dmjhein -...

iffwir ^roL 4. MO. rfiiiff I llE H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif to Clear Up Mysteri- 1 ous Killing in Detroit’s Lat- ; . \ y in Q’i^ e r ' yw ^O B K M ubE SECURE . I jOETWLS FROM GUILTY MAN |!, '])lardBr Gang Hay BQWnoover- . I edssSeBiltofliivestlgatioiia {'I PoUowing Proije of Eevela. lions'Bbdo B ^lbtB B raoa, VMl, (JFt-MyUa i'M itiiiii 7*w ; "swk s«ttoiow " ;W*xttip,1WnBrl>«ttoltl]irborli»l i J ^ 'myswy ■which t*4 prwlooily mr- I 9 VroQOiIid firo of tba cxlnes and l«d \lf^i{^®^^Rto.b«UoT8 fnrtber U*ht 0° ^ U)>^7oA iB m uu...ln-tbe pftst fotir S ’. l f ‘--rem . - 1' The vicMm# who were JdunJifiod fwin / A^.,tbp New York • njport>~wfrc • Jfnot)li I ) '^'^acn. who wn* VlHea April 7, ImI; li/Mpph BattsllBl!., kIDeJ ,M»r t. lull ^ ^ i r t -opd T o n j Oinnnolfi wJio wcrt* P* slUM ir .1018, and Potcr Jjflifo, klltci! tr'i'n 1017. .At] were «hot Jo <lonth. y-y." , ' KiUea aJcb Itnim , ;o*.poic- Boseo wm waUh.v nnd' itoUrb Jll. had b«fn of thn npinion ho > of local, ^nnieti.. ■ '4 H ^H |||jB v aaM, .in. nnt kaown '^ll^lBP*^utl{lH 'berp,'although they R' he in«jr b « 'i “ Fontnon" who .>.1 formerly was h«8. ,,'Vrx)i!al.erimca wbtfth Pontono dofallpd j f a : I .„;tfSW r'tif'M *>,-.tUi ycfcr. All of tha death,, anil in jl r ;a»lrai6C, the tlayor cjgajwd. .. .( l^i^PresidentiyUUs ^ ^ His New Lain Office j'J ' ^''ASniNQTON, D. C„ (/P)—Wood- * •.WtlMn’# firnt oppcnnuiee yeitcr- t ylajr at hi* law offjccr horo wna taken *i4y his friend* M ovlili'tiro of thc for- c i i e r prOBJdont's ImprovinR phyiicnl If condilion.'. Balnbridffo (.'olby, 'former eFsoiTfitary of state, ond Mr. Wiljon'* inw partner, nlio wna at tho new of- f.'fifiM where'M r. Wll»on »i»nt fom'! t.tlm o in confercnro with rllcnts.- '* W ojjA ir SWALLOWS POISON. SAliT LAKE CITV, Ulflli. </P)- •.M rs. C. 11. Odom. 24. wifo of Clniitlr JOdom, iimnORpr of a locnl tlutitcr, died ' 1 today sii a result of swnUftwltit \wl«on. -.,Thr couple cnmi' to BnIt Lnko llir.’o ............ .ifmonths ngo frnm Scnltli’. Tho polif •Utbd that thrro wm no cvidcnce t(. ihow whether' tho womnn romnilttoil ilfldii or drnnk tho po^non liy inS»' iJ ' W AIEB LTIMBBRMAN JMBS OMINEE, Mifh., (/JV-John W. BO, mlJIliortalrc liimliermnn of Itice, died .In a CbiinRo honpltjO toIIow!;i(r an operation rcvernt ;|o.. lie como to'Monominpn n f T P I Man Clad in Tatters | Carried Fortune in Bonds and Hard Co»h ^ Tdkon'-Jrofm Train Suffering from Lack of NooriBbmont, H . VotoraQ KUoer Dies NEW YOKK (^-iTliomai 7. Smith. ‘ public ndmbittrattfr,-boidu boodf and N caali worth more than W3,00l), a fcold nuffRot. j f l w a i diamend* 'oDd other jewelry, found bn Poler' Vldovich, a foriiier gold minor of AlaaVa, who, ap-1 parontly doat^tulo,. wna. takon from a I trnnooontinontal ti)ala a year afto and liied hero won afterward. , Thii becnmo known today wbon tho _ Mi-rcnntilc Trust,, company pf San EX“ FrauiUctt iiotlfUd ■U t. 8mltli that a,! John M.. Vldovich, of ,Frc*no;.C*l., had Jn»tllritcd proccoyinK^ In tho San I a t- Frnnelsco probate rourt to break hi^ . uncie'ji will. Tho fin«t company oaks , thnlriiil. tho proj)cr»y bo turned over to.If ,r« . Whin tho mnn wai takon from the . Overlnnd Limited 'laat A«gu*t, hU [AM cJotfte* wero thrcadbaro and ho wm .b - lufforinff from laelc.of pburlthmenL 'U pon hia death; tbofe wcre founa in rer- hU el<)thlotr,. in addition to' the bonds, eniih and- jo'wrlry, receipts^ froffi' vari- OQB Callforalft banks abowlnjj ho tiftd e la. on dopoilt moro tlfin ♦?0,000;. Dcoda in Alaaka aho.weto dis- rovcrod. . y E iiiiiiiu .: n i i i i i or- . Seoato Interstate Oo^eroe 70 Oommittee by T to;2 Send Measure to Floor WAHUhVQTON, D. 0., (yPH*-’«vor- ” P. ablo t«>pnrt on tho admlautmtlon'# tallrond fundinj; hill wa* ordered to-' ' <Uy by thP senate intor*lalc cotnmorco committee by n-vote.jl 7 to i ,'^ e bill would authorizn (bo wnr , ■ finonm corporation to uso nol to o«- . ceod t.)00,000,000 (0 purcbaso railroad toliob accnritic* from .the railroad ndminia- n ho trntion nnd nreserlho intcrott rale* iijKtn accurKlea .hereafter accepted aown from thr, rarrlcr#., - they A' Bcelion to permit le-openlng o( who Mitlcd fircounts with (ho rtiJrowla-foe Ull' fimdijiK of securKlei of (hoso rmd* w ent \,i»« in nnd a provision , , added ti. iinivont :/Tail»ad fundinK vcT ft •“tP'^^'^rinK wKh aid for flBanciOd ■ftRTienitTmil-'^nit'-nAMrfd of :tbe f thn •■orporation would lio.oxtcudod to July ,1 I- 1, 10‘ .*2, under nnother rommlHro pro- " vftor - • 6<‘not<)r'lAFolfo((c. rrpublicnn, Wiir- coAsiii, voted'wKh Sonutor-Stftnlc}', democrnr. Kentucky, nRnin^t topotUni; Sftp the bill wliilc Ronafor Pomcrnnc, dem. ocrat, Chio, voted'for It. iTood--------- - •itor- ~ . £ FLASHES fR ( inner m.- aon'* NEW YOEK, (flVTbe Berlin 1 IT of- eratlons becaoM of tbo recent blsb ] fom'! vJcea recelred bare today by intomaUi WAflHntOTON, yP) — The seas whether tax rwJjlon or tarl Cfbaliman PonroBe annonnced' toda?. beazlngB cn tbe tariff m ^ r e ttuoagb .wood acbeduloi. AUaUBTA, oa.,, WV-A mukti aity hospital hero sbortly aft« i o'clc W alter. Smalley, tbe negro who nui-am J Ittced four otbcra lat« 'yestotday. owl burned It to a erbip. Tbe Iwdy tbon « prrio . WAflHINOTOK. (/P) - Secretarj adopted today by tbe senato to tranan Lusitania wben sunk'by a OevmaQ BU ' ' claims filed for damages and steps U ,„rnl correapondenco between tbo stato ,pp n ^ subject. OHIOAOO, (/P>-Tedml autborltl ____ confoBSton.yeaterday of ilrs. Flotroce 1 safe' blower, -with Jobn W. Wortbingt I dispoBo of stolen nail securities. ' Leoi m wero Indicted by a federal grand Jn tbe country. Mrs. Sbomo waa beU c bonds la ber possession. inBHIimiS ' 11 1; ____ ; iic^ Booae Eunncrs Ifour El Paso Engage in Pilohcd BatUo ■with CuBtoms Mon Rc<i. Kli I’ABO. Trxn*. (,? )-\ii iiiil'li-nti- ficd Moxicnn klllcii., Kii.-.'i''xi Tcyci IL -E ; wtiliH.l.'il,- lH(i«'^> killcil mid Ik- 4 Z si'Unri' liy cuslnmii <iffii'Of< Iiwiinl by, 'O 1 J . 1). Rocdcr, o f icn.iJiilli'ii.ii i.f nlci-bnl ^Ingo! SO fluarts ami :i.13 v'"*’ ”* •''‘I"'*" one (lallon nf .Mcxirnn ilisUllatc. Ihn nnmn. nf which wnf unkiiinvii In oifi- , fcrs, ■•oMtltulod thc n’jult of 11 ]>llc'i- H. E. cd- Iwttlc Inst iiislit hctw.jcn lli'nlcr’a * foTtv o{ «<nt^ men nni\ « lm«i\ of Mvx'.- • can sinnRglers, hang; The fnns;,'rment took |i';n-o ncur An- aprn. Ni M.,- nbout ton miles nf H. E Kl Pam. Toyci nnd .Ml«in'i Arrlni • ^ were nrrc*ti‘d, nnd natncil in n com- • plninl filcil bflforo United Stnlcs Com ,rrity; nil-ijinhcr A. J, Hohmidt ■.•linrKinc cnn- , splfticy to poMCiiR and sell nnd im|i«r- tntinii nf intoxicatingUnuoti. U. E. . ------------- -------- , jpAHO.WBATIIBa. Tnnijjht and Tburiday probnbly : Cov- . showers with thunderstorm!! in lilfth inminlain*; ' ASSOCiAtEiDPBESSm iL L S i ,. TWnr TALIB. IDAHO, w: v w m -WJOUm iEr ,JFT[flEiK 9ld tier! Destination of Prosecutor Kept Secret— Will Be Gone Ten ’’’ .I Days, According to the Office Employes , RgNNING DOWN OF ;.‘J WOMAN IN THE CASI )an I ' ., . . JJ]| Officials Ponowlng AU Olues tc ver Oloar TJp Uysterions Unrdei ttu. Of Million.aire Kennedy— ^ Pight Over Trunk in LOS-AKaBLES, (/Ph*A trnnk ids, consigned from San Frandsoo to iri- H n. Uadatnae Obenchain. beU lad ia JaU ben cbatgtd witb tba nxS' ■ od* dar of J. Belton Eennedy, was ]!*- - taken from a downtown botel here today by rcvreMntattrefl of Dis- trict Attorney Woolwlne and re- nored to tbe Los Asjeles connty ^rand Jory rooms. Xbe district attomsy'i^ office Issued a inb- a poena duoes tocnm for tbe trunk and the hotal antboritlea pratapUy Italph OlKncbain, former hiuibant •(jg nod attorney for Mrs. phoDcbaln hat , announced he would seell an Injunctioi ^ (T pro'vtml tho distriet attorney fron tnkini; thc trunk. He had'not dono x up 10 tlie time of tho soUure. Obcn •nr. ‘‘W n i.nid the trunk wa* bis own, bu tbnl. Mrs, Obcnehain hnd been urinj jg.lil 'for some Jime. ;An exanitnntion of tbo trunk'* con tonts wlll bvniado, it was atated, a tbo district attorney’s oc/ice. "J KAK^S K7MEBY TEIP. nia- LOS ANOELES, Cab, (/P>- itcs Tbomaa Lee Woolwlne. district at- ited tamey, wbo bas beea conducting ' inveatigation of tbo slaying of J. o( Belton Kennedy, baa left Los An- ■tor gelea bn a secret mission, It be- nd* camo known early today, infor- ilnn aatlon xesvrdSng tba Bfctnre ol bla linK trip or blB destination was refused ■ioir ^ a t bla office. I t waa tta to d ^ waa :tb e f'* ’^ « ‘oMTll»‘VitttIob"'an4ljiiitTio'' rulv probably would be. gene about .ten- pro- . days. Befuse to Tell In ro/ponio tn thu question,"hn 'O ’l Mr. Wf'olwine Kon'* to Chicogq to mak investlRfttioni It the K-pn^fdy rn^c cm. !■ . -. .1 -1 (Continnod on Page Pour) IIOM THE WIRE in Bonrw baa temporarily aospendad op- Igb pressnre of activity, according to ad- natlonal bankers. seaat« finance cosimlttoo 'grUi detannino tariff .will take procedenco for enactment, lay. Tbo committoo decided to-continue . ougb next wotk. taking up tho metals and ked mob forced lc« way into tbe TJnlve^ o'clock tbls nomlng, wcured tbo body of i-amuck and klDdU two wbito men and in -. aad carrying Ifbeyflnd tbo dty Units, on was retumed-to tbe boqiltal. etary Hughes waa aaked in a resolution nnamit a Hit of all Americana aboard tbe a BUbmartno together witb a statomont of )s taken toward adjustment, aj^ coriea of tato department a ^ tbe Oerman govem- uritles today are investigating the alloged mnce Sbomo, Unking Joe Leonard, alleged lington, said to bo head of a syndicate to Leonard. Worthington and a score of oth- id Jury in connection vltb mall tbofta over eU on a charge of bavlag stolen Liberty T iiE ir &S 0 Michigan Polico fiound Up Coe J signmcnta of^ Contraband as it Drosses Border •nd- UKTHOIT, Mich., {ff) - Micbij;;: e.vci stato policf cndeavoriuR (i> clicrk tl III.: flow nf CJanndlnn , beer inni I by. across the Detroit river from Wind-n 'hot made'si-vornl ■raids’ nlon'i tbc «'a1' and frniit latly today' wtcstina U im'" i" Ih" »ei*Injf n consi'detjblc nuniililv nf .n I'ffi- trftban-i liquor.' Onn raid iicilcil llcV pint* of Canadian bcer'.unl nlc. in a I'-r a (iiiion ;i, a quantity nf hnmc-lin-w. U''-- Mt-nnwliMc, .Windsor attorni'vs wc uncierslood to le.p/ojiarlng toilav An- forwaM to OKawn .io nppliiiiln-nH /■ I "f cbnrlcrs for firms donirini: fn rrlna in tho Ihuor export, business, com- Onn Windsnr nttornoT'drnflini> n - ‘’w plicndoiis laid todav tho Icunlity ■ enn- ihp exjinrtatlon of llnunr tc. the Tnif- ■Rlatcs : w ar njt*urod by (he Brill Korti* .Vtncrican act of I'SU*. “ It rW every individual the,Tight to exporl 1 - ctfmmoiiitlM, provided onl.v IbM : ily make proper dpclnratloO iit thc ci in toa* home nnd pav tbe cslnbliihnl d •; tlesVthi're/’ he siid.'. mWSPAPER IN TWIN I D A II WBDTOSDAT, Al^OtfST 17, IWL i D e Valera if Addriess 1 Appea World’s Wheat Supply 8" This Year is Greater ice Than i m a s in 1920 \ Ecports from 16 Oonntriea Show Increase of About . Seven MUllou Eyahels WASHINOTON.' D. 0.. (/PH tO SUtlstlca from 16 countries includ- ,• ing the Unltod SUto#, wblcb nor. mally produce about 60 pet cent ,___ of thj total wheat' crvp of the world indicate a production tbla year of approximately 1.053.000,- 000 buabelt or about uvea mUUoa bttabels more tban last year, the * department of. agriculture an- ^ nouneed today. Tbe utimato is ^ . basod on re p o ^ np to August 15. f- • Tb# O a a a ^ crop was reported as progreaatag favorably while in J Autftralia aad Argentina condl- ** tlon4 were, reportsd as favorable. ? Si[TliESlSI8 lITMCfiKT and ■■ Russians Agree Not to Spread rom Doctrines in Eingd^om if an 3 » . Agreement is Reached jcn ______ HOME, (ff)-XoKoli«lloi.. roV III “ economic nKrccini'nt wUh tiie ItuBiinn soviet dcleuntiou hiTu, tlio Mrisnfrgoro nf lays loday, have nlumst been cQni{)Iot- ' ' I'd. The VytroomenI, wfiich U .to bn siljned in tho near futuro. cfiolains four points, the newspaper aiicrts, as lollows:' 1. A mutual nndertnkinK t» (ijwH ne- t- , jnjtfeitlous injmodlatily for nn eco- li and comiucrcial ;«srcemsnt of J- tbo wiilcit kind botwecn the two coun- o- triei. «’ i. iiuuiu is to afford (o Italy thv r- . lamo J'ndjltles and od'(<iDta)tc8 ns ^ (hono granted olber counlrics: X* .1 ' Russia is' to jcive eftuitablo cou- «■ -L All iitidertnkins^ by the aodct Kovcrnmenl (hnt:1ts'liolej-utes In Italy will abslnin'frntnliny Wjempt- nt prop- ‘hns ugnnda in Uu* kin)*doni. 0 lOlDFHl j! Declores Himself Misfit in Gen- eral Scheme of .Things—His' Love is in Vain i u it» * - U . KAN yjJANOrBCO, (/p)-WIlliani A, ul' lIi|{htoWvr, clmr((cd with tho munler nf Rev. Patrick K. Heilin, Coimu Catholic priest, whose mutiinli'd body was found J, in a' aballow winil firavo in tbe’ beacb gf cliffa gnulh of hero Inst wook, today n. wns in n pcssimislic mood in his cdl at .. ' the- county jail of San ..Matcb.'in ll.-d- ’' wood City, .IU will's south of liero. Says Be la.bUsflt ’D ' “ 1 am a misfit in tbe general tie Bcbemeoftblngi."besald. “When of I vaa a Uttle fellow! was not want- of od. Tbero isn't a placoior me.V . Ue hold* sIcndfitH tn his clnim n( Iniioccnco nnd prnfi'sxcs lovo for Dorln . • Hhirloy, tho wnniun in Ibe ease, whn ^ sjiys lio brought licr from ORdcn, and ^ wbo sbattcrod bis :iUI>i clnims (bnt niu was wi(h him at Kan .Tdsv, Cal., durlnp tho time of tin- disinnicnranco of thc priest. ^ DoUy Mason a I’olico boliovo that (he'-'Dnlly Ma = son" wbo UiKlilowcr still claims to bc the womnn wbo Rnvo bim etewi thul led to diicovcry of the priest's jcravo, ii IVmythical person bii.ieil uoh lliKhtow n er’* acquaintaneo iyIi Ii the Khirlcy’irom' 1 U ' *'"ili({)itower bas nnt been tnhl lhal (h< Hhirley woman m:irried nn entcrtainoi , _ here Saturday, and the iovesllBatori expcet that .tho futuro prescntntlon ol d Oils luformatlon, together witb olboi . facts,, may bring forth donagiag ad miiBio'na from Hightower tl’ben tho^ ., are prepared to roveal thc>c'tlilnpi t( him. ; ' ■ Sblrley Wotiian la Married Tbo Shirloy woman mnrrlcd Lee Vin cent I’utnam nt Rcdwumi City Satur dny night, giving ber name as Carroll, aRCd 20, of Soulh Ibkntn. In formation from Denver and Ralt I.nlfc Rcfordinj; to the police here, indicate tbc Shirley womnn wai kno»cn in (hos ueru (“ U k k ey ” ) Carroll, »<• in cording to CopUln of Dotectlves Math c*on here. Ilo aald th e poUci' hav .JJO completed their invesllgntion lot th ShirWy woman’* activities, and do no , n|,. implicate her in tho ease, and tbnt tbc; y nf have nbandonod efforts tn locate an; iiKcd "onian in'the caic. rili"h * ~* BABE BAMS A K D ^ R HOURE rl all CinCAQO, </p)—HaJ.o Ruth mad ,t lie hi* forty-fifth home run nf (he icaso cus- with otrc nao on base, in the sixth ir .1 dn' ning nf today's (fame with Cbic#K( Wienecko woa pitching for Chicago. WALLS CmNTY* ' mm Defies Brit Before Dail ials to Nortl » Brea,ch Is Widened 20 of Lloyd-George P les inion Statii THRONGS HEAR LEAi I HIS DEMAND Fl \ SM M IDr i FuisiiiJM : a . . , I' American Producers . Claim to ' Have Boen Fleeced by Sys- \ tom of. Trickery * > HEW YOEK, ' il’ 'aa tO'staaiiss'Of American'fUma Ul andtbttlcd^leaUonsndoxUbltlon < in Japan and ehnwbere jn tbo Orl- ' ent were made today by tho Ka- ' >aa Aasodatlon of .tbe U>ttoa * 1 ?lclnTe Industry In - axmotiiuicig ;* tbat an actlvo campaign was tmder, ^ ’ way ta ptvvent aucb piracy vfaicb ' baa ccst large American prodnc- I on in j companlea tbouaanda of del- lian 1 OuHtavc.B. Unr-ko ha* Iwen indictod in this city on cbargui' of rocoivinf; and disposinjj of twn films wUfb ^roro ‘I*"* stolen l.vre ttJid tccuverc^ in 8w Fran- , ®" CISCO, whence they .were ^o be forward-1 cd tn 'npfin. They nre now in pOiaer-; slnn of tlu' Now York district nttor-' •««*• n e y ’s n ffico. Tbc film theft fommit-* (eo o f tlie OBsoriaUou anoooneos. that tboy wero siilpped to San Pranciaeojby II .inp«ne»<‘ concern wilh an offieo in Hron.lwuy. i illJKDSJill.,:: fOp- ^ French Premier Expects Great S ' International Problems Be- foro Oonferenoo . _ PARI8, (iP) — Premier Urland thik nvcniuj; liandtfd Myrnn T. Ilorrick, tbo JL Americnn iiinbawdur. Prance's acccpt- f nnco of the official invllation>.of Pres- Ident llnrding to the conference on dia- iiriuttmont nud Fur Kastetn (^eslious to be held In Washlnston. • I’roniier Briancl, wh<i expi-cts to nt- 8 lend tbo coiifereiieo will not (cek to I confine tbe discussions to tbc sinKlo question of diiarmiunont, It'ia stated . in well informed quarters, said fhe ' ■' Eclair. This uoWHiiaper is conildored tho organ of the Prench-premier. _ , It is declared M. Driand considers tbo occnsinn favnrablo for (he coniiderntion . of jnost of thc i-real inlcrnationol prob- !, •' lems nnd that ho will tako'ofcaiion to exjiound, tn Aiiierli'ii,. thu •legitimato ' aims of 'Oio pnliry nf'France tlirougb? out the worl.l. ^ WASHLN'aiON, (flV-Sonotor Udifo of Manwcliusetls named by tho ptc^- dent ns nne nf (ho American delegates to (lie .ilisanunment eonferente, declar- 1 nf cd in (ho senn(e today (bat ho. would •oris I'xcrl bis best efforts for ii. reduction whn nf nrmamciit, but that "there must bn and n general reduction” by nil nations. f t w a i ! ' BlliPiElDllSD[lS[ thut ix Rosebnrg Dentist Declares Ho ;Z'. Has Had Only Flaahes of. Memory Since Murder (ho --------- liner PORTLAND, Ora., (/P)-Donnl8 RuJ- ttors go)], laborer of Roseburg, Ore., \wi<i » of slain ubilo Dr. R, M. BrumficM, Roso- ilber burg dciitizt, now bold .in conncction ad- with the crime, wa.s siifforlDp from thoy aplmsla, nccording lo a statement made rs to by thu prisoner lo .District Attorney Qoorge Keuuer of Roseburg today and ropcnlc'l by.tho nttoruey to n group of Vill. newspaper reprcsontntivcs at tbo coun ntur- t.'" ia'i- . .Brumfield eldmi, slid i'MnU DI"Wet Attorney N’runer, tbat ho hns _ j„. bad onlv occasional. flatbcs of. memory '.nlfc Sunday,’ .Tiily 10, three day* bo- fore bia ^ar was found wrecked-and ll'ioao burned with the uinimed liody of Don- J JJ,.. nis Riwsoll'henenth. I’fttlh ' - - »• . ---------- ' havo GENEttAL WOOD IS EELEABED the FOB PHILIPPINES SEEVIOE ' PHII.ADKLPHIA. Ph., yp)' — The they board bf'triist<'es of the Univirsity ,nf Ponnsylvnnla, nt a spcclal meeting to day, in rc»iwnsc (o (lie request of Sec- retary of War Weeks, released Mnjor CEE OoncTui l.eonnTd Wood unlrt Septem- made ber 1, 10S2, from hia.agreement lo bo- -ason eomo bead of tbR anircrslty. This oc.- h in- tion Iwvct tfio general frjo to accept cago. the appointment o^,Preiident Harding go. as governor gcnersi of tho Philippines, e W ' -PBIOB nV B O B I^ tish in lEireann; h for Help I by Blunt Rejection Proposal ofDpm- tus for Isle iDER PROCLAIM rOR INDEPENDENCE BELFAST, Iralabd, (/P) -^ AU ' royal irtab coniUbtthxY leaTo'hu been cattcali«d,'datliv Avrn todaj:;: '; It waa annonncod b»« tbJ# let*-' . [ - .;aooa. IS PBEOAimoitor mbasdbb ' ■ LONDON, </^UaiM ttrca, token, to recall. Rritiabi troopa ob'icavo to their i units in IrcUndl unoiine^ yestaday, ) were stated in officii circles here to: day to be poreljr, of * ci, proeantioi^ix ; imtUTc. . . .',1 It . wns claimed that-t!ir tnov^ waa not. aRgressivcly preeautJonaiy becaoio . tho Inal thing the BriUali.gove'raoont r would do would. be to tahe any a tm i lo break tbo Irl#b Uooo. I t w aa diK ffl clared ll wna rcalUod la official qttar. W , ters tbat tbo firlng.of the fin t sbet on ' either aide wa* likely to aeaa tha r^. ; .sumpthr of spondla ontbun^ of U» fighting througbout abuthern Ireland. Tho bolief UiroBghot:t SHUab offi- cial eliclff, it‘l«,aeeUrpJ, Ui tbat lbt longer the trucik lutii the h ^ e r 'lt wiil bo to bieai^iir'',.; K . ADJOTnMfPDBLIO-SBaSlOK ' « D U B L I N / p d b U o meetmi. J- of the D»«,E»ea:m wai .adjenraed' i-iihl* aflitfnoon, to^aa Ind-flnlto 'dato.. r-: Privato nesaionj. wiU; l>o beJdMn th a,, f-^mennt^5ii^^;^hnglnolng.:tOBorroir. ■' ■ n ' DuiOUir, ’(/TV^Bammin ,'do- Via-», M 4i.t«pbbUeaii'l»aBr^d^.'. dared toda; ^ tba SaCtSiiwnn '■ ,• VonU‘notace^'tt*t«tj|ttoffii*d...'. by tbi British nT B nim ^iB zt^- ' •V. ^>iaa,t&.&»BW<iijMB gtfW>Cf <8BrfB»rfe J. ion.ftalni. .......... L Mr. ,0e yalcTft' atado, tbbi, deelimrtioa' I, at tho socond (liaaion o f'th a ;!^ ,S re onn. hr!d:in tb»«MaiJlli'^fSi,^': ^ loko , up tbo ^uwtion bfrtfio -^g o tit it tiona wlth'Pramie^ Lloyd Ooorge witb rcprd to a. poulble lrlsh ntileneot. MakM Ridtioa Clear. “ Frnm tbp reports this raoming.xti ik the ilrltisii and foroign proas''. laiB 10 Mr. .Dc> Valera, «,*.tbcre:ieoms Iq -W ,t. douht ns to what’ ,'ov.alUtnde Is.W ,, wards .'the; British'propottls. Tboii g. j.ccms'ti'bp 'doubfos'to whether whi^'J 1 hnvo laid or whotbet out Ultei v-' bicnns iiccpptaneo. or rejection.^ . r I. . "There ought to bo no donbtln^. In anybody's mind. ...W» caanok' and ],, WlU LOt, on bobalf d fith tf^ o n . iR accept tbMO l^naa. ^ MThero ia-'nn^ndian ^proverb read/, ing: 'Pool mo oncc, aham*- on yonj fool ' me twice, ahono on mo.' The irisb’ ,0 peoplo wil) not bo fooled thia'tlmc. -ii in Denies Btatos Olaimed.;’.*^. ' h- “ It ia said wo nro offorod to iM of dominion homcVfttlo 'for .Irelanii^ to - U io slntus of the Brititn dominlonC h? Irolnnd Is offered no sueh tlilnff;](nie statemen*. that Ireland w it offered' dumlfllon atntui contained, two M e-, pj hnpda. Where is'lrclondf There’b no' Irclaid an the terms b'ut .tWo .b^kre cs piecei of Ireland.- " ,r. "W hnt was offored not «vca; ja dominion itntiis. 1^ wua'ndalttcd tb^' dominions had tho right to'aocede and. I,„ ctHlil ge» out if thoy flesUed.' We aro: told wo rauit stay In whether wo like it or not. . , Never Been Ublan. ' "W e are not claiming’ttie right to. secede. .There cannot b e 'a queiUon' of seei-ssion, becauso' tbero-haa noter, f iiccn union. II "Xnrlbcrn Iroland ho* regarded it- self from It* own vlftwpoint, a n i -in entcrin" negotiations they need not- lO give up,th|it point bf view." I would be willing (o ruggcat to the Irish peo-^' 1-lc Ihnt they givo up » good deal b . order tn have Ireland ablo to look.into- ' thl’ fu(uro without anticipating,dls' !*• trncting internal .problem*.".-,' ’ \ . Looka to North Irelaad. y “ All tbo tW Ihcsb ncgoliatloaV,' havo n’Oaat nn attempt to get Into'.- jjp touch wilh the poople of the north ami fell them wo hnve no enmity and would •, mnke sacrifices for tbem which wo . «;ould nrvcr (hink of'mflking for Brit-, ijj nin. We will bo ready to. give thera. ., every nafcguard nny rcaronijilo peraoo, ^ could s.\v.(hey wore oatitled to,'nni; Wf are ready to loavo tbn qu^twn of,' ' the norlh (o citcm al nrhil.ration, or leave Ihe whole.huc»lioa;,to. cxtcinV.'; “Jl arbilratlon. , ,' i Olaim la Unreaaoaable, " D n g ’o n d 's claim is uoreasonabUj' Tho clalmi of tho minority in Ireland' nro unrcaioiiablc^. Bnt oven unr'eas<n>! able clnims we would bo ready to roA<j bP »Wm , ni.d I/o t one 'wtmtd,bc Teaij tb i go a lorig wny to givo way to themi •o parllculiirly (o their sentiment, could gel them to eomo with , da-and jur <.(,n!idec the interests of tbolr 'r"’ eountrv and col bu .allying theraielvefj bo- with foreigners.” . 2 Qc.- . &(r. De Valera said tbo Iriab aatloUK' jpt did not stand betweett^Enriand'aadh ing — ...... ~ ^ ' f ies. . (Contiaaed on Pag*;foar):; ."I'S • . ' .... . -

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Page 1: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

iffwir^ r o L 4. MO.

r f i i i f f

I l l E H't I t a l i a n B arber’s Admission Ex-

. ' ’peoteif to Clear Up M ysteri- ■ 1 ous K illin g in Detroit’s Lat-

; . \ y in Q’i ^ e r '


| ! , '] ) l a r d B r G a n g H a y B Q W n o o v e r -

. I e d s s S e B i l t o f l i i v e s t l g a t i o i i a

{ ' I P o U o w in g P r o i j e o f E e v e l a .

l i o n s 'B b d o

B ^ l b t B B r a o a , V M l, (JF t-M yU a ♦ i 'M i t i i i i i 7 * w ; " s w k s« tto iow " ;W *xttip,1W nBrl>«ttoltl]irborli»l

iJ ^ 'm y s w y ■which t* 4 prw loo ily m r-

I 9 V roQ O iIid f i r o o f tb a cxlnes and l«d \ l f ^ i{ ^ ® ^ ^ R to .b « U o T 8 fn rtber U*ht

0° ^U)>^7 o A i B m u u . . . l n - t b e pftst fotir

S ’. l f ‘- - r e m . • -1 ' The vicMm# who were JdunJifiod fwin

/ A .,tbp New Y ork • njport>~w frc • Jfnot)li I ) '^ '^ a c n . who wn* VlHea April 7, Im I;

li/Mpph BattsllBl!., kIDeJ ,M»r t. lu ll ^ ^ i r t -opd T o n j Oinnnolfi wJio wcrt* P* slUM i r .1018, and Potcr Jjflifo, klltci! tr'i 'n 1017. .A t] w ere «hot Jo <lonth. y-y." , ' K iUea a J c b I t n i m , ;o * .p o ic - Boseo w m w aU h.v nnd' itoUrb

■ J ll . had b«fn of thn npinion ho> o f local, ^ n n ie t i . .

