  • 演 出 的 話 每年遠道合唱團皆舉辦年度音樂會,將一年辛勤練習的成果呈現給熱愛合唱藝術的各界人士,三十一年來從未間斷。本團一向以本著對合唱藝術純真樸實的愛好、藉音樂陶情養性以及認真學習的態度為榮為傲。每年我們都排練二、三十首歌曲。至今我們的曲目肯定不下五百首。此次的演唱會定名為「抒情歌曲之夜」,期望挑選到能打動人心深處的、被人熱愛的曲調,讓善於表達,同時充滿喜悅和悲傷的心靈,對明天有更加美好的希望。團員們除了「以歌會友, 經歷各種歌者的技巧磨練」之外,還要具備運動員的體力、藝術家心境表達的整體感。期盼能獲得您的共鳴。

    感謝贊助此次演出的諸位人仕,您們的支持使得音樂會能夠順利進行! 感謝參加演出的諸位嘉賓,您們的參與使得音樂的表達更加完整! 感謝多年來愛護我們的聽眾朋友,您們的指教是我們的期盼!

    Message from the Singers …… The Vancouver Chinese Singers is into its 31st season this year. We strive to maintain a high standard of music quality, to enhance each member’s ability, and to capture the interest of our audience. Our Chinese choral music repertoire covers a variety of styles and originates from different time periods and regions. Tonight’s concert includes selections from traditional to modern styles in both Chinese and western repertoire. With this year’s theme, “Melodies steal into my heart,” we wish to use unforgettable melodies to fulfill our hearts with joy and sorrow, and thereafter, we wish for a better tomorrow. We sincerely thank our guest artists, sponsoring groups and individuals for their continuous support. Their efforts have made this annual event possible. Yuan Dao, The Chinese name for the Vancouver Chinese Singers is from the Chinese Poem below

    涉江采芙蓉,蘭澤多芳草,采之欲遺誰,所思在遠道 建新家園,發掘珍寳,志在千里,意不忘本

    Yuan Dao, Land Afar

    Wading through the stream, I gather lotus blooms. The fragrant flowers in orchid swamps have perfume.

    To where am I sending this sweet bouquet? The place I still value is far away.

  • 抒情歌曲之夜 Melodies Steal Into My Heart

    The Vancouver Chinese Singers 31st Season Concert 溫哥華遠道合唱團三十一週年年度音樂會

    歌雙曲對 Delights in Pairs

    我不知道風是在哪一個方向吹 From Where the Wing Blows I Don’t Know 徐志摩/周鑫泉 我不知道風是在哪一個方向吹 From Where the Wing Blows I Don’t Know 徐志摩/冉天豪 A Seal Lullaby 海豹搖籃 Rudyard Kipling/Eric Whitacre 搖籃曲 Lullaby (Chinese Folk Tune) 東北民歌/胡增榮 雪花的快樂 The Joy of Snowflakes 徐志摩/周鑫泉 雪花的快樂 The Joy of Snowflakes 徐志摩/冉天豪

    All the arrangements of cello parts for this concert are done by Sophia Hsu

    弦樂鋼琴重奏 String- Piano Duet

    Violist 中提琴: Nikita Pogrebnoy 鋼琴 Piano:彭憶芬 I-Fen Peng

    釵頭鳳 Viola Solo Chai Tou Feng 康謳作曲 None But the Lonely Heart P.I. Tchaikovsky op.6 No. 6

    即景生情 Revived Memories

    城南送別 A Valediction 雨中即景 Scenery on a Rainy Day 鄉愁四韻 Quatre Verses of Nostalgia 不了情 Endless Love Melodies Steal Into My Heart 抒情之歌 You’ll Never Walk Alone/Climb Ev’ry Moutain永不獨行/登越山脈

    李叔同/林海音/John Pond Ordway/周鑫泉 王夢麟/冉天豪



    Harold Heiberg/Antonin Dvorak O. HammersteinII /R. Rodgers/M/Hayes

    中場休息 (十五分鐘) Intermission (15 minutes)

