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1 Technical Program 研讨会程序手册 The International Workshop on Information Technology for Chinese Medicine (ITCM2010) 2010 国际中医信息学研讨会 In Conjunction with IEEE-BIBM2010 (与 IEEE-BIBM2010 共同举行) December 18, 2010, Hong Kong, China Tongji University Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Technical Program


The International Workshop on Information Technology for

Chinese Medicine (ITCM2010)

2010 国际中医信息学研讨会

In Conjunction with IEEE-BIBM2010

(与 IEEE-BIBM2010 共同举行)

December 18, 2010, Hong Kong, China

Tongji University Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Message from the Program Chairs ............................................. 1 

ITCM 2010 Organization ............................................................. 2 

The Compendiary Hong Kong Map ............................................. 3 

会程安排表 ................................................................................ 4 

Schedule Overview ..................................................................... 6 

Keynote Speech .......................................................................... 7 

Invited Talk ................................................................................ 11 

Arrangement of Oral Presentations .......................................... 16 

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Message from the Program Chairs 

Welcome to The 2010 International Workshop on Information Technology for

Chinese Medicine being held in Hong Kong, China on December 18, 2010. Traditional Chinese Medicine has met a great opportunity with the development of China, where information technology becomes a critical technology to produce great achievements in designing information systems to mine the ancient and present literatures and clinical data, as well as to make objectivity of traditional diagnostics and formula. The ITCM2010 is aimed at providing a common platform to bridge these very important interdisciplinary areas into an interactive forum, and bringing together top researchers, practitioners and students from around the world in order to promote scientific understanding and findings in information technologies and Chinese Medicine. It is sponsored by BIBM2010, Tongji University, and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China.

The program committee consists of 26 committee members around the world. All submitted papers have been peer-reviewed by the program committee members or invited external reviewers. A total of 45 papers have been selected, and registered authors are from 4 countries including Australia, China, South Korea, and USA. The conference features three distinguished keynote speakers.

Many individuals have contributed to the success of this conference. Many thanks go to all the authors, invited speakers and conference organizers with special thanks to The BIBM steering committee Chair Tony Hu, Professors and Presidents Kaixian Chen and Gang Pei from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tongji University, whose leadership ensures the success of this conference. Special thanks go to the organizing chair Drs. Mingyu You and Guoping Liu, and local organizing committee consisting of Mrs. Ruiwei Zhao, Jiaming Liu and Rui Xue for their assistance. We wish everybody an enjoyable and fruitful stay in HongKong.

Yiqin Wang, Xiaodong Cheng, Guo-Zheng Li

Program Chairs

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ITCM 2010 Organization 

Program Committee Chair:

Dr. Yiqin Wang, Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, China

Dr. Xiaodong Chen, Tongji University, China

Dr. Guo-Zheng Li, Tongji University, China

Organizing Chair:

Dr. Mingyu You, Tongji University, China

Dr. Guoping Liu, Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, China

Program Committee Members:

Li-Jun Bai, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhi-Wei Cao, Tongji University

Jian-Xin Chen, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Su-Shing Chen, University of Florida

Quan-Quan Gao, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhi-Jin Guan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Li-Yun He, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences

Fu-Feng Li, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Kun Li, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences

Shao Li, Tsinghua University

Shao-Zi Li, Xiamen University

Xiao-Qiang Li, Shanghai University

Jian-Feng Lu, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Li-Zhuang Ma, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Kai-Tao Meng, Northwest University

Josiah Poon, The University of Sydney

Kun-Bao Tsai, Chongqing University

Zhao-Xia Xu, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hai-Xia Yan, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Jian-Jun Yan, East China University of Science and Technology

Xue-Qiang Zeng, Nanchang University

Lei Zhang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Lian-Wen Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Chang-Le Zhou, Xiamen University

Xue-Zhong Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University

Xiao-Shu Zhu, University of Western Sydney

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The Compendiary Hong Kong Map 


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上午 下午 晚上

12 月

17 日


(3:30 pm - 7:30 pm)


12 月

18 日


(8:00 am – 8:30 am)



欢迎辞:Tony Hu




(8:30 am – 9:15 am)

