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------,..,,.....,.,.....--,....,.....-.-..,..,...,",,"-....-,...-""w. ;ro; BAKER,

OFFICIAL STENOGRAPJI:mtt,Srd Judicial DJstrlct,

LA!! O;\tUOES, NRW MlllXIPo..T1P.ewriter ribbons for nIl plachfnu,

paper. cnrbon etc.. for solo.

t. ,. ~ *- G.......

AG'E}.".r ll'Ol&



, -

Lincolp" New Mexi.,o.




: e

}luns pail)' )l:n.oh Way..Geod 'fealns., ·Oomfortable

nacks, Fast Time.

K1MBRJ!jLJ'., 8& RO~L~ROo

L~~C01,.N, ; ; NEW M~x7:co.


ROSENTHAL &. CO.............pnALImS IN-- ¥

TYPE w.ByrER General Morcbandise, Etc."H.~ve now QI) hand tho l\1ost Oompleto and Best Assorted of Genl

. ~terchandise in Lincoln countYJ consistin~ of. " .DRY GOODS, OLOTHING,HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, SADDLERY 1

.GJfOOI1lRIES, HA:aU WARE, OROOKERY, .J:;19UORS, CrGA~.s: _.; ';' _.~.w."

Ne""VV" ::IMts:x:1co. v

ABONANZA FORAGENTS.I--~---'-~~,,~, ------

$20,00 will buy the ODELL TYPEWRITER with '78 cbarnct3l'S, $l5.00 torthe SI~GItll: CAsrn OD&Iilo, warranted todo bl·tter work than o~y marhj,ne m,nde.

It combines SIMPLte,n'Y with UUBAllfL.ITY, BP.llIED, lUSIiI: Qi" Ol'~nATION; "\ycars]ong<>r withQut cost ot rel'ilirs tliun IInyother macbine. Has no 'illk ribbons tobother tho .qper:lt.or. It. Is NlJAT, SUD·IITANTlAL1!Y nickla plated, per1'ect andndnptl'd io lIll l<inds of typo writillg.Like a llrintlllg 'Press, it proJuces sharp,clean,' leglbje mllQuscript. 'l:wo or tonCOpillS olin be mndo at ono wnting. AnyIntclilgent porson can become an operrator in two dnys. Wo offer $1,000 to anyoperntor who can equal the 'Work of theDOUBI,E CASE ODELL. •

Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted.Spet,inl inducements to Deulers.

For !lumVhletgiving }ndorsemellts. &0.address,

ODELL TYPE WRITER 00.,85 nnd 87 5th Ave. CHIOAGO,


,'. '01'\' . ':" (. ,!.


on lS1).},Geo, W. WilOd, deputy sl:erHr...J. A. U I1rllth, printing for ~., .M. Cronin,, £or Co .J. :H. Ooe, 1'l!rvlco.'1 as l'or011er, ••Geo, hil\lbIllll, 8ervices tU rb':ltl

,upt>n'uor, .... .. •..... •........ • 1000'I'. It l\iet:flurt,service~ns J. P.. !l0.001\1. A. Si';II','rfls, interpreting ill

llruhnt'1 cflur·,.... . 12.00 Ad' d '1 1 J I Ellis, 1Jnintll1gcourt hotlao Jourlle unh l" m.~ . u y. .11'1I·c1I,........... .•.....••••• •••. 30...QO Aftc.rnoollllllSsiQI.I, July 10.

B. C. Wol:lc, services 09 Dist. H.eld by this boltru that the boun·.\.t!ornov,.......... •..•.•.•••.••. '11i.OO dary Hne between the couuties of

T. C. ('roudl, serdeel! ns gunrd 19.60 Dun:£ Ana and Lincoln as surveyedJnmc~Kibbe!', printing- for Qo.,. ~0.50 by 'V. F. Blanchard, sur\'eyor, andJ ohu GU05S, 1tI1l ongc ns corOller'1l tlstablished by concUrrence of t)1l~

jury -.... 1'1.00 commissiuners' boardII of these coun ...,J. W. Thomp30n, mileago n;j cor- ties be, and is bereby recognized as

oner's jury.... ........ .... .... .. 17.00 tho corrdct Itnd ollicial boundary1'}. T: Cussonberry, mlleago liS liue between said counties ulltil oth·

coroner's jury, ..•.••.• ,...... .... 17.00 crwise determined by higher llut'Lori·Floyd PO\\'ell, mileaga llS cor' tv, and the collector of Lincolu

ouer's jury, ....... ,......... .... 17:01> cuunty is hereby ordered to collect1'. o. Crouch,:miloagQ .1,13 coro- tll"es from tmch and every person THE CHILD'S M C NETTLETON

ner's fury.... .. 1'1.00 subject to same in all that country _ - ~ • • 'tj

J.l'.Jones,milcag,)as~oroner's itJrlliiug-pll.rt of Lincoln county as llfn of Christ wAL8UUER'~UE JEWELERury.... 17.QU determined by the ollicilll sun-ey lr~ . .E. Ol'r, sprvice3 lIS J. r......... ·62.00 Il.foresuid. autl clerk is hereby or-" J: '. .Gco. Curry, senice9 AS count] dered to transmit certified copy of '

clerk 46.00 same to board commiesionera Dona . -INTRODUOEDBY-. ' I-- ."cO~·;::i:e:~r.~~~~i~~~;-~~ •.c.~~~:~ 33.00 A';oc;u::~e9 Mllector and submits lieu.~. L. HUR4BUT, D.D.. · DEALER :I N FI NE DIAMON DS, .

