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WISHLISTArea of Interest forTakeda's Discovery Research

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びニューロサイエンス分野で革新的な医薬品を生み出すことに注力しています。 私たちは、まず





専門家パートナーと協働することに尽力しています。 このWish listは、私たちが特に興味を持っている


T akeda Research is a global drug discovery organization dedicated to producing innovative medicines in Oncology, Gastroenterology and Neuroscience. Our approach is to focus on

the patient to understand their needs and to pursue cutting edge science to create medicines that can transform their quality of life.

F rom the initial idea to the launch of the medicine we are committed to working in partnership with external experts who share our vision and possess the knowledge and

scientific capabilities to make truly transformational medicines for the patients we serve. This document provides a high level overview of the areas of biomedical research that are of particular interest to us.


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ニューロサイエンス (神経精神疾患) ························ P03

オンコロジー (がん) ············································ P07

消化器系疾患 (GI) ············································· P08

プラットフォーム技術研究 ····································· P10

薬物動態研究 ···················································· P12

薬剤安全性研究 ················································· P14

Neuroscience ················································· P15

Oncology ······················································· P19

Gastroenterology ··········································· P20

Platform Research ·········································· P22

DMPK Research ·············································· P24

Drug Safety Research ····································· P26



Area of Interest for Takeda's Discovery Research


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■ 治療抵抗性うつ病に対する新規治療法■ オンセットの早い抗うつ薬■ うつ病の認知障害、アンヘドニア、不眠、精神病症状に対する新規治療法■ うつ病の再燃、再発に対する新規治療法■ うつ病の臨床知見に基づいた新規創薬メカニズム、創薬ターゲット、及び非臨床モデルを見出すためのリバーストランスレーショナルなアプローチ

■ 特定の治療法に感受性のある特定のうつ病患者層を同定し得る新規のバイオマーカー

■ 抗うつ効果を感度良く特異的に検出できる客観的なサロゲートマーカー■ 双極性障害に対する新規治療法



■ モノアミンのモジュレーターフォーカス外の領域








■ 陰性症状および認知機能障害に対する新規治療法■ 統合失調症の臨床知見に基づいた新規創薬メカニズム、創薬ターゲット、及び非臨床モデルを見出すためのリバーストランスレーショナルなアプローチ

■ 特定の治療法に感受性のある特定の統合失調症患者層を同定し得る新規のバイオマーカー

■ 抗精神病効果を感度良く特異的に検出できる客観的なサロゲートマーカー



■ D2アンタゴニスト、並びに既存の統合失調症治療薬に優位性を示さない陽性症状緩和薬




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Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited




■ 明確な治療エンドポイントに対処する新規な治療アプローチフォーカスする領域










■ ADに対する根治療法■ 根治療法に併用し有益性をもたらす症状緩和、あるいは修復療法■ ADの臨床知見に基づいた新規創薬メカニズム、創薬ターゲット、及び非臨床モデルを見出すためのリバーストランスレーショナルなアプローチ

■ 特定の治療法に感受性のある特定のAD患者層を同定し得る新規のバイオマーカー

■ ADにおける治療効果を感度良く特異的に検出できる客観的なサロゲートマーカー



■ アミロイドβモジュレーションフォーカス外の領域









■ PDに対する根治療法■ 根治療法に併用し有益性をもたらす症状緩和、あるいは修復療法■ PDの臨床知見に基づいた新規創薬メカニズム、創薬ターゲット、及び非臨床モデルを見出すためのリバーストランスレーショナルなアプローチ

■ 特定の治療法に感受性のある特定のPD患者層を同定し得る新規のバイオマーカー

■ PDにおける治療効果を感度良く特異的に検出できる客観的なサロゲートマーカー



■ L-ドパ製剤やドパミンアゴニストのようなドパミン関連薬フォーカス外の領域


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■ 明確な治療エンドポイントに対処する新規な治療アプローチフォーカスする領域






■ 神経精神疾患での免疫系の関与に関する新たな知見(グリア細胞やT細胞の関与など)

■ 神経精神疾患への免疫療法を可能とする、新規治療コンセプト、創薬ターゲット、モダリティ

■ 視神経脊髄炎、抗NMDA受容体脳炎、ナルコレプシーをはじめとした、自己免疫介在性中枢疾患に対する新たな免疫療法や患者層の層別化法

■ 神経精神疾患を対象とした、免疫細胞療法による新たなアプローチ■ 神経精神疾患における免疫系関与の作用機序解明に応用可能な、ヒト化マウスを含めた新規非臨床実験モデル