报告人:David Zhang

(9:15 am – 10:00 am)


(10:00 am – 10:25 am)



(10:25 am – 11:10 am)



(1:30 pm – 3:00 pm)


SB250 SB240, SB207, SB219,

B521, SB215


(3:00 pm – 3:20 pm)



(3:20 pm – 5:50 pm)


SB237, SB217, SB222,

SB220, SB233

SB245, SB235, SB221,

SB247, SB223


(6:00 pm - 8:00pm)



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(11:10 am – 12:30 am)



报告人:Nevin Zhang

报告人:Simon Poon



(12:30 am – 1:30 pm)

12 月

19-21 日

BIBM 大会&离开

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Schedule Overview 



Morning Afternoon Evening

Dec. 17 Registration

(15:30 pm - 19:30 pm)

Location: Lobby in Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin

Dec. 18 Opening Ceremony

(8:00 am – 8:30 am)

Location: LT1

Chair: Yiqin Wang

Welcome Message

Tony Hu

Keynote Speech

Chair: Yiqin Wang

Speaker: Baoyan Liu

(8:30 am – 9:15 am)

Speaker: David Zhang

(9:15 am – 10:00 am)

Coffee Break &Take Photo

(10:00 am – 10:25 am)

Chair: Guo-Zheng Li

Speaker: Yiqin Wang

(10:25 am – 11:00 am)

Invited Talk

(11:10 am – 12:30 am)

Speaker: Jiaxu Chen

Speaker: Xiaozuo Lu

Speaker:Nevin Zhang

Speaker:Simon Poon


Location: TBA

(12:30 am – 1:30 pm)

Oral Presentation: PM-A

Clinical Data Mining

Chair: Mingyu You

(1:30 pm – 3:00 pm)

Location: LT1

SB250 SB240, SB207, SB219,

B521, SB215

Coffee Break

(3:00 pm – 3:20 pm)

Oral Presentation: PM-B

Objective TCM Diagnosis

Chair: Guo-Ping Liu

(3:20 pm – 5:50 pm)

Location: LT1

SB237, SB217, SB222,

SB220, SB233

SB245, SB235, SB221,

SB247, SB223


(6:00 pm - 8:00pm)

Location: the Science

park " Happiness




BIBM Conference & Departure

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Keynote Speech 

Title: The thinking for TCM clinical data resources and knowledge

management center construction in the new period

Abstract: In various medical institutions information system, electronic medical records

systems of digital information technology platform, and improved the patient as the core of

the clinical scientific research information will continually produce. Establish a national level

and regional levels of clinical data center has become urgent hospital information

development. Determine clinical data center of orientation, explore the clinical data center of

constructing model, content, research data using tools, forming data sharing mechanism to

wait to also become the TCM clinical scientific research information integration development

the important task. This report will from the above puts forward thinking and the frame, hope

to get everybody's guidance.

Prof. Liu BaoYan, chief physician, doctoral

tutor. vice-president of China academy of

Chinese Medical Sciences , Deputy director of

Clinical epidemiology committee of Chinese

medical association; Director of the state

administration of traditional Chinese medicine of

TCM clinical evaluation method of key research

laboratory, the world health organization

traditional medical adviser, Deputy director of standardized professional committee of China's

health information association, Director of The national acupuncture and moxibustion

standardization technical committee; Vice chairman of The world federation of acupuncture

society, Chairman of clinical evaluation professional committee of world federation of

traditional Chinese medicine association. In recent years, is devoted to digital information

technology applied to traditional Chinese medicine research field and clinical evaluation

method of the research work, successively presided conducted more than 10 item relevant

national science and technology projects. Obtained the national science and technology

progress prize 2 items. Published more than 100 papers articles. Form the software copyrights

eight. Chinese medicine clinical scientific research information sharing system won national

technological progress in 2009.

