diphteria 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    DIPHTERIADivision of Tropical and Infectious Diseases

    Department of Internal MedicineBrawijaya University !aiful Anwar "eneral Hospital


  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    A 16-year-old girl with a history of incomplete childhood immunization (shehad received only the first of three doses of the diphtheriapertussistetanusvaccine), residing in Malang, presented to the emergency department of the

    aiful Anwar !eneral "ospital during the rainy season#

    he had had a fever, severe sore throat, $ull nec%, hoarse voice, andshortness of $reath for & days# he appeared sic%, tachycardia with heartrate 11' $eats min normal $lood pressure 11' ' mm"g, respiratory ratewas *+ $reaths min, stridor and retraction at intercostals space was noted,she also had $ilateral, yellowish white pharyngeal patches with congestion#

    A illar temperature * #*./, and a0+ 2 on room air#

    3a$oratory results shows elevated white $lood cell count ++,66' 43 with

    '2 polymorphonuclear cells, +&2 $and forms, and +2 lymphocytes# 5loodgas analysis shows p" #++, a/0+ +& mm"g, a0+ * mm"g#

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Questions ?Whats the problem?

    Why the patient sufered?

    How is the laboratory results?Whats the diferential diagnosis?

    Do we need urther examination to con rm the

    diagnose?Whats the complications next??

    Whats your treatment, and how is her


  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    pidemiologyHumans are the only !nown natural hosts

    "# diphteria $ spread %ia upper respiratorytract droplets, but it can also be spread bydirect contact with s!in lesions

    organism itsel can sur%i%e or & ' months indust ser%e as the %ehicle or transmission

    (mmuni)ation against diphtheria toxinpre%ents the serious complications o disease

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    *icrobiology" diphtheriae is a gram+positi%e rod with club+shapedswellings at each end# *ost strains produce an exotoxin,diphtheria toxin, which is encoded by a gene carried by alysogenic bacteriophage and is responsible or thedisease

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    Early sta#es% ore throat, -ow e%er, wollen nec! glands#

    &ate sta#es% .irway obstruction and breathing di/culty# hoc!

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Diphtheria Toxin (DT)"lea%ed to yield .01 ragment, 2oined by + bond

    + A 3catalytic domain4+ B 3transmembrane and receptor binding domains4

    Receptor $ heparin+binding epidermal growth actor + rich on cardiac cells andner%e cells

    To'in di(uses t$rou#$out )ody via )lood + "ardiac, neurologic complications + Heart0respiratory damage, paralysis

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    "linical 5indings

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Dip$teria *lassi+edbased on site o in ection

    6espiratory Diphteria

    7haryngeal0 8onsillar Diphteria

    9asal Diphteria-aryngeal Diphteria

    "utaneous Diphteria

    :ther "linical *ani estations $

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Dip$teria *lassi+edbased on site o in ection

    P$aryn#eal Tonsillar Dip$teria %*ost common site

    (nsidious onsetarly symptoms $ malaise, sore throat, anorexia,

    low grade e%er5ew days later $ membrane appears inpharyngeal0 tonsillar area

    e%ere disease $ submandibular and anteriornec! edema, along with lymphadenopathy

    Bullneck appearance

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Dip$teria *lassi+edbased on site o in ection

    ,asal Dip$teria %.nterior nares, serosanguinous or seropurulent nasal

    discharge, subtle whitish mucosal membrane, particularlyon septum

    &aryn#eal Dip$teria %

    xtension o the pharyngeal or be the only site in%ol%edypmtoms $ e%er, hoarseness and a bar!ing cough

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Dip$teria *lassi+edbased on site o in ection

    *utaneous Dip$teria %;ariable dermatosis7unched out ulcerati%e lession, with necroticsloughing or pseudomembrane ormation: ten associated with S. aureus and group A

    streptococci-t$er *linical Manifestations %

    6are cases o endocarditis, septic arthritis,

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015



    *utaneous Dip$teria

    Bull nec.

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015



    . dar! pharyngeal membrane that cannot beremo%ed without bleeding

    ystemic toxicity, neurologic abnormalities such asth cranial ner%e de cits, and0orelectrocardiograph changes

    8he microbiology laboratory$ special media,3-oe er@s or tellurite selecti%e media4 must beused to pre%ent o%ergrowth o normal Aora

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Case Defnition*on+rmed *ase

    "linical (llness or systemic mani estations compatible withdiphtheria in a person with an upper respiratory tract in ection orin ection at another site 7-B at least one o the ollowing$

    -aboratory con rmation o in ection using the modi ed - C assayor assay or presence o the diphtheria tox gene, which, idetected, should be tested or expression o diphtheria toxin usingthe modi ed - C assay$

    isolation o "orynebacterium diphtheriae with con rmation o

    toxin rom an appropriate clinical specimen, including theexudati%e membrane :6Histopathologic diagnosis o diphtheria


    pidemiological lin! to a laboratory+con rmed case# 3contactwithin wee!s prior to onset o symptoms4

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Case Defnition

    Pro)a)le *ase

    "linical illness in the absence o laboratory con rmationor epidemiologic lin! to a laboratory+con rmed case#

    !uspect *ase

    Bpper respiratory tract in ection 3naso+pharyngitis,laryngitis, or tonsillitis4 with nasal, tonsillar, pharyngealand0or laryngeal membrane#

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015



    y*$ildren Adults


    .ntitoxin7haryngeal0laryngeal disease 3FG h4,

    >,>>>+G>,>>> B (;9asopharynx disease, G>,>>>+'>,>>>B (;

    xtensi%e disease or IJ d, >,>>>+= >,>>> B (; P&U!

    rythromycin, G>+K> mg0!g0d 3max, g0d4

    .s or children3erythromycin, g0din G doses4


    7enicillin L, =>>,>>>+=K>,>>> B0!g0d

    di%ided e%ery ' h 3max =# million B4-R 7enicillin aMueous procaine,

    K,>>>+K>,>>> B0!g0d di%ided e%ery= h 3max =# million B4

    .s or children

    3penicillin L,= + > million B0ddi%ided e%ery G+' h4


    Aller#icrythromycin rythromycin

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015



    D8a7 3 ull+le%el diphtheria and tetanus toxoids andacellular pertussis %accine, adsorbed4 the currentlyrecommended %accine or children up to the age o N

    D8a7 replaced D87 3diphtheria and tetanus toxoids andwhole+cell pertussis %accine4 in =

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015



    (n >>' $ recommended that3=4 adults =

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Prophylaxis o Contacts

    "lose contacts o diphtheria cases $throat culture to determine whether they are carriers#antimicrobial prophylaxis $ e%en those who are

    culture+negati%e#NO=> days o oral erythromycin or one dose o (* ben)athinepenicillin L 3=# million units or persons ' years old or '>>,>>> units

    or children F' years old4#

  • 7/25/2019 Diphteria 2015


    Prophylaxis o Contacts

    "ontacts o diphtheria cases who ha%e anuncertain immuni)ation status $

    diphtheria toxoidOcontaining %accine#

    8dap 3rather than 8d4 is now recommended as thebooster %accine o choice or adults who ha%e notrecently recei%ed an acellular pertussisOcontaining%accine#

    "arriers o "# diphtheriae in the community should betreated and %accinated when identi ed#

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