed Cursed kutukan Change Changed Changed perubahan Chase Chased Chased mengejar Chat Chatted Chatted mengobrol Check Checked Checked memeriksa Damage Damaged Damaged kerusakan Dance Danced Danced menari Date Dated Dated tanggal Decide Decided Decided memutuskan Deliver Delivered Delivered menyampaikan Depend Depended Depended tergantung Describe Described Described menggambarkan Design Designed Designed disain Destroy Destroyed Destroyed menghancurkan Dicrease Dicreased Dicreased Dicrease Die Died Died mati Disagree Disagreed Disagreed berselisih Discover Discovered Discovered menemukan Discuss Discussed Discussed membahas Disturb Disturbed Disturbed mengganggu Dress Dressed Dressed mengenakan Dry Dried Dried kering Eliminate Eliminated Eliminated menghapuskan End Ended Ended akhir Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed menikmati


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Entertain Entertained Entertained menghibur Excuse Excused Excused Memberi alasan Exercise Exercised Exercised melatih Exhibit Exhibited Exhibited pameran Expect Expected Expected mengharapkan Express Expressed Expressed mengekspresikan Film Filmed Filmed memfilmkan Fill Filled Filled mengisi Fish Fished Fished Mencari ikan Fix Fixed Fixed memperbaiki Follow Followed Followed mengikuti Freeze Freezed Freezed membekukan Fry Fried Fried menggoreng Greet Greeted Greeted menyapa Guess Guessed Guessed menebak Hail Hailed Hailed Hail Handle Handled Handled menangani Happen Happened Happened terjadi Hate Hated Hated membenci Help Helped Helped membantu Hope Hoped Hoped berharap Hunt Hunted Hunted berburu Identify Identified Identified mengenali Ignore Ignored Ignored mengabaikan Imagine Imagined Imagined membayangkan Impress Impressed Impressed mengesankan Improve Improved Improved memperbaiki Include Included Included memasukkan Increase Increased Increased meningkatkan Interview Interviewed Interviewed wawancara Introduce Introduced Introduced memperkenalkan Invite Invited Invited mengundang Jog Jogged Jogged bersinggungan Join Joined Joined ikut Jump Jumped Jumped Jump Knock Knocked Knocked mengetuk Label Labeled Labeled label Land Landed Landed tanah Last Lasted Lasted lalu Learn Learned Learned belajar Like Liked Liked seperti Link Linked Linked link List Listed Listed daftar Listen Listened Listened mendengarkan Live Lived Lived hidup Locate Located Located menemukan Look Looked Looked lihat Love Loved Loved cinta


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Manage Managed Managed mengelola Mark Marked Marked tanda Match Matched Matched pertandingan Measure Measured Measured Ukur Mention Mentioned Mentioned Mention Miss Missed Missed kehilangan Move Moved Moved bergerak Name Named Named nama Need Needed Needed perlu Note Noted Noted catatan Notice Noticed Noticed pemberitahuan Number Numbered Numbered nomor Offer Offered Offered menawarkan Open Opened Opened Buka Order Ordered Ordered urutan Organize Organized Organized mengatur Pack Packed Packed pak Paint Painted Painted cat Pamper Pampered Pampered terlalu memanjakan Pardon Pardoned Pardoned maaf Park Parked Parked taman Participate Participated Participated ikut Pass Passed Passed lulus Perform Performed Performed melakukan Persuade Persuaded Persuaded membujuk Pick Picked Picked memilih Plan Planned Planned rencana Play Played Played Putar Please Pleased Pleased silahkan Practice Practiced Practiced praktek Predict Predicted Predicted meramalkan Prefer Preferred Preferred memilih Present Presented Presented sekarang Program Programmed Programmed program Protect Protected Protected melindungi Provide Provided Provided memberikan Purchase Purchased Purchased membeli Push Pushed Pushed mendorong Rain Rain Rain hujan Receive Received Received menerima Recommend Recommended Recommended menyarankan Relate Related Related menghubungkan Relax Relaxed Relaxed bersantai Release Released Released pelepasan Remember Remembered Remembered mengingat Repair Repaired Repaired perbaikan Repeat Repeated Repeated mengulangi Resist Resisted Resisted menolak


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Rest Rested Rested beristirahat Return Returned Returned kembali Review Reviewed Reviewed mengulas Sail Sailed Sailed berlayar Save Saved Saved menyimpan Scan Scanned Scanned Memindai Scare Scared Scared ketakutan Share Shared Shared Membagi Shop Shopped Shopped berjualan Shout Shouted Shouted berteriak Skate Skated Skated sepatu luncur Ski Skied Skied berski Slow Slowed Slowed melambat Sneeze Sneezed Sneezed bersin Snow Snowed Snowed bersalju Solve Solved Solved memecahkan Spell Spelled Spelled mengeja Start Started Started memulai Step Stepped Stepped melangkah Stop Stopped Stopped berhenti Stress Stressed Stressed tegang Study Studied Studied penelitian Substitute Substituted Substituted pengganti Suggest Suggested Suggested menyarankan Surprise Surprised Surprised mengherankan Talk Talked Talked berbicara Taste Tasted Tasted merasa Terrorize Terrorized Terrorized menggentari Thank Thanked Thanked Terima Touch Touched Touched menyentuh Travel Traveled Traveled perjalanan Try Tried Tried mencoba Tune Tuned Tuned melagukan Turn Turned Turned berbalik Underline Underlined Underlined menggarisbawahi Use Used Used penggunaan Vary Varied Varied berbeda Wait Waited Waited menunggu Walk Walked Walked berjalan Want Wanted Wanted menginginkan Warn Warned Warned memperingatkan Wash Washed Washed mencuci Watch Watched Watched menonton Water Watered Watered mengairi Welcome Welcomed Welcomed menyambut Wish Wished Wished ingin Witness Witnessed Witnessed saksi Work Worked Worked pekerjaan


