dist model essay p3

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  • 8/19/2019 Dist Model Essay P3




    Model Essays

    Revision Paper 4

    Question 1

      It was the premiere  of the most widely-anticipated  movie of the

    year which had received rave reviews. Many people, including my friends

    and I, had made advanced bookings to catch the movie.

     The cinema was fully packed with people of all ages. The audience

    settled down comfortably on the plush red velvet seats  and chatted

    excitedly among themselves. Then the reminder  for us to switch our

    handphones to silent mode was screened before the movie finally


      The movie was at its climax and everyone was watching with bated

    breath as the plot progressed. Suddenly, someone’s handphone rang shrilly,

    disrupting our viewing pleasure. To make things worse, that person chose

    to have a conversation with the person who had called, ignoring the fierce

    stares that he was getting from the other patrons.

    After a few minutes, we saw two irritated boys stand up and confront 

    the  offender. Despite  the semi-darkness of the cinema, we could make

    out what was happening. The boys started pushing him roughly. They

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    snatched  his handphone and scolded  him for being inconsiderate.

    Fortunately, an usher arrived in time to prevent the boys from beating up

    the man.

      The staff handled the situation well. The two parties were asked to

    settle their dispute  outside and everyone was compensated  with

    complimentary passes for another screening.

    Question 2

    The midday sun was high up in the sky. Thankfully, the dense

    foliage of leaves overhead provided us with some relief from the heat . I

    was camping with my fellow scouts in the forest.

      We were trekking along an off-beaten track  when we heard some

    sounds coming from the bushes nearby. They appeared to be sounds of

    distress. Curious, we decided to investigate. We saw a baby bird chirping

    loudly  on the ground. Some distance away, a rattle snake slithered

    menacingly, all ready to strike.

     There was no time to lose. I picked up a few stones and threw them

    over the bushes to distract the snake. The poisonous reptile slithered away

    in the other direction. It was a close shave!

     The little bird was visibly shaken  and still shivering with fright.

    Realising that it had fallen from a nest from a low branch of a tree, my friends

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    and I carefully picked it up. We placed it back in the safety of its home and

    resumed our hike, happy that we had managed to save the little bird’s life.

    Revision Paper 5

    Question 1

      Jerry’s family had booked a private room in a restaurant to celebrate

    his tenth birthday. It was quite a grand affair  with colourful balloons andstreamers decorating the room and a wide array of dishes served. Jerry was

    spoilt for choice by the sumptuous spread. He put a large piece of fish into

    his mouth with his chopsticks.

      Suddenly, Jerry started coughing violently, sending his chopsticks

    flying. He had choked on a fish bone! Tears started welling up in his eyes.

    His family tried all the remedies they could think of. However, none of them

    worked and everyone was frantic with worry.

      Finally, Jerry’s mother stroked Jerry’s back with gentle upward

    movements. Jerry coughed up the fish bone together with some remnants

    of food. Everyone felt extremely relieved. What a close shave it had been

    for Jerry! He almost had to spend his birthday in the hospital.

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    Question 2

      It was a lovely afternoon. My sister and I were cycling in East Coast

    Park, enjoying the cool breeze that was caressing our cheeks.

    As we were cruising along, we saw some people crowding around a

    tree. Curious, we stopped to get a closer look . To my surprise, I saw a monkey

    hiding among the branches, clutching a shiny purse. Right beneath, an irate 

    lady was shouting and gesturing wildly.

    Suddenly, I had a brainwave! I whistled to get the monkey’s attention.

    Next, I took out a half-finished packet of nuts and poured them on the

    ground. The monkey climbed down cautiously. It set the purse on the ground

    and greedily devoured  the nuts. The relieved  lady hastily grabbed  the

    purse and thanked me for being quick-witted.

    Just then, officers from the National Parks Board arrived and took the

    monkey away. I felt sorry to see the little monkey being captured but was

    pleased as I had helped the lady retrieve her purse.


    Revision Paper 6

    Question 1

      Last Sunday afternoon, we decided to give Mother a break and ate

    out at the hawker centre. Snaking queues were already forming at some

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    of the more popular stalls when we arrived. Beads of perspiration could be

    seen gleaming from the foreheads of the hawkers huddled over their hot


    Although the sweltering heat caused us to perspire profusely, the

    food was delicious. We were in the middle of our meal when we heard an old

    lady’s voice, “Three for one dollar!” She was going around selling packets of

    tissue. She walked with a limp and was drenched in sweat but no one took

    pity on her. Instead, most people ignored her.

    As she approached our table, I requested for three packets of tissue,

    gave her five dollars and asked her to keep the change. She broke into a

    toothless grin and thanked me profusely. At that instant, I knew I had done

    the right thing and I smiled back.

    Question 2

      I looked up. I had finished checking my answers for the English test

    but everyone was still scribbling furiously. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw

    John behaving suspiciously. He was craning his neck  and casting furtive

    glances at Matthew’s paper. Matthew was the smartest boy in class. John,

    however, seldom scored well even though he was quite intelligent because

    he hardly ever paid attention in class.

    At first, I did not want to betray my friend. However, my conscience

    pricked me and in the end, I decided to do the right thing. I raised my hand.

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    “John is peeping at Matthew’s paper,” I whispered to Miss Lee when she

    walked over. She observed him for awhile.

    Miss Lee asked John to accompany her to the office after the paper.

    Later on, she told me that John’s mother was suffering from cancer and he

    was busy shuttling between the hospital and school. He had promised his

    mother to get good grades for the English test and had only resorted to

    cheating as a desperate last measure.

    John was let off with a warning and a re-test a few days later. Hetreasured his second chance and scored well through his own hard work.

