Page 1: Воздвиження Хреста Господнього · 2015-10-04 · прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус

IC CHURCH & MONASTERY 11700 McDougall Street Hamtramck MI 48212 Pastor & Superior Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM Cell Phone 586 907 8552 [email protected] Assistant Fr. Roman Hykavy, OSBM by calling (313) 610 1764 Divine Liturgies Summer Schedule Saturdays: Ukr. 8am & Eng. 4pm Sundays: in Ukrainian 9:00 & 11:00 am in English Weekdays: 8:00 am Confessions: before all Divine Liturgies or at any time by calling (313) 893 1710.

Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

Telephone Numbers

Rectory - 313 893-1710 Fax - 313 893-2160 White House - (313) 610 1764 IC SCHOOLS - 586 574 2481

Sacraments -For the Sacrament of healing call the rectory at any time.

-To arrange for Baptism, Funerals & other Sacraments call the Church office be-tween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday).

- For weddings call the Pastor at least 6 months in advance.

To be a community in the Holy Spirit glorifying God by

proclaiming His works

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church BASILIAN FATHERS

Церква Непорочного Зачаття ОТЦІ ВАСИЛІЯНИ September 13, 2015 Sunday Readings Gal. 6:11-18 Jn. 3:13-17

16-th Sunday after Pentecost

Воздвиження Хреста Господнього

Величаємо Тебе, життєдавчий Христе,

і почитаємо Хрест Твій Чесний,

що ним Ти спас нас від неволі вражої" (Величання на утрені празника)

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross of our Lord

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrates three historical events: the finding of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the emperor Constantine; the dedication of churches built by Constantine on the site of the Holy Sepulcher and Mount Calvary; and the restoration of the True Cross to Jerusalem by the emperor Heraclius II. But in a deeper sense, the feast also celebrates the Holy Cross as the instrument of our salvation. This instrument of torture, designed to degrade the worst of criminals, became the life-giving tree that reversed Adam's Original Sin when he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. For Christians, the Cross is the crossroads of history and the Tree of Life. Christianity without the Cross is meaningless: Only by uniting ourselves to Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross can we enter into eternal life.

Page 2: Воздвиження Хреста Господнього · 2015-10-04 · прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус

IC CHURCH & MONASTERY 11700 McDougall Street Hamtramck MI 48212 Pastor & Superior Fr. Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM Cell Phone 586 907 8552 [email protected] Assistant Fr. Roman Hykavy, OSBM by calling (313) 610 1764 Divine Liturgies Summer Schedule Saturdays: Ukr. 8am & Eng. 4pm Sundays: in Ukrainian 9:00 & 11:00 am in English Weekdays: 8:00 am Confessions: before all Divine Liturgies or at any time by calling (313) 893 1710.

Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

Telephone Numbers

Rectory - 313 893-1710 Fax - 313 893-2160 White House - (313) 610 1764 IC SCHOOLS - 586 574 2481

Sacraments -For the Sacrament of healing call the rectory at any time.

-To arrange for Baptism, Funerals & other Sacraments call the Church office be-tween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday).

- For weddings call the Pastor at least 6 months in advance.

To be a community in the Holy Spirit glorifying God by

proclaiming His works

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church BASILIAN FATHERS

Церква Непорочного Зачаття ОТЦІ ВАСИЛІЯНИ September 13, 2015 Sunday Readings Gal. 6:11-18 Jn. 3:13-17

16-th Sunday after Pentecost

Воздвиження Хреста Господнього

Величаємо Тебе, життєдавчий Христе,

і почитаємо Хрест Твій Чесний,

що ним Ти спас нас від неволі вражої" (Величання на утрені празника)

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross of our Lord

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrates three historical events: the finding of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the emperor Constantine; the dedication of churches built by Constantine on the site of the Holy Sepulcher and Mount Calvary; and the restoration of the True Cross to Jerusalem by the emperor Heraclius II. But in a deeper sense, the feast also celebrates the Holy Cross as the instrument of our salvation. This instrument of torture, designed to degrade the worst of criminals, became the life-giving tree that reversed Adam's Original Sin when he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. For Christians, the Cross is the crossroads of history and the Tree of Life. Christianity without the Cross is meaningless: Only by uniting ourselves to Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross can we enter into eternal life.

Page 3: Воздвиження Хреста Господнього · 2015-10-04 · прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус

Церква Непорочного Зачаття

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church

September 13, 2015. pg. 2.

IC Church Donation $500.00 - John and Ann Kushner

.Новий розпорядок Богослужень

Починаючи з неділі 4 жовтня, Святі Літургії в неділі будуть розпочинатися о 8:30, 10:00 і 12 год., а з поневілка до п’ятниці ми матимемо тільки одну Св. Літургію о 8:00 ранку. Порядок на суботу залишається не зміненим.

