Page 1: Учебник 2008 финал #cor · Спряжение глагола to be (частица to является



Языковой курс

Английский для бизнесменов


Москва 2010

Page 2: Учебник 2008 финал #cor · Спряжение глагола to be (частица to является

Английский для бизнесменов


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В18 Варенина Л.П., Бочарова И.В., Шульгина Н.В. Английский для бизнесменов. How to succeed in business: Учебное пособие. –

М.: Маркет ДС, 2010. – 136 с. ISBN 978�5�94416�091�1 Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов эконо�

мических специальностей, а также для всех, кому необходим деловой английский в сфере бизнеса, менеджмента и управления персоналом.

© Варенина Л.П., 2010 © Бочарова И.В., 2010 © Шульгина Н.В., 2010 © Московская финансово�промышленная академия, 2010

ISBN 978�5�94416�091�1 © ООО «Маркет ДС Корпорейшн», 2010

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ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ ................................................................................................................................ 4

Lesson 1. INTRODUCING ONESELF....................................................................................... 5 To be; Personal and Possessive Pronouns;Interrogative Pronouns; Word Order; Demonstrative Pronouns; Single and Plural Number of Nouns.

Lesson 2. COMPANY STRUCTURE .......................................................................................15 To have; There is/are; Some/Any and their derivatives; Present Simple; The Article.

Lesson 3. GOING THROUGH THE CUSTOMS.................................................................24 Imperative Mood; Objective Case of the Pronouns; Absolute Forms of the Possessive Pronouns; Present Continuos; Possessive Case; Impersonal Sentences.

Lesson 4. TRAVELLING ................................................................................................................34 Past Simple; The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.

Lesson 5. COMPETITION .............................................................................................................42 The Present Perfect Tense; one as Indefinite Personal Pronoun; one as Substitute Word.

Lesson 6. LOOKING FOR A JOB ..............................................................................................49 The Future Simple Tense; Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition; Word Order.

Lesson 7. THE FIRST DAY AT WORK ..................................................................................59 The Past Continuous Tense; Modal Verbs (can, may, must).

Lesson 8. MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................69 The Past Perfect Tense.

Lesson 9. MARKETING..................................................................................................................77 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Lesson 10. NEGOTIATIONS ........................................................................................................86 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense; Sequence of Tenses.

Lesson 11. CONTRACTS ...............................................................................................................96 The Passive Voice of Simple Tenses; Modal verbs: to be; shall.

Lesson 12. MEETINGS ................................................................................................................. 106 The Passive Voice of Perfect Tenses; Modal verb should.

Lesson 13. SOCIALISING .......................................................................................................... 116 The Passive Voice of Continuous Tenses.

VOCABULARY (общий) ........................................................................................................... 124

GRAMMAR REFERENCE ......................................................................................................... 132

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Английский для бизнесменов


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов экономиче�

ских специальностей, а также для всех, кому необходим деловой английский в сфере бизнеса, менеджмента и управления персоналом.

Целью данного пособия является отработка навыков чтения, общения, письма и аудирования. Учебник построен на фабуле, имеющей интригу и свя�зывающей все уроки воедино. Текстовый материал охватывает широкий спектр бизнес�тематики, позволяющий студентам овладеть основными поня�тиями делового подъязыка, а также знакомит с бытовыми ситуациями обще�ния. Пособие состоит из 13 уроков. В каждом из них содержится несколько подразделов (units), целью которых является отработка определенных языко�вых навыков. Уроки включают упражнения на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала, вопросы для дискуссии, а также темы для сочи�нений, устных докладов и ролевые игры. Для удобства пользователей в конце урока дается словарь по данной теме. Несмотря на то, что пособие предназна�чено для условно начинающих, интенсивность подачи грамматического и лек�сического материала позволяет вывести студентов на следующий этап про�фессионально ориентированной подготовки.

Успехов Вам в изучении курса!

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Grammar: Personal and Possessive Pronouns; To Be; Word Order; Demonstrative Pronouns; Single and Plural Number of Nouns; Interrogative Pronouns

Unit 1

Personal and Possessive Pronouns (Личные и притяжательные местоимения)

Personal Possessive I (я) my – мой, моя, моё

you (Вы) your – ваше he (он) his – его

she (она) her – её it (оно, это) its – его, её (неодуш.)

we (мы) our – наше they (они) their – их

Спряжение глагола to be (частица to является показателем инфинитива,

т.е. неопределенной формы глагола)

I am we are you are you are

he is they are she is it is

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. I am a student. She is a doctor. You are a student too. We are friends. They

are from Moscow. She is your sister. They are relatives. He is a teacher. I am your friend. We

are Russians. They are Americans. My friend is a doctor. I am Japanese and my wife is Chinese.

В английском повествовательном предложении фиксированный поря�док слов: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство.

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Английский для бизнесменов


Например: They are in Moscow now.

1 2 3 4

Подлежащее сказуемое обстоятельство обстоятельство места времени

They are in Moscow now

В вопросительном предложении на первое место выносится глагол to be.

Например: Are they in Moscow now? Is he a student?

Отрицание образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, кото�рая ставится после глагола to be.

Например: They are not (aren’t) in Moscow now. He is not (isn’t) a student. Exercise 2. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the word order. Is it your office? – No, it is not. It is not my office. Are you a lawyer? – Yes, I am. Is Linda an accountant? – No, she is not. She isn’t an accountant, she is a

financial director. Is Peter a marketer? – Yes, he is. Are they from England? – Yes, they are. They are Englishmen. Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb “to be”. 1. Ann … our Chief Accountant. 2. I … a Managing Director . 3. Nick … their Advertizing Manager. 4. They … Marketing Managers. 5. Every fourth Australian ... an immigrant or an immigrant’s child. 6. Dick and Peter … teenagers. 7. Peter and Johan … from Germany.

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8. It … their order for telephone equipment. 9. … they from Austria? 10. Their offices … in the centre of the city. 11. We … in the conference room now. 12. Her English ... really very good.

Exercise 4. Make up negative sentences. 1. The children are at home now. 2. This furniture is (old) modern. 3. I am your new teacher. 4. Our school is big. 5. These armchairs are comfortable. 6. My father is a programmer. 7. You are very polite. 8. The fountain is in front of the cinema. 9. My parents are busy now. 10. It is Sunday today. 11. I am hungry. 12. The story is interesting.


Exercise 5. 1) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb “to be”. 2) Dramatize the dialogue. V: Good morning, Mr. Baker. B: Good morning, Mr. Vladimirov. V: I … sorry, we … late. B: That … all right, Mr. Vladimirov. V: How … you? I … glad we … here. B: I … fine, thank you, and you? … you tired after your trip? V: Oh, no. I … fine too, thank you. B: How … your wife? V: She … very well, thank you. B: Glad to hear it. How … your children? V: Oh, they … very well, indeed. B: … your son still a student? V: No, he … not. B: What … he?

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V: He … an economist now. B: Oh, that … a good job. Look here, Mr. Vladimirov. Where … your people? V: Our men … in the conference room. B: Well, let’s go there. Exercise 6. 1) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb “to be”. 2) Retell the text. Mr. Brown … a businessman. He … in his office. Their company … big.

Though many employees and workers … from different countries they … very friendly. Their goods ... of high quality and they … very popular on the world market.

Here … a short conversation between two newcomers: —Where … you from? — I … from Cuba. — … your partner from Cuba too? — No, he … from Nigeria. — I see.

Unit 2

Demonstrative Pronouns (Указательные местоимения)

Единственное число Множественное число this – это, этот, эта these — эти

that � то, тот, та those — те

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. This is a businessman. That is his office. Those are faxes and telexes on his

desk. These are employees. This is a secretary. These are ladies. Those are

gentlemen. Are those your letters? Is this your new office? Is that her car?

Множественное число существительных образуется путем прибавле�

ния окончания �s: Если слово оканчивается на �ss; �tch; �ch; �sh; �o; �x, то прибавляется �es.

Например: bag – bags

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box – boxes pen – pens brush –brushes office – offices bus – buses ship –ships glass – glasses play – plays potato – potatoes

Исключения: photo – photos piano – pianos video – videos

Если имена существительные оканчиваются на букву �y с предшест�вующей согласной, то во множественном числе �y заменяется на �i.

Например: city – cities lady – ladies Если имена существительные оканчиваются на �f или �fe , то во множе�

ственном числе ?f меняется на ?v. Например: shelf – shelves wife – wives

Ряд существительных образует множественное число не по правилам. Их необходимо запомнить:

a man – men a woman – women a foot – feet a tooth – teeth a mouse – mice a child – children an ox – oxen

Запомните: an Englishman – Englishmen a German – Germans Exercise 2. Make plural number according to the pattern.

Pattern: This is a car – These are cars.

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1. That man is my brother. 2. Is this a dollar? 3. This is our manager. 4. Is he a student? 5. It is a lady. 6. It is a mouse. 7. This is an Englishman. 8. Is that a German? 9. Is this your child? 10. It is her baby. 11. It is a nice city. 12. That is his wife. 13. It is a beautiful woman. 14. Is this a new office? 15. Is that your box?

Working on the text


Read the texts and listen to the recording. Translate the texts.


Hello! My name is Diana. I am 23 years old. I am English. I am from London. I am an undergraduate of Cambridge University. I am single. I am not married. My family is not very large. We are three: my mother, my father and I. My mother is a doctor. My father is a businessman. My parents are nice and kind people. They are on holiday now in their new yacht on the sea.


This is my friend Paolo. He is 29. He is from Italy.

He is Italian. He is dark�haired. His eyes are grey. He is very handsome. He is

married. He has two children: a boy and a girl. His son is 5 years old and his daughter is 2. Paolo is a financial director of a big company. He is here on business.


Exercise 3. 1) Retell the texts: The first text – from the 3d person; The second text – from the 1st person. 2) Say a few words about yourself and your family. 3) Say a few words about your friend.

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Неисчисляемые существительные, такие как water, snow, hair, money, news, mail, equipment и др., согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе: No news is good news.

Unit 3

Interrogative Pronouns (Вопросительные местоимения)

Who – кто Who is she? – She is Diana Stetson. What – что What are you? – I am a student. Where – где Where are you? – I am at home. When – когда When is your last exam? – Tomorrow. Why – почему (зачем) Why are you at home? – Because I am ill. Whose – чьё (чей, чья, чьи) Whose books are these? – These are my books. How – как How are you? – I am fine. Thank you. How old – сколько лет How old are you? – I am twenty�three.

(как стар) How many – сколько How many books are here?

(исчисляемые) How much – сколько How much is it in dollars? – It’s $50.



Exercise 1. Ask each other questions using all interrogative pronouns. Write down answers

using 3d person.

Working on the text Read and translate the text.

Diana Stepleton is a young English girl. She is 23 years old. She is tall and

slender. Her hair is blond and her eyes are blue. Her lips are full and rosy. Her teeth are white and even. Her smile is charming. Diana is a born lady. Her father is a lord, but he is a successful businessman too. Diana is not married. She is single and she is very rich. She is an only child in the family, has no brothers or sisters. She is the only heir of her father’s millions. But Diana is not only rich, she is a clever girl too. She is graduating from Cambridge University with honours.*

*Она заканчивает Кембриджский университет с отличием.

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Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. What is Diana? 2. What is her father? 3. How old is Diana? 4. What colour is her hair? 5. What colour are her eyes? 6. What colour are her lips? 7. Is she tall or short? 8. Is she fat? 9. Is Diana rich or poor? 10. Is she a good student? Exercise 3. 1) Retell the text. 2) Say a few words about yourself. 3) Describe your friend (write a composition).


Exercise 4. Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with missing information. My name is Henri Robinson. I am ________. I am American and I am proud

of it. I am the head of____ _______. I am the chairman of the_____ _____. I am married to a beautiful lady and I have two children_____ _____. My son is 30 years old. He is the ___ _______ ______ in my company. He is single. He is a workaholic. My daughter is_____. She is married and she has a_____ ______. So I have a _______who is very, very lovely. I am very happy.

Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English. Моего друга зовут Петя. Ему 18 лет. Он студент Оксфордского универ�

ситета. У него темные волосы и голубые глаза. Он русский. Он из Тамбова. Мой

друг не женат. Его семья большая: мама, папа, сестра, брат и он. Его брат биз�несмен. Сейчас он в Москве в командировке. Его сестре 15 лет. Она школьни�ца. Она высокая и стройная. У нее зеленые глаза, темные волосы, полные губы и обаятельная улыбка. Кто твой друг? – Мой друг – Олег. Чем он занимается? – Он студент. Какого цвета у него волосы? – Он блондин.

М�р Браун – глава транснациональной корпорации. Он – председатель совета директоров.

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accountant – бухгалтер marketer – маркетолог managing director – генеральный директор order – заказ equipment – оборудование teenager – подросток every – каждый fourth – четвертый room – комната, место now – сейчас good – хороший goods – товары late – поздний glad – радостный here – здесь, сюда there – там, туда trip – поездка tired – уставший fine – прекрасный child – ребенок job – работа people – люди employee – служащий worker – рабочий different – разный country – страна friend – друг ) friendly – дружественно, дружелюбный high – высокий quality – качество world – мир market – рынок short – короткий conversation – беседа between – между newcomer – новичок partner – партнер handsome – интересный (о внешн.) big – большой business – дело

undergraduate – студент старшего курса single – неженатый married – женатый family – семья large – большой very – очень year – год old – старый boy – мальчик girl – девочка dark – темный hair – волосы eyes – глаза grey – серый young – молодой tall – высокий slender – стройный white – белый even – ровный too – тоже rich – богатый daughter – дочь son – сын heir – наследник clever – умный proud – гордый head – глава (голова) multinational – транснациональная chairman – председатель board – совет beautiful – прекрасный workaholic – трудоголик lovely – красивый happy – счастливый with honours – с отличием successful – успешный tomorrow – завтра

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How are you? – Как дела? (брит.); Привет! (амер.) to be on business – быть в командировке I am sorry – сожалею; извините I am late – я опоздал (I am) Glad to hear that – рад это слышать How old are you? – Сколько Вам лет?

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Grammar: To Have; There is/are; Some/Any/No and their Derivatives; Present Simple; The Article

Unit 1

Спряжение глагола to have (have got) – иметь

To have To have got

I have You have She has He has It has

We have They have

I have got You have got She has got He has got It has got

We have got They have got

Глагол to have и выражение have got являются синонимами.

Сравните: I have got a headache. = I have a headache. I have got a dog. = I have a dog. (в разговорной речи чаще употребляется

выражение have got) He has got a car. (He’s got a car.) I have got a cat. (I’ve got a cat.) Вопросы можно задать двумя способами:

Do I have a choice? I have no choice. I don’t have any choice. Have you got a house? You haven’t got a house.

Существует ряд устойчивых выражений с глаголом to have: To have breakfast. To have a cup of tea (coffee). To have dinner. To have a cigarette. To have lunch. To have an accident. To have supper. To have an experience. To have a good time. To have trouble. To have a rest. To have a party. To have a bath. To have a good flight.

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To have a shower. To have a chat. To have a swim. To have a look. To have a dream. To have a baby. Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the verb to have. 1. May I have a look at your papers, Sir? 2. He has got a new job. 3. We

usually have lunch at home. 4. My friend hasn’t got a car, but he has a bike. 5. Do you have a holiday every year? 6. He has a dream to become a famous writer. 7. The weather is fine, let’s go to the river and have a swim! 8. I am very tired, I want to have a rest. 9. They have parties every other weekend. 10. We always have a good time when we come to Sochi. 11. He hasn’t got a girlfriend.


Exercise 2. 1) Make up dialogues using to have, to have got and set expressions with the

verb to have. 2) Dramatize the dialogues.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Мои друзья редко устраивают вечеринки, но их гости всегда хорошо

проводят время. 2. У Алекса есть спортивный автомобиль. 3. У вас есть до�машнее животное? – Конечно, у меня есть собака. 4. Где документы? – Они в сейфе, но у меня нет ключа. 5. Я обычно завтракаю в 7.30, обедаю в 13.00, а ужинаю дома с семьей в 19.00. 6. Мама в постели, у нее болит голова. 7. У тебя есть часы? – Нет, у меня нет часов.

Unit 2

Оборот There is/?there are

Для сообщения о наличии или отсутствии чего�либо где�либо в англий�ском языке употребляется конструкция there is /?there are. Например:

There is a computer on the table. На столе стоит компьютер. There are many parks in London. В Лондоне много парков.

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Обратите внимание, что перевод производится с конца предложения. Глагол to be в данной конструкции согласуется в числе со следующим

непосредственно за ним подлежащим. Например: There are two armchairs and a sofa in my room. There is a sofa and two armchairs in my room. С данной конструкцией употребляется только неопределенный артикль,

а также some, any и их производные.

Some/Any/No and their derivatives (производные)

Some Any No

something anything nothing

somebody anybody nobody

someone anyone no one none

somewhere anywhere nowhere

some и его производные употребляются в утвердительных предложениях

any и его производные употребляются в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях, а также в утвердительных – в значении «любой»

no и его производные употребляются в отрицательных предложениях. В английском языке допустимо только одно отрицание.

Are there any roses in the vase? – There are some roses in the vase.

There are no roses in the vase. There are not any roses there.

Is there any milk in the bottle? – There is some milk in the bottle.

There is no milk in the bottle. There is not any milk there.

Но: Do you want some tea?


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Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. 1. There are some flowers in the garden. 2. There are not any flowers in the

garden. 3. Have you got any money? 4. There isn’t anybody in the office now. 5. Is there anybody in the office? 6. There are some people in the street. 7. I can go with you anywhere. 8. Anyone can do it. 9. There is somebody in the room. 10. Are there any apple trees in the garden? 11. There is nothing interesting in this magazine.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with some, any, something, anything, somebody, anybody, nobody. 1. I’ve got … English books at home. 2. Are there … theatres in your town?

3. Is there … interesting in this magazine? 4. Are there … letters on the desk? 5. There is not … in this office. 6. There is … in this box. 7. There is … in the office. It’s lunch break.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English. 1. В нашей академии 6 факультетов. 2. В этом бассейне не много воды.

3. В гараже есть машина? 4. В нашем загородном доме есть все современные удобства. 5. Перед вашим домом есть парк? 6. В нашей гостиной нет стола, но есть диван, телевизор, два кресла и много цветов. 7. В вашем доме есть бас�сейн? 8. Сколько студентов в вашей группе? 9. Есть ли звезды на американ�ском флаге? 10. Существуют ли проблемы между родителями и детьми в ва�шей семье? 11. В Москве зимой много снега? 12. В принтере нет бумаги. 13. В комнате никого нет. 14. В нашем саду нет цветов.

Working on the text Read and translate the text.

Commodities United Ltd is a well�established multinational company with

subsidiaries in many countries all over the world. The headquarters of the company are in New York and there are large offices in Chicago, London, Paris, Lisbon, Rome and some smaller offices in other European and Asian countries. The company has six main divisions: retail, financial services, investments, production, e�commerce, internet service provider. Its retail segment is a network of food hypermarkets which also sell clothes, footwear, home appliances and toys. The company trades its shares on eight stock exchanges in several countries.

Speaking Exercise 4. Answer the questions. 1. What is Commodities United Ltd? 2. What is their major business?

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3. How many divisions does the company have? 4. What are these divisions? 5. What do their hypermarkets sell? 6. Does the company trade its shares? Listening

Exercise 5. Listen to Mr. Robinson’s description of his

company. Fill in the organization chart. Sales Research and Development Finance Information Technologies Personnel or Human Public Relations Resources Production Marketing

Board of directors


Unit 3

Present Simple

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I work

You work He works She works It works We work

They work

I do not (don’t) work You do not (don’t) work

He does not (doesn’t) work She does not (doesn’t) work It does not (doesn’t) work We do not (don’t) work

They do not (don’t) work

Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Does she work Does it work? Do we work?

Do they work?


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The Present Simple Tense выражает: 1. Обычное, повторяющееся действие: I work every day. She goes to the university 3 times a week. 2. Констатация факта, утверждение истины: The firm sells its products into many markets. The sun rises in the east. 3. Характеристика человека или чего"либо: My sister sings very well. This computer does not work properly. 4. Действие по графику, расписанию: The train for London leaves at 9 p.m.

TYPES OF QUESTIONS (Типы вопросов)

1. General question (общий вопрос): Do you speak Spanish? – Yes, I do. No I don’t. Does your friend play the guitar? – Yes, he does. No he doesn’t. 2. Special question (специальный вопрос): What does the company produce? – It produces telephone equipment. Who speaks English in your office? – Petrov does. (вопрос к подлежащему

не требует вспомогательного глагола) Why do they always come so late? – I don’t know. 3. Alternative question (альтернативный вопрос): Does he live in London or New York? – He lives in New York. 4. Disjunctive question (разделительный вопрос): He comes to the office at 9 a.m., doesn’t he? They don’t live in Moscow, do they?

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verb in the correct form. 1. Great Britain (to occupy) the territory of about 224,000 square kilometres.

2. The British Parliament (to consist) of two houses. 3. Many people (to love) holidays. 4. Moscow (to have) a continental climate. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith usually (to spend) their summer holidays in Devon and Cornwall. 6. Drugs (to ruin) all

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human organs. 7. The Constitution (to guarantee) the rights of the citizens of Russia.

Exercise 2. Make the following sentences interrogative. 1. My sister studies English at school. 2. Their lessons begin at 10 o’clock.

3. Her parents live in Moscow. 4. Peter’s sister teaches law. 5. Our friend usually has dinner at the cafe. 6. My child usually does his homework in the afternoon. 7. Nina’s husband usually watches TV news at 9 o’clock. 8. Her brothers play chess every day. 9. She goes to the theatre every Saturday. 10. They always have breakfast at home. 11. She usually sees friends in the morning. 12. Steve often plays volleyball on Saturday. 13. People need money to live in modern society. 14. Helen always washes her clothes in the washing machine. 15. My sister enjoys the meals at this restaurant.16. Banks offer a wide range of services. 17. In Britain the price of tickets depends on the time of the day.

Unit 4

The Article

Артикль – это показатель имени существительного. В английском язы�ке два артикля a (an) – неопределенный; the – определенный.

Неопределенный артикль a (an – перед гласными) имеет значения

«один из, некий, какой�нибудь» и употребляется перед существительным в единственном числе, когда мы упоминаем предмет впервые, относя его к ка�кому�то классу.

Например: This is a table. My father is a doctor. Если мы говорим о предмете во множественном числе впервые, то мы не

ставим никакого артикля. Определенный артикль the имеет значение «этот, тот самый» и употреб�

ляется, когда речь идет о знакомом нам предмете или явлении, т.е. о чем�то определенном.

Например: The house I live in is not far from the underground. Сравните: 1) This is a house. 2) The house is not very large. 3) But it is a very beautiful house.


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Когда перед существительным стоит определение, то существительное употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, причем артикль ставится перед определением.

С неисчисляемыми существительными неопределенный артикль не употребляется.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. 1. Is there … bank near here? 2. My brother is … businessman. 3. Where is …

book? It is on … table. 4. Every year we buy … new equipment. 5. We play tennis twice … week. 6. … telephone is on … table. 7. Tom has … new car. … car is very expensive.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian in to English. 1. Транснациональная корпорация – это компания, которая имеет свои

дочерние предприятия по всему миру. 2. Где находится головной офис вашей компании? 3. Их фирма предлагает финансовые услуги другим компаниям. 4. Наш розничный бизнес представляет собой сеть гипермаркетов по всей Ев�ропе. 5. Я никогда не обедаю дома. 6. Ваша компания продает и покупает ак�ции на бирже? 7. Есть сегодня какие�нибудь новости? 8. Англичане говорят: «Когда новостей нет – это уже хорошая новость».


headache – головная боль supper – ужин (поздний) dog – собака bike – мотоцикл car – машина holiday – отпуск cat – кошка dream – мечта choice – выбор famous – знаменитый house – дом writer – писатель breakfast – завтрак weather – погода lunch – обед fine – прекрасная dinner – ужин river – река party – вечеринка multinational – транснациональная other – другой subsidiary – дочерняя компания weekend – выходные world – мир flower – цветок headquarters – штаб�квартира garden – сад Europe – Европа anybody – кто�то Asia – Азия somewhere – где�то main – основной

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something – что�то division – подразделение anything – что�нибудь retail – розничный can – могу finance – финансы room – комната service – услуга money – деньги investment – инвестиция magazine – журнал production – производство letter – письмо commerce – коммерция desk – стол provider – провайдер box – коробка food – продукты hypermarket – гипермаркет share – акция trade – торговать sell – продавать stock – акция clothes – одежда exchange – биржа footwear – обувь toy – игрушка


to be tired – быть уставшим every other – через один all over the world – по всему свету (миру) home appliances – бытовая техника well�established – солидный, раскрученный stock exchange – фондовая биржа


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Grammar: Imperative Mood; Objective Case of the Pronouns; Absolute Forms of the Possessive Pronouns; Present Continuous; Possessive Case; Impersonal Sentences

Unit 1

Imperative Mood (Повелительное наклонение)

Повелительное наклонение выражает просьбу или приказ. Обращенное

ко 2�му лицу ед. и мн. числа совпадает по форме с инфинитивом без частицы to.