    Revision Paper 10

    Question 1

      Yesterday was the long-awaited finals  of the basketball

    tournament. I woke up especially early to support my school. We were the

    defending champions and up against Starlight Primary School. It looked set 

    to be an exciting match.

      The sound of the whistle signalled the start of the match. Everyone

    was in high spirits. We cheered for our respective teams. The skills of both

    teams were on par and both sides played equally well.

      As the final seconds of the match approached, our team was in the

    lead by one point. However, the ball had fallen into Kendrick’s hands!

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    Kendrick was the star player of the opposing team and was known for

    making three-point shots with amazing accuracy. We could easily be

    overtaken! Kendrick aimed and prepared to make the shot  while the

    spectators watched with bated breath.

      Suddenly, Kendrick fell on the floor with a deafening crash  and

    landed in an awkward position. He had tripped over his team-mate’s foot

    while trying to jump! The spectators were stunned and there was absolute

    silence in the gymnasium. Then, the referee blew his whistle to halt the game.

    Kendrick was in great pain and had to be helped off the court. As a show ofsportsmanship, our school team agreed to have a rematch a few weeks later

    to allow Kendrick enough time to recover.

    Question 2

      During the June holidays, Titanic Bookshop was having a 30%

    storewide discount. Huge crowds of people thronged  the store. After I

    had selected the books I wanted, I decided to head over to  the stationery


    As I was looking at some pens, I noticed a man behaving suspiciously.

    He was wearing an oversized cap such that his facial features could not be

    seen clearly. He carried a huge paper bag and was fingering a few items of

    stationery. Then, he peeled off their price tags and deftly slipped them into

    his paper bag. Unknown to him, I was observing his every move. This man

    was pilfering!

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      I ran quickly to alert the cashier and security guard stationed at the

    exit. Moments later, the man attempted  to walk out of the store without

    paying. Unfortunately for him, he was stopped by the security guard who

    made a thorough check.

     The man was caught red-handed. He was deeply embarrassed and

    offered to pay for the items he had taken. He also apologised profusely.

    However, it was too late as the manager had decided to turn him in to the

    police. Shoplifting is an offence, no matter how petty the value of the goods


    Revision Paper 11

    Question 1

      It was the school holidays and Sam and his friends had booked a

    chalet at East Coast Park. There was going to be a barbecue which they had

    prepared loads of food  for. They were all set to have a really enjoyable 



    Sam and Sally carried out trays of marinated meat  and skewers of

    marshmallows which they had painstakingly prepared  beforehand. Jack

    skilfully arranged the pieces of charcoal in the barbecue pit, used a lighter to

    start a fire and began to fan the small fire into bigger flames. Soon, the fire

    was hot enough and the children placed some food on the grill to barbecue.

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      Suddenly, the unexpected  happened! Wisps of stinging black

    smoke began rising from the barbecue pit. The container of butter had fallen

    into the pit and caught fire!

    Before the situation got out of hand, quick-witted Sam ran into the

    chalet and brought out a fire extinguisher. He used it to put out the fire. It

    was a really close shave! Everyone commended Sam for saving the day. The

    children then set out to kindle the fire once again and resume  their


    Question 2

    It was evening time and I was heading home after my basketball game.

    I stood at a zebra crossing, checking to see that there was no traffic before I

    crossed. I had just stepped off the pavement when suddenly a red sports

    car sped past me in a flash. “Hey, what’s the hurry?” I muttered under my



    Moments later, I heard the screeching of tyres and a loud shriek . I

    hurried over with a nagging suspicion that the red car was involved. True

    enough, the red sports car had gotten into an accident. I could tell that

    the driver had swerved to avoid hitting another car, but as a result, he had

    crashed straight into a tree. The once-beautiful sports car was now a wreck ,

    an unidentifiable heap of metal and rubber. Passers-by looked shocked 

    and dazed, taken aback  by the sudden drama.

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      The ambulance and police arrived shortly after. The paramedics

    managed to remove  the driver from his wrecked car. Blood was gushing

    out from his forehead and he was taken away by the ambulance. The police

    started questioning eye-witnesses and jotting down notes.

    Leaving the accident scene, I prayed in earnest that the driver would

    have a safe recovery. More haste, less speed. Speeding can kill and it always

    pays to be careful when driving.


    Revision Paper 12

    Question 1

      It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning. My classmates and I were

    going to Sunvale Old Folks’ Home to do community service. We were very

    excited because it was our first time going on such an excursion.

     The wrinkled faces of the elderly lit up when they saw us. We split

    up into teams and started to make ourselves useful. Some of us swept the

    place while others chatted with the old folk and kept them company.

    “Ahhhhh!” A shrill cry suddenly rang out. It was followed by a loud

    thud. An old lady lay sprawled on the floor, grimacing in pain after slipping

    on a banana peel. I quickly helped her up and she thanked me profusely.

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      Soon, it was time to leave. We were tired but also overjoyed as we

    had made the old folks smile. We promised ourselves that we would return to

    visit the old folks soon.

    Question 2

      It was a breezy Saturday afternoon and I was at a carnival with my

    parents. There were interesting things there: a giant Ferris wheel, plenty of

    game booths as well as food stalls. I was having a whale of a time.

      As I was queuing for a ride, I noticed a toddler wandering about in

    tears. He was alone and his tearful expression tugged at my heartstrings.

    Suddenly, he sat down on the ground and started bawling his lungs out.

    I quickly walked over, offered him some of my candy floss and asked,

    “What is your name, little boy?” He remained silent. I decided to bring him to

    the information booth where the staff there could make an announcement

    for his parents to pick him up.

      Within minutes of the announcement, an anxious-looking couple 

    appeared. The boy flew into his parents’ outstretched arms immediately.

    I was glad that I had helped the little boy and when I saw that the boy was

    safely reunited with his parents, I went off in search of my own parents.