■ ' 4 H ^ H | | | j B v aaM, .in. nn t kaown ■ '^ l l ^ l B P * ^ u t l { l H 'berp ,'although they R ' he in«jr b « ' i “ F o n tn o n " who

.>.1 form erly was h « 8 .

,,'V rx)i!a l.e rim ca wbtfth Pontono dofallpd

j fa : I .„ ;tfS W r'tif 'M * > ,- .tU i ycfcr. All of tha

death,, anil inj l r ;a»lra i6C, th e tlayor c jgajwd. ..

.( l^i^PresidentiyU U s His New Lain Office

j 'J ' ^ ''A SniN Q T O N , D. C„ (/P)—Wood- * •.WtlMn’# firn t oppcnnuiee yeitcr- t ylajr a t hi* law offjccr horo wna taken * i4 y his friend* M ovlili'tiro o f thc for- c i i e r prOBJdont's ImprovinR phyiicnl If cond ilion .'. Balnbridffo (.'olby, 'former eFsoiTfitary of s ta te , ond Mr. W iljon'*

inw partner, n lio wna a t tho new of- f.'fifiM w h e re 'M r . Wll»on »i»nt fom'! t . t lm o in confercnro with rllcnts.-

' * W o jjA ir SW ALLOWS POISON.SA liT LA KE CITV, Ulflli. < /P )-

• .M rs. C. 11. Odom. 24. wifo of Clniitlr JOdom, iimnORpr of a locnl tlu titc r, died

' 1 today sii a resu lt of swnUftwltit \wl«on. -.,Thr couple cnmi' to BnIt Lnko llir.’o

............ .ifmonths ngo frnm Scnltli’. Tho p o l i f•U tbd tha t th rro w m no cvidcnce t(. ihow w hether' tho womnn romnilttoil

ilfldii o r drnnk tho po^non liy inS»'

i J ■ 'W A IE B LTIMBBRMAN JMBS O M INEE, M ifh., (/JV -John W. BO, mlJIliortalrc liimliermnn of

Itice, died .In a CbiinRo honpltjO toIIow!;i(r an operation rcvernt ;|o.. l ie como to'M onominpn n

Today’s Games 1. N ational Leaffoa.

liur(jlvPl^lladclj>hin poslporicil;

Bnmc: R. II. B.I ........................................r, 12 11

! r i« r" p o n d c V ’"nnd"^md. Oibcon.Idgw no! H. H . K. > ....... ................... 2 11 1;

i r C i r JM e '« " an ;r K ifloffr; Uc- and Oowdy.

S ' ’ , iJ.

•n ■...... - - - ' Z ^ S Z Z 3 • •^rk«: Doak and Olooiona; Ron. w\ KfucRei." • \ ' n . n , E ; la tl ................s ' . _____ _ 3 4 ;(■ork .........------------<1 ■ 0 1« ic i: .Marquard and- Wlngoj and Snyder.'

A n n lc a a League . dnd 7 th : B. H . E.o tk __________ _______10- • •9 .... ____________ 8 - ‘ -; •>riei; Shawkov and Schaog; ooii and Scbalk.I ond 3rd: - it. H. R iRton .................... 0 ? ^

; ric»: Mogrldgo nnd Q harrity; r and.Sevoreid. in-I)etroU iw itponed', rain.: cod 7tli: R. U. E.jlphia --------------------- 7 • •n i --------------------------12 • •;rlc i: Idoore and Perklnn; Cov- and O 'N c H ................

f T P I

Man Clad in Tatters | Carried Fortune in Bonds and Hard Co»h

^ T d k o n '- J r o f m T r a in S u f f e r i n g

from Lack of NooriBbmont,H . VotoraQ KUoer Dies

NEW YOKK (^ - iT lio m a i 7 . Sm ith. ‘ public ndm bittrattfr,-boidu boodf and

N caali worth more than W3,00l), a fcold nuffRot. j f lw a i diamend* 'oDd other jew elry, found bn P o le r ' Vldovich, a foriiier gold m inor of AlaaVa, who, ap-1 parontly doat^tulo,. wna. takon from a I trnnooontinontal ti)ala a year afto and liied hero w on afterward. ,

T hii becnmo known today wbon tho _ Mi-rcnntilc T ru s t,, company pf San EX“ FrauiU ctt iiotlfUd ■ U t. 8mltli tha t a , ! Jo h n M.. Vldovich, o f ,Frc*no;.C*l., had

Jn»tllritcd proccoyinK^ In tho San I a t - Frnnelsco probate rou rt to break hi^

. uncie'ji will. Tho fin«t company oaks , th n lr ii il. tho proj)cr»y bo turned over

t o . I f,r« . W hin tho mnn wai takon from the

. Overlnnd L im ited 'l a a t A «gu*t, hU [AM cJotfte* wero thrcadbaro and ho wm .b - lufforinff from laelc.of pburlthmenL

'U p o n hia death; tbofe wcre founa in r e r - hU el<)thlotr,. in addition to ' the bonds,

eniih and- jo'wrlry, receipts^ froffi' vari- OQB Callforalft banks abowlnjj ho tiftd

e l a . on dopoilt moro tlfin ♦?0,000;. Dcoda to .p ro p erty in Alaaka a h o .w e to dis-

■ • rovcrod. . y

E i i i i i i i u . :n i i i i i

or- .

S e o a t o I n t e r s t a t e O o ^ e r o e 70 O o m m i t t e e b y T t o ; 2 S e n d

M e a s u r e t o F l o o r

WAHUhVQTON, D. 0., (yPH*-’«vor- ” P. ablo t«>pnrt on tho adm lautm tlon'#

tallrond fundinj; hill wa* ordered to - '' <Uy by thP senate intor*lalc cotnmorco

committee by n - v o te . j l 7 to i , ' ^ e b ill would authorizn (bo wnr

, ■ finonm corporation to uso nol to o«- . ceod t.)00,000,000 (0 purcbaso railroad

toliob accnritic* from .the railroad ndminia- n ho trn tion nnd nreserlho in tcrott rale*

iijKtn accurKlea .hereafter accepted aown from th r , ra rrlcr# ., - they A' Bcelion to permit le-openlng o( who M itlcd fircounts with (ho rtiJrowla-foe

Ull' fimdijiK of securKlei of (hoso rmd* w en t \,i»« in nnd a provision

, , added ti. iinivont :/Tail»ad fundinK vcT ft •“ tP'^^' rinK wKh aid for flBanciOd

■ ftR T ien itT m il- '^n it'-n A M rfd of :tbe f thn •■orporation would lio.oxtcudod to Ju ly ,1 I- 1, 10‘.*2, under nnother rommlHro pro- ‘ " v ftor •

- • 6<‘not<)r'lAFolfo((c. rrpublicnn, Wiir- coAsiii, v o ted 'w K h Sonutor-Stftnlc}', democrnr. Kentucky, nRnin^t topotUni;

■ Sftp the bill wliilc Ronafor Pomcrnnc, dem. ocrat, Chio, v o ted 'fo r It.

iTood--------- - —•itor- ~ .

£ FLASHES fR (inner m . - ’aon'* N E W Y O EK , ( f lV T b e B erlin 1IT of- e ra tlons becaoM o f tbo recent b lsb ]fom'! vJcea recelred bare today by intom aU i

W AflH ntO TO N, yP) — The seas w hether ta x rw J jlon or ta r l

Cfbaliman PonroBe annonnced' toda?. beazlngB cn tb e ta r i f f m ^ r e ttuoagb

• .wood acbeduloi.

A UaUBTA, oa.,, W V -A m u k t i a ity hospital hero sbortly a f t « i o'clc W alter. Smalley, tbe negro who nui-am

J Ittced four o tbcra la t« 'yestotday. owl bu rned I t to a erbip. Tbe Iwdy tbon «

p rrio . WAflHINOTOK. (/P) - Secretarj „ adopted today by tb e senato to tranan „ L u s ita n ia w ben sunk 'by a OevmaQ BU'

' c laim s filed fo r damages and steps U ,„ rn l correapondenco between tbo sta to ,pp n ^ subject.

OHIOAOO, ( /P > -T ed m l autborltl____ confoBSton.yeaterday of i l r s . Flotroce

1 sa fe ' blower, -with Jobn W. W ortbingt I dispoBo of stolen n a i l securities. ' Leoi

m wero Indicted by a federal grand Jn tbe country. Mrs. Sbomo waa beU c bonds l a b e r possession.

i n B H I i m i S '

11 1; • ____

; iic^ B o o a e E u n n c r s I f o u r E l P a s o E n g a g e i n P i lo h c d B a tU o

■ w ith CuBtoms M on

Rc<i. K li I’ABO. Trxn*. ( , ? ) - \ i i iiiil'li-nti- ficd Moxicnn klllcii., Kii.-.'i''xi Tcyci

IL -E ; wtiliH.l.'il,- lH(i«' > killcil mid Ik- 4 Z si'U nri' liy cuslnmii <iffii'Of< Iiwiinl by,

'O 1 J . 1). Rocdcr, o f icn.iJiilli'ii.ii i.f nlci-bnl ^Ingo! SO fluarts ami :i.13 v'"*’ ” * •''‘I"'*"

one (lallon n f .Mcxirnn ilisUllatc. Ihn nnmn. n f which wnf unkiiinvii In oifi-

, fcrs, ■•oMtltulod thc n ’ju lt of 11 ]>llc'i- H . E . cd- Iwttlc Inst iiislit hctw.jcn lli 'n lc r’a

• * foTtv o{ «<nt^ men nni\ « lm«i\ of Mvx'.- • can sinnRglers,

hang; The fnns;,'rm ent took |i';n-o ncur An- aprn . Ni M.,- nbout ton miles nf

H. E Kl Pam . T oyci nnd .Ml«in'i A rrlni• ^ w ere nrrc*ti‘d, nnd natncil in n com-• • plninl filcil bflforo United Stnlcs Com

,rrity ; nil-ijinhcr A. J , Hohmidt ■.•linrKinc cnn-, splfticy to poMCiiR and sell nnd im|i«r-

tntinii n f in tox ica tingU nuo ti.U. E. . --------— ----- -------- • ,

• • jpA H O .W B A T IIB a.• • Tnnijjht and Tburiday probnbly

: Cov- . showers w ith thunderstorm!! inlilfth inminlain*; ' •


i L L Si , . T W n r T A L IB . IDAHO, w :

v w m

-WJOUmiEr,JFT[flEiK9ldtier! Destination of P rosecu to r Kept

“ S ecret— Will Be Gone Ten ’’’. I Days, According to the Office

Employes ,

RgNNING DOWN OF ;.‘J WOMAN IN THE CASI)an I ' ., . .JJ]| Officials Ponowlng AU Olues tc ver Oloar TJp U ysterions U nrdei ttu. Of Million.aire Kennedy— ^ P ight Over Trunk

in L O S-A K aB L E S, (/Ph*A trnnk ids, consigned from San Frandsoo to iri- H n . U a d a tn a e Obenchain. beU lad i a JaU b e n c b a tg td w itb tb a n xS ' ■ od* da r o f J . Belton E ennedy, was ]!*- - ta k en from a downtown botel here

today b y rcvreM ntattrefl o f D is­tr ic t A tto rney Woolwlne and re- n o r e d to tb e Los A sje les connty ^ rand Jory rooms. Xbe d is tric t a ttom sy 'i^ office Issued a inb-

a poena duoes tocnm fo r tb e tru n k a n d th e hotal antboritlea pratapUy

Italph OlKncbain, form er hiuibant •(jg nod a tto rney for Mrs. phoDcbaln hat , announced he would seell an Injunctioi (T pro'vtml tho d is trie t a tto rney fron

tnkini; thc trunk. He h a d 'n o t dono x up 10 tlie time of tho soUure. Obcn

•nr. ‘‘W n i.nid the trunk wa* bis own, bu tbnl. Mrs, Obcnehain hnd been urinj

jg . l i l 'fo r some Jime.;An exanitnntion of tbo trunk '* con

tonts wlll bvn iado , i t was atated, a tbo d is tric t a tto rn ey ’s oc/ice.

" J K A K ^ S K 7 M E B Y T E IP . nia- LOS ANOELES, Cab, ( /P > - itcs Tbomaa L ee Woolwlne. d is tric t at- ited tam ey, wbo bas beea conducting '

inveatigation of tbo slaying o f J . o( Belton Kennedy, baa le f t Los An-

■tor gelea bn a secret mission, I t b e ­nd* camo known early today, in for- ilnn a a t lo n xesvrdSng tb a Bfctnre o l bla linK tr ip o r blB destination w as refused ■ioir a t bla office. I t waa t t a t o d ^ waa : t b e f '* ’^ « ‘oMTll»‘V ittt Io b " 'a n 4 lji iitT io '' rulv probably would be. gene about .ten- pro- . days.

Befuse to TellIn ro/ponio tn thu question , " h n

'O ’l Mr. Wf'olwine Kon'* to Chicogq to mak investlRfttioni I t the K-pn^fdy rn^c

cm. !■ . -. —.1 - 1(Continnod on P age Pour)

IIOM THE WIREin B onrw baa tem porarily aospendad op- Igb pressnre of activity , according to ad- na tlonal bankers.

seaat« finance cosimlttoo 'grUi detannino ta r i f f .will ta k e procedenco fo r enactment,

lay. Tbo committoo decided to -con tinue . ougb n e x t w otk. tak ing up tho m etals and

ked mob forced lc« w ay in to tb e TJnlve^ o'clock tb ls n o m ln g , w cured tbo body of i-am uck and klDdU tw o w bito men and i n - .

aad carrying I fb e y fln d tb o d ty U nits, on w as retum ed-to tb e boqiltal.

e tary H ughes waa aaked in a resolution nnam it a H it o f a ll A mericana aboard tbe a BUbmartno together w itb a statom ont of )s taken tow ard adjustm ent, a j^ coriea of ta to departm ent a ^ tbe Oerman govem-

u ritle s today are investiga ting the alloged mnce Sbomo, Unking Jo e Leonard, alleged lington, said to bo head of a syndicate to Leonard. W orthington and a score o f oth- id Jury in connection v l tb m all tbofta over eU on a charge o f bav lag stolen L iberty

T i i E i r&S0 M ichigan Polico fiound Up Coe J signm cnta of^ Contraband

as it Drosses Border

•nd- UKTHOIT, Mich., {ff) - Micbij;;: e.vci sta to policf cndeavoriuR (i> clicrk tl

III.: flow nf CJanndlnn , beer inni I by. across the D etro it r iver from Wind-n 'hot m ade'si-vorn l ■ raid s’ nlon'i tbc «'a1' and frniit la tly today' w tc stin a U im'" i" Ih" »ei*Injf n consi'detjblc nuniililv nf .n

I'ffi- trftban-i liquor.' Onn raid iicilcil llcV pint* o f Canadian bcer'.un l nlc. in a I'-r a (iiiion ;i, a quan tity n f hnmc-lin-w. U''-- Mt-nnwliMc, .W indsor attorni'vs wc

uncierslood to le .p /o jia r ln g toilav An- forwaM to OKawn .io nppliiiiln-nH /■

I " f cbnrlcrs fo r firms donirini: fn rrlna in tho Ih u o r export, business, com- Onn W indsnr nttornoT 'drnflini> n - ‘’w plicndoiis la id todav tho Icunlity ■ enn- ihp exjinrtatlon of llnunr tc. the Tnif-

■Rlatcs : w ar njt*urod by (he Brill Korti* .Vtncrican a c t of I'SU*. “ I t rW every individual the,Tight to exporl 1

- ctfmmoiiitlM, provided onl.v IbM : ily make proper dpclnratloO iit thc ci in to a * hom e nnd pav tbe cslnbliihnl d • • ; tle sV th i 're /’ he siid .'.



i D e V a l e r a

if A d d r ie s s 1

A p p e aWorld’s Wheat Supply

8" This Year is Greater ice Than i m a s in 1920\ E cports fro m 16 Oonntriea

Show In crease of About . Seven MUllou Eyahels

W ASH IN O TON .' D. 0 .. ( /P H tO SU tlstlca from 16 countries includ-

,• ing th e U nltod SUto#, wblcb nor. m ally produce about 60 pet cent

,___ o f t h j to ta l w heat' crvp of thew orld indicate a production tbla year o f approxim ately 1.053.000,- 000 buabelt o r about u v e a mUUoa bttabels more tb a n la s t year, the

* departm ent o f . agriculture an- ^ nouneed today. Tbe u tim ato is ^ . basod on r e p o ^ np to August 15. f- • Tb# O a a a ^ crop was reported

a s progreaatag favorably while in J A utftralia a a d A rgentina condl- ** tlon4 w ere, rep o rtsd as favorable.

? Si[TliESlSI8 ‘ lITMCfiKTand ■■

Russians A gree N ot to Spread rom D octrines in Eingd^om if an 3 » . A greem ent is Reachedjcn ______

HOME, (ff)-X oK oli« llo i.. roV III “ economic nKrccini'nt wUh tiie ItuBiinn

„ soviet dcleuntiou hiTu, tlio Mrisnfrgoro nf lays loday, have nlumst been cQni{)Iot-

' ' I'd. The VytroomenI, wfiich U .to bn siljned in tho near futuro. cfiolains four points, the newspaper a iicrts , as lollows:'

” 1. A mutual nndertnkinK t» (ijwH ne- t- , jnjtfeitlous injm odlatily for nn eco- l i and comiucrcial ;«srcemsnt ofJ- tbo w iilcit k ind botwecn the two coun- o- trie i.«’ i. i iu u iu is to afford (o Ita ly thv r- . lamo J 'ndjltles and od'(<iDta)tc8 ns ^ (hono gran ted olber counlrics:X* . 1 ' Russia is' to jcive eftuitablo cou-

«■ -L All iitidertnkins^ by the a o d c t Kovcrnmenl (hnt:1ts'liolej-utes In Ita ly will ab sln in 'frn tn lin y Wjempt- nt prop-

‘ hns ugnnda in Uu* kin)*doni.

0 l O l D F H lj! D eclores Him self Misfit in Gen­

era l Schem e of .Things— His'Love is in Vain i

u ■it» * - U . KAN yjJANOrBCO, (/p)-W Illiani A, u l ' lIi|{htoWvr, clmr((cd with tho munler nf

Rev. P a trick K. H eilin, Coimu Catholic priest, whose mutiinli'd body was found

J , in a ' aballow winil firavo in tbe’ beacb gf c liffa gnulh o f hero Inst wook, today n. wns in n pcssimislic mood in his cd l a t .. ' the- county ja il of San ..Matcb.'in ll.-d- ’ ' wood City, .IU w ill's south of liero.

Says B e la .bU sflt ’D ' “ 1 am a m is fit in tb e general tie B c b e m e o ftb ln g i." b e sa ld . “ When of I v a a a U ttle fe llo w ! was no t want- o f od. Tbero i s n ' t a p la co io r me.V .

Ue hold* sIcndfitH tn his clnim n( Iniioccnco nnd prnfi'sxcs lovo for Dorln

. • Hhirloy, tho wnniun in Ibe ease, whn ^ sjiys lio brought licr from ORdcn, and ^ wbo sbattcrod bis :iUI>i clnims (bnt niu

was wi(h him a t Kan .Tdsv, Cal., durlnp tho time o f tin- disinnicnranco of thc

” priest.^ DoUy Mason a

I ’olico boliovo tha t (he '-'D nlly Ma = s o n " wbo UiKlilowcr still claims to bc

the womnn wbo Rnvo bim etewi thul led to diicovcry of the p ries t's jcravo, ii IV m ythical person bii.ieil u|»oh lliKhtow

n e r’* acquaintaneo iyIi Ii the Khirlcy’irom'

1 U ' *'"ili({)itower bas nnt been tnhl lhal (h< Hhirley woman m:irried nn entcrtainoi

, _ here Saturday, and the iovesllBatori■ expcet th a t .tho fu turo prescntntlon ol

d Oils luform atlon, together witb olboi. fac ts,, m ay bring forth donagiag ad

miiBio'na from Hightower tl’ben tho^ . , are prepared to roveal thc>c'tlilnpi t(

him. •; ' ■ Sblrley Wotiian la Married

Tbo Shirloy woman mnrrlcd Lee Vin■ cent I ’utnam n t Rcdwumi City Satur

dny n ight, g iv ing ber name as■ Carroll, aRCd 20, o f Soulh Ibkntn . In

form ation from D enver and Ralt I.nlfc Rcfordinj; to th e police here, indicate tbc Shirley womnn w ai kno»cn in (hos

ueru (“ U k k e y ” ) Carroll, »<•in cording to C opU ln of Dotectlves Math

• c*on here. I lo aald t h e poUci' hav .JJO completed th e ir invesllgntion lot th

ShirWy w om an’* activities, and do no , n |,. implicate her in tho ease, and tbnt tbc; y n f have nbandonod e ffo rts tn locate an; iiKcd "on ian in 'th e caic. rili"h ■ * ~*

BA BE BA M S A K D ^ R HOURE rl all CinCAQO, </p)—HaJ.o Ruth mad ,t lie hi* fo rty -fifth home run nf (he icaso

cus- with otrc n a o on base, in the sixth ir .1 dn' ning nf to d a y 's (fame with Cbic#K(

Wienecko woa p itch ing for Chicago.

W A L L S C m N T Y * 'mmD e f i e s B r i t

B e f o r e D a i l

ia ls t o N o r t l

» Brea,ch Is Widened 20 of Lloyd-George P les inion Statii


\ S M M I D ri FuisiiiJM:a — . . ,

I' Am erican Producers . Claim to ' H ave Boen Fleeced by Sys- \

tom of. T rickery* >

H EW YOEK, 'i l ’ 'a a tO 's ta a i is s 'O f A merican'fU m a

U l a n d tb ttlc d ^ le a U o n s n d o x U b l tlo n < in Jap an and ehnwbere jn tbo Orl- ' en t were m ade today by tho K a- '

>aa A asodatlon of .tbe U >ttoa *1 ?lclnTe Industry In - axmotiiuicig ;*

tb a t an actlvo campaign was tm d e r , ’ w ay ta p tvven t aucb p iracy vfaicb ' baa ccst la rge American prodnc- I

on in j companlea tbouaanda o f del- lian 1

OuHtavc.B. Unr-ko ha* Iwen indictod in this c ity on cbargui' o f rocoivinf; and disposinjj o f twn films w U fb ^roro

‘I*"* stolen l.vre ttJid tccuverc^ in 8 w Fran- , ®" CISCO, whence they .were ^o be forward-1

cd tn 'npfin. They nre now in pOiaer-; slnn of tlu ' Now York distric t n tto r - '

•««*• ney ’s nffico. Tbc film th e ft fommit-* (eo o f tlie OBsoriaUou anoooneos. th a t tboy wero siilpped to San Pranciaeojby

• II .inp«ne»<‘ concern wilh an offieo in Hron.lwuy.

i illJKDS Jill.,::fOp- ^

French P rem ier Expects G reat

S ' In ternational Problem s B e­foro Oonferenoo

. _ PA R I8, (iP) — Premier Urland thik nvcniuj; liandtfd Myrnn T. Ilorrick, tbo

JL Americnn iiinbaw dur. P rance's acccpt- f nnco of the official invllation>.of Pres-

Ident lln rd in g to the conference on dia- iiriuttmont nud Fur Kastetn (^eslious to be held In W ashlnston. •

I’roniier Briancl, wh<i expi-cts to nt- 8 lend tbo coiifereiieo will not (cek to

I confine tbe discussions to tbc sinKlo question of diiarmiunont, I t ' i a stated

. in well inform ed quarters, said fhe ' ■' E clair. This uoWHiiaper is conildored

tho organ of the Prench-premier. _, I t is declared M. Driand considers tbo

occnsinn favnrablo for (he coniiderntion . o f jnost o f thc i-real inlcrnationol prob-

!, •' lems nnd th a t ho will tako 'o fca iion to exjiound, tn Aiiierli'ii,. thu •legitimato

' aim s of 'O io pnliry n f 'F ra n ce tlirougb? out the worl.l.

^ W ASHLN'aiON, (flV -Sonotor U difo “ o f M anw cliusetls named by tho p tc ^ -

den t ns nne nf (ho American delegates to (lie .ilisanunment eonferente, declar-

1 nf cd in (ho senn(e today (bat ho. would •oris I'xcrl bis best efforts fo r ii. reduction whn nf nrmamciit, b u t th a t " th e re m ust bn and n general reduction” by nil nations.

f t w a i ! '

BlliPiElDllSD[lS[thu t —

ix R osebnrg D en tis t D eclares Ho ;Z'. H as H ad Only Flaahes of.

M em ory Since Murder(ho ---------

liner PO RTLA N D , Ora., (/P)-Donnl8 RuJ- ttors go)], laborer o f Roseburg, Ore., \wi<i » of slain ub ilo D r. R, M. BrumficM, Roso- ilber b u rg dciitizt, now bold .in conncction

ad- w ith th e crim e, wa.s siifforlDp from thoy aplmsla, nccording lo a statement made rs to by thu prisoner lo .D istrict Attorney

Qoorge K euuer of Roseburg today and ropcnlc'l b y .th o nttoruey to n group of

Vill. newspaper reprcsontntivcs a t tbo coun ntur- t.'" ia 'i- . .Brumfield e ldm i, s lid i'MnU DI"W et A ttorney N’runer, tb a t ho hns _ j„ . bad onlv occasional. flatbcs of. memory '.nlfc Sunday,’ .Tiily 10, three day* bo-

fore bia ^ar was found w recked-and ll'ioao burned w ith th e uinimed liody of Don- J JJ,.. nis R iwsoll'henenth.I’fttlh ' - - »• .---------- 'havo G ENEttA L WOOD IS EELEABED


' PH II.A D K LPH IA . P h., yp)' — The they board bf'triis t< 'es of the U niv irsity ,nf

Ponnsylvnnla, n t a spcclal meeting to day, in rc»iwnsc (o (lie request o f Sec­re ta ry o f W ar Weeks, released Mnjor

CEE OoncTui l.eonnTd Wood unlrt Septem- made ber 1, 10S2, from hia.agreem ent lo bo- -ason eomo bead of tbR an irc rs lty . This oc.- h in- tion Iw v c t tfio general f rjo to accept cago. the appoin tm ent o^ ,P re iiden t H arding go. as governor gcnersi o f tho Philippines,

e W' -PBIOB n V B O B I ^

t i s h i n

l E i r e a n n ;

h f o r H e l p

I by Blunt Rejection Proposal ofDpm- tus for Isle


BELFAST, Iralabd, (/P) - ^ AU ' royal ir ta b coniUbtthxY le aT o 'h u

been cattcali«d,'datliv Avrn todaj:;: ';I t waa annonncod b » « tbJ# le t* - ' .

[- . ;a o o a . ■ ■

IS P B E O A i m o i t o r m b a s d b b ' ■

LONDON, < /^ U a iM ttrca , token, to recall. Rritiabi troopa ob 'ica v o to the ir i units in IrcU ndl u n o i in e ^ y e s tad a y ,

) were s ta ted in o f f i c i i circles here to: day to be poreljr, o f * ci, proean tio i^ ix ; imtUTc. . . .',1

I t . wns claimed th a t- t ! i r tnov^ waa not. aRgressivcly preeautJonaiy becaoio . tho Inal th ing the BriU ali.gove'raoont r would do w ould. be to tahe a n y a t m i lo break tbo Irl#b Uooo. I t waa diK ffl clared l l wna rcalUod l a official qttar. W, te rs tb a t tbo f ir ln g .o f the f i n t sb e t on ' e ither aide wa* like ly to a e a a tha r ^ . ;

.su m p th r o f sp o n d la o n tb u n ^ of U » figh ting througbout abuthern Ireland.