■ ヒト疾患組織サンプルやiPS細胞などを活用した、神経免疫研究に応用可能な新規トランスレーショナル実験系プラットフォーム

■ 神経細胞と免疫細胞の共培養系■ 難治性の神経精神患者に対する併用療法(神経調節薬+免疫調節薬など)■ 神経炎症を捉える新規トランスレーショナル技術(イメージング、血液バイオマーカー)

■ 疾患部位での免疫細胞の活性化・浸潤のライブイメージングや一細胞レベルでの解析

■ 免疫系を介した神経系のホメオスタシス維持や修復機能に関する研究





■ 統合失調症(特に陰性症状と認知機能障害)、うつ病などの気分障害、アルツハイマー病やパーキンソン病等の神経変性疾患、ハンチントン病、筋萎縮性側索硬化症、および精神・神経の症状が見られる希少難病を評価可能な以下の試験系研究

◎ 病態メカニズムを反映した試験系 ◎ 患者由来iPS細胞などを用いたフェノタイプアッセイ系 ◎ 遺伝子変異が明確で病態フェノタイプやエンドフェノタイプを評価可能




■ ヒト疾患メカニズムを反映していない、例えばモデル動物のみで見られる表現型をベースにしたアッセイ系



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Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

■ アンメットメディカルニーズの高い神経精神疾患に対し、説得力ある生物学的根拠のある革新的な治療アプローチ(低分子化合物だけでなく、蛋白質、生物学的、遺伝学的、細胞性のもの含む全てのモダリティ)

■ アンメットメディカルニーズの高い神経精神疾患に対し、既存の創薬ターゲットであっても新規な化学生物学的、ないし生物学的な治療アプローチ

■ 例を挙げると、a) 先行のオルソステリック調節薬が成功しなかったターゲットに対するアロステリック調節薬、b) 先行の可逆的な結合性の弱い調節薬が成功しなかったターゲットに対する親和性の強い不可逆的な調節薬、c) PROTAC、低分子では困難な蛋白蛋白相互作用の分解薬、d) 疾患修飾に対する蛋白製剤、抗体、細胞製剤によるアプローチ

■ 中枢へのドラッグデリバリー(巨大分子含む)■ ヒト組織・サンプルを用いた創薬研究技術(ハイコンテント解析含む)■ エクソソーム研究(診断、バイオマーカー、治療)■ 神経分野や精神分野のアンメットメディカルニーズに対する核酸医薬品開発を行うための新規技術あるいは研究基盤

■ シナプス病態を理解するためのヒトiPS細胞由来神経に関する基盤技術(Brain organoid、共培養系を含む)

■ ヒトbigdata もしくはマルチオミックス解析を用いた斬新な患者のsub-population もしくは階層化の手法

■ 疾患の発症および進行を予測できる疾患動的マーカー■ これまで知られている疾患リスク遺伝子を修飾することによりヒト病態・症状を正確に反映した動物モデル


■ 多発性硬化症(非臨床ステージかつ再発寛解型を対象としたもの)、急性期脳卒中に対する神経保護薬、偏頭痛(非臨床ステージのもの)、疼痛



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性白血病(B‐ALL)に対するCD19 CARTのようにB細胞悪性腫瘍患者




新規の固形および/または血液悪性腫瘍標的に対するCART細胞の開発を目的とした提案を歓迎する。以下のような限界を克服することを目的とした提案が望まれる。■ 腫瘍選択的発現■ 不均一な抗原発現■ 腫瘍微小環境における免疫抑制ネットワーク■ 最適なT細胞機能発揮とその持続の抑制■ CART細胞の腫瘍への未到達


新規の固形および/または血液がん標的に対するCAR改 変T細胞産物の開発






骨髄系細胞を標的とする、または骨髄系細胞の性質を変化させることをめざす治療戦略についての提案を歓迎する。■ 腫瘍に常在する骨髄細胞のscRNAseqおよび/またはプロテオミクスデータセットなどのバイオインフォマティクスのアプローチ

■ 次世代ヒト化モデルのようなインビトロおよびインビボの試験系で候補蛋白質の機能的役割を評価する能力


in vitro および in vivoモデル系における骨髄系細胞に対する新規創薬標的の同定と検証




NSCLCとAMLの新規標的を同定する提案を歓迎する。■ 悪性および正常組織のバイオインフォマティクスおよび/またはプロテオミクスデータセットから見出される新規腫瘍抗原あるいは間質抗原

