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Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)

be + Vз(ed)

Термин Passive (пассив) говорит о том, что подлежащее английскойпассивной конструкции «пассивно», оно не совершает действие, выраженноеглаголом-сказуемым, а это действие происходит с ним (подлежащим).Сравните: Active - My father built the house in 1990. (Мой отец построил дом в

1990 году.) Passive - The house was built in 1990. ( Дом был построен в 1990 году.)

Пассив используется, когда: 1) действующее лицо неизвестно; 2)действующее лицо нас не интересует; 3) из контекста и так понятно, ктоявляется действующим лицом. Время глагола-сказуемого в Passiveопределяется по глаголу to be.

Видо-временные формы глагола в Passive

Simple Continuous PerfectPresent



am/is/are+ V3(ed)


will be + V3(ed)

am/is/are+being +V3 (ed)




will have been +V3(ed)

Например:1. Now bridges are built of strong anddurable materials.

2. The bridge was built in 1990.

3. A new bridge will be built acrossthe river.

1. Сейчас мосты строят из прочныхи долговечных материалов.

2. Мост был построен (построили ) в1990 году.

3. Через реку построят (будутстроить ) новый мост.

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4. Look! A new bridge is being builtacross the river.

5.When I visited the city last year anew bridge was being built across theriver.

6. Look! A new bridge has been builtacross the river.

7. The bridge had been built before Ivisited the city.

8. The bridge will have been built bythe end of the year.

4. Смотри! Через реку строят(строится) новый мост.

5. Когда я был в городе в прошломгоду, через реку строили (строился)новый мост.

6. Смотри! Через реку построилиновый мост.

7. Мост построили ( был построен)до моего приезда в город.

8. Мост построят (будет построен) кконцу года.

При переводе подлежащего английской пассивной конструкцииследует помнить, что:

1) оно, как правило, соответствует русскому дополнению.I was asked a lot of questions at the На экзамене мне задали многоexam. вопросов.Tom didn’t go to the party because Том не пошел на вечеринку, потомуhe hadn’t been invited. что его не пригласили.

НО:The house was built 5 years ago. Дом был построен 5 лет назад. (только в предложениях с русским страдательным залогом)

2) некоторым английским беспредложным конструкциямсоответствуют русские конструкции с предлогом. И наоборот.to answer a letter – ответить на письмоto follow somebody – следовать за к-лto listen to music – слушать музыку

A new discovery is usually followed За новым открытием обычно следуетby a lot of research of other scientists. большая исследовательская работа других ученых.

3) предлог, относящийся к подлежащему английской пассивнойконструкции, стоит после глагола-сказуемого.


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This book is much spoken about . Об этой книге много говорят.

Способы перевода пассивных оборотов:1) при помощи глагола быть + краткая форма страдательного причастия:

Дом был построен.2) глаголом на –ся: дом строится.3) глаголом в 3-м лице мн.числа с неопределенно-личным значением:

дом строят, дом строили.4) действительным залогом (при наличии действующего лица): Letters are answered by the secretary. На письма отвечает секретарь.


1. Translate the following pairs of sentences.1. Water covers five-sevenths of the Earth’s surface. Most of the Earth’s

surface is covered by water. 2. Tom has invited me to his wedding party. Are yougoing to the party? - No, I haven’t been invited. 3. They pay $ 100 a week. Themen were paid $ 100 to do the work. 4. Nobody told me to come at 7 o’clock. Iwasn’t told to come at 7 o’clock. 5. They offered him the job but he refused it. If Iwere offered the job, I would take it. 6. You will be given plenty of time to decide.We will give you two weeks to decide. 7. Has anybody shown you the newmachine? Have you been shown the new machine? 8. She is liked by everybody.Everybody likes her. 9. The man who was driving past informed the police of theaccident. The police were informed of the accident. 10. People often ask mequestions about my job. I am often asked questions about my job.

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.1. Many accidents … by dangerous driving. (cause). 2. A cinema is a place

where films … (show). 3. The Olympic Games … every four years (hold). 3.Nowadays plastics can … to almost every branch of building (apply). 5. As astructural material laminate … for exterior work (recommend). 6. Rapid-hardeningcement can … in any weather (employ). 7. All building materials … into threemajor groups (divide). 8. Bricks … many thousands of years ago (know). 9. Look!The bridge … (still/repair). 10. As a building material wood … since the earliestdays (use). 11. A new cinema … in the town centre next year (build).

3. Translate.1.Two hundred people are employed by the company. 2. New technology is

being applied to almost every industrial process. 3. The roof of the building wasdamaged in a storm a few days ago. 4. How is concrete made? 5. What is cementused for? 6. Prestressing is accomplished by one of two methods: pretensioning


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and posttensioning 7. Council (муниципальные) houses are built and owned bythe local council. 8. After World War II a lot of tower blocks were constructed. 9.By 1993 1.5 million council houses had been sold. 10. During the last hundredyears many new methods have been discovered. 11. The rooms in Pompeianhouses were lighted by small openings on internal courts. 12. Glass is unaffected(affect – влиять, воздействовать) by gases and most acids. 13. Concrete is madeby mixing cement and water with sand or gravel in right amounts. 14. Concrete isthen poured into forms. 15. Cement starts hardening one hour after the water hasbeen added. 16. The new material has been tested successfully and is now beingused for many purposes.

4. Write passive sentences, beginning in the way shown.1. They didn’t give me the money. I … . 2. They asked me some difficult

questions at the interview. I … . 3. Nobody told me that Jack was ill. I … . 4. Howmuch will they pay you? How much will you … . 5. People don’t use this roadvery often. This road … . 6. How do people learn languages? How … . 7. We tookthese photographs in London. These photographs … . 8. I think somebody isfollowing us. I think we … . 9. The police have arrested three people. Threepeople … .

5. Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.1. Ask about the telephone. (when/invent?) When … ? 2. Ask about glass.

(how/make?) How… ? 3. Ask about Australia. (when/discover?). 4. Ask aboutsilver. (what/ use for?) 5. Ask about television. (when/invent?) 6. Ask aboutconcrete (how/ make?) 7. Ask about the university. (when/ found?)

6. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

1. It’s a big factory. Five hundred people (employ) there. 2. I saw anaccident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure) so theambulance (not/ need). 3. Where (these photographs/ take)? In London? …(you/take) them? 4. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. 5. The letter(post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 6. The boat (sink) quickly butfortunately everybody (rescue). 7. Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young. Heand his sister (bring up) by their grandparents. 8. I was born in London but I(grow) up in the north of England. 9. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal)from my hotel room. 10. While I was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from myhotel room. 11. Why (Sue/resign from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it? 12.Why(Bill/ sack) from his job? What did he do wrong? 13. The company is notindependent. It (own) by a much larger company.

sink – тонуть bring up – воспитывать


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rescue – спасать resign – увольнятьсяsack – уволить

7. Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using ‘somebody/they/people’ etc. write a passive sentence.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day. The room … . 2. They cancelled allflights because of fog. All flights … .3. People don’t use this road very often. Thisroad … . 4. Somebody accused me of stealing money. I … . 5. How do peoplelearn languages? How … . 6. People advised us not to go out alone. We … . 7.Somebody has cleaned the room. The room … . 8. They have postponed theconcert . The concert … . 9. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. Thecomputer … . 10. I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. Ididn’t realize that … . 11. When we got to the stadium we found that they hadcancelled the game. When we got to the stadium, we found that … . 12. They arebuilding a new ring road round the city. A new … . 13. They have built a newhospital near the airport. A new … .

8. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.1. There’s somebody behind us. I think we (follow). 2. My car has

disappeared. It (steal)! 3. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody (take). 4. Anncan’t use her office at the moment. It (redecorate). 5. The photocopier broke downyesterday, but now it’s OK. It (repair). 6. The police have found the people theywere looking for. Two people ( arrest) last night. 7. A tree was lying across theroad. It (blow down) in the storm.

9. Complete the sentences using being + one of these verbs: ask, attack, give, invite, pay, keep. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Mr. Miller doesn’t like … waiting. 2. They went to the party without … .3. Most people like … presents. 4. It’s a dangerous city. People won’t go out afterdark because they are afraid of … . 5. I don’t like … stupid questions. 6. Fewpeople are prepared to work without … .


Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен)

В английском языке правило согласования времен соблюдается, когдасказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени(обычно в Past Simple). В этом случае сказуемое дополнительногопридаточного предложения тоже должно стоять в одной из формпрошедшего времени. Выбор формы определяется тем, является ли действие


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придаточного предложения 1) одновременным, 2) предшествующим или 3)последующим по отношению к действию главного предложения.

Действие Главноепредложение



1. Одновременное

He knewОн знал,

I thought

Я думал,

that I lived in Ufa.что я живу в Уфе.

they were waiting forme outside the university.то они ждут меня у входа в университет

Past Simple(переводитсянастоящимвременем)PastContinuous(переводитсянастоящимвременем)

2. Одновременное (с указанием продолжительности)

I didn’t know

Я не знал,

I was told

Мне сказали,

that they had beenwaiting for mefor an hour.

что они ждут меня уже час.

that they had known each other for a long time.

что они знают друг друга давно.

Past PerfectContinuous(переводитсянастоящимвременем)

Past Perfect(переводитсянастоящимвременем)

1. Предшествующее

2.Предшествующее(с указанием времени совершения действия)

I knewЯ знал,

I knew

Я знал,

that she had been ill.что она болела.

that she was ill last week.что она болела на прошлой неделе.

Past Perfect(переводитсяпрошедшимвременем)

Past Simple(переводитсяпрошедшимвременем)

Последующее I was sure

Я был уверен,

that she would arriveon Monday.

что она приедет в понедельник

Future in thePast(переводитсябудущимвременем)


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Reported SpeechПеревод прямой речи в косвенную

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную используются те же правиласогласования времен, если глагол-сказуемое в главном предложении стоит вPast Simple.

Таблица преобразования времен при переводе прямой речи в косвенную

Direct Speech Reported SpeechPresent Simple Past SimplePast Simple Past PerfectFuture Simple Future Simple in the Past Present Continuous Past ContinuousPast Continuous Past Perfect ContinuousFuture Continuous Future Continuous in the PastPresent Perfect Past PerfectPast Perfect Остается без измененийFuture Perfect Future Perfect in the PastPresent Perfect Continuous Past Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous Остается без измененийFuture Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

must, should, ought остаются без изменений

can could

Примечание: 1) В косвенной речи можно употреблять Present Simple дляобщеизвестных фактов – The teacher said that rice doesn’t grow in Britain. –Преподаватель сказал, что рис не растет в Великобритании.

2) В косвенной речи можно употреблять Past Simple длявыражения прошедшего действия, если указано время совершения действия –He said that he moved to London in 2001. – Он сказал, что переехал в Лондон в2001 году.

Замена местоимений и обстоятельственных слов при переводе прямой речи в косвенную

this that


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these thosenow thentoday that day

tomorrow the next daythe day after tomorrow two days later

yesterday the day beforethe day before yesterday two days before

ago beforenext year the next year, the following year

here there

Примечание: Следует иметь в виду, что такую замену нельзя производитьмеханически, а только в тех случаях, когда этого требуют обстоятельства.Например: Если прямая речь передается в том же месте, то here не меняетсяна there. Если прямая речь передается в тот же день, то yesterday и tomorrowостаются без изменений.

Reported questionsПеревод прямых вопросов в косвенные

1.Существуют два типа прямых вопросов:a) вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова: who, what, where,

why и т.д. (специальные вопросы);b) вопросы, начинающиеся с модального или вспомогательного

глагола (общие вопросы).2. Особенности косвенных вопросов:

a) косвенные вопросы имеют порядок слов утвердительного предложения;

б) при переводе прямых вопросов первого типа в косвенные вопросительные слова сохраняются;в) косвенные вопросы второго типа начинаются со слова “if” – ли;г) время глагола-сказуемого изменяется так же, как и при обращении прямой речи в косвенную.

Например:Прямой вопрос: Where do you live?Косвенный вопрос: He asked me where I lived.

Прямой вопрос: Can you speak English?Косвенный вопрос: He asked me if I could speak English.

Прямой вопрос: Do you have any children?Косвенный вопрос: He asked me if I had any children.


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Reported ordersПеревод повелительного предложения в косвенную речь

Изменения, происходящие в косвенной речи:1) Если прямая речь выражает приказание, в косвенной речи

используется глагол to tell,2) Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, используется глагол to

ask;3) Повелительное наклонение заменяется инфинитивом.

She said to me “Come at 5 o’clock.” – She told me to come at 5 o’clock .


1. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Here are some of the things Charlie said to you:

1. I’m living in London now.2. My father isn’t very well.3. Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.4. Margaret has had a baby.5. I don’t know what Fred is doing.6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine.7. I haven’t seen Diane recently.8. I’m not enjoying my job very much.9. You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.10. My car was stolen a few weeks ago.11. I want to go on holiday but I can’t afford it.12. I’ll tell Ann I saw you.

