  • 1. 2009 :. . (). . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

2. Towards the 20th anniversary 20-of the Constitutional Court S. M. Shakhrai: . . :Found compliant with the Constitution...Documents, verbatim records,court decisions , , MOSCOW OLMA Media Group 201120112011 3. 342.4 67.400 . . : - -32 , , / .-. . . ; . . . ; . . . . . . , ., 2011. 1136 . -ISSN 2218-76182218-7618 ( ) . . , -ISBN 978-5-373-01231-7 ( ) , , . . , - 20- . - . . . . . , - . . . . . , . . .. . ., . . , - . . - . - . , - , , . . , . , , - , , - , . 342.6 67.400ISSN 2218-76182218-7618 ( . . , 2011 ) ,ISBN 978-5-373-01231-7 ( ) , 2011 4. CONTENTS Foreword......................................................................................................... 37 .................................................................................................. 37 Documents defining the legal status of the Envoy of the President of the Russian, Federation to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation............................ 43 ......... 43Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted by nation-wide vote on 12 De- . cember 1993 (extract)........................................................................................... 4512 1993 ().................................................................... 45 Federal constitutional law On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- -tion as of 21 July 1994, No. 1- (extract)..................................................... 46 21 1994 1- ()...................... 46 Regulation on the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Approved by . -the Decree by the President of the Russian Federation as of 31 December 1996, 31 1996 No. 1791..................................................................................................... 49 1791........................................................................................................ 49 Regulation of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Adopted by . -the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation during the plenary session on 24 24 -January 2011 (extract)......................................................................................... 52 2011 ().................................................................................. 52Decree by the President of the Russian Federation On the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 7 December 1996, No. 1659..................................................... 54 7 1996 1659..................................................... 54 Decree by the President of the Russian Federation On Shakhrai S.M. as of 29 . . 29 1998June 1998, No. 735............................................................................................... 55 735......................................................................................................... 55The RSFSR Law On the Constitutional Court of the RSFSR as of 12 July 1991, 12 1991 . 1599-1 (extract).............................................................................................. 56 1599-1 ()............................................................................................ 56 Regulation on the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Fed- eration in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Approved by the . -Decree by the President of the Russian Federation as of 5 July 1995, No. 668 5 1995 668(extract)....................................................................................................... 61()............................................................................................... 61Section 1. State building................................................................................... 63 1. ...................................................... 631.1. Formation of the new Russia........................................................................ 651.1. ....................................................................... 65 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the Decree by the President -of the Russian Federation On the creation of the RSFSR Ministry of Security and 19 1991 289 Internal Affairs as of 19 December 1991, No. 289, motioned by a group of the RFS- (FR Peoples Deputies (the first case)..................................................................... 65)................................................................................................................... 65The litigants position ............................................................................... 65 .................................................................................. 65Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitutional Court of . . the Russian Federation V. O. Luchin, E. M. Ametistov, Yu. D. Rudkin, G. A. Gad- . . , . . , . . , . . , 6 7 5. zhiev, B. S. Ebzeyev, O. I. Tiunov, T. G. Morshchakova, N. V. Vitruk, V. D. Zorkin,. . ,. . , . . , . . , A. L. Kononov, V. I. Oleinik, and his answers to these questions (extract from the. . , . . , . . minutes of the RSFSR Constitutional Court meeting on 14 January 1992)......... 69 ( S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert from the Academy of the RSFSR14 1992 ).............................................................................. 69 Ministry of Internal Affairs S. Ye. Vitsin, and the latters answers to these ques- . . . . - tions (extract from the minutes of the RSFSR Constitutional Court meeting on ( - 14 January 1992)............................................................................................. 78 14 1992 ).................................................. 78 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. M. Larin, Leading Research Fel- . . low at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences, and the latters . . answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the RSFSR Constitutional ( Court meeting on 14 January 1992)................................................................ 7914 1992 ). .................................................................................... 79. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. V. Mitzkevich and the latters an- . . . . swers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the RSFSR Constitutional( Court meeting on 14 January 1992)................................................................. 80 14 1992 ). .................................................................................... 80. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. Ye. Safonov, Director of the Di- . . rectorate of Federal Security Agency for Krasnoyasrkii Krai, the RSFSR Peoples , . . Deputy, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the ( RSFSR Constitutional Court meeting on 14 January 1992)............................. 81 14 1992 )............................................................... 81 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. V. Yurchenko, Deputy Head . . - of General Directorate for Fighting Organised Crime and Corruption of the - RSFSR Federal Security Agency, and the latters answers to these questions . . ( (extract from the minutes of the RSFSR Constitutional Court meeting on 14 14 January 1992)...................................................................................... 821992 ).............................................................................................. 82 S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks ........................................................ 83 . . .................................................... 83 Ruling of the RSFSR Constitutional Court as of 14 January 1992, . 1-- 14 1992 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the RSFSR Constitutional Court 1--. ...................................................................................................... 85. E. M. Ametistov.............................................................................................. 91 . . ................................................................................................................ 91 The case concerned with the assessment of the constitutionality of the Decreesby the President of the Russian Federation On the suspension of activities of the -Communist Party of the RSFSR as of 23 August 1991, On the Property of the 23 1991 -CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR as of 25 August 1991, and On , 25 1991 the activities of the CPSU and CP RSFSR as of 6 November 2006, as well as with 6 1991 the assessment of the constitutionality of the CPSU and CP RSFSR (the case of the , CPSU)............................................................................................................ 94 ( )........................................................................................ 94 Instruction by the President of the Russian Federation as of 23 May 1992, No. 23 1992 248-............................................................................................................ 94 248-....................................................................................................... 94 The litigants position................................................................................ 