■ 創薬標的同定のために患者サンプルのプロファイリングが好ましいが、患者由来異種移植片(PDX)モデルの利用も可能である

■ in vivoモデルで免疫環境を模した系で候補タンパク質の機能的役割を試験することが望ましい





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■ 主要な疾患要因である炎症や肝線維化を標的とする新規治療法■ 肝線維化の病因や進展メカニズムを理解するための生物学的研究や新規技術

■ ヒトに関連したエンドポイントを用いて薬効を評価することのできる前臨床モデル



■ 肝臓に対して直接的な作用の無い抗肥満/糖尿病薬および抗ウイルス薬■ 新しいデータベースまたはサンプルバンクを確立するための資金援助■ 既知の遺伝子マーカーまたは血液マーカーの改善研究








■ 陰上部消化管症状や機能不全に関して、コンビネーションを含めた新規メカニズムおよび治療法に関する研究 

■ 消化管ニューロパシーの病態の理解を深めうる、ヒトの病態を模倣した動物モデルを含む新しい研究手法

■ ヒト組織を用いた評価系■ 細胞治療、再生治療


上部消化管機能不全、特に嘔気・嘔吐、胃運動不全、ならびに下部消化 管における腸管ニューロパシーおよび便失禁に関する新規メカニズムの解析

■ 過敏性腸症候群、内臓痛■ 慢性便秘■ 下痢関連疾患■ 逆流性食道炎、バレット食道




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(1) 狭窄や痩孔などの所見は、クローン病における病態の特徴である。

現在の治療薬で、それらに奏功するものはない。(2) 腸内細菌叢の異


細菌の異常増殖は、 異常な免疫応答を来たしIBDの炎症症状を悪化さ



#1 腸管粘膜下筋線維芽細胞を用いた■ 狭窄あるいは痩孔を有するクローン病患者、および健常人でのヒト初代培養系および機能解析

■ GWAS解析によるIBDリスクとクローン病との関係■ 腸管オルガノイド、あるいは免疫細胞との共培養系による腸管粘膜バリア機能に関する研究

#2 ■ IBDにおける病原性共生生物の特性評価に関する研究■ 腸管での病原性共生生物に起因するIBDの病態生理の理解のための新規研究および技術

■ 臨床への外挿性の高い非臨床モデル



■ 16SrRNAの配列を利用した横断研究■ 新しいデータベースまたはサンプルバンクを確立するための資金援助■ 既知の遺伝子マーカーまたは血液マーカーの改善研究



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■ 細胞にダメージを与えない凍結および融解法■ 細胞の心臓などの臓器への生着を促進するマテリアル■ 大量の細胞を心臓に投与できるカテーテル


iPS由来 心筋細胞による重 症 心不全治療

■ 肥大型心筋症モデル動物フォーカスする領域


■ 新規ゲノム編集酵素/システムフォーカスする領域


■ 化合物の標的同定や作用機序解析、その作用機作に紐づいたバイオマーカー同定に必要な基盤技術 (シングルセル解析など)



■ 中枢疾患治療薬創出に活用可能な化学を基盤とする新しい概念・テクノロジー

■ 従来の創薬プロセスにおける問題点を解決し、創薬研究を加速化できる革新的手法

■ 細胞治療や再生医療に革新をもたらす、化学を基盤とする手法やアイデア■ 中~大分子(核酸含む)の脳内移行性を向上させる新しいテクノロジー■ 中枢移行性を有する低~中分子標的蛋白質分解誘導薬の創出に関する技術




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■ 制御性免疫細胞機能に関する新規分子機構■ 制御性免疫細胞の単離、増殖、遺伝子編集/導入に関する新規かつ効率的な手法

■ 制御性免疫細胞の組織homingに関するアイディア■ “Ready-to-use” 制御性免疫細胞治療開発技術(iPS細胞の活用、免疫反応を軽減させた他家細胞など)

■ 制御性免疫細胞に関する新規な抗原特異的CAR(キメラ抗原受容体)技術■ iPS細胞から制御性自然リンパ球(ILCreg)を作成する手法




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〈新規人体模倣モデル〉■ 新特定の臓器または細胞がヒト化された動物の作製■ 安定的な小腸代謝の評価システム■ ヒト脳微小血管内皮細胞を用いてBBBを再構築した in vitro 脳移行性評価システム