Tho bolief UiroBghot:t SHUab offi­cial e lic lff , i t ‘l« ,aeeU rpJ, Ui tb a t lb t longer the trucik lu t i i th e h ^ e r ' l t wiil

■ bo to b ie a i^ i i r ' ' , . ;

K . A D JO T nM fP D B L IO -SB aSlO K '« D U B L I N / p d b U o m eetm i.J- of the D » « ,E » e a :m w ai .ad jenraed 'i- iih l* aflitfnoon, to ^ a a Ind -fln lto 'dato..r-: Privato nesaionj. wiU; l>o beJdMn t h a , , f-^mennt^5ii^ ;^hnglnolng.:tOBorroir. ■' ■

n ' D uiO U ir, ’(/TV^Bammin ,'do- Via-», M 4 i . t « p b b U e a i i 'l» a B r ^ d ^ . '. d a re d to d a ; ^ tb a S a C tS iiw n n '■

,• V onU ‘n o ta c e ^ ' t t * t « t j | t t o f f i i * d . . . ' . b y t b i B ritish n T B n i m ^ i B z t ^ - '

•V. ^>iaa,t&.&»BW<iijMB gtfW>Cf <8BrfB»rfeJ. io n .f ta ln i . ..........L Mr. ,0 e yalcTft' atado, tbbi, deelimrtioa'I , a t tho socond (liaaion o f ' t h a ; ! ^ , S r e

onn. h r !d : in t b » « M a i J l l i '^ f S i , ^ ' :^ loko , up tbo ^uw tion b f rtf io - ^ g o t i t it tiona w lth 'P ram ie^ L loyd Ooorge witb

r c p r d to a. pou lb le lr lsh n t i le n e o t . M akM R id tio a Clear.

“ Frnm tbp reports th is raoming.xti ik the ilrltisii and foroign p ro as ''. laiB 10 Mr. .Dc> V alera, «,*.tbcre:ieoms I q - W ,t. douht ns to w h at’, 'o v .a lU tn d e I s .W , , wards . 'th e ; B r itish 'p ro p o ttls . T b o ii g. j .c cm s 'ti 'b p 'd o u b fo s 'to w hether w h i^ 'J

1 hnvo la id or w hotbet o u t U lte i v-' bicnns iiccpptaneo. o r rejection.^ . r

I. . "T h ere ought to bo no d o n b t ln ^ .In anybody 's mind. ...W» caanok' and ],, WlU LOt, on bobalf d f i t h t f ^ o n . iR

accept tbMO l^ n a a . ^MThero ia - 'n n ^ n d ia n ^proverb read/,

ing: 'P oo l mo oncc, aham*- on yonj fool ' me twice, ahono on m o.' The ir isb ’

,0 peoplo wil) no t bo fooled th ia 'tlm c . - ii in Denies B ta to s Olaimed.;’.* . 'h- “ I t ia said wo nro offorod to iM of dominion homcVfttlo 'fo r .Irelanii^to - U io slntus o f the B rititn dominlonC h? Irolnnd Is o ffered no sueh tlilnff;](nie

statemen*. th a t Ire land w i t offered ' dumlfllon a tn tu i contained, tw o M e - ,

pj hnpda. W here is 'lr c lo n d f There’ b no ' I rc la id an th e term s b 'ut .tWo .b ^ k re

cs piecei o f Ireland.- ",r. " W h n t w as offored n o t «vca; ja dominion itn tiis. 1^ w u a 'n d a lt tcd tb^'

dominions had tho r ig h t to 'aocede and. I,„ ctHlil ge» out if thoy flesUed.' W e aro:

told wo rau it s tay In w hether wo like i t o r not. . ,

N ever Been U blan. '" W e are no t c laim ing’ ttie righ t to .

secede. .There cannot b e 'a queiUon' o f seei-ssion, becauso' tbe ro -haa n o te r,

f iiccn union.I I " X n rlb c rn Iroland ho* regarded i t ­

self from It* own vlftwpoint, a n i -in entcrin" negotiations they need not-

lO give u p ,th |it point b f view." I would be willing (o ruggcat to the I rish peo-^' 1-lc Ihnt they givo up » good deal b . order tn have Ire land ablo to look.into-

' thl’ fu(uro w ithou t a n t ic ip a t in g ,d ls ' !*• trncting in ternal .problem*.".-,' ’ \ .

Looka to N orth Irelaad. y “ All tbo t W Ihcsb ncgoliatloaV,'

havo n’Oaat nn a ttem p t to ge t Into'.- jjp touch w ilh the poople of the north ami

fell them wo hnve no enmity and would •, mnke sacrifices fo r tbem which wo . «;ould nrvcr (hink of'm flk ing for Brit-,

ijj nin. We will bo ready to. give thera . . , every nafcguard nny rcaronijilo peraoo, could s .\v .(hey wore oatitled to , 'n n i ;

Wf are ready to loavo tbn q u ^ tw n of,'' the norlh (o c itc m a l nrhil.ration, or

leave Ihe w hole .huc»lioa;,to . cxtcinV.'; “Jl a rb ilra tlon . , , ' i

O laim la Unreaaoaable, " D n g ’ond 's claim is uoreasonabUj'

Tho clalmi o f tho m inority in Ireland' nro unrcaioiiablc^. B n t oven unr'eas<n>! able clnims we would bo ready to roA<j

bP »Wm , ni.d I / o t one 'wtmtd,bc T e a i j t b i go a lorig wny to givo way to themi

•o parllculiirly (o the ir sentim ent,could gel them to eomo w ith , da -and

jur <.(,n!idec the interests o f tbo lr 'r"’ eountrv and c o l bu .allying th e ra ie lv e fj bo- w ith foreigners.” . • 2Qc.- . &(r. De Valera said tbo Iriab aatloUK' jp t did not stand b e tw e e tt^ E n ria n d 'a a d hing — ...... ~ ^ ‘ ' fies. . (Contiaaed on P a g * ;f o a r ) : ; ."I'S

• . ' .... • • . -

Page 2: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

i p | | r a i i , , :'Bolshevik G overnm ent in Ex- o -trefn itv TrlBS M any Schemes

to Increase F acto ry O utput tako

t 6 T rad e fo r Food , 7 ,;• ' L a tv i i , ( f f ^ M a n y cxporl- ‘

. ^ n t t .A ie b r in e introdueed In tbo man* ; a g ra e o t lU d rnpjpty sjritem of R uu ian ho, e

in an e ffo rt by tbe Boltbevlk tiPs, rgoyera^erii fo • IncrcMO produellon in Tb fc r fe r . to , obtain products to erchanffo ' w ith tW p e a ^ t s o f l ,

I'- Sooic 'tiine (ago ft pieec -work nealo (|,p , w a i introduced In th e hojio th a t this tiott irou ld inelto individual v n rk m cs lo in- jccdi

SeKaao tifoTta. ActoiiUng to a Uoitcoif tbroi vdupatfb , «I! f a c to r ; nuuugcm ents bavo ],rn 'i .lieca ordored to carry i t in to e ffee t iiconi '^tinrontly and im acdiate ly . per ;

I n m iuy Indosttta l conccma a coUoc- fnMr .•iivp Tnilooinjr.plaa hor loen substltut* tivo* 'v d for,tliv olil system of {tninling indi- |mrk ' “Vidoal raUo'na,' Under- tho now method in

w ho lo ,f^ to ry !s.;;rftntod a monthly al- Uon vJo'»#aef o / foodituW . and mooejr -an n*jn 'tb o condition th a t I t turns out a itip - nf tli in la tcd tn o u n t .o f rooJb. ' park;/ l f tho fac tory i8 .,able (o produce be ui /tb is ’ q u iu li ty w ith, a smaller number A' (6 f w orkm en th a n riilm atoi], tbo aur- injr a

5’ lu s 'o f feoditof(s,(ajid Jnonoy con bo turcn Irtrlb 'utcd amoog tho workmen a i a int; tl

iWcmiuin.:. . ' • ■ • iiinkn¥ 'T b 6 All-BuMlnn Council of Trade Tin -U nions.ha* issued a c ircular polatinf; liv .a oQt. th a t. iscVeasoi o f vroget in monoy A'«lit< pay to toU ivro InadvUaWc a t llils tlas?, i^ f tU ie ’ th ts vouli] ncecssitato an in- A iT

Jn-tlio ' ou tpu t o f curroncy which S I I Ibo n v b rn m e a t is oven now unable lu

^ D t i n ' ' su fficien t quantltici*. Tin- / go'yemmAot is sa id to havo been prin t- > mg n a t» Ialoly,‘#bout tw o h u n tk ^ b l i - ' i

lio^, of mb'bleai'^of 'paper moE]§' a ssbDth. i H i i i ambuDt has beon increns- «a to Ibe.m w lm um possible ou tpu t of ;tbe p rin llb g macbiiies. Mi

Pittsburgh BtUlsM ust , Lay Up Their l i tn e y s ,,™,

> V - i . f f ' , novelV, n iT O B U B G H , T>0., ( f f ! ) ^ i f y ’ pa- wa* i

'notv'bo MrmUtod. to ride b r r wto o r 'f n n f n b e i r statioDS la .'tb o ir own roucyla d iy id o a h 'M ftQ cb ile i t' horeaattilr, oc- sldewto»diDfc*'to att^,bTder Issued ' to4)»y by f?rciu:6 u p e rir .ifo d ts t o f . Police T h o n iu Car- pullro ll.iT h j o rd ir s ta te d th a t thorp would fled i b e bo, cbjoHlon to . tbe . patrolmen'.{Id- in ^ i 'l a n a c b lo c s o lhc r than tho ir o r a . I f ;I t ' i i ilndcrstood tb e nilo w as m ada to sdve ti i t # l^acilu^^irpaee, •' f t a i ;

' ■ W Y a n d l i J i

( p j l l O R R O W

i ' - t o c

‘‘Out of

, L ate r a tra il o f blood wnw disc

T h is is till* cliiimx to one of tlie mi

Id a b o ,in m any a montli. .\J iIC K

' .Iierem oU onai fire. ' '

; -K “ OUT O F T H E c n 9 _ ^ iu a ” 1

■ - ADD!

P a r a m m t J H a j

, ' -l!


i i i i i l } -

ilTHWlllEiiNllTE ™ f f l lL R M i* -

Idaho OoD^ressman In trodaoes BUI to S ettle D lapute Over.

yeUowstoDO P ro jcc t J J"

. .^yA pliraO T O N , (/P > -In orflct . ^

a o ttlo 'jl io ’ eohtrovcrsy over tho F a ii r iver. I'flita reior.voir sito in the Yoi- IcwstooN park CosgrestniBn Sm ith of Idaho in piopnrlng n WU -whlth 1*111 tako th a t seetloa out o f ido pa rk pro- per and restoro it to tbo s ta le of I<i|abo a g j 10 th a t the reservoir slid and tho wat- e rr o f th a t sect-ina n f tho p a rk may be “ uiod to irrlgalo lands In ’Uio U pper Snnke Hver valley below Ashton, Ida . r . ho, and In Ptctuont a n d M adlw n conn- tiPs. th a t I ta te . ' J

The bill to use tho w aters o f tbe nark by pn«atiny a reservoir was w ritten . j j . , and intiodueed by ConffreMroaD Sm ith A m i of Idnlio a n d while tho plan reeeived the rfcoRttllion of tho frdoral roclama- tion (Irpnrtment there wns no mueh ob­jection on tho port o f Uio peoplo Survi throus’liuut the east and aurii <i deduoci Ai lirftftrnni »f p ro lcit was launched by pcopln through maRuriiio nnd newspa­per .irlicles th a t the bill was Jellied by . VI euMfrn and wliltvvn'cin Tcpicsentn- iTom live* on tho pica (hat tho w aters o f thi? Aniei pnrk wore to bo i-ommcrcin!i«d. ‘ Hi' <•

In order to take caru of th a t s ltua I* pr tlon tU's UIU as p tcparcd hy Congrcs*- rcduc >rtjn flmith will, take th a t scctfon, parf :i(IO,fl' nf lho sijulhwcstorn corner o n t of th e large park I'o im darles 'ro th a t thn nite mny when be u»cd for rosorvoir purpo«eK. . tlio c

A' nnmbor of eastern peoplo, includ- Th< ing .a ruinmillcn of Boston pcojilc, Ice- nl rc, turers rnd nn’wipnpcr writer*, oro view- of tli ing tlia: sccllon of the pnrk In order to' iiinkfi A roiwrl. week.

TliiJ>' arc t* bp takon into thn purk fltinn Iiy .a ilelegatloii of biwircns men , n t imdoi Ashton, Idaho. '(Iron

— —--------- I'ikni

S ilS D N IIIB iiW ;S iS lT F B i iD I I S

--------- T)'aChicago W om an's P resence of

Mind and Ability to Scream J /Savea Hor $ 1 ,0 0 0 - Viiko

— iinuiic OHICAOO, (/P )-M Im Koau Y ore. Yiil

secretary nf a da iry compnny, h a r u l l t i l i ' novel plan to ou tw it'bo ld liaiullts. ^ h c /Tiwo' was slopped by robbers yesterday on (!«in i b e r way to a bank >rilh $1000 in cur- frcigi roncy, D ropping tbc monoy on th e rnin sldewalh she sa t down on i t a sd S tate r^rcuncd. E ffo rts of tlio bandits to pull her over wero futile and tbey fled a s 'a ld approached. KA

, — --------- --------------- Leo,I f year property Is desirable, aad is jail I

a d v e r^ d U tb« eluaUied yoa'Uth an .

■ E u s A x i s R M M H i

: e b r ai n

t the Ch■ 'y

ficc, A

! ac to r



I' fill

I (o

■TZ " . ' , riisluj)'

4 discovered Iciiding from tlie closct d<

le most th rilii/ig niid Iieart-Hlirriiig |

ICK B H A D Y plays llio p a r t of tlic cl

f»S” y ili Jirip y o u !

D D E D ■ A T T R A C T I O N S

lagazine and HaiIn a Two P a r t Comedy

esday and Thursd



T akes s ix W «eki Sopply o f Food and E x tra BAUway O ar on T r ip Into

B olsbevik-B bssI*— ^ B

liONDON, (/P>—A Brilisb trade , m luIon of 17 members, beaded by R.Xf. HodgroD, fonnerly British ceniulo t ,VlA<livostok, h as le ft I^o d o n for .Moscow, w hero qDAxtcrs havo been in jycured to bouse them. of

They took w ith them six woeks foodsupply and Ifirge stores o f offleo ond ihl^eusehold furn itu re , Ineludiag tables, qqbrooms, palls,, dustcrr and even poo* ,,and Ink. . • . .

• 'W o ,d o n 't know w bat m ay happen to u i , ” said M r. Uodgson to n report­e r, " s o wo aro going prepared. -We of aro tak ing two cars, la case wo find pli the railways on s tr ik e or the Irakk cfc blown Up,-bnt'w c nre n o t carry ing any nli n rm s." «


Surrey Indicates IHminlahlflg N«ed Among OhlUien « ! O e a tn l Bvro*

. VIFA'iVA, M V A now survey of L'Tonitmlr. fosd ltions b u cnu^Od tbu American Child relicf to make A dra*' q| , til' ru t in it* eharity in A ustria .- I t „ ,j ix projiowd th is sum m er gradually t-j roduro th t nnmbor' o f children fed to j j , iOOjflOO vind flasic w ill bo confJne-I r argely to Vienna and otJicr d tle* .vhero niuth w an t will be faced, during lio coining.w inter. •

Tho generol Improvement In tho rur.- »l regions Is ilh iitratod by Ihe action If tbo Americans In dosing 08 o f tbe ir „ { (llf.lien» in U pper A urtrln nlono in onu rook. All cbildrcn .o f.paron ts in f a ir jq, flnnncinl dirum stanceii oro' oxduded ^ u indor lho now progrnm nn woll na chll- jn . Iron o f fnrmer*. In otbor words. Am- ( 'lienn rdlo.f will Iip conflntnl to thojc jo n actual need. fvi

Opens Gates for Rum ' 'J Shipments to Yukon ”

------- nnjDA^VfcO^• CITY, Y . T., {/P) — Tho ^

lilM v-s'govfinnicnt has IKtoii ho jm bnrgo recently Imposed on li- |imr aliippod through Alnxkn to tbc I’likon, tho tw rlto rifll govornmont nn muncud today.

Yiikoiv authbritleii hnd nsked tbe Itilirii nmbassador. n f W nsbiiigton tn viwoxr tjie poneeaaion, w hlrh firohibl-

offii-rrs bad rc'fniied. oh fho only, 'rcight route from other p a rts o f Oan- llin to the Y ukon' crosacd Unltod Itatei tirritorj*. •

NEOBO m S A H O B D .KA.VHA8 GFTY, Mo., (ip>—Walkor

.eo, m aro , wa* hanged in the county all lie;o ih li morning for an assaolt i}»n p v rl'U'xly wh\tt> -womnn n o te h a n .o year ago. . -

I M a l l n e e 2 : 1 5

i l l ^ - N i g h t 7 : 3 0

U ) Y

l o m s ' 'A dram a of love and saori.

se, whicb proves t h a t ch a r­

te r docs not depend npon

istooratib birth .

(Jnizod by jcalouK -<louhts

hiK.liwmtifiil w ife wlio luni

CO beeu ii chorus g irl,

UI Keekmim r\inhed home

e eveninp: nne.Kpectedly,

d fdiind anoU ier ro a n ’s liat

d s tirk on th e ball lablf.

• fmind liis wifo aloni*, luil

mako sure he fired five

)t« in to the closet d o o r and

<Iied from the room.

it door to an open winjlow,

;ig photoplays aeen a t tin-

e chorus-girl m fc with ail

arold Lloydvsday


B M H C H ?. . ,. . ■ . • . • ■ It,

B n s i n e s s U e n . P r o t e s t A g a i n s t ' L f tw t J l v in g W o r k e r a S h a t e . coo

o f t h e Q a i n a —

ME.VICO CITY , ( ^ A law rceeat- ly p a u td and prom olgsied Is '.the ati^te q of V ofj' Cruz to rp c ra l t workmen to aharo in the p ro fits o t a s y ia d u tr y In lh a t aU te h a r m at' w ith tnu th p w tts t Dod th rea t Is mado tlia t i f tiiera is any a ltem p t to '.ea rry i't in to offCOt a gen; crnl paralysis o f .w d n s tr jr -W ar rcsnlf?

Tho law calls fo r th e establlihm ent ma of a rnm alstion 6f Boven, th ree em< the p loycn and th ree workmen aod a mo ehalrra.iH selectod Jo ln tly ..ln o a ch 't tn - rob nlelpality In th e .s lu to which', a t least ual once annually, •boll call fo r th e bookji tio of a ll industria l cbocems and, a fte r a thl earoful undlt, shall name the aharo of f n the h b tv m t. fTho workmen aro to re- in s ceive not less th a n 10 por cen t of tho aea lo ta l ne t p ro n ts . >To m axloum Is •W ed . m

The Lliftlrman ts to ho named by tho jf I prosldcDt o f tbo m un ldpa lity i f his le lcction eannot ,bo m utually agreed upon by the employers and tho work­men. f t is pointod ou t by Ihoso who oppose tbe law th a t tbla will almost P alw ays resu lt in th e nam ing of a worl;- man inasmuch os v irtua lly nU tho presidents o f m u n ld ia ll lie s arc labor-ers. _____ - • • IJbj

Tho profits t o ’bo divided, according ^ lo law, “ will bo uDderstond to bo the net can iiogr rc a llz e d ^ n th t bnsiness a fte r tak ing Into c cn a ld m tlo n th e in- tcreal nod tbo a m o rl lu tlo n Of tho capital invested. Tho in te rea t will not oxceod six per cen t per anaiim .ttad.thfl am ortUstlon w ill bo ad iuctcd netord . i \ i la g to llifl na ture of the- caplUal, bu t m ust never cxceed 10 per conl of tho capital of the immo’ able oatate .’’-

Ono of tho 'p rlncipal oI>Jcetions-mado ' 0 to tho law ia th a t i t Js rotroaetlvo - to oil, February G, 1D17. An elnborato ays- llsii tem of embargoes nnd fines ia provid- Ilsb od In rajo the-em ployers fa il to eom- pan ply wiDi tuo orders o f tho eommiulon dici o r aro discovered a ttem pting to o\{adi- elty any o f i ts findings. Qoods and prop- will

( • ,'

K t Q D jG O O D

A n J

G o o d

F or the ]ing to schoo never lost' I

• offer 6ne strc penheimer Gi j / j g o o J a p p e a l

H ig h S c h o o• • • s e e 'th e n e w e s tK u p p J r , C lo lh c s

Twin (■ O f

^ o n ..K . a c o . , . • '

LLS,10Aflp,,WiEPNIgPi0 M A j j ^ T 1 7 . 1 9 2 1

ertlea m a y ,'b e ''aW d-a t public M otion D i;( to sttcuro payment.. , • :

U exiean-iiew quipers fdmost as 'a on lt - nro. opposed to tho k t c j i n d are n p - ^ r t i n j ' i h d iadurtri'es in I b d r a ttem p t tb have federa l pction taken a g ^ t • i t , ' Oofflndtitcos reitreaenllnsi va n o u s - chamb e r of commerce havo c o n fe rr« ■ w ith . H n id o a t Obregnn wbo Is now ^ c on ride rin j I f t t l l e l measures aro pos- . ' Sibley Legislatnrea In otber s la te s havo givcji in d lc a t lo u th a t sim ilnr Clur law s nro contem plated there. o f 1 ^ :-- »125Soda Springs Store j.S

is Robbed o f SilksSODA S P aiN Q fl, (Spoclal to Tho

X(TW8)AT£mi(lftrB ffllerod th o a D. >Yhjtmtn dry goods store a t thbi po la t ' “ “I aomo tlroo laal n ight. B eaato t P®“ * man of Carlbou coupty,, pwiprletor of tho ostubllabment, npon -openlag this morning found lh a t the stoto bad been robbed and about $1000 w orth o f t « 1- uablo sllka w ore'm isaiog. No inform*- tlon coold be obtaiaed as to tim ^ the SI th ieves entered b u t ' I t is preaoned from tbelr. open&buns ih a t tb£y were insldo ' the buDdlag for aome tim e, „ j i , searching everything carefully. 3

To Raise i io jm fiW to be Loaned Farmers ^

(IniCAGO, iP y -A b o n d " l« u e of ♦30,000,000 a t 5 1-2 per ccn t will bo issued a t oneo as a result of aotlon t s token here a t n meeting o f tho, Ameri- I I ean AsaMintlon of Jo in t Stock L oad ■ ' IJoaks yetleraay . ,

This luu o .w ith otbers to be floated before Dcccnibci: I , will mako a to ta l o f .ab o u t (150,000,000 loaned to farm ­e rs by laaV s th is year, ofilefets o f the art^cvatlon ^414, Guy Iluston ,. Chi­cago, was dccted president.

Noted Publisher is “J Dead in Cincinnati

■OINOINKATI, 0 „ m - J - 8 . «oil,: form er owner o f the Crowell Pub Isblng. compnnj', Springfield, 0 ., pub- isbors o f the “ Woman'* Ilomo Com- lanfon” and " F n rm and F ire side ," ^

died early today In a ho ip ilal in thia I I J eity. l i e had been ill fo r m any months I H w ith cnncer.,

D m J h e inF ^ C L O I

' ■

In v e stm e n t h

i A p p e a r a n

: young fellow rei3ol ai)c|„ the older cha his live school spir

trong recommendation: Good Clothes— irivi ’.arance.

$ 3 5 ■<«fics. ,


• ^ t h e h o u ie o f K u p p en h e im er

IECEIVERHA«llEttE01f»;i*4';, NIpCLiJl^

ja e ts B xooed 'u ii.'ba itlacS B t s b m m' of p»ah OM>m 8 f t f

NEW Y O IK , < ^ i ^ e l v c r a ; k , ju ity were' appolaU d tb d a y 'fo r u i - lu re 'a Magazine, I n c l 'o ^ u m p la ls t ; / . r M arcus B. B ehnkan,. who,: elalm r'12555 dne .on n o t« . iFedera l Judgo M anton appobitod '3hn B. Jobnston M d 1>, W^lsh^ adcr bond of $20,000. Tho eom plaist :Ated th a t th e .e o m p tn y 's - lU U U tiu V-' (cecdcd 1250,000, th a t asset* w e r* ,.in ^ - • ccoss; o f th is amohst, t o t th a t * tk ] U ^ unpany w aa short o f .fo a d * f t r C e d H u s e s an d . t h a t -4 r e c e iv e r sh ip .-w a ilH Bcessary fo r th q .p ro t« tlo ii o f « ^ i t | H

tO VAS IB H IT S 7 BEOT n B S S j HB T OOP to P B ioB X S K B n m B B m

S E s j i o i i b s ,40;.proprIetress o f 'A l i ^ t y s b o i i , f l | l

IM' today aa & te so lt o f havinff b e e n l i P :eldeiitally shot by PoU eem aa.Parro tJ" '^ t 3 a . m., wben th s offieor fired i h t ^10 a lr- f lt a man w h o 'r a a when tb J jlleeman approached. . ; j

iH A D ^ O L & B S l im A D ft'" '

i N m o i s i M 1Xioavloi T w lo .ra lla

{Local,Tl0 0 ) : ■

A rrive BolM 8t80 P . M.. (LoeU H im ) '

U aU s'g c6u i * ^ . w l t i i Ko. .l& gD-. : in g v e i t , a t U o i ta t t^ B x m . \ ^ I

CHvlng ons honr fox. dJn iur th a a n l n l ot^ lO . | o ^

'F a r e aame u - ra U i« id .


T H E S ^ i l l

, - !

' ' ’ -

w 'iif'm i ■

in _ h H n e e '

2turn- H map who irit,. we . ' n: Kup-v e s t m e n t


l i e r ^• g o o d clothes

■ p S

Page 3: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

I I H p Pi S i i .

I - ; ; L e ^ B K i l l i . S p l n n i n

I -' 1}isanna- ti.: : '' ; ; j i ^ H p ^ c e : Must-Take ;i

1 ; i | y ^ | S p h i 0 ' Q u e s t | 0 n s “ J

boHof that Ij,, A f l H K i U world will

to n fo f,bo(liplomAtle or tlic

H n P u id S an jl Muto intiUic Japabeac-

' 'ip & iii itr ^ .lB d o * ^ ^ promi' ren'n « i t p e r t 'a - t lu j popular movemont for ^ac ' iirtnBmeot nMltrieitlon In th is eountr}-. niui

• Ho a d d rf ' ^ very much hopo'thflt Hk. th r ^ , 'r o i r e n id U concentrate ihc ir nttcn- hol< \ tlon bn iwUovlDtc wonomio renults.” fon

f lf m tr lg u d H Paised. Ih r •..•“ Tbo' ngn of »0-«bUc4 'd lp lom aey '

. la n d o f political In t r lp c has pa jw d , J -

<[ tn d the world le oow cntorloK on a , 'n e i r . m ; t a era of raultail eo-opora* J”"

, ' t l o a am one naUonj. D k o many other ' ■ c o an trlr t, Japan has boen uneonBclous „o f tbo ehaOK« In human. rcIttHoMhlM

. -an d of tbe progrosi made in th e dl- «. rec tlon of inU rnational co operatlou.

j A a x m B tifo rU lf ta k w . . looi■ t« her laek of undentandln t; (he i''‘lTilli~ co^eprtajtlvo ip ln t .thatt t i o proi

la h e r policy, oipoetally to- rat< 9 |^ ^ H v i ( A I i i a , have been due .” ' ogci ^ ■ ^ K v a t o believed th a t tbo p ro b lem .

oTOQnd China. H o r r tb a t -China bo aaked to

, , f l ^ ^ K . t y i t e m o f in ternational nd- . , . f |^ ^ ^ K .H « t^ t a B i ( e fo r tho pow ers' : d [ | | | ^ |H ^ : i j H ) l l a h o x tra - tc rr ito n ^ ity „

. l ^ m P H ^ p l o t o U rl f f nulonomy.

;fm m s EBALL ! ; i■

. '; « d | | i P » . O o t s t Letffue.Vr-moB^lIvBan Francin'on, 0.!/•« Anfcele#, 11; Oakltiml, 0. j j

K atlonal L eaw e. Solii'h iladclphia, frOj I’lttfiliurgh, .'i-8. anteRronklyn, 7 ; New York, 0. , \ m

. , ■ : ^ l o n , 8 ; Chicpgo, 0.

g j r a H K L e a ^ e . the^ ^ ^ M j g ^ fe-L o aiii. 0-

' aO L T U B B T n n

o n tr r l.a jiT bS fl^eceivcd Ihiin fn r fo r I . , thu A inoiiean 'na tional om nle iir-coK I ' ; cliampil-wlilp^tonTOametit n f H ti-Irfo lv -®- F ' next montbi St Was nnnounred today. »—

T hr en try i* th a t of Raymond B trift, ^ a BritU h golfer.


■ I’A RlS, (/P>—Qeorgcii Carpentior. Iii'avywelgbt champion of Kuroi>e, -nil'

■ • m eet V u id e r« n r , tlio Dutch heavv-a t Ahofcninf^cn, n -/a.fliIonshM

ImthlnR rosort in IlolU nd. nex t inniiHt 2- nny* au Amittcrdnni din^mtrh lo tlie

. A alo. .

The s to r shell may take tho ploco uf llio teareb llgh t in aoarchlnj; ou t enemy j c ra f t i f espcrim ents notr beln};' con- >1 ductc'i by tbo navy dcp irtm onr meet I w ith RUppoM. FlasUleiis ]>owdor ~uwJ *

' Id propelling the (hellfi from tho gum ; and tho flaah of -the uheii* themaelve*

V . os they explode Trill light up the ma■ fnr a wide nrtiv w ithout lictraylnir thv

-V Qxaet tn n tlo n o f the nhin projecting■ Nhcm.I H B DAILY NEWB . m m

T h e l o n (O F T H E N

T h e s t r e n g t h o f e v e r y

u r e d b y i t s s e a p o w e r ,

i s t h e d e c i d i n g f e c t o r .

m o s t p o w e r f u l i n k i r ^ c e £

L i t t l e - k n o w n f a c t s o f i n t e n j i n g o u r n a v y - a r e t o l d ir t (

a t o n e s a b o u t O u r G o v e m r

' s e n d i n g o u t e a c h m o n t h .