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Worry Worried Worried kuatir Wrestle Wrestled Wrestled bergulat

2. Irregular Verbs (Kata Kerja tidak beraturan)

Daftar kata kerja tak beraturan/irregular verb (lengkap)

Infinitive Past Participle Meaning

Abide Abode Abode Tinggal Arise Arose Arisen Timbul Awake Awoke Awaken/Awoke Membangunkan Backslide Backslid Backslid Berbuat jahat lagi Bear Bore Borne/Born Menderita Beat Beat Beaten Memukul Become Became Become Menjadi Befall Befell Befallen Menimpa Beget Begot Begotten Melahirkan Begin Began Begun Memulai Behold Beheld Beheld Melihat Bend Bent Bent Membengkokkan Beseech Besought Besought Memohon Beset Beset Beset Mengelilingi Bet Bet/Betted Bet/Betted Mempertaruhkan Betake Betook Betaken Pergi Bid Bid Bid Meminta/Menawar Bleed Bled Bled Berdarah Bless Blessed/Blest Blessed/Blest Memberkahi Blow Blew Blown Menghembus Break Broke Broken Mematahkan Breed Bred Bred Menternakkan Bring Brought Brought Membawa Browbeat Browbeat Browbeaten Menggertak Build Built Built Mendirikan Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned Membakar Burst Burst Burst Merekah Buy Bought Bought Membeli Cast Cast Cast Melemparkan Catch Caught Caught Menangkap Choose Chose Chosen Memilih Cleave Clove/Cleft Cloven/Cleft Membelah Cling Clung Clung Berpegang erat-erant Come Came Come Datang


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Cost Cost Cost Berharga Creep Crept Crept Merangkak Cut Cut Cut Memotong Deal Dealt Dealt Berdagang Dig Dug Dug Menggali Do Did Done Melakukan Draw Drew Drawn Menggambar Dream Dreamt Dreamt Bermimpi Drink Drank Drunk Minum Drive Drove Driven Mengendarai Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Merenungkan Eat Ate Eaten Makan Fall Fell Fallen Jatuh Feed Fed Fed Memberi makan Feel Felt Felt Merasa Fight Fought Fought Berkelahi Find Found Found Menemukan Flee Fled Fled Melarikan diri Fly Flew Flown Terbang Forbid Forbade Forbidden Melarang Forecast Forecast Forecast Meramalkan Forego Forewent Foregone Mendahului Foretell Foretold Foretold Meramalkan Forget Forgot Forgotten Melupakan Forgive Forgave Forgiven Memaafkan Forsake Forsoke Forsaken Melalaikan Freeze Froze Frozen Membeku Gainsay Gainsaid Gainsaid Menyangkal Get Got Gotten Mendapat Give Gave Given Memberi Go Went Gone Pergi Grind Ground Ground Menggiling Grow Grew Grown Tumbuh Hang Hung Hung Bergantung Have Had Had Mempunyai Hear Heard Heard Mendengar Heave Heaved/Hove Heaved/Hove Mengangkat Hew Hewed Hewn Memotong Hide Hid Hidden Bersembunyi Hit Hit Hit Memukul Hold Held Held Memegang Hurt Hurt Hurt Melukai


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Keep Kept Kept Menyimpan Knit Knitted Knitted Merajut Kneel Knelt Knelt Berlutut Know Knew Known Mengetahui Lay Laid Laid Menaruh/Bertelor Lead Led Led Memimpin Lean Leant/Leaned Leant/Leaned Bersandar Leap Leapt/Leaped Leapt/Leaped Meloncat Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned Belajar Leave Left Left Meninggalkan Lend Lent Lent Meminjamkan Let Let Let Membiarkan Light Lit Lit Menyalakan Lose Lost Lost Hilang Make Made Made Membuat Mean Meant Meant Bermakna Meet Met Met Menjumpai Melt Melted Molten Melarutkan Misdeal Misdealt Misdealt Salah membagi Mislay Mislaid Mislaid Menyimpan Mislead Misled Misled Menyesatkan Mistake Mistook Mistaken Membuat kesalahan Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Salah paham Mow Mowed Mown Menyabit Outbid Outbid Outbid Menawar lebih tinggi Outdo Outdid Outdone Melebihi Outgrow Outgrew Outgrown Tumbuh lebih cepat Outrun Outrun Outrun Lari lebih cepat Outshine Outshone Outshone Bersinar lebih terang Outspread Outspread Outspread Terbuka lebar Outwear Outwore Outworn Menjadi usang Overcast Overcast Overcast Menggelapkan Overcome Overcame Overcome Mengatasi Overdo Overdid Overdone Terlalu matang Overdraw Overdrew Overdrawn Melukis berlebihan Overeat Overate Overeaten Kekenyangan Overfeed Overfed Overfed Terlampau banyak Overhang Overhung Overhung Bergantung Overhear Overheard Overheard Kebetulan Overlay Overlaid Overlaid Menutupi Override Overrode Overridden Mengesampingkan Overrun Overran Overrun Melewati