Например: Listen to me, please. Be careful!

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глаго�

ла to do.

Например: Don’t be so stupid! Don’t tell him anything!

Просьба или приказ, обращенные к 1�му и 3�му лицу ед. и мн. числа об�

разуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола let, причем местоимение сто�ит в объектном падеже, а существительное – в общем падеже.

Например: Let me tell you something. Let him help you. Let us go to a restaurant. Let the children stay at home.

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Личные Притяжательные Объектныйпадеж

Абсолютная форма


I you he she it we they

my your his her its our their

me you him her it us them

mine yours his hers ��� ours theirs

myself yourself / yourselves himself herself itself ourselves themselves

Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences. 1. Do it yourself. 2. Tell them to come at 5 o’clock. 3. Don’t be afraid. 4. Let

me help you. 5. Don’t disturb him, let him enjoy the film. 6. Let me introduce myself. 7. This is not your book, it’s mine. 8. She cooks herself, nobody helps her. 9 Whose car is it? – Ours. 10. They themselves cannot find the necessary information. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется самостоя�тельно без следующего за ней существительного.

Сравните: This is my car. This car is mine.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Пусть Марина сделает это упражнение самостоятельно, не помогай ей.

2. Расскажи им правду! Никто ничего не знает об этом. 3. Это не наш дом, это – их. 4. Пусть он посмотрит этот фильм сам. 5. Они сами часто делают ошиб�ки. 6. Принеси мне чашку чая. 7. Не бойся! Я с тобой. 8. Позвольте мне пред�ставить вам нашего нового директора.


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Unit 2

The Present Continuous Tense

To be + Participle I

am is verb +�ing are

I am working. Am I working? I am not working. You are working. Are you working? You are not working. She is working. Is she working? She is not working. He is working. Is he working? He is not working. It is working. Is it working? It is not working. We are working. Are you working? We are not working. They are working. Are they working? They are not working.

Present Continuous употребляется для выражения: а) действия в процессе в момент речи: She is speaking on the phone now.

b) действия в процессе в настоящее время, но не в момент речи: We are building a new house.

c) ближайшего запланированного будущего: I am leaving for Paris tomorrow.

d) временного действия: They are staying at the Radisson Hotel until May.

e) изменяемой ситуации: The number of people using the internet is growing. f) недовольства, раздражения: You are always taking my things.

Ряд глаголов не употребляются во временах группы Continuous. Та�

кие как: to see, to hear, to know, to believe, to want, to wish, to love, to hate, to like, to have, to consist, to depend, to belong, to understand, to think (в значе�нии «полагать»).

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Working on the text Read and translate the text. Underline Present Continuous forms and explain

their meanings. Every five minutes Helen is calling Diana, but the line is either busy or

nobody answers the phone. Helen decides to call Diana’s home number. The telephone rings. Diana picks up the receiver. Н: Hello! Can I speak to Diana, please? D: Hello! Diana speaking. H: It’s Helen. What’s the matter? Why is

your mobile switched off? D: The battery is charging H: I see. What are you doing? D: I’m packing. Don’t you remember I’m

leaving tomorrow morning and you are taking me to the airport?

H: Of course I do. That’s why I’m calling. This is your last day in London and we’re parting for a year. By the way, what are you going to do there all this time?

D: I’m going to work for my uncle’s company, to do some marketing research and to gain some professional experience.

H: Do you mean your father’s firm is going to penetrate the American market?

D: It’s difficult to say. I don’t know exactly. Frankly speaking, I think there is something wrong with my uncle’s company and my father wants to know what exactly is going on there.

H: Well, you have a lot of work to do then. I have a suggestion to make. Let’s go out tonight and enjoy ourselves in a restaurant.

D: Settled! Call me at 7 p.m. and please don’t forget to order a table in our favourite restaurant.

H: Don’t worry, see you soon. D: Bye! At half past seven Helen picks Diana up and drives her to the restaurant. A

headwaiter meets the friends at the entrance and accompanies them to their table.

To be going to do something – собираться что"либо делать.

Exercise 1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. 1. They are having lunch now. 2. My friend is coming tomorrow night. 3. I am

reading a letter from my sister. 4. They are waiting for us. 5. We are discussing the performance. 6. She is working in the garden at the moment. 7. The dollar is going down. 8. The population of the world is increasing. 9. He is getting instructions


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from his boss now. 10. We are listening to music. 11. Ann is looking through the mail. 12. They are laughing at his joke.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the verb in Present Continuous. 1. It still (to rain).Take the umbrella. 2. We (to produce) new equipment now. 3. Our company (to open) а new subsidiary. 4. They (discuss) a new project. 5. What you (to plan) now? 6. Look! Somebody (to try) to open your car. 7. Our secretary is busy. She (to study) a new magazine. 8. I (to speak) on the phone now. 9. He (to read) a newspaper. 10. What he (to write)? 11. The secretary (to make) an appointment now. Exercise 3. Use Present Continuous in the second sentence. Explain the meaning. Pattern: We usually have breakfast at 9, but today we are having breakfast at 8. 1. She usually reads books, but today she … a newspaper. 2. They usually have talks in the office, but today they … in the cafe. 3. I usually drink tea in the morning, but today I … coffee. 4. He usually meets with his friends on Sunday, but today he … . He is very

busy. 5. I usually drive to the office, but today I … . 6. We usually receive businessmen in the morning, but today we … . 7. She usually works every day, but today she … . She is ill. Exercise 4. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Preset Continuous. 1. She (to call) her friend now. 2. They always (to stay) at this hotel when

they are on holiday. 3. Не (to ask) for а discount now. 4. Who (to make) an appointment on the phone now? 5. They always (to get) low profits. 6. We (to produce) cars. 7. What they (to produce) at present? 8. Canada (to export) wheat? 9. He (not to know) English. He (to be going) to learn it next year. 10. She always (to speak) on the phone for hours. 11. They constantly (to produce) goods of low quality. 12. What you (to do) now? – I (to wait) for my friend. 14. You usually (to drive) to work? – Not usually, it’s only today that I (to drive). 15. I (not to know) what he (to want). 16. What you (to look for)? – I (to look for) the key.

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Unit 3

Possessive Case of the Nouns

Притяжательный падеж обозначает принадлежность предмета кому�либо и употребляется преимущественно с одушевленными существитель�ными и именами собственными и образуется путем прибавления ?’s к суще�ствительному: my father’s company.

Когда два лица или более являются обладателями одного и того же

предмета, окончание притяжательного падежа прибавляется к последнему существительному:

Nick and Kate’s flat is large. Форма притяжательного падежа множественного числа образуется

прибавлением только апострофа (’) после существительного во множествен�ном числе:

These boys’ father; children’s toys.

Кроме одушевленных существительных притяжательный падеж может употребляться:

1) с существительными, обозначающими единицы времени и расстояние, и с некоторыми наречиями: minute, hour, year, day, week, month, moment, today, yesterday и др.:

an hour’s rest, today’s news, a mile’s distance, a month’s holiday. 2) с существительными, обозначающими вес, стоимость, место: a kilo’s weight , ten roubles’ worth, at the baker’s. 3) с собирательными существительными: company, union, government,

family, army и др.: company’s annual meeting.

Working on the text

Read and translate the text. Diana arrives at Heathrow Airport two

hours before the flight. She goes to the information desk to ask about her flight.

Diana: Is the plane for New York leaving on time? Clerk: Yes, Miss. There is no delay.


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Diana: Where can I check in for the flight? Clerk: Over there , at the check�in desk. Diana: Thank you. Diana queues up for the check�in desk. The queue goes very quickly and it’s

her turn now. Clerk: Next, please. May I have your passport and your ticket, Miss? Diana: Here you are. Clerk: Are all these trunks yours? Put them on the scales. Oh, I am afraid

your luggage is too heavy. There is an overweight of 20 kilos. You must pay an extra charge.

Diana: How much do I owe you? Clerk: 100 pounds sterling. Diana: All right, I have no choice. Clerk: Are you taking this bag with you? Diana: Yes, it’s my hand luggage. Clerk: If you have some liquid put it in a plastic bag. Here is your boarding

pass, your passport and your ticket. Have a nice flight! Diana: Thank you.


Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with missing information. Soon Diana hears the announcement: “Passengers for flight 788 for New

York collect your hand luggage and go to gate 4.” Now Diana is sitting comfortably in the plane and listening to the

announcement. “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is your____ ______. I am happy to welcome you on board the plane. Our ____ _____from London to New York is 6 hours. Now please ____ ____ _____ ____ and switch off your mobile phones, we are ready to take off”.


“Ladies and gentlemen we are flying at an altitude of ____ _____ _____and

a speed of eighteen hundred miles per hour. Our time of arrival in New York is _____ _____ _____. The weather in New York is fine. It is warm and sunny”.

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Speaking Exercise 1. Work in pairs. Make up dialogues: 1) Checking in for the flight. 2) Going through the customs. Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Диана обычно путешествует на поезде или на машине, но завтра она

летит на самолете в Нью�Йорк. 2. Она планирует пробыть в США год, чтобы изучить американский рынок и выяснить, что происходит в компании ее дяди. 3. Алло! Я могу поговорить с господином Брауном? – Да, я слушаю. 4. Что ты собираешься делать в Париже? 5. Давайте сегодня сходим куда�нибудь. 6. Я могу зарегистрироваться здесь на рейс до Лондона? 7. Во сколько по рас�писанию вылетает самолет до Нью�Йорка? 8. Наш самолет вылетает вовремя? 9. Дамы и господа, пристегните ремни безопасности, наш самолет готов к взлету. 10. Мы летим на высоте 10000 метров со скоростью 750 км в час. 11. Пассажиры обычно выстраиваются в очередь, чтобы сесть в автобус. 12. Все эти сумки ваши? 13. Где ваша ручная кладь?

Unit 4

Impersonal sentences (Безличные предложения)

Безличные предложения имеют безличное подлежащее it и выражают

время, расстояние, состояние окружающей среды, необходимость и важ�ность.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences. 1. It is cold in Moscow in winter. 2. Is it warm today? – No, it is not. It is

rather cool and windy. 3. It often rains in autumn. 4. Is it snowing now? 5. Is it far from here? – No, it is not. It is quite near. 6. What time is it? – It is half past seven. It is getting dark. 7. Is it necessary for you to go there? – Yes, it is very important for me.

What time is it by this clock? a) it is five minutes past six; b) it is a quarter to two; c) it is half past twelve.


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Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Сейчас идет дождь? – Нет, сейчас сухо, но холодно. 2. Вечереет и ста�

новится прохладно. 3. Который час? – Без пятнадцати пять. 4. Сегодня тепло, но дождливо. 5. Зимой часто идет снег. 6. Необходимо сделать это сегодня.


let – пусть gain – приобретать careful – осторожный professional – профессиональный stupid – глупый experience – опыт help – помогать mean – означать introduce – представлять penetrate – проникать build – строить market – рынок leave – покидать difficult – трудный stay – останавливаться exactly – точно grow – расти frankly – честно call – звать; звонить wrong – неправильный ring – звонить please – пожалуйста decide – решать a lot of – много number – номер; число work – работать pick up – поднимать want – хотеть receiver – трубка know – знать speak – говорить suggestion – предложение switch off/on – выключать/включ. go out – выходить battery – батарейка tonight – сегодня вечером charge – заряжать enjoy – наслаждаться pack – паковать (чемодан) performance – представление remember – помнить forget – забыть part – расставаться favourite – любимый all – всё worry – волноваться time – время; раз drive – водить машину uncle – дядя headwaiter – метрдотель marketing – маркетинг meet – встречать research – исследование accompany – сопровождать wait – ждать quickly – быстро discuss – обсуждать population – население increase – увеличивать listen (to) – слушать plane – самолет laugh (at) – смеяться flight – рейс; полет turn – очередь queue – очередь trunk – чемодан luggage – багаж welcome – добро пожаловать

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heavy – тяжелый board – борт overweight – перевес fasten – застегнуть extra – дополнительный safety – безопасность charge – плата belt – ремень owe – должен take off – взлет choice – выбор altitude – высота liquid – жидкость windy – ветрено announcement – объявление rain – дождь collect – собирать important – важный gate – выход necessary – необходимый snow – снег scales – весы


the line is busy – линия занята Settled! – Договорились! I have a suggestion to make – у меня есть предложение check�in desk – стойка регистрации look through – просматривать queue up – выстраиваться в очередь be ready – быть готовым


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Grammar: Past Simple; The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

Unit 1

The Past Simple Tense

Past Simple имеет одну форму для всех лиц Verb + ?ed – правильные глаголы 2?я форма – неправильные глаголы: I came home late. В вопросе вспомогательный глагол “do” стоит в форме Past Simple (did),

а смысловой глагол стоит в инфинитиве без частицы “to”.

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание I worked

You worked He / she / it worked

We/they worked

Did you work? Did you work?

Did he/she/it work? Did they/we work?

I did not (didn’t) work You did not work

He/she/it did not (didn’t) work We/they did not (didn’t) work

Past Simple употребляется для выражения: 1. Действия, совершенного в прошлом и не связанного с настоящим: They launched this project in 2000. Did they launch this project in 2000? 2. Последовательности действий в прошлом: We established a company, then opened a subsidiary. Did we establish a company and then open a subsidiary? 3. Повторяющегося действия в прошлом (used to): He used to listen to music for hours. Did he use to listen to music for hours? В английском языке существуют правильные и неправильные глаголы.

У правильных глаголов формы Past Simple и Participle II (причастия прошед�шего времени) – совпадают.

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1?я форма 2?я форма 3?я форма (инфинитив) (Past Simple) (Participle II)

Правильные глаголы work worked worked invite invited invited

Неправильные глаголы cut cut cut put put put bet bet bet cost cost cost fit fit fit hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� buy bought bought think thought thought sell sold sold sleep slept slept leave left left have had had hold held held hear heard heard keep kept kept feel felt felt meet met met Lay laid laid pay paid paid say said said �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� eat ate eaten bite bit beaten get got gotten forget forgot forgotten see saw seen be was/ were been give gave given drive drove driven take took taken shake shook shaken drink drank drunk ring rang rung ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ come came come become became become run ran run


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Exercise 1. Read and translate the above irregular verbs. Why are they divided into several


Listening Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with missing information.

Secretary: Yes, Mr. Robinson? Robinson: Come in, please. I want to give some orders to our____ _____. As

you know last month __ ____ _____Ms Brown became Mrs. or to be more precise madame Noirdier. She left for France to spend her honey moon there. She ____ ____ _____ _____with her husband. So we are transferring her to ___ ____ ____and since next Monday she takes up the _____ ____ ____ _____there. As you understand, I need a new personal assistant. Please, ask our HR department ____ ____ ____in the Financial Times and on the internet.__ ____ _____ _____. I need to fill in this position as soon as possible. Is that clear?

Secretary: Yes, Sir.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who is speaking? 2. What is the problem? 3. What is the possible solution?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using Past Simple. 1. They (to buy) the equipment at a very high price last month. 2. I (not to come) to the meeting yesterday. 3. The company (not to provide) the quality of the goods. 4. You (to sign) the contract last week? 5. When you (to sell) the car? 6. Who (to place) an advertisement in the Financial Times? 7. The goods (to attract) many customers. 8. The company ( to open) a new position yesterday. Exercise 4. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative. Pattern: She arrived at the office at 10. She didn’t arrive at the office at 10. Did she arrive at the office at 10?

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1. They left for Paris last week. 2. We signed the contract 3 weeks ago. 3. He was busy yesterday. 4. I phoned him 5 minutes ago. 5. The plane took off on time. 6. There was no delay. 7. She was on holiday last summer. 8. They met her at the airport. 9. We built our house 5 years ago. 10. We established relations last year. 11. He used to fly very often when he worked for that company.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. 1. They (to discuss) her future job now. 2. This company always (to sell) high

quality goods. 3. We (not to find) the keys yesterday. 4. For how many years she (to live) in England? 5. Bob (to work) very hard at present. 6. There (to be) a lot of work now. 7. We (not to make) a contract with them last month. 8. She always (to watch) TV for hours. 9. They (to improve) the quality of the model last year. 10. We always (to settle) the matters during the talks. 11. I’m busy. I (to make) purchases now. 12. The weather (to be) fine yesterday.

Exercise 6. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Вы вчера отдали распоряжения отделу кадров? 2. Две недели назад

мисс Браун улетела в Париж на свой медовый месяц. 3. М�р Браун попросил своего секретаря разместить объявление в газете. 4. Они обосновались в Анг�лии в XII веке. 5. Нам надо заполнить вакансию как можно быстрее. 6. У Вас есть личный помощник?

Unit 2

Working on the text

Read and translate the text.

Diana did not realize how tired she was when she got off the plane. It had taken her 8 hours to cross the Atlantic. She was very excited and wanted to see her aunt and uncle. On their way from the airport Diana saw skyscrapers and beautiful buildings of modern design. Everything was larger in the US than in her country. Suddenly she saw one of the most famous statues of the world the Statue of Liberty. She asked her aunt to tell her about it. Here is her story. The Statue of Liberty is a female figure who holds a flaming torch up high in her right hand. She has a tablet in her left hand that bears the words (July 4, 1776), commemorating the date of the United States Declaration of Independence. It symbolizes a welcome to a land of freedom. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. The statue weighs


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Statue of Liberty

225 tons and is 46.5 m tall, with the pedestal and foundation adding another 46.9 m. The Statue of Liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from

the people of France. Over the years France and the USA had a special relationship. In 1776 France helped the American colonies to gain independence from England. The French wanted to do something special for the US centennial, its 100th birthday. Many people contributed in some way. The idea belonged to Laboulaye, a well�known Frenchman. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi (a French sculptor) designed the statue. Alexander Eiffel, a French engineer who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, figured out how to make a heavy statue stand. French people gave money for the Statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal. Worldwide, the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the United States and, more generally, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the jet age, often one of the

first glimpses of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe.

“Well dear, before you start working I think you may have a week’s holiday and visit as many places of interest as possible” said Diana’s uncle. “We are going to discuss everything after dinner”.

When at last they came home Diana went straight to her room to have a quick shower and to change for dinner. When she came downstairs, the table was already laid and they sat down. During the dinner her aunt Margaret asked a lot of questions. She wanted to know everything about her brother’s family and her old friends. They laughed a lot recollecting the old times in England when Margaret was a student and Diana was a small girl. Two hours later Margaret noticed that Diana was too sleepy to participate in small talk. It was a long day for her. So they bade each other good night and went to bed.

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Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Сойти с самолета; ей потребовалось 8 часов; небоскребы; женская фигу�

ра; горящий факел; Декларация независимости; подарок; вносить вклад; узна�ваемая икона; переодеться; спуститься вниз; накрыть стол; вспоминать старые времена; светская беседа; пожелать спокойной ночи.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. How long did it take Diana to get to New York? 2. Who met her at the

airport? 3. Did New York impress Diana? 4. What is the symbol of America? 5. What did you learn about the Statue of Liberty? 6. Describe the Statue of Liberty. 7. What other recognizable places of interest do you know?

Exercise 3. Retell the story about the Statue of Liberty.

The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives

(Степени сравнения прилагательных)

Прилагательные имеют две степени сравнения – сравнительную и пре�восходную.

Односложные и двусложные образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени при помощи прибавления к основе �er и �est соответственно.

Многосложные – при помощи прибавления к основе more и most соот�ветственно.

Односложные и двусложные Сравнительная Превосходная small big

happy clever

smaller bigger

happier cleverer

the smallest the biggest

the happiest the cleverest


important beautiful

more important more beautiful

the most important the most beautiful


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Некоторые прилагательные имеют неправильные формы образования степеней сравнения. Их необходимо запомнить.

good better the best bad worse the worst many, much more the most little less the least farther the farthest far further the furthest older the oldest old elder the eldest

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences. 1. Everything was larger in the US than in England. 2. Our company is

smaller than yours. 3. She is the tallest girl in the group and the most beautiful one. 4. Her English is worse than his. 5. This is the shortest way to the station. 6. I am the happiest man in the world. 7. She is two years older than her brother. 8. Who is the eldest in your family?

Exercise 5. Translate from Russian into English. 1.Статуя Свободы – одна из самых узнаваемых достопримечательностей

мира. 2. Франция подарила статую Америке в 1886 году. 3. Это символ свобо�ды и освобождения от гнета. 4. Ваш самолет вылетел на 2 часа позже, чем мы ожидали. 5. Каждый вечер, прежде чем лечь спать, мы желаем друг другу спо�койной ночи. 6. Их дом больше, чем наш. Они купили самый большой дом в этом городе. 7. Кто самый умный студент в вашей группе? 8. Что находится в правой руке статуи Свободы? 9. В левой руке статуи Свободы находится таб�личка с надписью. 10. Я всегда хожу по этой дороге, т.к. этот путь самый ко�роткий. 11. Вчера вечером мы вспоминали старые времена и много смеялись. 12. Наша гостиница дальше от центра города, чем ваша. 13. Ты выглядишь сонным, ложись спать. 14. Диана была сильно возбуждена и не осознавала на�сколько устала.


order – приказ skyscraper – небоскреб personal – личный design – конструкция assistant – помощник symbol – символ precise – точный to present – дарить honey moon – медовый месяц island – остров transfer – переводить upright – вертикальный

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position – должность to dress – одеваться to place – размещать harbor – гавань job – работа to represent – представлять advertisement – объявление to hold – держать fill in – заполнять tablet – дощечка, плитка to settle – селиться; решать to bear – нести to realize – осознавать to commemorate – отмечать aunt – тетя belong – принадлежать uncle – дядя bid (bade, bidden) – пожелать way – путь, дорога foundation – основание shape – форма pedestal – пьедестал


as soon as possible – как можно скорее to be tired – быть усталым to get off – сойти (с самолета, автобуса) it takes me – это занимает у меня … to be excited – быть возбужденным Declaration of Independence – Декларация Независимости seven point spiked rays – семиконечные в виде шипов лучи flaming torch – горящий факел


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Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense; One as Indefinite Personal

Pronoun; One as a Substitute Word

Unit 1

Listening Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with missing information. On Sunday evening Bob invited Diana to his study to discuss the plans for

the future. Well, Diana, to begin with. I know why you are here. Your father ___ ___

___ (your aunt) a lump sum of money as a wedding present. He wanted us to start our own business.__ __ ___. Everything ____nice. Every year our profits____ _____ _____. We moved to a bigger house, to a more prestigious district. We ____ ____ ___in Manhattan. We opened several subsidiaries in different states and our shares are listed on two stock exchanges. But then something___ ____. Then Commodities United Ltd appeared. They are very aggressive players. They are our major competitors. I am afraid we __ ____ ___ ____to them. They are always a step ahead in their marketing strategies. Perhaps there are some insiders in my company, I don’t know, but I am not going to___ ___. You may think it’s a crazy idea, but I ___ ____ _____.

