Page 1: 訓讀的指導 Hoon Dok Guidance( ppt )

ASIA Unificationism

Page 2: 訓讀的指導 Hoon Dok Guidance( ppt )

My Final Words for Humankind True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.

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They are The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture], The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace], True Families—Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.

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You should now set up the hoondokhae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.

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Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the hoondokhae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of ―one family under God.

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Amos 3:7

“Surely the lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”

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Reading Cheon Seong Gyeong 100 times

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Reading DP 100 times

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Text Book

Total Reading times

Text B


No. of times read for

one time

No. of times read for

100 times

Time Period

8 hrs DP 21 X 200P 6 hrs 20 days Oct.20.2004- Nov.8.2004

E. DP 100 X 604P 17hrs 7mths Nov.9.2004-May.30.2005

CSK 100 X 265P 120hrs 5yrs and



Pease M 100 X 594P 12hrs 5mths Jul.22.2010-Dec.31

Auto B 95 X~ ongoing

347P 11hrs Takes 6mths


For 7mths he invested 6 hrs. per day to do Hoon Dok, This is the preparation in order to read the 8 textbooks ( from Mar. 2004) He wrote the DP 8-hour content diagram 98 times from Feb. 1, 2007 He fulfilled 7-year Hoon Dok content on Mar. 25, 2011 (6-hour HD/day X 365 days = 15,337 hours invested)

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What was the effect of his HDH?

1. Redemption and liberation from sin2. Fast growth of spiritual self3. Freedom after breaking down all kinds of barriers 4. Experiencing God’s love and settle down Hoon Dok Family Church in his home

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1. Daily basis of offering Hoon Dok Cheongseong

Stopping means death

2. Everyday Hoondok is everyday resurrection

3. Everyday Hoondok is everyday growth

4. Hoon Dok time is the time when God’s love is infused into me, pouring eternal breath into my spirit body.

Mr Chaen’s Testimony

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8 levels of the Hoon Dok formula course (lifetime)1. 1-hour DP Charts 100 times = individual level

(Servant of servants)2. 3-hour DP Charts 100 times = family level (Servant)3. 12-hour DP Charts 100 times = tribal level (Adopted

child)4. DP 100 times = People level (Step son)5. Father’s autobiography 100 times= National level

(Real son)6. Peace Messages 100times =world level (Mother)7. CSG 10 times = world level (Father)8. World scripture and other 600 books 1 time = God’s

level (God)

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Edmond Canete (27 years old,he has 3 years in the church )1hour Divine Principle Reading 100X

Good day to God and True Parents to all leaders, I’m so thankful and grateful to our Japanese elder brother (the champion of Hon dokhae) who really inspired me to read 100 times the 1hr DP. My goal is not only 1hr but all 8 great text books of our True Parents, when Dr. Yong explained the significance of reading during the Sunday Service he said if you want to receive God’s love and if you want to overcome your fallen nature you just do hoondok 100 times.

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Edmond Canete 1hour Divine Principle Reading 100X (2011-53)

During that time I’m a participant of 1st batch 120 days our schedule is very hectic but for me I think it is not a hindrance because I really want to overcome my fallen nature so I start reading during our 15 minutes break every session. For me it is very difficult but I never give up, for the first day I finished only one time, for the next day I’m so excited to read, my goal is not only once but four times a day I always maintain it everyday because I’m so excited to know what will happen after reading the DP for 100 times, every time that I read I have so many realization and understanding about the Principle. I feel that every time I read is my first time to read I pose and I read again and I could say that through this I understand the principle better this time for three years of being a member of the Unification Church.

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Edmond Canete 1hour Divine Principle Reading 100X (2011-53)

Reading 100 times helped me a lot especially to understand the principle, I received many inspiration and it helped me to become closer to God and True Parents, now I read the 3 hrs the more that I read the more that I received God’s love every day, I really feel the cooperation of spiritual world in my mission everyday. Before my fallen nature is very strong but now I am proud to say to all of you that I become more internal than before; thank you for the hondok virus, it helped develop my character, to be more committed and determination to help our True Parents to realize the Kingdom of heaven here on EARTH.

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TESTIMONY Joshua Josol(52 years old...he has 30 years in the church. )

My name is Joshua Josol, presently assigned in Mindanao. I started reading Divine Principle one hour content beginning of May 2011 and completed 100 times on June 3, 2011. 

From the start  I was thinking that reading the one hour DP 100 times would take me 3 months because of astigmatism problem of my eyes. But miracles happened, as I determined to finish reading it in a month, my eye problem had gone, thanks to the great healing love power of God. I could even read without stopping straight 10 rounds in one day to be able to finish the goal of 100 times within just a month.

