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B6L3Happiness Is More than Just an “A”

words & phrases

Catherine Huang

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ه I. Vocabulary for Production

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1. lottery n. [C]

ه 彩券;彩票 比喻為「碰運氣的事」

ه Harry buys a lottery ticket every week, but so far he has never been lucky enough to get the winning number.

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1. lottery n. [C]

Harry buys a lottery ticket every week, but so far he has never been lucky enough to get the winning number.

ticket 彩券 so far 目前為止 adj.+ enough lucky enough

winning number 中獎號碼

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1. lottery n. [C]

ه 字詞搭配win the lottery 贏得樂透彩券lottery fever 彩券熱hit the jackpot 中了頭彩

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1. lottery n. [C]

ه 字詞辨異(1) raffle n.[C] 摸彩抽獎活動(2) voucher n.[C] 商品券;消費券(3) coupon n.[C] 折價券

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2. enroll vi. vt.

ه (使)入學;參加;登記(名字等)

ه SYN register

ه Karen has enrolled in summer school and plans to learn French.

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2. enroll vi. vt.

ه Karen has enrolled in summer school and plans to learn French.

has enrolled 已經註冊summer class 暑期課程

人+ enroll in +課程 修……課

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enrollment n. [U]

ه 入學;登記

ه The enrollment of female students in colleges and universities has increased dramatically in the past fifty years or so.

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enrollment n. [U]

The enrollment of female students in colleges and universities has increased dramatically in the past fifty years or so.

female 女性has increased 已經增加dramatically 急遽地or so 大約

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3. freshman n. [C]

ه 一年級新生

ه Clancy has just started his college career; he is a freshman at the University of Chicago.

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3. freshman n. [C]

ه Clancy has just started his college career; he is a freshman at the University of Chicago.

career 生涯Chicago 芝加哥

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3. freshman n. [C]

ه freshman 複數形為 freshmen ;為避免性別歧視議題,有用 fresher(s) 取代的趨向。

ه 大二生 sophomore

大三生 junior

大四生 senior

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4. application n. [C]

ه 申請;申請書

ه SYN request

ه Janet sent out applications to several top-ranked universities in order to be sure of being accepted by at least one.

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4. application n. [C]

Janet sent out applications to several top-ranked universities in order to be sure of being accepted by at least one.

top-ranked 頂尖的in order to 為了be sure of + Ving 確定be accepted 被接受at least 至少

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4. application n. [C]

字詞搭配ه approve the application 批准申請ه turn down/reject one’s application

拒絕某人的申請ه application form 申請表格

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5. attempt vt.

ه 嘗試;試圖 ه SYN endeavorه If you don’t sometimes attempt to do

something new and difficult, you will never learn just how capable you really are.

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5. attempt vt.

ه If you don’t sometimes attempt to do something new and difficult, you will never learn just how capable you really are.

capable 有能力的

ه attempt + N 嘗試;計畫ه attempt to + V

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5. attempt n. [C]

ه 嘗試;企圖 ه SYN endeavorه Climbers made many attempts to climb

Mount Everest before it was finally conquered in 1953.

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5. attempt n. [C]

ه Climbers made many attempts to climb Mount Everest before it was finally conquered in 1953.

climbers 登山者Mount Everest 聖母峰 was conquered 被征服

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6. suicide n. [U,C]

ه 自殺 ه SYN self-destruction, self-murderه It is tragic that some young people

committed suicide because they did not feel that they were good enough.

The number of suicides goes up when the economy goes down.

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6. suicide n. [U,C]

ه It is tragic that some young people committed suicide because they did not feel that they were good enough.

commit suicide 自殺

The number of suicides goes up when the economy goes down.

economy go down 經濟衰退

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6. suicidal adj.

ه 有自殺傾向的 ه SYN self-destructiveه If anyone you know seems suicidal,

you’d better do all you can to help them get professional help.

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6. suicidal adj.

ه If anyone you know seems suicidal, you’d better do all you can to help them get professional help.