新規 in vitro および in vivo 評価システム

〈分析技術、オミックス技術〉■ 新規高感度マススペクトロメトリー分析機器について技術(新規イオン化方法含む)

■ 体内の微量薬物代謝物および生体分子代謝物を構造同定できる技術■ タンパク質分子などの断片化効率を向上させる技術■ 抗体分子構造における、標的認識部位の同定技術■ 免疫沈降法による回収効率を向上する技術〈細胞検出・イメージング技術〉■ 細胞製品を体内へ投与後の組織中あるいは血中標的細胞濃度を非標識で高感度かつ正確に定量できる技術


Bioanalysis お よ び イメージング (機器分析一般)

〈細胞検出・イメージング技術〉■ 細胞機能への影響を与え得る標識を伴うイメージング技術


〈AI活用〉■ AIを用いた薬物動態パラメータ予測■ AIを用いた in vitro / in vivo 代謝物予測■ AIを用いた論文検索システム(キーワードから樹形図的に最も重要な論文が抽出されるシステム)

■ AIを用いた免疫源フラグメントの最適化〈数学的アプローチ〉■ ニューロサイエンス領域における quantitative systems pharmacology(QSP)モデル

■ 遺伝子治療製品の mechanism-based PK/PD モデル



■ Systems biologyモデルフォーカス外の領域


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〈新たな医薬品の機能を向上させる技術〉■ タンパク、核酸等の高分子を細胞内へ効率的に送達可能な技術■ 低分子、ペプチド、タンパク、核酸等の分子モダリティを選択的に肝臓、癌、中枢組織へ送達可能な技術




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〈AI活用〉■ AIを用いた安全性パラメータ予測■ AIを用いて化合部最適化(安全性パラメータに基づく)■ AIを用いた画像情報からの異常行動検出



〈新規人体模倣モデル〉■ 開発初期の薬剤スクリーニングあるいは毒性機作解析に有用なもの■ 特定の臓器または細胞がヒト化された動物の作製■ 臓器特異的な機能を有する in vitro 安全性評価システム■ 初期の drug discovery screening あるいは毒性機作解析業務で活用できるもの

■ 特に肝臓、心血管系、あるいは中枢神経系に関するもの(免疫系の関与を含む)


新規 in vitro あるいは in vivo安全性評価システム

〈分析技術およびオミックス技術を活用〉■ 実験動物及びヒトでの活用が可能な新規安全性バイオマーカー■ 血漿、尿あるいは脳脊髄液等の液性サンプル由来が基本となるが、他の可能性も排他しない

■ 特に肝臓、心血管系、あるいは中枢神経系に関するもの





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To treat patients with depression, antidepressants are used as monotherapy

or in combination as augmentation therapy, however, the remission

rate is between 50-70% and thus the "treatment-resistant depression"

is regarded as serious clinical issue. Even in patients who responded to

antidepressant treatment, those patients show residual symptoms such as

sleep disturbance and cognitive impairment that lead to the heightened

risk of relapse. To provide adequate treatment option to those patients,

biomarkers should be of great help, although there have been no reliable

markers to date.

■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address treatment-resistant depression.■ Antidepressants with faster onset.■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address core symptoms of major depressive

disorders (MDD) such as cognitive deficits, anhedonia, insomnia, and psychotic

features.■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address relapse and recurrence of MDD.■ Reverse-translation approaches to identify novel mechanisms of action (MOA),

targets and/or non-clinical models based on clinical information in depression.■ New biomarkers to identify specific depression subpopulations sensitive to

specific therapeutic approaches.■ Objective biomarkers that can serve as surrogates for anti-depressant effects

in a sensitive and specific manner.

Areas of interest


■ MonoaminemodulatorsAreas of no interest

Schizophrenia is a common disease that affects 1% of the total population.

Symptoms of schizophrenia can be divided into positive symptoms such

as hallucinations and delusions, negative symptoms such as loss of

motivation and cognitive impairment such as deficits in cognitive flexibility.

There are already many drugs to address positive symptoms in the market

such as antipsychotic drugs that have a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist

activity. However there is no medicine to address negative symptoms

or cognitive impairment. In such background, we are committed to the

drug development for negative symptoms and cognitive impairment in



■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address negative symptoms and/or cognitive

impairment in schizophrenia.■ Reverse-translational findings linked to novel MOA, targets and/or non-clinical

models based on clinical information in schizophrenia.■ New biomarkers to identify specific schizophrenia subpopulations sensitive to

specific therapeutic approaches.■ Objective biomarkers that can serve as surrogates for anti-psychotic effects in

a sensitive and specific manner.