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Oversee Oversaw Overseen Mengawasi Oversleep Overslept Overslept Tidak terlalu lama Overtake Overtook Overtaken Mengejar Pay Paid Paid Membayar Put Put Put Meletakkan Read Read Read Membaca Rebuild Rebuilt Rebuilt Membangun kembali Recast Recast Recast Menuang kembali Relay Relaid Relaid Meletakkan kembali Rend Rent Rent Mencabik Repay Repaid Repaid Memasang kembali Reset Reset Reset Memasang kembali Retell Retold Retold Menceritakan kembali Rid Rid Rid Membersihkan Ride Rode Ridden Menunggang Ring Rang Rung Berbunyi Rise Rose Risen Terbit Run Ran Run Lari Saw Sawed sawn Menggergaji Say Said Said Mengatakan See Saw Seen Melihat Seek Sought Sought Mencari Sell Sold Sold Menjual Send Sent Sent Mengirim Set Set Set Terbenam Sew Sewed Sewn Menjahit Shake Shoke Shaken Menggoyangkan Shear Shared Shorn Mencukur Shed Shed Shed Mengalirkan Shine Shone Shone Bersinar Shoot Shot Shot Menembak Show Showed Shown Menunjukkan Shrink Shrank Shrunk Mengerutkan Shut Shut Shut Menutup Sing Sang Sung Menyanyi Sink Sank Sunk Tenggelam Sit Sat Sat Duduk Slay Slew Slain Membunuh Sleep Slept Slept Tidur Slide Slid Slid Meluncurkan Sling Slung Slung Melemparkan Slink Slunk Slunk Menyelinap


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Slit Slit Slit Mengiris Smell Smelt Smelt Berbau Smite Smote Smitten Memukul Sow Sowed Sown Menabur benih Speak Spoke Spoken Berbicara Speed Sped Sped Mengatur kecepatan Spell Spelt Spelt Mengeja Spend Spent Spent Menghabiskan Spill Spilt Spilt Menumpahkan Spin Span Spun Memintal Spit Spat Spat Meludah Split Split Split Membelah Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Merusak Spread Spread Spread Memancarkan Spring Sprang Sprung Meledakkan Stand Stood Stood Berdiri Stave Stove Stoved Menebuk Steal Stole Stolen Mencuri Stick Stuck Stuck Melekatkan Sting Stung Stung Menyengat Stink Stank Stunk Berbau busuk Strew Strewed Strewn Menaburkan Strike Struck Struck Memukul String Strung Strung Mengikat Strive Strove Striven Berusaha Swear Swore Sworn Bersumpah Sweep Swept Swept Menyapu Swim Swam Swum Berenang Swing Swung Swung Memutar Take Took Taken Mengambil Teach Taught Taught Mengajar Tear Tore Torn Menyobek Tell Told Told Menceritakan Think Thought Thought Berpikir Thrive Throve Thriven Tumbuh subur Throw Threw Thrown Melemparkan Thrust Thrust Thrust Mendorong Tread Trod Trodden Melangkah Unbend Unbent Unbent Merenggangkan Undergo Underwent Undergone Mengalami Undersell Undersold Undersold Menjual murah Understand Understood Understood Mengerti


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Undertake Undertook Undertaken Menjamin Underwrite Underwrote Underwritten Menanggung Undo Undid Undone Membatalkan Upset Upset Upset Merobohkan Wake Woke Woken Bangun Waylay Waylaid Waylaid Menghadang Wear Wore Worn Berpakaian Weave Wove Woven Menenun Wed Wedded Wedded Menikah Weep Wept Wept Menangis Win Won Won Menang Wind Wound Wound Memutar Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Mencabut Withhold Withheld Withheld Tidak memberi Withstand Withstood Withstood Melawan Work Worked Wrought Bekerja Wring Wrung Wrung Menjepit Write Wrote Written Menulis


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C. Gramatika Dasar 1. Regulation Of Reading

Peraturan dalam membaca

1. A = Capital Letter 2. . = fullstop 3. , = comma 4. ; = semi colon 5. ‘… = open single comma accent6. …’ = close single comma accent7. “.. = open double comma accent8. ..” = close doible comma accent9. ? = question mark 10. ! = Exclamation mark 11. / slash = slash12. Dash = dash13. : = colon 14. (.. = Open bracket15. ..) = Close bracket

2. Greeting And Telling TimesGreeting salam sambutan (sapaan)

a. Formal Greeting- Good Morning - Good Day - Good Afternoon - Good Evening

b. Informal Greeting- Good night - Good bye/ bye - See you later/around/ tommorrow - What’s up, how’s life up - How’s going on - Farewell - So long - Cherioo

Telling Times Pembicaraan waktu Batas-batas waktu: A.m = Antie merediem(bahasa latin) After midnight 00.01 - 12.00 (midday) P.m = Post merediem After midday 12.01 – 00. 00 (midnight)

Istilah-istilah dalam Pembicaraan waktu - O’clock = tepat/ pas - Past = lewat


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- To = kurang - A quarter = seperempat jam - A half = setengah jam

Ex: - What time is it? It’s 3 o’clock - What time is it? It’s five minutes past twelve.

3. Demonstrative PronounKata ganti penunjuk benda

1. This menunjuk benda tunggal dekat (dapat diraih tanpa berpindah)


This + Is + Singular Noun (kata benda tunggal) Was

Ex: 16. This is a book

2. That menunjuk kata benda tunggal yang jauh (dapat diraih namun harus berpindah)


That +Is + Singular noun Was

Ex: 1. That was a car

3. These menunjuk kata benda jamak yang jaraknya dekat


These + Are + Plural Noun (kata benda jamak) Were

4. Those menunjuk benda jauh yang jumlahnya banyak


Those + Are + Plural Noun Were

Ex: 1. Those are flowers2. Those were tables


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4. Number (Numeral)Kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan jumlah daripada benda. Kata bilangan ini berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective).