ه you’d better = you had better 你最好ه professional 專業的

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6. suicidal adj.

ه 字詞搭配ه suicide attack 同歸於盡的自殺性攻擊行

為ه commit suicide = kill oneself 自殺ه attempted suicide 自殺未遂ه suicide bomber 自殺炸彈客ه suicide note 自殺遺書

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7. academic adj.

ه 學術的;學院的 ه SYN scholasticه A young person who enjoys reading and

studying may choose an academic career, such as becoming a teacher.

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7. academic adj.

ه A young person who enjoys reading and studying may choose an academic career, such as becoming a teacher.

career 生涯such as 像

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7. academy n. [C]

ه 學院;大學 ه SYN instituteه Joel has decided to attend a military

academy instead of enrolling in a regular university.

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7. academic adj.

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7. academy n. [C]

ه Joel has decided to attend a military academy instead of enrolling in a regular university.

attend 參加 military academy 軍校instead of + Ving 而不是regular 一般的

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7. academically adv.

ه 學術上地ه Though Ed was not academically outstanding,

he participated in many after-school activities and thoroughly enjoyed his years as a high school student.

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7. academically adv.

ه Though Ed was not academically outstanding, he participated in many after-school activities and thoroughly enjoyed his years as a high school student.

ه though 雖然ه outstanding 傑出的ه participate in 參加ه thoroughly 完全地

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7. academically adv.

字詞搭配ه academic year 學年ه academic freedom 學術自由ه Academia Sinica 中央研究院ه Academy Award 奧斯卡獎

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8. imperfect adj.

ه 不完美的;有瑕疵的 ه SYN deficient, faulty

ه All those products on sale are slightly imperfect.

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8. imperfect adj.

ه All those products on sale are slightly imperfect.

slightly 稍微地

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8. imperfection n. [U,C]

ه 不完美;瑕疵 ه SYN deficiency, shortcoming

ه Some young people feel great concern about even the slightest physical imperfection.

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8. imperfection n. [U,C]

Some young people feel great concern about even the slightest physical imperfection.

concern 關心 the slightest 最輕微的physical 身體的

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9. drastic adj.

ه 極端的;激烈的 ه SYN radical, severe

ه Sharon was not doing well in school and realized that she had to take drastic action to improve her grades.

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9. drastic adj.

ه Sharon was not doing well in school and realized that she had to take drastic action to improve her grades.

had to 必須take action 採取行動improve 改善

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10. fatal adj.

ه 致命的 ه SYN deadly, destructive

ه Connie could never forget the fatal accident in which her parents had died.

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10. fatality n. [C]

ه (事故中的)死亡 ه SYN death

ه Do you know how many fatalities there were in that traffic accident?

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11. minor adj.

ه 較小的;較不重要的 ه SYN lesser, secondary

insignificant; unimportant

ه Despite the long holiday, traffic moved smoothly on the freeway and drivers encountered only minor delays.

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11. minor adj.

ه Despite the long holiday, traffic moved smoothly on the freeway and drivers encountered only minor delays.

despite 儘管smoothly 平順地freeway 高速公路 encounter 遭遇

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11. minority n. [C]

ه 少數;少數人

ه Asian-Americans are one of the minorities in the United States.

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11. minority n. [C]

ه Asian-Americans are one of the minorities in the United States.

Asian-American 亞裔美國人 the United States 美國人

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11. minor

ه adj. 程度較輕的ه n. [C] 未成年人ه n. [C] (大學)副修科目ه vi. 輔修

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12. despair n. [U]

ه 絕望 ه SYN hopelessness, misery

 ه People without a home to live in or

enough food to eat might feel despair.

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12. despair vi.

ه 絕望;放棄希望

ه When Rory saw the difficult test questions, he despaired of answering them


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12. despair vi.

ه When Rory saw the difficult test questions, he despaired of answering them


correctly 正確地

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13. subsequently adv.