Areas of interest



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Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

As the aging population grows rapidly, patients with age-related

neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and Parkinson's diseases are

increasing. Current available therapies for AD only provide symptomatic

relief and can not suppress or halt disease progression. Therefore, there

is unmet medical needs for therapies that suppress or halt disease

progression, i.e. disease-modifying therapies. Recent progress in the

research of genetics, biomarkers, and imaging helps us to understand

disease progression process in clinical settings of AD, and supports research

and development of disease-modifying therapies. We are working on drug

discovery and translational research of AD based on such clinical evidence.

PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after AD.

Current available medicines, e.g., L-Dopa, can only alleviate or improve

their symptoms, and there are unmet medical needs for therapies that

suppress or halt disease progression, i.e., disease-modifying therapies.

Recent progress in the research of genetics, biomarkers, and imaging helps

us to understand disease progression process in clinical settings of PD, and

supports research and development of disease-modifying therapies. We

are working on drug discovery and translational research of PD based on

such clinical evidence.

■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address disease-modification of AD.■ Novel symptomatic or repair add-on approaches to disease modifying

treatments.■ Reverse-translational findings identifying novel MOA, targets and/or

nonclinical models based on clinical information in AD.■ New biomarkers to identify specific AD subpopulations sensitive to specific

therapeutic approaches.■ Objective biomarkers that can serve as surrogates for efficacy in AD in a more

sensitive and specific manner.

■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address disease-modification or repair of PD.■ Novel symptomatic or repair add-on approaches to disease modifying

treatments.■ Reverse-translational findings linked to novel MOA, targets and/or nonclinical

models based on clinical information in PD.■ New biomarkers to identify specific PD subpopulations sensitive to specific

therapeutic approaches.■ Objective biomarkers to predict efficacy endpoints in PD in a more sensitive


Areas of interest

Areas of interest

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Parkinson's Disease (PD)

■ Amyloidbeta(Aβ)modulatorsAreas of no interest

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairment in

social-communication and behavior. Despite high unmet medical needs,

there is no treatment for core symptoms of ASD.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address clear therapeutic endpoints in ASD. Areas of interest

■ D2 antagonists or other positive symptom relief approaches that offer no

differentiation from marketed antipsychotic drugs

Areas of no interest


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■ DopaminergicagentssuchasL-dopaformulationsandDopamineagonists.

Areas of no interest

ALS and HD are devastating neurodegenerative diseases. Since no disease-

modifying therapies for ALS and HD exist, there remain high unmet medical


■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address clear therapeutic endpoints in ALS or

HD.Areas of interest

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington’s Disease (HD)

In the process of drug discovery, it is important to develop an assay system

reflecting human disease symptoms and the biological mechanism of


■ Following research that can evaluate disease such as Schizophrenia (especially

negative symptoms and cognitive impairment), mood disorders such as Areas of interest

Disease biology relevant assay system

Although the concept of treating neurological and psychiatric diseases by

immunomodulation is not a concept with fully proven efficacy in clinical

settings, there is increasing evidence supporting the importance of immune

system involvement in these diseases. Hence immunology is attracting

attention as a novel approach for the treatment of neurological and

psychiatric diseases.

■ Elucidation of novel mechanisms for immune system involvement in

neurological and psychiatric diseases.■ Novel therapeutic concepts, targets, and modalities leveraging

immunomodulation for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases.■ Immunotherapy or patient stratification strategies for autoimmune-mediated

neurological diseases such as NMO, NMDAR-encephalitis and Narcolepsy.■ Novel cell-based immunotherapy approaches for neurological and psychiatric

diseases.■ Novel preclinical models, including “humanized” mouse models, for evaluating

immune mechanisms-of-action relevant to neurological and psychiatric

diseases.■ Novel translational platforms for generating and testing therapeutic

hypotheses, including leveraging of relevant tissue samples and induced

pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs).■ Neural-immune co-culture systems.■ Combination therapy approaches (e.g. Neuronal + Immune) for difficult-to-

treat patients.■ Improved translational methods to detect neuroinflammation (imaging, blood

biomarkers).■ Live imaging and single-cell analyses of immune cell activation and infiltration

into lesion tissues■ Research into immune-mediated repair and regeneration in response to

nervous system damage.