Speaking Exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1. Where did Bob get the money to start his own business? 2. Did he succeed in his business? 3. Who is Bob’s major competitor? 4. Is Bob going to give in? Why? 5. Do you think it is possible to save the business? Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

at; on x 2; in x 5; for x 2; of x 2; as; to x 2.

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1. Our friends moved … a new flat. 2. We usually watch TV … the evening. 3. She is leaving … London … Monday morning. 4. Margaret’s brother gave her a lump sum … money … a present. 5. You can find all the information … these documents. 6. Are shares … this company listed … the stock exchange? 7. Bob is going to succeed … his business. He is not going to give … . 8. We usually have dinner … 6 o’clock. 9. Her parents lived … Paris … 15 years and then moved … Geneva.

Exercise 3. Write three forms of the following verbs. Make up sentences using the verbs in

the Past Simple Tense. To go, to be, to grow, to bring, to give, to take, to have, to think, to buy, to sell. Exercise 4. Ask questions to the underlined words. 1. There are 10 customers in the room. 2. They are having talks now. 3. We worked much last month. 4. She drives to the office every morning. 5. We saw 5 managers in the office. 6. I arrived in Moscow in the evening. 7. They sell computers to many countries. 8. The manager phoned me 5 minutes ago.

Unit 2

The Present Perfect Tense

To have + Participle II I have done

You have done He has done She has done It has done

We have done They have done

Have I done? Have you done?

Has he done? Has she done? Has it done?

Have we done? Have they done?

No, I have not (haven’t) done No, you haven’t done

No, he has not (hasn’t) done No, she hasn’t done No, it hasn’t done

No, we haven’t done No, they haven’t done

Present Perfect употребляется для выражения: 1. Действия, которое совершилось к настоящему моменту и результат

важен: Progress has broken down the barriers of geography and time.

2. Новости: My telephone number has changed.


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3. Полученного жизненного опыта: He has done many jobs in his time.

4. Завершенного действия в будущем в придаточных предложениях усло"вия и времени:

I can’t make a decision if I haven’t received all the data.

5. После: «this is the first/second time»: It is only the second time I’ve driven a car.

Слова и выражения, употребляемые в Present Perfect Already, just, ever, never, yet, for, since, so far, recently, lately, today, this

week, this month, this year, always, how long.

Exercise 1. Open the brackets using Present Perfect. 1. They already (to construct) this plant. 2. It’s the second time I (to drive) a

car. 3. I just (to come). 4. They never (to manage) the bank well. 5. We (to see) them recently. 6. They (not to be) to London so far. 7. She just (to receive) a message. 8. You ever (to take) part in talks? 9. Our profits (to grow) recently. 10. We (to open) several subsidiaries lately.

Наречия just, already ставятся между смысловым и вспомогательным глаголом, а yet – в конце предложения.

Exercise 2. Make up negative and interrogative sentences according to the pattern. Pattern: She has already been to Japan. She hasn’t been to Japan yet. Has she been to Japan yet? 1. The company has lost its money. 2. We have just sent them 2 letters.

3. They have already been on holiday. 4. She has just made coffee. 5. He has gone to China. 6. My parents have always worked hard. 7. We have already got a discount. 8. I have already made a report today. 9. They have modified the model. 10. The company has already built the business centre.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Present Perfect. 1. He already (to build) a house. 2. He (to build) a house last year. 3. They

never (to sell) equipment. 4. They (to sell) equipment last year. 5. We (to ad vertise) the model this week. 6. We (to advertise) the model last week. 7. The company just (to introduce) this model on the market. 8. The company (to make) great achievements 2 years ago.

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Exercise 4. Open the brackets using Past Simple или Present Perfect. 1. Your friend (to return) yet? Yes, he (to come) to Moscow 5 days ago. 2. Where is the secretary? I don’t know. She just (to go) out. 3. I (not to see) you for ages. Yes. I (to fall) ill a week ago, but I already (to come) back to work. 4. You (to receive) an answer from them yet? No. We already (to send) them 2 letters, but they (not to answer) yet. When you (to send) the letters? Last week. 5. How long you (to know) her? I (to know) her since we (to meet) on holiday. 6. You ever (to speak) to her about it? Yes. I (to speak) to her 2 days ago. 7. Will you give me your pen? I (to leave) my pen at home. Take it. I already (to write) this exercise. 8. Do you know that they (to leave)? Yes. I (to be) at the station to see them off. 9. You (to read) this book? Yes. I (to read) it when I (to be) at school. Exercise 5. Ask four types of questions to the following sentences. 1. I have not seen my family for 2 years. 2. They have been our competitors since we entered the market. 3. He has been to France 5 times. 4. My fax number has changed. 5. Our friends have moved to a new house.

Unit 3

One – неопределенно�личное местоимение, выполняющее функцию подлежащего в неопределенно�личных предложениях. Имеет значение «любой; каждый». На русский язык может не переводиться.

Например: One needs to know the way competitors measure themselves.

Необходимо знать каким образом конкуренты оценивают себя. Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. 1. One can always find a way out. 2. One must take part in developing new products. 3. New York presents so many temptations for one to run into extravagance. 4. Only one with strong character could survive in these circumstances.


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One может употребляться как слово�заменитель ранее упомянутого.

Например: Some of the gentlemen went to the park, the younger ones stayed in the

house to play billiards.

Working on the text

Read and translate the text. Write out new words.

“You know, Diana, successful marketers are those who can steer their organizations through the turbulent marketing environment and do it better than competitors. It is easy to say but it is not easy to do. Many competitive industries and organizations are very difficult to penetrate, despite all the intelligence techniques that may be available. Some well�established companies are ready to give general information on their production and marketing, but they are very reluctant to give away their “trade” secrets.

Despite this, any successful organization has to look at the competition and moreover be aware how the nature of the competition can guide its strategy. We are facing increasingly stiff competition from Commodities United Ltd. Our response has

to be rapid in order to preserve our stance. Competition in most global product markets is

intense. Product type competition has become intense, so has brand competition. Substitute competition has also become an extremely bitter battleground, with products being able to replace others as technology and tastes have changed.

Competition drives down rates of return on invested capital. If the rate is “competitive” it encourages investment, if not, it discourages competition. There are four forces influencing the competition: threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products, “macro” factors like changes in technology and social factors and “micro” factors like consumers’ or buyers’ changing needs.”

“OK, Bob”, Diana interrupted her uncle, “are you going to deliver a lecture on competition? I must tell you I studied this subject at university. I wonder, why just not hit back by strongly marketing your

product to the detriment of Commodities United Ltd?” “And here comes the question of my crazy idea”, continued Bob. “Do me a favour,

read this job advertisement in the Financial Times,” with these words he handed Diana the newspaper. Diana read the advertisement and stared at her uncle unbelievingly.

“Do you want me to apply for a position of the personal assistant to the director of the marketing department of Commodities United Ltd?!” she started laughing. “Your idea is really crazy!”

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“Please, Diana, don’t say “no”! Don’t you understand it’s our chance to penetrate the company and to learn all their secrets?! Nobody knows you here. It’s a great chance!” Bob was very excited.

“I understand it all right. But you are forgetting something… They need an experienced person for this position!”

“Treat it as an adventure. You have nothing to lose. Let me help you to write your resume.”

“OK, Bob”, Diana gave in. Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who are successful marketers? 2. Why is it difficult to learn “trade” secrets? 3. What problem is Bob’s company facing? 4. In what product area is competition intense? 5. What did you learn about competition? 6. What suggestion did Bob make to Diana and why? 7. What is Diana going to do? Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

a) product; b) to compete; c) identifying; d) measure; e) weaknesses; f) strategy; g) information; h) resources; i) to guess; j) fairs; k) marketing.

In order to know how best __1__, one needs to know the way competitors

__2__ themselves, their strategy to date, their major strengths and __3__ and likely future strategy. One can learn such __4__ from public accounts, interviews and the trade press. Other ways are to have competitive personnel, take part in trade __5__, purchase the competitors’ __6__ and take it apart, or indulge in “espionage”. In __7__ the competitor’s strategy to date, it is not enough to believe what they say but it is necessary to reconstruct their __8__. Evaluating __9__ is difficult. It is essential to look at their production, __10__, financial and management resources. On the basis of all this it is possible __11__ the future.

Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Это был свадебный подарок от моего друга. 2. Два года назад они пе�

реехали в более просторный дом. 3. Секретарь уже разместила объявление в газете? 4. Они стали нашими конкурентами. 5. Какие методы разведки рынка вы использовали, чтобы достать эту информацию? 6. Она выдала все секреты фирмы. 7. Мы стоим перед лицом больших финансовых проблем. 8. Конку�


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ренция стала очень жесткой в этом году. 9. С большим трудом мы сохранили свое положение на рынке. 10. Отнесись ко всему этому как к приключению и не сдавайся. 11. Я хочу сделать предложение. Давайте действовать в ущерб нашим конкурентам. 12. Конкуренция снизила норму прибыли на вложенный капитал в нашем секторе. 13. Они обсудили уже этот вопрос? – Нет, они все еще его обсуждают. 14. Он уехал в Польшу 3 года тому назад, и я его не видел с тех пор. 15. Он уладил все вопросы на последней встрече. 16. У вас есть сей�час в наличии какие�нибудь финансовые ресурсы? 17. Мне недавно перевели крупную сумму денег.


lump sum – единовременная выплата bitter – ожесточенный competitor – конкурент battleground – поле битвы competition – конкуренция to drive down – снижать insider – инсайдер (сотрудник компании) to encourage – стимулировать to steer – направлять to discourage – препятствовать turbulent – бурный force – сила environment – среда to influence – влиять despite – несмотря на threat – угроза intelligence – разведка entrant – новый участник technique – метод rate – уровень reluctant – неохотный detriment – вред, ущерб moreover – более того to stare – уставиться guide – руководить to lose – терять response – ответ to give in – сдаваться to preserve – сохранить to indulge – потворствовать stance – положение temptation – соблазн brand – наименование circumstances – обстоятельства substitute – заменитель to survive – выжить stiff – жесткий to treat – отнестись


to make a suggestion – сделать предложение to the detriment of – в ущерб кому�л. to give away – выдать to be a step ahead – быть на шаг впереди to go wrong – не удаваться to be aware – знать, осознавать in order to do smth – чтобы сделать что�л. to hit back – нанести ответный удар to be available – быть в наличии rate of return – норма прибыли I wonder – интересно well�established – солидный; раскрученный

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Grammar: The Future Simple Tense; Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition; Word Order

Unit 1

The Future Simple Tense

The Future Simple Tense употребляется для выражения: 1. Обещания; I’ll pay you back in a week. 2. Внезапного решения что"то сделать (в момент речи); I’ll go and shut the window. It’s cold here. 3. После выражений типа: I think, I believe etc. I don’t think we’ll go out tonight. 4. Факта, который будет иметь место в будущем. Next Monday I’ll be forty. 5. Отрицательная форма won’t может иметь значение «отказываться

что"л. сделать». I have told her about it several times but she won’t listen to my advice. 6. Просьбы (в вопросительных предложениях). Will you shut the door, please?

Will/shall + infinitive (без to)

I shall (will) bring You will bring He will bring She will bring It will bring We shall (will) bring They will bring

Shall I bring? Will you bring? Will he bring? Will she bring? Will it bring? Shall we bring? Will they bring?

I shall not (shan’t) /will not (won’t) bring You will not (won’t) bring He will not (won’t) bring She will not (won’t) bring It will not (won’t) bring We shall not (shan’t)/will not (won’t) bring They will not (won’t) bring

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В придаточных предложениях условия и времени будущее время не употребляется, а именно после союзов if, when, as soon as, after, before, till, until, provided. Вместо него употребляется Present Simple.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to Future Simple. 1. I’ll write to you every day, don’t worry. 2. He will bring me the book next

time. 3. Give me your bag, it is too heavy, I’ll help you to carry it. 4. When you meet your potential employer try to show him that you have some more attractive offers, I believe it will help you to raise your salary. 5. The weather is so nasty I don’t think we will go out tonight. 6. I see you are very busy, I won’t take up much of your time. 7. Shall I shut the door? 8. My car won’t start, there is something wrong with it. 9. Will you phone me when he comes?

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple.

a) A: (to help) me? B: Oh, no. I (to leave) for London in 3 hours. You (to take) me to the

airport? A: I am afraid I (not to take) you because our secretary is ill. I am very busy. I

(to send) all these letters and quotations. Let’s phone Peter. He probably (to help) you.

b) A: You (to go) to this conference? B: If I (to have) an opportunity, I (to take) part in it. And you? A: Yes, I (to negotiate) and (to advertise) our new model A. I hope we (to

meet) at the conference. c) A: Have you got any computers available? B: Yes. How many you (to buy)? A: It (to depend) on the price. You (to give) a discount? B: If you (to buy) more than 5, you (to get) a discount. Exercise 3. Open the brackets using Present Simple или Future Simple. 1. If you (to sponsor) this company, you (to benefit) from it. 2. You (to buy) this equipment if they (to raise) prices? 3. They (to finance) the production as soon as he (to make) calculations. 4. We (to discuss) a lot of matters before he (to arrive). 5. They (to get) a 10% discount if they (to increase) their order. 6. If their company (to provide) shipping facilities, we (to place) an order

with it.

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7. If the weather (to be) rainy on Saturday, we (not to go) to the country. 8. You (to find) an invitation if you (to look) through the mail. 9. As soon as I (to get) the letter, I (to phone) them. 10. What you (to do) if you (to find) defects? 11. We (to make) arrangements before he (to come). 12. I (to leave) a message if she (not to be) in. Listening Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions: 1. Has Diana written her resume? 2. Who has sent it to Commodities United? 3. Why did Bob choose this particular way? 4. What did he ask Diana to do?

Unit 2

Working on the text

Read and translate the text. Write out new words. The primary mission of a resume and a cover letter is to arouse the reader’s

interest and to sell yourself, and to make your potential employer invite you to an interview. So these documents must be concise and to the point. One should include only relevant information. Your resume and cover letter must target the employer’s perspective. Employers want to know what you can do for them, how you will benefit their companies, how you will impact their bottom lines. That is why the resume must contain the following information: the position you are looking for, your education, professional skills, work experience, accomplishments. Besides that the resume may include additional information such as hobbies, health, languages. But it should not exceed a page. Nobody will take pain to read several pages.


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CURRICULUM VITAE OBJECTIVE Managerial position with a progressive company where broad management skills and knowledge can be fully utilized PERSONAL DETAILS Diana Stepleton 32 Six Avenue, New York, N.Y., USA Phone: 372 331 0249 e�mail: [email protected] EDUCATION 2006–2007 Oxford University MBA 2003–2006 Cambridge University BA (Honours) 2001–2003 Princes College German (A) French (B) PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Making Assessment and Coordination Innovation/Team Building Conflict Management/Handling Multiple Projects Financial Analysis and Accounting Presentation/Report Writing Organization/Planning Passion for Quality Customer Service Strategies WORK EXPERIENCE 2005 up to present Project Manager 1. Organizing conferences, corporate events, promo actions, road shows, professional seminars: � project budgets accounting; projects cost optimization; � project performance analysis; event quality rating reports; tips on improvement of vendors' activities in regions; 2. Direct marketing 3. Media campaigns 4. Accounting: � responsible for project realization and financial results; � working with financial documentation. 2003–2005 Office Manager � Coordinated and assigned human resources to optimize project performance � Significantly enhanced efficiency, productivity and cost�effectiveness KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS more than 300 successful projects ACTIVITIES Tennis, snowboarding, cross�country skiing LANGUAGES French, German

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Speaking Exercise 1. 1) Is the resume complete? 2) What information is missing? In the letter of application (cover letter) one should explain the reason why

he or she wants to get the position. It is necessary to relate your interests to those of the company and to show that you can contribute to the job. For that purpose it is important to highlight your strengths such as skills and experience.

Diana Stepleton

32 Six Avenue,New York, N.Y.,USA

November 20, 2007

Commodities United Ltd 3244 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. USA Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of Personal Assistant to the Marketing director which was advertised in the Financial Times last week. It has always been my dream to work for a progressive company where I will be able to utilize my knowledge and my skills. For the last two years I have worked as a project manager and acquired experience in organizing promotional activities and advertising campaigns. My job has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in marketing. As you can see from my enclosed resume the job suits me perfectly. If you require any further information do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully,

Diana StepletonEnc. 1


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Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. What is the layout of the letter? 2. What kind of information is there in the body of the letter? 3. Will the letter and resume be successful? 4. Will they invite Diana to an interview? Why? Exercise 3. 1) Write your CV. 2) Write a letter of application.

Если в предложении стоит подряд несколько существительных, то толь�ко последнее переводится на русский язык существительным, остальные яв�ляются к нему определениями.

Например: projects cost optimization – оптимизация стоимости проекта.

Exercise 4. Translate the following word combinations into Russian. Project realization; team building conflict management; quality customer service

strategies; project performance analysis; event quality rating reports; project performance optimization; the1994 French arms total; quality requirements check up; unemployment rate increase; company profits level drop; switchboard operator phone number.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. 1. Where did you find … advertisement? I found it in … Herald Tribune.

2. She graduated from … Cambridge university with honors. 3. They promised us … 5% discount if we decrease … price. 4. … Global Metal Holding is … well�established company with … offices in several cities. 5. She is … Londoner and he is … Musco�vite. 6. I am writing to apply for … position of а sales manager.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Сколько предложений о работе получил твой друг? 2. Ваш работодатель

повысил вам оклад? 3. Мой оклад увеличится на 50% в следующем месяце. 4. Мы опаздываем, поторопись! – Но моя машина не заводится! 5. Мне нравится это предложение. Я пойду и напишу сопроводительное письмо и сделаю изменения в своем резюме. 6. Я думаю, они пригласят меня на собеседование. 7. На какую должность вы собираетесь подать заявление? 8. В резюме вы должны подчеркнуть свои сильные стороны. 9. Мы можем гордиться своими достижениями. 10. Я бо�юсь, что у меня не достаточно опыта для этой работы. 11. Они должны понимать, какую пользу вы принесете компании.

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Unit 3

Working on the text

During the interview a candidate may be asked two or three tricky questions. Read the interview and say whether there are such questions here or not.

Two days later Diana received a call from Commodities United Ltd. They invited her to an interview.

Diana came 15 minutes before the appointed time. She was surprised to learn that it was the director of marketing himself who was going to interview her and not a representative of the HR department as the usual practice was. He introduced himself as David Robinson. He was a dark�haired and good�looking New Yorker with a solid aura of success. His face seemed familiar to her. She might have seen him* in chronicles and the financial columns of the major newspapers and TV programs.

David extended his hand verifying her name in his notes and the hand that took his was cool and long with perfect nails. She looked very British and ladylike. She was tall and straight�backed with a calm and handsome if not fashionably beautiful face. She wore no jewelry and only a touch of make�up round her eyes. His first idea was to make her the face of his company. Then he looked at her resume again.

“Good morning, Miss … or shall I say Mrs. Stepleton?” “It’s Miss… . Good morning.” “Some information is missing in your resume. You didn’t mention your age,

marital status and children”. “I wanted to lay emphasis on skills, qualifications and working experience.

I didn’t want to exceed one page. If I have to fill in an application form, I’ll supply you with all relevant data”.

“Where do you come from? You have a British accent.” “You are quite right Sir, I am British.” “Why have you come here? Why did you leave your last job?” “The USA is the country of great opportunities, don’t you know? She smiled

for the first time”. “So, you’ve come here to seize your opportunity?” “It depends…” Suddenly David wanted to impress her. He had already made his decision

and now he was rationalizing his choice. He spent a considerable time giving Diana


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an enticing description of the company’s background and its future aims and prospects.

“So there you have it, Miss Stepleton. By the way, are you a solo or team player?”

“Both”. “Good. Can you tell me what your strengths and weaknesses are?” “My strength… well… I am a workaholic. I believe this is my strength, … and

my weaknesses… it’s difficult to say… well… I think I have no weaknesses” – she laughed.

“How do you deal with difficult people?” “Difficult people? Oh, yes… it’s very simple… I become difficult myself”. David laughed appreciating the answer, then he asked: “Can you work under pressure?” “Well, we all have to work under pressure, but I can’t say I like tight

deadlines.” “Have you got any questions concerning your responsibilities?” “Well, I understand my major responsibility is to bring business and profit to

the company.” “Wonderful! Any questions about the salary?” “Your ad read “Attractive salary and fringe benefits”. What are those

benefits?” “Our company provides you with a car, low interest mortgage, and after six

months a successful candidate will be eligible for a bonus based on the performance. Anything else?’

“No, thank you”. “Well, Miss Stepleton, thank you for coming. I was pleased to meet you.

We’ll let you know about our decision by the end of the week.” “The pleasure was entirely mine Mr. Robinson. Good bye.” “Good bye”. *She might have seen him – она могла его видеть.

Speaking Exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1. Were Diana’s answers clever or stupid? 2. Did she answer honestly or not? 3. Do you think David will employ her? Why? 4. How could you answer these questions?

Exercise 2. In pairs dramatize an interview using the CVs you have written.

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Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Несколько работодателей предложили ему хороший оклад и социаль�

ный пакет. 2. В этом журнале не хватает двух страниц. 3. Каково ваше семей�ное положение? 4. В резюме необходимо сделать акцент на квалификацию, профессиональные навыки и опыт работы. 5. Люди обычно принимают реше�ние в течение первых пяти минут, а остальное время пытаются обосновать свой выбор. 6. Вы способны работать в команде? 7. Дэвид – трудоголик, и он ценит людей, которые умеют работать. 8. В прошлом году мы часто работали в стрессовой ситуации и выполняли работу в сжатые сроки. 9. Каковы были ва�ши обязанности на этой должности? 10. В следующем году фирма обеспечит всех своих сотрудников квартирами. 11. Если вы будете хорошо работать, то через полгода будете иметь право на получение премии. 12. С вашим бухгал�тером трудно иметь дело.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

for x 5; in x 2; with x 2; on x 2; to x 2.

1. What can I do … you? 2. What position are you looking …? 3. He wrote a

letter to apply … the position of office manager. 4. … the last four years I have acquired some experience … organizing advertising campaigns. 5. Please find my CV enclosed … the letter. 6. The company invited Diana … an interview. 7. Your face seems familiar … me. 8. It is necessary to lay emphasis … your professional experience. 9. Please fill … the application form. 10. This firm is not eligible … a loan. 11. Familiarize yourself … these materials. 12. Your salary will depend … your performance.


employer – работодатель passion – страсть headhunter – агентство по найму event – мероприятие offer – предложение budget – бюджет attractive – привлекательный tips – советы to raise – поднимать improvement – улучшение salary – оклад vendor – поставщик to start – заводить activity – деятельность quotations – расценки responsible – ответственный to depend (on) – зависеть от responsibility – обязанность resume – резюме to assign – назначать cover letter – сопроводительное productivity – производительность



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application – заявление cost�effectiveness – рентабельность interview – собеседование to relate – относиться benefit – выгода, польза reason – причина position – должность to contribute – вносить вклад skills – навыки, умения to highlight – выделять experience – опыт strength – сила accomplishment – достижения weakness – слабость exceed – превышать acquire – приобретать assessment – оценка familiarize – ознакомить handle – обрабатывать challenge – вызов involve – вовлекать enclose (with) – прилагать к require – требовать miss – пропускать hesitate – колебаться mention – упоминать appoint – назначать relevant – относящийся к делу seem – казаться rationalize – обосновывать familiar – знакомый opportunity – возможность representative – представитель smile – улыбаться extend – протянуть enticing – соблазнительный verify – выверять background – общие сведения; фон nail – ноготь; гвоздь appreciate – оценить handsome – интересный pressure – давление; стресс

(о внешности) fashionably – модно profit – прибыль jewelry – драгоценности entirely – полностью make�up – косметика


to take pains – брать на себя труд to seize one’s opportunity – воспользоваться возможностью your ad read… – в вашем объявлении говорилось… marital status – семейное положение tight deadlines – сжатые сроки fringe benefits – дополнительные льготы low interest mortgage – ипотека под низкий процент to be eligible for – иметь право на что�л., подходящий

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Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense; Modal Verbs (can, may, must)

Unit 1

The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения длительного

действия, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен: 1. Точным указанием времени: I was watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday.