97 ................................................................................... 97 Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitutional . . Court of the Russian Federation G. A.Gadzhiyev, V. O. Luchin, Yu. D. Rudkin, . . , . . , . . , . . ,T. G. Morshchakova, N. T. Vedernikov, O. I. Tiunov, V. D. Zorkin, B. S. Ebzeyev, and. . , . . , . . , . . -S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meetings ( of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on July 8 and 9, 1992)..... 123 8 9 1992 )......................................... 123 Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the agents of the party motioning for . . , -the assessment of the constitutionality of the decrees on the CPSU and CP RSF- SR (V. S. Martemianov, V. G. Vishnyakov, Yu. M. Slobodkin, B. P. Kurashvili, (. . , . . , . . , . . ,B. V. Tarasov, S. A. Bogolyubov, V. I. Zorkaltsev, B. B. Khangeldyiev, I. P. Ryb- . . , . . , . . , . . ,kin, A. S. Sokolov (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional. . , . . ( -Court of the Russian Federation on 9 July 1992)............................................ 137 9 1992 )............ 137 89 6. Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the agents of the litigant party of . . the CPSU and CP RSFSR V. I. Ivashko, F. M. Rudinskii, Yu. P. Ivanov, and. . , . . , . . (-S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meet- -ing of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 9 July 1992). .... 151 . 9 1992 ). ........................................................................ 151 .Additional question to S. M. Shakhrai asked by the judge of the Constitutional . . Court of the Russian Federation V.O.Luchin, and S. M. Shakhrais answer to this . . ( question (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 9 July 1992)......................................................... 157 9 1992 )........................................................................................ 157S. M. Shakhrais questions to A. M. Makarov, the agent of the party motioning . . , for the assessment of the constitutionality of the CPSU and CP RSFSR, and the , . . latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the ( -Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 10 July 1992)................... 159 10 1992 )................................. 159S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agents of the litigant party of the CPSU and . . CP RSFSR B. B. Khangeldyiev, V. V. Kalashnikov, O. O. Mironov, V. A. Ivashko, . . , . . , . . , . . ,V. A. Kuptsov, Yu. P. Ivanov, Yu. M. Slobodkin, and their answers to these ques-. . , . . , . . (-tions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the -Russian Federation on 14 July 1992)............................................................. 162 14 1992 )........................................................................ 162S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness G. I. Sklyar, Peoples Deputy of the . . Obninsk City Soviet of the Kaluga Oblast, and the latters answers to these ques- . . tions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the ( Russian Federation on 21 July 1992)............................................................. 167 21 1992 )................................................................... 167S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness Yu. V. Tyurin, Candidate of His- . . torical Sciences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . ( -minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 21 1992on 21 July 1992)....................................................................................... 169 ). ............................................................................................ 169.S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness O.A.Shinkarev, former Secretary of . . the Bryansk City Committee of the CP RSFSR, and the latters answers to these . . (questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 21 July 1992)........................................................ 170 21 1992 ).......................................................................................170S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness S. N. Petrov, Candidate of Histori- . . cal Sciences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the min-. . ( utes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 21 21 1992 )..... 171July 1992)................................................................................................ 171 . . S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. N. Maltsev, Candidate of Philo-. . ( sophic Sciences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the min- 22 1992 )......173utes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 22 . . July 1992)..................................................................................................... 173 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. G. Melnikov, former Secretary of 22 the Central Committee of the CP RSFSR, and the latters answers to these ques-1992 ).................................................................................................... 177tions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the . . -, -Russian Federation on 22 July 1992)............................................................. 177 . . S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness R. A. Medvedev, writer and social ( -commentator, Co-Chair of the Socialist Party of Working People, and the latters 22 1992 ).................................................... 179answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Consti- . . -tutional Court of the Russian Federation on 22 July 1992)........................... 179 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. P. Leontiev, Director of the Pres- 24 sa Publishing House, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the 1992 )......................................................................................... 183minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . - -24 July 1992). ............................................................................................... 183 . . . (-1011 7. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. A. Solodin, Consultant Editor -for the television and radio broadcasting company Ostankino, and the latters 24 1992 )....................................................................... 185answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Consti- . . -tutional Court of the Russian Federation on 24 July 1992)............................. 185 . . S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. V. Ivanenko, former Deputy Head ( -of the KGB Directorate for the Tyumen Oblast, and the latters answers to these 27 1992 ).......................................................... 187questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of . . the Russian Federation on 27 July 1992)........................................................ 187 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness, G. V. Veretennikov, Peoples Deputy 28 of the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from 1992 ).................................................................................................... 190the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . on 28 July 1992)............................................................................................ 190 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness S. A. Kovalev, Peoples Deputy of 28 the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from1992 ).................................................................................................... 192the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . -on July 28, 1992). ......................................................................................... 192. . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness from the Ural Human Resource 29 1992Centre B. P. Guseletov and the latters answers to these questions (extract from ).. ............................................................................................. 195the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . ,on 29 July 1992)............................................................................................ 195 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. A. Gaivoronskii, worker, Member 30 of the CC CPSU Secretariat, and the latters answers to these questions (extract 1992 ).................................................................................................... 198from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Fede . . ration on 30 July 1992).................................................................................. 198 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. A. Denisov, Professor at the Poly- 30 technic Institute, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the 1992 ).................................................................................................... 201minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . 30 July 1992). ............................................................................................... 