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Title: Medical Biometrics-Computerized TCM Diagnosis

Abstract: The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis methods, such as

looking/smelling/touching, have been successfully used for thousands of years. However,

these methods are mainly relied on Doctor's experience and not quantified. In this

presentation, we will try to develop a novel approach by using Medical Biometrics

technology, i.e., Computerized TCM Diagnosis, to solve these problems. By some

TCM-orient diagnosis acquisition devices, we could collect many kinds of date like

tongue/pulse/odor with a priori knowledge from different diseases in hospitals. Then we use a

statistical pattern recognition approach to extract all possible features from these

images/waveforms, including color, texture, shape, and so on. After matching between our

training data and testing data, some decision rules will be made. Finally, we apply our results

to the practical diseases diagnosis to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Prof. David Zhang graduated in Computer Science from

Peking University. He received his MSc in Computer Science in

1982 and his PhD in 1985 from the Harbin Institute of

Technology (HIT). From 1986 to 1988 he was a Postdoctoral

Fellow at Tsinghua University and then an Associate Professor at

the Academia Sinica, Beijing. In 1994 he received his second

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University

of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Currently, he is a Chair Professor

at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he is the Founding Director of the Biometrics

Technology Centre (UGC/CRC) supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 1998. He

also serves as Visiting Chair Professor in Tsinghua University, and Adjunct Professor in

Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, HIT, and the University of Waterloo. He

is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG); Book

Editor, Springer International Series on Biometrics (KISB); Organizer, the International

Conference on Biometrics Authentication (ICBA); Associate Editor of more than ten

international journals including IEEE Transactions and Pattern Recognition; and the author of

more than 10 books and 200 journal papers. Professor Zhang is a Croucher Senior Research

Fellow, Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Computer Society, and a Fellow of both IEEE and


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Title: Progress and Prospect of Objectivity Study on Four Diagnostic

Methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Abstract: Traditional diagnosis in TCM implements syndrome differentiation based on

visual observation and experience of doctor where diagnosis accuracy is impacted due to

restriction in preference and experience accumulation of doctor and current environmental

factors and lack of objective indexes, difficult for repeated demonstration. Therefore,

objective and digital four-diagnosis and regular differentiation are urgently required in

development of TCM..

With development of science and technology, study on objective four-diagnosis

information acquisition and analysis system is increasingly perfected. (1)The current research

on inspection mainly focuses on complexion diagnosis and Tongue diagnosis. The system has

set up the standard environment suitable for tongue and face image collection with the

guidance of TCM theory and clinic practice and on the basis of multi-discipline technological

application such as machine vision and back light module etc. (2) A pulse digitization

analyzer on basis of more than 20 years of research results on pulse-tracings has been

developed, and established the standard collection method of TCM pulse-tracings and

information processing method and classification and interpretation criterion of pulse-tracings.

We also underwent TCM clinical application research. (3) We have developed the inquiry

collection system on the diagnosis of heart in TCM and generally realized the standard of

inquiry collection system on the diagnosis of heart in TCM as well as the completion and

standardization of inquiry history records. We have made the research by adopting the

method of implicit structure. (4) Currently, we have formulated the sound diagnosis

identification form, set up sound diagnosis collection hardware platform and developed the

collection software. We have made the research on sound diagnosis with the linear and

non-linear method and five- viscera corresponding principles, and we are designing the

analysis design; besides, partial analysis parameter of software has been used for initial

analysis. (5) Multivariate statistical analysis method is the effective tool commonly used in

information fusion technology. The topic-based group has applied single-output network

(OCON) and multi-output network (ACON) to make the information fusion research of four

diagnostic methods.

In short, we have taken the solid step forward towards the objectification research of TCM

four diagnostic methods, however, there are still a lot of difficult issues for us to overcome

and solve. For instance, the intelligent image processing calculation method shall be adopted

for improving the tongue and face diagnosis software system, and improving the recognition

accuracy rate and efficiency in diagnosis; besides, we have used the new methods such as

unstable HHT, independent factor analysis and supporting vector machine etc. to extract the

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characteristics of biological information so as to acquire more effective trait indexes and

improve the accuracy rate of clinical diagnosis on the basis of original signal processing

method (the analysis method such as time-domain and frequency domain). Furthermore, the

comprehensive intelligent massive database on information from TCM four diagnosis has

been set up, and convergence and correlation analysis have been made on information from

TCM four diagnosis etc.