  • 女聲 Treble Voice Small Ensemble

    鄉愁 Nostalgia 林邊/林福裕 Sound the Trumpet Henry Purcell 願 I Wish 蔣勳/冉天豪 再別康橋 Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again 徐志摩/李達濤/周鑫泉

    男聲 Men’s Ensemble 故鄉 Homeland 傅林統/張炫文 偶然 By Chance 徐志摩/周鑫泉

    弦樂鋼琴重奏 String- Piano Duet

    Violist 中提琴: Nikita Pogrebnoy 鋼琴 Piano:彭憶芬 I-Fen Peng

    Time Beyond Time Michael Conway Baker op.159

    古今中外 Past and Present A Mozart Canon(SAB) 莫札特卡儂 W.A. Mozart/Donald Moore Kyrie 垂憐曲 Steve Kupferschmid Can’t Help Falling in Love 墜入情網 G.Weiss/H.Peretti/L.Creatore/E. Lojeski 我愛你,塞北的雪 I love you, Snow of the Northwest 王德/劉錫津/徐景新 茉莉花 MoLiHua, Jasmine Flower Chinese Folk Melody/Wayland Rogers 掀起你的蓋頭來 Lift Up you Veil 烏孜別克族民歌/王洛賓/孟衛東

    茶點招待 Reception & 晚安 Good Night

  • 溫 哥 華 遠 道 合 唱 團 Vancouver Chinese Singers

    指揮(Conductor) ﹕康幼琳 Katherine Lu☻ 伴奏(Accompanist) ﹕彭憶芬 I-Fen Peng 伴奏(Accompanist) ﹕徐虹華 Sophia Hsu☻

    §女高音 (SOPRANO)

    鍾麗嫦 LillianChung☻何嘉瑞 Vivian Ho 林華嬌 Hwa-Chiao Lee吳達玲 Maria Talin Wu☻ 王明明 Sunny Wang 林柏君 Alice Lin

    彭莉雲 Lucy Peng 劉秀貞 Alice Hsu 王秀珍 Sharon Lu 王儷儒 Julie Wang☻ 聶憲儀 Ezebella Nieh 宋翠娟 Jane Sung

    黃慧慈 Veronica Wong譚台華 Julia Tan 曾淑珍 Sophia Tseng☻賴喬英 Joan Lu☻ 張麗君 Eliza Chang 馬筠雅 Margaret Ma☻

    §女低音 (ALTO)

    柯碧雲 Rebecca Lin☻ 龔錦碧 Echo Kung☻ 張又丹 You Dan Zhang

    邱淑貴 Shirley Chiu☻ 吳章慧 Linda Wu☻ 許瓊林 Jolin Hsu

    沈貞芬 Chris Sun 曹錦綸 Maria Lee 張綉雀 Flora Chang☻

    §男高音 (TENOR)

    沈又莘 David Shen☻ 劉世明 Smile Liu☻

    單建國 James Shan☻ 盧定京 James Lu

    李作毅 Geoffrey Lee☻ 梁冬皓 Alex Leung

    §男低音 (BASS)

    孫斌 Bin Sun☻ 方廷熙 Billy Fang☻ 余漢明 Danny Yu☻

    ☻small ensemble 小組成員 Esther Poon

  • 指 揮 Conductor:康 幼 琳 Katherine Lu 康女士出生於音樂世家,自幼在其父著名音樂家康謳教授的薰陶下,對音樂藝術產生濃厚興趣。先後師從著名聲樂家鄭心梅、申學庸及 Mrs. Watson 專攻美聲唱法十餘年,並完成加拿大皇家音樂學院高級聲樂考試。兩度赴北京中央音樂學院深造,在中國著名資深聲樂家郭淑珍指導下學習民謠之詮釋及唱法。亦曾隨女高音 Anna Tamm Relyea 女士專研數年英文及德文歌曲。康幼琳是海外華人音樂藝術熱情倡導和傳播者,於 1980 年、1984 年與夫婿盧定平先生及音樂愛好者組織溫哥華漢聲合唱團及遠道合唱團。自 1997 年任遠道合唱團指揮至今,以她對於音樂的一份熱愛與執著,帶領了一群中華兒女,勇向專業的合唱領域邁進。