T. W. Henle-y, services as coun· a bst and teport Of ullcollactablety commissioner .••..•••.••••...• 20.30 tax~s for the years 18~a, 1884; lS85, \t'IIEJ',wOtl8 OIIAUTAUQUAK DIVINE. Watches. ,Jewelry, Olocks, Solid Silverware, et". Fine Watch

III. Cronin, services as county . H186, 18S7 and 1888 ati1oulltjl1O' ln The wonderful storyl'etold and\ adapted n,epairinO' and Diamond SettinO'. Wat.oh T.nspe9tpr fol' +h" A. T. ,. m. n for the young. A grand and renl sUc pan- h n ~ ~ ., A ... 0

commissj,oner.... 76.65 'the different· f.lJu4.s to $37,035.58, ornmll of the scepes and .incidents can- F. R.. R. Co. Mllnufapturer of Filigre.o Jewelry.. .• .•Jtls. Kibbee, printi~ for Co..... -40.00 Bud it beillO' mud.a satisfactory and nE'cted with the Savior;s life from Betlile-'

It. M, 1I11tier. sen'lces liS J. P... 3,00 ccmclusive to the hOllrrl that slLid heJPhtot .o1\vuc1ry, tl\~Fen frolI).}~ ~ig~Il.5~ -.-.......~..~i~••:!"l~.."!o-.o_.'!'l.(~....- ....-...,....-_....._ ...."'!..,.,'!"-••!'OIl;R.,.---..........._Scott Jordon, services as dopu~'y cn ll.6"lor was Qlltirill!! ill his efforts aut Qr~tles- anOll 'I1rtar,OL "es~m1DI.ll·

1... 'ff 80 13 ., ... '. ter, Dean Stanle:!', Dr. Geike and monys~rl ·t to. collect taxes., but with, others equuJI,Y eminen1r-lndorsed by the

Adjoufneduntll.:(p.m.!ulyllth. out suocess, and it being' evident leaning olergy in both England O1~d STANT"ON HOUSE',tl t 1,ttl 0 nOlle of sUI'd ta"es C~lj America lIS the ver" fitiest w.ork of th.e . , . ' .Aftel'nO(')n.session. J'ulv,9th. III I erA •• J . / •

. ,...·r • J' • I "'ft~" b c Ile"ted wI'th kind ror tIlE) young O,.er writt:eu. , . , . . .'. : lit" ~The following billa 'WQre allpwed, viz: flOW, 01.' lere.. e., 6 '0 oJ - . 7

W. M, AtJeillson, serviccll asJ. P.$ 6,55 uut an atteuuJI,nt expense on county A WONDERFUL·SOCK. Cl''r'\TCOL1''\T "YEW' ME""0" C :1Munllei M:ostas, e:ervlces 118 :1,. P•• 045 itl 'umo\ltlt mtire thun collections .A union of pure,. exciti~g nnd deeply ,A..A :M... . ... -, ... ~ '. ·...t"ll..I 0"

• . p' made: It is herebv ord.e~ed that the interesting narrative1 combining the "'''''ll,r7ltet 'r"'r"c:JB"''''' P • .1_ .G. i\L DIMdson. 801'.YtCCS IlS J. • 45.31 3100ulit df. sard' u(lcollectable taxes; thrilll)Z int!lre~t <if theJ~ible's etory with tJ4I.LIII.Lo/!ilJ 4 p . .q.l.'J, 1'Oprtf{wlr.

to ~:~~~~~l:~;,:~~~::~~~f~iY~ 60.80 \'i1.: $3~,035.~a:~jir:flled for the y~a~s ~tr~~e:;ri~~~o,:trt~~Jt~:d ~~~~~li£Jl8~:i~ 8.,trictly's.J. 1>. cOlui, , .. :...... 30.00 ht:J:~Pd'I.tff~d tOt ~()lldector'ds ~:~~li~gf ;hqe,~rt~' v~~~~,coe:e~Y'1~8Up' ~dgj:. .

Demetrio Pere:!, sorvices 'as .Account 10 t &. I eren . ..lUll. 9, An ':J

1 "0'1" that hel, be, alHi ~s h'ereby; relieved 8~xlO% i~~hes, equn1 to 1,000 'Pltge~ 01 ThGr.oughl;y- RenQvatecl and RefurnishedCllnstllb e.... : ..... ,....... :.... 11,'" f d 11.. 'b'l't f the l1sUl11 Bl:tll bOlll(, printed on finell 001· " •• . . •

Adjourneci Ul1till July lO.h. . rorn any lI.l1 ~,~ r.,sponsl I I 1 or endl'J;l'jl llaper frolli lur/te typo made ex· . $2' :PER DAV; ANI:> THS WORTH OF YOUIJ MONEY, ,such/ ' ~., pressly for thlswork; over SOO beJ1,lltltul c' I -r: d' (l' -' • .' '. . • ~

lr~rnIng'sessioll~.rlltY10th. The flJllOwing'.,nersolli.l are hereby und npprQP:lnt~ engrnving~ dr4wn b,r rJrot-O,aS8 reo gtable nna norral In Oonnootlon.h 11 . bil 11 d I r- • lending artists, and r.apre3l!lltatlvo of, '. . Y . . ~ V, . .., •