T o r e c e iv e , w i t h o u r c o m j

I a n d f i l l t h o s e i s s u e d b e f o r

y o u r n a m e a n d a d d r e s s .

ly in Falls Bank anfl'lM e m b e r F edet^a! R e s t


I b o n v io t io a B f o r T o o ^ e e U so o f ^. . A lo o h o lio s U o r o ! H ia n 6 5 ^ e r r • O enji M o r e K u m o r o u s

L . LONrioN, ( /^ B ru n k e n n c M bat , increa«.“l- by over 6. per <^nt in ^ og -

l . land during Iftft year, according tb of- C r • / f c l ^ licensing alatfaUcB,' Tho itae- I- tlon n f lr r the w ar period of sobriety « waa aliown by 03,703 eonvictlona, cow ® pared wllh 57,048 in lOlil. . 'n o re wer« •

only U0.07.'; convlctloDB in 1918. .■ - .Tlu< roiivlcHons of won'uti %rero 3i!

por cent more than In 1010, and moro , “ than doulih' the tota l o f 1018. ' ,« A Dnily Kxprcaa brlle lo ,. whllo nd- r- mitltDg tlio figure* aro s ta rtlin g , at- f trlliutcn the incrcaao in eonvictloDt to ?- >r the iiimtinuanrc' o f o « ly rloalng regu- '*

Intlons enforced du ring ,the -war and *■• nuggcitji fhat “ poopio w ho are denied ‘- rcnjionablc farlllt iea fo r ob ta in ing II- , ' 'r i(uvr, hurc takon,In tb e lr iM e n to e a t '■ more than wna good for them when ," they conld get I t . " Tbe iW>er al^o i; hold* thnf tho closing of p roperly “ ‘h

ronduetuil auloonc haa lod to tho open- » Ing Ilf many boguN d u b s and illU it .. 'J drinking dens. .

I lOfncTal health roturnfl f re m 1920 ' Just iKruod indlcato, on (tin other band .

. th a t tho nation aa a whole la d b tln e tly , „ f healthier. fTuberculoaU figurca aro the ' ” , lowest recorded since 'compulrory noti- ,

flcatioii camo Into forco. Tbo number * „ o f denth* from rouaumptlon waa 83,-

The Infan t mort&lily ra te , 80 per IOOO, (a oIso the lowest recorded, while , ® the b irth rnto rose from 18.5 in tho j’'° ' provloui yenr lo -2-'S.4 and tho doath rat« 1;X4, ahow* n deoline a t moat

. . • Ii

Killei/ Mill is Burned » ’ with Los^o f $500fiOOT,

Ka n s a s c i t v , Mo„ j j i iC9l;lmated a t npproxlmntoly’ $300,000,^ Vul T>t»* rnuffd hero early todav when the lorgo p]f.nt of tho Kolloy M illing eom- *“ pany, lonited In nn eant side Indus- frJfll (Jjnfrlrf. wair destroyed iiy tire.Tho [Innl b supposed fo havo heon struck l>y lijjbtnlng. -

W IL I, QHANT AUTONOMY.J1ADHI.D, ( ^ V T h e now minintcr of

public InHtruction, Ccaar S I lio ,. ni’ noutjced todny th n l In the nonr future antonuuiy would bo giun ted the unl- ‘'f rs lti t 'n Ihroughout Rpain.

A s-pn rt o f - th e cam pa ign wngrd by , the federal und sta to upon tho com*’■phor Bcnle, which th rea tens to destroy mucli vegetation In Now Orleans, real- Oentff o f (bat c ity aro ee<{ulred io obtain, n eprtlflente when they wonr flowers, showinjf th a t thb blossoms nre free from inaect jie s ts .. . -

.B B A D ,T H B A | » _______

c mNibley-Channel



rery nation is m eas- ar. In w a r th e navy jr. In p eace i t is the ice against future war. ntense interest concern-

in one of the scries o f ! emraent which we MeI t h .

c o m p l i m e n t s t h i s s t o r y

K h t e ; m e r e l y s e n d u s

s . :

nfl Trust Company ^i^escrve Syatem ■

o , .


J L Y N E W S / ' T W I N J P A I i

B i s ^

iF liW i_____ ' 1

Sourdoughs Celebrate the 25th . Anniversarv of Klondike Dis- ,

, covery with Parade of Rug- 'j ged Old Characters i

DAWSON, Y. T.. ^ —Sourdough)' ; whn hriidoil fho fnmous gold tush to tho KInniHkc in 'SO, gathered hero lo- ) liny. fr>iiJi f a r tmd near to celcbrnfe the * Yukon’.' tw enty-fifth birthday. |

Ple&eei* In P a rade .' ,

A pi-ineeit’ pa rade .nnd n .sourdough linnquet were tho big evcnUi on th e ' fiirmnl program, arranged by -(b o Yu­kon onler n f pjonocr*. l»ul an oven * bigger ovcnt fo r .hUndrodi ,of thu .rng - , ged old timer* was tho ntnew al o f old ncquiiintfinc«i, and fht« «wailplng' o f t tbrillini; yarns of the lato ’OO.’a n licn i the ![ohI 'fevo r gripped the land, nud < uiillioniiircs ''aprang uji over n ight. ■ i

I l wuK a p o lic y erorrd made up i partly of protprtou* looking men, who had ftruck It rleh, nnd p .irlly o f grU- tied, w illfu l eyed cld jirojpeelora who stiU follow (lie n-ill o ' Ihc wisp o f f fortune in o ther field*. c

Thu guest o f honor wna Oeorgo T . o 6no»v BeatUc, f irs t secretary o f the pioneer* whcp they vroro organized in . Ibe oarly day# a t F o r ty ,Mile poat. h

BAcaU Elcb Stilke.

' I t , wan 25 y tp rs ngo tbday th n t t^ e n f irs t rich s tr ik e of gravel was foiind p on Bonanza croek. Nows of tbe str ik o c:

liko wild fire, and u ulaape^p o to tbc then inaccessible region follow- cd. M incrf and adventurers from all parts of tho world h it U io 'tra ll fo r th e » Yukon, and w ith in th ree )^a ra t h f fl

/ | | M

T H E U .8 .U S C O H IEH m ’t i tb a U .& U a c o T

w ith t lonrt«ubUtb*<l Stax o( Mnrlca tmong m ourists bar* an vy t to valos, «s wi «ipri<«.W UIiM»{ngfor:Ms tb* ciber tlras ia tbe U . 8 . F Uat, tba Uaco b u w m « I a I tatloa for quali7 and d«p*n< •conoisy which la c o t « la by any t in la i(a c lan .

U n i t e f l S t a t e s T I n

a r o G o o d T i r e s

U.S.USCO TREA! . , u. S. CHAIN trea:



U n i tUnited I

I d a h oL .

. L t S , t & M 0 , . W 3 a D N E S D i

populntJoa ■ o f Ibe •d ljl r i t* '-bai|:^ l»eh • ' from virtua lly nothing fo ndprly 40,-

• 000. •- in » .Y ear. . . . . , "

BUikc .foUo.wrd , •4rilu> unUl 1000,when lho gold production roaehwl its ' '

' h lghojt ■ point-Hibout 922,000,000. fT hereafter tho elrlkes grow leas fro- ^

, Qucnt nnd many- o f tbc projiwctorndeparted fo r Alaska and o ther noVer Cfields. In lOOn tho gold production nhad dropped to |:i,000,QOO.and tho pop- bulation had been- decreased by. more nthan bolf. a

1 ^ T i s T w i r a OP s o c i P t o E I,, 1 8 DEAD IN CO raN H A O B N "

CHICAOO, I io n d a here llnv^ ^ . rcfo ixo l word of tho death in,Coi«-ii-

l^igeu, Denmark,’ on Jiinn 10, 'o f Mr*, e n m Rohl-Bmith, widow of the .DfinUh Ameriean sculptor, Carl Tloh!-8mlth. »<

, Tbe sculptor nho ll-AM in Chleajto a W ' few y e m ngo alwoya claiuied hi* wJ/o ^ . was tho rea! o f t ls t ‘ ttnd he waa only , th e ' workman. Among th o lr work wn«

the g rea t figure o f B enjum ln rrank lln lit tho Chieogo w orld 's fa ir , the fol- dlors nnu sailbrs n o n u ir fe n t 'a t Des

[, Molnea, la ., and tho 'S h e rm n n monu- p nient Ift-W aahington, D .-C .

: 8U 0A B O O U PA m r PA S SE 8IT S B B 0 ir t .4 E DIVIDBND

1 SF.W YOUK, Ouban-Am-f orlcan ffugar company today passed lls a regular dividend of SO eenta a share i on rbiiiiitou stoek, bu t declared lU reg­

ular dividend of 1 3-4 p e r 'c e n t en pro- } ferrod.) ■

DIVIDEND 18 BEDUOED. .J NEW YOBK, (flV -T lie Natiottil f S ugar JlefJnlng company today redur-

od it ( quarterly dividend from (:2.Q0 . a aharo fo $1.75.

I . Sevurnl ab ip t controlled by wireless havo been commissioned In tbo B rlllih flee t, a fte r cxperlmenta. b u tin ^ nearly, th ree yearr.' iTTiey aro about ibo slro’ o.f largo m otor biunches and tlie wheel

: propelling and ateoHng maebloery ir > capable of being controlled by w irelcu ' over a Jong dlifajice.

I f yoar p roperty Is desirable, aod It advertbed in the classified — yon'I) f ind yonr buyer.

M F n m nI U .S .]Iffll

| j u s m i

B I '' F=7

READoT tM d,

ista wbo

Fibiic i . t h e t n g g e s t c o n u n d i u

» * £ f a b r i c t i r e s i t u a t i o n .

A r o m i d 7 0 % o f a l l c a i

u s e f a b r i c t i f e a

T h e i r i n s t i n c t f o r g u a i

s t r o n g a n d i i ^ t e n t e s

e l s e ’s .

W h y , t h e n , a r e t h e j

s u c h h o d g e - p o d g e s to c k s

c o u n t t i r e s , ” " o d d I o ts , ' ' . " s

" r e t r e a d s ” a n d o t h e r i

b a r g a i n s o f u n c e r t a i n o r

lr«S . . .S S o o n e r o r l a t e r t h e p

. J J w a y s s e e k s o u t q u a li ty

m a t t e r o f s o t f ' - p r o f e c t f o

^ , ' n o o t h e r r e a s o n ; T h e o u t

o p in io n i n f a v o r o f U . S

R D T i r e s h a s s p r e a d m o r e t

J B E S t h a n i t e v e r d id .

:ed StsStates ^ I

' A u to a n d S iU A, Bevington Hardware i

D A y i i ! ^ G U 8 T l l / i j j 2 l ; ;;

’ ■' C arfon;. i . 'C h e m tea l E tem 'in t 'Cartidn la’ e of tlie chi'iiiieal '

ments. - I t .forms uioro ctmipoundf tie ' than o n y 'c th o - 'o f '' 'lb v elemcnla. lia roupouQda oro found In ovci? p lan t on

aod onlmal. and tho. branch of cbemla- m . try th a t o f Uicao';ConipouodR ts- , ooMed orifanlo chcflilstry. W ith cry*' r cen II form a cqrl>otilc o rlde. or coHioa wc 1 monoxldai and carbonic ocKJ gnn. Wllh -tiu - hydrogen It form a on c itcoalT c clasa > of compounda known 08, hydrocarbons, IkJ

.whlcli differ widely lo tb e lr chemical and physical chnractcrlsU cs. Tbe ra-

. rioos cartw oafei oeco r 've ry nbunilBDt- Iy to tbe e a r th ’s cm sf.-

■ , • ■- 'IO ld C ontrovenles .

I Dow perfectly almplo old eontro- . te rs lea alway* aeetn.—S. UcO. Crotb*1 w*. . —1I' ■ I—I- . ■ ■ ' • ■ - .

:l S I

■ Watch Your (SoDio- dcfllcra aro charging BDa a ton i

price and wc suggcil th a t yo'U w atch t

’ ‘The following aro tbo standard pri m arket! - • . .,-

i* 7 " ■, N ut Coal, a t j a r d ......... .

Epg Conl, n t yard ........L u m p C o a l , n t y n r d , ..........

. We sagg tst th a t you get yoar ooal I costs bu t 16e a load. ,

B M i

A B E B D E E N . E Z & W A T E A i B U A j n ) K n


SHANKELCOpposit« 0 . S. L . P a a a n g a r Depot

W o h a v e m o r e t h a n ? 8 0 , 0 0 0 vri

themaikiR t ^ G o

to lH e

"OMntf tofU JU rie NnsMT tM ,H nU n*. M o ic M d i o#». flWa<*Wpp»rfeow."

r c h a n d i s i n g P e o p l e h a v e g o t t e i

i n i m i s t h e t h e U . S . p o I i c y . F e l l

b y i t A n d p a s e d t h i

c a r o w n e r s I t ' s a p o l i c y s e t t l e d

a r d f o r a / / U . S . T i r

u a t i i y i s a s - ^

B3 a n y o n e

G i v i n g t o t h e f a i

t ie y o fE e re d

c k s o f " d i s - s h i p p e

’■ " se c o n d s ," . • A l l t h e o r i g i n a l I

r s o - c a l l e d a n d s e r W c e c o m e s t

o r i ^ ? y o u b t i y a U . S . F a

• • *

i p u b l i c a l - " U s c o , ” " C h a f n

U ty . A s a ' T h r e e d i f f e r e n t t r e a

t f o n —r i f f o r . B u i l t b y t h e s a n i

i u t - a n d * d u t ■ s a m e p o l i ^ ; t h e !

r . S , F a b r i c i d e a l s t h a t h a v e

e t h i s y e a r R o y a l C o r d s t h e s f a

u r e o f t i r e w o r t h .

a t e s T i tRubber Com

Supply C o m p are Co., Hollister, Idaho ■

' StfghtThe p u iio f li

tle .E la lo ; b a r ' f c alM p lo b e r th . , i i .w a i 'f t t»pnderfnl a flT « ta r* ,v ; ond U fllled'jhcf -wltb 'g re jit 'g lb A I^ Ia r-- m other dIdlD M . speceodj l V 'c e t d n c ' ; bo r-qu ie t ;notll i t w iu .dm b fo :aa y bifr p n ja t , t o t a b V ' i ^ # / ' wcll-brougbt-Bp little g ir l w d , toa#-* >, th a t..» ray c W 'rtj ia t ,.« lw ay 8 '.b « ; earnestly. S be^knolt ,ln her bcrtb RDd :begah . Id a 'e e r io tu UtOa ; . volco: '"N ow ' l lay iue up to aleei). i-

: EKpWnatloB In Ordar. ' .’ Irish Cob D rlv c r-a -w a n ; aluik* ■ :

yerallf. ,ye tnoih-«nten .o ld ,corpaeI (Conndemlnlly to .his paasenger) Q •. was thn 'o n e I wsn spaklQ. t(), ,D a'anu ■' —London TIt-Dita. -

Coal Dealer i■n more fo r c o d 't t ia a tbe. i t u d a r d 'Ij the deoler. ' . ■ • .. v-

pricea for tbc best eoats bn t b o '

.. ........... : . ...:........... $ 1 0 .5 0 )■;

.............................. . . . $ u . 5 0 ■:

. . . . . ,.... . . .‘.,$uoo ’ ::al wulgbed a t the e lty K ales. I t

B L L - ~ ••• .‘'■

U O E H A W S , B T A R D A B D ' ' O N O

A L -A T K N U Z I .7 A B l) A f i . r m P A IL S

COAL CO.’ riumtai .-I■ ............. - ' !

w o r t h o f o o a l. i n p a r y a r d s . . . ' |

S f f O f "

w d s

t e n v ^ c l p s e t o

e i t i t , B e n e f i t e d . ' . r ;

t h e w j n l a l o n g ,

e d t o o n e s t a n d -

f i r e s . W h e t h e r

S m a l l s i z e s o r

’a b n a t i r e '

s . B e i n g m ^ e ■

p e d n o t t ' . , , ’

1 U . S . w - < a / i t j r

s t h r o u g h w h e n ' '

F a b r i c T i r e .

l i n , ” " N o b b y . ”

e a d s .

u n e b r a i n s , t h e ;

I s a m e ' q i ia l i t j r ,

B m a d e U . S .

f a n r f a r r f m e a s - '

r e snpany iany-

Page 4: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

DillluT II ill I 111 U '

■' \ ' ' ' ' f Vornan

Twin^?IlIl8’oolmtyDl!logaaonin ’ S()lBij Objlliit»> LUtiiig of .V , ;■ O F o r m M o d i

' Qlubi""I'A ^(IcleffoUoa o f reprMflalfttivo JUl- pH taburj

'iciiii o t Tw in- W U* t'flawjr In d w lo g H ew Y6 C k I J .,M illiit ^ C a iU tf o ^ i t i i r f n p - j5 » ‘“ . irertaUlHyiyj’ d -0. B lgsln^ eouw y to Mirdeft’' ' 0 . ' A. Eo^lnioo, ropublluin ‘c inelnoa a U ^ , ‘tionJinUt«iBM ; Jonn W, Graliom. CUenxo YoRser el^iinnau of tbo ita to ptibli>> Phi^Eoiiol} o ^ l i c u eom o b » lo aj,G u y Sboorer of •PUm, and A . T. E okin o f Buhl, la td- . j d iy ' in B«b9 to -ttp ifcor bofoto t i e h-., Itato - board o f eqwUlMUon In oppeal U o n -to lb o .p te p o i« a ^ c f e u o In tbo ta i tb lo 'v d fk l lo D ofJP«|iiii.,PUl« eoun- gj^

* f A c ^ t t l l^ . l 'o Infonnntlan reiwhinn n c tto lt " h jr e .ia n lD c re a M m o u n tlif f to around ‘ 36 per eont in t i o . valuation f o r m - K w a e n t purpoiM hut boon,, xlrtuaHy d& Iileir upon. S till g rea ter incroairB , ' m a y ,l» mado in tho ca»c#>i£ M inidoka, WOOLW < 2 i^ a and »omo other eountlct, vrhcru tbe proposed in c re u d may run as. bl^b (Co n j 30-por centi'. ■ • • i . ''. 'A a county. oweMor, a Claud e ton lait ™ «' reported a tb ta l valuation fo r Twin fF»ll« /:oun ty on tho obsU aet o f tbo fO " «o I J j a i J i a l p roperty u je iam on t roll of ♦W,313.000, o r a reduction of »M8^4C «/y S i i m tbo eqnnliMd vnluaUon of « 5 .- V » IW .H t by tho s ta te beard in 1020,..-A * t l i . r e p W valuation of T^rin JF ^ l* .c o u n ty fo r 1021 Win lower thnii “tlio. equAlizod Valuation in 1020 and :ii sitth wafl one of tho low reported couri- t s v o f tho «tatc, Qovernor D avia told A « e u o r S tew art tb a t ho eoold oxpect b li county valuation to. bo :ral*ed in ^ p rtpo rtloa a t <ta averaffe valuation of , , M7.09 an ocro and in :0£0 the beard o f ‘equali«kUb#tRil*ed tb b average val- u a^oo -to M1.51I per aero. I n 1021.tho reporlod valuation of IrrijJited farm landa .of .tho county averaged I7C p<*f u ,e 'B „ u j

• pro«cculi(


■ ' v en t Ihl-O ln d n u tt 8««lem A ttandM b y Uox* w ithout i

T ban 1.000 H O I m ta r n ta d In U w ., d n itiy . B « ta;W oaa ^

’ Xforo than a thousand men wlio aro .Borers n to ro ited In tho production and oor* .1 were co ting.uf apples fflst In O lneinnati k « ch lld 'i r m k In w hat is- lo id to bo tho mogt tIful wb argot>r attonded-sesBlon of the Apple# tp jn tg jIrow em 'oM O cIalion yo t held. r a r and

E very pMnso of tho growing and g , ^narketing of the product came up for L , .lUeuuJon. tho question o t r a te * t o - , . V ,eWinff Mpeelnlly eloio rcannlng.. ° * • A* i.ta rly ns ^ould be .determ ined'rom. tho Mica rcfordod tlio follo^rinif dlio j iro ihj) prices b o b g offciWd per box- -Started lib r ’tho namiitl r a r lc lle s :' TMleious, er. trlci^-»3. to Jonntluuis, 12.10 to :i2 .19 ; —Exchai« w t o K t s to W intor Bonana* • :

to 40.25; Wlnesap*. |i2.23— ta ----------------ti5 0 ; eplt*onbcrff»,42 to i2.1S | R o n j F«wJeaatles,. 11.00. ■ J- . . '.The. bt■Therci ,wa< moro bualne** in bo iod ecptlre.

pples'durlng-'lbo convention held Iflst f u n y extrock 'tha'n ,«ver bofore, aecording to musclea. lie Chlrago Packer. The la rgest ro-nrded wilo ^ ono of C0,000 bores o f t ),m « - v ro aa teh e o lf ru U and included New-m i al-- 4180 ; Jona thans lit $1.80: 'p ii te a b e r n a t f l.0 0 ; \91nesaps a t ' f ^ ' “1.05:' PelldoUB a t »2.70. The prices Wtn, prcftero somowhat lowor iroeanio o f th e « e Hod. '» o f tho order. Ono hundred f if ty fu l altcm: M o f Idaho Jona thans a t <2.10 and.• m e Beauties a t *1.00 were contract- a o _ .,h i1, t a wpll os tw o cara of ex tra fancy , . ^ .IM o u . . t «3.C0..


Win F a lls A t to is e ; la I n tn r le w a t BolM Tolcea B elief o f Oommimlty

t h ^ L ino W ill B« B n u t

" M o n f o f 'tb o c ltia ja* of Tw in R ills :liovo . tbo propoeed ■ ra ll« v d from DgorBon to W ells; K ev., will be l i l t , " B. M. W olfe, Twin Rilli- nt- iniey, uoted by tho Idaho Btotcs- an a i ikying: in nn interview during B vltlt to tho cflpital c ity on logtil islncM ' tb i t week. Tho slAtcmoiit intlnncHi“ Tlio need for i t is evident. Aside om th r agficultum l produeo to bo »vod, tliero nro iramCTBo copper do- <siti fom h of Ilogetion irhich would Bno ju s t ify the Ini'ld ing of th o 'ro a d ."

A ncient Egyptian Morvey. m e ancicnt Ecyptlnna hnd a golfl Id a id Mlver sinndord of cnwcncy. d Ihcir money frna In tho (onn : gold nnd Kllvcr omamcQta. rings i] DUCP’ti' YtilDO of which de- nded upou m-lKlit-

■Oldest Inhab itan t a t Sing Sing Loaves

The o ldest Inhab itan t o f fiing Sing, p j c IW’Y ork ’s fnmouB prlBon, l e f t th a t v .ititn tion ' recently,' n ftc r forty-one D ig

y e a r 's conlinuoui rcaidenco t b o r e , V ll iand was so sorry . all' In go th a t tears runic tfl h is eyes y O l when K t.took Ws ; „ ■

■ H | R S w »w dcpartufe. ITo wna ■ j j P W WilUam Mend, tho

prison ’s .chief on- ^ N | j i D u | g ^ ' g i n c c r . D e s p l to O IK

tbo fac t th a t ho began his employ- n e n t in 1B80,

boast t h a t h e " h a d n ’t dono a 'In y 's w ork in all

m w m m b h . th a t tim e.” Tbo I reason ho explain- ed to p u u lc d list- JL'

e rs ,.w u tiiaU ho had alw ays worked {hts. M’ead 'a te rm o f w ork at- thc nltcntlftjy survived those o f eleven * irdcni. , - ' ,

. P A d Z n O ^ M ^ LB A O U B ' ' (Co:iub»— ir . U P e lI PranclM o «3 53 .010ittto ______________70 fO J7>0 ‘ f "jam en to _____ 70 60 JS03 , JToiA n g o le s ._ ______ 7 2 .. 58 ,k la n d ____________ 72 0 ) .iM 5 , , ® ‘rnon ________72 , W .529t L a k o __________ 48 ; .301 1®'®^ la a d : ------- 32 07 .24^

• V - - " marrow <N A H O K A L X i^ O irB I t w u

{lubf-^'.v. . - 'w . U Pet. ‘cndor, tltaburgli _____71 00 . ‘.(M'} problem.w Y 6rk __________80 . 46 . .5W ^d-H i prston _____________ 02 ' 4fi »370 PCMonBOklVn 53 ' W ' .522 ^iKbta, t:U m - ___55 ' 84 .505 oi c l n o a t l __________ 40' C2 ’.441 damenfalIcaao .u__________ 44 05 .40» oahH uielphia ................ 44 70 .380 a ideratln

— who weri

, . .AMBBIOAW IB A O O T .w ]i-o rk ' . . . ^ -------05 40. .610 of right.voland --------- 08 42 .018 problem,jb ing ton ....__ _ GO 53 .531 ,](]; |,^ ,

Lo.flc ___________ 35 55 .500 *“i ' ’Tbe !Iton - ----- - 50 55 .470: bccamn rtrolt _____________ oa 01 .400 ho ,ie,.:a,icago .;:__________ 47 02 ;.431

40 -eo '.307 j ..

jo L w n r e OH SE O S E I JO O E im ir , “ “ “ U

(C oM lim .l from

icn nitondnnts refused to make a g reatest ly. ficporta th a t ihe distric t a tto r- lory. Di ■; ba-l gono to Chicago grow out o f . loat

announccnient yesterday th a t' D«p.- waa hold, S h e riff William Brii^ht had le ft on cntiro.

c ity to Interview acqualntancea o l liorscmon n. Madelynno Obenehuin and A r- wbllo tbli r Oj Burch, indiefed for, tluj-alleged' ahojikeepi rtler o f Kennedy. ■ politlcion:

iandllng of proceeflln^B conncctcd day, i t I h tho case here was lo ft m chargo now tlekiA aa.K oyen, .deputy dirtriot a tlo r 'th e demi'. J I t was ntnted the la tle r wns pro- .w an t tn iod TC resist efforts of Ralph R. 01> Ab toe halo, forraer liusbtind and a t to m e / m om lienU rs. Ubenchoin, to secure potseisloii down, Ui a trunk aclied by tho sh e riff 's of- busincsa, I, declared to contain possessions o f (fuertlon ■accuaed man, I t wn# adm itted the I t was

iceiilion pruposec to mako tta figli't th a t thoIhe holler Ih n t'th o tru n k eontainn dlseussin;iclifs o r documents which m ay bo inducini;] o« cvidcnci-. Ohenchnln sa id he land or, poncd to scok an Injunction to pro- tho-ktAtiiit Ihl- opening of th o " rccopMclc wide d iffhout n sooreU w arran t. p ro v n il..

- • ■ A# ll) tamong ll

* ^ « k a DoodI# Doo." passing ck irers l y e a n ago my email son and quote frc ivcro viBltlDg In the O rarka. Tlie f incliih p Id's grsndm olber gave him a beau- I t was Jl w hite bantam rooster and ben npplausa take home. We tm veled In a choir ““y "■ and I put tho tiny chicks In a pa-' box aod pu t tbo box on tb o carir,’ thlnklpg i t wonld bo safo fo r the C lau iflh t. 1 forgot a ll about tho possi-ty of tlio roos(cr crowing. Earlyitlio m o m iiig th a t littlo bantamrted 1^ long apd loud. I havo ner- jtricdf w n co .w tr a n ^ o r t llvo « « « * . ^

F«w A rtlits Pain t th# C a t WHEAllie. beau ty of the cut Is vc ry .de- ytire , fo r under thc grnee of tbo • 7 ex terio r Ile conccalcd atocl-IIkeIdea. Notlilog to a rt I# tnoro dlf- Oom andIt than to draw or paint a c a t e ls fo i 40 who catch th e fellno’B aoftncs#ally misa its streogtb. - and vice CillCAila. Rosn Borttcur seldom pointed froah doc, p referring hts less Bubtlo'brotbor. owing toHod. * Lsndn.'.er, n fle r two youlb- New Yorka ttem pts. thr«w np thc spongo. oblo ropor

ditions. '

jm athlno to Be' T hankful For. !fav"'»^cxjvid T unkins w y s he 's glBd enou«h sgg^ooo {,ilo 'don’t actually have lo be dls- , i ,„ „ thisred dead lo furnish flrst c h a p lw oning quoiho detcctlvo stories. changed i

Attention,W i t h t h e p r e s e n t p r i e e

w a s t e y o u r c r o p , a n d i f t h e i

q l l o f t h e p o t a t o e s o n t o p

p i c k e r s , a n d b e s i d e s n o t c u

b i g f l a t w h e e l i n f r o n t w i l l

v i n e s , w h i c h p e r m i t s a n e a s ,

a l l o w i n g t h e d i g g e r t o b e i

y o u a g a i n s t c u t p o t a t o e s , B

i n g l e v e r o p e r a t i o n . •

O u r b e s t r e c o m m e n d a t i

o n e .