Later that day you tell another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech.Model: Charlie said that he was living in London now.

2. Somebody says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before.Write a suitable answer beginning I thought you said ... .

1. A: That restaurant is expensive. B: Is it? I thought you said it was cheap.


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2. A: Ann is coming to the party tonight. B: Is she? I thought you said she ...3. A: Ann likes Paul. B: Does she? I thought ...4. A: I know lots of people. B: Do you? I thought you said you ...5. A: I’ll be here next week. B: Will you?6. A: I’m going out this evening. B: Are you?7. A: I can speak a little French. B: Can you?8. A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages. B: Haven’t you?

3. Here are some things that Ann said to you:

1. I’ve never been to the United States.2. I can’t drive.3. Jane is a friend of mine.4. I’m working tomorrow evening.

5. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.6. I don’t like fish.7. Jane has a very well-paid job.8. Dave is lazy.

But later Ann says something different to you. What do you say?

Model: Dave works very hard. But you said he was lazy.

1. Let’s have fish for dinner.2. I’m going to buy a car.3. Jane is always short of money.4. My sister lives in London.

5. I think New York is a fantastic place.6. Let’s go out tomorrow evening.7. I’ve never spoken to Jane.

4. Complete the sentences with say or tell ( in the correct form). Use only one word each time.

Remember: to tell somebody (to do something). to say something (to somebody). to say that.

1. Ann ... goodbye to me and left.2. ... us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?


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3. Don’t just stand there! ... something!

4. I wonder where Sue is. She ... she would be here at 8 o’clock.5. Jack ... me that he was fed up with his job.6. The doctor ... that I should rest for at least a week.7. Don’t ... anybody what I ... . It’s a secret just between us.8. ‘Did she ... you what happened?’ ‘No, she didn’t ... anything to me .’9. George couldn’t help me. He ... me to ask Kate.10. George couldn’t help me. He ... to ask Kate.

5. The following sentences are direct speech:

1. Don’t wait for me if I’m late.2. Can you open your bag, please?3. Please slow down!4. Don’t worry, Sue.5. Will you marry me?6. Mind your own business.

7. Could you repeat what you said, please?8. Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?9. Hurry up!

Now choose one of these to complete each sentence below. Use reported speech.

Model: Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.

1. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked ... .2. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told ... .3. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I ... .4. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and ... .5. I had difficulty understanding him, so I ... .6. I didn’t want to delay Ann, so I ... .7. John was very much in love with Mary, so he ... .8. He started asking me personal questions, so ... .

6. Make a new sentence from the question in brackets.

1. (Where has Tom gone?) Do you know where Tom has gone ?2. (Where is the post office?) Could you tell me where ...3. (What’s the time?) I wonder ...4. (What does this word mean?) I want to know ...5. (What time did they leave?) Do you know ...6. (Is Sue going out tonight?) I don’t know ...


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7. (Where does Carol live?) Have you any idea ...

8. (Where did I park the car?) I can’t remember ...9. (Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell me ...10. (What do you want?) Tell me ...11. (Why didn’t Kay come to the party?) I don’t know ...12. (Do you have to pay to park here?) Do you know ...13. (Who is that woman?) I’ve no idea ...14. (Did Ann receive my letter?) Do you know ...15. (How far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me ...

7. You have been away for a while and have just come back to your home town. You meet Gerry, a friend of yours. He asks you a lot of questions:

1. How are you?2. Where have you been? 3. How long have you been back?4. What are you doing now? 5. Where are you living?

6. Why did you come back?7. Are you glad to be back?8. Do you have any plans to go away again? 9. Can you lend me some money?

Now you tell another friend what Gerry asked you. Use reported speech. Model: He asked me how I was.


The subjunctive mood (Сослагательное наклонение)

Сослагательное наклонение показывает, что говорящий рассматриваетдействие не как реальный факт, а как предполагаемое или желательное.(Сравните: пошли бы, сделал бы, чтобы пришли).

Способы выражения сослагательного наклонения в английском языке1. Инфинитив всех глаголов без частицы “to” для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа (Subjunctive I) .Используется: 1) После оборотов типа it is desirable (желательно), it is necessary (необходимо), it is important (важно) и т.д.

2) В придаточных предложениях после глаголов, выражающих приказание, требование, предложение. to order (приказывать), to suggest (предлагать), to demand (требовать).

Характерен для языка официальных документов.


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2. Сочетание should + инфинитив для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа. Используется в тех же конструкциях ( см. пункт 1)

Характерен для всех стилей языка.


1. It is (was) important that he be present when we sign the papers.

2. It is (was) essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.

3. It is (was) necessary that he take measures immediately.

It is (was) important that he should be present when we sign the papers.

It is (was) essential that every child should have the same educational opportunities.It is (was) necessary that he should take measures immediately.

3. Форма Past Simple всех глаголов для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа (Subjunctive II Present). Используется 1) в придаточных предложениях условия П типа, 2) в предложениях с I wish.

Примечание: 1) глагол to be имеет форму were для всех лиц ед. и мн. числа; 2) Глагол в Past Simple, а действие относится к настоящему или будущему, отсюда Present Subjunctive II.

4. Форма Past Perfect всех глаголов ( Subjunctive II Past). Используется: 1) в придаточных предложениях условия Ш типа, 2) в предложениях с I wish.

Примечание: Глагол в Past Perfect, действие относится к прошлому, отсюда Past Subjunctive II.


Subjunctive II (Present) Subjunctive II (Past)If the weather were fine … - Если бы погода была хорошей (сейчас) …

If I knew his telephone number … - Если бы я знал номер его телефона (сейчас) …

I wish he were with us. – Как было бы хорошо, если бы она была с нами

If the weather had been fine … - Если бы погода была хорошей (тогда, в то время) …

If I had known his telephone number … - Если бы я знал номер его телефона (тогда, в то время) …

I wish she had been with us last weekend. – Как было бы хорошо,


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(сейчас, в настоящий момент)

(Жаль, что её с нами нет).

если бы она была с нами в прошлые выходные.(Жаль, что её не было с нами в прошлые выходные).

5. Сослагательное наклонение в виде сочетаний:

Would + Simple Infinitive Would + Perfect InfinitiveИспользуется в главной части условных предложений II типа. Относится к настоящему или будущему времени.