Types of Numeral 1. Cardinal Number (bilangan biasa atau pokok)Ex:

3. One Note: Bilangan belasan = diakiri dengan teen 4. Two Bilangan puluhan = diakhiri denagan ty 5. Three Pemisah ratusan = and 6. Four Hundred = seratus 7. Five Thousand = seribu 8. Six Million = juta (Amerika) 9. Seventh Billion = juta (British) 10. Eight11. Nine12. ten

2. Cardinal Number (bilangan bertingkat)Ex:

13. First = st eleventh = th 14. Second = nd tweveth = th15. Third = rd16. Fourth = th17. Fifth = th

3. Multiplicative Number (bilangan kelipatan)Ex:

18. Once19. Twice20. Thrice/ three times21. Triple/ Four times22. Five times

4. Fraction Number (bilangan pecahan)Ex:

23. ½ = a half24. 1/3 = one the third

1 ½ = one and one the second/ one and a half

5. Preposition

Kata Depan Between: Di Antara (Dua Benda) Among: Di Antara (Banyak) Beside: Di Samping Behind: Di Belakang In Front Of: Di Depan In: Di (Dalam) On: Di (Atas)


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At: Pada Under: Di (Bawah) Beneath: Di (Bawah)

Prepositional Of Time

Kata Depan Yang Menyatakan Waktu: - In: Digunakan Untuk

Season/ Year = Only Ex: In Summer In 1999 Etc.

- On: Month/ Day Ex: On January On Monday

- At: Clock/ Date Ex: At 27 Th October At 5 O’clock

Preposition Of Place

Kata Depan Yang Menyatakan Waktu: - In: Digunakan Untuk

State/ Country/ City Ex: In America In Bandung In Java

- On: Street (Only) Tanpa Nomor On Jalan Pasir Asih

- At: Street + Number At Jalan Pasir Asih No. 290

During And For

During: Selama

Periode Waktu Ikut Dihitung Ex. Summer – Ke Summer

For: Selama Satuan Waktunya (Lamanya Musim) Ex: 3 Summer (3 Months). Duration Of Time


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On: Melekat Pada Wadahnya

Above: Tidak Melekat/ Memiliki Jarak Dari Bawah/ Sering Diam Kalaupun Bergerak Tepat Pada


Over: Bergerak Dan Berpindah Tempat

Under: Ada Kemungkinan Dapat Dilihat Tanpa Alat Bantu Beneath: Harus Pakai Alat Bantu

Contoh- contoh kata depan: - Before: sebelum, di depan - After: sesudah - Within: di dalam - In: di (dalam) - On: pada - Of: dari - Off: mati, terlepas - From: dari - With: dengan - About: tentang, kira-kira - Upon: di (atas) - Without: tanpa - Toward: kea rah - Upward: pada - Downward: ke bawah - Beneath: di bawah - Out of: di luar dari - Into: ke dalam

NB: Setiap kata kerja yang datang setelah kata depan selalu diikuti oleh –(kata) ing


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6. Derivative

Pembentukan kelas kata baru dari kelas kata yang ada sebelumnya dengan menambah akhiran/ imbuhan.

- Noun Suffixes: A. Adjectice (Adj) + ity = activity, creativity

+ ness = sadness, happiness B. Verb + ment = movement, payment

+ ion = Tradition, education C. Noun + hood = childhood, widowhood

- Adjective Suffixes A. Noun + full = careful, tasteful, beautiful

+ less = tasteless, careless

B. Noun + ish = childish, girlish

+ like = Childlike, girllike

C. Noun + y = Sandy, muddy, cloudy, stoney

D. Noun + ly = daily, monthly, friendly

7. Pronoun

A. Persoanal Pronoun Kata ganti orang atau benda

Name Subject Object Possessive Adjective

Possesive Pronoun

I (I) I Me My Mine II (I) You You Your Yours III (I) He Him His His III (I) She Her Her Hers III (I) It It Its Its I (II) We Us Our Ours II (II) You You Your Yours III (II) They Them Their Theirs

Orang pertama 1. Orang yang memulai bahan pembicaraan

Ex: I, We 2. Orang kedua

Orang yang menjadi lawan bicara si orang pertama Ex: You (SG), You (PL)


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3. Orang ketigaOrang yang menjadi bahan pembicaraan si orang pertama dan si orang kedua Ex: He, She, It (SG), They (PL)

NB: - We = kita, apabila kita merasa tidak ikut - We = kami apabila kita merasa ikut

B. Indefinite Pronoun Kata ganti tak tentu

- Some - Every + Body/One Setiap auxiliary verbs/ Verbs They (Q. Tag) - Any Bunyi berdesis (SG) (Can be changed) - No

- Some - Every + Thing Setiap Aux Verb bunyi It (Question Tag) - Any Berdesis (Verb Singular) - No

8. Article

Kata Sandang Digunakan untuk menambah arti suatu benda

Ex: - Mr. Green Sees a beautiful girl - I closed the door

Kinds of Article: 1. Definite Article Kata sandang tertentu

A. The = de (dibaca) Bila kata benda yang mengikuti diawali dengan bunyi konsonan

Ex: - The World - The University - The Table

B. The = di (dibaca) Bila kata bendanya diawali dengan bunyi vokal

Ex: - The umbrella - The hour

2. Indefinite Article


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Kata sandng tak tentu A. A = a Dipakai bila kata benda tunggalnya diawali dengan bunyi konsonan

Ex: - A teacher - A student

B. A = an Dipakai bila kata benda tunggal yang mengikuti diawali dengan bunyi vokal

Ex: - An apple - An orange

9. Miscellany Materials

Unsur-unsur yang mengikuti kata benda. The Use Of

- Some and Any A. Some = sejumlah atau beberapa (untuk kalimat positif) Digunakan untuk countable dan uncountable noun Ex:

- (+) I have some books B. Any = sejumlah atau beberapa (untuk kalimat (-) dan (?). Digunakan untuk countable dan uncountable noun Ex:

- I don’t have any books - Do you have any sugar

- A lot of, much, many A. A lot of = banyak dan tidak terbatas. Digunakan untuk countable dan uncountable noun Ex:

- There are a lot of water in the river (formal) - There is a lot of flower in the garden (informal)

B. Much = banyak terbatas. (Untuk uncountable noun) Ex:

- There are much money in my pocket

C. Many = banyak (terbatas). Untuk countable noun Ex:

- I have many pets

- A little, little, a few, few A. A little = sedikit dan cukup.Untuk noncountable noun Ex:

- She gets alittle monet - She had a little sugar

B. Little = sedikit (tidak cukup). Untuk uncountable noun Ex:

- She has little coffe


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C. A few = sedikit dan cukup.Untuk countable noun Ex:

- I have afew books

D. Few = sedikit (cukup). untuk countable noun Ex:

- They have few value

10. Request Sentence

Kalimat permintaan

1. untuk membuat suatu kalimat permintaan, maka kita harus menggunakan: “Will You”…?Ex:

- Will You help me, Rino? - Budi, will you open the door? It’s very hot here.