    Katherine, born in Taiwan, graduated from U.B.C. with B.Sc. major in chemistry. She first started voice lessons as a teenager in Taiwan. Later she studied and completed the Royal Conservatory curriculum under the guidance of Beth Watson in Vancouver. She has studied the techniques of singing English songs and German lieder with Soprano Anna Tamm-Relyea for several years. In the past years, Katherine has been giving recitals regularly. She was twice in Beijing, China to study the interpretation and singing of Chinese folk songs. Katherine is one of the founders of the Vancouver Chinese Singers Society. She has been the conductor for the group since 1997. She is now teaching Mandarin full time at Burnaby North Secondary School. Recent years, Katherine has been furthering her musical studies with Lorraine Reinhardt and John Trotter.

    伴 奏 Accompanist:彭 憶 芬 I-Fen Peng 從三歲與音樂結識, 既一路接受台北福星國小, 南門國中, 師大附中等音樂班嚴謹的音樂訓練. 1986年以術科甄試第一名成績保送國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,主修鋼琴演奏, 師事葉綠娜老師, 並副修小提琴, 聲樂及南胡. 1991年追隨世界聞名鋼琴大師 Earl Wild, 就讀美國俄亥

    俄州立大學音樂系碩士班, 1994年獲俄亥俄州辛辛那提音樂院三年全額獎學金, 繼續攻讀博士班, 並輔修鋼琴伴奏. 在美國求學期間曾獲辛辛那提古典音樂廣播電台邀請演奏, 也擔任大學伴奏助教, 經常與教授和學生參與各類形音樂會的演出. 2000年取得鋼琴演奏博士學位. 2001年六月入圍美國華盛頓州 Ladies Musical Club Awards-Tour Competition 鋼琴決賽. 2002年彭憶芬全家移居加拿大, 致力於鋼琴演奏及教學. 擔任過兩屆溫哥華 Kawai 鋼琴大賽評審. 義大利 Casalmaggiore Music Festival 伴奏助教, 受地中海豪華郵輪之邀請演出, 並與無數當地的優秀音樂家合作活躍於大溫哥華音樂舞台. 在遠道合唱團擔任伴奏之外彭憶芬也為無數年輕學生伴奏音樂會及考試. 曾為美聲合唱團及 First Baptist Church-Vancouver 之伴奏. 目前在 Burnaby & White Rock 有個人的音樂教室. 她曾經任職於台北市莊敬高職, 美國西雅圖 Pacific Northwest School of Music, 及台南科技大學任助理教授. I-fen Peng Ms. Peng began studying piano at the age of four, and received her musical education through the music-gifted school system in Taiwan. She won the full-time scholarship to continue her studies in USA, and got her master degree in piano performance from the Ohio State University, and doctor degree from Conservatory-College of Music, Cincinnati University in OH. Her major teachers include Earl Wild, Rosemary Platt, James Tocco, Eugene Pridonoff and Li-Na Yeh. Her collaborative piano study started in CCM with Sandra Rivers and Griffith Kenneth. Ms. Peng has performed solo recitals in Taiwan, USA and Canada, and made broadcasts in WGUC, Cincinnati. She studied from the master classes of Hans Lygraf, Menahem Pressler, Peter Vinograde, and Ruth Laredo. She has collaborated with many local and international solo players, and continues to explore her chamber music repertoire and experiences throughout the world. She taught piano as an assistant professor in University of Art and Technology in Taiwan, as well as ear/aural training in several music-gifted high schools. Before she moved to Canada, she taught piano in Suzuki Music School in Seattle

  • WA and established her private piano studio successfully. In 2002 she and her family settled in Vancouver, Canada where she teaches piano, ensemble, music theory, and also as a member of British Columbia Registered Music Teacher’s Association and Canadian Federation of Music Teacher’s Associations, Ms. Peng contributes her musical talents to be an active festival adjudicator, enthusiastic chamber musician, choir accompanist and a dedicated piano/ theory teacher.

