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Министерство экономического развития Российской Федерации

Департамент развития и регулирования

внешнеэкономической деятельности




2017 год

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Торговое представительство Российской Федерации в Японии


г. Токио, Минато-ку,

Таканава 4-6-9

Тел.: +81-3-3447-3201

Факс: +81-3-3447-3221

e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

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Торговый представитель Российской Федерации в Японии

Егоров Сергей Сергеевич

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Краткие сведения о Японии

Краткая характеристика делового климата Японии



II. Информация о контактных данных дипломатических

представительств Российской Федерации (включая

контактные данные торгового представительства),

представительств федеральных органов исполнительной

власти, организаций и предприятий.

Информация о контактных данных органов государственной

власти и организаций Японии по торгово-экономическому




III. Обзор нормативно-правовой базы и предпринимаемых мер в

области государственного регулирования

внешнеэкономической и инвестиционной деятельности в



3.1. Основополагающие нормативные правовые акты, регулирующие

внешнеторговую деятельность в Японии


3.2. Таможенный тариф 17

3.3. Законодательство об иностранных инвестициях 18

3.4. Валютное регулирование 19

3.5. Регулирование свободных (особых) экономических зон


IV. Рекомендации для экспортеров 20

4.1. Перспективные направления расширения российского экспорта в



4.2. Действующие торговые ограничения 22

4.3 Особенности таможенно-тарифного регулирования при импорте в



4.4. Особенности таможенных процедур при импорте в Японию 25

4.5. Нетарифные меры и техническое регулирование в Японии 25

4.6. Валютно-финансовое регулирование при импорте в Японию 26

4.7. Основные логистические маршруты



Рекомендации по доступу на рынок Японии 27

5.1. Общие положения по доступу на рынок Японии 27

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5.2. Организационно-правовые формы ведения коммерческой

деятельности в Японии


5.3. Открытие представительств и дочерних/зависимых организаций в



5.4. Налогообложение предприятий с иностранным участием в Японии 29


Информация о защите прав экспортеров в Японии:


6.1. Поддержка экспорта и способы защиты прав экспортеров в

Японии, урегулирования и разрешения коммерческих споров,

порядок рассмотрения споров экономического характера

(внесудебный и судебный), выдержки из нормативных

процессуально-правовых документов страны пребывания,

регламентирующих деятельность по урегулированию и

разрешению споров.











Юридические и адвокатские конторы Японии по защите прав

экспортеров с указанием их контактных данных

Описание элементов регулятивной среды в области охраны и

защиты интеллектуальной собственности в Японии,

наименование регистрирующего их органа, а также виды

охранных документов и сроки их действия.

Виды объектов интеллектуальной собственности и средств

индивидуализации, подлежащих правовой охране и регистрации в


Анализ нормативных правовых актов, регулирующих

предоставление правовой охраны по видам интеллектуальной

собственности и средствам индивидуализации, и мониторинг их


Анализ компетенции профильных органов государственной власти,

осуществляющих нормативное регулирование в сфере

интеллектуальной собственности, их структуры и особенностей


Механизм лицензирования деятельности патентных поверенных

Способы официального опубликования реестров патентных


Перечень международных договоров, регулирующих

предоставление правовой охраны по видам объектов

интеллектуальной собственности и средств индивидуализации,

участником которых является Япония

Способы защиты прав на зарегистрированные объекты

интеллектуальной собственности и средства индивидуализации,









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контактные данные государственных органов, осуществляющих

соответствующие полномочия в области защиты прав


VIII. Информация о возможностях проверки деловой репутации в

Японии, включая организации, занимающиеся проверкой

деловой репутации юридических и физических лиц.


IX. Перечень наиболее крупных дистрибьюторов различных видов

товаров в Японии




Специфические особенности ведения бизнеса в Японии,

включая культурные аспекты, и деловые обычаи


№ 1 - К подразделу 3.3. стр. 1-4

№ 2- К подразделу 4.3. стр. 1-3

№ 3- К подразделу 4.5. стр. 1-6

№ 3- К подразделу 4.7. стр. 1-4

№ 5- К подразделу 5.2. стр. 1-2

№ 6- К подразделу 6.1. стр. 1-7

№ 6-1- К подразделу 6.1. стр. 1

№ 6-2- К подразделу 6.1. стр. 1-113


№ 6-3- К подразделу 6.1. стр.1-22

№ 7- К разделу VII стр. 1-19

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I. Краткие сведения о Японии

Географические условия. Япония расположена в Северо-Восточной

Азии на островах Хоккайдо, Хонсю, Сикоку, Кюсю и многочисленных мелких

островах. Длина береговой линии – 30 тыс. км. Рельеф островов –

преимущественно горный. Много действующих и потухших вулканов.

Высшая точка Японии – гора Фудзи на о. Хонсю (3776 м). Часты

землетрясения. 68% территории покрыто кустарником и лесами.

Климат муссонный. На большей части страны – субтропический.

Средняя температура января - 5 градусов С на о. Хоккайдо, +6 градусов С - на

южных японских островах и +16 градусов С на островах архипелага Рюкю.

Средняя температура июля соответственно 22, 27 и 28 градусов С. Осадки –

1000-3000 мм в год, на юге Японии – до 3500 мм. Обычны тайфуны (летом и

осенью) с ураганными ветрами и ливнями.

Многочисленны озера. Крупнейшее – Бива-ко.

Площадь территории страны: 372 тыс. кв. км.

Столица: Токио.

Крупнейшие города: Йокогама, Осака, Нагоя, Саппоро.

Административное деление. Включает 47 префектур. В их число входят

столичная префектура Токио, городская префектура Осака и особая

административная область – Хоккайдо.

Форма правления. Конституционная монархия.

Глава государства. Император.

Действующий император Акихито взошел на трон в январе 1989 года.

День рождения императора – 23 декабря – национальный праздник. В августе

2016 г. 83-летний император Акихито в видеообращении к народу выразил

желание отойти от дел из-за своих опасений по поводу способности

выполнения обязанностей в качестве "символа государства" в связи с

преклонным возрастом. В июне 2017 г. принят специальный закон,

позволяющий ему это сделать. Официально возможная дата не называется.

Государственный флаг и гимн. Японский флаг с изображением

солнца – красный круг на белом фоне – называется Хиномару и используется

в качестве государственного символа с ХVII века.

Государственный гимн Японии, Кимигаё, был положен на музыку

примерно сто лет назад, а его словам уже около 1000 лет. Они толкуются как

страстное стремление к длительному процветанию и миру в стране.

Глава правительства. Премьер-министр Синдзо Абэ.

Законодательная власть. Двухпалатный парламент, включающий

палату представителей и палату советников.

Палата представителей – 475 депутатов, срок полномочий – 4 года.

Избираются раз в 4 года общенародным параллельным (по избирательным

округам и партийным спискам) голосованием.

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Палата советников – 242 члена, срок полномочий – 6 лет. Каждые 3 года

общенародным параллельным (по избирательным округам и партийным

спискам) голосованием переизбирается ровно половина (121) депутатов.

Ведущие политические партии. Либерально-демократическая (ЛДП),

Демократическая, Комэйто, Коммунистическая, Социал-демократическая.

Вооруженные силы. 240 тыс. чел.

Численность населения: 127 млн. чел., 99% японцы.

Средняя продолжительность жизни: мужчины- 77 лет, женщины – 82 года.

Официальный язык: японский.

Вероисповедание: синто и буддизм (90%).

Валюта: японская иена.

Краткая характеристика делового климата Японии

Япония входит в число семи наиболее индустриально развитых стран

мира. Практически не имея собственных природных ресурсов, страна

специализируется и удерживает ведущие позиции в мире в изготовлении

сложного технического оборудования и промышленных изделий. Японские

корпорации активно инвестируют в создание производств за пределами своей

страны, что позволяет им снижать издержки и более эффективно работать на

перспективных рынках.

Согласно данным Канцелярии кабинета министров, по итогам 2016 г.

ВВП Японии увеличился по сравнению с 2015 г. на 1,3% до 4,94 трлн. долл.

(здесь и далее – доллары США). По этому показателю Япония занимает третье

место в мире после США и КНР. В реальном выражении ВВП Японии в 2016

г. достиг 4,80 трлн. долл., прирост к уровню 2015 г. составил 1 %.

В структуре ВВП страны 71,1% приходится на услуги, 27,7% – на

промышленность и 1,2% – на сельское хозяйство. В 2016 г. индекс

промышленного производства составил 97,6%, индекс производства

продукции сельского хозяйства – 101,5% (2010 г. = 100%).

По данным Министерства финансов Японии, объем прямых

иностранных инвестиций, поступивших в экономику страны в 2016 г.,

составил 34,8 млрд. долл., объем прямых инвестиций Японии за рубежом –

169,5 млрд. долл.

В 2016 г. товарооборот внешней торговли Японии сократился

по сравнению с 2015 г. на 1,8% и составил 1 251 млрд. долларов. Экспорт

увеличился на 3,1% до 644,5 млрд. долл., а импорт сократился на 6,4%

до 607 млрд. долларов. По статистике ВТО доля Японии в мировом экспорте

товаров составляет 3,8% (4-е место), в импорте – 3,9% (4-е место).

В 2016 г. экспорт услуг Японии вырос по сравнению с 2015 г. на 6,9%

и составил 173,6 млрд. долларов. Импорт увеличился на 3,5% до182,7 млрд.

долларов. Доля Японии в мировом экспорте услуг составила 3,3% (7-е место),

в импорте – 3,8% (6-е место).

К основным товарам японского экспорта относятся транспортные

средства, электротехническое и машинное оборудование, в том числе

продукция энергетического и электрического машиностроения,

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полупроводники, научные и оптические приборы, продукция химической


Ведущими товарными группами японского импорта являются сырая

нефть и нефтепродукты, СПГ, уголь, продукция электрического

машиностроения, фармацевтика, научные приборы и медоборудование,

транспортные средства, продукция легкой и пищевой промышленности.

По итогам 2016 г. в Японии зарегистрировано активное сальдо баланса

внешней торговли в 36,7 млрд. долларов (против дефицита внешней торговли

размером в 23,9 млрд. долл. в 2015 г.).

В 2016 г. 52,9 % японского экспорта пришлось на страны Азии (прежде

всего, на КНР), 21,5 % – на Северную Америку (прежде всего, на США), 11,4%

- на страны ЕС. Японский импорт в 2016 г. распределился между странами

Азии (прежде всего, КНР) – 50,3 %, Северной Америкой (прежде всего, США)

– 12,6 %, странами ЕС–12,3 % и странами Ближнего Востока – 9,8 %.

Российско-японские отношения являются непростыми в силу военно-

политического Японии с США и японских территориальных притязаний к

нашей стране, наличие которых препятствует заключению мирного договора

по результатам Второй мировой войны. Вместе с тем, С.Абэ, премьер-

министр Японии с декабря 2012 г., проводит курс на нормализацию

политических и развитие экономических отношений с Россией. В мае 2016 г.

на встрече в Сочи он передал Президенту Российской Федерации В.В. Путину

план развития российско-японского сотрудничества по восьми направлениям

(в дальнейшем – «План из восьми пунктов»), в котором выражена

политическая воля правительства Японии на поддержку проектов японского

бизнеса в России.

Главным событием в двусторонних отношениях последних лет стал

официальный рабочий визит Президента Российской Федерации В.В. Путина

в Японию 15-16 декабря 2016 г. В ходе визита было подписано 12

межправительственных и межведомственных соглашений. Президент

Российской Федерациии премьер-министр Японии приняли участие в

Российско-Японском Экономическом Форуме 16 декабря 2016 г., «на полях»

которого компаниии организации двух стран подписали 68 документов,

включая меморандумы о намерениях и коммерческие договоры.

В соответствии с достигнутыми в декабре 2016 г. договоренностями

27 апреля 2017 г. состоялась очередная российско-японская встреча на

высшем уровне в Москве, в ходе и «на полях» которой обсуждались, в том

числе, и вопросы экономического сотрудничества двух стран. На полях

Третьего Восточного экономического форума (город Владивосток, 6-7

сентября 2017 г.) запланирована еще одна российско-японская встреча на

высшем уровне.

Главным механизмом межправительственного взаимодействия является

Российско-Японская Межправительственная комиссия по торгово-

экономическим вопросам, XII заседание которой состоялось 15 ноября 2016 г.

в г. Токио под председательством Первого заместителя Председателя

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Правительства Российской Федерации И.И. Шувалова и министра

иностранных дел Японии Ф. Кисиды.

Товарооборот российско-японской торговли, по данным ФТС России,

в 2016 г. в стоимостном выражении сократился на 24,6 % по сравнению с 2015

г., составив 16,1 млрд. долл., в том числе российский экспорт сократился на

35,2% до 9,4 млрд. долл., а российский импорт – на 2%, составив 6,7 млрд.

долларов. Удельный вес России во внешнеторговом обороте Японии составил

1,1 % (0,8 % в экспорте и 1,9 % в импорте).

Падение стоимостного объема российского экспорта в Японию

произошло, в основном, из-за снижения на 41,7%. стоимости поставок

углеводородов (74% в структуре российского экспорта в Японию). Произошло

сокращение и физических объемов экспорта товаров этой группы: СПГ – на

4 % (с 7,6 млн. т в 2015 г. до 7,3 млн. т в 2016 г.), нефти – на 30,4 % (с 17,1

млн. килолитров до 11,9 млн. килолитров), угля – на 10,1 %

(с 16,8 млн. т до15,1 млн. т).

Продвижение несырьевого экспорта в Японию крайне затруднено

не только в области машиностроения, но и в других областях вследствие

высокой степени насыщенности рынка продукцией развитой собственной

обрабатывающей промышленности и ведущих мировых производителей,

жесткой конкуренцией, специфическими требованиями внутреннего рынка,

которые характеризуются повышенными требованиями к качеству

и национальными особенностями спроса.

В 2016 г. постепенно сокращались темпы падения стоимостного объема

российского импорта из Японии (по итогам 2015 г. – 38%, в январе-мае 2016 г.

– 17,9%, по итогам 2016 г. – 2%). Стоимостной объем импорта средств

наземного транспорта в 2016 г. вырос на 5,3% по сравнению с 2015 г.,

их доля в совокупном импорте из Японии составила 50%.

В интересах развития российской промышленности и ее модернизации

представляет интерес импорт из Японии продукции промышленного

назначения и получение доступа к японским технологиям в различных

отраслях машиностроения, нефтеперерабатывающей и химической

промышленности. Высокая стоимость продукции обусловлена техническими

характеристиками японского оборудования, целесообразность приобретения

которого прорабатывается в каждом конкретном случае заинтересованными

российскими организациями, исходя из ТЭО соответствующих проектов.

Интересам промышленного развития России отвечает также привлечение

прямых японских инвестиций в реальный сектор экономики с целью создания

совместных предприятий на территории Российской Федерации и

локализации производств.

Реализацию имеющихся и подготовку новых перспективных проектов,

текущие торговые операции сдерживает сохранение правительством Японии

регуляторных ограничений в рамках санкционной политики Запада.

В частности, остающиеся ужесточенными с 2014 г. процедуры экспортного

контроля в отношении товаров и технологий, предназначенных к поставке

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в Россию, и отказ японских коммерческих банков от участия в кредитах JBIC

российским предприятиям затрудняют поставки в Россию комплектного и

другого технологического оборудования, необходимого для модернизации

российской промышленности.

II. Информация о контактных данных дипломатических

представительств Российской Федерации (включая контактные данные

торгового представительства), представительств федеральных органов

исполнительной власти, российских государственных учреждений,

организаций и предприятий, представительств субъектов Российской

Федерации и негосударственных некоммерческих организаций в Японии

Посольство Российской Федерации в Японии

Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол – Афанасьев Евгений Владимирович

Адрес: 106-0041 Tokyo, Minato-ku, Azabudai 2-1-1.

Телефон: (+81) 3-3583-4224; факс: (+81) 3-3505-0593.

Электронная почта: [email protected]


Консульский отдел Посольства Российской Федерации в Японии

Заведующий консульским отделом – Сергеев Михаил Александрович

Адрес: 106-0041 Tokyo, Minato-ku, Azabudai 2-1-1.

Телефон: (+81) 3-3583-4445; факс: (+81) 3-3586-0407.

Электронная почта: [email protected]


Генеральное консульство Российской Федерации в г. Саппоро

(преф. Хоккайдо)

Генконсул – Фабричников Андрей Аркадьевич

Адрес: 064-0914, Sapporo, Chuo-ku, South-14, West-12, 2-5.

Телефон: (+81) 1-1561-3171; 1-1561-3172; факс: (+81) 1-1561-8897.

Электронная почта: [email protected]


Генеральное консульство Российской Федерации в г.Осака

Генконсул – Рябов Олег Николаевич

Адрес: 560-0005 Osaka-fu, Toyonaka-shi, Nishi-Midorigaoka 1-2-2.

Телефон: (+81) 6-6848-345; 6-6848-3452; факс: (+81) 6-6848-3453.

Электронная почта: [email protected]


Генеральное консульство Российской Федерации в г. Ниигата

Генконсул – Ясенев Сергей Владиславович

Адрес: 950-0078 Niigata-shi, Bandaijima 5-1, Bandaijima Bldg. 12 F.

Телефон: (+81) 2-5244-6015; факс: (+81) 2-5244-6077.

Электронная почта: [email protected]


Отделение Генконсульства в г.Хакодатэ

Консул – Соколов Борис Евгеньевич

Адрес: Motomachi 14-1, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido 040-0054.

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Телефон: (+81) 1-3824-8201; факс: (+81) 1-3824-8202.

Торговое представительство Российской Федерации в Японии

Торговый представитель – Егоров Сергей Сергеевич

Адрес: 108-0074 Tokyo, Minato-ku, Takanawa 4-6-9.

Телефон: (+81) 3-3447-3201; факс: (+81) 3-3447-3221.

Электронная почта: [email protected]; [email protected]

Сайт: Facebook:

Представитель Федеральной таможенной службы Российской

Федерации в Японии (в составе Посольства Российской Федерации в


Сухоруков Алексей Олегович

Телефон: (+81) 3-3505-3450; факс: (+81) 3-3505-3450; (+81) 3-3505-0593

Электронная почта: [email protected]; [email protected]


Представитель Россотрудничества в Японии (в составе Посольства

Российской Федерации в Японии)

Виноградов Константин Георгиевич

Адрес: 106-0041 Tokyo, Minato-ku, Azabudai 2-1-1.

Телефон: (+81) 3-3583-4297; факс: (+81) 3-3505-0593.

Электронная почта: [email protected]; сайт:


TENEX-Japan Co.

Является 100% дочерним предприятием ОАО «Техснабэкспорт».

Адрес: 14th Floor Holland Hills Mori Tower, 5-11-2 Toranomon, Minato-ku,

Tokyo 105-0001, Japan.

Тел.: +81-3-5776-1511, факс: +81-3-5776-1512. E-mail: [email protected]

Управляющий директор: Сергей Николаевич Плужник

Orchid technology

Адрес: 3rd floor, Kamiyacho Square Bldg, 1-7-3 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo

106-0041, Japan.

Тел.: +81-3-3560-1585; факс: +81-3-3560-1586. E-mail: [email protected]

Руководитель – Владимир Игнатов.

Metropol Japan

Адрес: Токио-то, Тюо-ку, Нихонбаси, Каябатё 1-5-2.

Тел.: +81-3-3664-2183. E-mail: [email protected];

[email protected]

Руководитель – Тибулевич Александр Анатольевич

Intourist Japan Co. Ltd.,


Адрес: Токио-то, Тиёда-ку, Куданкита 4-1-14, 2 этаж.

Тел.: +81-3-3238-9117, факс: +81-3-3238-9128. E-mail: [email protected]

Руководитель – Ермаков Василий Владимирович.

“Sakura Tours”

104-0041, Токио, Тюо-ку, Синтоми 1-4-5, Хигаси Гиндза блд., 5 этаж.

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Тел.: +81-3-5541-9960; факс: +81-3-3551-0033. моб.тел. +81-90-5493-9676.

E-mail: [email protected];

Руководитель – Краснов Анатолий Александрович.


Адрес: 152-0002 Meguro-ku, Tokyo Meguro Honcho 6-17-19-101.

Тел.: +81-3-6451-0868. E-mail: [email protected]

Президент: Mozzhechkov Mikiko

Генеральное представительство ПАО «Аэрофлот – российские

авиалинии» в Японии и Австралии (г. Токио)

Адрес: Toranomon Kotohira Tower 16F, 1-2-8 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo,

105-0001 Japan.

Тел.: +81-3-5532-8781, факс: +81-3-5532-8821. E-mail: [email protected]

Генеральный представитель – Сушко Алексей Александрович.

Представительство ПАО «S7 – Сибирские авиалинии» в Японии

Адрес: Офис М5062 РТВ2 Нарита Интернэйшнл Эйрпорт, 1-1 Фуругомэ,

Нарита, Тиба-кэн, Джапан, 282-0004.

Моб. тел. +81-80-7817-0707, E-mail: [email protected]

Директор представительства – Пахоменко Александр Владимирович.

Официальное представительство ОАО «Мечел» в Японии

Адрес: № 302 Атагояма Бенгоси Билдинг, 1-6-7, Атаго, Минато-ку, Токио,

105-0002. Моб.тел. +81-70-4021-6537. E-mail: а[email protected]

Директор представительства – Челюканов Альберт Александрович

Официальное представительство грузовой авиакомпании «Группа


Адрес: Onarimon Yusen Bldg 9F, 3-23-5 Nishi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo,

105-0003. Тел.: +81-3-5777-4025. Е-mail: [email protected]

Представитель в Японии – Ходаковский Антон Николаевич – вице-

президент Группы компаний «Волга-Днепр» по Японии и Республике Корея.

ООО «Доктор Веб»

Название представительства: «Doctor Web Pacific»

Адрес: 210-0005 Джапан, Кавасаки-кэн, кавасаки-си, Кавасаки-ку,

Хигаситамати 1-2, NKF Кавасаки билдинг, 2 этаж.

Директор: Shu Sugawara

ЗАО «Лаборатория Касперского»

Название представительства: «Kaspersky Labs Japan»

Адрес:101-0021 Japan, Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda 3-12-8

Sumitomo Fudosan Akihabara Bldg. 7F

Директор: Rintaro Kawai

ЗАО «Аби Продакшн»

Название представительства: «ABBYY Japan Co., Ltd.»

Адрес: 222-0033 Japan, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kouhoku-ku, Shinyokohama 2-5-

14, WISE NEXT Shinyokohama 3F.

Тел.: +81-45-285-9372. Е-mail: : [email protected]

Директор: Yo Ohara

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Информация о контактных данных органов государственной

власти и организаций Японии по торгово-экономическому


В экономической сфере в роли основного координирующего

правительственного органа выступает Канцелярия кабинета министров

(, которая функционирует в тесной связи с Секретариатом

кабинета, непосредственно принимая участие в работе по согласованию и

выработке важнейших направлений деятельности правительства в данной


Ведущим государственным органом управления, на который возложены

задачи практического осуществления экономической, промышленной и

внешнеторговой политики, является Министерство экономики, торговли и

промышленности Японии (в дальнейшем – МЭТП Японии или МЭТП)

( Министерство строит свою деятельность на основе

административно-экономических мер воздействия на японский частный

сектор в интересах обеспечения стабильного и динамичного развития

экономики страны. Министр экономики, торговли и промышленности Японии

Хиросигэ СЭКО одновременно является министром Японии по

экономическому сотрудничеству с Россией.

Заметную роль в обеспечении взаимодействия между государственными

внешнеэкономическими ведомствами и деловым миром Японии играет

Японская организация развития внешней торговли (ДЖЕТРО, ДЖЕТРО является некоммерческой организацией,

тесно связанной с правительством Японии в форме «общественной

корпорации». Имеет статус самостоятельного юридического лица,

подведомственного Министерству экономики, торговли и промышленности.

В организации существует т.н. «институт членства», объединяющий около

7000 японских фирм и филиалов иностранных компаний в Японии. В

настоящее время деятельность ДЖЕТРО охватывает следующие направления:

-консультационная и посредническая помощь в налаживании экспорта в


-организация выставок за рубежом, а также выставок-продаж образцов

иностранных товаров в Японии;

-содействие и организация контактов между представителями делового

мира Японии и зарубежных стран;

-проведение в стране и за рубежом семинаров (до 200 ежегодно) по

проблемам экспорта и импорта товаров;

-издательско-информационная деятельность.

Ведущими организациями, обеспечивающими формирование политики

японских деловых кругов, являются: Японская федерация экономических

организаций /Ниппон кэйданрэн/, Японское общество экономических

единомышленников /Кэйдзай доюкай/, Торгово-промышленная палата

/Ниппон сёко кайгисё/, а в области двусторонних торгово-экономических

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отношений - Японская ассоциация по торговле с Россией и «новыми

независимыми государствами» /РОТОБО/.

Японская федерация экономических организаций (НИППОН

КЭЙДАНРЭН, осуществляет формирование и

последующую практическую реализацию интересов крупного бизнеса,

затрагивающих широкий спектр экономических, производственных и

социальных вопросов. Членами организации являются 1541 представителей от

1233 крупнейших компаний, включая 71 зарубежную фирму, 127

промышленных ассоциаций, а также 54 региональные экономические

организации. Бюджет формируется за счет членских взносов.

Японское общество экономических единомышленников (Кэйдзай

доюкай, является частной некоммерческой

организацией деловых кругов. В отличие от других крупнейших

экономических организаций Японии ее построение основано на

индивидуальном членстве. Среди членов организации - наиболее влиятельные

лидеры делового мира, руководители крупнейших торговых, промышленных

и энергетических компаний и финансовых институтов Японии. В составе

общества насчитывается свыше 1400 членов от 900 компаний.

Торгово-промышленная палата Японии (ТПП,

является общенациональной организацией, действующей в соответствии с

законом о Торгово-промышленной палате, обеспечивающим создание и

функционирование местных ТПП в регионах Японии на основе добровольной

инициативы представителей делового мира. Все региональные ТПП на

региональных принципах объединены в ЯТПП.

Японская ассоциация по торговле с Россией и «новыми

независимыми государствами» (РОТОБО, имеет

статус «общественного юридического лица», т.е. общественной организации,

не имеющей права (лицензии) на совершение коммерческих сделок. В

ассоциацию входят свыше 140 членов (действительных и ассоциированных),

в числе которых торговые фирмы (крупные универсальные, а также мелкие и

средние специализированные), промышленные компании разных отраслей,

банки, страховые компании, промышленные ассоциации, транспортные

агентства, местные органы самоуправления. РОТОБО является единственной

в Японии организацией, специализирующейся на содействии развитию

многопрофильного торгово-экономического сотрудничества между

японскими компаниями и их деловыми партнерами в странах, входивших в

состав бывшего СССР, государств Центральной и Восточной Европы и


III. Обзор нормативно-правовой базы и предпринимаемых мер в области

государственного регулирования внешнеэкономической и

инвестиционной деятельности в Японии

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3.1. Основополагающие нормативные правовые акты,

регулирующие внешнеторговую деятельность в Японии

Нормативная правовая база регулирования ВЭД Японии базируется на

Законе Японии от 01.12.1949 г. № 228 «О регулировании валютных операций

и внешней торговли» (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law; далее – «Закон

о внешней торговле»).

К нормативным актам, регулирующим сферу ВЭД, относятся также

законы Японии от 05.08.1952 г. № 229 «Об экспортной и импортной торговле»

(Export and Import Trading Law), от 02.05.1957 г. № 97 «Об инспекции

экспорта» (Export Inspection Law), от 31.03.1950 г. № 67 «О страховании

торговли и инвестиций» (Trade Insurance and Investment Act), Таможенный

закон Японии от 02.04.1954 № 61 (Customs Law) и соответствующие

подзаконные акты, такие как приказы Кабинета министров от 11.10.1980 г. №

260 «О валютном обмене» (Foreign Exchange Order), от 29.12.1949 г. № 414 «О

контроле над импортом» (Import Trade Control Order), от 01.12.1949 г. № 378

«О контроле над экспортом» (Export Trade Control Order).

Законодательство в области регулирования внешней торговли регулярно

изменяется и дополняется с учетом текущих реалий международной и

внутренней экономики, изменением политических целей, а также

необходимостью обеспечить выполнение страной принятых на себя

международных обязательств. В частности, постоянно дополняется и

корректируется перечень товаров, подлежащих экспортному контролю либо

запрещенных к ввозу.

Например, в декабре 2016 г. был отменен запрет на импорт в Японию из

России термически обработанной свинины и говядины. «На полях» визита

премьер-министра Японии С.Абэ в Москву 28 апреля 2017 г. подписано

соглашение об отмене запрета на экспорт российского термически

обработанного мяса птицы в Японию. По снятию запретов на импорт в

Японию из России остальной номенклатуры продукции животноводства

ведутся активные переговоры между Россельхознадзором и Минсельхозом


3.2. Таможенный тариф

Япония как член ВТО учитывает нормы этой организации в таможенном

регулировании, включая платежи, таможенную классификацию и правила

определения страны происхождения.

Ставки ввозных таможенных пошлин утверждаются законом. Вывозные

таможенные пошлины в Японии отсутствуют.

В тех случаях, когда правительство Японии заключает международные

соглашения, устанавливающие тарифные ставки, последние имеют приоритет

над ставками, определенными в законе «О таможенном тарифе» и других

внутренних законодательных актах.

Когда товары происходят из стран-участниц ВТО или из стран, с

которыми Япония заключила соглашения об экономическом партнерстве (Free

Trade Agreement/Economic Partnership Agreement), пошлина на них

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рассчитывается по ставкам ВТО либо ставкам указанных соглашений (если

они ниже, чем во внутренних законах). В частности, специальные ставки

установлены для товаров, происходящих из Сингапура, Мексики, Малайзии,

на основании соглашений, заключенным Японией с каждой из этих стран.

Для отдельных развивающихся стран таможенное законодательство

Японии устанавливает по ряду товаров преференциальные (льготные) тарифы,

которые ниже ставок, определенных для стран ВТО и FTA.

Для стран, с которыми не заключены соглашения об экономическом

партнерстве, но закреплен режим наибольшего благоприятствования,

применяются ставки, установленные для стран-участниц ВТО.

Подробнее информация о таможенно-тарифном регулировании в

Японии дана в разделе 4.3 «Особенности таможенно-тарифного

регулирования при импорте в Японию» и Приложении № 2 к нему.

3.3. Законодательство об иностранных инвестициях

Основу правоотношений в области иностранных инвестиций в Японии

устанавливает «Закон о внешней торговле». Закон дает определение понятиям

«иностранный инвестор», «прямые и портфельные иностранные инвестиции»,

регламентирует виды деятельности, попадающие в категорию иностранного

инвестирования, определяет принципы и общий порядок допуска

иностранных инвестиций на японский рынок.

Дополнительно к «Закону о внешней торговле» совершение сделок на

фондовой бирже и порядок обращения ценных бумаг регламентирует Закон

Японии от 13.04.1948 г. № 25 «О сделках с ценными бумагами» (Financial

Instruments and Exchange Act).

Косвенно порядок совершения иностранных инвестиций затрагивает

Закон Японии от 14.04.1947 № 54 «О запрете частных монополий и поддержке

честной торговли» (Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance

of Fair Trade). Согласно этому закону, компании обязаны уведомлять

антимонопольный орган о передаче (приобретении) акций (ст. 10, 11, 14), о

заключении международного договора, а также не должны входить в

международное соглашение или международный контракт, если в этих

документах содержатся положения о необоснованном ограничении торговли

или о недобросовестной торговой практике (ст. 6). При совершении сделок

слияния и поглощения (ст. 15, 16) стороны обязаны получить разрешение

антимонопольного органа, если объем продаж компании-покупателя на

внутреннем рынке страны превышает 20 млрд. иен, а компании, акции которой

приобретаются - 5 млрд. иен. Указанные правила действуют и в тех случаях,

когда в сделках слияния и поглощения участвуют более двух компаний.

Допуск иностранных инвестиций на рынок Японии может

осуществляться в уведомительном и разрешительном порядке.

Дополнительная информация по данному вопросу содержится в

Приложении № 1.

3.4. Валютное регулирование

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Движение валют, внешние расчеты по торговым сделкам и основные

принципы регулирования деятельности иностранного капитала в Японии

регулируются «Законом о внешней торговле», а также рядом постановлений и

ведомственных актов.

Данный Закон регулирует сделки с иностранной валютой, совершаемые

банками и меняльными конторами; платежи (включая перевод дивидендов и

роялти) за границу и из-за границы; сделки, связанные с движением капитала

(включая инвестиции); внешнеторговые сделки.

Законом устанавливаются два базовых принципа валютного

регулирования – это контрактная свобода сторон по сделке и поддержание

стабильности и предсказуемости японской экономики и ее положения в

мировой экономике.

Большинство вопросов в сфере валютного регулирования отнесены к

компетенции Минфина и МЭТП Японии. Сделки, совершаемые банками и

связанные с движением капиталов и осуществлением платежей, являются

исключительной компетенцией Минфина, внешнеторговые сделки – МЭТП. К

органам, валютного регулирования относится и Банк Японии.

Японское правительство вправе ввести своим постановлением

разрешительный порядок импорта (а также экспорта) средств платежа и/или

ценных бумаг для физических и юридических лиц, как резидентов, так и

нерезидентов, когда находит это необходимым для соблюдения «Закона о

внешней торговле». В качестве государственного органа, уполномоченного

реализовывать этот порядок на практике, выступает Минфин.

Лицо, планирующее импорт (или экспорт) средств платежа, в случае

введения разрешительного порядка обязано заранее уведомить Минфин о

содержании этого импорта (экспорта), его сроках и об иных значимых


3.5. Регулирование свободных (особых) экономических зон

В декабре 2013 г. специальный правительственный комитет во главе с

Премьер-министром Японии внес на рассмотрение парламента закон о

Национальных стратегических специальных зонах (НССЗ), призванных в

тестовом режиме локально апробировать нововведения в национальном

законодательстве, необходимые для ускоренного инновационного развития.

В ходе формирования НССЗ в шести выделенных территориях

предполагалась полномасштабная либерализация системы государственного

регулирования, а также привлечения высококвалифицированных иностранцев

и прямых зарубежных инвестиций. Удачный опыт подобных кластеров

планировалось впоследствии перенести на территорию всей страны.

Однако первоначальные планы правительства по широкомасштабному

дерегулированию в НССЗ в соответствии с требованиями корпораций до сих

пор так и не были реализованы. Не упрощено, в частности, трудовое,

земельное и налоговое законодательство, нормативно-правовая база оказания

медицинских услуг. В результате в НССЗ пока не удалось обеспечить быстрое

привлечение инвестиций и развитие высокотехнологичных отраслей

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экономики, в том числе в машиностроительных, биомедицинских и аграрных


В Японии также действует порядка 37 особых экономических зон

регионального значения. В отношении их резидентов в отдельных случаях

предусмотрены налоговые вычеты в размере вложенных инвестиций, дотации

со стороны центрального правительства, а также софинансирование со

стороны государства части затрат по обслуживанию выданных кредитов.

IV. Рекомендации для экспортеров

В Японии действует экономическая модель, суть которой заключается в

обработке сырья и экспорте готовых изделий. При этом на территории самой

Японии находятся, главным образом, научно-исследовательские,

конструкторские и финансово-управленческие центры компаний.

Из производственных мощностей в стране остались только предприятия,

производящие наиболее высокотехнологичную продукцию (в том числе в

аэрокосмической отрасли, производстве оборонной продукции,

энергомашиностроении, автомобилестроении, станкостроении,

роботостроении, производстве компьютеров, средств связи, аккумуляторов),

производства, вынос которых за рубеж неизбежно приведет к утечке

технологий (в частности, высокотехнологичный сегмент металлургии), а

также предприятия, работающие на внутренний рынок.

Большинство комплектующих изделий, полуфабрикатов и сырья для

производственных нужд поставляется в Японию по хорошо отлаженным

долговременным каналам с японских предприятий за рубежом и от

проверенных зарубежных партнеров. Потребительский рынок насыщается за

счет внутреннего производства, а также путем импорта по не менее надежным

и проверенным каналам.

В России Япония закупает в основном углеводородное топливо: нефть,

СПГ и уголь, на долю которых в товарной структуре российского экспорта в

Японию в 2016 году пришлось 74% (6,9 млрд. долл.).

Остальные значимые статьи экспорта: алюминий и изделия из него –

7,9% (741,7 млн. долл.); древесина и изделия из нее – 4,0% (372,4 млн. долл.);

рыба и ракообразные, моллюски – 2,9% (274,3 млн. долл.); драгоценные

металлы – 2,8% (258,1 млн. долл.); черные металлы – 2,0% (187,0 млн. долл.).

Из приведенных выше данных видно, что японский импорт из России

ограничен четко очерченной группой товаров, поставки которых реализуются

определенными российскими компаниями по отлаженным каналам. Вместе с

тем, компании Японии на постоянной основе проводят системную работу по

изучению российского рынка в целях поиска новых возможностей для бизнеса,

в том числе на перспективу. Как показывает практика, в случае, если у

российской компании имеется интересующий японского импортера товар,

японская сторона устанавливает контакт и выходит с конкретным

коммерческим предложением.

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Если же российский экспортер собирается инициативно организовать

экспорт каких-то товаров в Японию, он должен учитывать зрелость и

консервативность рынка этой страны и предварительно провести тщательное

изучение в отношении товаров, которые он намерен поставлять. Данное

изучение целесообразно проводить через консалтерские компании, а также

посредством участия в специализированных выставках, обращения в

представительства крупнейших японских торгово-инвестиционных компаний

и фирм-производителей в России.

Кроме того, для продвижения своих товаров на японский рынок

российским экспортерам необходимо иметь в штате сотрудников со знанием

японского языка, которые должны регулярно приезжать в Японию в целях

поиска потенциальных покупателей и работы с ними. Значительных средств

требует также реклама указанных товаров. Вся документация на товар должна

быть переведена на японский язык, в ряде случаев в дополнение к

международному сертификату требуется японский сертификат.

Таким образом, продвижение нового товара в Японию, если на него нет

уже сформировавшейся потребности, требует значительных временных и

финансовых затрат. Российские экспортеры должны быть к этому готовы.

4.1. Перспективные направления расширения российского экспорта

в Японию.

Товары энергетической группы (нефть, СПГ, уголь) будут составлять

основную часть российского экспорта в Японию. Вместе с тем, в 2016 г.

наметились позитивные тренды в области диверсификации российского

экспорта в Японию. О глобальных изменениях говорить пока рано, однако

доля продукции топливно-энергетического комплекса в структуре российских

поставок сократилась по итогам 2016 г. по сравнению с 2015 г. с 82,2 % до

74,0 %. Появился ряд новых позиций несырьевого экспорта в Японию, хотя

объемы этих поставок пока невелики. Например, на фоне текущей

конъюнктуры повысилась конкурентоспособность сельхозпродукции

производителей Дальнего Востока на японском рынке. Среди факторов,

влияющих на рост экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции и

продовольствия из России в Японию, можно выделить поступательный

интерес японских импортеров к российской продукции, которая является

альтернативой поставкам из Китая и стран ЮВА.

Расширение сотрудничества в агропромышленном комплексе

рассматривается Правительством Российской Федерации в качестве одного из

приоритетов работы на японском направлении, для этого создаются все

условия. В качестве перспективного направления взаимодействия мы

рассматриваем экспорт в Японию мяса птицы, свинины, баранины, говядины,

готовой мясной продукции, продукции птицеводства и фуража, включая сено.

Отмена запрета на импорт в Японию из России термически

обработанных свинины, говядины и мяса птицы не ведет автоматически к

разрешению на поставки в Японию этих товаров для всех российских

экспортеров. Заинтересованным в экспорте таких мясопродуктов

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предприятиям необходимо обратиться в Россельхознадзор для включения в

реестр компаний-объектов проверки на соответствие японским стандартам

качества и безопасности продукции. Именно Россельхознадзор является

уполномоченным федеральным органом исполнительной власти по

взаимодействию с ветеринарной и карантинной службами Министерства

сельского, лесного и рыбного хозяйства (в дальнейшем – Минсельхоз) Японии,

организующим такие проверки.

К настоящему времени только ООО «Мираторг Запад»

(Калининградская область) и ООО «Ратимир» (Приморский край) прошли

проверку и получили разрешение на поставку в Японию термически

обработанной свинины и говядины.

Ряд японских компаний впервые организовали пробные закупки

российской сельскохозяйственной продукции для проведения исследований и

оценки качества. Данные статистики демонстрируют, что по итогам 2016 г. в

46 раз увеличился экспорт готовых продуктов из зерна, в 15,9 раза – молочной

продукции, в 12,2 раза – жиров и масел животного происхождения, в 10,9 раза

– какао и продуктов из него, в 4,4 раза – злаков, в 2,4 раза – сахара и

кондитерских изделий, на 6 % - рыбы и ракообразных (причем доля данной

товарной группы в общем объеме российского экспорта в Японию выросла с

1,8 % до 2,9 %).

В перспективе после создания на Дальнем Востоке соответствующих

производственных мощностей предполагается наращивание поставок

нефтепродуктов, кокса, а также начало поставок продуктов нефтехимии и


В связи с курсовыми разницами у российских производителей и

экспортёров появляется возможность расширить номенклатуру экспорта за

счет продвижения на японский рынок химических товаров, биотоплива и даже

отдельных видов машинно-технической продукции.

В высокотехнологичных областях возможно предоставление услуг

российских центров обработки данных, услуг по разработке игрового контента

и программного обеспечения, услуг по разработке новейших сорбентов по

очистке жидких радиоактивных отходов от цезия и стронция, расширение

предложения транспортных услуг.

4.2. Действующие торговые ограничения.

Запрет на импорт

Законом «О таможенном тарифе» к импорту в Японию запрещены:

- наркотические и психотропные вещества, марихуана, опиум, маковая

соломка, стимуляторы, принадлежности для курения опиума, за исключением

тех, ввоз которых разрешен соответствующим постановлением Министерства

здравоохранения, труда и социального обеспечения (далее – Минздрав)


- оружие (включая составные его части) и боеприпасы, взрывчатые

вещества, материалы для изготовления химического оружия, микроорганизмы,

которые могут быть использованы для биологического терроризма;

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- вышедшие из обращения или измененные монеты, имитации и копии

монет, банкнот, векселей, ценных бумаг, карточек, содержащих в качестве

элемента электромагнитную запись, незаконно произведенные с целью

расчетов или снятия денежных средств с банковского депозита;

- книги, рисунки, картины, гравюры, печатные издания, нарушающие

нормы общественной морали и нравственности (например, порнография);

- детская порнография;

- печатные издания и предметы, нарушающие патентные права, права на

полезную модель, дизайнерские права, право на торговую марку, авторские и

смежные с ними права или права на проектирование.

-растительная продукция, зараженная насекомыми–вредителями и

содержащая пестициды.

В июле 2014 года были введены санкции против России в виде запрета

на импорт в Японию товаров, происходящих из Крыма и г. Севастополя.

Ограничения по ввозу продукции сельского хозяйства

К ввозимой на территорию Японии продукции сельского хозяйства и

животноводства, в том числе куриного мяса и яиц, к упаковке и маркировке

импортируемых товаров установлены жесткие технические и санитарные

требования. Основное внимание обращается на качественные характеристики

продукции, в частности, экологическую чистоту, дозировку компонентов,

содержание питательных веществ.

Общим требованием при ввозе продукции сельского хозяйства является

заблаговременное извещение карантинных властей о ее ввозе, прохождение

проверки и получение соответствующего карантинного импортного


В отношениях России и Японии действует особый порядок поставок из

России в Японию живых ресурсов Тихого океана на основании Соглашения

между Правительством Российской Федерации и правительством Японии от 8

февраля 2012 г. «О сохранении, рациональном использовании, управлении

живыми ресурсами в северо-западной части Тихого океана и предотвращении

незаконной торговли живыми ресурсами» (действует с 10 декабря 2014 г.).

Согласно данному Соглашению, Япония не принимает экспорт живых

ресурсов Тихого океана из России в Японию без подтверждающего

сертификата, выданного компетентными органами Российской Федерации и

направленного ими в соответствующие органы Японии1.

Также из Российской Федерации (в числе ряда других стран) запрещен

импорт живых животных и продукции животного происхождения,

предназначенных для использования в качестве племенного материала.

1 Компетентным органом определено Федеральное агентство по рыболовству (постановление Правительства

Российской Федерации от 13 августа 2013 г. № 696), порядок выдачи сертификата утвержден приказом

Министерства сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации от 23 октября 2013 г. № 387 г., а порядок

взаимодействия всех компетентных органов в части реализации указанного Соглашения определен приказом

Министерства сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы безопасности Российской

Федерации, Федеральной таможенной службы, Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации от 19

августа 2014 г. № 328/481/1556/702.

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С 2007 г. в Японии действует запрет на ввоз из России сырого мяса

птицы, продуктов из птицы оленины, свинины, а также подвергнутых

термической обработке свинины, говядины и баранины. Как уже говорилось,

на термически обработанную свинину и говядину запрет отменен в декабре

2016 г., а на запрет на импорт термически обработанного мяса птицы – в конце

апреля 2017 года. Подробная информация о регулировании импорта

конкретных товарных групп раскрыта в материалах, размещенных на

официальных страницах в сети Интернет Минсельхоза Японии

( и Японской организацией по содействию промышленному

импорту и инвестициям (MIPRO):

4.3. Особенности таможенно-тарифного регулирования при импорте

в Японию

В Японии существуют следующие ставки, применяемые для расчета

таможенной пошлины:

- адвалорные - в процентах от таможенной стоимости импортируемых


-специфические - в твердой денежной сумме за единицу

веса/объема/штуки товара;

- комбинированные - при расчете которых используются оба вида

вышеуказанных ставок.

Для большей части товаров закреплены адвалорные ставки. К

некоторым товарам, в частности, к алкоголю и зерну, применяются

специфические ставки2.

Импортеры могут получить информацию о действующей ставке

таможенной пошлины, направив письменный запрос в Таможенную службу

Японии. Как правило, ответ направляется в письменном виде и действителен

в течение трех лет (если исходные данные и законодательная база не

изменились). При возникновении разночтений в процессе прохождения

таможенного оформления импортер имеет право ссылаться на данный


Дополнительная информация по данному вопросу содержится в

Приложении № 2.

4.4. Особенности таможенных процедур при импорте в Японию

Согласно Таможенному закону Японии, все импортируемые товары

должны пройти таможенный контроль независимо от оснований и целей ввоза.

Лицо, намеревающееся импортировать в Японию товары, обязано подать

таможенную декларацию с указанием количества, цены этих товаров и иных

необходимых сведений о них, а также получить разрешение таможни на

импорт после того, как товары пройдут процедуру досмотра и декларант

заплатит таможенные платежи. Как правило, декларация подается, когда груз

уже помещен на таможенный склад. Но в тех случаях, когда требуется

2 Детализированная информация о ставках таможенных пошлин и способах их расчета доступна на сайте

Таможенной службы Японии:

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одобрение таможенного органа, декларация может быть подана ранее – пока

груз еще находится на борту судна или не доставлен на таможенный склад.

Таможенную декларацию может подать импортер либо таможенный брокер

(по доверенности). Если требуется разрешение на импорт или одобрение

экспорта, должны быть представлены соответствующие документы (ст. 70

Таможенного закона).

В Японии действует система «Уполномоченного экономического

оператора» (Authorised Economic Operator; AEO), предусматривающая

упрощенное таможенное декларирование ввозимых товаров и ускоряющая

процедуру таможенной очистки. Получить данный статус могут импортеры,

экспортеры, складские операторы, таможенные брокеры и компании-

перевозчики. Для получения статуса АЕО надо соответствовать ряду условий,

и, в частности, иметь безупречную репутацию и продолжительное время

участвовать в ВЭД. Производители промышленной продукции, наделенные

статусом AEO, имеют возможность делегировать свое право на упрощенную

процедуру таможенной очистки товаров торговой компании,

осуществляющей экспорт их продукции. Подробную информацию о статусе

AEO и всех таможенных процедурах можно получить на сайте Таможенной

службы Японии:

4.5. Нетарифные меры и техническое регулирование в Японии

Согласно действующему законодательству Японии, импорт товаров в

Японии является свободно осуществляемым. Исключения могут иметь место

только в целях поддержания нормального развития внешней торговли и

национальной экономики.

Маркировка всех товаров, продаваемых в Японии (в том числе

импортных), должна соответствовать внутренним законам. Законодательство

не закрепляет дополнительных требований к маркировке иностранных

товаров по сравнению с национальной продукцией.

Если товар подлежит тестированию и проверке на безопасность

согласно законодательству, на его упаковку должны быть нанесены

специальные символы о соответствии всем необходимым стандартам.

Дополнительно на японском языке должна быть размещена информация о

составе и другие необходимые данные.

Действующие в стране национальные стандарты, системы

сертификации и инспекции качества товаров являются объективными

препятствиями продвижению российской продукции на японский рынок. Но

повышенные требования японской стороны к ввозимым товарам не носят

дискриминационного характера по отношению к российским поставщикам и

распространяются на всех без исключения зарубежных поставщиков.

Дополнительная информация по данному вопросу содержится в

Приложении № 3.

4.6. Валютно-финансовое регулирование при импорте в Японию

В настоящее время в Японии большинство товаров квалифицируются

как свободно импортируемые. В соответствии с «Законом о внешней

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торговле» исключения могут иметь место в целях поддержания нормального

развития внешней торговли и национальной экономики. Это подразумевает

также соответствие национального законодательства Японии международным

конвенциям, резолюциям Совета Безопасности ООН и другим

международным актам.

«Закон о внешней торговле» позволяет, когда Министр финансов сочтет

это необходимым для соблюдения положений Закона и актов, принятых в его

развитие, – ввести разрешительный порядок импорта и экспорта средств

платежа и/или ценных бумаг для физических и юридических лиц, как

резидентов, так и нерезидентов Японии.

Подробная информация о регулировании импорта конкретных товарных

групп раскрыта в материалах, подготовленных MIPRO и размещенных на ее


4.7. Основные логистические маршруты

Логистическая и транспортная системы Японии хорошо развиты и

занимают одно из лидирующих мест в мире. Общие среднегодовые объемы

грузоперевозок всеми видами транспорта составляют около 5 млрд. тонн. Во

внешнеэкономической деятельности наиболее важным сегментом японской

логистики считается морской транспорт.

В Японии 994 грузовых порта, в том числе 5 стратегических

международных контейнерных портов, 18 международных портов, 102

крупных торговых порта и 869 портов местного значения. Грузооборот

японских морских портов – самый высокий в мире. Самым большим портом

Японии и крупнейшим в Азии является Йокогама.

Под японским флагом ходят 197 торговых судов (149 сухогрузов и 48

танкеров). Кроме того, Японией контролируются 2364 судна под

иностранными флагами (1912 сухогрузов и 452 танкера).