Prof. Yiqin Wang female, is a professor and postgraduate

tutor of Shanghai University of TCM. Besides, she is the

director of Specialty Committee of Diagnostics, Shanghai

Association of Chinese Integrative Medicine as well as the

deputy director of Specialty Committee of TCM Diagnostics,

China Association of Chinese Medicine. Also, she is the

leader of Shanghai 3rd Leading Academic Discipline Project,

Diagnostics of TCM as Key Subject approved by State

Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China and

Diagnostics of TCM as a featured course. In aspects of researches and papers, Prof. Wang

holds over 20 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Project 973,

Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh

Five-Year Plan Period. She has been rewarded the National Prize for Progress in Science

and Technology for 3 times. She has had 7 patents for invention and utility model. Over

200 academic papers have been published, including 4 SCI cited papers and 9 EI cited papers.

As a chief editor, over 10 national programmed textbooks have been published.

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Invited Talk Title: Application of Random Forest Data Mining Method to the Feature

Selection for Female Sub-health State

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Sub-health state is a low-quality status between health and

disease. The aim of this study was to determine which factors and/or combination of factors

could be predictive of sub-health state in female as using random forest method.

METHODS: Data were collected through a clinical epidemiology survey and obtained 2992

cases (2507 cases were in sub-health state and 485 cases were in health), in which the female

sub-health state cases were 1285 and the female health state cases were 177, respectively.

Based on association declined by mutual information, we used a classification technique

called Random Forest to predict the sub-health state in female through the analysis of the

clinical data.

RESULTS: We've obtained the total OOB error rate of 20.06%,namely, the correct

classification rate is 79.94%. In other words, there were 10 variables very powerful to

discriminate between health state and sub-health state in female. They were the symptoms as

follows, Fatigue, Myasthenia of limbs, Amnesia, Dizziness, Dysphoria, Sighing,

Hypochondriac distension and pain, Constipation, Swollen sore throat and Premenstrual

Distension of Breast.

CONCLUSIONS: We suggest data random forest mining method for feature selection in

female sub-health state; the main advantage of this method is to select important features that

retaining a high predictive accuracy.

  Professor Chen Jiaxu, MD, PhD, born in 1966, Han

nationality and a native of Hubei province, China, and now is a

professor, PhD instructor, and head of state-level key discipline of

Chinese Medicine Diagnosis in Beijing University of Chinese

Medicine (BUCM). He is one of highly respected practitioners and

teachers in BUCM with many years of professional experience. Dr

Chen has spent virtually his entire career at this prestigious

university, where he has been teaching, researching, and conducting

clinical practice since his graduation in 1988.

Professor Chen is a professional specialist in Chinese Medicine, and a scholar in Diagnosis of

Chinese Medicine. In the recent years, he has been contributing his efforts in research,

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academic papers and essays on the Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine. Dr Chen has achieved

many awards and prizes in recent years: National excellent theses for doctor’s academic

degree award (2001), Teaching and researching program for outstanding young teachers in

higher education institutions of MOE, China (2001), Fok Ying Tong education foundation

award (2002), Award for national outstanding curriculum of diagnostic of TCM course,

honored by MOE, China (2004), Prize for Basic Research, China Association of Chinese

Medicine (2004, 2007, 2008), Prize for Natural Sciences, MOE, China (2007, 2009). Dr Chen

has got grants funding from Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China, National

Natural Science Foundation of China, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of

Higher Education, Project supported by the Scientific Research Starting Foundation for

Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, China National Funds for Distinguished Young

Scientists. He has also published over 180 papers, and has been invited to many countries,

international conferences and workshops.

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Title: Study on the Correlation between Tongue Diagnosis of Traditional

Chinese Medical and Assay Result of Health Check

Abstract: As one of diagnostic method of traditional Chinese medical (TCM), tongue

diagnosis (TD) is of great value for application in clinic. Under the guideline of wholistic

concept and differentiation of symptoms and signs, we took young clients as objects of

research. The health state of the young clients was surveyed by two methods, one is TD of

TCM, the other is TD instrument developed by our team which was applied to collect clinical

information, both of them aimed at having a multidimensional study on the health assesment.