2. Другим кратким действием: I was reading when they came in.

3. Параллельным, одновременным действием: While their mother was cooking dinner, the children were playing in the


Past Continuous характеризуется следующими словами и выражениями: all day (night) long, the whole day (morning), all the time, at 6 o’clock yesterday, from 7 till 8 o’clock… и др.

She was reading the whole morning yesterday.

Например: I cut my finger while I was cooking dinner. The phone rang when we were reading.

Was/were + Participle I

I was reading You were reading She was reading He was reading It was reading

We were reading They were reading

Was I reading? Were you reading? Was she reading? Was he reading? Was it reading?

Were we reading? Were they reading?

I was not (wasn’t) reading You were not (weren’t) reading

She was not (wasn’t) reading He was not (wasn’t) reading It was not (wasn’t) reading

We were not (weren’t) reading They were not (weren’t) reading

Past simple и Past Continuous часто употребляются вместе. Past Simple обозначает краткое действие, которое конкретизирует момент, когда происходило длительное действие, выраженное Past Continuous.

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Exercise 1. Open the brackets using Past Continuous. 1. When she entered the room, the children (to play). 2. I (to walk) with my

friend from 5 till 7 yesterday. 3. When we came, they (to have) dinner. 4. When my friend arrived, I (to meet) him. 5. When I left the house, it (to snow). 6. The company (to construct) the plant from June till January. 7. While my father (to read) a book, my mother (to cook) dinner. 8. She (to type) when I phoned her. 9. He (to run) very fast when he fell down. 10. The children (to make) a lot of noise while they (to play). 11. I (to wait) for my clients at 3 o’clock yesterday.

Exercise 2. Ask questions beginning with the words in brackets. Pattern: Yesterday at 10 o’clock she was walking in the park. (Where?

When?) Where was she walking at 10 o’clock yesterday? When was she walking in the park?

1. It was raining hard all day yesterday. (How?) 2. They were discussing their problems when we came. (Who? What?) 3. She was looking through the mail when the phone rang. (Who? What?) 4. He was having talks at this time yesterday. (What? When?) 5. We were watching this program from 6 till 8 yesterday. (What? When?

Who?) 6. She was driving when he phoned her. (Who? What?) 7. He was having breakfast while I was drinking tea. (What? When?) 8. I was preparing for my exam the whole day yesterday. (What? When?) Exercise 3. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. We (to revise) prices the whole day yesterday. 2. We (to revise) prices last

week. 3. The company (to replace) faulty equipment last month. 4. The company (to replace) faulty equipment all day long yesterday. 5. They (not to break) the terms of the contract last year. 6. We (to look) into the matter when our partners came. 7. He (to break) an appointment yesterday? 8. I (to make) a report the whole evening yesterday. 9. Our company (to modify) the model the whole year. 10. They still (to have) dinner when their manager (to phone). 11. While I (to speak) on the phone, he (to study) catalogues. 12. When we (to enter) the room, they (to receive) foreign businessmen.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present

Continuous. 1. I’m pleased because they (to replace) faulty equipment. 2. When they (to

replace) it? 3. When you (to get) the insurance policy? 4. You ever (to try) to get in touch with this company? 5. We (to develop) business relations with them now.

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6. We already (to develop) business relations with 5 companies. 7. You (to make) calculations yet? – Yes, we (to make) them last week. 8. I (to make) calculations from 9 till 12 yesterday. 9. They ever (to break) the terms of the contract? 10. This company (to advertise) their goods for 2 weeks last month.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Когда мы пришли, они смотрели телевизор. 2. Когда я ее встретил, она

покупала что�то в магазине. 3. Когда мы вошли в зал, он делал доклад. 4. Когда я позвонил им, они обсуждали новый проект. 5. Когда я его увидел, он назна�чал встречу по телефону. 6. Они рекламировали свой товар весь прошлый год. 7. В то время как мы привлекали покупателей, они продавали книги. 8. Пока она говорила по телефону, я делал уроки. 9. Ты смотрел концерт вчера в 6 ча�сов вечера? 10. Он писал музыку вчера весь день? 11. Мы принимали клиен�тов с 10.00 до 14.00.

Unit 2

Working on the text

Read and translate the text. Find Past Continuous and explain its meaning.

The call came through in the late afternoon on Friday when Diana was having tea. She did not really expect it already. It was the secretary of Mr. Robinson who invited her to come to the office on Monday morning, at 9 o’clock.

It was 5 to 9.00 when Diana arrived at the company. She gave her name to the receptionist and said she had an appointment with Mr. Robinson. While the receptionist was calling his office, Diana was examining flowers in the window and she did not notice the figure suddenly appear in the doorway.

“Good morning!” Diana spun from the window and gawked at the woman. “You scared me”, she said and breathed deeply.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to”, she said smiling. I’m Silvia Brown, Mr. Robinson’s secretary.”

“That’s all right, I’m Diana Stepleton”, they shook hands. Silvia Brown was a lady of about 40 years old with large hazel eyes which were scrutinizing Diana. She was wearing a dark blue skirt and a light blue blouse. Her chestnut hair was combed back and tied in a short pony tail that gave her a professional look.

“Please follow me. I’ll accompany you to Mr. Robinson’s office.” When they came, Mr. Robinson was speaking on the phone, giving

instructions to someone. He nodded to Diana and motioned her to sit down. While he was speaking she had time to look around the office. There were four bookcases along one wall. The other wall was occupied with two armchairs and a coffee table.


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A massive mahogany desk stood near the window. There were no curtains. He replaced the receiver and turned to her.

“Good morning, Miss Stepleton I’m sorry to keep you waiting. The problem is I’m leaving for Chicago in half an hour, and I must give instructions to everyone. I have invited you to say that our company is recruiting you for a probation period of two months. If we are satisfied with your work you will become our permanent employee and your salary will be higher. Your job will involve BTL marketing. Do you know what it is?”

“Yes, this is the opposite of ATL that is above�the�line marketing or classic marketing such as printed advertisements or trade show activities. BTL is Below�The�Line marketing. It refers to any non�media advertising and promotion such as exhibitions, mail shots, point�of�sale or street marketing, sponsorship. Below the line is viral and non�mainline advertising and marketing communications”.

“Good, I’m glad you know all that. Unfortunately I have no time to explain what your responsibilities are, but you can find all necessary information in the computer. Please read the guidelines of the company too.” He opened the drawer of his desk and took out four thick files. “We are currently working on four projects. Familiarize yourself with these documents. Pay special attention to tender documents. If you have any questions, ask Silvia. I’ll also be in touch. Now let’s go I’ll introduce you to your colleagues.”

Mr. Robinson introduced her to the employees of the marketing department. “This is my new personal assistant Miss Diana Stepleton. Can we call you

Diana?” “Sure!” Diana heard that Americans preferred first�name terms. “She graduated from Cambridge University with honors. Although she is so

young she has had some experience in BTL projects. I hope I’ve made the right choice and Diana will fit in.”

Mr. Robinson continued his monologue while Diana was standing there awkwardly, studying the group. They were young, successful and affluent. The dress code was strict. Dark gray or navy wool suits, white or blue cotton button downs and silk ties. Neatness was mandatory. There were several young ladies who were studying her with great interest.

“Silvia will give Miss Stepleton a tour of our offices, so you will have a chance to chat with her later. I’ll ask you to be on your best behavior.” Diana shook hands with each of them and followed Mr. Robinson to his office.

“I understand”, said Diana to Silvia, “that in the absence of Mr. Robinson you are the boss here?”

“Of course not, but you must understand that at higher levels a secretary possesses a very considerable knowledge of the organization, its objectives and lines of communication. Come, I’ll show you round.”

The offices were impressive. The premises seemed crowded because no one but the director had a private office. The whole floor was divided into cubicles, where employees were working at their desks.

“Where is my workplace?” asked Diana.

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“Over there, next to a small glass enclosed sitting area. There is a computer, a scanner and a printer on your desk. You will also find a supply of stationery in the drawers. The copiers are in the cubicle next to the coffee machine. A veritable convenience store of soft drinks, chocolates and other snacks, all free, draws our employees. If you want to find somebody, look for him there. The ladies room is round the corner, at the end of the corridor. Now, Diana, put the files on your desk and go downstairs to the HR department to sign the contract. Welcome to our company.”

Speaking Exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1. Was the call a surprise for Diana? Did she expect it? 2. Who met Diana when she came? Describe their meeting. 3. What do you think of Silvia? Describe her appearance. 4. What was Mr. Robinson doing when Diana came into his office? Describe

his office. 5. Why did Mr. Robinson invite Diana? 6. What is BTL marketing? 7. What is ATL marketing? 8. What were Diana’s responsibilities? 9. What were Diana’s first impressions of her new colleagues? 10. Is a secretary an important position? 11. Did everybody in Commodities United Ltd have a private office?

Describe the offices. 12. What was Diana’s working place like? Exercise 2. Retell the text. Exercise 3. Describe the office you would like to work in. Use the words from the text.

Unit 3 Listening Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the following words and

expressions: � sexual harassment, � a healthy work environment,


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" behavior, � have fun and enjoy going to work, � be hurtful or offensive, � practical jokes, � personal goals, � show dedication, � treat them with dignity and respect. It is important for employees to ___________ each day, however

professionals should remain productive and focus on achieving their professional and __________.

The extreme ______, flirtation, gossip, flattery and ___________ can be offensive and distracting. To maintain __________________ in the office professionals must follow a few simple guidelines:

- Respect fellow employees, ____________________, avoid office gossip; - ______________: work hard and be a team player; - Joke with care, avoid jokes that can ______________ to colleagues; - Learn office guidelines – what can be flirting to you could be

________________ to someone else. - Be productive and have fun. Exercise 1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Когда м�р Стенли подошел к стойке администратора, она говорила по

телефону. 2. У Вас отдельный кабинет? 3. Я вчера встретил свою старую под�ругу. На ней было роскошное черное платье; ее каштановые волосы были за�чесаны назад и завязаны в конский хвост, что придавало ей аристократичный вид. 4. В России коллеги обычно приветствуют друг друга рукопожатием. 5. Вы станете постоянным сотрудником после шестимесячного испытательно�го срока. 6. Вы появились так неожиданно, что испугали меня. 7. Я надеюсь, вы успешно вольетесь в наш коллектив. 8. У меня назначена встреча с госпо�дином Грином на 11.00. 9. Я не ждал вас сегодня. 10. Форма одежды в этой фирме очень строгая. Аккуратность обязательна. 11. Где я могу почитать об основных принципах (направлениях) работы вашей компании? 12. В ящике вашего рабочего стола вы найдете все необходимые канцелярские принадлеж�ности. 13. Ваши помещения впечатляют! 14. Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с ма�териалами тендера.

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Unit 4

Modal Verbs (can, may, must) Модальные глаголы выражают отношение говорящего к предполагае�

мому действию. Они имеют одну или две грамматические формы (Present Simple, Past Simple) и сочетаются с инфинитивом без частицы “to”. Недос�тающие видовременные формы восполняются их эквивалентами.

Present Simple Past Simple Эквивалент

can could be able (to)

may might to be allowed (to) to be permitted (to)

must � to have (to) to be obliged (to)

CAN (could); эквивалент – be able Can выражает способность, возможность. 1. Физическая или умственная способность: He could understand 3 foreign languages when he was 5 years old. Мы используем модальный глагол can, только когда речь идет об общих

физических способностях: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, understand. Когда же говорится о какой�то определенной ситуации, то употребляется эквивалент to be able, который по своему значению ближе к глаголу manage.

He didn’t want to come, but we were able to persuade him. 2. Возможность (зависящая от обстоятельств): Can I speak to Mr. Brown? Sorry, he is not available. 3. Вежливая форма – Could (значение сослагательного наклонения): Could you help me?

MAY (might); эквиваленты – to be allowed/to be permitted May выражает разрешение, вероятность. 1. Разрешение. Здесь также возможно употребление модального глагола

can: You may take these copies – Вам дают разрешение. You can take these copies – Нет условий, которые помешали бы вам сде"

лать это.


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Запрет может быть выражен несколькими способами: May I read the letter? – No, don’t , please. – No, you may not. – No, you

must not. (зависимость от обстоятельств) 2. Вероятность, возможность. May употребляется только в утвердительных

предложениях. В этом значении возможно и употребление can: In these documents you may (can) find a lot of interesting things.

MUST; эквиваленты – to have (to)/to be obliged (to)

Must выражает обязанность, необходимость, запрет (в отрицательной форме), предположение, граничащее с уверенностью.

1. Обязанность, необходимость: He must work. He must earn money. Must I go to the meeting? – Yes, you

must. – No, you needn’t. (отсутствие необходимости)

2. Команда, запрет. You must leave the room at once. You must not do it.

3. Вероятность, предположение. Предположение, граничащее с уверен�ностью, почти убежденность (но только в утвердительных предложениях):

She must be very famous. Everybody recognizes her.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps using can, may, must. 1. You … joke of course, but you … remember that people … take offense.

2. Where is the secretary? She … be out, because nobody … find her. 3. One … get a copy of any printed edition in the British Library. 4. … I do this today? – No, you needn’t, you … do it tomorrow. 5. Who … speak Chinese in your group? 6. John … come to the meeting yesterday because he was ill. 7. The secretary … send these letters as soon as possible. 8. … I use your telephone? – Sure!

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using suitable forms of the

modal verbs. 1. Я могу поговорить с господином Виллером? – К сожалению, его нет. Вы

не могли бы оставить для него сообщение? 2. Я могу выпить чашечку кофе в ва�шем ресторане? 3. Не могли бы Вы дать мне номер телефона вашего отдела кад�ров? 4. Вы должны заставить их принять наши условия. 5. Я думаю, вы можете взять ее на испытательный срок. 6. Она должно быть очень успешна в своей карь�ере, т.к. выглядит богатой и независимой. 7. Можно я возьму твою машину? 8. Вы не должны опаздывать на эту встречу. 9. Он никогда не мог прийти вовремя. 10. Я смогу вернуть вам документы только завтра.

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Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions. with x 3; of x 6; in x 5; to; on x 2. 1. If the company is satisfied … the results … the work … the mew manager he

will get a salary raise. 2. He was a man … about 50 years old … great experience… recruiting people. 3. Don’t worry I’ll be … touch. 4. We’ll take you … probation. 5. The managing director wants to familiarize himself … your report. 6. Could you explain your new strategy … me? 7. We hope you will fit … our organization. 8. You can find the guidelines … the company … our site. 9. Who is…charge … the department … the absence … the director?


appointment – встреча, назначение prefer – предпочитать spin (spun, span) – крутиться dress – одеваться; платье gawk – пялиться fit in – подходить scare – испугать choice – выбор breathe – дышать affluent – богатый mean – иметь в виду neatness – аккуратность shake – трясти mandatory – обязательный scrutinize – внимательно рассматривать tour – экскурсия, осмотр chestnut – каштан absence – отсутствие comb – зачесывать premises – помещения tail – хвост cubicle – кабинка accompany – сопровождать workplace – рабочее место nod – кивнуть next to – рядом motion – движение, жестикулировать supply – запас probation – испытательный срок stationary – канцелярские

принадлежности permanent – постоянный copier – ксерокс affordable – можно позволить себе veritable – настоящий guidelines – рекомендации, принципы convenience – удобство familiarize – знакомиться store – магазин tender – тендер downstairs – вниз по

лестнице snack – легкая закуска sign – подписывать


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to make an appointment – назначить встречу to shake hands – обменяться рукопожатием to familiarize oneself with smth – ознакомиться с чем�л. dress code – корпоративный стиль одежды convenience store – магазин повседневного спроса sexual harassment – сексуальные домогательства a healthy work environment – здоровая рабочая обстановка to have fun – получать удовольствие be hurtful or offensive – быть обидным или оскорбительным a practical joke – розыгрыш to show dedication – проявить преданность

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Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense

Unit 1

The Past Perfect Tense

had + Participle II – одна форма для всех лиц

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание I (you) had worked He (she, it) had worked We (they) had worked

Had I (you) worked? Had he (she, it) worked? Had they (we) worked

No, I (you) had not worked No, we (they) had not worked No, she (he, it) had not worked

The Past Perfect Tense употребляется: 1. Для обозначения действия, которое произошло раньше другого дейст"

вия в прошлом, либо закончилось к какому"то моменту в прошлом: Had the film already started when you came to the cinema? She had finished her work by 4 o’clock. 2. После выражений I wish, if only, I’d rather для выражения действия, ко"

торое не произошло: I wish I had been more interested in English at school. If only I had bought those shares! I’d rather he had asked me before taking my car. 3. В отрицательной форме выражает для выражения сожаления по пово"

ду содеянного: He wishes he had not left his previous job. (but he did) Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the meaning of Past Perfect. 1. When the letter arrived they had already left the country. 2. Before he

moved to the US, he had lived in Great Britain for many years. 3. When we came to the theatre the performance had already started. 4. The builders had built a new school by the first of September. 5. Hardly had he opened the door of his car when somebody attacked him from behind. 6. Had you finished your article by Monday? 7. I wish I had married him. 8. If only I had known everything in advance. 9. She wishes she had not met him. 10. I’d rather you had raised the money.

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Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Когда Стив наконец добрался до университета, лекция уже началась.

2. Мы завершили выполнение тестов к 5 часам. 3. Он был уверен, что никогда не встречался с этим человеком. 4. Мне показалось, что раньше я ее где�то ви�дела. 5. Не успел Дэвид позавтракать, как ему позвонила его секретарь. 6. Если бы только она это знала раньше! 7. Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты этого не сделал. 8. Хотел бы я, чтобы ничего этого не произошло.

Exercise 3. Make up 10 sentences with Past Perfect in different meanings, using the vo"

cabulary of the previous lesson.

Unit 2

Working on the text Read and translate the text. Find Past Perfect and explain its meaning. David was in high spirits and everyone in Chicago office noticed that. It was

a usual quarterly meeting on benchmarking, but it was going unusually very smoothly. David was listening silently to the division directors without interrupting. It had always been difficult for them to report their assessment of competitors’ performance and give their views on how their company stood in relation to a recognized brand and business standard leader. In every area of business there are companies who are accepted as being a leader in a particular field based on a number of parameters such as reputation, quality of product, quality of processes and procedures, reliability of product, training and professionalism of employees, ability to meet deadlines, customer focus and care, and competitiveness of pricing policy. With every product introduced on the market David wanted to be a leader not a follower. He always believed that:

if conditions, facilities, equipment and methods were of good quality; if good training was provided for all the staff; if staff were motivated and rewarded; if production and service standards were continuously monitored and improved; if internal communications, both vertically and horizontally, were good and

everyone knew the company policy, strategy and direction; and if problems were resolved quickly and efficiently, then other

organizations would use Commodities United Ltd as a benchmark. After the last speaker had finished, David rose to sum up the results:

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“Well, ladies and gentlemen, taking into account that those were just our interim results, I must say I am satisfied with the work done. Thanks. Many thanks. But I would also like to remind you that organizations can only achieve and maintain a competitive edge through their employees. Best management practice is based on achieving levels of mutual respect and trust. Without a fair system of appraisal and assessment, covering pay, prospects and promotion, people become disappointed and disenchanted. I don’t want it to happen in our company. I strongly believe in the concept that the most efficient and motivated workforce is the one where people are given increasing levels of responsibility. The feedback you give your team about their work is fundamental to their motivation. Don’t forget to offer recognition of the effort which has been put into the work. Please prepare your suggestions by tomorrow and email them to me.”

The meeting was over, but David had three more on his schedule today, and in the evening he was dining with his family. He was wondering if his father would approve of his new assistant or not.

Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Быть в приподнятом настроении; эталон; оценка деятельности конку�

рентов; в отношении; ряд параметров; промежуточные результаты; дать свою точку зрения; надежность товара; мотивировать и вознаграждать; подводить итог; принимать во внимание; перспективы и продвижение по службе; достичь уровня взаимоуважения и доверия; справедливая система; обратная связь (информация о результатах деятельности); одобрять.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Describe David’s behavior during the meeting. 2. What kind of meeting was it? 3. What is benchmarking? 4. What are the parameters that make a company a leader? 5. What did David believe in? 6. What are the necessary conditions to make a company a leader? 7. Was he satisfied with the results? 8. What is the best management practice to his mind? 9. Do you agree that efforts of employees must be recognized?


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Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) targets; b) improvement; c) completion; d) motivation; e) staff; f) constructive; g) a manager; h) highlight; i) achievement; j) expectations; k) feedback.

1. As __1__ you set targets and it has a dramatic effect upon your team’s sense of __2__. 2. Ideally, you should provide a series of __3__ which are easily recognized as stages towards the ultimate __4__ of the task. 3. The __5__ you give your team about their work is fundamental to their __6__. 4. Your __7__ need to know where they stand, and how they are performing against your reasonable __8__. 5. Your feedback must be honest, simple, and always __9__. 6. Follow the simple formula: __10__ something good, point out what needs __11__, suggest how to improve.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Наша встреча прошла очень гладко. 2. Мы всегда оценивали деятель�

ность нашей компании по сравнению с лидером. 3. Это – признанный бренд, с ним трудно соперничать. 4. Приоритетом в их компании является забота о клиенте. 5. Он всегда хотел быть лидером, а не последователем. 6. Персонал необходимо мотивировать и награждать, иначе сотрудники будут разочарова�ны. 7. Необходимо постоянно контролировать и улучшать стандарты произ�водства и обслуживания. 8. Вы должны принять во внимание, что это всего лишь промежуточные результаты. 9. Признание хорошо сделанной работы – очень важно для сотрудников.

Speaking Exercise 5. Retell the text. Listening Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions: 1. What are the main objectives for a German manager? 2. Do German companies compete with each other? 3. What are the watchwords for most German managers? 4. What does product orientation mean for a German manager? 5. What is the difference between American and German management?

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Unit 4

Working on the text

Read and translate the text.

Diana was furious. She was ready to murder Bob for his “brilliant” idea to involve her in this stupid adventure. She had already familiarized herself with the materials of 3 projects that were under way, but the largest file with tender documents was still waiting for her. Everything was more or less clear with the first three projects, but she had not had any experience in conducting tender and she began to panic. She had nobody to turn to for help. Bob warned her that it was common practice for employees to report the mistakes of their colleagues to the boss, and Diana was too proud to leave the company ignominiously.

She got so absorbed in reading documents, that she didn’t notice it was time to go home. It was Silvia who informed her that everybody had already left.

“Well, Diana, I can see you are a hard working girl, are you staying here for the night?”

“I’d love to, but I have to change”, they both laughed. Diana thought it was the right moment to ask Silvia a few questions.

“Silvia, I’d like to ask you something if you don’t mind…” “I don’t mind at all”, Silvia interrupted her, “but let’s go to a cafe and have

some dinner. I’ll become more talkative after I have eaten something.” “I am also very hungry, I’ve forgotten about my lunch.” They left the office and hurried to a nice cafe near a small garden. After they

had eaten their starter Silvia said: “Well Diana, what do you want to know?” “I just wanted to ask you about the style of management in your company.” “I think, I can call it management by objectives. I mean that the boss defines

objectives to each employee, and directs their performance against the objectives that have been set. The global aim is to increase the performance of the organization. He always uses SMART method, that is:

S – specific, M – measurable, A – achievable, R – realistic, T – time related” “I thought you implement the concept of “Management by Walking



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“Do you mean Twelve Principles? Such as: Do it to everyone. The real power of the technique lies in the time you spend with those in

lower levels of your area of responsibility. Do it as often as you can. Go by yourself. When you visit employees alone, it encourages more honest

dialogue and speaks loudly of your personal commitment to the idea. Don’t circumvent subordinate managers. Some employees may take

advantage of your presence to complain about a supervisor who is your subordinate. Counsel them to discuss the issue fully with their supervisor first.

Never show to the employee you are not satisfied with the supervisor, but follow up privately with the supervisor.