Под влиянием банкротства в августе 2016 г. крупнейшей в Южной Корее

контейнерной судоходной линии «Hanjin Shipping» крупнейшие судоходные

компании Японии “Nippon Yusen”, “Kawasaki Kisen” и “Mitsui O.S.K.” в 2016

г. объявили о плане объединения их подразделений, занимающихся

контейнерными перевозками, в совместное предприятие. В рамках этого плана

будет создан бизнес стоимостью около 300 млрд. йен (2,9 млрд. долл.).

Объединенная компания будет эксплуатировать 256 судов, что составит около

7 % мирового рынка контейнерных перевозок. «Kawasaki Kisen» и «Mitsui

O.S.K.» будет принадлежать по 31 % акций новой компании, а «Nippon Yusen»

- 38 %. Операционная деятельность объединенной компании начнется в апреле

2018 г.

Наряду с морским транспортом при организации внешней торговли

используется и авиационный. По состоянию на 2015 год национальная

аэродромная сеть гражданской авиации в Японии насчитывала 93 аэродрома

(из них более 70 имеют грузовые терминалы). Все они расположены в крупных

национальных и муниципальных транспортных узлах японского архипелага.

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На японском рынке представлены и российские логистические компании.

Их контактная информация представлена в таблице в Приложении № 4.

V. Рекомендации по доступу на рынок Японии

5.1. Общие положения по доступу на рынок Японии

Законодательство Японии в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности

достаточно гибко регулирует доступ иностранных физических и юридических

лиц на рынок Японии.

Вместе с тем в Японии действует разрешительный порядок при ввозе

ряда товаров на таможенную территорию Японии (подробно см. п. 3.1, 3.2, 4.2,

4.3, 4.4), а также разрешительный/уведомительный порядок при

осуществлении иностранных инвестиций в Японию, включая вклады в

уставный капитал юридических лиц на территории Японии, созданных в

соответствии с законодательством Японии (подробно см. п. 3.3).

Торговые ограничения могут быть установлены при ввозе товаров на

территорию Японии вплоть до полного запрета (подробно см. п. 4.2).

5.2. Организационно-правовые формы ведения коммерческой

деятельности в Японии

Согласно Закону Японии от 26.07.2005 г. № 86 «О компаниях»

(Companies Act; далее – Закон о компаниях) в Японии учреждаются

юридические лица в следующих организационно-правовых формах:

- акционерная компания/общество (Stock Company);

- полное товарищество (General Partnership Company);

- коммандитное товарищество (Limited Partnership Company);

- общество с ограниченной ответственностью (Limited Liability


Указанные формы по своему правовому содержанию схожи с

аналогичными организационно-правовыми формами, содержащимися в

Гражданском кодексе Российской Федерации.

Наибольшее распространение в Японии получили акционерная

компания и общество с ограниченной ответственностью. Остальные

организационно-правовые формы используются с осторожностью, так как

подразумевают полную ответственность их участников своим имуществом.

Компанию в Японии может учредить любой иностранный гражданин

или иностранное юридическое лицо. Для учреждения физическому лицу не

требуется ни специальное разрешение, ни наличие рабочей визы. Он может

даже не находиться постоянно на территории Японии. При этом с 16 марта

2015 года, согласно решению Министерства юстиции Японии, не требуется

резидентский статус также для лица, которое выполняет функции директора

или открывает от лица иностранной компании филиалы и представительства

на территории Японии.

Дополнительная информация по данному вопросу содержится в

Приложении № 5.

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5.3. Открытие представительств и дочерних/зависимых

организаций в Японии

Иностранная компания может свободно открыть свое представительство

в Японии (без статуса юридического лица) с целью сбора и предоставления

информации. Разрешения на это или уведомления соответствующих

организаций об открытии представительства не требуются. Исключение

составляют только те представительства банков и компаний, которые

занимаются ценными бумагами. В этом случае необходимо получить

разрешение в Минфине. Представительства не облагаются налогом на


Открытие представительства является наиболее рекомендуемым

способом для начала деятельности на японском рынке. Впоследствии это

послужит прочной основной для ведения коммерческой деятельности при

принятии решения об открытии филиала компании или создания дочерней

фирмы в Японии. Для открытия представительства без статуса юридического

лица требуются лишь достаточные финансовые средства на аренду помещения

и содержание представительства. Деятельность представительства может

включать предоставление информации головному офису за границей; рекламу

фирмы; исследование рынка; фундаментальные исследования; закупку и

хранение товаров от лица головной конторы за границей. Права вести

торговую деятельность у представительства нет. Представительство может

даже не открывать банковские счета. Также не обязательно арендовать

недвижимость на свое имя: договор на аренду недвижимости может подписать

руководитель головного офиса компании либо представитель в Японии от

своего имени как физического лица.

Иностранная компания может открыть филиал. Филиал не является

юридическим лицом, но вправе вести коммерческую деятельность сразу после

того, как арендует помещение для открытия офиса и подаст необходимые

данные в государственные органы. Ответственность за филиал, а также за все

долги и кредиты, полученные им в процессе деятельности, несет головная

компания. Вместе с тем филиал в Японии может открывать банковские счета

и арендовать недвижимость на свое имя.

С 1 апреля 2016 г. изменилось регулирование в части налогообложения

в отношении филиалов. Согласно новым правилам, для налоговых целей

филиал иностранной компании в Японии признан независимой от головного

офиса структурой и является, аналогично компаниям, субъектом

налогообложения в части осуществляемых в Японии операций. В связи с этим

у филиалов появилась также обязанность уведомить налоговые и иные органы.

Еще одна из форм ведения предпринимательской деятельности в

Японии без открытия собственного юридического лица - создание

совместного предприятия с японской компанией. Также иностранное

юридическое лицо может принять долевое участие в японском предприятии.

Если же иностранная фирма хочет осуществлять инвестиции на

территории Японии, она может создать инвестиционную компанию.

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Законодательство Японии не препятствует созданию

дочерних/зависимых компаний иностранными юридическими лицами на

территории Японии. Подробную информацию об организации, ведении и

налогообложении предпринимательской деятельности в Японии

иностранными компаниями можно получить на сайте ДЖЕТРО3.

5.4. Налогообложение предприятий с иностранным участием в


Компании, учрежденные с участием иностранного капитала и ведущие

хозяйственную деятельность на территории Японии, платят налоги в том же

порядке, на тех же основаниях и условиях, как японские компании.

Налогообложение зависит от вида деятельности. Например, если

компания не ввозит товары на территорию Японии и не ведет торговые

операции на ее территории, она не должна будет платить потребительский

налог (являющийся косвенным налогом). Те компании, у которых есть

операции по обороту товаров, должны платить потребительский налог по

ставке 8% (с 1 октября 2019 года планируется повышение ставки до 10%).

Однако компании, ведущие предпринимательскую деятельность и

получающие доход, прямые налоги на доходы платят в любом случае: это, в

частности, корпоративный налог (налог на доходы корпораций), местный

налог на прибыль и специальный корпоративный налог. Данные налоги

взимаются с доходов юридического лица, очищенных от расходов.

Ставка по корпоративному налогу зависит от годового дохода и размера

капитала. Например, в 2016 фин. году для компании с капиталом менее 100

млн. иен при годовом доходе до 8 млн. иен ставка налога в национальный

бюджет составляет 15%. Если годовой доход предприятия более 8 млн. иен,

ставка достигает 25,5%. Также компании платят корпоративный налог в

местный бюджет. Его ставка для компаний с доходом до 8 млн. иен составляет

0,66%, при доходе свыше 8 млн. иен – 1,12%.

Ставки налога на предприятия и специального корпоративного налога

составляют, соответственно, 3,4% и 1,46% для облагаемого дохода до 4 млн.

иен; 5,1% и 2,2% для дохода от 4 млн. до 8 млн. иен и 6,7% и 2,89% для дохода

свыше 8 млн. иен.

VI. Информация о защите прав экспортеров в Японии

6.1. Поддержка экспорта и способы защиты прав экспортеров в

Японии, урегулирования и разрешения коммерческих споров, порядок

рассмотрения споров экономического характера (внесудебный и

судебный), выдержки из нормативных процессуально-правовых

документов, регламентирующих деятельность по урегулированию и

разрешению споров

3 В частности, в руководстве «Законы и правила для учреждения бизнеса в Японии»

(Laws&Regulations on Setting Up Business in Japan) по ссылке


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Регулирование экспорта и структуры поддержки экспорта в Японии

В качестве основного принципа в Японии закреплено правило экспорта

товаров в условиях минимально возможного уровня ограничений (ст. 46

«Закона о внешней торговле»).

В стране действует утвержденная МЭТП Японии «Система полного

контроля» («Catch-All System») экспорта промышленных товаров и

технологий. В настоящее время эта система является основным инструментом

регулирования японского экспорта. Она обязывает экспортеров получать

специальную лицензию на экспорт товаров и технологий, которые могут

иметь возможное военное применение или использоваться для разработки

оружия массового поражения. Дополнительно «Законом о внешней торговле»

установлена такая возможная мера ограничения внешнеэкономической

деятельности, как разрешение на экспорт. Разрешение на экспорт может

вводиться в отношении определенных товаров. Лицензирующим органом

является МЭТП, которое вправе определять условия лицензирования.

Принятый в сентябре 2014 года правительством Японии запрет на

экспорт в Российскую Федерацию оружия и оружейных технологий, а также

товаров двойного назначения для военных целей и проведение работ,

связанных с этими товарами, оказывает негативное влияние на экспорт в

Российскую Федерацию.

Правовое регулирование российско-японских отношений

В области российско-японских отношений действуют несколько

основополагающих документов, которые необходимо учитывать российским

предпринимателям при составлении контрактов с японскими партнерами:

- Торговый договор между Союзом Советских социалистических

республик и Японией (подписан в 1957 г., вступил в силу 08.05.1958),

правопреемником по которому является Российская Федерация, что признано


Договор закрепляет, что каждая из Договаривающихся Сторон

предоставит другой Стороне режим наиболее благоприятствуемой нации в

отношении всех видов таможенных пошлин, сборов, таможенных

формальностей и других правил, связанных с импортом товаров другой

Стороны и с экспортом своих товаров в другую Сторону. Каждая из Сторон

предоставит товарам другой Стороны безусловный режим наиболее

благоприятствуемой нации во всех вопросах, относящихся ко всем

внутренним налогам или другим внутренним сборам любого характера, а

также в отношении всех законов, правил и требований, касающихся

внутренней продажи, предложения на продажу, покупки, распределения или

использования импортированных товаров в пределах территории этой

Стороны. Товары одной из Договаривающихся Сторон, после провоза их

транзитом через территорию одного или нескольких третьих государств, не

будут при ввозе на территорию другой Стороны облагаться пошлинами или

сборами более высокими, чем те, которыми они были бы обложены, если бы

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ввозились непосредственно с территории соответствующей

Договаривающейся Стороны.

Кроме описанного режима торговли, Договор регулирует вопросы

торгового мореплавания, режим защиты личности и имущества физических и

юридических лиц Сторон при осуществлении хозяйственной деятельности на

территории другой стороны, условия доступа в суды Сторон, вопросы

приведения в исполнение судебных решений.

- Конвенция между Правительством Союза Советских

Социалистических Республик и Правительством Японии об избежании

двойного налогообложения в отношении налогов на доходы (подписана

18.01.1986, вступила в силу 20.11.1986);

- Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и

Правительством Японии о поощрении и защите капиталовложений

(подписано 13.11.1998, вступило в силу 27.05.2000).

Кроме того, к отношениям сторон по международному контракту будут

применяться международные соглашения, например, Конвенция ООН о

договорах международной купли-продажи товаров (Вена, 11.04.1980 г.),

участницами которой являются и Япония, и Россия.

Порядок разрешения споров и арбитражная оговорка

Споры по контракту в Японии, так же, как и в России, разрешаются в

досудебном и судебном порядке. При невозможности достижения согласия в

досудебном порядке (путем обмена письмам, претензиями) спор может быть

передан на рассмотрение в государственный суд4, либо в арбитраж5.

В этом случае нужно понимать, какой именно суд будет компетентен

рассматривать возникший спор. Поэтому важной частью

внешнеэкономического контракта является арбитражная оговорка, то есть

закрепление условия о том, какой суд будет рассматривать возникший по

данному контракту спор.

В международной торговле преобладает практика передачи споров не в

государственные суды, а в третейский суд (коммерческий арбитраж).

Рассмотрение споров в таком суде (по сравнению с государственными судами)

имеет ряд важных преимуществ: упрощенная арбитражная процедура, ее

конфиденциальность, более короткие сроки.

Более того, разрешение спора в международном коммерческом

арбитраже дает дополнительные выгоды в части признания и исполнения

решения, особенно если у иностранной стороны нет имущества на территории

Российской Федерации.

Дополнительная информация по данному вопросу содержится в

приложенииях № № 6, 6-1, 6-2 и 6-3.


4 Иск подается по местонахождению ответчика - ст. 4 Гражданского процессуального кодекса Японии (Code

of Civil Procedure), утв. Законом Японии № 109 от 26.06.1996 г. Текст Кодекса на английском языке дан в

приложении. 5 Порядок рассмотрения спора в арбитраже регулируется Законом Японии № 138 от 2003 г. «Об арбитраже»

(Arbitration Law). Тексты данного Закона на английском языке дан в приложении.

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Во избежание неприятных ситуаций при сотрудничестве с японскими

предпринимателями следует придерживаться нескольких простых правил.

Во-первых, досконально проверяйте партнера. Это означает, что прежде

чем вступить в переговоры по существу с японской компанией (особенно если

она относится к малому или среднему бизнесу), следует проверить ее правовой

статус и репутацию на рынке. А именно: какова организационно-правовая

форма и статус компании, где она зарегистрирована, каково ее финансовое

положение, деловая репутация, полномочия представителя компании при

заключении сделки.

Самый простой способ получения данной информации – запросить ее у

самой компании. Реализация такой просьбы укладывается в рамки японской

деловой этики. Например, запросить можно копии учредительных документов,

выписки о регистрации компании, справку из банка о состоянии счета и др.

Во-вторых, не допускайте сотрудничества с партнерами, которые не

указывают свой действительный юридический адрес или указывают адрес «до

востребования». Невнимание к данным реквизитам может привести к

ситуации, когда невозможно будет найти партнера для вручения ему, к

примеру, повестки о вызове в арбитраж.

В-третьих, стремитесь использовать возможности для переговоров.

Очевидно, что наименее затратный и наиболее приемлемый путь разрешения

возникших разногласий – путь переговоров. Более того, японские

предприниматели будут сами стремиться разрешить возникшие

недоразумения путем переговоров, поскольку обращение в суд в силу

сложившихся традиций в большинстве случаев рассматривается ими как

крайняя мера.

6.2. Юридические и адвокатские конторы Японии по защите прав


K&L Gates LLP

Тел.: +81-3-6205-3600

Факс: +81-3-3597-6421


Адрес: Kasumigaseki Common Gate West Tower, 3-2-1 Kasumigaseki,

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan

Anderson Mori & Tomotsune

Тел.: +81-3-6888-1083

Факс: +81-3-6888-3083


E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6036

Nishimura & Asahi

Тел.: +81-3-5562-8500

Факс: +81-3-5561-9711/12/13/14

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E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Ark Mori Building, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6029,


Mori Hamada & Matsumoto

Тел.: +81-3-5220-1800

Факс: +81-3-5220-1700


Адрес: Marunouchi Park Building, 2-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

100-8222, Japan.

Blakemore & Mitsuki Тел.: +81-3-3503-5571 +81-3-3506-3660

Факс: +81-3-3503-4707/3539-3220/3503-5577/3503-5596


E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Nittochi Bldg., 1-4-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013,


City-Yuwa Partners

Тел.: +81-3-6212-5500

Факс: +81-3-6212-5700


Адрес: Marunouchi Mitsui Building, 2-2-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo

100-0005, Japan.

Atsumi & Sakai

Тел.: +81-3-5501-2111

Факс: +81-3-5501-2211


E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Fukoku Seimei Bldg., 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-

0011 Japan.

TUV Rheinland Japan

Тел.: +81-4-5470-1860

Факс: +81-4-5470-8055


E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Shin Yokohama Daini Center Bldg., 3-19-5 Shin Yokohama, Kohoku-

ku, Yokohama 222-0033

Uryu & Itoga

Тел.: +81-3-5575-7759

Факс: +81-3-5575-0800


E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: Ark Mori Bldg., 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6036

Japan Association of Arbitrators

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Тел.: +81-3-3580-9870

Факс: +81-3-3580-9899

E-mail: [email protected]

Адрес: 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013

Данный список не является исчерпывающим. В Японии широко

используется практика работы торговых, инвестиционных и

производственных компаний с адвокатскими конторами, консультационными

компаниями и крупными банками, имеющими, как правило, в своем составе

консалтинговые подразделения. Информация о профиле их работы и

контактные данные широко представлены в соответствующих справочниках и

других открытых источниках.

VII. Описание элементов регулятивной среды в области охраны и

защиты интеллектуальной собственности в Японии, наименование

регистрирующего их органа, а также виды охранных документов и сроки

их действия

7.1. Виды объектов интеллектуальной собственности и средств

индивидуализации, подлежащих правовой охране и регистрации в


Основной закон Японии от 04.12.2002 г. № 122 «Об интеллектуальной

собственности» (Intellectual Property Basic Act) относит к интеллектуальной

собственности следующие объекты:

- изобретения, устройства, новые сорта растений, промышленные

образцы, разработки, иные объекты, которые созданы в результате творческой

деятельности человека (включая открытие законов природы, которые имеют

промышленное применение);

- торговые знаки, торговые имена и другие наименования (далее –

торговые марки), которые используются для идентификации товаров или

услуг в предпринимательской деятельности.

- коммерческую тайну (промышленные секреты) и другую техническую

или деловую информацию, которая используется в предпринимательской


Под правами на интеллектуальную собственность понимаются

патентные права, права на полезную модель, на промышленные образцы,

авторские права, права на торговые знаки (марки), права на новые сорта

растений и иные права, которые закреплены как защищаемые в законах об

интеллектуальной собственности.

В Японии на основе специальной регистрации защищаются права на

изобретения и полезные модели (на основе патента), торговые марки и

промышленные образцы. Патенты, полезные модели, промышленные модели

и торговые марки составляют систему индустриальной собственности.

С апреля 2015 г. в Японии регистрируют пять новых категорий

нетрадиционных торговых марок. Регистрации подлежат торговые марки:

- состоящие из одного вида цвета (Color Per Se Marks);

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- звуковые (Sound Marks);

- размещенные в определенном месте продукта (Position Marks –

регистрации подлежат позиция размещения и сама марка);

- двигающиеся (Motion Marks);

- голографические (Hologram Marks).

В Японии с апреля 2006 г. действует «Объединенная региональная

система торговых марок» (Regional Collective Trademark System), созданная

согласно Закону «О торговых знаках». Она позволяет регистрировать в

Японском патентном бюро в качестве объектов интеллектуальной

собственности торговые марки, включающие в себя указание на

географическое наименование ( cgi?url=/


Вторая структура – «Система защиты географических указаний»

(Geographical Indication (GI) Protection System; – действует с июня 2015 г. на основе

Закона Японии «О защите наименований отдельных видов продукции

сельского хозяйства, рыболовства и лесоводства, а также продуктов питания».

Основная ее цель - защита путем регистрации в Минсельхозе Японии в

качестве объектов интеллектуальной собственности географических

наименований в названиях уникальных и высококачественных японских

продуктов питания. Кроме того она регистрирует в качестве объектов

интеллектуальной собственности продукцию сельского хозяйства,

рыболовства и лесоводства, которые производятся с высоким качеством и

заслужила свою репутацию благодаря уникальному способу производства и

природным характеристикам региона ее производства, в случаях, если

высокое качество продукта и его репутация напрямую связаны с регионом его


Авторские права, селекционные достижения и секреты производства

защищаются без дополнительной регистрации прав на них.

Патентная система Японии основана на принципе скорейшего

доведения информации о новых разработках, подлежащих защите, до

сведения Патентного бюро. В Японии действует принцип приоритета лица,

которое первое подало заявление на регистрацию прав на интеллектуальную

собственность. Подробности об изобретении или модели обязательно

излагаются в заявке, а патентная информация классифицируется в

соответствии с международной системой согласно ее техническому


Информация о выданных патентах подлежит официальному

опубликованию в специальных печатных органах. Это позволяет

общественности быть в курсе новейших разработок и направлений


Свободный доступ к опубликованной информации о выданных патентах

на английском языке, зарегистрированных торговых марках, полезных

моделях и т.п. можно получить на сайте «Цифровой библиотеки

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промышленной собственности» (Industrial Property Digital Library; Аналогичная информация имеется в

свободном доступе на сайте «Японской платформы для патентной

информации» (Japan Platform for Patent Information; https://www.j-

Оба вышеуказанных ресурса созданы и поддерживаются

«Национальным центром по информации о промышленной собственности и

обучению» (National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training;

Конкретный перечень объектов интеллектуальной собственности,

способы их правовой защиты, основания регистрации прав, срок действия

прав и регистрирующие органы даны в Приложении 7 к настоящему

Путеводителю. Там же представлены пошаговые схемы регистрации прав на

объекты индустриальной собственности и пояснения к ним.

7.2. Анализ нормативных правовых актов, регулирующих

предоставление правовой охраны по видам интеллектуальной

собственности и средствам индивидуализации, и мониторинг их


В Японии принят большой массив нормативных актов, посвященных

регулированию вопросов интеллектуальной собственности. Они

устанавливают виды защищаемых объектов интеллектуальной собственности,

регулируют правила получения патентов и работы патентной системы в

Японии. Конкретный перечень нормативных актов, регулирующих вопросы

интеллектуальной собственности в Японии, дан в Приложении 7 к настоящему


В течение 2015 г. были изменены Патентный закон Японии, законы

Японии «Об интеллектуальной собственности», «О предотвращении

недобросовестной конкуренции», «О торговых знаках», «О промышленных


С 1 января 2016 г. вступили в силу изменения в Закон Японии «О

предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции», пересматривающие в

сторону расширения и ужесточения ответственность за сохранение

коммерческой тайны и торговых секретов.

С 1 апреля 2016 г. патентные платежи были снижены в среднем на 10%,

на 20% – 25% уменьшились платежи за регистрацию товарных знаков и за

продление срока действия прав на них. С действующими размерами

патентных платежей можно ознакомиться по следующей ссылке (на англ.


С этой же даты изменен порядок и сроки предоставления заявителю

отсрочки для ответа на официальное извещение Патентного бюро Японии об

отказе в регистрации его прав на патент или на торговую марку.

До 1 апреля 2016 г. порядок был следующий. Если заявителем являлся

нерезидент, максимальный срок продления составлял три месяца, а заявление

на продление срока подавалось трижды (одно в месяц). При этом продление

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было возможно, если (1) требовалось получить данные для сравнения с

изобретением, раскрытым в цитате в официальном запросе или (2)

требовалось перевести документ. Если продления просил резидент, он мог

получить его единожды, максимально на месяц и только при наличии

обстоятельств, описанных в (1) выше.

С 1 апреля 2016 г. обосновывать необходимость в продлении не


Если заявление на отсрочку подается внутри срока, данного для ответа

Патентному бюро, и заявитель – иностранное лицо, срок может быть продлен

на 2 месяца на основании первого запроса и на месяц на основании второго

запроса. При этом заявления можно подать одновременно. Если заявитель –

резидент, срок может быть продлен максимально до двух месяцев на

основании одного заявления. Платеж за каждое заявление составляет 2,1 тыс.

яп. иен.

Если срок для ответа уже пропущен, но прошло не более двух месяцев с

момента его истечения, заявитель вправе подать запрос о продлении. В данном

случае вне зависимости, является ли заявитель нерезидентом или резидентом,

он вправе подать только один запрос на продление, и срок может быть

увеличен не более чем на два месяца.

Платеж в этом случае зависит от того, дается ли ответ на отказ в

регистрации патента или в регистрации прав на торговую марку. В первом

случае платеж составляет 51 тыс. яп. иен, во втором – 4,2 тыс. яп. иен.

7.3. Анализ компетенции профильных органов государственной

власти, осуществляющих нормативное регулирование в сфере

интеллектуальной собственности, их структуры и особенностей


Регистрацией прав на интеллектуальную собственность занимается

Патентное бюро Японии (Japan Patent Office; JPO; Лицо,

желающее зарегистрировать свои права на интеллектуальную собственность,

подает заявку в данное бюро. Иностранные лица подают заявления в

Патентное бюро через поверенного, расположенного в Японии.

На сайте Патентного бюро приведены данные о патентных поверенных,

процедуре получения патента иностранными лицами, в том числе на

основании международных соглашений, а также перечень мероприятий в

сфере интеллектуальной собственности. Также указанные данные можно

получить на сайтах следующих объединений в области интеллектуальных

прав: Японская ассоциация по интеллектуальной собственности (Japan

Intellectual Property Association) -; Институт

интеллектуальной собственности (Institute of Intellectual Property) -

Прежде, чем зарегистрировать права на объекты интеллектуальной

собственности, Патентное бюро Японии осуществляет проверку, выясняя

исключительность объекта (в зависимости от его вида).

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Например, при регистрации товарной марки Патентное бюро проверяет,

не совпадает ли данная марка с уже зарегистрированными или широко

известными. Более того, если поданный на регистрацию товарный знак

совпадает с хорошо известной в Японии торговой маркой, даже если она не

зарегистрирована, последняя будет защищаться согласно Закону Японии «О

предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции», и заявка не будет

удовлетворена. Право на товарную марку действует на всей территории

Японии, владелец может использовать ее исключительно в отношении товаров

и услуг, для которых данная марка зарегистрирована. Использование другой

стороной идентичной или сходной товарной марки в отношении идентичных

или сходных товаров или услуг является нарушением, в связи с чем владелец

товарной марки может потребовать от нарушителя прекратить использование

такой марки и возместить ущерб. Владелец товарной марки обладает

исключительным правом на ее использование в отношении защищенных ею

товаров (ст. 24-2 Закона «О товарных знаках»).

16 декабря 2016 года «на полях» визита в Японию Президента России

В.В. Путина Роспатент и Патентное бюро Японии подписали Меморандум о

сотрудничестве, который облегчил компаниям обеспечение защиты их прав на

интеллектуальную собственность и закрепил тесное сотрудничество

патентных ведомств России и Японии.

Выработкой общей стратегии в сфере охраны интеллектуальной

собственности занимается «Центр по выработке стратегии в сфере

интеллектуальной собственности» (The Intellectual Property Strategy

Headquarters) при кабинете министров Японии (

Возглавляет его Премьер-министр Японии.

7.4. Механизм лицензирования деятельности патентных


Законодательство Японии не предусматривает лицензирование

деятельности патентных поверенных.

Чтобы стать патентным поверенным, необходимо сдать проводимый

каждый год квалификационный экзамен в «Японской ассоциации патентных

поверенных» (ЯАПП; Japan Patent Attorneys Association;

Также необходимо проходить практические тренинги, организуемые

тренинговым агентством, уполномоченным Министерством экономики,

торговли и промышленности Японии (ст. 7, 16-2 Закона Японии «О патентных


ЯАПП является единственным национальным профессиональным

объединением патентных поверенных в Японии, в ней состоит около 10 тыс.

членов. Если кандидат сдает экзамен успешно, он должен стать членом ЯАПП

и зарегистрироваться в ней как патентный поверенный. Без регистрации в

ЯАПП лицо не имеет права осуществлять деятельность. Данная ассоциация

поможет лицу, желающему зарегистрировать свои права, найти подходящего

патентного поверенного.

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Существуют категории лиц, которые может стать патентными

поверенными без сдачи квалификационного экзамена. Это юристы (адвокаты),

прошедшие переквалификацию и подавшие заявку в ЯАПП и лица,

проработавшие в Патентном бюро Японии более 7 лет.

Патентный поверенный за вознаграждение представляет интересы

японских и иностранных клиентов в процедурах регистрации прав на объекты

интеллектуальной собственности в Патентном бюро Японии. Никакие другие

лица к представлению интересов клиентов в данном госоргане не допускаются.

Патентный поверенный вправе представлять интересы клиентов на

стадии досудебного урегулирования в связи с урегулированием вопросов, в

том числе, связанных с нарушением законодательства о недобросовестной

конкуренции, импортом контрафактных изделий. Кроме того, патентный

поверенный вправе представлять интересы клиентов в административном

производстве по обжалованию решений Патентного бюро Японии перед

передачей их на рассмотрение в Высший суд по спорам, связанным с

интеллектуальной собственностью (Intellectual Property High Court).

В судебном процессе по делам, связанным с нарушением прав на

объекты интеллектуальной собственности, патентный поверенный вправе

представлять заявления в суд, собирать экспертные мнения либо проводить

опрос свидетелей, чтобы помочь стороне судебного спора и ее адвокату.

Патентный поверенный, который прослушал специальный курс (45 часов) об

участии в судебном процессе по вопросам интеллектуальной собственности и

сдал экзамен, вправе представлять интересы клиентов в суде вместе с


7.5. Способы официального опубликования реестров патентных


Единый опубликованный официально список патентных поверенных

отсутствует. Существуют неофициальные списки патентных поверенных,

которые самостоятельно предоставили о себе информацию, например, на

сайте «Объединенной ассоциации патентных поверенных» (The Patent

Attorneys Cooperative Association of Japan; Также

можно найти данные о патентных поверенных на сайте Патентного бюро

Японии и в открытых справочниках, например, в справочнике «Желтые

страницы» (, на сайте


7.6. Перечень международных договоров, регулирующих

предоставление правовой охраны по видам объектов интеллектуальной

собственности и средств индивидуализации, участником которых

является Япония

Япония участвует во многих международных соглашениях по вопросам

интеллектуальной собственности, в частности:

- как член ВТО участвует в соглашениях ВТО, включая ТРИПС

(Соглашение по торговым аспектам прав интеллектуальной собственности

(Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; TRIPS);

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- как член Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности

(World Intellectual Property Organization; WIPO; ВОИС – в число ее членов

входит Россия) является участником ее соглашений. В частности, Япония

участвует в Договоре о патентной кооперации (Patent Cooperation Treaty;

подписан в Вашингтоне 19 июня 1970 г.), в Договоре о законах по товарным

знакам (Trademark Law Treaty; подписан в Женеве 27 октября 1994 г.).

Также у Японии заключены с рядом стран двух- и трехсторонние

соглашения об экономическом сотрудничестве и инвестициях.

Полные перечни международных соглашений и договоров, в которых

принимает участие Япония, в том числе одновременно с Российской

Федерацией, представлены на сайтах ВОИС ( и МЭТП

Японии (

7.7. Способы защиты прав на зарегистрированные объекты

интеллектуальной собственности и средства индивидуализации,

контактные данные государственных органов, осуществляющих

соответствующие полномочия в области защиты прав

Защита нарушенных прав на объекты интеллектуальной собственности

осуществляется в судебном порядке.

В Японии создан специальный суд для рассмотрения таких споров -

Высший суд по спорам, связанным с интеллектуальной собственностью

(Intellectual Property High Court). Подробную информацию о данном суде (на

англ. языке) можно найти на его сайте

Суд создан на основании Закона Японии от 18.06.2004 г. № 114 «О

создании Высшего суда по спорам, связанным с интеллектуальной

собственностью» (Act for Establishment of the Intellectual Property High Court).

Лицо, не удовлетворенное решением указанного суда, может

обжаловать его в Верховный суд Японии (Supreme Court of Japan). Также за

нарушение прав на объекты интеллектуальной собственности законами о

соответствующих объектах прав предусмотрена уголовная ответственность.

VIII.Информация о возможностях проверки деловой репутации в

Японии, включая организации, занимающиеся проверкой деловой

репутации юридических и физических лиц

Российские предприятия для поиска бизнес-партнера в Японии и

получения сведений о его деловой репутации могут обратиться в РОТОБО.

Контактные данные ассоциации доступны на её официальном вебсайте:

В случае необходимости проведения комплексной проверки компании в

Японии, как правило, обращаются к частным консалтинговым фирмам. Одной

из таких фирм, к примеру, является «Coface Japan» (японское отделение

глобальной группы компаний), партнер ДЖЕТРО. Официальный сайт «Coface


Проверка деловой репутации также возможна через ассоциации

компаний соответствующей отрасли. Частные компании в Японии имеют

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тенденцию к формированию разного рода объединений. Руководящие органы

таких объединений занимаются, в том числе, и информационной

деятельностью, выпуская разного рода бюллетени со статистической

информацией и новостями о своих членах. В качестве примера можно

привести Японскую ассоциацию производителей автокомпонентов, в которую

входит более 400 компаний отрасли (JAPIA, официальный сайт -

Проверка легального статуса компании осуществляется через японское

Министерство юстиции, в котором создана платная онлайн-система,

предоставляющая сведения о регистрации юридического лица. В указанной

системе также хранятся данные о зарегистрированном недвижимом и

движимом имуществе, включая сведения о владельце.

Вебсайт системы (на японском языке) доступен по ссылке: Система открыта всем пользователям Интернета без


В Японии отсутствует система регистрации предприятий профильным

ведомством (МЭТП Японии) на общенациональном уровне. Реестр

экономических организаций ведется в префектурах, за его подготовку

отвечают региональные отделения МЭТП Японии.

IX. Перечень наиболее крупных дистрибьюторов различных видов

товаров в Японии.

1. “Марубени Корпорэйшн”

Адрес: 1-4-2, Отэмати, Тиёда-ку, Токио 100-8088

Тел.: +81 3 3282 2111

Факс: +81 3 3282 4241

2. “Содзицу Корпорэйшн”

2-1-1, Утисайвайтё, Тиёда-ку, Токио 100-8691

Тел.: +81 3 6871 5000

Факс: +81 3 6871 2430

3. “Итотю Корпорэйшн”

Адрес: 2-5-1, Китааояма, Минато-ку, Токио 107-8077

Тел.: +81 3 3497 2121

4. “Мицуи & Ко. Лтд”

Адрес: 1-2-1 Отэмати, Тиёда-ку, Токио 100-0004

Тел.: +81 3 3285 1111

Факс: +81 3 3285 9819

5. “Мицубиси Корпорэйшн”

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Адрес: 2-3-1, Маруноути, Тиёда-ку, Токио, 100-8086

Тел.: +81 3 3210 2121

6. “Сумитомо Корпорэйшн”

Адрес: 1-8-11 Харуми, Тюо-ку, Токио 104-8610

Тел.: +81 3 5166 5000

7. “Тоёта Цусё Корпорэйшн”

Адрес: 2-3-13 Конан, Минато-ку, Токио 108-8208

Тел.: +81 3 4306 3106

X. Специфические особенности ведения бизнеса в Японии, включая

культурные аспекты, и деловые обычаи.

Японские бизнесмены ведут бизнес, как правило, добросовестно и

честно, но как показывает практика, иногда многообещающие переговоры

заканчиваются ничем из-за того, что незнание японских обычаев и правил

этикета не позволяет сторонам прийти к согласию.

Японцы вежливы и сдержаны. От иностранцев в Японии не ждут

строгого соблюдения обычаев и традиций. При этом если вы постараетесь

следовать японской манере поведения, вам будут очень признательны. Если

вы заинтересованы в налаживании сотрудничества с японским бизнес-

партнером, следует усвоить несколько несложных правил японского делового


Договаривайтесь о встрече заранее (не следует требовать аудиенции


Не опаздывайте на встречу, будьте пунктуальны (японцы очень

щепетильны в этом вопросе);

Если вы вынуждены пропустить мероприятие, на участие в котором уже

дали согласие, обязательно предупредите об этом;

Если, позвонив по телефону, вы ошиблись номером, необходимо

принести извинения;

В ходе встречи или совещания дайте возможность вашему японскому

партнеру высказаться;

Тщательно готовьтесь к встрече. Переговоры с японской стороной

пройдут более результативно, если все материалы и презентация вашей

компании будут представлены на английском или японском языках;

Если в ходе визита в Японию кто-либо из японцев оказал вам содействие,

то по возвращении следует направить ему благодарственное письмо.

Если вы направляетесь в Японию в первый раз, следует запомнить

следующие правила.

Принятие решений. В ходе переговоров японцы редко принимают

решения. Процесс принятия решения может затянуться, но зато реализуется

оно, как правило, быстро. Не следует отчаиваться, что уходит много времени,

и торопить японских партнеров с принятием решения.

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Приняв, наконец, решение, японец обязательно четко об этом скажет.

Если конкретного ответа нет, значит, решение еще не принято. Если вы плохо

поняли ответ японцев, лучше всего задать уточняющий вопрос. Если японец

понял суть вашего предложения, то он может сказать: «Понял». Но это вовсе

не значит, что он согласен с этим предложением.

Приветствие. Несмотря на все еще распространенную в Японии

традицию кланяться при встрече бизнесмены при знакомстве часто жмут друг

другу руки. Японцы не ждут от вас поклонов, однако небольшой наклон

головы придется кстати.

Визитные карточки. Одним из ключевых элементов деловой культуры

являются визитные карточки. Деловые встречи в Японии часто начинаются с

обмена визитными карточками, поэтому для бизнес-общения с японцами

важно обзавестись такими карточками, где были бы указаны ваше имя,

должность, рабочий адрес, номер телефона и факса, адрес электронной почты

на русском и английском языках. Никогда не пишите на чужой визитной

карточке и не кладите ее во внутренний карман, так как это может быть

расценено как проявление неуважения. Получив визитку, положите ее перед

собой, чтобы иметь возможность посмотреть имя собеседника, если возникнет

такая необходимость.

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Приложение № 1 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

К подразделу 3.3. «Законодательство об иностранных инвестициях»

Согласно статье 26 «Закона о внешней торговле», прямым иностранным инвестором (далее – иностранный инвестор) является:

- физическое лицо – нерезидент; - юридическое лицо, созданное в соответствии с законодательством

иностранного государства или имеющее головной офис в иностранном государстве;

- корпорация, если физическое лицо – нерезидент или указанное выше юридическое лицо владеют более чем 50% ее голосующих акций;

- юридическое лицо или иная организация, если большинство сотрудников в ней, занимающих ключевые посты (директор и т.п.), ─ нерезиденты.

Прямыми иностранными инвестициями, в частности, признаются следующие операции (п. 2 ст. 26 «Закона о внешней торговле»):

- приобретение не обращающихся на фондовой бирже акций или долей в уставном капитале японских компаний/корпораций (за исключением передачи от иностранных инвесторов);

- передача не обращающихся на фондовой бирже акций или долей в уставном капитале, которыми физическое лицо-нерезидент владело до того, как стало нерезидентом;

- приобретение иностранными инвесторами, аффилированными с японской компанией, не менее 10% ее акций, обращающихся на фондовой бирже.

Для допуска иностранных инвестиций на рынок Японии установлен уведомительный и разрешительный порядки.

Разрешительный порядок распространяется на инвестирование в те отрасли, в которых деятельность иностранных инвесторов может привести к угрозе национальной безопасности, нарушению общественного порядка или причинению ущерба экономике. К таким отраслям относятся, например, сельское хозяйство, производство медицинских препаратов, медицинского оборудования, переработка нефти и газа, лесная и рыбная промышленность, производство самолетов и оружия, включая производство компонентов для них, ядерная энергетика, изучение космоса.

Иностранный инвестор подает данные о предполагаемой сделке в Министерство финансов Японии (далее – Минфин). До получения ответа из Минфина сделку совершать запрещено (ст. 27 «Закона о внешней торговле»).

Минфин готовит ответ инвестору в течение месяца (об исключении из этого правила для определенных видов международных корпораций – ниже).

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Если есть основания полагать, что предполагаемая сделка может нанести ущерб национальной безопасности, срок рассмотрения заявки может быть увеличен до четырех месяцев. Если же Минфину потребуются консультации с иными компетентными органами, срок запрета на совершение инвестиционных сделок может быть продлен до пяти месяцев.

По истечении срока министерство дает рекомендации иностранному инвестору: пересмотреть условия сделки либо вовсе не совершать ее. Иностранный инвестор обязан в течение десяти дней подтвердить получение рекомендаций и следовать им.

Разрешительный порядок призван, в том числе, не допустить утечку за границу технологий, которые могут быть использованы в военных или террористических целях. Например, уведомление подается, когда иностранный инвестор приобретает более 10% акций японской компании. Если МЭТП или Минфин делают заключение о существовании риска утечки технологий за границу в результате сделки, может быть принято решение о корректировке условий сделки или ее приостановлении.

Во всех остальных случаях применяется уведомительный порядок: иностранный инвестор в течение 15-ти дней после совершения операции предоставляет об этом уведомление в профильное министерство.

Одной из основных задач по оживлению японской экономики, поставленной еще в 2013 г. в рамках экономической политики премьер-министра С. Абэ (вступил в должность 26 декабря 2012 г.) является увеличение притока ПИИ до 35 трлн. иен в 2020 г. (на конец 2012 г. этот показатель составлял 17,8 трлн. иен). Данное положение содержится в «Стратегии оживления Японии» и повторено в «Политике оживления Японии 2016» (Japan Revitalizing Policy 2016).

Стратегией предусматриваются следующие основные меры по улучшению инвестиционного климата:

1. Фундаментальная реформа системы специальных зон путем созданиянациональных стратегических специальных зон, призванных улучшить бизнес-среду за счет ликвидации на их территории избыточного государственного регулирования для дальнейшего привлечения иностранного капитала и технологий, а также содействия возвращения в Японию японских аффилированных компаний.

Во исполнение этого пункта в декабре 2013 г. был принят Закон «О национальных стратегических специальных зонах», вступивший в силу в январе 2014 года. Подробнее с информацией о регулировании указанных зон можно ознакомиться на английском языке на сайте МЭТП по адресу:

2. Разработка правительственных мер по поддержке глобальныхкомпаний.

При Токийском столичном правительстве созданы и работают консультационные центры в режиме «одного окна» для иностранных

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компаний и иностранных предпринимателей, желающих организовать бизнес в Японии (

Также оказывается всесторонняя поддержка ДЖЕТРО в осуществлении деятельности по комплексной поддержке иностранных предприятий в виде консультаций о процедурах, необходимых для осуществления прямых иностранных инвестиций в Японии, оказания помощи конкретным компаниям в тесном сотрудничестве с соответствующими министерствами и ведомствами.

ДЖЕТРО отводится одна из основных ролей в привлечении прямых иностранных инвестиций. В шести крупных городах Японии – Токио, Йокогаме, Нагое, Осаке, Кобэ и Фукуоке – созданы центры поддержки бизнеса ДЖЕТРО (Invest Japan Business Support Centers – IBSC). На официальном сайте организации ( размещена информация о состоянии и тенденциях развития отдельных сегментов японского рынка, об основных законах, правилах и процедурах, связанных с осуществлением инвестиционной деятельности, а также об иностранных компаниях, успешно действующих в разных отраслях японской экономики. Дополнительно создан отдельный сайт, посвященный только инвестициям:

20 мая 2016 г. Советом по продвижению прямых иностранных инвестиций в Японию был одобрен «Пакет мер для продвижения иностранных прямых инвестиций в Японию для того, чтобы сделать Японию глобальным центром» (Policy Package for Promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Japan to Make Japan a Global Hub). 2 июня 2016 г. была утверждена «Базовая политика в сфере управления экономикой и налогообложением – Дорожная карта для достижения экономики в 600 трлн. иен» (Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Managementand Reform 2016 – Road Map to a 600 TrillionYen Economy).

Одна из целей данного пакета мер - принципиальное упрощение правил и административных процедур, связанных с прямыми иностранными инвестициями в Японию. Для достижения этой цели при Совете по продвижению прямых иностранных инвестиций в Японию создана Рабочая группа по пересмотру регулирования и административных процедур (Working Group for Revising Regulations and Administrative Procedures).

В июле 2016 г. Рабочая группа начала обсуждение путей упрощения административного регулирования, касающегося иностранных инвестиций и бизнеса иностранных компаний в Японии. Любая компания, работающая в Японии, может направить свое мнение в Рабочую группу, заполнив форму на сайте правительства (

Проанализировав ситуацию и указанные мнения, Рабочая группа указывает конкретные пути решения в своем докладе (первый доклад был опубликован 22 декабря 2016 г. Найти его и другие документы можно по ссылке

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Окончательное решение по данным вопросам будет принято правительством в июле 2017 г., в связи с чем соответствующие изменения будут внесены в «Базовую политику в области экономического и налогового управления и реформирования» (Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform) и в «Стратегию оживления Японии». Но если какие-либо выводы будут сделаны раньше, конкретные меры для упрощения администрирования будут приниматься незамедлительно.

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Приложение № 2 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

К подразделу 4.3. «Особенности таможенно-тарифного регулирования при импорте в Японию»

Основными законодательными актами, регулирующими таможенную политику страны и организацию таможенного дела, являются:

- «Таможенный закон Японии» от 02.04.1954 г. № 61 (Customs Law). Он регулирует общие административные и процедурные таможенные вопросы.

-Закон Японии от 15.04.1910 г. № 54 «О таможенном тарифе» (Customs Tariff Law). Приложениями к нему являются «Сборник таможенных тарифов» и «Краткий справочник по ставкам таможенных сборов». Данный закон регламентирует процедуры применения таможенных тарифов и определения стоимости товара, на базе которой устанавливается размер пошлины. Он же устанавливает основания и порядок снижения ставок таможенных пошлин, освобождения от их уплаты и возврата уже оплаченных таможенных пошлин; процедуры применения антидемпинговых и других специфических таможенных тарифов; определяет товары, запрещенные к ввозу, а также состав и функции Совета по таможенным тарифам.

-Закон Японии от 31.03.1960 г. № 36 «О временных мерах в области применения таможенных тарифов» (Law on Temporary Measures concerning Customs). Он устанавливает исключения из закона «О таможенном тарифе» в отношении таможенных тарифов, снижения ставок таможенных пошлин, освобождения от их уплаты и возврата уплаченных таможенных пошлин.

Закон о временных мерах устанавливает специальные (пониженные или повышенные – в зависимости от обстоятельств или продукции) ставки таможенных тарифов для определенных видов товаров на определенный период времени, которые имеют приоритет над ставками, установленными в Законе о таможенном тарифе, случаи освобождения от уплаты пошлин и порядок их возврата. При этом большинство временных тарифов продлевается каждый год. Так, в 2016 финансовом году, так же, как и в 2015 финансовом году, было продлено действие 431 временного тарифа.

Большинство импортируемых в Японию товаров не подлежит ни квотированию, ни другим количественным ограничениям. Но в отношении импорта продукции сельского хозяйства и молочного и обычного животноводства существуют количественные ограничения (квоты), а при ее превышении - высокие ставки импортных пошлин.

На импорт молока и сливок в подразделах ТН ВЭД 0401.20-1, 0401.40-1, 0401.50-1, пахты и т.п. в 0403.10-1 и 0403.90-1, продуктов из натуральных компонентов молока в 0404.90-1, пищевых продуктов, содержащих какао в 1806.20-1, 1806.90-2, готовых пищевых продуктов в 1901.10-1, 1901.20-1 и 1901.90-1, составов на основе кофе и т.д. в 2101.12-2, 2101.20-2, готовых

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пищевых продуктов в 2106.10-1 и 2106.90-1 на 2016 год установлена общая квота 133,940 т.

Так, при импорте стерилизованной, консервированной или замороженной молочной продукции жирностью от 1% до 6% в рамках квоты для всех импортеров взимается пошлина 25% от таможенной стоимости товара, сверх квоты для стран-членов ВТО тариф установлен как 21,3% плюс 114 иен за кг, для всех остальных импортеров – 25% плюс 134 иены за кг. Если жирность указанной продукции - от 6% до 10%, со всех импортеров в рамках квоты взимается пошлина в размере 25% от таможенной стоимости товара. При импорте сверх квоты данные товары, происходящие из стран-членов ВТО, облагаются пошлиной по ставке 21,3% от их таможенной стоимости плюс 635 иен за кг. Для товаров из остальных стран ставка пошлины - 25% от их таможенной стоимости плюс 747 иен за кг. Если жирность продукции - от 10% до 45%, пошлина в рамках квоты равна 25%, а при импорте сверх квоты ставка пошлины для товаров из стран-членов ВТО составляет 21,3% от их таможенной стоимости плюс 635 иен за кг, для товаров из остальных стран – 25% плюс 1 411 иена за кг.

На ввоз сливочного масла с содержанием жира не более 85% (субпозиция ТН ВЭД 0405.10.110) Министерство сельского, лесного и рыболовного хозяйства Японии на основании Закона Японии «О временных компенсационных мерах производителям молока» ежегодно устанавливает квоту, непосредственным распределением которой между импортерами занимается специализированная японская организация «Сельскохозяйственная и животноводческая корпорация Японии». На указанный выше тип масла, импортируемый на основании данных квот, установлена пониженная пошлина: 35%. При превышении квоты пошлина составляет 35% плюс 1 159 йен за кг. Указанная сельскохозяйственная корпорация распределяет квоты и на другие виды молочной продукции.

Кроме того, правительством установлена общая квота 581 т на продукцию по коду ТН ВЭД 0405.10 121; 0405.90, в которую входят масла и жиры, получаемые из молока, а также молочная паста. Пошлина при импорте в рамках данной квоты составляет для всех импортеров 35%. При превышении квоты таможенная пошлина для стран-членов ВТО составляет 29,8% плюс 985 иен за кг, для остальных импортеров, не пользующихся льготами – 35% плюс 1 363 иен за кг, временный тариф составляет 29.8% плюс 179 иен за кг.

От 22,4% до 40% составляют пошлины на сыр (квоты на сыр не распространяются). При этом правительство может устанавливать квоты на ввоз в Японию сырья для производства сыра (ТН ВЭД 0406.1.010), которое в рамках этих квот пошлиной не облагается.

Установлена высокая пошлина на ввоз мяса крупного рогатого скота (квотирование отсутствует): для продукции из стран-членов ВТО она составляет 38,5%, для аналогичных товаров экспортеров из всех остальных стран – 50%.

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В ходе Уругвайского раунда переговоров в рамках ВТО Япония приняла обязательства поддерживать ежегодный объем импорта продовольственного риса не менее 682,2 тыс. т (7,2% всего потребляемого риса в стране). Министерство сельского, лесного и рыбного хозяйства Японии ежегодно определяет объем импорта риса, в рамках которого взимается минимальная импортная пошлина (0%). Импорт риса объемом свыше установленной квоты облагается ввозной пошлиной, ставка которой при импорте из стран-членов ВТО составляет 341 иен за кг, а при ввозе из остальных стран – 402 иены за кг.

Учитывая зависимость внутреннего рынка от внешних поставок зерновых (доля импортной пшеницы, например, в объеме внутреннего потребления превышает 90%), в Японии создан централизованный механизм контроля над импортом зерновых и муки с целью гарантированного снабжения и стабилизации внутренних цен.

Согласно закону «О стабилизации спроса, предложения и цен на основные виды продовольственных товаров», импортом пшеницы, ячменя и риса занимается правительство Японии. В рамках системы «централизованного импорта» Министерство сельского, лесного и рыбного хозяйства Японии на основании заявок мукомольных компаний ежегодно определяет объем дефицита предложения указанной выше продукции на внутреннем рынке. Впоследствии Министерство на конкурсной основе размещает заказы на импорт среди универсальных торговых компаний и покупает зерновые у торговых компаний по ценам, базирующимся на мировых, с учетом торговой прибыли компаний, осуществляющих закупки на внешних рынках.