201 . , S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness N.V. Vasiliev, Full Member of the . . ( -Academy of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director of Scientific Research Institute 30 of Oncology at the Tomsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian 1992 )............................................................................................ 206Academy of Sciences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . ( -30 July 1992 )................................................................................................ 206 31 S. M. Shakhrais question to the witness G. P. Yakunin, Peoples Deputy of 1992 ).................................................................................................... 207the Russian Federation, and the latters answer to this question (extract from the . . -minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on , . . 31 July 1992). ............................................................................................... 207 . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness Yu. P. Belov, Secretary of the Len- 31 1992 )......................................................... 208ingrad Oblast Committee of the CPSU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, and . . the latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of. . ( -the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 31 July 1992)............ 208 31 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. V. Kryuchkov, Candidate of Legal1992 ). .................................................................................................. 209 .Sciences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the . . , -meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 31 July 1992)..... 209 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert V. Ye. Guliyev, Doctor of Legal Sci- 15 16 ences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the min- 1992 ).................................................................................................... 213utes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . , -September 15 and 16, 1992).......................................................................... 213 . . ( -12 13 8. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert I. P. Osadchii, Doctor of Historical 16 17 Sciences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the1992 )................................................................................................... 218minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . , -September 16 and 17, 1992).......................................................................... 218 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert B. M. Lazarev, Doctor of Legal Sci- 17 18 ences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the min-1992 ).................................................................................................... 236utes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . , -September 17 and 18, 1992).......................................................................... 236 . . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert Yu. P. Yeremenko, Doctor of Legal 18 21 Sciences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the1992 ).................................................................................................... 257minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . , September 18 and 21, 1992).......................................................................... 256. . ( -S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. V. Mitskevich, Doctor of Legal 21 1992 ).............. 262Sciences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . , -minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . ( 21 September 1992)...................................................................................... 262 23 S. M. Shakhrais question to the expert V. A. Rakhmilovich, Doctor of Le- 1992 ).....................................................................................................269gal Sciences, Professor, and the latters answer to this question (extract from the . . , -minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . ( -23 September 1992)..................................................................................... 269 23 24 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert Ye. A. Sukhanov, Doctor of Legal 1992 ).................................................................................................... 269Sciences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . , -minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . ( -September 23 and 24, 1992).......................................................................... 269 25 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert V. A. Tumanov, Doctor of Legal Sci-1992 ).................................................................................................... 277ences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on . . ( -25 September 1992)...................................................................................... 277 5 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. I. Dolgikh, former Secretary of1992 )................................................................................................... 283the CPSU Central Committee, and the latters answers to these questions (ex- . . tract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian. . ( -Federation on 5 October 1992)...................................................................... 283 5 6 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness Ye. K. Ligachev, former Secretary of1992 )............................................................................................ 285the CPSU Central Committee, and the latters answers to these questions (extract . . from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Fed- . . ( -eration on October 5 and 6, 1992)................................................................. 285 7 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness I. K. Polozkov, Peoples Deputy of1992 ).................................................................................................... 305the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from . . the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . ( -on 7 October 1992)....................................................................................... 305 8 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. S. Dzasokhov, Peoples Deputy of 1992 ).................................................................................................... 319the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from . . , -the minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . ( on 8 October 1992)....................................................................................... 319 8 9 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V.M.Falin, Doctor of Historical Sci-1992 ).................................................................................................... 326ences, fine art expert, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . - -minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on - October 8 and 9, 1992).................................................................................. 326(-) . . ( - 14 15 9. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness A. N. Yakovlev, Vice President of the 12 - International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (Gorbachev 1992 ).............................................................................................. 335 Fund), and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the . . - meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 12 October . . (- 1992 )........................................................................................................... 335 - S. M. Shakhrais questions to the witness V. V. Bakatin, Director of the De- 12 1992 ).......................................................................... 343 partment at the International Fund Reforma, and the latters answers to these . . .................................................. 345 questions (extract from the minutes of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of 30 the Russian Federation on 12 October 1992 ). ............................................... 343. 1992 9-............................................................................. 383 S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 345 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 30 Novem- . . ........................................................................................... 409 ber 1992, No. 9-. ....................................................................................... 383. Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian . . . .............................................................................................. 420 . Federation A. L. Kononov............................................................................ 