2. Polite Request (permintaan sopan)Bisa dilakukan dengan cara berikut:

“Please” - Will you be quiet , please? - Will you open the window, please?

“Won’t you” - Won’t you turn the radio, please? - Won’t you take the pen, please?

“Would you” - Would you stay here, John? - Would you be careful, please?

Would you like to + Inf - Would you like to switch on the lights, please? - Would you like to take off your shoes, please?

Would You mind + Verb. Ing - Would you mind giving this letter to your mother, jane? - Would you mind cleaning this room, girls?

3. Negative Request (larangan halus)Dengan meletakkan kata not (perhatikan posisinya)

Ex: - Would you like not to smoke? - Would you like not to disturb me? - Would you mind not steal my fish, please?

4. Penggunaan kata Let/ Let’sLet…/don’t let…(biarkan…/jangan biarkan)

Ex: - Le me do the work!


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- Don’t let him stay here!

Let us (let’s) Infinitive…(marilah/ ayo kita) Ex:

- Let’s go to the movie tonight - Let’s study together in the library now!

11. Comparison Degree

Adjective Degree = adalah tingkat perbandingan (membandingkan sifat suatu Benda dengan benda yang lain).

Ada tiga tingkat perbandingan 1. Comparison of Equality/ positive degree

Tingkat perbandingan setara bentuk atau pola. Tingkat biasa

As positive as So positive as

Ex: - Boy is as high as Jeni - Mr. lee is a lazy man

2. Comparative Degree (tingkat lebih)Menyatakan perbandinga tingkat dari sifat dua benda yang berbeda.Pola:

S + Verb/ Auxiliary + Adjective + Er + Than + O + Aux/ verbAdverb

Ex: - His house is bigger than your house - Mr. Bean is more diligent than Mr. Brown

Notes: - 1 atau 2 suku kata usung “Er” - Lebih dari dua suku kata using “more” (di depan kata sifat)

3. Superlative Degree (tingkat paling)Menyatakan perbandingan tingkat paling di atas positive dan comparativePola:

S + verb + Adj + Est Aux Adv

Table of Comparison Degree Suku kata Positive Comparative Superlative

1-2 suku kata Lazy Lazier Laziest Small Smaller Smallest

Lebih dari 2 suku kata

Expensive More expensive Most expensive


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NB: Setiap yang berada di belakang Auxiliary/ verb adalah Subject

Ex: - You read more loudly than I did

Aux - You are cleverer than I am - You are cleverer than me

12. Kinds Of Question

Jenis- jenis pertanyaan 1. Yes or No Question

Pertanyaan-pertanyaa n yang dapat dijawab dengan mengatakan Yes or No

Ciri-ciri: - Biasanya kalimat diawali dengan Auxiliary verb

Seperti To be: is, am, are, was, were To have: have, has, had To do: do, does, did Modals: will, shall, can, may, might, etc.

Ex: - Is she a teacher? Yes, She is/ no she isn’t - Are you okey? Yes, I am/ no, I’m not - Have you gone? Yes, I have/ no I don’t - Will you go with them? Yes I will/ no I won’t

2. Question Word QuestionPertanyaan yang menggunakan Question Word (8 W + 1 H).Dan biasanya memerlukan jawaban/ informasiYang jelas dan akurat.

Ex: - What is your name? my name is Edy - Where do you live? I live in Medan

13. Question Word

8 W 1 H

1. What = ApaMenanyakan: nama, kedudukan, benda, warna, cita-cita, alamat, waktu

Ex: - What is your name? - What is your mother? 2. Where = Dimana

Menanyakan tempat, posisi

What, Where, Who, Whose, Whom, Which,

Why, When,


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Ex: - Where do you live? - Where do you go? 3. When = Kapan

Menanyakan waktu, pertemuanEx: - When you visit us? - When did you arrive? 4.Who = Siapa Menanyakan orang sebagai subyek (pokok kalimat) Ex: - Who are you? I’m a typist - Who gave that book to you? She gave me that book 5. Whom = Siapa

Menanyakan orang sebagai obyekEx: - To whom did you spend you money? I spent my money to my girlfriend. - Whom are you going with? I’m going with my family. 6. Whose = Milik (siapa)

Menanyakan kepunyaanEx: - Whose book is this? - Whose daughter is she? 7. Which = Yang mana (pilihan)

Menanyakan pilihanEx: - Which one do you like coffe or tea? - Which of them is your father? 8. Why = Mengapa

Menanyakan alasan, sebabEx: - Why do you love me? - Why were you absent? 9. How = Bagaimana, berapa

Menanyakan jumlah, keadaan, jangka waktu, sebab, harga, etc.How long = Berapa lamaEx:

- How long will you stay here? How far = Seberapa jauh - How far is your house from here? - How far is Majalengka to Bandung? How much = Berapa banyak (uncountable noun) - How much is this pen? - How much money do you have?

How many = berapa banyak (countable noun) - How many brothers do you have?