Используется в главной части условных предложений III типа.Относится к прошедшему времени.


If I saw him tomorrow I would ask him about it. – Если бы я увидел его завтра, я бы спросил его об этом.

If I had seen him yesterday I would haveasked him about it. – Если бы я увидел его вчера, я бы спросил его об этом.

Conditionals Условные предложения

Придаточные предложения условия вводятся следующими союзами:1) if – если2) in case - в случае, если3) provided – при условии, если4) unless - если (не)

Существует 4 типа условных предложений:1. Zero Conditional (относится к законам природы, аксиомам науки) If + Present Simple, Present Simple (If + V(s), V(s) )

If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

2. First Conditional (реальное условие) a) If + Present Simple, will + Simple Infinitive (If + V(s), will + V)

I’ll phone you if I don’t forget. b) If + Present Simple, повелительное наклонение


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If you see Tom, tell him to phone me.

3. Second Conditional (маловероятное или нереальное условие, действие относится к настоящему или будущему)

If + Past Simple, would/could +V(If + V2 (ed), would/could +V)

If I had time, I would go to the cinema with you (now or this evening) (маловероятное условие)

If I were Prime minister I would reduce taxes (нереальное условие)

4. Third Conditional (нереальное условие, действие относится к прошлому, «поезд ушёл»).

If + Past Perfect, would / could+ Perfect Infinitive(If + had + V3(ed), would/ could + have + V3(ed))If you had studied harder you would have passed your exam.

Примечание: Иногда условие может относиться к прошлому, а следствие кнастоящему или будущему или наоборот. Тогда мы имеем «смешанный» тип условных предложений, образованный из элементов второго и третьего типов.

If you had worked harder last year you would know English well now. - Если бы вы занимались усерднее в прошлом году, вы бы теперь хорошо знали английский.


1. Put the verb into the correct form.1. He definitely won’t pass the exam if he (work) harder. 2. If I had more

time, I (help) you with your homework. 3.If they (play) a bit better, they couldhave won the match. 4. If I had gone to the party, I (see) Jane. 5. Water boils if you(heat) it to 1000 С. 6. If I (have) a chance to visit the United States, I would go toNew York. 7. If you (mix) blue and yellow you get green. 8. If I were PrimeMinister, I (reduce) taxes. 9. If I see Tom, I (ask) him to ring you. 10. If I (come) tothe party, will you give me a lift. 11. If I receive the letter tomorrow, I (phone)you. 12. If I (be) you, I shouldn’t do it. 13. If you had written a letter, they(receive) it by now. 14. I advised you to buy it, but you didn’t. If you (follow) myadvice, you (buy) it. 15. If they (take) a taxi, they wouldn’t have missed the train.16. If she (ask) me, I would help her. 17. If the weather (be) fine, they’ll go to thecountry. 18. We’ll go out if it (not/rain). 19. If he were rich, he (buy) a car. 20. If I(know) English well, I would take this job.


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2. Which of the sentences (a,b,c) has a similar meaning with the given sentence.1. I wish you could come.

a) I want to come to your place.b) It’s a pity you couldn’t come.c) It’s a pity you can’t come.

2. I wish I hadn’t gone to the party.a) I don’t want to go to the party.b) I went to the party and now I regret (сожалею).c) I didn’t go to the party and now I regret.

3. I wish I had gone to the party.a) I want to go to the party.b) I went to the party and now I regret.c) I didn’t go to the party and now I regret.

4. If he had gone to University be would have found a well-paid job.a) He didn’t go to University and be didn’t find a well-paid job.b) He went to University and then found a well-paid job.c) If you want to have a well-paid job, go to University.

5. He could concentrate if there wasn’t too much noise.a) There wasn’t too much noise and he could concentrate.b) There isn’t too much noise and he can concentrate.c) There is too much noise and he can’t concentrate.

6. If the weather had been fine we would have had a good time.a) The weather isn’t fine, so we don’t have a good time.b) The weather wasn’t fine, so we didn’t have a good time.c) The weather was fine and we had a good time.

3. Write sentences with “if”.1. The weather was bad and I didn’t enjoy my holidays. If the weather… . 2.

I don’t know her very well, so I can’t ask her for help. If I … . 3. He stole themoney and went to prison. If he … . 4. I don’t speak English fluently, so I can’tapply for the job. If I … .

4. Which of the Russian sentences (a,b,c) translates the idea of the English ones.1. I wish I were a film star.

a) Я хочу стать кинозвездой.b) Как было бы хорошо, если бы я был кинозвездой.c) Жаль, что я не был кинозвездой.

2. I wish I had told the police about that.a) Жаль, что я рассказала об этом полиции.


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b) Жаль, что я не рассказала об этом полиции.c) Я хотела бы рассказать об этом полиции.

3. I wish I could afford a car.a) Жаль, что я не могу позволить себе машину.b) Я хотела бы купить машину.c) Жаль, что я позволила себе купить машину.

4. I wish I hadn’t come too early.a) Я хотела бы прийти очень рано.b) Зря я пришла слишком рано.c) Зря я не пришла пораньше.

5. Write sentences with “I wish”.1. The lecture is very interesting but you have to go. – You say: I wish … .

2.You’ve taken up bungee jumping. Now you want to back out (отказаться). –You say: I wish … 3. You are at the party. You’re bored. – You say: I wish … . 4.You got up very early and now you feel sleepy. – You say: I wish … . 5. Youdidn’t like the film you saw at the cinema yesterday. – You say: I wish … . 6. It’sraining. You don’t have your umbrella with you . You say: I wish… .


Participles (Причастие)

В английском языке 2 вида причастия – Причастие I и Причастие II.Причастие I соответствует русскому действительному причастию.

falling leaves – падающие листья.

Причастие II соответствует русскому страдательному причастию.materials used. – использованные материалы

Формы причастий

Participle I (present) Participle II (past)

Active Passive

Simple using – использующий,


being used –использующийся, который используют, будучи используемым

used – используемый, использованный

Perfect havingused –использ

having been used –после того какиспользовали


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Функции причастий

Participle I Participle II1) служит для образования времен группы Continuous

1) Служит для образования времен группы Perfect;2) Служит для образования форм Passive.

2) определениеfalling rain – падающий дождь

3) определениеthe problems discussed – проблемы, которые обсуждались; обсуждаемые проблемыthe fallen leaves – упавшие листья

3) обстоятельствоHaving built the house they began to build a new theatre. – Построив дом (после того как построили дом), они начали строить новый театр.While having breakfast I look through newspapers. – Завтракая, я просматриваю газеты.