Ask questions. Ask your employees to tell you a little bit about the files, projects or duties they are working on.

Watch and listen. Listen to the words and tone of employees as they speak to you and to each other. You’ll learn a lot about their motivation and their levels of satisfaction.

Share your dreams with them. Tell them about the organization’s vision for the future, and where your vision for the department/unit/section fits in with the "big picture." Reveal the goals and objectives that you want them to help you fulfill together as a team. Ask them for their vision, and hold an open discussion.

Try out their work. Sample their job just enough to show your interest in it, and to understand how it goes.

Bring good news. Walk around armed with information about recent successes or positive initiatives. Increase their confidence and brighten their outlook.

Have fun. Joke around, and show your softer side without being disrespectful or clowning around. Show employees that work should be fun and that you enjoy it too.

Catch them in the act of doing something right. Look for victories rather than failures.

Well, I can’t say we use all these principles, just some of them.” “I am glad you don’t use “Mushroom Management methodology”. “What is it?” Silvia wondered. “Oh, it’s very simple. Employees are likened to champignons which grow in

the darkness. Those who raise their heads are just cut. That is all.” “Oh, no!” Silvia protested. We are Americans and we reward the initiative.”

Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Быть в бешенстве; глупое приключение; ознакомиться с материалами;

более или менее; проводить тендер; покинуть компанию с позором; быть по�глощенной чтением; остаться на ночь; переодеваться; перебивать; стать разго�

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ворчивой; обходить; воспользоваться преимуществом; наблюдать и слушать; провести дискуссию.


Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. How many types of management are mentioned in the lesson? What are they? 2. Why was Diana furious? 3. Why did she miss her lunch? 4. What did Diana want to speak with Silvia about? 5. What kind of management does the company practice? 6. What is MBO? 7. What is MBWA? 8. How many principles are there in MBWA? 9. Do you agree with all of them? Why? 10. What is Mushroom Management? 11. What management style would you prefer and why? 12. What kind of management do Russian companies use? 13. What do you know about Japanese management? 14. What is SMART? 15. Do you know any other types of management?

Неисчисляемые существительные употребляются без артикля, когда они выражают отвлеченные понятия в общем смысле.

Например: While there is life there is hope.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. 1. One of … prominent features of … Japanese management is … practice of …

permanent employment. 2. … Career promotion is highly predictable, regulated and automatic. 3. … Japanese managerial style and … decision�making emphasizes … flow of information and initiative from … bottom up, making … top management … facilitator rather than … source of … authority. 4. Decisions are made by … consensus. Maintaining … harmony in the company is … very important task too.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Вы уже ознакомились с материалами этих проектов? – Нет еще. Я сейчас

работаю над документами тендера. 2. Основным методом управления в нашей фирме является метод постановки задач. 3. Ваш босс определил вам задачи, перед тем как уехал в командировку? 4. Генеральный директор посоветовал обсудить


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вопрос сначала с их непосредственным начальником, т.к. он никогда не действо�вал через голову своих подчиненных. 5. Наши цели всегда были достижимы и реалистичны. 6. Если вы будете внимательно слушать и наблюдать, то вы пойме�те, насколько ваши сотрудники мотивированы и удовлетворены работой. 7. Ваш начальник часто бывает в хорошем настроении и шутит на работе? 8. Вы верите, что работа может и должна быть удовольствием? 9. Старайтесь найти победы, а не поражения у своих сотрудников и вы станете великим боссом. 10. Сколько сейчас у вас идет проектов? 11. Мне все более или менее ясно. 12. Боюсь, что мне не к ко�му обратиться за помощью.


notice – замечать murder – убивать benchmark – эталон; сравнивать familiarize – знакомить smoothly – гладко tender – тендер quarterly – квартальный common – общий, обычный interrupt – перебивать warn – предупреждать assessment – оценка ignominiously – позорно view – точка зрения; вид change – переодеваться care – забота talkative – разговорчивый follower – последователь measurable – измеряемый condition – условие implement – внедрять facility – мощности, аппаратура encourage – побуждать reward – награда honest – честный monitor – осуществлять контроль commitment – обязательство improve – улучшать circumvent – обходить internal – внутренний counsel – совет interim – промежуточный hold – проводить, держать appraisal – оценка disrespectful – неуважительный disappoint – разочаровывать clowning – клоунский disenchant – освобождать от иллюзий fit in – подходить, вписываться feedback – обратная связь liken – сравнивать effort – усилия schedule – расписание, график furious – взбешенный suggestion – предложения


to be in high spirits – быть в приподнятом настроении to give one’s view (point of view) – выразить свою точку зрения to sum up the results – подвести итоги competitive edge (advantage) – конкурентное преимущество to be under way – идти, проводиться (о работах, проектах) to get absorbed – увлечься, погрузиться (в работу)

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Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Unit 1

The Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор (включаю�щее) или только что закончилось (исключающее). Это время подчеркивает процесс и длительность действия.

Например: Our exports have been growing steadily for the past two years. (включаю�

щее) She has been working for this company since she moved to Paris. (вклю�

чающее) Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? (исключающее) How long have you been waiting for me? (исключающее) Exercise 1. Change the sentences using The Present Perfect Continuous Tense and

prepositions since, for according to the pattern. Pattern: a) She began to work 5 years ago. She has been working for 5 years. b) I came to this city in 1998. (live) I have been living in this city since 1998. 1. They began producing vehicles in 1990. 2. We started discussing prices 2 hours ago. 3. They held the first conference 3 years ago. 4. He became the head of the company 2 weeks ago. (work) 5. We began advertising this model a month ago.

To have been + Participle I

I have been reading You have been reading She has been reading He has been reading It has been reading We have been reading They have been reading

Have I been reading? Have you been reading?Has she been reading? Has he been reading? Has it been reading? Have we been reading? Have they been reading?

I have not been reading You have not been reading She has not been reading He has not been reading It has not been reading We have not been reading They have not been reading

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6. They began to send us catalogues in 2001. 7. He went to Spain 2 years ago. (live) 8. She phoned 30 minutes ago. (speak on the phone) 9. They went to the concert 3 hours ago. (listen to music) 10. My friend went on holiday 2 weeks ago. (travel) Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect. 1. The secretary (to talk) to the customer for 10 minutes. 2. They (to modify) this model for 2 years. 3. I (to make) purchases for an hour. 4. The manager (to make) a report for 30 minutes. 5. I (to leave) a message with the secretary. 6. They (to establish) relations with us recently. 7. We (not to improve) this model of computer yet. 8. They never (to offer) a discount. 9. They (to manufacture) these vehicles since 1996. 10. He (not to discuss) business with me for a long time. 11. How long she (to speak) on the phone? 12. How long you (to buy) these goods?

Exercise 3. Ask questions using the words in brackets. 1. Your manager is speaking at the meeting. You ask: (How long/make a

report?) 2. The company always places an order with your company. You ask: (How

many orders/place?) 3. Your friend takes part in all meetings. You ask: (How many meetings/take

part in?) 4. The company is making profit. You ask: (How much profit/make?) (How

long/make profit?) 5. The secretary sends enquiries every week. You ask: (How many

enquiries/send this month?) (How long/send enquiries?) 6. Your friend always spends a lot of time making purchases. You ask: (How

much time/spend?) 7. The representative of your company is having talks with your competitors.

You ask: (How long/have talks?) (How many problems/discuss?) 8. Your representatives usually buy equipment from your partner. You ask:

(How much equipment/buy this year?) (How long/buy equipment?) Exercise 4. Open the brackets using correctly Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous,

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. 1. She (to leave) a message with me. You can take it. 2. This company is reliable. They (to sell) goods of high quality.

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3. We (to contact) them last week. 4. They (not to make) a transaction yet. 5. We (to negotiate) with them for 2 weeks. 6. This company (to advertise) its products since 1990. 7. How long they (to produce) these goods? 8. We are not satisfied with their prices. They (to quote) too high prices. 9. We (to discuss) the terms of delivery these days. 10. Look! They (to increase) the price by 5%. 11. We (not to make) a transaction with them for 2 years. 12. There (to be) 50 participants at the last meeting. Exercise 5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Вы уже сделали все расчеты? – Еще нет. Мы занимаемся расчетами

уже 3 часа. 2. Как давно ты ждешь своих друзей? – Уже 30 минут. 3. Ваша компания получила доход в этом году? – Да. Она увеличила доход на 10%. 4. Мы благодарны вам за срочную поставку оборудования. 5. Я попросил ме�неджера объяснить мне условия платежа. 6. Мы обычно прилагаем документы и каталог к письму. 7. Когда прошла конференция? 8. Ты едешь на конферен�цию? – Я не знаю. Это зависит от многих причин. 9. Как давно они посылают вам эту информацию? 10. Мы работаем с этой компанией с тех пор, как они разместили у нас свой первый заказ. 11. Я благодарен тебе за поддержку. 12. Вы приняли приглашение принять участие в переговорах? – Мы еще не приняли решение. 13. Секретарь уже написала доклад? – Еще нет. Она пишет его с утра. 14. Сколько людей представляют вашу компанию на конференции? 15. Мы обсуждаем наш бизнес с партнерами с понедельника и недовольны ре�зультатами наших переговоров. 16. Как давно вы экспортируете продукты пи�тания в нашу страну? 17. Я получил записку, в которой он сообщал мне о встрече с партнерами. 18. Она уже сделала все покупки? – Нет, она ходит по магазинам (to go shopping) уже 3 часа.

Unit 2

Working on the text Read and translate the text. Find Present Perfect Continuous in the text and

explain its meaning.

Diana has been working for Commodities United Ltd for a month already. She has been working really hard, returning home late at night. During this month she completed two projects and successfully managed the tender business and David appreciated that. Of course nobody knew she had applied to her father for help. Thanks to his advice she selected four companies that really turned to be* the


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best and David congratulated her on her choice. The fourth project was still under way – The White Rose Ball, it was to take place in a month.

They were going now to a meeting with organizers of this Ball where Commodities United was going to be a sponsor. They were late for the appointment and David was driving at a high speed. The silence between them was getting awkward and Diana decided to break it.

“Well, David, while I have been with your company I’ve come to the conclusion that you are aggressive players. Am I right?”

“Yes, you are,” – he looked down at her smiling, and Diana suddenly felt embarrassed. “The art of marketing is the art of war and you must know that,” he continued”. “Have you ever heard of Sun Tzu?”

“An ancient Chinese military genius? But his Art of War was written more that 500 years B.C. and was intended** only for the military elite of his time.”

“But it is one of those rare texts that transcends time. The basic tenet of Sun Tzu’s philosophy is that if your strategy is well founded, you will win – and if you have a truly great strategy, you will win without fighting. We can apply his military principles to marketing as well. 12 principles are the cornerstone of great marketing. They do not change over time. As we can see the same basic principles have directed great leaders for centuries.”

“So, what are these great principles?” – she asked casually. “You want to learn all my secrets, don’t you?” he said playfully. “And then I

won’t be of any interest for you, shall I?” “Well…” – Diana was at a loss and laughed insincerely, realizing that she

rather liked David than hated him as her enemy. “First Principle: Honour the Customer. If the customer purchases your

product or service, nothing else matters. Second principle: Organization of Intelligence. Know your market as well as

you know yourself. Third Principle: Maintenance of the objective. It means a clear intention and a

steady aim. Fourth Principle: A Secure position. Occupy a position that your opponents

cannot easily take from you. Fifth Principle: Offensive action. Keep on the offensive to secure freedom of

action. Sixth Principle: Surprise. Surprise is the best way to gain psychological

dominance and deny the initiative to your opponent. Seventh Principle: Maneuver. The easiest routes are often the most heavily

defended; the longest way round can be the shortest way home. Eighth Principle: Concentration of Resources. Mass sufficiently superior force

at the decisive place and time. Ninth Principle: Economy of Force. Assess accurately where you employ your


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Tenth Principle: Command structure. The management process unleashes the power of human resources.

Eleventh Principle: Personal Leadership. It requires the leader’s faith in his or her people and their faith in the leader’s ability to win.

Twelfth Principle: Simplicity. Strategically – honoring the customer aims at building a lifelong

relationship. It’s common knowledge that companies exist because customers have their

needs. If a company does know its target customer and it does bring real value to that customer it will be doing business for life. As your strategy is to win the customer you must always offer him benefits. Successful strategy needs good information. Failure to organize the input leaves you and your organization in the position of sifting through data that are not relevant, and in this case time and opportunities may be lost. That is why we need intelligence.

Another major factor related to the second principle is a thorough assessment of your marketing opportunity. It includes SWOT analysis. The acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Knowledge is marketing power. The objective must be clearly defined and communicated to the subordinates.

Strategically there must be only one main direction and tactically there must be a single objective. Of all maxims in the Art of War “fighting when victory is assured” is among the most significant and useful because it clearly states that the way to win must be determined before the battle. Usually a narrowly focused business will be more successful than the one offering a broad variety. One more essential point related to the third principle: Do not underestimate.

The leader must take up a strong position, inspire others to follow him, discover where the enemy is weak and attack there. Proceeding from the forth principle the first thing is to make yourself invincible. But to do it one must devise new weapons or new technology. Strategically offensive action provides initiative for movement and tactically it keeps you in control.

Successful execution of the plan is critical to success. Only offensive action achieves decisive results. Because action permits the manager to exploit the initiative and impose his will on the marketplace or the competition. Keys to the successful offense are skills, preparation, training, and above all, information. Surprise is the best way to gain psychological dominance and deny the initiative to the opponent.”

“Diana, are you sleeping?” “Oh, no! I’m listening very attentively getting ready to become offensive.”

She smiled provocatively. “Good. We have almost arrived”.

*turned to be the – оказались лучшими **to be intended – предназначаться


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Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Справляться, поздравлять, опаздывать на встречу, прийти к заключе�

нию, превосходить, основной принцип, обоснованный, небрежно, игриво, краеугольный камень, растеряться, неискренне, разведка, продолжать вести наступление (атаковать), вера, способность побеждать, общеизвестно, потреб�ности, целевой покупатель, предлагать преимущество, просеивать, знание – сила, недооценивать, вдохновлять, непобедимый, выполнение, навязать свою волю.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the following questions: 1. How successful was Diana during her first month at work? 2. What topic were David and Diana discussing on their way to the meeting? 3. What did you learn about Sun Tzu? 4. How many military principles do businessmen use in marketing? What are

they? 5. What is intelligence? 6. What is SWOT analysis? 7. Do you agree that knowledge is marketing power? 8. Explain personal leadership. 9. Do you believe that only offensive actions can bring results? Why? Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) household; b) response; c) government; d) authority; e) resale; f) attributes; g) target markets; h) buyers; i) consumer market; j) production; k) marketing mix.

Markets are groups of actual or potential … . 1. … who can afford to buy the

product, have the needed … . 2. … to buy the product, desire the product and will respond similarly to a … . 3. … appeal. The acronym MAD�R – for money, authority, desire, and … . 4. … – will help you remember these characteristics. Groups of people who possess these MAD�R … . 5. … in greater abundance are called … . 6. … Markets are broadly categorized in terms of what they do and what they buy; the … .7. … comprises people and groups who buy products for personal, family or … . 8. … use; the organizational market comprises people and groups who buy products

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for further… . 9. …, use in operating the organization, or … . 10. … to consumers. Together with … . 11. … and farm markets, these categories cover practically all the people and groups who buy products in international markets.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

of x 7; for x 2; in x 4; from; to.

Marketing is the performance __1__ business activities which direct the

flow __2__ goods __3__ producer __4__ ultimate consumer or user __5__ this purpose the main task __6__ the marketer is to make and attract a profitable demand __7__ a product.

Marketing involves understanding the consumer circumstances and attitudes that determine why certain people want certain products.

Marketing trends, activities, and organizations are constantly changing and developing __8__ the role __9__ bringing together interested parties, the intermediary may also be involved __10__ grading, financing, assembling, packaging, refining, or altering the form __11__ the goods. Indeed, a large portion __12__ the working population __13__ many countries is involved __14__ some form __15__ marketing.

Listening Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions: 1. What is marketing mix? 2. What are four Ps? 3. How is product defined? 4. What is promotion designed for? 5. How is “place” described?

Unit 3

Revision: Disjunctive questions Pattern: You are not going to tell me your secret, are you? He has been to

many countries, hasn’t he? Exercise 1. Finish the sentences using correct grammar structure. 1. Marketing is the performance of business activities, …? 2. They have not involved any intermediaries, … ?


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3. The price really influences the product’s image, …? 4. Diana and David are going to the meeting, … ? 5. The firm has never been able to become a leader, …? 6. He has been waiting for a long time, … ? 7. They met the deadline, … ? 8. They will get promotion, … ? 9. I am financial director, … ? 10. Diana had never dealt with tender documents before she started to work

for Commodities United Ltd, … ? Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Мы работаем с этой фирмой уже 8 лет. Они всегда были надежными

партнерами. 2. Удовлетворять потребности потребителей – основная задача компаний. 3. Завоевать клиента всегда была и есть наша основная стратегия. 4. Если вы будете просеивать информацию, не относящуюся к делу, вы поте�ряете время и упустите возможности. 5. Самая точная оценка вашего бизнеса включает анализ сильных и слабых сторон деятельности, возможностей и уг�розы со стороны конкурентов. 6. Знание – сила. 7. Вы четко определили зада�чу и довели ее до сведения подчиненных? 8. Мы вступили в борьбу только по�сле того, как убедились, что победа нам обеспечена. 9. Мы опаздываем на встречу, надо поторопиться. 10. Я пришел к выводу, что вы последователи, а не лидеры. 11. Стратегия – это краеугольный камень в маркетинге, чтобы по�бедить без борьбы. 12. Для чего нам нужна разведка? 13. Они пытаются навя�зать нам свою волю. 14. 4P – это инструменты маркетинга, представляющие собой совокупность затрат. 15. Какие каналы сбыта вы знаете?


complete – заканчивать needs – потребности manage – справляться benefits – преимущества congratulate – поздравить sift – просеивать appreciate – оценить assessment – оценка appointment – встреча underestimate – недооценивать silence – молчание inspire – вдохновлять intend – намереваться invincible – неуязвимый intention – намерение devise – изобрести transcend – проходить сквозь weapon – оружие found – обосновывать execution – выполнение fight – сражаться impose – навязывать cornerstone – краеугольный камень will – волю casually – небрежно offensive – наступательный

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playfully – игриво authority – полномочия insincerely – неискренне response – ответ hate – ненавидеть abundance – изобилие enemy – враг household – домохозяйство honour – чтить ultimate – конечный tenet – принцип; догмат consumer – потребитель intelligence – разведка demand – спрос steady – устойчивый, неизменный profitable – прибыльный secure – надежный goods – товары occupy – занимать trend – тенденция unleash – дать волю intermediary – посредник faith – вера grading – сортировка assemble – сборка package – упаковка refine – очищать tangible – осязаемый acquisition – приобретение intangible – неосязаемый consumption – потребление persuade – убеждать wholesale – оптовый advertising – реклама retail – розничный publicity – известность


to apply to somebody for smth – обратиться к кому�л. за чем�л. to break the silence – нарушить молчание to come to the conclusion – прийти к заключению to feel embarrassed – чувствовать неловко to be at a loss – растеряться it’s common knowledge – общеизвестно marketing mix – совокупность затрат на маркетинг (маркетинг�микс) to bring together interested parties – свести вместе заинтересованные сто�

роны channels of distribution – каналы сбыта


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Grammar: The Past Perfect Continuous Tense; Sequence of Tenses

Unit 1

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения дей�ствия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжалось до какого�то момента в прошлом на протяжении некоторого времени. Это время подчеркивает про�цесс и длительность действия.

Например: We had been waiting for him for an hour before he arrived. Exercise 1. Make up one sentence out of two, using Past Perfect Continuous, according to

the pattern. Pattern: I began cooking dinner. After 2 hours the guests came. I had been cooking dinner for 2 hours when the guests came. 1. He began driving. After 10 minutes his car broke down. 2. She went for a walk. After half an hour she met her friend. 3. They began negotiating. After 2 hours they signed the contract. 4. We went on holiday to the Crimea. After 2 weeks our friends joined us. 5. She went shopping for a blouse. After an hour she found it. 6. I looked for a key. After 10 minutes I found it. 7. She began learning French. After half a year she went on business to

France. 8. My brother began to give me driving lessons. After 3 days he gave up his idea. 9. I began working at the library. Half an hour later the library closed. 10. Our company looked for good partners. After 2 months we found them. 11. We produced this model of cars. After 5 years we modified it. 12. They began advertising their goods. 2 months later their sales increased.

had been + Participle I (имеет одну форму для всех лиц)

I had been reading You had been reading He had been reading We had been reading

They had been reading She had been reading

Had you been reading? Had he been reading? Had she been reading? Had we been reading?

Had they been reading?Had I been reading

I had not been reading She had not been reading You had not been reading He had not been reading We had not been reading

They had not been reading

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Exercise 2. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect Continuous. 1. He (to emphasize) that their company (to make) achievements for 2 years. 2. I (to know) that they (to advertise) their goods for 2 months. 3. She (to say) that she (to wrap) up the present for half an hour. 4. The company (to ensure) us that they (to make) tests for 2 weeks. 5. He (to be late) because he (to explain) the matter to the police for an hour. 6. The secretary (to say) that she (to wait) for the call from our partner the

whole morning. 7. The manager (to persuade) me to buy their products because they (to sell)

them for 5 years. 8. Before I (to take a decision) I (to discuss) it with everybody for a month. 9. How long you (to look for) information before you (to write) a report? 10. I (to be) very grateful to my mother because she (to cook) for my

birthday party all day. 11. How long you (to persuade) the clients before they (to make) a

purchase? 12. He (to wait) for his girlfriend for half an hour when she (to come) at last.

Unit 2

Sequence of Tenses

Если в главном предложении стоит глагол в прошедшем времени, то в

придаточном предложении также должен быть употреблен глагол в одном прошедшем времени. Чаще всего согласование времен имеет место при пере�воде прямой речи в косвенную.

Сравните: He says that he works for this company. / He said that he worked for that company. He says that he worked for this company. / He said that he had worked for that company. He says that he has worked there for 5 years. / He said that he had worked there for 5 years. He says he will work for this company. / He said he would work for that company.

Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Perfect


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Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Simple Future in the Past

Ряд слов при согласовании времен также меняются: Today – that day; tomorrow – the day after, the following day; this – that;

here – there etc.

Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the correct grammar form. 1. David said he (to meet) his father at 3 p.m. 2. Michael confessed that (not

to hear) the name of the composer before. 3. Steve promised that he (to buy) the patent if they (to sell) it. 4. Chairman said they (to hold) the meeting already. 5. He said he (to write) the article for 3 weeks. 6. The secretary explained that she (to work) at this company now. 7. I (not to agree) to their offer because they often (to let me) down. 8. He (to say) that they (to take part) in that conference at that time. 9. This company always (to expand) cooperation with overseas banks. 10. I want to thank you because I (not to have) an opportunity to do it before. 11. How long you (to attend) such meetings? – For 2 weeks. 12. He was tired because he already (to attend) a lot of lectures. 13. This is a reliable company. We (to buy) goods from them for 7 years. 14. When we came, they still (to negotiate). 15. They said that they (to negotiate) for 3 hours. 16. I (to forget) that I (not to send) our quotations. 17. We were grateful to them because they (to enclose) very useful documents with the letter. 18. The prices (to rise) now. 19. The prices (to rise) for 3 days. 20. I didn't know that the prices already (to rise) by 5 percent. 21. I didn't know that the prices (to rise) for 5 weeks. 22. He found out that their competitors (to extend) the guarantee period.

Unit 3

Working on the text Read and translate the text. Find Sequence of Tenses and explain the usage of

different tenses. “Morning to everyone”, – said David coming into Diana’s cubicle. “Hi, David”, – Diana looked up from her computer, – “How are things?” “Everything is wonderful. I’ve come to tell you that 5 minutes ago I had a call

from Mr. Priestly and I must say you were great during the negotiations. I believed you would charm them, but I didn’t expect such a result. They agreed to every point we had discussed. I must admit you are a perfect negotiator.”