T owmg Is were a owe, v z: lippohltetl to serve a~ hdl1rc;ls of 'f.ew sceqes nnd iticidelltllin tlfe .Sltvior'sllfc,Fl'aneisco 1{oineroy Luerwl services 1\9 iStrll.tloll fo!!" the ensuing- electlOnJ also a number of exqUisite Iitho,ltrnpf!ic

prpbnta jugge" ~ $100.00 and clerk (Jitected to not~fy. them l ' pl,ates printed ,in nine diiieront colors-I::::==~c,,~e~~~"~t======::!===~~:::'=i====~==~tit1t:i!LlMoln Ditch Co".\vnfenent. • 15,00 viz:, With hanilsomd pregentfltjon sheet. The

", " 2 00 . most iluperb Wad\: of tho 1).in4 ill the TIN' M IG.n. {oung,.Oo...'ro:lsllrer,... 1 5. Pl'GOl t 1.-=-:-Ohas/ Weidman, Jose world. . th t tJ.,.W.'.!S',oilf}jerUc.onllsgessmcnt ~1ont~lnoanilIsltl1oFrjeilrioh. AG'ENTS W'AliTEO' :Everywhere,eUhel'. 1°. or, ··W8S· orn U, .UBqqgOp.. '! ...... : ..... : ....... 1000.00 Prec't 2. _ Flol'encio Gtlnzales, ". . n . seXj young Or old U,Ge~ OJ,irrr. plIrt payment en George Ooe hnd Francisco hhstes. It every town, to 13611 tbi$ most 'Wollder,!'n!

t 11 • • , SOO 00 bo()k. Agents already in the field ore .6.;00 Btl,,·,·.!·· .. ·,· .. •• .. • .. • , Ptec't 3.-0. W. Wingfield,.Josh /limplycolnlllgtnqney. Oldllxplirioncod T.IFE· '!VSURA''V11'D 110....p·A.VV .

Jolin N~wC.6)rtp,cnrll ill pauper 68,00 r1' 1 . F d T'f agents Mit tbE'l.'e hllil beall nothing like It ....., .L't _..., \I~. \I. .IlL 4:10'.1; ,Jno. 11'. B""""', Sllpt. hf s'ot.··n. 1", rto.oro nil e and erllaO ° nerrerll.. I U A • k h • W;..t· iI tl uES.... 11 ~ th P 11 h I 1:. fJI~ J ".~ ., au,,~, ~ , . for yeurs. ct <!ollle Or t 0 oppdrtUmty ote),e J;> J. 'po 01 ..Ot" e 0 01- older SlIued ur IIny UQtnplU1Y, lID... raJt:imp~ LUjan, tipectlll·c(l'~$tllpJc. 6.,llli Preo~t ·4....-"-Johti Burns, Wallace wUI be !Qst. '-Y~.u Clll). casUy make turne froin lUi to 100 Vel' cent ]ntg~r .dividend" .than.any otMt Obti111an11 aaa. bl

"Xu mottE'1.' of /l;gain!l~ C~IlP.tY. 'n llJ}S8 at BtOc1tWAJ IUld Martin Ohaves. . F ttl llra t Glblj n othel.' Oumpafiles lire, "StUl1 StUlle, pauper~ all RccoUnts 'to b,8 Pred1t 8.-Ge'Or~0 L. Ulrick, Geo, To s~~:~i~le'l'l ~dos:C~re ~ :;UCY. at O'~ A ~.:r:.., :E'1 ~ <::.'# :S':J:),.

nted t,hroughlllieritf.t>t C/?UutrliS ijpre~li- 13• .all.l.'be~ and W. O. MoDoQll.ld. ond~ send $1 (ill It o~tIJplete can'l'a,~aing to )Jl'oiIUCd itt cbm);lll!:'ison polib(Oi'\ or liams a~o, ag~ and ldud. .foro rUled. • PrEl(l'e e.--A. M, Richardson,r W• ~utftt. IllustrateCI olrclUlllts t.qt't ll~t.l'll ':VitI! fN'rEl1'ilJInG INSUnJ'i.lR oannot .Ali')?QRl> to taka LID tNb'O'RANCliI

:am Q£ MI1stable pl'~lllnct oN 0 16, l~id Ii. LtiinbllJY ·ni'itt.laae J urlld<l. ~Ibel:lll toreM up6n appllea' hutl)" othar.(JOti1plll1$ when he (laD. get it m(h<l• . " • '"1 dim. Natthel' expol:lol)ce ~or caplpul.iS ' f. ,_

<:,TOr. Name ofcol1·stli,1.1}Oll.ot uliling ~ Pteo't9•...:..:!ltHunter,.A..M.tloe requlredtOll11gagelntl/.ltlRus}ljessj t\ljtM ''Vo~'h'IiP aJ. . {1.h· d,.,j...... l- f.1'..{jJ t ....11' t~1ie account. lJ.ud lilr. M(JlS' bOOK wlll tlen ftiJelfif l)rot.crl~ I1tesl)ti~e/l, .L1 J;Uwe",lIiSrn, t e,Ol1ro.ugeSI,l, ga1.LeS anU. as.,

