

Human Rights人權

• US Congress most vocal critic of China's human rights policy US presidents more cautious. 美國國會多是中國人權政策的批評家 美國總統較謹慎 • PRC leaders care about China's face in world Also fear that US may retaliate with trade sanctions 中國領導層注意中國在國際的面子 , 也擔心美國以貿易制裁報復


1989-2000, many members of Congress sought cutoff of China’s MFN status

從 1989 至 2000 年,許多國會成員企圖取消中國的貿易最惠國待遇

China relied on US business interests to argue against cutoff

Argued h.r.’s are internal matter 中國根據美國的商業利益來反對取消 認為人權屬於中國內政

PRC party to 50% of major h.r. treaties 中國是 50% 人權條約的成員


China has criticized h.r. situations in other countries


PRC argues h.r.’s are subject to legitimate limitations; but critics say fundamental rights cannot be limited


China made some concessions to prevent MFN [Most Favored nation; now called Normal Trade Relations or NRT] cutoff. Clinton announced delinking of trade & h.r. in 1994

中國為防止取消最惠國待遇 [ 現稱:正常貿易關係 NRT] 而做了一些讓步,克林頓在 1994 年宣佈不將貿易與人權掛鉤


In 2001, Congress approved Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China because China was about to join the World Trade Organization. WTO requires members states grant each other NTR for WTO rules to apply to those states

2001 年國會給予中國永久正常貿易關係地位,原因是中國準備加入世貿。世貿要求其成員國相互給予正常貿易關係地位,以致世貿的條例能適用於這些國家。


Congress also created Congressional-Executive Commission on China to monitor h.r. questions.


China takes h.r.-related threats seriously; has issued white papers on progress in h.r.


PRC constantly defends its h.r. record; claims full civil & political rights provided



Argues that if h.r. flawed, it’s because of less development, caused by having a big population & past foreign oppression of China


China holds that West and East have different concepts of h.r.: West favors individual rights and freedoms; East favors nation’s interests & stability

認為東西方有不同的人權概念:西方傾向個人的權利和自由; 東方傾向國家的權益和穩定 It blames the West’s stress on individual freedom for high crime

rate; but China’s crime rate has also gone up



It argues that only when China reaches high level of economic development can civil & political rights be provided

認為只有當中國達到經濟高度發達的水平時才能提供公民及 政治權利

China says abuses occur only when officials disobey the law and they do so ought of ignorance


PRC criticizes h.r. practices in US, particularly race & sex discrimination and poverty. Many criticisms accurate

中國評論美國的人權實況,特別是種族和性別歧視及貧困, 許多批評是正確的 


US also violates the h.r.’s of people in other countries through support of repressive regimes & through intervention


Every year until 1998 US tried to have PRC h.r.’s record condemned in Human Rights Commission

1998 年以前的每一年裡,美國都嘗試在人權委員會譴責中國的人權紀錄

  US tried again in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2004, but had to do so

without support of other major states

美國嘗試在 1999,2000, 2001 和 2004 年,但這種嘗試卻沒有其他主要國家的支持


In 2002, US wasn’t on Human Rights Commission and in 2003 US decided not to seek China’s condemnation

在 2002 年,美國不在人權委員會並且在 2003 年決定不向中國人權紀錄發出譴責

In 2004, US introduced resolution to condemn China. It again failed. China linked the resolution to US elections.

在 2004 年 , 美國引入譴責中國人權問題的決議 . 但它再一次失敗了 . 中國方面將此決議與美國的選舉形勢聯繫在了一起 .


In 2005, US didn’t introduce a resolution. The US said it received several important concessions from China because it threatened to introduce a resolution in the Human Rights Commission.

在 2005 年 , 美國沒有引入任何的決議 . 美國方面稱 , 中方在得知美方將向人權委員會引入決議後 , 做出了一系列重要的妥協 .

Some PRC dissidents want US to put criticisms in UN framework, stress rule of law. NGOs are also concerned with PRC.