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“I must admit I’ve studied NLP.” “I’ve suspected something like that”, David burst out laughing. “I was

watching you during negotiation and I noticed some of the tricks I was familiar with myself. You are a nice girl, Diana”. If he wanted to embarrass her, he failed. She gave him a sidelong glance and said simply:

“Yes, I know “. “Well”, continued David, “I’ve also brought you a draft contract with our

Suppliers. Please read it very carefully and be ready at 3.30. We are meeting with them at 4.00 p.m.

At 4.00 p.m. sharp David and Diana entered the conference room. They greeted their counterparts Mr. Amand and Mr. Singh, exchanged business cards, and sat down at the table. Mr. Amand asked his secretary to bring some tea, coffee and mineral water. After some preliminaries they got down to business.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen let’s get started”, said Mr. Singh. “Two days ago we emailed you our draft contract and we hope you have studied it already. Is everything clear? Have you got any questions?”

“Yes”, said David, “we’d like to discuss several points. First of all, it’s the warranty period. I must say it is too short, especially for items 4423 and 4424. We would like you to extend it to 12 months at least. You didn’t mention anything concerning replacement of faulty parts. I hope there won’t be any faulty parts but still there must be such a clause in the contract”.

“If we omitted the clause concerning replacement, it’s our fault, of course. But as far as the guarantee period is concerned I’m not sure we are in a position to extend it. But I’ll try to get in touch with our production manager and to ask his opinion.”

“I am sorry to interrupt you,” Diana intervened, “but this is our trial order, isn’t it? And to my mind, you must do your best to satisfy our requirements, otherwise we can find another Supplier. A lot of companies just queue up to make us place an order with them, because they understand that we are a well�established company and if we are satisfied with our partners work we will be doing business for life. Moreover, we usually buy in bulk.”

“By the way”, interrupted David, “in your offer you mentioned a quantity discount. But I couldn’t find anything on it in your draft contract.”

“We didn’t mention anything concerning the discount because we didn’t know the exact quantity you were going to order.”

“OK, we’ll discuss it later.” “One more point that is very important for us is the terms of payment. You

ask for advance payment, I think, we could agree for repeat orders only. As I have already said, this is our trial order and we will open a Letter of Credit in your favour.”

Mr. Singh and Mr. Amand exchanged glances. Then Mr. Amand spoke for the first time.


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“Can you give us a first�class bank guarantee for your L/C?” “We’ll do better than that”, David assured him, – “we’ll open you a Letter of

Credit with the first class bank. Will Chase Manhattan Bank suit you?” “I think it will, but we’ll give you our final answer in two days. Is that all

right?” asked Mr. Amand. “Sure”, – said David and Diana together.

They looked at each other and smiled. Their counterparts smiled too.

“There is one more thing we would like to discuss”, continued Diana. “It’s the inspection clause. We want you to include it in the contract.”

“Well, I don’t think it will be much of a problem, anything else?”

“As far as the terms of delivery are concerned, I believe CIF New York will suit us. On the other hand, we have our own shipping facilities and I’d like to see FOB prices too. Please send them to me tomorrow and we’ll make our final decision. That‘s all, I think.”

“Fine. We’ll forward you our FOB prices. Please inform me of your decision so that I could start drawing up a new contract.”

“OK, thank you very much, I believe our talks were productive”, David said. “Oh, we are sure they were,” agreed Mr. Amand and Mr. Singh. “We believe

we’ll strike a deal to our mutual benefit”. They shook hands and Mr. Amand kissed Diana’s hand. David and Diana left

the office. When they were getting into the car David said: “I owe you a drink, Diana. It was a clever idea of yours to include the

inspection clause. I had not thought about it myself. That is why I am taking you to dinner tonight.”

Diana did not object because she was tired and hungry. David had to admit to himself that he found her company more than

pleasant. She talked with humor and intelligence and listened well when he talked about his business. As the evening wore on he became aware that what he already felt for her was not a passing attraction, nor even simple lust. He admired her. She had an inner calmness, a self�composure, a serenity that rested and relaxed him.

He found himself talking to her more and more freely about the things he usually kept to himself – his financial affaires, his boredom with the society. She seemed not so much to know as to understand, which is far more important in a young woman than mere knowledge. They were still talking quietly at the corner table after midnight when the restaurant wanted to close. She declined in the

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nicest possible way his invitation to come up to his penthouse for a nightcap which had not happened to him for years.

David drove Diana in silence to the block of flats where she was staying. He didn’t get out of the car to open the door for her. She thanked him for the evening, bade good night, and left the car very quickly. When she got home she understood how tired she was. The lines from a famous song were dancing in her mind:

When somebody loves you, you feel it in your heart, When somebody loves you, you know it from the start. Diana wanted to cry. She was taking a shower when the telephone rang. It was the land line. After

hesitating for a moment she picked up the receiver. It was Bob. Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Переговоры, должен признать, расхохотаться, смущать, косой взгляд,

проект контракта, поставщики, предварительные замечания, перейти к делу, замена бракованных частей, это наша вина, пункт контракта, продлевать, свя�заться, делать все возможное, удовлетворять требования, выстраиваться в оче�редь, скидка, условия платежа, условия доставки, взаимная выгода, что касает�ся…, направить, финансовые дела, «стаканчик на ночь», стационарный телефон.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. How did David estimate Diana’s participation in the negotiation? 2. Was he satisfied with the negotiation? 3. What did he ask her to do? 4. With whom did David have an appointment at 4 p.m. and why? 5. What did David want to clarify? 6. Was Diana’s manner aggressive? Why? 7. What arguments did Diana offer to make their counterparts agree? 8. How many points were discussed during the negotiation? What are they? 9. Why did David suggest going to the restaurant? 10. Did they spend a nice evening? Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. a) negotiation; b) counterparts; c) handshake; d) conditions; e) talks; f) to

strike a deal; g) mutual benefit; h) in advance; i) parties; j) to make concessions.


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1. The usual purpose of negotiation is __1__. 2. Normally both parties are interested in reaching an agreement of __2__. 3. __3__can occur spontaneously (at a trade fair) or may be planned __4__. 4. Hence the __5__ make an appointment and the __6__ start. 5. During negotiations the __7__ usually discuss terms and __8__, exchange their views, trying to outbargain each other. 6. If counterparts are ready __9__ they will have a greater chance of finding common ground and reaching a final __10__.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

of; by; at x 2; for; with x 3; on; in x 3; about; up x 2; to x 5; out. 1. He could talk … his father … everything. 2. We’ll forward our offer … you …

Monday morning. 3. I want to invite you … my place … a nightcap. 4. You shall open a L/C … Citibank … our favour. 5. We can agree … the terms … payment, but we can’t agree … you that advance payment is always dangerous. 6. Please get … touch … me as soon as you have drawn … the contract. 7. We are not … the position to discuss this matter. 8. They looked … each other and burst … laughing. 9. We want you to increase the discount … least … 5%. 10. Will you extend the guarantee period … 18 months?

Speaking Exercise 5. Retell the text.

Unit 3 Listening Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions: 1. What did Bob want from Diana? 2. What did she promise to him? 3. What information did Diana get? Is this information important? 4. Could this information help Bob to develop his business? In what way? 5. Do you think Diana will do her best to get this secret information? Exercise 1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Дэвид попросил Диану просмотреть проект контракта, который ему

прислали поставщики. 2. Он сказал, что у них назначена встреча на 16.00.

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Диана не знала, что Дэвид уже встречался с индийской стороной и обсуждал с ними условия доставки. 3. Они ведут переговоры с 14.00 и еще не закончили. 4. Они обменялись визитными карточками и после предварительных замеча�ний перешли к делу. 5. Свяжитесь со мной как только решите вопрос с про�длением гарантийного срока. 6. В вашем контракте нет пункта касающегося замены бракованных запчастей. 7. Если наш пробный заказ пройдет успешно, вы можете рассчитывать на повторные заказы. 8. Мы не ожидали, что вы предложите нам такую маленькую скидку. 9. Дэвид надеялся, что противопо�ложная сторона сделает все возможное, чтобы удовлетворить их требования. 10. Они боялись, что мы разместим заказ у их конкурентов. 11. Клиент заве�рил поставщиков, что сделает авансовый платеж. 12. Надеюсь, вы собираетесь заключить взаимовыгодную сделку. 13. Что я вам должен? – Ничего. 14. Вы всегда обсуждаете свои финансовые дела публично? 15. Вы всегда вмешивае�тесь в чужие дела?

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. 1. Diana lay awake thinking of David and her family. 2. She had to admit that

he was … man whom she could admire. 3. She prized … drive, … determination, … leadership above all. 4. He was … power�hungry alpha male, … sort of personality … companies would like to have, because such people can transform … business. 5. In … other circumstances she would like to work for him and to learn from him. 6. On … other hand she had to perform her duty and save her aunt’s business. 7. There was no … alternative. 8. It was … one way ticket for her. 9. … telephone interrupted her gloomy thoughts. 10. This time it was her mobile phone.

Listening Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions: 1. Who called Diana and why? 2. Was the person serious or not? 3. How did Diana react? Exercise 3. Will Diana betray David and help Bob? Write a composition, explaining your

point of view.


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negotiation(s) – переговоры assure – заверять negotiator – переговорщик inspection – проверка charm – очаровывать delivery – доставка admit – признавать facilities – средства trick – хитрость forward – направить embarrass – смущать draw up – составить fail – терпеть неудачу talks – переговоры sidelong – косой mutual – взаимный glance – взгляд benefit – выгода draft – проект owe – быть в долгу suppliers – поставщики passing – проходящий carefully – тщательно attraction – притяжение sharp – ровно; острый lust – вожделение counterpart – противная сторона admire – восхищаться preliminaries – предварительные calmness – спокойствие замечания thought – мысль point – пункт; точка self�composure – самообладание item – изделие (здесь) serenity – безмятежность extend – продлевать rest – давать покой replacement – замена mere – простой, чистый faulty – бракованный decline – отклонить parts – запчасти cry – плакать clause – статья, пункт (контракта) land line – стационарный телефон omit – опускать, пропускать hesitate – колебаться fault – вина pick up – поднять interrupt – перебивать receiver – трубка intervene – вмешиваться determination – решительность queue up – выстраиваться в очередь gloomy – мрачный quantity – количество betray – предать discount – скидка trial – пробный advance – авансовый

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burst out laughing – расхохотаться get down to business – перейти к делу at least – по крайней мере to get in touch (with) – связаться (с кем�л.) to my mind – по моему мнению to do one’s best – сделать все возможное to place an order with a company – разместить заказ в компании to execute (to do) one’s duty – исполнить свой долг terms of payment – условия платежа terms of delivery – условия доставки Letter of Credit – аккредитив as far as smth is concerned – что касается… shipping facilities – средства доставки to strike a deal – заключить сделку a mere accident – чистая случайность nothing in particular – ничего особенного to enjoy smb’s confidence – пользоваться доверием (кого�л.) sleep on it/counsel with your pillow – утро вечера мудренее to find out – выяснить CIF (cost, insurance, freight) – оплата стоимости , страховки и фрахта FOB (free on board) – бесплатно на борту (доставка до борта судна)


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Lesson 11. CONTRACTS

Grammar: The Passive Voice of Simple Tenses; Modal verbs: to be, shall

Unit 1

The Passive Voice of Simple Tenses

To be + Participle II (3?я форма глагола)

Present Simple Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I I am invited I am not invited Am I invited?

You, we, they We are invited They are not invited

Are you invited?

He, she, it He is invited She is not invited Is he invited?

Past Simple Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I I was invited I was not invited Was I invited?

You, we, they They were invited

We were not invited

Were you invited?

He, she, it She was invited He was not invited Was he invited?

Future Simple Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I, we I shall/will be

invited We shall/will not

be invited Shall I be invited

You, they They will be invited

You will not be invited

Will you be invited?

He, she, it He will be invited She will not be in�vited

Will he be invited?

Употребление времен в страдательном залоге полностью совпадает с

употреблением времен в действительном залоге. Так как в страдательном залоге действие производится не подлежащим,

а над подлежащим, и в основном, акцент делается на самом действии, а не на деятеле, то деятель чаще всего опускается. Действующее лицо или предмет вводятся союзом by или with (неодушевленный).

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Например: 1) The company was founded in 1970 by my grandfather. 2) The letter is written with a pencil.

Способы перевода страдательного залога на русский язык

Существует несколько способов перевода страдательного залога с анг�лийского языка на русский язык, например:

1. Самим страдательным залогом: I was invited to the conference. Я был приглашен на конференцию.

2. Неопределенно"личным предложением: I was invited to the conference. Меня пригласили на конференцию.

3. Возвратными глаголами с окончанием на "ся: A lot of new hotels are built in Russia every year. Каждый год в России

строится много новых гостиниц.

Особенности употребления страдательного залога в английском языке

В английском языке так же, как и в русском, страдательный залог образуется от переходных глаголов. Но в отличие от русского языка некоторые глаголы допус�кают образование страдательного залога как с прямым, так и с косвенным дополне�нием. К ним относятся: to accord, to advise, to allow, to ask, to award, to deny, to teach, to tell, to promise, to order, to give, to show, etc.

I was shown the contract. The contract was shown to me. Мне показали контракт.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences: 1. The contract will be signed as soon as all the details are agreed upon.

2. The order was placed two weeks ago, but as far as I know they have not executed it yet. 3. Will they be shown many samples? 4. The terms of delivery were not discussed during yesterday’s negotiations. 5. He was made a nice offer he couldn’t reject. 6. The shares of this company are listed on several stock exchanges. 7. A letter of introduction will be emailed to many companies next week.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice. 1. Many new companies (to found) in our country every year. 2. This work

(to do) tomorrow. 3. My question (not to answer) during the talks. 4. Our new project (to finish) next year. 5. The money(to receive) yesterday. 6. The Letter of Credit (to open) within a week after signing the contract. 7. The goods (not to deliver) on time. 8. We often (to invite) to participate in conferences. 9. Business


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letters usually (to write) on special forms. 10. The mail (to bring) by the secretary five minutes ago.

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English using the correct form of the Passive Voice. 1. Каждый день заключается множество сделок. 2. Условия контракта,

как правило, обсуждаются представителями компаний. 3. Офисное оборудо�вание меняют каждые 5 лет. 4. Телевизионное оборудование этой фирмы экс�портируется во многие страны. 5. Товары нашей компании производятся в не�скольких странах. 6. Я знаю, что контракт будет подписан завтра. 7. Товар не был поставлен вовремя, так как у фирмы было слишком много заказов. 8. Ме�ня пригласили на конференцию 2 дня назад. 9. Вчера им предложили кредит на 6 месяцев. 10. Проблема была обсуждена на собрании.

Unit 2

Working on the text Read and translate the text paying attention to the Passive Voice. When Diana opened her eyes in the morning it was almost 9 o’clock. She

overslept, because she had not got a wink of sleep almost all night and drowsed off only at sunrise. Her mood matched the weather outside that was very depressing. She took a quick shower, dressed up, and hurried to work without breakfast. Although she had been thinking all night she didn’t make a decision what line of behavior to take. The best way was to pretend as if nothing had happened. She hoped to slip to her cubicle unnoticed but at that very moment her mobile rang and Silvia asked her to come to Mr. Robinson’s office. Diana had nothing to do, but to face the reality. When she entered the office Silvia told her that a message was left for her by Mr. Robinson who had gone to Chicago. Diana couldn’t refrain from sighing with relief when she heard the news. On her boss desk Diana found a short memo which read as follows:

Please read the contract and make amendments where necessary. I’ll get in

touch. Next to it there was a printed copy of the contract. She also noticed a name

with a telephone number written on the calendar. That was it. She tried to memorize the number and went quickly to her working place. She left the contract on her desk and hurried downstairs out of the building. Five minutes later she was sitting in a cafe, dialing a number.

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Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Проспать; не сомкнуть глаз; задремать; восход; соответствовать; принять

решение; поведение; притворяться; случаться; проскользнуть; вздохнуть с об�легчением; в записке говорится; сделать поправки; распечатанная копия; за�помнить; набрать номер.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Why was Diana late for her work? 2. Was she happy when she learnt that

David was not in the office? 3. What was Diana’s feelings. Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English. 1. О Боже! Я проспал! Я не сомкнул глаз всю ночь, так как готовился к

экзаменам. 2. На календаре был написан номер телефона и какое�то имя. 3. Вам вчера оставили сообщение? 4. В письме говорилось следующее: г�на Брауна пригласили принять участие в переговорах. 5. Он притворился, что не узнал ее. 6. Диана вздохнула с облегчением, когда узнала, что Дэвид уехал в командировку. 7. Мне всегда сообщают все новости.

Listening Exercise 4. Listen to the telephone conversation and answer the following questions: 1.Whom did Diana phone? 2. Why did she leave the office? 3. What did she

suggest? 4. What was the response of the other party?

Unit 3 Working on the text Read and translate the text paying special attention to the Passive Voice and

the usage of modal verbs to be, shall. Diana returned to her cubicle and studied the contract.


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CONTRACT # 04834/?I?103 Sky Impex Ltd, New Delhi, India hereinafter referred to as the Seller on the one part and

Commodities United Ltd, New York, the USA hereinafter referred to as the Buyer on the other part have concluded the present Contract as follows:

1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought goods on CIF New York terms in

accordance with the specification attached to the present contract and which is an integral part thereof.

2. QUALITY OF THE GOODS. Quality of the goods delivered under the present contract shall conform to the Export

Quality Standard and be certified accordingly. The Seller shall assure and guaranty that the quality of the goods shipped against this contract will strictly conform to the samples, presented to the consignee of the goods.

3. PRICES AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE CONTRACT. The total value of the Contract is USD 1.820.000 (US Dollars One million eight hundred

and twenty thousand). The prices are firm for the duration of the contract, not subject to any alteration and

include the cost of packing, marking, loading, including the cost of materials used for this purpose, customs duties.

4. DELIVERY DATES AND TERMS. Entire goods in respect of this Contract are to be delivered within 90 days from the date

of this contract. Partial shipments are allowed. 5. TERMS OF PAYMENT. Payment as per the present Contract shall be made by irrevocable, transferable and

divisible Letter of Credit opened by the Buyer for the total value of the Contract. The Letter of Credit is to be opened within 10 working days after signing the present Contract and shall be valid for 120 days. The L/C shall be opened by the Buyer in favour of the Seller.

The payment is to be made against the presentation of the following documents: 1. Invoice in 3 copies; 2. Full set of Clean on Board Bills of Lading marked “Freight Prepaid”; 3. Certificate of Origin; 4. Works Certificate; 5. Packing List in 3 copies; 6. Insurance Policy; 7. Certificate of Quality. All charges as to the opening of the Letter of Credit (prolongation and amendments) are

to the Buyer’s account. 6. ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS AND CLAIMS. 6.1 The goods are considered to be delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer: � as

for the quality � in accordance with the standard quality certificate and with the pre�shipment samples; � as for the quantity of the cases � in accordance with the shipping documents.

6.2 In case of any complaints concerning in tare shortage, provided the packing is not damaged, or if the quality of the goods do not correspond to that of the preshipment samples, the Buyer has the right to make a claim on the Seller within 30 days of the landing of the goods.

6.3 Immediately after the Buyer’s request the Seller is to replace (at the Seller’s expense) the damaged articles with new ones of good quality.

6.4 The Buyer has the right to check the goods on the spot before loading.

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7. GUARANTEE. The quality of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract shall be confirmed by

the Certificate of Quality issued by the Manufacturer. The Seller shall guarantee high quality of the goods delivered under the present contract as well as their full correspondence to the data stipulated in the Specification to the Contract. The period of guarantee shall be 12 months from the date of signing the Acceptance Protocol but not more than 30 months from the date of the last delivery.

8. PACKING AND MARKING. The goods shall be shipped in seaworthy packing in accordance with the requirements of

each particular type of the material. The Seller shall be responsible for any damage or breakage of the goods that may be caused by improper packing. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint on the top of the case.

9. INSURANCE. The Seller shall insure the goods against all usual marine risks at his expense. 10. FORCE�MAJEURE. The parties are not liable for failure to perform their obligations under the present

Contract, if such failure was caused by force majeure circumstances such as: fire, flood, earthquake, war, provided these circumstances have directly affected the performance of this Contract.

11. ARBITRATION. All the disputes that may arise out of the present contract or in connection with it are to

be settled in amicable way by negotiation. Otherwise they should be settled by the International Commercial Court in accordance with the procedures and rules of the said court.


Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. 1. Именуемый в дальнейшем; с одной стороны/с другой стороны; в соот�

ветствии; прилагать; неотъемлемая часть; соответствовать (2); удостоверять; образец; получатель; общая стоимость контракта; твердая цена; не подвержен каким�либо изменениям; погрузка; таможенные пошлины; условия платежа; условия доставки; безотзывный; переводной; делимый; быть действительным; в чью�л. пользу; против предъявления; счет�фактура; сертификат происхож�дения; заводской сертификат; полный комплект чистых бортовых коносамен�тов; расходы; в случае; заменять поврежденный предмет; обуславливать (ого�варивать); отгружать; упаковка, пригодная для морских перевозок; акт прием�ки; поломка; несмываемая краска; морские риски; за чей�л. счет; неспособ�ность выполнить обязательства; пожар; наводнение; землетрясение; при усло�вии; урегулировать споры.


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Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the subject of the contract? 2. How many clauses are there in the

contract? Enumerate them. 3. What way of payment did the parties choose? 4. How is the payment executed? 5. What party is responsible for shipment and delivery? 6. Is there an inspection clause in the contract? 7. How are the goods accepted? 8. What circumstances are considered to be force�majeure? 9. How are disputes settled?

Exercise 3. Translate the contract in writing. Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. a) irrevocable; b) integral; c) improper; d) consignee; e) issued;

f) transaction; g) Buyer; h) disputes; i) insurance; j) flood; k) damage; l) clauses; m) obligations; n) force�majeure.

A contract is a legal document of a __1__ between two parties the __2__

and the Seller. All the legal __3__ of the parties are stated in the contract. The contract usually includes a number of __4__. The Seller is usually held responsible for any __5__ caused by __6__ packing. CIF prices include cost, __7__, freight. The payment will be made by __8__ and divisible L/C. The Certificate of Quality is usually __9__ by the manufacturer. All __10__ must be settled in amicable way. An appendix is an __11__ part of the contract. Earthquake, __12__ or war are called __13__ circumstances. __14__ of the goods can be the third party of the contract besides the Buyer and the Seller.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions. as x 3; from; hereinafter x 2; to x 4; on x 2; of x 2; during; in x 3;

with x 3; under; by. 1. Global Metal Holding … referred … … the Seller … the one part and Sky

Impex … referred … … the Buyer … the other part agreed … follows. 2. The total value … the contract and the terms … payment were discussed … the first

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negotiation. 3. The invoice … 3 copies must be sent … the consignee immediately. 4. The goods are shipped … accordance … the specification. 5. The goods … the contract are to be … full conformity … the samples, presented … the consignee. 6. When the agreement is signed … our counterparts I will sigh … relief. 7. My friend cannot refrain … asking questions.

Exercise 6. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Контракт обычно содержит такие статьи, как: предмет контракта и

общую стоимость, условия доставки и платежа, гарантия и качество товара, упаковку и маркировку, форс�мажор и арбитраж. 2. Спецификации – это при�ложение к контракту, которое является его неотъемлемой частью. 3. Марки�ровка была сделана несмываемой краской на трех сторонах коробки. 4. В пользу вашей фирмы 3 дня назад был открыт аккредитив на полную стои�мость товара. 5. Испытания будут проводиться за неделю до погрузки. 6. Пла�теж был осуществлен после предъявления следующих документов: счета�фактуры, полного комплекта чистых бортовых коносаментов, сертификата происхождения и заводского сертификата. 7. Неисправные детали заменили в течение недели. 8. Если споры нельзя уладить полюбовно, путем переговоров, дело решается арбитражным судом в соответствии с юридическими процеду�рами. 9. Продавец продал, а покупатель купил товар согласно спецификациям на условиях СИФ Москва. 10. Фирма Н. именуемая в дальнейшем Продавец с одной стороны и фирма С. именуемая в дальнейшем Покупатель с другой сто�роны заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем.