Areas of interest

Neuroimmunology research


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Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

depression, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and

Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and

rare/intractable disease with psychiatric or neurological symptoms. ◎ Disease biology relevant assay system which enables compound screening ◎ Phenotypic assay system of patient derived iPS cells ◎ Assay system based on characterized gene mutation which enables disease

phenotype and endophenotype

■ Assaysystemnotbasedonhumandiseasebiology,suchasforphenotypesobservedonlyinanimalmodels

Areas of no interest

■ Breakthrough therapeutic approaches (any modalities including protein,

biological, genetic and cellular as well as small molecules) with a compelling

biological rationale to address any neurological and psychiatric diseases with

high unmet medical needs.■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address clear clinical endpoints in rare/orphan

neurological diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Huntington's

disease.■ Novel therapeutic approaches to address bipolar disorders.■ Ways of identifying and segmenting mechanism of disease and potential

method of successful treatment for neurological and psychiatric diseases

such as idiopathic autism spectrum disorders (and clinical stage ADHD) and

frontotemporal lobe dementia.■ Novel chemical biology or biological approaches to existing targets in NS area

where unmet medical need remains.◎ Examples include, but are not limited to (a) allosteric modulators where

previous unsuccessful work described orthosteric modulators; (b)

irreversible covalent modulators with increased affinity where previous

unsuccessful work described reversible non-covalent weak binders; (c)

PROTAC, degraders for difficult to drug protein-protein interactions (d)

Protein, antibody or cellular approaches to disease modulation ■ Technologies to enable large molecules to penetrate into brain.■ Research platforms based on human tissues/samples relevant to neurological

and psychiatric diseases.■ Establishment of analytical methods of exosomal RNA and protein in

cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood for clinical application of molecular

biomarker in NS therapeutic area.■ Development of new platform technology for high-content analysis for the

study of neurological and psychiatric diseases.■ Novel technology and research platform for developing oligonucleotide

therapeutics to address unmet needs in neurology and psychiatry field.■ Development of human iPSC-derived neuron-based platform technologies

including brain organoid and co-culture system to address synaptic pathologies

of CNS diseases such as autism, affective disorder, and schizophrenia.■ Unique patient sub-population /segmentation approach by using human

bigdata and cross-omics analyses. ■ Disease dynamics markers to predict disease onset and progression.■ Genetic engineered animal models reflecting human disease symptoms by

modifying existing human risk genes.

Areas of interest


■ Multiplesclerosis(non-clinical-stagerelapsing-remitting),Neuroprotectantsforacuteischemicstroke,Migraine(nonclinicalstage),Pain

Area/indication of no interest


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Chimeric antigen receptor engineered T cells (CAR-T cells) have made

remarkable strides in the treatment of patients with B cell malignancies

exemplified by anti-CD19 CAR-T cells in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

(B-ALL). This success however has encountered hurdles in translation across

hematological malignancies and even more so in solid tumors.

We welcome proposals aimed at the development of CAR-engineered T cell

products against novel solid and/or hematological malignancies targets. Proposals

aimed at overcoming limitations such as the following are desired.■ tumor selective expression■ heterogeneous antigen expression■ immunosuppressive networks in the tumor microenvironment■ optimal T cell function and persistence■ inadequate trafficking

Areas of interest

Development of CAR-engineered T cell products against novel solid and/or hematological malignancies targets

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is characterized by an immunologic

milieu that promotes immune escape and suppression. Consequently the

majority of patients do not respond to checkpoint therapies as a result of

heightened immunosuppression in the TME. Myeloid cells represent a critical

element of this immunosuppressive niche however therapies directed at the

TME are currently lacking.

We welcome proposals to develop therapeutic strategies targeting myeloid cells

or aimed at myeloid re-education.■ Bioinformatic approaches such as scRNAseq and/or proteomic datasets of

tumor resident myeloid cells■ The ability to test the functional role of candidate proteins with in vitro and in

vivo systems such as next generation humanized models

Areas of interest

Identification and validation of novel myeloid targets in relevant in vitro and in vivo model systems

There remains a need for novel targets to deliver more effective treatments

for the patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and hematological

malignancies such as AML.