一些中國異見人士希望美國在聯合國範疇內作出批評,強調法治 .  非政府組織關注中國


Amnesty International reports on h.r. in China focus on political imprisonments, arbitrary arrests and torture


NPC ended long periods of pre-trial detention, created presumption of innocence, and gave right to consult lawyer after arrest

NPC 結束了長期預審拘留,起用無罪假設和給予逮捕後咨詢律師權


Complaints persist about long sentences, poor conditions for prisoners; prison-made exports, death penalty, organs from executed prisoners. PRC denies all charges


US politicians focus mainly on political rights: lack of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, monopoly of CCP



PRC now has democratic village level elections; many non-CCP members win office.


 US leaders concerned about lack of religious freedom, particularly for Christians; most worship unhindered, foreign evangelists tolerated



Since 1999, there has been concern about PRC government campaign against Falun Gong. Some members of US Congress have supported Falun Gong lawsuits against PRC and its leaders. US State Dept. opposes such lawsuits.

自 1999 年,輿論就關注中國政府打擊法輪功的運動。一些美國國會議員支持法輪功對中國政府的訴訟。美國聯邦政府部門卻反對此等訴訟

Restrictions on Tibetan Buddhism also area of concern for US Congress



Women’s rights focus in last few years, e.g. sale of women, female infanticide

婦女權益在近年受關注,比如 賣婦女,殺女嬰

H.R. questions in suppression of minority independence movements; lack of minority leadership and de-culturation of minorities



Because China has indicated support for US war against terrorism, US has listed one Xinjiang separatist organization as a terrorist group


US has refused in 2005 to send back to China Uygur separatists that the US captured in Afghanistan, when they were fighting for the Taleban and al-Qaeda.

在 2005 年 , 美國拒絕將其在阿富汗抓獲的中國新疆維吾爾分離分子送返回中國 . 被抓獲時 , 他們正在為塔利班和基地組織工作 .


Some members of Congress focus on family planning issue


Claim that forced abortions still carried out to meet family planning quotas



US State Dept. withholds funds Congress has voted to provided United Nations Population Fund

美國聯邦政府拒絕撥款議會贊成給予聯合國人口基金China’s national policy is to use fines, rather than physical compulsion to enforce family planning rules. There are indications that as population becomes more educated and urban, it wants smaller families.

中國的策略是使用罰款的手段而不是實際的強迫去實施計劃生育政策 . 有跡象表明 , 當人們的教育和都市化程度變高時 , 他們會傾向於成立較”小“的家庭 .


There have been a number of liberalizations in family planning, especially in cities, where single children who marry each other can now have multiple children.

目前 , 計劃生育政策已有了一些鬆動 , 尤其是在城市中 , 如果夫妻雙方都是獨生子女 , 那麼這個家庭就可以有一個以上的孩子 .

US unions argue that workers’ rights violated in China by lack of independent unions and no right to strike or bargain



US presidents against using sanctions. Clinton used “constructive engagement” to achieve “peaceful evolution”

美國總統反對使用制裁手段。克林頓採用“建設性伙伴關係”以達致“和平演變”George W. Bush administration, after 9/11/01, used private diplomacy more than public denunciations. Received promises from PRC in 2002 and 2003 on various human rights issues. US complains that China had taken no action to implement its promises

喬治布殊的行政手段,在 2001 年 9 月 11 日後,較多採取私下協商而非公開譴責。接受了中國在 2002 年和 2003 年在各人權事務上的許諾。美國投訴中國並沒有履行其承諾。


Critics say dialogue with PRC produces nothing and that mere economic growth and trade does not guarantee h.r.’s


Some changes in PRC h.r.’s, e.g. right to sue officials & win compensation if rights violated



China has cooperated with US in changing family planning practices and judicial system


Some in US argue that only minimal cooperation can be expected; should ask China to conform to international obligations and wait for change



New Chinese regime could be more authoritarian and nationalistic than present regime


Others in US argue that US may be focusing too much on political rights; a lot of “democracy” in world is fake

      另一部份認為美國可能是太過注意政治權了;世界上存 在許多假“民主”


Most PRC scholars now admit that foreigners have right to criticize h.r.’s practices if

1. The state agrees to uphold a treaty

2. Violations are particularly bad

3. Violations affect neighbors


1. 國家同意遵守條約

2. 違反人權的情況惡劣

3. 違反人權的情況影響鄰國


Acceptance of right of foreigners to criticize makes it easier to make changes that meet criticisms


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