Таможенный закон периодически обновляется в соответствии с текущими реалиями. Так, в 2016 г. к продукции, запрещенной к ввозу и вывозу, была добавлена продукция, которая нарушает коммерческую тайну.

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Приложение № 3 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

К подразделу 4.5. «Нетарифные меры и техническое регулирование в Японии»

Согласно Закону Японии «Об обращении с отходами» (Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law) для импорта (экспорта) некоторых видов вредных отходов необходимо одобрение (для экспорта - подтверждение) Министерства по охране окружающей среды Японии. В соответствии с Законом Японии от 18.06.2003 г. № 97 «О поддержании биологического многообразия флоры и фауны посредством регулирования использования генетически модифицированных организмов» (Law on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms) обладатели генетически модифицированных организмов (ГМО), включая импортеров, должны получить одобрение правительства до осуществления ими экспериментов с этими организмами или использования их на открытом воздухе. Указанные лица должны ознакомить правительство Японии с основными положениями плана использования ими ГМО и оценкой их вероятного влияния на биоразнообразие. Также обязательна экспертиза генетически модифицированных продуктов питания.

Законом от 10.08.1960 г. № 145 «О фармацевтической продукции и связанной с ней деятельностью» (Pharmaceutical Affairs Law) установлены ограничения на использование химических и иных добавок в косметических препаратах и продуктах питания.

Ввоз и последующая продажа продуктов питания и пищевых добавок регулируется Законом Японии от 24.12.1947 г. № 233 «О санитарном контроле над пищевой продукцией» (Food Sanitation Act; далее – Закон о санитарном контроле). Статья 27 Закона о санитарном контроле закрепляет обязанность импортеров, которые ввозят пищевую продукцию, пищевые добавки, соответствующую аппаратуру и упаковку для продуктов для продажи или для иного использования в предпринимательской деятельности, представить уведомление об импорте по утвержденной форме в карантинную станцию, подведомственную Минздраву Японии.

Уведомление об импорте должно быть подано до завершения процедуры таможенной очистки. На станции санитарный инспектор проводит экспертизу сопроводительных документов и ввозимой продукции на их соответствие требованиям закона и выдает разрешение на импорт. Без такого разрешения ввезенная продукция не может быть продана или использована в иной предпринимательской деятельности на территории Японии. Более того, согласно статье 75 Закона о санитарном контроле, лицо,

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нарушившее это требование, может быть подвергнуто штрафу до 500 тыс. иен (около 5 тыс. долл.).

Требование об обязательном представлении уведомления об импорте распространяется и на случаи, когда указанная выше продукция, а также связанные товары, к которым относятся и игрушки для детей, ввозятся в Японию почтовыми отправлениями.

В соответствии с указанным выше законом за импорт запрещенных продуктов питания и пищевых добавок Минздрав Японии или власти префектуры имеют право аннулировать лицензию. Помимо этого, нарушившее санитарное законодательство лицо в зависимости от вида нарушения может быть подвергнуто наказанию в виде лишения свободы до трех лет, либо наложению штрафа в размере до 3 млн. иен (около 30 тыс. долл.).

Ввоз в Японию растительной продукции, зараженной насекомыми – вредителями и содержащей пестициды, запрещен Законом Японии от 04.05.1950 г. № 151 «О защите растений» (Plant Protection Law). Любая продукция растительного происхождения, импортируемая в Японию, проходит проверку в Пункте карантина растений (Plant Quarantine Station), который находится в подчинении Минсельхоза Японии.

Заявление о проверке продукции подается в карантинный пункт за семь дней до ее ввоза. К данному заявлению прилагается фитосанитарный сертификат, выданный уполномоченным органом страны-экспортера и соответствующий положениям Международной конвенции о защите растений (International Plant Protection Convention). Для установления содержимого груза поставщик должен предоставить также счет-фактуру, транспортную накладную, упаковочный лист и другие документы.

В случае обнаружения в ходе проверки растительной продукции ее заражения насекомыми – вредителями или пестицидами, применяются меры ее по обеззараживанию и дезинфекции. Обеззараживание производится специалистом по предотвращению эпидемий в Пункте растительного карантина за счет импортера. Если обеззараживание применить невозможно, она подлежит уничтожению либо к вывозу импортером из страны.

Правительство Японии может в отношении любых товаров ввести такую меру ограничительного характера, как обязательное получение одобрения их импорта (ст. 52 «Закона о внешней торговле»).

Такая мера может вводиться по следующим основаниям: для целей достижения устойчивого развития внешней торговли и национальной экономики, для целей честного выполнения обязательств, вытекающих из договоров и других международных соглашений, подписанных Японией; для внесения вклада Японии в международные усилия по достижению международного мира;

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для выполнения решения Кабинета Министров, принятого на его заседании в соответствии с пунктом 1 статьи 10 Закона (вводящего ограничения, когда это необходимо для поддержания мира и безопасности в Японии).

По вопросам ограничения импорта товаров в качестве компетентного органа исполнительной власти выступает МЭТП Японии.

После введения данного режима операции, связанные с импортом определенных товаров, переводятся из категории свободно осуществляемых в категорию совершаемых только с разрешения (одобрения) соответствующего министерства. Любое физическое или юридическое лицо (как резидент, так и нерезидент), собирающееся импортировать эти товары, должно заблаговременно получить одобрение импортной сделки в МЭТП. Совершать сделку он вправе только после получения такого одобрения.

Законом министерству дано право отказа. Более того, любому импортеру, нарушившему закон или принятый в соответствии с ним любой подзаконный акт, приказом МЭТП может быть запрещено импортировать товары на срок до одного года (ст. 53 Закона о внешней торговле).

На экспорт в Российскую Федерацию негативно влияет принятый в сентябре 2014 года правительством Японии запрет на экспорт в Российскую Федерацию оружия и оружейных технологий, а также товаров двойного назначения для военных целей и проведение работ, связанных с этими товарами. В связи с этим возникают сложности с поставкой в Россию из Японии продукции, которая может быть квалифицирована как продукция двойного назначения.

Также правительство вправе ввести своим постановлением разрешительный порядок импорта и экспорта средств платежа и/или ценных бумаг для физических и юридических лиц - как резидентов, так и нерезидентов. К средствам платежа относятся наличные деньги, включая монеты, бумаги государственных займов, чеки (включая дорожные), векселя, почтовые денежные переводы, аккредитивы, ваучеры, электронные средства платежа и иные средства платежа, закрепленные правительством как эквивалентные перечисленным выше.

В качестве государственного органа, уполномоченного реализовывать этот порядок на практике, выступает Минфин Японии. Лицо, планирующее импорт средств платежа, в случае введения разрешительного порядка обязано заранее уведомить Минфин о содержании этого импорта, его сроках и об иных значимых обстоятельствах, определенных в постановлении правительства, которым введен такой порядок.

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Нормативные акты, регламентирующие вопросы нетарифного регулирования в Японии

Акты, предметом регулирования которых являются непосредственно экспортно-импортные операции1: - Закон от 01.12.1949 г. № 228 «О регулировании валютных операций и

внешней торговли» (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law); - Закон от 05.08.1952 г. № 229 «Об экспортной и импортной торговле»

(Export and Import Trading Law); - Закон от 02.05.1957 г. № 97 «Об инспекции экспорта» (Export Inspection

Law); - Таможенный закон от 02.04.1954 г. № 61 (Customs Law); - Закон от 1967 г. № 122 «О таможенном деле» (Custom Business Law); - Закон от 15.04.1910 г. № 54 «О таможенном тарифе» (Customs Tariff Law); - Закон от 31.03.1960 г. № 36 «О временных мерах в области применения

таможенных тарифов» (Law on Temporary Measures concerning Customs); - Приказ Кабинета министров от 11.10.1980 г. № 260 «О валютном обмене»

(Foreign Exchange Order); - Приказ Кабинета министров от 29.12.1949 г. № 414 «О контроле над

импортом» (Import Trade Control Order); - Правила контроля над импортом, утвержденные постановлением

Министра международной торговли и промышленности от 29.12.1949 г. № 77 (Import Trade Control Regulation);

- Приказ Кабинета министров от 01.12.1949 г. № 378 «О контроле над экспортом» (Export Trade Control Order);

- Правила контроля над экспортом, утвержденные постановлением Министра международной торговли и промышленности от 01.12.1949 г. № 64 (Export Trade Control Ordinance).

Акты, которые направлены на достижение иных общественно-полезных целей:

- Закон от 04.05.1950 г. № 151 «О защите растений» (Plant Protection Law);

- Закон от 29.05.1998 г. № 83 «О защите разнообразия (разных сортов) растений и семеноводстве» (Plant Variety Protection and Seed Law);

- Закон от 10.08.1984 г. № 18 «О табачной промышленности» (Tobacco Industry Law);

- Базовый закон от 23.05.2003 г. № 48 «О безопасности пищевой продукции» (Food Safety Basic Law);

- Закон от 24.12.1947 г. № 233 «О санитарном контроле над пищевой продукцией» (Food Sanitation Law);

1 С текстами упомянутых здесь и далее законов на английском языке можно ознакомиться на сайте Ряд нормативных актов на английском языке не представлен, в частности, Таможенный закон Японии, Закон Японии «О временных мерах в области применения таможенных тарифов». С текстами таких законов на японском языке можно ознакомиться на сайте 

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- Закон от 01.06.1949 г. № 185 «О стандартизации в промышленности» (Industrial Standardization Law);

- Закон от 28.12.1950 г. № 303 «О контроле за производством и использованием ядовитых и токсичных веществ» (Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law);

- Закон от 01.06.1951 г. № 185 «Об автотранспортных средствах» (Road Trucking Vehicle Law);

- Закон от 02.08.2002 г. № 103 «О мерах по обеспечению здорового образа жизни» (Health Promotion Law);

- Закон от 10.08.1960 г. № 145 «О фармацевтической продукции и связанной с ней деятельностью» (Pharmaceutical Affairs Law);

- Закон от 25.12.1970 г. № 137 «Об обращении с отходами» (Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law);

- Закон от 16.11.1961 г. № 234 «О контроле качества электрических приборов и электропроводных материалов» (Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Law);

- Закон от 31.03.1954 г. № 51 «О газовой отрасли» (Gas Business Law); - Закон от 07.06.1951 г. № 204 «О безопасном использовании газа

высокого давления» (High Pressure Gas Safety Law); - Закон от 06.06.1973 г. № 31 «О безопасности потребительских

товаров» (Consumer Product Safety Law); - Базовый закон от 29.06.2001 г. № 89 «О рыболовстве» (Fisheries Basic

Law); - Закон от 17.12.1951 г. № 313 «Об охране рыбных ресурсов» (Law on

the Protection of Fishery Resources); - Закон от 03.07.2002 г. № 81 «О надзоре за незаконным экспортом и

импортом культурных ценностей и о других связанных вопросах» (Law on Controls on the Illicit Export and Import and other matters of Cultural Property);

- Закон от 13.04.1959 г. № 125 «О промышленных образцах» (Design Law);

- Закон от 11.05.1950 г. № 175 «О стандартизации и об обеспечении надлежащей маркировки сельскохозяйственной и лесной продукции» (Law on Standardization and Proper Quality Labeling of Agricultural and Forestry Products);

- Закон от 18.06.2003 г. № 97 ««О поддержании биологического многообразия флоры и фауны посредством регулирования использования генетически модифицированных организмов» (Law on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms);

- Закон от 16.07.1999 г. № 106 «О продовольствии, сельском хозяйстве и сельскохозяйственных районах» (Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas Basic Law);

- Закон от 27.12.1975 г. № 96 «О запасах нефти» (Oil Stockpiling Law);

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- Закон от 16.10.1973 г. № 117 «Об оценке химических веществ и регулировании их производства» (Law on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.2);

- другие законы Японии, помимо перечисленных выше, связанные с запретом на ввоз и вывоз определенных товаров и веществ, с карантином растений и животных, а также с оборотом наркосодержащих веществ: «О контроле за производством и использованием взрывчатых веществ» (Explosive Control Law), «О контроле за соблюдением правил владения огнестрельным и холодным оружием» (Firearms and Swords Possession Control Law), «О защите дикой природы и охоте» (Law Concerning Wildlife Protection and Hunting), «О контроле за удобрениями» (Fertilizer Control Law), «О стабилизации цен на сахар» (Law Concerning Sugar Price Stabilization), «О карантине растений» (Plant Quarantine Law), «О внутреннем контроле за инфекциями животных» (Domestic Animal Infectious Control Law), «О профилактике бешенства» (Rabies Prevention Law), «О контроле за коноплей (марихуаной)» (Cannabis Control Law), «О контроле за стимулирующими веществами» (Stimulant Drug Control Law), «О контроле за наркотическими и психотропными веществами» (Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law), «Об опийсодержащих веществах» (Opium Law) и др.

2В другом переводе: Law Concerning Screening of Chemical Substances and Regulation on their Manufacture, etc.

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Приложение № 4 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

Контактная информация основных российских логистических компаний

№№ пп

Наименование компании

Контактная информация Примечание

1. ЗАО«Милитцер иМюнх»

115088, Москва, ул. Шарикоподшипниковская,4 Тел.: +7 (495) 933-5353 Факс: +7 (495) 788-9080 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

2. ООО «Р-Лайн» Санкт-Петербург Тел.:+7 (812) 740-2004 Факс: +7 (812) 303-8394 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки Предоставление брокерских услуг

3. ОАО «Аэрофлот» 119002 Москва, ул. Арбат, д. 10 Тел.: +7 (495) 223-5555 Факс: +7 (499) 500-68-67 E-mail: [email protected]


4. ООО «Трансимпериал» 125993 Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, д. 2 Тел.: +7 (495) 640-4075 Факс: +7 (495) 640-4065 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки

5. Авиакомпания«ЭйрБриджКарго»

121614 Москва, ул. Крылатская, д. 17, 1 этаж, БЦ «Крылатские холмы», корпус 4 Тел.: + 7 (495) 786-2613 Факс:+ 7 (495) 755-6581 E-mail: [email protected]


6. ООО «Росимпекс» Москва, Крутицкий вал, д.3, к.2 Тел.: +7 (495) 989-8332 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки Предоставление брокерских услуг

7. ООО «Делкар» Владивосток, ул. 1-ая Круговая, 25а, офис 231 Тел./факс: (423) 244-60-61

Мультимодальные перевозки Предоставление брокерских услуг

8. ООО «Балтфор» 196084, Санкт-Петербург, Набережная обводного канала, 92 Тел.: +7 (812) 336-6354 Факс: + 7 (812) 336-6354

Мультимодальные перевозки в коопе-рации с иностран-ными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

9. ООО «Авеланалогистик»

194044, Санкт-Петербург, Пироговская наб., д.17, к. 7, литер А, помещение 2Б Тел.: +7 (812) 337-2268 Факс: +7 (812) 318-5620

Мультимодальные перевозки в коопе-рации с иностран-ными партнерами. Предоставление

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№№ пп

Наименование компании

Контактная информация Примечание

брокерских услуг 10. ООО «НЛК» 198035, Санкт-Петербург, ул.

Гап-сальская, д.5, лит. А, 4й этаж, офис 402 Тел.: +7 (812) 335-6689 Факс: +7 (812) 335-6690 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в коопе-рации с иностран-ными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

11. ООО «Поинтер» 105122, Москва, Большая Калитниковская, дом 42 Тел.: +7 (495) 923-3432

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

12. ГК «Треффи» 191119, Санкт-Петербург, Боровая улица, 32/19 Тел.: +7 (812) 325-3622 Факс: +7 (812) 325-3619 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

13. ООО «ТБН Логистик» Тел.: +7 (495) 725-8110Факс: +7 (495) 725-8141 E-Mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

14. ООО «Магистраль» 630049, Новосибирск ул. Галущака, 2 Тел./факс: +7 (383) 363-1767 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

15. ООО «Азия Логистик» Московская обл., г. Химки,Коммунальный проезд, д. 2 Тел.: +7 (495) 620-4983, 620-4984 Факс: +7 (495) 572-5551 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

16. ООО «Мортранс» Санкт-Петербург Тел: +7 (812) 325-3773 Факс: +7 (812) 325-3773

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

17. ОАО «Совфрахт» 127994, Москва, Рахмановский пер., 4, стр.1 «Морской дом» Тел.: +7 (495) 258-2741

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

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№№ пп

Наименование компании

Контактная информация Примечание

Факс: +7 (495) 258-2854 E-mail: [email protected]

18. OOO «Балтра» 198035, Санкт-Петербург, Межевой канал, д.5, Литер АХ Тел/факс: +7 (812) 327-4044 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные контейнерные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

19. ТЭК«Уралтрансхолдинг»

454053, Челябинск, Троицкий тракт, д. 11 Л, оф. 907-Б Тел.: +7 (351) 211-2809, 245-4605 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные контейнерные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

20. ООО «Альдетранс» 105066, Москва, Переулок Токмаков, дом 11 Тел.: +7 (499) 685-1886 Факс: +7 (495) 641-0389 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные контейнерные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

21. ООО «КМ ТрансГрупп»

107113, Москва, ул. 3-я Рыбинская, д.17 Тел.: +7 (495) 784-0775 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

22. «Первая транспортнаякомпания»

603159, г. Нижний Новгород, ул. Карла Маркса, д. 30 Тел./факс:+7 (831) 247-5696 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

23. ООО «Морпортсервис» 196191, Санкт-Петербург,Ленинский проспект, дом 168 Тел.: +7 (812) 327-9363 Факс: +7 (812) 327-9362 E-mail: [email protected]

Мультимодальные перевозки в кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

24. ООО «Трансимпериал» 125993, Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, д. 2

Мультимодальные перевозки в

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№№ пп

Наименование компании

Контактная информация Примечание

Тел/факс: +7 (495) 640-40-65 E-mail: [email protected]

кооперации с иностранными партнерами. Предоставление брокерских услуг

25. «Полет Эйрлайнз» 394019, Воронеж, проспект Труда, д. 123 Тел.: +7 (4732) 392-847 Факс: +7 (4732) 392-843 E-mail: [email protected]


26. ОАО "Амурскоепароходство"

680000, Хабаровск, ул. Муравьева-Амурского, д. 2 Тел.: +7 (4212) 400-107 Факс: +7 (4212) 400-108 E-mail: [email protected]

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

27. ОАО "Дальневосточноеморское пароходство"

690091, Владивосток, ул. Алеутcкая, д. 2 Тел.: +7 (423) 252-1010 E-mail: [email protected]

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

28. ОАО "Сахалинскоеморское пароходство"

694620, Сахалинская обл., Холмск, ул. Победы, 18-а Тел.: +7 (42433) 66-208 Факс: +7 (42433) 66-020 E-mail: [email protected]

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

29. ОАО "Приморскоеморское пароходство"

123022, Москва, Большой Предтеченский переулок, д. 22 Тел.: +7 (495) 775-6532 E-mail: [email protected]

Морские перевозки. Предоставление брокерских услуг

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Приложение № 5 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

К подразделу 5.2. «Организационно-правовые формы ведения коммерческой деятельности в Японии»

Наименование компании должно быть ее торговым именем и обязательно должно включать указание на ее организационно-правовую форму. При этом в торговом наименовании запрещено использовать такие слова, благодаря которым может быть допущено неправильное понимание организационно-правовой формы компании (ст. 6 Закона о компаниях).

Законодательство Японии не закрепляет минимальный размер уставного капитала. Он может составлять даже 1 иену (для товариществ – 2 иены).

В акционерной компании первично эмитированные акции учредитель может выкупить полностью или частично. В последнем случае оставшиеся акции выкупаются третьими лицами - инвесторами. Но учредитель обязан принять участие в формировании уставного капитала, выкупив хотя бы одну акцию. Стоимость акций законодательно не ограничена, но на практике наиболее распространены цены в 10 тыс. иен, 50 тыс. иен и 100 тыс. иен за одну акцию.

В остальных компаниях взнос в уставный капитал участники совершают денежными средствами или имуществом.

Иностранные лица, находящиеся за пределами Японии и приобретающие более 10% акций или оплачивающие более 10% уставного капитала компании на территории Японии, должны (как иностранные инвесторы) уведомить Банк Японии (Bank of Japan) до совершения сделки или после. Тип уведомления зависит от вида предпринимательской деятельности1.

Компания подлежит регистрации в Бюро по правовым вопросам (Legal Affairs Bureau - юрисдикция Министерства юстиции Японии), его региональных отделениях и филиалах 2 - в зависимости от ее местонахождения. Местонахождение компании определяется по местонахождению ее головного офиса (ст. 4 Закона о компаниях).

Для регистрации компания должна предоставить соглашение между учредителями, устав (для акционерной компании - нотариально заверенный; стоимость заверения 52 тыс. иен (22 тыс. руб.), приказ о назначении директора (-ов), подтверждение адреса головного офиса (он может быть расположен по адресу физического лица, например, учредителя) и подтверждение одобрения его директором (-ами), официально заверенные в

1 Подробнее с порядком направления уведомления можно ознакомиться на сайте Банка Японии (на английском языке): 2 Сайт Бюро по правовым вопросам (на японском языке) - Сайт Министерства юстиции (информация представлена на японском и английском языках) -

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нотариате подписи учредителя (для акционерной компании) и директора, заявление о регистрации, копию депозитной части банковской книжки счета, на который поступили средства, формирующие уставный капитал.

Регистрация осуществляется в течение недели. Плата за регистрацию составляет 0,7% от уставного капитала, но не менее 150 тыс. иен - для акционерной компании и 60 тыс. иен - для общества с ограниченной ответственностью.

После регистрации компания должна открыть счет в банке на свое имя и зарегистрировать печать.

Компания обязана направить уведомления: - в течение 15-ти дней с момента регистрации (если она расположена в

Токио) или одного месяца (если расположена в другой местности) в администрацию префектуры (города) о начале деятельности;

- в течение двух месяцев с момента регистрации компании - в налоговую службу, в службу социального страхования и в структуры, отвечающие за обеспечение прав наемных работников.

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Приложение № 6 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

К подразделу 6.1. «Поддержка экспорта и способы защиты прав экспортеров в Японии, урегулирования и разрешения коммерческих

споров, порядок рассмотрения споров экономического характера (внесудебный и судебный), выдержки из нормативных процессуально-

правовых документов страны пребывания, регламентирующих деятельность по урегулированию и разрешению споров»

Регулирование экспорта и структуры поддержки экспорта в Японии Япония является членом ВТО и ОЭСР, поэтому не имеет возможности

использовать административные методы открытой поддержки национальных экспортеров, которые нарушают права стран – конкурентов, например, в виде субсидирования экспорта. В то же время в Японии создана и эффективно действует многоуровневая система косвенной поддержки экспорта в форме осуществляемого правительством комплекса мер, охватывающих вопросы финансирования, организационно-технического и информационного обеспечения, а также дипломатической поддержки деятельности японских компаний на рынках зарубежных стран.

К экспорту запрещены наркотические и психотропные вещества; психостимуляторы; продукция, содержащая детскую порнографию, нарушающая авторские права, патентные права, права на торговые марки. Ограничен экспорт вооружений и военной техники, военных технологий.

Для ряда видов товаров, экспорт которых ограничен законодательно, обязательно получение предварительного разрешения на экспорт. Это, в частности, товары, указанные в приказе Кабинета министров от 01.12.1949 № 378 «О контроле над экспортом» (Export Trade Control Order), а также в законах Японии от 05.08.1952 № 229 «Об экспортной и импортной торговле» (Export and Import Trading Law), от 03.07.2002 № 81 «О надзоре за незаконным экспортом и импортом культурных ценностей и о других связанных вопросах» (Law on Controls on the Illicit Export and Import and other matters of Cultural Property), «О лесных саженцах», «О защите дикой природы и охоте» (Law Concerning Wildlife Protection and Hunting), «О контроле за наркотическими и психотропными веществами» (Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law), «О контроле за коноплей (марихуаной)» (Cannabis Control Law), «Об опийсодержащих веществах» (Opium Law), «О контроле за стимулирующими веществами» (Stimulant Drug Control Law). В этих случаях разрешение на экспорт выдает профильное в данной отрасли министерство, например, Минздрав Японии.

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Страхование и кредитование экспорта Важнейшей формой косвенной государственной поддержки экспорта

является двухуровневая система государственного страхования внешнеторговых сделок и инвестиционных проектов. Возглавляет эту систему МЭТП (, отвечающее за разработку государственной политики в данной сфере. Данное министерство осуществляет общее руководство деятельностью государственного Японского Агентства экспортного и инвестиционного страхования (NEXI – Nippon Export and Investment Insurance;, а также государственный контроль, учет и планирование в сфере страхования ВЭД.

Основными видами практикуемого в Японии внешнеэкономического страхования являются:

страхование внешнеторговой и посреднической деятельности отнедопоставки товаров или невыплаты денег;

страхование прав интеллектуальной собственности, предоставленных зарубежному партнеру по лицензии, от невыплаты роялти;

страхование экспортных кредитов, выдаваемых японскимибанками;

страхование производителей экспортной продукции; страхование экспортных контрактов малых и средних предприятий; страхование зарубежных инвестиций, кредитов и прав

собственности японского бизнеса; страхование экспортных векселей; страхование убытков банков, вызванных недобросовестным

отзывом иностранным правительством долговых облигаций, относящихся к экспорту комплектных промышленных предприятий, машин и оборудования;

страхование авансовых платежей по импорту.NEXI является ключевым звеном в системе государственного

страхования торговых сделок и инвестиционных проектов. Страхуются как коммерческие, так и политические риски (

С 1 апреля 2016 г. вступили в силу изменения в законы Японии о страховании торговли и инвестиций и о специальных расчетах, одобренные правительством 20 марта 2015 года. Согласно поправкам, с 1 апреля 2017 году будет изменен статус NEXI, которое из правительственного агентства станет специальной акционерной компанией со 100% участиемгосударства. Также будет отменен специальный правительственный счет для перестрахования. По замыслу законодателей, изменения призваны сформировать более эффективную операционную схему для страхования торговли и упростить администрирование.

NEXI заключает договоры страхования и перестрахования, осуществляет сбор страховых премий, рассмотрение страховых случаев и

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выплату компенсаций. Правительство Японии в лице МЭТП перестраховывает сделки NEXI (как правило, в объеме 90% от страховой суммы) – для этого у МЭТП в Японском банке международного сотрудничества имеется специальный счет, на котором аккумулируются соответствующие бюджетные средства. При наступлении страхового случая государство после выплаты компенсации получает право предъявления регрессивного требования к должнику.

Одной из задач NEXI является разработка принципов и параметров страхования экспортных операций по каждой конкретной стране исходя из политической и экономической ситуации в ней. Все страны разбиты на 8 категорий (A, B, C,...H) по мере увеличения степени рисков. NEXI осуществляет оценку и устанавливает рейтинги кредитных рисков конкретных иностранных покупателей и банков (ведет Реестр иностранных покупателей – Overseas Buyers List), рассматривает обращения-заявки японских экспортеров и инвесторов на все виды страхования, а также готовит материалы по наступившим страховым случаям и соответствующим выплатам.

Общая схема исполнения стандартного страхового соглашения предусматривает выплату NEXI страховых сумм японскому субъекту внешнеэкономической деятельности в течение двух месяцев после получения письменного извещения о понесенном ущербе.

Льготное государственное экспортное кредитование (продукции и инвестиций) реализуется Японским банком международного сотрудничества (ЯБМС, JBIC - Japan Bank for International Cooperation; Наиболее распространенными формами кредитов являются кредиты поставщику и кредиты покупателю.

Японское агентство международного сотрудничества (ЯАМС, JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency; является государственной организацией, занимающейся предоставлением некоторых видов организационной поддержки развитию. В своей деятельности Агентство тесно связано с проектами деловых кругов, в частности, по проникновению на рынки развивающихся стран и стран третьего мира.

Иное содействие Важное место в развитии внешнеэкономических связей и содействию

экспорта занимает ДЖЕТРО. ДЖЕТРО тесно связано с правительством Японии – ее бюджет примерно на 2/3 состоит из государственных дотаций. Организация выступает в качестве координирующего звена между МЭТП и коммерческими организациями, в первую очередь представителями малого и среднего бизнеса. Значительное место в деятельности ДЖЕТРО занимает содействие развитию внешнеэкономических связей малых и средних предприятий Японии, а также периферийных районов страны.

Основные направления деятельности ДЖЕТРО: Проведение исследований по внешней торговле и распространение

результатов данных исследований;

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Обзоры отраслей промышленности и отдельных товаров в Японии; Посредничество во внешнеторговых сделках; Издание и распространение печатных материалов по внешней

торговле; Проведение и участие в выставках, ярмарках, а также содействие в

организации подобных мероприятий; Сбор материалов по экономике государств азиатского и других

регионов; Подготовка аналитических материалов о состоянии экономик стран

азиатского и других регионов. Для поддержки осуществляющих экспортные операции и ведущих

бизнес в иностранных государствах японских компаний в составе головного офиса ДЖЕТРО в Токио создан «Центр экстренной помощи в вопросах ведения бизнеса за рубежом». Обратившись туда, компании могут оперативно получать консультации специалистов по юридическим, кадровым и финансовым аспектам ведения бизнеса за рубежом. Кроме того, в 110 других подразделениях ДЖЕТРО, включая 73 представительства по всему миру, образованы «отделы оказания экстренной помощи по вопросам ведения бизнеса за рубежом», призванные в первую очередь принимать срочные обращения компаний, испытывающих трудности в странах пребывания представительств.

Целенаправленным развитием внешнеэкономических отношений с Россией активно занимается РОТОБО, которая была основана 16 января 1967 г. в качестве «Ассоциации по торговле с СССР и Восточной Европой». В августе 1970 г. с санкции Министра внешней торговли и промышленности Японии Ассоциация получила статус «юридического лица на службе общественным интересам», т.е. некоммерческой общественной организации, пользующейся поддержкой со стороны государства. Ассоциация является единственной в Японии организацией, содействующей развитию многопрофильного торгово-экономического сотрудничества между японскими компаниями и их деловыми партнерами в России, Украине, Беларуси, Молдове, Казахстане, Кыргызстане, Узбекистане, Туркмении, Таджикистане, Азербайджане, Армении, Грузии и Монголии.

В организационную структуру секретариата РОТОБО входят общий отдел, отдел экономического сотрудничества, НИИ экономики России и новых независимых государств и представительство в Москве. Представительство РОТОБО в Москве исполняет обязанности секретариата Японского бизнес-клуба, объединяющего японские предприятия в России и способствующего взаимодействию японских и российских предприятий.

Основные направления деятельности РОТОБО: Сбор и анализ информации по экономике стран-партнеров,

распространение этой информации среди членов Ассоциации и японских правительственных организаций;

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Содействие участию японских предприятий в торговых ярмарках ивыставках;

Оказание содействия странам-партнерам в маркетинге их товаров вЯпонии, в том числе в изучении рынка, установлении деловых контактов, организации семинаров, симпозиумов, ознакомлении с опытом работы японских предприятий;

Обмен делегациями экономистов и технических специалистов состранами-партнерами для участия в семинарах, лекциях, посещения предприятий и т.д.;

Командирование в зарубежные государства и прием из них ученых-экономистов, специализирующихся на изучении экономики России, стран СНГ и Монголии;

Координация деятельности по оказанию содействия различнымяпонским организациям в разрешении проблем, возникающих в их деловых отношениях со странами-партнерами;

Разработка идей и предложений по развитию торгово-экономических связей с указанными странами и представление их на рассмотрение правительства и деловых кругов.

Японское правительство в рамках так называемой «экономической дипломатии» оказывает дипломатическую поддержку в вопросе продвижения интересов национальных производителей на зарубежные рынки. В частности, основной задачей дипломатии на этом направлении является снижение тарифных барьеров в странах, активно импортирующих японскую продукцию. С учетом отсутствия подвижек в снижении импортных пошлин по линии ВТО, Япония ведет активную работу по заключению региональных и двусторонних соглашений о создании зон свободной торговли (ЗСТ) и об экономическом партнерстве (Economic Partnership Agreement - EPA).

Кроме того, Япония пропагандирует т.н. «качественные инфраструктурные инвестиции» (Quality Infrastructure Investment) в Азиатском регионе, реализуемые в сотрудничестве с другими странами и международными организациями и основанные на четырех «столпах»:

1. Увеличение объемов и ускорение предоставления финансовогообеспечения посредством модернизации инструментов экономического сотрудничества Японии; 2. Тесное взаимодействие между Японией и Азиатским банкомразвития (ADB – Asian Development Bank); 3. Меры по удвоению финансирования проектов с относительновысокими рисками посредством расширения функций ЯМБС; 4. Пропагандирование «качественных инфраструктурных инвестиций»в качестве международного стандарта.

Таким образом, Япония в сотрудничестве с Азиатским банком развития планирует вложить около 110 млрд. долл. в рамках «качественных инфраструктурных инвестиций» в Азию в течение ближайших 5 лет.

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Порядок разрешения споров и арбитражная оговорка В отличие от решений международного коммерческого арбитража,

решения государственного суда России невозможно будет привести в исполнение на территории Японии, поскольку между Россией и Японией не существует ни договора о правовой помощи в гражданских делах, ни международного договора, участниками которого были бы одновременно Россия и Япония, и который позволял бы признавать и исполнять решения, вынесенные государственными судами государств-участников. Невозможно будет применить и принцип взаимности (наличие в законодательстве стран оговорки о признании и исполнении решений иностранных судов не только на основании международных договоров), поскольку Арбитражно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации (п. 4 ст. 16; гл. 32) признает исполнение судебных решений иностранных государств только на основании международных договоров и федеральных законов. В такой ситуации российскому истцу останется только инициировать новое рассмотрение дела по существу в суде Японии по местонахождению ответчика или его имущества, что очевидно повлечет дополнительные (и немалые) временные и финансовые затраты без гарантии достижения желаемого результата.

Вместе с тем решения, вынесенные в России в порядке международного коммерческого арбитража, будут исполняться - в соответствии с условиями, предусмотренными законами страны, в которой испрашивается их исполнение. Статья 14 указанного выше Торгового договора между СССР и Японией закрепляет обязательство Сторон давать ход исполнению арбитражных решений по спорам, могущим возникнуть из торговых сделок, заключаемых между российскими и японскими юридическими и физическими лицами, или в связи с этими сделками, если разрешение спора соответствующим арбитражем было предусмотрено в самой сделке или в отдельном соглашении, облеченном в должную форму.

Также для признания и приведения в исполнение данных решений будет применима Нью-Йоркская Конвенция 1958 г., участниками которой являются и Россия, и Япония. Данная Конвенция позволяет взаимно признавать и исполнять на территориях стран-участников решения коммерческих арбитражных судов (арбитров).

В связи с этим российским участникам внешнеэкономических сделок можно дать рекомендацию о включении в контракт условия о передаче спора на рассмотрение в Международный коммерческий арбитражный суд при Торгово-промышленной палате Российской Федерации (МКАС).

Между Торгово-промышленной палатой Российской Федерации и Японской коммерческой арбитражной ассоциацией (The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association; заключено Соглашение (вступило в силу 27.09.1995 г.), в котором содержится подобная арбитражная оговорка и оговорены принципы двухстороннего сотрудничества.

Торгово-промышленная палата Российской Федерации и Японская коммерческая арбитражная ассоциация рекомендовали физическим и

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юридическим лицам, занятым в торговле и инвестициях между Российской Федерацией и Японией, включать в их контракты следующую арбитражную оговорку:

«Все споры, противоречия или разногласия, которые могут возникать между сторонами из или в связи с настоящим контрактом, подлежат окончательному урегулированию арбитражем в соответствии с Российско-Японским коммерческим арбитражным соглашением. Вынесенное решение является окончательным и обязательным для сторон».

Также в Соглашении оговорено, что местом арбитража будет являться, если стороны не договорились об ином, страна – место нахождения коммерческого предприятия ответчика. Если таким местом является Российская Федерация, то арбитраж будет иметь место в Международном коммерческом арбитражном суде при Торгово-промышленной палате Российской Федерации в соответствии с регламентом этого суда. Если таким местом является Япония, то арбитраж будет иметь место в Японской коммерческой арбитражной ассоциации в соответствии с Правилами коммерческого арбитража указанной ассоциации.

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この民事訴訟法の翻訳は、平成十八年法律第百九号までの改正(平成19年9月30日施行 (平成十六年法律第八十八号による改正を除く )について 「法令用語日英標準対訳辞) 。 、書 (平成20年3月版)に準拠して作成したものです。なお、この法令の翻訳は公定訳で」はありません。法的効力を有するのは日本語の法令自体であり、翻訳はあくまでその理解を助けるための参考資料です。この翻訳の利用に伴って発生した問題について、一切の責任を負いかねますので、法律上の問題に関しては、官報に掲載された日本語の法令を参照してください。This English translation of the Code of Civil Procedure has been prepared up to the revisions of Act(

No. 109 of 2006 Effective September 30, 2007 excluding the revision by Act No. 88 of 2004 in( ) ( ))

compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary March 2008 edition .This is an unofficial( )

translation. Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect, and translationsare to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws andregulations. The Government of Japan will not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currencyof the legislative material provided on this Website, or for any consequence resulting from use of theinformation on this Website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying the law to any legal issue ordispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.

( )Code of Civil Procedure Act No. 109 of June 26, 1996

Part I General Provisions( )Chapter I General Rules Article 1 to Article 3

Chapter II Court( )Section 1 Jurisdiction Article 4 to Article 22

Section 2 Disqualification of and Challenge to Court Officials Article 23 to(

)Article 27Chapter III Parties

Section 1 Capacity to Be Party and Capacity to Sue or Be Sued Article 28(

)to Article 37( )Section 2 Joint Suit Article 38 to Article 41

( )Section 3 Intervention Article 42 to Article 53( )Section 4 Counsel and Assistant in Court Article 54 to Article 60

Chapter IV Court Costs( )Section 1 Burden of Court Costs Article 61 to Article 74( )Section 2 Security for Court Costs Article 75 to Article 81

( )Section 3 Judicial Aid Article 82 to Article 86Chapter V Court Proceedings

( )Section 1 Proceedings of Suit, etc. Article 87 to Article 92Section 2 Technical Adviser, etc.

( )Subsection 1 Technical Adviser Article 92-2 to 92-7Subsection 2 Affairs of Judicial Research Official in Cases Relating to

( )Intellectual Property Article 92-8 and Article 92-9( )Section 3 Date and Period Article 93 to Article 97

( )Section 4 Service Article 98 to Article 113

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( )Section 5 Judicial Decision Article 114 to Article 123Section 6 Discontinuation of Action and Suspension of Court Proceedings

( )Article 124 to Article 132Chapter VI Disposition of Collection of Evidence prior to Filing of Action, etc.

( )Article 132-2 to Article 132-9Chapter VII Petition, etc. by Means of Electronic Data Processing System

( )Article 132-10Part II Court Proceedings in First Instance

( )Chapter I Action Article 133 to Article 147( )Chapter II Well-Organized Proceedings Article 147-2 and Article 147-3

Chapter III Oral Argument and Preparation Thereof( )Section 1 Oral Argument Article 148 to Article 160

( )Section 2 Brief, etc. Article 161 to Article 163Section 3 Proceedings to Arrange Issues and Evidence

( )Subsection 1 Preliminary Oral Arguments Article 164 to Article 167( )Subsection 2 Preparatory Proceedings Article 168 to Article 174

Subsection 3 Preparatory Proceedings by Means of Documents Article(

)175 to Article 178Chapter IV Evidence

( )Section 1 General Provisions Article 179 to Article 189( )Section 2 Examination of Witness Article 190 to Article 206( )Section 3 Examination of Parties Article 207 to Article 211

( )Section 4 Expert Testimony Article 212 to Article 218( )Section 5 Examination of Documentary Evidence Article 219 to Article 231

( )Section 6 Observation Article 232 and Article 233( )Section 7 Preservation of Evidence Article 234 to Article 242

( )Chapter V Judgment Article 243 to Article 260Chapter VI Conclusion of Suit Not by Judicial Decision Article 261 to Article(

)267Chapter VII Special Provisions Concerning Large-Scale Suit, etc. Article 268(

)to Article 269-2Chapter VIII Special Provisions Concerning Court Proceedings in Summary

( )Court Article 270 to Article 280Part III Appeal

( )Chapter 1 Appeal to Court of Second Instance Article 281 to Article 310-2( )Chapter II Final Appeal Article 311 to Article 327

( )Chapter III Appeal against Ruling Article 328 to Article 337( )Part IV Retrial Article 338 to Article 349

Part V Special Provisions on Actions on Bills and Notes and Actions on Checks( )Article 350 to Article 367

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Part VI Special Provisions Concerning Actions on Small Claims Article 368 to(

)Article 381Part VII Demand Procedure

( )Chapter I General Provisions Article 382 to Article 396Chapter II Special Provisions for Demand Procedure by Means of Electronic

( )Data Processing System Article 397 to Article 402( )Part VIII Stay of Execution Article 403 to Article 405

Supplementary Provisions

Part I General Provisions

Chapter I General Rules

( )Article 1 PurposeProcedures for civil suits shall be governed by the provisions of this Code, in

addition to the provisions of other laws and regulations.

( )Article 2 Responsibilities of Courts and PartiesCourts shall endeavor to ensure that civil suits are carried out fairly and

expeditiously, and parties shall conduct civil suits in good faith.

( )Article 3 Rules of the Supreme CourtIn addition to what is provided for in this Code, the necessary matters concerning

procedures for civil suits shall be prescribed by the Rules of the Supreme Court.

Chapter II Court

Section 1 Jurisdiction

( )Article 4 Jurisdiction by General Venue1 An action shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court that has jurisdiction( )

over the location of the general venue of the defendant.2 The general venue of a person shall be determined by his/her domicile, by his/her( )

residence if he/she has no domicile in Japan or his/her domicile is unknown, or byhis/her last domicile if he/she has no residence in Japan or his/her residence isunknown.

3 If an ambassador, minister or any other Japanese national in a foreign state who( )

enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of that state has no general venue pursuantto the provision of the preceding paragraph, his/her general venue shall be deemedto be located in the place specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court.

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4 The general venue of a juridical person or any other association or foundation( )

shall be determined by its principal office or business office, or by the domicile ofits representative or any other principal person in charge of its business if it hasno business office or other office.

5 The general venue of a foreign association or foundation, notwithstanding the( )

provision of the preceding paragraph, shall be determined by its principal office orbusiness office in Japan, or by the domicile of its representative or any otherprincipal person in charge of its business assigned in Japan if it has no businessoffice or other office in Japan.

6 The general venue of a state shall be determined by the location of a government( )

agency that represents the state in a suit.

( )Article 5 Jurisdiction over Action on Property Right, etc.Actions listed in the following items may be filed with the court that has

jurisdiction over the place specified in the respective items:i An action on a property right( )

The place of performance of the obligationii An action to claim payment of money for a bill or note or a check( )

The place of payment of the bill or note or the checkiii An action on a property right against a mariner( )

The location of the registry of the shipiv An action on a property right against a person who has no domicile in the( ) (

case of a juridical person, business office or other office; hereinafter the sameshall apply in this item in Japan or whose domicile is unknown)

The location of the subject matter of the claim or security thereof or of anyseizable property of the defendant

v An action against a person who has a business office or other office, which( )

relates to the business conducted at such business office or other officeThe location of the business office or other office in question

vi An action relating to a ship or voyage, which is against the shipowner or any( )

other person who uses the shipThe location of the registry of the ship

vii An action based on a ship claim or any other claim secured by a ship( )

The location of the shipviii The following actions relating to a company or any other association or( )

foundation:The location of the general venue of the association or foundation:

a An action brought by a company or any other association against its member( )

or a person who was its member, an action brought by a member againstanother member or a person who was a member or an action brought by a

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person who was a member against a member, which is based on his/her statusas a member

b An action brought by an association or foundation against its officer or a( )

person who was its officer, which is based on the status as an officerc An action brought by a company against its incorporator or a person who( )

was its incorporator or against its inspector or a person who was its inspector,which is based on the status as an incorporator or inspector

d An action brought by a creditor of a company or any other association( )

against its member or a person who was its member, which is based on his/herstatus as a member

ix An action relating to a tort( )

The place where the tort was committedx An action for damages due to ship collision or any other accident at sea( )

The first place where the damaged ship dockedxi An action relating to salvage( )

The place where the salvage was performed or first place where the salvagedship docked

xii An action relating to real property( )

The location of the real propertyxiii An action relating to a registration( )

The place where the registration should be madexiv An action relating to a right of inheritance or statutory reserved share or an( )

action relating to a testamentary gift or any other act that shall become effectiveupon death

The location of the general venue of the decedent at the time ofcommencement of inheritance

xv An action relating to a claim on the decedent or other burden on inherited( )

property, which does not fall under the category of action set forth in thepreceding item limited to cases where the whole or part of the inherited(

property is located within the jurisdictional district of the court that has)jurisdiction over the place specified in said item

The place specified in said item

( )Article 6 Jurisdiction over Action, etc. Relating to Patent Right, etc.1 With regard to an action relating to a patent right, utility model right, right of( )

layout-designs of integrated circuits or an author's right over a computer programhereinafter referred to as an "action relating to a patent right, etc." , if any of the( )

courts listed in the following items shall have jurisdiction pursuant to theprovisions of the preceding two Articles, such action shall be subject exclusively tothe jurisdiction of the court specified in the respective items:

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i A district court located within the jurisdictional district of the Tokyo High( )

Court, the Nagoya High Court, the Sendai High Court or the Sapporo HighCourt

The Tokyo District Courtii A district court located within the jurisdictional district of the Osaka High( )

Court, the Hiroshima High Court, the Fukuoka High Court or the TakamatsuHigh Court

The Osaka District Court2 With regard to an action relating to a patent right, etc., if a summary court( )

located within the jurisdictional district of any of the courts listed in the items ofthe preceding paragraph shall have jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of thepreceding two Articles, such action may also be filed with the court specified in therespective items.

3 An appeal to the court of second instance against the final judgment on an( )

action relating to a patent right, etc. that is made by the court specified inparagraph 1 ii as the court of first instance shall be subject exclusively to the( )( )

jurisdiction of the Tokyo High Court; provided, however, that this shall not applyto an appeal to the court of second instance against the final judgment on an actionpertaining to a suit transferred pursuant to the provision of Article 20-2 1 .( )

( )Article 6-2 Jurisdiction over Action Relating to Design Right, etc.With regard to an action relating to a design right, trademark right, author's right

excluding an author's right over a computer program , right of publication,( )

neighboring right or breeder's right or an action pertaining to the infringement ofbusiness interests by unfair competition meaning unfair competition prescribed in(

Article 2 1 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act Act No. 47 of 1993 , if any( ) ( ))

of the courts listed in the following items shall have jurisdiction pursuant to theprovisions of Article 4 or Article 5, such action may also be filed with the courtspecified in the respective items:

i The court set forth in paragraph 1 i of the preceding Article excluding the( ) ( )( ) (

Tokyo District Court : The Tokyo District Court)

ii The court set forth in paragraph 1 ii of the preceding Article excluding( ) ( )( ) (

the Osaka District Court : The Osaka District Court)

( )Article 7 Jurisdiction over Joint ClaimWhere two or more claims are to be made by a single action, such action may be

filed with the court which shall have jurisdiction over one of those claims pursuant tothe provisions of Article 4 to the preceding Article excluding Article 6 3 ; provided,( ( ))

however, that with regard to an action brought by two or more persons or an actionbrought against two or more persons, this shall apply only in the case specified in the

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first sentence of Article 38.

( )Article 8 Calculation of Value of Subject Matter of Suit1 If the jurisdiction shall be determined, as provided for in the Court Act Act No.( ) (

59 of 1947 , by the value of the subject matter of the suit, such value shall be)

calculated on the basis of the interest alleged in the action.2 If it is impossible or extremely difficult to calculate the value set forth in the( )

preceding paragraph, the value shall be deemed to exceed 1,400,000 yen.

( )Article 9 Calculation of Value in the case of Joint Claim1 Where two or more claims are to be made by a single action, the total value of( )

those claims shall be the value of the subject matter of the suit; provided, however,that this shall not apply to each claim where the interest alleged in such action iscommon to those claims.

2 If a claim for fruits, damages, penalties or expenses is the incidental subject( )

matter of the suit, the value thereof shall not be included in the value of thesubject matter of suit.

( )Article 10 Designation of Court with Jurisdiction1 If the court with jurisdiction is unable to exercise its jurisdiction by law or in( )

fact, its immediate upper instance court, upon petition, by an order, shall designatea court with jurisdiction.

2 If a court with jurisdiction is not determined due to ill-defined jurisdictional( )

districts of courts, the immediate upper instance court common to the relevantcourts, upon petition, by an order, shall designate a court with jurisdiction.

3 No appeal may be entered against the order set forth in the preceding two( )


( )Article 11 Agreement on Jurisdiction1 The parties may determine a court with jurisdiction by an agreement only in the( )

first instance.2 The agreement set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not become effective( )

unless it is made with respect to an action based on certain legal relationships andmade in writing.

3 If the agreement set forth in paragraph 1 is made by means of an( ) ( )

electromagnetic record meaning a record made in an electronic form, a magnetic(

form or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which is used ininformation processing by computers; the same shall apply hereinafter , the)

provision of the preceding paragraph shall be applied by deeming such agreementto have been made in writing.

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( )Article 12 Jurisdiction by AppearanceIf a defendant, before the court of first instance, without filing a defense of lack of

jurisdiction, has presented oral arguments on the merits or made statements inpreparatory proceedings, that court shall have jurisdiction.

( )Article 13 Exclusion from Application in the case of Exclusive Jurisdiction, etc.1 The provisions of Article 4 1 , Article 5, Article 6 2 , Article 6-2, Article 7 and( ) ( ) ( )

the preceding two Articles shall not apply where exclusive jurisdiction over anaction in question is provided for in laws or regulations.

2 With regard to an action relating to a patent right, etc., if any of the courts( )

listed in the items of Article 6 1 shall have jurisdiction pursuant to the( )

provisions of Article 7 or the preceding two Articles, the respective court,notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, shall have jurisdictionover such action pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 or the preceding twoArticles.

( )Article 14 Examination of Evidence by Court's Own AuthorityThe court may conduct examination of evidence by its own authority with regard to

the matters concerning jurisdiction.

( )Article 15 Base Time for Determining JurisdictionThe jurisdiction of a court shall be determined on the basis of the time of the filing

of an action.

( )Article 16 Lack of Jurisdiction1 The court, when it finds that the whole or part of a suit is not subject to its( )

jurisdiction, upon petition or by its own authority, shall transfer the suit to a courtwith jurisdiction.

2 A district court, even where a suit is subject to a summary court located within( )

its jurisdiction, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, uponpetition or by its own authority, may conduct a trial and make a judicial decisionby itself with regard to the whole or part of the suit, when it finds it appropriate;provided, however, that this shall not apply where the suit is subject to theexclusive jurisdiction of such summary court excluding one determined by an(

agreement between the parties pursuant to the provision of Article 11 .)