B e s u r e a n d l o o k t h i s r

d e r e l s e w h e r e . I t w i l l s a v e ;

W e a l s o h a v e a g o o d s i

R e y n o l d s ]P h o n e 358 O p p o s i t

V V A la S A D S n S B 'B B ^ K B a i - S ^ t e n. . . . eember

(C ratiaoed 'from Pago Om ) - by a nBalli

ivorld'Ond «fis no t shu tting up tho ]botwoen tho two Islands. SoptcnSto wnwh y ic rw ird , oember

IVo havo no onmlty to E o g W d ," le(^aTod. “ A t least, i f this quei- J

aettlod I beliovo there would bo . Tho only enmfty l* to th a t role h tbo I ri ih poopio hato to the0.» o f th o ir bones."w u Bald, rem arked tho rojpubliean ' .. ir, th a t tho Irish question wa# a “ T , ; „ lom. - I f i f a ft problem, ho doelar- a proWcm of a pOnerful, K lflsh m w ishing to encroach upon tha . la, tho property and the free^dom “ 1# neighbors. T hat was t i e . fun- infftl problem to bo rottlcd. Hu- naluTO'had to bo taken Into eon

■atlcn, bo pointed oul, and tboy of boga woro working for a .-omplcto and

. sd tJcx ien t wore to seo to I t th a t Ion# m ust be ad justed on Uio bbsls ' ^ gh t. ■ (Theroforo, In considering thc lom, tboy wbo bad righ t on tbolr . . S“ he said, m ust co u n t •• •

rbo Irish people w o n 't flinch now nan moro arm# are bcliig Boat f o r ” ‘' ‘J- “ ^c!:arcd. Jyo


:O BbK O S A BB A m A O I B D ;BL1N, ( ^ I n l i r c t t in tbo meet- Pork o f tlio parliam ent continued un* I>«rd }d today, many pcoplo coming in Bibs th 'i country to wltncs;i ono of tho

:cst events ia tho country '# hlv D ublla w as a# anim ated a# it ^IN ^

la s t .w eek, w bon, the h o n e show TC' ’Ipt’ hold, b u t ;today'B v lsito rr woro of a ; itire ly . d lfforont d a ss . Ifls t week ■men 'an'd society fo lk woro here, Scpleml ( tbla w eek priests,,farm er#,- Bmoll Oorn cceponi from village# and ■ Irlrli Oats a lo n s. crow d tlio street#. Jlarle.

c n liro ly fresh audience attonded Rye I lou ion in tho U anslon house to- P lax i t .having been decided to Issuo t i c k e t oach day so or to sa tisfy demlinds b f tho thousands who CHIC

tn a ttond tbo sittings. ory cxtitoon a# the nppbuao given tbo Kggs

lion a s thoy onteri'd had died es.1, tJic B ail Birennn procccdod to Poull icsa, M r. Do Vnlern tak ing up th f.Ion o f thu negotiations. 'w as understood before tho session I'OBI tho members, o f the Dail wore nally st

Rsing prU'ntely thg..pouIbIh ty o f Uogi linr; U lster to Join southern Ire - hogs no or, a# nn Vdtornativo, accepting heavy i

■lAtiiH of a leparato domiqion. A *8.50 ti d iffrrcoco of opinion appears to fa t pigt

i l l . . Hlii-cjlu tho press, tho mojorato organs

g Iho nowspapera refra in from ng opinion upon the terms, b u t O.MA I freely from 4bo Amorican and jOOO; mi i h press. . bulk bewas announced th ir forenoon tbnt lots i)0.i .uso w ould bo prohibited a t to- ing gra I Marion excogt when tho ncm bori Cattli entering. • 23c low

— r ' ' «rns shss if lrd advertising is tho chnnp M h in g ' you. c«a bny—iMasurod by « « stca irofits i t m ay bring y in . ...

crnlly 's

_ i z ; -------------------- *7.50 t(


______ Ifio lowearly

and O ats Drop to New Low Lsv- i^ct st<t fo r Season—Proylslons Break (4 to (I

--------- 3.23; bilOAOO, (ff) — \VTicat underw ent vcnl cal

dcclinca I n 'p r ic e to d a y . largoly Hog i' to continued wcakncs# in tbo lower tVork stock m arkot and to unfavor- $10.25 c-oport# about gcnural businoss eon- ers *0.0IS. Tho m arket was also bearish- (8.75 tefo rted by. ns#crtIoas th a t yester- dcsirablexport business amounted only to . Sheep

)0 bushels. Besides, p it trnnsac- nativo Ithi# m orning lacked volume. Op- top 910quo ta tloa^ which varied from un- pockcr#

cd figures to 3-4o lower, with western

, Potato Gro\ce for potatoes you cani lere is any potato digger i ip of the ground, in plair cut or injure them, it is th 'ill break all the clods, ir iasy passage over the cha le run a t an even depth,I, Besides making even dri

ation is to ask a'ny man

s machine over before you 'e you both time and mon< supply of picking basket

B r o s . C o i• s i t e S a l e s G r o u n d s

«» \jM a t |1 .22 ';to U S 'W and Do-l« r ♦1.23 f9 1.28 F2,-w ere followed na tlv ffj» m ateria l,genera l Bctbaek. ^allies ia lle d to bold. .The m arket , -jjawed heavy, 21 -4 to 3e net lower, w ith ■ ;Ictnbisr |il.lO 1-2 to 1.10 3-4 and Do- - l . . .ber-*U O 8 -4 'to m , ' ^e v low. figures fo r tho 'season wero aoo.C0 on com and e a ts . Look o f n p - K£ \7 . w arf'n foatnre. i'Com* opened un-igcd to 1 - ^ lowo'r. -lnclndlBg Bep- toa .y» . tier a t 54 7*6 to 55ci and afterw ard |y tiaaot Ined n il'g round . , . favorabu ra l'o ffe rin g s continned liberal, ju s t rv . tho m arket'closed weak, 14 to 7-8

J<>wer,.wlt_b:8optimber 54 3-8 •2e to M 1-2C., , • • Vat# s ta rted 1-8^to 8-86 off, Beptcm- 33 1-4 t o . 88 7-8e(.’and,w eakened

larp break# la the provision m arket i ' l ! ? ” - ,

“s» . p v r p ,Os«h O n la prtojmii

EIWAOO, ( f f ) - m c 8 t No. 2 ' red1 l-2j No. 2 ha rd ♦ Il2 4 1-2 to 1.23:irn No. 2 mixed 56 1-4 to 50 8-4e: *“'*2 yellow 30 1-2 to 07c. “ " 1 ‘ ' It# No. 2 w hlto 83 1-2 to 83 3-4e: ° 8 whlto 30 8-4 to 81 1-fic. ' ' “ w y n fo No. 2 11.07 3-4. ' • r " irloy 55 to 00c. " , imothy seed W to 5, NEW over seed <13-to 10. closed: )rk nominal. b id ; sci »rd tlO.30. I ' W -00 ; lbs 80 to 10. . ' ' 1-4’s $0

M lnneyw lli O raln 3 3 4'#<

IN N E A PO U S, M lnn., ( ff)-W h fla t ipts 402 ears, compared w ith 208 D year ago. ceims -t

[sli No.. 1 iVorthern 12.38.10 J . « ; ember $1.25; D ecem ber «.25-7-8. rn No. 3 yoUow 48 to 40c. tl# No. 3 w hite 27 5-8 to 28 3-8c. irley 40 to 00c. No. 2 00 3 - 4 c t o « . ‘ " ox No. 1, 12.07 to . 2.00. NEW

c m iM . P io d m , ,

IICAGO, ( /F ^ B o t t e r lowor; crcam- fcred a t :-xtraa 40c; standard# 30 3-4c. bns .w cr :ga unchanged; roccIpt# 10,341 ca#- fre igh t i

'T hereollry alivo unchanged. - In raw a

, , P o rtland LlT«Btock ' ' '’“J J "

)BTLAND, Ore, (fl> -C a tt lo noml- nnd-prli ’ steady; no receipts. ■ . $1115 forIgs 25 to OOo low er;, prim e ligh t o f tlio b

now quoted $lliCO to 12; smooth eil.rcflni V fn lO.GO: ovor 300 nound#I to 0.50; .rough heavy id to 8.50; :-----------ligs $11.50 to 12; #tagB$S to 7. M H H i-ep nominally #tcady; no receipt#.

O mato L lv o ^ ( * ^ I *

iIAIlA, Noll.. ( /l> --n o g receipts 0,- , I m arket mostly 40 to 5 0 c lower; | J b e tter grades $8.50 to 0; top load

$0.05; p a rt loads $0.73; bulk pock- i ^ d b $7.50 to 8.23.. , '. ttio rece!|its 0,000; fed steers 10 to lower; top ycarilnga $10.25; wost- .

slow, ’ bidding low er; sbe-Btock and veals generally 'steady; stock-

Itcady to strong; feeders' steady to ' | | H

e'ep receipt# 13,000; a ll clastcs gen- P n y steady; bulk w estoin lambs $0.25 P v l JJ5 ; (ou $10.25; b a lk nativu Iambs U l > 'O i5,-,;pw csn\o»yy.:«aJia4»,4aO }

ond cbolco w ojitern.feeding Iambs ■ '■ x g ] ) 'to '8 . : .m A

Chicago L ivestock p s ' jIICAQO, (AV -CattIo rccelpta 11,- , M fi beef flteers and Bho-stoek steady to : !owdr; others steady ; top yoarilngs r $10.73; some, hold higher; bulk steers $7 to 10; bu lk f a t sho-stock H B

0 0; canncrs a n d 'c o t te r s $2.25 to biilk bulls $4.30 to 0 ; bnlk ligh t

calvcs $8.25 to 8.76. . . i g l>g receipts.10,OOO; mostly 35 to 73c r than yesterday ’s average) top . W M 5 early ; bulk ligh t and ligh t buteh- PO.CO to 10; bulk packing sow# 'W f f i to 0.15; p i n £3 to OOe lowor; bulk j|^ 5 ^

ablcs ,$0 to 0.25.. cep rccelpta 13,000; mostly active;'0 iambs strong, spots 25c higher;M0.30 to e ity botchorB; bnlk to .g S S j ers $9.50 to*10; culls $5.50 to 0; .;rn lambs s teady; top $10.73, rang-

m ■ m

wers! . Innot afford to '^ J r th a t will place ; in sight for the the PUGH. The mash drown , the lairis,' as well -as 1, which insures °Iraft and avoid- •

' . —two

1 th a t has used 1 ’—Ver

lu place your or- .-S« ney. . 'ets and twine.' “ j

m p a n y =T w i n F a l l a

Jown W l i Ik v ;v e -$ 3 .2 3 to 4 J 0 . '

, ; Now T otk- S tb e b \ • • 5 < »at(fl#Me EW . TO BK , (/P)':-ii 8 p « I i l '.s t ie k s 9 ™ ^ I'u nde r fu rth e r tiressnro today, ba t: " " f . : v ” t eov crin g ln tbo-flnal.doallngs le ft sjo rlty of galas. Bales approximate '■;QO.OOO iliares.

Bolling of oU l - « ; . la te e s 'w a s M SBmediil. the.opening of . T r r t f a stock w a rk e t- T hiaofTevldont. r asod the ir operationa on moro iin- m b le a d rfe o s 'e c n e iW n j th o t in- l2 -N o .’ l ry fresn Mexieo. .U e x lu n Petro- to ']2 .50 .I seoa fe ll 1 1 -2 jw ln ts aad Oeneral ..1 r la lt and Boyal Otiteli also were ' 'tVI •y. Decline# o f '^ tto to ‘tw o,M lB U ' . ,> ipado by U nltod =P h iit,.B aIlw ar t ^ i l i A ' l-SpriagJ N ational B is ip lf and A i -in A ^ c n ltu r a l O h i ^ . • Balls ^) neglected, a -few IsSiies. shoTrinir , j;ular changes. Foreign' exeluuigo B n tte r fa t j promlso of fu rth e r ansettlcm ent, B aneh 'btt fmlnsry qiiotUlon# on London indi- Z m w Dg oddiUonnl 'roaolioas. • ^ ' ow York Air Broko and allied is- 1 'developed heavlncu la ter, bu t a P u n l i

p rebound In Mexican Petroleum ' . .Baldwin Locomotivo cancelled C a t t l e

y of tbc d l f '# losses. Tbo closing veai;6@ 7 firm . - H o g t-^

L iberty Bonds .S h e e p -EW Y uE K ,.(ff^ — U botty -bond# P o e tr y :d: 3.1-2’# $88.70; f i r s t 4 ' b $87.70 '

sccond 4 '# $87.00; f ira t 4 1-4'# . ’ H( }0; sccond 4 ,1-4’s $87.78; tliird 4 - .$01.04; fourth 4 1-4'b $88; Victory Wqu- ng. I'a $08.70; V ictory 4 3-4 's $08,78.. S a ^ V b e .

. Po ta to U a rk s t Bagar, eaiillCAOO, (ffH P o ta to c# w eak; ro- Potatoes,- ts 47 curs; M innesota E arly Oblos, Oream 01 ed -nnd bulk $3 to 3.15 ^ w t ; No- Briek Cbe kft $3.35 to 3.45 c w t ; Colorado, B e a n s '_ i0 nml Wnsbliigton ^Vhito, sneked l^ t tn e e , I1 to 3,80 cw t.; K ansas Early Ohio#(Tt. B u tter (c:

- Sngar U oilcet B u tter ( ns w YOIIK, m - T l i o n>.- . o j u S * " .le t Mas t)uivjt early today, w ilb no ^ “ ^icens .1 reported. P o rto Bicos woro of- “rr1 n t $1.75 for centrifugal whilo Cu- «*'wero fiuoted ,ttt 3 1-4' cost and i i “ “ ~ \\-;ht eiiual to $4.80 for contrifogal. i ? ' ,icre wns IncrcaKd soiling pressure ? iw augar futures and pricc# a t mid-were four to six points no t lower, p ;c, mnrket fo r-ro fiaed was quiotprices- wuru unchanged a t lo to Bteak—II fo r fine gfonulatcd, wlUi tho.bulk 80o! ebnel10 busini'Bs going to. tho jowor pHc- Beef—Pifincrs. plate 12 1

LAYERING TtThursday, Eriday ant


' THE.S].. W ith relontlee

l i ^ pow er,. i.>.8Wo ops ' tp .. o l. .'wiU hold 7011.8

i^s g r ip , . \ ,

Only one o f m ' scones in this ..m ance of the

SAMUEL O T U JW Y N W IP r is V ^ T ’ •

R E S R E A (' f a m o t t s

^NOREHPSSDiroctfd by

CARLHARBAUGH&PAi> IfflGHTY DRAMA ot the R0»ho Fam oas Rox Beach “Smaflh” is Ev

of This W onderful S tory of tho OoJd

YOU’LL SE.Etw o men a t dentli grips in , 1 , .,noiv, annrllnfi a l i-iich i)llii't'’s tlitoala wills o{ *trel, tthl? cdse n f the glnrierl —•Vern Oordon, the wondcrfiil rimlher in “ lltimoi cHt pnrt o f Iior fiirocr. .Tom .Snnlsdii, the liiMky, ri';irlc'H slnr <»f “ Tl tlint u ill thrill you In the cor^ , love, fiivcngo, fnrious jefiloiuv^ anjicr’Iiumnn oj itnph-,-1 splenilid Inie, told hy u innalcr utory li'flH r;isl,



'Im ’'

lytieaiet 181-8 H U

< ^ o n } 7 ^ ' a K B B ^ M a i - < ^ i£ S3; N o^‘i ^ |^ H | r > t o ^

1 timothy- f ] 1'0. - i f iin n * ■

1' H h

. N o . - l / e w t i % ^ 2 ^ K n ^ : ' < n

e a t - " ' . ,'b U t$ r

n ls i ;^

0 7 f .7@9e.''

p»Untlon 4«;>bsbs:8& ■ - | ^ H I try—E « u I8e; fryers 22c.

HOXrSSTOFB'B buZD B .' (B«ts31 P riess)08-lb. sa«k ...---------I2 .83@ 2.0S^V '|^9beets, 100 lbs.------- [email protected]&i:- ■ ■ ■eane, 100 Ibt. ^ No qooUtloi(4' f l ^ H js,-new,-lb. - -^ s e - — _ — ^ . s o s i - ^ n n

L l — ---------------------------I, Uaf, Ib. ^ ----------------- - l O r t v ^ H- : : J --------------------- ------------...lU e--(eresmeij) ----- ■ 46e'-( r a n e h ) --------------- ---------- -raneli), dos.

;—S lrlo ln 8 3 e ; 'T - b a u i j H ^ ^ K r | H 9 nek 'SOe. ' b H h H- P o t; ro a s t .2 0 « s ■S l-2o;

HEAffllli ( I S a M | i i H

l l i n g W I H 'HT iN ' '■ m ' 'a w SNOW! . I :le is an d th ril- - . M .. ., M W

tho ■ s to ry | L .^ .o lijn a x . th a t I j / N H ^ ^ Ii.spoUbonnd in . 'H R m

m any oolossal • X ' -lis m igh ty ro - x‘'u' ' H i ne N orth . i f i .

: ' H-.1 . | S » g ^

- H U M


£ ! H S 1

m s m 0 1 :

) M A N H C N O R T H ! K

E vident in E very Foot 'Jd Ficlda of Alaska-

. £

Ing liko wolves, clutching 1, rolling ove r and over to

Tiorcsque," play the great- r f |

■Tho Bpoilent.'f Jn n rolo

I onduranee, struggle, tri- ' 4 Iry te ller, nctcd by n flaw-

■. .IN POLICY ‘ \

■ - | i J

Page 5: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

l i B i i i i

lI I I 'of I n ^ j ^ r . 'B e o r e t ^ to ^

■ b e S iiit,. i 'A ^ in s t

T ho ' > -5 M i.ji^ ’'' 'm io m u ''.3 * n d e r« o a ?a ft^ n s t t W ^ S Q ^ a -Biver, Ooiua cam- ^ p aB :^ ,lf)ter^n 'cIaln J s ’modo by Sunder-

’ K a h iM e tM i^ o f r ir r lK & U o n w ater to , M l I tT O jrfe lttd e d i t i n th e Sftlmon Biv») i r 5 5 « tje e t under jD wvlaloM o f tho “^ T ^ t t n report. m $ ‘ t>¥'A ppcU ea by. f;. tbo,eaiial^c<mipuv’.t» '^e.nprtae 'toan Vr 6 £ « « > T n 4 (e a f ltf tf^ ! -tb e Tray to thia ^

!.'eeart'.l'neid«7 'fr))e& bo Bignc4.iiti order ^' fo r^ a /W rlt ofs.i<rror. Aftor liiteniDf; to ^• - . 'a r i ^ e n t i o f jM t ip la ic tU f and defend- y a n t;': - H;

Tko applleaUoh. fo r the w rit w nsfU - J"* ed fey J . B . ,Bothwell and 'T . K , Uack- a a a o f T w ia :?&«», W g4l'.Tept««aU - t l ? » of .tiB 'eomnftay, and thu appliea- “

. tlon woa .«Bi<ted by E . U . W olfe o f “ . tb o .’l l m of W olfe, U a r tln and W ado, ^

Tw ur-Falla a itom oys, rop reuh tln ); tho ^ o r id n a l p la in tif f . ' K iehaids and H n ^

■' o f w J io , appeared na friends of tlio rvcourt. '^ Mr; B e thw o llia ld .T uc jday MiRht t l .a t P

Ihe eaae w aa one of tlio moat impertflut In th e ihU tory of irrigation auifs, i a ,T th a t lit :Vill eonstm o the rig h ts o f tin-

,a«eretary o f In terio r to m l u d o . from 'ta tc ^ tR .la u d .wMtb w as on to na fle t a .

i p ro jr tj . ' The case waa originally bronght by Sanderson, a se ttlo r on tho Snlmon riv e r {>rOject, souUi o f the South „ Side projbet, near Twin Falla. H eosked ,i„

N for a w rlt ;of mandamua, compellbig tl.o canal eompany to doHver w ater to hlro.The sta to i^ ip m e court bold fo r San- derflon, IrreapceUve o f the decision of (j, tho aocrelaryiO f In lerlor, who bad ex- p j eluded’Banderson’a boldlcga, a long w ith {], o tbers , from the p ro jec t on oeeoont o f tbo insufficiency of w ater fo r a ll tho land ttg regated .

- • P ro jec t E l i 72,000 A o o sThevfltoje^tf a tartcd by tb c Tw in M

Fnlla-Salmo'n H lver Lnnd & W ator oom- pany, o riginally consisted o f 72,000 VI acrca aold to aettlera. I t waa found la*'tcT th ttt» th« t6 wa# ittsuffldoQ l w ater ' fo r a ll se ttle rs to dovelop the ir land auf- f icien tly to sceuro pat<;atB> and tlio see- r e t a ^ o f interior"f*tludorf*'nSl hu t 35,- p j OOO’Jw rci. ,1.

) A e to rtin g to I tr . , Botbwell, the canal ' compfmy, now eontrolling tlio w ator,

is cOTipoied o f w ater,u sers of.tho-pro* j e o ^ n d they h a v e jf tf u s o j l . to ^ m p ly , w ltS ^ tb e a ce ls le a .of th#. s ta to c o u r t .^ , *••

• . - TfifrOaniYand wator.'.c'oBipany has, a' .1.175,000 fuH * 'w itb - 'w h ie b tliey havo jj ,

^been paying.'dam aites to tbo ranehcra fg,

Stiiora have aeeepted. ex-1 W U iX e rt TJ. 8 .E i« h ta tb.

T b Q '^ e Is specially io terca tliig in fit I h a t . i tw il l te s t the r i ^ t s o f .tho B«fo-ta ry o f in te rio r In sim ilar eases, ,o f ■ 1w hieh t im e bave boon so v e ra l'in ib e dbino'rtbifeat. . Judge D lotrieb , bas had vii.three; sueb casea, and Uie c ircu it to u r t M to f appeals baa handed down three sep- Talarate d^elaio'pa' In eases o f liko na tu re Qg’ M r. Bothwell .said.

• r — J —

J o c a l g r e - v i t i o j ™• * - ------------ ' - J of

; M ra. Bootli n i - M r » . 'c . K. Booth la, of to n llh til 10 her boTno 'U irough n n .n t- f|<Q tock ;of " f l u . "

B aek from S p o k a it^ M n . ■ Evaogb- the. lino W hite o f « lh ff .n o r- im w returned todI IiomO today foU^wiug a m on th 's ab- (hrscneo ili SpoKoiic. ' ’ , ' ' ‘ An. • - . ' ' 'Bu

, E « ta n . fttBiit O ntJnf—U r. nnd Mni. tfw(. T . J. WjC>b3a!a^(rUr.''&&^-lIn; Ceonard a t

,5ini{li r e tnm ed la8t._cvening from aiv ou tin tf a H K b ln s ^ B a i '.

B a A fttn n .O ttt la j—M r. nnd M i*. D ^ o tA. Sweet, o f Aalkflftrcc^i.bavo/'re- cnl

. tu rned liomo'/SftoV 'severnl^.w csW ' atny Ro,in tho DiQnntkIu,.abovo K clchutn. nin

— t heO ttM taVfrom 'SAit :U l^ 2 > r r s . L ..H . gpc

^ a z e l ’ n'ntl<dnuxht£i:„j!eances', o f Suit.y ^ k e . - n f c 'v iritln jr h e r sliifar, Mrs, “AV. fu,

y . Donnell.v, 320 Six th avenuo enat.

B a to n H ospita l—^kfrs. .CharJcft. Bob' . / e rts of 450 Sceond avenuo north , waa remoroil lo a locnl hospital yestcrda;'- In a aorlciua condlllon from blood nola- rrh

fan"S a ln u o a u ts to * Jarbldgo— Oaptnln

and Mr* J . p . purdy of tlio Salvatloii Hi: A rm y tla llon 'hero, ie ft yesterday for J “rbidfl;fl;^hcro they oxpect to rem ain dol for^^n daya,- - . . . . ncj

B row nlpg Pays V ia lt-A rc li Brown- . iiig, president o f Brow ning brothersK " !

Ocdon, ts in Tw in Fallp en a bcslnesi Cn v lr lt in connection w ith tho eom nany'a nij T^rin I'fllls branch. • Bo

v u u i - l l O M U o t t r t - ^ k , n t i . o = U HontmM of Fourth aVe^do north, Is

’ '.f tho hourp gudst thl* WA)k o f her relu- » I n t s n l C aalbfon l, lho fnralllcs o f’ D. j •V cliy nnd II. R Wclty.

t E e lu rw to J)*ow Mexico—lira . 'N el- I lie Dolilswer^^y left for her homo lh

Albiiijuorqu^, N . M.. this mnrning nit- ! ? r fpondtbg tho flummcr w ith her I mothcis ^Jr*. M ay-M iclili'w aitc. '

Di rU e t ou BoBlMsa-Ntacoh 8cl>n(* ' j F ifth north , wns n l«n lnc«j j ‘-l*ifor in .Filer todny.

I 'I H, Welsh ofI '^ ^“cnandoal^^ nUhc. homi-

I ^ roaHOOLE^aRAini- j , r a i i a s b w o i n r a » 0 0 ,

p toaB a ie -w / ■J U o m o tfB T O S t. W ert

■>} I iT O cli Dry O letaiM ••;( ' , •.'B*palrihg~Dy,lM---------- ------- --------------- ).■

r V

: 1 3 i l W i P A M i S . J 0 A i L

v fo f/D .iU ' P e e k ^ o a E ig U h aveoub e u l . w, , .. ■ e(

. . : Cn B o iliiW iM ln tonx lS dw ia N. Day pl , o f ;A B denea;.»ad ' D ay, la ■ponding a lli

I fe w 'd a y t &x..B(iTUy an d :B u p c it on a 1° !, boaineM misilon. '

< .V isiu' S a o i i i t t r in B u h i -U r i . F . , _ _ H artw ell o f R f t ^ aveoue weat,. w ent T to Buhl today for-ft'v is it o f a feW daW *I W ith.bor dau g b ^r,.M ra , 0 . 6 , I ’e e t . ' ^

' L e o l^ .f a r : .8 1 u n ^ n i» - * A . .J . Know- ^land o f Poeatello, prospecllvo pnrdiaa- ».

♦ q c t of flborthor4.^:cazne in todny to in*^ apect the loeal offerings of th p t stra in . ’

, B M w n f tw a and- M ia. J' 'Oeorgv i>,- Evans of Mapio (avenuo^ qi

E as t Lawn addition, a re oxpocted home ti today from n s ta y of several w e k a InIow a and E ansas. . • • • t,,

Welcotne B aby 'D t& clitarr-A dauVh- 7:Hi- te r was born today , to U r,; and M n . ‘ l,y E . Elofson. Mra. Q efso a is a a ls te r o f

Captnin J . F . P urdy and iS 'A t (ho P u r Mbia <^ay homo , n t 533; Be'fenth iavcnno east to us- "!'■ "■ "•n e Ooes Back to B « tln l» :^ -M lu M ary wler 1‘ringlu, daughter o f Mr. w d M rs. ? . Nto J'* P 'lng le , bas rotum ed to Berkeley, 1*<id. whero hhe is a strident ac the Unlvort- t t

U y of California. T b li is ber aenlor g<

;. « Potm er B a s l t o t L . F inal, to

. . . form erly of Tw in F a llr, a n lv cd todny « Qf fu r n short atny w ith M r.vind Mra. B.Jo W , Edw ards o f K f t h avenue onrth. Ho • jjg It on l.i» w oy to Loa Angeles. ■ . |

^ Cooper Jo in* T w in P a lis ' O lo b -W . ^ y . Cooper o f S a i l Lake, who hna been (1

lit P l’Jli 'K "'^ th tho Buhl team fo r the _» pust.acaion, 1* lu 'T w in Palls today. IU*

will play w llh T w in Falla tomorrow iu 1, . the foutest w ith Jerom e. ^

E ad s T acatlon T r lp -M U s K liubo thI, JenulnijB' o f Beeond aven’ie uorlh, rn- jj^i i turned loat even ing from a \ncatlon . .; ? t r ip lo N o b tu k a p o h l i Bh« » l l l I,. JJ

employed In' thu Tw in Kalla achoolj. _ ” during tbo coming year.' .

I ■ ro K Im bw ly O oaTalw ccaV -L. T . Kim-

bctly c f San Jac in to , on employo .o f ihtho U tah eonstruetion co<npany. Is a niipa tien t In th o eounty gonerai hoapitnl. d ,Uo .la cunvolcaclng from an operation ^o:

” utado ncceaaary by a .fa ll while a t biaw orL Ti:

On O uting. T rip—Mr. oud Mrs. W. ^ in Montooih, Mr. and Mrs. Mnc K nigln,Q. Hoy and Gcorgo M ontooth and Tony 00 Ybario made up a party of oullnf* ox- fl. curaioni>ts w hieh loft thia morninK ftc

a w eek 's slfciy in tho upper W ood rivor if. country.

FiUfl P o lp lt H et®-iThc' llov. D, A. Dickey, paator, o f tho I’rcjbylerinu

, ehureb of Clinton, Mo., will fill Um piilnlt in tho Preabyterlan church of Twin. Falla both, morning and ovcnluR n e x t Sunday, A ugust SI, and tlio fo|.

V -Jo w lng .S unday ,'A ugust 2a.

Paraoas 'L e a v e f o r Coast—Mr. and Mrs. 0 . F . Parsons le ft th is morning

” fo r Long Beach, Cal., traveling by nu.

expect to rem ain aw ay indefinitoly, as ' tbo tr ip l5 £akon w ith a vlow o f bene- In f ittin g Mr. P a rso n 's hcftlth. ^

3f - E ads V isit H a » -^ M « . l l C. O stran- le dor e f Ijw sing , Mich., 1 wbo has bcrn id v is itin g -a t tho homo o f her daughter, r t ' M rs. Ed a L am ed, le ft Tuesday fo r - p- Tacoma, .W ash. MrA Ostrander will re ag ain it .v isit T w in Jh lla p rior to her

return tn hor homo th is fail. , '

J o in s B to U u t' i a P a r t ^ r ^ p —0 . B. Laraon ' has arrived hero from Sloy City, la :, to bo associated w ith hii brother, E . 'V. Larson, In tlio pmctieo of law, the' firm : being styiod Lars'on & Ijirson . H/j le rved as a-liou tenant

Is. flf nn In fan try regim ent during tlio world war. ' -

• -Bblpa P ilo r P o a c b » -C . Q. Fargo of tho f irm 'o f Fargo * Beat, Is In Filer

d today from which point ho will ahlji a >" Ijhrgo const^gnment b f peacbcr to St.. Anthnuy, Arco and polnls on the

Butto branch, Tlio fru it 'rotall* on th a t m arket, according to Mr. F o rg ^

d a t tho a'amo prico th a t it brings on the ,1V Twin Falls m r k e t . . .

✓‘AlHir so c ie ty G ratofut-^Tho, A ltar ^ so c lo ty - of Ujo Catholic eburcb, which *

enterlnined t^ lho.lidmo of Mrs. D anld y Regan on Mnln nvonuo nortb la st'cve -

ning, ■ txpreasM,‘m uc ir g ra ^ ie a tlo n o t tho rosult o f tholr efforts and tho to- aponao th a t they mot. A gm tlfy lnu

It turn will bo added to tho pariah school fund 'tB roogb ' thl# eroB*.

