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  • Speaker Date 2010/04/14 1
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  • Outline Part I VANET VANET Part II Geographic Routing in City Scenarios Part III Conclusions and Future work 2
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  • Outline Part I VANET VANET Part II Geographic Routing in City Scenarios Part III Conclusions and Future work 3
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  • VANET Vehicular Ad Hoc Network VANET 4
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  • VANET VANET IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi) IEEE 802.11p IEEE 802.16 (WiMax) VANET VANET 5
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  • Outline Part I VANET VANET Part II Geographic Routing in City Scenarios Part III Conclusions and Future work 8
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  • VANET Roadside-to-Vehicle Communications RVC AP base station server Roadside-to-Vehicle Communications RVC 10
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  • Roadside-to-Vehicle Communications a. Mobility management VANET node AP AP (handover) b. Choosing Internet gateway: AP AP hop 11
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  • VANET Inter-Vehicle Communications (IVC) AP Inter-Vehicle Communications IVC 12
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  • IVC Routing Unicast Routing Cluster-Based Routing Geocast Routing Broadcast Routing 13
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  • Unicast Routing routing protocol 14 IVC routing protocol
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  • Unicast routing Topology-based routing protocols Proactive table table table Reactive 15
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  • Unicast routing Geographic routing header ( GPS ) one-hop neighbors one-hop neighbors one-hop neighbors 16
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  • Geographic routing Geographic routing None-DTN (Non-Delay tolerant network) DTN (delay tolerant network) Hybrid 17
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  • None-DTN protocol VANET Greedy forwarding Greedy forwarding local maximum routing protocol local maximum GPSR, CAR, A-STAR, STBR 18
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  • Greedy forwarding An intermediate nodes forward a packet to the direct neighbor which is closest to the geographic position of destination 19
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  • Local maximum 20
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  • Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) Perimeter Forwarding 21
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  • DTN DTN (carry-and-forward) VADD, GeOpps 22
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  • Hybrid none-DTN DTN none-DTN greedy mode DTN carry-and-forward none-DTN none-DTN DTN hop, , 23
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  • IVC Routing Unicast Routing Cluster-Based Routing Geocast Routing Broadcast Routing 24
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  • Cluster-Based Routing 25
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  • Geocast Routing The multicast of a message, using geographic routing, to nodes satisfying a geographical criterion is called geocast. 26
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  • Broadcast Routing Broadcast VANET flooding Flooding Flooding 27
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  • VANET Hybrid Vehicular Communication Systems (HVC) IVC RVC AP IVC server router AP RVC IVC 28
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  • Summary RVCIVCHVC Mobility management Choosing Internet gateway Unicast Routing Cluster- Based Routing Geocast Routing Broadcast Routing VANET 29
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  • Outline Part I VANET VANET Part II Geographic Routing in City Scenarios Part III Conclusions and Future work 30
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  • Christian Lochert, Martin Mauve, Holger FuBler, Hannes Hartenstein ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 2005 31
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  • Introduction It is related to the idea of position-based source routing as proposed for terminode routing. The static street map is need due to its algorithm. This paper provide a method without assumption that Nodes have access to a static street map and Without using source routing 32
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  • Position-based Routing Greedy forwarding An intermediate nodes forward a packet to the direct neighbor which is closest to the geographic position of destination For this task, nodes has to be aware of Its own position The position of its direct neighbors The position of the final destination 33
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  • Local maximum Problem 34
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  • Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing Without using any global information such as static map. GPCR consists of two parts: A restricted greedy forward A repair strategy based on the topology of real-world streets and junctions Therefore, it doesnt require a graph planarization algorithm. 35
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  • Restricted Greedy Routing Junctions are only places where actual decision are taken Packets should always be forwarded to a node on a junction rather than across a junction If the forwarding nodes are all not located on a junction, chose the node that Approximates an extension of the line between forwarding nodes predecessor and itself. 36
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  • Restricted Greedy Routing (cont.) Greedy Routing vs. Restricted Greedy Routing in the area of a junction. 37 Source : U Destination : D
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  • Restricted Greedy Routing (cont.) 38
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  • Repair Strategy As a consequence the repair strategy of GPCR consists of two parts: (1) On each junction it has to be decided which street the packet should follow next. (2) In between junctions greedy routing to the next junction, as described above, can be used. 39
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  • Example A packet with destination D reaches a local maximum at node S. The forwarding of the packet is then switched to the repair strategy and it is routed along the street until it hits the first coordinator node. 40
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  • Detecting junctions By observing the beacon messages a node has the following information for each neighbor: its position and the position and presence of the neighbors neighbors. x y z 41
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  • Detecting junctions We dene x i and y i as the x-coordinate and y- coordinate of a node i. The variables x and y subsume the population of all these positions x i and y i respectively. The mean of a population x is marked by x 42
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  • Cont. A correlation coefcient close to 1 indicates a linear coherence as it is found when the node is located in the middle of a street A correlation coefcient close to 0 shows that there is no linear relationship between the positions of the neighbors. Consequentially we conclude that the node is located on a junction 43
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  • Simulation Results For the simulations we used a real city topology which is a part of Berlin,Germany. The scenario consists of 955 cars (nodes)on 33 streets in an area of 6.25 km *3.45 km IEEE 802.11 was used as MAC with a transmission rate of 2 Mbps. The transmission range was set to 500 m. 44
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  • GPCR vs. GPSR. Delivery rate 45
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  • GPCR vs. GPSR. Delivery rate 46
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  • Conclusions and Future work Our approach does not require external information such as a static street map to avoid the problems that existing position-based approaches face in this type of environment Future improvement Currently the next street to be taken is determined without considering whether there is a sufcient number of nodes on the street to allow packet forwarding to the next junction. 47
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  • Outline Part I VANET VANET Part II Geographic Routing in City Scenarios Part III Conclusions and Future work 48
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  • Conclusion VANET Geographic Routing Packet 49
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  • Future work VANET Routing 50
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