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14. Question Tag

Ekor Pertanyaan/ pertanyaan penegas Menegaskan kembali pernyataan kepada orang lain

Ex: - You are a teacher, aren’t you?

Statement Tag

Ciri-Ciri Question Tag: 1. Jika Statemen (+) Tag (-) 2. Jika Statement (-) Tag (+)

Menentukan Tag dari suatu kalimat: 1. Bila dalam kalimat terdapat Auxiliary Verb seperti Tobe ( is, am, are, was, were) maka tempatkan saja Aux. Verb kedalam Tagnya. Ex:

- She is a nurse, Isn’t She? - Rhina is not a widow, is She?

2. Bila tidak terdapat Tobe dalam kalimat maka cari lebih dahulu predikat yang sesuaiTerhadap Auxiliary Verb

To inf Present Paste I He To do Do Did You She Does

Does We Do It You They

Ex: - We Study, don’t We? - You Went home yesterday, didn’t You? - He doesn’t study, does He? -


NB: This It That

These They Those

Ex: - Is there any meeting? Isn’t there?

NB: There = there Here = here


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15. Predication

Predikat sebagai kata kerja utama Ada hal-hal penting dalam pembentukan kalimat (sentences)

- S = Subject

I You He She It We You They

- P = Predicate

Forming Verb Noun

- = Object

Me You Him Her It Us

You Them

- K = Kata Keterangan (Adverb). Predication terbagi dua: Regular Verb

Predication as verbIrregular Verb

Predication as a nonverb Adjective Noun Adverb Compliment

Verb as PredicationKata kerja sebagai predikat (kata yang menunjukkan tindakan)

Ex: - Boby eats big banana everynight

Nonverb as predicationYang bukan kata kerja sebagai predikat


Personal pronoun (S)

Personal pronoun (O)


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- She is a preety girl S Aux Noun

- He is there S Aux Adverb

- You are stupid S Aux Adjective

16. Auxiliary Verb

Kata kerja bantu Terdiri dari:

1. Tense AuxiliaryA. To Be : is,am, are, was, were, be, being, been

Fungsi: - Sebagai kata bantu dalam kalimat nonverbal

Ex: She is preety Adjective - Sevagai kata bantu dalam kalimat continiuous

Ex: we are studying Verb. Ing - Sebagai kata bantu dalam kalimat passif

Ex: Are You healed? Past Participle (P.P)

B. To have: Have, has, had Have = I, you, we, you, they

Simple present Has = he, she, it

Simple past Had = All personal pronoun

Fungsi: - Membantu tenses perfect di dalam kalimat telah

Ex: I have read your letter - She had had bicycle

2. To DoDo = I, you, we, you, they (simple present) Does = he, she, it (simple present) Did = All personal pronoun (Simple past)

Fungsi : - Membentuk kalimat (-) dan (?) dari kalimat (+)

(+) She works in at office (-) She does not work in at office (?) Does she works in at office


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Auxiliary yang bisa berdiri sendiri Dalam membentuk kalimat (+), (-), dan (?)


No Present Past 1 Can Could 2 May Might 3 Shall Should 4 Will Would 5 Have to Had to 6 Has to 7 Must 8 Ought to 9 Use to Used to

10 Had better 11 Would rather 12 Dare 13 Need

Verb To Be Berasal dari Auxiliary verb

Verb to be: Is Are Present tense


To be: Was Past tense Were

Be : be future Being continuous Been perfect

Catatan: - Dari segi arti verb to be(is, am, are) tidak mempunyai arti tetapi akan

mempunyai arti a. adalahb. beradac. ada

ada Jika posisinya bukan di awal kalimat Ex:

- I am English teacher adalah - We are here berada - There are many student’s over there ada

+ Verb1

3. Modal Auxiliary


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- Bila duduk sebagai kata pertama dalam sebuah kalimat a. adakahb. apakah

Jika posisinya di depan sebuah kalimat Ex:

- Is there anybody at home adakah - Are you a doctor apakah

Verb to be mempunyai kegunaan:

1. diikuti oleh noun (benda)Ex:

- This is a whiteboard (kt. Benda) - He is a doctor

2. Verb to be diikuti oleh adjectiveEx:

- She is beautiful 3. verb to be diikuti oleh adverbEx:

- He is in the office 4. verb to be diikuti oleh Verb. Ing. Punya dua fungsi

1. Gerund = pembendaan2. Continuous = berlangsung

Ex: - We are studying now

5. verb to be diikuti verb 3 (past participle)Ex:

- Verb to be is studied by us.


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17. Multifunction Words

Kata kerja yang memiliki fungsi ganda. Terbagi tiga:

1. Full of verbs (Kata kerja penuh)2. Full of auxiliary (kata kerja bantu)3. Full of meaning (arti kata penuh)

Ex: 1. Do – Does – Did2. Have – Has – Had3. Can – Could

Ex: Do – Does – Did 1. (+) I do my homework everyday

(-) I do not do my homework everyday (?) Do you do your homework everyday

2. (+)She washes the plates(-) She doesn’t wash the plates (?) Does she wash the plates

3. (+)I did my daily activities(-) I didn’t do my daily activities (?) Did you do your daily activities

4. (+) I have had a book(-) I haven’t had a book (?) Have you had a book?