    伴 奏Accompanist:徐 虹 華 Sophia Hsu

    徐虹華,Sophia Hsu, 台灣台南人,五歲開始學習音樂與舞蹈,十二歲考進台南市大成國中音

    樂班,繼而開始音樂之路, 爾後以主修鋼琴副修大提琴畢業於台南女中音樂班,1992 年音樂

    甄試的優異成績得到術科全國第 15 名,以主修大提琴副修鋼琴進入 國立台北藝術大學

    (Taipei National university of the Arts) ,1996 年參加加拿大 JISA 音樂營師事於 Andres Diaz 與

    Vladimir Ranteleyev, 並 榮獲 Zara Nelsova 大師班親自指導, 受益良多,1998 年榮獲加拿大溫

    哥華音樂學院(Vancouver Academy of Music)獎學金, 專攻大提琴演奏,2000 年榮獲大提琴表

    演藝術家文憑( Artist Diploma)。 1998-2001 年曾於 Vancouver Island Symphony Orchestra ,

    New Westminster Symphony Orchestra, Kamloops Symphony Orchestra 與 B.C. Chamber

    Orchestra 等樂團擔任大提手, 也以室內樂形式活躍於樂壇。 2001 回台任職於台灣省高雄市

    立交響樂團兼任大提琴與各中小學音樂班, 包括崇文國小, 嘉義國中, 前金國中, 樂育中學, 樹德

    大學等,亦多次擔任文化盃港都盃的音樂比賽評審,2003 年參與缪思三重奏於高雄市至善廳

    演出,以及台灣作曲家作品發表會的大提琴演奏。2007 年移居溫哥華,於 2008, 2009 年受邀

    台灣文化節演出,廣受囑目與好評。2011 年開始至今擔任遠道合唱團鋼琴伴奏與大提琴伴

    奏,並為 RCM 註冊鋼琴與大提琴教師,致力於鋼琴與大提琴的教學與演奏,學生於音樂比

    賽與 RCM 考級中屢獲優異成績。 Sophia Hsu was born in Tainan, Taiwan. Ms. Hsu majored in Piano at National Tainan girls' Senior High School. Ms. Hsu received her bachelor degree in cello performance from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 1997.In 2000, Ms. Hsu received her Artist Diploma in cello performance from Vancouver Academy of Music. Her cello teacher include Zheng-Jie Zhang, ke-Ming Lin, Sergei Mnojine, Yi-Qing Zheng and Lee Duckles. From Master classes she also learned from Zara Nelsova, Andres Diaz and Vladimir Ranteleyev. Ms. Hsu has appeared as a cellist with the Vancouver Island Symphony Orchestra a, New Westminster Symphony Orchestra, Kamloops Symphony Orchestra, B.C. Chamber Orchestra and Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra in 1998-2001. Ms. Hsu has been invited frequently to perform as a chamber player as well. In 2001 Ms. Hsu taught in several music-gifted elementary and high schools in Taiwan. She also is a tutti cellist in Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra. In 2007 she moved to Vancouver and continued to dedicate herself to teaching, accompany and chamber music. Since year 2011, she has become a piano and cello accompanist of The Vancouver Chinese Singers.

    盧 定 京 James Lu

    James Lu has been playing the flute for fun since high school. He actually started playing the oboe

    first in junior high, but switched to the flute when he realized he had no reed making talent. Two

    years ago James started on flute lessons again for stress relief. James is a public health physician.

    多元美妙的人聲 豐富你我的人生


  • 嘉賓 Guest Performer:


    was born in St. Petersburg, Russia where he graduated from the world-famous St. Petersburg Conservatory with highest honors. He then came to the United States by the invitation of Victor

    Rosenbaum, the Director of the Longy School of Music who after hearing his performance, awarded him a full scholarship to study in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nikita is the winner of the Valentino

    Bucchi International Competition in Rome, Italy. Since then he has appeared as both soloist and with various chamber ensembles across Russia, Spain, Central America and the United States. He has also

    performed at numerous festivals including the International Musical Arts Institute in Fryeburg, Maine, and the Colorado Music Festival among others. He has been broadcast on both television and

    radio in the United States, including the National Public Radio which aired nationwide.