409 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian . . ............................................................................................... 432 Federation V. O. Luchin................................................................................ 420 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian1.2. ....... 472 Federation B. S. Ebzeyev.............................................................................. 432 -1.2. The constitutional procedure for the legislative process ................................ 472 , - - The case of the dispute between the Council of Federation and the President of , the Russian Federation, between the State Duma and the President of the Russian -Federation, concerning the duty of the President of the Russian Federation to sign the ( adopted Federal Law On the cultural valuables transported to the Union of SSR as a )...................................................................................................................... 472result of the Second World War and located within the territory of the Russian Federa- . . , -tion (the case of the Presidents duty to sign laws). ............................................ 472 . ..................... 472S. M. Shakhrais motion to terminate the proceedings, applied at the prepara- -tory stage of the hearing. . ............................................................................ 472Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation concerning S. M. . . (Shakhrais motion to terminate the proceedings (extract from the minutes of the meet- ings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 March 1998)....... 476 16 1998 )..................................................................................... 476S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agents of the complaining party (the State . . - (-Duma representatives Ye. T. Usenko nd V. B. Isakov), and their answers to these . . . . ) questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional ( -Court of the Russian Federation on 16 March 1998)...................................... 476 16 1998 )................................................... 476S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agent of the complaining party . . - (-(M. G. Shartse, representative of the Council of Federation), and the latters an- . . ) ( swers to these questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 March 1998)............... 481 16 1998 )..................................................................................... 481The litigants position.............................................................................. 483 ................................................................................. 483Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the agents of the complaining party (State . . - (-Duma representatives Ye. T. Usenko and V. B. Isakov, the representative of the . . . . , -Council of Federation M. G. Shartse), the judge of the Constitutional Court of . . ), -the Russian Federation E. M. Ametistov, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these . . ( questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 March 1998)...................................... 491 16 1998 )..................................................................................... 491S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 501 . . .................................................. 501Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 6 April 1998, No. 11-............................................................................................ 5026 1998 11-......................................................................... 50216 17 10. Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation E. M. Ametistov.......................................................................... 508 . . ........................................................................................ 508 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the resolutions by the Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation On some issues of applying the 21 1995 Federal law On making amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Fed- 1090-I eration on On the status of judges in the Russian Federation as of 21 July 1995, No. 1090-I, and On the procedure for the application of Item 2 of Article 855 of the Civil 11 1996 682-II -Code of the Russian Federation as of 11 October 1996, No. 682-II (the case of the 2 855 interpretation of the laws) .................................................................................. 511 ( )........................................................................... 511The litigants position.............................................................................. 512 ................................................................................ 512Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the agents of the party opposing the . . , complainant (the State Duma representatives V. A. Kalyagin and V. A. Saveliev), ( . . the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. D. Zorkin, . . ), V. O. Luchin, V. I. Oleinik, E. M. Ametistov, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to . . , . . , . . , . . -these questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitu- ( tional Court of the Russian Federation on 3 November 1997)........................ 517 3 1997 )............................................. 517S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agents of the party opposing the complain- . . , -ant (the State Duma representatives V. A. Kalyagin and V. A. Saveliev), and their ( . . answers to these questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the . . ) ( Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 3 November 1997)........... 523 3 1997 )........ 523S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 528 . . .................................................. 528Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 17 Novem- ber 1997, No. 17-....................................................................................... 530 17 1997 17-....................................................................... 5301.3. Protection of constitutional principle of the division of powers ...................... 536 1.3. ................... 536 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the resolution by the Supreme -Soviet of the Russian Federation as of 17 July 1992 On the newspaper Izvestiya 17 1992 ((the case of the newspaper Izvestiya)................................................................. 536 )........................................................................................ 536The litigants position (addition)............................................................. 538 ()......................................................... 538Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 19 May 1993, No. 10-............................................................................................ 539 19 1993 10-............................................................................ 5391.4. Budget and tax system............................................................................... 548 1.4. ............................................................... 548 The case initiated on the request of the Administration of Khabarovskii Krai for the assessment of the constitutionality of Article 111 of the law of the Rus- - sian Federation On the state border of the Russian Federation in the part of 111 - the introduction of border administration fee (the case of border administration - fee) .......................................................................................................... 548 ( )......................................... 548 S. M. Shakhrais speech . ........................................................................ 548 . . ................................................................. 548 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 11 Novem- ber 1997 No. 16-........................................................................................ 55211 1997 16-....................................................................... 552 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N. V. Vitruk................................................................................. 557 . . .............................................................................................. 557 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation A. L. Kononov............................................................................ 559 . . ........................................................................................... 559 18 19 11. The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of Item 2 Article 855 of the Civil 2 855 -Code of the Russian Federation and Part Six of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian 15 Federation On the basic principles of the tax system in the Russian Federation in connection with the inquiry by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian ( -Federation (the case of priority in the payment of wages and taxes.................... 