( )Article 17 Transfer to Avoid Delay, etc.The court of first instance, even where a suit is subject to its jurisdiction, upon

petition or by its own authority, may transfer the whole or part of the suit to another

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court with jurisdiction, when it finds it necessary in order to avoid substantial delayin the suit or ensure equity between the parties, while taking into consideration thedomicile of each party and witness to be examined, the location of any subject of aobservation to be used and any other circumstances concerned.

( )Article 18 Discretionary Transfer by Summary CourtA summary court, even where a suit is subject to its jurisdiction, upon petition or

by its own authority, may transfer the whole or part of the suit to the district courtthat has jurisdiction over the location of such summary court when it finds itappropriate.

( )Article 19 Mandatory Transfer1 The court of first instance, even where a suit is subject to its jurisdiction, upon( )

the petition of a party and with the consent of the opponent, shall transfer thewhole or part of the suit to the district court or summary court pertaining to thepetition; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the transfer wouldsubstantially delay the court proceedings or where the petition is other than apetition for transfer from a summary court to the district court that hasjurisdiction over the location thereof and it is filed after the defendant haspresented oral arguments on the merits or made statements in preparatoryproceedings.

2 A summary court, upon the petition of a defendant on a suit relating to real( )

property which is subject to its jurisdiction, shall transfer the whole or part of thesuit to the district court that has jurisdiction over the location thereof; provided,however, that this shall not apply where the defendant has presented oralarguments on the merits before making such request.

( )Article 20 Restriction on Transfer in the case of Exclusive Jurisdiction1 The provisions of the preceding three Articles shall not apply where a suit is( )

subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court before which it is pending except(

one determined by an agreement between the parties pursuant to the provision ofArticle 11 .)

2 With regard to a suit pertaining to an action relating to a patent right, etc., if( )

the suit shall be transferred to any of the courts specified in the items of Article 61 pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 or paragraph 1 of the preceding( ) ( )

Article, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, the provisions ofArticle 17 or paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall apply.( )

( )Article 20-2 Transfer of Suit Pertaining to Action Relating to Patent Right, etc.1 A court specified in each item of Article 6 1 , even where a suit pertaining to an( ) ( )

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action relating to a patent right, etc. is subject exclusively to its jurisdictionpursuant to the provision of Article 6 1 , upon petition or by its own authority,( )

may transfer the whole or part of the suit to the district court which shall havejurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, Article 5 or Article 11 or thedistrict court which shall accept a suit transferred thereto pursuant to theprovision of Article 19 1 , when it finds it necessary in order to avoid substantial( )

detriment or delay due to the lack of a capability to examine specialized andtechnical matters to be examined in the suit or other circumstances.

2 Where an appeal to the court of second instance set forth in Article 6 3 is filed,( ) ( )

the Tokyo High Court, upon petition or by its own authority, may transfer thewhole or part of the suit to the Osaka High Court, when it finds it necessary inorder to avoid substantial detriment or delay due to the lack of a capability toexamine specialized and technical matters to be examined in the second instanceor other circumstances.

( )Article 21 Immediate AppealAn immediate appeal may be filed against an order of transfer and an order

dismissing without prejudice a petition for transfer.

( )Article 22 Binding Effect of Judicial Decision of Transfer, etc.1 A judicial decision of transfer that has become final and binding shall be binding( )

on the court that has accepted the suit transferred thereto.2 The court that has accepted a case transferred thereto may not transfer the case( )

to another court.3 When a judicial decision of transfer becomes final and binding, the transferred( )

suit shall be deemed to have been pending before the court to which it has beentransferred since it was first brought to the initial court.

Section 2 Disqualification of and Challenge to Court Officials

( )Article 23 Disqualification of Judge1 In the following cases, a judge shall be disqualified from performing his/her( )

duties; provided, however, that in the case set forth in item vi , this shall not( )

preclude a judge from performing his/her duties as a commissioned judge based onthe commission from another court:i Where a judge or his/her spouse or person who was his/her spouse is a party to( )

the case, or is related to a party in the case as a joint obligee, joint obligor orobligor for redemption.

ii Where a judge is or was a party's relative by blood within the fourth degree,( )

relative through marriage within the third degree or relative living together.

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iii Where a judge is, in relation to a party, a guardian, supervisor of a guardian,( )

curator, supervisor of a curator, assistant or a supervisor of an assistant.iv Where a judge has served as a witness or expert witness in the case.( )

v Where a judge is or was a party's agent or assistant in court in the case.( )

vi Where a judge has participated in making an arbitral award in the case or( )

participated in making a judicial decision in the prior instance against which anappeal is entered.

2 If any of the grounds for disqualification prescribed in the preceding paragraph( )

exist, the court, upon petition or by its own authority, shall make a judicialdecision of disqualification.

( )Article 24 Challenge to Judge1 If there are circumstances with regard to a judge that would prejudice the( )

impartiality of a judicial decision, a party may challenge such judge.2 A party, if he/she, in the presence of a judge, has presented oral arguments or( )

made statements in preparatory proceedings, may not challenge the judge;provided, however, that this shall not apply where the party did not know of theexistence of any grounds for challenge or where any grounds for challenge occurredthereafter.

( )Article 25 Judicial Decision of Disqualification or Challenge1 A judicial decision of the disqualification of or a challenge to a judge who is a( )

member of a panel or a single judge of a district court shall be made by an order ofthe court to which the judge belongs, and a judicial decision of the disqualificationof or a challenge to a judge of a summary court shall be made by an order of thedistrict court that has jurisdiction over the location of the summary court.

2 In a district court, the judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph( )

shall be made by a panel.3 A judge may not participate in making a judicial decision on the disqualification( )

of or a challenge to him/herself.4 No appeal may be entered against an order finding that the disqualification or( )

challenge is well-grounded.5 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order finding that the( )

disqualification or challenge is groundless.

( )Article 26 Stay of Court ProceedingsWhen a petition for disqualification or challenge is filed, court proceedings shall be

stayed until an order on the petition becomes final and binding; provided, however,that this shall not apply to any urgent act.

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( )Article 27 Application Mutatis Mutandis to Court ClerkThe provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to a court clerk. In this

case, a judicial decision shall be made by the court to which a court clerk in questionbelongs.

Chapter III Parties

Section 1 Capacity to Be Party and Capacity to Sue or Be Sued

( )Article 28 PrincipleThe capacity to be a party, capacity to sue or be sued, and the statutory

representation for a person without the capacity to sue or be sued, except asotherwise provided for in this Code, shall be governed by the Civil Code Act No. 89(

of 1896 and other laws and regulations. The same shall apply to the delegation of)

powers necessary for performing procedural acts.

Article 29 Capacity to Be Party of Association or Foundation That Is Not Juridical(

)PersonAn association or foundation which is not a juridical person and for which a

representative or administrator is designated may sue or be sued in its name.

( )Article 30 Appointed Party1 A number of persons who share common interests and do not fall under the( )

provision of the preceding Article may appoint, from among them, one or morepersons as parties to stand as plaintiffs or defendants on behalf of all.

2 If, after a suit becomes pending before the court, a party to stand as a plaintiff( )

or defendant is appointed pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph,parties other than the one appointed shall automatically withdraw from the suit.

3 A person who shares common interests with a plaintiff or defendant of a pending( )

suit but who is not a party to the suit may appoint that plaintiff or defendant as aparty to stand as a plaintiff or defendant on his/her behalf as well.

4 Persons who have appointed a party to stand as a plaintiff or defendant( )

pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 or the preceding paragraph( )

hereinafter referred to as "appointers" may rescind the appointment or change( )

the party thus appointed hereinafter referred to as the "appointed party" .( )

5 If any of the appointed parties has lost his/her status due to death or on any( )

other grounds, other appointed party ies may perform procedural acts on behalf( )

of all.

( )Article 31 Capacity to Sue or Be Sued of Minor and Adult Ward

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A minor and an adult ward may not perform any procedural acts unless by astatutory agent; provided, however, that this shall not apply where a minor mayperform juridical acts independently.

Article 32 Special Provisions on Procedural Acts by Person under Curatorship,(

)Person under Assistance and Statutory Agent1 In order for a person under curatorship, person under assistance limited to one( ) (

who is required to obtain consent from his/her assistant to perform procedural acts;the same shall apply in the following paragraph and Article 40 4 or guardian or( ))

any other statutory agent to perform any procedural acts with regard to an actionor appeal filed by the opponent, he/she shall not be required to obtain consent orthe delegation of powers from the curator or supervisor of the curator, assistant orsupervisor of the assistant, or supervisor of the guardian.

2 In order for a person under curatorship, person under assistance or guardian or( )

any other statutory agent to perform any of the following procedural acts, he/sheshall be required to obtain a special delegation of powers:i Withdrawing an action, entering into a settlement, waiving or acknowledging a( )

claim, or withdrawing from a suit under the provision of Article 48 including(

( ) )cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50 3 and Article 51ii Filing an appeal to the court of second instance or final appeal, or( )

( )withdrawing a petition set forth in Article 318 1iii Withdrawing an objection under the provision of Article 360 including cases( ) (

( ) ( ))where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 367 2 and Article 378 2or giving consent to such withdrawal

( )Article 33 Special Provisions on Capacity to Sue or Be Sued of Foreign NationalA foreign national, even where he/she does not have the capacity to sue or be sued

under his/her national law, shall be deemed to be capable of suing or being sued ifhe/she shall have the capacity to sue or be sued under Japanese law.

( )Article 34 Measures for Lack of Capacity to Sue or Be Sued, etc.1 If a person lacks the capacity to sue or be sued, the authority of statutory( )

representation or delegation of powers necessary for performing procedural acts,the court shall specify a period and order the correction of such defect. In this case,if there is a risk of causing damage due to delay, the court may have such personperform a procedural act on a temporary basis.

2 Any procedural act performed by a person who lacks the capacity to sue or be( )

sued, the authority of statutory representation or delegation of powers necessaryfor performing procedural acts shall become effective retroactively as of the time ofthe act, if ratified by the party or statutory agent who has acquired any of these

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requirements.3 The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis( )

where an appointed party performs procedural acts.

( )Article 35 Special Agent1 Where there is no statutory agent or where a statutory agent is unable to( )

exercise the authority of representation, a person who intends to perform aprocedural act against a minor or adult ward may request the presiding judge ofthe court in charge of the case to appoint a special agent, by making a prima facieshowing of the risk of suffering damage due to delay.

2 The court may replace a special agent at any time.( )

3 In order for a special agent to perform procedural acts, he/she shall be required( )

to obtain the same delegation of powers as a guardian.

( )Article 36 Notice of Extinction of Authority of Statutory Representation1 The extinction of the authority of statutory representation shall not become( )

effective unless the principal or his/her agent notifies the other party to that effect.2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( )

rescission of the appointment of an appointed party or a change of the appointedparty.

( )Article 37 Application Mutatis Mutandis to Representative of Juridical Person, etc.In this Code, the provisions concerning a statutory agent and statutory

representation shall apply mutatis mutandis to a representative of a juridical personand to a representative or administrator of an association or foundation that is not ajuridical person but is capable of suing or being sued in its name.

Section 2 Joint Suit

( )Article 38 Requirements for Joint SuitIf rights or obligations that are the subject matter of the suits are common to two

or more persons or are based on the same factual or statutory cause, these personsmay sue or be sued as co-parties. The same shall apply where rights or obligationsthat are the subject matter of the suits are of the same kind and based on the samekind of causes in fact or by law.

( )Article 39 Status of Co-PartyAny procedural acts performed by one of the co-parties, any procedural acts

performed against one of the co-parties by the opponent, and any matters that haveoccurred with regard to one of the co-parties shall not affect the other co-party ies .( )

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( )Article 40 Mandatory Joint Suit1 Where the subject matter of the suits should be determined only in a single form( )

for all co-parties, procedural acts performed by one of them shall become effectiveonly in the interest of all of them.

2 In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, procedural acts performed( )

against one of the co-parties by the opponent shall become effective against all ofthem.

3 In the case prescribed in paragraph 1 , if there are any grounds for( ) ( )

discontinuing action or suspending court proceedings with regard to one of theco-parties, the discontinuance or suspension shall become effective against all ofthem.

4 The provision of Article 32 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis, in the case( ) ( )

prescribed in paragraph 1 , to procedural acts that should be performed, in an( )

appeal filed by one of the co-parties, by a person under curatorship or person underassistance who is the other co-party or by a guardian or any other statutory agentof the other co-party.

( )Article 41 Joint Suit upon Application for Simultaneous Trial and Decision1 Where a right that is the subject matter of a suit for a codefendant and another( )

right that is the subject matter of another suit for the other codefendant cannotlegally coexist, upon the application of the plaintiff, oral arguments and judicialdecisions of these suits shall not be made separately.

2 The application set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be made by the time( )

of conclusion of oral argument in the second instance.3 In the case referred to in paragraph 1 , if appeal cases pertaining to( ) ( )

codefendants are pending severally before the same court of second instance, oralarguments and judicial decisions of these cases shall be made in a consolidatedmanner.

Section 3 Intervention

( )Article 42 Assisting InterventionA third party who has an interest in the outcome of a suit may intervene in the

suit in order to assist either party to the suit.

( )Article 43 Application for Assisting Intervention1 An application for assisting intervention shall be made to the court where( )

procedural acts should be performed through assisting intervention, by clarifyingthe purpose of and reasons for intervention.

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2 An application for assisting intervention may be made upon performing a( )

procedural act that may be performed by an assisting intervener.

( )Article 44 Objection to Assisting Intervention, etc.1 When a party makes an objection to assisting intervention, the court, by an( )

order, shall make a judicial decision with regard to whether or not to permitassisting intervention. In this case, the assisting intervener shall make a primafacie showing of the reasons for intervention.

2 A party, after he/she has presented oral arguments or made statements in the( )

preparatory proceedings without making an objection set forth in the precedingparagraph, may not make such objection.

3 An immediate appeal may be filed against a judicial decision set forth in( )

paragraph 1 .( )

( )Article 45 Procedural Acts by Assisting Intervener1 An assisting intervener, with regard to the suit in question, may advance( )

allegations and evidence, make an objection, file an appeal, file an action for retrialor perform any other procedural acts; provided, however, that this shall not applyto procedural acts that the assisting intervener may not perform depending on theprogress of the suit at the time of assisting intervention.

2 Any procedural acts performed by an assisting intervener shall not be effective if( )

they conflict with procedural acts performed by the party to be assisted throughintervention.

3 An assisting intervener, even where an objection is made to assisting( )

intervention, may perform procedural acts until a judicial decision not permittingassisting intervention becomes final and binding.

4 Any procedural acts performed by an assisting intervener, even where a judicial( )

decision not permitting assisting intervention becomes final and binding, shall beeffective if invoked by the party.

( )Article 46 Effect of Judicial Decision against Assisting IntervenerA judicial decision on a suit pertaining to assisting intervention shall also be

effective against the assisting intervener, except in the following cases:i Where the assisting intervener was unable to perform a procedural act( )

pursuant to the provision of the proviso to paragraph 1 of the preceding( )

Article.ii Where a procedural act performed by the assisting intervener was not effective( )

pursuant to the provision of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.( )

iii Where the party to be assisted through intervention interfered with a( )

procedural act performed by the assisting intervener.

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iv Where the party to be assisted through intervention, intentionally or( )

negligently, did not perform a procedural act that the assisting intervener maynot perform.

( )Article 47 Intervention as Independent Party1 A third party who asserts that his/her right would be prejudiced depending on( )

the outcome of a suit or a third party who asserts that he/she is entitled to thewhole or part of the subject matter of a suit may intervene in the suit as a party,designating either or both of the parties to the suit as his/her opponent s .( )

2 An application for intervention under the provision of the preceding paragraph( )

shall be made by means of a document.3 The document set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be served upon both( )

parties.4 The provisions of Article 40 1 to 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( ) ( ) ( )

parties to a suit set forth in paragraph 1 and the person who has intervened in( )

the suit pursuant to the provision of said paragraph, and the provision of Article43 shall apply mutatis mutandis to an application for intervention under theprovision of said paragraph.

( )Article 48 Original Party's Withdrawal from SuitWhere there is a person who has intervened in a suit pursuant to the provision of

paragraph 1 of the preceding Article in order to assert his/her own right, the( )

plaintiff or defendant prior to intervention may withdraw from the suit, with theconsent of the opponent. In this case, a judgment of the suit shall also be effectiveagainst the original party who has withdrawn from the suit.

Article 49 Interruption of Prescription in the case of Intervention by Transferee of(

)RightIf a person has intervened in a suit pursuant to the provision of Article 47 1 by( )

asserting that he/she, while the suit is pending, has accepted a transfer of the wholeor part of the right that is the subject matter of the suit, his/her intervention shallhave the effect of interruption of prescription or observance of a statutory term.

( )Article 50 Assumption of Suit by Successor of Obligation1 If a third party, while the suit is pending, has succeeded to the whole or part of( )

the obligation that is the subject matter of the suit, the court, upon the petition ofan original party, by an order, may have such third party assume the suit.

2 The court, when making an order set forth in the preceding paragraph, shall( )

interrogate the original party and the third party.3 The provisions of Article 41 1 and 3 and the preceding two Articles shall( ) ( ) ( )

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apply mutatis mutandis where an order is made to have a third party assume asuit pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 .( )

Article 51 Intervention by Successor of Obligation and Assumption of Suit by(

)Transferee of RightThe provisions of Article 47 to Article 49 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the

intervention by a third party who asserts that he/she, while the suit is pending, hassucceeded to the whole or part of the obligation that is the subject matter of the suit,and the provision of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis where athird party, while the suit is pending, has accepted a transfer of the whole or part ofthe right that is the subject matter of the suit.

( )Article 52 Intervention as Co-Party1 Where the subject matter of a suit should be determined in a single form both( )

for one of the original parties and a third party, such third party may intervene inthe suit as a co-party.

2 The provisions of Article 43 and Article 47 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis( ) ( ) ( )

mutandis to an application for intervention under the provision of the precedingparagraph.

( )Article 53 Notice of Suit to Third Party1 While the suit is pending, a party may give a notice of the suit to a third party( )

who may intervene in the suit.2 A person who has received a notice of suit may give a further notice of suit to( )

another person.3 A notice of suit shall be given by submitting to the court a document stating the( )

reasons therefor and the progress of the suit.4 Even where a person who has received a notice of suit has not intervened in the( )

suit, for the purpose of application of the provision of Article 46, such person shallbe deemed to have intervened in the suit at the time when he/she was able tointervene.

Section 4 Counsel and Assistant in Court

( )Article 54 Qualification of Counsel1 Except for an agent who may perform judicial acts under laws and regulations,( )

no person other than an attorney at law may serve as a counsel; provided,however, that in a summary court, with its permission, a person who is not anattorney at law may be appointed as a counsel.

2 The permission set forth in the preceding paragraph may be rescinded at any( )

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( )Article 55 Scope of Authority of Representation in Suit1 A counsel, with regard to a case entrusted thereto, may perform procedural acts( )

concerning a counterclaim, intervention, compulsory execution, provisional seizureand provisional disposition, and may receive payment.

2 A counsel shall be specially entrusted in order to perform the following:( )

i Filing a counterclaim( )

ii Withdrawing an action, entering into a settlement, waiving or acknowledging( )

a claim, or withdrawing from a suit under the provision of Article 48 including(

( ) )cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 50 3 and Article 51iii Filing an appeal to the court of second instance or final appeal, or( )

( )withdrawing a petition set forth in Article 318 1iv Withdrawing an objection under the provision of Article 360 including cases( ) (

( ) ( ))where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 367 2 and Article 378 2or giving consent to such withdrawal

v Appointing an agent( )

3 The authority of representation in a suit may not be restricted; provided,( )

however, that this shall not apply to a counsel who is not an attorney at law.4 The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall not preclude the powers( )

of an agent who may perform judicial acts under laws and regulations.

( )Article 56 Independent Representation1 If there are two or more counsels, each one shall represent a party.( )

2 Any provision agreed between the parties outside of the provision of the( )

preceding paragraph shall not become effective.

( )Article 57 Correction by PartyStatements on facts made by a counsel, if immediately retracted or corrected by a

party, shall not become effective.

( )Article 58 Non-Extinction of Authority of Representation in Suit1 The authority of representation in a suit shall not be extinct on the following( )

grounds:i A party's death or loss of the capacity to sue or be sued( )

ii Extinction by merger of a juridical person who is a party( )

iii Termination of duties concerning a trust assigned to a trustee who is a party( )

iv A statutory agent's death or loss of his/her capacity to sue or be sued, or( )

extinction or modification of the authority of representation2 The authority of representation of a counsel for a person who has a certain( )

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status and stands as a party to a suit in his/her own name on behalf of anothershall not be extinct due to the party's loss of the status upon death or on any othergrounds.

3 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis where( )

an appointed party has lost the status upon death or on any other grounds.

( )Article 59 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Statutory RepresentationThe provisions of Article 34 1 and 2 and Article 36 1 shall apply mutatis( ) ( ) ( )

mutandis to a counsel.

( )Article 60 Assistant in Court1 A party or counsel, with permission of the court, may appear with an assistant( )

in court.2 The permission set forth in the preceding paragraph may be rescinded at any( )

time.3 Statements made by an assistant in court, unless immediately retracted or( )

corrected by a party or counsel, shall be deemed to have been made by the party orcounsel him/herself.

Chapter IV Court Costs

Section 1 Burden of Court Costs

( )Article 61 Principle of Burden of Court CostsA defeated party shall bear court costs.

( )Article 62 Burden of Costs: Unnecessary Act, etc.The court, depending on the circumstances, may have a winning party bear all or

part of court costs incurred from any act that is unnecessary for the expansion ordefense of his/her right or court costs incurred from any act that was necessary, inlight of the progress of the suit as of the time of the act, for the expansion or defenseof the opponent's right.

( )Article 63 Burden of Costs: Delay in SuitIf a party has delayed a suit due to his/her failure to advance allegations or

evidence in a timely manner, nonobservance of the date or period or any othergrounds attributable thereto, the court may have such party bear all or part of courtcosts incurred from the delay even where that party won the case.

( )Article 64 Burden of Costs: Partial Defeat

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In the case of partial defeat, the burden of court costs on each party shall bedetermined by the court at its discretion; provided, however, that depending on thecircumstances, the court may have either party bear all court costs.

( )Article 65 Burden of Costs: Joint Suit1 Co-parties shall bear court costs equally; provided, however, that the court,( )

depending on circumstances, may have co-parties bear court costs jointly andseverally or in any other manner.

2 The court, notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, may have( )

a party who has performed any act that is unnecessary for the expansion ordefense of a right bear court costs incurred by such act.

( )Article 66 Burden of Costs: Assisting InterventionThe provisions of Article 61 to the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis

to the allocation of court costs incurred from an objection to assisting interventionbetween the assisting intervener and the party who has made the objection, and tothe allocation of court costs incurred from assisting intervention between theassisting intervention and the opponent.

( )Article 67 Judicial Decision on Burden of Court Costs1 The court, when making a judicial decision to conclude a case, by its own( )

authority, shall make a judicial decision on the burden of all court costs incurred inthe instance thereof; provided, however, that depending on the circumstances, thecourt, when making a judicial decision on part of a case or on an interlocutorydispute, may make a judicial decision on the burden of costs thereof.

2 Where an upper instance court modifies a judicial decision on merits, it shall( )

make a judicial decision on the burden of the total costs of the suit. The same shallapply where a court that has accepted a case remanded or transferred theretomakes a judicial decision to conclude the case.

( )Article 68 Burden of Costs: SettlementWhere the parties have entered into a settlement in court, if they have not agreed

any special provision on the burden of costs for settlement or court costs, the partiesshall bear their own costs.

( )Article 69 Reimbursement of Costs by Statutory Agent, etc.1 If a statutory agent, counsel, court clerk or court execution officer, intentionally( )

or by gross negligence, has incurred unnecessary court costs, the court in charge ofthe case, upon petition or by its own authority, may order these persons toreimburse the amount of such costs.

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2 Where a person who has performed a procedural act as a statutory agent or( )

counsel has failed to prove that he/she has authority of representation ordelegation of powers necessary for performing procedural acts and also failed toobtain ratification, the provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatismutandis to the court costs incurred from that procedural act.

3 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order made under the provision of( )

paragraph 1 including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the( ) (

provision of the preceding paragraph .)

( )Article 70 Burden of Costs by Unauthorized AgentIn the case prescribed in paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, if the court has( )

dismissed an action without prejudice, the person who has performed procedural actsas an agent shall bear court costs.

( )Article 71 Procedure to Fix Amount of Court Costs1 The amount of court costs to be borne shall be fixed, upon petition, by a court( )

clerk of the court of first instance after a judicial decision on the burden of costsbecomes enforceable.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if both parties bear court( )

costs, it shall be deemed that the costs to be borne by the parties are set offagainst each other at the corresponding amount, except in cases specified by theRules of the Supreme Court.

3 A disposition on the petition set forth in paragraph 1 shall become effective( ) ( )

when a notice thereof is given by a method that is considered to be appropriate.4 An objection to the disposition set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be( )

made within an unextendable period of one week from the day on which a noticethereof is received.

5 The objection set forth in the preceding paragraph shall have the effect of stay of( )

execution.6 Where the court finds that an objection to the disposition to fix the amount( )

under the provision of paragraph 1 is well-grounded, if the amount of court costs( )

to be borne is to be fixed, it shall fix such amount itself.7 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order on the objection set forth in( )

paragraph 4 .( )

( )Article 72 Procedure to Fix Amount of Costs in the case of SettlementWhere the parties have entered into a settlement in court, if they have not agreed

any provision of the burden of costs for settlement or court costs or fixed the amountof these costs, such amount shall be fixed, upon petition, by a court clerk of the courtof first instance in the case of a settlement set forth in Article 275, the court where(

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the settlement is established . In this case, the provisions of paragraph 2 to) ( )

paragraph 7 of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.( )

( )Article 73 Where Suit Is Concluded Not by Judicial Decision or Settlement1 If a suit is concluded not by a judicial decision or settlement, the court of first( )

instance, upon petition, shall make an order on the burden of court costs, and acourt clerk of that court shall fix the amount to be borne after the order becomesenforceable. The same shall apply where an application for assisting intervention iswithdrawn or an objection to assisting intervention is withdrawn.

2 The provisions of Article 61 to Article 66 and Article 71 7 shall apply mutatis( ) ( )

mutandis to an order on the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, theprovisions of Article 71 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a disposition( ) ( )

made by a court clerk on the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, and theprovisions of Article 71 4 to 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis to an objection to( ) ( )

such disposition.

( )Article 74 Correction of Disposition to Fix Amount of Costs1 If there is a miscalculation, clerical error or any other clear error similar thereto( )

in a disposition to fix the amount under the provisions of Article 71 1 , Article 72( )

or paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, a court clerk, upon petition or by his/her( )

own authority, may correct the disposition at any time.2 The provisions of Article 71 3 to 5 and 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis to( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

a disposition of correction made under the provision of the preceding paragraphand an objection thereto.

3 If a lawful objection is made to a disposition to fix the amount prescribed in( )

paragraph 1 , no objection set forth in the preceding paragraph may be made.( )

Section 2 Security for Court Costs

( )Article 75 Order of Provision of Security1 If a plaintiff does not have any domicile, business office or other office in Japan,( )

the court, upon the petition of a defendant, shall make an order to the effect thatthe plaintiff should provide security for court costs. The same shall apply if anydeficiency occurs in such security.

2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply where there is no( )

dispute over part of a claim for payment of money and the amount of such part ofthe claim is sufficient as security.

3 A defendant may not file a petition set forth in paragraph 1 if he/she has( ) ( )

presented oral arguments on the merits or made statements in preparatoryproceedings after he/she became aware of any grounds for providing security.

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4 The defendant who has filed a petition set forth in paragraph 1 may refuse to( ) ( )

appear until the plaintiff provides security.5 The court, in an order set forth in paragraph 1 , shall specify the amount of( ) ( )

security and a period for providing security.6 The amount of security shall be specified on the basis of the total amount of( )

court costs to be paid by the defendant in all instances.7 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order on the petition set forth in( )

paragraph 1 .( )

( )Article 76 Method of Providing SecuritySecurity shall be provided by making a statutory deposit of money or securities

including book-entry transfer company bonds, etc. prescribed in Article 129 1 of( ( )

the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Company Bonds, etc. Act No. 75 of 2001 ; the( )

same shall apply in the following Article that the court considers appropriate, to an)

official depository within the jurisdictional district of the district court that hasjurisdiction over the location of the court that has ordered provision of security, or byany other method specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court; provided, however,that if the parties have made a special contract, such contract shall prevail.

( )Article 77 Defendant's Right over CollateralWith regard to court costs, a defendant shall have the right to receive payment, in

preference to other creditors, for the money or securities deposited by law pursuantto the provision of the preceding Article.

( )Article 78 Effect of Failure to Provide SecurityIf a plaintiff fails to provide security within the period during which it should be

provided, the court, by a judgment, may dismiss the action without prejudice, withoutoral argument; provided, however, that this shall not apply if he/she providessecurity before a judgment is made.

( )Article 79 Rescission of Security1 When the person who provided security has proven that the grounds for( )

providing security have ceased to exist, the court, upon petition, shall make anorder of rescission of security.

2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall also apply when the person who( )

provided security has proven that he/she has obtained the consent of the securityinterest holder to the rescission of security.

3 If, after the conclusion of a suit, the court, upon the petition of the person who( )

provided security, has made a demand on the security interest holder that he/sheshould exercise his/her right within a certain period but the security interest

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holder has not exercised it, it shall be deemed that the security interest holder hasconsented to the rescission of security.

4 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order made under the provisions of( )

paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 .( ) ( )

( )Article 80 Substitution of SecurityThe court, upon the petition of the person who provided security, may make an

order of substitution for that security; provided, however, that this shall not precludesubstituting another security for that security by a contract.

Article 81 Application Mutatis Mutandis to Security Provided under Other Laws(

)and RegulationsThe provisions of Article 75 4 , 5 and 7 and Article 76 to the preceding( ) ( ) ( )

Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the security to be provided under other lawsand regulations for the filing of an action.

Section 3 Judicial Aid

( )Article 82 Grant of Aid1 For a person who lacks the financial resources to pay the expenses necessary for( )

preparing for and conducting a suit or person who will suffer substantial detrimentin his/her standard of living by paying such expenses, the court, upon petition, maymake an order to grant judicial aid; provided, however, that this shall apply onlywhere it cannot be said that such person is unlikely to win the case.

2 An order to grant judicial aid shall be made in each instance.( )

( )Article 83 Effects of Aid, etc.1 An order to grant judicial aid, as provided for therein, shall have the following( )

effects with regard to the suit and compulsory execution:i Grace of payment of court costs as well as fees for a court execution officer and( )

expenses for the performance of his/her dutiesii Grace of payment of compensation and expenses for an attorney at law who is( )

ordered by the court to be an attendantiii Exemption from providing security for court costs( )

2 An order to grant judicial aid shall be effective only against the person who has( )

received it.3 The court shall make an order to the effect that a successor to a suit should pay( )

expenses and costs for which grace is given.

( )Article 84 Revocation of Order to Grant Aid

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If a person who has received an order to grant judicial aid is found not to meet therequirements prescribed in the main clause of Article 82 1 or no longer meets the( )

requirements, the court where the case record is kept, upon the petition of aninterested person or by its own authority, by an order, may at any time revoke theorder to grant judicial aid and order payment of expenses and costs for which grace isgiven.

( )Article 85 Method of Collection of Expenses and Costs with Grace, etc.Expenses and costs for which grace is given to a person who has received an order

to grant judicial aid may be collected directly from the opponent who shall bear suchexpenses and costs. In this case, an attorney at law or a court execution officer, onbehalf of the person who has received the order to grant judicial aid, may file apetition set forth in Article 71 1 , Article 72 or Article 73 1 or enforce compulsory( ) ( )

execution with regard to their compensation or fees and expenses and costs.

( )Article 86 Immediate AppealAn immediate appeal may be filed against an order prescribed in this Section.

Chapter V Court Proceedings

Section 1 Proceedings of Suit, etc.

( )Article 87 Necessity of Oral Argument1 The parties, with regard to their suit, shall conduct oral argument before the( )

court; provided, however, that with regard to a case to be concluded by an order,the court shall determine whether or not oral argument should be conducted.

2 Where oral argument is not to be conducted pursuant to the provision of the( )

proviso to the preceding paragraph, the court may interrogate the parties.3 The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply where special( )

provisions exist.

( )Article 88 Interrogation by Authorized JudgeThe court, where it interrogates a person, may have an authorized judge conduct

such interrogation.

( )Article 89 Attempt of SettlementThe court, irrespective of to what extent a suit has progressed, may attempt to

arrange a settlement or have an authorized judge or commissioned judge attempt toarrange a settlement.

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( )Article 90 Loss of Right of Objection to Court ProceedingsWhere a party knows or is able to know any violation of the provisions concerning

court proceedings but does not make an objection without delay, he/she shall lose theright to make an objection; provided, however, that this shall not apply to such rightthat may not be waived.

( )Article 91 Inspection of Case Record, etc.1 Any person may make a request to a court clerk for the inspection of a case( )

record.2 With regard to the case record pertaining to the oral argument that is prohibited( )

from being open to the public, only the parties and a third party who has made aprima facie showing of his/her interest may make a request under the provision ofthe preceding paragraph.

3 The parties and a third party who has made a prima facie showing of his/her( )

interest may make a request to a court clerk for the copying of the case record,issuance of an authenticated copy, transcript or extract of the case record orissuance of a certificate of matters concerning the suit.

4 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply with respect to case( )

records which are prepared in the form of audiotapes or videotapes including(

objects on which certain matters are recorded by any means equivalent thereto .)In this case, upon the request of a party or a third party who has made a primafacie showing of his/her interest with regard to these objects, a court clerk shallpermit reproduction thereof.

5 A request for inspection, copying and reproduction of a case record may not be( )

made if these acts would be detrimental to the preservation of the case record orthe performance of the court's duties.

( )Article 92 Restriction on Inspection, etc. for Secrecy Protection1 Where a prima facie showing is made with regard to the following grounds, the( )

court, upon the petition of a party concerned, may, by an order, limit the personswho may make a request for inspection or copying of the part of the case record inwhich the relevant secret is stated or recorded, issuance of an authenticated copy,transcript or extract of such part or reproduction of such part hereinafter referred(

to as "inspection, etc. of the secret part" to the parties:)

i In the case record, a material secret regarding the private life of a party is( )

stated or recorded, and the inspection, etc. of the secret part conducted by anythird party would be substantially detrimental to the party concerned in his/hersocial life.

ii In the case record, a trade secret meaning a trade secret prescribed in Article( ) (

2 6 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act; the same shall apply in Article( )

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132-2 1 iii or 2 held by a party is stated or recorded.( )( ) ( ))

2 If a petition set forth in the preceding paragraph is filed, a third party may not( )

make a request for inspection, etc. of the secret part until a judicial decision on thepetition becomes final and binding.

3 A third party who intends to make a request for inspection, etc. of the secret( )

part may file a petition, to the court where the case record is stored, for revocationof the order set forth in paragraph 1 , on the grounds that any of the( )

requirements prescribed in said paragraph is not met or is no longer met.4 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order dismissing without prejudice( )

the petition set forth in paragraph 1 and a judicial decision on the petition set( )

forth in the preceding paragraph.5 An order to revoke the order set forth in paragraph 1 shall not become( ) ( )

effective unless it becomes final and binding.

Section 2 Technical Adviser, etc.

Subsection 1 Technical Adviser

( )Article 92-2 Participation of Technical Adviser1 When the court finds it necessary, in the process of deliberating the necessary( )

matters concerning the arrangement of issues or evidence or the progress of courtproceedings, in order to clarify the matters related to the suit or ensure the smoothprogress of court proceedings, it may, after hearing opinions of the parties, by anorder, have a technical adviser participate in the proceedings so as to hear his/herexplanation based on expert knowledge. In this case, the presiding judge shall havea technical adviser give an explanation in writing or orally on the date for oralargument or date for preparatory proceedings.

2 When the court finds it necessary, in the process of conducting the examination( )

of evidence, in order to clarify the matters related to the suit or the gist of theresult of the examination of evidence, it may, after hearing opinions of the parties,by an order, have a technical adviser participate in the proceedings so as to hearhis/her explanation based on expert knowledge on the date for the examination ofevidence. In this case, in order to have a technical adviser give an explanation onthe date for the examination of a witness or a party him/herself or date for thequestioning of an expert witness, the presiding judge, with the consent of theparty, may permit the technical adviser to ask questions directly of the witness,the party him/herself or the expert witness with regard to the matters necessaryfor clarifying the matters related to the suit or the gist of the result of theexamination of evidence.

3 The court, when it finds it necessary in the process of attempting to arrange a( )

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settlement, with the consent of the parties, by an order, may have a technicaladviser participate in the proceedings so as to hear his/her explanation based onexpert knowledge on the date for attempting to arrange a settlement on which bothparties are able to attend.

Article 92-3 Participation of Technical Adviser Through Communication by Audio(

)TransmissionsWhere the court has a technical adviser participate in the proceedings pursuant to

the provisions of the paragraphs of the preceding Article, if the technical adviser livesin a remote place or the court finds it appropriate for any other reasons, it may, afterhearing opinions of the parties, have the technical adviser give an explanation or askthe questions set forth in the respective paragraphs of said Article on the date setforth in the respective paragraphs of said Article, as provided for by the Rules of theSupreme Court, by a method that enables the court and both parties to communicatesimultaneously with the technical adviser by audio transmissions.

( )Article 92-4 Revocation of Order of Participation of Technical AdviserThe court, when it finds it appropriate, upon petition or by its own authority, may

revoke an order to have a technical adviser participate in the proceedings; provided,however, that the court shall revoke the order upon the petition of both parties.

( )Article 92-5 Designation, Appointment and Dismissal, etc. of Technical Adviser1 The number of technical advisers shall be one or more for each case.( )

2 A technical adviser who is to participate in the proceedings pursuant to the( )

provision of Article 92-2 shall be designated by the court for each case, afterhearing opinions of the parties.

3 A technical adviser shall serve part-time, and the necessary matters concerning( )

his/her appointment and dismissal shall be specified by the Rules of the SupremeCourt.

4 A technical adviser shall be paid an allowance as separately provided for by an( )

Act and also be paid travel expenses, a daily allowance and accommodation chargesat the amount specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court respectively.

( )Article 92-6 Disqualification of and Challenge to Technical Adviser1 The provisions of Article 23 to Article 25 excluding paragraph 2 of said( ) ( ( )

Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to a technical adviser.)

2 When a petition for the disqualification of or a challenge to a technical adviser is( )

filed, the technical adviser may not participate in the proceedings of the case forwhich the petition is filed until an order on the petition becomes final and binding.

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( )Article 92-7 Powers of Authorized Judge, etc.Where an authorized judge or commissioned judge conducts the procedures set

forth in the paragraphs of Article 92-2, the respective judge shall perform the dutiesof the court and the presiding judge under the provisions of said Article to Article92-4 and Article 92-5 2 ; provided, however, that in the case of the procedure set( )

forth in Article 92-2 2 , the court in charge of the case shall make an order to have a( )

technical adviser participate in the proceedings, revoke such order, and designate atechnical adviser.

Subsection 2 Affairs of Judicial Research Official in Cases Relating toIntellectual Property

Article 92-8 Affairs of Judicial Research Official in Cases Relating to Intellectual(

)PropertyThe court, when it finds it necessary, may have a judicial research official, who is

in charge of conducting an examination of a trial and a judicial decision on a caserelating to intellectual property at a high court or district court, administer thefollowing affairs in said case. In this case, the judicial research official, as ordered bythe presiding judge, shall administer these affairs:

i Asking questions of the parties or urging them to offer proof with regard to( )

factual or legal matters, on the following date or in the following proceedings, inorder to clarify the matters related to the suit:a The date for oral argument or interrogation( )

b The proceedings for arranging issues or evidence( )

c The proceedings for determining the existence or nonexistence of an( )

obligation to submit a document or obligation to present the subject matter ofa observation

d The proceedings for deliberating the matters pertaining to the arrangement( )

of issues or evidence or any other necessary matters concerning the progress ofcourt proceedings

ii Asking questions directly of a witness, a party him/herself or expert witness( )

on the date for examination of evidenceiii Giving an explanation based on expert knowledge on the date for attempting( )

to arrange a settlementiv Stating opinions on the case to a judge( )

Article 92-9 Disqualification of and Challenge to Judicial Research Official in Cases(

)Relating to Intellectual Property1 The provisions of Article 23 to Article 25 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a( )

judicial research official who administers the affairs set forth in the preceding

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Article.2 When a petition is filed for the disqualification of or a challenge to a judicial( )

research official who administers the affairs set forth in the preceding Article, thejudicial research official may not participate in the case for which the petition isfiled until an order on the petition becomes final and binding.

Section 3 Date and Period

( )Article 93 Designation and Change of Date1 The date shall be designated by the presiding judge upon petition or by his/her( )

own authority.2 The date, only if unavoidable, may be designated on a Sunday or any other( )

general holiday.3 A change of the date for oral argument and the date for preparatory proceedings( )

shall be allowed only if there are obvious reasons therefor; provided, however, achange of the first date shall also be allowed if agreed by the parties.

4 Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, no change of the date( )

for oral argument after preparatory proceedings shall be allowed unless there areunavoidable reasons therefor.

( )Article 94 Summons for Appearance Date1 Summons for an appearance date shall be made by serving a writ of summons,( )

giving a notice of the date to a person who has appeared for the case in question,or any other method that is considered to be appropriate.

2 When a summons for an appearance date is made by a method other than( )

serving a writ of summons or giving a notice of the date to a person who hasappeared for the case, no legal sanction nor any other disadvantage by reason ofnonobservance of the date may be attributed to a party, witness or expert witnesswho does not appear on the date; provided, however, that this shall not apply ifthese persons have submitted a document stating that they have been summonedfor the appearance date.

( )Article 95 Computation of Period of Time1 The computation of a period of time shall be governed by the provisions of the( )

Civil Code concerning periods of time.2 If a judicial decision to specify a period does not specify the time of( )

commencement, the period shall commence to run when the judicial decisionbecomes effective.

3 If the last day of a period falls upon Sunday, Saturday, a holiday prescribed in( )

the Act on National Holidays Act no. 178 of 1948 , January 2nd, January 3rd, or( )

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any day from December 29th to December 31st, the period shall expire on the dayfollowing the respective day.

( )Article 96 Extension and Shortening of Period and Additional Period1 The court may extend or shorten a statutory period or a period specified by itself;( )

provided, however, that this shall not apply to an unextendable period.2 For an unextendable period, the court may specify an additional period in the( )

interests of a person who has a domicile or residence in a remote place.

( )Article 97 Subsequent Completion of Procedural Act1 Where a party was unable to observe an unextendable period due to grounds not( )

attributable thereto, he/she may subsequently complete, within one week after thegrounds cease to exist, the procedural act to be performed within the unextendableperiod; provided, however, that for a party who is in a foreign state, suchadditional period shall be two months.

2 The provision of the main clause of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall( ) ( )

not apply to the period set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Section 4 Service

( )Article 98 Principle of Service by Authority, etc.1 A service, except as otherwise provided, shall be made by the authority of the( )

court.2 Affairs concerning service shall be administered by a court clerk.( )

( )Article 99 Organs Making Service1 A service, except as otherwise provided, shall be made by mail or by a court( )

execution officer.2 In the case of a service by mail, a person engaging in postal services shall be( )

treated as a person who is to make the service.

( )Article 100 Service by Court ClerkA court clerk may make a service by him/herself upon a person who has appeared

for a case that is pending before the court to which he/she belongs.

( )Article 101 Principle of Service by DeliveryA service, except as otherwise provided, shall be made by delivering, to the person

who is to receive the service, a document to be served upon him/her.

( )Article 102 Service upon Person without Capacity to Sue or Be Sued, etc.

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1 A service upon a person without capacity to sue or be sued shall be made upon( )

his/her statutory agent.2 Where two or more persons are to exercise the authority of representation( )

jointly, it shall be sufficient to make a service upon any one of them.3 A service upon a person who is in a penal institution shall be made upon the( )

head of the penal institution.

( )Article 103 Place of Service1 A service shall be made at the domicile, residence, business office or other office( )

hereinafter referred to as the "domicile, etc." of the person who is to receive the( )

service; provided, however, that a service upon a statutory agent may also be madeat the business office or other office of the principal.

2 If the place specified in the preceding paragraph is unknown or there is an( )

obstacle to making a service at that place, a service may be made at the domicile,etc. of another person where the person who is to receive the service engages inwork based on employment, entrustment or any other legal act hereinafter(

referred to as the "workplace" . The same shall apply where the person who is to)

receive the service except one prescribed in paragraph 1 of the following( ( )

Article has made a statement that he/she will receive the service at the)


( )Article 104 Notification of Place of Service, etc.1 A party, statutory agent or counsel shall notify the court in charge of the case of( )

the place where a service is to be received limited to a place in Japan . In this( )

case, they may also notify the court of a designated service recipient.2 Where a notification is made under the provision of the first sentence of the( )

preceding paragraph, a service, notwithstanding the provision of the precedingArticle, shall be made at the place reported in the notification.

3 A subsequent service upon a person who does not make a notification under the( )

provision of the first sentence of paragraph 1 and who has received any of the( )

services listed in the following items, notwithstanding the provision of thepreceding Article, shall be made at the place specified in the respective items:i A service under the provision of the preceding Article( )

The place where the service was madeii A service under the provision of the second sentence of the following Article to( )

be made by a person engaging in postal services at a business office of JapanPost Service Co., Ltd including a business office of a person who is entrusted by(

Japan Post Service Co., Ltd with said postal services; the same shall apply in thesecond sentence of Article 106 1 , and a service under the provision of the( ))

( )second sentence of Article 106 1

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The place designated as the place where the service was to be made( ) ( )( )iii A service under the provision of Article 107 1 i

The place designated as the destination of the service

( )Article 105 Service at the Place of MeetingNotwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two Articles, a service upon the

person who is to receive the service and for whom it is not obvious that he/she has adomicile, etc. in Japan excluding one who has made a notification under the(

provision of the first sentence of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article , may be( ) )

made at a place where the deliverer of the service has met the person. The sameshall apply where a person for whom it is obvious that he/she has a domicile, etc. inJapan or person who has made a notification under the provision of the first sentenceof said paragraph does not refuse to receive a service.

( )Article 106 Substituted Service and Service by Leaving Documents1 If the deliverer of a service has not met the person who is to receive the service( )

at the place, other than the workplace, where the service is to be made, therelevant document may be delivered to an employee or any other worker or aperson living together with that person, who has reasonable discretion concerningthe receipt of documents. The same shall apply where a person engaging in postalservices is to deliver the document at the business office of Japan Post Service Co.,Ltd.

2 Where the deliverer of a service has not met the person who is to receive the( )

service at the workplace including cases where the place reported in the(

notification made under the provision of the first sentence of Article 104 1 is the( )

workplace , if another person set forth in Article 103 2 or his/her statutory agent) ( )

or employee or any other worker, who has reasonable discretion concerning thereceipt of documents, does not refuse to receive the delivery of the document, thedocument may be delivered to these persons.

3 If a person who is to receive a service or a person who is to receive the delivery( )

( )of the document pursuant to the provision of the first sentence of paragraph 1has refused to receive the service or the delivery without justifiable grounds, therelevant document may be left at the place where the service is to be made.

( )Article 107 Service by Registered Mail, etc.1 Where it is impossible to make a service pursuant to the provision of the( )

preceding Article, a court clerk, for the cases listed in the following items, maysend the document to the place specified in the respective items, by registered mailor services of correspondence delivery prescribed in Article 2 2 of the Act on( )

Correspondence Delivery by Private Business Operators Act No. 99 of 2002 that( )

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are provided by a general correspondence delivery operator prescribed inparagraph 6 of said Article or a specified correspondence delivery operator( )

prescribed in paragraph 9 of said Article, which are specified by the Rules of the( )

Supreme Court as services equivalent to registered mail hereinafter referred to as(

"registered mail, etc." in the following paragraph and paragraph 3 :( ))

i Where a service under the provision of Article 103 is to be made( )

The place specified in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article( )

ii Where a service under the provision of Article 104 2 is to be made( ) ( )

The place set forth in said paragraphiii Where a service under the provision of Article 104 3 is to be made( ) ( )

The place set forth in said paragraph in cases where that place is the(

workplace, the domicile, etc. of the person in question as indicated in the case)record

2 Where the document is sent by registered mail, etc. pursuant to the provisions of( )

item ii or item iii of the preceding paragraph, any document to be served( ) ( )

( )subsequently may be sent by registered mail, etc. to the place specified in item iior item iii of said paragraph.( )

3 Where the document is sent by registered mail, etc. pursuant to the provisions of( )

the preceding two paragraphs, the service shall be deemed to have been made atthe time of sending.

( )Article 108 Service in Foreign StateA service to be made in a foreign state shall be made as commissioned by the

presiding judge to the competent government agency of that state or the Japaneseambassador, minister or consul stationed in that state.

( )Article 109 Service ReportA person who has made a service shall prepare a document, state therein the

matters concerning the service, and submit it to the court.

( )Article 110 Requirements for Service by Publication1 In the following cases, a court clerk, upon petition, may make a service by( )

publication:i Where a party's domicile, residence or any other place where the service is to( )

be made is unknown.ii Where it is impossible to make a service pursuant to the provision of Article( )

( )107 1iii Where, with regard to a service to be made in a foreign state, it is impossible( )

to make the service by the method prescribed in Article 108 or it is found to beimpossible to make the service by such method.

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iv Where, even after six months have elapsed since a commission was issued to( )

the competent government agency of a foreign state pursuant to the provision ofArticle 108, no document that certifies that the agency has made the service hasbeen sent.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court, when it finds it( )

necessary in order to avoid a delay in a suit, without petition, may order a courtclerk to make a service by publication.

3 The second and subsequent services by publication upon the same party shall be( )

made by authority of the court; provided, however, that this shall not apply in thecase set forth in paragraph 1 iv .( )( )

( )Article 111 Method of Service by PublicationA service by publication shall be made by posting a notice, at the posting area of

the court, to the effect that a court clerk shall retain the document to be served anddeliver it at any time to the person who is to receive the service.

( )Article 112 Time When Service by Publication Becomes Effective1 A service by publication shall become effective when two weeks have elapsed( )

since the day on which the posting under the provision of the preceding Article wascarried out; provided, however, that a service by publication set forth in Article 1103 shall become effective on the day following the day on which the posting was( )

carried out.2 In the case of a service by publication made with regard to a service to be made( )

in a foreign state, the period set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be sixweeks.