    紀念抗戰勝利 70 週年演唱會 There Shall Be Peace On Earth

    A Choral Concert to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary

    Of the End of the 2nd World War in Asia

    11:00 am, September 12, 2015 537 Main Street, Multicultural Hall

    主辦單位 Presented by 加拿大多元文化中心

    Chinese Nationalist League of Canada The Vancouver Chinese Singers Society 溫哥華遠道合唱團

    有意願參與排練者請聯絡: 沈又莘 David 604-716-0135 孫 斌 Bin Sun 604-439-7818

    練唱時間地點 Rehearsal time and location:

    週一晚上 Monday Evenings 7:15 -9:45 , July & August, 2015 Oakridge United Church, 305 West 41st Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

  • 我不知道風是在哪一個方向吹 徐志摩 From where the wind blows I don’t know 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 在夢的輕波裡依洄 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 她的溫存我的迷醉 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 甜美是夢裡的光輝 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 她的負心我的傷悲 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 在夢的悲哀裡心碎 我不知道風 是在哪一個方向吹 我是在夢中 黯淡是夢裡的光輝 From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream, swirling in waves of memory From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream, her warmth my intoxication From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream. Sweet tenderness is a radiant dream From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream, her betrayal my sorrow From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream, drowning my heart in misery From where the wind blows I don’t know I’m in a dream. Somber gloom is a radiant dream A Seal Lullaby Rudyard Kipling/Eric Whitacre Ooh,---------- Oh! Hush thee, my baby the night is behind us, And Black are the waters That sparkled so green. The moon over the combers, looks downward to find us, At rest in the hollows that rustle between. Where billow meets billow, There soft be thy pillow, Ah weary wee flipper ling curl at thy ease! The storm shall not wake thee, Nor shark over take thee, A sleep in the arms of the slow swinging seas, ooh-- 搖籃曲 東北民歌/胡增榮編曲 月兒明,風兒靜,樹葉遮窗棂啊! 蛐蛐兒叫錚錚 好比那琴弦聲. 弦兒那個輕,調兒動聽,搖籃輕擺動啊 娘的寶寶,閉上眼睛,睡在那個睡在夢中啊 小鴿子展翅飛,咕咕叫連聲, 小寶寶睡夢中,微微地露了笑容. 眉兒那個清,臉兒那個紅,好像個小英雄啊,英雄要去當兵,為了祖國立大功, 小

    露水兒洒花兒, 窗前的花兒紅啊, 花兒開 花兒紅 寶寶你就要長成啊, 月兒那個明 風兒那個靜 蛐蛐叫連聲啊, 娘的寶寶,閉上眼睛,睡在那個睡在夢中

    《雪花的快乐》The Joy of Snowflakes

    徐志摩 詞 冉天豪 曲 假如我是一朵雪花 翩翩的在半空裡瀟灑 我一定認清我的方向 飛颺 飛颺 飛颺 這地面上有我的方向 假如我是一朵雪花 在半空裡瀟灑 飛颺 飛颺 飛颺 這地面上有我的方向 不去那冷默的幽谷 不去那淒清的山麓 也不上荒街去惆悵 飛颺 飛颺 飛颺 你看 我有我的方向 在半空裡娟娟的飛舞 認明了那清幽的住處 等著她來花園裡探望 飛颺 飛颺 飛颺 啊~她身上有硃砂梅的清香 那時我憑藉我的身輕 盈盈的沾住了她的衣襟 貼近她柔波似的心胸 消溶 消溶 消溶 溶入了她柔波似的心胸 假如我是一朵雪花 在半空裡瀟灑 飛颺 飛颺 飛颺 Were I a snowflake, A graceful dancer in the air, I’d know just where to fly – Fly on, and on, and on – I’d know just where to fly, I’d never head for some cold empty valley Nor some desolate hillside, Nor some deserted street, Where sadness might overwhelm me – Fly on, and on, and on – Oh, I’d know just where to fly, Flying in mid-air with gracefulness, I’d recognize that quiet residence, And wait in the garden for her visiting – Flying, flying, flying – Ah, the Plum blossom perfume! Thankful for my lightness, I’d land on her coat, gracefully, easily, gently, Close to her soft bosom – Melting, melting, melting – Dissolving into the soft wave of her heart!