Ueport of ,T. n. ltC<1qUrt, Jt P.'I pt'c~ 'if> j '1 n G 'D J ¥:I and t~e give out agenttl ilO doyl$ ttl:i;\8 Iq ( , , 'l'tiSSE 'M' WH'"I:'~''''·O·"'S'i'I. t!'to 8 d .l;r80 t 1 .~,[', • ,eMrs, ..tJJ. which to dl:ll1~flr illld o(lUec~ bafora J1ayifl£r . ",~, .ad ' • .tlU ~ " . .EoIAia..... . va,'

cl';eUti;rt~:\fl~~N;Qleye;rOUCldUetio~Wlia.l'ton ana !1-, O•.~U!Wdl •. ·, . us. A~t~¥rlaT()RY .o(,)~lP~1'i~1 " ...;. (~ .... ' ~ ". Geltel'ld Jtg~tfdi.'New-il~ldoo,ob: lotil 2$ and 2S, 'bloek '1,' ill town .or PtM1.t 12.~Pet~,~ :au~JOSOI), JO~1l . Jtl!lJ '¥.AiltQ1! S1R)',:H¥r .mI, DJ.LUiC.....:BERSolJ. ':BJdcly· whioh the Eddyf'bolUiY r;ti1ndtl,. Skinn/;'II;' u~d II. 06l'is~rQl1~h~ • $/U!. Fbilolso-o, 1tll\1. ,ap-ccf~l Ageii4 'A!I'BfjQt1ERQ~j'N•.It:

( J. \' • r,

, ,


rt:r~ ~ .....,_.,., .,(.••• H .'


Page 3:, ~ ~ ~,--'-----_.... ~-'.. ~'---,-.. ',,,.....,.., '... ~, ~ "--._.~. '. ~, ' . ~ ~.. ~.....,


Il .'

Robort E. LllwL




WlIlTE OAKS, Ln:CQuC' Co" N. M•


WlllTE OAKS, NEW A!J.:XUlO,Will Praetlce in A11l:be eonrf. of Uto ti!rrito17

IIndtheUnitedBtt.teIlLudOfli08. _ .._____________9_~_""...~_""'~7.:1;.'> .. *!(.'<"I'fi,




Comploto abStract of ill lands on the PoOOil.

Wm. ·Walllon. •

Very Respoctfully,LEWIS A. GltOlI'F,




WlIITJ: 0.\1t8,



L:i:NCOLN'.. NEW 1I'bxl(lo.'~ct-,



OW. C. BRAD1l01~l" &, 00.

lfllV ~7.1S110.

Notice of Dissolution.

n. L. Young. A. n: 'FalL

FA~L' '" YOU~G,~==:===::::::=:::.'::=::====::I LA'lVl'Jms,

r.AS CnUCll:S, - - N. l\f.·Will niland X>iatrlct Com at L1ncolll rtl«­


.DltANDDN E:mnY•

JA11F.9 EDWARD CREE.Dated at Angus V V Ranch, Fort Stan­

ton"N. M., this fi[teenth day of July, 1800:

HOlY' Goods INow GooIlsl

Now GrodAIC,mlng in e,'cry day at UOicnthai &Oo's.

'1'0 all whom it m~y concern:Tho co-p:lrtnership ]lOrcto(oro existing ·pUnTO PINO,

between Brundon Kirby and JOInes I ATTORNEY AT LAWEdward :Jtee, under the 1lrm Mmo Bnd 'atylo o~KirbV & Cree, ishcr<lby dissolved, ; LAS W~Bllt10JlSli' i 11" N1l:w l\{tJEX1CO,b I • I ~ J JlTae ell n a ""0 courla of ta Uh'i..,. mutua consent, the saId Brandon Ito17 and lho Uilited Slatee L!lnd OWeG.Kirby retiring (roUl the snld 1],10. •

From and nner this dnte the business ".

For cloanlincSIl. comfort mId ftrst·CllUl8~:lre, goto Whelan &; Co·s. Hotcl..

Estray Notice.~kenup by the undersigned, II resident

of Lincoln county, NewllIexlc'o, Dod post·cd be[ore '1'.)3. MCCOUlt, J. P., precinctNo.8, Lincoln Co" Nl'w llIexico, accord·ing to law. one blly mare, Jlvo yl'Uri old,hr!ludlld OMC (cOnuected} on the'righthip, untamed, lind ono biack colt, 10monthll old, branded OM'C (connC!cled)on right hil',

D. B. fha:no'ITElll.Whito Oakll, N. M.

!lIeu nn<l TeaU18 Wnnted fo~ tIle• ?,ecos Yallcy Ru.ilrolld•

.Denver, June 11, .1890,Pt,blis!ter· LldepClJ1(lcnt, Lincoln,

New lIfe:cico.Having taken the contr.aat to

COllstruct the R, R. from Pecos toEddy, wo haJ,',e nil auundance ofwork for all tho U1lID nut! tel1ms thatcall apply at once.