ه 之後;後來 ه Jerome was disappointed when the pretty

new girl in class turned him down for a date. Subsequently, he understood why when he discovered that she already had a boyfriend.

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13. subsequently adv.

ه Jerome was disappointed when the pretty new girl in class turned him down for a date. Subsequently, he understood why when he discovered that she already had a boyfriend.

disappointed 失望的turn down 拒絕

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14. ultimate adj.

ه 根本的;最終的 ه SYN eventual

ه Education has many purposes, but the ultimate goal is to prepare the student to lead a fulfilling1 life.

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14. ultimate adj. ه Education has many purposes, but the

ultimate goal is to prepare the student to lead a fulfilling1 life.

education 教育 purpose 目的goal 目標 prepare 準備lead a ~ life 過 ... 的生活fulfilling1 充實的

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15. senior adj.

ه 高年級的;較年長的

ه Senior citizens in many developed countries are increasingly living longer and healthier lives.

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15. senior adj. ه Senior citizens in many developed

countries are increasingly living longer and healthier lives.

citizen 公民developed countries 已開發國家increasingly 越來越 ....

longer 更長的healthier 更健康的

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15. senior n. [C]

ه 高年級生

Joanne is a senior this year and is looking forward to graduating from school and getting a job.

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15. senior n. [C]

Joanne is a senior this year and is looking forward to graduating from school and getting a job.

look forward to + Ving 期待graduate from 從…畢業

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15. seniority n. [U]

ه 年長;資深

ه Melissa has seniority in the filing department and is likely to be appointed a manager when the next vacancy2 opens up.

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15. seniority n. [U]

ه Melissa has seniority in the filing department and is likely to be appointed a manager when the next vacancy2 opens up.

filing department 檔案部門be likely to 可能be appointed 被指派vacancy2 空缺

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15. senior n. [C]

句型、文法senior 和 junior 可用在比較級,但後面不接 than ,而是接 to ,即: be senior to 或是 be junior to ex. Ivy is senior to me by five years.

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15. senior n. [C]

ه 補充資料在西方國家,父母若與子女同名,則在其姓名後置 senior ,可縮寫成 Sr.或 Snr. 。如: John Smith Senior ,其兒子為 John Smith Junior (可縮寫成 Jr.或 Jnr.) 。

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16. excel vi. vt.

ه 突出;優於…… ه SYN exceed, surpassه Matt excels in math and science and plans

to major in engineering when he

goes to college.

Kimberly excels her classmates in sports, and she is also a good artist.

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16. excel vi. vt.

ه Matt excels in math and science and plans to major in engineering when he goes to college.

major in 主修 engineering n. 工程學

ه Kimberly excels her classmates in sports, and she is also a good artist.

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17. pointless adj.

ه 無意義的 ه SYN meaninglessه Because of her foot injury, Gladys

thought it was pointless to try to run the marathon.

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17. pointless adj.

ه Because of her foot injury, Gladys thought it was pointless to try to run the marathon.

because of 因為injury 受傷marathon 馬拉松

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17. pointless adj.

ه adj. 無用的;不可能有結果的ه point n. [C] (說法、作法的)點、項、觀點、

見解ه point n. [C] 點(數)ه point vt. 指出……的位置、方向;瞄準對著

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17. pointless adj.

字詞搭配ه point of view = viewpoint 觀點;見解ه beside the point 離題的;不相干的ه to the point 切題的ه make/take one’s point 解釋/接受某人觀點

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18. shortcoming n. [C]

ه 缺點;短處 ه SYN drawback, imperfection

ه Ivan’s greatest shortcoming is that he loses his temper easily.

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18. shortcoming n. [C]

ه Ivan’s greatest shortcoming is that he loses his temper easily.

lose one’s temper 發脾氣

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18. shortcoming n. [C]

字詞辨異ه shortage n. [C] (糧食、資源)短缺ه shorten vt. 減少

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19. incredibly adv.

