
Junior English for China Book 1 Lesson 49 1.Learning the words: red / green / yellow / blue / grey / purple / brown / orange / white / black 2.Mastering the sentences: What colour is it ? Its red. Its a red car. yellow red blue green white black orange purple grey brown Whats this / that ? Its a car. What colour is it ? Its blue. Its a blue car. red flower blue catwhite apple 1. ? coat green see you can my 2. . is box a in purple the there room 3. . boys orange is the hat 4. ? that a car is blue Can you see my green coat ? There is a purple box in the room. The boys hat is orange. Is that a blue car ? 1. Revise the colour words using the colour pictures on Page . 2. Write down Ex 3 in the exercise book.

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