This article is not only probe into the correlation between the TD information and conditions

of organs implied by blood routine as well as blood biochemical examination, but also

explore the correlation between the indexes of TD and representation indexed of

physiological functions, pathological changes of the human body.

Prof. LU Xiaozuo received his MS in Medical,

and he is a now Dean of School of Chinese Medical

Engineering and Subject Leader of Diagnostics of

Chinese Medicine, Vice Secretary of Diagnostic

Subcommittee of China Association of Traditional

Chinese Medicine, Committee of Internal Medical

Subcommittee of China Association of Traditional

Chinese Medicine, Chairman of Commission of Clinical


His research mainly concerns the four diagnostic of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and

objective of TCM symptom; He coined the diagnostic devices of TCM and it’s application in

the evaluation of clinical therapeutic effect. He designed questionnaire of TCM’s clinical

therapeutic effect evaluation, and also developed Comprehensive Statistical Analysis System

for Tongue and Pulse Symptom, Tongue and Pulse Objective Neural Networks

Differentiation System for Heart Brain and Vessel Diseases, Quantization of Tongue Image

Instrument , Pulse Instrument, Nail Diagnostic Instrument, Pulse Simulator, Pulse Recorder,

etc. He has authored and co-authored 28 scientific reference and textbooks and over 81 peer

reviewed journal articles and held 13 patents. Prof. LU recorded 5 audiovisual.

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Title: Latent Structure Models and Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese


Abstract: Latent tree (LT) models (previously known as hierarchical latent class models)

are a tool developed in recent years in the Machine Learning community for discovering

latent structures behind observations. We have used LT models to analyze several sets of

unlabeled TCM data obtained through epidemiological surveys. The resultant model matches

relevant TCM theories well. This indicates that latent structure models can help in building an

objective statistical foundation for TCM diagnosis.

Prof. Nevin Zhang is a professor at The Hong

Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST).

He obtained his first PhD degree in Applied Math from

Beijing Normal University and his second PhD degree

in Computer Science from University of British

Columbia. He started his academic career at HKUST in

1994 and was substantiated in 2000. His general

research interests lie in the field of reasoning and

decision under uncertainty. He co-authored the variable elimination inference algorithm for

Bayesian networks and the incremental pruning algorithm for partially observable Markov

decision processes. Both algorithms are fundamental to their respective areas. Since tenure,

his research activities have focused on latent structure models and statistical foundation for

traditional Chinese medicine. His work totally has been cited more than 1500 times according

to Google Scholar. He served on the editorial board of Journal of Artificial Intelligence

Research (JAIR) from 1999 to 2002 and as an associate editor from 2003 to 2005. He

currently serves on the advisory board of JAIR and as an associate editor of International

Journal of Approximate Reasoning. He has also lent his service conferences such as IJCAI,


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Title: Studying Complex Interactions in TCM Clinical Datasets

Abstract: The importance of discovering the interrelatedness of factors has been widely

acknowledged in many research fields. These fields are varied, including areas such as

biological systems, production economics, engineering design and organizational structures.

In the data mining community, researchers have long been interested in investigating whether

interaction patterns exist among multiple factors. The discovery of interactions in data can

provide a way to capture the intuitive ideas of synergetic bundling or system effects, i.e. “the

whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” Exploring data for interaction patterns requires a

way to measure which interaction patterns are the most interesting.

Detecting interesting patterns in data has been a focus of recent work in knowledge discovery.

Understanding the patterns of interaction between attributes is relevant to many fields.

Existing measures of interestingness in data mining do not adequately detect these interaction

patterns. In this talk, we present a new measure that explores the interactions to be found in

data. We combine this interestingness measure with statistical validation to find reliable and

interesting interactions. We will discuss the concepts of interaction in terms of interestingness.

We then demonstrate use of this method to find interesting patterns in TCM clinical datasets.