ه 極為……地;難以置信地 ه SYN unbelievablyه credible adj. 可信的;可靠的ه Tim has been incredibly lucky in his life;

everything just seems to go his way.

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19. incredibly adv.

ه Tim has been incredibly lucky in his life; everything just seems to go his way.

go one’s way 順心

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19. incredible adj.

ه 不可置信的 ه SYN unbelievableه It was incredible that so little damage

was caused despite the severity3 of the typhoon.

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19. incredible adj.

ه It was incredible that so little damage was caused despite the severity3 of the typhoon.

damage 損害 despite 儘管3 severity n. [C] 猛烈;嚴重

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20. endeavor vi.

ه 努力;力圖 ه SYN attempt, striveه endeavor to VRه Britney endeavors to improve her

English skills by seeking every opportunity to speak with native English speakers.

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20. endeavor vi. ه Britney endeavors to improve her

English skills by seeking every opportunity to speak with native English speakers.

improve 改善by + Ving 藉由seek 尋找opportunity 機會native English speakers 以英語為母語的人

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20. endeavor n. [C]

ه 努力;盡力 ه SYN attemptه Greg’s endeavors to persuade the girl to

go out with him finally succeeded when she said yes.

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20. endeavor n. [C]

ه Greg’s endeavors to persuade the girl to go out with him finally succeeded when she said yes.

persuade 說服 succeed 成功

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21. sky-high adj.

ه 非常高的 ه Many students can no longer afford to

pay the sky-high tuition fees that Ivy League4 universities charge.

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21. sky-high adj.

ه Many students can no longer afford to pay the sky-high tuition fees that Ivy League4 universities charge.

no longer 不再afford 負得起tuition fees 學費Ivy League4 長春藤盟校charge 收費

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ه II. Vocabulary for Recognition

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1. extracurricular

ه adj. 課外的ه of school activities other than academic


ه other than 除了

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1. extracurricular

ه adj. 課外的補充資料هextracurriculum n. [C]

課外課程,此字由 extra (額外的)及curriculum (課程)結合而成。複數形為 extracurricula 或 extracurriculums 。

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2. GPA

ه n. [C] 學業成績總平均ه grade point average; a way of assessing a

student’s academic performance

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3. glitch

ه n. [C] 小差錯;小缺點ه a slight problem or imperfection

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3. glitch

ه n. [C] 小差錯;小缺點補充資料هglitch 原指電磁波干擾或短路,引申為「小故障;失靈」。ه 字詞搭配just a glitch 沒什麼大不了

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4. spiral downward

ه 急遽下降 ه to decrease or go down rapidly

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5. middle ground

ه 折衷;妥協ه an area of compromise or possible

agreement between two extreme positions

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6. harrowing

ه adj. 痛苦的;悲慘的ه extremely upsetting because of suffering

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7. predicate

ه vt. 使取決於……;基於……ه to make necessary as a consequence

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ه III. Proper Names

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1. Chinese-American

ه adj. 華裔美籍的ه 美籍華人指具有華人血統的美國籍公民,

約占美國人口的 1%

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2. University of California, Berkeley

ه 柏克萊加州大學ه 縮寫為 UC Berkeley ,也常譯為柏克萊大


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3. SAT

ه n. [C] 學力性向測驗 (= Scholastic Aptitude Test)

由美國大學委員會( The College Board )委託教育測驗服務社( Educational Testing Service )定期舉辦的測驗,作為美國各大學申請入學的參考條件之一。

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3. SAT

ه n. [C] 學力性向測驗ه 美國的不同學校的教學方法和課程都有很大的分別,不論是同一州或不同州的高中都會有所差異,這個差別主要源於美國的聯邦制。它容許地方自主決定學校制度,而美國的稅務制度下,學校的財政都是由地方政府提供的,因此一個富裕的地方政府就能夠提供更多的資源給他們的學校。

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3. SATه n. [C] 學力性向測驗ه 這個制度使各大學在不同州難以比較學