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TESTIMONYBy Joshua Josol

Truly God's word is God's love and blessings for me. I was so intoxicated and so in love reading the Divine Principle so that no free time had been wasted in vain every precious day. My wife has been my model inspiration because she finished ahead of me.  

Now, my 3 children followed us and my twin boys completed reading 100 times and my girl is about to finish. I'm so grateful to our CD, Dr. Yong for all the encouragement and the motivation so that for the first time I experienced one level of victory to embody the Divine Pricniple and receive the true love of God and True Parents.

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“Testimony Reading EDP 100x”Benjamin Y. Rabano (2 Gen, 13 years old)

My Testimony in reading the EDP Diagrammed Lectures For 1 Hour, is that, I can really feel the love of God surging upon me. Because of reading it, I always cry and cry, that I really repented for the past mistakes of being arrogant. Also, it helps me remove my fallen natures, that our relationship with my family becomes stronger and better. And then I also have this spiritual experience with God, because just recently, there was a Tong-Il training in one of the chapters in Cavite. It was raining really hard at that time, we couldn’t train, so I spend my time reading the EDP first. And then while reading it, I sometimes hear whisper all over the place, it really scares me, like it was wanting me to find it.

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“Testimony Reading EDP 100x”Benjamin Y. Rabano

And then, I just finished reading EDP for the 3rd time on that day, the rain suddenly stopped. I was wondering what happened, then suddenly the sky become so bright I got blinded, then I heard God’s voice in my head saying, “I love you, I love you more than you ever know. Thank you for having some time of your day to receive my love through these words.” At that very moment, I really cried and shake, so it made me become more determined to train harder, that I was determined to change myself, to train other people to become better than me. So, that spiritual experience of mine changed me forever. Also reading the EDP for 100x is that I really feel relax when I am one with nature, that nature is already telling me the next line even before I read it. That’s all for my testimony, thank you for reading it.

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Hwa Young Buyayo

Last night(Jun 12) at 2am I finished reading 100x the 2nd level of Exposition of the Divine Principle 3hour lecture. I would like to share with you my reflection about the chapters that most impressed me: Predestination and Parallels between two ages in the Providence of Restoration.

Predestination explains about the chosen people and the Will of God. When I read the part about the qualifications to become the chosen people of God I said to myself that I might never be one of the chosen people of God but I realized I was wrong.

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Hwa Young Buyayo (2 Gen, 13yrs)

I have been one of these chosen people the whole time. So as one of the chosen people we need to accomplish our portion of responsibility to make God happy and accomplish His will. Even though it’s just a small since it’s 5%, really, we need to accomplish it. God, even if He’s almighty and powerful, He cannot accomplish His will without the accomplishment of human portion of responsibility.

As a second gen, I should also fulfill my portion of responsibility because even if I don’t have the original sin, I can also make mistakes since I’m still imperfect.

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Hwa Young Buyayo( 2Gen,13yrs)

For me, I have to do my part in fulfilling God’s will through reading Divine Principle, even if it’s just a small thing but in the eyes of God it will really be of great help because I gain knowledge about God’s heart and sorrow.

Next is Parallels between the Two Ages in the Providence of Restoration. One time I heard a saying “History repeats itself”. I told myself that it’s kind of impossible. But when I was reading this chapter I was surprised history did repeat itself. All the indemnity conditions, the dispensations, persecutions and divisions all repeated itself, even the preparation for the Messiah. Even impossible things, God can make it possible just to save his creation, his world and human beings. He never gave up on us because He really loves us so much. So he used all his efforts just to save us.

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나의 경험

訓讀은 萬事亨通이다 ! (2011년  5 월  15일 새벽  2 시  30분 , 훈독1시간용  97회 마치고 나서 )

贖罪하라  !!!(2011년  6 월  6 일 새벽3시 )

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John 1:1~3

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”

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When you do Hoon Dok (Read), always remember that Hoon Dok means reading God’s words and that God’s Words are reflection of God’s love. For this reason, Hoon Dok is a time to meet God and receive love from God.

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Always read with the thought that Hoon Dok is the time when God’s mind and my mind become one, and that it is also the time when my mind and body become united.

Connection with the 1st Blessing (Individual perfection)




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Satan will always come and interrupt every time you are determined to read God’s words. Every time you read you have to fight Satan’s test and win the battle. Therefore you must always be ready to fight Satan and focus on reading. Hoon Dok is training for winning the battle with Satan and restoring the ability of self-control.

Satan’s temptation: Satan says “You have no time to read”

Make your mind disturbed when you do Hoon Dok

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HD helps us understand God’s intention for the Providence and clearly grasp the overall structure of the DP by reading about, at a single sitting, the Creation, Fall, and Restoration.

