  • * 2014-2020


  • 2001 2012


    (2012) 144 132 90 138 109

  • * .... & : OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012

  • Global Competitiveness Report (2011-12) 90 142 . 129 ( 142 ). . , , . - . , , , , , ., , 6 , 2012*

  • (.....) / * : Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) , , & 2020 (brain drain)T ( , , , ESFRI) (, PPP) ... (conditionalities)

  • ()*/

  • *

  • , ,


  • & , 6 2012 / , 31 2012 , 4 2012 , ., ., . 2012* 2012 2012 2012

  • * :

    & - & & ( , , ..) & & ( , , , ..)

    ( )

  • ( ) , (starting grants) - ( , .) , , . mentoring , . workshops .


  • ( )

    ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) & . , ESFRI . , , , ,


  • ( )

    (Public Private Partnerships - PPP) , , , , , , , Joint Technology Initiatives (Js) .Clusters . (PPPs) . spin off , spin-out .


  • ( ) 2020- , clusters Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs) (European Institute of Technology - EIT). Marie Curie Actions clusters ESFRI (ERA-net ERA-net-plus, JTIs ) Twinnng, Teaming and ERA Chairs ( 2020) ..


  • *

    , 2012 *

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