Unit 4

Modal verbs “to be”, “shall”

Модальный глагол to be имеет значение «должен по плану, по догово�

ренности». В данном значении глагол to be употребляется только в Present Simple и Past Simple.

Например: We were to meet at 5.00 but he didn’t come. Мы должны были встретиться в 5.00, но он не пришел. Who is to go on business to London? – Mr. Brown is. Кто должен поехать в командировку в Лондон? – Мистер Браун. Глагол shall сочетает в себе признаки модальности с функцией вспомо�

гательного глагола, выражающего будущее время. В значении модального гла�гола выражает обязательность, строгий приказ или угрозу.


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Например: You shall do nothing of the sort! Вы не сделаете ничего подобного! She shall go off tomorrow. Она уедет завтра же! В документах, таких как контракты и соглашения, глаголы to be (в

Present Simple) и shall на русский язык не переводятся. Смысловой глагол пе�реводится глаголом в настоящем времени.

Например: 1. You are to open a letter of credit for the total value of the goods. 2. You shall open a letter of credit for the total value of the goods. Оба предложения переводятся на русский язык одинаково: Вы откры�

ваете аккредитив на полную стоимость товара. Exercise 1. Translate from Russian into English using modal verbs to be and shall. 1. Чтобы получить деньги с аккредитива, вы должны предъявить в банк

определенные документы. 2. Она должна была отправить это письмо вчера, но не сделала этого. 3. Согласно условиям контракта ваша компания осуществля�ет авансовый платеж в размере 30% от общей стоимости товара в течение 7 ра�бочих дней с даты подписания контракта. 4. Если ты сделаешь это, то никогда больше не увидишь этих денег. 5. Вы еще пожалеете о том, что не выполняете свой долг!


drowse – дремать irrevocable – безотзывный match – соответствовать transferable – переводной pretend – притворяться divisible – делимый behavior – поведение presentation – предъявление slip – проскользнуть charges – расходы refrain – воздержаться prolongation – продление sigh – вздохнуть acceptance – приемка amendment – поправка tare – тара hereinafter – здесь и далее shortage – нехватка conclude – заключать provided – при условии specification – спецификация damage – повреждение conform – соответствовать landing – прибытие certify – подтверждать article – предмет

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accordingly – соответственно stipulate – оговаривать firm – твердый breakage – поломка duration – протяжение failure – неспособность alteration – изменение obligation – обязательство packing – упаковка fire – пожар marking – маркировка flood – наводнение loading – погрузка earthquake – землетрясение entire – целый; весь amicable – дружелюбный

WORD COMBINATIONS at smb’s expense/to smb’s account – за чей�л. счет in accordance with – в соответствие to be subject to – быть подверженным чему�л. not to get a wink of sleep – не сомкнуть глаз in respect of – в отношении чего�л. to be valid – быть действительным in favour of – в пользу кого�л. acceptance protocol – акт приемки bill of Lading – коносамент clean on board – чистый на борту works certificate – заводской сертификат certificate of origin – сертификат происхождения


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Lesson 12. MEETINGS

Grammar: The Passive Voice of Perfect Tenses; Modal verb Should

Unit 1

The Passive Voice of Perfect Tenses

To have been + Participle II

Present Perfect Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I, we I have been

invited We have not been

invited Have I been

invited? You, they They have been

invited You have not been invited

Have you been invited?

He, she, it She has been invited

He has not been invited

Has he been invited?

Past Perfect Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, we We had been invited

I had not been invited

Had I been invited?

You, they You had been invited

They had not been invited

Had you been invited?

He, she, it She had been invited

He had not been invited

Had he been invited?

Future Perfect Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I, we We will/shall have been invited

I will/shall not have been invited

Shall (will)I have been invited?

You, they You will have been invited

They will not have been invited

Will you have been invited?

He, she, it He will have been invited

She will not have been invited

Will he have been invited?

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Перфектные времена в страдательном залоге имеют то же значение, что и в действительном залоге, а именно выражают действие, которое соверши�лось или совершится к определенному моменту времени. Этот момент может быть в настоящем (Present Perfect Passive), в прошедшем (Past Perfect Passive) или в будущем (Future Perfect Passive).

Exercise 1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice. 1. The equipment (to test) by 2 o’clock yesterday. 2. Many hotels (to built)

lately. 3. The new assembly shop (to put) into operation by June last year. 4. The Letter of Credit (to open) by the time you return to New Delhi. 5. A new model (to launch) by the end of the month. 6. The terms of payment (not to discuss) yet. 7. After the contract (to sign) we went to the restaurant. 8. When (to finish) discussing this problem? 9. All the matters (to settle) already. 10. Our offer (to reject) just.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English using Passive Voice of the Perfect Tenses. 1. Товар был поставлен в прошлом году, но оплата за него до сих пор не

произведена. 2. Все изменения были внесены в контракт до того, как мы его подписали. 3. Это письмо только что отправлено нашим директором. 4. Со�глашение было заключено до того, как мы приехали. 5. Товары доставлены се�годня самолетом. 6. Я уверен, что товары будут уже доставлены в порт, когда мы получим телеграмму. 7. Этот запрос был только что получен. 8. Вам не придется ждать. Документы будут проверены и письма напечатаны, когда вы придете. 9. Деньги до сих пор не перевели. 10. Когда вы позвонили, работа бы�ла только что закончена. 11. Этот рынок еще не исследован. 12. Когда пришел генеральный директор, все было готово: документы были проверены и письма были напечатаны.

Unit 2

Working on the text Read and translate the text paying special attention to the Passive Voice. A board meeting was scheduled for 10 o’clock on Thursday morning. At 5 to

ten the boardroom started to fill. Right on cue the chairman strode into the room. Chairman: “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It’s time to get started.

I hope the agenda has been circulated. Our first item on the agenda is the results of our negotiation concerning the purchase of the patent. I am giving the floor to our marketing director”.


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“Morning everyone”, David started. “From our source in the government we learnt about the invention that had been filed for a patent and the scientist was about to receive it. The time was pressing and we wanted to be the first to make an offer to Mr. Brunoff and had not thought about other possible solutions. We offered him two million dollars for his patent but were prepared to pay five. In our preliminary talks on the phone Mr. Brunoff didn’t say either yes or no, but definitely showed his interest. We agreed to meet personally and I flew to Nevada on Tuesday night. We had a meeting yesterday. We got along quite well, but there were problems… Somebody had got in before us and it had been all wrapped up by the time I got there”.

“Is it a question of price?” the chairman intervened. “I’m afraid, to a certain extent, it is. As I understood he had been suggested

setting up a joint venture and he agreed, because in the long run his profits would make much more than 5 million dollars, especially if he continued streamlining his invention”.

“Thank you, David. Are you taking the minutes, Miss Smith? We have to write down our decision.”

“I wonder, how could there be a leak of information?” asked the Financial director. “People usually keep mum before getting a patent. Perhaps the same source has sold the information twice?”

“Or there could be a leak in our company,” the production manager interrupted. Slowly those present exchanged glances.

Chairman: “It’s out of the question. Only two people knew about it – my son and I. What about your personal assistant, David? She is a newcomer.” His father was looking at him straight in the eye.

“I didn’t discuss it with her, I didn’t actually have time for it. She doesn’t know anything, and besides she is a stranger here, she comes from England. Didn’t I tell you about it? David said defiantly. Mr. Robinson didn’t reply and addressed the board again:

Chairman: “Well, we’ll have to make a decision what to do in the circumstances. Your contributions are welcome.”

“I agree we can’t afford to miss the opportunity,” the head of R&D department joined the discussion. “To my mind our first step should be to send our people to Nevada to investigate the deal and to learn everything possible about the company that turned out to be quicker than us. Who is the head of the company and who is backing them, their strengths and weaknesses, everything. I think we must give instructions to our security department, and after we have learnt everything we’ll work out a strategy.”

Chairman: “Any other suggestions?” The boardroom was buzzing like a summer forest. Chairman: “What is your opinion, James?” Mr. Robinson addressed the head

of the IT department.

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James: “That is exactly what I think. I’m all in favour of that”. Chairman: “Then I put this to the vote. Raise your hands those who are for

it… Against… Abstained… Is that unanimous? Good. Now we can move to the second item on our agenda. I’m giving the floor to

the head of our PR department, Mrs. Garrison”. Mrs. Garrison: “Ladies and gentlemen! I’ll begin with the general outline of

the coming event. As you remember this is a jubilee year of the White Rose Ball, which has been held for 150 years already. It has always been attended by the best people of our society. Our decision was to sponsor this event. Our department together with marketing department has done a lot of work. The event has been widely advertised for half a year and we hope it will have a good coverage in the press. We have already invited journalists from major newspapers and magazines. The highlight of the program is our charity auction. All the collected funds will go to oncologic hospitals for children and on research in this field. We are going to make a donation of a sculpture by Tseretelly, a famous Russian sculptor. I can show you catalogues with a complete list of items for the auction. There are several jewelry lots that will be demonstrated by our guests. I believe the event will be a success and I want to encourage you to participate in the auction, bearing in mind that charity activity can make you tax exempt”.

Chairman: “Thank you, Barbara. We’ll take it into consideration”. Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Заседание совета директоров; назначать; радио сигнал; повестка дня;

первый вопрос; предоставить слово; время поджимало; возможное решение; предварительные переговоры; поладить с кем�то; в некоторой степени; учре�дить совместное предприятие; вести протокол; утечка информации; хранить молчание; при сложившихся обстоятельствах; упустить возможность; провес�ти расследование; дать распоряжение; определить стратегию; предстоящее ме�роприятие; получить хорошее освещение в прессе; пожертвование; иметь ус�пех; благотворительная деятельность.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. How many items were there on the agenda? 2. Who was to speak the first? 3. What was the problem that David encountered? 4. What question did Financial director raise?


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5. What was the assumption of the Production manager? 6. Did David defend Diana? Why? 7. What did the head of R&D department suggest? 8. What was the second point on the agenda about? 9. What kind of event is White Rose Ball? 10. What was the highlight of the program? 11. Why did the speaker encourage board members to participate in the


Exercise 3. 1) Retell the text, covering the problem and the measures, concerning the

purchase of the patent. 2) Tell about the tradition of holding the White Rose Ball.

Unit 3

Listening Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions: 1. How did the idea of the Millionaire Fair emerge? 2. What is the motherland of the Millionaire Fair? 3. What kind of goods are there on display? 4. What opportunity could this Fair provide? 5. What is the reaction of the board of directors? Exercise 1. Match the function and the expressions. 1. Opening a meeting ________________ ________________ ________________ 2. Stating the purpose of the meeting ________________ ________________ ________________

3. Encouraging contributions ________________ ________________ ________________

4. Moving on to another topic

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________________ ________________ ________________ 5. Agreeing ________________ ________________ ________________ 6. Disagreeing ________________ ________________ ________________ 7. Clarifying ________________ ________________ ________________ 8. Suggesting ________________ ________________ ________________ 9. Checking that everyone agrees ________________ ________________ ________________ 10. Closing the meeting ________________ ________________ ________________ 1. I’d like you to give your point of view; 2. We accept that; 3. Shall we begin? 4. The aim of the meeting is to discuss …; 5. Would anyone like to comment? 6. That’s all then; 7. Could we begin by outlining our view of the problem? 8. Let’s call it a day;


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9. What we hope to achieve is …; 10. That’s out of the question; 11. That goes without saying; 12. Thank you for coming; 13. What we are here to talk about is …; 14. I give the floor to …; 15. The first item on the agenda is …; 16. on the contrary …; 17. Is that unanimous? 18. The next thing we have to discuss is …; 19. I can’t agree more; 20. I’d like now to move on to; 21. I think we have covered everything; 22. What about …? 23. No, not at all; 24. The next item on the agenda is …; 25. Let’s get started; I think we should …; 26. You have all received a copy of the agenda; 27. Yes, absolutely; 28. Couldn’t we just …; 29. That brings the meeting to a close; 30. Why don’t we …; 31. Can we go on …; 32. That suits me fine; 33. Do you have anything to add on this point? 34. We need to reach a decision on …; 35. Would you like to start, …? 36. What do you feel, …? 37. Is that decided then? 38. Far from it; 39. Thank you for coming and for your contributions; 40. So, what we have decided today is to …; 41. I declare the meeting closed. 42. Sorry, I don’t quite follow you. Could you be more specific? 43. Are we all happy about that? 44. I am all in favour of it. 45. Do we all agree?

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Unit 4

Modal Verb Should

Модальный глагол should (может переводиться как должен, должен бы, следует, следовало бы) имеет только одну форму и выражает совет, пожелание, предполагаемый результат. После глагола should инфинитив употребляется без частицы “to”.

Например: 1) I think the government should do more for disabled people. (Пожелание) Я думаю, правительству следует больше делать для инвалидов.

2) You should spend more time in the open air. (Совет) Вам следует проводить больше времени на свежем воздухе.

3) There are a lot of companies producing furniture. It shouldn’t be difficult to find what you want. (Предполагаемый результат)

Есть много компаний – производителей мебели. Найти желаемую ме�бель, должно быть, будет нетрудно.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. 1. You don’t look well. You should see a doctor. 2. You shouldn’t believe

everything you read in newspapers. 3. Should we invite all your friends to the party? 4. You shouldn’t socialize with these people. 5. I think he should speak with her. 6. She is working too hard she should succeed. 7. You shouldn’t drive alone at night. 8. You should speak to him right away. 9. She should win the first prize, she was the best.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) minutes; b) to work out; c) to vote for or against it; d) committee meeting; e) circulated; f) to the point; g) convened; h) agenda; i) chairperson.

Meetings range from formal … . 1. … to informal tet�a�tet ones. Meeting are usually … . 2. … to make a decision … . 3. … or a strategy. Most meetings have an… . 4. … For a formal meeting this document is usually… . 5. … in advance to all participants … . 6. … usually report details of what is said and decided at a meeting. A person who presides at a meeting is called … . 7. … A good chairperson will keep the meeting running on time and … . 8. … . Sometimes before a decision is made people have … . 9. … .


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Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions. of x 5; at x 2; for x 3; with; to; along; in; on x 3; out; up. 1. Mr. Robinson is a chairman __ the board __ directors and he always

presides __ the boardroom meetings. 2. If you want to ask __ clarification, just raise your hand. 3. I think some __ our members won’t go __ __ that. 4. The chairman asked the members __ turn to give their point __ view. 5. Mr. Robinson started the meeting and called __ the first speaker. 6. __ the end __ the meeting he thanked everybody __ coming and __ their contributions. 7. The chairperson usually sums __ every time the item is discussed. 8. The decision should be taken to everybody’s satisfaction. 9. Now I’d like to move __ __ the next item __ the agenda. 10. Could you find ___ when the next meeting will take place.

Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the lesson. 1. Заседание совета директоров было назначено в 11.00. 2. Повестка дня

была разослана всем участникам заранее. 3. Сегодня на повестке дня 5 вопро�сов. 4. Предварительные переговоры показали заинтересованность сторон во взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве. 5. Они замечательно поладили между собой. 6. К тому времени, когда Дэвид приехал, дело уже было сделано. 7. Боюсь, в какой�то степени это касается всех нас. 8. Ему предложили создать совместное предприятие. 9. Могла быть утечка информации из вашего источника в прави�тельстве? 10. Кто ведет протокол собрания? 11. Вам следует хранить молча�ние, пока вы не получите патент. 12. При сложившихся обстоятельствах мы не можем позволить себе упустить такую возможность. 13. Эта фирма оказалась нашим конкурентом и нам следует разработать правильную стратегию. 14. Решение было принято единогласно. 15. Эта ярмарка проводится уже 10 лет. 16. Гвоздем программы является благотворительный аукцион. 17. Все со�бранные средства пойдут на исследование рака. 18. Помните, что благотвори�тельная деятельность может освободить вас от налогов.19. Я думаю, нам сле�дует принять участие в Ярмарке миллионеров. 20. Это самый простой способ заявить себя как лидера.

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schedule – назначать leak – утечка boardroom – зал заседаний minutes – протокол stride (strode, stridden) – шагать contribution – вклад cue – радиосигнал buzz – гул agenda – повестка дня abstain – воздерживаться circulate – раздавать unanimous – единогласно purchase – покупка jubilee – юбилей source – источник hold – проводить invention – изобретение charity – благотворительность solution – решение auction – аукцион definitely – определенно coverage – освещение wrap up – заканчивать donation – пожертвование extent – степень bear – нести set up – учредить landmark – веха jet – самолет (реактивный) fair – ярмарка streamline – усовершенствовать accommodate – снабжать


to give the floor to – предоставить слово to take (keep) the minutes – вести протокол to get along – поладить joint venture – совместное предприятие to keep mum – хранить молчание I wonder – интересно (вводное предложение) it’s out of the question – это невозможно in the circumstances – при сложившихся обстоятельствах your contributions are welcome – предлагаю вам высказаться to put smth to the vote – поставить на голосование to be in favour of – быть «за»; выступать за что�то highlight (hit) of the program – гвоздь программы to bear in mind – помнить, хранить в памяти to be tax exempt – быть освобожденным от налогов to go along with – принять to bring together – сводить вместе; собрать воедино


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Grammar: The Passive Voice of Continuous Tenses

Unit 1

The Passive Voice of Continuous Tenses

To be being + Participle I

Present Continuous Passive

Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос I I am being

invited I am not being

invited Am I being

invited? You, we, they They are being

invited We are not being

invited Are you being

invited? He, she, it He is being

invited She is not being

invited Is he being


Past Continuous Passive Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос

I I was being invited

I was not being invited

Was I being invited?

You, we, they We were being invited

They were not being invited

Were you being invited?

He, she, it He was being invited

She was not being invited

Was he being invited?

Продолженные времена в страдательном залоге не имеют формы буду�

щего времени. В остальном значения настоящего продолженного и прошедше�го продолженного в страдательном залоге совпадают со значениями действи�тельного залога.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences Explain the usage of Tenses. 1. I am being watched. 2. They are being followed. 3. Advertising materials

are being printed tomorrow. 4. The vessel is being loaded now. 5. When he came into the boardroom the first item was still being discussed. 6. While my car was being repaired I was given another one.

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Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice. 1. Many orders (place) every year with our company. 2. A new contract (to

discuss) today and it (sign) tomorrow. 3. Business letters usually (write) on letterheads. 4. The goods (not to deliver) on time. 5. A Letter of Credit (to open) in your favour two days ago. 6. The answer to the Buyer (not to send) yet. 7. A new model (to test) now. 8. When David returned to the hotel his room (to clean). 9. The inspectors (invite) already to the plant when you called me. 10. They promised that the equipment (to show) in operation during the conference. 11. The mail (to receive) just. 12. This model (to produce) still?

Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English using Passive Voice of the Continuous

Tenses. 1. Письма уже напечатаны? Нет, их еще печатают. 2. Новая гостиница

строится сейчас рядом с моим домом. 3. Неужели меня все еще ждут? 4. Ваше�го друга сейчас обыскивает (search) полиция в аэропорту. 5. Когда Диана во�шла в офис, обсуждались условия контракта. 6. Мой компьютер ремонтирова�ли, когда я пришла на работу. 7. Она почувствовала, что за ней наблюдают.

Unit 2

Working on the text

The White Rose Ball was a great social event of the year. Diana had been very busy lately helping to organize it. The price for the entrance ticket started with $3,000, depending on the row where your table was. Places of honour were reserved for sponsors in the first row.

Diana had not seen David for a week. He was too busy to call her and she was glad. Deep in her heart she hoped against hope that everything would be fine but she couldn’t explain to herself what “fine” really was. She did her duty to the family. She learnt their principles of management and marketing and managed to get invaluable information for Bob. It was his turn now to use the information successfully. She did her best and it was time for her to leave. Instead she was standing on the balcony looking down at the arriving guests. She recognized quite a few celebrities. The Mayor of the city was officially in charge of the Ball and together with his wife he was welcoming the guests at the entrance.

The ball room was heavily decorated with flowers, where white roses dominated. There was light fragrance of roses in the air that made Diana feel a bit dizzy. It was her birthday today and it was for the first time in her life that she was separated from her parents on that special occasion for her. At eight o’clock in the morning she received a large basket of flowers from her parents followed by a call from London. There were a lot of other calls from her friends in England with


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congratulations and wishes of “many happy returns of the day”. In the evening she was to go out with Bob and Margaret to celebrate her birthday and the end of her work for Commodities United Ltd. She wondered what time she would be able to leave the party to join her relatives.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Barbara from PR department.

“Listen, Diana… we have a problem. One lady who was going to demonstrate a necklace has suddenly fallen ill. We want to ask you to do it.”

“Oh, no, please. I want to leave early tonight.”

“Don’t worry! You know the program. After the Mayor has finished his speech everyone will go to the tables with refreshments and the auction starts.”

“Barbara, as far as I know all lots have been allocated in case there is nobody to outbid the price. I don’t want to look silly if the person who was going to buy it doesn’t come.”

“That is one of the reasons we want you to wear it. A new face will stimulate prospective buyers, and besides it will perfectly match your dress. Let’s go I’ll show it to you.”

Diana followed Barbara reluctantly. Diana was sitting in the first row (the privilege of being a sponsor) listening

to the Mayor, when she felt subconsciously that someone was looking at her. She turned her head and her eyes met David’s. For a long minute they were looking into each other’s eyes and she could see deep inside him fire and passion that gave her a thrilling sensation of understanding. Diana was the first to divert her eyes.

“Hi,” he said huskily, taking a seat next to her. ”Haven’t seen you for ages, you look a million dollars today!”

“Thank you, David”. She smiled charmingly at him “You also look smart! How was your trip to Chicago, by the way?” His face darkened.

“I’m afraid it was a complete failure. But I don’t want to discuss the business matters now. Let’s enjoy the party.”

The auctioneer called for attention: “Ladies and gentlemen! The moment, that we

have been waiting for so long, has come! I ask you to open your hearts and your checkbooks and remember that every dollar collected at this auction

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will go on cancer research. Now, if you turn to catalogues you‘ll find there a complete list of articles with their descriptions.”

There could be heard rustling of pages as the guests started to look through their catalogues.

“Ladies and gentlemen! The first lot is a small drawing by Pablo Picasso. The starting price is $40.000. Your bids are invited!“

A second later the auctioneer nodded with satisfaction: ”Mr. Stallone puts in the bid of $40.000! Who will bid against?” Several minutes later the drawing was sold at a hammer price of $ 57.000.

The second article was put up for auction. It was a lamp by Tiffani with a starting price of $ 50.000. While the auctioneer was putting up new lots for auction Diana was enjoying herself listening to David’s comments on the people who were bidding against each other.

“Have you been told about the tradition that has been supported for 150 years already?” David enquired.

“Do you mean the tradition of demonstrating jewelry on the necks of the guests?” asked Diana.

“If you put it like this…” David couldn’t help laughing. At this very moment the auctioneer put up for auction the first lot “for ladies”. A beautiful young lady with red hair rose from her seat at the nearby table. She was wearing a wonderful diamond necklace and her husband put in the first bid for the lot. His neighbor bid against, then appeared a third bidder and the race continued for some time, accompanied by bursts of laughter. Diana understood that the friends of the husband were just having fun trying to make him put in the highest bid for the necklace. Diana’s turn was coming and she suddenly felt nervous. When the auctioneer called her name she didn’t understand it at first. Her set consisted of diamond earrings and a necklace. The starting price was $15,000.The first bid came from a far end of the room and Diana sighed with relief. At least somebody was going to buy it. The second bid was put in by an old gentleman who was sitting two rows behind her. Diana gave him a thankful smile. Then a third person joined. That was David. His bid was $50,000 and he was sure the set was his. But the counterpart from the far end doubled his bid and made it $100,000. The set was sold for $100.000. Diana was happy to get rid of the necklace. She came up to the auctioneer to take it off and was trying to unlock it with trembling fingers.