When you have done Hoon Dok, you will gain a sense of achievement and feel rebirth in your spirit.

You will gain a sense of delight as you realize that your body was under the control of your mind while you read for 70 minutes.

If you have difficulty in reading the speeches in a single sitting, divide them into 2 or 3 sessions or make a plan to read them over 2~3 days

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If you do HD 100 times by reading the 1-hour DP charts, you will definitely establish a good Hoon Dok habit

You can build a foundation for Hoon Dok in your whole life by reading the 1-hour DP charts

1-hour DP 3-hour DP 12-hour DP

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Think of the words of the Principle being more than simply God’s eternal truth. Think of Hoon Dok time as being the time when God’s love is infused into me, pouring eternal breath into my spirit body.

If you think of Hoon Dok time as the time when you are absorbing the nutrition of God’s love, you will come to feel each day that your spirit body is growing when you read.

At the same time, all the ancestors and spirit persons who are helping me digest the elements of God’s love and resurrect through Hoon Dok time. Therefore, when you do Hoon Dok, you should read loud enough so that all spirits can hear.

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The hoon dok of Principle helps us to comprehend the basis of our faith and the contents of the core of our faith. Also, it becomes a source helping us to understand other teachings and writings more deeply.

If, after doing Hoon Dok, you share the contents and the points that inspired you with others, you can receive even greater stimulation.

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Follow the text correctly with your eyes as you read Pronounce the sounds of the words clearly and with punch as you read• Your ancestors are listening as you read Listen to the sound of your own voice as you read




If you verify things as you go, you will read the contents more correctly

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  Understanding through Hoon DokThere is standard for comprehension in doing Hoon Dok. For example when you do Hoon Dok, you might feel “I understand this part”, “I don't understand this part”, “I feel inspired”, “I don’t feel inspired”, “it’s cryptic”, “It’s vague” etc..Leave the part that you can’t understand as you will eventually come to understand after doing Hoon Dok again and again.

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[E.g.] a new born baby can naturally tell between his or her mother’s voice and other general noise. You will realize the meaning after hoon dok in the same way as a new born baby learns to recognize its mother’s voice. Even though you may not understand very well in the beginning, you will realize that the words are the essence of God’s love, and you will feel God’s love and understand the meaning of the DP words as you continue to read.

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The 3 levels of Hoon Dok(1) Formation-level Hoon DokSimply reading by itself can revive your spirit. You will see the change in yourself as you continue to read.If you read with the heart that Hoon Dok is provides the nutrients of God’s love, you will feel God’s love even if you have difficulty in understanding the truth itself.

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(2) Growth-level Hoon DokPartly realizing the meaning of the contentsRealizing that God is teaching you through the words according to the level of your spirit.(3) Completion-level Hoon DokKnowing God’s word with your heart and understanding God’s intention for the ProvidenceExperiencing spiritual reality through the words

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You will be taught directly by God. You will feel peace of mind from the unity between God’s heart and your own. Even if, at first, you cannot deeply grasp the meaning of DP, you will see your character change and receive grace in your heart the more you continue to read. You will feel a heartistic connection between God and your own spirit self.

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Becoming humble: envy and aggression will disappear, and you will sense that God truly loves you Even if you feel depressed, you will feel revived when you do Hoon Dok. Instead of a simple sense of duty or mission, that “I must do this”, you will develop a sense of eagerness and a forward-looking mentality, feeling “I truly want to do this”.


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SUMMARY OF THE HOON DOK MESSAGE1. When you do Hoondok you need to pronounce the words (hearing by yourself is okay)2. If possible, read Hoondok quickly as much as you can.1. In order to receive more God’s love and his life elements.2. In order to have more opportunity to relate to God’s word.3. In order to get more amount of God’s word4. In order to increase your concentration.

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3. When you do Hoondok you need to check if you pronounce the words or not.4. If possible, you can make your Hoondok time longer (model standard is 70 min.).5. You need to do Hoondok everyday until your spirit self completely grows.6. You need to increase your Hoondok gradually and set up clear Hoondok plan and encourage yourself.


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How can you continue and maintain the Hoondok standard. (1 day, 1 month, 1 year, until 100x accomplishment) You need to get the stimulation and encouragement from people’s Hoondok testimony. When you read Hoondok and some parts inspire or stimulate you, write it down and meditate on it regularly. You need to write often the DP diagram and practice. When you read, put your emotion and gestures just like you are giving a lecture.


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Let us become Hoondok champions and CIG citizens through reading True Parent’s Word.

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True Parents are coming to !!!

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