565 ).......................................................... 565 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 23 Decem- ber 1997 No. 21-........................................................................................ 566 23 1997 21-........................................................................... 566 - The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of individual provisions of the 2002 , -federal laws On the federal budget for 2002, On the federal budget for 2003, On 2003 , 2004 the federal budget for 2004, and addenda to these laws, in connection with the in- -quiry by the group of the Council of Federation members, and citizen A. V. Zhmak- . . ( ovskiis complaint (the case of the Accounts Chambers right to control federal budget )........................................................ 571execution) . ....................................................................................................... 571 . . ................................................................. 572 S. M. Shakhrais speech . ........................................................................ 572 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 23 April 23 2004 9-......................................................................... 5792004, No. 9-.............................................................................................. 579 Judicial opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Fed- . . ............................................................................................. 591eration N. S. Bondar..................................................................................... 591 2. ........................................................ 601Section 2. Federal system building.................................................................. 601 2.1. - 2.1. The interpretation of the norms of the RF Constitution, concerned with the prin- ...................................................................................... 603ciples of the federal form of government................................................................ 603 4 66 -The case of the interpretation of provisions contained in Part 4 of Article 66 of the ,Constitution of the Russian Federation, concerned with the inclusion of an autono- ( )........................................................... 603mous okrug in a krai, oblast (the case of autonomous okrugs) . .......................... 603 . . ................................................................. 606 S. M. Shakhrais speech . ........................................................................ 606 . . - Question asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judge of the Constitutional Court . . ( of the Russian Federation G. A. Gadzhiyev, and S. M. Shakhrais answer to this 25 1997 )............ 610 question (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 25 June 1997)......................................... 61014 1997 12-.......................................................................... 611 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 14 July 1997, No. 12-............................................................................................ 6112.2. - ................................................................................................................ 6202.2. Protection of the principle of territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. .... 620 . - The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the decree No. 2137 issued by the 30 1994 2137 President of the Russian Federation on 30 November 1994 On the measures to restore -constitutional legality and order within the territory of the Chechen Republic, the decree, 9 1994 No. 2166 issued by the President of the Russian Federation on 9 December 1994 On 2166 -the measures to curb activities of illegal armed groups within the territory of the Chechen -Republic and in the area of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, the RF Government resolution, 9 -No. 1360 as of 9 December 1994 On ensuring state security and territorial integrity of 1994 1360 -the Russian Federation, rule of law, citizens rights and liberties, disarmament of illegal , , armed groups within the territory of the Chechen Republic and adjacent regions of North, -Caucasus, the decree No. 1833 issued by the President of the Russian Federation on 2 - 20 21 12. November 1993 On the foundations of the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, 2 1993 1833(the case of the conflict in Chechnya).......................................................................... 620 ( Complaint by the agent of the complaining party (the representative of the )....................................................................................... 620group of State Duma deputies G. Yu. Karelin) about the psychological pressure on - ( the Constitutional Court in connection with the utterances made by S. M. Shakhrai . . ) -and S. A. Filatov, Head of the Administration of the RF President, in their interview on TV on the eve of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- . . tion (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of . . (-the Russian Federation on 10 July 1995). ......................................................... 633. The litigants position.............................................................................. 634 10 1995 )................................................................... 633Questions asked of S.M.Shakhrai by the agents of the complaining party ................................................................................. 634(G. S. Yakovlev, I. M. Kostoyev), the judges of the Constitutional Court of the . . -Russian Federation A. L. Kononov, B. S. Ebzeyev, V. O. Luchin, Yu. D. Rudkin,(. . , . . ), -O. I. Tiunov, N. V. Vitruk, G. A. Gadzhiyev, V. I. Oleinik, V. D. Zorkin, . . , . . , . . ,T. G. Morshchakova, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract . . , . . , . . , . . , . . ,from the verbatim records of the meetings of the Constitutional Court of the Rus-. . , . . ( -sian Federation on July 10 and 11, 1995)...................................................... 667 10 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the specialist V. A. Kovalev, Minister of Justice11 1995 ).................................................................................. 667of the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from . . the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian . . ( -Federation on 11 July 1995).......................................................................... 724 11 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. S. Pigolkin, Head of the Depart- 1995 ).................................................................................................... 724ment of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Jurisprudence, Doctor of . . Legal Sciences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from , the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian , . . ( Federation on 12 July 1995).......................................................................... 725 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert S. A. Arutyunov, Head of the Cau- 12 1995 )..................................................................................... 725casus Division at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian . . -Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sci-ences, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the verbatim . . record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ( -on 12 July 1995)....................................................................................... 728 12 1995 ).................................................... 728S. M. Shakhrais questions to the specialist S. A. Kovalev, Deputy of the State . . ,Duma, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee under the President of the Russian Federation, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . ( -verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- 13 tion on 13 July 1995)......................................................................................730 1995 ).................................................................................................... 730S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 737 . . .................................................. 737Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 31 July 311995, No. 10-........................................................................................... 765 1995 10-.............................................................................. 765Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation E. M. Ametistov.......................................................................... 777 . . ........................................................................................ 777Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N. V. Vitruk................................................................................. 779 . . .............................................................................................. 779Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation G. A. Gadzhiyev. ........................................................................ 787 . . . .............................................................................................. 787Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. D. Zorkin............................................................................... 791. . ............................................................................................ 791Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation A. L. Kononov............................................................................ 796 . . .......................................................................................... 796 2223 13. Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V. O. Luchin................................................................................ 802 .. ................................................................................................ 802Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation T. G. Morshchakova.................................................................... 811 . . . ...................................................................................... 811.Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation B. S. Ebzeyev.............................................................................. 815. . ............................................................................................... 8152.3. Constitutional guarantees of the delineation of competences and powers ....... 823 2.3. -................................................................................................................. 823 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the law of the MordovianSSR as of 7 April 1993 On the abolition of the posts of the President and Vice Presi- 7 dent of the Mordovian SSR and making amendments in, and additions to, the Consti- 1993 - tution (Basic Law) of the Mordovian SSR, the resolutions of the Supreme Soviet of ( -the Mordovian SSR as of 7 April 1993 On the procedure of he implementation of the) , Mordovian SSR Law On the abolition of the posts of President and Vice President 7 1993 of the Mordovian SSR and making amendments in, and additions to, the Constitu- - tion (Basic Law) of the Mordovian SSR, the decree by the President of the Russian ( )Federation as of 8 April 1993 On the ensuring of the unity of the RF executive power , 8 system within the territory of the Mordovian SSR (the case of the abolition of the 1993 -post of President in Mordovia)............................................................................ 823 ( Instruction by the President of the Russian Federation as of 24 May 1993, No. )................................................................................. 823372- (with amendments as of 27 May 1993)............................................... 823 24 1993 . The litigants position.............................................................................. 825 372- ( 27 1993 .)........................................................ 823Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the agents of the complaining party ................................................................................. 825V. G. Vishnyakov, V. N. Biryukov, the judges of the Constitutional Court of the . . - . . -Russian Federation V. O. Luchin, B. S. Ebzeyev, G. A. Gadzhiyev, T. G. Morsh- , . . , -chakova, V. D. Zorkin, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract . . , . . , . . , . . ,from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Fed- . . ( eration on 1 June 1993)................................................................................. 827 1 1993 )..... 827S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert B. M. Lazarev, Doctor of Legal Sci- . . , -ences, Professor, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the . . ( -minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation 1 on 1 June 1993). ........................................................................................... 841 .1993 )................................................................................................ 841S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert R. F. Vasiliev, Doctor of Legal Sci- . . , -ences, Professor at the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the lat- . . . -ters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the . . ( Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 1 June 1993)................... 845 1 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. V. Obolonskii, Doctor of Legal 1993 )............................................................................................ 845Sciences, Leading Research Fellow at the Academy of Sciences Institute of State . . , -and Law, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 2 June . . ( -1993)............................................................................................................ 847 2 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert A. I. Sukharev, Doctor of Philo-1993 )................................................................................................ 847sophic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Regional Studies of the Mordo- . . , -vian SSR, and the latters answers to these questions (extract from the min- .. -utes of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ( on 2 June 1993). ................................................................................... 849 . 2 1993 )............................................... 849Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 3 June 1993, No. 13-............................................................................................ 852 3 1993 13-...................................................................... 8522425 14. Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N. V. Vitruk................................................................................. 858 . . .............................................................................................. 858Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation A. L. Kononov............................................................................ 864 . . ........................................................................................... 864The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the decree No. 315 issued -by the President of the Russian Federation on 2 March 1996 On the procedure for 2 1996 315 -rescheduling of elections to the legislative (representative) government bodies of the () subjects of the Russian Federation, the Perm Oblasts law as of 21 February 1996 , 21 1996 On the conducting of election of the deputies to the Perm Oblast Legislative Assem- -bly, and Part 2 of Article 5 of the Vologda Oblasts law On the procedure for rotation 2 5 17 1995 of the deputies to the Vologda Oblast Legislative Assembly as of 17 October 1995 (the -version as of 9 November 1995)........................................................................... 868 ( 9 1995 ).......................................... 868 The litigants position.............................................................................. 868 ................................................................................. 868 Questions asked of S.M.Shakhrai by the agent of the complaining party . . - . . -A. I. Bestolkov, the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation , . . -G. A. Gadzhiyev, N. V. Vitruk, Yu. D. Rudkin, A. L. Kononov, V. G. Strekozov, , . . , . . , . . , . . ,B.S.Ebzeyev, T.G.Morshchakova, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions. . , . . ( -(extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of 4 -the Russian Federation on 4 March 1997)..................................................... 880 1997 )................................................................................................ 880 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the expert N. A. Bogdanova, Docent at the De- . . -partment of Constitutional Law of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State Univer- . . . -sity, Candidate of Legal Sciences, and her answers to these questions (extract from , . . , the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian ( -Federation on 4 March 1997)........................................................................ 901 4 1997 )........................................................... 901 S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 906 . . .................................................. 906 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 30 April 997, No. 7-................................................................................................ 91330 1997 7-......................................................................... 913 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation G. A. Gadzhiyev. ........................................................................ 929 .. . ...............................................................................................929 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N. V. Vitruk................................................................................. 