Проща до Fr. Solanus Center

Членки Марійської Дружини церкви Непорочного Зачаття запрошують вас приєднатися до поїздки на прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус відходить від нашої церви о 12-ій годині полудня. За інформацією телефонуйте о. Даниїлу - 586-9078552. Просимо записуватися в офісі не пізніше 21 вересня.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools


586-574-2480 “Where academic excellence and traditional

values thrive” PRESCHOOL



9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Visit our school by calling 586-574-2480 between

the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Liturgical Services Schedule September 13 - 16-th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00am - God's blessings for our Parishioners God’s blessings and good health for Ania Diachenko - family 11:00am - + Olha Hyszczak - John and Helen Rubacha Monday, September 14 - Exaltation Воздвиження 8:00am - God’s blessings and good health for David and Denys - Inna and Petro Tuesday, September 15 - St. Nicetas 8:00am - + Roman and Artur - Oleksandra Semyhen Wednesday, September 16 - St. Euphemia 8:00am - + Irene Tarnavsky, with Panakhyda - George and Helen Hawiley Thursday, September 17- Sts. Sophia, Faith, Hope and Charity 8:00am - + Irene Lukasik, with Panakhyda - John and Helen Rubacha Friday, September 18 - St. Eumenes 8:00am - + Mykola Dudar, with Panakhyda - John and Helen Rubacha Saturday, September 19 - St. Trophimus 8:00am - + Raymond Prysiazniuk, with Panakhyda - Credi family 4:00pm God’s blessings and good health for Ivanna and Igor - parents September 20 - 17-th Sunday after Pentecost 9:00am - God's blessings for our Parishioners 11:00am - + Ksenia Kozar - Anna Jurkiw and Olga Zenke ———————————————————-

Перша п'ятниця місяця 7:00 вечора

В нашій церкві відправляємо Службу Божу та сповідаємо кожної першої п`ятниці місяця о 7:00 год. вечора.

Immaculate Conception Schools

Benefit Banquet 2015 Featured Guest Speaker

Dr. Lesia Kizyma Dropulic National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. Former faculty member at Johns Hopkins University

Celebrating Father Daniel Schaicoski, OSBM

20 Years of Priesthood 17 years at IC Church and Schools

Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 4:00 pm St. Josaphat Banquet Center

Tickets for sale as of September 17

Доброчинний Бенкет шкіл Непорочного Зачаття відбудеться в неділю 18 жовтня о 4-тій годині в

бенкетному залі при церкві св. Йосафата.

Page 4: Воздвиження Хреста Господнього · 2015-10-04 · прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church April 19, 2014, pg. 2.

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic CHURCH September 13, 2015, pg. 2.

Церква Непорочного Зачаття

IC Church Restoration

We are celebrating the Centennial of Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Parish. The cornerstone of our first Church in Hamtramck was blessed on December 25, 1913, and the building was completed and blessed in 1914. Therefore, it is fitting for us to celebrate this very important milestone of our Ukrainian-America Com-munity in 2014. To preserve Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, its beautiful icons, murals, paintings, and the artistry of Mr. Mychajlo Dmytrenko is the responsi-bility of our Parishioners and our Detroit Ukrainian-American community. Working together, we will secure our beautiful Church for future generations. Here they will be baptized, have their first commun-ion, have their marriage blessed, and receive their final blessing at the time appointed by God.

At this time, we are reinitiating the fundraising campaign for the Third Phase of the IC Church restoration project. We ask you to once again be zealous and generous in your donations. The estimated cost of this next phase is $175,000. It is a sig-nificant cost. As was the case with the first phase of this pro-ject, it is achievable if we all do our part. We ask you to consider making another effort, another sac-rifice, and help us restore our beautiful Church. This will help to preserve a historic place of worship for future generations of Ukrainian-American families in the metropolitan Detroit area.

You can help our church by making a donation to the "IC Church Restoration Fund" Future Credit Union account num-ber 13194 S20. At Selfreliance Credit Union, account number


Українські Католицькі школи Непорочного Зачаття

Реєстрація На 2015-2016 ПЕРЕДШКІЛЛЯ - ДИТЯЧИЙ САДОК, 1-8 КЛАСИ Зацікавлених відвідати нашу школу запрошуємо звернутись у шкільне бюро чи дзвонити по тел. (586) 574 – 2480 з 9:00 ранку до 3:00 вечора


The Divine Liturgies for 2016 The Divine Liturgies book for 2016 is open now. Please order your Liturgies at the Church office every day Monday through Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Святі Літургії на 2016 рік Ви можете замовити Святі Літургії на 2016 рік в офісі церкви Непорочного Зачаття кожен день з понеділка до четверга з 9 години ранку до 4 години по обіді.

Міць Христового хреста

Хрест – це пам’ятник любові Спаса з неба до людей. Вчителя слова святкові Пил змітають із очей.

Від гріха пересторога

На стрімких життя шляхах. З ним щезає неспромога: Ми ж на Господа руках.

Хрест ─ також дороговказ,

Вказує мету єдину. Люд до Вишнього

Тягнеться в терпку хвилину.

Як драбина в небеса Є для нас Ісуса хрест.

Він дарує чудеса… На землі це Божий перст!

Микола Микосовський

One Solitary Life

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in an obscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty, and then for three years he was an itinerant teacher.

He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never owned a home. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never traveled, except in his infancy, more than two hundred miles from the place where he was born. He never did one of the things that usually accompanies greatness. He had no credentials but himself.

While he was still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. One of them denied him. He was turned over to his enemies. He went through a mockery of a trial. He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves. His executioners gambled for the only piece of property he had on earth, his seamless robe. When he was dead, he was taken down from the cross and laid in a borrowed grave through the courtesy of a friend.

Nineteen wide centuries have come and gone, and today he is the centerpiece of the human race and the leader of all human progress. I am well within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever were built, all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has this one solitary life.


Upper flat for Rent partially furnished - student or single person preferred. Call

- 248-828-3399

Page 5: Воздвиження Хреста Господнього · 2015-10-04 · прощу в неділю, 27 вересня. Автобус

Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church April 19, 2014, pg. 2.

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