3 The period set forth in the preceding two paragraphs may not be shortened.( )

( )Article 113 Arrival of Manifestation of Intention by Service by PublicationWhere a party to a suit is unable to discover the whereabouts of the opponent, if

the document served by publication upon the opponent states that the party make amanifestation of intention to the opponent with respect to the claim that is thesubject matter of the suit or the allegations and evidence for defense, suchmanifestation of intention shall be deemed to have arrived at the opponent when twoweeks have elapsed since the day on which the posting under the provision of Article111 was carried out. In this case, the provision of the proviso to Article 98 3 of the( )

Civil Code shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 5 Judicial Decision

( )Article 114 Scope of Res Judicata

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1 A final and binding judgment, only for the contents thereof that are included in( )

the main text, shall have res judicata.2 A determination on the validity or invalidity of a claim alleged for the purpose of( )

effecting a set-off shall have res judicata for the amount duly asserted by reason ofthe set-off.

( )Article 115 Scope of Persons Subject to Effect of Final and Binding Judgment, etc.1 A final and binding judgment shall be effective against the following persons:( )

i The parties( )

ii Another person for whom a party has served as a plaintiff or defendant( )

iii A person who has succeeded to any of the persons listed in the preceding two( )

items after the conclusion of oral argumentiv A person who possesses the subject matter of the claim on behalf of any of the( )

persons listed in the preceding three items.2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a( )

declaration of provisional execution.

( )Article 116 Time When Judgment Becomes Final and Binding1 A judgment shall not become final and binding until the expiration of a period( )

specified for filing an appeal to the court of second instance or a final appealexcluding a final appeal set forth in Article 327 1 including cases where( ( ) (

applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 380 2 , filing a petition set forth( )))

in Article 318 1 or making an objection under the provision of Article 357( )

including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 367 2 or( ( ))

Article 378 1 .( )

2 The process of a judgment becoming final and binding shall be interrupted by( )

the filing of an appeal to the court of second instance, filing of a final appeal setforth in the preceding paragraph or filing of a petition or making of an objectionset forth in said paragraph within the period set forth in said paragraph.

Article 117 Action to Seek Modification of Final and Binding Judgment Ordering(

)Compensation by Periodic Payments1 Where, with regard to a final and binding judgment ordering compensation by( )

periodic payments for the damage that arose prior to the conclusion of oralargument, any significant change has occurred to the severity of residual disability,wage standards or any other circumstances that were used as the basis forcalculation of the amount of damages, an action to seek a modification of thejudgment may be filed; provided, however, that this shall apply only to the part ofthe judgment which pertains to the periodic payments that will become due afterthe date of filing of the action.

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2 The action set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be subject exclusively to( )

the jurisdiction of the court of first instance.

( )Article 118 Effect of Final and Binding Judgment Rendered by Foreign CourtA final and binding judgment rendered by a foreign court shall be effective only

where it meets all of the following requirements:i The jurisdiction of the foreign court is recognized under laws or regulations or( )

conventions or treaties.ii The defeated defendant has received a service excluding a service by( ) (

publication or any other service similar thereto of a summons or order)

necessary for the commencement of the suit, or has appeared without receivingsuch service.

iii The content of the judgment and the court proceedings are not contrary to( )

public policy in Japan.iv A mutual guarantee exists.( )

( )Article 119 Notice of Order and DirectionAn order and a direction shall become effective when a notice thereof is given by a

method that is considered to be appropriate.

Article 120 Revocation of Judicial Decision Concerning Control of Court(

)ProceedingsAn order and a direction concerning control of court proceedings may be revoked at

any time.

( )Article 121 Objection to Disposition by Court ClerkWith regard to an objection to a disposition made by a court clerk, the court to

which the court clerk belongs shall make a judicial decision by an order.

( )Article 122 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on JudgmentWith regard to orders and directions, unless contrary to the nature thereof, the

provisions concerning judgments shall apply mutatis mutandis.

( )Article 123 Powers of Assistant JudgeA judicial decision other than a judgment may be made by an assistant judge


Section 6 Discontinuation of Action and Suspension of Court Proceedings

( )Article 124 Discontinuation and Taking Over of Action

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1 If any of the grounds listed in the following items exist, an action shall be( )

discontinued. In this case, the person specified in the respective items shall takeover the action:i A party's death( )

The party's heir, administrator of the inherited property or any other personwho should continue the action under laws or regulations

ii Extinction by merger of a juridical person who is a party( )

The juridical person established by the merger or juridical person survivingthe merger

iii A party's loss of capacity to sue or be sued, or a statutory agent's death or( )

extinction of the authority of representationThe party's statutory agent or the party who has acquired the capacity to sueor be sued

iv Termination of duties concerning a trust assigned to each of the persons listed( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )in a to c below: The respective person specified in a to ca The trustee who is a party: A new trustee or the administrator of trust( )

property or administrator of incorporated trust propertyb The administrator of trust property or administrator of incorporated trust( )

property who is a party: A new trustee or a new administrator of trustproperty or new administrator of incorporated trust property

c The trust manager who is a party: The beneficiary or a new trust manager( )

v A person who has a certain status and acts as a party to the suit in his/her( )

own name on behalf of another has lost his/her status upon death or on anyother grounds

A person who has the same statusvi All appointed parties' loss of status upon death or on any other grounds( )

All appointers or a newly appointed party2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply while there is a( )

counsel.3 Even where the grounds set forth in paragraph 1 i exist, the heir may not( ) ( )( )

take over the action while he/she may renounce his/her inheritance.4 The provision of paragraph 1 ii shall not apply where the merger may not be( ) ( )( )

duly asserted against the opponent.5 Where the statutory agent set forth in paragraph 1 iii is a curator or( ) ( )( )

assistant, the provision of paragraph 1 iii shall not apply in the following( )( )

cases:i Where the person under curatorship or person under assistance is not required( )

to obtain the consent of the curator or assistant for performing procedural acts.ii Where the person under curatorship or person under assistance is required to( )

obtain the consent prescribed in the preceding item, and has obtained it

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Article 125 Deleted

( )Article 126 Opponent's Petition for Taking Over of ActionA petition for taking over of action may also be filed by the opponent.

( )Article 127 Notice of Taking Over of ActionWhere a petition for taking over of action is filed, the court shall notify the


( )Article 128 Judicial Decision on Taking Over of Action1 Where a petition for taking over of action is filed, the court, when it finds that( )

the petition is groundless after conducting an examination by its own authority,shall dismiss the petition without prejudice by an order.

2 Where a petition is filed for the taking over of an action that has been( )

discontinued after a judgment document or written statement set forth in Article254 2 including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 374( ) (

2 has been served, the court that has made the judgment in question shall( ))

make a judicial decision on the petition.

( )Article 129 Order of Continuation by Court's AuthorityEven where neither party files a petition for taking over of action, the court, by its

own authority, may order continuation of the action.

( )Article 130 Suspension due to Impossibility of Execution of Duties by CourtIf it is impossible for the court to execute its duties due to a natural disaster or

any other cause, the court proceedings shall be suspended until such cause ceases toexist.

( )Article 131 Suspension due to Problem Affecting Party1 If it is impossible for a party to continue court proceedings due to a problem( )

which may exist for an uncertain period, the court, by an order, may ordersuspension of the court proceedings.

2 The court may revoke the order set forth in the preceding paragraph.( )

( )Article 132 Effect of Discontinuation and Suspension1 A judgment may be rendered even while the action is discontinued.( )

2 If an action is discontinued or court proceedings are suspended, the period shall( )

be suspended. In this case, the entire period shall commence to run as from thetime when a notice of the taking over of the action is given or the action is

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Chapter VI Disposition of Collection of Evidence prior to Filing of Action, etc.

( )Article 132-2 Inquiry prior to Filing of Action1 Where a person who intends to file an action has given by means of a document,( )

to the person who is to be the defendant in the action, an advance notice of filing ofan action hereinafter referred to as an "advance notice" in this Chapter , the( )

person who has given the advance notice hereinafter referred to as the "advance(

noticer" in this Chapter , within four months after the day on which the advance)

notice has been given, may specify a reasonable period and make an inquiry bymeans of a document to the person who has received the advance notice in order torequest him/her to make a response by means of a document, before the filing ofthe action, with regard to the matters that would be obviously necessary forpreparing allegations or proof should the action actually be filed; provided,however, that this shall not apply if the inquiry falls under any of the followingitems:i Inquiry that falls under any of the items of Article 163( )

ii Inquiry with regard to the matters concerning a secret on the private life of( )

the opponent or a third party, any response to which would be substantiallydetrimental to the opponent or the third party in his/her social life

iii Inquiry with regard to the matters concerning a trade secret held by the( )

opponent or a third party2 In the case of an inquiry with regard to the matters concerning a secret on the( )

private life of a third party prescribed in item ii of the preceding paragraph or a( )

trade secret held by a third party prescribed in item iii of said paragraph, these( )

provisions shall not apply where the third party has consented to the opponentmaking a response to such inquiry.

3 A document of the advance notice shall state the gist of the claim pertaining to( )

the action to be filed and the points of the dispute.4 An inquiry set forth in paragraph 1 may not be made based on the advance( ) ( )

notice that overlaps with any previous advance notice.

Article 132-31 When a person who has received the advance notice hereinafter referred to as a( ) (

"recipient of advance notice" in this Chapter has made a response to the advance)

notice by providing the advance noticer with a document stating the gist of his/heranswers regarding the gist of the claim and the points of the dispute set forth inparagraph 3 of the preceding Article that are stated in the document of the( )

advance notice, the recipient of advance notice, within four months after the day on

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which the advance notice has been given, may specify a reasonable period andmake an inquiry by means of a document to the advance noticer in order to requesthim/her to make a response by means of a document, before the filing of the action,with regard to the matters that would be obviously necessary for preparingallegations or proof should the action actually be filed. In this case, the provisionsof the proviso to paragraph 1 of said Article and paragraph 2 of said Article( ) ( )

shall apply mutatis mutandis.2 An inquiry set forth in the preceding paragraph may not be made based on a( )

response to the advance notice that overlaps with any previous advance notice.

( )Article 132-4 Disposition of Collection of Evidence prior to Filing of Action1 When a petition is filed by an advance noticer or a recipient of advance notice( )

who made a response set forth in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article and it is( )

found that the petitioner has difficulty collecting by him/herself any material asevidence that would be obviously necessary for showing proof should the actionpertaining to the advance notice actually be filed, the court, before the filing of theaction, may make any of the following dispositions pertaining to such collection ofevidence, after hearing opinions of the party to whom the advance notice has beengiven or the response has been made hereinafter simply referred to as the(

"opposite party" in this Chapter ; provided, however, that this shall not apply)

where the court finds it inappropriate to do so on the grounds that the timerequired for the collection or the burden borne by a person to be commissioned forthe collection would be unreasonable:i Commissioning the holder of a document including an object prescribed in( ) (

Article 231; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Chapter to send the)

documentii Commissioning a government agency or public office, a foreign government( )

agency or public office, or a school, chamber of commerce, exchange or any otherorganization referred to as a "public agency, etc." in paragraph 1 ii of the( ( )( )

following Article to conduct the necessary examination)

iii Commissioning a person who has expert knowledge and experience to state( )

his/her opinions based on such expert knowledge and experienceiv Ordering a court execution officer to conduct an examination on the shape,( )

possession or other current status of an object2 A petition for a disposition set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be filed( )

within an unextendable period of four months from the day on which the advancenotice was given; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the oppositeparty has given consent to the filing of the petition after the expiration of thisperiod.

3 A petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 may not be filed based on( ) ( )

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the advance notice that overlaps with any previous advance notice or based on aresponse to such overlapping advance notice.

4 The court, after making a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 , may revoke the( ) ( )

disposition if it is found to be inappropriate due to the circumstances prescribed inthe proviso to said paragraph.

( )Article 132-5 Court with Jurisdiction over Disposition of Collection of Evidence1 A petition for a disposition listed in each of the following items shall be filed( )

with the district court that has jurisdiction over the place specified in therespective items:i A petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 i of the preceding( ) ( )( )

Article: The location of the general venue of the petitioner or the opposite party,or the residence of the holder of the document

ii A petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 ii of the preceding( ) ( )( )

Article: The location of the general venue of the petitioner or the opposite party,or the location of the public agency, etc. to be commissioned to conduct theexamination

iii A petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 iii of the preceding( ) ( )( )

Article: The location of the general venue of the petitioner or the opposite party,or the location of the specific object about which a statement of opinions is to becommissioned

iv A petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph 1 iv of the preceding( ) ( )( )

Article: The location of the object pertaining to the examination2 The provisions of Article 16 1 , Article 21 and Article 22 shall apply mutatis( ) ( )

mutandis to a case pertaining to a petition for a disposition set forth in paragraph1 of the preceding Article.( )

( )Article 132-6 Procedure for Disposition of Collection of Evidence, etc.1 The court, when making a disposition set forth in Article 132-4 1 i to iii ,( ) ( )( ) ( )

shall specify a period during which the person commissioned should send thedocument, report the examination results or state his/her opinions.

2 A report of the examination results based on the commission set forth in Article( )

132-4 1 ii or under the order set forth in Article 132-4 1 iv or a statement of( )( ) ( )( )

opinion based on the commission set forth in Article 132- 1 iii shall be made by( )( )

means of a document.3 The court, when the document is sent, the examination results are reported or( )

opinions are stated based on a disposition set forth in Article 132-4 1 , shall notify( )

the petitioner and the opposite party to that effect.4 The court, for use by the petitioner and the opposite party through the( )

procedures specified in the following Article, shall retain the sent document or the

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document concerning the report of the examination results or statement of opinionwithin one month from the day on which the notice prescribed in the precedingparagraph was given.

5 The provision of Article 180 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a disposition set( ) ( )

forth in Article 132-4 1 , the provision of Article 184 1 shall apply mutatis( ) ( )

mutandis to a disposition set forth in Article 132-4 1 i to iii , and the provision( )( ) ( )

of Article 213 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a disposition set forth in Article132-4 1 iii .( )( )

( )Article 132-7 Inspection of Record of Case, etc.1 The petitioner and the opposite party may make a request to a court clerk for( )

the inspection or copying of the record of a case pertaining to a petition for adisposition set forth in article 132-4 1 , issuance of an authenticated copy,( )

transcript or extract of such record, or issuance of a certificate of mattersconcerning said case.

2 The provisions of Article 91 4 and 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( ) ( ) ( )

record set forth in the preceding paragraph. In this case, in paragraph 4 of said( )

Article, the term "the preceding paragraph" shall be deemed to be replaced with"Article 132-7 1 ," and the phrase "a party or a third party who has made a prima( )

facie showing of his/her interest" shall be deemed to be replace with "the petitioneror the opposite party."

( )Article 132-8 Non-Permission of AppealNo appeal may be entered against a judicial decision on a petition for a disposition

set forth in Article 132-4 1 .( )

Article 132-9 Burden of Costs for Judicial Decision on Disposition of Collection of(

)EvidenceCosts for a judicial decision on a petition for a disposition set forth in Article 132-4

1 shall be borne by the petitioner.( )

Chapter VII Petition, etc. by Means of Electronic Data Processing System

Article 132-101 In the case of a petition or any other statement to be filed or made in the( )

procedures for civil suits hereinafter referred to as a "petition, etc." , which shall( )

be filed or made, pursuant to the provisions of this Code or other laws andregulations concerning such petition, etc., by means of a document, etc. meaning a(

document, a transcript, extract, authenticated copy or duplicate of a document or aduplicate of a bill or note, or any other paper or other tangible object on which

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information recognizable to human perception such as characters and shapes isstated; the same shall apply hereinafter to the court specified by the Supreme)

Court including one filed or made to the presiding judge, authorized judge,(

commissioned judge or court clerk of such court , notwithstanding the provisions of)

said laws and regulations, as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court, thepetition, etc. may be filed or made by means of an electronic data processingsystem meaning an electronic data processing system wherein the computer(

including input-output devices; the same shall apply hereinafter used in the( )

court is connected, by way of telecommunication lines, to the computer used by theperson who files or makes the petition, etc. or person who receives a notice of adisposition under the provision of Article 399 1 ; the same shall apply in Article( )

397 to Article 401 ; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a petition, etc.)

on the demand procedure where a petition for demand for payment is filed or madeby means of a document.

2 With regard to a petition, etc. filed or made pursuant to the provision of the( )

main clause of the preceding paragraph, by deeming it to have been filed or madeby means of a document, etc. prescribed in the provisions of laws and regulationsconcerning a petition, etc., which provide that the petition, etc. shall be filed ormade by means of a document, etc., the provisions of such laws and regulationsconcerning a petition, etc. shall be applied.

3 A petition, etc. filed or made pursuant to the provision of the main clause of( )

paragraph 1 shall be deemed to have arrived at the court set forth in said( )

paragraph when it is recorded onto a file stored in the computer used in said court.4 In the case referred to in the main clause of paragraph 1 , with regard to a( ) ( )

petition, etc. for which, pursuant to the provisions of other laws and regulationsconcerning the petition, etc., a signature, etc. meaning a signature, name or seal(

or otherwise the name stated in a document, etc.; hereinafter the same shall applyin this paragraph is required to be affixed, the person who files or makes such)

petition, etc., notwithstanding the provisions of said laws and regulations, in lieu ofaffixing a signature, etc., shall take measures to clarify the name, as provided forby the Rules of the Supreme Court.

5 Where a petition, etc. filed or made pursuant to the provision of the main clause( )

of paragraph 1 excluding a petition, etc. filed or made in the demand procedure;( ) (

the same shall apply in the following paragraph is recorded onto the file)

prescribed in paragraph 3 , the court set forth in paragraph 1 shall output, in( ) ( )

the form of a document, the content of the information recorded in said file.6 The inspection or copying of a case record or issuance of an authenticated copy,( )

( ) ( )transcript or extract of a case record under the provisions of Article 91 1 or 3referred to as the "inspection, etc. of a case record" in Article 401 , which pertains( )

to a petition, etc. filed or made pursuant to the provision of the main clause of

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paragraph 1 , shall be made by means of the document set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph. The same shall apply to serving or sending a document pertaining tosuch petition, etc.

Part II Court Proceedings in First Instance

Chapter I Action

( )Article 133 Form of Filing of Action1 An action shall be filed by submitting a complaint to the court.( )

2 A complaint shall state the following matters:( )

i The parties and statutory agents( )

ii The object and statement of the claim( )

( )Article 134 Action for Declaratory Judgment to Determine Validity of CertificateAn action for declaratory judgment may also be filed to determine the validity of a

document that certifies legal relationships.

( )Article 135 Action for Future PerformanceAn action to seek future performance may be filed only where it is necessary to

make a claim therefor in advance.

( )Article 136 Joinder of ClaimsTwo or more claims, only if they shall be made through the same kind of court

proceedings, may be made by filing a single action.

( )Article 137 Presiding Judge's Authority to Examine Complaint1 Where a complaint is in violation of the provision of Article 133 2 , the( ) ( )

presiding judge shall specify a reasonable period and order that such defect shouldbe corrected within that period. The same shall apply where fees for filing anaction required under the provisions of the Act on Costs of Civil Procedure Act(

No. 40 of 1971 are not paid.)

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the plaintiff fails to correct( )

the defect, the presiding judge, by a direction, shall dismiss the complaint withoutprejudice.

3 An immediate appeal may be filed against the direction set forth in the( )

preceding paragraph.

( )Article 138 Service of Complaint1 The complaint shall be served upon the defendant.( )

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2 The provision of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis where it is( )

not possible to serve the complaint including cases where the expenses necessary(

for serving the complaint are not prepaid .)

( )Article 139 Designation of Date for Oral ArgumentWhen an action is filed, the presiding judge shall designate the date for oral

argument and summon the parties.

( )Article 140 Dismissal of Action without Prejudice, without Oral ArgumentIf an action is unlawful and such defect cannot be corrected, the court, by a

judgment, may dismiss the action without prejudice, without oral argument.

Article 141 Dismissal of Action without Prejudice in the case of No Prepayment of(

)Expenses for Summons1 Where the court has specified a reasonable period and ordered the plaintiff to( )

prepay, under the provisions of the Act on Costs of Civil Procedure, expensesnecessary for issuing a summons to the parties to appear on the appearance date,but such expenses are not prepaid, the court, by an order, may dismiss the actionwithout prejudice if the defendant has no objection.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 142 Prohibition of Filing of Overlapping ActionsWith regard to a case pending before the court, neither party to the case may file

another action.

( )Article 143 Amendment of Claim1 The plaintiff, unless there is any change to the basis for a claim, may amend the( )

claim or statement of claim until oral argument is concluded; provided, however,that this shall not apply where such amendment would substantially delay thecourt proceedings.

2 An amendment of the claim shall be made by means of a document.( )

3 The document set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be served upon the( )

opponent.4 The court, when it finds that an amendment of the claim or statement of claim is( )

inappropriate, upon petition or by its own authority, shall make an order not topermit such amendment.

( )Article 144 Addition of Claim Pertaining to Appointers1 Where a party to stand as a plaintiff is appointed under the provision of Article( )

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30 3 , such party may add a claim in the interest of the appointers until oral( )

argument is concluded.2 Where a party to stand as a defendant is appointed under the provision of( )

Article 30 3 , the plaintiff may add a claim pertaining to the appointers until oral( )

argument is concluded.3 The provisions of the proviso to paragraph 1 of the preceding Article and( ) ( )

paragraph 2 to paragraph 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the addition of a( ) ( )

claim set forth in the preceding two paragraphs.

( )Article 145 Action for Interlocutory Declaration1 If a judicial decision which is sought in a suit relates to the validity or invalidity( )

of the legal relationships that are in dispute in the process of the suit, a party mayexpand his/her claim and seek a declaratory judgment on such legal relationships;provided, however, that this shall not apply where such claim for declaration issubject to the exclusive jurisdiction of another court excluding one determined by(

an agreement between the parties pursuant to the provision of Article 11 .)2 Where the suit set forth in the preceding paragraph is pending before the court( )

specified in any of the items of Article 6 1 , if the claim for declaration set forth in( )

the preceding paragraph is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of another courtpursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of said Article, the provision of the( )

proviso to the preceding paragraph shall not apply.3 The provisions of Article 143 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( ) ( ) ( )

expansion of a claim under the provision of paragraph 1 .( )

( )Article 146 Counterclaim1 The plaintiff, only for the purpose of making a claim relevant to the claim that is( )

the subject matter of the principal action or to the allegations and evidence fordefense, may file a counterclaim with the court where the principal action ispending, until oral argument is concluded; provided, however, that this shall notapply in the following cases:i Where the claim that is the subject matter of the counterclaim is subject to the( )

exclusive jurisdiction of another court excluding one determined by an(

agreement between the parties pursuant to the provision of Article 11 .)ii Where the filing of a counterclaim would substantially delay the court( )

proceedings.2 Where the principal action is pending before the court specified in any of the( )

items of Article 6 1 , if the claim that is the subject matter of the counterclaim is( )

subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of another court pursuant to the provision ofparagraph 1 of said Article, the provision of item i of the preceding paragraph( ) ( )

shall not apply.

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3 A counterclaim shall be governed by the provisions concerning an action.( )

( )Article 147 Time When Interruption of Prescription, etc. Becomes EffectiveA demand by litigation necessary for the interruption of the prescription or

observance of a statutory term shall become effective when an action is filed or whena document set forth in Article 143 2 including cases where applied mutatis( ) (

mutandis pursuant to Article 144 3 or Article 145 3 is submitted to the court.( ) ( ))

Chapter II Well-Organized Proceedings

( )Article 147-2 Well-Organized Progress of Court ProceedingsThe court and the parties, in order to achieve proper and prompt trial, shall ensure

the well-organized progress of court proceedings.

( )Article 147-3 Plan for Trial1 The court, when it finds it necessary in order to achieve a proper and prompt( )

trial in light of the complexity of a case which involves a number of or complicatedmatters to be examined or any other circumstances concerned, shall consult withboth parties and formulate a plan for trial based on the outcome of theconsultation.

2 The plan for trial set forth in the preceding paragraph shall specify the following( )

matters:i A period for arranging issues and evidence( )

ii A period for examining witnesses and the parties themselves( )

iii A schedule of timing for concluding oral argument and rendering a judgment( )

3 The plan for trial set forth in paragraph 1 may specify, in addition to the( ) ( )

matters set forth in the items of the preceding paragraph, a period for advancingallegations or evidence on a specific matter and any other matters necessary forthe well-organized progress of court proceedings.

4 The court, when it finds it necessary while taking into consideration the existing( )

status of a trial, the status of each party's conduct of the suit and any othercircumstances concerned, shall consult with both parties and modify the plan fortrial set forth in paragraph 1 based on the outcome of the consultation.( )

Chapter III Oral Argument and Preparation Thereof

Section 1 Oral Argument

( )Article 148 Presiding Judge's Control of Court Proceedings1 Oral argument shall be directed by the presiding judge.( )

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2 The presiding judge may permit a person to speak or prohibit a person who does( )

not comply with his/her direction from speaking.

( )Article 149 Authority to Ask for Explanation, etc.1 The presiding judge, on the date for oral argument or a date other than that( )

date, in order to clarify the matters related to the suit, may ask questions of aparty or encourage him/her to show proof with regard to factual or legal matters.

2 An associate judge, after notifying the presiding judge, may take the measures( )

prescribed in the preceding paragraph.3 A party, on the date for oral argument or a date other than that date, may( )

request the presiding judge to ask the necessary questions.4 If the presiding judge or associate judge, on the date other than the date for oral( )

argument, has taken the measures under the provisions of paragraph 1 or( )

paragraph 2 with regard to a matter which could cause a material change to a( )

party's allegations or evidence, he/she shall notify the opponent of the content ofsuch change.

( )Article 150 Objection to Control of Court Proceedings, etc.When a party has made an objection to a direction issued by the presiding judge

with regard to the control of oral argument or the measure taken by the presidingjudge or associate judge under the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of( ) ( )

the preceding Article, the court, by an order, shall make a judicial decision on suchobjection.

( )Article 151 Disposition for Explanation1 The court, in order to clarify the matters related to the suit, may make the( )

following dispositions:i Ordering a party him/herself or his/her statutory agent to appear on the date( )

for oral argumentii Requesting a person, who administers affairs on behalf of a party or assists a( )

party and whom the court considers to be appropriate, to make statements onthe date for oral argument

iii Requesting the submission of case documents or documents or other objects( )

cited in the suit, which are held by a partyiv Retaining a document or other object submitted by a party or a third party at( )

courtv Conducting a observation or ordering expert testimony( )

vi Commissioning an examination( )

2 With regard to the observation, expert testimony and commission of an( )

examination, the provisions concerning examination of evidence shall apply

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mutatis mutandis.

( )Article 152 Consolidation of Oral Arguments, etc.1 The court may order the restriction, separation or consolidation of oral( )

arguments, or revoke such order.2 Where the court has ordered the consolidation of oral arguments of the cases( )

involving different parties, if a party has requested examination of a witness whohas already been examined before the consolidation but whom the party had nochance to examine, the witness shall be examined.

( )Article 153 Resumption of Oral ArgumentThe court may order resumption of the oral argument that is concluded.

( )Article 154 Attendance of Interpreter, etc.1 If a person who participates in oral argument is unable to communicate in( )

Japanese, or unable to hear or speak, an interpreter shall attend the oralargument; provided, however, that in the case of a person who is unable to hear orspeak, it shall be permissible to ask questions of him/her or have him/her makestatements by means of writing.

2 The provisions concerning expert witnesses shall apply mutatis mutandis to( )


( )Article 155 Measures for Person Without Ability to Participate in Oral Argument1 The court may prohibit a party, agent or assistant in court, who is unable to( )

make the statements necessary to clarify the matters related to the suit, frommaking statements, and specify another date for continuance of oral argument.

2 Where the court has prohibited any person from making statements pursuant to( )

the provision of the preceding paragraph, it may order the person to beaccompanied by an attorney at law when it finds it necessary.

( )Article 156 Time for Advancement of Allegations and EvidenceAllegations and evidence shall be advanced at an appropriate time depending on

the status of progress of the suit.

Article 156-2 Time for Advancement of Allegations and Evidence Where Plan for(

)Trial Is FormulatedThe presiding judge, when he/she finds it necessary for the progress of court

proceedings based on a plan for trial set forth in Article 147-3 1 , may specify a( )

period for advancing allegations and evidence on a specific matter, after hearingopinions of the parties.

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Article 157 Dismissal of Allegations or Evidence Advanced Outside the Appropriate(

Time1 With regard to allegations or evidence that a party has advanced outside the( )

appropriate time intentionally or by gross negligence, the court, when it finds thatsuch allegations or evidence will delay the conclusion of the suit, may make anorder of dismissal upon petition or by its own authority.

2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall also apply where a party does not( )

give the necessary explanation with regard to his/her allegations or evidence whoseimport is unclear, or does not appear on the date for giving explanation.

Article 157-2 Dismissal of Allegations or Evidence Where Plan for Trial Is(

)FormulatedWhere a period for advancing allegations and evidence on a specific matter is

specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 147-3 3 or Article 156-2 including( ) (

cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 170 5 , if the court, with( ))

regard to allegations or evidence that a party has advanced after the expiration ofsuch period, finds that such allegations or evidence will be substantially detrimentalto the progress of court proceedings based on the plan for trial, it may make an orderof dismissal upon petition or by its own authority; provided, however, that this shallnot apply where such party has made a prima facie showing to the effect that he/shehas reasonable grounds for having been unable to advance the allegations or evidencewithin that period.

( )Article 158 Constructive Statements in Complaint, etc.If a plaintiff or defendant does not appear on the date for his/her first oral

argument or appears on that date but does not present any oral arguments onmerits, the court may deem the plaintiff or defendant to have stated matters asstated in the complaint or written answer or any other brief that he/she hassubmitted, and have the opponent who has appeared on that date present oralarguments.

( )Article 159 Constructive Admission1 Where a party, at oral argument, does not make it clear that he/she denies the( )

fact alleged by the opponent, he/she shall be deemed to have admitted such fact;provided, however, that this shall not apply where the party, when taking theentire import of the oral argument into consideration, is found to have denied suchfact.

2 A person who has stated that he/she has no knowledge of the fact alleged by the( )

opponent shall be presumed to have denied such fact.

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3 The provision of paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a party( ) ( )

does not appear on the date for oral argument; provided, however, that this shallnot apply where such party is summoned by a service by publication.

( )Article 160 Record of Oral Argument1 A court clerk shall prepare a record of oral argument for each date for oral( )

argument.2 An objection made by a party or any other person concerned to any statements( )

in the record shall be stated in the record.3 Observance of the provisions concerning the formality of oral argument may by( )

proven only by the record; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the eventof the loss of the record.

Section 2 Brief, etc.

( )Article 161 Brief1 Oral argument shall be prepared by means of a document.( )

2 A brief shall state the following matters:( )

i Allegations and evidence( )

ii Statements on the opponent's claim and allegations and evidence( )

3 At oral argument without the presence of the opponent in court, no facts other( )

than those stated in a brief limited to one served upon the opponent or one for(

)which the opponent has submitted a document stating that he/she has received itmay be alleged.

( )Article 162 Period for Submission of Brief, etc.The presiding judge may specify a period for submitting a written answer or a brief

stating an allegation on a specific matter or for offering evidence on a specific matter.

( )Article 163 Inquiry to OpponentA party, while the suit is pending, may specify a reasonable period and make an

inquiry by means of a document to the opponent in order to request the opponent tomake a response by means of a document with regard to the matters necessary forpreparing allegations or proof; provided, however, that this shall not apply where theinquiry falls under any of the following items:

i Inquiry that is not specific or individual( )

ii Inquiry that insults or confuses the opponent( )

iii Inquiry that overlaps with any previous inquiry( )

iv Inquiry to ask opinions( )

v Inquiry for which the opponent is required to spend unreasonable expenses or( )

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time to make a responsevi Inquiry on the matters that are the same as the matters about which a( )

witness may refuse to testify pursuant to the provisions of Article 196 or Article197

Section 3 Proceedings to Arrange Issues and Evidence

Subsection 1 Preliminary Oral Arguments

( )Article 164 Commencement of Preliminary Oral ArgumentsThe court, when it finds it necessary in order to arrange issues and evidence, may

execute preliminary oral arguments as provided for in this Subsection.

( )Article 165 Confirmation on Facts to Be Proven, etc.1 The court, upon closing preliminary oral arguments, shall confirm, with the( )

parties, the facts to be proven through the subsequent examination of evidence.2 The presiding judge, when he/she finds it appropriate, upon closing preliminary( )

oral arguments, may have the parties submit a document summarizing the issuesand evidence as arranged through the preliminary oral arguments.

( )Article 166 Close of Proceedings due to Non-Appearance of PartyIf a party does not appear on the appearance date or does not submit a brief or

offer evidence within the period specified pursuant to the provision of Article 162, thecourt may close the preliminary oral arguments.

Article 167 Advancement of Allegations and Evidence after Close of Preliminary(

)Oral ArgumentsA party who has advanced allegations or evidence after the close of preliminary

oral arguments, upon the request of the opponent, shall explain to the opponent thereasons why he/she was unable to advance the allegations or evidence prior to theclose of preliminary oral arguments.

Subsection 2 Preparatory Proceedings

( )Article 168 Commencement of Preparatory ProceedingsThe court, when it finds it necessary in order to arrange issues and evidence, may

refer a case to preparatory proceedings, after hearing opinions of the parties.

( )Article 169 Date for Preparatory Proceedings1 Preparatory proceedings shall be conducted on a date on which both parties can( )

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attend.2 The court may permit observation by a person whom it considers to be( )

appropriate; provided, however, that the court shall permit observation by anyperson requested by a party, except where his/her observation would bedetrimental to the conduct of the proceedings.

( )Article 170 Procedural Acts in Preparatory Proceedings, etc.1 The court may have each party submit a brief.( )

2 The court, on the date for preparatory proceedings, may make a judicial decision( )

on an offer of evidence or any other judicial decision that may be made on the dateother than the date for oral argument, and examine evidence with regard todocuments including objects prescribed in Article 231 .( )

3 When a party lives in a remote place or the court finds it appropriate for any( )

other reasons, the court, after hearing opinions of the parties, may conductproceedings on the date for preparatory proceedings, as provided for by the Rulesof the Supreme Court, by a method that enables the court and both parties tosimultaneously communicate with one another by audio transmissions; provided,however, that this shall apply only where either party appears on that date.

4 The party who has participated in the proceedings set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph without appearing on the date set forth in said paragraph shall bedeemed to have appeared on that date.

5 The provisions of Article 148 to Article 151, Article 152 1 , Article 153 to Article( ) ( )

159, Article 162, Article 165 and Article 166 shall apply mutatis mutandis topreparatory proceedings.

( )Article 171 Preparatory Proceedings by Authorized Judge1 The court may have an authorized judge conduct preparatory proceedings.( )

2 Where an authorized judge conducts preparatory proceedings, the duties of the( )

court and the presiding judge under the provisions of the preceding two Articlesexcluding the duty to make a judicial decision prescribed in paragraph 2 of the( ( )

preceding Article shall be performed by the authorized judge; provided, however,)

that a judicial decision on an objection under the provision of Article 150 as appliedmutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph 5 of said Article and a judicial decision( )

on dismissal under the provision of Article 157-2 as applied mutatis mutandispursuant to said paragraph shall be made by the court in charge of the case.

3 An authorized judge who conducts preparatory proceedings may make a judicial( )

decision on the commission of an examination under the provision of Article 186,commission of expert testimony, request for examination of documentary evidence

( )made by submitting documents including the objects prescribed in Article 231and commission of the sending of documents including the objects prescribed in(

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Article 229 2 and Article 231 .( ) ))

( )Article 172 Revocation of Judicial Decision to Refer to Preparatory ProceedingsThe court, when it finds it appropriate, upon petition or by its own authority, may

revoke a judicial decision to refer to preparatory proceedings; provided, however, thatthe court shall revoke the judicial decision upon the petition of both parties.

( )Article 173 Statement of Outcome of Preparatory ProceedingsThe parties, at oral argument, shall state the outcome of preparatory proceedings.

Article 174 Advancement of Allegations and Evidence after Close of Preparatory(

)ProceedingsThe provision of Article 167 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a party who has

advanced allegations or evidence after the close of preparatory proceedings.

Subsection 3 Preparatory Proceedings by Means of Documents

( )Article 175 Commencement of Preparatory Proceedings by Means of DocumentsThe court, when a party lives in a remote place or it finds it appropriate for any

other reasons, may refer a case to preparatory proceedings by means of documentsmeaning proceedings for arranging issues and evidence through the submission of(

briefs, etc., without the appearance of the parties; the same shall apply hereinafter .)

( )Article 176 Method of Preparatory Proceedings by Means of Documents, etc.1 Preparatory proceedings by means of documents shall be conducted by the( )

presiding judge; provided, however, that a high court may have an authorizedjudge conduct the proceedings.

2 The presiding judge or an authorized judge at a high court hereinafter referred( ) (

to as the "presiding judge, etc." in the following paragraph shall specify the)

period prescribed in Article 162.3 The presiding judge, etc., when he/she finds it necessary, may consult both( )

parties with regard to the matters concerning the arrangement of issues andevidence or any other matters necessary for oral argument, as provided for by theRules of the Supreme Court, by a method that enables the court and both partiesto communicate simultaneously with one another by audio transmissions. In thiscase, the presiding judge, etc. may have a court clerk record the outcome of theconsultation.

4 The provisions of Article 149 excluding paragraph 2 , Article 150 and Article( ) ( ( )

165 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to preparatory proceedings by means of( )


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( )Article 177 Confirmation on Facts to Be ProvenThe court, on the date for oral argument held after the close of preparatory

proceedings by means of documents, shall confirm, with the parties, the facts to beproven through the subsequent examination of evidence.

Article 178 Advancement of Allegations and Evidence after Close of Preparatory(

)Proceedings by means of DocumentsWhere a party, in a case for which preparatory proceedings by means of documents

are closed, has advanced allegations or evidence after, on the date for oral argument,statements were made on the matters as stated in the document set forth in Article165 2 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 176 4 or confirmation was( ) ( )

made pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, that party, at the request ofthe opponent, shall explain to the opponent the reasons why he/she was unable toadvance the allegations or evidence prior to the statements or confirmation beingmade.

Chapter IV Evidence

Section 1 General Provisions

( )Article 179 Facts Not Required to Be ProvenFacts admitted by a party before a court and obvious facts shall not be required to

be proven.

( )Article 180 Offer of Evidence1 Evidence shall be offered by specifying the fact to be proven thereby.( )

2 Evidence may be offered prior to the date for oral argument.( )

( )Article 181 Where Examination of Evidence Is Not Required1 The court shall not be required to examine evidence offered by a party that the( )

court considers to be unnecessary.2 If any obstacle to the examination of evidence exists for an uncertain period, the( )

court may choose not to conduct an examination of evidence.

( )Article 182 Intensive Examination of Witnesses and PartiesThe examination of witnesses and the parties themselves shall be conducted as

intensively as possible after the arrangement of issues and evidence has beencompleted.

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( )Article 183 In Cases of Non-Appearance of PartyThe examination of evidence may be conducted even where neither party appears

on the date for oral argument.

( )Article 184 Examination of Evidence in Foreign State1 The examination of evidence to be conducted in a foreign state shall be( )

commissioned to the competent government agency of that state or the Japaneseambassador, minister or consul stationed in that state.

2 The examination of evidence conducted in a foreign state, even where it( )

contravenes any Acts of that state, shall be effective if it does not contravene thisCode.

( )Article 185 Examination of Evidence Out of Court1 The court, when it finds it appropriate, may examine evidence out of court. In( )

this case, it may order a member of a panel of judges or commission a district courtor summary court to examine evidence.

2 A commissioned judge who performs his/her duties based on the commission( )

prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when he/she finds it appropriate foranother district court or summary court to examine evidence, may furthercommission such other court to examine the evidence.

( )Article 186 Commission of ExaminationThe court may commission a government agency or public office, a foreign

government agency or public office, or school, chamber of commerce, exchange or anyother organization to conduct a necessary examination.

( )Article 187 Interrogation of Witness, etc.1 The court, with regard to a case to be concluded by an order, may interrogate a( )

witness or a party him/herself; provided, however, that witnesses to beinterrogated shall be limited to those requested by a party.

2 Interrogation under the provision of the preceding paragraph, in a case where( )

the parties stand opposed to each other, shall be conducted on the date forinterrogation on which both parties can attend.

( )Article 188 Prima Facie ShowingA prima facie showing shall be made by evidence that can be examined


( )Article 189 Execution of Judicial Decision of Non-Penal Fine1 A judicial decision of a non-penal fine under the provisions of this Chapter shall( )

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be executed by an order of a public prosecutor. This order shall have the sameeffect as an enforceable title of obligation.

2 A judicial decision of a non-penal fine shall be executed pursuant to the( )

provisions of the Civil Execution Act Act No. 4 of 1979 and other laws and( )

regulations concerning a procedure for compulsory execution; provided, however,that it shall not be necessary to make a service of the judicial decision beforeexecuting it.

3 The provision of Article 507 of the Code of Penal Procedure Act No. 131 of( ) (

1948 shall apply mutatis mutandis to execution of a judicial decision of a)

non-penal fine.4 Where, after a judicial decision of a non-penal fine has been executed, an( )

immediate appeal is filed against said judicial decision hereinafter referred to as(

the "judicial decision of prior instance" in this paragraph , if the court in charge of)

the appeal finds that said immediate appeal is well-grounded and makes anotherjudicial decision of a non-penal fine by revoking the judicial decision of priorinstance, it shall be deemed that the latter judicial decision of a non-penal fine isexecuted to the extent of the amount of the non-penal fine already executed. In thiscase, if the amount obtained as a result of execution of the judicial decision of priorinstance exceeds the amount of the latter non-penal fine, such amount in excessshall be refunded.

Section 2 Examination of Witness

( )Article 190 Witness's ObligationThe court, except as otherwise provided, may examine any person as a witness.

( )Article 191 Examination of Public Officer1 When examining, as a witness, a public officer or a person who was a public( )

officer with regard to any secrets in relation to his/her duties, the court shallobtain approval of the supervisory government agency concerned in the case of a(

member of the House of Representatives or House of Councillors or a person whoheld such post, the respective House; in the case of the Prime Minister or anyother Minister of State or a person who held such post, the Cabinet .)

2 The supervisory government agency may not refuse to give the approval set forth( )

in the preceding paragraph except where such approval is likely to harm the publicinterest or substantially hinder the performance of public duties.

( )Article 192 Non-Penal Fine for Non-Appearance, etc.1 If a witness does not appear without justifiable grounds, the court shall make an( )

order to the effect that he/she shall bear any court costs incurred from the

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non-appearance, and punish him/her by a non-penal fine of not more than 100,000yen.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 193 Fine for Non-Appearance, etc.1 If a witness does not appear without justifiable grounds, he/she shall be( )

punished by a fine of not more than 100,000 yen or misdemeanor imprisonmentwithout work.

2 Both a fine and misdemeanor imprisonment without work may be imposed( )

cumulatively on a person who has committed the crime set forth in the precedingparagraph, depending on the circumstances.

( )Article 194 Subpoena1 The court may order subpoena of a witness who does not appear without( )

justifiable grounds.2 The provisions of the Code of Penal Procedure concerning subpoenas shall apply( )

mutatis mutandis to the subpoena set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 195 Examination of Witness by Authorized Judge, etc.The court, only in the following cases, may have an authorized judge or

commissioned judge examine a witness out of court:i Where the witness does not have an obligation to appear before the court in( )

charge of the case, or is unable to appear before that court for justifiablegrounds.

ii Where the witness is required to spend undue expenses or time to appear( )

before the court in charge of the case.iii Where it is necessary to examine the witness at the scene relating to the( )

dispute in order to discover a fact.iv Where neither party has any objection.( )

( )Article 196 Right of Refusal to TestifyIf a witness's testimony relates to matters for which the witness him/herself or a

person who has any of the following relationships with him/her is likely to be subjectto criminal prosecution or conviction, the witness may refuse to testify. The sameshall apply where his/her testimony relates to matters that would harm thereputation of such persons:

i A person who is or was the witness's spouse, relative by blood within the( )

fourth degree or relative through marriage within the third degreeii A person who is the witness's guardian or a person under the guardianship of( )

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the witness

Article 1971 In the following cases, a witness may refuse to testify:( )

( ) ( )i The case set forth in Article 191 1ii Cases where a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, pharmaceuticals distributor,( )

birthing assistant, attorney at law including a registered foreign lawyer ,( )

patent attorney, defense counsel, notary or person engaged in a religiousoccupation, or a person who was any of these professionals is examined withregard to any fact which they have learnt in the course of their duties and whichshould be kept secret

iii Cases where the witness is examined with regard to matters concerning( )

technical or professional secrets2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall not apply where the witness is( )

released from his/her duty of secrecy.

( )Article 198 Prima Facie Showing of Reasons for Refusal to TestifyA witness shall make a prima facie showing of the reasons for his/her refusal to


( )Article 199 Judicial Decision on Refusal to Testify1 Except in the case referred to in Article 197 1 i , with regard to whether or not( ) ( )( )

a witness's refusal to testify is appropriate, the court in charge of the case shallmake a judicial decision by an order, after interrogating the party ies .( )

2 The party ies and the witness may file an immediate appeal against the( ) ( )

judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 200 Sanction against Refusal to TestifyThe provisions of Article 192 and Article 193 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a

witness, after a judicial decision finding that his/her refusal to testify is groundlesshas become final and binding, still refuses to testify without justifiable grounds.

( )Article 201 Oath1 The court, except as otherwise provided, shall have a witness swear under oath.( )

2 When examining, as a witness, a person under 16 years of age or person who is( )

unable to understand the purpose of swearing under oath, the court may not havehim/her swear.

3 When examining a witness who falls under the provision of Article 196 and does( )

not exercise a right of refusal to testify, the court may choose not to have him/herswear under oath.

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4 A witness may refuse to swear under oath when he/she is examined with regard( )

to matters of great concern for him/herself or a person who has any of therelationships listed in the items of Article 196 with him/her.

5 The provisions of Article 198 and Article 199 shall apply mutatis mutandis( )

where a witness refuses to swear under oath, and the provisions of Article 192 andArticle 193 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a witness, after a judicial decisionfinding that his/her refusal to testify is groundless has become final and binding,still refuses to testify without justifiable grounds.

( )Article 202 Order of Examination1 A witness shall be examined by the party who has requested the examination,( )

the other party, and the presiding judge, in that order.2 The presiding judge, when he/she finds it appropriate, may change the order set( )

forth in the preceding paragraph, after hearing opinions of the parties.3 When a party has made an objection to the change made under the provision of( )

the preceding paragraph, the court, by an order, shall make a judicial decision onthe objection.

( )Article 203 Prohibition of Statements based on DocumentsA witness may not make statements based on documents; provided, however, that

this shall not apply where he/she has obtained permission of the presiding judge.

Article 204 Examination through Communication by Audio and Visual(

)TransmissionsWhen examining a witness who lives in a remote place, the court, as provided for

by the Rules of the Supreme Court, may examine him/her by a method that enablesparties at a distance to communicate with each other while mutually recognizing theother party's status by audio and visual transmissions.

( )Article 205 Submission of Document in lieu of ExaminationThe court, when it finds it appropriate and no objection is made by the parties,

may have a witness submit a document in lieu of examining him/her.

( )Article 206 Powers of Authorized Judge, etc.Where an authorized judge or commissioned judge examines a witness, the

respective judge shall perform the duties of the court and the presiding judge;provided, however, that a judicial decision on an objection under the provision ofArticle 202 3 shall be made by the court in charge of the case.( )

Section 3 Examination of Parties

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( )Article 207 Examination of Party Him/Herself1 The court, upon petition or by its own authority, may examine a party( )

him/herself. In this case, the court may have the party swear under oath.2 When examining a witness and a party him/herself, the court shall examine the( )

witness first; provided, however, that the court, when it finds it appropriate, mayexamine the party him/herself first, after hearing opinions of the parties.

( )Article 208 Effect of Non-Appearance, etc.Where a party him/herself is to be examined, if the party, without justifiable

grounds, does not appear or refuses to swear under oath or make statements, thecourt may recognize that the opponent's allegations concerning the matters forexamination are true.

( )Article 209 Non-Penal Fine for False Statements1 If a party who has sworn under oath has made false statements, the court, by an( )

order, shall punish him/her by a non-penal fine of not more than 100,000 yen.2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph.3 In the case referred to in paragraph 1 , if the party who has made false( ) ( )

statements has admitted, while the suit is pending, that his/her statements arefalse, the court may revoke the order set forth in said paragraph, depending on thecircumstances.

( )Article 210 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Examination of WitnessThe provisions of Article 195, Article 201 2 , Article 202 to Article 204 and Article( )

206 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the examination of a party him/herself.

( )Article 210 Examination of Statutory AgentThe provisions of this Code concerning the examination of a party him/herself shall

apply to a statutory agent who represents the party in a suit; provided, however, thatthis shall not preclude the examination of a party him/herself.

Section 4 Expert Testimony

( )Article 212 Obligation to Give Expert Testimony1 A person who has the relevant knowledge and experience necessary to give( )

expert testimony shall have an obligation to give expert testimony.2 A person who has the same status as a person who may refuse to testify or( )

refuse to swear under oath pursuant to the provisions of Article 196 or Article 201

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4 , or a person prescribed in Article 201 2 , may not serve as an expert witness.( ) ( )

( )Article 213 Designation of Expert WitnessAn expert witness shall be designated by the court in charge of the case or an

authorized judge or commissioned judge.

( )Article 214 Challenge1 If there are circumstances with regard to an expert witness that would prevent( )

him/her from giving a sincere expert testimony, a party may challenge such expertwitness before the expert witness makes statements on the matters for experttestimony. The same shall apply where, after an expert witness has madestatements, any grounds for challenge occur or a party becomes aware of theexistence of any grounds for challenge.

2 A petition for challenge shall be filed with the court in charge of the case or an( )

authorized judge or commissioned judge.3 No appeal may be entered against an order finding that the challenge is( )

well-grounded.4 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order finding that the challenge is( )


( )Article 215 Method for Making Statements for Expert Witness, etc.1 The presiding judge may have an expert witness state his/her opinions in writing( )

or orally.2 Where the court has had an expert witness state his/her opinions, when it finds( )

it necessary in order to clarify the content of the opinions or confirm the groundsthereof, the court, upon petition or by its own authority, may have the expertwitness state additional opinions.

( )Article 215-2 Questioning of Expert Witness1 Where the court has an expert witness state his/her opinions orally, it may ask( )

questions of the expert witness after he/she has stated his/her opinions.2 The questioning set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be conducted by the( )

presiding judge, the party who has requested the expert witness's testimony, andthe other party, in that order.

3 The presiding judge, when he/she finds it appropriate, may change the order set( )

forth in the preceding paragraph, after hearing opinions of the parties.4 When a party has made an objection to the change made under the provision of( )

the preceding paragraph, the court, by an order, shall make a judicial decision onthe objection.