(If) Approached from the river the town looks beautiful. – Если подъезжать к городу со стороны реки, он выглядит очень красивым.When heated water changes into an invisible gas. – При нагревании вода превращается в невидимые пары.

Переводится:1) деепричастием2) придаточным предложением с союзами когда, после того как.

1) существительным с предлогом при2) придаточным предложением с союзами когда, после того как, если.

The Absolute Participle ConstructionНезависимый причастный оборот

Причастие (I и II) с самостоятельным подлежащим называетсянезависимым причастным оборотом. Он не соотносится (не зависит) отподлежащего всего предложения. Причастие в таких оборотах выражаетдействие стоящего перед ним существительного или местоимения исоответствует личной форме глагола.

Независимый причастный оборот может стоять в начале или в концепредложения и всегда отделяется запятой.


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Независимый причастный оборот вначале предложения

Независимый причастный оборот вконце предложения

Как правило, переводитсяпридаточными предложениямивремени, причины с союзами«когда», «после того как», «так как».

Переводится 1) самостоятельнымипредложениями без союза или ссоюзами «а», «и», «причем»2) определительным придаточнымпредложением.

Seas and rivers having been connectedby canals, water transport has greatlyimproved. – Когда моря и рекисоединили каналами водныйтранспорт значительно улучшился.

An architect designs a building, a civilengineer providing for its construction.– Архитектор проектирует здание, аинженер-строитель обеспечивает егосооружение.

The building designed, the workers started its construction. – После того как здание спроектировали, рабочие приступили к его строительству.

New York lies on a small island of Manhattan, its area being only 22 squaremiles. – Нью-Йорк лежит на небольшом острове Манхэттен, площадь которого составляет всего 22 кв.мили.


1. Give the form of Participle II of the following build, to grow, to think, to bring, to determine, to follow, to move, to

refuse, to obtain, to contain, to produce, to use, to include, to offer, to enter, to get,to happen, to carry, to teach, to tell, to make, to begin, to keep, to divide, to return,to develop, to save.

2. Translate.a) the student attending all the lectures b) using methods the plan containing many details constructing new machines the workers building a new house achieving good results the engineer using a new method dividing the apple into three parts the car developing the speed of 80 km discovering new lands the plant producing machinery using new equipment the growing population of the country refusing to give an explanation the student studying foreign languages receiving important information the young man entering the Institute constructing new roads the engineer carrying out the research moving at high speed the students having practical training leaving the town in various industrial enterprises graduating from the Institute


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c) having entered the Institute d) the achieved results having calculated the distance all developed countries having developed the speed of 120 km the apple divided into three parts having introduced new methods of work the information obtained recently having decided to leave the city the railway built between the towns having divided the apple into three parts the boy saved by his dog having installed a new equipment help offered by the teacher having obtained the necessary information the lecture given by a well-known having found the new way professor having changed his behaviour the research made in the laboratory having passed all the examinations the film shown to the students having returned home the letter sent to his parents having decided where to go the book left on the table having translated the article the news brought by him having developed new materials the land discovered by Columbus

3. Give the Russian for:1. He heard the voices coming through the open window. 2. While waiting

for him I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 3. They stayed at homerefusing to go anywhere that day. 4. The channel linking the two seas is being builtnow. 5. The explanation given was not complete. 6. The new materialsrecommended for bridge construction were described in the article written by ourprofessor. 7. The results received were of great importance for further work. 8.Being built in a new way modern houses have better facilities. 9. Having passed allthe examinations he left for his native town. 10 Having been shown the way Icould find his house easily. 11. Having waited for him for half an hour they wenthome. 12. Having obtained the necessary results they stopped their experimentalwork. 13. When studying elements Mendeleyev found that they could be dividedinto nine groups. 14. When writing a telegram we must use as few words aspossible. 15. When burnt, coal produces heat. 16. When reconstructed, the theatrelooked more beautiful than before.

4. Make one sentence from two using an –ing clause. Sometimes you need Not …ing.

Model 1: (одновременное действие) Linda was in London for two years. She worked as a tourist guide.Linda was in London for two years working as a tourist guide.

Model 2: (Одно действие предшествует другому) She finished her work. Then she went home.


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Having finished her work, she went home.

Model 3: (одно действие происходит во время другого, болеедлительного действия. Длительное действие стоит в конце.)

I was watching television. I fell asleep. I fell asleep watching television.

Model 4: (одно действие является причиной, другое следствием.Причина стоит в начале предложения).

I felt tired. So I went to bed early. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.

1. She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to stay in this country. 2. I didn’tknow her address. So I couldn’t contact her. 3. Sarah has traveled a lot. So sheknows a lot about other countries. 4. They had dinner then they continued theirjourney. 5. I was walking home in the rain. I got wet. 6. Sarah went out. She saidshe would be back in an hour. 7. He is unemployed. He hasn’t got much money. 8.You didn’t examine the soil. You can’t find its bearing power. 9. Margaret wasdriving to work yesterday. She had an accident. 10. I was writing a test. I made alot of mistakes.

5. Translate into Russian paying attention to different functions of Participles.1. Being situated on the river Thames, London is one of the greatest

commercial sea ports in the world. 2. Lying on almost one hundred islands, St.Petersburg was called “The Northern Venice” in the 18th century. 3. Standing in thecentre of modern London, the White Tower reminds (напоминать) English peopleof many historical events of the country. 4. The weather being stormy, the airplanedid not take off. 5. Having sent a letter to a friend, I do expect an answer. 6.Having written a test paper without mistakes a student expects a good mark. 7.Being a solvent of most substances, water is indispensable (необходимый) inchemistry and medicine. 8. Dividing Britain from the continent, the EnglishChannel forms the southern border of England. 9. Having crossed the Channel, thelegions of Julius Cesar landed in Britain. 10. Fortifying their settlements theRomans surrounded them with massive walls. 11. Being skilled road builders theRomans started laying roads across the country. 12. Having left for the continentJulius Cesar never returned to Britain. 13.Being nine centuries old, the Tower ofLondon has retained the solidity of its construction. 14.Having no skyscrapers andbig industries Washington looks like a provincial town.