  • 城南送別 李叔同/林海音 長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天, 晚風拂柳笛聲殘,夕陽山外山。 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落, 一觚濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒。 長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天, 問君此去幾時還,來時莫徘徊。 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落, 人生難得是歡聚,唯有別離多。


    雨中即景 王夢麟 詞曲/冉天豪 編曲 嘩啦啦啦啦下雨了看到大家都在跑 叭叭啦叭啦計程車! 他們的生意是特別好! (你有錢坐不到!)嘩啦啦啦啦淋溼了! 好多人臉上嘛失去了笑,唉~~ 無奈何望著天,嘆嘆氣把頭搖 du du du 感覺天色不對,最好把雨傘帶好, 不要等雨來了,見你又躲又跑! 哇哈哈 轟隆隆打雷了,膽小的人都不敢跑, (怕怕)無奈何望著天,嘆嘆氣把頭搖 Du ....Ye....Ya....哇哈哈


    鄉愁四韻 余光中

    Quatre Verses of Nostalgia 給我一瓢長江水啊 長江水 酒一樣的長江水 醉酒的滋味是鄉愁的滋味 給我一瓢長江水啊 長江水 給我一張海棠紅啊 海棠紅 血一樣的海棠紅 沸水的燒痛是鄉愁的燒痛 給我一張海棠紅啊海棠紅 給我一片雪花白啊 雪花白 信一樣的雪花白 家信的等待是鄉愁的等待 給我一片雪花白啊 雪花白 給我一朵臘梅香啊 臘梅香 母親一樣的臘梅香 母親的芬芳是鄉土的芬芳 給我一朵臘梅香啊臘梅香 Oh, give me a scoop of water from the Yangtze River! Water that tastes like wine, Reminding me of the drunkenness, Masking the ache of homesickness. Oh, give me a scoop of water from the Yangtze River! Oh, give me a petal from the beautiful Red Begonia! A petal as red as blood, B urning, boiling blood,

    So like the deep searing pain of homesickness. Oh, give me one white snowflake! A snowflake as white as a letter from home, Reminding me of the sorrow of missing one’s homeland, How I long for a letter from home. Oh, give me one white snowflake! Oh, give me a winter plum flower! A flower full of fragrance, The fragrance of Mother, Inseparable from the fragrance of my homeland. Oh, give me a winter plum flower! 不了情 陶秦 詞/莫然 曲/冉天豪 編曲 忘不了忘不了,忘不了你的錯忘不了你的好,忘不了雨中的散步,也忘不了那風裡的擁抱.忘不了忘不了,忘不了你的淚忘不了你的笑,忘不了葉落的惆悵,也不了那花開的煩惱. 寂寞的長巷,而今斜月清照, 冷落的鞦韆,而今迎風輕搖 它重覆你的叮嚀,一聲聲忘了忘了, 它低訴我的衷曲一聲聲難了難了, 忘不了忘不了,忘不了春已盡忘不了花已老,忘不了離別的滋味, 也忘不了那相思的苦惱. Melodies Steal Into My Heart Melodies steal into my heart, I never know how melodies do it. You would not ask the grass to know Whence come the diamonds that be dew it? ‘Round me the world grows still and clear As nature greets the new day's sunrise; Now beauty fills my soul with joy, Now tender sadness moistens my eyes. Dewdrops from moonlit sky appear; And from a heart that's filled with Joy and sorrow, thence comes the songs we love to hear, and thence comes all hope for a brighter new day. You’ll Never Walk Alone /Climb Ev’ry Moutain When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high and don’t be afraid of the dark At the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain,