Prof. Simon K. Poon is a Senior Lecturer at the School of

Information Technologies, The University of Sydney. He received

his BSc (major in Computer Science), PhD in Information Systems

and Master of Public Health from the University of Sydney. He also

holds a Graduate Certification in Mathematical Sciences and a

Master of Engineering Management from the University of

Technology, Sydney. He has presented his work in international

conferences in the areas of information systems and data mining. He

has published in OMEGA, Expert Systems with Applications, Statistical Analysis & Data Mining,

and Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. His research interests are Information

Technologies (IT) impacts on healthcare, health informatics and patient data analytics. He

currently focuses on developing analytical framework to handle complex interactions in data with

particular application domain in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Arrangement of Oral Presentations 

PM-A: Clinical Data Mining

Chair: Mingyu You

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Dec. 18, 2010, LT1

SB240 Study on the Principle of Treatment, Medicine and Formula of Chinese Medicine in

Congestive Heart Failure Based on Literature Review and Data Mining Technology

Ruijing Luo and Jiancheng He

SB202 Goal Based Bisimulation for Testing Therapies in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Guang Zheng, Xiaojuan He, Miao Jiang, and Aiping Lu

SB219 Consulting Study of Experts’ Opinions on Lung System Disease Location Characteristics

Zheng Xu

SB250 Association Analysis and Distribution of Chronic Gastritis Syndromes Based on Associated


Guo-Ping Liu, Yi-Qin Wang, Fu-Feng Li, Hai-Xia Yan, Jing-Jing Fu, Jie Zhao,

Rui-Wen Zhen, Shi-Xing Yan, and Guo-Zheng Li

SB207 Gene Selection by Using an Improved Fast Correlation-Based Filter

Xue-Qiang Zeng, Guo-Zheng Li, and Su-Fen Chen

B521 Extracting Clinical Information from Free-text of Pathology and Operation Notes via

Chinese Natural Language Processing

Qiang Zeng, Zuofeng Li, Weide Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, and Lei Liu

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PM-B: Objective TCM Diagnosis

Chair: Guo-Ping LIU

3:20 pm – 5:50 pm, Dec. 18, 2010, Room LT1

SB237 Strategies to Enhance Computer Assisted Differential Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese

Medicine for Coronary Heart Disease: Validity and Standardisation of a Diagnostic


Laura Duck, Xiaoshu Zhu, Stefania Penkala, and Anthony Maeder

SB217 Application of PCA and LDA methods on gloss recognition research in TCM complexion


Rui Zhou, Rui-Wei Zhao, Fufeng Li, Guo-Zheng Li, YiQin Wang, and XiaoYan Zheng

SB222 The study of photoelectric facial blood flow volume Characteristic of heart blood stasis

syndrome in premature coronary heart disease and the relations between it and TXB2、


Zhixi Hu, Jinghui Zheng, Yi Zou, Jie Chen, and Juan Chen

SB220 Deduction Research on Syndromes Diagnosis of TCM Inquiry for Cardiovascular Diseases

Based on RBF Nerve Network

XU Zhao-xia, WANG Yi-qin, YAN Jian-jun, XIA Chun-ming, LIU Guo-ping, XU Jin,

GUO Rui, YAN Hai-xia, LI Fu-feng, and HONG Yu-jian

SB233 Attribute Weighting with Probability Estimation Trees for Improving Probability-based

Ranking in Liver Diagnosis

Na Chu, Lizhuang Ma, Min Zhou, Yiyang Hu, Ping Liu, and Zhiying Che

SB245 Application of the Support Vector Machine to the Identification of Human Pulse Signals

Kunbao CAI, Xiaoming WEN, Yunzi DUAN

SB235 Relation between arterial elastic characteristic and time-domain parameters of pulse

waveform in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Haixia Yan, Yiqin Wang, Rui Guo, Fufeng Li, Yujian Hong, Fengying Run, Yuci Yang,

Yiming Hao, and Jianjun Yan

SB221 Research and Application of Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Sparseness Constraint

in Recognition of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Condition

Rui Guo, Yiqin Wang, Haixia Yan, Jianjun Yan, Fufeng Li, and Zhaoxia Xu

SB247 The Ideas and Methods in studying Pulse Width of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Congying Liu

SB223 Procedure Recording and Telediagnosis of Pulse Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bingyi Hu, Lu Xu, Ao Tong, Yan Zhao, and Xu Zhang