They can KM :lvork by oon­tract, at hu.ulin~ ties, timuel', BUp­

.plies, lIJ1l1nt grading', grubbing, &0,.and by tho du.y with the 'subcontractors. Grading- and OO!lstrl1C­tioll 011 tfits aro already Ilrri\'il\~'

thero, lllld aotual work commencedto.clay. Our headquarters uro atPecos.


Q~""""--_........---- -~ ....---' ~....,... .........._-....:..,..-- --~'"-'--"""".---,-"".- -- ........- ...,----~...


-:Notlce ofPUblicatIon.

, OrEICE .ATltOIlIVEf.,1J. N. Y.Madllllythll Liberty IJnnner. July i7. >< July U,lll9O.

Noticole heroll1lrh'lln that tbelollowing-natllooThe Carrizozo company wUl begin ~ettler h!l8l11od. noUcll of hill Intention to mnke

... finn! prbofin anpport of hie claim\ nnd that llI\idwork at once on .!,J(jijt River, so we are proof will .bO made beforo ltewotcl and ROoinformed, colTer ntRoawell, N. M,\ on ThursdAy, &pt. "

1800, vial •The V Voutfit began work on Cedar Damian Gntlerrea,

C k J 10 20 ""'11 H lb' Rd. appIfcntion No. 69 (L. 0, S,) for the ne !,(ree uy ...1 eney has con IJW~,&lotall&-4, Bec,51,Tp.lOJlonth.Rnngo W. 0, MoDONALD,• employed to work for the company. 171fo"~lmlOI tho following wltncSllOll t<t prOVe

Littlo Le;lders. '.' The V. S. flag now floats over Nogal's hi8 cOlUinuon8 re.idencoupon an vationof, .pEPUTY' U. S .IlIlid land. viz: Junn LlICGl'o, TrniillOt MINERAL SURVEYOR "A ~"DT It.e South Hom~stake mill is makin[r a ptiblili school building. The buUdingl FrnncillCO Gutierres, Jose)IlUlnelG ,WlOl .1'1

cleun-up, the secon,d withing a Cew weeks. like tho fillg, Is 110t n product of New :L¥i~~\~J1~n of noBca bt'ordcr of Commia' NOTARY PUBLic.'l'his 10llk$ encCluraging uud there will 1tIoJiM'S pUblic- school lIystem. ,]hey sioncts letter "C" daOOdMay 19,18llO. ...'1'

I~ - ' • W1~pmLb B,GODI:.Ul'.. W1tt'rJ: OAltS, .1'1l11V1lh:x~Cl••

doubt CBS be a gRlden reward for tho are both monuments of .1'1ognl enterprise ~~~=::=l:=~~!=;==~::.'2::R=Il:i:gi=8f.~et!~==~~~~=s=lI:iIl:l:liI::l:t=l~.OWnf;ml. and piilriotlsln. . .fA • 0: - GO \ j* t ....

Wtn. 1\1. Lane, ilfti1uew mall contractor The Par$QI)s.' millis ninnin~nlghtand "FR' ED H' PElTZfrom Sl\!.l Antonio tP tiltaPln, is lJUshllJg dll)' ,nnder the MW mnl1ligentent ancl'thlil \\ • ,lrlfalrs 011 hill lin~ w1tIt- cOl1l.tnendable prospects are good. U. 8. Deputy AUneral and"Land 8urveyor,energy. Will Is lin' excellent young \liMl 7tfeS5rs. Oeo. Hust, .tohn Pinkley andund deserves such success as he wll Wm. O"ateEl, froin Stone cOllnfYI 110., ' Land Attorney and Real Estate Agent,doubtless reup. '.' 1 C"IIn1e hi lost week, l\coom"lUlied by their . .... :N'otary Public. Surveyor af tho Hagerman IrriglltItID: tu1d TJllnd 00. Cblfi~

Tite sturting of the North IroJtiestnke families: and ellpe~t, to locate. ThlilY lire plete nbstrnct. of 1111 lands in 'Eddy C!ounty. Lecal Agcnt for TElxl\9 llnd l'1IC'ifterolU is no!; nu Impossibtlity lI11d thut in farmers and good llitiicli!l; Rnilroad Company'•• Taxeil paid for 'IlOn'i'esidefifli, Lanas BurvGyed 'nnd sttbdivil1ed.near future. T~!l ·tiwners and. maDligors ttM county .A.llhnce· me~ lit Eagle Reports ml1de-as to vll1ue, qualitYf nnd oliCupnne;y cf lauds. Titles adjusted.keep their business cl(lseJ,y llnd notbing Creek, July 10. They decided to prllpllro 1'. 0.: LOOKOUT, EDDY COUNTY, N.1rI, ~dC1l111tely- call. bfif l!:llltned, hut nlorc actlv- questfon9 to be submitted to 'OUot clllldi. 1...;,;,,;,---"!'!"''''''''----................---.....-----....-.....---tty tlll111 chtollin orOJlk,61'$ like may con· dlltes for the Territorial legislature stld RIM Ic"n AELI S &CO.,iidetltly be looked (or. thus ascertllin whO of them flWor leglsla-

j\(!$Sra P~ttet$on and Warn'llr, lessees tion demltildeil bY the AllIanCl'l. - Tlteyof the 'Parllon's Mille at 'ParoSons Glty; are appointed It legislativo ~ommlttee toprOtlllCuUrtg work with /av~rnblo resUlts. report lit a mooting to be field next Sat.. LINCOLN N' UWe earnestly hope thQfr raward:wili trO urdny week, nt whIch tlmo- the endol'~lng , • "'COtnm~ilSurlltew1tlr their desert,s. of lJ.I1ndidatns for county offices will also 0I .· G I M ~ n·

