diseño curricular de 6to año escuela secundaria

Diseño Curricular de 6to Año Escuela Secundaria Capacitador: Oscar Marino Julio 2012

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Diseño Curricular de 6to Año Escuela Secundaria. Capacitador: Oscar Marino Julio 2012. My Portfolio Prof. M. Marta Ottaviano Distrito:Navarro . Let´s start from the very beginning …. Diseño Curricular : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Diseño Curricularde 6to Año

Escuela SecundariaCapacitador: Oscar Marino

Julio 2012

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My Portfolio

Prof. M. Marta OttavianoDistrito:Navarro.

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Let´s start from the very beginning …

Diseño Curricular:

“Dentro del marco de los fines de la Escuela Secundaria – la formación de ciudadanos, la preparación para el mundo del trabajo y para la continuación de estudios superiores – debemos tener en cuenta los distintos contextos de cada escuela, las particularidades y condiciones en las que los docentes enseñan, las biografías personales de los alumnos para tomar decisiones curriculares que promuevan una escuela para todos.”

A new society …

A new school…

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Inglés y su Enseñanza en el Ciclo Superior de la Escuela Secundaria. Las clases de lenguas extranjeras deben servir no solo para aprender la lengua sino también para brindar la oportunidad de usarla en contextos dados, además de conocer las distintas partes y elementos de que se compone una lengua, sean capaces de ensamblarlos, de construir con ellos mensajes reales y útiles. AICLE ofrece a los alumnos un contexto natural para el desarrollo de la lengua extranjera, que se construye sobre la base de aprendizajes previos. Como consecuencia de un uso más espontáneo y natural, los alumnos están más motivados y predispuestos hacia el aprendizaje de otras lenguas.

A new approach

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All you need is … Bloom´s taxonomy of Learning


And … How are we going to achieve all that?

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My reflectionOn the light of this proposal, CLIL has come to the rescue of both teachers and students. Through the 4-Cs principles CLIL ensures flexibility and adaptability to a wide range of contexts, as well as progression in language usage and learning, skills development and and self learning construct which in turn results in an effective, highly motivating learning process for all the actors alike.

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Before CLIL …

gapsfunctions auxiliarie


verbs Simple or continuous?

Correct form







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After CLIL …






Learning to use the language

Use the language to learn

understanding skill


Problem-solvingapplying reflecting

Identity citizenship“self/other” awareness

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CULTUREMultimedia Prsesentations

*Products *Employees*History of the plant*Human Resources*Export

CONTENT*The farming and farm timeline machinery*Wheat: from soil to ship*Video”The flour milling process”*Machinery*The History of Agro.machinery factories in Argentina*Advertisement - Leaflets

COMMUNICATION CONGNITION*Describing processes*Identifying machinery*Visual rpresentation*Investigation*Analizing and Organizing ideas*Creating multimedia presentations, leaflets



Language of learning Language for

learningLanguage through learning

Key vocabularyPhrasesPassive voiceConnectorsLang. Of leaflets

Reading strategies for differentes types of texts.Writing leaflets

Dictionary skillsDescribing processes and partsUsing feedback

The Project

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As CLIL goes by …Motivated teacher



Meaninful learning

situations +

authentic English

Friendly learning


Learning to use the

language – Use the

language to learn

Familiar content +

new language

Challanged but

confident students

Creative outcome


Self awarenes

s of performa

nce & progress

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A new approach to teaching eventually makes us

reflect about a new and wider

view of assessment

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•Language testing is a complex social phenomena.

•It has evolved to fulfil a number of functions in the classroom.


•The purpose of language testing is to render information to aid in making intelligent decisions about possible courses of action.


•Monitoring the development of a unit and evaluating the processes and outcomes are integral to the teaching and learning process.

•Assessment is part of the learning cycle.


Speaking words of widsom …

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FOR Learning•To

determine next steps

•To provide feedback

•To identifiy learning needs


AS Learning•To guide sts to

monitor & reflect on their own learning

•To provide opportunities for each st. to make adjustments & adaptations

•Metacognition development

OF Learning•To confirm

what sts know or can do.

•To certify proficiency

•Summative & public

Let assessment be …

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So ... Better safe than sorry!Clear

learning objective


Mixture of formal & informal


Task-based &



Clear assessment measures &

success criteria to sts

Language assessed for a real

purpose in a real


Simplest form of the

language to test content knowledge


Self & peer


CLIL Assessment Principles

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WashbacksRefers to the unexpected,

harmful consequences of

a test. For example,

instruction may focus too

heavily on test preparation at the expense of other activities.

Refers to expected test effects. For example, a test may encourage students to study more or may promote a connection between standards and instruction

Positive Washback Negative


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   Excerpt by Glenn Fulcher (2010)  

“Teachers… have to respond to the demands made by testing regimes and students´ desire to pass tests. It is therefore about evaluating the impact that test use mayhave on teaching and learning, in the broadest sense. The effects of the use of language tests are measure of the meaning of the test in practice. If the test has been well designed, with its purpose and effect in mind, we might expect to see many positive effects …”

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Assessment has evolved alongside with teaching to become part of the learning cycle and not its aim. For assessment to be effective, it must be “ecologically sensitive” as it has to serve the local needs of both teacher and leaners. Whatever purpose or format it may have, it has to mirror the teaching process and classroom practice. By selecting a test that reflects your instructional and program goals, you can more closely align testing with instruction.

My point of view

Have I evolved or just got old?, I wonder…

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A final word . . .

The greatest sign of success for a teacher … is to be able to say: “The children are now working as if I did not exist” María Montessori, Italian Educator. 1870-1952

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I´ve selected this wise quote because it perfectly reflects my own feelings. Having completed the course (successfully I hope!) I feel confident enough to go on working on my own. I´ve always considered assessment as one of the hardest aspects of teaching . But now, bearing in mind the CLIL principles, the different types of assessment and methods and above all thanks to an outstanding teacher , I can honestly say that I can work as if he did not exist!

… thanks!

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“The important thing is not to stop questioning”

Albert Einstein