  • O h, give me a petal from the beautiful Red Begonia! though your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on ,walk on ,with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone Climb every mountain, search high and low Follow every byway, every path you know. Climb every mountain, ford every stream. Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream! A dream that will need all the love you can give every day of your life for as long as you live, Climb every mountain, ford every stream Follow every rainbow till you find your dream. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart. Y ou”ll never walk alone! 鄉愁 鄉愁是一款情 鄉愁是一種想 夜半夢中夢見故鄉才有的花蕊 桂花 含笑 與玉蘭花── 這就是鄉愁 這就是鄉愁呀 鄉愁是一款情 鄉愁是一種想 夜半夢中夢見故鄉才有的水果 蓮霧 龍眼 西瓜與鳳梨 這就是鄉愁 這就是鄉愁呀 夜半夢中夢見故鄉才有的面容 父母兄弟與朋友 這就是鄉愁 這就是鄉愁呀

    Sound the Trumpet Henry Purcell Sound the trumpet! Sound the trumpet! Sound the trumpet till around You make the list’ning shores rebound. On the sprightly hautboy play. All the instruments of joy, That skillful numbers can employ, To celebrate the glories of this day, The glories of this day.  

    願 蔣勳詞 冉天豪曲 我願是滿山的杜鵑 只為一次無憾的春天 我願是繁星 捨給一個夏天的夜晚 我願是千萬條江河 流向唯一的海洋 我願是那月 為你 再一次圓滿 如果你是島嶼 我願是環抱你的海洋 如果你張起了船帆 我願是輕輕吹動的風浪 如果你遠行 我願是那路 準備了平坦 隨你去到遠方 當你走累了 我願是夜晚 是路旁的客棧 有乾淨的枕席 供你睡眠 眠中有夢 我就是你枕上的淚痕 我願是手臂 讓你依靠

    你是笑 我是應和你的歌聲 你是淚 我是陪伴你的星光 當你埋葬土中 我願是依伴你的青草 你成灰 我便成塵 如果啊 如果你對此生還有眷戀 我就再許一願 與你結來世的因緣 I wish I were a mountain full of azaleas, I’d have no regrets, even if only full-blossomed for one spring. I wish I were a sky full of stars, Willingly I’d appear for just one starry summer night. I wish I were 10 million rivers, All feeding into one great ocean. I wish I were the moon, To be full once again for you. If you were an island, I would be the ocean surrounding you. If you were ready to sail, I would be the gentle wind. If you were to travel, I would be the smooth and even path that follows you to a distant place. If you were tired, I would be the night; the lodge by the roadside with a clean pillow and a mat for you to sleep. Dreaming in your sleep, I would be the tears on your pillow. Oh how I wish to be the arm that you lean on! When you are covered with silvery hair, I would like to be the fire by your feet, Reminiscing with you. You are the laughter, I am your echoing voice. You are the tears, I am the star-light accompanying you. When you are under the earth, I am the green sod gently lying above. And as you turn into ashes, I become dust. If you are still longing for this life, Then, allow me to make one more wish . . . may we tie the knot in the afterlife?  

    再別康橋 徐志摩詩

    李達濤曲 周鑫泉合唱編曲 Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo 輕輕的我走了 正如我輕輕的來 我輕輕的招手 作別西天的雲彩 那河畔的金柳 是夕陽中的新娘 波光裡的豔影 在我心頭蕩漾 軟泥上的青荇 油油的在水底招搖

  • 雖然白髮蒼蒼 我仍願是你腳邊的爐火 與你共話回憶的老年 在康河的柔波裡 我甘心做一條水草 那榆蔭下的一潭 不是清泉是天上的虹 揉碎在浮藻間 沉澱彩虹似的夢 尋夢撐一支長篙 向青草更青處漫溯 滿載一船星輝 在星輝斑斕裡放歌 但我不能放歌 悄悄是別離的笙蕭 夏蟲也為我沉默 沉默是今晚的康橋 悄悄的我走了 正如我悄悄的來 我揮一揮衣袖 不帶走一片雲彩