:Mr~.:M.M.ltndI9111e wUilell.vefotthtl b~conslaored' ThoIO'g{sll1ti'tllcommittetl ea ers In "enera ere an IseOl\!lt in 11 few dn,! to visit frllltttls and1'lil~ wIll n:eot at N6gal on Sl\ttird~Y, July 20, .l{lives and attend tIll!' l:'lntlonl11 )1llJcllfnp- /\t whIch tIme a.. stock ~old!lr s mootingmetrt of the Wom,ea's ReHel C6rps at ;Will aho 'be hllid. Th 0 u .• C · IBosttil'1,MasS.,A'llg.12tht or which body.. lH-""":o......."""".1 ,e nly 1l0USe In lmooln o. that IS Sa lingI'iIhli!~ n theUibet.' ~",· St· tl f ' I

FroM tny l'linch,l:l!\ Ruidoso, July 3. rIM y> or CAS"Hbile brown mllro, 'I )Oolite- n!dl star id fore !f V ~

~rllW Gor,iht I . . hend, brtlnden IT on right hip. Alty in.Ne\\"' GooUs I formation lending to reCofl'ry will be Our M'oUo ~S.

Now Goodal suitllblyrdwilrded. 1 • >"Uotxl.ingln!l\1'('''. • /! • J.N. CO)!;. "SmaH Pf'otits and Qulc~( Rethtrl"lS.

, ,


t 5 III

&!entbal & Co. ure away nhend of lIlicompetitors -when it cOmes to '/1 MmpletQBj;OIlj{ and bed rock prices,

F01"Sale.A matched bay cnrriage team of hores,

wIth Carriage and UIIl'1i(l!lll. A!so n. snd•dIe 'ponY-all bl'l()nglng fu Oilptnh1Ovbrtofi. '\ Apply to J. J. PEnstUNG,



, . ;.$d.oo .nEWARD t

Will be }>lIid by .1. D. Leu, tlf tbls office,for his )arge olligl\ttlr-]eutMl' vulise llnd

in c(lntent$-cIQtbliolg-whlch "\vil~ lu~t off thon; mail huck betwl'en :Iti4\urell'/:i und Lin.

coIn nbout July 15th,



I [..


~.. ~ ~ -" ......... ~-~_ .....- "-'- - -- .~ --- -

..Go and Ilell Rosl'nthal's new goods.

Lad.ies' Rusqet Oxfdtd Shoes Ilt~rI<:gAJt14s&Oo'~.


When you go to R09well, stQP withMrs. O'Neil, at the Stanton liouso, if youllnjolllrst-clsbS faro.


Agate CDffee Pots, Ten Kettles, SaucePans, etc., at R. ~IlOIIAELlS &; CO'I!.

.. - ." Spell-king'of roping steers the Sa n

Marcial Reporter Sa.ysl When HIlt'­

1:y Ora.wford WOn the prize yearin 46! seconda it was thought that.40 would neVer bAtter. i~, .but becieltrly 4ernollstr~ted that' he cou1l1beat it thia yeai' and his record of31~ has. never been equalled.Albert Chapnlall anel Harry Orlhv­ford publish a. bhq,lleng-o to tope~tbreej'jtl¥lts" eaoh .. qulcker tlia!l anyother ''tW(\) men in tIle weat. Chill·lenA'& open for sixty days,

Ono of the greatest combats be- Several tram loads of new goodg att . d e t'l h d }{osenthnl & Cll'S. Onlll1ud examiM bo

WEl!'n rttiltl an l' p. I 6. Ilppene fore llttying frOID old snelf.worn stocks.near Wagon l\lOUlld 'rue~dl1Y eVall· •ing between :aotUal> Ronlera and a :N"oti<Je ofRC'iceipt 6f Plat.twelve toot rll.ttlestl\lke, The hattIe U.NITJU) ST.A~ES LAoNb Olfj,<fO.E,

. ~astint:f Abl;lut Qlle q~arter o~ an hO!lr LAS Onuo1lls N. M., July 6, l8~O.beiore Roman Muld OVQrcome his Notice IS hereby r;;iVl!ln that the

',eMmy, dtat $hOGtin~ it ti~ times. approved plat of wWlIllhip 17 5 of• fan~e 14. ~aBt, hilS this dll)' baert

. :R0sinthal& Co.1it~te now en exhiJ:>itIon rMeived from tho Sllrveyolf-~ellerQ.10118 of the Iltrgest,11nd be~tMilOffi!d sfooltS llnd will bo olily filed in this officeof meus and boy Ii clothmg over o:ffeted on AUlJ'ust 5 1"{)0 in il.C"o cl"n ,.iii Llttc01n CQUl1t,. • • n • j IJ j '" r ,. Ct>

j w1th l/llstrU<ltlOll$' from tlll~ GeMralAs fat us can bt.'l e!itirnMed Texu!i, I,ll,nd Officc j after wbleh ~ii.te filing'S • Fbi' ';;ale G1i~a1>.