932. . .............................................................................................. 932 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation B. S. Ebzeyev.............................................................................. 938. . ............................................................................................... 938 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of the Forest Code of the Rus- -sian Federation (the case of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation).............. 942 ( )................................... 942 V. D. Zorkins appeal to the chairperson with a request to clarify the status of . . -the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Con- -stitutional Court of the Russian Federation in this particular case (extract from the (-verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- tion on 16 December 1997)........................................................................... 942 16 1997 ). ............................................................. 942. S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agent of the complaining party (Chairman of . . - (-the Government of the Republic of Karelia V.N.Stepanov) and the latters answers . . ) to these questions (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Consti- ( -tutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 December 1997)................... 943 16 1997 )................................................ 943 The litigants position.............................................................................. 947 ................................................................................. 947 Questions asked of S.M.Shakhrai by the agents of the complaining party . . -(V. N. Stepanov, A. G. Pevzner), the judges of the Constitutional Court of the(. . , . . ), - 26 27 15. Russian Federation M.V. Baglai, V. I. Oleinik (extract from the verbatim record of . . , . . ( - the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 16 Decem- ber 1997)...................................................................................................... 95216 1997 ).............................................................................. 952 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 9 January 1998 No. 1-............................................................................................... 9569 1998 1-........................................................................... 956Section 3. Protection of constitutional rights and liberties of man and citizen .................. 969 3. . .... 969 .3.1. Protection of human right to freedom of movement...................................... 9713.1. ................................ 971The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of Articles 2 and 8 of the Federal 2 8 -Law as of 15 August 1996 On the procedure of departure from the Russian Federa- 15 1996 -tion and entrance to the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint by the citizen A. Ya. Avanov........................................................................................... 971 S. M. Shakhrais appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation . . ........................................................................................ 971 with a request to be regarded as an agent of the party opposing the complaining . . - party (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court , of the Russian Federation on 23 December 1997).......................................... 971 ( The litigants position.............................................................................. 972 23 1997 ).......................................... 971 Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitutional Court ................................................................................. 972 of the Russian Federation G. A. Gadzhiyev, B. S. Ebzeyev, A. L. Kononov, . . T. G. Morshchakova, and the S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract . . , . . , . . , . . from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Rus- ( - sian Federation on 23 December 1997)......................................................... 974 23 1997 )......................... 974 S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks....................................................... 979 . . .................................................. 979 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 15 January 15 1998 No. 2-............................................................................................... 981 1998 2-............................................................................. 981 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation B.S.Ebzeyev................................................................................ 987 . . ............................................................................................... 9873.2. Protection of citizens right to vote ............................................................. 989 3.2. ................................................... 989The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of particular provisions of the (Tambov Oblasts Charter (Basic Law) . ............................................................... 989) ........................................................................... 989 The litigants position.............................................................................. 989 ................................................................................ 989 Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitution- . . al Court of the Russian Federation G.A.Gadzhiyev, T. G. Morshchakova, . . , . . , . . , . . - B. S. Ebzeyev, V. O. Luchin, N. V. Vitruk, N. T. Vedernikov, and, . . , . . ( S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract from the verbatim re- cord of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 20 November 1997)........................................................................... 100020 1997 )................................................................................. 1000 S. M. Shakhrais questions to the agents of the party opposing the com- . . , - plaining party (Chairman of the Tambov Oblast Duma V. N. Karev and Head ( . . - of the Department of Administrative Law at the Saratov State Academy of Law - V. M. Manokhin) their answers to these questions (extract from the verbatim . . ) ( record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 20 November 1997)..................................................................................... 101120 1997 )................................................................................. 1011 S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks..................................................... 1016 . . ............................................... 1016 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 10 Decem- ber 1997 No. 19-...................................................................................... 1020 10 1997 19-............................................................... 1020 28 29 16. Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation B.S.Ebzeyev.............................................................................. 1030 . . ............................................................................................. 1030 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of particular provisions of Part One of Article 92 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Part One of 92 , 3 -Article 3 of the Republic of Bashkortostans law On the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan (the version as of 28 August 1997), and Articles 1 and 7 of the ( 28 1997 ) 1 7 -Republic of Bashkortostans law On the election of the President of the Republic of ( Bashkortostan (the case of the election of the President of Bashkortostan)....... 1033 )......................................................................... 1033 S. M. Shakhrais speech............................................................................... 1033 . . ............................................................... 1033 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 27 April 1998, No. 12-................................................................................................ 1040 27 1998 12-................................................................. 1040 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- tion V. G. Strekozov.......................................................................................... 1047 . . ........................................................................................ 1047 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federa- tion N.V.Vitruk................................................................................................. 1050 . . ............................................................................................ 1050The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of provisions of Articles 74 (Part 74 ( -One) and 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia . ......................... 