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Article 215-3 Statements Made through Communication Through Audio and Visual(

)TransmissionsWhere the court has an expert witness state his/her opinions orally, when the

expert witness lives in a remote place or the court finds it appropriate for any otherreasons, the court, as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court, may havehim/her state opinions by a method that enables parties at a distance tocommunicate with each other while mutually recognizing the other party's status byaudio and visual transmissions.

( )Article 215-4 Powers of Authorized Judge, etc.Where an authorized judge or commissioned judge has an expert witness state

his/her opinions, the respective judge shall perform the duties of the court and thepresiding judge; provided, however, that a judicial decision on an objection under theprovision of Article 215-2 4 shall be made by the court in charge of the case.( )

( )Article 216 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Examination of WitnessThe provision of Article 191 shall apply mutatis mutandis where the court has a

public officer or person who was a public officer state his/her opinions as an expertwitness with regard to any secrets in relation to his/her duties, the provisions ofArticle 197 to Article 199 shall apply mutatis mutandis where an expert witnessrefuses to give expert testimony, the provision of Article 201 1 shall apply mutatis( )

mutandis where the court has an expert witness swear under oath, and theprovisions Article 192 and Article 193 shall apply mutatis mutandis where an expertwitness does not appear without justifiable grounds, where an expert witness refusesto swear under oath, and where an expert witness, after a judicial decision findingthat his/her refusal to give expert testimony is groundless has become final andbinding, still refuses to give expert testimony without justifiable grounds.

( )Article 217 Expert as WitnessAn examination concerning facts that an expert has learnt based on his/her special

knowledge and experience shall be governed by the provisions concerning theexamination of a witness.

( )Article 218 Commission of Expert Testimony1 The court, when it finds it necessary, may commission a government agency or( )

public office, a foreign government agency or public office, or a juridical person thathas adequate equipment to give expert testimony. In this case, the provisions ofthis Section, except for those concerning swearing under oath, shall apply mutatismutandis.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court, when it finds it( )

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necessary, may have a person designated by the government agency, public officeor juridical person give an explanation on a written expert testimony.

Section 5 Examination of Documentary Evidence

( )Article 219 Request for Examination of Documentary EvidenceA request for examination of documentary evidence shall be made by submitting a

document or requesting the court to order the holder of a document to submit suchdocument.

( )Article 220 Obligation to Submit DocumentIn the following cases, the holder of the document may not refuse to submit the

document:i Where a party personally possesses the document that he/she has cited in the( )

suit.ii Where the party who offers evidence may make a request to the holder of the( )

document for the delivery or inspection of the document.iii Where the document has been prepared in the interest of the party who offers( )

evidence or with regard to the legal relationships between the party who offersevidence and the holder of the document.

iv In addition to the cases listed in the preceding three items, in cases where the( )

document does not fall under any of the following categories:a A document stating the matters prescribed in Article 196 with regard to the( )

holder of the document or a person who has any of the relationships listed inthe items of said Article with the holder of the document

b A document concerning a secret in relation to a public officer's duties, which( )

is, if submitted, likely to harm the public interest or substantially hinder theperformance of his/her public duties

c A document stating the fact prescribed in Article 197 1 ii or the matter( ) ( )( )

prescribed in Article 197 1 iii , neither or which are released from the duty( )( )

of secrecyd A document prepared exclusively for use by the holder thereof excluding a( ) (

document held by the State or a local public entity, which is used by a publicofficer for an organizational purpose .)

e A document concerning a suit pertaining to a criminal case or a record of a( )

juvenile case, or a document seized in these cases

( )Article 221 Petition for Order to Submit Document1 A petition for an order to submit a document shall be filed by clarifying the( )

following matters:

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i The indication of the document( )

ii The purport of the document( )

iii The holder of the document( )

iv The facts to be proven by the document( )

v The grounds for the obligation to submit the document( )

2 No petition for an order to submit a document may be filed on the grounds that( )

the document falls under any of the categories listed in item iv of the preceding( )

Article, unless it is necessary to make a request for examination of documentaryevidence by way of a petition for an order to submit a document.

( )Article 222 Procedure for Identifying Document1 Where a person files a petition for an order to submit a document, if it is( )

extremely difficult to clarify the matters set forth in paragraph 1 i or ii of( )( ) ( )

the preceding Article, it is sufficient when filing the petition to clarify, in lieu ofsaid matters, any matters by which the holder of the document can identify thedocument pertaining to the petition. In this case, the person shall request the courtto request the holder of the document to clarify the matters set forth in item i or( )

item ii of said paragraph.( )

2 Upon the request made under the provision of the preceding paragraph, the( )

court, except where it is obvious that the petition for an order to submit adocument is groundless, may request the holder of the document to clarify thematters set forth in the second sentence of said paragraph.

( )Article 223 Order to Submit Document, etc.1 The court, when it finds that a petition for an order to submit a document is( )

well-grounded, shall make an order to the effect that the holder of the documentshould submit the document. In this case, if the document contains any part forwhich it is found to be unnecessary to be examined or which cannot be found to besubject to the obligation to submit, the court may order submission of thedocument excluding such part.

2 The court, where it intends to order a third party to submit a document, shall( )

interrogate the third party.3 Where a petition for an order to submit a document is filed, with regard to a( )

document concerning a secret in relation to a public officer's duties, on the groundsthat the document falls under any of the categories set forth in Article 220 iv , the( )

court, except where it is obvious that the petition is groundless, shall hear opinionsof the supervisory government agency concerned in the case of a member of the(

House of Representatives or House of Councillors or a person who held such post,the respective House; in the case of the Prime Minister or any other Minister ofState or a person who held such post, the Cabinet as to whether or not the)

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document in question falls under the category of document set forth in Article 220iv b . In this case, the supervisory government agency, when stating an opinion( )( )

( )that the document falls under the category of document set forth in Article 220 ivb , shall specify reasons therefor.( )

4 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the supervisory( )

government agency has stated an opinion that the document falls under thecategory of document set forth in Article 220 iv b by reason that the submission( )( )

of the document has any of the following risks, the court, except where it cannotfind reasonable grounds for such opinion, may order the holder of the document tosubmit the document:i Risk that the document will impair national security, harm relationships of( )

trust with a foreign state or international organization or cause a disadvantagein negotiation with a foreign state or international organization

ii Risk that the document will be a hindrance to the prevention, suppression or( )

investigation of crimes, maintenance of prosecution, execution of sentences orany other matters concerning the maintenance of public safety and order

5 In the case referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 3 , when the( ) ( )

supervisory government agency intends to state opinions on a document stating thematters concerning technical or professional secrets held by a third party otherthan the holder of the document, it shall hear opinions of said third party inadvance, except where it intends to state an opinion that the document falls underthe category of document set forth in Article 220 iv b .( )( )

6 The court, when it finds it necessary in order to determine which of the( )

categories of documents set forth in Article 220 iv a to d the document( )( ) ( )

pertaining to the petition for an order to submit a document falls under, may havethe holder of the document present the document. In this case, no person mayrequest the disclosure of the document presented.

7 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order on a petition for an order to( )

submit a document.

( )Article 224 Effect of Party's Non-Compliance with Order to Submit Document, etc.1 If a party does not comply with an order to submit a document, the court may( )

recognize that the opponent's allegations concerning the statements in thedocument are true.

2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall also apply where a party, for the( )

purpose of disrupting the opponent's use thereof, has caused the document to belost or otherwise unusable despite his/her obligation to submit,.

3 In the cases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, if it is extremely( )

difficult for the opponent to make specific allegations concerning the statements inthe document and prove, by other evidence, the fact that is to be proven by the

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document, the court may recognize that the opponent's allegations concerning suchfact are true.

Article 225 Non-Penal Fine for Third Party's Non-Compliance with Order to Submit(

)Document1 If a third party does not comply with an order to submit a document, the court,( )

by an order, punish him/her by a non-penal fine of not more than 200,000 yen.2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 226 Commission to Send DocumentA request for examination of documentary evidence, notwithstanding the provision

of Article 219, may be made by requesting the court to commission the holder of thedocument to send the document; provided, however, that this shall not apply where aparty may request the issuance of an authenticated copy or transcript of thedocument under laws and regulations.

( )Article 227 Retainment of DocumentThe court, when it finds it necessary, may retain a document submitted or sent


( )Article 228 Creation of Document1 A document shall be proven to be authentically created.( )

2 A document, if it is found, in light of its formality and purport, to have been( )

prepared by a public officer in the course of his/her duties, shall be presumed to bean official document authentically created.

3 If there is any doubt about the authenticity of the creation of an official( )

document, the court, by its own authority, may make an inquiry to the relevantgovernment agency or public office concerned.

4 A private document, if it is signed or sealed by the principal or his/her agent,( )

shall be presumed to be authentically created.5 The provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 shall apply mutatis( ) ( ) ( )

mutandis to a document that is found to have been prepared by a foreigngovernment agency or public office.

( )Article 229 Proof by Comparison of Handwriting, etc.1 The authenticity or inauthenticity of the creation of a document may be proven( )

by comparison of handwriting or seal impressions.2 The provisions of Article 219, Article 223, Article 224 1 and 2 , Article 226( ) ( ) ( )

and Article 227 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the submission or sending of a

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document or any other object which contains the handwriting or seal impression tobe used for comparison.

3 If the opponent's handwriting that is suitable for comparison is unavailable, the( )

court may order the opponent to write letters to be used for comparison.4 If the opponent, without justifiable grounds, does not comply with the order( )

made under the provision of the preceding paragraph, the court may recognize thatthe allegations of the party who offers evidence concerning the authenticity orinauthenticity of the creation of the document are true. The same shall applywhere the opponent has written letters by a style of handwriting that is differentfrom his/her own.

5 If a third party, without justifiable grounds, does not comply with an order to( )

submit made under the provision of Article 223 1 as applied mutatis mutandis( )

pursuant to paragraph 2 , the court, by an order, shall punish him/her by a( )

non-penal fine of not more than 100,000 yen.6 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


Article 230 Non-Penal Fine on Party Challenging Authenticity of Creation of(

)Document1 If a party or his/her agent, contrary to the truth, has challenged the authenticity( )

of the creation of a document intentionally or by gross negligence, the court, by anorder, shall punish him/her by a non-penal fine of not more than 100,000 yen.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph.3 In the case referred to in paragraph 1 , if the party or agent who challenged( ) ( )

the authenticity of the creation of a document has admitted, while the suit ispending, that the document is authentically created, the court may revoke theorder set forth in said paragraph, depending on the circumstances.

( )Article 231 Application Mutatis Mutandis to Objects Equivalent to DocumentsThe provisions of this Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to drawings,

photographs, audiotapes, videotapes and any other objects prepared for the purposeof indicating information, other than documents.

Section 6 Observation

( )Article 232 Presentation of Subject Matter of Observation, etc.1 The provisions of Article 219, Article 223, Article 224, Article 226 and Article 227( )

shall apply mutatis mutandis to the presentation or sending of the subject matterof a observation.

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2 If a third party, without justifiable grounds, does not comply with an order to( )

submit made under the provision of Article 223 1 as applied mutatis mutandis( )

pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the court, by an order, shall punish him/herby a non-penal fine of not more than 200,000 yen.

3 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 233 Expert Testimony upon ObservationThe court or an authorized judge or commissioned judge, when it or he/she finds it

necessary in the course of conducting a observation, may order expert testimony.

Section 7 Preservation of Evidence

( )Article 234 Preservation of EvidenceWhen the court finds that there are circumstances under which, unless the

examination of evidence is conducted in advance, it would be difficult to examine theevidence, it may conduct an examination of the evidence pursuant to the provisionsof this Chapter upon petition.

( )Article 235 Court with Jurisdiction, etc.1 A petition for the preservation of evidence, after the filing of an action, shall be( )

filed with the court of the instance in which the evidence is to be used; provided,however, that during the period after the date for the first oral argument isdesignated or the case is referred to preparatory proceedings or preparatoryproceedings by means of documents until oral argument is concluded, such petitionshall be filed with the court in charge of the case.

2 A petition for the preservation of evidence, before the filing of an action, shall be( )

filed with the district court or summary court that has jurisdiction over theresidence of the person who is to be examined or person who holds the document inquestion or the location of the subject of a observation.

3 If there are pressing circumstances, a petition for the preservation of evidence,( )

even after the filing of an action, may be filed with the district court or summarycourt set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 236 Where Opponent Cannot Be DesignatedA petition for the preservation of evidence may be filed even where the opponent

cannot be designated. In this case, the court may appoint a special agent on behalf ofthe person who should be the opponent.

( )Article 237 Preservation of Evidence by Court's Authority

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The court, when it finds it necessary, while the suit is pending, may make an orderof preservation of evidence by its own authority.

( )Article 238 Non-Permission of AppealNo appeal may be entered against an order of preservation of evidence.

( )Article 239 Examination of Evidence by Authorized JudgeIn the case referred to in the proviso to Article 235 1 , the court may have an( )

authorized judge examine evidence.

( )Article 240 Summons for Appearance DateOn the date for examination of evidence, the petitioner and the opponent shall be

summoned; provided, however, that this shall not apply in case of urgency.

( )Article 241 Expenses for Preservation of EvidenceExpenses for the preservation of evidence shall constitute part of the court costs.

( )Article 242 Re-Examination at Oral ArgumentIf a party has requested examination at oral argument of a witness who was

examined in the procedure for the preservation of evidence, the court shall examinethe witness.

Chapter V Judgment

( )Article 243 Final Judgment1 The court, when the suit is ripe for making a judicial decision, shall make a final( )

judgment.2 The court, when part of the suit is ripe for making a judicial decision, may make( )

a final judgment with regard to such part.3 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis where( )

one of the suits for which consolidation of oral arguments has been ordered is ripefor making a judicial decision or where the principal action or counterclaim is ripefor making a judicial decision.

Article 244Where either or both party ies , on the date for oral argument, does not appear or( )

does not present any oral arguments before leaving the court, the court, when it findsit appropriate while taking into consideration the existing status of the trial and thestatus of each party's conduct of the suit, may make a final judgment; provided,however, that where either party, on the date for oral argument, does not appear or

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does not present any oral arguments before leaving the court, this shall apply onlyupon the request of the opponent who appears on that date.

( )Article 245 Interlocutory JudgmentThe court, when the suit is ripe for making a judicial decision with regard to an

independent allegation or evidence or any other interlocutory dispute, may make aninterlocutory judgment. The same shall apply with regard to the statement of claimwhere the statement of claim and the number or amount concerned are in dispute.

( )Article 246 Matters for JudgmentThe court may not make a judgment on any matters for which the parties have not


( )Article 247 Principle of Free DeterminationWhen making a judgment, the court, in light of the entire import of the oral

argument and the result of the examination of evidence, and based on its freedetermination, shall decide whether or not the allegations on facts are true.

( )Article 248 Determination of Amount of DamageWhere it is found that any damage has occurred, if it is extremely difficult, from

the nature of the damage, to prove the amount thereof, the court, based on the entireimport of the oral argument and the result of the examination of evidence, maydetermine a reasonable amount of damage.

( )Article 249 Principle of Direct Trial1 A judgment shall be made by a judge who has participated in the oral argument( )

on which the judgment is to be based.2 In the case of the replacement of a judge, the parties shall state the result of the( )

oral argument already conducted.3 In the case of the replacement of a single judge or the replacement of the( )

majority of a panel of judges, if a party has requested the additional examinationof a witness who has already been examined before the replacement, the courtshall examine the witness.

( )Article 250 When Judgment Becomes EffectiveA judgment shall become effective when it is rendered.

( )Article 251 Date for Rendition of Judgment1 The court shall render a judgment within two months from the date of( )

conclusion of oral argument; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the

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case is complex or there are any other special circumstances.2 The court may render a judgment even where both parties are not present in( )


( )Article 252 Formality of RenditionThe court shall render a judgment based on the original of a judgment document.

( )Article 253 Judgment Document1 A judgment document shall state the following matters:( )

i The main text( )

ii The facts( )

iii The reasons( )

iv The date of conclusion of oral argument( )

v The parties and statutory agents( )

vi The court( )

2 The statements of facts shall clarify the claim and indicate allegations necessary( )

to show that the main text is justifiable.

( )Article 254 Special Provisions on Formality of Rendition1 In the following cases, if the court upholds a plaintiff's claim, it may render a( )

judgment which is not based on the original of a judgment document,notwithstanding the provision of Article 252:i Where the defendant does not deny the facts alleged by the plaintiff at oral( )

argument or does not advance any allegations or evidence.ii Where the defendant, despite being summoned by a service by publication,( )

does not appear on the date for oral argument excluding cases where the brief(

submitted by the defendant is deemed to have been stated at oral argument .)2 When having rendered a judgment pursuant to the provision of the preceding( )

paragraph, the court, in lieu of preparing a judgment document, shall have a courtclerk state, in the record of the date for oral argument on which the judgment hasbeen rendered, the parties and statutory agents, the main text, the claim, and thegist of the reasons.

( )Article 255 Service of Judgment Document, etc.1 A judgment document or a record set forth in paragraph 2 of the preceding( ) ( )

Article shall be served upon the parties.2 The service prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be made by using an( )

authenticated copy of the judgment document or a transcript of the record set forthin paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.( )

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( )Article 256 Judgment for Modification1 The court, when it has found in a judgment any violation of laws or regulations,( )

may make a judgment for modification only within one week after the rendition;provided, however, that this shall not apply where the judgment has become finaland binding or additional oral arguments concerning the case are necessary inorder to modify the judgment.

2 A judgment for modification shall be made without oral argument.( )

3 With regard to the summons on the date for the rendition of a judgment set( )

forth in the preceding paragraph, except where it is served by publication, it shallbe deemed that a service has been made at the time when a writ of summons issent to the place where the service is to be made.

( )Article 257 Order of Correction1 If there is a miscalculation, clerical error or any other clear error similar thereto( )

in a judgment, the court, upon petition or by its own authority, may make an orderof correction at any time.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against an order of correction; provided,( )

however, that this shall not apply where a lawful appeal to the court of secondinstance is filed against the judgment.

( )Article 258 Omission in Judicial Decision1 If the court has omitted to address part of a claim in a judicial decision, the suit( )

shall continue to be pending before that court with regard to such part of theclaim.

2 In the case of an omission in addressing the burden of the court costs in a( )

judicial decision, the court, upon petition or by its own authority, by an order, shallmake a judicial decision on the burden of court costs. In this case, the provisions ofArticle 61 to Article 66 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

3 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph.4 A judicial decision on the burden of court costs made under the provision of( )

paragraph 2 shall cease to be effective when a lawful appeal to the court of( )

second instance is filed against a judgment on merits. In this case, the court ofsecond instance shall make a judicial decision on the burden of the total costs ofthe suit.

( )Article 259 Declaration of Provisional Execution1 With regard to a judgment concerning a claim on a property right, the court,( )

when it finds it necessary, upon petition or by its own authority, may declare thatprovisional execution may be enforced with or without security.

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2 With regard to a judgment on a claim for payment of money for a bill or note or( )

a check and a claim for damages at the statutory interest rate that is incidentalthereto, the court, by its own authority, shall declare that provisional executionmay be enforced without security; provided, however, that when the court finds itappropriate, it may require the provision of security for provisional execution.

3 The court, upon petition or by its own authority, may declare that provisional( )

execution may be avoided by providing security.4 A declaration of provisional execution shall be indicated in the main text of a( )

judgment. The same shall apply to a declaration made under the provision of thepreceding paragraph.

5 If the court has not made a judicial decision on a petition for a declaration of( )

provisional execution or has not made a declaration of provisional execution whenthe court should have made it by its own authority, it shall make a supplementalorder upon petition or by its own authority. The same shall apply where the courthas not made a judicial decision on a petition set forth in paragraph 3 .( )

6 The provisions of Article 76, Article 77, Article 79 and Article 80 shall apply( )

mutatis mutandis to security set forth in paragraph 1 to paragraph 3 .( ) ( )

Article 260 Loss of Effect of Declaration of Provisional Execution and Restoration,(

)etc.1 A declaration of provisional execution shall cease to be effective when a( )

judgment to modify the declaration or the judgment on merits is rendered, to theextent of the modification.

2 When modifying a judgment on merits, the court, upon the petition of the( )

defendant, shall order, in a judgment for modification, that the plaintiff shouldreturn the performance provided by the defendant based on a declaration ofprovisional execution and compensate any damage suffered by the defendant due toprovisional execution or in order to avoid it.

3 Where only a declaration of provisional execution is modified, the provision of( )

the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a judgment to be madelater to modify a judgment on merits.

Chapter VI Conclusion of Suit Not by Judicial Decision

( )Article 261 Withdrawal of Action1 An action may be withdrawn in whole or part before a judgment becomes final( )

and binding.2 The withdrawal of an action, after the opponent has submitted a brief, made( )

statements in preparatory proceedings or conducted oral argument on the merits,shall not become effective without the consent of the opponent; provided, however,

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that this shall not apply to the withdrawal of a counterclaim where the principalaction is withdrawn.

3 The withdrawal of an action shall be made by means of a document; provided,( )

however, that this shall not preclude withdrawing an action orally on the date fororal argument, preparatory proceedings or settlement hereinafter referred to as(

the "date for oral argument, etc." in this Chapter .)4 In the case referred to in the main clause of paragraph 2 , if an action is( ) ( )

withdrawn by means of a document, the document shall be served upon theopponent, and if it is withdrawn orally on the date for oral argument, etc.excluding cases where the opponent has appeared on that date , a transcript of( )

the record of that date shall be served upon the opponent.5 If the opponent does not make an objection within two weeks from the day on( )

which he/she has received a service of a document of withdrawal of an action,he/she shall be deemed to have consented to the withdrawal of the action. Thesame shall apply where an action is withdrawn orally on the date for oralargument, etc. and the opponent does not make an objection within two weeksfrom, if the opponent has appeared on that date, the day on which the action hasbeen withdrawn, and if the opponent has not appeared on that date, the day onwhich a service of a transcript set forth in the preceding paragraph has been made.

( )Article 262 Effect of Withdrawal of Action1 A suit, with regard to its part for which the action is withdrawn, shall be( )

deemed to have never been pending before the court.2 A person who has withdrawn an action after a final judgment on the merits is( )

made may not file the same action.

( )Article 263 Constructive Withdrawal of ActionWhere neither party has appeared on the date for oral argument or preparatory

proceedings or has not presented any oral arguments or made any statements inpreparatory proceedings before leaving the court or their seats, if neither of themfiles a petition for designation of the date within one month, it shall be deemed thatthe action has been withdrawn. The same shall apply where neither party, on twoconsecutive occasions, has appeared on the date for oral argument or preparatoryproceedings or has presented any oral arguments or made any statements inpreparatory proceedings before leaving the court or their seats.

( )Article 264 Acceptance by Means of Document of Proposed Terms of SettlementWhere it is found to be difficult for a party to appear due to living in a remote

place or any other grounds, if the party has submitted a document stating thathe/she accepts the proposed terms of settlement presented in advance by the court or

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an authorized judge or commissioned judge, and the other party has appeared on theappearance date and accepted such proposed terms of settlement, it shall be deemedthat both parties have reached a settlement.

( )Article 265 Terms of Settlement Determined by Court, etc.1 The court or an authorized judge or commissioned judge, upon the joint petition( )

of the parties, may determine the appropriate terms of settlement in order to solvethe case.

2 The petition set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be filed by means of a( )

document. In this case, the document shall state to the effect that the parties willobey the terms of settlement set forth in said paragraph.

3 The terms of settlement under the provision of paragraph 1 shall be( ) ( )

determined by way of a notice on the date for oral argument, etc. or any othernotice given by a method that is considered to be appropriate.

4 A party may withdraw a petition set forth in paragraph 1 only prior to when( ) ( )

the notice set forth in the preceding paragraph has been given. In this case, suchparty shall not be required to obtain consent from the opponent.

5 When a notice set forth in paragraph 3 has been given to both parties, it shall( ) ( )

be deemed that the parties have reached a settlement.

( )Article 266 Waiver or Acknowledgment of Claim1 A waiver or acknowledgement of a claim shall be made on the date for oral( )

argument, etc.2 If a party who has submitted a document stating that he/she waives or( )

acknowledges a claim does not appear on the date for oral argument, etc., the courtor an authorized judge or commissioned judge may deem that the party has statedto that effect.

( )Article 267 Effect of Record of Settlement, etc.When a settlement or a waiver or acknowledgement of a claim is stated in a record,

such statement shall have the same effect as a final and binding judgment.

Chapter VII Special Provisions Concerning Large-Scale Suit, etc.

Article 268 Examination of Witnesses, etc. by Authorized Judge in Case Pertaining(

)to Large-Scale SuitThe court, in a case pertaining to a large-scale suit meaning a suit in which a(

significantly large number of parties are involved and a significantly large number ofwitnesses or parties themselves are to be examined , may have an authorized judge)

examine witnesses or parties themselves within the court, if no objection is made by

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the parties.

( )Article 269 Composition of Panel in Case Pertaining to Large-Scale Suit1 In a district court, with regard to a case prescribed in the preceding Article, a( )

panel of five judges may make an order to the effect that said panel shall conduct atrial and make a judicial decision on that case.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the panel may not contain( )

three or more assistant judges simultaneously, and no assistant judge may serve asa presiding judge.

Article 269-2 Composition of Panel in Case Pertaining to Action Relating to Patent(

)Right, etc.1 In the court specified in each item of Article 6 1 , with regard to a case( ) ( )

pertaining to an action relating to a patent right, etc., a panel of five judges maymake an order to the effect that said panel shall conduct a trial and make ajudicial decision on that case; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a casepertaining to a suit transferred pursuant to the provision of Article 20-2 1 .( )

2 The provision of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis( ) ( )

mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter VIII Special Provisions Concerning Court Proceedings in SummaryCourt

( )Article 270 Characteristics of ProceedingsIn a summary court, simplified proceedings shall be applied to solve disputes


( )Article 271 Oral Filing of ActionAn action may be filed orally.

( )Article 272 Matters to Be Clarified in Filing of ActionIn filing an action, it shall be sufficient to clarify the points of the dispute, in lieu

of the statement of claim.

( )Article 273 Filing of Action by Voluntary Appearance, etc.Both parties may voluntarily appear before the court and conduct oral argument

on their suit. In this case, an action shall be filed by an oral statement.

( )Article 274 Transfer Based on Filing of Counterclaim1 Where the defendant, by filing a counterclaim, has made a claim that is subject( )

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to the jurisdiction of a district court, the summary court, upon the petition of theopponent, by an order, shall transfer the principal action and counterclaim to thedistrict court. In this case, the provision of Article 22 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

2 No appeal may be entered against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 275 Settlement Prior to Filing of Action1 With regard to a civil dispute, a party may file a petition for settlement with the( )

summary court that has jurisdiction over the location of the general venue of theopponent, by indicating the object and statement of claim as well as the actualcircumstances of the dispute.

2 Where the settlement set forth in the preceding paragraph is not reached, the( )

court, upon the petition of both parties who have appeared on the date forsettlement, shall immediately order the parties to present oral arguments as theywould do in a suit. In this case, the party who has filed a petition for settlementshall be deemed to have filed an action at the time of filing of the petition, andexpenses for settlement shall constitute part of the court costs.

3 If the petitioner or the opponent does not appear on the date for settlement set( )

forth in paragraph 1 , the court may deem that no settlement is reached.( )

4 With regard to a settlement set forth in paragraph 1 , the provisions of Article( ) ( )

264 and Article 265 shall not apply.

( )Article 275-2 Order in Lieu of Settlement1 Where, with regard to an action to make a claim for payment of money, the( )

defendant does not deny the facts alleged by the plaintiff at oral argument or doesnot advance any allegations or evidence, the court, when it finds it appropriatewhile taking into consideration the defendant's financial resources and any othercircumstances concerned, after hearing opinions of the plaintiff, may make anorder to the effect that the defendant should make a payment of money pertainingto said claim, while stipulating in the order a provision concerning the period forpayment of the money pertaining to said claim or a provision authorizinginstallment payment with regard to such payment of money, both of which shall bewithin five years from the expiration of the period set forth in paragraph 3 , or( )

simultaneously stipulating a provision to the effect that if the defendant has madea payment pursuant to the provision concerning the period or has made a paymentwithout losing, pursuant to the provision of the following paragraph, the benefit oftime under the provision authorizing installment payment, he/she shall beexempted from the obligation to pay any delay damages accrued after the filing ofthe action.

2 When stipulating a provision authorizing installment payment set forth in the( )

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preceding paragraph, the court shall stipulate a provision on the loss of the benefitof time in the event of the defendant's failure to pay.

3 With regard to an order set forth in paragraph 1 , a party may make an( ) ( )

objection to the court that has made the order, within an unextendable period oftwo weeks from the day on which he/she has received a notice of the order.

4 If an objection is made within the period set forth in the preceding paragraph,( )

the order set forth in paragraph 1 shall cease to be effective.( )

5 If no objection is made within the period set forth in paragraph 3 , the order( ) ( )

set forth in paragraph 1 shall have the same effect as a judicial settlement.( )

( )Article 276 Omission of Brief, etc.1 Oral argument shall not be required to be prepared by means of a document.( )

2 With regard to matters on which it is found that the opponent will be unable to( )

make statements without making preparation, notwithstanding the provision of thepreceding paragraph, a document shall be prepared or a notice shall be givendirectly to the opponent prior to oral argument.

3 The matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph, except for those which are( )

stated in a brief limited to one served upon the opponent or one for which the(

opponent has submitted a document stating that he/she has received it or for)

which a notice thereof under the provision of said paragraph is given, may not bealleged at oral argument without the presence of the opponent in court.

( )Article 277 Constructive Statements on Date for ContinuanceThe provision of Article 158 shall apply mutatis mutandis where the plaintiff or

the defendant does not appear on the date for continuance of oral argument orappears on that date but does not present any oral arguments on merits.

( )Article 278 Submission of Document in Lieu of Examination, etc.The court, when it finds it appropriate, may allow the submission of a document in

lieu of examining a witness or a party him/herself or having an expert witness statehis/her opinions.

( )Article 279 Judicial Commissioner1 The court, when it finds it necessary, may have a judicial commissioner assist an( )

attempt to arrange a settlement or have a judicial commissioner attend the trial tohear his/her opinions on the case.

2 The number of judicial commissioners shall be one or more for each case.( )

3 A judicial commissioner shall be designated by the court for each case from( )

among persons appointed in advance by a district court each year.4 The qualification of persons to be appointed pursuant to the provision of the( )

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preceding paragraph, the number of such persons, and any other necessary mattersconcerning the appointment set forth in said paragraph shall be specified by theRules of the Supreme Court.

5 A judicial commissioner shall be paid travel expenses, a daily allowance and( )

accommodation charges at the amount specified by the Rules of the SupremeCourt.

( )Article 280 Matters to Be Stated in Judgment DocumentWhen stating facts and reasons in a judgment document, it shall be sufficient to

indicate the gist of the object and statement of claim, the existence or nonexistence ofthe statement, and the gist of a defense which is the reason for rejecting the claim.

Part III Appeal

Chapter 1 Appeal to Court of Second Instance

( )Article 281 Judgment Appealable to Court of Second Instance, etc.1 An appeal to the court of second instance may be filed against a final judgment( )

made by a district court as the court of first instance or a final judgment made bya summary court; provided, however, that this shall not apply where, after a finaljudgment is made, both parties have made an agreement not to file an appeal tothe court of second instance while reserving the right to file a final appeal.

2 The provisions of Article 11 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( ) ( ) ( )

agreement set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Article 282 Restriction on Filing of Appeal to Court of Second Instance against(

)Judicial Decision on Burden of Court CostsNo appeal to the court of second instance may be filed independently against a

judicial decision on the burden of court costs.

( )Article 283 Judicial Decision Subject to Determination by Court of Second InstanceAny judicial decision made prior to a final judgment shall be subject to a

determination made by the court of second instance; provided, however, that thisshall not apply to a judicial decision against which no appeal may be entered and ajudicial decision against which an appeal may be entered by filing an appeal againsta ruling.

( )Article 284 Waiver of Right to Appeal to Court of Second InstanceA right to appeal to the court of second instance may be waived.

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( )Article 285 Period for Filing Appeal to Court of Second InstanceA appeal to the court of second instance shall be filed within an unextendable

period of two weeks from the day on which a service of a judgment document or of arecord set forth in Article 254 2 is received; provided, however, that this shall not( )

preclude the effect of an appeal to the court of second instance filed prior to thatperiod.

( )Article 286 Formality of Filing of Appeal to Court of Second Instance1 An appeal to the court of second instance shall be filed by submitting a petition( )

for appeal to the court of first instance.2 A petition for appeal shall state the following matters:( )

i The parties and statutory agents( )

ii The indication of the judgment of first instance and a statement to the effect( )

that an appeal is filed against this judgment

( )Article 287 Dismissal of Appeal without Prejudice by Court of First Instance1 If an appeal to the court of second instance is unlawful and it is obvious that( )

such defect cannot be corrected, the court of first instance, by an order, shalldismiss the appeal without prejudice.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 288 Presiding Judge's Authority to Examine Petition for AppealThe provision of Article 137 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a petition for

appeal is in violation of Article 286 2 and where fees for filing an appeal to the( )

court of second instance required under the provisions of the Act on Costs of CivilProcedure are not paid.

( )Article 289 Service of Petition for Appeal1 A petition for appeal shall be served upon the appellee.( )

2 The provision of Article 137 shall apply mutatis mutandis where it is impossible( )

to serve a petition for appeal including cases where the expenses necessary for(

serving the petition for appeal are not prepaid .)

( )Article 290 Dismissal of Appeal without Prejudice, without Oral ArgumentIf an appeal to the court of second instance is unlawful and such defect cannot be

corrected, the court of second instance, by a judgment, may dismiss the appealwithout prejudice, without oral argument.

Article 291 Dismissal of Appeal without Prejudice in the case of No Prepayment of(

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)Expenses for Summons1 Where the court of second instance has specified a reasonable period and ordered( )

the appellant to prepay, under the provisions of the Act on Costs of CivilProcedure, the expenses necessary for issuing a summons to the parties to appearon the appearance date, but such expenses are not prepaid, the court, by an order,may dismiss the appeal without prejudice.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 292 Withdrawal of Appeal to Court of Second Instance1 An appeal to the court of second instance may be withdrawn before the court of( )

second instance makes a final judgment.2 The provisions of Article 261 3 , Article 262 1 and Article 263 shall apply( ) ( ) ( )

mutatis mutandis to the withdrawal of an appeal to the court of second instance.

( )Article 293 Incidental Appeal1 The appellee, even after the extinction of a right to appeal to the court of second( )

instance, may file an incidental appeal until oral argument is concluded.2 An incidental appeal shall cease to be effective when an appeal to the court of( )

second instance is withdrawn or an appeal to the court of second instance isdismissed as unlawful without prejudice; provided, however, that an incidentalappeal that meets the requirements for an appeal to the court of second instanceshall be deemed to be an independent appeal to the court of second instance.

3 An incidental appeal shall be governed by the provisions concerning an appeal to( )

the court of second instance; provided, however, that an incidental appeal may befiled by submitting a petition for incidental appeal to the court of second instance.

Article 294 Declaration of Provisional Execution Regarding Judgment of First(

)InstanceThe court of second instance, only with regard to the part of the judgment of first

instance against which no appeal is entered, upon petition, may declare provisionalexecution by an order.

( )Article 295 Appeal against Judicial Decision Concerning Provisional ExecutionNo appeal may be entered against a judicial decision made by the court of second

instance concerning provisional execution; provided, however, that an immediateappeal may be filed against an order to dismiss without prejudice the petition setforth in the preceding Article.

( )Article 296 Scope of Oral Argument, etc.

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1 Oral argument shall be conducted only to the extent that a party seeks( )

modification of the judgment of first instance.2 The parties shall state the result of the oral argument conducted in the first( )


Article 297 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Court Proceedings in(

)First InstanceThe provisions of Part II, Chapter I to Chapter VII, except as otherwise provided,

shall apply mutatis mutandis to court proceedings in the second instance; provided,however, that this shall not apply to Article 269.

( )Article 298 Effect of Procedural Act Performed in First Instance, etc.1 Any procedural act performed in the first instance shall also be effective in the( )

second instance.2 The provision of Article 167 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a party who( )

advances allegations and evidence in the second instance with regard to the casefor which preliminary oral arguments or preparatory proceedings have been closedin the first instance, and the provision of Article 178 shall apply mutatis mutandisto a party who advances allegations and evidence in the second instance in caseswhere the statements or confirmation set forth in said Article have or has beenmade with regard to the case for which preparatory proceedings by means ofdocuments have been closed in the first instance.

Article 299 Restriction on Allegation of Lack of Jurisdiction of Court of First(

)Instance1 In the second instance, the parties may not allege that the court of first instance( )

has no jurisdiction; provided, however, that this shall not apply to an exclusivejurisdiction excluding one determined by an agreement between the parties(

pursuant to the provision of Article 11 .)2 Where the court of first instance set forth in the preceding paragraph is the( )

court specified in any of the items of Article 6 1 , if the suit is subject to the( )

exclusive jurisdiction of another court pursuant to the provision of Article 6 1 , the( )

provision of the proviso to the preceding paragraph shall not apply.

( )Article 300 Filing of Counterclaim, etc.1 In the second instance, a counterclaim may be filed only with the consent of the( )

opponent.2 If the opponent presents oral arguments on the merits of a counterclaim without( )

making any objection, he/she shall be deemed to have consented to the filing of thecounterclaim.

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3 The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to( )

the addition of a claim pertaining to appointers.

( )Article 301 Period for Advancement of Allegations and Evidence, etc.1 The presiding judge, after hearing opinions of the parties, may specify periods( )

for advancing allegations and evidence, amending the claim or statement of claim,filing a counterclaim or adding a claim pertaining to appointers.

2 A party who performs any of the procedural acts prescribed in the preceding( )

paragraph after the expiration of the period specified pursuant to the provision ofsaid paragraph shall explain to the court the reasons why he/she was unable toperform the act within that period.

( )Article 302 Dismissal of Appeal with Prejudice on Merits1 The court of second instance, when it finds that the judgment of first instance is( )

appropriate, shall dismiss the appeal filed thereto with prejudice on the merits.2 Even where the judgment of first instance is unjust for a reason attached( )

thereto, if it is just for any other reason, the court of second instance shall dismissthe appeal filed thereto with prejudice on the merits.

( )Article 303 Sanction against Abuse of Right to Appeal to Court of Second Instance1 Where the court of second instance dismisses the appeal filed thereto with( )

prejudice on the merits pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of the( )

preceding Article, if it finds that the appellant has filed the appeal exclusively forthe purpose of delaying the conclusion of the suit, it may order the appellant to paymoney of not more than ten times the amount payable as fees for filing an appealwith the court of second instance.

2 A judicial decision made under the provision of the preceding Article shall be( )

indicated in the main text of a judgment.3 A judicial decision made under the provision of paragraph 1 shall cease to be( ) ( )

effective when a judgment to modify the judgment on merits is rendered.4 The final appellate court, even where it dismisses a final appeal with prejudice( )

on the merits, may modify a judicial decision made under the provision ofparagraph 1 .( )

5 The provision of Article 189 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a judicial decision( )

made under the provision of paragraph 1 .( )

( )Article 304 Scope of Revocation and Modification of Judgment of First InstanceA judgment of first instance may be revoked and modified only to the extent that

an appeal is entered against it.

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( )Article 305 Revocation of Unjust Judgment of First InstanceThe court of second instance shall revoke the judgment of first instance when it

finds that the judgment is unjust.

Article 306 Revocation of Judgment Made by Court of First Instance by Illegal(

)ProcedureIf the procedures followed by the court of first instance when making a judgment

are in violation of any Acts, the court of second instance shall revoke the judgment offirst instance.

( )Article 307 Remand of CaseThe court of second instance, when revoking the judgment of first instance that has

dismissed the action as unlawful without prejudice, shall remand the case to thecourt of first instance; provided, however, that this shall not apply where additionaloral arguments concerning the case are not necessary.

Article 3081 In addition to the case prescribed in the main clause of the preceding Article,( )

where the court of second instance revokes the judgment of first instance, ifadditional oral arguments concerning the case are necessary, it may remand thecase to the court of first instance.

2 If the case is remanded on the grounds that court proceedings in the court of( )

first instance are in violation of any Acts, such court proceedings shall be deemedto have been rescinded by the remand.

( )Article 309 Transfer on Grounds of Lack of Jurisdiction of Court of First InstanceThe court of second instance, when revoking the judgment of first instance on the

grounds of lack of jurisdiction over the case, shall transfer the case to a court withjurisdiction.

Article 310 Declaration of Provisional Execution in Judgment Made by Court of(

)Second InstanceThe court of second instance, with regard to a judgment concerning a claim for

payment of money excluding a claim set forth in Article 259 2 , upon petition,( ( ))

shall declare that provisional execution may be enforced without security, unless itfinds such declaration unnecessary; provided, however, that when the court of secondinstance finds it appropriate, it may require the provision of security for provisionalexecution.

Article 310-2 Composition of Panel in Appeal Case against Action Relating to Patent(

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)Right, etc.In the Tokyo High Court with which an appeal is filed against a final judgment on

an action relating to a patent right, etc. that is made by any of the courts specified inthe items of Article 6 1 as the court of first instance, a panel of five judges may( )

make an order to the effect that said panel shall conduct a trial and make a judicialdecision on that case; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a casepertaining to an appeal to the court of second instance against a final judgment onan action pertaining to a suit transferred pursuant to the provision of Article 20-21 .( )

Chapter II Final Appeal

( )Article 311 Final Appellate Court1 A final appeal may be filed with the Supreme Court against a final judgment( )

made by a high court as the court of second instance or the court of first instance,and may be filed with a high court against a final judgment made by a districtcourt as the court of second instance.

2 In the case referred to in the proviso to Article 281 1 , a final appeal may be( ) ( )

filed directly with the Supreme Court against a judgment made by a district court,and may be filed directly with a high court against a judgment made by asummary court.

( )Article 312 Reasons for Final Appeal1 A final appeal may be filed by reason that a judgment contains a( )

misconstruction of the Constitution or any other violation of the Constitution.2 A final appeal may also be filed by reason of the existence of any of the following( )

grounds; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the grounds set forth in( ) ( )item iv where ratification is made under the provision of Article 34 2

including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 59 :( )

i The court rendering judgment was not composed under any Acts.( )

ii A judge who may not participate in making the judgment under any Acts( )

participated in making the judgment.iii The judgment was made in violation of the provisions concerning exclusive( )

jurisdiction excluding cases where any of the courts specified in the items of(

Article 6 1 made a final judgment in the first instance when the suit is subject( )

to the exclusive jurisdiction of another court pursuant to the provision of Article6 1 .( ))

iv The judgment was made in the absence of the authority of statutory( )

representation, authority of representation in a suit or the delegation of powersnecessary for performing procedural acts.

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v The judgment was made in violation of the provision on the opening of oral( )

argument to the The judgment lacks reasons, or the reasons attached to the judgment are( )

inconsistent.3 A final appeal to a high court may also be filed by reason that there is a( )

violation of laws or regulations that apparently affects a judgment.

Article 313 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Appeal to Court of(

)Second InstanceThe provisions of the preceding Chapter, except as otherwise provided, shall apply

mutatis mutandis to a final appeal and court proceedings in the final appellateinstance.

( )Article 314 Formality of Filing of Final Appeal, etc.1 A final appeal shall be filed by submitting a petition for final appeal to the court( )

of prior instance.2 The authority of the presiding judge under the provisions of Article 288 and( )

Article 289 2 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding Article shall( )

be exercised by the presiding judge of the court of prior instance.

( )Article 315 Statement of Reasons for Final Appeal1 If a petition for final appeal does not state any reasons for final appeal, a( )

statement of reasons for final appeal shall be submitted to the court of priorinstance within the period specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court.

2 Reasons for final appeal shall be stated in the form specified by the Rules of the( )

Supreme Court.

( )Article 316 Dismissal of Final Appeal without Prejudice by Court of Prior Instance1 Where it is obvious that a final appeal falls under any of the following items, the( )

court of prior instance, by an order, shall dismiss the final appeal withoutprejudice:i Where the final appeal is unlawful and such defect cannot be corrected.( )

ii Where a statement of reasons for final appeal is not submitted in violation of( )

the provision of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, or the stated reasons for( )

final appeal are in violation of paragraph 2 of said Article.( )

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


Article 317 Dismissal of Final Appeal without Prejudice by Final Appellate Court,(


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1 In the cases listed in the items of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the( ) ( )

final appellate court, by an order, may dismiss a final appeal without prejudice.2 The Supreme Court, as the final appellate court, by an order, may dismiss a( )

final appeal with prejudice on the merits where the reasons for final appealobviously do not fall under the grounds prescribed in Article 312 1 or 2 .( ) ( )

( )Article 318 Petition for Acceptance of Final Appeal1 With regard to a case in which the judgment in prior instance contains a( )

determination that is inconsistent with precedents rendered by the Supreme Courtor precedents rendered by the former Supreme Court or those rendered by high(

courts as the final appellate court or the court of second instance, if there are noprecedents rendered by the Supreme Court or any other case in which the)

judgment in prior instance is found to involve material matters concerning theconstruction of laws and regulations, where the court with which a final appealshall be filed is the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court, upon petition, by an order,may accept such case as the final appellate court.

2 The petition set forth in the preceding paragraph hereinafter referred to as a( ) (

"petition for acceptance of final appeal" may not state the grounds prescribed in)

Article 312 1 and 2 as reasons for petition.( ) ( )

3 In the case referred to in paragraph 1 , the Supreme Court may exclude any( ) ( )

reasons for petition for acceptance of final appeal that is found not to be material.4 Where an order set forth in paragraph 1 is made, it shall be deemed that a( ) ( )

final appeal is filed. In this case, for the purpose of application of the provision ofArticle 320, the reasons for petition for acceptance of final appeal except for thoseexcluded pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed tobe the reasons for final appeal.

5 The provisions of Article 313 to Article 315 and Article 316 1 shall apply( ) ( )

mutatis mutandis to a petition for acceptance of final appeal.

Article 319 Dismissal of Final Appeal with Prejudice on Merits, without Oral(

)ArgumentThe final appellate court, when it finds that a final appeal is groundless based on

the petition for final appeal, statement of reasons for final appeal, written answer orany other documents, may dismiss the final appeal with prejudice on the merits by ajudgment, without oral argument.

( )Article 320 Scope of ExaminationThe final appellate court, based on the reasons for final appeal, shall conduct an

examination only to the extent that an appeal is entered.

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( )Article 321 Binding Force of Facts Determined by Judgment in Prior Instance1 The facts legally determined by the judgment in prior instance shall be binding( )

on the final appellate court.2 Where a final appeal is filed under the provision of Article 311 2 , the final( ) ( )

appellate court may not quash the judgment in prior instance on the grounds thatthe determination of facts by the judgment is in violation of any Acts.

Article 322 Exclusion from Application of Matters to Be Examined by Court's Own(

)AuthorityThe provisions of the preceding two Articles shall not apply to matters to be

examined by the court's own authority.

( )Article 323 Declaration of Provisional ExecutionWith regard to the part of the judgment in prior instance against which no appeal

is entered, the final appellate court, upon petition, by an order, may declareprovisional execution.

( )Article 324 Transfer to the Supreme CourtA high court, as the final appellate court, by an order, shall transfer a case to the

Supreme Court if any grounds specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court exist.

( )Article 325 Quashing and Remand, etc.1 Where the grounds prescribed in Article 312 1 or 2 exist, the final appellate( ) ( ) ( )

court shall quash the judgment in prior instance, and except in the cases set forthin the following Article, shall remand the case to the court of prior instance ortransfer the case to another court equivalent thereto. The same shall apply wherea high court is the final appellate court and there is a violation of laws orregulations that apparently affects a judgment.

2 The Supreme Court, as the final appellate court, even where the grounds( )

prescribed in Article 312 1 or 2 do not exist, may quash the judgment in prior( ) ( )

instance if there is a violation of laws or regulations that apparently affects ajudgment, and except in the cases set forth in the following Article, may remandthe case to the court of prior instance or transfer the case to another courtequivalent thereto.

3 The court to which a case is remanded or transferred pursuant to the provisions( )

of the preceding two paragraphs shall make a judicial decision based on additionaloral argument. In this case, the factual or legal determination based on which thefinal appellate court has quashed the judgment shall be binding on the court towhich the case is remanded or transferred.

4 A judge who has participated in making the judgment in prior instance may not( )

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participate in making the judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 326 Quashing and Decision by Final Appellate CourtIn the following cases, the final appellate court shall make a judicial decision on

the case:i Where the final appellate court quashes the judgment on the grounds that the( )

judgment has erred in applying the Constitution or any other laws or regulationsto the determined facts, and the case is ripe for making a judicial decision basedon such facts.

ii Where the final appellate court quashes the judgment on the grounds that the( )

case is subject to the jurisdiction of no court.

( )Article 327 Special Appeal to Court of Last Resort1 Against a final judgment made by a high court as the final appellate court, an( )

appeal may further be filed with the Supreme Court only on the grounds that thejudgment contains a misconstruction of the Constitution or any other violation ofthe Constitution.

2 With regard to the appeal set forth in the preceding paragraph and court( )

proceedings in the appellate instance, unless contrary to the nature thereof, theprovisions concerning a final appeal against a final judgment made by the court ofsecond instance or the court of first instance and court proceedings in the finalappellate instance shall apply mutatis mutandis. In this case, the phrase "thejudgment in prior instance" in Article 321 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with( )

"a final judgment made by a district court as the court of second instance in cases(

where a final appeal is filed under the provision of Article 311 2 , a final judgment( )

made by a summary court" .)

Chapter III Appeal against Ruling

( )Article 328 Judicial Decision Subject to Appeal against Ruling1 An appeal against a ruling may be filed against an order or direction that has( )

dismissed without prejudice a petition concerning court proceedings, without oralargument.

2 If an order or direction is made with regard to matters for which a judicial( )

decision may not be made by an order or direction, an appeal against a ruling maybe filed against it.

( )Article 329 Appeal against Judicial Decision Made by Authorized Judge, etc.1 A party who disagrees with a judicial decision made by an authorized judge or( )

commissioned judge may make an objection to the court in charge of the case;

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provided, however, that this shall apply only where an appeal against a ruling maybe filed against the judicial decision if it is made by the court in charge of the case.

2 An appeal against a ruling may be filed against a judicial decision on the( )

objection set forth in the preceding paragraph.3 For the purpose of application of the provision of paragraph 1 in cases where( ) ( )

the Supreme Court or a high court is the court in charge of the case, the phrase"the court in charge of the case" in the proviso to said paragraph shall be deemedto be replaced with "a district court."

( )Article 330 Re-appeal from Appeal against RulingAn appeal against a ruling may further be filed against an order made by the court

in charge of an appeal against a ruling only on the grounds that the order contains amisconstruction of the Constitution or any other violation of the Constitution or thatthere is a violation of laws or regulations that apparently affects an order.