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6. Translate the following paying attention to Participles. 1. Moscow and London have different climate, the average temperature beinghigher in London than in Moscow. 2. The American continent has a large areastretching from the North Pole to the 50th parallel. 3. The windows being shut andcurtained, no fresh air and light could pass freely into the room. 4. A chemist usesdifferent chemicals making experiments on the properties of materials. 5. Usingsteel as a building material the engineer should take into consideration its varyingproperties. 6. Steel being widely used in industry and construction, its productionis constantly increasing. 7. Lying deep under the ground, the Roman wall indicatesthe locality of the Roman military station. 8. Dissolving in each other two metalsform an alloy. 9. Natural substances having definite physico-chemical propertiesare called minerals. 10. The Behring Strait dividing Asia from America forms anatural border between Russia and the United States. 11. Water may not need togo through all of the treatments described in the previous paragraph. 12. Using thenew information, the citizens can take an active role in protecting drinking water.

7. Translate. Pay attention to Absolute Participle Constructions.1. Hydrogen is the smallest substance, atoms of other elements having a

more complex structure. 2. Water is a chemical compound of oxygen andhydrogen, the latter gas forming two thirds of its volume. 3. Water is the mostabundant of all chemical compounds, five seventh of the earth’s surface beingcovered with water. 4. Hydrogen is the lightest gas known, oxygen being slightlyheavier than air. 5. Salt water being heavier, some things will float in it, whichwould sink in fresh water. 6. When sea water freezes the salt separates from it, icebeing quite pure. 7. An engineer builds houses and cities, an architect planningtheir construction. 8. Asbestos doesn’t conduct heat, a metal being a good heatconductor. 9. Aluminium is a light metal, copper being much heavier. 10. Metalsare seldom used in their pure form, alloys having better properties for industrialpurposes. 11. Water is never absolutely pure in nature, the amount of impuritiesdepending upon the locality. 12.Chemical industry produces large quantities ofsynthetic materials, plastics being largely used in everyday life. 13. Polymerslosing their properties from atmospheric changes, their manufacture requiresspecial care. 14. A settlement existed in the locality of Moscow as early as the10th century, excavations having shown its economic activity and tradeconnections. 15. London is divided by the river Thames into two parts, the EastEnd being inhabited by the working people of the city.


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The Infinitive (Инфинитив)

Инфинитив – неличная форма глагола, которая называет действие.Инфинитив соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме глагола,которая отвечает на вопросы – Что делать? Что сделать?

to build – строить, to found – основывать

Формы инфинитива

Active PassiveSimple to build to be builtContinuous to be building ــ

Perfect to have built to have been builtPerfect Continuous to have been building ــ

Функции инфинитива

1. Подлежащее с последующим сказуемым.To master this speciality is not an easy thing. Овладеть этой специальностью

– нелегкое дело.2. Часть именного сказуемого после глагола to be. Our aim is to construct buildings both Наша цель – строить здания, какbeautiful, convenient and durable. красивые и удобные так и прочные.

3. Часть составного глагольного сказуемого после модальных глаголов иглаголов to start, to begin:

He got frightened and started to run. – Он испугался и побежал.

4. Дополнение после сказуемого.We want to learn more about this project. Мы хотим подробнее узнать об этом проекте.

5.Обстоятельство цели – до или после «костяка» (подлежащее +сказуемое).To know English well you have to Для того чтобы знать английскийwork hard. язык хорошо , вы должны усердно работать.


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6. Определение - после существительного.The problem to be discussed is connected Проблема, которую надо обсу-with the housing construction. дить ( будет обсуждаться), свя- зана с жилищным строитель- ством.

Переводится определительным придаточным предложением,сказуемое которого выражает долженствование, возможность илибудущее действие.

Complex objectСложное дополнение

Оборот «дополнение + инфинитив»

Сложное дополнение представляет собой следующие конструкции:

1. Существительное + инфинитив – I expect the delegation to arrive onMonday.

2. Местоимение в объектном падеже (me, him, her, it, us, you, them) +инфинитив. – I expect him to come at 5 o’clock.

Сложное дополнение переводится придаточным дополнительным

предложением, где существительное или местоимение является подлежащим,а инфинитив – сказуемым.

1. Мы полагаем, что делегация прибудет в понедельник.2. Я полагаю, что он придет в 5 часов.

Complex SubjectСубъектный инфинитивный оборотОборот «подлежащее + инфинитив»

Формула: подлежащее + глагол-характеристика + инфинитив.Подлежащее (субъект) совершает действие, выраженное инфинитивом(отсюда субъектный инфинитивный оборот), а формальное сказуемоехарактеризует отношение к данному действию, отсюда «глагол-характеристика».Iron is considered to be one of the Считают , что железо является most useful metals. одним из самых полезных металлов.

Сравните: It is considered that iron is one of the most useful metals.


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Перевод предложения начинается, как правило, с глагола-характеристики,инфинитив переводится личной формой глагола.

Глаголы-характеристики:1. Употребляются в предложении в страдательном залоге.to say – говорить to think to know – знать to believe полагать, считатьto consider – считать, рассматривать to findto state – заявлять to supposeto report – сообщать to assume предполагать to expect – ожидать, полагать

The delegation is expected to come Ожидают, что делегация прибудетon Monday. в понедельник.

2. Употребляется в предложении в действительном залоге:to seem to prove - оказыватьсяto appear казаться to happen – оказываться, случаться to turn out – оказываться

The experiment proved to be a success. Опыт оказался удачным.

To appear часто переводится « по-видимому».

The façade was decorated by blue Фасад был облицован голубымиpanels which appear to be of some панелями, которые, по-видимому,ceramic material. изготовлены из какого-нибудь керамического материала.

3.Глагол to be в личной форме + прилагательные:likely – вероятныйunlikely – маловероятныйcertain, sure – несомненный

Under these conditions the output of the При этих условиях производи-plant is likely to increase. тельность завода, вероятно, увеличится.


1. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the functions of the infinitive.


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1. The first step to take is to improve the quality of building materials. 2.The Egyptians seem to be the first to apply geometry for practical purposes. 3.You may want to contact the supplier for additional information. 4.The sides of theEgyptian pyramids were to face north, south, east and west. 5. Tsiolkovsky hadlittle money to spend on his research. 6. It is the lecture not to be missed. 7.Archimedes is said to have been killed by a Roman soldier who did not know theold man to be a scholar. 8. To obtain paper of high quality the pulp should becarefully washed. 9. After washing the pulp is spread on a wire net to be dried. 10.To be applied for paper-making the water must be specially conditioned. 11. Westudy the elements to be able to make use of their properties. 12. Science hasshown the electron to be a peculiar combination of mass and electrical charge.13.A planetarium is the best place to watch the sky. 14. The model to be testedwas submitted to a special commission. 15. Engineers study mathematics to beable to make complicated computations and to acquire practical skill in makingdrafts. 16.The machine to be assembled will be more effective than that of a recentdesign.

2. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the functions of the infinitive.1. Prefabricated rooms and flats can be assembled into houses. 2. The

programming control system is to fulfil this task. 3. It is necessary to take thefollowing measures to solve the housing problem in Britain. 4. The chief functionof the building is to provide a suitable meeting hall. 5. It is not easy in Britain tofind a house. 6. To find a house becomes still more difficult. 7. The problem to bediscussed is connected with the housing construction. 8. People made many effortsto find a new source of energy. 9. The operator’s place is to be as close to the jobas possible. 10. They will need much concrete to be used for soil stabilization. 11.The aggregates are graded in size from fine to coarse in order to reduce the amountof voids to be filled by cement. 12. Since recent years timber beams no longerserve to carry the load of a structure. 13. EPA sets these standards to protect thehealth of everybody.

3. Define sentences with complex object and complex subject. Translate.1. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. 2. If considered

from this point of view, the problem seems to be rather complicated. 3. Concrete issaid to be the most suitable material for modern construction. 4. We expected greatchanges to take place. 5. This type of mixer is said to have some advantages. 6.Coal is considered to be valuable fuel. 7. We know many articles to have beenwritten on the subject. 8. He is supposed to work at this plant. 9. Concrete isconsidered to expand when heated. 10. We want him to say a few words on thematter. 11. The sand was found to be too fine to make concrete. 12. This scientistseems to have been working on that problem for 2 years. 13. Copper is likely to be


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one of the first metals to be used by man. 14. We know computers to be widelyused in everyday life and in industry.

4. Translate the following sentences with Complex Subject.1. Until recent years reinforced concrete was considered to suit only to

heavy and massive structures. 2. The beam seemed to be fixed. 3. They are sure toknow how the high-rise apartment house (высотный жилой дом) has beenconstructed in such a short period of time. 4. Metals are known to be divided intoferrous and non-ferrous metals. 5. This method is supposed to come into wide usein construction industry. 6. Plain concrete is known to have been used from veryearly days. 7. All metals are known to be good conductors of electricity. 8. In ruralareas, people are more likely to drink ground water. 9. The word “geometry” isknown to derive from two Greek words: “geo”(earth) and “metron” (measure). 10.The Nile river was often found to overflow its banks and carry away all thelandmarks. 11. The civilization of ancient Egypt is said to be more advanced thanthat of ancient China. 12. Astronomy, philosophy and mathematics are supposed tohave been known in Egypt as early as 5000 B.C.

5. Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word in your sentences.1. It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike … . 2. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather … . 3. It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. The thieves …4. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods. Many people … .5. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. The prisoner … .6. It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour. The man is … . 7. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by fire. The building … .8. It is said that the company is losing a lot of money . The company … . 9. It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year. The company … .10. It is expected that the company will lose money this year. The company … .11. It is said that Cathy works 16 hours a day. Cathy … . 12. It is believed that the missing boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans.

The missing boy … . 13. It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion. Two people … .

6. Translate the following. Pay attention to the structure for + noun/ pronoun +infinitive which expresses possibility, importance, necessity, or value of futureevents.

Model: It’s impossible for the reaction to take place in the absence of air. –


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Невозможно, чтобы реакция произошла без доступа воздуха.

1. It’s impossible for the job to be finished in time. 2. It’s important for themeeting to start at eight. 3. It seems unnecessary for him to start work this week. 4.I consider it essential for the school to be properly heated. 5. It’s not good for theoil tank to be so close to the house. 6. Our aim is for the students to learn Englishas quickly as possible. 7. It’s time for everybody to go to bed. 8. It’s interesting forme to read books on architecture. 9. It’s important for the water to be properlytreated before being delivered to the community. 10. It was a big mistake for themnot to filter the water before using.


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Gerund (Герундий)(Ving)

Герундий – неличная форма глагола, которая по своим свойствам ближе ксуществительному, чем к глаголу. Герундий может быть в предложении подлежащим,дополнением, может иметь при себе предлог, притяжательное местоимение, илисуществительное в притяжательном падеже.

Формы Герундия

Simple PerfectActive building having built

Passive being built having been built

выражает в предложении действие одновременное с действием, выраженным сказуемым

выражает действие, котороепредшествовало действию,выраженному сказуемым

Например: Building the first atomic power station required the application of new methods and materials. – Строительство первой атомной электростанции потребовало применения новых метод и материалов.

I don’t remember having read it inthe paper. –Я не помню, чтобы я читал этораньше в газете.

Герундий переводится на русский язык:1)существительным – Reading books gives me pleasure. – Чтение книг

доставляет мне удовольствие.2)инфинитивом – I like reading books. – Я люблю читать книги.

3)деепричастием – I can’t translate this text without using a dictionary. – Я не могуперевести этот текст, не пользуясь словарем. 4)личной формой глагола в составе придаточного предложения. – We know ofmany new cities having been built in various parts of our country. – Мы знаем, что вразличных регионах нашей страны было построено много новых городов.

Запомните следующие глаголы, за которыми следует герундий, а не инфинитив.stop (give up) – прекращать, отказаться, бросить (что-то делать)postpone (put off) – откладыватьfinish – закончитьdeny – отрицатьimagine – представить себеadmit – допускатьcarry on (go on) – продолжатьkeep (keep on) – продолжать (делать что-то многократно, постоянно)suggest – предлагать


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consider – рассматривать, учитыватьmind – возражатьenjoy – наслаждаться, получать удовольствиеavoid – избегатьlove – любитьlike – нравиться, любить

Примечание: глаголы start, begin употребляются как с последующим герундием,так и с инфинитивом.

It started raining.It started to rain.

Герундиальный оборот представляет собой следующие конструкции:1)притяжательное местоимение + герундий;2)существительное в притяжательном (общем) падеже + герундий.

Герундиальный оборот переводится дополнительным придаточнымпредложением, которое вводится словами: о том, чтобы; на том, чтобы; то, что;тем, что; и т.п.

Some specialists insist on these methods Некоторые специалисты being introduced . настаивают на том, чтобы эти методы были внедрены.

I didn’t know of his doing an English Я не знал, что он занимается на course. курсах английского языка.