1058) 90 .......................................... 1058 The litigants position............................................................................ 1058 ............................................................................... 1058 Questions asked of S. M. Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitutional Court of . . the Russian Federation V. D. Zorkin, Yu. D. Rudkin, V. O. Luchin, N. V. Vitruk, . . , . . , . . , . . - G. A. Gadzhiyev, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (extract from , . . ( - the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian 9 Federation on 9 June 1997)......................................................................... 1062 1997 )....................................................................................... 1062 S. M. Shakhrais question to the agent of the party opposing the complainant party . . , - (Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia V.N.Shtygashev), and ( . . - the latters answer to this question (extract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on 9 June 1997)................... 1068) ( - S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks..................................................... 1069 9 1997 )................. 1068 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 24 June . . ................................................ 1069 1997, No. 9-............................................................................................ 1069 24 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian 1997 9-.............................................................................. 1069 Federation N.V.Vitruk................................................................................. 1073 . . ............................................................................................ 1073 3.3. Protection of a persons right to the redress of the damage to their health or prop-erty caused by an environmental disaster............................................................. 1077 3.3. , .................................................. 1077The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of particular provisions of Article 1 of the Federal Law as of 24 November 1995 On making amendments 1 in, and additions to, the Russian Federations law On social protection of the 24 1995 citizens who have been exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl power - station accident ...................................................................................... 1077 , -The litigants position........................................................................... 1077 ................................................................................ 1077Questions asked of S.M.Shakhrai by the judges of the Constitutional Court ............................................................................... 1077 of the Russian Federation A.L.Kononov, T.G.Morshchakova, B.S.Ebzeyev, . . - N.V.Vitruk, G.A.Gadzhiyev, and S. M. Shakhrais answers to these questions (ex- . . , . . , . . , . . , tract from the verbatim record of the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the. . ( Russian Federation on 14 November 1997). ................................................ 1086 . 14 1997 ).... 108630 31 17. S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks..................................................... 1092 . . ................................................ 1092 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 1 Decem- 1 ber 1997, No. 18-..................................................................................... 1095 1997 18-........................................................................ 1095 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation N.V.Vitruk................................................................................. 1110 . . ............................................................................................ 1110 Dissenting opinion of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation T.G.Morshchakova.................................................................... 1114. . . .................................................................................... 1114 .Section 4. Constitutional framework for local self-government....................... 1119 4. ..................1119 The case of the assessment of the constitutionality of Articles 80, 92, 93, and 94 80, 92, 93 94 -of the Constitution of the Komi Republic and Article 31 of the Komi Republics 31 31 law as of 31 October 1994 On the executive bodies in the Komi Republic (the1994 ( -case of the elections of the local representative government bodies in the Komi ). ...............1121 .Republic).................................................................................................. 1121 15 Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as of 15 January 1998 3-........................................................................... 11211998, No. 3-............................................................................................ 1121Summary..................................................................................................... 1136Summary..................................................................................................... 1136 List of illustrations Briefing by the Office of the State Counsellor of the Russian Federation on Legal ( ). .......................................................... 95.policy................................................................................................................... 95 . . - . . ( - Letter to S. M. Shakhrai from the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Rus- )......................................................................... 473sian Federation Yu. M. Danilov concerning the adjournment of the hearing of thecase................................................................................................................ 473 . . - . . Letter to S. M. Shakhrai from the reporting judge E. M.Ametistov: an invi- ( )......................................................................... 513tation to participate in the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the RussianFederation.............................................................................................. 513 . . . . . . -Handwritten power of attorney to S. M. Shakhrai to represent A. A. Kotenkovs and ( ).............................................................. 537I. A. Bezrukovs interests in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation......... 537 - The list of participants in the meeting of the Constitutional Court of the Russian 4 66 Federation and those summoned to the hearing of the case of the interpretation of ( )............................... 604Part 4 of Article 66 of the RF Constitution.......................................................... 604 ( . . - Analysis of the Constitution (material used in the preparation of S. M. Shakhrais ) ( )..... 621speech in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)............................ 621 24 1993 Insruction by the President of the Russian Federation as of 24 may 1993, 372- ( ).................. 824 372- (with amendments 27 May 1993......................................................... 824 . . Letter to S. M. Shakhrai from the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the . . -Russian Federation T. G. Morshchakova: court hearing notification................... 869 ( - 32 33 18. S. M. Shakhrais concluding remarks: part of the verbatim record of the meeting of 2 1996 315 -the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with the editorial corrections in () S. M. Shakhrais own hand. (Part 4 of Article 59 of the Federal Constitutional Law , 21 1996 On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)................................ 1018 - 2 5 17 1995 -The inquiry by the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin concerning ( 9 1995 ))........................................ 869the assessment of the constitutionality of provisions of Articles 74 and 90 of the Con-stitution of the Republic of Khakassia............................................................... 1055 . . - - S. M. Shakhrais letter to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian . . ( . 4 . 59 -Federation M. V. Baglai concerning the loss of validity of some of the grounds for the ) ( inquiry by the President of the Russian Federation........................................... 1078 ( ) )...................................................................................... 1018 . . - 74 90 ( 74 ( ) 90 )......................................................... 1055 . . . . ( - 1 24 1995 - , ).............................................................................. 1078 34 35 19. 2011 20 . -, - , - . - , - , - , -. , - , , , , - . - , , - . - - , . - , - , , - , - , - . 37 20. , - , - , , - , , , (. 52 . - , , ). , , , - , - , - . . , - , - , , - , - - . -. 1992 2011 - - - . - . . - - . - , . . 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