Creamery M an H ar* -M . 0 . Beeler “ ' of S a lt Loko, general m anager'o f tbe “ Mutunl Creamery, is in Twin R illa to-

day m aking a -su rv e y of the section.'■ T h is is bia f i r s t v ls t t lo Twin Pnlls

h n d h o ’ exprosaet omozemont n t (b^ n signs o f prospcritv* and productivity.;ii B is inturcita load blm to look n t tlii«,f aection T;ith pa rticu lar roferenco to its Q da iry possibilities, whetein ho sees a ?. ncj?loctnd fourco of much revenue to

T w iir Palls farmor*. •V

" T o * BuprtViM W ork a t T a ^ -* » '. 0 .!S Crane, chiof oloctrielan /for IbIj Mioe- •s nix U tility eompojiy,- nrtlvcd, from

Boiso to tem nin u n til Ihn now unit

m '■! ■_!n;

s' T h e O f e P H E l BWEDNESDAY AN


" • H. B. WARN■j;, Nat Goodwin’s. Fame

" S hen WE«t .. .

" The Final Chapter .of “Tho Jnnglo Advc

. P A l f c — t o p i c s '

a l w a y s a q o o d V A B E T Y —A lW -

I. w hieh tb a t .eomnluyt. now has tinder constm etlon . a t tbe.^B hoshoao^falla'

y p la n p a t In to operailoo. I t 'i ^ 'b e - a lieved th a t tbe. w ork will l>o eomple(eu h In a week., . ■

B ub l U a a l l OpUffllsUo-E. B: Kcn-* d riek o f the. postal force o f Buhl, wa»

a T w iu I)Ula visitor (oday. Ho et* p rew oi-eonfideneo th a t the people of B Q b la i^ n o t going io rem ala (piiucoDi v nder tb e recent, decision to e leso.tbe

'■ achools, b a t w ill-m ako one m oro .ef- '■ f o r t tck carry a n election.I* 'I; ■ A nklo Is B « k a & -W . a K elley, an

employe of tbo C. II. Mull Construe- ^ .tion j:6 io]iany ,, broke bis ankle while ^ unloadlnc gravel for tbo road w ork on0 tho section now.buUdinff four mllea ° south u f Kimberly. Mr. K e llo y was

b rought lo town' and the Iivjurcd mem­b er eared for. Be is a t his home a t

!• 736 Saventb avenue ttisl.‘ • ' ,

1 To Be P a ie a ta ' Q o ttt^ M r t. D. W.> M urphy o f Fou rth avenuo east, w ent I to Buhl today from- whieb point sbo

will drivo to -B osoirortb fo r a visit y w ith .h e r p a re n t^ Mr.' aad .M rs. B> J .> Neely, Mr..‘ N eely was lohflerly a r, promlnelit f a m c r o f tho Hansen dls- :- tr ic t, from which place ho w ent to Ore- r gon, b n tu ra ed . to Idaho Ipst year.

Ho hos good crops and reports condi­tions very favorable In the new tcrrl-

I. to iy ." ■—

” I Q l a j s i f i e d

n (TOO LA TB P O ft O LUB inO A .T*O II)

“ ^ W A N T B D -T o ren t 80-or l^ r a e r e s y on tho T w in Falls .trac t, one year w itb

tbo privilcgu of five. Box 414, Tw lu F a llt .

iX J l l ^ E N T —Tbrco toow fu jnw lnd hoiviekueplng upartmcnt, prlvnto en-

’ trnnce, ground floor. The Oxford, 4i;S M ain N.___________________^

SiJW lKO MACHINES slightly used, rcduced w ay below par for tho next

• ten dnya; Inlcsl model SlTigcrs a l lesi f thnn onn-Uiird now price, now auto- 1 m atle , \c rt ica l fcod, Whito, etc.; ma- ■ ehiuoB tented and repaired;’ Now Whilo> bold . o n 'c o ry payments. Whitu Sew*’ ing ^-ichiiio Store. Noxt door lo the

Times officc.

For Your <1 Childri’s |

n y f t O A V i s ^j OPTOMETRIST ' .

' You should consider-

> .hnving th u ir . eyos e.xam- iuc<l: .'

1. ■ QaolifioQtlon.2 . Method.

; 3. Beliability.' " ' 4. Sorvico. • •

1. D r .^ u r ry D a v if l ia a g rnduate , licensod Optoiu- e lr ia t and-Uus Iuid U yeara experience in eye worlc.H e has niiide Uid acciirato f ittin g of children’s eyes a liob l^ an d lia« th a t pecu­lia r knack of handling chil* drtm k6 neceHsary for accu- m te and siitUfactory find­ings.' 2. lii.s,methods a re 6ci-

ehlific and the new est H e uses no drugs or drops. H is m ethod will positively tell

' i f gla.sse.s'are needed or n o t -

, ' * 3. Dr. p av is fCcKs tlmt liiH p a tien ts m ust he told, , the tru th , an d he'^WIll'nev- e r prescribe glasscH they a re ahsointely needed.

4 '.' O ur service is such tlia t we a rc nevpr satisfied unless tho patien t is, and wo only make one charge nnd th u t a reasonahlo one.

OONSULTATIOlf PEEE Phono 12 5 B - j fo r Appoint-


Davis Opfical Go.OPTOMBTBIBT O PtlOlAK B

UO U a in Ava. N . Phoae 1256-J

~ •" , --------



mous stage Success ' •


' “ The Soi} of Tarzan”H dvestu to-S tory

o s ' OP THE DAT ,

X W A 7S T O U ^ U O K B T 'B . W OBTE .

Ila'rt). • ■ '

n- . . t '»» . .. IT* , .of • V. . '

be(f- .> . -

i n . ’ . . I B ^ A . J l l I■ ' l i f t I I I 1 ^

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I f I b I I I ' I J■ W . , , mOSn-

I YOURut ' , ■10 litJ . *

i WillHereafl^ri- ' .

EVERIIDS;b - ^» • By spec

t ' Stage Line,'IS

Falls nearly

i ' side daily.1-

ice The Stale

leased wire

side news of

hd, supplied

The Sta


- -edition-of;}!*

■ For fift


Idaho. You

■ crisp news i

sane,, feai-le

■which it cor



. 75c Per Month,with it

55c!Per Month {








lecial arrangement with th<

e, The Statesman now arrive

'ly two hours ahead of any c

. In addition to this excell

tatesman provides you with

re Associated Press report

of the state capital and froi

ed by its own correspondent

Statesman you fcuy today i

i. I t is not made over fron

,-y esterday’s- paper. ■

ifty-seven years The Statei

:d’ its place as'Tfte JVeu78

ou’ll enjoy in addition to ii

3 features and Idaho picti

i-Iess and independent mi

lomments upon the big que


th, Including the Simdaits exclnsive Idaho Features,


I for Daily without the Si

n e

D tism iB O I S E , I D A H O

I S |v

I V f lli ll /a I


s a t | i l . l v' .' Im;he Monson '■

ves in Twin , —

f other out- , ; ‘ ' j

3llent serv-

th the full, .

t daily, be­

om all Ida-


, : f ': ■ :

is today’s ,

>m the la s t ' I ’

;esman has

vspaper o f ; j

its bright, . '.? /

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manner in

lestions of .


lay Statesmjinis, or



V.- I

Page 6: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

T w i n f a l l s . d a i l y ^iMucd flTov except SundB^

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'T w i! r r B n » 'N f lw r K w u h i «. ,■ / '_,________ <E*tttbllahyl » 0 » __________

! £ u « ^ V a i ' » ^ a oUm 11^^ lo rtfce nt XiHn F&lla, Idftho. under the A cl.ot

I " ^ V ■ ~ 6UD8CRIPTICIN V a t e s . .One year ........................................................................t'n .3 iith it ....... ...............................................................K m onths ....................... .............................................1 montti .......................................................................

I- MCMBEll OF AliiiOCIArUD i’llUSiiT h r Atsocl&ttd .PrfiH la exclusively antlU td-io

fdr rtpuUlcatlon or all n<ws dUpaiehea credited to cUierwUe credited, in th ti paper, »nd alao tbe k pobllshefl herein. All rlfhU of repubUcaUotx' ot >p

■ p»tobe» herelii.ara alM .rw rv^d... . » ; .

,No rcaporiBlhlllty li oMUincd for the c»Te of u nuuiuscrlpt, iitiotosmplis or other contributed mat

■ {Iclee n b n J t t ^ (or publlcallon will b« used or in .'dScretlon of the editor and no manuscript witl be ;tin leu accompanied by necessary postasf. / .

I ‘" ‘'E iA S -E n N T tS F n E a B N ^GMrxe B. David Co.. Inc., 171 KladUon' Ave., Ni

A.-a Ke.ator. H n llnrtford Bulldln*, Chicago.

'Tho Kews Is a member of the AUdtt Dureau of Uons, from whom full Intormatloa os to circulal be obtained upon appHcwKon. DetaKed informat. pUed locally upon r«|iieBl.

K EEPS A T IT . 1 ’ '

D lrcctots o( llio Buhl, indeppndent rrhool d lst Iboic |wo aliiudlng w ith iljcmfor roDtinuaneo o f Buht'< selioola nnd aeknowt o j tlie d is tric t 's lioncst liebls o ro ,to bo court npon tlieJr.dctcnnlufllJtin to jwrsnvrru in the lt tow otil t h u end irrosjioctlvc of two rovBMCS n t th

Tho 'fflcti In tho roso ntfl no pinin tfio t t i e .llroc Oiolr adhcrenls would sccui to bo ju rtlfied in thi of being able eventually convince a (iiiffic'cnt o f eleciora to outliorUo t l r additional tax lovy which B u h l’s schools catinot bo opened this foil ni out whieh tbc jDtcRrUy of tho Buhl d lilric t must

under a black c Jo u iIs w ith sincere sympalliy Uiat the people o

boring (ommunHlos.looTc upon B u lil's 'c ffo rts to 'c herself ont of tho tangle IMo wblcb ahtfliaa been ] ^ i j sym pathy i* not niore genuine anywhcro t Twin rn lla , where a 'sim ilar nUuatlon wna prcjon

solved a few wooks b(C0- 8o long M Buhl keeps trying to dvcrcome th is

sho ia entitled to uU th e *ymiiattiy nml ndmlratloi



Tlio foimdotiotiN n( Anitrlcan iiro'spcrity iirc n as over, they weru. IHgiit now llio princfpnl foe h/iTVCstcd or j^ow ing, np|iroxltnntO’ 0,783,000,000

t f riheat, com, oats, rye, riee, jwtaloea, opplw , j buckwheat, barley, 6tc. Thero is t he subslonco living and It is fa r from a famine dutlook tha t Jf ] Ml. More, It is the bnsi* of the gigantic, induit rommerce tb a t piilsfltc aod .flow tliron(jhout our Ini nne crnl of the ycfir lo th» otber.

W hatever the relative w arclty may bo, liowov« general busincsn may nppear, there is no ilopp lt no u . Thero enormous, crop* o f tliemselvci make Jigious dcmanii fo r every nrtiele o f commerco wl know. Their growers munt be supplied witD a n

lity of .th in g a ., Tlwugb tin' fa ra e rs be noL lavish I ixponilituros, tbey cannot Mono np Ihcir pu rsca.f rhoy do not pretend .to <lii i(o.' And tho greater ion of thcs'e crops will bo confumod far from wbo

,re produeed. They m ust be Haulnd, Jiiost of .thi allroad or sleatnboat, /Tbeir .listrlbuUon from r oin ts and Ibe trnnsforn\ntion of Ihc g roina'n t len onsumablo form will .pmvido work for millions. A ll tills should nn'ii wo rm y bnvo confltlenco tb n t

ivo Impulse to every fncior nf buslncfs, re luctant i eoplo m|aj- ln> to move u r til tho irresistible tido hem niong. “ There is iioihing d o in g " is liie pn jrprm Jon. Is Jbnt so! Nol hy a s y reasonabln to lay be appllvil. The United S tates Stcol Curpornt briA n falling nff nf unfilled orderr fo r.Ju iy ftme ) 2H1M * tonv I f thin 'iiiuro roprenetits the prod vered lasl nitmtb thero wa* somelblng doing in th' UiUe likely there would have been a bc l:or s! rerc bumnu .beings less pfunc to a c t on HUjgcatlo JThe perron wbo t iy s “ Ihere is nothlug iloing

niy is not Hkcly to strive to s ta r t nnj-fhlng, but e ter others. M ark Twain onpo said, “ I ilisbke ven wben imoiJicr penoi) d o « i t .” whicb may, 1 . is th e bnbil Ilf men, cnu"c n .h it ,o f foolwh oi liirk work un til thi'y :»re drivrn to laiioring. Tin- rout deal being ilni)c. TixTe wimlil l>c :i gri'at ilei f nil tbi- ]H‘opli- wnulii tvk.' llic farmer* fur 'h e ir nd keep going. T lie fatim 'fi aiuiiriMis fooil, b u t v ot live snllnfai'liirily by riiniiiT!i’ lalior nlnne.


Have’ men fallen liehin.l fn thn progreMive pro r bavo WDuien nlways li i 'n fu rther advancid th: M i'pt llu‘nmelve» l;iiuw, «u|ipoiiing tbc women then ncw l Arc men to guide llio larger p ffa irs of th t Ido o t Utr- tie ivil) IliB wwneji grab o ff ibo Jo b 'a t , over for roinplote remodeUngl O r have the 'w or jnily tnkon it over?No one wbii even notiref Ihc constant h 'ibbub

kerc and p.verywhero—especially along* Main a lre

II nround <be public square—about the Iw g th o f w kirls, tbc length o f tb t i r bair, tho lieight. o f their in csf^pe certain queilions. Perhnpj if tho teap( rst is observed long onoDpfi ono may lie b toaght lensaot eoncliiitlons, On-; of Ihese qup.ilioni 1s ba% :ceneratc(l im noticcd 'or buve tlioy just s tnrtcd it :nerni’y. Are they m aking tbemsclvej lear of met i t k 'lim iing minielbing b e lterf Oertninly they In aims r:ui n'unien. Aa they st.-rnd.they nre not gill-b!oncl.-.| ......1, whilo n.i women the real women

ilio tlii-ir’Hiiii-l^erh a t tbcln.There is somothing oul of uipsli somewuerc wi an who \u in tt lo tei'l wimien bow lo dress' or « louffh ••oticcriiid w ith women’s drcs.i to .bo nble t lil a descriptUin. Amung men of Ihe tnu litlonal icre ivan in'ver iinyUilng but a grin or a word •om strong language for the male belog who t» u t women’s clothes. By common consent thi Dmetliing w rong sumeirherc. U on who before loincd th a t their office girU spent too much offiC' L lin ; Uieir ha ir aoYf'hlde their m o d o it 'fae e t becai

NEJ.WS oWico girls eomo to w ors >, moans or furscs around be

.___ lu it him iy c ltb c r.iv n lan y I- ' • bocomo one, Tho dlfforcnc

......... President ■'....... T rca« irer ’flte agricullural sectionu 9. l»l«. n t the tha t this adm iulsirntlon bo. \c t .o f jn four m ouths it liBs incn

laiiouot of money siw'ciflcal................ cu ltural Interests and has......... .•••• l.W the rcductlbti o f in terest r

It'b&R donij^all Ihis.witliot:

i* a°io the use emme«t in Itho dangerous'! led 'to it, or M t of the {lublie 'treasury nod •‘« > ^ a l “dle! thropist.

, of unsotlclto<i , , . , ,d m atter. Ar- ‘All we vo got to do la t

r l" b S “«"uro2® " " ‘I quit ««ying every! . . . . _ - th e mny Oovornor Hnrdlng,^ chnriirterlres tbo present si

0.” ‘ tiutos hin opinion. Denpilc i

T o f 'c i r c l i ^ ’ the dullest m onths'lif (InIrculatlon .m ay conditions iihnwed marked i ■ ™ io „ . . p .

_1. ' j ' WhnI ban beeomo of thi>

ll d la tr ic t a n i " g:ii‘oll...... . his bandkerehii'i r 't h o l r f ig lit fl....... I f her llilnk bo «wne<

knowlodgment ---------------------

cougrntulfltivl OlffiONOLOOy 0

tho ir c f fo rh W ASniNOTON' - There iI n t th e polls. gardlng the Icnglh o f timo 1dlrocfors and to act npon the >’orJn»y 1 in th e ir i , . i»

ic 'c n t number ' sq u ire on tlio ‘ta riff nad thllo w w ithout length of timo i t bos taken

M in n a » l lh . " "tho following chronology of

; m uat rem ain jy r ty years m ay be of•AlrKJnJey Tariff: leportci

.„ u nni..i.. paswd the House Mny 21;

.plo of nolgh couunltteo M ay '23; passed s to ■oxtiicato proved-by tbo I’rosident Oel been plungod. Wilson T ar if f : reported

lhnn In 1883;. passed House Febniar ^cro than in Committee Febnprojonted and 3rd: became n law Augusi 1

tu r ^ o f I’resident Clevclanil

Iralion In th e " J ln rrfi ,11.1,Cotiimittoe, A pril I s l ; pnspoi by the I’resldcu t Ju ly i>4th,

S]innisb-Anierlr}iii Wnr Tnr IHPS; passed llnuso .Mnr

nro ns loUiiil* •■'inance Conimittoo Miiy “n .• , 4 th; approved by llio pri'iiidi

U food crop#, l>i,ync Aldrieb repoi i0,000 bushels lUOU; jmssed tho Houxo A|i p)o». ncacJics. i'innnco Commilteo April 1( " " . '• 8 lh; npproveii by the i'rexidi:inco o t one |, ,„ i„ „ „ o , | a t 5f preaonl- 1013; passed Uouso Mny fith inilitslrv nndi " ‘'Rro nonmilUee May Ifith

^ » llth; approved by Iho presldoi ,ur lnnd from K ilcbln Law : reported lo

passed lho House Ju ly lUth; nwnver alae.k l^'m mltteo Ju ly U th ; pasw i

. proved by tho president Sep topping bust- . W a, jn j^m e Tnx and Bev. m ake a pro- .Maj* iJ th , 3017; passc'l by I

■,-n xrliich wo SenntO'Kinnnce Commilleo M tember lO tb; approved bv pi

D a multipli- Wnr BoVenuo Bill, N'o. 2: i ivisb it} th e h Urd, 11)18; passed House Sept' r«M ontirelY ato Kinnilce Ciimtnittei- Hep: rsca .rn iire ty . o jr J , 1018; held-tveater propor- um ji i,jg „ ,u r n from 1 0 wbero tboy bill, F obruao ' --<th, 1010. of them b t chronology- o f the Koi

as follows: rrporled to House rom prim ary j„ iy " la t ; referred lon t Icnat Into Ju ly '.'3rd. lions. , "B tb n t ii will I-------- ---------------------------;lnn ta8som o ..tido swoop. More Truth i

lie p rovalea t ',bln to st th a t 'rpora llon ro- L _ ^ ' l - . - 3 P M l | ^ ^y Amounting '|

: product do- in the mills. ‘ or aliowIn<j ing” ,no t ' ' ' ^, b ill k t «HI F O E O B V IO D ,isbke work . jjy

nay, because y .W W A lin i s ’gono f,»'* O"*’" •" Known;

Tliero is » lli-i wife, nt tlio «imlo'■at ileal mori- • Ili» hoiirtbrokon motlier

, , i\'|ir ivod of bis I'lire it•lioir modob. ][], ,.rij,),lod-b u t wn can- (Jhok uonrily hubbliiii;

.\iid hIihI ir«3 the t-iiitiv tookf

Ob. nothing niu Merely a wuiiiaii

e procension p A l ’MUNO bns fearstd than a n / ^ rest;n thinuiiotvfs Ho jum ps nl oaeh sout

S om elh in?!" »iii>KtiiiB, io b 'a o d 'ta k c T hat th?.v w atrh , ande women nl- • la rs he takesi

Hut dnily lie ndds to his nqunmlcr tbe money he

ibbub here. Wliai has induced him toa s tre e t and . <>h, nothing muc

- . Merely a womar, o f women s '■ tho ir heels, T^HAVTON, Ibe million:teapot tem- Yestordnv aflernoi

io sh t 1 . « . ™ ' " i i i ' ; i , r "is bavo men n ,. won by b.ird work■ted in to dc H-’ I"'’?- There wns som ething li

. h i. i n i i . h -tiey liavo no .\iid w ln l was the c.-juhonot gcBiiiofr -Oil, no th ing muc

,. M erelv n womai Tomon c a n 't

;rc w itb the ' or who is nble to detlonal type _Tonl lulled who fuasei!t there in IT H A S ADDED T

before com- .Sojnflimci it looks as joffice tim e od tho Shipping Board mbecause the «“ ough trouble in

.OrWIN FALLS. DAILY]ont w ilh short hnir. The man who ' d bccausc w omen 'b olothes d o n 't * r m y or a mollycoddle o ' ia obout to orvnco U negligible. _ ----------------- -—;tions of the nation arc roalidng n bos kep t fa ith w ith them. W ith- • inrreased by orox $100,000;000 the ifleally available fo r loans to agri- Augui has boen largely instrum ental fo r gram. ;st rates' oo a ll agricu ltu ral paper. itliout em barking the federal gov- childr ous'buo iaou of opeolog-tbe doorsi to dis and playing the ro le 'o f a philan-

well 1

I Is lo get out of cvcrlnstlng pessl- verylhing Is going lo tlio dogs'* i s . day .' ling, o f tho Federal Itcservo Board, “ Ifcni i t situotlon. E very th ing’.nubstan-. "’'■’l I’ile Ihe fuct th a t Ju ly and A ugust ^ „ if lho year, business and industrial Iho rci nod bnprovement th roughou t'Ju ly \ nro cxpcclcd of August. Jl,*!,!! ®— ;---------------- ' ' monies

tho youth who used to sprinkle • •ehii'f when calling the first time '("io ' t i 'Wned a carf contril _____________, liilnmi;

y o r T A a n r b il l s ti>«Twin .

lore is considerable speculation ro - ' ^anie i,mo It will require fo r the Senate • Sunda>ty T ar if f b ilj irJJch p.MsctJ »J(c jj,c 8fillm atos ore m erelv guesses. There Jioniru:oxiinate Iho tb iu tho Svnalo will Jay Al d th a t It by comparison w ith the,ken previous ta r i f f legislation to j . |]For ull who are interested in this, Ncvadiy o f tbe ta r i f f legislation of the comp i0 of In terest. abowin orted io lIouK ySarch -Ifb. J8D0; ' people21; referred to Senate Financu liko to

ised Soaato 6eptombcr lO lh; n p r , Twin 11 Oetobor Otb, 18i>0. way p( lod to tho House December 10, Contooi >n)ory ]s t, 16D5; referred to Sen- iDgAb'< b'obruat}'2nd; passed Sounlo Ju ly moil c ust l. 'lh , 1804, w ithout the olgna- distanc 'land,, who rofuBud to .approve it

TholocTio House "^Thrch IS thM S n?;* fencedIs t; ri'ferrrd li» fii'nate Finnuce placcdnsFod Senato Jirfv 7 th; npprovca lo plov tth , 1«I)7.r Tnriff: reportwl to House M arch It. W.Miirrh 29lh: ro^-rroil tn ftonnti- brick i

V :;nd; piisscil the Henato June brick i•1'nidi'nt Ju n e 13th, 1808. City, reported to Houho Mnrrli 17th, •■ April OIh; roforred to Bcnalu K- C 11 lO tb; passed the Henalo Ju lv ' terest •esident August, liiOO. fhe Bi( ported to the IIouki- .Mnrob 2 lsl.■ fith; rcferrod tn tho Konnte Fi- . Thre, Ifith; passed Hoiinte Hoplember sobool

■sldonl Oetobor:!, 1013. I'o ii* •• d lo lho House Ju ly lu t, 101(1; vchiei.i lUlh; referred to Senate FiuancoaSMid Sennto Hi-ptember .’ith ; np-

September 8th. 1010. "''n-- i} Bcvonue Bill: reported to Himsoby Ilo itft Miry SSril; referred fo Twin teo M ay i!5ib; passed Sennto Sep- ‘ »y president Ort<iber 3rd, 1017.

2: reported In House September , , ' Seplember 20th; refe rred 'to Sen-Heptcmber 21st; passed Sonnte ['’i r i '" ' '

:ld-without P residen t's signnluro ‘Dm I’nria wbon he uiinroved the , ,). • '"Fordney la rr lf f bill tn 'd a te is[Duso June 20lh, 1D21; passed tho ^ P “ ' !d lo Senoto Finnnre Commlllce

On i’---------

h j h a n PoetryW. I

------------------------------ 1---------- about I


fO U S B E A f lO N S , .lf« . !li

. K. K18EII

10 frnm -tho hnunU lie lii.s . Ui'gerso Misi

inilo«, is WMstin« her tears; , ' ther is s ittin g liluiie. , Tiu-ire ill hor Inst, b itli'r y'rar^! K'od->vith jialn In her I n o k - I>intma .liuK nbout on n erutdi.■iiiiw o l th e coursi' Ih.v hr [".‘nn

: m u c h - . . .

were g

'ears thnt drjirive hii„ o:" " -

sound ntill looks gulUy ;in;l ■ *

ring, deo]i ia his bream, .M w m nand nre roun ling ihn ilnt

) his crime, nnd is 'luit'k toy he gcts in hi* elnti-h; Lillinnm to play a fool’s trick? jijj,m u c h - ' , nean oi

Dman. c iia r.

Illiin:ilrc, fired a shut. 'crnoon, piercing his heart: ^wili mourn him, but othcri t

■ork from a viTy pour start, ivny, nnd fiir'oi ini;: in f;ir.t, ng like mngir, it M-eini'ij, in

A piU»o of bis fcKilIinnly .iHT ' ntti

." 2 “ . Oa

i p l t f i w ! ' . .w i l' • A p

y j . E.,® TO TKE SUPPLYas i f tbc ;>ef.'on nlio

rd must have thought there le in the world. j ^ H

y NEWS, TWIN; FALLS,- , ■ ■. ,,i -------------- — Hm. .

f I f T E E N Y E A R S AGO r ‘. IN TW IN F A L L S.

f*kMslr*a«MlrMsTtalimmMlUi4si« -b n s r l lO f their

■ _ oftorni

Tbc Twin I^illa public rcbool build- f will bo fom ally opened on IViday. igust 2<, w ith ' nn opprjprlate pro r~~ un. Hon. 'WUIIftm H. Borah of Bols<>II deliver an addrcssJ Tho progrnui :l contain sev o rd nmnbers and tRe Idrcn will bo given a n opportunity d isp lay thc lr .ta len t* . The now build- '• is II- harm ony w ith the progressive ^ r it o f T w in - fa lls , b e ing -san ita ry . H II lighted, spoclouc and impressive. . M

Ir. Jind Mrs. k i \ Han.sea of, Boek K ek wero Unnsca. v isitors W edncs- S'. Mr. H anson Is p rep a rin g 'to open g cneral merchandise slore In a short K e. w

. most auceessfnl en terta inm ent ww, rcccption to tl)0 publio held in th r W

! K imberly': aopdl, opoucd to the n l Jic lost evening. iTagc* iJcM lllan ® I n most successfnl tnasicr o f cerc- ^ lies ond about 100 guests from 7 In Fnlls were p rcicnl: The timuso. n i t o f tbo cvuning wos dan cing 'and SI Twin FalU band mado acceptoblo , S

tribullon to Iho oveiilng’0 ont«ir-S

ho Bock C r c ^ In fa n ts snd the rs in F a lls S tara played a. apiritod le of ball on tho loeal ground! last day whieti roihiltod in n victory for 8 ta rs by a 8«ore o f J to 2. ' Carl irusi) pitched for the v isitors and 1 A bbott fo r tho S ta r t.

il. B ay returned frem Contact ■ada, aad sU tcd th)it t^io copper • p contained somo of the finest rings th a t he has ovor seen. Tho ''■>lo e t Contact, said lUr.. D ay, wouH

to -c i ta b l lih communication w ith n Falla, which is the ir nearest rall-

po.'nl, Tho journey ffoin here to . ta rt can be made in ten hours, be- About 65 miles. A l p resen t ContactI comet ftora Tocomo, N evada, a inc9 of 00 miles. .

ho Jw in I ’aUs comelory hna boen :cd ond tho nrch nnd the gates cd in position. I t is tho Intention 'low i t and scod to 1o«mi grass.

. \V. .loncs is building n har>.*dmo k u-hidoncu on Bovenlii atreel. The k il* tn be thipped from Salt, Lake

. C. Bi»lioo li-is purchnsed tho in- st of his partner, M. Bolchnrt, in Dishee & Bcichnrt studio,.

iree busses fe r the Twin FhIIhol uro being ljuilt by the Twins . M nnufnctnriug conipnny. Knoh el.i will hold 12 children.

K. lllntflh is In Iho c itv from Hnn.■ ,Mr. Hinton bnt ulr.'ady sold ;innd of Hchool equipment on the _ n FiilU trac t, nnd Iws scvernl addi- ..II orders jn night.' -•

le u a te r reservoir is oomplotod In - ^ 1 and ' work, on tho pl\iellne ia be- pii'.heil ns faa t'a s men rnn he found (I the wnrk. J

A. Croni o f Weat Lake, Idnho, wns 1 Inhl ijiilurday un bufinosa. Ho sees cnl future fo r this iilnce \vhen the ^oii'l is Imiit.

1 Aiigiwt 17 thu Murtaugh school It! let will vole on lho proposition of W ng bonds for tho nniuunt of $2,500 the ereetlon nf a handsome nett­ling. ______

. II Cirlffllb, vyhosc ranch lies it threo miles w est o f Buhl, mar- d n biad of wijtermolons this week.,Inrgeft. one* brought the [irodncor igh 25 n n d -30 conti.