    故鄉 傅林統作詞/張炫文作曲 小時候住過的地方 樹葉會細聲的說話 青草會輕輕的搖手 花兒會紅著臉微微笑 小時候住過的地方 會彈出一首甜蜜的歌 悄悄的飛進我心坎 讓我覺得無限的溫暖 小時候住過的地方 鳥兒會歡樂的歌唱 溪 水會暢快的流盪 天空會飄出一片芳香 偶然 --徐志摩 By Chance 我是天空裡的一片雲, 偶爾投影在你的波心── 你不必訝異,更無須歡喜── 在轉瞬間消滅了蹤影。 你我相逢在黑夜的海上,




    在這交會時互放的光亮! I am a piece of cloud in the sky, And by chance, drop in as a shadow in your heart; You need not startle, Nor take delight, For in-a-wink-of-time, I’d vanish out of your sight. You and I met at sea on a dark night, A destination, you had yours and I had mine; You may remember, Although it’d be best if you’d forget, How brightly we shone, as we crossed and lit up each other’s paths. A MOZART CANON Mozart/Donald Moore Alleluia, alleluia, Jubilate, Exsultate, Deo 頌歌讚美上帝 慶祝喜悅

    Kyrie Steve Kupferschmid Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy. Christe eleison Christ, have mercy. Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.

    Can’t Help Falling In Love G.Weiss/H.Peretti/E.Lojeski For I can’t help falling in love with you. Wise men say only fools rush in , but I can’t help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can’t help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea, Darling so it goes. Some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can’t help falling in love with you. Oh, Ah. 我愛你,塞北的雪 我愛你,塞北的雪。 飄飄灑灑漫天遍野。 你的舞姿是那樣的輕盈, 你的心地是那樣的純潔, 你是春雨的親姐妹喲, 你是春天派出的使節;春天的使節。 我愛你,塞北的雪。 飄飄灑灑漫天遍野。 你用白玉般的身軀, 妝扮銀光閃閃的世界, 你把生命溶進土地喲, 滋潤返青的麥苗、迎春的花葉。 啊!我愛你,塞北的雪。

    茉莉花 好一朵美麗的茉莉花。 芬芳美麗滿枝椏,又香又白人人誇。 讓我來將你摘下,送給別人家, 茉莉花,呀!茉莉花!


    烏孜別克族民歌/王洛賓/孟衛東 掀起了你的蓋頭來,讓我看你的眉毛, 你的眉毛細又長啊,好像那樹梢的彎月亮, 掀起了你的蓋頭來,讓我看你的眼睛, 你的眼睛明又亮啊,好像那秋波一般樣. 掀起了你的蓋頭來,讓我看你的臉兒, 你的臉兒紅又圓啊,好像那蘋果到秋天 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦

  • 感謝贊助 Acknowledgements

    We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia

    We acknowledge the generous assistance of the City of Vancouver

    PK Group Fine Homes & Luxury Properties

    Chinese Nationalist League of Canada


    全州 Sasaya Restaurant

    風信子休閒餐飲 Beautiful Island

    富麗都美髮造型 Fully-Do Health & Beauty Salon

    Mr. Kelly Sandhu & Mr. Courtney Anderson

    沈又莘先生 方廷熙先生 孫 斌先生 彭莉雲女士 朱小玲女士

    徐雲波女士 康幼琳女士 盧定平先生 倫兆培伉儷 李中恩先生

    何嘉瑞女士 趙漢章先生 林華嬌女士 盧定京先生 劉世明先生

    曾淑珍女士 楊凱成先生 謝汶芬女士 Danny Yu Michael Shen

    Henry Wan Claudia Chui Molly Chui Fanny Chen Sally Chen

    Joanna Pan Claire Liou Ingrid Zeng Cynthia Lee

  • 2015 遠道之友


    趙漢章先生 劉世明先生

    林華嬌女士 盧定平先生

    孟憲江先生 劉鳳英女士 楊凱成先生 曾淑珍女士





    報名請聯絡 Please contact:

    沈 又 莘 David 604.716.0135

    孫 斌 Bin Sun 604.439.7818

    練唱時間: 每週一晚上七時十五分至九時四十五分 Time: Every Monday night from 7:15 PM to 9:45 PM

    練唱地點: Oakridge United Church

    Place: 305 West 41st Ave., Vancouver, B.C.

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