We welcome proposals to identify novel targets in NSCLC and AML. ■ Novel tumor antigens, including stromal antigens, derived from integration of

bioinformatic and proteomic datasets of malignant and normal tissues■ Profiling of patient samples is preferred however the utilization of patient

derived xenograft (PDX) models for tumor target ID is also of interest■ The ability to test the functional role of candidate proteins within an immune

context with supporting in vivo model systems

Areas of interest

Identification of novel targets for treatment of non-small cell lung cancer and hematological malignancies.



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Liver fibrosis is commonly observed after chronic liver injury such as non-

alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and is thought to be a risk factor for liver

cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomas. Progression to cirrhosis can take 10-

30 years depending on original cause of injury and patient characteristics.

In spite of much effort, no pharmacological therapy is available yet.

Dysfunction of the upper GI tract in conditions such as gastroparesis is

not well understood and likely involves multiple cell types, pathways, and

circuits under central and intrinsic control mechanisms. Enteric neuropathies

such as slow transit constipation, anorectal dysfunction, and Hirschsprung’s

disease are often addressed only through extreme measures such as


Understanding the mechanism(s) of progression of fibrosis in liver diseases including non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and seeking relevant novel drug targets and non-invasive biomarkers

Discovery of novel mechanisms for treatment of upper GI dysfunction, in particular nausea, vomiting, and gastric dysmotility, and new approaches to address enteric neuropathies and fecal incontinence


■ Novel therapeutic approaches to target key disease drivers such as

inflammation and fibrosis■ New biology/technology to expand understanding of pathogenesis and

progression of fibrosis■ Translational preclinical models that are able to predict pharmacotherapy with

human-relevant endpoints

Areas of interest

■ Antivirusoranti-obesity/diabeteswithoutdirectmechanisticeffectsontheliver

■ Fundingtoestablishanewdatabaseorsamplebank■ Improvement/modificationofknowngeneticorbloodmarkers

Areas of no interest

■ Novel mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to study and address

upper GI symptoms and signs (nausea, vomiting) and gastric dysfunction in

gastroparesis including combination approaches■ New ways to expand understanding of pathogenesis of enteric neuropathies

including animal models that are representative of the human disease■ Novel mechanisms of defecation control■ Disease-relevant human-based assay systems and/or ability to conduct reverse

translation for gastroparesis and enteric neuropathies■ Cell therapy/regenerative medicine approaches

Areas of interest

■ Irritablebowelsyndrome,visceralpain■ Chronicconstipation■ Diarrhealdiseases■ UpperGIdisorderssuchasGERD,Barrett’sesophagus

Areas of no interest


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(1) Transmural disease with progressive bowel wall remodeling to a

fibrostenosing or fistulizing phenotype is pathognomic for Crohn’s disease.

Current oral/biological treatments for Crohn’s disease poorly address

pathological mechanisms involved in these processes. (2) Microbial dysbiosis

is a hallmark of IBD that has been established in global patient cohorts.

Outgrowth of specific bacterial species in the inflamed intestine may cause/

exacerbate IBD via aberrant immune responses. The breadth/diversity of

bacterial pathobionts in IBD patients is a relatively unexplored aspect of the

GI microbiome which could inform novel drug targets.

New insights on mucosal barrier cell dysfunction and the microbiome in IBD pathogenesis

#1: Sub-Epithelial Myofibroblasts in Crohn’s Disease Pathogenesis■ Isolation and culture systems for primary human intestinal sub-epithelial

myofibroblasts (ISEMF) and their functional characterization from patients with

fibrostenosing or fistulizing CD versus healthy or non-IBD controls■ Deep understanding of the influence of known GWAS IBD risk genetic

pathways on ISEMF function and its relation to CD pathogenesis■ Co-culture systems to interrogate human ISEMF/intestinal organoid or ISEMF/

lamina propria immune cell cross-talk and validation of these systems with

respect to intestinal barrier dysfunction or immunity/fibrosis

#2: Pathobionts in IBD■ Studies aimed at systematically characterizing pathobiont species and strains in

IBD and their genomic diversity and potential molecular effectors■ New biology/technology to expand understanding of pathogenesis and

progression in IBD driven by pathobionts in the GI tract■ Translational preclinical models with reasonable throughput

Areas of interest

■ 16SrRNA-basedsequencingcross-sectionalstudies■ Fundingtoestablishanewdatabaseorsamplebank■ Improvement/modificationofknowngeneticorbloodmarkers

Areas of no interest


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Platform Research

iPS-derived cardiomyocytes cell therapy for severe heart failure

■ Freeze-thawing method with minimum damage to cells■ Biomaterials for enhancing the engraftment of cells to tissues, such as heart.■ Catheter device for cardiac injection of a large number of cells