“Don’t be upset, I’ll buy you a better one as an engagement present”, murmured David into her ear. She didn’t have time to answer, as she heard a familiar voice from behind:

“Don’t take it off Diana, it’s yours. Happy birthday dear”, Bob kissed her lightly on the cheek extending a check to the auctioneer.

“Do you… do you know him?” David was obviously taken aback. Diana wished the earth could swallow her up.

“Yes, we know each other and quite well”, Bob said triumphantly. “And now, if you don’t mind I’ll take Diana to dance.”

“No, I don’t”, David said. Diana and Bob were dancing silently when Diana broke the silence.


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“Why have you done it, Bob?” Diana felt that her legs were failing her. If Bob had not held her, she would have fainted.

“Why have you done it?” “I haven’t been able to refrain from showing him that our day has come!” “I wanted to leave gracefully, without a scandal, and you spoiled everything”.

The dance was over and Bob accompanied Diana to her table. When he was helping Diana to sit down he said intimately into her ear:

“See you at the restaurant”. David was sitting silently drinking whisky. “David…” Diana started, “it’s not what you are thinking about…” “Really? And what should I think about a lady who accepts presents that are

worth $100,000?! That she is not a lady at all!” He rose up to leave. “David”, she told to his back, – “I am really sorry. It’s just business, nothing

personal”. Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text. Общественное мероприятие; почетное место; теперь его очередь; сделать

все возможное; аромат; чувствовать легкое головокружение; пойти в ресторан; ожерелье; распределять; перебивать цену; закуски; неохотно; страсть; отвести глаза; шелест страниц; просматривать каталог; выставить цену; предлагать бо�лее высокую цену; окончательная цена; выставлять на аукцион; развлекаться; избавиться; расстраиваться; готов провалиться сквозь землю; у нее подкаши�вались ноги; все испортить.

Speaking Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Did Diana manage to do anything for her family from business point of

view? 2. Why did she go to the White Rose Ball? 3. How did the day start for her? 4. What were Diana’s plans for the day? 5. What did Barbara ask Diana to do? 6. What was the purpose of the auction? 7. Was there any chemistry between David and Diana? 8. What was the first lot and what was its hammer price? 9. Why did Diana feel nervous? 10. Who was bidding against each other for Diana’s lot and why? 11. Who bought the set? 12. Did Diana appreciate it? 13. What was David’s reaction? 14. Can you find any symbols of the White Rose Ball in Diana’s appearance?

Exercise 3. 1) Describe Diana’s appearance using the picture. 2) Tell about the ceremony of the White Rose Ball. 3) Describe the auction. 4) Retell the text.

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Unit 3 Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. a) to confirm; b) auctions; c) steadily raised; d) puts up; e) participants;

f) price level; g) bid against; h) puts in; i) auctioneer; j) market; k) starting price; l) hammer price; m) bids.

There are three main types of __1__: English, Dutch, and Japanese. At the

English auction the auctioneer __2__ a lot for auction at some starting price and then __3__ are invited. Participants __4__ each other until someone __5__ the highest bid for the lot. Then the article is sold at a __6__. The Dutch auction is a sale at which the highest price is given at the beginning of the auction and then it is reduced by the __7__ until a buyer is found. Such auction is exercised at the flower __8__. The Japanese auction is a kind of sale where a __9__ is announced by the auctioneer and then it is __10__. In order to remain __11__ prospective buyers have __12__ their further participation by sending their applications at every new __13__.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary. Retell the text. 1. … restaurant where Bob had reserved … table for tonight was located in …

Broadway street. 2. Diana decided to leave … ball without saying good bye to anyone so as not to attract … additional attention. She called … taxi and asked … driver to take her first home to change and then to … restaurant. When Diana arrived at … restaurant Bob was waiting for her in … lobby. They went upstairs to … Rosy Hall. When she entered … hall she found herself in … atmosphere of … nineteenth century. … windows were draped with … pink velvet curtains which matched … tablecloth. … heavy crystal chandeliers were hanging from … ceiling. … tables were at … considerable distance from each other to secure … privacy. At one table she saw Margaret speaking to … elegant lady. Suddenly Diana recognized … lady. She got overwhelmed with … joy and … happiness throwing herself into her mother’s arms. Her father appeared from behind … large bunch of … flowers which was standing in … vase in … middle of … table.

“Surprise!” he said cheerfully. “Oh, Dad, you won’t believe how glad I am to see you! This is … best present

I’ve ever had!” “What about … necklace and … earrings, that I’ve bought for you today?!” “It was you then? Of course, they are lovely, but I’m afraid they have ruined

my life.” “Is anything wrong, dear?” her mother asked anxiously. “Oh, … mother I have so much to tell you!”


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“Sure, you have, Diana,” her father interrupted. ”But now let’s have … champagne, … mirth and … laughter, … sermons and …

soda water … day after. I hope you remember Lord Byron”. Exercise 3. Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the lesson. 1. Вы часто посещаете общественные мероприятия? 2. Я надеюсь, вы выполни�

ли свой долг, не так ли? 3. Ему удалось достать бесценную информацию. 4. Мне бы хотелось куда�нибудь сходить, чтобы отметить свой день рождения. 5. Кто эта эле�гантная дама, у которой берет интервью корреспондент. 6. Эта новость сейчас всеми обсуждается. 7. Диану пригласили принять участие в показе драгоценностей во время аукциона, и она неохотно согласилась. 8. Пока она демонстрировала комплект, за ней с любопытством наблюдали. 9. Что вы выставили на аукцион? 10. Прежде чем самая высокая цена за лот была предложена, участники аукциона сражались друг с другом в течение получаса. 11. После того как аукционист объявил стартовую цену, он пригла�сил участников предлагать свою цену. 12. Окончательная цена данного лота составила 200.000 долларов. 13. Кто предложил самую высокую цену за ожерелье? 14. После то�го, как Диана сняла с себя золотое платье и избавилась от розочек в волосах, она по�чувствовала себя гораздо лучше. 15. Когда она поняла, что родители пересекли Атлан�тический океан, чтобы вместе с ней отметить ее день рождения, ее затопила волна ра�дости и счастья.

Exercise 4. Write a composition “What is the end of the story?”.


depend (on) – зависеть (от) auctioneer – аукционист manage – удалось next to – рядом (с) invaluable – бесценная call – призвать turn (n) – очередь article – изделие turn to (v) – обратиться rustling – шелест instead – вместо drawing – рисунок recognize – узнавать (кого�л.) support – поддерживать celebrity – знаменитость enquire – спрашивать; запрашивать congratulations – поздравления nearby – соседний celebrate – отмечать race – гонка wonder – интересно trembling – дрожащий necklace – ожерелье fingers – пальцы refreshments – закуски engagement – помолвка allocate – распределять divert – отводить (взгляд) outbid – перебивать цену voice – голос

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silly – глупый obviously – очевидно reason – причина triumphantly – победно prospective – потенциальный huskily – хрипло reluctantly – неохотно besides – кроме того thrilling – волнующий faint – падать в обморок sensation – чувство intimately – интимно mirth – веселье sermon – проповедь


place of honour – почетное место to do one’s best – сделать все возможное to be in charge of smth – отвечать за что�л. many happy returns of the day – с днем рождения to go out – сходить в ресторан; обедать вне дома in case – в случае … to hope against hope – надеяться, когда надежды уже нет to look through – просматривать to invite bids – принимать заявки to get rid of smth – избавиться от чего�л. to take smth off – снять что�л. с себя to be taken aback – быть ошарашенным to bid against – предлагать более высокую цену hammer price – окончательная (молоточная) цена to put up for the auction – выставить на аукцион to put in the highest bid for smth – предложить самую высокую цену за

что�л. she wished the earth could swallow her up – она была готова провалиться

сквозь землю her legs were failing her – у нее подкашивались ноги our day will come – будет и на нашей улице праздник


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A a lot of много alteration изменение absence отсутствие altitude высота abstain воздерживаться amendment поправка abundance изобилие amicable дружелюбный acceptance приемка announcement объявление accommodate снабжать application заявление accompany сопровождать appoint назначать accomplishment достижения appointment встреча, назначение accordingly соответственно appraisal оценка accountant бухгалтер appreciate оценить acquire приобретать article предмет acquisition приобретение article изделие activity деятельность assemble сборка admire восхищаться assessment оценка admit признавать assistant помощник advance авансовый assure заверять advertisement объявление attraction притяжение advertising реклама attractive привлекательный affluent богатый auction аукцион affordable можно позволить себе auctioneer аукционист agenda повестка дня aunt тетя all все authority полномочия allocate распределять

B background общие сведения; фон bid (bade, bidden) пожелать battery батарейка big большой battleground поле битвы bitter ожесточенный bear нести board совет beautiful прекрасный board борт behavior поведение boardroom зал заседаний belong принадлежать boy мальчик belt ремень brand наименование benchmark эталон; сравнивать breakage поломка benefit выгода, польза breathe дышать benefits преимущества budget бюджет besides кроме того build строить betray предать business дело between между buzz гул


call звать; звонить comb зачесывать call for призвать commitment обязательство calmness спокойствие common общий, обычный

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care забота competition конкуренция careful осторожный competitor конкурент carefully тщательно complete заканчивать casually небрежно conclude заключать celebrate отмечать condition условие celebrity знаменитость conform соответствовать certify подтверждать congratulate поздравить chairman председатель congratulations поздравления challenge вызов consumer потребитель change переодеваться consumption потребление charge заряжать contribution вклад charge плата convenience удобство charges расходы conversation беседа charity благотворительность copier ксерокс charm очаровывать cornerstone краеугольный камень chestnut каштан сost�effectiveness рентабельность child ребенок counsel совет choice выбор counterpart противная сторона circulate раздавать сountry страна circumstances обстоятельства cover letter сопроводительное письмо circumvent обходить coverage освещение clause статья, пункт (контракта) cry плакать clever умный cubicle кабинка clowning клоунский cue радиосигнал collect собирать


damage повреждение disappoint разочаровывать dark темный discount скидка daughter дочь discuss обсуждать decide решать disenchant освобождать от иллюзий decline отклонить disrespectful неуважительный definitely определенно divert отводить (взгляд) delivery доставка divisible делимый demand спрос donation пожертвование depend (on) зависеть (от) downstairs вниз design конструкция draft проект despite несмотря на draw up составить determination решительность drawing рисунок detriment вред, ущерб dress одеваться; платье devise изобрести drive водить машину different разный drowse дремать difficult трудный duration протяжение


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E earthquake землетрясение environment среда effort усилия equipment оборудование embarrass смущать even ровный employee служащий event мероприятие employer работодатель every каждый enclose (with) прилагать exactly точно encourage побуждать exceed превышать enemy враг execution выполнение engagement помолвка experience опыт enjoy наслаждаться extend протянуть enquire спрашивать; extend продлевать enticing соблазнительный extent степень entire целый; весь extra дополнительный entirely полностью eyes глаза entrant новый участник


facilities средства fine прекрасный facility мощности, аппаратура fingers пальцы fail терпеть неудачу fire пожар failure неспособность firm твердый faint падать в обморок fit in подходить fair ярмарка fit in подходить, вписываться faith вера flight рейс; полет familiar знакомый flood наводнение familiarize знакомиться follower последователь familiar знакомый force сила family семья forget забыть fashionably модно forward направить fasten застегнуть found обосновывать fault вина foundation основание faulty бракованный fourth четвертый favourite любимый frankly честно feedback обратная связь friend друг fight сражаться friendly дружественно fill in заполнять furious взбешенный


gain приобретать good хороший gate выход goods товары gawk пялиться grading сортировка girl девочка grey серые glad радостный grow расти glance взгляд guide руководить gloomy мрачный guidelines рекомендации, принципыgo out выходить

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hair волосы here здесь, сюда handle обрабатывать hereinafter здесь и далее handsome интересный (о внешности) hesitate колебаться happy счастливый hesitate колебаться harbor гавань high высокий hate ненавидеть hold проводить, держать head глава (голова) hold проводить headhunter агентство по найму honest честный headwaiter метрдотель honey moon медовый месяц heavy тяжелый honour чтить heir наследник household домохозяйство

help помогать


ignominiously позорно interim промежуточный implement внедрять intermediary посредник important важный internal внутренний impose навязывать interrupt перебивать improve улучшать interrupt перебивать improvement улучшение intervene вмешиваться increase увеличивать interview собеседование insider инсайдер intimately интимно insincerely неискренне introduce представлять inspection проверка invaluable бесценная inspire вдохновлять invention изобретение instead вместо invincible неуязвимый intangible неосязаемый involve вовлекать intelligence разведка irrevocable безотзывный intend намереваться island остров intention намерение


jet самолет (реакт.) job работа jewelry драгоценности jubilee юбилей


know знать


land line стационарный телефон liken сравнивать landing прибытие liquid жидкость landmark веха listen (to) слушать large большой loading погрузка late поздний lovely красивый laugh (at) смеяться luggage багаж


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leak утечка lump sum единовременная выплата leave покидать lust вожделение let пусть


make up косметика measurable измеряемый manage справляться meet встречать manage удалось mention упоминать managing director генеральный директор mere простой, чистый mandatory обязательный minutes протокол market рынок mirth веселье marketer маркетолог miss пропускать marketing маркетинг monitor осуществлять контроль marking маркировка moreover более того

married женатый motion движение, жестикулировать

match соответствовать multinational транснациональная mean иметь ввиду murder убивать mean означать mutual взаимный


nail ноготь; гвоздь newcomer новичок nearby соседний next to рядом neatness аккуратность next to рядом (с) necessary необходимый nod кивнуть necklace ожерелье notice замечать needs потребности now сейчас negotiation(s) переговоры number номер; число negotiator переговорщик


obligation обязательство opportunity возможность obviously очевидно order заказ occupy занимать order приказ offensive наступательный outbid перебивать цену offer предложение overweight перевес old старый owe должен omit опускать, пропускать


pack паковать (чемодан) population население package упаковка position должность part расставаться precise точный partner партнер prefer предпочитать parts запчасти preliminaries предварительные passing проходящий premises помещения passion страсть presentation предъявление

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pedestal пьедестал pressure давление; стресс penetrate проникать pretend притворяться people люди probation испытательный срок performance представление productivity производительность permanent постоянный professional профессиональный personal личный profit прибыль persuade убеждать profitable прибыльный pick up поднимать prolongation продление pick up поднять prospective потенциальный plane самолет proud гордый playfully игриво provided при условии please пожалуйста publicity известность point пункт; точка purchase покупка


quality качество queue up выстраиваться в очередь quantity количество quickly быстро quarterly квартальный quotations расценки queue очередь


race гонка replacement замена rain дождь representative представитель rate уровень require требовать rationalize обосновывать research исследование reason причина response ответ receiver трубка responsibility обязанность recognize узнавать (к�л) responsible ответственный refine очищать rest давать покой refrain воздержаться resume резюме refreshments закуски retail розничный relevant относящийся к делу reward награда reluctant неохотный rich богатый reluctantly неохотно ring звонить remark замечания room комната, место remember помнить rustling шелест

S safety безопасность smile улыбаться salary оклад smoothly гладко scales весы snack легкая закуска scare испугать snow снег schedule расписание, график solution решение schedule назначать son сын scrutinize внимательно рассматривать source источник secure надежный speak говорить seem казаться specification спецификация self�composure самообладание spun крутиться


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sensation чувство stance положение serenity безмятежность stationary канц. принадлежности sermon проповедь stay останавливаться set up учредить steady устойчивый, неизменныйshake трясти stiff жесткий shape форма stipulate оговаривать sharp ровно; острый store магазин short короткий streamline усовершенствовать shortage нехватка strength сила

sidelong косой stride (strode, stridden) шагать

sift просеивать stupid глупый sigh вздохнуть substitute заменитель sign подписывать successful успешный silence молчание suggestion предложение silly глупый suppliers поставщики single неженатый supply запас skills навыки, умения support поддерживать skyscraper небоскреб switch off/on выключать/включать slender стройный symbol символ slip проскользнуть


tablet дощечка, плитка to influence влиять tail хвост to lose терять take off взлет to place размещать talkative разговорчивый to present дарить talks переговоры to preserve сохранить tall высокий to raise поднимать tangible осязаемый to realize осознавать tare тара to relate относиться technique метод to represent представлять teenager подросток to settle селиться; решать temptation соблазн to stare уставиться tender тендер to start заводить tenet принцип; догмат to steer направлять there там, туда to survive выжить thought мысль to treat отнестись threat угроза tomorrow завтра thrilling волнующий tonight сегодня вечером time время; раз too тоже tips советы tour экскурсия, осмотр tired уставший transcend проходить сквозь to assign назначать transfer переводить to bear нести transferable переводной to commemorate отмечать trembling дрожащий to contribute вносить вклад trend тенденция to depend (on) зависеть trial пробный

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to discourage препятствовать trick хитрость to dress одеваться trip поездка to drive down снижать triumphantly победно to encourage стимулировать trunk чемодан to give in сдаваться turbulent бурный to highlight выделять turn (n) очередь to hold держать turn to (v) обратиться to indulge потворствовать


ultimate конечный undergraduate выпускник unanimous единогласно unleash дать волю uncle дядя upright вертикальный underestimate недооценивать


vendor поставщик very очень verify выверять view точка зрения; вид veritable настоящий voice голос


wait ждать with honours с отличием want хотеть wonder интересно warn предупреждать work работать way путь, дорога workaholic трудоголик weakness слабость worker рабочий weapon оружие workplace рабочее место welcome добро пожаловать world мир white белый worry волноваться wholesale оптовый wrap up заканчивать will волю wrong неправильный windy ветрено


year год young молодой


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Simple Continuous To be + Participle I


I (you, they, we) work. He (she, it) works. Do you work? I do not ( don’t) work. Does he work? He does not (doesn’t) work. Употребляется: 1. Обычное, повторяющееся действие: He plays golf every Sunday. 2. Констатация факта, утверждение истины: We sell our products into many markets. The sun rises in the East. 3. Характеристика человека: My sister sings very well. 4. Действие по графику, расписанию: The train for London leaves at 9 p.m.

I am working / Am I working? He (she, it) is working / Is it working? We (they, you) are working / Are you working? They are not working. Употребляется: 1. Действие в процессе в момент речи: What are you doing? – I’m trying to find a file. 2. Действие в процессе в настоящее время, но не в момент речи: They are building a new office. 3. Ближайшее, запланированное будущее: She is leaving for Paris on Monday. 4. Временнoе действие: They are staying at the Crill Hotel until May. 5. Изменяющаяся ситуация: The number of people using the Internet is growing. 6. Повторяющееся действие; раздражение: We are always discussing it, but in vain. Ряд глаголов в Continuous не употребляется.


V + ed или 2?я ф. неправ. гл. I (you/he/she/it/ they) worked. Did you work? He did not work. Употребляется: 1. Действие, совершенное в прошлом и не связанное с настоящим: Radio was invented by Popov. They launched this project in 1980. 2. Перечисление действий в прошлом: She came home, had supper, watched TV and went to bed. 3. Повтор. действие в прошлом: He used to listen to music for hours. She would come and see me every day.

I (he, she, it) was working. They (you, we) were working. Were you working? – No, we were not working. Употребляется: 1. Действие в процессе в определенный момент времени в прошлом. I was watching TV when my parents arrived. While their mother was cooking dinner the children were playing in the garden. At 5 o’clock I was cooking , I was not watching TV.


Will/shall + infinitive без ” to”

I (you, he, she, it, they) will bring you the book tomorrow. He will come on time, don’t worry. Употребляется: 1. Обещание: I’ll pay you back in a week. 2. Внезапное решение что?то сделать (в момент речи): I’ll go and shut the window. It’s cold here. 3. После выражений типа: I think; I believe; I suppose etc. I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. В вопросах с I, we – shall Shall I go on?

Will/shall be +Participle I She will be working at 10 o’clock tomorrow. Will you be seeing her this evening? Употребляется: 1. Действие которое точно будет происходить в определенный момент в будущем: This time tomorrow I’ll be swimming in the sea. 2. Спрашивая о планах, если хотите попросить сделать что?либо для Вас. Will you be passing a post�office. When you are out? 3. Ближайшее запланированное будущее (взаимозаменяемо с Present Continuous) What time will your friends be arriving?

(What time are your friends arriving?)

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To have + Participle II Perfect Continuous

To have been + Participle I


I (you, we, they) have worked. He ( she, it) has worked. Have you worked?� No, I have not (haven’t) worked. Has he worked? – No, he has not (hasn’t) worked. Употребляется: 1. Действие совершилось к наст. моменту и результат важен: It has broken down the barriers of geography and time. 2. Новость: Our fax number has changed. 3. Полученный жизненный опыт: He has done many jobs in his time. 4. Завершенное действие в будущем в придаточных условия и времени (после: when, if, as soon as etc) I can’t make a decision if I haven’t received all the data. 5. После: This is the first / second time: It’s only the second time I’ve driven a car. Показатели (ever, never, just, already, lately, yet, for, since, recently)

I (you, we, they) have been working He ( she, it) has been working Have you been working? Has he been working? He has not been working. Употребляется: 1. Действие, которое началось в прошлом и продолжалось до настоящего момента и либо закончилось к настоящему моменту, либо все еще продолжается. Exports have been growing steadily over the past six months. Has he been waiting for me for a long time? (since, for, how long)


I (you, he, she, we, they, it) had worked. Had you worked? – No, we had not worked. Употребляется: 1. Действие, которое произошло раньше другого действия в прошлом, либо закончилось к какому?то моменту в прошлом. Had the film already started when you came to the cinema? She had finished her work by 4 o’clock. 2. После выражений I wish, If only, I’d rather выражает действие, которое не произошло: I wish I had been more interested in English at School. If only I had bought those shares! I’d rather he had asked me before taking my car. В отрицательной форме выражает сожаление по поводу содеянного) He wishes he had not left his previous job. (but he did)

I (he, she, it, we, they) had been working. Had you been working? – No, we had not been working. Употребляется: 1. Действие, которое происходило на протяжении какого?то времени, до какого?то момента в прошлом: She had to take a break because she had been working far too hard. We had been waiting for him for half an hour before he came.


Will have + Participle II The match will have finished at 10.30 Употребляется: 1. Действие, которое будет завершено в какой?то момент в будущем. At 9 o’clock we will have gone to work. 2. Действие совершится к какому?то моменту в будущем. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

Will/shall have been + Participle I She will have been working at this problem for a month when you visit us a second time. Употребляется: Действие, которое начнется в будущем и будет продолжаться до какого?то момента в будущем в течение некоторого времени.


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Simple Continuous Perfect


I am invited. You (we, they) are invited. He (she, it) is invited. Are you invited? – No, I’m not invited. Is she invited? – No, she is not invited.

I am being watched. You (we, they) are being watched. He (she, it) is being watched. Are you (we, they) being watched? No, I am not being watched. Is he (she, it) being watched? No, he is not being watched.

I (you, we, they) have been informed. He (she, it) has been informed. Have you (we, they, I) been informed? No, we have not been informed. Has he (she, it) been informed? No, he hasn’t been informed.


I (he, she, it) was invited. You (we, they) were invited. Were they (you, we) invited? No, they were not invited. Was he (she, it, I) invited? No, he was not invited.

I (he, she, it) was being watched. You (we, they) were being watched. Was she (he, it, I) being watched? No, she wasn’t being watched. Were they (you, we) being watched? No, they weren’t being watched.

We (I, you, they, she, he, it) had been informed. Had you been informed? No, I hadn’t been informed.


I (we) shall (will) be invited. You (she, he, it, they) will be invited. Shall I (we) be invited? No, we shall not (shan’t) be invited. Will he (you, she, it, they) be invited. No, he will not (won’t) be invited.


I (we) will (shall) have been informed. They (you, she, he, it) will have been informed. Shall I have been informed? No, I shan’t have been informed. Will they have been informed?No, they won’t have been informed.

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Редактор Кондратьева И.А. Верстка Филимоненко О.Ю., Цельмс М.Г.

Подписано к печати Формат издания Бум. офс. Печать Печ. л. Заказ Тираж 1500 экз.

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