生的能力,美國教育制度需要一個類似的評審機制,於是美國的大學就開始用SAT這類的標準測驗來考核學生的基本能力。每間大學都有他們自己的考核重點,例如還有考量學校排名百分比( class rank )或是學業成績平均點數( Grade Point Average )。

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3. SAT

ه n. [C] 學力性向測驗ه 這個考試通常都是由一些希望繼續學業

的中學學生或畢業生去報考的,考試的結果會提供給各學生指定的院校。即使獲取入學的考量可能還包含在校成績、老師的評語、或參與的課外活動,很多院校仍會將 SAT分數視為首要粗略篩選的方法。

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3. SAT

ه n. [C] 學力性向測驗ه SAT測驗分為 SAT理解測驗( SAT

Reasoning Test ,前稱 SAT I )和 SAT 學科測驗( SAT Subject Test ,前稱 SAT II )。在理解測驗中共有三個單元:寫作( Writing )、數學( Mathematics )、批判性閱讀( Critical Reading );學科測驗一共有 20個主題科目,各自獨立,包括:英文、數學、歷史、科學、語言等五大類。

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ه Idioms and Phrases

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1. take part in

ه 參加ه Gary is progressing rapidly in English

because he takes part in all the speaking and listening activities in his English class.

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1. take part in

ه 參加ه Gary is progressing rapidly in English

because he takes part in all the speaking and listening activities in his English class.

progress 進步 rapidly 迅速地ه join= participate in = take part in

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2. gain entrance to

ه 獲得……的入學許可;進入 ه Morris is studying very hard so that he

can gain entrance to a top university after he graduates from high school.

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2. gain entrance to

ه 獲得……的入學許可;進入 ه Morris is studying very hard so that he

can gain entrance to a top university after he graduates from high school.

so that 因此graduate from 從…畢業

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3. fall short of

ه 不符合標準或要求 ه Don’t feel that you have failed just

because you fall short of somebody else’s expectations; just make up your mind to do better next time.

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3. fall short ofه 不符合標準或要求 ه Don’t feel that you have failed just because

you fall short of somebody else’s expectations; just make up your mind to do better next time.

have failed 已經失敗somebody else’s 其他人的expectation 期待make up one’s mind 下定決心

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4. get by

ه 過得去ه The family is very poor and the father

makes just enough money to get by.

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5. drop out (of)

ه (從……)退學ه Joseph has not been doing well in school

and considers dropping out.

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5. drop out (of)

ه (從……)退學ه Joseph has not been doing well in school

and considers dropping out.

has not been doing well

已經一直表現不好consider 考慮

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5. drop out (of)

ه (從……)退學ه 字詞搭配drop out (從活動、比賽)退出drop off 減少;睡著drop by/in 順路經過/拜訪dropout n. [C] 輟學生;退出社會主流之人

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6. regardless of

ه 不管……;不顧……ه Regardless of the behavior of other

students, Cindy refused to cheat on the exam.

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6. regardless of

ه 不管……;不顧……ه Regardless of the behavior of other

students, Cindy refused to cheat on the exam.

behavior 行為refuse 拒絕cheat 作弊

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7. as opposed to

ه 而不是;相對於ه rather than = instead of ه Chinese people, as opposed to

Americans, eat with chopsticks.

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7. as opposed to

ه 而不是;相對於ه rather than = instead of ه Chinese people, as opposed to

Americans, eat with chopsticks.

with 用chopsticks 筷子

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8. be on a path (to)

ه (朝著……)前進ه Kathleen is now taking mainly science

courses and is on a path to becoming a medical doctor.

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8. be on a path (to)

ه (朝著……)前進ه Kathleen is now taking mainly science

courses and is on a path to becoming a medical doctor.

take mainly science courses 主修科學課程medical doctor 醫生

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Word Study

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enroll vi. 登記 enrolled adj enrollment n. [U] 入學

Enrollment of students in English training programs always increases during the summer.

enrollment of students in English S

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