AMSTERDAM I^fSTKKDAM. M nho-M rs. Kd I-nw I m

Mid fnmilv noro entertained nt MiiLi iym'lman'n Iwinr nn W «l- '

I—0:irr|lson is liuiiling. potatoes tn i R S

rsoU' I f rISS .Buby Klngger was n biifiness I | [ i>r in .llugornon on '.Vednesday. | | | I S 11- Bev. Mr. Vonng nnd fnm ily IL —

guestt nt tho homo " f Mrs. Minn ” ' | l man on Tiiesdn.Vf Ln , H enrv Mnlmgron and children Olcn Smith, Mr. and Mrr. L . V I nbilored to Twin Frils Wodnei-

1- Uev. Mr. Yonng nnd family giients ut the home of (Inrret

rs Tucsdav. flrs. M nrtin Kmulson was in Twin ; si'vHnl ilnyi during the past

•a. Minn D in tn ^ i, .Tanet nnd piret I’eter.H drovo In the bonit; • o rJV Je w , npar lh)l;rter, Friday. e Iboy tho dnv.•• nnd Mr^, Dale Kunkel pnd Miss f]in Hnnliniin were dinucr gucsis v- > be home of Mr. and Mrs. I^esUi’ / I

on Snnday. "" Iar.i's 'Tnienirtn.' ipid family f:uul I

For SALE!B est Bushol Pcaoh and

Applo B askets. Also fo r packing, corrngated Papor daps and Apple Boxes; Q

Would be glad to fignrc 1wilh you for. yonr Poaches, IUpplcB an d -P otatoes fo r Ireliable peoplo. I

D. KELLOGG, Agent' • Phone 6 50-E _

P. 0 . Bojt 764 .

s;'IPMo;wEDNESriAY,Y , i A U G U S T - l ^ i f e l ' , y .

ra. J . B . .Traeman o f B ntte, U onL, the Col jn t Snndoy a t O llbert H n ll's n in th , T hf r t of nollifltor. • ^ e ro 'ptU isr J c a ta and Miss Jo lla E ttnkcl homo H itored to Hansen on Sa tu rday , - Weedi [ra AnWory a n d sons motored , to 6unday. )ir homo a t Twin Foils S a t u r ^ w hile w :omonn retiirnlng (0 th e ir w ork on weeOs.

In E a r l ie rIn fo n n e r tim e», w h e n th e

fa rm e r h im se lf d ressed a n d CUI th e co m m u n ity , b e cou ld n o t i it w ou ld tu m o u t.

H is m e th o d s w e re crude; pi p a rtly g u essw o rk . H is tes ts inconclusive.

.M e a t p a c k in g o f to d ay ,.a i ' Sw ift & C o m p a n y , h a s change

scientific. N o th in g is left- to < tak e n fo r g ra n te d .

T h e m o st p a in stak in g car. a r e g iv en to e v e ry step . P ro ce o u t on a la rg e sca le w ith mi M ethods a r e con tinually revisei C leanliness is insisted upon. O inspeclions a r e th e o rd e r o f th<

S w iftp ro d u c tsa r* uniform , in g to quality .

T a k e b aco n , fo r instance.

n S w ift & Compan;^ a g o to m a k e a d e l ic io l

■ g 'w h ic h 's h o n ld b e m i i f i

■ S« J i j “a S w ift’s . P rem iu m B a o o n ,^ w a ) 's th e

M a l y l sam e , a lw a y s, fa - ( 3 m o u s l y g o o d . i

_ _ S W I H T o d a y th is bacon, ^ L . J w r a p p e d , s e a le d J

)H i y s j a n d b ra n d ed , h as circ led th e w orld.

Sw ift & C o m p a n y 's sy stem o f d rie s i t to p lac es w h i ^ th e "to; th e fa rm e r co idd n o t reach^

S w i f t & C o m p a n y ,

w DO YOU WORK AWhen you work wlUiont sivliig &

170U work alono, prodadng only t stzengtli and aUUty. Bnt 'when you vest ronr uvlQgB, 70a have a rell working -witli you 'u ia for yoi.

Banagg grow vy regtuar addloo earnings on your u rln g i giov also ▼estod a p ita l increiaea.

™ With some money a t work for T I Savlnga Account, yon can go rig h t; I regular work; You will, bowtrer, 1 I comes—yo.u present Income asd al» [ | from your savings a t Interest.


I Tlie Twin Falls NaliofliCapital and Surplus i


CaWwcll raaeh M o 5 i i y ; m ^ i i g . t 2eV . M r . 'Y o W g y a a a

leda caoMd.-* -Jam .'iu the «ao4la / a / , the Tk>Uer waa . e u B jp a ^ f “ rI workmen oro b i « y ; t ^ 0Tln^' tbeI • ' ' ■■ , - 1 3 ; . i ' , ' ' ; "

■ - ■ • ■ 4 ' 1 * V

• D a y sle to w n butcher(M* >' lu red th e m e a t fo r < t a lw a y s tell h o w

p a r tly trad itional^ ts w e re fe w a i ^

, a s c a rrie d on . by iged all th a t . I t is 3 ch an ce ; n o th in g

a r e a n d a tte n tio n cesses a ro w o rk ed m inu te exactness , sed a n d p r o v e d .D rastic , in ce ssa n t th e d a y .m, g ra d e d accoM -

any set blit yearsious, sa v o ry b a c o n /lifonnly excellent i I

^ h e TiranS

SWIFT’SPREMIUMf d i s t r i b a t i o i v c a r -

t o w n b u t c h e r " o r

^ , U . S . A . ^

a s ^ s a a s i l ' '•

M E ? " ' t{ and tnvestlng.J by your own p rou savo and in ; j relUbia- oartiier

Bons. in te re s t I050 as your tn- , J

■ yon bero In a tit In w itb your r, b a re tw o In-also the Income ' |

nal Bank J ■ ?\ $ 1 6 7 0 0

■- D

H I -

Page 7: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif

I D a i l yI A d v e r t i s e m e n t s


Other plff flob nem bcre m ay be ea- W: eooragcd b r Uie m y in wbieh d la rb e r t u rr< Campbell, a 13-yea»-old bo r in. H t*kell was county, Okla., p e n l i le d . ln ip i t e o f var- to tl

, ioua j o l b ^ nn til in lU tts tnore than ICO i a yoar he bad * o t only r ta r te d » pare* waa bred herd o f h ll own, b n t elim inated a ll vroa the scniba from hU f a th e r 'r farm nnd right

; induced la tU r. to p lnn t forego e ro r i Mcor th a t hod nt;vrr been tried bofore. Tlie a lire ■(oty b told by tho eotinty b '^ n t who brigli helped T hnrbert w ith advice nad in- tho { itructionT»)!flB'eTerythlDg aeemed to bc $45 i going a g a ln it him . each,. Sono«»A K O B07 to B ay Bred OUt Inten

To begin w ith , T hurbert'a father was n e t y try n o e h Intereatcd. < »h c r in h u • joining th a p ig elnb In the apring of P',*’

• 1920, or In tho .E u roka Boya' Demon 7 ’®" s tm tlon club, o f whieh ho w ar a membor. TIio fa the r waa unable, and partlv

■4 unwilling, to back tho boy financially ^ when ho proponed to bn j a bred gilt.

• Ho'^iad p lenty of ordinory hog* which ^ he, cona'derod good enough for h liiic if, . ond thought they would do .qu ite ax " • wpII for the boy to a ta r t willw A pare- “■ bred gilt would coat $50. The comity fc v d ' (Agent I'l'cnme Interested <.nd tdolc-tho ilatio: m a tle r up wilh tho fa the r, whd ogrced T h o '' ‘•u lot Ih r boy borrow tho monoy if he datloi eould d l RO w ithout obligation ou tho Uircc fa th e r '» pa rt. i thin a

Thurbiirt took grqat pride in hia g ilt , younj;providing her w ith ahado nnd clean, fathci coo l'w ater, pQ lling'grocn feed fo r her diapo and . {iblulnlag a ll itho kltchon w aste t u t a

• from hi* mother. The fa th e r began to barrel , bo in tc rcdcd and l(| conaider aome ]>er’ Onl

niancnc hog pastures, na ho hnd ntit rioveibothered to lay ou t any- for thc xRrnli rcsultihogs iio owned. I lia main field crop tmd rw as, CHtlon. The fira t li t t r r of pigh smallfrom ihd g ilt was looked forwnnl in overby a ll the family, to take Iho pInro of manytho icriiba, _ _ I,(.gun

Have to E at the Leavlnga..T bc women of C ollfom la nod other . . "

. fm lt-produclng atntca o f tho Pnclflt ‘ j* /: const nro complaining i^n t, whllo Ih e j . j o re charged higb prlcca for th e fru ll 5 th a t they rouat buy. they aro unable to get anything bu t th e accond-grada prodoec. U nder o rdinary circum- .® ftaj^cea the choicest f rn l t la sen t te th o caa tem m arketa nnd only when . ' th e m arket la g lntted aro thoy able te '

b a t “_ . memok •• " withJ / Placing the Oblleatlon. o u dV "H opkins la InvltloR m o-out to apend. thonil / th e week-end a t th is place, b u t I ba te .train

to p u t m fsclf under obllgatlous to sucb itene. a fellow." . “Oh, doo’t feel. thnt_ wny; nbout I t nopk lh s no rc r pays his bllla, so I t. wlll be to his bu tcher nod ' grocer (hot you’re under obllgntlona." The —New York Sun.

— - t oianjr

W hat caeloaa lo you may oe »al-uablo to u lbori — advertU e i t in the ."'cckaelaailfied. ery t'lt I ,• ,» I ■— nomo

Throo Poopio fo r W hom ” SEe P repared Pood Died A ftor rcad*^!

Eating the Sam e good <occrct

U rn. Mary Demmer quoatloned con- ccrolng tho doatha of threo pcoplo for whom aho confcsacd aho prepared fo ci.Tlio body of her huabnnd will bo ox.Jiiinicd fo r tbo purpoao of ascertaining if . traces of arscnic can bo found, ahe \.<fj tho housekeeper fo r Fred Eolze, o f Chicago who alao died under m ytterioas r l^m slju i^ ca . Ula w ife nlao died un- ilcf myitcrlOLiB clrcumatnnecs. Thoir lioillt'i wero exhqmed and araonle found

, In liiitti in largo qunntiticB. .t _ , ' T.i.v,- — : -----' ■■ .,■■■)

POTATOESH igbeat m arket price p i ld for

p o u to w . Wo have sack i fc r sale.

RHODES COMPANV G. L. Gooniail, MIcI Buyer ' \


■^*s5lDBm!5sR^^ 1L=

N e w gt s u n d e r t h i s h e

SFmiTO. ii s i r i i i o i s es

■■ /W hen the time caao 10, pigs w ere =

farrow ed, hu t only one waa aJive. I t x O A w as a cmahlBg blow. T hnrbert came 1 H ft to tbo county agent fo r n dv ice .. I l ls 'WO noto waa extended by ihe b ^ H e fn m j waa de lem laed n o t 'to onit. Tbe gilt woa b ird again, and T hcrbert went righ t ahead earing fo r h b pig. The j.

brighter fo r th e boy. f i le ono p ig firom , tho f i n t lit te r sold about th is tim e for$45 and tw o o f th e new ones fo r $16 tt„^,each, ao th a t a fte r i ^ l n g h b note w itb lif j,,, IntMcst T h u rb e r t-h S '$ 2 left.From the aame breeder who farnlabod ^ .

the g ilt T bought a boar ^pig. Tho price, WO wa* to be paid .when tho boy had sold romd' more jo .igatock. Two moro pigs which were aoM “ ;n t $2S each clcared th b note o ff and V ^le ft Thiirbcrt free frora a ll indebted- , . '<]ncaa, w ilh a balaneo in tho bank. ' p ^

W 'O oiutittite« J^ s s sn t S a rd Wn1 ,o p

An. nTrnngument baa bc tn modo with nil oldi'r brother who la to- grow tho j ’ ]feed whilo T hurbort furnisher tho foun- U udatioa alock nnd rarea for tho herd IM O .iT h 6 '"h c rd '', conaUls now of the foun- ' ,r. Idatlon u)w, due lo farrow again aoon- G.tlireo vpung gilta which will be bred Qvthis aummer; tho herd bonr, and oo*) IM fl.young bear which for »nlc. Ail thc Amfa th e r’d srrub brood'now* hnvo bcoi: iM o .diapoicl of, wltfi no o th tr sc ru b 'lo f t .1. }but a sliotc, which will go to tho pnrk q . ,barrel. . XW 1

Onl% raiw, Sudan grasit nnd awcetplover havo been Iried out with good T. 1results for nummer p astu res .' Bcrmudo t . 1nnd r e l rlovcr hnvo been plantod on n is-1:;'small Bialo. Tlic I 'a tire family ia W(jn .1. {over (o tho |inri’brcil,’ atock idea iiud a . . mnny dmnfje* for tho be lter have beenbegun ou this farm . a . 1

i........- - • ____ 0 . ?

T n a itliin i U ir t l r i iT radition w em a lo have as pow e^ j

fol a hold upou the (ntnds of the, most i highly civilized a s well ns the mostbarbarous peoples. For 600 years a ll . rulera o f G n'ot Brllnln havo been seat-cd upon tho tmdlUonnl siono of'Scoue “to be crowned, 4Vbcu Jacob.- patrt- {jj,-arch of Israel, b a d .b ta vblon of .n „n(n,oiladder extending from eartli to hcnvon (),(, ig,with, angels aacendlng nod descending, nearlybe se t up a calm or moonment In com-, four I:memomtlOD^of ihe event, crowned it tw o Ir w ith a block o t siooe, 'which be bndu u d a s n pillow while he slept and ■ rlhO H iloce.w itf-oiircdB A long • ' tm in of trodiUoDs n ttad io s to tblsItone. 2°«cl

. I strai- - • • • .C a n

> Have System In Raadlng. no rt. The n-adlO£ of good lU era tort officihould not be spasm odla ' To teed p | |many hours a 'day for o fow daya, “ Uthen n o t to' look luto a book f o r --------weeks or nioutbs, wlll nover do. Bv- ^ cry day. If o n lf f o r 15 minutes a doy. nomo worth-while book should bvld tbe Q ltciiiloa Oii frequent occasion*If clrcumatancirs permit, ll should t>er tad uloud, Thus, siei-pliia oooself lu i " tho good words, thero will gradually bo anaccrctloD Io the depths of the mlod K otiof m aterial avnlliihlc for personiil use Wllaou08 tbc demands of conversation mai:« DIatrlen e cc saa ry .- ll. Addington' Bruce lo tion f<Chicago Dally Newa. «!'«» al

, Icrest

Brightening Bold Laco. JJ^utioITnmlflheO gold locu 'can bo b a d s tcring

to look llku new by brushlnB every cecdinfthread thoroughly with n brtish dipped SeptemInto pulverized burned alum. thorcal


of Twin I........ TWm FALLS, i

L ast year wo w ere too

y ea r WO may bo too poBsimii

needs onr agricoltnral prod

reduction in in terest ra te s

centers, buyers will bo m or

sumo thc risk of carry ing t

over, causing a more stoi

agricultural prodaots.

.The Oldest Bank in


Member of Federal Re


s C l a sl e a d , O n e C e n t

By actual count, four oat these people w h a ty o u ia es for sale ol- rent, the po


rsiBlshed by th s Tw in f a l l i Tttl* and gen A b itrae t O ospatty . clal

--------- 4»yIV cd: E lizabeth Bowen to A. B.

>Vood $1, lo t 4,- block 16, Twin Falla.Deed: T. T. Bank t T rust to A. a

vowio I12S, lot 3, block 27, Uanaen. " r . Doc.l: a . W . Goodspeed lo J . W.

lard ln »2I00, loU 11-12, block 27, , , {lojberly.

I’a tcn t—S lato o f Iifcho to: ......3. J . nornibrook 8 1-2 8W U , NW -■» 8W M 22-11-10. iA. H. n itch le NW 14 8W 1-4 32- ^

2-16. • 2 .1. F . Kmory 8K 1-4 12-lM S; *A. !•'. B a rrc lt N E 1-4 8W 1-4, NW «'

•4 SE 1-4 11-12-10. JF. P . Moseley W 1-2 NK 1-4 28-lM fi ' f, W aJtlm an W edillo SW 1-4 SB 1-4, K "

-2 fiW 1-4- 13-lMB. "P. (•’. Hord E -2 NW 1-4 27-lMO. « J . F . K yler 8 1-2 SB 1-4 2-1M 5. . ^ L ina Wilkinson SW U NE 1-4 11- ®“f '

MO..r. p . St.iw art N E 1-4 NE 1-4 12-11-1(1G. \V. Dean W 1-2 N E 1-4 23-11-10. V°'" Ov W. Hamilton NE H NE 1-4 17-

M «.Amlirifc Griffilli N l-'l SW 1-4 I.I-

MO..1. E. IfLiulork NW 1-4 0-13-10. " ‘J 0 . .r. Wnrd SW 1-4 NE 1-4, BE 1-4 V®,

:w M , E 1-2 8W 1-4, lO-lMO.N. W. S<'hmlt SK 1-4 8E 1--I 0-12-Hl.T. ir . form er E 1-2 NW 1-4 20-11-n. ®T, L. RinKlinm lol 4. SK 1-4 8W 1-4

<-12Mi. ^.1. n. .Vagvl E 1-2 HE l'.4 13-12-15.A. !■:. I /eav itt lol 1, BE 1-4 NE 1-4 l’“?3 12-10.A. f ! B a rrc lt E 1-2 NW 1-4 11-12-10.0 . M. Emcry NB 1-4 NW 1-1, Iota 1,3, Mcction 18-12.10.

S. a L. Pcnroae 8W 1-4 lM4-i:».C .-E . Carder W 1-2 NE 1-4, NE l-4 f W 1-4 IM l-lC ,

tho <* ho, I

Among foaails found In tho lime p its lows ■ Torrance, Cnl., wa* n tooth of aomi> 8 \ -ohlatoric flah ao large nr to Indirnle Tp. s 'o w n e r ’s aizo wna larger, than any eice; limnl iiow living. W ith one-third of alpn) le looHi miaaing tho remainder welghr: land, •nrly two pounds, is five Inchcs long, nortl lur Inebcj.ncro tt the base and nearly Palli ro Inches thick. , lenei

— nnnc

I DON’T NEED THIS CAR ’"‘K,I t 's -a Bnlek w Tea'passesgw) fin e the hmechanical condition. W ill d n o n - hours tr s te any evening a fte r 6 o ’clock, time;Can be seen a t 265 Blxtli avenne doornorth, or a sk for Hnsted a t News of Toffice. In ol

BUT I,'DO NEED $900 ' £

IN B A N K E T JPT 07-N 0. 1382._____ or m

. the D la trlrt cou rt of the United J” « States, fo r the D iatriet of Idalio,

Soutbotn Division. • ^

tho M atter o f E. A. WiUon, Itonk* By ruptt

Notice l9 hcroby given, th a t E. A. C f) ilaou, hna filed in tho U nited Statess tr ic t Court for Idaho, his applica- « «in fo r discharge in bankruptcy, and .nt a ll creditors nnd a ll perrons w in- , j ’ rest arc required to ahow canao, ify, they havo, why tho prayer o f aald J __titionnr ahould-not he g ranted by en- p oring ihcir appearanco In said pro- plasticdings on or beforo tho 12th day of b ig (ptem ber, 1021, and w llhin ten (10) porji,orcaftcr filing tho portlcular grounda juap.• IW n

s s = s z = s : — jT " t oroomauto,

• - Phon

ional Bank er rc will

M I 30DW

r9 i 8 S'•’ ment.

s, IDAHO r r —'T o’ingtOiw ith

too o ^ m lB tic , t h i s , “ l5

Imifltio.^ The world S ! *

irodnots; W ith the

,tO0 In tho E aste rn

n o ro willing to as-

ig th e commodiUe#

s tead y m arko t fo r "Toia n d iCryat:

in the County __■ WA imntri Nown.

• .. ^

Reserve System' ' J . Lc

- nmincingtoi


s s i f i e it p e r w o r d p e r i

at of every five homes iri T lave to sell, trade, barter oi position you want or theh«

i f th e ir o ^ a l t i o n 'in the office of tbe : q ^

Given under tbe an th o rlty o f the general orders o f said court and b r ap«- e s i \ !lal order e f thb nnderalgned t h b Oth ^ay o f August, 1021. p (

GUY L . K IN N E Y , chin Beferea.


A SD OBDBB O F B A IS _Vrthur A. Shearer, P la in tiff, P i

vs. or rIVlllian P, Mackle, M rs. W. P . M ackie, QIIvi

John Q. D oEletz, E velyn DoKIotz, __:Charles Oambrel, Isaae Bcem, Aahcr P ( a Wilaon, l la ir ie t t a W ilson, The auito A. H. A vcrU l^ach lnery Company, a will corporation, I!; C. I^aiel, F ile r Hard- -il oi waro Company, a corporation, Oem ——

■ S tatu Lumber Company, a corpora- ^ tion, A lbert Holmqulat, Consolidated <’‘ tii Wagon and Macblne Company, a o r hi corporation. D efendants.U nder land by virtuo of an Order of „ ,

lalo and Deeree of Porecloiure, Issued lUt o f tho D ittr ie t Court of tho Elov- p r nth Judicial D istrict, in and fo r the volt- :ounty of Twia Palls, dated tho 30lh p h ^ i ny of Ju ly , 1D21, in the abovo entitled ction, whorein A rthu r A . Shearer, tho FC bovo named p la in tiff , obtained a do while reo ngninat W illiam P . '^faekle, M n . Rods V. F . MQckie,'Jobn G. D eKlotz, Evolyii pulle >oKlotz, Charlos Gambrol, laaae Bccm, P . 0 . ishcr U. Wilaon, H a rr ie t t a Wilson, - ~ 'ho A. n . Avorili M achinery Company, corporation, ConaoUdatcd W agon an-l ?PP *

Inchino Company, a corporation, U. F ^ t* . Hazel, Filer H ardw are Compiany, a

orpomtipn, Gem S tate Lumber Com- aoy, a corporation, A lbert H olmqulat, % , efcndanis, pn tho 30th. -lay o f Ju ly ,021, which said dccroo w as, on thn p o llll 30th day of Ju ly , 1021, roeerdod in |,q q |. tidgmcnl Book "Seven (7) of ra id DU- 773 rict Court, a t page tw enty-four (24), . . am'commanded to aell all th a t certalo E

it, piece or parcel of land a ituated in m er'i lo'County of Tw in Fails , S la te of Ida- mate) 0, and bounded tind de^cri.bod Os fo l' < iwa, to-w itj • ——SW 1-4 of tho SB 1-4 of Section P, PO,

p . 10 South, o f Bnngo 10 E . B. U ., “ a * tcept a >trlp o f land 25 foot wii'e ^ Ipng Iho west boundary lino o f aaid ' ind, which is a rondway to farm land arih of aald land; aituated in T trin | | r olla County, Idnbo; together .with ihe r r 'nemontr, hereditam ents and anpurte- incoc Ihcrcunto belonging or in any bo appertaining.Publlo notice is hereby given, th a t on 101

10 .2Qth day of Auguat, 1021, a t th e i .g g )ur o f 2' o 'elock p. m. (M ountainme) o f said ja y , n t tho oaat fro n t lor of the eourt house of ih e Countv g ' Twin Falla, S ta te .o f Idaho, I will,

obfl'liinco to said Order o f Bale and Dtrreo of Foreclosure, soil thti above Olia •scribed property to sa tisfy plain- ' f f 's doerco with In terest'th ereon , to- itJior w ith all coils th n t hnvo accrued

mny accrue, to tho hlghcat bidder — r caah, lawful jponoy of the United ates. _■DhU>d th is la t day o f A ugutt, 1021. p q ]

E . n . SHERM AN, Sheriff. ^ J E N X ^ D R O ^ _ D ^ ^ | _ ^

=0R SALE-REAL ESTATE S ”FO B BALB—Fivo acres, 1-2 mllo FOI s t , 1-2 mllo aouth W ashington srfiooL ferred jam to trade fo r a Ford car. L . 9 . ,

_____________________ __ . nFO B SALB OB .TBADB-JTwo room Pbong astered and kalsorained bouse, two g closets, fron t ond back sleeping rchr lawn, bam aad two e x tra lola a ap. , Phoae 123 or eall a t 111 JJast

k ) B S A L B ^ r - ' trade, new fivf- om modem ' hooao, w itn garage, for to, lo t or good paper. 145 Jefferson, lono 103M. . . . .

■ — ....................... .......................... FOI•OR SALE-AUTOMOBILES

F O r r S A L ^ O R T B A D ^ tn d ^ e b a k roadster In extra gond condition ^ qq,

11 a c c e p t, Ford in trado, Phone “nw . _____

FOB SA L E ^ IB H Buick, ( In t -e l . i .ndition, Hood tirea, good top. $28.^ A^olvab or will consider cow in p a rt paT- iint. C an 'bo soon in fro n t o f “ J a y _____le " Clark store. FOE— — ' 6th A

LOST .liO S r— O ff running board on Wash- jton lavenuo p a rt o f b-rJding carriei th strap . Phono ODOR.

L O S T -S a tu rday n igh t a t LaCt>i"ng vilion gold brooch valuoii ns koop- . ke. Fjn'der kindly re tu rn to News. - 1 ricb fn r reward.

L O S lM Jra y ' mare; w eight nbont r ^ A OO ni'unds‘,'b a ltc r on. N otify F . C. immond, 4flO Eighth ave..,E. .

LO ST-JTan .ra in c o a t le f t aTbnTi rk F riday evening. U a v e a t o r no- 1’- 0- y Nows office. ' "'WA

LOST—34x4 J - 2 ^ . S . cord caain," P fl'od i-im betw een Peavey aad loji o f Jn;yatal Springs grade. N o tify 'QO;'!cr Ex. Boward. ,

HELP WAMTeF ■W A N T E D -D rug clork, rcgislerc.l, threo,nts poaltion. Addresa D ruggist, caro morfg;lira. Innd.__________ _________________________ and II:L E flK 8 (men.-women) over 17, fe r --------Mal mail aerviee; $130 m onth; ex- ilSCilnatlons Soplcm ber;. exporlonco un- Ipan.sesiaty; fo r freo paillen lnrs, w rite --------Lconard-.(form er Civil Service ex- P A l

liner) 4770 i^ n lta b to Bldg;, W ash- n e a t-ton, D. C. ■ fc Co.,


a A d' i n s e r t i o n , a n d 1

T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h } N e v

o r e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o (

h e l p j r o u n e e d — O n e C e n t P c

'ORSALE-MISCELUNEOUST O E 8 A tE - E l» « W t Pbo»« p , „


FO E S A L E -E Im W o i « - S *;U n i Zeek Pi»a» Co. " “ “P'"

I’EAOIIES POK BALE a t o te h u d i b t d 'r ' >1 buihel V blle they last; bring con- Deoke a ln en . Call 878R8. _-------------------------------------------------------- C0>

PRICED for quick sale: range, heat- c ity o: ir, rowing machino, library table, new John J )IIver typew riter. C20 ^ c o n d ave. N . —

FOB S A L E -Fum ed oak dining room al*-hoiiuito; Amcriean w alnut bedroom anlte; fre lghTill soil one or botb sets; m ust be sold Viponit once. Phone 492. Ouclcj

^ R SA L E ^W ealthy apples for nehftni latlng or cooking; delivered by pound Iqv Ti r box. Phooe C37R4. - i —

FOR SALB—Pickling cucumbers.?wln Falla P lo tal Co. Phone 640. - -Hlgl

— ------ _ — — • uae coFOR S A L E -F lv e H . P . molor, 220 me bel

o it; good eoadltion. Troy Laundry, g ie gt, 'hone CO. —

■ F O B ~ ^ i i E ^ N « fo r a b u g a in rhile they l u t : Beal Bhode Xsland .°°‘, :eda laying hens; also tU s rprlng 'a ’ n .n i ulloU and eoekereb. Phone 650B

™ ;“ ,FOR SA L E -B evoral thousand ustfd Oxfi

pple boxes In good condition. E arl

■ . . 8 . “ *FOB BA L B -B egular trained milk ----------

oats; registered stoek; heavy milk train. Phooe 6S0B. P . 0 . Box 754.

R )B H A L ^ R v e B uff LeghorB ^VIL ens: Ihoronghbreds; will lol.l chi'np ery '10 ra Sixth ave. £ . cenpe.

E D. KELLOQO, agent fo r Lail- 'je r 's D ry Arsenate of t^ead for sprsy _!(>, i.aterlal... Call.Phoae 650B P. 0 . Dot g^j^ _________ ________ ■_ small'^a

POB S A L E -B i^ le 'a T irieyeies, tirea id aeeessories. W em sr'# Bepair Bbou!4 Seeond s t E ____________________^ ,j,^ .

--------. A'ddrer

PEACHES F(|R SALE!; Eeftdy This W eek . ---------

1000 buBhelfl, $1.00 p e r [“boahol a t fa rm —3 iniles -t^est - [jjand 6 miles no rth of Pilor, |____^6 miles n o rth ea st of Bnhl.Farm know n a s Squire’s Or- ohard. B ring yonr boxes.

HARMON & DAY | -------

FDR RENT■_— — ........................ - ■ ------------- workFO R BENT—Four room pa rtly fur- ahod house. Call 502 F ifth nve.-W .

FO R RENT—P our room furnished uso and. aleeping porch; garago. 2H) ivta th E. p U . W V ____ ^

F O R 'R E N T —Room; gontlemnn pre- — — rrcd. 411 T hird ave. W. - r j

FOB REN ^I^T w o foraiahed 'room s Xd sleeping porch.' 450 Second No. --------long 410W.

FOR BENT—8 bt room modem bonse Sixth javonuo north. Phone 877J. b j j ,

POR ~ R E N T -lV o furnbhod light- usekocping rooms. 504 Main So. f ru s tlonu S54B. -----------________________________... a n m rBTOR BEN T—Room noxt to ba th ; ____ __ard if desired. COO Third E H ( ^

FO B~B"EN T^N iee. fro n t room f « BW EBl0 or two gentlemen. 433 T hird No. a t lai lone {>30. Falla,

FOB BEN T^H ousekeeping snltea, bT m T ^ Dund floor, fn rabhed c o m p le te .-B y 6, o n lOk or montb. 428 N. M ain. r a ll i ,

FO B RENT—H re e ro o -n 'fn ra b h e d j . H . '9 artm ent, nowly decorated, eloan. $25. eollee >ply A partm ent No. I , Becond ave. Boem d F ifth a t E . * T r

FOB ■ B E N T -B laaping ^ o ^ a ” I I I = =1 A te . E P ho ie 7U-B. ' ----------Ml I . I I I ■ '■ p AlClassifiod a d v er tb ln g ts the cheap- ; th ing yon can. buy—measured by ‘D profTts i t 'm a y bring von.