." }jM a population of 3,000,000, 1m\<- ~ill 'b~ l:'cpeh·ed. tl11~rerOI" Thts Olia first-raro tlaciM Carriage; four...~!) il)g doublerl ill tUh years. Its pU~1lio townllnl[> bea ~trellt1y Wes~ of spting-e; canopy tup.

etJIlcational :rund. atnO\Hlts ld t1~ul'ly Weed,' and O{)l1l11~tlS the rll.llolles of ... JOtr:l' n. O.l,NNUiO,• McDonald, HaMock j Fletcher, niH:1 u F'l'lrlf SttU1forl, If. ]1,

~,~1,00l1,OOO,. artd 11:$ taX ra~e is uut others. " l:lA1IW1U.. P. MoOmtA'j 4'" '"20 cents on t.he ~100. ROc:1istcl'. When yOll colM tp LfllOolnvand want Il.

'. n !;tood, s\lbtltnntlol tttep:l of victuals; or 'WantEteq dlly 11eW goods lI.tTivo 'lit TIQsen" G6 ~ t{<lsetltbl'; (1()'S f~r yourclotht tlj tllst yoUr 'iWIllt)' bOJ1~1i il1l1 clenDs (lOm-

thlll &' 'Co's. '" ill..'" tai'i'"st tl"d. ffoOilt Ilt""lk. . ~ t '~1 ,. d t tb ttt>" ," vu ~Ol: u,1J ~ ue j glJ (;; , GIlilta!lWn R<rits:J.

Twenty :r. agoD loadS of new goods~ow arriving at.ROsenthal & Co's.

A. iare.well dinner ,vas givn to theretiring receiver, Mr. Ja9. J, Delan,at the Commercial hotel on lastWednesday evening by his friendsill tho_\and office. .~he table wnsbellutifully adressed with flowers,the menu was exoi:llent, th~ ,vinescool, and jJ;; very pleaslint time wliSliplmt,-Las ~ruces .Detnoo rat,..

Plqucland checked llIld gtriped Swissfor LnQles' dres909 llt It. MIClIAltLlB &;Co',!!. ••

Abundant l\uPP~y of Ray and Gr:linnnd attoution paid to horses atWholan &; Co's.

• Special Sunday dinner ·~t the StantonHouse (f.,jncOln) every Sundny. It youlllto good tbings to ent "take jt in."


. Mr. D~lall and Il\s family, allcom-

'''11 1(

"~ew Ohllllies and 'GinghfiA1B~~IoilA'E:r:IS & Oo'~.

, E;erybQ,~y ""a~ro~'Q~'n~d---'here knows it,, bl1~ for the benefit or our friends

abroad we .will remark tbllt rincoln

Judge .MaFia return~d yesterdaytroJn his trip to W,I1.shington audd~e East after having done some

, good work for the establishment ofj;he fifth judicial distrj~t nnd a. laud,<l<>urt. l'he former hus alrelldy been

• creatod, and the JudR8 expects ther', ...: ,:__Jattell wiU be this sos!lion of congress.

Tho Judge ~tated empha.tically th~t

Jle did not go to W·'l)..'Jhingtou to worle,. lor statehooll, nor did he do so while

there.-Las Orucas .Demoqt;at,o

Page 4:, ~ ~ ~,--'-----_.... ~-'.. ~'---,-.. ',,,.....,.., '... ~, ~ "--._.~. '. ~, ' . ~ ~.. ~.....,





P08tolJioOLLook.ont, N. H. llanse,hood of Black xi"';M •.

]Ji~ JIlL 11II.

poetomce ' LootrefPonnsco. RMllto, tenmilea south of Lc>w~fouooco

Cattlc brudod Lmonleftaldo. EnrJllllrk,orop aud nndorblt bllJoth 01l1'll. 1l0lJl1IbrolId.sem"Wl~. _

p~ lAsWo~·iI~~.. ·

,11II_ '


/:I. w: NB.AP.llERLIJ:r.

;:poiltolEce, .M'09caloro, ll'. M. RaDge, Pl~Yallor. nine mllilB ,Jl.orth of Ullllftr l'anatlco.

AlIa cattlo branded.G on both sideo. Horoos Ibranded tho S0tl10 on tbiilll£t shouldor. '



- .-i .

Mal.. brandod ume All horsee... [

.._,---"~"-._----- -~---- .....





JO 8 PRINIlNG1--.Ji~08:i...YO--NTA.J1i~;

' .. '..

THE· .. O;,tJ.R1UZOZO ,(j4TT:LJJJ'. O'OMP.4Jj"¥. (timit.:(l)..Ad\l,\-ellB, J'. ,A. 4lQOil1t. \Thlte Oe.b. H. M. '

, .•0 .


, ~ .' .....4, , '. )'!Itt '



.' .


PLAZA'<t.... ...... .