Areas of interest

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

■ Animal models of hypertrophic cardiomyopathyAreas of interest

Gene Editing Therapy

■ Novel genome editing enzyme/ systemAreas of interest

■ New technologies and ideas based on chemistry aimed at creating drugs for

CNS disorders■ Innovative methods or ideas to solve the issues on conventional drug

discovery process or accelerate the process■ Methods or ideas based on synthetic chemistry that can be utilized and

applied to regenerative medicine or cell therapy research■ Technologies to enable large molecules (including nucleic acids) to penetrate

into brain■ Innovative technologies to develop protein degradation inducer by small/

medium molecules penetrate into brain

Areas of interest

Medicinal Chemistry

■ Novel technology and research platform for identification of target molecule

and mechanism of action analysis of compounds, and for development of

biomarker linked with compound mechanism, an example for novel single cell


Areas of interest

Mechanism of action and biomarker analysis


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■ New molecular mechanisms of regulatory immune cell function■ Novel and efficient methods for isolating, expanding, editing/transducing

genes for regulatory immune cells■ Ideas about tissue homing of regulatory Immune cells■ Technologies to develop ready-to-use (e.g., iPSC-derived or allogenic cells

modified to avoid immune reactions) regulatory Immune cell therapy ■ Novel antigen-specific CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) technology for

regulatory Immune cell■ Methods to generate iPSC-derived regulatory innate lymphoid cells (ILCreg)

Areas of interest

Regulatory Immune Cell Therapy


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DMPK Research

Bioanalysis and Imaging Technologies

<Analytical and omics technologies>■ Novel high sensitive massspectrometry-based bioanalysis (e.g. new ionization

method)■ High sensitive molecular structure identification technology for drug

metabolites or biological molecules■ High efficient protein digestion kit or methodology■ Active targeting domain analysis in antibody molecular structures■ Novel immuno precipitation methodology with high recovery ratios

<Cell detection/call imaging technologies>■ New Technology without cell labeling that can precisely quantify target cell

concentration in tissues or blood after administration of cell products

Areas of interest

■ Cellimagingtechnologybasedoncelllabelingthatcanaffectcellfunction

Areas of no interest

State-of-the-art in vitro/in vivo evaluation technologies

<Novel system mimicking human pharmacokinetic properties>■ Investigational animal models in which specific organs or cells are humanized■ In vitro evaluation system for intestinal metabolism■ In vitro evaluation system for brain distribution (Reconstructed with human

brain microvascular endothelial like cells (iBMECs), astrocytes, and neurons


Areas of interest

Pharmacokinetic research based on IT technologies

<AI technology>■ Prediction of pharmacokinetic parameters using AI■ In vitro/in vivo metabolite prediction using AI■ Article/word retrieval system using AI■ AI based drug design for optimization of immunogen fragments

<Mathematical approaches>■ Quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model in the fields of neuroscience

medicine and cell product therapy

Areas of interest

■ SystemsbiologymodelAreas of no interest


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Drug Delivery System (DDS)

<Novel system mimicking human pharmacokinetic properties>■ Efficient intracellular DDS for (mid-)macromolecules such as oligonucleotides

and proteins■ Site specific (target cell specific) DDS technologies especially in the brain, liver

or cancer tissue

Areas of interest


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In vitro/in vivo safety evaluation systems for drug discovery

Drug Safety Research

<Novel system mimicking human properties>■ Animal models in which specific organs or cells are humanized■ In vitro safety evaluation system fixing organ-specific functions ■ Useful for compound screening at drug discovery or mechanistic studies■ Can be utilized also for the evaluation of antibody or oligonucleotide ■ Targeting area is not limited, but especially for liver, cardiovascular, or CNS

(including immune-participant effects)

Areas of interest

Safety biomarkers

<Utilizing analytical and omics technologies>■ Novel safety biomarkers assessable both in animals and humans■ Analytical source: plasma, urine, or CSF as the basis, but not limited to■ Targeting area is not limited, but especially for liver, cardiovascular, or CNS

Areas of interest

Safety evaluation research based on IT technologies

<AI technology>■ Prediction of safety parameters using AI■ Compound optimization using AI, based on safety parameters■ Detection of abnormal behavior from images/video information using AI

Areas of interest


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Co-innovation for Patients

Published September 2019


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