18. Gerund

Bentuk kata yang berakhiran – Ing (Verb + Ing) fungsinya sebagai kata benda (noun)

A. As Subject Verb. Ing (S) + Verb/ Aux (sing + O/C)

Ex: - Reading many books makes you clever - Playing football is my hobby

B. As Object (after certain verb) Verb + Verb. Ing KEDAN PAMAN GOFIR

Verbs: - Keep (on) - Mind - Enjoy - Go - Deny - Finish + Verb. Ing - Delay - Risk - Admit - Prevent


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Ex: - The thieft denied stealing the money

C. Verb To Infinitive/ Verb. Ing Verbs:

- Start - Begin - Remember - Love - Like + To Infinitive (belum) - Continue Verb. Ing (sudah) - Dislike - Stop - Hate - Forget

Ex: - I was late to the party because I had to stop to buy Gasoline - I will join you to watch the film later but I don’t want to stop studying my lesson


D. Phrasal Verbs + Verb. Ing Verbs:

- Look forward to - Object to + Verb.Ing - Be accustomed to - Be used to

Ex: - I’m not used to eating something with chip sticks

E. After preposition and Possesive adjective. Verb:

- On- In - For - By - Of - For + Verbing (active meaning) - Before Being + verb 3 past participle (passive meaning) - After - With - Without - At


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Ex: - You can not pass the test without preparing yourself

Additional: - My - Your - Her - His + Verbing - Its - Our - your - Their

Ex: - I’m sorry for my coming late

Lingking Verb

Kata kerja yang tak lengkap yang dapat diikuti oleh adjective/ compliment Verbs: SE BELAH SOFT

- Seem, smell, sound - Become, look, feel - Appear, happen, taste

Ex: - It looks crazy - You become famous

Pola 2:

Certain Verbs + Object + Adj/ To Inf CU MA CA PAI

- Cut - Make + O + Adj/ To Inf - Cause - Pain


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D. Tenses

1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang berulang ulang misalnyadilakukan setiap hari setiap bulan dan sebagainya. Adapunrumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + Verb I (s, es)Negatif : Subject + do/does + not + Verb IInterrogatif : do/does + Subject + Verb I ?Example : She goes to office every day

2. SIMPLE PAST TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan pada masalampau. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + Verb IINegatif : Subject + did + not + Verb IInterrogatif : Did + Subject + Verb I ?Example : I visited Singapore one year ago

3. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan pada masamendatang. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + am/is/are+going to +Verb INegatif : Subject + am/is/are+ not + going to +Verb IInterrogatif : Am/is/are+Subject+going to +Verb I ?Example : I am going to teach tonightTo be bisa juga diganti dengan Will. (I will teach tonight)

4. SIMPLE PAST FUTURE TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang seharusnya dilakukan tapitidak terjadi. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + should/would +Verb INegatif : Subject + should/would+ not + Verb IInterrogatif : Should/would+Subject +Verb I ?Example : I should teach last night

5. PRESENT PERFECT TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan (have disiniberarti sudah) Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + have/has + Verb IIINegatif : Subject + have/has + not + Verb III

6. PAST PERFECT TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan pada waktutertentu pada masa lampau Tenses ini biasanya menggunakankata sambung when/while & anak kalimat berbentuk Simplepast tense Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + had + Verb IIINegatif : Subject + had + not + Verb III


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Interrogatif : Had + Subject + Verb III ? Example : I had taught when you came

Interrogatif : Have/has + Subject + Verb III ? Example : He has gone to Singapore

7. FUTURE PERFECT TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan dan akanselesai dimasa mendatang. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + Will/shall + have + Verb IIINegatif : Subject + Will/shall +not + have + Verb IIIInterrogatif : Will/shall + Subject+ have + Verb III ?Example : I Shall have taught when you come tonight

8. PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan pada waktutertentu pada masa lampau dan telah selesai. Adapunrumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + should/would+ have+ Verb IIINegatif : S + should/would+ not+ have+ Verb IIIInterrogatif : Should/Would + Subject +have+ verb III ?Example : Mother would have washed when We come.

9. PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan ataumenjelaskan kata sifat rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + am/is/are + Verb I + ingNegatif : Subject + am/is/are + not + Verb I + ingInterrogatif : am/is/are + Subject + Verb I + ing ?Example : I am reading a book now

10. PAST CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan pada masalampau. Tenses ini biasanya menggunakan kata sambungwhen/while dan anak kalimat berbentuk Simple past tenseAdapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + was/were + Verb + ingNegatif : Subject + was/were + not + Verb + ingInterrogatif : Was/were + Subject + verb + ing ?Example : I was teaching when you came

11. FUTURE CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan pada masamendatang. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + Shall/Will + be +Verb I + ing


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Negatif : Subject + Shall/Will+not+be+Verb I + ing Interrogatif : Shall/Will +Subject+ be +Verb I + ing ? Example : You will be waiting me next month

12. PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung padamasa lampau Tenses ini biasanya menggunakan kata sambungberbentuk Simple past tense Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + had + been + Verb + ingNegatif : Subject + had + not + been + Verb + ingInterrogatif : Had + Subject + been + Verb + ing ?Example : I had been teaching before you came

13. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah dilakukan namun tetapberlangsung sampai saat ini. Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : Subject + have/has + been +Verb + ingNegatif : Subject + have/has + not been + Verb + ingInterrogatif : Have/has + Subject + been + Verb + ing ?Example : I have been living in Tangerang since 1990

14. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan namuntetap berlangsung pada masa mendatang. rumusnya adalah :Positif : S+ will/shall+ have+ been +Verb + ingNegatif : S+ will/shall+not+have+ been + Verb ingInterrogatif : Will/shall+ S + have+ been + Verb + ing ?Example : I shall have been working 8 hours by 3 o’clock

15. PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINOUS TENSEDigunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sedang dilakukan pada waktutertentu pada masa lampau . Adapun rumusnya adalah :Positif : S+ should/would+ have+been+ Verb ingNegatif : S+should/would+ not+ have+been Verb ingInterrogatif : Should/Would + S+have+ been+verb ing ?Example : Mother would have washing when We come.