Article 331 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Appeal to Court of(

)Second Instance or Final AppealWith regard to an appeal against a ruling and court proceedings in the court in

charge of an appeal against a ruling, unless contrary to the nature thereof, theprovisions of Chapter I shall apply mutatis mutandis; provided, however, that withregard to an appeal against a ruling set forth in the preceding Article and courtproceedings for such appeal, the provisions of the preceding Chapter concerning afinal appeal against a final judgment made by the court of second instance or thecourt of first instance and court proceedings in the final appellate instance shallapply mutatis mutandis.

( )Article 332 Period for Filing Immediate AppealAn immediate appeal shall be filed within an unextendable period of one week

from the day on which a notice of the judicial decision is received.

( )Article 333 Correction by Court of Prior Instance, etc.The court or the presiding judge which or who has made the judicial decision of

prior instance, when it or he/she finds that an appeal against a ruling iswell-grounded, shall correct the judicial decision.

( )Article 334 Stay of Execution of Judicial Decision of Prior Instance1 An appeal against a ruling, only if it is filed as an immediate appeal, shall have( )

the effect of stay of execution.2 The court in charge of an appeal against a ruling or the court or the presiding( )

judge which or who has made the judicial decision of prior instance, until an order

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is made on the appeal against a ruling, may order stay of execution of the judicialdecision of prior instance or any other necessary disposition.

( )Article 335 Interrogation in Lieu of Oral ArgumentThe court in charge of an appeal against a ruling, if it does not hold oral argument

on the appeal against a ruling, may interrogate the appellant and any otherinterested person.

( )Article 336 Special Appeal against Ruling to the Supreme Court1 Against an order and a direction made in a district court or summary court( )

against which no appeal may be entered as well as an order and a direction madein a high court, a special appeal against a ruling may further be filed with theSupreme Court on the grounds that the respective judicial decision contains amisconstruction of the Constitution or any other violation of the Constitution.

2 The appeal against a ruling set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be filed( )

within an unextendable period of five days from the day on which a notice of thejudicial decision is received.

3 With regard to an appeal against a ruling set forth in paragraph 1 and court( ) ( )

proceedings for such appeal, unless contrary to the nature thereof, the provisionsconcerning an appeal set forth in Article 327 1 and court proceedings in the( )

appellate instance and the provision of Article 334 2 shall apply mutatis( )


( )Article 337 Appeal with Permission1 Against an order and direction made in a high court excluding an order and( ) (

direction on an appeal against a ruling set forth in Article 330 and a petition setforth in the following paragraph , in addition to the case under the provision of)

paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, an appeal may be specially filed with the( )

Supreme Court only if the high court permits it pursuant to the provision of thefollowing paragraph; provided, however, that this shall apply only where an appealagainst a ruling may be filed against the respective judicial decision if it is madeby a district court.

2 Where the judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph contains a( )

determination that is inconsistent with precedents rendered by the Supreme Courtor precedents rendered by the former Supreme Court or those rendered by high(

courts as the final appellate court or the court in charge of an appeal against aruling, if there are no precedents rendered by the Supreme Court or where said)

judicial decision is found to involve material matters concerning the construction oflaws and regulations, the high court set forth in said paragraph, upon petition, byan order, may permit an appeal against a ruling.

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3 The petition set forth in the preceding paragraph may not state the grounds( )

prescribed in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article as reasons for petition.( )

4 Where permission is granted under the provision of paragraph 2 , it shall be( ) ( )

deemed that an appeal against a ruling set forth in paragraph 1 is filed.( )

5 The Supreme Court may quash the judicial decision of prior instance if there is a( )

violation of laws or regulations that apparently affects a judicial decision.6 The provisions of Article 313, Article 315 and paragraph 2 of the preceding( ) ( )

Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the petition set forth in paragraph 2 , the( )

provision of Article 318 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis where the court grants( )

permission under the provision of paragraph 2 , and the provisions of the second( )

sentence of Article 318 4 and paragraph 3 of the preceding Article shall apply( ) ( )

mutatis mutandis where permission is granted under the provision of paragraph2 .( )

Part IV Retrial

( )Article 338 Grounds for Retrial1 Where any of the following grounds exist, an appeal may be entered by filing an( )

action for retrial against a final judgment that has become final and binding;provided, however, that this shall not apply where a party, when filing the appealto the court of second instance or final appeal, alleged such grounds or did notallege them while being aware of them:i The court rendering judgment was not composed under any Acts.( )

ii A judge who may not participate in making the judgment under any Acts( )

participated in making the judgment.iii The judgment was made in the absence of the authority of statutory( )

representation, authority of representation in a suit or the delegation of powersnecessary for performing procedural acts.

iv The judge who participated in making the judgment has committed a crime in( )

relation to his/her duties with regard to the case.v Another person's act that is criminally punishable caused the party to admit( )

any fact or prevented him/her from advancing allegations or evidence that shouldhave affected a judgment.

vi The documents or any other objects used as evidence for making the judgment( )

were forged or altered.vii False statements by a witness, an expert witness, interpreter or a party or( )

statutory agent who had sworn were used as evidence for making the judgment.viii The judgment or other judicial decision on a civil or criminal case or( )

administrative disposition, based on which the judgment pertaining to the appealwas made, has been modified by a subsequent judicial decision or administrative

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disposition.ix There was an omission in a determination with regard to material matters( )

that should have affected a judgment.x The judgment pertaining to an appeal conflicts with a previous judgment that( )

has become final and binding.2 Where any of the grounds set forth in item iv to item vii of the preceding( ) ( ) ( )

paragraph exist, an action for retrial may be filed only if, with regard to apunishable act, a judgment of conviction or judgment of a non-penal fine hasbecome final and binding, or a final and binding judgment of conviction or finaland binding judgment of a non-penal fine cannot be obtained due to grounds otherthan grounds of lack of evidence.

3 When the court of second instance has made a judgment on merits with regard( )

to the case, no action for retrial may be filed against the judgment made by thecourt of first instance.

Article 339Where the grounds prescribed in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article exist with( )

regard to the judicial decision based on which a judgment is made limited to the(

case prescribed in paragraph 2 of said Article if any of the grounds set forth in( )

item iv to vii of said paragraph exist , such grounds may be stated as grounds( ) ( ) )

for retrial against the judgment, even if any method of entering an independentappeal against such judicial decision is specified.

( )Article 340 Court with Jurisdiction1 An action for retrial shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the court( )

that has made the judgment pertaining to an appeal.2 Actions for retrial against judgments made by the courts of different instances( )

with regard to the same case shall be subject collectively to the jurisdiction of theupper instance court of these courts.

( )Article 341 Court Proceedings for RetrialWith regard to court proceedings for retrial, unless contrary to the nature thereof,

the provisions concerning court proceedings in their respective instances shall applymutatis mutandis.

( )Article 342 Period of Retrial1 An action for retrial shall be filed within an unextendable period of 30 days from( )

the day on which a party has become aware of the grounds for retrial after thejudgment became final and binding.

2 When five years have elapsed from the day on which a judgment became final( )

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and binding or the day on which the grounds for retrial occurred if they occurred(

after the judgment became final and binding , no action for retrial may be filed.)

3 The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply to an action for( )

retrial filed on the grounds of the lack of authority of representation, which areincluded in the grounds set forth in Article 338 1 iii , and the grounds set forth( )( )

in Article 338 1 x .( )( )

( )Article 343 Matters to Be Stated in Complaint for RetrialA complaint for retrial shall state the following matters:i The parties and statutory agents( )

ii The indication of the judgment pertaining to an appeal and the statement to( )

the effect that a retrial is sought against this judgmentiii The reasons for appeal( )

( )Article 344 Amendment of Reasons for AppealA party who has filed an action for retrial may amend the reasons for appeal.

( )Article 345 Dismissal without Prejudice of Action for Retrial, etc.1 Where an action for retrial is unlawful, the court, by an order, shall dismiss it( )

without prejudice.2 Where there are no grounds for retrial, the court, by an order, shall dismiss a( )

claim for retrial with prejudice on the merits.3 When an order set forth in the preceding paragraph becomes final and binding,( )

no further action for retrial may be filed by stating the same grounds as reasonsfor appeal.

( )Article 346 Order of Commencement of Retrial1 The court, where there are grounds for retrial, shall make an order of( )

commencement of retrial.2 The court, when making an order set forth in the preceding paragraph, shall( )

interrogate the opponent.

( )Article 347 Immediate Appeal( )An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in Article 345 1

and 2 and paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.( ) ( )

( )Article 348 Trial and Judicial Decision on Merits1 The court, where an order of commencement of retrial becomes final and binding,( )

shall conduct a trial and make a judicial decision on the merits to the extent thatan appeal is entered.

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2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court, when it finds that( )

the judgment is justifiable, shall dismiss the claim for retrial with prejudice on themerits.

3 Except in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court shall revoke( )

the judgment and make another judicial decision.

( )Article 349 Retrial against Order or Direction1 A petition for retrial may be filed against an order or direction against which an( )

appeal may be entered by filing an immediate appeal, which has become final andbinding.

2 The provisions of Article 338 to the preceding Article shall apply mutatis( )

mutandis to the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Part V Special Provisions on Actions on Bills and Notes and Actions on Checks

( )Article 350 Requirements for Action on Bills and Notes1 For a claim for payment of money for a bill or note and a claim for damages at( )

the statutory interest rate that is incidental thereto, a trial and judicial decisionmay be sought by way of an action on bills and notes.

2 The statement to the effect that a trial and judicial decision are sought by way of( )

an action on bills and notes shall be made in a complaint.

( )Article 351 Prohibition of CounterclaimNo counterclaim may be filed in an action on bills and notes.

( )Article 352 Restriction on Examination of Evidence1 In an action on bills and notes, the examination of evidence shall be limited to( )

documentary evidence.2 No order to submit a document and no commission of sending of a document( )

may be made or issued. The same shall apply to an order to submit an object whichcontains the handwriting or seal impression to be used for comparison or tocommission the sending of such object.

3 With regard to a fact concerning the authenticity of the creation of a document( )

or the presentation of a bill or note, upon petition, a party him/herself may beexamined.

4 No commission of the examination of evidence may be issued. The same shall( )

apply to the commission of an examination under the provision of Article 186.5 The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to matters to be( )

examined by the court's own authority.

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( )Article 353 Transfer to Ordinary Proceedings1 The plaintiff, until oral argument is concluded, without the consent of the( )

defendant, may state that he/she requests the action to be transferred to ordinaryproceedings.

2 The action shall be transferred to ordinary proceedings at the time when the( )

statement set forth in the preceding paragraph is made.3 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court shall immediately( )

send to the defendant a document stating that the action has been transferred toordinary proceedings; provided, however, that if the statement set forth inparagraph 1 is made orally on the date on which the defendant has appeared, it( )

shall not be required to be sent to the defendant.4 In the case referred to in paragraph 2 , the date already designated for the( ) ( )

action on bills and notes shall be deemed to have been designated for ordinaryproceedings.

( )Article 354 Conclusion of Oral ArgumentThe court, where the defendant does not deny the facts alleged by the plaintiff at

oral argument or does not advance any allegations or evidence, may conclude oralargument even before sending the document under the provision of paragraph 3 of( )

the preceding Article.

( )Article 355 Dismissal of Action without Prejudice, without Oral Argument1 If the whole or part of a claim is not eligible for a trial and judicial decision by( )

way of an action on bills and notes, the court, by a judgment, may dismiss withoutprejudice the whole or part of the action, without oral argument.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the plaintiff has filed an( )

action to make a claim set forth in said paragraph through ordinary proceedingswithin two weeks from the day on which he/she received a service of a judgmentdocument, for the purpose of application of the provision of Article 147, such actionshall be deemed to have been filed at the time of the filing of the previous action.

( )Article 356 Prohibition of AppealNo appeal to the court of second instance may be filed against a final judgment of

an action on bills and notes; provided, however, that this shall not apply to ajudgment to dismiss an action without prejudice, except for the judgment set forth inparagraph 1 of the preceding Article.( )

( )Article 357 ObjectionAgainst a final judgment of an action on bills and notes, except for a judgment to

dismiss the action without prejudice, an objection may be made to the court that has

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made the judgment, within an unextendable period of two weeks from the day onwhich a service of a judgment document or of a record set forth in Article 254 2 is( )

received; provided, however, that this shall not preclude the effect of an objectionmade prior to that period.

( )Article 358 Waiver of Right to Make ObjectionA person may no longer waive a right to make an objection after he/she has made

an objection.

( )Article 359 Dismissal of Objection without Prejudice, without Oral ArgumentIf an objection is unlawful and such defect cannot be corrected, the court, by a

judgment, may dismiss the objection without prejudice, without oral argument.

( )Article 360 Withdrawal of Objection1 An objection may be withdrawn until the court of first instance makes a final( )

judgment through ordinary proceedings.2 The withdrawal of an objection shall not become effective without the consent of( )

the opponent.3 The provisions of Article 261 3 to 5 , Article 262 1 and Article 263 shall( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

apply mutatis mutandis to the withdrawal of an objection.

( )Article 361 Proceedings after ObjectionWhen a lawful objection is made, the action shall be restored to the stage before

the conclusion of oral argument. In this case, ordinary proceedings shall be applied tothe trial and judicial decision thereof.

( )Article 362 Judgment after Objection1 If a judgment to be made pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article is( )

consistent with a judgment of an action on bills and notes, the court shall approvethe judgment of the action on bills and notes; provided, however, that this shall notapply where the procedures followed when making the judgment of the action onbills and notes are in violation of any Acts.

2 Except where the court approves a judgment of an action on bills and notes( )

pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, the court, in a judgment tobe made pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, shall revoke thejudgment of the action on bills and notes.

( )Article 363 Court Costs in Judgment after Objection1 The court, when dismissing an objection without prejudice or approving a( )

judicial decision on the burden of court costs made in an action on bills and notes,

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shall make a judicial decision on the burden of court costs incurred after theobjection is made.

2 The provision of Article 258 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a lawful( ) ( )

objection is made to a judgment of an action on bills and notes.

( )Article 364 Remand of CaseThe court of second instance, when revoking the judgment of first instance that has

dismissed an objection as unlawful without prejudice, shall remand the case to thecourt of first instance; provided, however, that this shall not apply where additionaloral arguments concerning the case are not necessary.

Article 365 Transfer from Proceedings for Settlement prior to Filing of Action, to(

)Action on Bills and NotesWith regard to an action that shall be deemed to have been filed pursuant to the

provision of the second sentence of Article 275 2 , the statement to the effect that a( )

trial and judicial decision are sought by way of an action on bills and notes shall bemade upon filing the petition set forth in the first sentence of Article 275 2 .( )

( )Article 366 Transfer from Demand Procedure to Action on Bills and Notes1 With regard to an action that shall be deemed to have been filed pursuant to the( )

provisions of Article 395 or Article 398 1 including cases where applied mutatis( ) (

mutandis pursuant to Article 402 2 , the statement to the effect that a trial and( ))

judicial decision are sought by way of an action on bills and notes shall be madeupon filing a petition for demand for payment.

2 When a declaration of provisional execution is made under the provision of( )

Article 391 1 , the statement set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed( )

to have never been made.

( )Article 367 Action on Checks1 For a claim for payment of money for a check and a claim for damages at the( )

statutory interest rate that is incidental thereto, a trial and judicial decision maybe sought by way of an action on checks.

2 The provisions of Article 350 2 and Article 351 to the preceding Article shall( ) ( )

apply mutatis mutandis to an action on checks.

Part VI Special Provisions Concerning Actions on Small Claims

( )Article 368 Requirements for Action on Small Claim, etc.1 In a summary court, for a claim for payment of money, a trial and judicial( )

decision may be sought by way of an action on small claim if the value of the

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subject matter of the action is not more than 600,000 yen; provided, however, thatsuch actions may not be filed with the same summary court more frequently thanthe number of times specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court in the same year.

2 The statement to the effect that a trial and judicial decision are sought by way of( )

an action on small claim shall be made upon filing an action.3 When making the statement set forth in the preceding paragraph, the plaintiff( )

shall make a notification of the number of times that he/she has sought trials andjudicial decisions by way of actions on small claims in the relevant year in thesummary court where he/she files the action.

( )Article 369 Prohibition of CounterclaimNo counterclaim may be filed in an action on small claim.

( )Article 370 Principle of Trial on Single Date1 In an action on small claim, except where there are special circumstances, a trial( )

shall be completed on the first date for oral argument.2 The parties shall advance all allegations and evidence prior to the date set forth( )

in the preceding paragraph or on that date; provided, however, that this shall notapply where oral argument is continued.

( )Article 371 Restriction on Examination of EvidenceThe examination of evidence shall be limited to evidence that can be examined


( )Article 372 Examination of Witness, etc.1 A witness may be examined without having him/her swear under oath.( )

2 A witness and a party him/herself shall be examined in the order that a judge( )

considers to be appropriate.3 The court, when it finds it appropriate, may examine a witness, as provided for( )

by the Rules of the Supreme Court, by a method that enables the parties and thewitness to communicate simultaneously with one another by audio transmission.

( )Article 373 Transfer to Ordinary Proceedings1 The defendant may state that he/she requests the action to be transferred to( )

ordinary proceedings; provided, however, that this shall not apply after thedefendant has presented oral arguments on the first date for oral argument or thatdate has ended.

2 The action shall be transferred to ordinary proceedings at the time when the( )

statement set forth in the preceding paragraph is made.3 In the following cases, the court shall make an order to the effect that a trial( )

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and judicial decision of the action should be made through ordinary proceedings:i Where the plaintiff has sought a trial and judicial decision by way of an action( )

on small claim in violation of the provision of Article 368 1 .( )

ii Where the court has specified a reasonable period and ordered that a( )

notification should be made pursuant to the provision of Article 368 3 , but such( )

notification is not made.iii Where it is impossible to issue a summons to the defendant on the first date( )

for oral argument by any method other than making a service by publication.iv Where the court finds it inappropriate to conduct a trial and make a judicial( )

decision by way of an action on small claim.4 No appeal may be entered against the order set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph.5 When the action is transferred to ordinary proceedings, the date already( )

designated for the action on small claim shall be deemed to have been designatedfor ordinary proceedings.

( )Article 374 Rendition of Judgment1 The court, except where it finds it inappropriate, shall render a judgment( )

immediately after the conclusion of oral argument.2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court may render a( )

judgment not based on the original of a judgment document. In this case, theprovisions of Article 254 2 and Article 255 shall apply mutatis mutandis.( )

( )Article 375 Grace of Payment by Judgment1 Where the court makes a judgment to uphold a claim, when it finds it( )

particularly necessary while taking into consideration the defendant's financialresources and any other circumstances concerned, it may stipulate in the judgmenta provision concerning the period for payment of money pertaining to the claimthat it upholds or provision authorizing installment payment with regard to suchpayment of money, both of which shall be within three years from the date ofrendition of the judgment, or simultaneously stipulate a provision to the effect thatif the defendant has made a payment pursuant to the provision concerning theperiod or has made a payment without losing, pursuant to the provision of thefollowing paragraph, the benefit of time under the provision authorizinginstallment payment, he/she shall be exempted from the obligation to pay anydelay damages accrued after the filing of the action.

2 When stipulating a provision authorizing installment payment set forth in the( )

preceding paragraph, the court shall stipulate a provision on the loss of the benefitof time in the event of the defendant's failure to pay.

3 No appeal may be entered against a judicial decision concerning the provisions( )

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stipulated under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.

( )Article 376 Declaration of Provisional Execution1 With regard to a judgment to uphold a claim, the court, by its own authority,( )

shall declare that provisional execution may be enforced with or without security.2 The provisions of Article 76, Article 77, Article 79 and Article 80 shall apply( )

mutatis mutandis to the security set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 377 Prohibition of Appeal to Court of Second InstanceNo appeal to the court of second instance may be filed against a final judgment of

an action on small claim.

( )Article 378 Objection1 With regard to a final judgment of an action on small claim, an objection may be( )

made to the court that has made the judgment, within an unextendable period oftwo weeks from the day on which a service of a judgment document or of a recordset forth in Article 254 2 including cases where applied mutatis mutandis( ) (

pursuant to Article 374 2 is received; provided, however, that this shall not( ))

preclude the effect of an objection made prior to that period.2 The provisions of Article 358 to Article 360 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( )

objection set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 379 Trial and Judicial Decision after Objection1 When a lawful objection is made, the action shall be restored to the stage before( )

the conclusion of oral argument. In this case, ordinary proceedings shall be appliedto the trial and judicial decision thereof.

2 The provisions of Article 362, Article 363, Article 369, Article 372 2 and Article( ) ( )

375 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the trial and judicial decision set forth in thepreceding paragraph.

( )Article 380 Appeal against Judgment after Objection1 No appeal to the court of second instance may be filed against a final judgment( )

made pursuant to the provision of Article 359, as applied mutatis mutandispursuant to Article 378 2 , and the provision of paragraph 1 of the preceding( ) ( )

Article.2 The provision of Article 327 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the final judgment( )

set forth in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 381 Non-Penal Fine1 Where a person who has sought a trial and judicial decision by way of an action( )

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on small claim has made a false notification of the number of times set forth inArticle 368 3 , the court, by an order, shall punish him/her by a non-penal fine of( )

not more than 100,000 yen.2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )

paragraph.3 The provision of Article 189 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a judicial decision( )

of a non-penal fine made under the provision of paragraph 1 .( )

Part VII Demand Procedure

Chapter I General Provisions

( )Article 382 Requirements for Demand for PaymentWith regard to a claim for payment of a certain amount of money or any other

alternatives or securities, a court clerk, upon the petition of the creditor, may issue ademand for payment; provided, however, that this shall apply only where suchdemand may be served in Japan by a method other than making a service bypublication.

( )Article 383 Petition for Demand for Payment1 A petition for demand for payment shall be filed with a court clerk of the( )

summary court that has jurisdiction over the location of the general venue of thedebtor.

2 A petition for demand for payment with regard to the claim specified in each of( )

the following items may also be filed with a court clerk of the summary court thathas jurisdiction over the place specified in the respective items:i A claim against a person who has a business office or other office, which( )

relates to the business conducted at such business office or other officeThe location of the business office or other office in question

ii A claim for payment of money for a bill or note or a check, and a claim( )

incidental theretoThe place of payment of the bill or note or the check

( )Article 384 Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning ActionWith regard to a petition for demand for payment, unless contrary to the nature

thereof, the provisions concerning an action shall apply mutatis mutandis.

( )Article 385 Dismissal of Petition without Prejudice1 If a petition for demand for payment is in violation of the provisions of Article( )

382 or Article 383 or it is obvious, from the purport of the petition, that the claim

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is groundless, such petition shall be dismissed without prejudice. The same shallapply to the part of a claim for which a demand for payment may not be issued.

2 The disposition made under the provision of the preceding paragraph shall( )

become effective when a notice thereof is given by a method that is considered tobe appropriate.

3 An objection to the disposition set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be( )

made within an unextendable period of one week from the day on which the noticeis received.

4 No appeal may be entered against a judicial decision on the objection set forth in( )

the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 386 Issuance of Demand for Payment, etc.1 A demand for payment shall be issued without interrogating the debtor.( )

2 With regard to a demand for payment, the debtor may make an objection to( )

demand to the summary court to which the court clerk who has issued the demandbelongs.

( )Article 387 Matters to Be Stated in Demand for PaymentA demand for payment shall state the following matters, and it shall be

accompanied by a supplementary note to the effect that if the debtor does not makean objection to demand within two weeks from the day on which he/she has receiveda service of the demand for payment, provisional execution shall be declared upon thepetition of the creditor:

i The statement to order the payment set forth in Article 382( )

ii The object and statement of claim( )

iii The parties and statutory agents( )

( )Article 388 Service of Demand for Payment1 A demand for payment shall be served upon the debtor.( )

2 A demand for payment shall become effective when it is served upon the debtor.( )

3 If it is impossible to serve a demand for payment due to the fact that the( )

debtor's domicile, residence, business office or other office or workplace does notexist at the place proposed by the creditor, a court clerk shall notify the creditor tothat effect. In this case, if the creditor does not propose, within an unextendableperiod of two weeks from the day on which he/she has received the notice, a placewhere a service is to be made other than the place previously proposed, he/sheshall be deemed to have withdrawn the petition for demand for payment.

( )Article 389 Correction of Demand for Payment1 The provisions of Article 74 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a( ) ( ) ( )

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demand for payment.2 If a lawful objection to demand is made after a declaration of provisional( )

execution, no objection may be made to a disposition of correction made under theprovision of Article 74 1 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding( )


( )Article 390 Objection to Demand Prior to Declaration of Provisional ExecutionIf a lawful objection to demand is made prior to a declaration of provisional

execution, the demand for payment shall cease to be effective to the extent of theobjection to demand.

( )Article 391 Declaration of Provisional Execution1 If the debtor does not make an objection to demand within two weeks from the( )

day on which he/she has received a service of a demand for payment, a court clerk,upon the petition of the creditor, shall declare provisional execution, whileattaching to the demand for payment a supplementary note of the amount ofexpenses for the demand procedure; provided, however, that this shall not applywhere an objection to demand is made prior to the declaration.

2 A declaration of provisional execution shall be stated in a demand for payment,( )

and such demand for payment shall be served upon the parties; provided, however,that with the consent of the creditor, a demand for payment containing suchstatement may be sent to the creditor, in lieu of making a service thereof uponhim/her.

3 The provisions of Article 385 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a( ) ( ) ( )

( )disposition to dismiss without prejudice the petition set forth in paragraph 1and an objection to such disposition.

4 An immediate appeal may be filed against a judicial decision on the objection set( )

forth in the preceding paragraph.5 The provisions of Article 260 and Article 388 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to( ) ( )

the declaration of provisional execution set forth in paragraph 1 .( )

( )Article 392 Loss of Effect of Demand for Payment upon Expiration of PeriodIf the creditor does not make a petition for declaration of provisional execution

within 30 days from the time when he/she may file such petition, the demand forpayment shall cease to be effective.

( )Article 393 Objection to Demand after Declaration of Provisional ExecutionWhen an unextendable period of two weeks has expired after the day on which the

debtor has received a service of a demand for payment with a declaration ofprovisional execution, he/she may not make an objection to demand against the

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demand for payment.

( )Article 394 Dismissal without Prejudice of Objection to Demand1 A summary court, when it finds that an objection to demand is unlawful, shall( )

dismiss without prejudice the objection to demand by an order even where theclaim pertaining to the objection to demand is subject to the jurisdiction of adistrict court.

2 An immediate appeal may be filed against the order set forth in the preceding( )


( )Article 395 Transfer to Suit upon Objection to DemandIf a lawful objection to demand is made, with regard to the claim pertaining to the

objection to demand, it shall be deemed that an action is filed, at the time of filing ofthe petition for demand for payment, with the summary court to which the courtclerk who has issued the demand for payment belongs or the district court that hasjurisdiction over the location of such summary court, depending on the value of thesubject matter of the claim. In this case, expenses for the demand procedure shallconstitute part of the court costs.

( )Article 396 Effect of Demand for PaymentIf no objection to demand is made against a demand for payment with a

declaration of provisional execution or if an order to dismiss without prejudice anobjection to a demand becomes final and binding, the demand for payment shall havethe same effect as a final and binding judgment.

Chapter II Special Provisions for Demand Procedure by Means of ElectronicData Processing System

Article 397 Petition for Demand for Payment by Means of Electronic Date(

)Processing SystemA petition for a demand for payment may also be filed, by means of an electronic

data processing system, with a court clerk of a summary court specified by the Rulesof the Supreme Court as a court that shall handle a demand procedure by means ofan electronic data processing system hereinafter referred to as a "designated(

summary court" in this Chapter , as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court,)

in the case prescribed in Article 383 as well as in cases where the summary courtprescribed in said Article is a summary court separately specified by the Rules of theSupreme Court.

Article 398

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1 If a lawful objection to demand is made against a demand for payment issued( )

through the demand procedure based on a petition for demand for payment that isfiled by means of an electronic data processing system pursuant to the provision ofthe main clause of Article 132-10 1 , with regard to the claim pertaining to the( )

objection to demand, it shall be deemed that an action is filed, at the time of filingof the petition for demand for payment, with the summary court prescribed inArticle 383 to which the court clerk who has issued the demand for paymentbelongs or a summary court specified separately by the Rules of the SupremeCourt as set forth in the preceding Article or the district court that has jurisdictionover the location of either summary court, depending on the value of the subjectmatter of the claim.

2 In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if there are two or more( )

applicable summary or district courts prescribed in said paragraph, with regard tothe claim pertaining to the objection to demand, it shall be deemed that, if saidapplicable courts include the summary court prescribed in Article 383 1 or the( )

district court that has jurisdiction over the location of such summary court, anaction is filed with any of these courts, or otherwise, an action is filed with the

( )( )summary court that has jurisdiction over the place specified in paragraph 2 iof said Article or the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of suchsummary court.

3 Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding paragraph, when the creditor, as( )

provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court, has designated a summary courtor district court from among the summary courts or district court prescribed inparagraph 1 , it shall be deemed that an action is filed with such designated( )


( )Article 399 Notice of Disposition by Means of Electronic Data Processing System1 With regard to a notice of a disposition given by a court clerk of a designated( )

summary court concerning a demand procedure based on a petition for demand forpayment that is filed by means of an electronic data processing system pursuant tothe provision of the main clause of Article 132-10 1 , if it shall be given by means( )

of a document, etc. pursuant to the provisions of this Code or other laws andregulations concerning such notice of a disposition, notwithstanding the provisionsof said laws and regulations, an electronic data processing system may be appliedto give such notice as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court.

2 The provisions of Article 132-10 2 to 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a( ) ( ) ( )

notice of a disposition given by a court clerk of a designated summary courtpursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph.

3 Notwithstanding the provision of Article 132-10 3 as applied mutatis mutandis( ) ( )

pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, with the consent of the

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creditor who is to receive a notice of a disposition given under the provision ofparagraph 1 , the notice of the disposition shall be deemed to have arrived at the( )

creditor when the information pertaining to the disposition is recorded, as providedfor by the Rules of the Supreme Court, onto a file stored in the computer used inthe court, and a notice concerning such record is given to the creditor.

( )Article 400 Preparation, etc. in the Form of Electromagnetic Record1 With regard to a demand procedure based on a petition for demand for payment( )

that is filed by means of an electronic data processing system pursuant to theprovision of the main clause of Article 132-10 1 , for which a court clerk shall be( )

in charge of the preparation, etc. meaning the preparation or retention;(

hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and paragraph 1 of the following( )

Article of a document, etc. pursuant to the provisions of this Act and other laws)

and regulations, notwithstanding the provisions of said laws and regulations, acourt clerk of a designated summary court may conduct, in lieu of the preparation,etc. of a document, etc., preparation, etc. of an electromagnetic record pertaining tothe document, as provided for by the Rules of the Supreme Court.

2 The provisions of Article 132-10 2 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the( ) ( ) ( )

preparation, etc. of an electromagnetic record conducted by a court clerk of adesignated summary court pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 401 Treatment of Case Record in the Form of Electromagnetic Record1 When, with regard to such part of a case record concerning a demand procedure,( )

which pertains to a petition that is filed by means of an electromagnetic dataprocessing system pursuant to the provision of the main clause of Article 132-101 or for which the preparation, etc. of an electromagnetic record is conducted( )

pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article hereinafter( ) (

such part shall be generally referred to as the "electromagnetic record part" in thisArticle , a request for inspection, etc. of a case record is made under the provisions)

of Article 91 1 or 3 , a court clerk of a designated summary court shall print( ) ( )

out, in the form of a document, the content of the electromagnetic record partrecorded onto a file stored in the computer used in the designated summary court,and conduct an inspection, etc. of the case record by means of such document. Thesame shall apply to serving or sending a document pertaining to the preparation,etc. of an electromagnetic record.

2 If a lawful objection to demand is made against a demand for payment issued( )

through the demand procedure based on a petition for demand for payment that isfiled by means of an electronic data processing system pursuant to the provision ofthe main clause of Article 132-10 1 , the court with which an action shall be( )

deemed to have been filed pursuant to the provision of Article 398 shall print out,

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in the form of a document, the content of the electromagnetic record part, andconduct an inspection, etc. of the case record by means of such document.

Article 402 Petition for Demand for Payment Filed by Means of Document in(

Designated Form through Demand Procedure Handled by Means of)Electromagnetic Data Processing System

1 To a court clerk of a summary court specified by the Rules of the Supreme Court( )

as a court that shall handle a demand procedure by means of an electronic dataprocessing system meaning an electronic data processing system that connects(

multiple computers used in the court to one another by telecommunication lines ,)a petition for demand for payment may also be filed by means of a documentprepared in a form that conforms to the form specified by the Rules of the SupremeCourt in the case prescribed in Article 383 as well as in cases where the summarycourt prescribed in said Article is a summary court separately specified by theRules of the Supreme Court.

2 The provision of Article 398 shall apply mutatis mutandis where a lawful( )

objection to demand is made against a demand for payment issued through thedemand procedure based on a petition for demand for payment that is filed bymeans of a document prepared in the form prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Part VIII Stay of Execution

( )Article 403 Judicial Decision of Stay of Execution1 In the following cases, the court, upon petition, may make an order of a( )

temporary stay of compulsory execution while requiring or not requiring theprovision of security, or simultaneously may make an order to the effect thatcompulsory execution should be commenced or continued with security or an orderof revocation of the executive measure already taken while requiring the provisionof security; provided, however, that an order of commencement or continuation ofcompulsory execution may be made only in the cases set forth in item iii to item( )

vi :( )

i Where an appeal set forth in Article 327 1 including cases where applied( ) ( ) (

mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 380 2 ; the same shall apply in the( )

following Article or an action for retrial is filed, and the circumstances alleged)

as reasons for appeal appear to be legally well-grounded, a prima facie showingis made on factual matters, and a prima facie showing is made to the effect thatexecution is likely to cause damage for which compensation cannot be made

ii Where a final appeal or a petition for acceptance of final appeal is filed( )

against a judgment with a declaration of provisional execution, and a prima facieshowing is made with regard to the circumstances under which the judgment in

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prior instance should be quashed and to the effect that execution is likely tocause damage for which compensation cannot be made.

iii Where an appeal to the court of second instance is filed against a judgment( )

with a declaration of provisional execution or an objection to demand is madeagainst a demand for payment with a declaration of provisional executionexcluding an appeal to the court of second instance and objection to demand set(

forth in the following item , and a prima facie showing is made to the effect that)

it cannot be said that there are no circumstances under which the judgment inprior instance or demand for payment should be revoked or modified or thatexecution is likely to cause substantial damage.

iv Where, with regard to a claim for payment of money for a bill or note or a( )

check and a claim for damages at the statutory interest rate that is incidentalthereto, an appeal to the court of second instance is filed against a judgmentwith a declaration of provisional execution or an objection to demand is madeagainst a demand for payment with a declaration of provisional execution, and aprima facie showing is made with regard to the circumstances under which thejudgment in prior instance or demand for payment should be revoked ormodified.

v Where an objection is made to a judgment of an action on bills and notes or( )

action on checks with a declaration of provisional execution or an objection ismade to a judgment of an action on small claim with a declaration of provisionalexecution, and if a prima facie showing is made with regard to the circumstancesunder which the judgment in prior instance should be revoked or modified.

vi Where an action set forth in Article 117 1 is filed, and if the circumstances( ) ( )

alleged for modification appear to be legally well-grounded, and a prima facieshowing is made on factual matters.

2 No appeal may be entered against a judicial decision on the petition prescribed( )

in the preceding paragraph.

( )Article 404 Judicial Decision by Court of Prior Instance1 Where an appeal set forth in Article 327 1 is filed, a final appeal or a petition( ) ( )

for acceptance of final appeal is filed against a judgment with a declaration ofprovisional execution, or an appeal to the court of second instance is filed against ajudgment with a declaration of provisional execution, if the case record is stored atthe court of prior instance, that court shall make a judicial decision on the petitionprescribed in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.( )

2 The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis where( )

an objection to demand is made against a demand for payment with a declarationof provisional execution.

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( )Article 405 Provision of Security1 Where security is to be provided pursuant to the provisions of this Part, if it is( )

provided as a statutory deposit, such deposit shall be made at the officialdepository located in the jurisdictional district of the district court that hasjurisdiction over the location of the court that has ordered the provision of securityor of the execution court.

2 The provisions of Article 76, Article 77, Article 79 and Article 80 shall apply( )

mutatis mutandis to the security set forth in the preceding paragraph.

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Arbitration Law

(Law No.138 of 2003)

Translated by The Arbitration Law Follow-up Research Group

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March 2004 Secretariat of the Office for Promotion of Justice System Reform

In order to assist in promoting the wide utilization of the Japanese Arbitration Law (Law No. 138 of 2003; enforced on 1 March 2004), an English translation of the Arbitration Law has been compiled by the Arbitration Law Follow-up Research Group below, which has been established within the Secretariat of the Office for Promotion of Justice System Reform.

This English translation may be cited, reproduced or reprinted as needed. Although the translation was administrated with particular care to accuracy, we

do not guarantee that there are no discrepancies in the delicate nuances between the Japanese and English or unforeseeable errors. As such, the English translation should only be used as a reference. For issues regarding the interpretation etc. of the Arbitration Law, please ensure to refer to the original Japanese text.

The Arbitration Law Follow-up Research Group (titles omitted; in order of Japanese syllabary)

Chair: Yoshimitsu Aoyama Professor of Law, Seikei University Members: Shuichi Kashiwagi Attorney at Law, Kashiwagi Sogo Law Offices

Shinji Kusakabe Attorney at Law, Anderson Mōri Tatsuya Nakamura Associate Professor of Law, Kokushikan University;

General Manager, The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

Toshio Matsumoto Executive Director, The Japan Shipping Exchange, Inc.

Koichi Miki Professor of Law, Keio University (total of six members)

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Arbitration Law (Law No.138 of 2003)

Contents Chapter I: General Provisions (Articles 1 through 12) Chapter II: Arbitration Agreement (Articles 13 through 15) Chapter III: Arbitrator (Articles 16 through 22) Chapter IV: Special Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal (Articles 23 and 24) Chapter V: Commencement and Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings (Articles 25 through 35) Chapter VI: Arbitral Award and Termination of Arbitral Proceedings (Articles 36 through

43) Chapter VII: Setting Aside of Arbitral Award (Article 44) Chapter VIII: Recognition and Enforcement Decision of Arbitral Award (Articles 45 and

46) Chapter IX: Miscellaneous (Articles 47 through 49) Chapter X: Penalties (Articles 50 through 55) Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 1. (Purpose) Arbitral proceedings where the place of arbitration is in the territory of Japan and court proceedings in connection with arbitral proceedings shall, in addition to the provisions of other laws, follow those of this Law.

Article 2. (Definitions) (1) For the purposes of this Law, “arbitration agreement” shall mean an agreement by

the parties to submit to one or more arbitrators the resolution of all or certain civil disputes which have arisen or which may arise in respect of a defined legal relationship (whether contractual or not) and to abide by their award (hereinafter referred to as “arbitral award”).

(2) For the purposes of this Law, “arbitral tribunal” shall mean a sole arbitrator or a panel of two or more arbitrators, who, based on an arbitration agreement, conduct proceedings and make an arbitral award in respect of civil disputes subject thereto.

(3) For the purposes of this Law, “written statement” shall mean a document that a party prepares and submits to an arbitral tribunal in arbitral proceedings and which states the case of that party.

Article 3. (Scope of Application) (1) The provisions of Chapters II through VII and Chapters IX and X, except the

provisions specified in the following paragraph and article 8, apply only if the place of arbitration is in the territory of Japan.

(2) The provisions of article 14, paragraph (1) and article 15 apply when the place of arbitration is in or outside the territory of Japan, or when the place of arbitration is not designated.

(3) The provisions of Chapter VIII apply when the place of arbitration is in or outside the territory of Japan.

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Article 4. (Court Intervention) With respect to arbitral proceedings, no court shall intervene except where so provided in this Law. Article 5. (Court Jurisdiction) (1) Only the following courts have jurisdiction over cases concerning court proceedings

based on the provisions of this Law: (i) the district court designated by the agreement of the parties; (ii) the district court having jurisdiction over the place of arbitration (only when the

designated place of arbitration falls within the jurisdiction of a single district court); or

(iii) the district court having jurisdiction over the general forum of the counterparty in the relevant case.

(2) In the event that two or more courts have jurisdiction based on the provisions of this Law, the court to which the request was first made shall have jurisdiction.

(3) The court shall, upon determining that the whole or a part of a case concerning court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law does not fall under its jurisdiction, upon request or by its own authority, transfer such case to a court with jurisdiction.

Article 6. (Voluntary Oral Hearing) Any decision concerning court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law may be made without an oral hearing. Article 7. (Appeal against Court Decision) Any party with an interest affected by the decision concerning court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law may, only if specifically provided for by this Law, file an immediate appeal against the decision within the peremptory term of two weeks from the day on which notice is given. Article 8. (Court Intervention in the Event that the Place of Arbitration Has Not Been Designated) (1) Even if the place of arbitration has not been designated, each of the court applications

cited in the following items may be made when there is a possibility that the place of arbitration will be in the territory of Japan and the applicant or counterparty’s general forum (excluding designations based on the last address) is in the territory of Japan. In such case, according to the classifications cited in the respective items, the respective provisions shall apply: (i) an article 16, paragraph (3) application: same article; (ii) an article 17, paragraphs (2) through (5) application: same article; (iii) an article 19, paragraph (4) application: articles 18 and 19; or (iv) an article 20 application: same article.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of article 5, paragraph (1), only the district courts having jurisdiction over the general forum described in the preceding paragraph have jurisdiction over the case relating to the applications cited in each of the items in the preceding paragraph.

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Article 9. (Reading of Case Records Relating to Court Proceedings) A party with an interest in any court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law may request any of the following from the court clerk:

(i) a reading of or a copy of the case records; (ii) a copy of the records produced by electronic, magnetic or any other means

unrecognizable by natural sensory function in the case records; (iii) the delivery of an authenticated copy, transcript or extract thereof; or (iv) the delivery of a certificate regarding matters relating to the case.

Article 10. (Application of the Code of Civil Procedure to Court Proceedings) Except as otherwise provided, the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure [Law No. 109 of 1996] shall apply to any court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law. Article 11. (Supreme Court Rules) In addition to those provided by this Law, particulars necessary in relation to court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law shall be as prescribed by the Rules of the Supreme Court. Article 12. (Written Notice) (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, when notice in arbitral proceedings is given in

writing, it is deemed to have been given at the time it is delivered to the addressee personally, or, at the time it is delivered to the addressee’s domicile, habitual residence, place of business, office or delivery address (which hereafter in this article means the place stipulated by the addressee as the place for delivery of documents from the sender).

(2) With respect to a written notice in arbitral proceedings, where it is possible for the notice to be delivered to the addressee’s domicile, habitual residence, place of business, office or delivery address, whereas it is difficult for the sender to obtain materials to certify that the delivery has been made, if the court considers it necessary, it may upon request of the sender decide to serve the notice itself. The provisions of article 104 and articles 110 through 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply with respect to service in such an event.

(3) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply in the event the parties have agreed that the service described in the same paragraph shall not be made.

(4) The case concerning the request described in paragraph (2) shall be, notwithstanding the provisions of article 5, paragraph(1), subject only to the jurisdiction of the courts cited in items (i) and (ii) of the same paragraph and the district court with jurisdiction over the addressee’s domicile, habitual residence, place of business, office or delivery address.

(5) When notice in arbitral proceedings is given in writing, if none of the addressee’s domicile, habitual residence, place of business, office or delivery address can be found after making a reasonable inquiry, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, it will suffice if the sender sends its notice to the addressee’s last-known domicile, habitual residence, place of business, office or delivery address by registered letter or any other means by which the attempt to deliver it can be certified. In such case, a written notice is deemed to have been given at the normally expected time of its arrival.

(6) The provisions of paragraph (1) and the preceding paragraph shall not apply to

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notices in court proceedings based on the provisions of this Law. Chapter II: Arbitration Agreement Article 13. (Effect of Arbitration Agreement) (1) Unless otherwise provided by law, an arbitration agreement shall be valid only when

its subject matter is a civil dispute that may be resolved by settlement between the parties (excluding that of divorce or separation).

(2) The arbitration agreement shall be in the form of a document signed by all the parties, letters or telegrams exchanged between the parties (including those sent by facsimile device or other communication device for parties at a distance which provides the recipient with a written record of the transmitted content), or other written instrument.

(3) When a written contract refers to a document that contains an arbitration clause and the reference is such as to make that clause part of the contract, the arbitration agreement shall be in writing.

(4) When an arbitration agreement is made by way of electromagnetic record (records produced by electronic, magnetic or any other means unrecognizable by natural sensory function and used for data-processing by a computer) recording its content, the arbitration agreement shall be in writing.

(5) When the parties to the arbitral proceedings exchange written statements in which the existence of an arbitration agreement is alleged by one party and not denied by another, the arbitration agreement shall be in writing.

(6) Even if in a particular contract containing an arbitration agreement, any or all of the contractual provisions, excluding the arbitration agreement, are found to be null and void, cancelled or for other reasons invalid, the validity of the arbitration agreement shall not necessarily be affected.

Article 14. (Arbitration Agreement and Substantive Claim before Court) (1) A court before which an action is brought in respect of a civil dispute which is the

subject of an arbitration agreement shall, if the defendant so requests, dismiss the action. Provided, this shall not apply in the following instances: (i) when the arbitration agreement is null and void, cancelled, or for other reasons

invalid; (ii) when arbitration proceedings are inoperative or incapable of being performed based

on the arbitration agreement; or (iii) when the request is made by the defendant subsequent to the presentation of its

statement in the oral hearing or in the preparations for argument proceedings on the substance of the dispute.

(2) An arbitral tribunal may commence or continue arbitral proceedings and make an arbitral award even while the action referred to in the preceding paragraph is pending before the court.

Article 15. (Arbitration Agreement and Interim Measures by Court) It is not incompatible with an arbitration agreement for a party to request, before or during arbitral proceedings, from a court an interim measure of protection and for a court to grant such measure in respect of any civil dispute which is the subject of the

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arbitration agreement. Chapter III: Arbitrator Article 16. (Number of Arbitrators) (1) The parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators. (2) Failing such determination as provided for in the preceding paragraph, when there

are two parties in an arbitration, the number of arbitrators shall be three. (3) Failing such determination as provided for in paragraph (1), when there are three or

more parties in an arbitration, the court shall determine the number of arbitrators upon request of a party.

Article 17. (Appointment of Arbitrators) (1) The parties are free to agree on a procedure of appointing the arbitrators. Provided,

this shall not apply to the provisions of paragraphs (5) and (6). (2)Failing such agreement as provided for in the preceding paragraph, when there are

two parties in an arbitration with three arbitrators, each party shall appoint one arbitrator, and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall appoint the third arbitrator. In such case, if a party fails to appoint an arbitrator within thirty days of a request to do so by the other party who has appointed an arbitrator, the appointment shall be made by the court upon the request of that party, or if the two arbitrators appointed by the parties fail to agree on the third arbitrator within thirty days of their appointment, upon the request of a party.

(3) Failing such agreement as provided in paragraph (1) or any agreement on the appointment of arbitrators between the parties, when there are two parties in an arbitration with a sole arbitrator, the court shall appoint an arbitrator upon the request of a party.

(4) Failing such agreement as provided for in paragraph (1) when there are three or more parties, the court shall appoint arbitrators upon the request of a party.

(5) Where, under an appointment procedure for arbitrators agreed upon by the parties as provided for in paragraph (1), arbitrators cannot be appointed due to a failure to act as requested under such procedure or for any other reason, a party may request of the court the appointment of arbitrators.

(6) The court, in appointing arbitrators based on the provisions contained in paragraphs (2) through (5), shall have due regard to the following items: (i) the qualifications required of the arbitrators by the agreement of the parties; (ii) the impartiality and independence of the appointees; and (iii) in the case of a sole arbitrator or in the case where the two arbitrators appointed by

the parties are to appoint the third arbitrator, whether or not it would be appropriate to appoint an arbitrator of a nationality other than those of the parties.

Article 18. (Grounds for Challenge) (1) A party may challenge an arbitrator:

(i) if it does not possess the qualifications agreed to by the parties; or (ii) if circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to its impartiality or

independence. (2) A party who appointed an arbitrator, or made recommendations with respect to the

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appointment of an arbitrator, or participated in any similar acts, may challenge that arbitrator only for reasons of which it becomes aware after the appointment has been made.

(3) When a person is approached in connection with its possible appointment as an arbitrator, it shall fully disclose any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to its impartiality or independence.

(4) An arbitrator, during the course of arbitral proceedings, shall without delay disclose any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to its impartiality or independence (unless the parties have already been informed of them by the arbitrator).

Article 19. (Challenge Procedure) (1) The parties are free to agree on a procedure for challenging an arbitrator. Provided,

this shall not apply to the provisions of paragraph (4). (2) Failing an agreement as provided for in the preceding paragraph, upon request of a

party, the arbitral tribunal shall decide on the challenge. (3) A party who intends to make a request as provided for in the preceding paragraph

shall, within fifteen days of the later of either the day on which it became aware of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal or the day on which it became aware of any circumstance referred to in any item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, send a written request describing the reasons for the challenge to the arbitral tribunal. In such case, the arbitral tribunal shall decide that grounds for challenge exist when it finds that grounds for challenge exist with respect to the arbitrator.

(4) If a challenge of the arbitrator under the procedure for challenge prescribed in the preceding three paragraphs is not successful, the challenging party may request within thirty days after having received notice of the decision rejecting the challenge, the court to decide on the challenge. In such case, the court shall decide that grounds for challenge exist when it finds that grounds for challenge exist with respect to the arbitrator.

(5) While a case relating to a challenge as prescribed in paragraph (4) is pending before the court, the arbitral tribunal may commence or continue the arbitral proceedings and make an arbitral award.

Article 20. (Request for Removal) Any party may request the court to decide on the removal of an arbitrator if any of the following grounds exist. In such case, if the court finds that the grounds for the request exist, it shall decide to remove the said arbitrator:

(i) if the arbitrator becomes de jure or de facto unable to perform its functions; or (ii) for reasons other than those in the preceding item, if the arbitrator fails to act

without undue delay. Article 21. (Termination of an Arbitrator’s Mandate) (1) An arbitrator’s mandate shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following:

(i) the death of an arbitrator; (ii) the resignation of an arbitrator; (iii) the removal of an arbitrator upon the agreement of the parties; (iv) a decision that grounds for challenge exist under the procedure for challenge

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described in the provisions of article 19, paragraphs (1) through (4); or (v) a decision to remove an arbitrator based on the provisions of the preceding article.

(2) If, during the course of procedure for challenge under the provisions of article 19, paragraphs (1) through (4), or removal proceedings under the provisions of the preceding article, an arbitrator withdraws from its office or is removed upon the agreement of the parties, this alone does not imply the existence of any ground referred to in the items in article 18, paragraph (1) or the items in the preceding article with respect to the arbitrator.