1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerund.1. At the end of the 60s it became evident that the problem could be solved only by

purifying utilized water. 2. After primary treatment polluted water may be used for drinking. 3.Permission to start producing cardboard was received only when the state commission acceptedthe pollution-control system as operable. 4. Measuring air pressure is the function of thebarometer. 5. We cannot determine the temperature without measuring. 6. The material wasdestroyed by having been exposed to atmospheric changes. 7. He was appointed head engineerof the power station for having much practical knowledge in civil engineering. 8. After heatingthe mixture the chemist obtained a substance with new properties. 9. An alloy is capable of beingheated to a very high temperature. 10. It is impossible to put up modern structures without usingconcrete. 11. The basic materials for making concrete are cement, aggregate and water. 12. Alltypes of cement shrink (давать усадку) during setting. 13. Concrete is made by mixing cement,water, sand and gravel in the right amount. 14. Cement starts hardening one hour after the waterhas been added and the process of hardening lasts for about twenty-eight days.

2. Translate the following paying attention to different functions of the Gerund.1. Smoking is not allowed here. 2. The car needs repairing. 3. After receiving good

results they stopped experiments. 4. Reading English technical magazines is important for anengineer. 5. He remembers having added some water to the mixture. 6. They finished installingthe apparatus only on Saturday. 7. They began making the experiment in May. 8. After failing


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the examination in January he had to take it again in February. 9. After graduating from theInstitute he worked in the Far North. 10. At the meeting they discussed different ways ofimproving their work. 11. There are different ways of obtaining the substance. 12.He improvedhis report by changing the end. 13. Instead of restoring the old theatre they decided to build anew one in the centre of the town. 14. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up. 15.It is possible to set up power stations based on utilizing the heat of the sun. 16.Before being sentup the balloon was filled with a special gas. 17. Speaking foreign languages is important forevery educated man.

3. Translate the following paying attention to –ing forms.1. What ways of learning words do you find most effective. 2. He had no chance of

changing the situation. 3. There are a lot of ways of doing it. 4. She has no experience in lookingafter patients. 5. He made a decision after considering the problem very carefully. 6.He did a lotof good by being frank (откровенно) with me. 7. Studying abroad gives you a unique chance tolearn about the culture of another country. 8.What are your reasons for taking up English? 9. Dothey have much experience in dealing with languages? 10.What arrangements do you makebefore starting on holiday. 11. The monument needs restoring. 12.The monument of whatcentury are you restoring? 13. The monument of what century is being restored? 14. In languagelearning the emphasis is on speaking but listening, reading and writing is also practised. 15.Thepolice were informed of the criminals having appeared in the city. 16.The committee studied theproblem of improving the bus service in the town without increasing the number of busesoperating on the routes. 17. Heating the substance to high temperatures may change itsproperties.

4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the structures with the Gerund.1. Primitive man had no idea of the Earth’s being round. 2. We know from astronomy of

Mars’ having two moons. 3. Before the Revolution few people knew of Tsiolkovski’s working atthe problem of space flights. 4. We read about many Oxford graduates remaining unemployedfor months. 5. The teacher believes in my being able to improve my English. 6. Everybody wassurprised at his having taken part in the competition. 7. The article informs of the new materialhaving great advantages over the old ones. 8. The Roman writer Pliny tells us of the Syrianmerchants’ having discovered the art of glass making. 9. We were informed by the radio of anew spaceship having been launched into orbit. 10. We know of many new cities’ having beenbuilt in the remotest corners of our country. 11.The organizers of the conference were informedof his refusing to take part in it. 12. I remember his having been interested in languages in hischildhood. 13. I know of his having been sent to work to the Far East. 14. What is the reason forhis having left our city so suddenly? 15. We heard of the experiment having been started lastweek. 16. They objected to his staying at home.

5. Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentences. Begin in the wayshown. Use –ing.

1. I can do what I want and you can’t stop me. You can’t stop … ? 2. It’s not a good idea totravel during the rush hour. It’s better to avoid … ? 3. Shall we go away tomorrow instead oftoday? Shall we postpone … ? 4. The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have alicense. The driver of the car admitted … ? 5. Could you turn the radio down, please? Would youmind … ? 6. Please don’t interrupt me all the time. Would you mind … ?


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6. Translate the following, paying attention to the active and passive gerund.1. I like giving presents. I like being given presents. 2. I don’t like waiting. I don’t like

being kept waiting. 3. I like giving parties and inviting my friends. I like being invited to parties.4. He insisted on my inviting her to the party. He insisted on my being invited to her party. 5. Henoticed our overtaking (overtake – обогнать) the front car. He noticed our being over taken bythe following car. 6. I don’t like asking personal questions. I don’t like being asked personalquestions. 7. I don’t like interrupting people. I don’t like being interrupted. 8. I insisted on thedoctor’s examining my son. I insisted on his being examined by the doctor.

7. Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to … . a. Mind the difference between try to do (пытаться, стараться, прилагая силу и усилие)and try doing (попробовать что-то сделать в поиске способа). 1) I was very tired. I tried (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t.

2) I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried (knock) on the door, but therewas still no answer.3) We tried (put) the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.4) Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried (ask) Gerry but he was short of moneytoo.5) I tried (reach) the shelf but I wasn’t tall enough.6) Please, leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate).

b. Mind the difference between need to do (нужно что-то сделать – с активнымзначением) and need doing (нужно сделать что-то – с пассивным значением). Model:

You don’t need to clean the room. – Тебе не нужно делать уборку в комнате. The room doesn’t need cleaning. – Комната не требует уборки.

1) I need a change. I need (go) away for a while. 2) She isn’t able to look after herself. She needs (look) after. 3) The windows are dirty. They need (clean). 4) Why are you leaving now. You don’t need (go) yet, do you? 5) You don’t need (iron) that shirt. It doesn’t need (iron).

с. Mind the difference between help to do (help do) and can’t / couldn’t help doing (немогу / не мог не сделать что-то; не могу/ не мог удержаться от) 1) They were talking very loudly. I couldn’t help (overhear) them. 2) Can you help me (get) the dinner ready? 3) He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile). 4) The fine weather helped (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

5) London has some of the finest architecture in the world. I can’t help admiring thosebeautiful buildings.


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1. UNIT 1 Passive ……….…………………………………………………. 12. UNIT 2 Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech.…………………………. 53. UNIT 3 Subjunctive Mood. Conditionals..………………………………. 124. UNIT 4 Participles. Absolute Participle Construction…...………………. 175. UNIT 5 Infinitive. Complex Object. Complex Subject.…………………. 236. UNIT 6 Gerund…..………………………………………………………. 28


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