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E. Short Prayer

King James Version

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

F. Short Devotional

O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. —Matthew 26:39

“God never gives us more than we can handle,” someone said to a father whose 5-year-old son had just lost his battle with cancer. These words, which were intended to encourage him, instead depressed him and caused him to wonder why he wasn’t “handling” the loss of his boy at all. The pain was so much to bear that he could hardly even breathe. He knew his grief was too much for him and that he desperately needed God to hold him tight.

The verse that some use to support the statement “God never gives us more than we can handle” is 1 Corinthians 10:13, “When you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (niv). But the context of these words is temptation, not suffering. We can choose the way out of temptation that God provides, but we can’t choose a way out of suffering.

Jesus Himself wanted a way out of His upcoming suffering when He prayed, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. . . . O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me” (Matt. 26:38-39). Yet He willingly went through this for our salvation.

When life seems too much to bear, that’s when we throw ourselves on God’s mercy, and He holds on to us.

Father, I feel vulnerable and weak. I know You are my refuge and strength, my help in trouble. I call upon Your name, Lord. Hold on to me.


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True and False Humility

Let me give you 3 examples, and consider which is the best display of humility:

Example 1: A teenage girl walks to school with her head down and a chip on her shoulder. She often utters to herself – “I’m fat, stupid, and ugly.”

Example 2: A man talks to his friends about his terrible job – he doesn’t brag about his job because he hates his job, but he dominates the conversation with talks of how terrible his job is.

Example 3: A woman talks with her friends. She interjects briefly, but for the most part she listens to what her friends have to say.

The real example of humility is of course example number 3. The other two are not really displaying humility. Example number 1 is an example of ‘low self esteem.’ Low self esteem is not the same as the quality of humility! Example number 2 is really displaying pride! It’s difficult to see because he’s not saying something positive about himself, but by dominating the conversation with facts about himself he says, “My life is very interesting! Everybody look at me!” This is not humility – it’s pride. The third example displays a mature soul who does not draw attention to herself. She is not consumed with thoughts about herself but shows interest in other people. Applying this to the Christian life – Christian humility is shown when a believer dwells primarily on God and God’s glory and not his or her own self-image.

CS Lewis put it like this: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less”.

Let us be a people who do not obsess with our own issues and self-image – but on God’s kingdom and glory.

Philippians 2:3-5 "(3) Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; (4) do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (5) Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,"

What’s On the Inside?

January 31, 2015

Ever thought about how you measure the worth of another person? Maybe it’s by their wealth, their title, their fame, their looks, their education, or perhaps, their success? I don’t know how you would answer that question, but I can tell you how God measures the worth of a person. As the scripture says, “…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

The heart speaks of a person’s character, their courage and spirit. Sadly, oftentimes when we measure the worth of a person, we just look at the outward appearance. But God looks at what’s on the inside. Knowing this, how would He measure you? If you had a heart exam


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today, what kind of heart would God find? The good news is that God has given us a way to have a new heart and it’s found through faith in Jesus Christ.

It’s an interesting insight into life that when we begin to have the right heart through Christ, we begin to measure the worth of others God’s way. Print

G. Hymn

1. Amazing Grace – John Newton, England (1779)

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.”

2. How Great Thou Art – Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)

“O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.”

Chorus: Then Sing My soul my savior’s God to be How great thou art, how great thou art

3. Holy, Holy, Holy – Reginald Heiber, England (1826)

“Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!”

4. It is Well – Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)

“When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know, It is well, it is well, with my soul.”

5. Great Is Thy Faithfulness – Thomas Chisholm, Kansas, USA (1923)

“Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not


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As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.”

6. Praise To the Lord The Almighty – Joachim Neander, Germany (1665)

“Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; Sing now in glad adoration!”

7. Be Thou My Vision – Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)

“Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art; Thou my best thought, by day or by night; Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.” 8. All Creatures Of our God and King – St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)

“All creatures of our God and King Lift up your voice and with us sing, Alleluia! Alleluia!… …Let all things their Creator bless,And worship Him in humbleness, O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, Three in One!”

9. All Hail The Power of Jesus Name – Edward Perronet, England (1779)

“All hail the power of Jesus’ name! Let angels prostrate fall; bring forth the royal diadem, and crown him Lord of all.”

10. Blessed Assurance – Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)

“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.”

11. To God Be The Glory – Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1872)

“To God be the glory, great things He hath done, So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life our redemption to win, And opened the life-gate that all may go in.”

12. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross – Isaac Watts, England (1707)

“When I survey the wondrous cross


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On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.”

13. Jesus Paid it All – Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)

“I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all.” Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.”

14. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God – Martin Luther, Germany (somewhere between 1527 –1529)

“A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing: For still our ancient foe doth seek to work us woe; His craft and power are great, and, armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal.”

15. How Firm A Foundation – John Rippon, England (1787)

“How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say than to you He hath said Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled?”

16. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Robert Robison, England (1757)

“Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise.”

17. Crown Him With Many Crowns – Matthew Bridges, England (1852)

“Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne. Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own. Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.”

18. At the Cross – Isaac Watts, England (1707)

“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away,


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It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day!”

19. What a Friend We Have in Jesus – Joseph M. Scriven (words in 1855) and CharlesConverse (Music in 1868), Ireland

“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

20. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus – Helen Lemmel, England (1922)

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.”

Contemporary and Modern Hymns 21. In Christ Alone – Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, Northern Ireland/England (2001)

“In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand” 22. Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) – Chris Rice, USA (2003)

“Weak and wounded sinner Lost and left to die O, raise your head, for love is passing by Come to Jesus Come to Jesus Come to Jesus and live!

Now your burden’s lifted And carried far away And precious blood has washed away the stain, so Sing to Jesus Sing to Jesus Sing to Jesus and live!”


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23. 10,000 Reasons – Matt Redman, England (2011)

“Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before O my soul I’ll worship Your holy name”