Article 22. (Appointment of Substitute Arbitrator) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, where the mandate of an arbitrator terminates under any of the grounds described in each item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed according to the rules that were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced. Chapter IV: Special Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal Article 23. (Competence of Arbitral Tribunal to Rule on its Jurisdiction) (1) The arbitral tribunal may rule on assertions made in respect of the existence or

validity of an arbitration agreement or its own jurisdiction (which hereafter in this article means its authority to conduct arbitral proceedings and to make arbitral awards).

(2) A plea that the arbitral tribunal does not have jurisdiction shall be raised promptly in the case where the grounds for the assertion arise during the course of arbitral proceedings, or in other cases before the time at which the first written statement on the substance of the dispute is submitted to the arbitral tribunal (including the time at which initial assertions on the substance of the dispute are presented orally at an oral hearing). Provided, the arbitral tribunal may admit a later plea if it considers the delay justified.

(3) A party may raise the plea prescribed in the preceding paragraph even if it has appointed an arbitrator, or made recommendations with respect to the appointment of an arbitrator, or participated in any similar acts.

(4) The arbitral tribunal shall give the following ruling or arbitral award, as the case may be, on a plea raised in accordance with paragraph (2): (i) a preliminary independent ruling or an arbitral award, when it considers it has

jurisdiction; or (ii) a ruling to terminate arbitral proceedings, when it considers it has no jurisdiction.

(5) If the arbitral tribunal gives a preliminary independent ruling that it has jurisdiction, any party may, within thirty days of receipt of notice of such ruling, request the court to decide the matter. In such an event, while such a request is pending before the court, the arbitral tribunal may continue the arbitral proceedings and make an arbitral award.

Article 24. (Interim Measures of Protection) (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may, at the request of a

party, order any party to take such interim measure of protection as the arbitral tribunal may consider necessary in respect of the subject matter of the dispute.

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(2) The arbitral tribunal may order any party to provide appropriate security in connection with such measure as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter V: Commencement and Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings Article 25. (Equal Treatment of Parties) (1) The parties shall be treated with equality in the arbitral proceedings. (2) Each party shall be given a full opportunity of presenting its case in the arbitral

proceedings. Article 26. (Rules of Procedure) (1) The parties are free to agree on the procedure to be followed by the arbitral tribunal in

conducting the arbitral proceedings. Provided, it shall not violate the provisions of this Law relating to public policy.

(2) Failing such agreement as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the arbitral tribunal may, subject to the provisions of this Law, conduct the arbitral proceedings in such manner as it considers appropriate.

(3) Failing such agreement as prescribed in paragraph (1), the power conferred upon the arbitral tribunal includes the power to determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of any evidence.

Article 27. (Waiver of Right to Object) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, as to arbitral proceedings, a party who knows that any provision of this Law or any arbitral proceedings rules agreed upon by the parties (to the extent that none of these relate to public policy) has not been complied with and yet fails to state its objection to such non-compliance without delay (if a time limit by which objections should be made is provided for, within such period of time), shall be deemed to have waived its right to object. Article 28. (Place of Arbitration) (1) The parties are free to agree on the place of arbitration. (2) Failing such agreement as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the place of

arbitration shall be determined by the arbitral tribunal having regard to the circumstances of the case, including the convenience of the parties.

(3) Notwithstanding the place of arbitration determined in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the arbitral tribunal may, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, carry out the following procedures at any place it considers appropriate: (i) consultation among the members of the arbitral tribunal; (ii) hearing of parties, experts or witnesses; and (iii) inspection of goods, other property or documents.

Article 29. (Commencement of Arbitral Proceedings and Interruption of Limitation) (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral proceedings in respect of a

particular civil dispute commence on the date on which one party gave the other party notice to refer that dispute to the arbitral proceedings.

(2) A claim made in arbitral proceedings shall give rise to an interruption of limitation.

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Provided, this shall not apply where the arbitral proceedings have been terminated for a reason other than the issuance of an arbitral award.

Article 30. (Language) (1) The parties are free to agree on the language or languages to be used in the arbitral

proceedings and the proceedings to be conducted using that language or those languages.

(2) Failing such agreement as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the arbitral tribunal shall determine the language or languages to be used in the arbitral proceedings and the proceedings to be conducted using that language or those languages.

(3) Failing any designation of proceedings to be conducted using the designated language or languages in the agreement prescribed in paragraph (1) or the determination prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the proceedings to be conducted using such language or languages are as follows: (i) any oral proceedings; (ii) any statement or notice in writing by a party; or (iii) any ruling (including an arbitral award) or notice in writing by the arbitral

tribunal. (4) The arbitral tribunal may order that any documentary evidence shall be accompanied

by a translation into the language or languages designated in the agreement as prescribed in paragraph (1) or the determination prescribed in paragraph (2) (where designation has been made as to the language or languages to be used for translation, such language or languages).

Article 31. (Time Restrictions on Parties’ Statements) (1) Within the period of time determined by the arbitral tribunal, the claimant (which

hereinafter means the party that carried out the act to commence the arbitral proceedings) shall state the relief or remedy sought, the facts supporting its claim and the points at issue. In such case, the claimant may submit all documentary evidence it considers to be relevant or may add a reference to the documentary evidence or other evidence it will submit.

(2) Within the period of time determined by the arbitral tribunal, the respondent (which hereinafter means any party to the arbitral proceedings other than the claimant) shall state its defense in respect of the particulars stated according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. In such case, the provisions of the latter part of the same paragraph shall apply.

(3) Any party may amend or supplement its statement during the course of the arbitral proceedings. Provided, the arbitral tribunal may refuse to allow such amendment or supplementation if made in delay.

(4) The preceding three paragraphs shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties.

Article 32. (Procedure of the Hearing) (1) The arbitral tribunal may hold oral hearings for the presentation of evidence or for

oral argument by the parties. Provided, where a party makes an application for holding oral hearings, including the request in article 34, paragraph (3), the arbitral

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tribunal shall hold such oral hearings at an appropriate stage of the arbitral proceedings.

(2) The preceding paragraph shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties. (3) When holding oral hearings for the purposes of oral argument or inspection of goods,

other property or documents, the arbitral tribunal shall give sufficient advance notice to the parties of the time and place for such hearings.

(4) A party who supplied written statements, documentary evidence or any other records to the arbitral tribunal shall take necessary measures to ensure that the other party will be aware of their contents.

(5) The arbitral tribunal shall take necessary measures to ensure that all parties will be aware of the contents of any expert report or other evidence on which the arbitral tribunal may rely in making an arbitral award or other rulings.

Article 33. (Default of a Party) (1) If the claimant violates the provisions of article 31, paragraph (1), the arbitral

tribunal shall make a ruling to terminate the arbitral proceedings. Provided, this shall not apply in the case where there is sufficient cause for the violation.

(2) If the respondent violates the provisions of article 31, paragraph (2), the arbitral tribunal shall continue the arbitral proceedings without treating such violation in itself as an admission of the claimant’s allegations.

(3) If any party fails to appear at an oral hearing or to produce documentary evidence, the arbitral tribunal may make the arbitral award on the evidence before it that has been collected up until such time. Provided, this shall not apply in the case where there is sufficient cause with respect to the failure to appear at an oral hearing or to produce documentary evidence.

(4) The preceding three paragraphs shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties.

Article 34. (Expert Appointed by Arbitral Tribunal) (1) The arbitral tribunal may appoint one or more experts to appraise any necessary

issues and to report their findings in writing or orally. (2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, the arbitral tribunal may require a party to do

the following acts: (i) give the expert any relevant information; or (ii) produce, or provide access to, any relevant documents, goods or other property to

the expert for inspection. (3) If a party so requests or if the arbitral tribunal considers it necessary, the expert shall,

after delivery of its report described in paragraph (1), participate in an oral hearing. (4) A party may carry out the following acts in the oral hearing described in the preceding

paragraph: (i) put questions to the expert; or (ii) have experts whom it has personally appointed to testify on the points at issue.

(5) Each of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties.

Article 35. (Court Assistance in Taking Evidence) (1) The arbitral tribunal or a party may apply to a court for assistance in taking evidence

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by any means that the arbitral tribunal considers necessary as entrustment of investigation, examination of witnesses, expert testimony, investigation of documentary evidence (excluding documents that the parties may produce in person) or inspection (excluding that of objects the parties may produce in person) prescribed in the Code of Civil Procedure. Provided, this shall not apply in the case where the parties have agreed not to apply for all or some of these means.

(2) In making the application described in the preceding paragraph, the party shall obtain the approval of the arbitral tribunal.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of article 5, paragraph (1), only the following courts have jurisdiction over cases relating to the application described in paragraph (1): (i) the court described in article 5, paragraph (1), item (ii); (ii) the district court having jurisdiction over the domicile or place of residence of the

person to be examined or the person holding the relevant documents, or the location of the object for inspection; or

(iii) the district court having jurisdiction over the general forum of the applicant or the counterparty (only if there is no court described in the preceding two items).

(4) An immediate appeal may be made against the decision regarding the application in paragraph (1).

(5) When the court carries out the examination of evidence based on the application in paragraph (1), the arbitrators may peruse the documents, inspect the objects and, with the approval of the presiding judge, put questions to the witness or expert (as prescribed in article 213 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

(6) The court clerk shall enter in the record the matters concerning the examination of evidence carried out by the court following the application prescribed in paragraph (1).

Chapter VI: Arbitral Award and Termination of Arbitral Proceedings Article 36 (Substantive Law to be Applied in Arbitral Award) (1) The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in accordance with such rules of law as

are agreed by the parties as applicable to the substance of the dispute. In such case, any designation of the law or legal system of a given State shall be construed, unless otherwise expressed, as directly referring to the substantive law of that State and not to its conflict of laws rules.

(2) Failing agreement as provided in the preceding paragraph, the arbitral tribunal shall apply the substantive law of the State with which the civil dispute subject to the arbitral proceedings is most closely connected.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs, the arbitral tribunal shall decide ex aequo et bono only if the parties have expressly authorized it to do so.

(4) Where there is a contract relating to the civil dispute subject to the arbitral proceedings, the arbitral tribunal shall decide in accordance with the terms of such contract and shall take into account the usages, if any, that may apply to the civil dispute.

Article 37. (Proceedings by Panel of Arbitrators) (1) An arbitral tribunal with more than one arbitrator shall elect a presiding arbitrator

from among all its members.

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(2) Any decision of the arbitral tribunal shall be made by a majority of all its members. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding paragraph, procedural

matters in arbitral proceedings may be decided by the presiding arbitrator, if so authorized by the parties or all other members of the arbitral tribunal.

(4) The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties.

Article 38. (Settlement) (1) If, during arbitral proceedings, the parties settle the civil dispute subject to the

arbitral proceedings and the parties so request, the arbitral tribunal may make a ruling on agreed terms.

(2) The ruling as provided for in the preceding paragraph shall have the same effect as an arbitral award.

(3) The ruling as provided for in paragraph (1) shall be made in writing in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (3) of the following article and shall state that it is an arbitral award.

(4) An arbitral tribunal or one or more arbitrators designated by it may attempt to settle the civil dispute subject to the arbitral proceedings, if consented to by the parties.

(5) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the consent provided for in the preceding paragraph or its withdrawal shall be made in writing.

Article 39. (Arbitral Award) (1) The arbitral award shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the arbitrators

who made it. Provided, in arbitral proceedings with more than one arbitrator, the signatures of the majority of all members of the arbitral tribunal shall suffice, if the reason for any omitted signature is stated.

(2) The arbitral award shall state the reasons upon which it is based. Provided, this shall not apply when otherwise agreed by the parties.

(3) The arbitral award shall state its date and place of arbitration. (4) The arbitral award shall be deemed to have been made at the place of arbitration. (5) After the arbitral award is made, the arbitral tribunal shall notify each party of the

arbitral award by sending a copy of the arbitral award signed by the arbitrators. (6) The proviso of paragraph (1) shall apply to the copy of the arbitral award described in

the preceding paragraph. Article 40. (Termination of Arbitral Proceedings) (1) The arbitral proceedings are terminated by the arbitral award or by a ruling to

terminate the arbitral proceedings. (2) Other than rulings based on the provisions of article 23, paragraph (4), item (ii) or

article 33, paragraph (1), the arbitral tribunal shall issue a ruling to terminate arbitral proceedings in the case where any of the following grounds exists: (i) the claimant withdraws its claim. Provided, this shall not apply in the event that

the respondent objects thereto and the arbitral tribunal recognizes a legitimate interest on its part in obtaining a settlement of the civil dispute subject to the arbitral proceedings;

(ii) the parties agree to on termination of the arbitral proceedings; (iii) the parties settle the civil dispute subject to the arbitral proceedings (excluding the

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case where a ruling under article 38, paragraph (1) is issued); or (iv) other than the instances in the preceding three items, the arbitral tribunal finds

that the continuation of the arbitral proceedings has become unnecessary or impossible.

(3) The mandate of the arbitral tribunal terminates with the termination of the arbitral proceedings. Provided, the acts prescribed in the provisions of articles 41 through 43 may be made.

Article 41. (Correction of Arbitral Award) (1) The arbitral tribunal may upon request of a party or by its own authority correct any

errors in computation, any clerical or typographical errors or any errors of similar nature in the arbitral award.

(2) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the request described in the preceding paragraph shall be made within thirty days of the receipt of the notice of the arbitral award.

(3) When making the request described in paragraph (1), a party shall issue advance or simultaneous notice to the other party stating the content of the request.

(4) The arbitral tribunal shall make a ruling with respect to the request described in paragraph (1) within thirty days of such request.

(5) The arbitral tribunal may extend, if it considers it necessary, the period of time provided for in the preceding paragraph.

(6) The provisions of article 39 shall apply to any ruling to correct the arbitral award or any ruling to dismiss the request in paragraph (1).

Article 42. (Interpretation of Arbitral Award by Arbitral Tribunal) (1) A party may request the arbitral tribunal to give an interpretation of a specific part of

the arbitral award. (2) The request described in the preceding paragraph may be made only if so agreed by

the parties. (3) The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding article shall apply to the

request described in paragraph (1) and the provisions of article 39 and paragraphs (4) and (5) of the preceding article shall apply to any rulings made with respect to the request described in paragraph (1).

Article 43. (Additional Arbitral Award) (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a party may request the arbitral tribunal to

make an arbitral award as to claims presented in the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the arbitral award. In such case, the provisions of article 41, paragraphs (2) and (3) shall apply.

(2) The arbitral tribunal shall make a ruling with respect to the request described in the preceding paragraph within sixty days of such request. In such case, the provisions of article 41, paragraph (5) shall apply.

(3) The provisions of article 39 shall apply to the ruling described in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter VII: Setting Aside of Arbitral Award

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Article 44. (1) A party may apply to a court to set aside the arbitral award when any of the following

grounds are present: (i) the arbitration agreement is not valid due to limits to a party’s capacity; (ii) the arbitration agreement is not valid for a reason other than limits to a party’s

capacity under the law to which the parties have agreed to subject it (or failing any indication thereon, under the law of Japan);

(iii) the party making the application was not given notice as required by the provisions of the laws of Japan (or where the parties have otherwise reached an agreement on matters concerning the provisions of the law that do not relate to the public policy, such agreement) in the proceedings to appoint arbitrators or in the arbitral proceedings;

(iv) the party making the application was unable to present its case in the arbitral proceedings;

(v) the arbitral award contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the arbitration agreement or the claims in the arbitral proceedings;

(vi) the composition of the arbitral tribunal or the arbitral proceedings were not in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Japan (or where the parties have otherwise reached an agreement on matters concerning the provisions of the law that do not relate to the public policy, such agreement);

(vii) the claims in the arbitral proceedings relate to a dispute that cannot constitute the subject of an arbitration agreement under the laws of Japan; or

(viii) the content of the arbitral award is in conflict with the public policy or good morals of Japan.

(2) The application described in the preceding paragraph may not be made after three months have elapsed from the date on which the party making the application had received the notice by the sending of a copy of the arbitral award (including the document constituting the ruling of the arbitral tribunal described in the provisions of articles 41 through 43), or after an enforcement decision under article 46 has become final and conclusive.

(3) Even where the case for application described in paragraph (1) falls within its jurisdiction, a court may, upon request or by its own authority, if it finds it appropriate, transfer all or a part of said case to another competent court.

(4) An immediate appeal may be filed against a decision made under the provisions of article 5, paragraph (3) or the preceding paragraph regarding the case for application described in paragraph (1).

(5) A court may not make a decision with respect to the application described in paragraph (1), unless and until an oral hearing or oral proceeding at which the parties can attend was held.

(6) Where an application is made under paragraph (1), an arbitral award may be set aside by the court in the event that it finds any of the grounds described in each of the items under the same paragraph to be present (with respect to the grounds described in items (i) through (vi) of the same paragraph, this shall be limited to where the party making the application has proved the existence of such grounds).

(7) Where the ground described in paragraph (1), item (v) is present, and where the part relating to matters prescribed in the same item can be separated from the arbitral award, only that part of the arbitral award may be set aside by the court.

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(8) An immediate appeal may be filed against the decision regarding the application in paragraph (1).

Chapter VIII: Recognition and Enforcement Decision of Arbitral Award Article 45. (Recognition of Arbitral Award) (1) An arbitral award (irrespective of whether or not the place of arbitration is in the

territory of Japan; this shall apply throughout this chapter) shall have the same effect as a final and conclusive judgment. Provided, an enforcement based on the arbitral award shall be subject to an enforcement decision pursuant to the provisions of the following article.

(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply in the case where any of the following grounds are present (with respect to the grounds described in items (i) through (vii), this shall be limited to where either of the parties has proven the existence of the ground in question): (i) the arbitration agreement is not valid due to limits to a party’s capacity; (ii) the arbitration agreement is not valid for a reason other than limits to a party’s

capacity under the law to which the parties have agreed to subject it (or failing any indication thereon, the law of the country under which the place of arbitration falls);

(iii) a party was not given notice as required by the provisions of the law of the country under which the place of arbitration falls (or where the parties have otherwise reached an agreement on matters concerning the provisions of the law that do not relate to public policy, such agreement) in the proceedings to appoint arbitrators or in the arbitral proceedings;

(iv) a party was unable to present its case in the arbitral proceedings; (v) the arbitral award contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the arbitration

agreement or the claims in the arbitral proceedings; (vi) the composition of an arbitral tribunal or the arbitral proceedings were not in

accordance with the provisions of the law of the country under which the place of arbitration falls (or where the parties have otherwise reached an agreement on matters concerning the provisions of the law that do not relate to public policy, such agreement);

(vii) according to the law of the country under which the place of arbitration falls (or where the law of a country other than the country under which the place of arbitration falls was applied to the arbitral proceedings, such country), the arbitral award has not yet become binding, or the arbitral award has been set aside or suspended by a court of such country;

(viii) the claims in the arbitral proceedings relate to a dispute that cannot constitute the subject of an arbitration agreement under the laws of Japan; or

(ix) the content of the arbitral award would be contrary to the public policy or good morals of Japan.

(3) Where the ground described in item (v) of the preceding paragraph is present, and where the part relating to matters described in the same item can be separated from the arbitral award, said part and any other parts in the arbitral award shall be deemed separate independent arbitral awards and the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply accordingly.

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Article 46. (Enforcement Decision of Arbitral Award) (1) A party seeking enforcement based on the arbitral award may apply to a court for an

enforcement decision (which hereinafter means a decision authorizing enforcement based on an arbitral award) against the debtor as counterparty.

(2) The party making the application described in the preceding paragraph shall supply a copy of the arbitral award, a document certifying that the content of said copy is identical to the arbitral award, and a Japanese translation of the arbitral award (except where made in Japanese).

(3) If an application for setting aside or suspension of an arbitral award has been made to the court as described in paragraph (2), item (vii) of the preceding article, the court where the application described in paragraph (1) has been made may, if it considers it necessary, suspend proceedings relating to the application described in paragraph (1). In such case, the court may, upon request of the party who made the application described in the same paragraph, order the other party to provide security.

(4) The case for application described in paragraph (1) shall be, notwithstanding the provisions of article 5, paragraph (1), subject only to the jurisdiction of the courts cited in each of the items of the same paragraph and a district court with jurisdiction over the location of the object of the claim or the debtor’s seizable assets.

(5) Even where the case for application described in paragraph (1) falls within its jurisdiction, a court may, upon request or by its own authority, if it finds it appropriate, transfer all or a part of said case to another competent court.

(6) An immediate appeal may be filed against a decision made under the provisions of article 5, paragraph (3) or the preceding paragraph regarding the case for application described in paragraph (1).

(7) The court shall, except where it dismisses the application described in paragraph (1) pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraph or paragraph (9), issue an enforcement decision.

(8) The court may dismiss the application described in paragraph (1) only when it finds any of the grounds described in each of the items under paragraph (2) of the preceding article present (with respect to the grounds described in items (i) through (vii) of the same paragraph, this shall be limited to where the counterparty has proved the existence of the ground in question).

(9) The provisions of paragraph (3) of the preceding article shall apply with respect to the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph in the event that the ground described in paragraph (2), item (v) of the same article is present.

(10) The provisions of article 44, paragraphs (5) and (8) shall apply with respect to decisions regarding the application described in paragraph (1).

Chapter IX: Miscellaneous Article 47. (Remuneration of Arbitrators) (1) The arbitrators may receive remuneration in accordance with the agreement of the

parties. (2) Failing an agreement as described in the preceding paragraph, the arbitral tribunal

shall determine the remuneration of the arbitrators. In such case, the remuneration shall be for an appropriate amount.

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Article 48. (Deposit for the Costs of the Arbitral Proceedings) (1) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may order that the

parties deposit an amount determined by the arbitral tribunal as the roughly estimated amount for costs of the arbitral proceedings within the appropriate period of time determined by the arbitral tribunal.

(2) Where such deposits, as ordered under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, have not been made, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitral tribunal may suspend or terminate the arbitral proceedings.

Article 49. (Apportionment of the Costs of the Arbitral Proceedings) (1) The costs disbursed by the parties with respect to the arbitral proceedings shall be

apportioned between the parties in accordance with the agreement of the parties. (2) Failing an agreement as described in the preceding paragraph, each party shall bear

the costs it has disbursed with respect to the arbitral proceedings. (3) In accordance with the agreement of the parties, if any, the arbitral tribunal may, in

an arbitral award or in an independent ruling, determine the apportionment between the parties of the costs disbursed by the parties with respect to the arbitral proceedings and the amount that one party should reimburse to the other party based thereon.

(4) If the matters described in the preceding paragraph have been determined in an independent ruling, such ruling shall have the same effect as an arbitral award.

(5) The provisions of article 39 shall apply to the ruling described in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter X: Penalties Article 50. (Acceptance of Bribe; Acceptance with Request; Acceptance in Advance of Assumption of Office) (1) An arbitrator who accepts, demands or promises to accept a bribe in relation to its

duty shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than five years. In such case, when the arbitrator agrees to do an act in response to a request, imprisonment with labor for not more than seven years shall be imposed.

(2) When a person to be appointed an arbitrator accepts, demands or promises to accept a bribe in relation to the duty to assume with agreement to do an act in response to a request, imprisonment with labor for not more than five years shall be imposed in the event of appointment.

Article 51. (Bribe to Third Person) When an arbitrator with agreement to do an act in response to a request, causes a bribe in relation to its duty to be given to a third person or demands or promises such bribe to be given to a third person, imprisonment with labor for not more than five years shall be imposed. Article 52. (Aggravated Acceptance; Acceptance after Resignation of Office) (1) When an arbitrator commits a crime described in the preceding two articles and

consequently acts illegally or refrains from acting in the exercise of its duty, imprisonment labor for a definite term of not less than one year shall be imposed.

(2) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply when an arbitrator accepts,

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demands or promises to accept a bribe, or cause a bribe to be given to a third person or demands or promises a bribe to be given to a third person, in relation to having acted illegally or refrained from acting in the exercise of its duty.

(3) When a person who was an arbitrator accepts, demands or promises to accept a bribe in relation to having acted illegally or refrained from acting in the exercise of its duty during its tenure as an arbitrator with agreement thereof in response to a request, imprisonment with labor for not more than five years shall be imposed.

Article 53. (Confiscation and Collection of Equivalent Value) A bribe accepted by an offender or by a third person with such knowledge shall be confiscated. When the whole or a part of the bribe cannot be confiscated, a sum of money equivalent thereto shall be collected. Article 54. (Giving a Bribe) A person who gives, offers or promises to give a bribe as provided for in articles 50 through 52 shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than three years or a fine of not more than two million five hundred thousand yen. Article 55. (Crimes Committed outside Japan) (1) The provisions of articles 50 through 53 shall apply to an offender who commits any of

the crimes described in articles 50 through 52 outside Japan. (2) The crime described in the preceding article shall be treated in the same manner as

provided in article 2 of the Criminal Code [Law No. 45 of 1907]. Supplementary Provisions Article 1. (Date of Enforcement) This Law shall come into force from the date which shall be fixed by a Cabinet Order no later than nine months from the date of the promulgation of this Law. Article 2. (Transitory Measures Relating to Form of Arbitration Agreement) The existing Law shall apply to the form for arbitration agreements which have been made prior to the enforcement of this Law. Article 3. (Exception Relating to Arbitration Agreements Concluded between Consumers and Businesses) (1) For the time being until otherwise enacted, any arbitration agreements (excluding

arbitration agreements described in the following article; hereafter in this article referred to as the “consumer arbitration agreement”) concluded between consumers (which hereafter in this article shall mean consumers as described in article 2, paragraph (1) of the Consumer Contract Act [Law No. 61 of 2000]) and businesses (which hereafter in this article shall mean businesses as described in article 2, paragraph (2) of the same law) subsequent to the enforcement of this Law, the subject of which constitutes civil disputes that may arise between them in the future, shall follow the provisions described in paragraphs (2) through (7).

(2) A consumer may cancel a consumer arbitration agreement. Provided, this shall not apply in the event that the consumer is a claimant in arbitral proceedings based on the

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consumer arbitration agreement. (3) In the case where a business is the claimant in arbitral proceedings based on a

consumer arbitration agreement, following the constitution of an arbitral tribunal the business shall request without delay that an oral hearing be conducted under the provisions of article 32, paragraph (1). In such case the arbitral tribunal shall make a ruling to carry out the oral hearing and notify the parties of the date, time and place therefor.

(4) The arbitral tribunal shall carry out the oral hearing described in the preceding paragraph prior to any other proceedings in the arbitral proceedings.

(5) Notice to the party who is a consumer based on the provisions of paragraph (3) shall be made by the sending of a document stating the following matters. In such case, the arbitral tribunal shall make every effort to use as simple an expression as possible with respect to matters described in items (ii) through (v): (i) date, time and place of the oral hearing; (ii) that in the case where an arbitration agreement exists, the arbitral award with

respect to the civil dispute constituting its subject shall have the same effect as a final and conclusive judgment of the court;

(iii) that in the case where an arbitration agreement exists, any suit filed with the court in respect of the civil dispute constituting its subject will be dismissed irrespective of the timing when the suit is filed before or after the arbitral award;

(iv) that the consumer may cancel the consumer arbitration agreement; and (v) that in the event that the party who is the consumer fails to appear on the date of

the oral hearing described in item (i), said party shall be deemed to have cancelled the consumer arbitration agreement.

(6) On the day of the oral hearing described in paragraph (3), the arbitral tribunal shall explain the matters described in items (ii) through (iv) of the preceding paragraph orally to the party who is a consumer. In such case, where the party does not express an intent to waive its right of cancellation described in paragraph (2), said party shall be deemed to have cancelled the consumer arbitration agreement.

(7) In the event that the party who is a consumer fails to appear on the date of the oral hearing described in paragraph (3), said party shall be deemed to have cancelled the consumer arbitration agreement.

Article 4. (Exception Relating to Arbitration Agreements Concerning Individual Labor-related Disputes) For the time being until otherwise enacted, any arbitration agreements concluded following the enforcement of this Law, the subject of which constitutes individual labor-related disputes (which means individual labor-related disputes as described in article 1 of the Law on Promoting the Resolution of Individual Labor Disputes [Law No.112 of 2001]) that may arise in the future, shall be null and void. Article 5. (Transitional Measures Relating to Arbitral Proceedings) Arbitral proceedings commenced prior to the enforcement of this Law and proceedings conducted by a court relating to such arbitral proceedings (excluding proceedings commenced after the issuance of an arbitral award) shall follow the existing Law. Article 6. (Transitional Measures Relating to Lawsuits for the Challenge against

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Arbitrators) In addition to the provisions in the preceding article, the existing Law shall apply to suits for challenges against arbitrators brought prior to the enforcement of this Law. Article 7. (Transitional Measures Relating to the Request for the Challenge against Arbitrators to the Arbitral Tribunal) In addition to the provisions of the preceding two articles, with respect to the request of the provisions of article 19, paragraph (3) in the case where the parties, prior to the enforcement of this Law, were aware of the fact that an arbitral tribunal had been formed and of the existence of any of the grounds referred to in any of the items of article 18, paragraph (1) for any arbitrator, the words “the later of either the day on which it became aware of the constitution of the arbitral tribunal or the day on which it became aware of any circumstance referred to in any item of paragraph (1) of the preceding article” in article 19, paragraph (3) shall be read as “the date on which this Law came into force”. Article 8. (Transitional Measures Relating to the Force and Effect of Arbitral Awards) In the case where an arbitral award had been issued prior to the enforcement of this Law, its deposit to a court, its force and effect, suits to set it aside, and enforcement based thereon, shall follow the existing Law. Articles 9 through 22 [Omitted]

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Приложение № 7 к Бизнес-путеводителю

по Японии-2017

Приложения к разделу VII.

Приложение 7.1. Защищаемые объекты интеллектуальной собственности в Японии


защите ОИС

Регулирующий правовой


Требование регистрации прав/Регистр

ирующий орган

Примеры объектов интеллектуальной

собственности, подлежащих регистрации

Срок действия


прав Объекты, созданные в результате творческой деятельности


Патентный закон

Требуется /Патентное бюро Японии

Изделия или методология (метод), характеризуемые высоким уровнем творческой и технологической мысли; элементы/детали/продукция, характеризуемые более продолжительным жизненным циклом, чем новая полезная модель; компьютерноеоборудование и программное обеспечение, объекты, включая растения, животных, микроорганизмы

20 лет с даты подачи заявки.

Исключения: 5 лет (с возможностью продления) в случаях фармацевтической продукции, сельскохозяйственных химикатов

Полезные модели

Закон «О полезных моделях»

Требуется /Патентное бюро Японии

Объекты, имеющие короткий жизненный цикл, обладающие потенциалом для раннего внедрения и творческими идеями в отношении формы продукции, их структуры и других технологических аспектов*

* Методология не являетсядопустимым объектом для получения патента

10 лет с даты подачи заявки

Промышленные образцы

Закон «О промышленных образцах»

Требуется/Патентное бюро Японии

Формы, текстуры, цвета и другие характеристики изделий касательно их

20 лет с даты регистрации создания

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внешнего вида*

* Простой рисунок или чертежне являются допустимыми объектами патентования

промышленного образца

Оформление товара /изделия

Закон «О предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции»

Не требуется

Коммерческая тайна /промышленные секреты

Закон «О предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции»

Не требуется

Интегральные полупроводниковые схемы

Законы «О регистрации защите топологий интегральных полупроводниковых интегральных микросхем»

Не требуется

Авторские права

Закон «Об авторских правах»

Не требуется Литературные произведения, произведения искусства, музыкальные произведения, спектакли, кинопроизведения, продукции теле- и радиовещания и т.д.

Новые сорта растений

Закон «Об охране новых сортов растений и семян культурных растений»

Не требуется

Коммерческие обозначения Торговые наименования

Коммерческий кодекс Японии Commercial Code

Не требуется

Торговые знаки (включая

Закон «О торговых знаках»

Требуется/Патентное бюро Японии

Буквы, схемы, диаграммы, символы (цвета), которые позволяют

10 лет с даты регистрации созданного

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знаки обслуживания), в том числе с использованием географических наименований (указаний)

идентифицировать товарный знак с конкретными продукцией и услугами

товарного знака. При его непрерывном использовании при обновлении заявки этот срок может быть продлен

Незарегистрированные торговые марки (включая знаки обслуживания)

Закон «О предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции»

Не требуется

Географические указания (для брендов шампанского или виски (scotch))

законы «О предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции», «Об алкогольной промышленности» (Liquor industry law)

Не требуется

Приложение 7.2. Пошаговые схемы регистрации прав на объекты индустриальной собственности и регистрационные платежи

Пошаговые схемы регистрации прав на объекты индустриальной собственности и регистрационные платежи Пояснения к схемам, представленным ниже

Содержание этапов получения патента на изобретение. (1) Заявка. Информация об объекте интеллектуальной

собственности должна быть изложена наиболее подробным образом. Желательно до заполнения заявки на получение патента не придавать огласке информацию.

(2) Проверка правильности заполнения. На этом этапе служащий, принимающий заявку, проверит соблюдения требований к форме заявке и предложит при необходимости внести исправления.

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(3) Публикация поданных, но еще не рассмотренных по существу заявок. На этом этапе Патентное бюро Японии публикует содержание заявки в специальном печатном органе по истечении 18 месяцев с момента заполнения и подачи заявки.

(4) Запрос на проведение экспертизы. Патентное бюро Японии рассматривает только те заявки, в отношении которых заявитель подтвердил запрос на проведение экспертизы и оплатил ее.

(5) Заявка считается отозванной, если заявитель в течение трех лет не подал запрос на проведение экспертизы по ней.

(6) Экспертиза по существу. Проводится экспертом Патентного бюро Японии. В ходе экспертизы он проверяет:

- основано ли изобретение на технической идее, которая использует законы природы;

- существует ли промышленное применение; - существовала ли данная техническая идея до подачи заявки; - достаточно ли легко специалисту в данной области изобрести идею,

на патентование которой подана заявка; - является ли заявитель первым; - не противоречит ли изобретение общественному порядку и морали; - соответствуют ли данные в заявке требованиям, предъявляемым к

патентопригодным заявкам. (7) Уведомление о причинах отказа. Если эксперт видит причины для

отказа в удовлетворении заявки, он обязан сообщить их заявителю. (8) Письменные возражения/Внесение изменений. Заявитель,

получивший уведомление об отказе, имеет право предоставить свои письменные возражения либо внести изменения в изобретение соответственно замечаниям эксперта.

(9) Решение о выдаче патента. Если заявка и изобретение соответствуют всем требованиям, и эксперт не видит причин для отказа (либо эти причины были устранены заявителем согласно этапу (8)), он принимает решение о выдаче патента.

(10) Решение об отказе. Если есть причины для отказа, и эксперт считает, что они не устранены заявителем, эксперт принимает решение об отказе в выдаче патента.

(11)Заявитель вправе обжаловать решение об отказе. (12) Апелляционная проверка жалобы (в отношении решения об

отказе в выдаче патента). Апелляцию рассматривает коллегиальный орган из трех или пяти экспертов. Если коллегиальный орган решит, что причин для отказа уже не существует, принимается апелляционное решение о выдаче патента. В противном случае обжалованное решение эксперта оставляют без изменения.

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(13) Регистрация (патентный платеж 1 ). Патент вступает в силу с момента внесения его в Патентный реестр и при условии уплаты патентного платежа. Одновременно изобретению присваивается патентный номер. После этого заявителю высылается свидетельство о регистрации патента.

(14) Содержание патентных прав, внесенных в Реестр, публикуется в Патентной газете.

(15) Обжалование патента. Даже после того, как патент зарегистрирован, любое лицо может подать жалобу о признании патента недействительным, если у него есть недостатки.

(16) Рассмотрение жалобы о признании патента недействительным осуществляется коллегиальным органом из трех или пяти экспертов. Если они придут к выводу, что жалоба не обоснована, действие патента останется неизменным. Но если при рассмотрении будут обнаружены указанные или иные недостатки, совет экспертов должен принять решение о недействительности патентных прав.

(17) Заявитель или любая заинтересованная стороны, не удовлетворенные любым решением эксперта или коллегиального органа экспертов, вправе обжаловать данные решения в Высший суд по вопросам интеллектуальной собственности. Если решение данного суда также не удовлетворит заявителя, он вправе обратиться в Верховный суд.

Содержание основных этапов, подробно раскрытых в описании регистрации патентных прав, соответствует содержанию основных этапов при регистрации товарного знака, полезной модели и промышленного образца.

Разница заключается в некоторых деталях. Так, в части товарных знаков это основания для отказа в регистрации. В ней может быть отказано, если:

- товарный знак не позволяет потребителям отличить товары или услуги заявителя или услуги от тех, которые уже представлены на рынке и принадлежат другим лицам;

- товарный знак нарушает общественные или частные интересы. Относительно полезной модели различий больше. К заявке на

получение патента на полезную модель обязательно должен быть приложен рисунок/чертеж. Также на момент подачи заявки дополнительно к плате за ее подачу, должен быть оплачен регистрационный платеж за первые три года.

В отличие от получения патента на изобретение, при подаче заявки на патент на полезную модель не требуется проведения экспертизы для определения новизны и уровня творческой идеи. Эксперт будет проверять соответствие полезной модели некоторым формальным основаниям:

                                                            1  Перечень  всех  видов  платежей  при  получении  патента  и  регистрации  прав  на  интеллектуальную собственность содержится в разделе данного Приложения «Платежи» ниже (на англ. языке)). Также данные о платежах можно найти на сайте Патентного бюро Японии 

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- в какой части разработана полезная модель – формы изделия, конструкции изделия или это комбинация изделий;

- заявляемое устройство не противоречит общественному порядку и морали;

- заявка соответствует предъявляемым к ней требованиям; - к заявке приложены необходимые спецификации и чертежи, и в них

описано устройство полезной модели. В отношении промышленных образцов различия в содержании

этапов заключаются в следующем. Экспертиза проводится для проверки: - дизайна у промышленного образца (какое эстетическое впечатление

вызывает сочетания формы, текстуры, цветов); - не противоречит ли дизайн общественному порядку и морали; - какое его промышленное применение; - промышленный образец должен быть инновационным и в его

конструкции/характеристиках должна быть новизна.

Платежи (по состоянию на 01.04.2016 г.; на англ. яз.)

1. Application

(1) Patents

Patent application ¥14,000

Application in foreign language ¥22,000

Submission of a description and drawing for a patent application containing a reference to a previously filed application


Entry into the national phase in Japan (under the PCT) ¥14,000

Application for registration of an extension of the term of patent right


(2) Utility Models

(Note: Applicants are required to pay registration fees for the 1st-3rd years in a lump sum at the time of filing)

Utility Model application ¥14,000

Entry into the national phase in Japan (under the PCT) ¥14,000

(3) Designs

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Design application ¥16,000

Request for secret design ¥5,100

(4) Trademarks

Trademark application ¥3,400 + ¥ 8,600 per classification

Defensive mark application ¥6,800 + ¥17,200 per classification

2. Request for Examination

(1) Patents

Request for examination ¥118,000 +¥4,000 per claim

-where the international search report has been

established by the JPO (under the PCT) ¥71,000 +¥2,400 per claim

-where the international search report has

been established by an International Searching

Authority other than the JPO (under the PCT) ¥106,000 +¥3,600 per claim

-where the search report has been established by

a designated searching organization ¥94,000 +¥3,200 per claim

(2) Utility Models

Request for Registrability Report ¥42,000 + ¥1,000 per claim

-where the international search report has

been established by the JPO (under the PCT) ¥8,400 + ¥200 per claim

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-where the international search report has

been established by an International Searching

Authority other than the JPO (under the PCT) ¥33,600 + ¥800 per claim

3. Annual fee / Registration fee

(1) Patents

1) For patent applications filed on or after January 1, 1988

(For patent applications requested for examination on or after April 1, 2004)

1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 2 100 + ¥ 200 per claim

4-6th year: annually, ¥ 6 400 + ¥ 500 per claim

7-9th year: annually, ¥19 300 + ¥1 500 per claim

10-25th year: annually, ¥55 400 + ¥4 300 per claim

(For patent applications requested for examination on or before March 31, 2004)

1-3rd year: annually, ¥10 300 + ¥990 per claim

4-6th year: annually, ¥16 100 + ¥1 300 per claim

7-9th year: annually, ¥32 200 + ¥2 500 per claim

10-25th year: annually, ¥64 400 + ¥5 000 per claim

2) For patent applications filed on or before December 31, 1987

(For patent applications requested for examination on or after April 1, 2004)

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1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 1 500 + ¥ 1 000 per claim

4-6th year: annually, ¥ 4 800 + ¥ 2 900 per claim

7-9th year: annually, ¥14 300 + ¥ 8 800 per claim

10-25th year: annually, ¥47 500 + ¥29 600 per claim

(For patent applications requested for examination on or before March 31, 2004)

1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 7 500 + ¥ 4 900 per claim

4-6th year: annually, ¥11 900 + ¥ 7 400 per claim

7-9th year: annually, ¥23 800 + ¥14 800 per claim

10-25th year: annually, ¥47 500 + ¥29 600 per claim

(2) Utility Models

1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 2 100 + ¥100 per claim

4-6th year: annually, ¥ 6 100 + ¥300 per claim

7-10th year: annually, ¥18 100 + ¥900 per claim

(3) Designs

1) For Designs applications filed on or after April 1, 2007

1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 8 500

4-20th year: annually, ¥16 900

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2) For Designs applications filed by March 31, 2007

1-3rd year: annually, ¥ 8 500

4-15th year: annually, ¥16 900

(4) Trademarks

Registration fee: ¥28 200 per classification

-Payment of registration fee by installments ¥16 400 per classification

Renewal fee: ¥38 800 per classification

-Payment of renewal fee by installments ¥22 600 per classification

Defensive mark registration fee: ¥28 200 per classification

Defensive mark renewal fee: ¥33 400 per classification

4. Opposition/ Appeal / Trial

(1) Patents

Opposition ¥16 500 + ¥2 400 per claim

Request for correction ¥49 500 + ¥5 500 per claim

Appeal ¥49 500 + ¥5 500 per claim

Request for correction ¥49 500 + ¥5 500 per claim

Trial / Retrial ¥49 500 + ¥5 500 per claim

Trial / Retrial for registration of an extension of the term of patent right

¥55 000

(2) Utility Models

Trial / Retrial ¥49 500 + ¥5 500 per claim

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(3) Designs

Appeal ¥55 000

Trial / Retrial ¥55 000

(4) Trademarks

Opposition ¥3 000 + ¥ 8 000 per classification

Appeal ¥15 000 + ¥ 40 000 per classification

Trial / Retrial ¥15 000 + ¥ 40 000 per classification

5. Others

Request for extension of a period ¥2 100

Request for extension of a specified time limit after the expiration of the time limit (except for Request for extension of the time limit specified under the Article 50 of the Patent Act)

¥4 200

Request for extension of the time limit specified under the Article 50 of the Patent Act after the expiration of the time limit

¥51 000

Notification of succession (Change in the name of applicant) ¥4 200

Request for other certificates:

-on-line ¥1 100

-over the counter ¥1 400

Request for inspection of documents (paper) ¥1 500

Request for inspection of documents (digital):

-on-line ¥600

-over the counter ¥900

Request for inspection of the Register (paper) ¥300

Request for inspection of the Register (digital)

-on-line ¥600

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-over the counter ¥800

Request for copy of documents (paper) ¥1 400

Request for issue of documents (digital):

-on-line ¥1 000

-over the counter ¥1 300

Request for copy of the Register (paper) ¥350

Request for issue of the Register (digital):

-on-line ¥800

-over the counter ¥1 100

Fee for rewriting data into electronic format ¥1 200 + ¥700 per sheet

6. After Registration

Registration of transfer of right:

-Patents ¥15 000

-Utility models ¥ 9 000

-Designs ¥ 9 000

-Trademarks ¥30 000

-General successions (inheritance, etc) ¥ 3 000

Change in the name of owner (excluding transfer) ¥ 1 000

Процедура для регистрации патентных прав на изобретение

Подача заявки на 


Проверка правильности заполнения 

Запрос на экспертизу 

Экспертиза по существу 

Публикация заявки до ее проверки

Заявка считается отозванной

Нет запроса на экспертизу

18месяцев с момента заполнения заявки 






В течение трех лет

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Уведомление о причинах отказа 

Письменная аргументация/поправки



Решение выдать патент 

Решение об отказе 

Жалоба на решение об отказе 

Апелляционная проверка жалобы 

(9)  (10)



Уплата патентных 


Решение о 



Решение об 

отказе в 


Публикация в Патентной газете

Проверка жалобы 

Решение о 



Решение о признании патента недействительным 

Обжалование для признания 

патента недействительным

Высший суд по спорам, связанным с интеллектуальной собственностью 

Верховный суд 






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Процедура регистрации прав на торговый знак

Подача заявки на регистрацию 

Проверка правильности заполнения 

Экспертиза по существу 

Публикация заявки до ее проверки

После  заполнения

Уведомление о причинах отказа 

Письменные возражения/изменения







(7)  (8)Решение о регистрации 

Решение об отказе 

Апелляционная жалоба на решение об отказе

Проверка жалобы 





Уплата платежей 


Решение о 


Решение об 

отказе в 


Публикация в Бюллетене торговых знаков 

Проверка жалобы 

Решение о 



Решение о признании 



Обжалование для признания 






Возражения против регистрации уже зарегистрированного торгового знака 

Проверка жалобы УУведомление о причинах 


Письменная аргументация 

Решение об 


Решение о сохранении регистрации 

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Высший суд по спорам, связанным с интеллектуальной собственностью 

Верховный суд 


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Процедура регистрации прав на полезную модель

Подача заявки на регистрацию Уплата требуемых платежей 

Проверка основных ключевых сведений 

Проверка на соответствие формальным требованиям

Запрос от эксперта о внесении изменений 

Внесение изменений 




Отклонение заявки 

Публикация в Газете полезных моделей 

Обжалование для аннулирования 



Проверка жалобы 

Решение о продлении регистрации 

Решение об 


Высший суд по спорам, связанным с 

интеллектуальной собственностью 

Верховный суд 



Изменения не внесены 

2‐3 месяца 

Запрос для оценки технологии полезной 


‐ доступ может получить любое лицо; 

‐  запрос  может  быть  сделан  в  любое  время 

после  заполнения  заявки  (включая  период, 

когда срок регистрации прав истек); 

Корректировка регистрации полезной модели 

‐ только отзыв жалобы; 

‐  корректировка  невозможна  в  течение 

рассмотрения  жалобы  об  аннулировании 

регистрации  или  после  уведомления  об 

окончании рассмотрения жалобы. 

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Процедура регистрации прав на промышленные образцы

Подача заявки на 


Проверка правильности заполнения 

Независимая экспертиза 

Уведомление о причинах отказа 

Письменная аргументация/поправки






(5)Решение о 


Решение об отказе 

Жалоба на решение об отказе 

Проверка жалобы (9)



(10)  Уплата платежей 


Решение о 



ого образца 

Решение об 

отказе в 


Публикация в Газете по 

промышленным образцам 

Проверка жалобы 

Решение о продлении регистрации

Решение об 


Обжалование для аннулирования 

Высший суд по спорам, связанным с интеллектуальной собственностью 

Верховный суд 





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Приложение 7.3. Нормативно-правовые акты в сфере интеллектуальной собственности в Японии

К основным нормативным актам, регулирующим сферу интеллектуальной собственности, относятся2:

1) Основной закон Японии от 04.12.2002 г. № 122 «Об интеллектуальной собственности» (в редакции от 11.09.2015 г.; Intellectual Property Basic Act);

2) Закон Японии от 19.05.1993 г. № 47 «О предотвращении недобросовестной конкуренции» (в редакции от 10.07.2015 г.; Unfair Competition Prevention Act);

3) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 125 «О промышленных образцах» (в редакции от 14.05.2014 г.; Designs Act);

4) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 126 «О применении Закона «О промышленных образцах» (Enforcement Law of the Design Act);

5) Патентный закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 121 (в редакции от 10.07.2015 г.; Patent Act);

6) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 122 «О применении Патентного закона (Enforcement Law of the Patent Act);

7) Закон Японии от 26.04.1978 г. № 30 «О подаче международной заявки в соответствии с Договором о патентной кооперации» (в редакции от 23.05.2003 г.; Law on the International Applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty);

8) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 127 «О торговых знаках» (в редакции от 10.07.2015 г.; Trademark Act);

9) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 128 «О применении Закона «О товарных знаках» (Enforcement Law of the Trademark Act);

10) Закон Японии от 06.05.1970 г. № 48 «Об авторском праве» (в редакции от 03.12.2010 г.; Copyright Act);

11) Закон Японии от 29.11.2000 г. № 131 «О коллективном управлении авторскими и смежными правами» (в редакции от 03.12.2004 г.; Law on Management Business of Copyright and Neighboring Rights);

12) Закон Японии от 28.04.1956 г. № 86 «Об особых положениях Закона «Об авторском праве», необходимых для исполнения Всемирной конвенции об авторском праве» (Law concerning the Exceptional Provisions to the Copyright Act, requiredas a consequence of the Enforcement of the Universal Copyright Convention);

                                                            2 С полным перечнем актов, а также с их текстами можно ознакомиться на сайте Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности по адресу (на сайте представлена информация в том числе на русском языке), также тексты некоторых актов представлены на сайте (на англ. языке).

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13) Закон Японии от 08.08.1952 г. № 302 «О чрезвычайныхположениях применения авторских правах, принадлежащих союзным державам и гражданам союзных держав» (Law concerning Exceptional Provisions for Copyrights owned by the Allied powers and the Allied Nationals);

14) Закон Японии от 23.05.1986 г. № 65 «Об особых положениях,применимых к записи программ» (Law on Exceptional Provisions for the Registration of Program Works);

15) Закон Японии от 31.05.1985 г. № 43 «О регистрации топологийинтегральных полупроводниковых микросхем» (в редакции от 02.06.2006 г.; Law on the Circuit Layout of a Semiconductor Integrated Circuits);

16) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 123 «О полезной модели» (вредакции от 2011 г.; Utility Model Act);

17) Закон Японии от 13.04.1959 г. № 124 «О применении Закона «Ополезной модели» (Enforcement Law of the Utility Model Act);

18) Закон Японии от 26.04.2000 г. № 49 «О патентных поверенных»(в редакции от 14.05.2014 г.; Patent Attorney Act);

19) Закон Японии от 13.06.1990 г. № 30 «Об особых процедурах,связанных с охраной прав на промышленную собственность» (Law Concerning the Special Provisions to the Procedures Relating to an Industrial Property Right);

20) Закон Японии от 29.05.1998 г. № 83 «Об охране новых сортоврастений и семян культурных растений» (в редакции от 18.05.2007 г.; Plant Variety Protectionand Seed Act);

21) Закон Японии от 30.05.1950 г. № 214 «Об охране культурныхценностей» (в редакции от 30.03.2007 г.; Law on Protection of Cultural Properties).

22) Закон Японии от 30.05.2007 г. № 65 «О предотвращениинезаконной записи фильмов» (Law for Prevention of Unauthorized Recording of Films).

23) Закон Японии от 04.06.2004 г. «О продвижении создания, защитыи использования контента» (Law on Promotion of Creation, Protection and Exploitation of Contents), и др.

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