·GO .O::e VV::e:r:TE TO ';I;:';:S::~




D. W. mORDA!!~ Gen. Managcr, G:ENERAL OFFI~i PHENIX nupJDING, Ohlcngo, ·nllnols:J. H. FERG u80N~ l>IlLimgor of Linos South and West ot. Mlssqurl River. D~nvor, Colorado.

Groceries and Dry Goods

A PE~FECT C,~~ FO·R F~E-DlNG,,~ESTING~,*,l:lDWAT,E,-RffiGI"iVlll. ' STOC~ WHIJ:,.E tN T:~,AN~H\l'... .


A Full Line ·.....of Spo.rting, Ooods.~. .nalle, nlltR~lTnmmocks.CrOllDCt, FIHhingTllcklo\ Etc. '.fu;r84 Dolls' ~wiIlI{OS. and :natten

GOOiJll. Quc&uowara. China, Tin an~qrap1W Wllto. ana lillklri of ;uolUlollpld GQadb.

" '., ':;~h'" ,


"·CHIfJA,GO"$'f9C.K ·CAR. ,CtO.


,ffBP.~, #Ix;t!lJj :t'r~l'l'lelor~

The onIJFI'~J~Cfass »olann tbd Bity.'.f: . -. ,

, kA';C'lt EA.$Q1l1A~LJt~ .. ,


"'\' ~, , , ·1~~! 100 Goo~ Reasons. :1 - -

':I'JV:a:~o .




, Bond tor Catalogue A, mowing SIt;htll andl!:'lles 9t latest deslgn. ADD1UlSll,

WJi1. ')JDrAN, )Iiddlefield, Ct.


RIFLES, PIst91s Flind Shot Cuneo ~

JlEI'1'T'If'nlIlY/'aUD. Send• for lIIultratod Deecrlpllyo l!

CIrCUlar. eIDe;~L ""F'O CO., ~

. ,NOT( JIaytll, (lonD,

-DlULIffi2 11(-

Llu,coln, NowM~~

~, --'------ _....~ -' .. ~'- --,-

.. ',,,..... ,


'ST!;A,M ;PUIVIPS~ ,...)RA1'ICH:MACI-UNERY,'... ~ ,

fron"P'!p~;' Hos9'and Belting.

Solon E. Hose'~ tBro. ~t.Yl1"AN~S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS~lbuquer"'lp.. New~rexieo. ,Art-UnequlI.U;d both forHllnt\niand TlI.rltet '

"-- ._.~__- •..• . Shootln!!:. . ""


jAr COR!:PESY,~.u.1l .um brAn. muJ.Jm l1t

LM'r;VegriB, N(\~ Meit!oo.

"'4"rrl' tbo lnrltlllJt lirttl. cihlltcC1\~ ftt<lok (It lltld,~ to Jill f01ll\d' In tha toriitsr;' lIllcl olfor till)'~o~ ,

~EASoNABl.~ tDAICES.;Wit 'l'!J\l h,t Pk:l!ie\l tIllli1illi'1W trull1 otd~of flUa

1J,,,,,~' ' .~

~~U1o¥ AlIlD It:Q'~ 1l!iAtJtiilJ lit


'We l'>"7~ att.'Qtl6lll:t>-tlIltIl Cl!I'~ and.~09liatLt1fnetioa t9llI1 ouatOJl1N1l.· .

~Vc~o.fJ..~cw ~e~<l~," .


·OARIZO :JJg~EL.\Vhl~9~, NQlV~~O,~j . -

V{'N!.. $A¥tA~'~R; Fro1?rletQr~'

!llnner 1IIB(]O In DArre1l.Ifhe 'Women ipycntors of P~nnsyl­

-v'nnia nrc many, llnd therc 15 ouo!bright woman who'bQlf a bnl'l'Ci hoop­)ng machine whieh. bl'in~ her in $20,".000 a 1'ear. Thl!; is :Mary E. :Beaseley,,tho original inventor of the' mne1?ineland ilio patentee. of 1Iumerous Im­provements UP0T11t. .Ono of the ma­chinos. it is snid, can put iron 110l>P9'on 1,200 barrels in a single day. It isa'valuable patent and is largely used bythe tradc.-Cor. New York World... .., ...

~~.,,,...,,.,,,,,,,,,.........- . _ It. :!I1Jl:bt)' Donat.

, ~ew, ().vcn nmong tho most thought­.-Iuto! tho genu homo, ovcr stop to;considcl' tho immonso &ZC of tho greatGreenland or Bt'!ght whale (Balena'.m;r.sticctus, L.) Nillson sa:l's that it'~VJltl :weigh OVC1·tOO tons. Just]kOC ;1t, 220,000 pounds I At that rota thegigautio creature would out\veigh &l.9f tho ]l\rge~t elephants 01' a; half.n FRIEDRiCH &~IEEDHAM_\thousand grizzly be~l·s. Sheed 111 I~ lIP ,chunks of 1 00(J FQun(Is.e.ach) his car·'cass would lond a. freight tr.un ,of: 1.1'cars f,() its fullest cap'llCity. The wnale- .'bonG- in llUeh 4 whale would weigh asmueh l1S three of tho Itmtest Normanhorses, and his oil \Vould-mI150 ItcN)'Jie~ohQrrels.-St.. Louis Republic.



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