I W ANT to buy 2000 lbs. of plums. f j i M. Spackman. Tci. 550J3.

W A N T E D -W ckor Ixiby buggy. Ad- eas X Y, caro No«vs.

W A N T E D -W ill pay $5 for second- No. nd bicycle. B oy 's size preferred.0 . Box 218 or phone 721-J.

W A N T E D - F ^ H ighest cash [ee paid fo r old ears. See W lbon.

Jay-Bce - Clark atore.

MONEY TO LOAN ,n■ : ■ - - - ________ I________ N

$4003.00' private money to loan, ,B'reo lo five years a t 8 per cen t, flrat ' TlirfgugL- nn choice Twin F alle trnc t epetid. J . C, B()auebnmp, Real E s ta te dm id Iilaurnnce. ' amo-----------:------------------------------------1— - p ^11500 lo $2200 " p riv n te m oney’*,to t i a iin. A rthnr L. Swim * C*. ' dI»P---------------------------------------------------- - hemFARM LOANB and m onthly pay I_____ ;>at dwelling loans. A rthur L. Swiis ______Co., T rast Bldg. b e a :


P a g e ?W O R T H I T !

ews, Daily. Tellal} * ooms for rent, houB- Per Word—Phone 32

MISCELUNEOUS ''IR S T CIjASS dresamaking and de­ling , coats, suits and gowns, bead- '

and embroidery. Call 95BM. 102 I pie nve. D ixie Calvert. ' |

T ILL the person who borrowed m y . roll k indly roturn it. J . W. C. ike.

SONCRETE w a l k s , fonndatlbns, • r o r countiy . Lowest rales. Address n F„ Yoat, Twin Palls, fo r estimate.

O NTBACT HAULING m th fou i.o r horse o u tfits open for bids; hauling Ight and ore from Ookloy, Idaho to ront m b e land o ra from mino to (ley, a distance of 2S miles. A d­as a ll communieatipns to W. J , L ln - ' an, V jpoia t S.ilver M ining Co,, Oak-


r o B D o w m m a:igbeat; prices paid fo r Fords. I a n coupes, aedans and open e ira . Bee before selling. Central Qarage Co., Shoshooe B tf W. '

BESSMAKINO. Mrs. E lla Caaer- Phoae C88W.

IRST OLABS dresamaking and es’ ti l le r in g ; speeial prices snn- sewing. M iu E A. Kellogg, Boeiai ‘


EAVB orders ac T . J. .L loyd's for th 's H ot Springs M ineral water*. - -


I L L TBADE—A Ford light deliv- 1010 model fo r a Ford sodon er

« . Phene 403.

D T R A D E -W iU trade good e ighty I improvements, sonthw ett of F i le r ,‘. l Salmon tr a e t bonds of o th e r bead*,II',acreage near good town or o ther i rerty. A ddren Trader, care . The j'S. • I

3 T b I d E —H orses for a i l k eows. rera J . C. H ., eare.News.

assifled a d v e r tb b g b th e chea|>- th ing yon ean boy—measured, by prfttliB. i t n a y b ring yon.

M S S f l i C T O f l r iGLASS .

J D O v T o iS f lS I ^ W W r ^et worJL‘~M oon’s ^ p . Pfcoas I.

S H O E B E P ^ B m O “ '

; '£ o i r D B B ^ BHOB l ^ A l B l i f O ,■i Shoshone W. Phone 808. A ll . irk guaranteed. A. Chipourb, Prop.

. T E A N S m ,

S B o t n ^ u r i .one 848, '

^ i - o f G i S J i o n a l

' m O B R K S

1 . A . m X B - l A w y e r . S a ltaM ^ d i i t .

N W . Q BAHAU—L a w ^ r7 Baak • ust Bldg. Phoo* M S -a I

S B a W X L S O N -L a i^ '^ " ’

EBB 0 . U Z L Z J-B o y d B n i l i l a | . "

* S W B B X ir — Atterneya law . Prastlae la all sonrsa Tw1» lls, Id^^o .’ . .

1. W OLFB — U w y ti , Booms $ aa< over Idaho Depsrtm eat Store. Tw is III, Idaho.

. W ISE— Lawyer. Fully orgaab** Ueetlon . departm ent. Offlcee - isms 0 and 7,over Twia F a lls Baak T m at Co.. Twin Palis, loaho.

UULBOAD TIME TABLB{City o r M ountain Time) )


Jo. 1 5 0 ______Deport 7i20 a. m. ■Jo. 84 ......— D epart, 6:10 p. m'.

W ettboojdto. 6 3 ______ _ D epart 1:SS p. m.lo. 165---------D epart 4:45 p. t t

tOOBBSON BB&KOH tE A D T l ! ' Sonthbooad . ; I

Io. 330.,------- D epart 1 :46 p. m.

N orthbowul Fo. 94fl---------- ^ r r i v e 5;00 p. n .

U A J L m S S U PNo. 150 a t' 7 n . m .'No. 83 a t l:0 5 p. m. . 'No. 1C5 a t 4:16 p. o .No. 84 a t 5:80 p. m.Rogcrson . braneh a t 1:05 p. m. n e foregoing ^ m a k n p b

peratlve and effec live u d e r Inary condlUoas; I f a p t a l m ount o f mall shonld be drop- *d a f a W n t the regular o la i l t f ime i t would be iapoeeible to ispateh the mail oa th* p tM be ■enr.

U D T H E O L A B B IPiro -A M L . ; ’

=— = = M 3

Page 8: DmJhein - ^roL 4. MO. r f i i i f f I l l E H 't Italian Barber’s Admission Ex- . '’peoteif


■ ' ■ I . rS f i t l jL li-J 5 ? l ( f e l l e r ! ( M

' ■ " ^ 1 ' ■ R I

’' ^ T y R w i

fOUTHSCOreS ^ C I . I -F i i i i i s i s ;

--------- iofc 1S to ry of Wholosale DoBpoilation nomi

of Oar Owners ia Unfolded J’ftiis ta O o n r t ; | f

namtA stor}’ o f w liolculo dospoilstion o t

nutomobito oTraors in ibo Bubl d i it tle t mcml fl/itCTmtlcolly cniricd on by tw o yonng

' / men of prominent Bulil fon llle s w m . unfoldoO bofora Judge 0 . ? . D uv n lljn probato court hore today w hea Bob«rt l><>tli if llric*, 18, and A lbert Alien, £0, admit- ted tbc ir gu tlt o f th e ft of. molor oil, (puolluo nnd ncccuorloa from lome 17 |(a io car owuvrs, sggrognting lu value, oc- jo{^, cordlof! to tho offieori, Bomctliiof; moro tbo I thoa IOOO.

a u f o t i f l u BUIThe youths were by tbe court bonnd

ovor fo r tr ia l in dUtTlet court on a ■ ' obsrgu of-i^rnnd- larceny, and vrcro u - loaiwd from euBtody upon tbolr o t ^ p b y s nMociiizancc and on tbo atreoRth o f u - •urancci given b y th e ir parent*. ,. An e ffo rt will bo made in th o .d litr ie t , »

«onrt to « « a ro tho parolo of tbe lyoua^ I 'l j i . affcn d o n , aecording to Probation O fn- oor John B. Autt', whose inveatlgoU ou aided by -A. A. Sloeumb, w ator m aite? ,,5 , fo r Jbo w v it end tUstriet, nnd Andrew (,]» j Wilson nnd Tbumas'UcnDlB of tho Buhl |, pollcp force, resu lted -In Jbo a rrest of till' lad^ ln»t Baturdny afternoon. ' ^

U ncover B ig Oacb# ,

laveitiga tiona conducted by tho of- c , fleer* resulted in tho dlw overy of eev- , oral cacheV 'of stolen automobile sup- q , i piles in - various places, tbe ]irloeipal

• caclic bulnif located In n 'de ie rled cabin tj ,, about fuu r mites north nnd boat o f Buhl, ^voro

th l i eoebe tb jr o 'wore found e ight cr, C tires, a ten (pillon mlllt can fu ll o f mo- ,tpr, to r otl, e ich t or ton gallons of gasoline i^polc and gasoline tan k a ., a t 'v a r io u s alses r . Vi rang ing from 15 to 40 gallons capaelty . p ; p

i t is assarted by tlie o fficers tlia t tho q , j boys om ployod'the services u f n truck nori> d r lv ^ to carry U*elr loot ty thoir bid- rfiliKl ing places, ond tb n t thoy liad engaged MeQl

- In II con»idorable t r a f f le In tlic ir stolon Mls»« aiw ils 'w ilh o ther automobllo owners. Dr. a

SeTon^dn V ic tim Nam ed A. F. .TliuH fur, officcra say, 17 persona Newi

hnvo bvon iiamod os having been rob­bed through tbo operations of tbo pair. Q ^||^


--------- B uB eprescnU tlves o f Industry Tiirongh-

ou t SouUiom u a th e r E ore for. Discussion o f Problems Tin

I I ' - linrjicA iiiui'ling tif till' rcprcfcnlnlivcs of p. in.

th e Hti'rling (;rcnmery, ibe Lincoln rhurrI’foducn pompany, the Mutual Crcam- bo divry an 'l lienningarn Crcamery com- mounpany w ss held At tho Hotel Rogorsori Tinyentcrdny nfternoon nnd evonltig. Tho su lt 01 tbe dliicuiisioiia aro not londp rreonpublic, b u t tliuy covered the ground th m :

- o f prodiictitin ;ind m n ^ rt ln g coits- vorvAmoni; (liuac In attioumjiee \ror<> M. ' T1>iQ. Beeler, ijcneml manager o f tho rn tltlMutuiil ruDipan.v; Snm Hoyden, super- the yin tonJpiit n f the Mutual <ompany a t Atrocatp llii; 8nni Sm ith, nmnager of tho ojipoiKIkhorii irrn tnery n t I 'o rc tfllo ;. Nelson .inlnItlcks, manager « r thp. ^ t l t l ^ o I" thfreain l'ry ; fleo rp ' Driimen, Poeatello, fewgeneral field Hiiporinlcmlont of tbe w ithM utual i-ompiiny; .1. H u n t o f B utte, o f '■irrlc th e llonningnoii I’rinlure ciimpany, andB. Snnp, mannger of tlir Ituport cream- |y |O f

' . • 1

j . A M n S E M E N I S

OBPHKUM—JI. B . W arner in “ WJien Wo Wero T w enty-one''; also Toplca A t o f tbe Day and th e fina l chapter of I’.""*” “ Tla- Son of T a n a n ."

ID A H O -A lice B rady in " O u t o f tho O hom s" ; also n o r n - Lloyd In a tn o , ■

. p n r t com cdy 'nnd Param ount Maja-

* ! « • . . . ___ ' t!opVthoir'

V try Qo«l V .tierueliL ^i,[p jF ew peoplo In Iho XJaitei S ta te , n - ,vtm t

m em ber tlia t H o n rr C lay obont on . clrctfc bnnilroil j e o n e to ,» o s p te n jln s t o iiA«t

IBO to e o jn ltlo n o f ttio spnnH li-A m trt. clmtu a n rtp tiW W . l o t Vcnemola. tthkS w ill n im e » p arlt In W« b«nor. h . . o o f fo fx M 'o"

. , . ._ r A B H E a i5 i ^ - H o n o B

W * -w i» bny t t d W » I» t-cash for m t v o u r f n i lU *nd > -9 IM in 'T w in Pan* , i m b pW tea "o m the ro .1. Dot 'no <s f ttitab la cUpplng bagen S e k S S i *^D«HTor « « r y n f te « e o n b Rd V t o # trt biH oB t.T i* Twgo &BflSt, •; ,RE,

' 0 0

Go Help The. J .LlTTLe &fp. P-a ^ ';ua|lPh


. S 'm 4 1 7 W

O w iC H A f

m i l s IIP PIS M FflflMMEMT

SoB:e;o8tionB fo r Bopetition of F estiva l aro B eferred to the

Oommittee of V ete rass Aai< --------- L

tiuggeationn looking toword tho bold­ing bcro th is fall o f a sorond H nrvesi Homo festW al under autplccs o f TwinKolia post, American Legion, woro la tl . n ight rtfo rred i)y tho pout a t ils reg- ulnr mceUng to u comn-iiice lo bcnamed l^y P o rt Conimamlcr H erbert Q. SeedLautorbacb. ' Bentlment among tbo bas 'members in a ttendance a ' tho m eetinj' f irs t soemcd to bc strongly in -fa v o r o f u Ihorepetition of tho f e i t lv a l . wbleh la st hnni]fall proved a bigldy succcsiful and en- clcr joyaulo n ffa ir from the atondiw lut B art both nf the form er aorvlce men and in 1of tho public generally. aivol

Tlio poat laat n igh t also hctord a do- mov tailed rejiort nn the proceedings of tho local stato (onvciitmn la tely hold « t -Knl- (rvvcn logg, by Pnul It. Taber, delegate from thotho local orgnnlrAtlon. perti


______ i»K<P b y ild a n a and »en tls t« Assemble fo r '1 '*"

B agular M onthly OoncUye a t th e O aaiU Oonnty Beat

t ' whic^ T h o South Side Medlonl assoclatiou |y „ held tho ir regu lar monthl.v meeting a l ngo Burley la s t evening. Following n d in­n e r a t (he Nntlonnl hotel, the assem- • b ly lli ten rd w ith tho deep In terest fo P l l | an In terpreta tion of X-ray pla tes by l | ( l | B r. Frederick FJ Diemer of I»ortlnn<i; * " D r. F . W . Almond of Boise, of tlio dc-i partm cnt o f public wolfarn, nh>o dis- euased m a tte rs portainlng thereto. Dr.C. J t Bcott o f Tnrin F alli, road n ,pa p e r o a the Coierenji scetlon and D r. Pro G. K. Cranor- of Burley, dliKuued n • enso of petinitin plgn|cnleaa. ‘

Thoso in a ttondanro from Twin FbIIh wero Jin. .T. F . Coughlin, H nl Q. BIel- c r, Charles W eatljerbce, D. I* A lesan- i{„ der, C. T). W eaver, C. Tt. Scolt, H. N. jmun Leoto, n . W. Wlldon, Joseph Segal. E . iirre R. Vnn C o t t /P . C. Boobe, P . It. flnook. p,i a P ; P. McAlce, OHver H an tn d , 0 nia . Q, M oQlnnlii' and It. Q. loaet, Ihcy ],rot> woro necompanled bv MosilAmc' i,u,i rribghlln , Blolor, A leianilcr, Van Colt, cave MeOinnbi and Reynolds,' and tho ^voa MIssea Rchaaf, Duacn nnd ifirdie P ink, nuva Dr. and M n , .1. N . Dnvla.of Kimborly.A. F . M fClusky o f Bubl nnd Dr. A. A. j N ew berry o f FHler. j„nn

■■■■■ ■ ponvlCAMP FIRE GIRLS WILL ' START FUND FOR CABIN SI -------- of >SO rganisa tion M em ben P lan . B e o M t held

B azaar 'w ith Bale o f Cooked Foodand B sterta inm en t l>ere-

• • --------- - testiiTin- (’nniD F iro girla will hold n No

linrjinr on T hur* lay from 2:^0 to 30p. m. In tJii' parlor's o f thi' Mi’tliodim by 0rhurrli, (o initVito n fund thnt in to euHo

11)0 dyvolcd tn building n mlnn In the niountnina for tlieir vacation I'lirpoaox.

TliP iv en t will include n rooked food g jA ' sale, n f bome mode randy i|nd ice crcnm. hnd the bnnkdts whicJi Ihu girla thom-ielvon hnve made, nnd whieh nrevorv wi.rkmiuilikc crentlonf. o f B■ Tlinro will nluo be n mnvinj; pjpture "'h ilcentltloii. “ A Dnif. in Camp.” in which if*(f •tho vo>inK l.idio* nre nil al.ini. Mr.

At IhU limn thero wilt l>i' nfri'red nu lu l 'l iojiportunity for alt girN deslrinc lo nmke,inln Ihe oripiniMtion "to r-'gUter. Il l'«,voi

{in the iptontlnn to prnec.-d w ithin n th o l!I few fnllnwing Ihia TegUlrnllon. r<«idw ith the fiiiM nrgnnlrjitibn of ns manv tH tlr i r r le i nn tho npptienliona demnnd. . ____


Decision to Proceed w ith O rganization /M o f M ovem est la Tw in Falls Beach - f f l

e d a tU e e t l a g I B

A t II m eeting held yesterdny in tho parlo rs o f tho Pre*byleriap church, de cialon wns renrhed to proceed w ith Iho orrfunir-'iiinn of tho Cnmo F ire move­ment in Twin Fnlt^i. ApplicoUona hnve been" icce ivrd from tnore than Jfti''girl-1, v h o wish' to Join- the orgnnirn- t!op. nnd aever;il women hnve slgnlfie.l tho ir ' w illingno"' lo nssnmn guardian- nhlp of n eirrlo . Miss fiencva S tafford ivbn h a t nclnd as gimrdifl’i for. the onc circti) llifit Tw in Fnlts ban had' for the pnst fow yonra, hns th? m atler in ' chnrgo. - '________________ .

PXTBUO MABKET. .iThi' eiinning aeajton.for pcacbcs will

unon I).' bere. A good in^ny aro now coming in ; $1 to 82 pcr buabelj corn for ennnii'ir, 1- I-l!e per do ten ; p ic k ln \ 30c lo TOe. |HT hnudred: pepperi, 12 1-2r p<-r pound. Make your k rnu t,sow B B so it will ri{H'n out doors; good Copon- hsgon ciibbngo, *2 per hundred pounds.Kd Vahco, Publie Marke^t.—adv. B



Aa l ? B . c H n ? y j i l l

f f l i l : __ I

IBfiP&aiomobile Ooncem T erm inates .

Long L ease .on. Old H om e;. Takes'N ew Q uarters .

' ' heA t (ho term ination of n tea y e a r ; ’ nj,

Ivosq un tho first floor o f the Maaonli- ]),tem ple, com or o f Bccoml nvutiuo nnd tit Sccond s tree t west, during whleli bu on haa occupied the promiaca continuously unf ir s t n i the district repreaentativo of Iv.tho BUidobakcr Brothers M rpo ra tlo 'i viihandling n lino of horse-drnvm vohi- Sh clcr nnd sineo lOIH ns the head of tne (I. B a rre tt Automobile companv, donliiig w; in B tudebaker.cara nnd parta exrlu-aivoly, .Tohn A. B arre tt is th is week tilmoving bia uslabliabmcnt from thla fo:locatio.i Into the building n t 250 M ain beIrvvenue notih hernloforo ocon^Iod .b y on tho M'>irIII Auto company, and es- nupeets til bo opon for bilslneas in th.! nnew locatinn on Monday next. la:

Increasing volumo of btiainera necca- nh aitn tlng uae of larger premiaea is the ' oxrensoti given by Mr. Barre tt fo r mnk- beIng tho change’ln location, lu ita iiew J. qunrtoM, Mr. BaxrcU alatea, fa ll od-vontago will bo token of tho c a i» c ity n for carry ing in slock a complcle s to re | ° of aceeMories and parts for the m otor whielt Ihc eompany hnndloa oxcluaivo-ly, ns n e ll os for mure odoquote s to r ^ ngo nnd display of new’ ears.

ClNDlsiiiiSC iR lE fT JC C fliL IC E ^

P robate Judgo Eulea Youth M uat .Answer to. Larceny

Charge--------- Ml

Uiu*ell V'nvrniler, 19, waa today hound over foV tH il in d istric t court lioro •in‘i("<-harg1$ of grond’tarceny boa- fm cd on his alleged complicity w ith En- >r|| lia .Tonning* land naymond .Tennings, tbi lirothorn, In tho the ft of an aut«mo. Ho :>l1o Ini', Folirunry. Tlie order holding \ ’o L'avendrr to tria l -Iti tho highor cou rt «ut ivas entered by Probato Judge 0 . P . nt Duvall n fte r n preliminnrv' ezam ina- ||u tlon thia morning in whicli tcatimony od for the proiccution wna given by the coi lonnlnga bo.vs, who were last S farchlyoi •onvleled of’ tho theft o f tho m r nnd 'it lontem-oii fo fcm is In fhe s ta te penl- IcnUar.v'' nnd by Uu'ir 'mother. .Mr.i. 1•inrah K. Jonnlng*. Bond in the aum __)f >500 under which Cavendor had beon — lield wua continued.

Tlie J o n n ln g boys were b ro u g h t, her^ from the stnto penitontlury to testif.v at this hearing.

N o lof.timony w at introduced on bo- lialf o f Cnvcniier, who ^rns repre.^entod [)V 0 . C. Hnll. Tlio rnae for the prone-; tution was ro n d u rt^ d tb y Axniitnnt ['rosecuting Aftomoy C. .V N orlh.


Tho ftn te highway three miloi oast if Buhl il elosed a t th e pre.^ienl' limo vhile drugging ir In jirogr.'Si, arcord- ng to Hlato Knglneor Itav ArmHtrong. ilr. A.-mntrong throuuh tbe ' Huhl Ri: uldiona, ndvMoa t^iojto wi.ihlng fi>'

imke llie Irlp tn Tw in I’nIU or polnt.i loyoiid III tu rn nonth one mile from 1 ho Ilu rlty oorncr a t Buhl .ind tnko Ibu ;<«id Mii>t Iho Bubl rhcrsi fni'Uir.v- un- •II th.; r<md work is finished.

I t ylBlds a baverago o f ' I wonderful "bouiiaat.’ ' 1 Made enUrely from the “ Orange Pekoe” leaf o f tbe tea plant, w ith body and fullness of flavor. I t will suit yonr taste, because .

jY n e w s ; TWIN FAfcL!




iTHERt V/ RE. I . I .I l y

- . , . . .

liliPflNfFiSIlW f i S E I i S L ! -

Stockholders Shown Agreem ent in Full S ettlem ent b f Any

and All Services “f'’

■ .M iho annual m eeting of the stock. hojdora of fhe Jav an M inet company. he td .n t tho c ity hnll a t F iler laat evo- ning, reports of fho m anager, B.. A. iinnka, covering tho paat y e a r ’s oporo- tiunR wero read nnd adopted. D irect, ide: ora nnd offieors o f the company woro gar unanimously rc-oleelcd n* . follow*: pre Ivon Lincoln, presidont; B. A. Honks, and vice president and m anager; Quy W l S l ^ o r , socretnry ^md treasurer. L. Cal (1. I lill and W. E . Pence, w ith tho offi- of oora, ooiistltuto tho board of direotors. the

Koporla for the year nre highly gra- od tify io g to- stoekboldera and proapoefs one for l io immudintc fu ture w ere,novor nhc better. A ttention o f the board wa* qui onlled by Ihu frcozuror to the poading auit o f a former sto rk Maleamnn-and ''HI n eomplote account given of tho do-■ nils o f fho incident. Receipts in full showing jnym ent fo r all servleea woro - oxblbiied. A nswer to Uio aetion wilt y , be filed by tho com pan r's attomAy,.1. IL Wise, w ith in n day or two.


-----------------------------------TwIdaho Bpud. Zncoiporated, BAceives Or- r a t

dcT> for 30 O arlM dt of P rooact Ma,from M ilw u k e e . od

--------- . « J. :Ord.rr,! for 30, carloadjc o f potatoes Wa

hnvo been received by the Idaho-Spoil, a titInr., lately organized a t Bnhl b ; C. A. ngoM ariani nnd hia .aasocloter. A ll o( Ihotheae ordera havo ' been recoived from froJ . 0 . Fi^anklln and Som of Milwau- moi kee. Tlie orders.'cnll fo r October nndN’ovfnilier delivery, and tho contrnet Q f prico h (1.5.1 a 'h u n d red pounds.

M0KDA7- U A B SB TIMB L IM IT FO B Br.LTF.F W O B S ^OKATIONSThe Ilcd Cross calls atten tion to t h t I

f a r t thnt Monday next la Bundle dnv poriwhen the llmo lim ll hna been aot for Hottbo eollcction of donntlon<< for tho ro- henHof wurk in Europo nnd.tho Ni^ar E u t . .lohYou iiotd uot w ait until th a t d n y 'In Fleisend ill your bundle. I t may be lo fl Kinnt tljo Iled Crota lieadqunrtcra n t ony lu llmo. I f you nre ahead o f tho nppoint^ henod dny, il will moke tho work of tho thocommittee n littlo leas arduoua. Qoc Epl .vour bundin w rapped today nnd sendit in. . . * y

. « . nabRBAD I H E 0L A S8I7JE D ADB. e lu

HIGHER V/We are talkinj

it is. today—and i today.

That the GOO value is a claim wl ing to prove.

Ifyoursincen motor cat satisfac gate the GOOD Mj

We maintain your admiration.



JOHNSON AT w in F a lls , Id a h o

B T OLZFF BTBBBBTT _____________ O opyright, lOSO, by

• ' ' ' J

I I ' I c'mO»J WllS'feR.I (PUICK- STORE.

h - ^

l i l y( u f r . S k f t R B r ~ /ii/6 • //■


Twmity-thxed M e m b ^ B *pr«en tlng Bam 08 P e r Cent of. O row erj o f JMrtrlct, Bo

0(H)p«rat« in Mariceting

W ilb n membership o f 23, repre- In aenting. it is s ta ted , .08 per ccut of of 1 fho producers o f thc -distrlc^, melon growi'M of the Mellon V alley,'loeated j j t e t tome tbreo miloa north of Bubl, have T arr formed tho Mellon Valloy Grower*’ ^or J oaioeiation, o ' non-stock, non-profit, or- « 8 ganlratlon for tbe purpoae o f m arket.Ing their product. H . L. Pa rk s ia pres- ll'« 3 ident nud genorol mfanagor o f tbe or- In'n,' ganU atiun; A. J . Dischampa, vice low! preaidont: W. B. Stoolfire, secretary fidei and treasurer. Tbeso offieors w ith w ' ' W illiam Soltzinger, H . fl fPorry and Calvort L anp ray , servo or tho board o f d irec tors.- According to Mr. Porks, thero arc <0 ocros in -tho . valley plant- od to - ^ to rm e to n s Und csnialouiKS, and th e crop is oxpeeted to represent nboot .95 por cen t o f la s t y e n r 'a ' in quantity .


T w in F a lls E ohm Owner Soee fo r Be. j coTw y of Sw elling P roperty Sold „

' to WomJUi JJ

A lleging tb a t Mnr. K ate W eaton In V Octobcr, 10£0, entered into h contract V to purch&ao his dwelling p ro p e r ty - lu ,, Twin Fnlla agreeing to poy fo r I t a t the 1 rato of |5 0 a month nnd th a t sineo ^ May, lOSl, abo has ia lle d bnd neg lec t' s od to mako euch m on th ly paym entl,J. B . Langford, throogh hia a tto rneys, ) W aiters, Hodgin and Bailey, today ’In a titu tod suit in d ia triet court here ngainst Mrs. .Wc<ton for reeoveiy of tho properly a n d -o f monthly ren tn l ' — from .Tuly, H>21, at- the rnto o f *30 a month.


Stato Home F inding S ode ty Sopetlo- H . te n d es t on O ffic ia l Mission- ,

Ur. .T. W. Fleaher bf Boise, s to le eu- perintendent o f Uic fdaho Child ren 'i Home Find ing oad "A id soeioty, w ai p hero today on offielal buslncsa. W ith .lohn. It. A ult, p robation offieer, Dr. Fleaher ’ia spending the oftcrnoou- n t - Kimborly. and. will go.on thla ovoiilng ~ (o Pocfltello. H e ex peds fo ro tura = hero th c l a r t of thla month to a ttond . tho Idnho conference o f the M othodlst X Eplsciipal church.

.W hat u o se leu to yon may be rm - „ nable to others — advertire i t in tb r elan ifled . '

ALUE; LOWEing about the GOOD ft

motor car values i

OD MAXWELL is a ivhich we are enthusii

ire intention is to secu iction at low cost—yo HAXWELL.

n that investigation


0 F. 0. B. TwinF U L L Y E Q U I P P E D '


\ 0


per Fea tO rt S e m c e , Inc. .

f t

y. ' ________ .


u m o c k : O o n a t y ^ f f l w T atoe T rio o f Bospect* Baclf to Scan® of .B e p n t

ed Bobbery

In custody of D eputy S heriff Davis ! Bannock county, Frank ' Storohor. ■ I; Elnior Tarr,.lO , oind a youtV named T anA tta, alleged lo havp beon irapll- ited in tJie th r f t of an automobile irom ir r 'a . fa the r,, lo fl hero loat evening <r Pocntello. W arran t fo r tho a n e a t ' S tnrehor charging desertion of bia .mlly was sworn oo t a t P o ^ te llo and -0 yoimger men who nro accused w itb m .uf ta k in g tho-ear were detained b;'-' col a u th o ri tie s 'o t the ror|ueat of the der T nrr. No eba'rges. wore fUcd (oinat c ither the y o u n g e r . T a r r or an A lfa.



Kal Hepatico 30c, 60c, |L 2 SCastorla __________________ S3oVinol ___ __________________OOCHqulbb* M ineral O i l _______B7cBa.vpr's A s p i r i n 2 0 c , 36c, 11,10 Large Can Sterno nnd S tand 60eJ . 4 J . Baby T a lcu m ______21cSnlino Laxative.... SCc, 7Cc, |L 6 0F re e z o n e ....... ............................30cLnvoris ..................25c, Wc, 11.00

P I C K L m O

aenson is now here. A -fu ll linoof Pu rity Ppiccs. . \

< K O D A K f

W HBBBVBB YOU 0 0 . ■ l'

Tou ^ ba b e tte r ahia to proTO th a t f iah ito ry i t you h a re i t Kodaked.


____________ ___

J . B. L. VIolofta . C a s c i i le s V lo lo t R iy


Phoae 60 - 130 M ain A ra . B .

i i f f iMAXWELL as as they exist |

an ynmatched iiastically Will- ?

' '* ■

;ure high grade., oil will investi-

1 will comp'eU


I Falls

COMPANY jP h o n e 5 0 I